Jan. 30, 2012 - The DePaulia

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January 30, 2012

Vol. # 95, Issue # 12

Task force formed to revise faculty handbook By PAIGE WAGENKNECHT News Editor

Edit. Revise. Repeat. This little lesson, introduced to most in grammar school, stands to make a big impact on DePaul University’s faculty. Last July, university Provost Dr. Helmut Epp approved a Faculty Council motion that issued the formation of a joint

task force, which will be responsible for rewriting the Faculty Handbook. Faculty Council approved a motion to establish the task force in June. The task force will focus on revising four policies in the handbook during the rewrite process: the definition of faculty, tenure and promotion, appeals within the tenure and promotion process and faculty grievances. Faculty input will be welcomed as well.


Snow patrol MAGGIE ACKER|The DePaulia

Winter etiquette, Chicago style By ASHLEY HUNTINGTON Contributing Writer If you have lived in Chicago between November and February, you may have noticed that the city’s seemingly friendly residents—the ones who will go the extra step to smile or hold a door for you—have been overcome by a very obvious sort of misery. And misery, thy name is winter. Whether it comes as early as October or as late as March, winter is a sure thing in the city of Chicago. While you don’t have to love it, you do need to respect it—and the etiquette that goes along with it. Yes, I said it, etiquette. The number one thing that goes out the door as soon as snow hits the ground and freezing temperatures force us to drag those winter coats out of the closet.

Dibs. No, Not the Mascot. Whether you’re new to Chicago or just never bothered to ask why old lawn chairs mysteriously make their way into the street when snow hits the city, what you’re about to read will be the most important piece of advice you receive for surviving the winter. Do not, under any circumstances, touch or remove those lawn chairs. Dibs is what most Chicagoans call the lawn chair game, as in “hey, I shoveled for an hour and rightfully own that parking spot until the

See SNOW, on page 13

Co-chairs of the task force, College of Communication Dean Jacqueline Taylor, Ph.D. and the economics department chair Thomas Donley presented the task force’s timeline for completion during January’s Faculty Council meeting. At the end of the academic year, the task force will have made policy proposals and collected comments from the full faculty so that it can write a draft over the summer.

In September the taskforce hopes to present the draft to full faculty for comments. The group will refer to the previous work of committees and other bodies and will call on the expertise of those bodies as needed. The task force’s deadline of 18 months was called ambitious but essential. An online survey invited faculty See HANDBOOK, page 6

Cyberbullying, a real threat By DYLAN MCHUGH Contributing Writer Viral videos have etched the unlikeliest of media into the public consciousness, from Rick Astley’s onehit wonder to keyboard-playing felines. Recently, however, a new type of viral act has emerged: Online bullying in the form of texts, pictures and—most shockingly—video. A YouTube video of seven teenagers viciously attacking another teenager in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood became the definition of “viral” Jan. 15, swiftly gaining the attention of social news websites like Reddit as well as traditional news organizations. The footage, originally titled “Helpless Asian Man Attacked and Jumped By 7 Others Behind School,” shows masked assailants punching and tackling a teenager, who manages to escape after about three minutes of the assault. DePaul sophomore Jeanette Estrada said the video was “horrible” and could not finish watching it. “The people responsible should get expelled from school, or at least suspended,” Estrada said. “There are different ways children and teenagers can resolve their problems, and violence shouldn’t be an option.” The video had hundreds of thousands of views in a matter of days, and despite YouTube’s removal of the original video, many users have re-uploaded it. Seven teens were charged in connection with the attack Jan. 18, one of whom is the 17-year-old son of a Cook County Sheriff’s Deputy, who is being charged as an adult. DePaul College of Education asstistant professor Melissa Ockerman noted that in her study of three Pittsburgh middle schools and one in Chicago, 47 percent of students said they had been pushed or shoved by other students, and over 60 percent said they would not tell anyone about a bullying video on the internet. Ockerman co-facilitated a workshop called “From the Schoolyard to Cyberspace: A Pilot Study of Bullying Among Middle School Students,” with Michelle Bruno and Constance Kramer


of Indiana University of Pennsylvania at the 2012 Illinois Anti-Bullying Conference, held Jan. 20 in DePaul’s Lincoln Park Student Center. “It’s frightening and alarming that kids are filming [attacks] rather than intervening,” Ockerman said. “Posting it is their number one priority.” According to Bruno, students who witness bullying and other attacks generally defer the responsibility to report it. “The kids think ‘someone else will intervene,’ I don’t have to do it,” Bruno said. The problem with online videos, Ockerman said, is that the anonymity of the video loader and people involved can make victims feel helpless. “Kids talked about being hurt every time there’s another hit on a YouTube video—it’s like reliving the experience all over again,” Ockerman said. Bruno called for teachers and parents to be aware of technology that can impact students’ lives. “If their child seems upset because they got ‘unfriended,’ they need to know what that means,” Bruno said. To curb acts of bullying, Ockerman

said that there needs to be a systemic approach where everyone involved in the school system understands the dangers of bullying. “The best way to stop bullying is by community building,” Ockerman said. “We need to build a school environment that is only accepting of kind behavior.” However, some professors think that in order for bullying to stop, students need to stop it themselves. Harold London, a visiting asstistant professor of Secondary Education at DePaul, said that schools will have “won the battle” when students are policing bullying and harassment rather than ignoring it. “The adults aren’t going to be everywhere,” London said. “They’re not going to be in the locker room, they’re not going to be in the little nooks and crannies that the kids find where they can hide from the adults.” London, who was a high school principal for 18 years, said that bullying needs to be at the forefront and on the consciousness of everyone involved in education, although he thinks the media sometimes sensationalizes it. See CYBERBULLYING, page 6

2 The DePaulia. January 30, 2012



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Seven Day Charles James: Shorts Genius Deconstructed 10:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $10 $12-$14 The Second City Chicago HIstory Museum 1601 N. Clark St. 1616 N. Wells St.

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Lost Panoramas: When Chicago Changed its River and the Land Beyond 9 a.m-5 p.m Free Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum 2430 N. Cannon Dr.

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R Sunny


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Monday HAL 2012 Kelsey and Alix (Pop/Talk) Madhouse (Sports Talk) Live News at Noon Hands Up, Smiles... (Dub) Soulspeak (Talk/Music) News and Sports Live Bass Musiq (Dub, Reggae) Monday’s... /Beating Art New Music Show (Jam)

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Saturday Friday 8-10 The Offside (News and Sports) Odd Ends (Experimental) 10 -12 Sat. Mornings w/Keryn (Talk) Air it Out (Sports Talk) 12 -3 Blue Demon Play-by-Play The DePaul Writers’ Series 3 -5 Overcast Hype (Grunge) Scrawl DePaul (Spoken) 5 -7 The Link (Dub, Tech House) Live News at Noon 7 -9 This Ain’t Dracula (Eclectic) The Campus Connection 9 -12 Renegade Rastas (Dubstep) Wild Wuns (Rap/R&B) News and Sports Live Sunday Features (Indie) Short, Fast & Loud/Cabochon Jazz 8-12 The Sound of Progress Boy Meets Radio (Alt) 12-2 Mustached Crusader/Foundation Neighborhood Beat/Writing Our Story 2-4 4-8 After the Hangover/Brutalitopia 8 -10 A Cup O’ Joe Show (Sports) 10-12 Notes from the Underground (Alt)

Thursday HAL 2012 Trippin’ (Eclectic/World) Sadur Time (Sports Talk) Live News at Noon The Attagag (Pop Culture) Blue Light Radio (Eclectic) News and Sports Live 1Heart1Love1Soul (R&B) Subconscious (Rap) Rock Tarts... (Metal)



News. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia | 3

NEWS EDITOR Paige Wagenknecht depaulianews@gmail.com

Taking aim at college sex crimes

New coalition works to get abuses reported

Sex Offense, forcible Sex Offense, non-forcible Other sex offenses




Sex Offense, forcible Sex Offense, non-forcible Other sex offenses



University Center


Sex Offense, forcible Sex Offense, non-forcible Other sex offenses

Loop Campus


1 out of 4 undergraduate women will be sexually assaulted before they graduate, according to a 2010 Rape Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) study. The study also found that 1 in every 6 American women will be sexually assaulted at some point during their lives. Few reports of sex crimes on college campuses show up in media reports, however, and even fewer are prosecuted by the law. Despite the high number of women who are sexually assaulted while in college, studies estimate that 60 percent of rape and sexual assault cases are never reported to police or campus authorities. Even more alarming is the fact that of those sex crimes that are reported, RAINN has shown that there is only a 50.8 percent chance that an arrest will be made. DePaul has a “no gray-area” policy regarding sexual assault, meaning sex that involves any amount of coercion, intimidation, force or anything that renders a victim unable to give consent is considered sexual assault, according to the Office of Sexual Violence Support Services. However, because of the rising statistics, DePaul and other Chicagoland universities have recognized that something more needs to be done on campus to protect the students. With the help of the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, DePaul and other universities, including UIC and Northwestern, have built the Chicagoland Consortium for Safety on College Campuses, which is focused on getting students to report sex crimes and making sure the crimes are prosecuted. “The goal of the State’s Attorney’s Office is to assist in the education of the entire campus body on the prevention of sex offenses,” said Jennifer Gonzalez, chief of the State’s Attorney’s Sex Crimes Division. “And where that is not possible, to increase the reporting of such cases to allow us the opportunity to prosecute those individuals who have violated the law and


L.P. Campus CAMPUS



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Table and sidebar by Tricia Cathcart | Information courtesy of DePaul Public Safety hold them accountable for their actions.” Aside from teaming up with the State’s Attorney’s Office, DePaul offers a number of resources for students with regard to education and prevention of sexual violence. While officers at DePaul’s Public Safety office encourage all students to report crimes of sexual assault to the Chicago Police Department, not all victims choose to do so and sometimes turn to Public Safety first. In this event, the Public Safety office has a female officer who is available and trained “to provide a secure and sensitive environment to gather information from victims and counsel them to report crimes to the Chicago Police,” John Holden of DePaul’s Office of Public Relations said. Student Affairs also works with Public Safety to offer different awareness programs “including a quarterly CAPS (Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy) session with Chicago Police Department,” Holden said. Holden also discussed IMPACT, which is offered to students quarterly and provides self-defense tactics, shows students different ways to recognize possible attacks and teaches them how to be more aware of their surroundings. DePaul’s Student Health Advocates (SHA), a student-run organization, also helps raise awareness about sex-related topics, including sex crimes with


Information, Support and Counseling at DePaul

-Sexual violence can affect all areas of a survivor’s life and Sage Medical Group counseling can provide support 1150 W Fullerton, 2nd Floor Chicago, IL 60614 -Counseling is available for sur- to help navigate through issues (773) 549-7757 vivors whether or not a report is that may arise. Illinois Masonic filed. Hospital -Counseling provides a space for *Please note that by dialing 836 W Wellington Avenue confidential disclosure, and is Public Safety at (773) 325-7777, Chicago, IL 60657 available both on- and off-cam- you can access any university office listed below 24 hours a day, (773) 975-1600 pus 24 hours a day. Rape Victim Advocates -Survivors may experience Rape seven days a week. 180 N Michigan Avenue, Trauma Syndrome, with sympSuite 600 toms similar to those of Post Chicago, IL 60601 Traumatic Stress Disorder. This (312) 443-9603 condition may be serious and rapevictimadvocates.org should be treated with respect and sensitivity.

workshops and demonstrations. Holden estimates that each month school is in session, between one and two dozen students attend sexual violence workshops and programs. Despite the resources that are available across DePaul’s campuses, some feel that not enough is being done to educate students or give them support if they become a victim. “As a student, I feel that DePaul’s sexual assault and harassment education is fairly limited. During orientation, freshmen receive little information on sexual assault

and the resources that are available to them on campus,” said Erin Freund, president of DePaul’s Student Health Advocates. “But DePaul is in the process of creating the Sexual Health and Violence Prevention office which will consist of one full time employee. While I think this is a step in the right direction, the university still has a long way to go in terms of providing enough sex education resources to its students.” While resources designed for the education and prevention of sexual violence give students some of the tools they need to be

safer, Gonzalez reminds victims that reporting sex crimes are essential. “If you have been a victim, tell someone—the sooner the better. Get law enforcement involved as soon as possible and go to the hospital,” Gonzalez said. “This is the age of CSI. Give us the chance to collect all the evidence we can, and time is of the essence with this kind of evidence. We want to help you, but you have to give us the chance to help.”

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News. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia | 5

Hot Heads

Winter is dark and gloomy without snow, and the cold weather is hard to deal with in Chicago. These students at DePaul University know exactly how to keep a positive attitude by sharing one thing in common: The love of covering their heads with fun-loving hats.


Brittany Grad & Erin O'Donnell, freshmen, both hospitality majors "This winter would be unBEARable without each other!"

Aforo Okraku, junior, accounting major "You only live once!"

Right: Julie Boggess, sophomore, computer science major "Best Christmas gift from my mom!" Left: Eric Kvam, freshman, Philosophy major "I want to bring some color to this drab winter we have!

