Back 2 School 2011

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Volume 36, Issue I Youth Communication Chicago

What’s Inside: Jacob L a touring timore talks , single, ‘Nothing On M a us, pag nd more wit e’ h e 13.

th ; A Note u o Y ? r xt fo Chicago e 6. e n ag on t is Wha unicati sident, p m Com our Pre m fro

Free Spirit Media Programs Coordinator, Taj McCord, assisting student in setting up a camera - taken by D. Moore

Chicago high schools becoming involved in media literacy By: Deontae Moore

Free Spirit Media is a non-profit organization that teaches high school students media literacy and production. “The minute we put a camera in their hands, it’s like they’re a different student,” says Laura Howard, Programs Coordinator at Free Spirit Media.

Sagging yo ur battle with pants a crime? Consta young men n saggin’, pa t ge 11.

The non-profit organization teaches in-school and after-school classes. (flip to continue, page 2)

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“Having a leg in the help young people in any job or anything they go after”

Since 2000, Free Spirit Media has been a leader in youth media training and journalism education. They help students gain skills in advance media production, give media industry experience, and thereby offer clear paths to higher education and career development. “The students are being critical about the world around them,” says Howard. “Having digital media will always help students learn better.”



As an advocate for media literacy, Howard sees the benefit of using it to help students learn. “In the education world, we need to capitalize on that,” she says. “Having a leg up in the digital world will help young people in any job or in anything they go after.”

digital world will

Two locations where they hold in school classes are at Power House High and North Lawndale College Prep. They provide afterschool sessions at the Gary Coleman youth center. With the in class training, they offer the students four-credit classes with video production, Howard says.


(Top) Laura Howard viewing students projects (Bottom) Students setting up camera - D. Moore

Students at Power House High are currently working on a public service announcement project. Taj McCord, Programs Coordinator at Power House High, assists Howard in helping the students learn about the importance of media literacy. “It’s rewarding when they finally get to this point, and they’re like ‘Aw okay, now I have a better understanding of how to use this stuff,’” he says. “They walk out with an understanding of media literacy.” A strategy McCord finds necessary to effectively teach the students is to show how media is relevant to their lives. “It increases their interest, it enhances their ability to be able to use information that we are giving them,” he says.

Students definitely recognized their growth and realized the importance of media literacy. “I’m good at everything, basically,” said Kamaria, a student at Power House High.

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A Letter from our Editor: As editor-in-chief, I feel like New Expression is such a big part of me. I am excited about this issue since its the first one over a year. Prepare yourself because this issue will blow your mind! We were graced with 3 wonderful students this year for the summer program. I have grown closer to them with each encounter and there is no doubt that they are all lovely people. I have enjoyed the dedication they’ve shown, and how they always came to learn something new.One of my goals for each day is to learn something new and I’m glad to have met people with the same goals in mind. Speaking of goals, I’m hoping this issue can make it out to many readers. I believe it will be a refreshing look at journalism and how it is still developing today. I am so proud of our writers, myself and most importantly Deontae Moore. He was the former editor-in-chief and remains as co-editor even while attending college. I wish to show all of the dedication that he has for the paper because I do indeed possess it. Thanks so much for reading and enjoy! - Chevelle Blackburne. Kenwood Academy

Contributors: What’s Inside Page 6 - President’s Desk Page 7 - New Expression Application Page 9 & 10 - Chevelle’s Block Page 11 - Phenomenon of Saggin’ Page 13 - Jacob Latimore tells all Page 14 & 15 - Meet our staff Page 16 - What’s on our iPods?

218 S. Wabash (7th Floor) Chicago, IL 60604

Deontae Moore (Overseeing Editor-in-Chief) Northwestern University Chevelle Blackburne (Editor-in-Chief): Kenwood Academy Effrin Alexander: University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff Matthew Williams Cornell University

Nia Williams: Ball State University Alexis Talley Rich Central High School Asya Pierson Rich Central High School Interested in being part of our staff, go to page 7 and cut out the application. Fill it out and send your completed application back to us. You call 312-369-6521 to talk to a representative from YCC. Our mailing address is also on the left to this page.

