Just in time for Cinco de Mayo, the best tacos in the city.
page 16
In Chicago, we know pizza.
Focus, page 14
The No. 1 Weekly College Newspaper in Illinois
Volume #99 | Issue #23 | May 4, 2015 |
‘I just want to be in Nepal helping the survivors’ Chicagoan’s story of being in Nepal during deadly earthquake By Nina Gaulin Contributing Writer
“Ever since I arrived home, the best way to describe my state of mind is being trapped in shock. I truly cannot think about anything else — all that matters right now is the relief effort,” Alex Gaulin, a Chicago native, said. “I guess you could say it really has consumed me. It’s a weird feeling because being home after an experience like that feels too eerie — too quiet and safe. Being back in America, in my bubble… it fills me with guilt; I just want to be in Nepal helping the survivors.” On April 25, at approximately 11:56 a.m. NST, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 devastated the nation of Nepal. More than 7,000 lives were lost, with twice as many injured. For most of America, it’s hard to absorb the intensity of these numbers while residing comfortably on the opposite side of the planet. When the devastation is not constantly visible, people tend to forget that those affected by natural
See NEPAL, page 11
Photo courtesy of TIM VOLLMER
Alex Gaulin, center, with two Nepalese men during her trip to Kathmandu, Nepal in the days before the deadly earthquake April 25. Gaulin, a Chicago native, made it home to the U.S. safely, but the death toll from the quake has reached more than 7,000.
Budget cuts continue for 2015-16 school year By Brenden Moore
have hoped. The enrollment environment is stabilizing, but it’s not going up and so we really don’t have as much to work with Amid a challenging enrollment envi- as we’d like.” ronment nationwide, university leaders at Revenue is forecasted at about $547.2 DePaul were tasked with creating a budget million for the upcoming fiscal year, about that was realistic with the numbers, but a 2.8 percent decline from 2014. one that upheld the university’s VincenUnlike public universities that retian values. ceive funding from the state and private The budget was passed by the board universities with large of trustees in March endowments, DePaul after several months We did not have as many re- receives the vast maof work on it in var- sources as I would have hoped. jority of its revenue ious committees, from tuition dollars. where issues such as The enrollment environment is This can be postuition pricing and stabilizing, but it’s not going up itive as it somewhat employee compen- and so we really don’t have as shields the university sation were promithe state’s fiscal much to work with as we’d like from nently featured. crisis, but the downThe results inside is that even small cluded a modest Tom Mondschean, fluctuations in enrollincrease in tuition, Faculty Council ment can have a sig3.8 percent for innificant impact on the coming students, budget. 2.5 percent for current undergraduates, “Better than 80 percent of our revenue and between 1 and 2 percent for graduate comes from tuition and the remainder is and law students, as well as cuts to many primarily from investment income, gifts academic and operating units. and grants,” Executive Vice President Bob “I think we did the best we could,” Kozoman said. “And if you compared us economics professor Tom Mondschean, to an Ivy League, their tuition may be as who serves as one of the Faculty Council little as 50 or 60 percent of their revenue.” representatives on the Strategic Resource The difference is endowment, which Allocation Committee (SRAC), said. “We See BUDGET, page 6 did not have as many resources as I would News Editor
Branding, social media play major role in deciding on DePaul By Emily Clement Contributing Writer
Decision time is now for many prospective DePaul students. While choosing a college is a big decision for a high school senior, there is a lot of work that goes into getting a student to be #depaulbound. A big part of any university’s identity comes not from an organic process, but intentional branding. DePaul’s brand focuses on respected academics, real-world knowledge, multicultural experiences and social responsibility. The undergraduate brand also specifically promotes engaged
learning and being in a world-class city. In the language used in promotional materials, this translates to small classes, instructors with professional experience, diversity, Catholic values and using the city as the classroom. The Division of Enrollment Management and Marketing (EMM) website describes DePaul’s character as “Catholic, urban and Vincentian.” Just as with any product, the university has to advertise in order to get consumers to pick DePaul. Mikey Mayers, a freshman finance major, said that last year at this time, he was
See BRANDING, page 4