Public libraries close Mondays due to budget constraints By JOHN DICKOW Contributing Writer

Chicago Public Libraries will re-open Monday afternoons starting Feb. 6, Mayor Emanuel announced last week. The city is re-allocating $2 million in resources to keep branch locations open six days a week. Earlier this month, the Chicago Public Library system was forced to close all but three branches on Mondays, eliminating 172 employees and reducing business hours to 40 per week as a result of a budgeting stalemate between the city and the union representing library workers. “The mayor is taking a half-step in the right direction,” said Anders Lindall, spokesperson for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31, which represents the library employees. “But our union and

all the people in the city want him to come all the way and fully restore library hours and employment.” The change will restore 65 employees to open libraries for four hours on Mondays when Chicago Public Schools are in session. Libraries will be open for eight hours on Mondays when school is out of session. “We made a commitment to children and residents that libraries would be open six days a week, and we are delivering on that commitment without any cooperation from union leadership,” Mayor Emanuel said in a press release. The mayor is accusing the union of using the issue as a "bargaining chip" for other concessions. Emanuel had originally asked for two half-day closings for libraries each week. “To lose a whole day is pretty dramatic,” said Molly Raphael, president of the American Library Association, a

trade company based in Chicago. “It has a huge impact on individuals.” Raphael points to after-school programs for kids and free Internet access to the public. “Monday is a day children are likely to have homework," Raphael said. “And low-income families find refuge with the services.” Raphael also said that libraries have become a hot spot for people to perform their job search, offering the Internet for online applications, and hold seminars to help people get employed. Raphael said that libraries all over the country are subject to cuts. “Nationally, 65 percent [of people] say their only source to the Internet is at the library,” Raphael said. “What if Monday is the only day you can go?” According to Raphael, library use has been increasing, while 60 percent of libraries reported a decreasing or flat

budget in 2011. “I check books out from the library at least on a weekly basis,” said junior Derek Bishe, 20. In a big city, there are also concerns over crowded libraries with shortened hours. “The circulation desk always has a line when I'm there,” said Bishe. "I can't imagine that's going to get any shorter with these changes.” Lindall pointed out that most of the employees who were laid-off were part-time, low-wage workers who only make around $11 per hour. He said more than 100 pages will remain laid-off. “For $1 million, the city could return 100 pages to work if the mayor makes that a priority,” Lindall said. AFSCME Council 31 recently launched a letter-writing campaign, and several hundred have already sent messages to the mayor's office, asking for hours to be restored.

6 The DePaulia. January 30, 2012

"CYBERBULLYING" continued from cover “When people see videos of kids beating the daylights out of each other, people get upset,” London said. “The sad part of it is that this has been going on for years and years and years, and only when there’s an incident that gets the public's attention is there any real effort to do anything about it. We have to look at these things and deal with them, without trying to just slap Band-Aids on top of them.” DePaul junior Nathalie Castillo, who majors in elementary education, thinks that the media does not report instances of bullying often enough. “Many are not educated on cyber-bullying and it can be as much of a threat as physical bullying,” Castillo said. “We have seen many teens take their lives due to this and it’s just something that can’t go on any longer.” Castillo described the recent viral bullying video as “an extreme case,” and said that those responsible should be sentenced for what they did. The recent viral bullying video also raises questions about the role of teachers and social media in preventing similar incidents. London said that the only way he would consider charging one of the students as an adult, or charging anyone, would be if the teacher responsible for the students is also charged for negligence. “The adults have to assume responsibility for creating an environment where kids are not going to behave that way,” London said. “What role did the teacher’s physical absence play in getting as out of control as it did? Teachers need to understand that sometimes their mere presence is a deterrent.”

"HANDBOOK" continued from cover

According to London, the more access students have to technology and to their peers, the more their actions can “feed off each other” and create an increase in vicious behavior. “We as a society need to be taking a very active role in presenting kids with alternative means for dealing with their disagreements,” London said. Regardless of the actions taken to prevent bullying, some agree that bullying cannot be stopped completely. Although Castillo believes there will always be students who will “go against the system,” teaching children at an early age that bullying will not be tolerated

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could reduce rates over time. London noted that even if cyber-bullying is eliminated in 10 or 20 years from now, a new form of bullying will rise to take its place. “I’d like to say I can see bullying numbers dropping, but unfortunately, unless we change the way we do things, it’s probably not likely,” London said. “Until society gets to the point where we stop worrying about being politically correct and we start doing the right thing by treating each other appropriately, then I think it’s going to continue,” London said.

members to comment on what they think are the key problems in the four mentioned policy areas and to introduce other critical areas that might require extensive revisions. Faculty members may fill out the survey until Jan. 31. The Faculty Council motion introduced in June stated that the task force would have five faculty members appointed by Faculty Council and two representatives of the administration. University President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider later decided that one faculty member and one dean would serve as chairs to be elected by members of the task force. The task force had to identify an external consultant for approval by both Faculty Council and Rev. Holtschneider. Faculty members on the task force include David Miller, Thomas Miller and Bamshad Mobasher. Mary Jeanne Larrabee and Anna Law represent the university administration. Ann Franke is the handbook consultant. To avoid conflict of interest, she has agreed to sever ties with the University except for those activities involving the handbook. Co-chairs Donley and Taylor will present weekly updates on the revision to Faculty Council President Michaela Winchatz to solicit feedback from other Faculty Council representatives and faculty members. Council members’ responses will be considered by the task force in future revision work. Once a final draft is complete, Faculty Council will vote on it before a referendum is presented to the whole faculty for approval.

News. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia | 7

G8/NATO summit, for beginners By BARTOSZ BRZEZINSKI Contributing Writer

The G8/NATO summit is set to take place this May in Chicago and will bring thousands of journalists and political leaders to the city. While the event draws nearer, the former of the two organizations remains as ambiguous as ever. Nearly 70 people gathered Jan. 22 for a meeting on the fifth floor of the Kent Law School in downtown Chicago. The Coalition Against the NATO and G8 War & Poverty Agenda—or CANGATE, as the assembled group referred to themselves— was a combination of activist organizations from all around the city, ranging from Occupy Chicago participants, to anti-war veterans, to members of the Jewish Voice for Peace. Despite stemming from many political ideologies and representing visibly different social classes, those in the room shared a common goal: To protest the G8/NATO summit set to take place in May in Chicago. During the two-hour meeting, the coalition members went over their recent accomplishments—namely forcing Mayor Emanuel to back down on some of his security measures—and prepared an agenda for the tasks still ahead.

The authorities did us a great favor by having NATO and G8 at the same time. They have tied the two organizations together in a way that has not been done in decades. We don’t have to show the connection; they did it for us. PAT HUNT

Toward the end, with a few people already starting to leave, members addressed their undecided protesting plans, and later, the common confusion over what the summit will actually entail. Created in the 1970’s, as a forum for the heads of governments of seven major economies, the United States, France, Canada, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom and Japan; the Group 8 has since expanded to incorporate Russia as well. Meetings usually revolve around global economic issues, but that is changing. Pat Hunt, a central leader of the Coalition, said for some, there is an awareness of G8 but they don’t have as deep an understanding of G8 that they have of NATO. “The authorities did us a great favor by having NATO and G8 meet at the same

time,” he said. “They have tied the two organizations together in a way that has not been done for decades. We don’t have to show the connection; they did it for us.” Animesh Ghoshal, professor of economics at DePaul University, said G8 is continuously evolving. “At the beginning, it used be lowkey and very informal,” he said. “The countries would get together to talk about their economic issues, and only that. Since then the G8 has become more elaborate and its agenda has broadened.” “G8 is not a typical institution,” Erik Tillman, professor of political science said. “It doesn’t have headquarters, or an administrative structure. Its agenda always changes.” “It’s essentially an elite club of large, wealthy countries,” Ghoshal said. “Anytime you have a grouping of large

Dorms issue grades for recycling efforts By HALEY BEMILLER Staff Writer The Deptartment of Housing released its January green report card in an effort to show how residence halls are contributing to DePaul’s goal of eco-friendliness and sustainability awareness. The report card designates a grade for each residence hall based on how much they recycled over the course of the month. According to Tessa VanPaepeghem, Marketing and Communication Manager for the Dept. of Housing, the waste company Allied Waste analyzes DePaul’s trash and recycling and determines the grade from there. The report card is published on a white board in all of the participating residence halls, as well as on the sustainability section of the housing website. VanPaepeghem said environmental awareness is very important to the department. A studentled Green Team helps promote the findings of the report card, as well as contributing to other sustainability efforts around campus. “It really is a department-wide standard that we hold ourselves to,” VanPaepeghem said. “It starts from the grassroots.” She also believes it’s important to educate students at this point in their lives while they are developing habits and making lifestyle choices. “These students are our future,” she said. Freshman Erin Yarnall lives in CliftonFullerton Hall, which received a B+ in January’s report. Yarnall and her roommate both recycle in their room, and she believes it’s simple habit to develop. “I think it’s more of a ‘why not’ as opposed to a ‘why,’” she said. “It’s just lazy not to. Recycling is such an easy thing to do, and it helps out the environment so much.” Being green is also helpful for the planet and makes life safer for the people who live in it, according to Yarnall. With that in mind, she was pleased to learn that DePaul advocates for going green. “It makes me proud to be a part of a school that is trying so hard to be very eco-friendly,” she said. “A lot of people need to be educated on the topics of going green and being eco-


Residence hall report cards (above) are based on how much campus dorms recycle throughout January. friendly, so I think it’s good that DePaul is very environmentally conscious and teaches us to be as well.” The highest scorers for January were Sheffield Square and Sanctuary Hall. UAC Residence Director Christy Shipyor said this is due to UAC’s intense commitment to sustainability. “A lot of residents here are fairly conscious about sustainability,” she said. UAC has promoted a greener lifestyle by challenging residents to eat a vegetarian diet for a week and utilize reusable grocery bags. Additionally, Shipyor said UAC hopes students will be able to grow plants in their rooms in the spring and plant them in a courtyard. The resident advisors in UAC are also passionate about eco-friendliness, and Shipyor believes this is a good model for residents. For example, one of their RA's is interested in a university-wide pursuit of white rooftops, which reflect sunlight instead of absorbing it. “It’s just cool that RA's are even talking about that,” Shipyor said. “It helps when you have a staff that values that,” she added. As for the rest of the residence halls and their residents, Shipyor said the smallest change in one’s habits could make the biggest difference. “I think information is just at our fingertips.”

political leaders, there will be protests.” Meetings of the World Trade Organization, World Economic Forum, and the G8’s larger sister-forum, the G20, are known for many things, one of them including the enormous, often violent, protests that bring together masses of people disappointed with the economic situation, global inequality, and the principles of the free market. “The G8 has been very controversial in the past,” Tillman said. “One reason has to do with membership—it reflects rich countries’ perspective. Of course, they can get together to talk about their own economic problems, but when they also bring up issues of non-member countries they get put in a tricky situation.” In that sense, the G8 has been criticized for not doing enough about the problems of the developing world. According to Arguments Against G8 by Gill Hubbard and David Miller, G8 has been slow to respond to the 2005 Tsunami in East Asia, global warming, and the AIDS epidemic. Notable critics of the organization include Noam Chomsky and British journalists George Monbiot and Mark Curtis. “I don’t think the G7, or the G8, has paid much attention to problems of developing countries,” Ghoshal said. “The larger group, G20 is more attuned to this.”

8 The DePaulia. January 30, 2012


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News. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia | 9



Light Bright

The Chicago Loop Alliance sponsored "Lightscape" display on the corner of Jackson Blvd. and State St. plays love songs in honor of Valentine's Day. It has been reported that the installation, costing more than $1 million, paid for from the same property tax pool that covers cleaning, infrastructure and landscape costs for the neighborhood, will be up until July.


JAN 19

JAN 18

•A Disturbance report was filed for an argument in the Student Center.

•A Criminal Damage to Property report was filed for graffiti at the DePaul Center.

•A Liquor Law Violation occurred at Clifton-Fullerton Hall. The person was transported to the hospital.


•A Theft of Property report was filed for a student who had their unattended purse taken from a study room in the Richardson Library.

JAN 18-JAN 23

•A Liquor Law Violation report was filed for students in Munroe Hall. Students were transported to the hospital.

•A Liquor Law Violation report was filed for a person in University Hall. Person was transported to the hospital.

JAN 21

• A Disturbance report was filed for a person loitering around the Sheffield Garage. Person left without incident.

•A Suspicion of Marijuana report was filed for an apartment in Sheffield Square. No drugs were found. •A Disturbance report was filed for an offender who was pounding on a door in Belden-Racine Hall.

JAN 18

JAN 20

•A Criminal Sexual Abuse report was filed for a student who was inappropriately touched on the CTA train.

•A Liquor Law Violation report was filed for a student at Clifton-Fullerton Hall. The student was transported to hospital.

•A Burglary report was filed for Residence Hall Council who had a flatbed cart go missing from University Hall.

•A Suspicion of Marijuana report was filed for a room in Clifton-Fullerton Hall. No drugs were found.

•A Liquor Law Violation report was filed for a person in Sanctuary Hall. The person was transported to the hospital.

•A Suspicion of Marijuana report was filed for a room in Sheffield Square.

•A Theft report was filed at the Student Center for toilet paper missing from the first floor women’s restroom.

•A Possession of Marijuana report was filed for a person in Belden-Racine Hall. Person was arrested by Chicago Police.

•A Liquor Law Violation report was filed for students in the Student Center. Students were transported to the hospital.

•A Liquor Law Violation report was filed for a person in University Hall. Person was transported to the hospital.

•A Criminal Trespass to Land report was filed on an offender in the Student Center. The offender was advised not to be on any of DePaul property in the future.

•A Harassment report was filed for a student receiving unwanted messages from a person not on DePaul Campus.

JAN 22

•A Fire Alarm report was filed for 1150 W. Fullerton. Alarm was activated due to an apparent malfunction. •A Criminal Trespass to Land report was filed on an offender who did not belong in DePaul buildings. •A Burglary (non-forced) report was filed for a room in Seton Hall. The room door was not locked and someone took cigarettes from the room. •A Burglary (non-forced) report was filed for a room in Seton Hall. The room door was not locked and someone took personal property from the room.

JAN 23 •A Theft report was filed for a student who had their wallet taken on the CTA train.