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Summer 2011Youth Communication Chicago

Safe & Healthy Communities Project To engage youth, adults, seniors and small business people in designing the next generation of consumerfriendly electronic tools and digital infrastructure to create safe, healthy and economically vital communities today and to produce the future. 312-263-3001 Community Life Initiative congratulates Youth Communication Chicago’s summer urban journalism graduates and the citywide high school editorial staff for New Expression news publication for 2010-11, and the new editorial team for 2011-2012

Safe & Healthy Communities Project “everyday…and in times of emergency”

©2011 Layton Olson • Community Life Initiative

A Note From Our President Volunteering as the Board President at Youth Communication Chicago is always an eye opening experience. It is a chance to keep up with today’s youth and to learn about what is being developed by the best and brightest of their generation. Thanks to the Internet, social media networks, and the immediacy of delivery on demand of music, books, and any type of information imaginable, the lines are blurred between generational differences. Sometimes it’s the teens who are the cultural throwback to times past and the parents who adopt the most recent hip music, clothing, etc. I guess there will always be rebellion of one form or another during the teen years, as it is a time of selfdiscovery between childhood and becoming an adult. We’ve all done that in one way or another, though sometimes later in life we find out it can be to our own detriment. My advice to teens is to keep an open mind, and to realize that there is knowledge to gain from others’ experience. If you think you can’t effectively communicate with your parents, speak to grandparents, teachers, mentors, older

brothers or sisters, etc. There is much to learn from the mistakes, or triumphs, of others. Economic times are really tough these days, making jobs quite difficult to find. As the old proverb states, “Necessity is the mother of invention,” so creative new ideas, and entrepreneurial expression, are springing up everywhere. To find a great example of this, visit, and meet the Sandler family. What do you think about the fact that Lily, 12 years old, and Melanie, 10, conceived of and created Blamtastic lip balm out of their kitchen, and today they have earned over a quarter of a million dollars? Their mom Renee encouraged them to come up with an idea to start their own business when she realized how few women are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. But make no mistake, these girls are totally involved in this wonderful product, which is not only aimed at women, as their 64 year old competition Bonne Bell has done, because they’ve also included boys and men, with special flavors and packaging. Even dad is in on the act, packing boxes, and delivering them to the post office. I interviewed Lily, who is basically the spokesperson of the product, as her sister Melanie is more involved in the creative and flavor development side. The product is

Page 6 completely made in the USA, does no animal testing, has no waxy feel, and contains SPF lip protection, but most of all it is totally delicious! I particularly love the watermelon, but all the samples we received for review were great, and thoroughly enjoyed by the staff at New Expression and mentors, both male and female. The brand also gives back to the community by making donations to nonprofit organizations and encouraging others to do so. We hope to soon have added to their list! We are living in a time where creative thinking and inventive actions can help you to become independent and successful. So no matter where you are in life, teen or adult, you can make your own mark on the world and take pride in your accomplishments. So my final words of advice are to appreciate those around you, open up to all of the great possibilities the world has to offer, and be positive in your thoughts and actions. Never give up your dreams, and you will one day achieve all that you can envision. I promise!

New Expression Application


New Expression The newspaper about Teens, by Teens, and for Teens • January - March 2010 • Vol 34 Issue 1

FASHION of 2009

Home Address:

History of YCC Pg. 13

Pg. 9


Changing The Face Of Violence A Crime Stop Series

City: __________________ State: _____ Zip Code __________ School: ____________________________________________________ Grade: ________________ (If in college, please mark below)

Major(s)/Minor(s): _____________________________________ Graduation Year: _______________ Email address: ___________________________________________ Phone number (please list daytime and night time) Daytime: __________________________________ Night: __________________________________ Best way to reach you: Email Phone (Circle)

Visit us at:

Chicago Music Award Pg. 12

A 15-year-old girl was brutally beaten and kicked in the head by a gang of other teenagers on a Seattle bus platform while several security guards stood by and watched.

