The No. 1 Weekly College Newspaper in Illinois
Volume #100 | Issue #6 | Oct. 19, 2015 |
CLOSED University appears tone deaf while skirting Dean Koocher issue KATIE TAMOSIUNAS | THE DEPAULIA
Editorial Board
n an email to faculty and staff on Oct. 15, DePaul President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider, C.M. said he does not “share the position of some that Dr. Gerald Koocher, dean of the College of Science and Health, should be sanctioned by DePaul University for his work with the (American Psychological Association).” While effectively and unfortunately shutting the door on possible action being taken at the university level, it seems like a fitting end for a university that bungled this matter from the beginning. For those who have not been following the matter closely, the controversy began in July with the release of the 543-page Hoffman Report, a damning indictment of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) failures during the Bush Administration. In essence, the report found that the APA colluded with the government to create loose ethical guidelines for psychologists in national security situations, which contributed to torture taking place in places like Guantanamo Bay. In addition, the organization took a stance of deliberately avoiding probing into suspected torture cases involving psychologists. During the period in question (2005 to 2007), Koocher was an APA board member, serving as president-elect and then president of the organization. He was appointed to serve as a board liaison to the task force on Psychological Ethics and National Security (PENS), the committee charged with creating ethical
guidelines. Despite only being a board liaison, Koocher took an active role in the discussion on both the first day of the task force’s sessions as well as on the group’s email listserv. According to the report, Koocher aggressively dismissed and belittled those whose opinions disagreed with his own, effectively acting as an enforcer over which ideas were discussed. In addition, Koocher played an active role as APA president in refusing to investigate allegations of psychologists playing a role in torture. While the report acknowledged that the classified nature of such actions would have made it difficult, they noted that Koocher and APA officials did not even try to inquire in spite of news reports and rumors swirling around. Certainly, as Holtschneider writes in his letter, most of the blame lies on an APA staff that in many cases left the board, including Koocher, in the dark. “Unfortunately, senior staff employed at the APA concealed important
President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider, C.M., supports Dean Gerald Koocher News, page 4.
Faculty, staff and students react to DePaul backing Dean Gerald Koocher News, page 5.
See KOOCHER, page 12
A series of missteps from DePaul Commentary
3 4
When hiring Gerald Koocher in 2013, DePaul’s search committee had in its possession a document that echoed many of the conclusions of the Hoffman Report. Regardless of whether Koocher is innoncent or guilty, Koocher’s association with DePaul is now tainted. “I think that it’s a perception issue and it reflects poorly on the university. And for that, I’m sad,” said Mona Shattell, an associate dean in the College of Science and Health.
While DePaul tried to ease the concerns of faculty and staff, they shut out students and didn’t inform them throughout the process.
Members at Faculty Council submitted a proposal last Monday for DePaul to open an investigation, but the university instead backed Koocher in a letter.
2 | The DePaulia. Oct. 19, 2015
First Look CONTINUE YOUR DEPAULIA EXPERIENCE ONLINE The DePaulia is the official student-run newspaper of DePaul University and may not necessarily reflect the views of college administrators, faculty or staff. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF | Matthew Paras PRINT MANAGING EDITOR | Megan Deppen DIGITAL MANAGING EDITOR | Kirsten Onsgard
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DePaul volleyball rallies but loses to St. Johns
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Lagunitas participates in the Chicago Ideas Week Lab.
DePaul’s volleyball team lost to St. Johns after a resilient battle Friday.
News editor Brenden Moore, managing print editor Megan Deppen and managing digital editor Kirsten Onsgard talk about the latest in the Gerald Koocher situation. Tune in for weekly news, sports and arts and life coverage.
NEWS EDITORS | Brenden Moore, Jessica Villagomez NATION & WORLD EDITOR | Rachel Hinton OPINIONS EDITOR | Danielle Harris ARTS & LIFE EDITOR | Erin Yarnall FOCUS EDITOR | Zoe Krey SPORTS EDITOR | Ben Gartland
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Esperanza Rising DePaul’s Merle Reskin Theatre 10 a.m.
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News. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia | 3
The DePaul community welcomes Amanda Thomspon (far right) as the new direct of Campus Catholic Ministry. She replaced Sr. Katie Norris.
Catholic Campus Ministry welcomes new director Amanda Thompson By Yazmin Dominguez Contributing Writer
In Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, 17-yearold Amanda Thompson would observe her mother cantor in her church choir. She would watch her excitedly return home from her spiritual retreats and soon enough she would fall in love with the faith her mother brought back with her. It was a faith so tangible it made Amanda want it in her own life. After being introduced by her mother Thompson began to attend a nondenominational Christian churchnamed “Come Alive” so Thompson would “get filled with the Spirit” as her mother would tell her. And it worked. Thompson was welcomed by the Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM) and the rest of DePaul’s Catholic community as the new director of Catholic Campus Ministry. On the morning of Aug. 10, Thompson was greeted with an elaborately decorated door to her office with balloons and signs welcoming her arrival. “I could not feel more loved and celebrated,” Amanda said with a warm smile and shining blue eyes. “They seem really excited to have me on board.” After a rigorous three-round interview process that required her to create a presentation to the Division of Student Affairs and be interviewed by students over lunch, she received the call from the Human Resource Department. Amanda was spending time with her family in her Jefferson Park home when she received the news that she would be filling in the director’s position, left vacant in the end of June by past director of CCM, Sr. Katie Norris when she was missioned in Macon, Georgia. “My thoughts about applying for the job were that I would love to work with a
staff at DePaul University to help students discover, reclaim or own their faith during these college years. My faith gives me hope, meaning and purpose and that is what I would like to help facilitate for the students here in whatever way makes sense with their experience,” Thompson said. “I knew this is a place that could use my gifts and experience if it was the right fit. And, praise God, it is the right fit.” Liam Kemmy, a peer minister of CCM, agrees. “She has a really genuine and fresh appreciation of Vincentian charisma. She has an authentic commitment to it,” Liam said. “CCM is in a period of transition since Sister Katie Norris left there is a lot of opportunity to make changes to CCM and she is the right person for it.” Thompson said the spark in her faith was the result of her mother, who led her to live various religious experiences. As an undergraduate, Thompson attended the University of Scranton, a small Jesuit school in Pennsylvania, which she jokingly referred to TV show “The Office” as putting it on the map. She became familiar with the spirit her mother thrived on when she began attending her own immersion trip to Mexico and serving the role of a Jesuit Volunteer Corps which allowed her to teach in a Native American Reservation. In 1994, Thompson decided to continue to practice her faith by fulfilling the role of being a campus minister at Loyola University while she completed her master’s in theology. During her time at Loyola, Thompson fell in love. With a nun’s guidance, she recalled deciding between pursuing a career as a nun or continuing her studies in theology and work, in the campus ministry. Working as a campus minister, she coordinated her fellow Jesuit collegiates to talk theology and, in doing so, she met theology student Chuck Thompson. Over cups of coffee and deep talks of life
and faith, Thompson had fallen in love with her future husband. Six months later, Chuck halted his pursuit to be a eucharistic minister and Thompson decided to leave her choice in becoming a nun in order to create a family of her own For the next 11 years, Thompson stayed at home and jokes she ran a personal daycare for her three children, Maggy, Hannah and Leo. In 2011, Amanda began dipping her toes into DePaul when she began working at St. Vincent DePaul Parish teaching religious education. A year later she moved onto the Archdiocese of Chicago, where she fulfilled the role of a Ministry Coordinator for the Office of Marriage and Family Ministries. In March, she was informed by Mark Laboe, associated vice president for university ministry, that DePaul had an opening she was passionately hoping for, it being, the director of Catholic Campus Ministry. “Sr. Katie is irreplaceable on so many levels. She was a wonderful pastoral woman who drew in students and motivated the staff to reach out and touch the lives of the community,” Thompson said. “I am a married lay woman with a passion and as St. Vincent would call it, a zeal for God and spreading God’s love. I have made great connections to the Archdiocesan offices and parishes through my previous jobs that can prove to be great resources for the DePaul Community. I have the skills necessary for continuing the good work of Sr. Katie and hope that I can help make a difference in the lives of those I work with.” For six weeks in August, Thompson became acquainted with the 23 peer minister students. Working closely together with Fr. Jim Osendorf and the rest of the CCM staff, Thompson continually supports and supervises staff. “She’s a great presence. She’s very relatable,” Jenna Humphries, a first year
peer minister and Catholic Community Night Coordinator, said. “She is so supportive of us as students and employees.” Embracing all upcoming duties, she attended director and staff meetings with the intention to make meaningful connections. As director, Thompson is required to support and supervise the CCM campus ministers, connect and collaborate with other departments in the Division of Student Affairs, manage CCM’s budget and continue to keep CCM focused on the best ways to reach out to other students who are not familiar with CCM and inform the ones that do know about CCM. “I think it is really important to help support a staff by sitting, learning, and getting familiar in order to build relationships to better know one another in the long term,” Thompson said. Thompson finds a strong attachment to DePaul’s methods of expressing Vincentian values. “DePaul has a mission to create good citizens,” Thompson said. “There is a strong faith towards non-Catholic people at DePaul and in every meeting I have attended the need of service lives and breathes.” Thompson has several goals as director of Catholic Campus Minister. She hopes to reach out to students and inform them of the programming at CCM and invite students to explore their spirituality deeper. She’s hosting a workshop, “Women of Faith,” attempting to show all female DePaul students how to manage stress. “Youth ministry is an awesome place to be for students to be informing their own identity and for them to question and deepen themselves,” Amanda said. “Sometimes it just takes a personal invitation.”
4| News. Oct. 19, 2015.
Holtschneider backs Dean Koocher in letter Editors note: This letter was sent Thursday to faculty and staff from DePaul President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider, C.M. outlining the university’s official position on College of Science and Health Dean Gerald Koocher, who was featured prominently in the Hoffman Report. Dear Colleagues, Recently, some among our community have participated in a national debate about the American Psychological Association (APA) and the deliberations it undertook a decade ago on the advisory role of psychologists in securing information from captured enemy combatants by military personnel. Here at DePaul, the attention has focused on the role in those deliberations of one of our own. I am among those who believe that the George W. Bush administration’s use of torture was ineffective, illegal under international law, and morally inexcusable. It is ironic then, perhaps, that I do not share the position of some that Dr. Gerald Koocher, dean of the College of Science and Health, should be sanctioned by DePaul University for his work with the APA. Permit me to explain why. During the 2005-2007 period in which those APA deliberations took place, Dr. Koocher served the organization on the board of directors for oneyear terms as president-elect, president, and past-president. The APA was under pressure to define appropriate roles for psychologists working in national security settings, as were other professional organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association. The APA appointed a task force to help its members working in such settings interpret the APA ethics code in these contexts. Dr. Koocher served as one of the liaisons to this task force from the APA leadership. The so-called PENS (Psychological Ethics in National Security) task force — and ultimately the APA ethics committee and full board of directors — determined that there were important, but highly limited, roles that psychologists could fill ethically in advising government and military officials. Unfortunately, senior staff employed at the APA concealed important information from the task force and the trustees, including conflicts of interest, delayed ethics investigations, and collusion of the senior staff with the military and intelligence agency personnel in charge of interrogation programs. Much of this only came to light when the Hoffman Report, commissioned by the APA, was released in July 2015. That report identified senior APA employees who participated in the cover up, several of whom have since announced their retirement, resigned, or been terminated by
President Rev. Dennis Holtschenider, C.M. supports Dean Koocher came out in support of Dean Gerald Koocher in an email to faculty and staff last week. the APA. When it came to the APA board, however, the Hoffman report concludes: “We did not find evidence to support the conclusion that APA officials actually knew about the existence of an interrogation program using enhanced interrogation techniques.” (p. 23). The report also found no evidence that security agencies influenced the PENS report (p. 24). What the report does seem to show is a misplaced trust in the staff on Dr. Koocher’s part, and an overly aggressive defense of them through the discrediting of those who criticized them at the time. Certainly it is a failure of effective governance on the part of the board. Even here, though, culpability rests on what the board knew at the time, and the record is clear that key information was withheld from the board by the APA staff. Dr. Koocher has thought at length about his work with the APA. His regrets for having too quickly defended the senior APA employees are clear and, in my conversations with him, genuine. The APA itself continues to demonstrate great respect for our colleague, where he serves as treasurer of one division, received a mentoring award at the APA’s annual convention this past August, and confirming his election on the APA’s governing Council of Representatives beginning in January 2016. There is tragedy and irony that Dr. Koocher must bear accusations against his ethics when he has spent his professional life writing on and contributing to the ethics of his profession. His public statements
Photo courtesy of DEPAUL UNIVERSITY
College of Science and Health Dean Gerald Koocher has faced controversy since the Hoffman Report was released in July. and writings over more than three decades have consistently argued against all forms of torture, and those convictions contributed to his appointment as liaison to the committee studying the issue in the first place. Moral evaluations of matters that transpired a decade ago are challenging and must be shaped by data and thoughtful consideration of all available evidence. I respect those in our university community who are concerned that Dr. Koocher’s actions, as well as perceptions and interpretations of those actions, may be inconsistent with our ideals of compassion and human rights, but I simply do not find that the evidence supports the judgments that some have rendered. Nor can I find a path to honor the requests that DePaul assemble a body to
conduct its own independent hearing and investigation of the matter. We do not have the authority to call witnesses or command evidence outside the university community, and therefore would be forced to rely on information we already have. The Hoffman report itself, the result of over six months of intensive investigation, noted that given the length of time that has passed and the lack of authority to subpoena witnesses and the inability to access classified information, any investigation has inherent limitations. Its conclusions had the consequences for the APA staff that we have seen. It also determined that Koocher did not have direct knowledge. I see no reason to think that yet another investigation by us would come to a different conclusion.
