2023-24 JD Fast Facts

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JD Students University Enrollment

Full-time Program Part-time Program

531 21,348

FALL 2023 ENTERING JURIS DOCTOR CLASS Total Applicants Full-time Enrollment Part-time Enrollment

1,771 141 24

Median LSAT 157 LSAT 25th and 75th Percentiles 153–159 Median Undergraduate GPA 3.59 GPA 25th and 75th Percentiles 3.27–3.79 Full-time Age Range Full-time Average Age Part-time Age Range Part-time Average Age

21–38 24 22–39 28

Minority Students Female Students Out-of-state Enrollment

25% 69% 40%

LEGAL CLINICS $51,649 $33,558

Dean’s achievement scholarships are awarded at the time of acceptance and no separate application is required. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for need-based aid.

Asylum & Immigration Law Business Law Civil Litigation & Health Law Criminal Appeals Croak Community Legal Clinic Family Law Technology/Intellectual Property

FACULTY Full-time Faculty Adjunct Faculty

36 101

INNOVATIVE PROGRAMS 1L Applied Legal Skills (ALS) Preparing to Practice (P2P)


Health Law

Specialized First-Year Legal Writing Sections in: - Business Law - Family Law - Health Law - Intellectual Property Law - Litigation - Public Interest Law

Information Technology, Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Law

Academic Success and Bar Passage Programs

Business Law Criminal Law Family Law Health Care Compliance

Intellectual Property Law International & Comparative Law Patent Law Public Interest Law Tax Law

(over) Updated October 2023

EMPLOYMENT & CAREER SERVICES INFORMATION Numerous firms and public and private employers regularly recruit on campus. For the class of 2022, 91.8% of DePaul law graduates seeking employment reported being employed 10 months after graduation.*



JD/LLM in Health Law

American Constitution Society

JD/LLM in Intellectual Property Law & Information Technology

Appellate Moot Court Society

JD/LLM in International Law

Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Art & Cultural Heritage Law Society


Black Law Student Association

JD/MS in Computer Science

Business Law Society

JD/Master in International & European Business Law

Child & Family Law Association

JD/MA in International Studies

DePaul Federal Bar Association

JD/MS in International Public Service

Entertainment & Sports Law Society

Decalogue Society

Federalist Society

JD/MNM (Nonprofit Management)

Reported Employment Type (Class of 2022)

JD/MPA (Public Administration)

First Generation Law Student Organization

JD/MPP (Public Policy)

Intellectual Property Law Society

JD/MS in Public Service Management

International Law Society

BA/JD (3+3 program with the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and the College of Communication)

Latino Law Student Association

Law Firms (53%) Business & Industry (14.8%) Government (14.3%) Public Interest (11.3%)** Judicial Clerkships (4.8%) Education (1.8%) * The information provided is taken directly from the annual American Bar Association (ABA) employment questionnaire, which includes all non-deferred employment, whether it is in the legal industry or in non-legal sectors, and also includes full-time, part-time, long-term and short-term employment. Additional insight on employment data reports can be found at law.depaul.edu. ** Public Interest as a category does not include government employment.

LAW LIBRARY Total Volumes (including microfiche)

– Preparing to Practice (P2P): an innovative, required first-year professional development and identity formation course – One-on-one job search strategy sessions with experienced advisors – M yriad networking opportunities to connect with alumni and employers – Public and private sector job postings – On-campus interview program and regional job fairs –M ock interview opportunities – Judicial clerkship advising and application support - Various practice area specific information sessions


Librarians Support Staff

Middle Eastern North African Law Student Association OUTlaws Part-Time Law Student Organization

6 3

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity Public Interest Law Association Society for Asylum & Immigration Law

Seating Capacity 490 Group Study & Media Viewing Rooms 18

Student Bar Association



DePaul Law Review

Westlaw, LexisNexis, I-Share, CALI, Bloomberg Law, FDsys, HeinOnline, E-books (including study aids), among others

Journal for Art, Technology & Intellectual Property Law Journal of Health Care Law Journal for Social Justice

Office of Law Admissions 25 East Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60604-2287 (312) 362-6831 lawinfo@depaul.edu

Updated October 2023

Law Students Supporting Neurodiversity

Muslim Law Student Association

Business and Commercial Law Journal


Justinian Society

Women’s Bar Association

Computer Labs in Law Library (5th floor) and Lewis Center (13th floor) Printers on the 2nd and 5th floors; cost: eight cents per side; students receive $36/semester printing credit

law.depaul.edu Instagram and Twitter: @DePaulLaw Facebook: @DePaulCollegeofLaw

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