By Lynda Lopez (Prosser Career Academy)

January 26, 2010 started out like any normal school day. Students were in class. The day was calm. When a freshmen walked out of Hubbard High School after finishing an exam early, he received a reward he did not foresee. At approximately 1pm, the freshmen was shot in the back, according to The student was soon taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center as his life remained uncertain. Later reports indicated that fights escalated in the school grounds over the past few weeks and the shooting may have been the result. For many watching the evening news, the Hubbard High School shooting is just one of acts of violence that have almost become commonplace with the Chicago community. One of the most brutal deaths among students in the past year involves 15-year old Alex Arrelano. On May 1, 2009, he was chased, beaten with baseball bats, run over by a car, shot and burned. His body was

Photo credited to - NE photo/imaging

found days after he disappeared from his family’s home on the city’s South Side. During the 2008-2009 school year, more than 36 Chicago Public School students were killed in the midst of the shootings, reports. Earlier this school year, the nation became witness of the war that is waging in the streets of Chicago. Continue on pg 4

Come be apart of our staff today and be apart of history!

Select your style of writing [You may choose more than one](Circle): Features, Fashion, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Business, Sports, Food, Column, Poetry, Other ____________________ Please attach 2 pieces of your writing with this application. Signature: ____________________________________________ Submit to: New Expression 218 S. Wabash (7th Floor) Chicago, IL 60604

May/June 2009 Volume 33 Issue 2


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Harold Washington Library: YOUmedia program helps student involvement By: Asya Pierson


f you need a place to go to study, get your work done, or to

just come together, YOUmedia is the place to be. YOUmedia, a program in the “Hang Out” room of the Harold Washington Library in downtown Chicago, is a place where young adults can come together to play video games, explore new things, and meet people, as well as learn how to use new software. All these things come into to play while having fun in the comfortable environment of a library. YOUmedia is not your ordinary library program. It is a special space given strictly to the young people, meaning no adults are allowed. It was created to help young people discover what their interests are, how to use new technology, and how to get involved with programs and workshops such as the Lyricist Lounge, Video Programming, Graphic Design, Photography, Cinematography, and other things that young adults can participate in. Not only do the students learn how to successfully use these programs, but they learn the basic fundamentals of it as well. Students enjoy the programs, and the teachers enjoy teaching them. JoVia Armstrong, an audio mentor of YOUmedia, has been with the program for two years and says she enjoys waking up every morning because she is going to work with her students. “An additional YOUmedia will also be present in Humboldt Park at the new Richard M. Daley branch Library.” Dominique James is a Slam Poetry student at YOUmedia.”It





has access to everything you need and it allows you to explore new things,” she said. Dominique has been a part of YOUmedia for two years and loves it. She advises everyone to get involved. Those who want to get involved with activities and programs at YOUmedia can contact the library at (312) 747-4300, visit, or stop Harold Washington Library at 400 S. State Street, Monday through Saturday.

(Top) Facilities of YouMedia center in Harold Washington Library (Bottom) Logo on wall - taken by NE Staff.

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CHEVELLE’S BLOCK You got a question? She has your answers!

Dear Chevelle: Okay so a couple months ago I met this girl at school. She’s a sophomore and beautiful and I want to date her so badly. The only problem is……… I have a girlfriend. She’s a junior like me and I’ve been with her a couple months so it’d be really immature to dump her for someone else. I’ve thought this over for quite some time now and I’ve decided I was going to break up with her but the issue now is: her birthday is in a week. It’d be just wrong if I did it like the day before or on her ‘special day’ so either way I’m screwed and doomed to the life of “the guy who was too cheap to buy his girlfriend a gift for her birthday and broke up with her so you shouldn’t date him” guy. Any Advice? At all?? Signed, D-day dude I’m kind of excited but a little worried. I met this guy (finally) and I really like him. He’s sweet and funny and talented and *older* and I’m just about positive he’s totally into me. I can already tell, though, that I’m into him WAY more than he is myself. He drew me this picture, however, saying *Britney is beauty, so I think we’ll be turning into a thing anytime now. I just want to make sure I’m not being too obvious with anticipation or just throwing myself at him. Happily, Snagged-a-stud 

