

DePaul College of Law’s Intellectual Property Law & Information Technology (IP/IT) Program— powered by the Center for Intellectual Property Law & Information Technology (CIPLIT®)—has stood at the forefront of IP/IT legal education since its inception over 20 years ago. The program’s unique interdisciplinary learning experience combines one of the most diverse and cuttingedge IP/IT curricula in the country with timely and innovative scholarship and research, outstanding career development opportunities and mentoring, and an unparalleled range of extracurricular opportunities. This comprehensive approach prepares students for the ever-changing needs of law, business and technology. Located in the heart of Chicago, DePaul College of Law is in a prime location to provide students and legal professionals with invaluable resources within these fields.
With wide-ranging opportunities and a tradition of excellence, DePaul’s IP/IT program has enjoyed national recognition for many years and is currently ranked one of the top 25 IP programs in the country by U.S. News & World Report. DePaul’s IP/IT program also has received “A” and “A+” rankings from preLaw magazine over the past several years, as well as being named a “Leader in Legal Technology” in 2021. Also in 2021, the College of Law was one of 36 universities worldwide included in the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) inaugural issue of “Privacy and Data Protection in Academia: A Global Guide to Curricula.”
Our distinguished IP/IT faculty teach and work in a broad range of specialty areas, such as copyright, patent, innovation policy, art and cultural heritage law, cyberlaw and data protection. They consistently produce a wide array of scholarship, and in just in the past couple of years, they have published articles and book chapters on multiple subjects, including the importance of technology education, patent rights during a pandemic, religious traditions, contract law, the consumer duty of care in trademark law, the preservation of cultural heritage, innovation law and policy choices for climate change-related public-private
partnerships, intellectual property and authorship integrity, and artificial intelligence.
Recognized globally as experts in the IP/IT field, DePaul law faculty share their expertise across the world as presenters and panelists, have testified before the U.S. Senate regarding pending legislation to reform patent law subject matter eligibility doctrine, and have advised countries on protecting archaeological sites and combatting the illegal trade in antiquities.
DePaul College of Law also has continued to implement a Technology & Data Protection Initiative, reflecting the growing importance of technology and cyberlaw and the increasing demand for technology-savvy lawyers. Most recently, through a partnership with the DePaul Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media (CDM), all upper-level DePaul JD students, even those without a technical background, are allowed to enroll in select CDM technology courses.
CIPLIT has further enhanced the College of Law’s nationally recognized IP/IT program through the introduction of more technology-focused curricular and extracurricular opportunities. This expansion includes the addition of new courses focused on the intersection of IP/IT and business, and CIPLIT’s Tech-Law Boot Camp Series, which is open to all students and the Chicago legal community, features speakers discussing myriad cuttingedge technology topics including data protection, cybersecurity, data privacy and technology law certifications.
As the evolution of this field affects law, business and technology across the globe, DePaul’s IP/ IT program continues to innovate, and CIPLIT’s tradition of excellence and success is assured with the continued collaboration and support of faculty, alumni and friends, as well as its esteemed Advisory Board. Through the growth of its interdisciplinary curriculum and specialized programming, CIPLIT will expand its legacy of providing high-quality, leading-edge legal education to students, educators and practitioners well into the future.
DePaul College of Law’s distinguished IP/IT faculty work in a broad range of areas including copyright, patent law, innovation policy, trademark, art and cultural heritage law, cyberlaw, data protection and moral rights. Along with the full-time faculty, DePaul College of Law also is fortunate to have diverse and distinguished adjunct and affiliated faculty bring to the law school their expertise from law practice, business, technology and other DePaul colleges.
Executive Director, CIPLIT®; Adjunct Faculty, DePaul College of Law and College of Business
JD, DePaul University
MBA, DePaul University
Program Coordinator, CIPLIT®; Associate Director, Center for Animal Law
JD, DePaul University
Raymond P. Niro Professor of Intellectual Property Law; Founding Director, CIPLIT®
JD, University of Pennsylvania
Professor of Law
JD, Stanford University
Distinguished Research Professor of Law; Faculty
Director, Center for Art, Museum & Cultural Heritage Law
JD, Northwestern University
PhD, Fine Arts and Anthropology, Harvard University
Vincent de Paul Professor of Law; Faculty Director, Center for Animal Law
JD, University of Minnesota
LLM, University of Illinois
MA, University of Minnesota
Professor of Law
JD, University of Virginia
Senior Professional Lecturer
JD, Loyola University Chicago
Professor, DePaul Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media
JD, University of Texas
PhD, Computer Science, University of Illinois Chicago (coursework completed)
MS, Computer Science, DePaul University
JD, IIT Chicago-Kent
LLM, Health Law, Loyola University Chicago
PhD Candidate, Social Sciences and Public Health, Northwestern University
JD/MA, Health Law and Bioethics, University of Minnesota
MPhil, Sociology, Cambridge University
Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP
GREG CASIMER Thorelli & Associates
Kaminecki IP
Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP
McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff
Clark Hill PLC
Thorelli & Associates
Glen Belvis (Chair) Belvis Law, LLC
Daniel R. Bestor
Motorola Solutions, Inc.