During the course of our campus conversations, some raised criticisms of the dean’s leadership style and decisions here at DePaul. Others came to his defense, speaking highly of his leadership. All of this feedback has been collected by the provost and will be communicated to Dr. Koocher, carefully anonymized. In addition, the provost has informed me that his former institution used a more formative evaluation process for deans and program directors which he will introduce here at DePaul this year. As always, disagreements with decanal decisions may continue to be addressed in our existing ways: raised informally with the dean himself or in the various meetings of the college, brought directly to the provost’s attention, or expressed during the review process for a dean’s reappointment. St. Vincent de Paul fought long and hard against the inhumane treatment of prisoners in the French galleys and he surely would side with those who oppose torture in any context. He also famously came to the defense of his great intellectual enemy, the Abbe de Saint-Cyran, in 1639, who was imprisoned and being investigated for theological opinions St. Vincent opposed. St. Vincent similarly came to the defense of two bishops who had approved books by Jansen and Arnauld. He thought those books had spread intellectual mistakes with terrible results for humanity and spent a considerable part of his life countering those ideas. And yet his heart went out in mercy to the bishops when they were to be sanctioned for those acts, so he took their side. These are not exact analogies, of course, but they are instructive nonetheless, showing a heart that could condemn ideas and show mercy at the same time. I trust that St. Vincent’s merciful heart similarly figures into the ways that we consider such things at DePaul. I am grateful the DePaul community has a heart that so immediately rises to the needs of those who are so inhumanely treated in our own time. I am grateful, too, for a university community that accepted Dr. Koocher’s invitations to meet and discuss these issues at great length. I benefited greatly from the university’s evolving discussion over these weeks as my own thinking took shape. And so, I hope that you’ll understand my own conclusions and decision that no further action will be taken in this matter. While I am certain we will continue to mull these matters over, I know we’ll do so with all the wisdom and humility that judgments of the human heart deserve. With great respect, Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider, C.M. President
News. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia | 5
University reacts to Koocher backing By Brenden Moore & Matthew Paras
Timeline of Koocher events
News Editor & Editor-in-Chief
For weeks, some faculty, staff and students have demanded DePaul’s administration take action by either reviewing or stripping the deanship of College of Science and Health Dean Gerald Koocher after his ethical behavior was questioned in a report commissioned by the American Psychological Association (APA). In a letter to faculty and staff, university President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider, C.M. said Thursday that DePaul would not sanction Koocher and will not instigate an investigation in any potential wrongdoing based on the Hoffman Report. The report, released in July, concluded that top APA officials, including Koocher, colluded with the Department of Defense in creating loose ethical guidelines for psychologists in national security situations. This contributed to torture taking place in places like Guantanamo Bay, the report said. DePaul hired Koocher in 2013, several years after the events criticized. Although the university had knowledge of the controversies that Koocher was involved with at APA, it was not deemed serious enough at the time to not hire him. Since the letter was released Thursday, feedback has come in from different corners of the university. Senior Jack O’Brien, a leader of Vincentians Against Torture, a coalition students, faculty, alumni and human rights groups that has called for Koocher’s removal as dean, expressed his frustration with the president’s stance. “I was appreciative that the president took the time to respond to this I think is of great importance to the community,” O’Brien said. “But that being said, I don’t agree with all the points within the letter.” O’Brien said that he was frustrated that several voices in the community, most notably students, were left out of the process and he said that many important facts were left out of the letter. “Another issue I took was on one hand, he was condemning the APA’s actions in the past, while on the other hand he’s using it to corroborate that Dr. Koocher behaved ethically because the APA still supports him,” O’Brien said. “I thought that was a bit contradictory to use them both as a source of confidence and endorsement of Dr. Koocher, but also to summarily blame the organization for the actions that took place and Dr. Koocher’s role was largely ignored in the president’s letter.” Holtschneider cited that the Hoffman Report found that there was no evidence that APA officials “actually knew about the existence of an interrogation program using enhanced interrogation techniques.” “I respect those in our university community who are concerned that Dr. Koocher’s actions, as well as perceptions and interpretations of those actions, may be inconsistent with our ideals of compassion and human rights, but I simply do not find that the evidence supports the judgments that some have rendered,” Holtschneider said. “Nor can I find a path to honor the requests that DePaul assemble a body to conduct its own independent hearing and investigation of the matter.” Holtschneider also said the feedback of those that raised criticisms of the dean’s leadership was taken into consideration and those who stood up for the dean. A few supporters of Koocher in CSH expressed happiness that the president took a definitive stand on the issue, effectively putting it to rest.
July 2013
July 2, 2015
July 14
Aug. 21
Early Sept.
Senior Jack O’Brien, a leader of the VIncentians Against Torture coalition, speaks at a press conference calling for Dean Gerald Koocher’s removal from his postion. “While the Hoffman report was troubling, I think Dean Koocher has done a good job so far in his time at the university, and I am happy to have him stay on,” said associate professor Kyle Peterson. “I think that Fr. Holtschneider’s detailed and thoughtful statement demonstrates that he seriously considered the concerns of some of the members of the DePaul community,” said assistant professor Sarah Connolly. “I am pleased that the university has taken a clear and public stance to strongly support our dean.” Several faculty members not supportive of Koocher declined comment after the university’s stance became clear. On Oct. 12, Faculty Council met in a town-hall style meeting that gave faculty and staff a chance to ask questions to Provost Marten denBoer regarding Koocher. “All of this feedback has been collected by the provost and will be communicated to Dr. Koocher, carefully anonymized,” Holtschneider said. “As always, disagreements with decanal decisions may continue to be addressed in our existing ways: raised informally with the dean himself or in the various meetings of the college, brought directly to the provost’s attention or expressed during the review process for a dean’s reappointment.” Holtschneider said that the provost will be uxpdating the way DePaul analyzes deans and program directors, by adding a “more formative evaluation process for deans and program directors.” That process is the one that denBoer used at Cal Poly Pomona, the university he worked at before his tenure at DePaul. “There is tragedy and irony that Dr. Koocher must bear accusations against his ethics when he has spent his professional life writing on and contributing to the ethics of his profession,” Holtschneider said. “His public statements and writings over more than three decades have consistently argued against all forms of torture, and those convictions contributed to his appointment
as a liaison to the committee studying the issue in the first place.” O’Brien had no empathy for Koocher or the university, however, saying that the university’s response to the controversy was unacceptable and continues a culture of fear some faculty and staff in CSH have described. “I think that students are voicing that, alumni are voicing that, certain faculty members are voicing that publicly and others believe that personally and privately, and I think unfortunately, it only continues to give power to a person who’s cultivating an environment of fear and intimidation. And this further endorses that,” O’Brien said. Acknowledging that not everyone agrees with his position, Holtschneider also empathized with the DePaul community as well. “I am grateful the DePaul community has a heart that so immediately rises to the needs of those who are so inhumanely treated in our own time,” Holtschneider said. “I am grateful, too, for a university community that accepted Dr. Koocher’s invitations to meet and discuss these issues at great length. “I benefited greatly from the university’s evolving discussion over these weeks as my own thinking took shape.” In an email to coalition supporters, O’Brien said the group keep fighting to remove the dean and will pursue alternatives to petitioning the president. “What will happen to our university if we are rightly looked upon as hypocritical? Will undergraduates want to enroll in our College of Science and Health,” O’Brien said in an email. “Will graduate students be hesitant to apply to our university’s graduate school programs? Will our willingness to abide a dean so heavily complicit in enhanced interrogation practices lead to a drastic drop in alumni donations? I fear that if we do not take action now, the answer to all of the above will be ‘yes’.”
Sept. 10
Sept. 16
Sept. 19
Sept. 21
Sept. 30
Oct. 1
Oct. 13
Oct. 15
Koocher hired
Hoffman Report released
Koocher responds to Hoffman Report
Koocher speaks to The DePaulia
Concerns grow in DPU community
Provost defends Koocher
Faculty Council holds special session on Koocher
Petition launches calling for removal
Koocher meets with faculty
Vincentians Against Torture forms
Vincentians Against Torture press confernece
Provost meets with faculty
President responds to Koocher
6 | The DePaulia. Oct. 19, 2015.
DePaul innovates its way to top Contributing Writer
U.S. News and World Report named DePaul University as one of its “most innovative schools” in the country. DePaul received the 21st spot on the list, which U.S. News and World Report had higher education leaders rank in terms of “innovative improvements in terms of curriculum, faculty, students, campus life, technology or facilities.” Lisa Gundry, director of DePaul’s Center for Creativity and Innovation, said this achievement brings her great pride for the university. “I think that we are at the forefront of what is going on in the educational space,” she said. “The environment encourages collaboration and crossdisciplinary work. It’s going to result in very high levels of creativity and strong innovation in bringing new value to our community.” University President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider C.M. said the collaboration efforts contributed heavily to DePaul appearing on the list. “DePaul’s faculty has a culture of developing cuttingedge programs quickly — sometimes with strategic alliances, including Cinespace Chicago Film Studios and Rosalind Franklin University — or designing amazing facilities, like The Theatre School building and the new Scholar’s Lab and Media Scape collaboration stations in Richardson Library,” he said. Gundry said being in the third largest city in the U.S. helps to form collaborations. “It’s such an active and vibrant hub to be part of,” she said. “There’s so many organizations and there’s so much activity.” From Oct. 12 to Oct. 18, the city celebrated Chicago Ideas Week (CIW), an event of more than 80 sessions that include guest speakers and activities. “Because we are located in the heart of the city, it’s such a great opportunity for us to participate in these activities as well as to influence innovation,” Gundry said. These collaborative efforts and prime Chicago location have been especially helpful to the urban geography program, which was listed as one of DePaul’s most innovative programs for its unique use of mapping techniques. Euan Hague, chair of the geography department, said DePaul’s program goes one step above just teaching the information to students. “When a lot of places teach this techniques it stays in the classroom and we try to expand these skills outside of the classroom,” he said. “We use data to figure out why things are where they are and why things are not where they are not.”
Hague said the department ties in its teachings and outside activities with DePaul’s “mission of social justice.” One example of this is the work the department has done with the Divvy bikes across the city. “The Divvy bikes didn’t hit lower income communities or communities typically of color until this year,” he said. “These are the kinds of questions we’re raising with our work.” Hague said the geography department also works with several community-based organizations throughout Chicago. In the past the program has worked alongside the Southside Education and Economic Development Systems, Inc. (SEEDS), Little Village Environmental Justice MICHELLE KRICHEVSKAYA| THE DEPAULIA Organization (LVEGJO) and Enlace Chicago. century?’” “I think we’re doing great and changing needs and what we The College of Computing Gundry said her department and we can continue to make can do to provide educational and Digital Media (CDM) faculty is looking forward to continuing strides,” she said. “The more and personal growth, all that were also mentioned for its joint to push DePaul’s innovation that we can get people working is going to strengthen our effort with the Department efforts. together to learn about trends innovation capability.” of Marketing in the College of Business for creating the Center ok, so my subs really aren't gourmet and Established in Charleston, IL for Data Minig and we're not french either. my subs just taste a little better, that's all! I wanted to in 1983 to add to students GPA Predictive Analytics, an call it jimmy john's tasty sandwiches, but and general dating ability. my mom told me to stick with gourmet. applied research center. Regardless of what she thinks, freaky fast is where it's at. I hope you love 'em as much “It’s just really great as i do! peace! to see our university faculty from different departments coming together to create a research facility like this one,” said Fevin All of my sandwiches are 8 inches of homemade My club sandwiches have twice the meat or cheese, try it French bread, fresh veggies and the finest meats & on my fresh baked thick sliced 7-grain bread or my famous Fernandes, who is a cheese I can buy! We slice everything fresh daily in this homemade French bread! Tell us when you order! store! It tastes better that way! CDM graduate student. ™ Fernandes is an #7 SMOKED HAM CLUB #1 PEPE® Any Sub minus the veggies and sauce 1/4 pound of real wood smoked ham, Real wood smoked ham and provolone cheese, exchange student from provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato & mayo! lettuce, tomato & mayo. (The original) slim 1 Ham & cheese India and said a large slim 2 Roast beef #8 BILLY CLUB® #2 BIG JOHN® part of the reason he slim 3 Tuna salad Choice roast beef, smoked ham, provolone cheese, Medium rare choice roast beef, mayo, slim 4 Turkey breast chose DePaul over other Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato & mayo. lettuce & tomato. slim 5 Salami, capicola, cheese universities was because #9 ITALIAN NIGHT CLUB® slim 6 Double provolone #3 TOTALLY TUNA® all the opportunities Genoa salami, Italian capicola, smoked ham, Fresh housemade tuna, mixed with celery, onions, and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, and our tasty sauce, sliced cucumber, lettuce & tomato. and facilities offered. onion, mayo & our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (My tuna rocks! Sprouts* optional) Low Carb Lettuce Wrap (Order it with hot peppers) “There’s just so #4 TURKEY TOM® ® much going on all of #10 HUNTER’S CLUB® Fresh sliced turkey breast, lettuce, tomato & mayo. the time,” he said. “We A full 1/4 pound of medium rare roast beef, The original (Sprouts* optional) Same ingredients and price of the provolone, lettuce, tomato & mayo. have a video game lab, ® sub or club without the bread. #5 VITO this research center and #11 COUNTRY CLUB® The original Italian sub with genoa salami, provolone, Sliced turkey breast, real wood smoked ham, capicola, onion, lettuce, tomato, & a real tasty Italian so many opportunities provolone, and tons of lettuce, tomato & mayo! vinaigrette. (Hot peppers by request) to get ourselves noticed (A very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!) #6 THE VEGGIE Sprouts* and get jobs in our #12 BEACH CLUB® Layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado optional S★ E H C N field.” U L spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (Truly a Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado ★ BOX PLATTERS ★ gourmet sub not for vegetarians only, Sprouts* optional) spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato and mayo! Hague said this ★ PARTYTY SU BS ★ R type of collaboration A J.J.B.L.T.® P E, #13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB® ★ UR NOTICWHAT ER 24 HO Bacon, lettuce, tomato & mayo! Double provolone, real avocado spread, sliced and community WE PREF CALL , WE’LL DOPEN! U AP (My B.L.T. rocks) cucumber, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (Try it on my BUT IF YON TO MAKE IT H A involvement is helping C E W 7-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is really yummy! Sprouts* optional) geography students get DELIVERY ORDERS will include a jobs as well. #14 BOOTLEGGER CLUB® delivery charge per item. Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato & mayo. “Our students ★ Soda Pop An American classic! develop these skills and ★ Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie #15 CLUB TUNA® are getting positions in ★ Real potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle The same as our #3 Totally Tuna except this one all kinds of jobs from has a lot more. Housemade tuna salad, provolone, ★ Extra load of meat THE J.J. sliced cucumber, lettuce & tomato. (Sprouts* optional) engineering to urban ® ★ Extra cheese or extra avocado spread GARGANTUAN planning.” #16 CLUB LULU® The original gutbuhstuh! Genoa ORDER ONLINE @ JIMMYJOHNS.COM Sliced turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato Gundry said salami, sliced smoked ham, capicola, & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club) roast beef, turkey & provolone, this recognition is freebies (subs & clubs only) jammed into one of our homemade #17 ULTIMATE PORKER™ especially helpful French buns, then smothered with Onion, lettuce, tomato, mayo, sliced cucumber, Real wood smoked ham and bacon with lettuce, onions, mayo, lettuce, tomato & our hot peppers, Dijon mustard, yellow mustard, for the university’s tomato & mayo! (This one rocks!) homemade Italian vinaigrette. oil & vinegar, oregano, sprouts*. sustainability and recruiting. “I think students are very wise consumers in terms of where they want to spend their TO FIND THE LOCATION NEAREST YOU VISIT JIMMYJOHNS.COM education dollars,” she ® said. “They’re looking at ‘Who is going to *WARNING: THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ADVISES THAT EATING RAW OR UNDER-COOKED SPROUTS POSES A HEALTH RISK TO EVERYONE, BUT ESPECIALLY TO THE ELDERLY, CHILDREN, PREGNANT WOMEN, AND PERSONS WITH WEAKENED prepare me to become a IMMUNE SYSTEMS. THE CONSUMPTION OF RAW SPROUTS MAY RESULT IN AN INCREASED RISK OF FOODBORNE ILLNESS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR PHYSICIAN OR LOCAL PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT. ©1985, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2014 JIMMY JOHN’S FRANCHISE, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. We Reserve The Right To Make Any Menu Changes. professional in the 21st
Ideas outside the box
-College of Business and CDM created the Center for Data Mining and Predictive Analysis
-Creation of the Urban Geography program
-Media Scape collaboration stations in Richardson Library
-Geography Department work with Southside Education and Economic Development Systems, Inc., (SEEDS) and Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEGJO)
GIANT club sandwiches
TW YM NL J // NSF ¹8 Q
By Kyle Woosley
★ sides ★
News. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia | 7
New approach to treatment DePaul offers support to students facing substance abuse addiction By Claire Fisher Contributing Writer
October is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, according to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. This nationwide observance is dedicated to recognizing the role of substance abuse prevention in creating safe and healthy communities. Chicago is no stranger to the issue of widespread substance abuse. The city was recently confronted with a crisislevel amount of drug overdoses, bringing the pressing nature of addiction to the forefront once again. By Oct. 2, over the span of three days, 74 people overdosed on heroin bought on the West Side, according to the Chicago Tribune. It is suspected that the atypical number of overdoses resulted from a batch of narcotics laced with fentanyl, which creates a dangerously stronger effect than expected. A similar outbreak
of overdoses due to narcotics cut with fentanyl occurred in 2006, resulting in over 1,000 deaths nationwide. Incidents like these bring to light the dangerous nature of drug use. In order to help students decrease potential harm, DePaul has resources in the Office of Health Promotion and Wellness. Kate Lower, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist in the Office of Health Promotion and Wellness, said that the office focuses on providing education programming throughout the year on harm reduction and support for students struggling with substance abuse or addiction. Harm reduction is an approach that takes higher risk behaviors and tries to reduce the risk so students who choose to drink, for example, can stay safe. Firstyear student Ellie Lovell appreciates DePaul’s policy of harm reduction when it comes to drinking. “My high school had a zero-tolerance
alcohol policy, so you would get expelled if you were caught drinking for even a first-time offense,” Lovell said. “That led to a lot of kids getting punished for expressing cries of help. I think a lot of times, drinking and smoking is rooted in social anxieties and is actually a problem. So I think harm prevention not only helps kids that are casually and socially drinking help keep themselves and their friends safe, but it also leaves room to help kids that are using that to ask for help instead of just sending them off as law-breakers and delinquents.” For those using substances unhealthily to cope with other issues, the office also fields students’ questions about addiction or those seeking help. More personal sessions with Lower are also an option. “I am happy to meet with students individually to offer support and resources,” Lower said. In support of National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, the Office
of Health Promotion and Wellness has events planned for National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, which occurs Oct. 18-23. These events include a Recovery Gathering that is an informal meet and greet for all those who have a relation to substance abuse recovery, and fitness happy hour hosted at The Ray throughout the week. More information about these events can be found on the Health Promotion and Wellness at DePaul Facebook page and @healthyDePaul on Twitter. Although most DePaul students struggling with substance abuse or addiction find long-term support at various outside recovery programs and communities, Lower also mentioned that there is an increasing interest in forming a student recovery group on campus. Lower encouraged any student with an interest to be a part of such a group for recovering students to contact her.