I know this might seem hectic but in theory it’s not. Have you ever considered the idea of waiting a few days after her birthday to do this dirty work? Nothing can go wrong! She won’t think you’re evil and you’ll seem like the good guy as long as you keep it S-C-S: simple, calm and sweet. Every girl knows this is the best way to receive ‘the news’ whether they like it or not. Now I might sound like your grandmother or school counselor but I do think it’s a good idea to wait a couple weeks before getting back into this relationship. Trust me, you’ll be fine. Celebrate her birthday with her and make sure she feels special. And be prepared for the worst (while expecting the best) when this ‘moment’ comes. (And if she’s a little ‘wild’ keep her away from anything breakable). Good Luck, ChevelleB I’m really happy for you, you deserve a good guy! It feels a little like you might be edging over into the ‘clingy-girl’ mode though. Hopefully you aren’t but if so, you might want to make sure you’re still playing hard to get. Some girls fade out of that stage once they ‘think’ they’ve got that man right where they want them. Sadly if they don’t turn it around fast enough they slip between their fingers. Good thing I’m here for this heads up! You can still be excited when you’re around him but if you feel like touching him: DON’T. If you get the urge to do something affectionate that you have even the slightest bit of doubt about: DON’T DO IT. Wait until you’re in the actual relationship; when you’re in the clearing. Then have at it with him! Don’t worry, you’re safe for now. Congrats again, ChevelleB

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Dear Chevelle: So I don’t mean to brag or anything but I’ve been chosen for like a ton of different academic programs and a good portion of them are out of the state. The only thing in my way is my father. He wants me to do amazingly and be eligible for all these smart people things but he won’t let me go to any of them. What kind of crap is that? His main excuse is they’re mostly expensive but every time I remind him of the scholarship programs he still says no. You wouldn’t happen to have some kind of like magic potion to make him stop acting like a jack%&$ do you? The advice might not be enough this time. Sincerely, Lady-on-a-leash

I’m sorry to say I’ve run a little short with those potions. However, I think your father is just having some letting go issues. The only time I can picture him finally releasing that major hold you is when you leave for college. In other words you’re going to have some time on your hands unless you confront this problem now. I am unaware of any attempt to get your mom on your side but you should definitely try it. Also, I myself would sit him down with either a brochure or a slideshow of what your future could be like if he keeps treating you like this (you might want to over exaggerate it a little bit). Get all your information and do all your research first though, that always helps a ton. If this doesn’t work you might just want to start with little trips at a time. Look at the trips within the city or even create your own trip. Invite some friends and take pictures so he can see how happy you are and how it benefits you [and him]. Be strong, ChevelleB

My friends are all anxious to celebrate my birthday since I’m the

Don’t be a victim of peer pressure. If you haven’t noticed, that

youngest but I have no idea what I’m doing. Last year I had one kick-

clearly is the case here. I understand that you would like to

butt party and I have no idea if I can ever top it while I’m young [and

celebrate your birthday ‘fantabulously’ but don’t get all hyped

broke] so I’m a little stuck. I wanted to have [another] hotel party but

up from what your friends are telling you. The truth is, this is

my mom said I can only have one this year or next year and I already

your birthday and your choice so you get to live it up; they

chose next year for my sweet 16. I still want to celebrate it and there’s

don’t even have to be a part of it. I know a few people that

no way it’s going to be at my house so what should I do? Help wanted,

celebrate their birthdays every year at places like bowling


alleys and skating rinks while others prefer shopping downtown and laser tagging. If you are entirely too wrapped

Send your questions to Chevelle to Make sure you subject the email ‘Chevelle’s Block’ and you may see your question posted in our next issue.

up in all these wonderful ideas you can always put the best of the best in a hat to draw out for your birthday party. Whichever it is you pick, I’m sure it will be lovely. Just remember you’re doing this for you, not for them. It is your choice how you want to create this memory so go wild. ChevelleB has left the building

