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Interfaith dialogue as a medium of peace building
from Theology & Culture 1.2 (December 2020)
by Departamenti i Theologjisë dhe Kulturës, Kolegji Universitar Logos
Publication information:
Theology & Culture is the Academic Journal of the Department of Theology & Culture, Univeristy College Logos and is published online two times per year. The Department is located at Saint Blaise, 5 minutes outside Durrës, Albania. Volume 1, Number 2, December 2020 ISSN: 2708-6755
Aims and Scope:
Theology & Culture is an international peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research articles in the field of Theology, Study of Religion, Education, Literature and Social Sciences. The journal publishes reviews, original papers, conference announcements, book reviews and research reports trying to provide a platform for experts and scholars worldwide to exchange their latest researches and findings. Another goal of the Journal will be the promotion of case studies that concern religion, history, culture and society in Albania and the Balkans in general. The official language of the Journal is English and only in special cases will be printed articles in German, French or Italian.
Editorial Board Members:
1. Dr. Georgios Gaitanos, Lecturer of Religious Studies (Head of the
Department of Theology and Culture, University College Logos) 2. Dr. Georgios Keselopoulos, Lecturer of Liturgical Studies (Department of
Theology and Culture, University College Logos)
Manuscripts and correspondence are invited for publication. You can submit your papers via e-mail to theolculture@gmail.com. Submission guidelines and Web Submission system are available at https://theolkulogos.wordpress. com/2020/01/30/theology-culture/
Copyright© 2020 by the Department of Theology & Culture, Univeristy College Logos and individual contributors. All rights reserved. The Department of Theology & Culture, Univeristy College Logos holds the exclusive copyright of all the contents of this journal. In accordance with the international convention, no part of this journal may be reproduced or transmitted by any media or publishing organs (including various websites) without the written permission of the copyright holder. Otherwise, any conduct would be considered as the violation of the copyright. The contents of this journal are available for any citation, however, all the citations should be clearly indicated with the title of this journal, serial number and the name of the author.
Acknowledgements 7
Penelope A. Anastasiadou, Christos Ν. Tsironis & Dimitrios A. Αndreadis
1. Church and Philanthropy in the Healtcare Sector: A case study in a Greek Orthodox Diocese 11
Efstathios C. Lianos Liantis
2. The historical geopolitics of Religion in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans: Aspects of coexistence between Orthodox Christianity and Islam 29
Georgia Sarikoudi
3. Social Anthropology during socialism and postsocialism in South and Eastern Europe 43
Georgios Gaitanos
4. Interfaith dialogue as a medium of peace building: official and unofficial mediation platforms 55
Thoma Çomëni
5. Autonomy and bioethical challenge 65
Vasso Tsirevelou
6. Eliot: cultural effects on barren and desolate land. Cultural ideologies in the poem, The Waste Land 83