CAMPUS CRIME REPORT : Oct. 07- Oct. 13, 2015 LOOP CAMPUS University Hall 8
Richardson Library 10
Sheffield Square 1
Munroe Hall
DePaul Center 11
Student Center 9 2 4
OCT. 7 1) A possession of cannabis report was filed for a room in Sheffield Square. 2) A criminal damage to property report was filed for broken candle holders in the interfaith room at the student center.
OCT.8 3) A disorderly conduct report was filed for a person who
was told to leave because he was using a computer as a public terminal. 4) A theft report was filed for a bicycle taken from the rack at the student center.
OCT.12 9) A theft report was filed for2 a bicycle taken from a rack at the student center. 10) A smell of marijuana report was filed for a room in the Richardson Library. No drugs were found.
LOOP CAMPUS OCT. 12 11) A battery report was filed for an altercation in a bathroom at
OCT.9 5) An illegal consumption of alcohol by a minor report was filed
the DePaul Center. 12) A criminal trespass report was filed for a non-DePaul person gaining access to a computer room in the library at the DePaul Center.
OCT.10 6) A smell of marijuana report was filed for a room in Munroe
for a person in Sanctuary Hall. The person was transported to Illinois Masonic by Chicago Fire EMT.
Hall. No drugs were found.
OCT.11 7) An illegal consumption of alcohol by a minor report was filed for a person in the grass of a non-DePaul building. The person was transported to Illinois Masonic by Chicago Fire EMT. 8) An illegal consumption of alcohol by a minor report was filed for a person in University Hall. The person was transported to Illinois Masonic by Chicago Fire EMT.
OCT.8 13) A bomb threat report was filed for threats made via telephone to the O’Hare Campus.
8| The DePaulia. Oct. 19, 2015.
2015 enrollment exceeds expectations By Alyssa Alvarez Contributing Writer
DePaul University’s enrollment exceeded its budget targets this fall quarter. According to a recent DePaul Newsline article, the university has 23,539 students enrolled, surpassing its budgeted projection by 210 students this fall quarter. This news comes at a time when nationwide college enrollment has declined or, as of late, been relatively stagnant. As recent as 2014, The Census Bureau calculated that enrollment at four-year colleges grew somewhat: about 1 percent. For the past twenty years, college enrollment at the national level has steadily inclined. Growing trends for college enrollment were highest from the periods between 2006-2011, reaching its peak in 2011, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Much of this can be attributed to the Great Recession of the late-2000s. The theory goes that during times of economic declines- when the country’s unemployment rates were at an all time high- many civilians who
were either displaced from jobs or simply looking for work went back to school. Therefore, colleges and universities experienced this influx of not only students ranging from the ages of 18-24, but they were also inheriting this new demographic of persons over 24 who have since left. This factor may be a cause in the decline in college enrollment over the last four years as well as the decline in unemployment rates. Currently, there is a growing decline in the overall enrollment rates for community colleges, or two- three year institutions. Most four-year colleges like DePaul, which is private and non-forprofit, are in the clear for the most part, increasing about 1 percent in total overall enrollment since 2012. Another possible reason for this decline and stall in college enrollment has to do with the growing costs of college and the burden of having to pay off student loans along with the crippling reality of debt. These are all looming factors which are contributing to the question many younger students are asking themselves these days: is college worth it in the long-run?
DePaul is an academic institution which certainly believes it is. While the university did not increase in enrollment overall with growth only being seen in DePaul’s Health and Digital Cinema programs, DePaul exceeding its budget targets could have a profound effect. “Falling short of enrollment goals would require cutting budgets, reducing services or delaying desired quality improvements, so successful enrollment outcomes directly benefit all students, faculty and staff,” Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing David Kalsbeek, said. Kalsbeek said the goal of enrollment is to essentially meet DePaul’s budget targets which are defined in the university’s Vision 2018 strategic plan and are later approved by the Board of Trustees. Impacting this annual budget process are things like the expected pool of new and returning students, how many students- undergraduate and graduatecan be found in each college, and also using this information to determine tuition costs. Diversity is also a part of DePaul’s
enrollment strategy as it is its mission. DePaul has formed strong bonds with programs like the Chicago Public Schools’ International Baccalaureate program and the Male Initiative Project to reach out to students with diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. Scholarships and grants are also critical components to meeting the enrollment and diversity goal. Financial assistance is vital, especially in maintaining a socioeconomic mix of students. Kalsbeek says, “This year, the budget for university grants and scholarships increased by 8 percent, providing $14 million more in assistance to student…(In addition) over $10 million in scholarships are provided to students each year because of the generosity of donors”. While diversity is merely a goal and topic of discussion for many colleges and universities, for DePaul it’s also an achievement. This fall quarter, 35 percent of the total students enrolled at the university are students of color which is the highest it has ever been in DePaul’s history.
The DePaulia is one of the best ways to reach out to your business’s target market The DePaulia is an entirely student-run weekly newspaper distributed on Mondays during the academic year. Our paper is available to more than 25,000 students, 1,800 faculty, and 1,000 staff at DePaul University and printed weekly with 4,000 copies distributed free in the Lincoln Park and downtown Chicago campuses during the academic year.
Contact The DePaulia today and reserve your space
News. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia | 9
A drag queen gets ready before the ST*RS Drag Show, an annual event the The Theater School hosted this Friday. DePaul student organizations hold both professional and amateur drag shows throughout the year.
Nation &World
10 | The DePaulia. Oct. 19, 2015
Peace march attack divides nation further By Hami Arain Contributing Writer
It was just after 10 a.m. Oct. 10 in Turkey’s capital and the citizens of Ankara waited for a democratic rally just outside the central train station. They were in the midst of singing an anthem to commemorate Turkey’s “Bloody Sunday” when explosions boomed. Smoke filled the morning air and citizens screamed as they ran without clear direction, away from the explosions. Kevin Cole, a DePaul alumnus currently in the Fulbright Scholarship Program, is studying for his master's in social sciences at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. He has been living in Ankara since Sept. 4 and plans to study there for the next year. Although he was about 30 minutes away from where the bombings took place, the continuing uncertainty and chaos in Ankara terrifies the citizens of Turkey, he said. “The Turkish government has announced that its leading suspicion regarding the attack's perpetrators rests with ISIS,” Cole said. “If this is the case, it would mark a major turn in the way ISIS has operated in Turkey.” The haunting fact about the attack is that it took place during a peace rally in the heart of the nation’s capital. Before Cole left for Ankara, Islamic extremists conducted a surprise attack on July 20, in the rural district of Suruc near Turkey’s border with Syria. The attack killed 33 people and injured more than 100, most of them university students. Back in August, shortly after the attacks, the Turkish government took a stand and allowed the U.S. to launch missiles against ISIS from a Turkish airbase. “The attack is certainly reminiscent of the suicide bombing in Suruç earlier this summer, which I watched on the news in the U.S. before leaving for Turkey,” Cole said. “However, in my opinion the recent attacks in Ankara hit closer to the geographic and geopolitical 'home' of
Mourners carry the coffin of Serdar Ben, 33, one of the victims of Oct. 10 bombings in Ankara, during his funeral in Istanbul, Thursday, Oct. 15. The banner reads in Turkish: ' Communist Revolutionary Serdar Ben is immortal.'
Turkey than the violence in the Southeast.” Citizens of Ankara have been victims of several terrorist attacks within the last decade. In 2007, a suicide bombing at a shopping center killed 9 and wounded hundreds. Another bombing in 2013 at the U.S. Embassy in Ankara killed the perpetrator and a security guard. The recent attack during a peace rally in Ankara is known as the deadliest attack in Turkey’s modern history. Due to the shortage of security on Saturday, Turkey sacked Ankara's top police chief, Kadri Kartal, as well as two other heads of security. DePaul religious studies professor Laith Saud explained the nation’s divide and the differences between the two parties, Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the Republican People’s Party (CHP), for the upcoming election.
“For those who have more of a disposition to a very strident, secular identity — they (CHP) have a deep disdain for the AKP,” Saud said. “They really don’t like any party that has any semblance of an Islamic impotence.” Saud said he believes the AKP will continue their power over the CHP because of their popularity and economic success. “The people who are for the AKP, find secular (CHP) Turks to be ‘inauthentic,' the AKP are being more influenced to Europe. There’s a cultural divide in the country... when you speak to people who are against the AKP, they believe (the AKP) will ‘take their country backwards.’” Nezih Altay, a business professor at DePaul and Turkish citizen, said that the violence is nothing new for the Turkish people.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been leading the AKP and Turkey for the past 13 years. Altay said that the first half of those years were a peaceful time in Turkey but corruption continues to wreak havoc on the government and censorship rules the media. He said that Erdogan has grown to a democratically elected candidate with similar power to a dictator and many are numb to the current situation and the terrorism. “In terms of numbness against terrorism, yes, (Turkish citizens) are numb but you can ask Israelis or Palestinians the same question and they would probably say the same thing, but you have to move on with your life,” Altay said. “One way of coping with that is developing this defense mechanism where you say ‘it’s not going to happen to me.’”
Debate highlights: battle of the "progressives" By Madeline Mosso Contributing Writer
The Democratic debate on Tuesday night in Las Vegas illuminated the stark contrast between the Democratic and Republican candidates, as well as the competition between Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The Democratic candidates show respect to each other on stage; as Clinton put it, “We agree on the goals, we just disagree on the means.” Exchanging smiles and acknowledging each other’s political accomplishments, the candidates discussed the ways in which this country can mend itself, differing on approach while concurring on the objective: to cure this country of economic and social injustice. Standing as Clinton’s main competition, Sanders represents an ideal of progressive liberalism, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist. Throughout his political career, he has persisted in his liberal stances on issues such as marriage equality, income inequality and climate change even in times of
popular conservatism. In regards to foreign policy, Sanders said he will do "whatever possible" to keep the U.S. out of Syria, for fear of it becoming another Iraq. On gun control he was the most lenient of the candidates. He has been consistent in his stance. This consistency is a virtue that Clinton cannot share. Moderator Anderson Cooper posed a pointed first question to her: “Will you say anything to get elected?” According to an AP Fact Check, Clinton supported opposition to gay marriage and the Trans-Pacific Partnership in the past — issues she now proclaims she is stoically liberal on. Clinton’s long career in politics showed itself in her debate skills; she defended herself articulately when interrogated, and, as the debate went on, it became more evident that Clinton is the most conservative of the candidates. Everyone on stage agreed it is far more salient to scrutinize Clinton’s platform; she insisted the gun control legislation and the NRA need to be reigned in more than Sanders proposed. The next Democratic debate is Nov. 14 at Drake University in Iowa.
What this campaign is about is whether we can mobilize our people to take back our government from a handful of billionaires and create the vibrant democracy we know we can and should have. I will do everything that I can to make sure that the United States does not get involved in another quagmire like we did in Iraq, the worst foreign policy blunder in the history of this country.
At the center of my campaign is how we're going to raise wages — yes, of course, raise the minimum wage, but we have to do so much more, including finding ways so that companies share profits with the workers who helped to make them. We are the United States of America, and it's our job to rein in the excesses of capitalism so that it doesn't run amok and doesn't cause the kind of inequities we're seeing in our economic system. But we would be making a grave mistake to turn our backs on what built the greatest middle class in the history of the world.