10 | The DePaulia. January 30, 2012


NATION & WORLD EDITOR Michael Corio depaulianation@gmail.com

Pressure, sanctions loom over Iran's nuclear program By JERAE DUFFIN Contributing Writer Iran has faced increasing international pressure over its uranium enrichment program in an underground bunker at a Fodor Plant near Qom. The U.S. and many other countries are pushing for increased sanctions, including a possible sanction against oil. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran is enriching uranium up to levels of 20 percent. Iran has to enrich uranium over 90 percent purity to get weaponsgrade material to build nuclear weapons. Uranium is a heavy metal that can be used as a source of concentrated energy. It is a radioactive element that can also be used in nuclear weapons. According to the World Nuclear Association, over 14 percent of the world’s electricity is generated from uranium in nuclear reactors. IAEA is the world’s center of cooperation in the nuclear field. It was set up as the world’s “Atoms for Peace” organization, better known as the “watch dog” of the world’s nuclear material and practices. Recently, the organization disclosed that all nuclear material in the Fodor Plant remains under the agency’s containment and surveillance. “Environmental problems that

AMIR KHOLOUSI| The Associated Press/ISNA

In this Jan. 2 photo released by Iranian Students News Agency, a Ghader missile is launched at the shore of the Sea of Oman during Iran's navy drill. Iran hinted that it could block oil tanker shipping lanes in the Gulf in retaliation for sanctions and foreign forces ---including a recent visit by a U.S. aircraft carrier ---as unwelcome interlopers in the region. could occur are nuclear reactors that have been seen in the past with Japan after the Tsunami hit,” said Mark Potosnak, assistant professor of environmental sciences and studies. “Mining uranium could cause health impacts on humans and animals.” According to a statement by the White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, the United States was not surprised by the size and scope of Iran’s nuclear program. President Barack

Obama has stated that he is determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, as this would pose a threat not only to peace in the Middle East but also internationally, including Israel. Kaveh Ehsani, assistant professor of international studies at DePaul said, “The attempt is to create an energy program, but it could potentially become more than that. The military confrontation is not the danger…

the danger is the U.S. is carrying on a war with the economy, and it is hurting the private sector.” That is one of many problems Ehsani believes is causing friction between the U.S. and Iran. The Obama administration contends that enriching uranium at these high levels will aid Iran in producing nuclear weapons quickly. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton repeatedly demanded that Iran stop with the program and come together to create

negotiation strategies. She called for an open dialogue, although the White House has not ruled out military action. Last Thursday, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran was willing to restart talks on the issue, although Iran has repeatedly said that it would not end the country's nuclear enrichment program. Iran continues to express that the program is not a threat to anyone, and the government has stated it is pursuing nuclear technology for peaceful civilian purposes only, such as generating electricity and creating medical isotopes for cancer patients. The U.S. and others have pointed to the previous denial of Iran’s nuclear program and resistance to international oversight as signs that it seeks to become a nuclear power. Yet amidst growing tensions in the Middle East, the fear of a nuclear arms race in the region remains an international concern. Jason Vaughn, a former United States Marine and employee of Transportation Security Administration, sees a fine line between the proper action and inaction. “At this point I don’t know if the American public is ready to support another war, but we also need to be prepared because we don’t want another 9/11 to take place either,” Vaughn said.

Supreme Court: unwarranted GPS trackers violate rights By HALEY BEMILLER Senior Writer The Supreme Court ruled last week that the use of unwarranted GPS trackers in police investigations is a violation of the Fourth Amendment. The case in question was “United States v. Jones.” Antoine Jones was accused of drug dealing, and investigators placed a GPS tracking device on his vehicle with an invalid warrant, according to the New York Times. He was initially found guilty, but the verdict was overturned because of the potential Fourth Amendment violation. According to David Barnum, a political science professor at DePaul, this decision contradicts a previous Supreme Court ruling. In the 1983 case “United States v. Knotts,” the Court decided citizens did not have “a reasonable expectation of privacy” while driving a vehicle. Many question how to handle privacy with the continuous advancement of technology,

PAUL SAKUMA | The Associated Press

This Jan. 5, 2011 file photo shows Yasir Afifi at his home in San Jose, Calif., where a GPS tracking device was placed on his car. The Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Jan. 23 that police must get a search warrant before using GPS technology to track criminal suspects. which has contributed to an increasing loss of privacy. “I think no one is sure what to make of all the technological advances,” Barnum said. “They tend to just happen.” Behind the unanimous verdict for “Jones” lies differing interpretations. Barnum said

some judges believed citizens should have an expectation of privacy, contrary to the verdict in “Knotts.” Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Sonia Sotomayor, on the other hand, were among others who focused on the issue in terms of property rights and disregarded the privacy debate.

Barnum said situations like this cause instability in the courtroom. “It stirred up a hornet’s nest,” he said. But despite the inconsistencies in the judicial process, Barnum believes requiring police officers to obtain a warrant for these kinds of investigations is appropriate. “The instances in which they decide to use this kind of surveillance will not be up to them anymore,” he said. Additionally, Barnum described the process of obtaining a warrant as a mere inconvenience for police officers. “Getting a warrant is arguably a hassle, but its not necessarily difficult or risky,” he added. For some people, the Supreme Court ruling has a personal meaning. Khaled, a resident of Santa Clara, Calif., was with his friend Yasir Afifi last year when they found a GPS tracker on Yasir’s vehicle. According to Khaled, Yasir’s father was a member of the Muslim Community Association and a very prominent religious figure.

Despite the ruling, however, Khaled is skeptical of what it means for the future. “The ruling is irrelevant,” he said. “Facebook gives our information to private corporations. They just shut down MegaUpload. They are clearly in control, and anything they give is done so with consideration.” “This ruling is a technicality that two lines of political jargon can go around,” he added. Nathan Weisman, a junior journalism and political science major, is more hopeful about the ruling and maintains that it is a step in the right direction. While the Supreme Court tends to focus on other issues more extensively, he claimed they make the effort to relate the law to today’s age. “I think when cases like this one are brought up, they do their best to modernize laws,” he said. “It sets a precedent for the future to what constitutes personal privacy in a time when technology has made it easier than ever to gather information on people.”

Nation & World. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia |11



Religious nationalists living in a rogue settlement on a wind-swept West Bank hilltop are defying the Israeli government's plans to evict them, setting up a showdown that has threatened to rip the ruling coalition apart. The outcome could hurt Israel internationally should it choose to again flout its 2003 promise to Washington to knock down Migron and other unauthorized settler enclaves built on land Palestinians claim for a future state. The government says the settlers of Migron — 100 adults and 200 children living in a jumble of cramped trailers — seized the territory unlawfully in 2001 from private Palestinian landowners. Settlers deny the claim, saying Arab plaintiffs haven't been able to prove ownership of the land. Israel's Supreme Court has ordered the government to remove them by March 31. But with hardline lawmakers threatening to bolt Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition if Migron is dismantled, and a history of clashes with settlers in mind, officials are scrambling to find a solution that will satisfy both settlers and a court impatient with government delays. Leaders insist they will carry out the court order if no compromise is reached.



The first thing the Malian soldiers heard at daybreak were the cries of "Allah Akbar" — "God is great" — ringing out over their camp in the lonely eastern town. Then shooting began as Tuareg rebels launched their first attack against the military in Mali since 2009. Many Tuareg fighters have returned to Mali since the fall of their patron, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, bringing battle experience and weapons with them. Some are ready to fight for their dream of a homeland for the Tuareg and have already begun doing so, re-igniting a conflict that had been dormant for more than two years. On Jan. 17, some 40 Tuareg rebel vehicles drove through the sandy dunes and stunted desert trees toward the town of Menaka in Mali's east, near the Niger border. They headed for army and national guard posts. "We hadn't slept all night because we knew something was coming," one guardsman in Menaka told The Associated Press, adding that rumors of an attack had been circulating days before it began. Just as it started, he heard the cries of "God is great." The attack was punctuated with explosions of heavy weapons.


AMR NABIL | The Associated Press CAIRO, EGYPT

Fireworks explode over Tahrir Square to mark the first anniversary of the popular uprising that unseated President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 25. Tens of thousands of Egyptians rallied to mark the first anniversary of the country's 2011 uprising, with liberals and Islamists gathering on different sides of Tahrir Square in a reflection of the deep political divides in post-Mubarak Egypt.



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Some Washington state wheat farmers have thrown their support behind legislation requiring labeling of genetically modified foods, giving food safety advocates fresh hope that lawmakers also will get behind the bill. They haven't been receptive to the idea in the past, and lawmakers at the national level and in more than a dozen states have rejected similar proposals in the past year. But in an unusual pairing, a handful of Washington wheat farmers have joined so-called "foodies" to back the latest bill, fearing exports will be hurt if and when genetically modified wheat gains federal approval. The U.S. exports half of its wheat, and in Washington, the only bigger export is Boeing Co.'s airplanes. Biotechnology giants Monsanto and Syngenta have announced plans to begin testing genetically modified wheat, though the product is likely a decade or more from being offered commercially.




ALIK KEPLICZ |The Associated Press



Lawmakers from the leftist Palikot's Movement cover their faces with masks as they protest against ACTA, or the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, during a parliament session, in Warsaw, Poland, Thursday, Jan. 26, after the Polish government signed the agreement. Poland's plans to sign ACTA sparked attacks on Polish government websites and street protests in several Polish cities.

Cash-strapped governments in Europe must persuade skeptical citizens to accept severe austerity measures if their countries are to recover and thrive in an increasingly tough global economic environment, European leaders said Thursday. If there is no seeming light at the end of the tunnel and divisions within society get too wide, they said Europe's imperiled economies — and Europe — will find it increasingly difficult to get to grips with its two-year debt crisis. They warned at the World Economic Forum that Europe appears set to be eclipsed by the rapid economic rise of China, Brazil and others. "When they give a mandate and they give trust to government and say, 'Here's the plan and let's all work together,' things can actually happen faster than people might imagine," said Ireland's prime minister Enda Kenny in a panel on the second day of the annual gathering in Davos. Photos and news courtesy of The Associated Press

12 The DePaulia. January 30, 2012


OPINIONS EDITOR Jenn Schanz depauliaopinions@gmail.com

Classic cup-a-joe drinkers, unite

Campus needs more cafes to accommodate those not ordering a chillichino By SEAN MCDONOUGH Contributing Writer

Getting a coffee at the Lincoln Park campus en route to class has become a seemingly impossible task. You can do everything right—checking the train tracker to schedule exactly when you’ll land in Lincoln Park and getting to The Bean 10 minutes before class begins—and, still, it’s not a guarantee that you get a coffee in time. Too few locations, long lines and inefficient service are the sole reasons. It’s 9:30 Tuesday morning, and the line at The Bean is stretched nearly to the escalator. Modern British literature begins at 9:40, and to say that I cannot survive the next 90 minutes without the largest cup of steaming hot coffee I can get my hands on would be the understatement of the year. When I’m not looking down to check the time, I’m internally cursing at the people ahead of me ordering white mochas and other superficially-named lattes that take so long to make. At 9:36 a.m. I finally reach the Promised Land where I order a large coffee. No, not a “big” coffee and certainly not a “little.”


DePaul sophomore George Booker orders a coffee from Freshman barista Jacob Eaton at The Bean Cafe in the Schmitt Academic Center on Thursday, Jan. 26. A large. I proceed down the line to personally fill the cup I just paid nearly three dollars for. I place the cup under the urn and push down on the top only to receive a meager, and frankly insulting, spray of brown liquid and air. It’s empty. Scrambling to make it to class on time is already stressful. It is even more stressful if, like me, you are a degenerate coffee addict

who requires the warm morning nectar to simply function during those first few hours of the day. And as most other coffee-heads at DePaul know, the Lincoln Park Campus-its few on-campus coffee stores all known for slow service and long lines-is our single greatest enemy. Let me be clear—I love coffee. Love it. I’m a Dunkin Donuts loyalist who bleeds orange and

purple, which, of course, means I hate Starbucks. (If corporations were living, breathing human beings, I would marry Dunkin Donuts). I hate long lines. And whenever possible, I try my best to avoid paying for coffee by using the meal plan that I still can’t believe my parents offered to get their college senior. As the closest Dunkin Donuts in Lincoln Park is on Clybourn, my options are realistically limited to four places: The Bean, Brownstones, the coffee bar at McGowan and, finally, what I like to term “The Desperation Move”: Milito’s Mart at the Mobile station on Fullerton across the street from the quad. So how do you solve this problem? The easiest answer is simply to open another coffee bar. The brand-new Arts and Letters Hall would be ideal. Believe me, us English majors love coffee, and an additional coffee bar would divide groups of consumers, thereby shortening lines at each place. Or, what about a seasonal outdoor coffee stand in the quad between the Schmitt Academic Center and the Richardson Library? Sounds appealing to me, especially during iced coffee season.

Another option is to hold Brownstones and The Bean accountable for their poor service in hopes that they look at themselves in the mirror and alter their serving strategy to accommodate the demand during the morning rush. Why not a coffee-only line for us traditionalists uninterested in espressos, mochas and lattes? At Brownstones, even a beverageonly line could streamline the procession noticeably. Each location has two registers, so why not use them win a smarter way that benefits the people who just want to spend their money at these places? Oftentimes, I feel like the Greek mythological figure Tantalus, whose eternal punishment was to stand beneath the branches of a fruit tree, starving and unable to grasp the desired fruit above him. The fruit is so close to Tantalus, but he will never get it. Similarly, ounces and ounces of warm, soothing coffee lie just beyond those cash registers. But I’ll never get to it because it’s 9:30, and 10 minutes is somehow not enough time to get a coffee before class starts.

