Special projects final 2 4 14

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INVEST IN US Please include me as an investor in the following 2013-2014 DePaul Catholic Special Project: ☐ Media Center: ($30,000 total amount needed) An investment in this project allows for a complete renovation of the existing Media Center to include technology upgrades and the installation of a newsroom and work stations for the students. ☐ Student Art Gallery: ($15,000 total amount needed) An investment in this project allows for the installation of space to exhibit fine arts projects throughout the school year. ☐ Digital Sign: ($10,000 total amount needed) An investment in this project allows for the purchase and installation of the digital sign. ☐ Memorial Benches: ($500 per bench) The memorial bench will be recognized with a personalized bronze plaque.

DePaul Catholic Adopt-A-Student Program: Levels: ☐ $50,000 • Covers the cost of full tuition and fees for one student for four years. Payment can be made over the four years a student is enrolled at DePaul Catholic High School. ☐ $25,000 • Can be used for one student over four years for partial tuition. Payment can be made over the four years a student is enrolled at DePaul Catholic High School. ☐ $12,500 • One year tuition to be paid over one year to cover tuition and fees for one student. ☐ $6,250 • Half Year tuition to be paid over one year to cover tuition and fees for one student.

Payment Options: Check $_______ enclosed payable to DePaul Catholic High School Credit Card please charge $________ to ☐ Visa ☐ MC ☐ AmEx _________________________________________________________________

Credit Card Number

Expiration Date

_________________________________________________________________ Signature

☐ Electronic Funds Transfer ☐ Gift of Stock ☐ My corporate matching gift is enclosed ☐ I would like to make my gift in honor/memory of __________________________ Name:_____________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________ State:___________ Zip:_________ Phone: ___________________________ Email:___________________________ ☐ Alumni

☐ Current Parent ☐ Past Parent ☐ Faculty/Staff ☐ Friend

Please use enclosed envelope. All contributions will be recognized in the 2013-2014 DePaul Catholic High School Statement of Voluntary Support.

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