Nation & World. Oct. 19. 2015. The DePaulia | 11
Redlining and the long shadow of history
Neal Blair, of Augusta, Georgia, wears a hoodie that reads, "Black Lives Matter" as he stands on the lawn of the Capitol building during a rally to mark the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March, on Capitol Hill Oct. 10 in Washington, DC. Black men from around the nation returned to the capital calling for changes in policing in black communities. By Rachel Hinton Nation & World Editor
Clarence Lang, professor and chairperson of African and African American studies at the University of Kansas, spoke to students and interested faculty Thursday as part of the African and Black Diaspora Studies’ lecture series on Black Lives Matter movement. His talk, about the “long shadow of the '60s” continued the conversations students had last year among themselves, but related the Black Lives Matter movement to the Civil Rights Movement of the '60s and policies and tactics in place that have hindered the growth of communities. For Lang, the subject matter is one he’s familiar with. Though he’s written many books on the topics of race and race relations — as well as the perception of race in America — he grew up as the child of baby boomers in the South Loop, witnessing first hand the implications of policies and how they helped or hurt those around him in the “long shadow of the '60s,” as his talk was called. “The constant comparison between our contemporary moment and the '60s not only distorts that past but it also substitutes the political creativity and imagination of today,” Lang said. “In the case of something like Black Lives Matter, the '60s as a political and cultural point of reference can blind us to the challenges and the opportunities that face us in the early 21st century.” The connections between Black Lives Matter and the civil rights movement of the '60s are often featured in the media. The continuation of marches and community efforts to effect change and draw attention to the continued discrimination minorities, especially black people, face started in earnest after the death of Mike Brown in Ferguson last year in August. However, the aims of the two movements could also be seen in regards to policy; the civil rights movement was one that wanted systemic changes in policies that allowed or turned a blind eye to policies that negatively effected life quality. Black Lives Matter is a response to the things that did not change — or that were swept under
the rug — and the policies and institutions decade and extends from the mid-1950s to of the past that have not changed and have, the mid-1970s. However, during the time in many ways, perpetuated the problem. of the Great Migration there were tactics in These policies, including the Housing place to prohibit the kind of social progress and Urban Development Act of 1965 and LBJ would later try to enact. the war on poverty, set out to change the “The policies of the period packed system. Under President Johnson there was low-income families into public housing sweeping social reforms — the Civil Rights because there was increased racial and Act, the Housing and Urban Development economic segregation policies with respect Act, and the War on Poverty — but fixing to poor folks,” William Sampson, professor what was already crooked proved even and chairperson of the public policy studies harder. department, said. The most prevalent and detrimental Remnants of the policies in the '60s, but of these was redlining, a tactic used by the most importantly of the preceding periods, Home Owners Loan Corporation, HOLC, have lingered, said Adrienne Holloway, and others to a s s i s t a n t s y ste mat i c a l ly professor in deny goods Better paying jobs are lacking in these the School of and services to communities, and income determines Public Service. areas — largely The effects can black, largely where one can live. Housing costs are be seen in the low-income — a dominant financial barrier to diverse quality of living they deemed economic dreams. and the access unworthy. The to resources seen '60s, especially in Englewood, the Fair Housing West and East Adrienne Holloway, assistant professor Garfield Parks Act of 1968, School of Public Service and Lawndale tried to redress the wrongs of to name a few. the past by barring the outright racial Holloway attributes some of this to the fact discrimination of the '40s and '50s, but that the city and the areas surrounding it whether or not progress was achieved is are still grappling with the implementation questionable. of affordable housing. The term "redlining" emerged in the The “long shadow” of the '60s is even 1950s, after blacks and other minority longer than that but the things that predate groups migrated to the north for better that era, such as redlining, are worthy of job prospects. The process crippled attention due to their impact on policy and neighborhoods, impeding their growth the lives of those in areas it directly affected. and prosperity, contributing to the poverty Those who chose to enforce redlining in the areas and the rise of row houses and effectively decided who is in poverty and public housing that continued through that how they are then perceived. time period and even today. North Lawndale, an area that was One of the most prevalent challenges redlined during the '40s and '50s is one Chicago faces is the continued segregation that continues to face poverty because the that plagues many of its sectors, most community was not allowed to flourish. notably housing and education. However, Around 43 percent of those living in the the historical context begins even earlier area are below the poverty line, and 7.4 than the '60s, and some of the decisions percent live in crowded housing, which is made between the mid-1940s and the '60s understandable because the area only has continue to hurt Chicagoans. 14 total affordable housing complexes, In his talk, Lang describes the '60s as eight of which were built to accommodate a historical category that surpasses the multi-families. East and West Garfield
Parks, as well as Riverdale, face similar problems — according to data from Chicago's data portal, in West Garfield Park, where the per capita murder rate is around 73 percent according to NBC, 41.7 percent of residents live below poverty and 9.4 percent of residents live in crowded housing. All faced discriminatory housing practices and the contiued segregation in Chicago may be continuign the shadow of the past, hindering growth. Nationally, according to the poverty rate in 2012, blacks are the most impoverished at 27 percent. That poverty is also consolidated in areas that, in relation to areas other races may inhabit, are unable to keep up with the times. Though the '60s may cloud memories and perceptions of the civil rights movement, then and now, it also clouds perceptions of progress, Lang said. If the nation is to measure its progress, the '60s would be a good measuring stick due to the reforms and the pushes for change and equality. The major fault is that some remain in memoriam, in a deep-rooted nostalgia that heralds the '60s as a time when anything was possible. For certain ethnic groups that was not the case. Today, the effects of redlining still jeopardizes success; it has limited the ability of neighborhoods to overcome their pasts economically, and has effected the ability of some families to get away from poverty, to move from the shadow and into the light. The argument for the Black Lives Matter movement is entirely laid out in the name, but it is not just gun violence that black lives need to be protected from, it’s also policies that make advancement nearly impossible. In Chicago, this creates interesting possibilities and challenges for the road forward. “If we’re to address the problems that low-income people see it’s going to require a lot more advocacy,” Holloway said. “(We’re seeing) more job deserts. Better paying jobs are lacking in these communities, and income determines where one can live. Housing costs are a dominant financial barrier to diverse economic dreams.”
12 | The DePaulia. Oct. 19, 2015
Opinions KOOCHER, continued from front page information from the task force and the trustees, including conflicts of interest, delayed ethics investigations, and collusion of the senior staff with the military and intelligence agency personnel in charge of interrogation programs,” Holtschneider said. And of course, this all happened a decade ago. However, the university’s slow response to the serious nature of the allegations made in the report indicate an administration that is tone deaf to the concerns that have been raised by faculty, staff, students, alumni, and other members of the DePaul community. In response to the first media inquiries on Koocher following the report’s release, a university spokeswoman said, “While DePaul has no firsthand knowledge of the matter, Dr. Koocher's published statements are thoughtful and worth reading in their entirety.” While hoping this would be an adequate response to the matter, it did not sit well with many in the academic community both within and outside DePaul. “I think the main reason the university did not want to respond to this and took a while to respond to this is because they thought it would blow over,” said senior Jack O’Brien, a leader in the Vincentians Against Torture coalition. “I think the community has come together and said that’s unacceptable.” “The record is ample in the Hoffman Report. And for the school to say we don’t have firsthand information is an intellectually irresponsible position,” said Steven Miles, the chair of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Minnesota. “The information is available; the question is whether the school is going to avail itself to look at the information,” which “was obtained by a skilled prosecutor and … compulsively compiled and compulsively footnoted.” And in a follow up story, the DePaulia confirmed that the university search committee that vetted Koocher before his hiring in 2013 had in its possession a document outlining many of the assertions later confirmed in the Hoffman Report. So, the university may not have been in the room with Koocher when the events described in the report played out, but they certainly knew of the controversy before he was hired. The next public comments from the university on the situation would come from Provost Marten denBoer, who defended Koocher and repeated the defense Koocher himself presented in an interview with The DePaulia. “I do think that people should be very careful to look at what was known and what was not known at the time,” denBoer said. “It’s very easy to in hindsight to look back and say, ‘well, this should have happened and that should have happened.’ The dean himself says that had he known then what he knows now, he would have done things differently.” A week and a half later, Vice President for Public Relations and Communications Cynthia Lawson towed the party line when asked about the controversy at a Student Government Association meeting, comparing the situation to a game of football or basketball. “Hindsight is always great. How many of you watch football? How many of you watch basketball? Do you ever, after you
Jay Becker of "Vincentians Against Torture," a coalition formed by DePaul senior Jack O'Brien (back), protests Dean Gerald Koocher. watch it, the reruns, say, ‘They should have. They could have, had they done this,’” Lawson said. “But you make the decisions based on the information that you have at the time. And so if you don’t have the information, you make decisions based upon the information that you’ve got. Have you ever made a decision where you found out later, if you had additional information, you might have decided to do something different? And I think that’s what Dean Koocher would tell you.” Yet the controversy would not go away. The serious concerns expressed during a closed-door session of Faculty Council in September led to Koocher hosting a faculty-only town hall meeting to answer further questions. Hosted by Koocher, questions were submitted in advance, which led to the environment being tightly controlled. Due to that, a second faculty and staffonly town hall with the provost was held last week. And, of course, a coalition of students, faculty, alumni and human rights groups calling themselves Vincentians Against Torture formed a few weeks ago calling for Koocher’s ouster. No matter one’s views on what Koocher did or did not do, this situation has become a public relations nightmare for the university — one of its own making. While the administration stood by their guy, many faculty, students, alumni and psychology professionals have called for his ouster. “Regardless of what happened, it’s a public relations nightmare,” said Noam Ostrander, chair of the department of social work in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS). “And when I talk to my colleagues in CSH, they’re nervous, they’re afraid, I don’t think they feel like they have the liberty to have much of a voice.” “Faculty feel uncomfortable working with him, saying no to him and disagreeing with him,” said a professor in CSH who spoke to the DePaulia last month on the condition of anonymity. “It’s a really bad environment.” While the university started to change its tune by eliciting faculty concerns, it did not engage the student body in any meaningful way, it took far too long to acknowledge the discontent among large segments of the population and its unquestioning defense of Koocher’s account of events show an administration
Dr. Frank Summers not prepared or willing to address the serious allegations of the Hoffman Report. And while it is clear that Holtschneider put a lot of thought into his remarks, some of the conclusions he came to and some of the issues left out in his argument are troubling. For instance, Holtschneider said he cannot “find a path to honor the requests that DePaul assemble a body to conduct its own independent hearing and investigation of the matter.” This is rationalized as the university does “not have the authority to call witnesses or command evidence outside the university community, and therefore would be forced to rely on information we already have.” Certainly, there would be limitations. But ironically enough, this is the same argument Koocher used to justify deliberately avoiding looking into cases of psychologists accused of assisting torturers at Guantanamo Bay. Much like Koocher in his role at APA, the university is effectively looking the other way when faced with serious ethical questions of one of its own. And not even mentioned in any of the university’s responses is the issue of thirdparty benefice, “articulated by psychologists ranging from Jim Mitchell to Koocher, which posited that harm to one individual (a detainee) must be weighed against the benefits to third parties (the public) that would result if, for instance, information from the detainee stopped a terrorist attack.” While perhaps an acceptable position for the government, it is morally reprehensible for an organization based in humanistic values to hold such a view. The point in discussing these matters,
despite the length in time that has passed, is that the allegations made in the Hoffman Report against Koocher are serious and warrant further investigation. As PENS task force member Jean Maria Arrigo, the target of Koocher’s aggressive exchanges after her dissent, put it, the issue for DePaul is “how a person in an institutional position who has used those institutional positions covertly in ways that do not serve that institution and its members.” Koocher’s alleged conduct as described in the Hoffman Report does not reflect a person with the values or judgment necessary for someone in a powerful leadership role. “The president left out (in his letter) that Dr. Koocher actively and viciously silenced dissenting voices,” O’Brien said. “He spoke about how upper level members of the APA did that. That was Dr. Koocher. He cannot use his name. But that was Dr. Koocher’s role.” Of course, Koocher deserves the chance to defend himself, but it cannot be and should not be on his terms as it has been for the past few months. At last week’s town hall meeting with the provost, several faculty members proposed the creation of an “independent body by the Provost, Faculty and Staff Council, and the Student Government Association to assess whether Koocher’s various roles in the APA are consistent with DePaul’s mission and values and the stated goal of the new College of Science and Health to educate students with a strong Vincentian commitment to social justice and civic engagement.” According to the proposal, “absent a serious inquiry conducted by an independent body representing all university stakeholders, DePaul risks being widely perceived as engaging in a ‘cover-up’ of a national scandal involving a DePaul official accused of serious ethical breaches that appear to be at odds with the university’s stated mission and CSH educational goal.” Holtschneider’s concerns regarding an investigation are understood. However, dropping the issue completely is not a solution, it is a cop out. There are legitimate questions that must be answered and that pertain to DePaul. By opening an investigation, we may get some answers and hopefully some closure.
Opinions. Oct. 19 2015. The DePaulia | 13
A fair warning: The danger of smartphones
By Kyle Woosley & danielle harris Contributing Writer & Opinions Editor
Not too long ago, the average American accessed the Internet solely through a laptop or desktop computer. The Millennial generation witnessed a rapid change in technology, most notably the rise of cell phones. According to global information company Nielsen, 85 percent of 18- to 24-year olds own a smart phone. But as smart phone ownership continues to increase, so does dependency on it — especially among younger users. We check our phones when we wake up in the morning. We scroll through Twitter as we walk down the street. We sneak in texts even when professors have a no-cell phone policy. Some experts have even acknowledged smart phones as being potentially addictive. Researchers at Bournemouth University in England have proposed a possible solution to excessive cell phone use: disclaimers on phones that remind the owner how often they use their device and inform people about potential addiction. Dr. Raian Ali heads the research, computing and informatics department at Bournemouth. He warns that the overwhelming use of smart phones can lead to “reduced creativity, depression and disconnection from reality.” The researchers’ study also showed that 80 percent of adult technology users were receptive to the idea of warning labels on digital devices. The warning labels being
proposed would be interactive. Along with a tangible label, there would be frequent warnings in the form of Facebook alerts, SMS or pop-ups. College students report some of the highest cell phone usage, spending between eight and 10 hours on them per day, according to a study by Baylor University in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions. This means that college students are spending one-third of their day staring at a screen. With such a strong dependency on our digital devices, it seems as though it may be too late to do anything about it. So much of what is required of us on a daily basis requires us to be plugged in to our devices. And mobile devices aren’t solely used for social media or entertainment purposes. The Pew Research Center reports that 68 percent of people use smartphones to keep up with breaking news events and 56 percent use them for community engagement. Millennials use FaceTime to keep contact with long distance friends and relatives. It’s not even necessary to look beyond our own backyard. The Chicago Transit Authority uses its app to keep the city informed on train wait times, routes and delays on a daily basis. Oh, and good luck finding a career that does not require using a computer or digital device. But a change in smart phone use is necessary. Excessive smart phone usage can adversely affect your mood and increase your risk of illness and stress, according to Medical Daily. It can lead to a weakened immune
system, chronic pain syndrome and vision problems. A University of Birmingham study has even suggested excessive use can even lead to memory loss It is entirely possible more interactive disclaimers such as pop-ups, emails and text alerts may begin to decrease cell phone usage. For example, since medical studies revealed smoking cigarettes proposes significant and deadly health risks, the U.S. has seen a steady decline in smokers. According to Gallup’s Annual Consumption Habits survey, 43 percent of people smoked during the 1940s, compared to the 2000s when only 24 percent of people reported smoking. The difference here is you cannot simply cut down on digital device usage without dedicating less time to an aspect of your life — be that entertainment, social interaction, news or even your job. Do we spend too much time on our smartphones? Yes. However, we are living in a digital society that requires individuals to remain plugged in the majority of the time in order to excel. It is important for developers of these labels to inform how often smart phone owners are using their phones, but they must also ensure these labels to not make using the device a hassle. “The development of intelligent software able to understand users and personalize the (warning) labels so that they fit their context, preference and values to ensure their effectiveness are all challenges we have to address," Ali said.
Smart phone warning labels may not successfully prevent users from swiping through Tinder for hours, but a friendly reminder of how long they have
been looking at a screen just might be enough motivation to put their smart phone down — even if only temporarily.
The opinions in this section do not necessarily reflect those of The DePaulia staff.
14 | The DePaulia. Oct. 19, 2015
Chilean flamingos stand together at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Children admire a snow leopard at Lincoln Park Zoo during Fall Fest.
Lincoln Park Zoo is located in Chicago and spans over 56 acres. The
of the
Explore acres of a Lincoln Park and
A giraffe at Brookfield Zoo.