Newt Gingrich, Achilles' heel of the far right By DANIEL GAITAN Contributing Writer The conservatives in South Carolina did not care to look to the long-term when voting for Newt Gingrich. Gingrich won 40 percent of the primary vote, beating Mitt Romney who garnered only 27 percent. The fact is, South Carolinians demonstrated they value of cutting insults and personal jabs far more than politics. Tea Party conservatives desperately want to endorse a candidate who they believe will attack President Obama forcefully and intellectually. This ideal for many conservatives does not mean discussing economic policy, foreign policy and such, but instead consists of anger and name-calling toward the government and Obama. The voters of South Carolina did not vote for Romney because they believe Romney is too nice. Some of Gingrich’s most interesting statements of late toward Obama consist of calling Obama the “food-stamp

president” and stating that Obama “is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together (his agenda).” His policy also aims to cut any spending the far-right would deem wasteful or liberal. For example, in regards to schoolchildren in less economically healthy neighborhoods, Newt wants the children to become the janitors and get paid for it. According to Newt, “(In) a very poor neighborhood, you have kids who are, under law, required to go to school. They have no money. They have no habit of work. What if you paid them part-time in the afternoon to sit in the clerical office and greet people when they came in?” Gingrich added to his statement by saying “Fine. So what if (children) became assistant janitors and their job was to mop the floor and clean the bathroom. And you pay them.” How awful. While the rest of the first world nations value education, some would have only the upper classes educated. Part of Newt’s strategy is

to strategically place blame, to blame those whom conservatives don’t like. Who better to blame than the hated, supposedly liberal media? Rush Limbaugh recently stated, “The days of being able to keep this momentum going by ripping on the media are over. The standing ovations for taking on the media are over, or they have very short lifespan.” Even the mainstream conservative media is shocked and annoyed by the apparent lack of consideration Romney is garnering. Gingrich is attacking Romney’s time at Bain Capital and his tax returns; Gingrich is taking one of Romney’s key agenda setting tools and turning it against him. Meanwhile, Obama can sit back and watch Gingrich destroy his party. Commentator Limbaugh has also compared Gingrich to Elizabeth Warren for his attacks on Romney’s wealth. “Newt is not sounding like a conservative when he's making these attacks. He's not giving people reason to vote for him.” Chris Matthews of MSNBC was right in his election night coverage last week. “The Right

MATT ROURKE | The Asssociated Press

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich speaks at the Republican presidential candidates debate at the University of South Florida in Jacksonville, Fla., Thursday, Jan. 26. has won,” he said. Well, at least in South Carolina. The Republican establishment should be wary of the Tea Party and those who

pander to them. The far-right is fickle, and the Republican Party may taste the bitterness.

Opinions. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia 13

Obama's birth control order oppressive By MIKEY TURNER Contributing Writer

NAM Y. HUH | The Associated Press

Pedestrians wait for a CTA train at a Blue Line station in Chicago on Friday, Jan. 13.

"SNOW" continued from cover snow melts.” This practice mostly appears on the city’s South Side, especially in more residential areas, but when it comes to removal and parking, you’re likely to see a lawn chair anywhere in the city. And heaven help you if you’re the unfortunate soul who moves one of these chairs. “You know, I’m pushing 65 [years old] and I don’t have any problem taking care of the snow. But when I put my chair out, it better be there as long as that snow is on the ground,” said Al Franco, a longtime resident of Mt. Greenwood, a South Side neighborhood. “The last thing I need is some schmuck from the suburbs taking my spot.”


In Lincoln Park and its surrounding North Side neighborhoods, the streets are lined with apartments—many of which house college students. While some are lucky enough to have a management company to take care of their snow, street and sidewalk snow removal is a completely different story. “I feel like I should invest

in snowshoes so I can walk down the street,” said James O’Toole, a Lincoln Park resident. “My block’s sidewalks are never shoveled in the winter and I’m lucky if my apartment management company will shovel off the stairs.” This is when people need to suck up their pride, spend

do it for yourself and reap the rewards that come with snowfree sidewalks—especially dry socks

Public Transportation

Want an even bigger nightmare? Just add snow! Let’s face it, there is nothing enjoyable about Chicago’s public transportation and

Pushing and elbowing your way onto the train is the easiest way to make already cranky people even more cranky—just slow down and wait your turn.

$10 on a shovel and, at the very least, shovel the sidewalk immediately in front of their apartment. Imagine if someone from each apartment shoveled that small area of snow—the entire block would quickly become snow free and winter life would become slightly less miserable. And if you’re not into helping your neighbors,

survival of the fittest is the name of the CTA game. Now, on top of shoving into a stinky and crowded train car so you can get to class on time, add the inconvenience of clunky winter boots and coats and slippery wet floors. But since winter and public transportation each do their share in contributing to misery,

there’s a few steps that you can take to make your commute more tolerable. First, pushing and elbowing your way onto the train is the easiest way to make already cranky people even crankier— just slow down and wait your turn. Next, don’t start unzipping your coat and taking off your hat and gloves, only to put them back on a few stops later, when the train is already crowded— leave them on and just deal with momentary discomfort. Lastly, have a little patience. Despite your frustrations with the winter and the nature of the CTA, passive aggression and giving people dirty looks won’t make things any better. If you’re living in Chicago, winter is part of life and chances are, you’ll leave before it does. While freezing temperatures, inconsiderate people and mounds of snow can make the season frustrating, there are small steps you can take to make it half tolerable—and they start with remembering your manners.

The Obama administration has directly attacked a core belief of the Catholic Church: the stance against the use of contraceptives. In order to ensure equal health care distribution to all, the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced on Jan. 20 that it is mandating coverage of contraceptives for all, including Catholic and other religious employers. Many Church leaders are aghast at the order, seeing it as an attack on their First Amendment right to freely practice religion. The Obama Administration is overstepping its bounds in declaring war on a sacred belief of the Church and humanity itself. The Church has officially been against the use of contraceptives since 1968 when Pope Paul VI released the encyclical “On the Regulation of Birth.” In this encyclical, the Church outlines its stance against any type of contraception. It says the use of contraceptives results in the lowering of moral standards by turning sex into a meaningless act and by potentially making men reduce the role of women to an instrument for male sexual desires. The encyclical, although controversial, has withstood the test of time and continues to be the foundation of the Church’s stance on the use of contraceptives. Now, that doctrine is under attack. After issuing the order, Sebelius went on to say, “I believe this proposal strikes the appropriate balance between respecting religious freedom and increasing access to important preventive services. I feel that the declaration undermines the separation of Church and state and does not respect religious freedoms.” The Church has refused to bend to the whims of the Obama Administration. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, to whom Obama delivered the news earlier last week, lashed out at the decision. “In effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences,” he said. This issue is yet another example of the Obama Administration overstepping its bounds. The order is a blatant violation of the First Amendment, and it putting Catholics between a rock and a hard place. The battle has just begun as the order will certainly be sent to the courts where the war will be decided. For the sanctity of life and the First Amendment, it is a war we must win.

The opinions in this section do not necessarily reflect those of The DePaulia staff.

14 | The DePaulia. January 30, 2012


Regan Carey, freshman

Joseph Kopecky, senior


Amanda Stefanski, junior


Focus. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia | 15

Focus Team Lisa Armstrong and Katherine Hall depauliafocus@gmail.com

I’ve been told I look like Buddy Holly... by very old ladies usually.


Making a spectacle By KASIA FEJKLOWICZ Contributing Writer If you had glasses in elementary school then you will probably remember the teasing that came with it. Glasses were “dorky” and the cool kids would never be seen in them. Usually, they were the ones making fun of the “four-eyes.” Nobody wanted to be called that, and when the day came for you to try on your new pair of glasses, it was a complete nightmare. “Only the nerds wore glasses,” said Meredith Klein, a DePaul senior. Her first eyeglasses were anything but chic. They were plain, round ones with metal frames. Fast-forward to 2012 and Klein purposely bought a pair of big, square frames that went with her face shape. She wears contacts, but she likes wearing her glasses too. There was no pressure from her parents to buy the glasses, but Klein bought them simply because she wanted to. Their bright blue color makes her stand out. Klein is definitely not the only one to use glasses as an accessory. They are appearing everywhere as an outfit staple; as versatile as a pair of boots or a belt. So, what happened to make “nerdy” glasses suddenly cool to wear? Perhaps people got tired of hiding their glasses, and wanted to show the world that they are not embarrassed to wear them. A shifting perception of glasses in the media has also helped. Once upon a time, pop-culture heroes like Superman only used glasses as a disguise, something to imply dullness. Today, beloved icons such as Klaus from “A Series of Unfortunate Events”, Molly from the “American Girls” series, and, of course, Harry Potter, have gone a long way to show the world - and elementary school kids everywhere - that glasses don’t mean what they used to. These characters wear glasses, and they are clever, adventurous, and occasionally save the world. They are awesome. Style has also helped the glasses resurgence in popularity. We can thank a man named Raymond Stegeman who changed the look of glasses forever in 1952. He designed the first Wayfarers for Ray-Ban. The black, plastic frames became iconic instantly, and through the decades they would disappear and reappear at the oddest times -- thanks to movie stars like Audrey Hepburn.

Now, once again, that chunky look of the past is back and the little teeny-tiny glasses of the ‘90s are so over. Famous Hollywood actors such as Scarlett Johansson, Madonna, Taylor Swift, Zooey Deschanel, and even Justin Bieber are guilty of wearing vintage frames, contributing to this fashion trend. “People want that old Hollywood look,” said Kristin Decka who is an employee at See Eyewear, an eyeglasses boutique at 2531 N. Clark St. Decka said the most popular frames are the Wayfarers, but the cat-eye look is also fashionable. There are hundreds of looks available, from classic to unusual. They come in neon colors and animal prints, as well as primary colors. See’s frames run anywhere from $169 to nearly $500 for designer brands, and the average Wayfarer is priced around $250. Alternative and vintage stores like Urban Outfitters and American Apparel sell Wayfarer glasses for far less. They offer different shapes and sizes. Online stores also carry the retro look. One store, Wear Eyewear at 750 N. Franklin, sells metal and plastic frames. Stephanie, an employee who did not want to give her last name, said that the trend is to buy plastic frames, but they “sell a lot of everything.” Tortoiseshell and black are the most popular frame colors. Everywhere you go on campus, you see unusual glasses. People like them because they are cute and different and are a fun accessory that can transform any boring outfit into something trendy. Danielle O’Donoghue, a student at DePaul, uses her glasses to “completely change the look and feel” of her outfit. There are hundreds of looks to choose from and for some, owning one pair just isn’t enough. Some wear glasses to make them look intelligent and trendy, but William Schau, a DePaul student, admits that he wears his big, black glasses because he is “lazy.” Even if you do not really need eyeglasses to see, you do not have to worry. A prescription is no longer a requirement to wear glasses. Since the trend began, websites such as framesdirect.com and retail stores offer designer frames without lenses. Or simply, popping out the lenses will do the trick. John Samuels, a fan of “fake” glasses, said that when he breaks his sunglasses he just takes out the lenses and still uses them. “It makes me look smart,” Samuels said. “And it saves me money.”


Carolyn Maynard, freshman

Mark Vandyk, senior

Sarah Rens, sophomore


Arts & Life Editor Tricia Cathcart depauliamagazine@gmail.com

Photographic liberation

DePaul Art Museum’s ‘Studio Malick’ exhibit shows diversity in African art

Photo courtesy of diChroma Photography, Spain

One of the pieces that will be on display in the DePaul Art Museum by Malick Sidibé, "Baptism," 1967. Gelatin silver prints mounted to paper.

By CLARISSA FIDLER Contributing Writer Artist Malick Sidibé used photography to capture the cultural and social transition of the West African country of Mali after the nation gained independence from France in 1960. Sidibé’s photographs of Bamako, Mali nightlife and portraits of young adult Malians will be on display at the DePaul Art Museum from March 29 - June 3, 2012, in an exhibit entitled Studio Malick. Studio Malick presents a different way of thinking about African art. “People so often think of masks and sculptures—tribal and historical African art. Africa is a very urban and diverse place, and this exhibit really gets at that,” said Louise Lincoln, director of the DePaul Art Museum. “Photography was a type of liberation for the country of Mali—literally in the form of

government, but also culturally,” Greg Harris, assistant curator for the DePaul Art Museum said. “Fashion and social conventions were becoming more relaxed. Youth culture was booming.” Sidibé was one of the first Malian photographers to take his camera out into the city and photograph urban life. Prior to Mali’s 1960s cultural revolution, photography was traditionally very rigid and formal and primarily took place within the confines of a studio. Young Malians attended parties and nightclubs dressed in their finest clothes, eager to portray a cool, cosmopolitan persona. They used their physical appearance to portray a character and image of who they wanted to be. Sidibé’s photographs portray a dynamic synonymous with the era’s spontaneity and youthful exuberance. An increasing number of Malians began purchasing their own point-and-shoot cameras in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s.

Business dwindled and as a result, Sidibé transitioned back to his small studio where he began taking intriguing, modern portraits. Sidibé’s ability to create a comfortable, relaxed environment for his subjects allowed him to produce portraits that lend both a sense of intrigue and truth.

Africa is a very urban and diverse place, and this exhibit really gets at that... LOUISE LINCOLN

“Stories come up and as far as we know the subjects are anonymous. We don’t know who they are,” Harris said. His subjects’ personalities reach beyond the black and white of a simple photograph and convey the importance of a singular moment in time. Although Sidibé photographs were taken in the ‘60s and ‘70s,

they sat in his studio for over 20 years until French curators discovered them, Harris said. Sidibé then began showing his photographs in art shows and galleries and quickly became an internationally recognized artist. “One of the things we’re looking at with this show is how his work transitioned from these personal objects to document significant occasions, to objects of social consumption for a much broader audience,” Harris said. While Studio Malick will be housed in the museum’s large gallery, an exhibit of Polaroid portraits and black and white photographs taken by Andy Warhol will be on display in the small gallery. The photographs were acquired a few years ago as part of a nation-wide gift from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. Both artists photographed pop culture during the same time period—Warhol in New York City and Sidibé in Bamako. Warhol’s images provide an

interesting parallel to Sidibé’s. “They’re very different, but in both, people are presenting themselves to the camera in a very interesting way,” Lincoln said. Warhol’s photographs range from a series of nudes to Polaroids of Farrah Fawcett and an Iranian princess. Today, both Warhol and Sidibé are cultural icons in their respective countries. Studio Malick is organized by the DePaul Art Museum in conjunction with diChroma Photography, Spain. Lincoln and her associates plan and schedule exhibits two years in advance. The museum hosts four large shows as well as several smaller ones each year. Exhibits typically rotate each quarter. The DePaul Art Museum is located at 935 W Fullerton Ave. adjacent to the “Fullerton” CTA Brown/Red Line station. To find out more about upcoming exhibits, visit museums.depaul. edu.