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“I Let My Pants Hang Low” By: Nia Williams “I let my pants hang low” is the chorus to a popular hip-hop song by rapper Plies and reflects a trend amongst young men today. The older generation is disgusted by this fashion trend.






like the ‘thug-like’ look,” said a sagger who wishes to be remain nameless. He continues to sag even while playing basketball. Since 2007, local communities have been taking action to force young men to pull up their pants. The effectiveness of such laws is debated, and even Barack Obama stated that these efforts were a waste of time. In 2007, Delcambre, Louisiana, passed a law defining saggin’ as indecent exposure. A year later, Hahira, Georgia, passed an anti-sagging ordinance after the police chief claimed it was a matter of public safety,

“Sagging pants does not pose any threat to another person nor disturb the peace..” the Valdosta Daily Times reported. Photo taken from of a guy sagging in public

Saggin’ began when belts were prohibited in jail because inmates were hanging themselves and using them as weapons, according to Lee D. Baker, Dean of Academic Affairs at Duke University. He is also a contributor to Anthropology off the Shelf: Anthropologists and Writing. Now inmates wear jumpsuits. Saggin’ in the 1990s became a popular fashion trend further promoted by gangs and urban culture. “Although the boys who wear their pants low are aware of the original meaning from jail, they do it because it’s cool and girls

This past June, DeShon Marman was kicked off a flight in California and arrested for not pulling up his pants, reported ABC7 News. In Memphis, Tennessee, Westside Middle School students gets “Urkeled” for sagging their pants; teachers pull the pants up and suspend them using zip ties. In Opa-lacka, Florida, the penalty is $250 or 10 hours of community service, and in Fort Worth, Texas, you cannot board public transportation with sagging pants. Several teenagers were asked what they think of these penalties on sagging pants. “That’s stupid and crazy, $250 for having my pants down?” says John Hudson, 15. “I wouldn’t give them nothing, imma do what I want,” said his friend Eric Rogers, 12, who sags although his shirt covers his underwear.

E Individual institutions are also cracking down on sagging pants. In Chicago, forcing young men to pull up their pants prevents sagging and gang affiliation. However, sagging is not just affiliated with gangs but is a matter of personal style. In the CPS “Student Code of Conduct,” it notes that inappropriate wearing of clothing is treated as an “inappropriate behavior” and not as a uniform violation. In fact, some students are getting punished for the way they wear their uniform despite the fact that CPS does not have any rules specifically towards the wearing of uniforms. Sagging pants does not pose any threat to another person or disturb the peace, but it is inconsiderate to the people around the saggers. Young boys, who do not yet understand this cultural phenomenon, are seeing the older boys sag their pants, creating a new generation of saggers.

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Future Leaders in Planning builds sidewalk for public safety






Beat the Stress for Back to School Five Helpful tips to stay relaxed during the school year

By: Matthew Williams It’s often easy to forget the many sacrifices and the tremendous amount of planning that has made the world what it is today. This becomes blatantly apparent when a student joins the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning’s (CMAP) high school oriented program: Future Leaders In Planning (FLIP). This program teaches students about all of the research, surveys, field studies, and time requirements that an Urban Planner encounters daily. The students take on these concerns one Saturday per month for nine months. The primary focus of a recent FLIP project was to secure a grant that would build a sidewalk allowing the children in unincorporated Fremont, Illinois, to get to and from school safely. During the monthly eight hour meetings, students from all around Illinois met and discussed more than sidewalks. The students were thrown into a slew of activities that built them into a team. They faced several challenges by the Urban Planners in the field. On the final day of the program, all the students went out to Fremont, Illinois to present their proposal for the children’s “safe routes to school” sidewalks. It is now in the hands of the grant program whether or not they actually get the sidewalks. The FLIP program exposes all the students to a new world and opportunities while allowing them to work towards a positive goal. If any high school student has the time, they should definitely inquire about CMAP’s FLIP program. It is an experience that is worth getting involved in. Applications for the new school year are due September 12, 2011. Anyone interested may contact for an application.