By Geoff Stellfox Contributing Writer
With temperatures finally starting to cool, we’re all looking for fun ways to explore the city before the winter chill sets in. Luckily, there are two award-winning zoos situated right in our back yard. Both the Lincoln Park and Brookfield Zoos have world-class facilities and house hundreds of species of animals, but which one is right for you? If you were building a zoo in Chicago, you couldn’t pick a more scenic location than Lincoln Park Zoo’s current home. Situated right off the lake, it’s easy to forget that you’re still in the nation’s third largest city. Green grass, trees and cool lake breezes allow you to experience nature and still be within a walk or short bus ride from your home. “We come here almost every day,” said Irmina Valnonvic, a resident of Lincoln Park. “We live across the street. How can you beat a free zoo which has all of these animals?” A unique feature of the Lincoln Park Zoo is that it is free every day and there are no additional fees for any of the different animal houses, programs or lectures that the zoo offers. This, combined with its lakefront location and free street parking, makes the Lincoln Park Zoo ideal for an afternoon adventure. “Our main goal here is accessibility,” said Evelyn Bray, a guest engagement ambassador at the Lincoln Park Zoo. “We truly are a neighborhood zoo an we strive to serve not just Lincoln Park, but all of Chicago. We’re open 365 days a year and never charge an entrance fee. We don’t want to limit this experience for anyone.”
Brookfield Zoo, however, is a very different animal. It's located in Brookfield, Ill., a southwest suburb just outside of city limits. The most efficient way to arrive is by car, as it would take three different train rides to get there from Lincoln Park (Brown line, Pink line, and BNSF metra). Before even entering the campus, there is a $10 fee to park, and once you arrive at the entrance gate adult tickets cost $15.95. If you’d like to see the additional attractions, such as the dolphin show or ride the carousel, tickets are $24.95. This is without taking into consideration fuel cost and commute time, making a trip to the Brookfield Zoo more of an all day excursion, as opposed to a leisurely afternoon trip. The zoo is free on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, but parking still costs $10 and you are charged for any additional attractions you’d like to see. While the entrance fee to Brookfield Zoo isn’t particularly cheap, the experience and facilities are second to none. Sitting on 216 acres, roughly the size of a small college campus, the zoo is home to around 450 different species of animals, reptiles, birds and amphibians. Of course you can see lions, tigers and polar bears, but the zoo is also home to critically endangered species such as the Mexican Grey Wolf and Bornean Orangutan, as well as dolphins and other marine mammals. Once you pass through the gates, every sign you read or member of their impressively large staff that you encounter is there for the sole purpose of education. Zookeepers that are not working with animals engage visitors and answer questions, pop up stations are erected to provide a hands-on experience and guided tours are available to everyone. Exhibits are designed to allow visitors complete immersion in animal habitats. Tropic World, formerly known as the primate house, features
Focus. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia | 15
Which zoo for you? Find out with this quiz:
1.) Do you do things on a budget or is money not an option? A. Budget. I'm poor. B. Everything I do, I do it big. A gorilla eats a snack at Lincoln Park Zoo.
2.) How do you feel about all-day activities? A. Bring it on! B. My attention span is that of a goldfish.
e zoo is free and open to the public.
3.) Do you feel comfortable in the suburbs? A. Straight outta the suburbs. B. If I leave Chicago, my skin melts off my body.
animals this fall at d Brookfield zoos walkways that traverse through sections that were designed to recreate both the temperature and landscape of Asia, South America and Africa, all while monkeys climb the trees and rocks. It is the closest you can get to actually being there without leaving Chicago. “My son loves it here because of how interactive the exhibits are,” Sharee King, a zoo patron said. “It doesn’t feel like we’re in the suburbs anymore.” In addition to providing an engaging guest experience, Brookfield Zoo engineers are pioneering new ways for animals to engage with their environments. In the past few years, zookeepers have designed habitats and feeding tools that simulate how animals must hunt and scavenge in the wild, such as the new red panda exhibit. This habitat includes an artificial tree, which, at random intervals throughout the day, disperses food in the trees various knotholes, promoting behavior akin to what they’d display in their natural homes. In contrast to Brookfield’s grand campus, Lincoln Park’s atmosphere is much more casual and lacks the same extravagance. It almost feels like you’re taking a leisurely stroll through one of the city’s parks that just so happens to house wild animals from all over the world. Exhibits are less immersive, but allow visitors the ability to take a much more relaxed approach to their zoo experience. While there is staff on hand to answer any of your questions, you’re left to explore more at your own leisure, a much more manageable feat here, seeing as the Zoo only covers about 56 acres. The Lincoln Park Zoo is home to around 200 species of animals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, and all of the hall of famers are present — Amur tigers, snow leopards, African
4.) Do you own walking shoes? A. These boots were made for walking. B. Style before comfort. 5.) How many species can you name? A. A fair amount. B. What's a mammal again?
If you answered mostly A's: BROOKFIELD ZOO
Get your walking shoes on and your wallet out! This sprawling 216 acer zoo is an allday educational activity.
If you answered mostly B's: LINCOLN PARK ZOO Spend a few hours at this convenient location for a quick trip to the city's jungle. Free and fun, this zoo won't break the bank.
lions, giraffes and even black rhinos. The main differences between the two zoo’s animal portfolios lie in the depth and quantity. Brookfield has over double the amount of species that Lincoln Park does, and a higher quantity of each species. The Lincoln Park Zoo offers fewer species, but brings them to your doorstep. Trying to create a competition between the Brookfield Zoo and Lincoln Park Zoo, however, seems contradictory to their mission. “The zoos collaborate together on many fronts, and our main goal is to promote wildlife conservation,” said Cindy Zeigler, chief advancement officer of the Chicago Zoological Society, the organization that runs the Brookfield Zoo. “Our PR departments share strategies, the Animal Programs staffs work closely on projects and they participate together on several local conservation programs. Even the zoo directors communicate regularly on zoo business.” In fact, the zoos recently collaborated on a primate breeding project that saw one of the Lincoln Park Zoo’s lowland gorillas make the short road trip over to Brookfield in order to be matched a suitable mate. With all this in mind, it’s not a matter of which zoo is better, but a matter of which zoo fits your needs. Live downtown and want a cost effective way to experience wildlife on a lazy afternoon? The Lincoln Park Zoo is the perfect option. Or do you want a full day trip, with bigger exhibits that span the area of a college campus, even if that means paying a bit? Pay the Brookfield Zoo a visit. In reality, the Brookfield Zoo and Lincoln Park Zoo are just different sides of the same coin. Regardless of which zoo you visit, you’re sure to have a first class experience, see some amazing animals and help promote conservation in the Chicago area and across the world.
16 | The DePaulia. Oct. 19, 2015
Arts & Life
Going through the most offensive and enraging costumes Halloween 2015 has to offer By Madeline Buchel Contributing Writer
The following Halloween costumes cost money. They cost money to make. They cost money to purchase. To make money, a person must have a job. To have a job, it’s assumed a person must be reasonably intelligent, or, at the very least, have the ability to
function in society. And yet, the sheer amount of sexist, culturally appropriative and generally offensive costumes available to purchase at Chicago Halloween stores this year make the previous statements somewhat difficult to believe. If you’re currently despairing for humanity, Anthony Smith, a
seasonal sales associate at Chicago Costume, offers a reason for all of this extraordinarily questionable attire: there’s a market for it. “I know we do our best to just be mindful of everybody’s needs and everybody’s wants,” Smith said. When questioned about the tendency for usually rational
people to choose these kinds of costumes, Smith offered a glimmer of hope: “I see it a lot less this year. I see a lot more people trying to be aware.” Chicago Costume, which is located on Fullerton across the street from DePaul’s quad, has the benefits of being family-owned and open year-round. Besides a
stray Native American shirt or an errant “Racy Red Riding Hood” or two, its costumes are fairly wholesome and straightforward. But, if any of the above derogatory offerings appealed to you, perhaps you’d consider incorporating a hidden face mask into your costume this Halloween.
The sexist costumes Cougar bait
Perky plumber and sultry scarecrow
Ageism and sexism all wrapped up into one nonsensical knockoff of a Campbell’s Soup can. Do people still use the word “cougar” to denote older women that are interested in younger man? And if so, can it stop?
This is the classic. Hanging side-by-side at Halloween City are this men’s Super Mario costume and this women’s version, unnecessarily called the “Perky Plumber” costume. Also at Halloween City, “Mr. Scarecrow” and “Sultry Scarecrow.” It appears not even a mustache or being an actual garden decoration can help characters escape gratuitous sexualization on Oct. 31.
Offensiveness rating: 4/10 because Andy Warhol is rolling over in his grave. Photo courtesy of TRENDYHALLOWEEN.COM
Offensiveness rating: 3/10 because let’s face it, these are everywhere. Photo courtesy of PARTYCITY.COM
The culturally appropriative costumes
Photo courtesy of FANTASTICCOSF.COM
Native American costumes
Because of their roots in African culture, dreadlocks can be considered culturally appropriative when used to seem “cool,” “edgy,” or, in the case of the gentlemen pictured here, to distract from one’s aesthetically disturbing tye-dye shirt. It’s best to simply avoid these kinds of wigs, especially when it’s difficult to think of any costume they could be used for that wouldn’t veer at least slightly toward the racist side.
With headdresses getting banned from music festivals, and Columbus Day just a few weeks earlier, you’d think people would be starting to get the hint that wearing anything that resembles the sacred garments of historically oppressed indigenous peoples is the very definition of cultural appropriation. But, oh no, not Halloween City. They went all in with this embarrassingly prominent display.
Offensiveness rating: 5/10 because the next one in this category is unbelievably egregious.
Offensiveness rating: 10/10 because everyone should know better.
The generally offensive costumes
Major flirt
Poop emoji hat (paired with toilet mask)
“Trick-or-treat!” cries an adorable little girl at your front door. “And what are you?” you innocently inquire. “Oh, me? I’m Major Flirt!” By this point, you should be engaged in a stern talking-to with “Major Flirt’s” parents.
“We have a toilet mask and a poop hat. The dynamic duo,” said Kayla Gonzalez, Halloween City’s assistant manager, who pointed this out as a suggested couples costume. Love is a many-splendored thing. Bonus: one of these can be swapped out for the year’s trendiest costume, a Donald Trump mask, and the pairing will probably still make sense.
Offensiveness rating: 10/10 because everyone involved in this needs to read “Lolita” and learn from it.
Offensiveness rating: 9/10 because this is why previous generations hate us.
Arts & Life. Oct.19, 2015. The DePaulia. | 17
Tapes make comeback at Cassette Store Day By Kirsten Onsgard Digital Managing Editor
To most people, someone like Jake Puleo shouldn’t be listening to cassette tapes in 2015. The DePaul senior grew up in an era of CDs and MP3s, of ephemeral streams and illegal bootlegs. But as a cash-strapped music fan, Puleo reunited with the often forgotten format. “I started going to shows without a job and I couldn’t afford records, so I would buy a cassette for $5 or $6,” he said. “Then I just fell in love with them.” Cassettes have long had a place among low-budget bands and enthusiasts charmed by its rough and tumble nature. But thanks to events like the third annual Cassette Store Day on Oct. 17, mainstream tape releases and a widespread nostalgia for old-school formats, cassettes are seeing a pocket-sized mainstream comeback. “There’s been a market for them all along,” Nick Mayor, coowner of Bric-A-Brac Records and Collectibles in Logan Square, said. “People have been buying and producing tapes since there were introduced to the market. It’s just the attention they’re getting now.” Bric-A-Brac is the only Chicago location that celebrated Cassette Store Day, which mimics the format of Record Store Day by featuring special releases and in-store performances. This year boasted special cassettes like Green Day’s “Dookie,” on tape label Burger Records. For a medium that is notably durable, the cassette has sure taken a beating over the past 25 years. Besides being deemed irrelevant in the era of CDs and MP3s, there were nearly petty jabs: Oxford English Dictionary removed the term “cassette tape”
in 2011, and Sony retired its recorder in 2013. Though cassette culture peaked in the mid-80s, do-ityourself production survived, said Steve Jones, a communication professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago who authored a 1992 paper on cassettes. “I won’t say (the start of MP3s) was the nail in the coffin, because if it was a nail, it wasn’t pounded in too hard because there’s a resurrection,” he said. “And it’s never really completely gone away.” Cassettes are physical, personal and tradeable. Vinyl might still be sacred, but cassettes are a whole lot easier. “Records now are on a six to seven-month turnaround time, which for a lot of bands, is longer than they’re even a band,” Mayor said. “Why bother trying to press a record if you can bang out 50 tapes for the five-song EP you wrote before you hated each other, and sell those while they’re still relevant?” Production is also cheap — pocket change compared to vinyl. For bands that want a physical release but can’t scrounge up the cash playing bars, a cassette release is attainable, said Pat Stanton of Chicago band Varsity, which has three cassette releases on Jurassic Pop Records. “Vinyl is too expensive for a band like us, and CDs get ripped onto your computer then tossed away,” Stanton said via email. “With a cassette, you have this little, colorful novelty item with album art and liners and they’re fun to collect and shows your support for a band.” Last summer, Puleo began his own label, Entry Level Media. The homegrown operation required just a $100 investment for tapes, plus about an extra $50 for a recorder, which he uses to copy
Bric-A-Brac Recods and Collectibles is home to a large cassette collection for purchase. The store is the only Chicago loction celebrating Cassette Store Day. cassettes one-by-one. The method is labor intensive, not profitable and bound to result in a few audio discrepancies. But the two bands on his label — Sunshine Girls from Brooklyn, and Bruised from Cicero, Ill. — have a lo-fi sound. The imperfections just add to cassettes’ throwback character. “We just love nostalgia — everyone loves nostalgia,” Puleo said. “Whether you want to say you did or not, you had cassettes growing up and that’s probably why you want a cassette now.” Asking why cassettes are relevant now is begging for a philosophical discussion of the tech era. Listeners say MP3s and streams can’t be held, bumped, dropped or stacked. “I would spend hours in
college sitting on my laptop, making sure everything in my iTunes library was perfect,” Mayor said. “And then it just got to a point where those MP3s were meaningless. They were nothing — there’s nothing to them — and you can’t take pride in something like that.” The same argument of digital fatigue has been applied to vinyl’s revival, but it’s doubtful that the humble cassette will ever overtake records, which now boast popstar releases and has increased in sales by 260 percent since 2009. Unlike vinyl, which is often praised by audiophiles, cassettes fade in quality. “What’s fascinating to me about what seems to be a resurging interest in cassettes, is that it’s not tied to the same discourse of
GOING THE ‘EXTRA’ MILE By Matthew Paras Editor-in-Chief
Dahee Will recalled director Mario Van Peebles looking at her and then motioning towards his assistant. Van Peebles, a director for the hit TV show “Empire,” found the extra he wanted to feature in a scene where an enthusiastic young girl waits for an autograph from Jamal (Jussie Smollett). Will, a junior at DePaul, was chosen from the 30 extras to be in the front of the scene. “The director looked at me and said ‘that’s the feature,’” Will said. “You can see me at the beginning of the scene and I was on for maybe like five or 10 seconds.” Being an extra on a TV set has become the norm for Will. While she’s majoring in economics, Will has taken advantage of the various shows that film in Chicago, such as “Empire,” “Chicago P.D.” and “Chicago Fire.” She said she’s appeared as an extra around 20 times. Her most recent outing was three weeks ago when she was an extra for “Chicago Fire.” “I’m not an acting major at all,” Will
‘authenticity’ as vinyl,” Jones said. “I don’t hear people making claims for the cassette being superior to the MP3 or other digital formats. It seems like more of a retro moment versus an argument for superiority.” Though even retailers like Urban Outfitters, which claims to be the largest brick-and-mortar vinyl seller, recently stocked their shelves with a few cassettes, Jones does not see the mainstream craze catching on unless more listeners fully embrace tapes. Either way, cassettes will still get a lot of love from enthusiasts new and old. “I think it will always be there for bands who want to put out a release and can’t afford to put out a CD or vinyl,” Puleo said. “I think that’ll always exist.”