REMEMBERING ETTA Queen of rhythm and blues passes

Arts & Life. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia | 17

Top James Tracks “At Last” - 1960 “Something’s Got A Hold On Me” -1962 “Purple Rain” -2005 “Trust in Me” -1961 “I’d Rather Go Blind” -1968 “Wallflower” -2007


By SHANNON SHREIBAK Contributing writer It’s easy to get lost in the shuffle in the world today. People move in and out without anyone paying much mind. Distinguishing oneself from the majority is painfully difficult and being remembered is even harder. But remembering Etta James is easy—you just need to hear those two words sung with a soulful vibrato: “At last.” The famous soul singer died Jan. 20, and the condolences have been pouring out of the tight-knit music industry. James, who was born in 1938 and given the name Jamesetta Hawkins, showed great promise as a child. She sang for her church choir and made radio appearances at the tender age of 5. She then decided to form a trio with bandleader Johnny Otis in San Francisco when she was 12. James recorded “The Wallflower” with Otis in 1954 and then embarked on her solo career the next year with the

single “Good Rockin’ Daddy.” James’ career gained momentum upon her signing with Chicago’s Chess Records in 1960. Along with duets with thenboyfriend Harvey Fuqua, James also climbed the charts with her timeless ballads “At Last” and “Trust in Me.” James began to spiral into heroin addiction and struggled to balance her work and personal lives throughout the 1960s. Personal and professional problems aside, James continued to make an impression in jazz. Her 1973 release “Etta James” garnered a Grammy nod; it was innovative with its fusion of rock and funk sounds. James adopted a more risqué stage persona with her move to Warner Brothers Records and continued to record into the 1990s. Following a gastric bypass surgery in 2003 and losing over 200 pounds, James claimed that she could “sing lower, higher and louder.” That same year James recorded “Let’s Roll”, which

was produced by her two sons and won a Grammy for Best Contemporary Blues Album. James’ music was revived with Beyoncé’s portrayal of the soul singer in the film Cadillac Records. Beyoncé’s performance of “At Last” at President Obama’s inaugural ball supposedly left James miffed and caused quite a stir. Shortly after the release of her album “The Dreamer” in November of 2011, it was revealed that James was terminally ill and in the late stages of leukemia, along with suffering from dementia and Hepatitis C. Despite her falters and triumphs, James will never be forgotten as a pioneer in the world of blues and soul. Her impact on the music industry will never be forgotten. Nearly 50 years after its recording, we still immediatewly recognize the soulful voice singing “At Last.” And that is what it means to be truly remembered.


Etta James headlined at the Newport Jazz Festival in 1991 (above left) and performed in the Orange County Blues Festival (above right) in 1993. James, the legendary rhythm and blues singer died on Jan. 20. She was 73 and had been in failing health for years.

Parental support on-campus New DePaul organization aims to ease the balancing act of parenting and studying By TRICIA CATHCART Arts & Life Editor Diversity on campus is proven again with the start-up of a new DePaul student group, Advocacy for Students who are Parents. This organization is designed to provide DePaul students who are also parents with a support network where they can share resources and advice. The group was started by

DePaul student Tiesha Burnett, a senior majoring in community psychology and mother of two young children. She understands the difficulties that can come with attending classes and taking care of a family simultaneously, and wants to help connect others who experience the same trials and tribulations. With the group, they aim in provide a sense of community for student-parents through meetings,

family-friendly events and workshops filled with parenting information. Advocacy for Students who are Parents aims to bring awareness to the needs of students who double as parents, so that there can be more resources made available at DePaul. For more information visit the groups Facebook page or the OrgSync student organization page.


18 The DePaulia. January 30, 2012


LIVE IN 2012 Keep an eye out for these Chicago shows throughout the year By NASH SANDERSON Contributing Writer There is no experience quite like seeing your favorite band perform in person, right before your eyes all those songs you’ve listened to a hundred times. Live performances are a visceral experience, allowing the audience to interact with the music. Live concerts are the ultimate test for a band or artist; some bands, like The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, and The Dave Matthews band have made the live concert an art form and can survive only on constant touring, while other artists make live appearances a rare treat. No matter what genres you love, 2012 looks to be a sensational year for concerts. Here is just a brief look at what the New Year will offer in live music:


Chicago Date: Feb. 6 at the Antheneum Theatre Jeff Mangum, mastermind behind beloved Indie band Neutral Milk Hotel is touring the U.S. and Europe this winter and spring — but playing in tiny venues. Good news for Mangum fans, he will play the Minehead A T P festival, w h i c h Mangum

co-curates, he was also announced as a performer fon 2012’s Coachella Festival. This typically secretive individual is almost entirely sold out already for his 2012 tour.

separates of Montreal from its indie brethren. Warning: not for the faint of heart or those with strong moral objections to obscene amounts of makeup on guys.

Chicago Date: Feb. 2 at the United Center With a new album on the way and David Lee Roth back on lead, Van Halen looks to surge back to life in 2012. The band electrified their audience at a tiny surprise show in NYC and the Van Halen 2012 tour is sure to revolve around all their greatest hits from the David Lee Roth era.

Chicago Date: March 3 at The Riviera Though most may know Donald Glover as Troy Barnes from NBC’s hit comedy Community, Glover moonlights as a rapper by the name of Childish Gambino. Don’t be fooled by Glover’s assumed nice guy persona, he is also an incredible rapper. His debut full length album, Camp, was released in November to rave reviews.



Chicago Date: March 1 at The United Center This incredible double billing arena tour brings together two of the most hyped rock bands of the year for one phenomenal concert. Fans of rambunctious rock and rootsy blues are sure to be right at home.


Chicago Date: March 2 at The Metro The creative overlords of artsy indie return to the stage this spring with new material but that same lovable weirdness t h a t



Spring 2012 The dazzlingly loud and incredibly rocking little band from North Wales, The Joy Formidable announced their first ever headlining tour of North America. Starting March 1h in San Francisco, and winding through the continent in early spring, this is not a rock concert to miss. They put on one hell of a show.


May 28 at Allstate Arena 2012 Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame inductees, The Red Hot Chili Peppers are coming back to the live stage in 2012. Beginning their U.S. tour in


Spring/Summer 2012 The UK’s preeminent art rockers return to the stage in 2012 torsupport their newest record, The King of Limbs. Having wowed crowds at a live show in NYC in late December, Radiohead’s 2012 tour looks to up the ante even further. Though the band does not have a set date for Chicago yet, look for the band to potentially headline this year’s Lollapalooza festival in August.


Spring 2012 With their new album, Reign of Terror to be released Feb. 2, the riotous, kick-butt, twopart rock outfit Sleigh Bells has announced their tour for this Spring, starting in Florida with hit producer Diplo, and moving up along the east coast with more dates to be announced soon.


Chicago Date: June 8 at Wrigley Field Pink Floyd mastermind Roger Waters is bringing The Wall to stadiums around the country this summer. If you are a big Pink Floyd fan, this incredibly psychological musical experience should be more than enough to tide you over until the oftrumored Pink Floyd reunion tour.


Summer 2012 Country darling Taylor Swift is set to have a big 2012 as well, prepping a new album (naturally about heartbreak) and a big tour. Expect throngs of screaming girls, heavy doses of acoustic guitar, and sweet, innocent songs about young love.


Summer 2012 With the most complete lineup in years and Brian Wilson back at the helm, this reunion tour is huge news in the music world. Though no official dates are set yet, the tour has been officially announced by none other than Wilson himself.



March (postponed due to a foot injury of Anthony Kiedis) The Chili Peppers are storming back with a live concert featuring their greatest hits along witw songs from their newest LP, I’m With You.

Summer 2012 After taking 2011 relatively slow by DMB standards, the band is set to begin its never-ending live tour once again this summer.


Chicago dates: Aug. 7 & 8 at the United Center

Touring in support of their excellent new album Mylo Xyloto, Coldplay will bring their trademark live energy to the United Center this August. These British rockers are touring throughout the U.S. over the summer.


A truly legendary rock band, The Rolling Stones look to embark on a 50th anniversary tour for Mick Jagger and company to rock and strut like they have for the past five decades. It is a tour not to be missed.


April 2012 After the death of the “Big Man, saxophone god Clarence Clemons, Bruce and his E Street band’s future was unclear. Could the band really go on without Clarence? A consummate professional and brilliant musician to the end, “The Boss” has made it abundantly clear that the band must continue and a 2012 world tour is in the works. This concert could prove to be the mosd compelling event of the year.


2012: Dates to be announced With a new LP set for release in 2012, M.D.N.A., along with a performance at the Super Bowl halftime show, Madonna is going to have a huge 2012. Madonna is the Queen of the live concert. Having not toured since 2008, she is sure to pull out all the stops.


2012: Dates to be announced It looks like the Blizzard of Ozz is returning this year, as the original lineup of Black Sabbath is back together and touring for the first time in years. Sabbath’s trademark rock is sure to excite fans of all ages. The tour has one caveat however, Lead-guitarist Tony Iommi was recently diagnosed with lymphoma, and the tour was postponed. Here’s hoping Iommi a speedy recovery.


2012: Dates to be announced A follow-up to her extremely successful and lucrative Monster Ball tour, Lady Gaga will be hitting the road again in 2012 to continue her reign as one of the highest-grossing live acts of all time.

Arts & Life. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia. 19

A love like never before

Southern rockers The Life and Times win big with new album By ZOE BARKER Copy Editor When I last listened to The Life and Times, the bass drum destroyed my eardrums. That’s what I get for standing in the front row at Beat Kitchen. It was my fourth time seeing them live (this is a testament to how fantastic their shows are) and the first time I heard they had a new record coming out, roughly a month later. “No One Loves You Like I Do,” released Jan. 17, is a 10-track trip through noisy, hazy heaven. You could say love is the theme, but, realistically, suffering plays into this as well. I have to wonder how much heartache the trio has gone through to write so many songs about the tragedies of love, especially since I noticed a ring on lead singer Allen Epley’s left hand. I’m not one to speculate on the inner workings of anyone’s marriage or love life, so I’m going to stop this thought now. Regardless of how fictional the songs are, or whether or not you can relate, “No One Loves

You Like I Do” is another gem of a record by the Southern natives. You hear shouts, almost pleads of “I love you,” “I still love you” and “I will love you” peppered through the tracks, most notably in “Day One.” The sense of creepy possessive affection felt throughout the album is not far from their previous work. “My Last Hostage,” the single off Suburban Hymns (2005) is a good example: “Pretty souvenir to keep through all the years/I covet you/It’s coming true/So don’t beg for your life; it’s shining through your eyes/And I’m in the mood/ And I love you/Just lay down your head ‘cause you’re my lost hostage/Please don’t move ‘cause I love you.” The tracks are numbered days, but placed out of numerical order. The album opens with “Day Six,” a powerful melancholic avenue to “Day Nine,” a bassier track. “Day One” (track three, sorry if this is confusing,) as I mentioned above, is a love-laden song with a good, but mildly uncomfortable video, which premiered Jan. 5.

953 W Armitage Ave 773-248-9606 eatcba.com

THE LIFE AND TIMES| No One Loves You Like I Do

Regardless of how fictional the songs are, or whether or not you can relate, “No One Loves You Like I Do” is another gem of a record by the Southern natives. It’s one of those, “wait a second, this doesn’t feel right …” kind of videos, featuring a relationship in slow motion. “Day Five” crescendos

slowly, then peaks at an ambient fizz and drops off. The energy is picked back up in “Day Three.” “Day Eleven” (track six, are you keeping up?) is one of my

favorites on this album, mainly for the drum beat and vocal harmonies. “Day Ten” is probably the noisiest song, it’ll turn you into a shoegazer momentarily— whether you want to be or not. The next track, “Day Two,” starts with a synth progression similar to “Old Souls” on “Tragic Boogie.” “Day Twelve” (the last day, but second to last track) has this—I hate to say it, but I can’t come up with a more accurate comparison—90’s alternative thing to it, in a good way. “Day Eight,” the final track, seems to be the turning point in the story if it were arranged chronologically. “No One Loves You Like I Do,” though deeper and darker, is a reasonable extension of the preceding album, “Tragic Boogie.” You get Epley’s glorious vocals rolling over drummer Chris Metcalf’s enthusiastic use of cymbals as well as single chords that echo almost endlessly. The only things they seemed to have lost were the twinkly sounds—a good move for a moodier record.

955 W Belmont Ave 773-549-1982 bagelporn.com

20 The DePaulia. January 30, 2012

Young Jesus: Young, innocent and hairy

By SAMY SABH Contributing Writer

Leaving our Wednesday night class on Jan. 4, my good friend turned to me and asked what I was going to do with the chilly night’s remainder. I told him that there was a show over at Lincoln Hall, a record release show for an up and coming Chicago band that just returned from the Red Bull Rock the Route Tour. The band was called Young Jesus, and other than what I stated in the previous sentence I knew absolutely nothing of the group. But as a rock ‘n’ roll lover and with a thirst that always needs quenching, I decided to give them a chance. We entered a rather empty Lincoln Hall where a few older folks and some leather-booted hipsters moseyed about the bar area drinking three dollar YOUNG JESUS| The DePaulia Budweisers from glorified Dixie Young Jesus: Cody Kellogg (lead guitar), Peter Martin (drums), Shawn Nystrand (bass), and cups. We had missed the first two John Rossiter (guitar/vox.) bands, which was a shame, but with an enthusiasm that you only unfortunately our night class more accomplished than the specific purpose. young up-and-comers, as they However, their set was see in musicians that have been would not permit us to stake out have gigged out with the likes of strummed out to a half-empty doing it for a while. the entire show. Wilco, The Kaiser Chiefs, White room with two must-have-been As Canasta’s set came to a The band that took the stage Rabbits and Grizzly Bear. high school kids getting down in close and the Budweisers began just prior to Young Jesus' big Canasta put on quite a set, the center of an awkward semito flow with relative ease, moment was an orchestral pop striking out compilations that circle. My friend and I made sure thinning wallets like a steady diet band called Canasta, Chicago were clearly meticulously pieced to cheer loud and clear for the of Slim Fast, the stage began to natives that are perhaps far together and orchestrated for a group, as they started out their set ready itself for what was about

to be a memorable show. By the time Young Jesus took the stage, looking no older than your average DePaul student, I looked around to see a noticeably filled Lincoln Hall. “When the hell did all of these people get here?” I asked my friend. Young Jesus' front man and rhythm guitarist John Rossiter took the stage alongside the rest of his boys. He stood up on the front monitor and pushed out an extravagant bellow that the crowd reciprocated with a collective scream. The set pressed forth, showcasing an array of Midwestern indie vibes blended with half- time grooves that recalled the grungy garage rock movement of the mid '90s. If by some biological miracle the corpse of Jim Morrison reproduced with Modest Mouse’s Isaac Brock, the child might sound something like Rossiter. The night ended with a toast to rock ‘n’ roll, and Young Jesus made its exit to a very pleased and exuberant crowd. Young Jesus shows a great deal of promise at an early age, and all you rock’n’rolla’s out there should take note and keep your eyes open for their next Chicago performancs. I am sure you will have a good time.

