3 2 linda hofman christianne heselmans toekomstdenken

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Tackle the Grand Societal Challenges, Advanced course Fontys ACI 2015-2016 Prototype the future with sustainable value.

Tackling wicked problems is all about imagination

Who we are

International Lifestyle Studies

International Event, Music & Entertainment Studies CO International Event, Music & Entertainment Studies CE Digital Business Concepts www.fontysaci.com


Trend research// Concepting To improve the Quality of life of people

Linda Hofman Lecturer Food & Sustainable Futures, Member of research chair Futures Research & Trend Watching L.Hofman@fontys.nl

Christianne Heselmans Lecturer Sustainable Futures & Innovation design Member of research chair Futures Research & Trend Watching Ch.Heselmans@fontys.nl

The course

Tackle the Grand Societal Challenges by prototyping the future with Sustainable Value Duration: 5 weeks a 4 hrs a week Level: 4

Tackle the Grand Societal Challenges 1.Introduction 2.Method. 3.Results 4.Discussion & recommendation

Goal • To learn the students about the method ‘prototyping the future with sustainable value’ • To give students more insights in the Grand Societal Challenges • To give the students insights in big societal transitions • Give students more Future Consciousness


Grand Societal Challenges Health, Demografic change and Well Being Food security, sustainable agriculture Bio-economy, secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and Secure societies


STATEMENT “We are young and creative: we will give the established government on a new /innovative /scientific way the insights to challenge the societal ‘problems formulated in the GSC”

Probable future: future related to the past and the current





Source: Bol, E. Teach the Future We teach the future as we do the past.


Probable future: future related to the past and the current

Plausible future: future related to the new developments


3D apple 3D printer


Source: Bol, E. Teach the Future We teach the future as we do the past.

hamburger meat

Plausible future: future related to the new developments

Probable future: future related to the past and the current

Possible future: future determent by new combinations & ideas

sniff our food

no food, our body grows because of nanotechnology


Source: Bol, E. Teach the Future We teach the future as we do the past.

possible future plausible future probable future

Source: Bol, E. Teach the Future We teach the future as we do the past.

If there are different futures possible, isn’t it then possible that we can create our own!?

Source: Bol, E. Teach the Future We teach the future as we do the past.

Preferable future: future we would like to live in preferable future possible future plausible future probable future

Source: Bol, E. Teach the Future We teach the future as we do the past.

The Method

Prototyping the future with Sustainable Value

Step 1

? Immerse yourself in the GSC inclusion and choose a subtopic from where your interest and interface is. Read at least 3 articles from different angles in where your problem is situated

Prototyping the future with Sustainable Value

Step 2 Society Ecosystem organisation


Define the different stakeholders in the context of your problem. Plot the stakeholders into the Value framework

Prototyping the future with Sustainable Value

Step 3

Status quo Define the signals of change. What are the inhibiting factors and what are the stimulating factors

Prototyping the future with Sustainable Value

Step 4 2015 Status quo


2050 Imagine of the future


Define the preferable future based on signals for change. Choose the stimulating signals. Tell it in a visualizing story with a norm where you will be at 2050

Prototyping the future with Sustainable Value

Step 6

2050 Imagine of the future




Define the different transitionpath which are important (in the now) to reach your preferable future

Prototyping the future with Sustainable Value

Step 7 Transitionpath 1

Transition path NORM!

2040 NORM!

2030 NORM!

2020 NORM!

Choose your transitionpath. Define the norms backwards till 2015 Be aware of the different stakeholders (step 2)


2050 Imagine of the future


Prototyping the future with Sustainable Value

Step 8






2050 Imagine of the future



Go back to the now and design new concepts which will help to the first step to your preferable future

Prototyping the future with Sustainable Value

Step 9 Publisher Insurance Company

Dietary Services

Local Organic Farmer

Money & Credits Goods & Services


Information Intangible Value


Family with young kids

Healthy eating service

Famous Chef

Local Supermarket Local Restaurant Government

Recipe service

Visualize your prototype in the value flow model

Organic Food Manufacturer


Prototyping the future with Sustainable Value

Step 10

Check and enrich your solution

Visualisering ahv film(pje)

Hoe gefaciliteerd

Ik heb het idee dat ik aan een project heb gewerkt waar ik echt iets van geleerd heb en vaker kan toepassen

Tops van studenten

“Ik ben er wel door geïnspireerd geraakt omdat aan veel van de challenges, zo niet allemaal, veel te weinig aandacht wordt besteed. Soms ook helemaal niet, terwijl het wel zaken zijn die hun aandacht verdienen omdat mensen zich erdoor gediscrimineerd kunnen voelen en zich buiten de samenleving voelen staan.” Ik krijg de kans om na te denken over problemen in de toekomst `

‘Omdat het me aanknopingspunten en zelfvertrouwen heeft gegeven dat je als ILS'er daadwerkelijk invloed hebt om een betere wereld te creëren’

Actieve begeleiding en meedenken over je opdracht

‘Wel geinspireerd doordat ik merkte dat je dus meer in je bereik hebt dan je denkt. Het is motiverend om een doel voor ogen te hebben en daar naar toe te werken, in plaats van een pad creëren naar een doel dat er nog niet is.’

Tips van studenten Misschien minder onderwerpen, ik had soms het idee dat ik de hele wereld en al zijn problemen moest oplossen, meteen vanaf begin afbakenen op 1 onderwerp had geholpen Het nadeel van Canvas is dat je alles moet doorlopen voordat je verder kan In het begin niet helemaal duidelijk hoe het eindproduct eruit kwam te zien, dit werd in les 4 wel duidelijk. misschien iets meer ingaan op de 'sustainability'. Hoe kun je er voor zorgen dat je concept ook echt duurzaam is zodra het gerealiseerd wordt.

Reflection 1.

To learn the students about the method ‘prototyping the future with sustainable value’ • Their role in influencing the future • Controllable by structured steps • Lack of time (real deepening insights)


To give students more insights in the Grand Societal Challenges • System thinking • Need of losing boundaries in imagination : 35 year in the future is far away • Need more inspirational examples


To give the students insights in big societal transitions • Some insights in change processes: stakeholders, storytelling • Lack of time

4. Give students more Future Consciousness • Students know what their role can be in making a preferable future

Discussion 1. Is het belangrijk future consciousness bij studenten (en docenten) bij te brengen om te komen tot een duurzame wereld? 2. Reactie op methode “prototyping for a sustainable future with value�


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