Students take advantage of roles in Chicago TV shows
said. “I just do it on the side for fun. “We want people who, if they say they’re Once casting companies get to know you, available, they stay available for us until they kind of call you with an opportunity that role is filled,” Hunt said. “Sometimes because they’ll know you’ll do well. They’ve that can be a couple of days. But if they say kept calling me so it keeps going.” they are, we then want to hold them to their There are plenty of opportunities for commitment. “ students to be extras. Casting companies Hunt said a lot of descriptions are “ND,” will routinely list or non-descript. postings on Facebook D i r e c t o r s or directly on their I’m not an acting major at all. I normally want website. Will said she just do it on the side for fun. people who will filled out an application blend in to the after stumbling upon background. Dahee Will, a casting call during “We get a DePaul junior lot [of students] the summer after her freshman year. who want to do And the pay isn’t it for some extra bad either. Extras are guaranteed an $80 money, like with the holidays coming up,” minimum for what’s usually eight hours of Hunt said. “We get some because they work, but shoots can last either shorter or aren’t sure they want to get into acting and even longer. After eight hours, extras get they want to see what it’s like behind the paid time and a half. scenes.” Darlene Hunt, who runs ExtraOrdinary Freshman Marcus Aubin falls into Casting, has been in the business of the latter of that category. Aubin, a casting extras for 20 years. While there are computing and digital media major with a sometimes certain specifics in what a show concentration in film production, said he looks for, she said availability plays a large wants to become the director of a film one part in who gets chosen to be an extra. day. He’s been an extra twice and has used
it to observe how people on the set conduct themselves. “One of my major goals coming into my freshman year was to get experience on a set,” Aubin said. “I figured that even though I’m not trying to become an actor, I figured getting on a popular TV show like (“Chicago P.D.”) would be great to see what a real set looks like. “It’s just cool to see their fancy cameras and experience some fancy lingo,” Aubin said. “If there’s one thing that caught me off guard, it was very laid back. I expected the tone to be very strict and everyone to not talk.” Aubin and Will said that there’s a lot of waiting that comes with being an extra. Extras have to arrive by their call time, but from there, there are large amounts of sitting around waiting for directors to come in with instructions. Both, however, said they have benefited from it. For Will, it’s now become routine. “The first few times (of being an extra) can be kind of confusing,” Will said. “But once you’re used to the drill and you’ve done it a ton of times, it’s not really frustrating.”
18 | The DePaulia. Oct. 19, 2015
Brewing up creativity
Chicago Ideas Week takes visitors to tour Lagunitas Brewery and sample the products By Kevin Quin & Leah Streeter Staff Writer & Contributing Writer
“Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three,” are the famous words that Gene Wilder uttered before he delved into performing “Pure Imagination”s — the most iconic song from “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. At Lagunitas Brewing Company in Pilsen, “Pure Imagination” and LED lights filled the hallways and welcomed visitors into its spacious factory. Lagunitas Brewing Company has not always been located in Pilsen, however. The beer itself was founded in Lagunitas, California, and is headquartered in Petaluma, California. Fortunately in 2012, the president of Lagunitas and Chicago native, Tony Magee, recognized several benefits in bringing the beer to the Land of Lincoln. The brewery finally opened its doors to visitors in June 2014 and is currently building two 250-barrel brew houses. Its factory in Pilsen has a 100-year lease and is located next to Cinescape Studios with neighbors like Chicago Fire, Empire and DePaul CDM students. Although weekly tours of the brewery are free to the public, Lagunitas added a few special guests for their Chicago Ideas Week lab. The tour included not only a guide, but also a brewer and a quality assurance representative. The staff was attentive and the brewery’s
construction hardly distracted any visitors during their presentations. The holding room reminded visitors of a backyard barbeque complete with a calm aura, fluffy brown couches, arcade games and wooden tabletops with complimentary pretzels — way better than peanuts. As we waited for more guests to arrive, the quality assurance professional began distributing Pilsner samples and informational forms: a colored taste guide and sheets explaining the brewing process in depth. After a brief introduction from a Lagunitas brewer, the tasting began. Visitors were able to taste beer in every stage of the brewing process. Beers are evaluated in four categories: visual, aroma, taste and mouth feel. Before beer becomes the cold, crisp drink that consumers know it to be, it begins as “wort”— a combination of sugars from malt and filtered water. The malt used to make beer will affect the finished product’s taste. For example, caramel or crystal malts tend to provide a sweeter taste, while Munich malts create a nuttier flavor. While sweet, “wort” gives off a slightly bitter taste, leaving many guests disgusted. The next phase of the tasting was the fermented alcohol. Once the yeast is added, the alcohol is passed through cooling tubes, bottled and capped shut. The Lagunitas staff continued to generously pour guests samples of their favorite Lagunitas beers, like “Lagunitas Sucks,” “Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’,” and even
The spice of life By Leah Streeter Contributing Writer
Often imitated, but never accurately duplicated, is Starbucks’ famed Pumpkin Spice Latte. Following the success of the Eggnog latte and the Peppermint Mocha Latte, Starbucks introduced the Pumpkin Spice Latte in 2003. Since then, the beverage has gone through a cultural evolution; with the effects, the Pumpkin Spice Latte has grown in popularity and the flavor has taken over Autumn. With all yoga pants and Uggs jokes aside, the Pumpkin Spice Latte, for many, has become synonymous with fall. Although Starbucks’ does not own the pumpkin spice flavor, they did create a trend. Pumpkin Spice has not only inspired companies to invest in a range of new seasonal products, but it has also created a Pupmkin Spice society that allows members to bond over the beverage’s “nutmegy goodness,” on social media. Since the Pumpkin Spice Latte is often mentioned on consumer social media pages, it has an independent Twitter account (@TheRealPSL) operated by Starbucks. This fall, Starbucks created the Orange Sleeve Society to celebrate Pumpkin Spice lovers everywhere. Faithful Pumpkin Spice Latte drinkers can now receive a free orange sleeve as a sign of Starbucks’ gratitude. Several fans have already taken to social media to flaunt their orange knitted coffee sleeves and use the hashtag #OrangeSleeveSociety on Twitter and Instagram. Starbucks has created anticipation and culture around their seasonal beverage. For anyone who has been to Starbucks
since the start of fall, they may have noticed a slight difference in the Pumpkin Spice Latte. According to Starbucks’ Director of Espresso Americas, Peter Dukes, the famed Pumpkin Spice Latte has returned with real pumpkin and without caramel coloring. Starbucks is making a conscious effort to produce their lattes with natural ingredients; however, the popularity of the flavor has caused other not-so-natural products to appear on the market. Cruise down the aisles of Jewel-Osco and Halloween costumes won’t be the only horror in sight. Almost every aisle has a food influenced by the Pumpkin Spice Latte. The most well-received with the pumpkin spice flavor include Oreos, Hershey’s kisses and Planter’s almonds. This year it seems like every company has challenged themselves to jump on the pumpkin spice bandwagon. Even alcohol brands, like Leinenkugel and Four Loko, have released special pumpkin spice booze for adult enjoyment. Pumpkin spice does not take a halt after the grocery aisles, but has also translated over to household items. Body care brands like Philosophy and Bath and Body Works have released pumpkin spice-scented body washes, shampoos, lotions and candles. Limited edition pumpkin spice products will circulate until holiday products are ready to come to the forefront. The Pumpkin Spice Latte is available from the end of August until the beginning of November; perhaps it wouldn’t be as popular if it were available year round. Other coffee competitors may imitate the Pumpkin Spice Latte, but Starbucks’ trend-setting and interaction with fans is unmatched.
Lagunitas Brewery opened its doors to visitors for Chicago Ideas Week on Oct. 13. Visitors toured the brewery, and were able to sample the finished products that they saw being brewed. an unreleased seasonal beer. The Lagunitas host also offered guests tall pours to take along on the catwalk tour. On the tour, visitors learned that Lagunitas has a bar dedicated to fundraising. Lagunitas’ fundraising space is so popular that it is completely booked for the year of 2016, and is now accepting reservations for 2017 events. The tour also highlighted Lagunitas
new partnership with Heineken NV. As of Oct. 15, Lagunitas will operate as a subsidiary of Heineken NV. According to Lagunitas, Heineken has acquired a 50 percent stake in the company to help expand its operations globally. With the joint venture, Lagunitas will be able to continue operations in the U.S., while Heineken will expose the leading craft beer to an international market.
Pumpkin spice lattes have inspired a new slew of pumpkin-flavored products
Flavor of the month By Tariqah Shakir Contributing Writer
Cedar’s Hommus
Is it worth a try? If you’re in the mood to waste food, knock yourself out. Other than that, there’s nothing really tasty about pita bread or chips dipped in a sweet, pumpkinflavored dip. Photo courtesy of CEDAR’S
Chobani’s Pumpkin Greek Yogurt
Photo courtesy of CHOBANI
Surprisingly not too sweet and there are no pumpkin chunks swimming around. But yogurt is an easy base to work with so it isn’t too surprising that it worked out pretty well.
Boulder Canyon Pumpkin Pie Kettle Cooked Potato Chips Let’s be honest, the sweetest potato chips can get is with a sweet potato flavor. But Boulder Canyon decided to do the Starbucks-thing and do a not-so-good job.
Photo courtesy of BOULDER CANYON
Arts & Life. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia. | 19
Chicago Intl. Film Festival must-see movies By Erin Yarnall Arts & Life Editor
The 51st annual Chicago International Film Festival kicked off Oct. 15 and runs through Oct. 29. The festival is featuring
Photo courtesy of AD VITAM
Screening — Oct. 20, 8 p.m. China Drama In a scathing critique of capitalism, “Mountains May Depart” follows a Chinese woman who marries a wealthy capitalist rather than a coal-miner, names her son “Dollar” and her search for success. The two-plus hour film, directed by Jia Zhangke, is entered in the Main Competition in the Chicago International Film Festival, and is a striking representation of modern Chinese film.
over 130 feature films from over 50 countries. The annual festival is hosted at the AMC River East 21 in Chicago’s Near North neighborhood. All of the films featured in
the festival are shown at the theater, with the exception of their opening night event. This year, the opening night included a screening of the Italian film “Mia Madre” at the Auditorium Theatre in the South Loop.,
Photo courtesy of MUTUAL FILM
“SON OF SAUL” Screening — Oct. 22, 6 p.m. Hungary Drama This film follows two days in the life of Saul Auslander, a Hungarian prisoner who is working at Auschwitz. Saul is faced with the challenge of having to bury his son, and the film follows his attempts to find a rabbi to bury his son instead. The Hungarian film did exceptionally well at the 68th Cannes Film Festival, where it won the Grand Prix du Jury award, the FIPRESCI Prize, the François Chalais Prize and the Vulcan Award.
Screening — Oct. 25, 11 a.m. United States Drama
along with red carpet arrivals and guest presentations. Tickets for each film can be purchased on Ticketmaster prior to the screening, or from the festival box offices in the Loop.
“BROOKLYN” Screening — Oct. 20, 6 p.m. Ireland Drama
After a Kickstarter campaign that helped this small independent film raise over $23,000, “Embers” finished filming in December 2014. “Embers” is set in the future, nine years after the world has been infected with a neurological disease. The science fiction film follows five interwoven stories, which prompts questions about how to move on after the Earth’s population is afflicted with amnesia that makes it impossible to recollect memories and remember the present.
Based on Colm Tóibín’s novel of the same name, “Brooklyn,” directed by John Crowley and written by Nick Hornby, tells the tale of young Irish immigrant Ellis Lacey (Saoirse Ronan), who immigrates to Brooklyn in the 1950s. Along with the Irish Ronan, the film also stars fellow Irishman Domhnall Gleeson and New Yorker Emory Cohen, all promising stars with growing careers, to give the film an authentic feeling.
Photo courtesy of THE MIDDLE DISTANCE
Screening — Oct. 21, 6:15 p.m. Poland Documentary
Screening — Oct. 23, 6 p.m. United States Drama
This documentary follows a transgender Polish woman, Marianna, who transitioned from male to female — and her connections with her family and friends that have fallen apart after her gender transition. The sympathetic documentary is part of the rising awareness about issues that the transgender community faces, and poses the question, “How much would you sacrifice to be yourself?”
Written and directed by Chicagoan Patrick Underwood, “The Middle Distance” is in the New Directors Competiton. The film follows Neil, a womanizing workaholic, who returns to his hometown in Michigan to reunite with his brother after their father dies. The relatively short film (at only 80 minutes) packs in a lot of family emotion.
20 | The DePaulia. Oct. 19, 2015
MOVING ON UP DePaul-based band, Brisco Darling, makes waves in Chicago’s garage rock scene
Vocalist Jesse Stell and keyboardist Duncan Lee of the DePaul band Brisco Darling at a house show. The band frequently plays house shows throughout the city.
By Yazmin Dominguez Contributing Writer
DePaul philosophy major Jesse Stell clutches a mic stand, spitting into it as he swings it back and forth. His sweat glistens off his body and visibly soaks his white T-shirt from a few feet away as he screams his song “John McGovernment” in the living room of his friend’s house. Standing to the right and slightly behind him Duncan Lee is wearing an unbuttoned shirt. He, also, shimmies while his chest drips sweat and he leans over his keyboard. His eyes squint as the smoke from the cigarette dangling from the side of his mouth reaches them. Shaking his head back and forth, either from feeling the music or straining his vision from his cigarettes smoke, he faces bassist Joe Stauffer. Playing his bass guitar with bright pink cheeks and a glossy eyed look. Stauffer stares off above the equally sweaty crowd and drunkenly staggers and falls over still holding his bass. Drummer Connor ‘Socks’ Pierce bangs his drum sticks, not holding back any arm strength. In front of him, Jack Hiltabidle plays lead guitar for the band with a wide smile on his face as he pushes the peddle on the ground. House shows for Brisco Darling, or any other local Chicago band, typically follow this kind of route; sweaty, loud, filled with the stench of cheap beer and screaming. These shows exemplify rowdiness at its best and Brisco Darling loves everything about the chaos they have the power to create. The band is a little messy, just like their self-described sound. Band members Hiltabidle, Stell and Stauffer attend DePaul as juniors. The three manage their personal and academic responsibilities while creating what they describe as a temporarily “rock n’ roll” and “heavy punk” sound for their band Brisco Darling. The band name came to art history major Stauffer while he was sitting in his family home in Chicago’s south suburb of Beverly watching The Andy Griffith Show with his parents. “There’s a character in the show named Briscoe Darling. He’s a really funny old hillbilly who wears overalls and has a scruffy face,” Stauffer said. “I told Jesse the idea and he liked it so we named our band Brisco Darling, we just took out the E because it looked better without it.”