EAT FRUIT: When you’re hungry or you need to stay awake, eat some real sugar. It’ll boost your energy and won’t make you crash out in class. EXERCISE: The last thing you need to worry about is your figure during finals week. Not only can exercise help you stay fit, it can keeps relaxed and focused. Exercises like yoga and tai chi are designed for just that. If you don’t have time to sign up for a team or class, go to the library and pick up a DVD. LISTEN TO MUSIC: Some people find that listening to music or even singing a song helps them to stay relaxed when they feel like they might tense up. So before that big game or job interview, try listening to a song that makes you feel happy and good about yourself. WRITE IT OUT: Have you ever seen a movie where a character writes a letter to blow off some steam and accidentally sends it? This technique works! However, to make sure you don’t lose your job or get suspended from school try writing in a journal when you feel like venting. TREAT YOURSELF: When something goes wrong we are usually the first people who beat ourselves up about it. How about when you make a good decision or something works out for the better, you be the first to compliment yourself? Next time you ace an exam or win a game with your team, try going out for ice cream to show how proud you are of yourself.

Chevelle Blackburne

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R&B sensation, Jacob Latimore, talks about growing up, touring and being signed to Jive records By: Nia Williams






Like many other artists, he grew up in a family of musicians. His father, Jacob Latimore Sr., and his uncles had formed a quartet called “The Latimore Brothers” singing R&B. “It was amazing. It definitely caught my eye and inspired me to do what I do now,” the “Like Em All” singer said moments before a live performance.

He has been singing since the age of three and decided at age nine to turn his gift into a career, living by the statement “stars are born, not made.” His first exposure into the limelight was on Radio Photo taken from his live performance Disney, where he recorded his at Pullman Elementary. first song, “Best Friend.” Disney jump-started the Jacob Latimore, a 14 year old careers of many pop singers hip hop/R&B singer, visited such as Justin Timberlake, the Windy City in late July at Britney Spears, and Christina the end of his promotional Aguilera. Jacob says that tour. Disney made his career a big Originally from Milwaukee, success as well. “Radio the new Jive recording artist Disney is such a different moved to Atlanta at the age of crowd and I want to expand 12 to jump-start his career. my crowd,” said Jacob. Later








he appeared on the “Most Talented Kids” episode of the Maury Show in front of a nationwide audience. Jacob said that performing for so many people was something that he did not really think about because it was always in his family.

popular television shows such as One Tree Hill and Tyler Perry’s House of Payne. He was recently on Disney Channel’s So Random show that premiered July 31 and will soon be guest starring in BET’s upcoming sitcom Reed Between the Lines.

His major breakthrough hit was “Like ‘Em All” with Daniel “Diggy” Simmons, son of legendary hip-hop artist Rev. Run. Jacob describes working with Diggy as an “Amazing experience. It was an all day shoot and it was real fun. I was thankful for Diggy to be on the song and its really blowing up.” Earlier this year he shot his second video for his second single “Nothing On Me.” He enjoyed shooting the “Nothing on Me” video because of the concept of him battling himself.

On Jacob’s visit to Chicago on July 27, 2011, he performed at Pullman Elementary School signing autographs and taking photos afterwards, and he also made an appearance at River Oaks Chicago Ridge Mall. He later appeared at PHLI Shoe Boutique in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood where Diggy had appeared the weekend before. There, Jacob signed autographs and took pictures that can be found on the “Truestar Mag” Facebook page.

Aside from music and dancing, he has taken up acting. He has appeared in

MEET OUR NEW EXPRESSION STAFF! My name is Chevelle Blackburne. I currently hold the position of editor-in-chief of New Expression, and I am currently a senior at Kenwood Academy high school. I am very determined to produce a product worth reading many times this year. New Expression is a major part of my life. So far I have learned a lot about responsibility, leadership and determination while serving as a member of the paper. I pride myself on my journalistic abilities and use them anytime I can. I never leave the house without a pen or pencil and something to write on. I have a very strong passion for journalism and hope to carry this passion on after high school. When I attend college I wish to double major in

Chevelle Blackburne

journalism and neurology. I am very pleased to be with the Youth Communications Organization.