Film review: ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’

By TIMOTHY LYDON Contributing Writer The crux of agreeing to do a trilogy before you have released your first film’s first weekend numbers is that you are under severe pressure to make each film better than the one before it. Perhaps this is why director David Fincher set the bar so low with “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” It can only get better from here. The “girl’ is Lisbeth Salander, an anti-social, bisexual, freelance investigator played by Rooney Mara. Mara gives us the only emotion—a surprising vulnerability—in an otherwise emotionless film stocked with characters as cold as northern Sweden in the winter. There is a chill and darkness to this film that is reminiscent of Fincher’s “Fight Club.” In fact, if the late Stieg Larsson—author of the Millennium trilogy in which “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” is book one—had catapulted to global fame in the early ‘90s, it’s not hard to imagine Helena Bonham Carter (Fincher’s Marla in “Fight Club”) as Lisbeth. However, “Fight Club” and Fincher’s last film “The Social Network” were both piercingly original, whereas “The Girl” feels recycled. There has already been a Swedish version of this film, one

MERRICK MORTON| Associated Press

Rooney Mara is shown in a scene from "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo." Mara was nominated for an Academy Award for best actress for her role in the film. that was surely more plausible featuring Swedish-speaking actors in Stockholm. Why make a film set in Sweden and have your characters speak English? Yes, most Swedes can speak English and Stockholm is a global city, but to have all the characters speak exclusively in Hollywood’s tongue is disingenuous. “The Girl” has commercial value. What we are seeing is “The Da Vinci Code” all over again: a

book that everyone in the western world seemed to be reading that was co-opted by Hollywood and desperately wrung of its potential. Soon Lisbeth Salander’s silhouetted profile will be on the front of a Doritos bag. The rebel non-conformist will be hawking a Pepsi before the trilogy is complete. Daniel Craig plays the protagonist Mikael Blomkvist—a character loosely based off of Larrson himself.

Blomkvist is an embattled journalist, a somewhat novel concept for the drama/thriller genre. He has no supernatural abilities, only the power of deduction. Mikael and Lisbeth work together to solve an alleged crime that happened 40 years before. However, the relationship between these two is void of any emotional or intellectual heft: They dodge bullets and race motorcycles by day, copulating

by night. Furthermore, the duo’s crime-solving required little more than some Nancy Drew pluck. If you bowdlerize a fantastically unrealistic rape scene and insinuate the other two sex scenes featuring Lisbeth and Mikael, you have a PG-13 film. This might have scared away a large swath of adults who otherwise would have seen it, but it would have introduced Mara’s Lisbeth to an entire demographic (teenage girls) that may be yearning for someone like her: an emotionally- withdrawn, efficient loner who does not fit neatly into any respectable social framework. A whole nation of low selfesteemed girls might find solace in a heroine who cares very little of what the world thinks of her. Two of the most memorable scenes of the film involve Lisbeth defending herself or exacting revenge she deserved. When a thief tries to snatch her backpack she delivers a flurry of punches before running down the stairs and into the train just in time for the doors to close. In another scene, she coolly tattoos the front side of her former rapist. Fincher apparently stayed true to the book, including the affair between Mikael and Lisbeth. But on the big screen, it was hard to believe that Mikael really appealed to Lisbeth. She seemed more like his impatient teenage daughter than his lover.

Arts & Life. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia 21

Alt-rockers and happy couple, The Kills play Riviera Sexual tension and choreographed theatrics mix together for an enticing show By SHANNON SHREIBAK Contributing Writer Only with The Kills can a fan be completely infatuated by both the male and female leads. But when you have Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince sharing the stage, that dilemma is unavoidable. During their show at the Riviera Theater in Chicago this past Friday, the duo was in prime form and ready to show why they’re one of the most acclaimed underground rock bands today (and celebrating their 10th anniversary together this Valentine’s Day). The Kills opened with “No Wow,” a track from early in their career. Hince, clad in a vintage military shirt, stared out into the crowd with his trademark bedroom eyes and stood stalwartly on stage as he waited for his partner in crime to join. Finally after building the guitar intro until it was almost unbearable, the moment we had all been waiting for had finally come. Alison Mosshart, every bit the rock star, strutted on stage and thrust the microphone towards her. Moving in the direction of a more feminine look, Mosshart was decked in jewelry and whipped her hot pink-orange and black hair with uncontrollable energy (in mile-high wedge heels, too). Mosshart grew more and more comfortable on stage as the song continued, and she began to settle into her notorious stage

Alison Mosshart and British guitarist Jamie Hince come together to form The Kills. persona VV. The set list was balanced with some of the band’s first singles and cuts from their most recent record Blood Pressures. During the country-tinged jam “Kissy Kissy,” the trademark sexual tension between Mosshart and Hince was impossible to ignore. During the chorus, they danced around the microphone, inching closer and closer. Leaning toward each other, barely an inch from a kiss, Mosshart thrashed away and lunged for her guitar. The song closed with a guitar duel from across the stage while

each stood on their respective amps, towering above the anxious crowd. The show was full of nearencounters between the “are they, aren’t they?” couple and drove the crowd to a mania. Memorable songs from the varied set included an unplugged version of “Nail in my Coffin,” an often-overlooked track “Monkey 23” and a cover of Willie Nelson’s “Crazy.” The Kills showed much more theatrically than in past shows. With choreographed drummers occupying their own corner of the stage, clad in black leather jackets and red bandanas

covering their faces, the band seemed to finally understand how to create an ambience for their fans to enjoy. Backup singers were also present for the band’s recent hit “Satellite” and a few other cuts, giving the song more depth and reinforcing Mosshart and Hince’s harmonies. Mosshart enjoyed a tender moment of calmness during the encore. Hince casually returned to the stage with a bottle of wine in hand, ready to surrender the stage to his band mate. Elements of Mosshart’s shy personality shone through during

THE KILLS|Domino Record Co.

her ballad “The Last Goodbye.” It was the one part of the concert when the fans fell silent. No desperate pleas for “VV,” no declarations of love. It was just a young woman on stage doing what she has done since she was 13. With almost 10 years together under their belts, The Kills have established themselves in their unique sect of rock. Talent, intrigue, infectious guitar riffs— The Kills have everything one could ask of a rock band, and they left it all on the stage of the Riv.

Cheap drinks & great music at aliveOne

Halsted bar deserves a second look By SAMANTHA DOUGLAS Contributing Writer


The exterior of AliveOne, a surprisingly overlooked bar among the DePaul community. AliveOne is located near DePaul's Lincoln Park campus at 2683 N. Halsted Ave.

Located at the corner of Halsted and Schubert, aliveOne is surprisingly overlooked among the DePaul community considering its extensive beer and music selection and outrageous specials. Oh, and no cover. Ever. aliveOne boasts Chicago’s only “all live” jukebox, offering a head-spinning amount of live recordings that no music fan will be able to turn a nose up at. Here’s a list of about a tenth of the bands they have to offer: The Black Keys, The Dead Weather, Led Zeppelin, Violent Femmes,

TV on the Radio, Built to Spill, Grateful Dead, The Kinks, Disco Biscuits, Wilco, Bob Dylan, The Flaming Lips, Modest Mouse, My Morning Jacket, The Pixies and Cheap Trick. If the music isn’t enough of a draw, the drink selection will be. Non-craft beers like Coors and Miller are available for obvious reasons—aliveOne caters to beer snobs. There are 16 beers on tap, including the best of the local microbrews like Revolution Brewery’s Bottom Up Belgian Wit. A few of the other draft options are Anchor Porter, Bell’s Amber Ale, Half Acre Over Ale, Lagunitas IPA, Metropolitan


Ironworks Alt, Ommengang BPA and Two Brothers Domain DuPage—just to name a few. Despite the high quality of their drink selection, every Tuesday is $2 craft pint night. That’s right. Those drinks that usually cost up to eight bucks at any other place are just two dollars. Needless to say, this is aliveOne’s busiest night of the week. Additionally, every Wednesday is $3 craft can night. This Lincoln Park bar “combines the best of music and spirits.” Stop by for one of the specials or the live music on the weekends. 2683 N. Halsted; (773) 3489800; aliveone.com/chicago

22 The DePaulia. January 30, 2012

Blurred meaning in the virtual world

Theatre school faculty member playwrights "Dark Play" with DePaul alum in lead role

CESAR MOZA|Dark Play or Stories for Boys

Image stills from the play, "Dark Play or Stories for Boys," which runs at Collaboraction in the heart of Wicker Park. “Dark Play” explores how the real and virtual worlds blur when a seemingly simple prank escalates out of control. By EDUARDO SAYAGO Staff Writer “Do I tell the truth, or do I make shit up?” This question is asked by Nick (Clancy McCarthy) when he is in a dilemma. He must decide whether or not to reveal the origins of some scars on his stomach and chest to Molly (Olivia Dustman), a young woman he just had sex with. He’s not sure what to do. He’s used to making shit up, getting a thrill out of it. But with Molly, he’s uncertain. Instead, Nick shares a story of how one time he decided to make shit up. This has some very traumatic consequences for all involved. Collaboraction Theater Company (1579 N. Milwaukee Ave., right in the heart of Wicker Park) is currently presenting “Dark Play or Stories for Boys”, written b y Carlos Murillo, who is an associate professor at The Theatre School. Directed by Anthony Moseley, “Dark Play” explores how the real and virtual worlds blur when a seemingly simple prank escalates out of control. Nick discovers a post from Adam (Aaron Kirby). “I want to fall in love,” wrote Adam. Using a system to rate the gullibility of people, Nick explains that the Gullibility Threshold (or GT) Adam possesses is a 10 (1 meaning someone doesn’t fall for anything and 10 meaning someone can believe anything without a doubt). Nick creates Rachel (also

Dustman), the perfect girl for Nick. She’s a smart, witty, confident and beautiful 15-year old who also wants to find the right guy. Rachel and Adam meet in a chatroom and spend the night talking. For those of you who might be too young to remember, chatrooms were a precursor to social-networking sites. People would sign in with a username (i.e. NickWillRockU, Nick’s username) and chat in general or one-on-one with someone. You could talk about anything or nothing. DePauliaWriter has entered the chatroom DePauliaWriter: Hey everyone. Anybody interested in blogging for our site? I-am-

awesome84792: Anyone seen the new “Lost”? How messed up was that? HottiefromSkokie: 18/F/IL. Anyone wanna cam? FakeBacon05: SHO OOOOOOOOOOR MS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(This is how pointless chatrooms were.) Most people went on chatrooms because they were bored. Some used them to seek out underage prey. Others were horny, almost everyone was lonely.

...explores how the real and virtual worlds blur when a seemingly simple prank escalates out of control... STORIES FOR BOYS

Luckily this strange and creepy fad faded away. On the downside, Craigslist became its replacement. Rachel and Adam grow closer. They are confiding in one another. They fall in love. When Adam suggests they meet, Rachel is worried. This is impossible since she’s not real. But she makes a suggestion. “Turn on your webcam,” she types. In order to provide intimacy/ prove he loves her, he turns on the webcam, strips off his clothes and masturbates in front of the camera. Welcome to teen romance, 21st centurystyle. With Sorin Brouwers and Jane deLaubenfels as various characters, both real and online, the cast of five was remarkable in their performances. It does help that the stage, set in a small black box theatre where GEORGE TURNEY| MCT Campus

only 30 people were sitting just inches away from the action, provides an intimacy that you can’t find in a larger venue. You are right there in the middle of the action, from the chat sessions (Nick, Adam, and Rachel moving around while talking) to the love scenes (see picture accompanying this review). McCartney, a recent graduate of The Theatre School, is energetic in his role as the commentator and character Nick, a charming young guy who is capable of destruction simply for shits and giggles. He made me laugh and gave me chills throughout the 90-minute production. As recent events have proven, the Internet has become such a vital part of our lives. It’s up there with food, water and shelter. You might even be reading this online now. We all have used Wikipedia or Google to look up something. Just about all my friends are on Facebook. (While writing this, I updated my status and my friend Katie, who is sitting at the next table, “Liked” my status.) I even Googled the

playwright, who happens to be the head of playwriting for The Theatre School and visited Collaboraction’s home page. See, I used the word “google” as a verb. The Internet has changed the way we live. While technology has many positive repercussions, it has also brought a lot of negative side effects. A man in Ohio has been charged with murder after three people were found dead after responding to an ad on Craigslist about a well-paying job. There’s the “Craigslist Killer” (the actual one and the awful Lifetime movie). And imagine all the people who use the “Personals” section. How many of those posts are by actual people and not creeps or scam artists or robots? The World Wide Web can be a scary, scary place. DePauliaWriter has now left the chatroom. “Dark Play or Stories for Boys” runs through Feb. 26. For tickets, go to collaboraction. typepad.com

Arts & Life. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia. 23

Electronic rockers light up Chicago Photos and Article By BRIANNA KELLY Photo Editor


Images Tribe





performance Congress





Chicago's Logan Square. The venue has been under much media scrutiny as of late, following the brutal attack of a teenage girl on New Years Eve, as a result- security measures have been heightened to



occurance. STS9




Congress for two nights as part of their Great Cycles Spectacle tour.

