Stamping Your New Life
How to Turn Up
UP Lifting
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About Us Urban Passport Mission
How to get your Urban Passport
Meseret Negash
My Foundation & Urban Passport Article Here:
Cover Story
Born in village, raised by a diplomat, and surrounded
as people. As a society we need to realize that we are one, instead of many.
by endless love... Meseret, meaning foundation, is the definition of not only my name, but the mantra by which I
For over 10 years, I’ve used my passion to help others
live by. My parents were my best mentors. They showed me that people of color can be defined by attributes other
and created programs that became portals of discovery,
than their skin tone. For some, the American dream is just
success and accomplishment for local youth. I have set out to help individuals engage with their intentions,
that, a dream. But, my family and I lived that dream. I
overcome stereotypes and connect with the proper
came to America at the age of two years old. My father
resources to become prosperous adults. Currently, as
introduced to me to the land of opportunity. As a diplomat and PhD scholar in Economics, my father set the
Senior Vice President for Chicago Scholars Foundation, I
standard for success in our family. Being raised on a
am a part of a system that supports and encourages youth in achieving their aspirations through mentorship,
college campus, I was able to explore a hub of wisdom,
college admission support, and access to summer
which gave me a natural thirst for knowledge.
internships and career programming. I’ve taken Chicago
I am a first-hand witness to how a person can do great
Scholars’ mission and designed the Onsite Premier
things for themselves and also do great things for others.
College Access five-year program, which provides Chicago Scholars with merit aid for college students. I’ve
Because of this, I decided to attend Michigan State
also established partnerships with various companies and
University. At Michigan State, I realized that my mission in
cultivated study abroad opportunities for our scholars.
life is to connect communities and empower others. What I noticed is that in different communities there was a push for diversity, but it was never done in a collective manner
In the past, I worked with multicultural education programming, news and public affairs departments, and
-- that everyone in the community could feel included. We
different agencies to provide scholarship opportunities to
can’t promote a diverse world unless we come together
diverse students with diverse goals.
determination. The positive attributes of that niche group In my life, I have always been encircled with people who
of people can enhance the professional world.
made a difference and who loved me greatly. These people shed light to the opportunities that I have partaken
Join me in the Urban Passport movement by bringing
in throughout my existence, ultimately making me the
global resources to youth around the world. As I list the
person I am today. Currently, what I noticed is that some
influential leaders that have developed my turned UP
urban youth do not have the foundation that I was greatly
essence, such as BET’s founder Bob Johnson, United
afforded. They don’t have access to the resources I had. I
States Ambassador to Chad and Niger. Richard Bogosian
want to help them with the assets that will guide them
and his wife Claire Marie Bogosian, the Cameroonian
throughout life.
World Cup Team, actress Etta Moten Barnett, Chicago Scholars students, graduates and alumni and many more;
I get a turned UP stamp on my Urban Passport because
I encourage you to connect with the leaders in your life,
my life is focused on community engagement. My goal for
and help individuals with the tools that they have given
community connection isn’t limited by boundaries. There
is always someone who needs help, but aren’t really sure how to get it. I strive to reach those grass root problems
...With the support and love that I received, I hope to
that sometimes get overlooked by others. I value and
surround others with endless love
appreciate the qualities of the urban community. I think it’s awesome how people of that community have grit/
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