Basketball season is off to a hot start for both the men’s and women’s teams. See how they did on opening weekend in Sports, page 28.
An Open Door
Veterans Day honors those who serve in combat abroad, but more can be done to help them once they return home. See Opinions, page 12.
Volume #104 | Issue #8 | Nov. 11, 2019 |
As DePaul’s Title IX office rebrands, new director aims for transparency By Ella Lee & Emma Oxnevad
Chicago Quarter classes have employed live training orientations regarding issues surrounding sexual misconduct, in ePaul’s Title IX office has under- addition to a pre-existing online course, gone significant changes over the she said. The course covers “Title IX, including past few months, including an increase in accessible information online student responsibilities and rights, respect and the hiring of new staff. The DePaulia for each other’s boundaries, DePaul’s Sexsat down with Ann M. Skiffington, the ual and Relationship Violence Prevention new director of gender equity — formerly and Response Policy, where to find addicalled the Title IX coordinator — to dis- tional information on DePaul’s website, cuss the direction she hopes to move the consent and how to ask for it, bystander intervention to prevent harm before it ocoffice. Though DePaul’s Title IX office is curs, where and how to make a report and more evolved than many across the coun- resources for assistance like [The Office of try, areas in which significant growth was Health Promotion and Wellness],” Skiffneeded were reported on by The DePau- ington said in an email. Before she joined DePaul’s staff, Skifflia last spring, including issues with the ington was the department’s comvice president of munication and human resources accessibility and for Midtown Athconcerns raised by letic Clubs, where the former Title IX much of her work coordinator’s track addressed and prerecord in her forvented harassment mer positions. That and discrimination coordinator, Jessica claims. She also Landis, left the uniwas a labor and versity in May. employment attorSkiffington ney for Seyfarth shared how she Shaw, LLP. would like to lead She said she the office and how acquired the skills she hopes to imDirector of Gender Equity necessary to deprove it. cipher Title IX “I hope to build through these jobs. on the best practices and programs that DePaul already has, The nuance of the federal law is made apwhich are really good as far as changes,” parent when implemented at universities she said. “We continuously seek to im- — and Skiffington hopes to dispel misprove in every area. We’re always looking conceptions surrounding it in her new for opportunities to get better, and that’s position. One of the key complaints Skiffingwhat we’re engaging in now. “We’re looking at whether we can train ton addressed was the notion that Title and communicate even more and how,” IX officers cannot serve as advocates for Skiffington said. “And I’ll be reaching out trauma survivors. Skiffington repeatedly to others, faculty, staff, students, talking emphasized that the department is unable to serve in these roles due to a legal personally to individuals, asking them.” She added that the office has printed requirement to be impartial. “This office, the Office of Gender Eqand distributed informational pamphlets to distribute around campus so students uity and Civil Rights, must be impartial,” can be more aware of their services and Skiffington said. “That’s not a suggestion. the rights they are promised under Title It’s an instruction; it’s a mandate.” IX. Arts & Life Editor & Opinions Editor
“This office, the Office of Gender Equity and Civil Rights, must be impartial. That’s not a suggestion. It’s an instruction; it’s a mandate.”
Ann Skiffington
See TITLE IX, page 4
Esteban clarifies goals for university’s future, lowers the bar By Ella Lee Arts & Life Editor
At his “State of the University” address on Oct. 3, President A. Gabriel Esteban articulated a lofty goal for DePaul: break into the nation’s list of Top 50 universities in just 10 years. But in an interview with The DePaulia last week, Esteban walked back his statement, narrowing the scope of the university’s competition to urban campuses only. Esteban said a number of the universities ranked highest by websites like U.S. News & World Report are not in urban locations, and that being in a city gives DePaul a “very distinct mission” which cannot be compared to those schools.
Focusing solely on urban universities eliminates much of DePaul’s competition. While DePaul is ranked by U.S. News & World Report as tied for the 125th spot, zeroing in on metropolitan areas bumps the school to the 72nd spot. By these standards, DePaul will need to raise its ranking by 22 spots as opposed to 75 spots to become a Top 50 university. He pointed out that this goal is not his personal goal, but rather the goal of the administration as a whole. Rankings are determined using several different categories: outcomes, faculty resources, expert opinion, financial resources, student excellence and alumni giving. In order to move up in its ranks, DePaul will
See ESTEBAN, page 6
DePaul University President A. Gabriel Esteban delivers his 2019 State of the University speech.