Last weekend the Congress Theater transcended into a different galaxy. Sound Tribe Sector 9 (STS9) played a special two-night run at the venue as a part of their Great Cycles Spectacle tour, which kicked off in Colorado the week before. The electronic quintet will bring the weekend-long celebration of “music, art and imagination” to limited number of cities throughout 2012. It features a giant LED screen that projects a large array of images, which coincide with the songs that STS9 performs at the shows. It was reminiscent of an alien invasion. But not a terrifying one, it was a very friendly and funky encounter. RJD2 opened up on Friday night (1/20) with a fairly disappointing set. The crowd only seemed interested when he played his two most well known songs “Ghostwriter” and “The Haunt.” For the most part, the relatively small audience that came to the Congress early enough to see him deejay didn’t pay him too much attention.

Savoy was the opening act on Saturday night (1/21) garnered even less of a reception from the early bird attendants than RJD2 did. Before STS9 took to the stage, a computer-generated voice reminiscent of an extraterrestrial welcomed the audience to the show. It set the mood for a very special show, and the crowd went wild in anticipation for STS9 to being playing. Flashing lights took the shape of a pyramid, which spun around and then opened up to introduce the band. They opened up with “Activation” on both nights, which was a high-energy lead into the shows. They played a lot of material from their older albums, which really had the crowd dancing with the old – school Tribe jams. The first night was a little slower than the following evening, and STS9 especially played a nice selection of songs off of their 2008 album “Peaceblaster,” like “Empires” and “ Beyond Right Now,” which are a few of my personal favorites. It really got intimate and mellow when

guitarist Hunter Brown and bassist David Murphy joined together for an acoustic duet to “986 Foot Tall Trees,” with a projection of gargantuan redwood trees behind them. The highlight of Saturday night was “What is Love” because the audience was really at its peak. STS9 ended the night, and weekend, with “Rent,” which everyone really wanted to hear and transitioned into “Deactivation.” The Great Cycles Spectacle run at the Congress Theater was a definite success, and well worth the pricey $40 tickets per night. The only really negative part about the shows, besides the lack luster opening acts, was the intense frisking by the Congress security guards. They took searching concert attendants even more seriously in light of the New Year’s Eve incident that occurred a block away from the venue. The security went as far as grabbing female’s bras and shaking them and getting dangerously close to men’s nether regions.

24 The DePaulia. January 30, 2012


Old School

ACROSS 1. Raucous flier 4. Crones 8. A little lower 12. Be in hock 13. Blue-pencil 14. At all times 15. Cheerily 17. Refer to 18. Husky burden 19. Center 20. Scenery chewers 23. Riot 25. In conflict with, with “of” 27. Drops on blades 28. Go on and on 31. Collar folds 33. Peek 35. Smelter input 36. “___ la la!” 38. Hardly worth mentioning 39. Asian starling 41. ___ milk 42. Went back and forth 45. Back 47. Ostrich-like birds 48. Chests of drawers 52. Concert equipment 53. Munitions 54. Seek the affection of 55. Pink-cheeked 56. 100 centavos 57. Crux

DOWN 1. Nudge 2. Leave widemouthed 3. Japanese capital 4. Cure 5. Freud contemporary 6. Richly embellished 7. Pig’s digs 8. Rhodes of Rhodesia 9. Keen 10. Reply to “Shall we?” 11. Guitar part 16. It’s debatable 19. Whimpers 20. Ring 21. A long way off 22. Brood 24. Implore 26. Bridges in movies 28. Bite like a beaver 29. Bad spots? 30. “All ___ are off!” 32. Junior, e.g. 34. Sharp 37. Zimbabwe’s capital 39. Not well-groomed 40. Directs 42. Juicy fruit 43. Bullets and such 44. Coffeehouse orders 46. Too 48. Phone bug 49. Part of B.Y.O.B. 50. “___ rang?” 51. Weep

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Sports.January 30, 2012. The DePaulia 25

Sports Editor Cheryl Waity Assistant Sports Editor Julian Zeng depauliasports@gmail.com

Win some, lose some

Women fall to Rutgers in final seconds

By DOUG FEINBERG Associated Press

Mel Evans | Photo courtesy of the Associated Press

DePaul's Cleveland Melvin dunks during the second half of the game against Rutgers in Piscataway, N.J., Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012.

Men rally to defeat Rutgers By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Freshman Jamee Crockett scored 17 of his careerhigh 20 points in the second half to help DePaul rally for a 69-64 victory over Rutgers on Wednesday night. Cleveland Melvin had 14 points and hit a late goahead layup for the Blue Demons (11-9, 2-6 Big East), who snapped a five-game-losing streak overall and a four-game skid to Rutgers. Tied at 62-62, Brandon Young drove and dished to Melvin, who converted with 1:46 remaining to start DePaulon a 7-0 run. Young had 11 points and seven assists. The Scarlet Knights (11-10, 3-5), who have dropped three of their last four, got 22 points from Myles Mack and 14 from Jerome Seagears. Rutgers took the game's biggest lead at 50-39 with 10:21 remaining before Crockett hit the first of four straight 3-point attempts to start the comeback. He was 5 of 5 on 3-pointers in the second half. After Melvin put DePaul ahead, the Blue Demons made 5 of 6 from the foul line to put the game away with 13 seconds remaining. With Rutgers leading 52-42, DePaul held the Scarlet Knights scoreless for nearly four minutes to get back in it. There were three lead changes and two ties in the final 4:49 and 12 lead changes and nine ties in the game. In a low-scoring first half, which is routine for both teams, Rutgers used a 7-0 run in the final 3 minutes to take a 29-24 lead. It was the lowest scoring first half of the year for the Blue Demons and the seventh time they were held under 30 before halftime. It marked the ninth time this season Rutgers failed to score 30 by intermission. Trailing 24-22, the Scarlet Knights got a 3-pointer from Mack to provide the sixth lead change of the half, going along with nine ties. Eli Carter followed with a layup from Austin Johnson, and Johnson's blocked shot led to Derrick Randall's layup to give Rutgers a five-point halftime edge. It was the biggest lead for either team in the half, which saw DePaul shoot 37 percent (10 for 27) and commit 10 turnovers.

Khadijah Rushdan has been saving her best work for the end of games lately. The senior guard made virtually every play down the stretch for No. 11 Rutgers in its 65-64 victory over 23rd-ranked DePaul on Tuesday night. She scored the final 11 points for the Scarlet Knights, including a lay-up with 1.5 seconds left that completed a 16-point comeback in the final 10 minutes of the game. After hitting her lay-in, she wasn’t finished, sprinting to the other end of the court and denying the Blue Demons any last chance of pulling out the victory by blocking a shot 40 feet from the basket. “Khadijah’s a winner,” Rutgers coach C. Vivian Stringer said. “You see someone who is caged up, when she thinks she’s going to lose. She does whatever she needs to do.” Rushdan has been turning up her play lately at the end of games. She’s averaging nearly eight points in the final 5 minutes of the Scarlet Knights’ last three contests. She almost rallied them from a late nine-point deficit in a loss to St. John’s, scoring eight points and having an assist in the final 2½ minutes of that game. That was the team’s only blemish in its past nine games. “I just hate to lose,” said Rushdan, who had 16 of her 24 points in the second half. It was the second time in her career that Rushdan hit a game-winner to lift Rutgers. She hit a pull-up jumper to beat Princeton last season. Trailing 56-40 midway through the second half, Rutgers (17-3, 6-1 Big East) rallied behind its defense as the Scarlet Knights held DePaul without a field goal over the next 5½ minutes. That helped them go on a 21-8 run to close within 62-61 on Rushdan’s layup with 1:49 left. She then blocked a layup by Anna Martin, giving Rutgers a chance to take the lead. Both teams got sloppy over the next minute, combining for three turnovers. Rutgers fouled Martin, who converted both free throws to make it a three-point game with 30 seconds left. After two more turnovers, Rutgers had a chance to tie it, but April Sykes’ 3-pointer was off the rim. Rushdan was there to convert the rebound with 12 seconds left to make it 64-63. DePaul inbounded the ball and the Scarlet Knights fouled Deanna Ortiz with 8 seconds left. She missed the front end of a 1-and-1, Rushdan got the ball at midcourt and drove to the basket for the game-winner, hitting the shot over Ortiz. “I was just trying to get a shot up,” said Rushdan. “It’s nice I was able to come through for my team. Whether I hit it or someone else hit it, we won that’s what matters.” The Scarlet Knights began a rough

Mel Evans | Photo courtesy of the Associated Press

Rutgers' Khadijah Rushdan shoots against DePaul's Katherine Harry during the second half on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012. Rushdan contributed 24 points as Rutgers won 65-64. conference stretch. They visit No. 20 Georgetown before hosting secondranked Notre Dame and traveling to No. 3 Connecticut. “We come out the way we came out the last couple of games and we’re going to get blown out,” Rushdan said. “It needs to start in practice. We need to push each other. We can’t think we can show up for games. “ DePaul (15-6, 3-4) was coming off a 44-point loss to No. 3 UConn on Saturday. Martin, the Blue Demons’ leading scorer, was held without a point in that game. The junior guard, who was averaging 18.3 points, got going early against Rutgers. She had 12 points in the first half including six straight at one point as the Blue Demons built a four-point lead. “Any time you lose it’s really hard,” said Martin, who finished with 26 points. “Saturday was more of an embarrassment I think. Today I feel like the game was ours; we didn’t finish it.” Rutgers rallied in the first half behind freshman Syessence Davis, who had seven points during a 14-4 run that gave the Scarlet Knights a 28-23 lead. The game was tied at 32 at halftime. Davis finished with a careerhigh nine points.

DePaul opened the second half with a 20-6 run to take a 50-36 lead on Brittany Hrynko’s 3-pointer. Martin hit two 3s during the burst as the Blue Demons capped the run with four straight 3s. Then they went into their offensive funk and faltered down the stretch. “This was a tough game to lose,” DePaul coach Doug Bruno said. “These players are great young women and deserve to win, but you got to finish it. We deserved this one, but gave it away.” Usually Bruno loves an uptempo game, but the Blue Demons have been decimated by injuries this season. They have lost Keisha Hampton (right knee); Taylor Pikes (ACL); freshmen Alexa Gallagher (right knee) and Chanise Jenkins (left ankle) for the season, leaving the team with eight healthy players. Former Scarlet Knights star Cappie Pondexter was at the game and received an ovation. Pondexter, who graduated from Rutgers in 2006, spent the first part of the WNBA offseason playing for a team in Russia. The New York Liberty All-Star just signed a contract with a team in Turkey for the rest of the winter and will soon be headed back overseas.

26 . January 30, 2012. The DePaulia. Sports.



continued from back page

team just isn’t that good. Since the 2005-2006 season, DePaul has posted a 57119 record, good for a subpar .323 winning percentage. When told that ESPN called DePaul a “perennial Big East doormat” in their coverage of a game against Seton Hall, Munir responded, “I can’t complain with that. They’re not lying.” Another reason that students fail to connect with the Blue Demons is the success and tradition surrounding the numerous professional sports teams that reside in Chicago. “The fact that we have the Bulls, the Cubs and the [White] Sox, I’d rather see them play than a very poor basketball program,” junior Nathanial Garcia said. Garcia plays for the DePaul men’s club volleyball team and says that DePaul basketball has “no buzz whatsoever…since I’ve gone to DePaul I’ve been watching college basketball less and less.” Attendance has been lacking for years. In the 1997-98 season, average attendance at DePaul home games plummeted to just 3,634 fans per game: its lowest point between the 1980-81 and 2010-11 seasons. Last season, the average overall attendance per game was just 8,235 fans. Compare this to Big East rival Louisville, which brought in 21,233 fans to the KFC Yum! Center to watch the Cardinals rout the Blue Demons 76-59 on Jan. 15. “Anybody who goes to our games is kind of embarrassed,” Munir said. Allstate Arena can hold upwards of 18,500 fans and can’t even fill up halfway on game day. When DePaul plays in front of a national audience on ESPN, the cameras always show the same fans jumping up and down because there are really no other options. The upper bowl of the arena is barren game after game. From 1973 to 1992, the Blue Demons went 414-149, cementing their status as one of the elite programs in all of college basketball. Many of those seasons came under the leadership of Hall of Fame coach Ray Meyer, whose son Joey enjoyed some success as well. Attendance was high and Chicago loved the Blue Demons. But ever since a 3-23 record in 19961997, DePaul basketball hasn’t been the same. DePaul then joined the prestigious Big East Conference in 2005 and simply didn’t stack up, becoming an easy target for other Big East teams in less than a decade. For DePaul junior Aditi Acharya, the dwindling attendance is not a result of poor play, but the lack of social incentive. “I feel like DePaul lacks school spirit as a whole, and there is no motivation to go to games,” Acharya said. “It’s not a state school where if you were to go to a game, it would be with a group of friends and it would be an opportunity to mingle and meet new people.” Acharya noted that Chicago’s vibrant city life is a personal playground that may offer more enjoyable experiences than DePaul basketball games. “Once you've realized that you have other options, there's not much the school can do to convince you that sitting in a gym for two hours is optimal social time,” Acharya said. Acharya suggested that DePaul target freshmen and show how attending games will strongly benefit social connections, but said that there “[isn’t] much DePaul can do now to make me start attending.” Athletic Director Jean Lenti Ponsetto says that attendance is lacking simply because there are so many other activities to engage in at DePaul and around Chicago. “I’ve been around for 30 years and I’d challenge anyone who wants to call it ‘student apathy.’ DePaul is a really unique school in that it combines students who work very hard, have part-time jobs, and commute each and every day. DePaul inherently creates a unique situation for students. Things like commuting and night classes make it hard for students to get to the games. It’s not