Hi I’m Alexis Talley. I’m 17 years old and a senior at Rich Central High School in Olympia Fields. I was born in Evanston, Illinois and currently stay in Matteson in the south suburbs of Chicago. My hobbies include singing, dancing, shopping, and hanging out with my friends. I love to laugh and just have a great time with people. I love making new friends. This experience at YCC has been a wonderful opportunity for me. I felt like I could express my feelings with just a pen and paper. I would definitely suggest that more teens be a part of Alexis Talley


My name is Nia Williams and I graduated in June from one of Chicago's selective enrollment schools, Lindblom Math and Science Academy. I will be attending Ball State University in the fall of 2011. I will be earning a bachelors degree in journalism (newsprint) and become a reporting journalist. What I like most about journalism is reporting; I like traveling and meeting interesting people. Aside from school, I like to write poetry and stories as a hobby. I enjoyed Youth Communications Chicago this summer, I learned a lot more journalism Nia Williams

vocabulary in the program.

MEET OUR NEW EXPRESSION STAFF! My name is Asya Pierson. I was born in Fort Hood, Texas. I currently stay in Matteson, Illinois, accompanied by my mom, dad, and sister. I attend Rich Central High School in Olympia Fields and my favorite subject is math. I always find it to be so interesting due to the fact that it is so simple to comprehend; you just have to apply yourself and put your mind to it. My favorite color is cerulean blue, and above all, Michael Jackson is my all time favorite entertainer. When I get older I would like to go to a college in downtown Chicago because I Asya Pierson

love sight-seeing, the environment, the beach, and meeting new people

My name is Deontae Moore. I am currently attending Northwestern University and I am a sophomore. My first year at NU taught me how to be more disciplined, goal-oriented, and selfsufficient. It was definitely rough adjusting to the college atmosphere, but it only made me greater in my ability. I hope one day to become one of the greatest, most notable journalists on the globe. I also want to become a published author of several novels. I want to pursue a career in marketing or public relations. I have always been fond of combining my promotional skills with my writing skills. If I could secure a career that allows me to do both, I’d be happy.

Deontae Moore

Find Us: New Expression

In addition, I also want to give back to the community. Part of why I joined New Expression was because it gave my voice the opportunity to serve the youth. I want to help others follow their dreams as I have mine. If you put your mind to it, it’s possible!

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“In the story written by Nia Williams, she talked about the phenomenon of saggin’. Why do you think men sag their pants? Explain why or why not you feel sagging is even an issue worth acknowledging.” You must submit a 300 word essay to The best essay will be posted in our next issue. The winner will also be granted $100.00. All essays must be submitted by October 7, 2011.

Students in our YCC’s Urban Journalism Workshop program take a tour of the Chicago Tribune’s news center. - August 2011

Put this on your iPod! Beyonce - 4: Beyonce shows off her maturity in her already successful fourth-studio album 4. She takes a big risk from her natural sounds and delivers a great album. NE Favs: End of Time, Rather Die Young, Love On Top, Countdown Kelly Rowland - Here I Am: After a successful lead single ‘Motivation,’ landing number 1 on Billboard’s Hip-Hop/R&B charts, former Destiny Child member finally shows us what she is made of in her second-studio LP. NE Favs: Lay It On Me, Turn It Up, All the Night Big Sean - Finally Famous: Detroit MC is finally getting a chance in the spotlight after following in the footsteps of mentor Kanye West. He definitely keeps it real in his debut album Finally Famous with catchy tunes and great collaborations. Ne Favs: I Do It, Marvin Gaye & Chardonnay, Dance Jay-Z & Kanye West - Watch the Throne: Hip-hop heavyweights bring their styles together in one album and all we can say is, a classic that will go down in history! With an outstanding first week sales of their latest collaboration, Watch the Throne is the album of the year. Ne Favs: Ni***s in Paris, Otis, Welcome to the Jungle, Gotta Have It

NE Briefs - Page 16

Essay Question Competition:

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