Stauffer and Stell met as freshmen living in the same floor of Clifton-Fullerton. The two friends were introduced to Hiltabidle by their mutual friend Niki Urell. Later, Pierce and Lee came into the picture. As they bonded over their love of artists like David Bowie, The Beach Boys and The Beatles, they began to jam together. And for the past year, Stauffer pitched band name ideas to Stell until Brisco Darling hit the spot. “When we found the band name, that’s when the music started happening,” said Joe. Stell is an intensely passionate singer. Hitabitle shreds at guitar. Stauffer is an intelligent bass player knowing what to play over chord changes — not a show off, he plays solid lines. Pierce is a determined drummer, showing he’s in the zone with the steady look in his eye while he plays. Lee is a dancer, with his body movements displaying how into the music he is. All five members have been fiddling with music since childhood. Stell remembers writing music since he was 11 years old and began playing folk music when he was younger. “I had around nine or 10 wooden instruments,” Stell said. “I used to own a fiddle, but then I broke it over someone’s back.” Hiltabidle began playing guitar because his uncle played and his grandfather was a musician. He began singing with his friends, and taught himself how to play shortly afterward with a guitar he built himself with the help of his father. Stauffer began creating music with his best friend in his father’s old tool room in his basement. He found his niche in bass when he was at Guitar Center skimming guitars and he noticed one had four strings. He picked it up and it “just felt right.” Seven years later his Gibson SG bass proves he was right. As for non-DePaul band members, Pierce and Lee, the same can be said. “(Pierce) and (Lee) are two of the best musicians I’ve ever played with, really creative guys who know what’s good for the song,” Hiltabidle said. After finding a name to themselves they began to write, practice and play shows in June and since then they have slowly began emerging into the local Chicago rock scene. Having close friendships with Modern Vices, a band comprised of former DePaul students, and being in the same ropes as Chicago garage rock bands Twin Peaks and
Brisco Darling guitarist and DePaul junior, Jack Hiltabidle, sets up his guitar and peddle before a show. The Orwells, helps the band aspire to be professional musicians one day. As of now, Brisco Darling has played with Chicago bands Yoko and the Oh No’s, Strange Faces and The Walter at either rowdy house shows or smaller venues such as Subterranean and Township. As they practiced more than twice each week this summer in either the band member’s basements or their studio in Humboldt Park, they have five official written songs and are in the works of finding a definite new sound. “We normally would go into the studio and start jamming at the same time. After around 20 minutes we would practice a few of our own songs then from there we would break into a jam and get stuck there for another 20 minutes,” Stauffer said. It’s the pains of an upcoming band. The struggle of finding who they are through
the sound they are creating. Close friend of Brisco Darling, DePaul student Joey Porter supports their mission to make it in a city where underground rock and roll bands are bubbling with potential. “They’re all great musicians, they have great potential. They just need to get their name out there,” Porter said. “If they do that they would get a good chance of getting signed. We know a lot of Chicago bands getting signed and making moves. Why not them?” Plans for Brisco Darling’s future involves touring with their friends in Modern Vices and attending festivals such as South by Southwest, FYF Fest and CMJ Music Marathon. A complete recorded album is hoped to be produced by spring of this year.
Arts & Life. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia. | 21
DePaul alumnus opens hot dog museum By Hannah Pipes Copy Editor
Chicago is one of the biggest cultural metropolises in the United States today. Natives to the city support their renowned sport teams, while tourists flock to view attractions such as the Cloud Gate and Wrigley Field. However, perhaps the most important part of Chicago culture that makes it great is the world-famous food, which is completely specific to the city. From deep dish pizza to the Chicago dog, everyone from around the globe is able to identify the city’s unique foodie culture. Kyle Joseph, a DePaul alumnus, has created Chicago’s first nonprofit food museum as a tribute to the massive culture behind the food of the city. Located at 109 N. Dearborn St., the Foodseum holds temporary exhibits dedicated to different foods that have been instrumental to the history of Chicago, hoping to inspire visitors to try a hand at cooking or simply just marvel at the food-making process. “I always wanted to create something where people could discover their passion for food,” Joseph said. The first exhibit, which opened Sept. 19, features perhaps the most iconic Chicago food: the hot dog. Joseph said that considering the importance of the hot dog in Chicago history, it was an easy decision to showcase this for the first exhibit. Upon entering the Foodseum hot dog exhibit, museumgoers can learn about the extensive history of encased meats around the world and in Chicago. After this, they can examine butcher’s tools and even use Play-doh in place of real meat to see how the tools work. There is also a station for smelling different ingredients and spices of hot dogs from around the world. To commemorate the visit, museum visitors can take a picture in a hot dog costume. “We try to keep it as interactive as possible,” Joseph said. “We know that
Kyle Joseph, a DePaul alumnus, created the current hot dog exhibit at Foodseum. The exhibit is the first one to run in the museum, and is open through Dec. 20. learning is easier when it’s fun.” Despite the newness of the exhibit, the Foodseum has been able to garner public attention and draw in many curious Chicagoans. Helene Flynn, a resident of Chicago and a Foodseum volunteer, says that she expects it to be very popular in coming months based on the amount of people who have already shown interest in the project. Many people, including some DePaul hospitality students, have even come to the museum and become inspired to sign up as volunteers after seeing what the Foodseum is all about. “We are getting a bunch of hospitality students who are volunteering here from the DePaul hospitality school, which has been great,” Joseph said. The Foodseum staff is already gearing up for the next food that will be showcased after the hot dog: chocolate. Joseph says that this exhibit will be able to incorporate tasting into the experience, which the hot dog exhibit was unable to do, due to the lack of a kitchen in the Foodseum.
The museum is filled with artifacts used in the creation of hot dogs. “Chocolate, actually and candy, is a big part of Chicago. Few people know that, but there’s a huge history here of chocolate and candy so that’s going to be a really fun one to tell,” Joseph said. Chicago residents and visitors can head
over to the Foodseum and experience the complete history of the hot dog through Dec. 20. After that, the exhibit will switch over to the history of chocolate. The museum is free and open to the public.
Steven Spielberg praises his heroic characters
Acclaimed director speaks about finding heroes in history for “Bridge of Spies” By Matt Koske Contributing Writer
On behalf of his newest film “Bridge of Spies,” director Steven Spielberg participated in a nation-wide college conference call, and The DePaulia was able to speak to the three-time Academy Award winning director during a 45-minute Q&A phone call. Spielberg answered questions on many of the films he’s made throughout his lengthy and acclaimed career, ranging from his most recent, “Bridge of Spies” to 1993’s “Schindler’s List.” A re-occurring theme of character stood out in many of the questions Spielberg answered, as fans try to get a glimpse of what goes on in the creative brain of one of the most acclaimed directors of all time. “Bridge of Spies” stars Tom Hanks as James Donovan, an American lawyer who is recruited by the CIA to retrieve a pilot detained in the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The film is written by Matt Charman and Joel and Ethan Coen. “Bridge of Spies” opened nationwide on Oct. 16. Donovan is presented as a hero throughout the film, yet doesn’t fit the stereotypical mold of a film hero — similar to some of Spielberg’s other heroes. “A hero is a person who doesn’t know they’re a hero,” Spielberg said. “I don’t set out to glorify a character. If an audience wants to lift a character higher than my
point of view as a director that’s absolutely fine and there’s certain characters like Indiana Jones that I hoped audiences will lift way above, way out of my reach and turn them into their heroes.” Inspired by true events, like many of Spielberg’s critically acclaimed pieces, “Bridge of Spies” focuses on James Donovan fighting with enemy officials and using a Russian spy (Mark Rylance) to bribe the Soviets for a captured U.S. pilot, Francis Gary Powers (Austin Stowell). “When I’m dealing with history, it’s not my job to forge heroes,” Spielberg said. “It’s my job to be accurate to the event even when we sometimes fictionalize some of the drama, but to be accurate with the events and when that happens I don’t really think about Donovan or Schindler or Lincoln as my hero. I think of them as people I can learn something from. I’m really happy to hear if any of those characters become, you know, the heroes of others.” The Coen brothers, who are widely known for classics such as “The Big Lebowski” and “No Country for Old Men,” accurately depicted the tone of many characters during their re-writing process. “I wanted to go really deep into the characters and I wanted to also find irony because I think there’s great irony in history,” Spielberg said. “The people who do the best irony that I know are Joel and Ethan Coen and I asked them if they wanted to work on the script and they did about four or five passes on their rewrite
Photo courtesy of 20th CENTURY FOX
In “Bridge of Spies,” Steven Spielberg’s most recent film, Tom Hanks (right) plays James Donovan, an American lawyer who negotiated the exchange of the captured American pilot, Francis Gary Powers during the Cold War. and really, really, deepened the characters.” “They found a lot of irony,” Spielberg said. “Of course along with irony comes humor, and every movie needs humor.” This is the fourth film that Spielberg and Hanks have collaborated on. Previous films include “Saving Private Ryan,” “The Terminal,” and “Catch Me If You Can.” Spielberg details their very close relationship saying that he’s like a chameleon. “I just feel lucky that Tom wants to
work with me so many times,” Spielberg said. “He’s clearly and arguably one of our greatest actors of this or any generation. He is a staple of the people working together. Audiences trust him and audiences want to hear how he tells a story and he is a bit of a chameleon, he’s able to completely step out of his own personality and into the personality of someone called together by one or two writers or by a piece of history.”
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Arts & Life. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia. | 23
what’sFRESH in FILM
in MUSIC Fuzz “II”
Oct. 23 Known primarily as a side project for musician Ty Segall, California band Fuzz released their second studio album, “II.” Through combining the metal influences of their first album, “Fuzz” and garage-rock influences, Fuzz created the unique sound of “II.” The 14 tracks on the hour-long album make for the ultimate album to blast loudly and rock out to. ERIN YARNALL | THE DEPAULIA Photo courtesy of FOCUS FEATURES
“Suffragette” Oct. 23 Focus Features In telling the history of the suffragette movement in Britain, the image is normally of silly women like Mrs. Banks in “Mary Poppins,” wearing sashes and singing songs. “Suffragette,” on the other hand, depicts the battle for the vote as an all-out war. “I consider myself more of a soldier,” Edith Ellyn (Helena Bonham Carter) said when discussing her role in the movement, which is accompanied by the louder background noise typically depicted in war films. “Suffragette” is a stunning film that highlights an important part of women’s history, but doesn’t shy away from hitting on topics still important in the modern feminist movement. ERIN YARNALL | THE DEPAULIA
LIVE Oct. 20 The Maccabees Thalia Hall 1807 S. Allport St., $20
Oct. 24 CHVRCHES Metro 3730 N. Clark Ave., $31
Oct. 22 Kurt Vile & the Violators Thalia Hall 1807 S. Allport St., $22
Oct. 18 Kendrick Lamar United Center 3420 W. Grace St., $35
24 | The DePaulia. Oct. 19, 2015
“Spinning fresh beats since 1581”
Find this and all our DeJamz playlists on and on our spotify account By Erin Yarnall Arts & Life Editor
This past week, DePaul President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider C.M. released a statement saying that Gerald Koocher, the dean of the College of Science and Health, will not be sanctioned for his role in the torture of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. Holtschneider also said that there will be no investigations into his actions. Neither Holtschneider nor Koocher condone the use of torture, and neither does the staff of the DePaulia, which is why you should avoid listening to these songs. Here are our choices for most torturous songs.
1. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis — “Downtown” If one musician/rapper could be eliminated from the Earth forever, my vote would instantly be for Macklemore. I have hated everything this sad excuse for a rapper has released since his annoying attempt at being the No. 1 LGBT ally with “Same Love,” but “Downtown” takes my hatred a step further. It’s not possible that there has ever been a song worse than this and Eric Nally, who sings the chorus, has a voice that is the epitome of nails on a chalkboard. 2. Harry Nilsson — “Coconut” The DePaulia’s news editor
Jessica Villagomez brought this thankfully forgotten horror of a song to my attention. So many things are wrong about it. The repetitive guitar is unbearable. Nilsson’s weird baby-talk voice could not be more annoying. The lyrics of this song are so horrible and pointless, I’m now furious that this song was ever written. 3. Bruce Springsteen — “Born to Run” In the DePaulia’s office we used to have a democratic playlist in which every staff member could add up to 10 songs. For some reason, the playlist has been foresaken and we have to constantly listen to Bruce Springsteen. While I used to consider myself a fan of The
Across 1. “A man’s house ___ castle” 6. ___’clock (midmorning) 10. Pampering places 14. Worst possible turnout 15. African antelope 16. Travel by foot 17. 1998 film about a ball for teachers? 20. Be humiliated 21. James or Marilyn 22. IRA type 23. Top-of-the-line 24. Bette Midler film about a thorny person? 31. Paddled a canoe 32. Golden Triangle country 33. “Deep Space Nine” shape-shifter 34. Walk of Fame figure 35. Fresh from the shower 37. Boo-boo 38. Suffix for “acrobat”
Boss, I’m going to lose it if I have to hear him mumble about American dreams anymore. 4. DJ Casper — “Cha-Cha Slide” When I am told to do something, some remnants of my love of anarchy when I was a teenager kick in and I absolutely refuse to do what I’m told. That’s one of the major reasons why I hate “Cha-Cha Slide” so much. It’s a horrid excuse for a song, that’s played at absolutely every event I attend, which just tells people what to do. No, I won’t stomp my feet or clap my hands, DJ Casper, so stop telling me to. 5. Meghan Trainor — “All About That Bass” Meghan Trainor’s lyrics about
39. Hermes’ mother 40. Hotel offering 41. Tom Cruise flick about a bed? 45. Gen. Robert ____ 46. Homemade knife 47. Thing-in-___ 50. Like some bathing suits 54. Hitchcock thriller about a balcony seat? 56. Make airtight 57. Italian pronoun 58. Like Erik the Red 59. Diarist Frank 60. Coup d’___ 61. Slip cover? Down 1. Like JFK and LAX 2. Manhattan neighborhood 3. Some gardening tools 4. One who derives by reasoning 5. Type of restaurant 6. “Good comeback!”
embracing your body so guys will like you are problematic, and “All About That Bass” is pretty annoying, but it wasn’t torturous until I babysat my 10-year-old cousin. After hearing this song sung to me for eight hours sraight it became genuinely unbearable. 6. Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars — “Uptown Funk” This is understandably one of the most annoying songs of the past few years, but what makes it torturous is the fact that it was so popular that it became inescapable. The music video has received over 1 billion views, and it was hardly possible to leave one’s house without having to hear Mark Ronson’s horrendous single.
7. Colleague of Agatha and Dashiell 8. Big Apple paper’s inits. 9. Pretty ugly, for one 10. Foster’s river of song 11. Wife number VI for Henry VIII 12. Sax type 13. Kind of terrier 18. Rum Tum Tugger’s musical 19. Mallards’ domains 23. Honor student’s grades? 24. “I’ll have ___ this one out” 25. Contrive, as a scheme 26. Wipe clean 27. Flash of light 28. “God’s honest truth” 29. Corrects text 30. Boxing-ring features 35. Happy-go-lucky 36. Citrus fruit 37. CBS reality show
39. First name in lipsynching? 40. Grad student’s payment 42. Decrepit 43. Comparable to a pin? 44. He and she 47. “___ Wonderful Life” 48. In those days 49. Penn of movies 50. Olympus Mountains peak 51. Ireland, affectionately 52. “Pool” intro 53. Mother sheep 55. Summer time, but not in Ariz.
