Hong Kong - A Food Trip by Deo Landicho

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HONG KONG 香港食物行程

A FOOD TRIP Words & Images by Deo Landicho

HONG KONG 香港食物行程


A Visual Feast. Documenting Some Food Destinations in Hong Kong. Live eat. Love eat. I know that is not the right slogan of their tourism campaign.Hong Kong in all its diversity, can be viewed (or savoured in this case) in so many ways. In a span of five days we have covered as much as our stomachs could muster, eating our way to some well-known food destinations featured in Anthony Bourdain’s ‘No Reservations’ and various foodie sites like Hungrygowhere.com, Chowhound.chow.com and even in Trip Advisor. It was a good thing that two of my colleagues are foodie themselves, with one having lived in the island for a certain number of years (without the need to work, some guys have all the luck). The photos will be just about the food and what we ate. I’m not much of a food writer so I won’t even try. Nor will I mention more than what I know or what I’ve researched on the internet regarding the place. Some will have no address since I have don’t know how to read Chinese (I just rely on the Mac to translate it and I think it is in Mandarin and not Cantonese, which is the dialect widely used by Hongkee/Hong Konger or Hongkongese, I give up!). Back to the food. Some tasted really good and looked good, some I forgot to take pictures of (because they are sooooo good) and some are just ok. So, enough of my chatter and I’ll just let the photos do the talking. I can’t wait to go back and taste more.

Tsim Tsa Tsui, Kowloon

There’s a number of Itamae-Sushi restaurants in Hong Kong. One website I checked said 3 but I think there are more now since the blog is quite outdated (2006). As far as I know, this is where you can get the freshest sushi in town unless you are willing to pay for much more. I think we paid around 200 HK dollars each (around 40 sing dollars) but we couldn’t breathe after that late breakfast-cum-lunch meal. BTW the roasted tuna is pretty good, try it!

HONG KONG 香港食物行程


HONG KONG 香港食物行程


Itamae - Sushi

CRAB IT! Just thinking of Chilli Crab Under The Bridge makes me salivate. This is one of the restaurants we went to that I didn’t get much photos taken since the food was really good! The crabs were exceptional. Don’t take my word for it. Read how people rave about it. Just google: “Chilli Crab Under The Bridge” and you will find out what I am talking about.

The darker one (on the right) is the spicier one. Of course we ate a lot more, like the breaded shrimp with egg you see on the top right hand corner of the first photo and other seafood we sampled, but the Chilli crabs really took the cake on this one. If you are curious on where this establishment can be located, please look closely on the bigger picture.

HONG KONG 香港食物行程


OUR 11 AM BREAKFAST. We stood there for more than an hour but it was well worth the wait. Ok I can’t read the sign but what I can tell you guys is that this place is hands down the best breakfast/dimsum place in town. Asked my colleague and he said it is called the famous Tim Ho Wan dimsum place founded by a 3-starred Michelin dimsum chef. Information can be found at the CNN.GO site as well as some blog sites. A blogger (kampungboycitygal.com) wrote a little history about this wonderful dimsum : “Pui Gor, former dim sum chef of the Michelin three star Lung King Heen decided that it is the right time for him to open up a tiny and grungy dim sum restaurant in Mongkok.” He even added that, “the piece de resistance, crispy cha siu bao is said to be the best seller (>750 in a day!)” And I have to agree with him. It was divine!

HONG KONG 香港食物行程


添好運點心專門店 Tim Ho Wan Dim Sum Expert G/F, Phase 2, Tsui Yuen Mansion, 2-20 Kwong Wa St, Mong Kok2332 2896. Daily 10am-11pm. (take exit A2 of Yau Ma Tei MRT station, its directly opposite Paradise Parade)

Another breakfast place. Brunch Club http://www.brunch-club.org/. Apparently there are two Brunch Club branches, the other being, Brunch Club and Supper. Yadah yadah. We went to the one in SOHO and man that was a long walk to Peel street which was in itself a steep climb. Anyways, we walked up the street to this quaint place and was greeted by a homey ambiance. Not bad, I mused. Sitting on the padded chairs, we ordered the Eggs Benedict breakfast which was pretty good but the highlight was the strawberry pancake which was so good with coffee.

Hui Lau Shan http://www.hkhls.com/ (Cantonese only). If there is one place you need to try for desserts it is this place Hui Lau Shan. We practically ate there after every meal (ok, that is a bit of an exaggeration but you get the point). The mango pudding and mango ice cream is super good! When you want to pretend to be healthy, there’s always the mixed fruits that will satiate your sweet craving.

HONG KONG 香港食物行程


HONG KONG 香港食物行程


Tung Po Seafood Restaurant 99 Java Road, North Point, Cooked Food Center We arrived at this much talked about spot that was even featured in Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations. We went there for supper, a very late one, I think around 1am. I remember we were all shivering because it was 12 degrees and felt like 4. I’m not kidding! I remember that reminded me not to look at the strangers there. He said people are probably drunk by then and we don’t want to get into any trouble. We were there to eat. I was just wondering why tell a Filipino and the shortest one in the bunch not to business, the business of eating and eating a lot.

Feeling like Chef Bourdain, we ordered the best foods available (minus the beer). So we had fried rice, the deep fried pork knuckles, black-ink squid and lots, lots more (honestly, I cannot remember and was only able to take a few shots because people were starting to stare) that we time like it is a sin to leave a space (on the table) empty. for a few minutes before we felt the cold weather again. That was the longest two minutes of my life waiting for a cab. Read this review. http://chaxiubao.typepad.com/chaxiubao/2005/04/chaxi ubaos_guid.html

These are some of the places we went to but since we can’t read Cantonese and in my case any Chinese character for that matter, I’ll just leave these images with you. If you happen to know any of the food places shown here to you. Thanks and happy eating!

HONG KONG 香港食物行程


deolandicho@yahoo.com www.deolandicho.com www.deolandicho.com/blog

HONG KONG 香港食物行程


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HONG KONG 香港食物行程

A FOOD TRIP www.deolandicho.com www.deolandicho.com All Rights Reserved 2010

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