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DIBS pumps up the small crowd at Allstate Arena. necessarily because they don’t want to go.” DePaul junior Douglas Davenport said that he has only heard a handful of compliments about the current team, which presently holds its first winning record since the 2006-2007 season. “Whenever I hear good things about the team, it’s always about how good they used to be,” Davenport said. “DePaul isn’t really a sports school. It might’ve been when they were good, but the nerds rule the campus now.” While Davenport is a fan of DePaul’s promotional giveaways, such as free pizza for the first 50 fans to attend the DePaul vs. Pittsburgh game, he noted that it would take more than a free t-shirt for him to attend, even with free admission for DePaul students. “Also, I’d like to see the home team win,” Davenport added. Ponsetto, though, doesn’t think the attendance is a direct result of the team’s poor play. “We haven’t had a great stretch lately but when I look at the other side of the equation I see the excellence of the women’s team. Their attendance hasn’t been great even though the team has been. We struggle with that, and I think it shows that the men’s team isn’t necessarily a victim of poor play.” While Davenport and Acharya have a typical student’s point of view, sophomore Michael Doherty actually works at Allstate Arena during some of the games. “I don’t go to the games unless I work at them, and when I’m there it’s pretty sad. There’s basically no one there,” Doherty said. When asked if he would attend games if DePaul had a significantly better record, he said, “Probably. I think a better record and more publicity would get more people to go. You don’t hear that much about the team, so people don’t really have an incen-

Grant Myatt | The DePaulia

tive to go to the games.” And along the lines of publicity, Garcia probably puts it best: “The push to get involved in DePaul sports really died halfway through freshman year,” he noted. Most people don’t seem to know when the Blue Demons are playing next, and many don’t even know that they can enter the games for free with a student I.D. Aside from the “Game Day” flag that sits outside the Student Center when DePaul plays a home game, there’s really no attempt to advertise the team. Patrick Condon is the staff director for the Blue Crew, a student organization that promotes spirit and student involvement. He says advertising is tough, but it’s not like DePaul hasn’t been reaching out to its students. “The Blue Crew has about 8,000 students involved. We also inform all of the students who come in for orientation that they can get tickets for free with their student I.D. In fact, this year we even gave freshmen a tour of the Sullivan Athletic Center and gave them the background on DePaul Basketball’s rich history and tradition.” Condon says that the biggest struggle is promoting the games with the transfer population that comes through in the junior year. “We don’t really get to interface with them, so we probably need to talk to them more,” he said. While attendance at men’s basketball games is tough to come by, perhaps it is more of an indication of the immense amount of activities that DePaul students can engage in. But everyone seems to hold the same opinion: if the team can continue to steadily improve, Allstate Arena will be rocking once again.

while only scoring 67. Some of those games were close and got away in the second half, but the 16 point differential was very concerning. Other clear keys to breaking the losing streak were rebounding and opponent’s field goal percentage. The Blue Demons were simply pounded on the boards during in the five straight losses by an average of 39 to nearly 26 rebounds a game. And because of missed shots, turnovers and players being left alone, opponents shot almost 55 percent from the field in that five-game span. It was like there was a different team on the floor against the Scarlet Knights. Even though the offense wasn’t quite awake in the first half, the defense held their own, keeping Rutgers to 29 points. It was good enough that once the offense did wake up, DePaul was able to come away with the win. As for the rebounding and opponents field goal percentage? The Blue Demons outrebounded the Scarlet Knights 30-29 and held them to 43 percent from the field. Looking at what else went right, three-point shooting and the presence of a third scorer can’t be overlooked. DePaul can make three-pointers with the best of them in the Big East. When they are off, as they were only going 3-of-18 against USF, it takes a serious advantage away from the Blue Demons. When they are on, as they were going 9-0f-19 against Rutgers, well you see what can happen. While all the numbers in the world can be thrown around, one of the biggest numbers is three, as in the third player to step up and support the Baltimore duo of Cleveland Melvin and Brandon Young. They are one of the most talented young combos in the nation, but one or both of them will have an occasional off night. During Big East play, there has rarely been someone else to step up and help them out. In the win over Pittsburgh, Jeremiah Kelly and Moses Morgan came to the plate. Against Rutgers, Jamee Crockett had the game of his short college life with a career-high 20 points. It is really as simple as someone else emerging as a consistent third option that could contribute to more conference victories this season. There’s one more nugget of information to ponder: prior to this season, DePaul won one Big East game a season for the last three seasons. That means they’ve already equaled their output from the last two seasons and can equal the threeseason output with just one more Big East win. As clear as day, the Blue Demons needed this win over Rutgers to make the Pittsburgh win not feel like a fluke. A win in their next game will start a conference winning streak, something foreign to the players, coaches and fans in Lincoln Park. And it will build more hope.

Ready for the long run Coach Dopek optimistic about track & field season ahead

By MATTHEW PARAS Contributing Writer

With DePaul’s long track and field season just underway, Head Coach Dave Dopek has already seen many positives with his squad. Both the men and women’s teams are coming off strong performances at the Notre Dame Invitational on Jan. 21, which Dopek took to be a strong preliminary litmus test for the rest of the season. “For it being as early as it was in the year, it was only our second meet in 2012, it worked out really well,” Dopek said. “We had, pretty much across the board, men and women’s teams all did really well for this time of year.” Really well might be an understatement. At the Notre Dame Invitational, the team competed to qualify for the Big East Conference Indoor Championships. Afterwards, 13 student-athletes advanced to compete in 14 different events. The standout of the meet was Tim Nedow. Nedow, a senior, earned his third consecutive Big East Male Field Athlete of the Week award by setting a DePaul record with his second throw of 20.01 meters. “Tim is a word class shotputter. He is a legitimate, world

class shot-putter and he’s only going to solidify his position as that,” Dopek stated. “He develops a level of confidence that’s enabling him to take those next steps. I mean the level of trust that he’s become comfortable with his coach. His coach, Coach Murer, [has become] more and more comfortable

might have to deal with the inconsistent weather conditions of the Midwest besides the trip to Tallahassee, Fla. to kick off the outdoor season. “The big thing in our area, the Midwest, is during the month of April, are we going to get rain or are we going to get 30 degrees? Or are we going to have nice weather?”

It’s good that it’s a long season. That means that meet in December, all of January, and even a little bit in February will give them experience by the time we get in the outdoor season. Coach Dave Dopek

working with him. He’s starting to realize that he can be every bit the shot putter we said he was going to be.” Besides the high praise Nedow rightfully earns, Dopek realizes that there will be areas of the team that go unnoticed. Even in Nedow’s own category, sophomore Matt Babicz recorded his career best throw of 17.98 meters at the Notre Dame Invitational. As the season goes forward, Coach Dopek sounded confident in the abilities of all his student-athletes. The Blue Demons will use that confidence and the momentum they build from each event as the outdoor season approaches. The recently released schedule for the outdoor season has DePaul starting on March 23 and riding it out until June. In that time frame, the team

Dopek pondered. “We’re going to live in the Midwest for a little bit and hope that the weather works out for us.” Still, even if the track and field team has to compete in subpar weather, they will take advantage of the long season. Most of the DePaul track members are only freshmen and sophomores without the experience of a schedule like the one they are up against. The lengthy season will be used to strengthen the team. “It’s good that it’s a long season. That means that meet in December, all of January, and even a little bit in February will give them experience by the time we get in the outdoor season. They’re not green anymore. They know what’s going on.” “While it is long and it is grinding, I think it’s better for them.”

Night class getting in the way?

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for Blue Demon game coverage.

Sports.January 30, 2012. The DePaulia 27

Men's tennis wins four in a row, eye top 50

their success so far in the seaBy DUSTIN RUTTENBERG son. Staff Writer “Our guys work really The Blue Demons are cur- hard. They’re great students, rently ranked No. 66 in the na- good competitors, and do tion after beating No. 64 Pur- things with integrity,” Brothers due last Sunday 4 -3. said. “The guys have a lot of “We’ve started out really pride and are proud of what we well," freshman Adam Rein- accomplish. We’re a small prohart said. “We’ve taken care gram and don’t have our own of business against some mid- facility, and so we have limitamajor schools." tions that a lot of teams don’t Reinhart, a Cincinnati, have.” Ohio native, plays #5 singles The Big East tennis schedfor the Blue Demons this sea- ule doesn’t work like other son. conferences, because a lot of The team has compiled a teams aren’t fully funded so four match win streak, beat- they aren’t required to have a ing Toledo, UIC, Detroit and full conference schedule. Denow Purdue over the past two Paul’s only Big East regular weeks. season matches come at the “The older guys really car- end of the season against Notre ried us that match, and it was a Dame and Marquette. good win for the team,” Rein“We can be a top 40 or 50 hart said regarding the victory team,” said Brothers. against Purdue. Brothers mentioned how The Blue Demons are in DePaul is limited with the Cambridge, Mass. this week- hours they can practice and end competing in the Harvard that they receive less time on Kick-Off. DePaul has sched- the courts then other schools. uled matches against Harvard, “The guys work hard, and Denver and Drake this week- get about a third less practice end. time then most of our oppoDePaul head coach Matt nents, so it says a lot about the Brothers is very passionate program, and how efficient we about the game of tennis, hav- go about things." ing played himself at the colThe men's tennis team's legiate level at UW – Green next home match is against Ilbay and Marquette. Brothers linois State at 7 p.m. on Feb. credits the spirit of his team for 24th.


continued from back page

“We still have a chance for the NCAA,” said Bruno, which DePaul will be hosting during the first and second rounds. Anna Martin has put up several strong performances most recently in last week’s Rutgers game, scoring 26 points. With three assists and seven rebounds, as well as a career-high of 13-for-14 from the free throw line, Martin has proved to be a great asset as well as a strong leader for this team. “We just need to focus on a strong finish,” said Martin. “Katherine Harry and I have been in a leadership role” for the team this season said Martin, however she is quick to note the strong performance of her teammates. Freshman Brittany Hrynko and Megan Rogowski, as well as sophomore Jasmine Penny, have been “doing a great job,” said Martin. “We are a really close team on and off the court,” she says. “Good things happen when we work together.”

With their “old and young dynamic” holding strong, this small squad of nine girls has a “great senior class” and some underclassmen who are “really stepping up,” said Bruno. Despite injuries, seniors Keisha Hampton and Taylor Pikes are “still mentoring” and integral parts of the team. Martin has done a “magnificent job leading,” said Bruno, and “being aggressive to score.” Staying “strong in face of adversity,” Bruno adds, is something this team is going to have to do to be successful, and Martin has done that. We just need to “bounce back” and focus on the “little things,” said Martin. “This is the most difficult stretch,” said Bruno, however if the team can overcome their recent hurdles and sustain momentum throughout the game they will be successful on the court. The Blue Demons will be returning home to face fellow Big East Conference team Louisville at 8 p.m. on Tuesday.


Sports. January 30, 2012. The DePaulia 28

Sports Editor Cheryl Waity Assistant Sports Editor Julian Zeng depauliasports@gmail.com


Martin leads short, resilient bench through rest of Big East play

Students blame team's poor performance, city life for lack of interest


By LAURA JO CLANTON Contributing Writer The DePaul Blue Demons women’s basketball team seems to have hit a rough patch in their 2011-12 season, sustaining the loss of four key players and three back to back games. However, with the help of strong team leaders like junior guard Anna Martin and junior forward Katherine Harry, this team plans to fight back and win their campaign to the NCAA tournament. This team has faced a lot of “emotional adversity” in a short eight day period, including their hard fought 65-64 loss to Rutgers. With an overall record of 15-6 the team needs to “mentally and emotionally rebound” said Head Coach Doug Bruno. With four players out from seasonending injuries and mid-season losses to USF, Connecticut and Rutgers, “we have to redesign our goals” for the season. Last season DePaul finished as an NCAA Sweet 16 team, yet, this year

Attendance policy

Mel Evans | Photo courtesy of the Associated Press

Anna Martin finished the game with 26 points against Rutgers. “we need to make the Sweet 16 the floor, rather than the ceiling.” Some of their early goals like fin-


Men break bad habits with Rutgers victory

ishing in the top three for the Big East may now be much tougher to achieve, however, they have not given up.

Take a second and imagine stepping into a large, on-campus athletic arena to watch your Blue Demons play high-flying, high quality basketball against the best schools in the country. Imagine packing the stands with all of your best friends, jumping up and down when the home team makes a three-pointer or slams down a thunderous dunk. A few decades ago, this was the scene at a DePaul basketball game, when coach Ray Meyer paced up and down the sidelines and superstar Mark Aguirre dominated the competition night after night. The Blue Demons were once a perennial contender in college basketball and the on-campus Alumni Hall was rocking when DePaul took to the court. These days, things are quite different for the once-proud Blue Demons, who have struggled through most of the last two decades and alienated a fan base that has lost interest in the team’s affairs. “There are a lot of problems, but it starts with the team’s performance,” said junior Baber Munir. While students do lament the location of the Allstate Arena, where the Demons play, the main point of contention remains that the

See "SHORT -STAFFED" page 27

See " ATTENDANCE" page 26

Crockett leads Blue Demons to win over Rutgers

By DAVID BERRY Staff Writer

Can one win validate a season? Not really, but it can give hope when it seemed to be dwindling. The DePaul men’s basketball team had an alltime high, at least for this season, after defeating Pittsburgh and having the students rush the court at Allstate Arena. Then Soul II Soul must have pumped their hit song from the 90s into the Blue Demons: “Back to life, back to reality, back to the here and now, yeah.” The win over Pitt doesn’t quite look as big as it did that night, as the Panthers have lost eight of their last nine games before this past weekend and sit tied for last place in the Big East. Yes that last place, a spot that has normally been reserved for the Blue Demons in years past. Simply put, the win over Rutgers is exactly what DePaul and head coach Oliver Purnell needed to make sure the team wasn’t lost for the rest of the regular season and Big East Tournament. In the five-game losing streak that was snapped by the win in Piscataway at the RAC, DePaul averaged giving up 83 points per game


Mel Evans | Photo courtesy of the Associated Press

Jamee Crockett led a second half crusade against Rutgers with 17 of his career high 20 points coming in the second half. This road win was the second Big East win for the Blue Demons marking their best campaign since 2007-08.

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