Sports. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia | 25
Men's soccer can't hold No. 10 Georgetown By Zachary Holden Staff Writer
Coming off two straight Big East conference wins for the first time since 2009, confidence was at an all-time high for the DePaul men’s soccer team. The Blue Demons (3-11-0, 2-3-0) welcomed the No. 10 Georgetown Hoyas (9-2-2, 5-0-0) to Wish Field following a pair of wins over Villanova and Seton Hall. The Hoyas left Chicago 1-0 victors and extended their own undefeated streak to 10 matches. “Georgetown is ranked No. 10 in the country for a reason,” goalkeeper Mack Robinson said. “We’re coming off a twogame win streak and we were ready for an upset to say the least…it didn’t come today.” DePaul held one of the strongest offenses in the Big East scoreless for 75 minutes until Arun Basuljevic latched onto an Alex Muyl deflection near the penalty spot and slotted home the decisive goal. Robinson thinks the team needs to work on not giving up goals like this as often. “A lot of our goals we’ve given up this year have been very scrappy goals,” Robinson said. “The little details like just clearing it the first time [are important]. It’s tough to stay in a good position when the ball is rebounding all over the place in front of you.” The Hoyas outshot the Blue Demons 23-5, 13 of which came in the second half. Despite statistically doing better in the first half, coach Craig Blazer said the team really stepped up for the final 45 minutes. “We played a better second half…even though [we gave up] the goal in the second half,” Blazer said. “We did a little bit better of managing (their possession)…and were
able to establish more possession in the midfield.” Caleb Pothast and the rest of the DePaul defense rarely had much time to rest with the high-powered Hoyas pressuring them throughout the entire match. The Hoyas have one of the best midfielders in the conference and strong strikers to play in front of them; something Pothast knew was going to be difficult before it even started. “We knew going into this game today that we’d have to play a defensive game, have a defensive mindset and work together because the defensive side would create the offensive side,” Pothast said. “Together we all stepped back, defended together and held the No. 10 team in the nation…for 75 minutes.” Blazer and his team know every game is important and he said the team is growing with each result, win or lose. “Our guys are committed to the idea of qualifying for the Big East tournament,” Blazer said. “The guys are generating a better understanding of how to play and the results show.” While no loss is good, this was certainly a loss the Blue Demons can use to build off of and move forward. It marked the second time this season DePaul has held a top-10 team to just one goal and that’s kept the fire burning within the squad. “Going to Creighton, the No. 1 team in the nation…then coming to play the No. 10 team in the nation and [doing the same], it’s unbelievable,” Pothast said. “The guys are disappointed, but not defeated by any means,” Robinson said. “We really think with what we’ve seen against some top-10 teams in the nation that we can play, we can win. That’s what we’re going to do.”
DePaul put up another good defensive performance against a top team, but could not hold No. 10 Georgetown as they fell 1-0 on
FRESHMEN, continued from back page pleased to see where the direction of this squad is headed. “I think the main difference (with the team this year from last year) is the different personalities and the different play styles coming in. It’s good to see that women’s soccer is evolving and we keep moving forward, it’s really nice to see that.” Ryce has been the backbone of DePaul’s defense these past two seasons. Throughout their 14 games into the mid-season, the Blue Demons have only allowed 6 goals throughout the season. The record speaks for itself, as they have stayed on the rise as they ride on a four game winning streak. As the streak continued on a home win against Butler, DePaul still stays undefeated on the road at 5-0-1 after shutting out Villanova 3-0. Although DePaul has been playing well at home, they are 4-2-1 and have only recently met their stride towards success in the last 2 victories against Seton Hall and at Villanova. “We really zone in when we’re on the road,” Ryce said, “Early in the season we weren’t necessarily confident (playing) with each other, but now we’re going to bring that same energy (at home) than we do for away games.”
Rachel Breault's (above) mother was diagnosed in the 2014 season.
DIG PINK, continued from back page
Franny Cerny has six goals and five assists in her first DePaul season.
other people going through the same struggle.” But perhaps the most affected by this disease is sophomore, Rachael Breault, whose mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at the beginning of last year’s season. “It was really hard for me to be here,” Breault said. Breault is a native of Michigan. “Over winter break I got to be there for her and she’s in remission now.” In efforts to gain funds, the
team is taking advantage of the power of social media by sharing donation pages through social media. They’re also asking their parents and friends for donations, whether it be online or through mail, as well as spreading the word with their posters for the game around the loop campus. The Blue Demons are confident they’ll be able to win this weekend. After all, they have additional motivation this weekend. “It’s just an extra thing to fight for,” Chanos said.
26 | Sports. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia
Fans optimistic about new look Blue Demons
BLUE DEMON NOTEBOOK Billy Bulks Up Junior guard Billy Garrett Jr. has added some muscle in the offseason, going from 205 pounds last season to 215 pounds at the start of this season.
Fans are excited about new freshmen players.
Stimage Sits Out Senior forward Rashaun Stimage sat out of the scrimmage due to the coaches giving him a rest. He was injured in the 2014 scrimmage, which caused him to miss the non-conference part of the schedule.
Wood and Cain Bond Junior guard Darrick Wood talked about his friendship with freshman guard Eli Cain, about how they "grew up together" and how much he's looking forward to playing with him.
Big East Preseason Coaches poll (First Place Votes)
Villanova (9) Georgetown (1) Butler Xavier Providence Marquette Seton Hall DePaul Creighton St. John's
By Ben Savage Asst. Sports Editor
Eli Cain goes through layup drills before the intra-squad scrimmage.
Defense focus in open scrimmage By Ben Gartland Sports Editor
After two weeks of practice and a team scrimmage that gave DePaul fans the first look of the 2015-16 Blue Demons, the team is optimistic as they approach the first game of the season. "'We're trying to turn over that new leaf and we know we're more than capable," senior forward Tommy Hamilton said. "We've upped our work ethic 100 percent and I think we should be ready to go by when it's time to play." The focus of the first two weeks has been the different defense that new head coach Dave Leitao has been implementing. This style of defense focuses more on stopping the gaps and forcing bad shots rather than full court pressing and going for steals like they had been in the Oliver Purnell era. "I feel pretty comfortable with it," junior point guard Billy Garrett Jr. said. "It still hasn't become second nature yet because it's new but I like the way it's going so far. The results are showing in practice." A specific part to that defensive adjustment has been establishing communication in the defensive end. "We're still a long way from where we need to be in terms of playing how we want to play," Leitao said. "On the defensive end that takes a while to create that bond, that trust that goes into it. Because we're only two weeks into it we still have some work to do." DePaul, however, believes the changes are helping. "They're showing us how to do it," Hamilton said. "At first I had no clue how to play defense properly. I thought I did but six months ago I found out that I had no clue how to play defense. We just got into it right away." This scrimmage also saw freshman forward Develle Phillips and freshman
guard Eli Cain, who had missed some time due to injuries. Leitao, who said they did have to get up to speed, said he was happy with the depth they provide. "Because we have a lot of interchangable parts that can play multiple positions I think it gives us a bit more depth," he said. Cain appears to be in line for a starting spot this season after he played the two position in the France exhibitions and played there in the scrimmage. However he is still adjusting to the college level as well as the new team. "I feel that basketball is just basketball but the game is definitely faster," Cain said. "The game is much quicker so coach just tells me to 'play first base' and go for singles not home runs, but I'm adjusting." The depth also comes with size as Hamilton and Rashaun Stimage now have Phillips, freshman Oumar Berry, freshman Fredrick Scott, senior Joe Hanel and senior Peter Ryckbosch as forward depth. "Just know that you've got another guy down there," Hamilton said. "It's rough down there, especially in the Big East especially when we're on the road, it's good to have another big down there to absorb some of the bruising and to give some of the bruising." DePaul is still trying to create chemsitry but they feel the Blue Demons are coming together well under Leitao. "I'm feeling good about the team," Garrett Jr. said. "Defensively we're growing and we're getting better every single day." Hamilton also talked about a hunger he sees in the new coaching staff that he hadn't necesarrily seen in previous seasons. "Our practices are a lot more bumping, we're bumping a lot more," he said. "We're getting a lot more out of them and we're just trying to get the most out of them to get ready to go." The season begins on Nov. 7 against Western Michigan.
This weekend’s open practice for men’s basketball brought in a respectable crowd. The Blue Demons have been a bottom-feeding team in the Big East for the past few seasons, their best recent season being last year’s seventh place finish. Despite this lack of recent success, the stands were near capacity on Saturday, filled with fans ranging from life-long to brand new. From the most recent to longest tenured fans, the general outlook on the team was optimism. After all, the Blue Demons are currently tied for first. “I just want to see improvement,” Fabrice Lekina, a junior, said. Ever since he transferred to DePaul, Lekina has been a consistent force in the stands for the Blue Demons. “I want them to do as well as they can and I know they can do it: they have to play hard.” It’s a tough sell to cheer on the Blue Demons as a casual fan. Their play has been poor, and the team plays nearly 45 minutes away by bus. However, a winning season can change the fan support by the Blue Demons immensely. Lekina's positive view of the team’s potential was bolstered by the practice. It was many fans first look at what the new coach, Dave Leitao, looked like in action. The team communicated well, and ran the court with authority. For some fans, however, this wasn’t the first time they’ve gotten to see the team under the Leitao braintrust. “We got to see them play in France,” Richard Dolins said, father of senior Corey Dolins. “Hopefully they bring that to the season and get some fans at Allstate.” Dolins is drawn to see the Blue Demons for familial reasons, and he was not alone in that regard. Much of the stands were packed by friends and family close to the players, practically the entire middle section of the bleachers. Some fans came to McGrathPhillips Arena Saturday to keep the legacy of Blue Demon support going within the family. Peter Chrissen, a graduate of the class of ‘98, brought his two sons to watch the team play. “I grew up a DePaul fan,” Chrissen said. “My family used to love watching Rod Strickland, more so than even celebrating my March birthday.” Meaningful March basketball is the goal of the Blue Demon squad. They return their core group of starters with Billy Garrett Jr., Myke Henry, and Tommy Hamilton IV and are poised to move up in the Big East standings.
Sports. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia | 27
Women's basketball on top again By Ben Gartland
Big East Preseason Coaches Poll
Sports Editor
DePaul women's basketball is limping towards the season opener as injuries have hampered the defending Big East Champions. "I really think we have a chance to be very good," head coach Doug Bruno said. "We have to be whole. We've got eight or nine really quality players but they all have to be healthy and available." Freshman guard Tanita Allen, sophomore guard Lauren Prochaska and freshman guard Megan Waldron all sat out of the scrimmage due injuries. Prochaska, however, is due back next week. The scrimmage also included sophomore guard Amarah Coleman and junior forward Jacqui Grant, who are ineligble to play in 2015-16 after transferring from Illinois. That left only nine eligible players for the scrimmage. Regardless of the injuries, the Big East coaches still believe the Blue Demons are contenders for the conference once again. They were voted by the Big East coaches to win the Big East for the third season in a row. The Blue Demons have proved the coaches correct the past two seasons, winning both the regular season and tournament titles. "I think that we see a lot of growth and a lot of expectations out of the sophomores that are returning, as well as the transfers and our freshman Tanita Allen," senior guard Chanise Jenkins said. While the injuries certainly haven't helped the Blue Demons in practice, they are focusing on who can practice, rather than who can't. "We certainly miss the people that are hurt, but at the same time you can't focus on what's bad that's happening," Jenkins said. "Other people have to step up and fill those
(First Place Votes)
DePaul (8) St. John's (1) Villanova (1) Creighton Seton Hall JOSH LEFF | THE DEPAULIA
Senior guard Chanise Jenkins will be a main component of the offense. roles that we are missing." Lauren Prochaska, a sophomore guard who was one of the players who sat out the scrimmage, said that Bruno tells her if she's not practicing with her body, she should be practicing with her mind. "(Bruno tells us) to stay focused on the practice and to stay focused on the drills," she said. "So that when we can participate and come back in we can stay mentally there." Prochaska is poised to have more of a role in this year's team with one year of experience under her belt and the graduation of guards Brittany Hrynko and Megan Rogowski. "I'm trying to work on my offensive game
to become a more offensive threat," she said. "I've been trying to keep my confidence levels up and playing with the older girls helps." The team worked together over the summer to get acqainted and to build team chemistry. "It was a lot of open gyms, playing with teammates and trying to get each other better," Prochaska said. Still, playing together and getting better is a focus in these first couple of weeks. "(We're working on) cohesion and fitting in with different people on the team," Jenkins said. "As well as defensive rebounding, which can always be better."
Xavier Georgetown Butler Marquette Providence
Sports. Oct. 19, 2015. The DePaulia | 28
Freshman Madeline Frick (left) has four goals and seven assists while fellow freshman Franny Cerny (right) has five goals and five assists in their debut season.
Freshmen provide spark off bench By Hami Arain Contributing Writer
As the winning seasons continue, the Blue Demons have found their future cornerstones in freshmen Madeline Frick and Franny Cerny. DePaul’s women’s soccer doesn’t have to struggle to carry the torch. While senior Elise Wyatt celebrated becoming DePaul’s all-time leading goal scorer in history with a hat trick against the Butler Bulldogs on October 8, Frick and Cerny looked forward to being the future of Blue Demons soccer. Winning matches has rarely been a problem for DePaul the past couple of seasons. Just last year, the Blue Demons finished the season 16-1-4 and hovered
around 20th in the nation. The year before, they were 13-6-2 and 5-3-1 against their Big East opponents. This season, the Blue Demons are 112-2 (5-0-0 in the Big East) and are ranked 24th in the nation. The two freshmen are providing fresh legs off the bench, adding attacking options while keeping the starters fresh. Frick scored the lone, winning goal against Seton Hall on October 4 to lead the Blue Demons past the Bulldogs 1-0. The freshman is determined to always contribute in some way for DePaul soccer whether it be on the field or off. “Gaining confidence is always a challenge, but the team makes you feel like very welcome,” Frick said. “I’d say our biggest challenge as the season progresses is
staying consistent every game.” this season everyone is a little nervous. Consistency has been key for the Blue We started a teeny bit rocky, but now that Demons these past two seasons, Frick we’re getting the results everyone is excited,” currently leads the Blue Demons in assists Cerny said. with seven, she Cerny was named has 17 points the Big East Player of Gaining confidence is always a on the season, challenge but the team makes the Week after DePaul’s which is second you feel, like, very welcome. I’d victory over Seton on the team. Her say our biggest challenge as the Hall. Although Cerny teammate and season progresses is staying is still only a freshman, fellow freshman she’s been seeing a Franny Cerny consistent every game. lot of playing time. Madeline Frick Her has posed similar improvements statistics and is have shown as she has third one the team with 13. scored five goals and recorded five assists. “Our strongest opponents are coming Her veteran teammate Brianna Ryce is up, but we’re excited in the locker room. Last year they had a good season, and See FRESHMEN, page 25
“Dig Pink” fundraiser is personal By J Samantha Rivera Staff Writer
DePaul volleyball dressed in pink uniforms Friday night against St. John’s.
Continuing their annual partnership with the Side-Out Foundation, the DePaul women’s volleyball team is hosting their Dig Pink game against St. John’s, on Friday, Oct. 16. The campaign allows the team to raise funds for breast cancer awareness; more specifically, towards clinical trials for patients with stage four breast cancer. In volleyball, the phrase ‘side out’ is defined as regaining control of the ball; likewise, the foundation
helps their patients regain control of their own life. Determined to continue that promise of hope, the Blue Demons are on a mission to reach their $2,000 goal, while currently sitting at $165. But for a few of these players, this game is more than just reaching a goal for money. “For me it really hits home because my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer this past December,” Colleen Smith, whose grandmother is now in remission, said. An inspiration to her and her sisters, Smith describes her | @depauliasports
grandmother as a fighter. Her aunt also beat the deadly disease some years back, and is doing very well at the moment. Also familiar with the fatal disease is fellow junior Lexi Chanos. The defensive specialist honors her aunt, who is a 25-year survivor, during a cancer walk every summer. “(The campaign) has always been really near to me,” Chanos said. “It’s awesome that we can celebrate her now and do these types of matches to encourage
See DIG PINK, page 25