David K. Callahan
Latham & Watkins LLP
Lawrence J. Crain (Chair Emeritus)
Greer Burns & Crain, Ltd.
Mark W. Croll
Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd.
Monika Dudek
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Thomas J. Filarski
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Victoria Friedman
Dennemeyer & Associates, LLC
Dennis J. Gallitano
Conn Kavanaugh
Troy Groetken
McAndrews Held & Malloy, Ltd.
H. Michael Hartmann (Chair Emeritus)
Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd.
Anne S. Jordan
Jordan Associates
Julie L. Langdon
Edward D. Manzo
Intellectual Property Attorney
John S. Mortimer
Wood Phillips
Dean D. Niro
Vitale, Vickrey, Niro, Solo & Gasey
Gregory S. Norrod
Intellectual Property Attorney
John S. Paniaguas
(Chair Emeritus)
Clark Hill PLC
Christopher Reckamp
Kennedy Lenart Spraggins LLP
William J. Ryan
Scandaglia & Ryan
Matthew J. Sampson
Lee Sullivan Shea & Smith LLP
Brian Sodikoff
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
Kathryn Starshak
K&L Gates LLP
Melissa K. Ventrone
Clark Hill PLC
PROFESSOR PATTY GERSTENBLITH’S areas of expertise are cultural heritage law and art and museum law. She is the founding president of the Lawyers Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation; senior advisor to the ABA’s Art and Cultural Heritage Law Committee; and formerly served as an appointee of President Obama as the chair of the President’s Cultural Property Advisory Committee in the U.S. Department of State.
• Hobby Lobby, the Museum of the Bible and the Law: A Case Study of the Looting of Archaeological Artifacts from Iraq, in Antiquities smuggling: in the ReAl And ViRtuAl WoRld 59-95 (Layla Hashemi and Louise Shelley eds., Routledge 2022)
• Montgomery Fellow and Presenter, “Imperialism, Colonialism, Archaeology, and the ‘Universal’ Museum,” Dartmouth College Heritage Management Series: Who Owns the Past? (Fall 2021)
• Presenter, “Imperialism, Colonialism, Reparations, and the ‘Universal’ Museum,” University of Pennsylvania Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology Cultural Heritage Center (December 2021)
• Presenter, “Returning Illegally Trafficked Cultural Objects: Civil Forfeiture at the Intersection of Private and Criminal Law,” Transatlantic Cultural Property Crime Symposium (November 2021)
• Presenter, “Deaccessioning Practices in American Museums: What Changes in AAM and AAMD Policies in Response to Covid Tell Us About Their Policies,” International Art Market Studies Association (July 2021)
PROFESSOR MICHAEL GRYNBERG previously served as associate dean for research and faculty professional development. His research concerns intellectual property and technology law with a focus on trademark law.
• TRUMP TOO SMALL and the Problem of Trademark Merchandising, Colum. J.l. & ARts (forthcoming)
• Living with the Merchandising Right, ___ YAle J.l. & teCh (forthcoming 2022)
• tRAdemARk lAW, a free casebook available on SSRN with accompanying YouTube subject matter videos (2021, updated version forthcoming 2022)
• “TRUMP TOO SMALL and the Problem of Trademark Merchandising,” World Trademark Review (May 28, 2022)
PROFESSOR ROBERTA KWALL is an internationally renowned scholar and lecturer and has published over 30 articles on a wide variety of topics including authorship rights, intellectual property, and Jewish law and culture. She has authored several law casebooks as well as two monographs.
• Paperback Edition, Remix JudAism: PReseRVing tRAdition in A diVeRse WoRld (Rowman & Littlefield 2022)
• Op-ed, “Emotional Intelligence Makes Every Space Holy,” New York Jewish Week/Times of Israel (February 2022)
• Op-ed, “Jewish Organizations Need More Focus on the Low Hanging Fruit,” eJewish Philanthropy (Jewish Insider) (February 2022)
• Op-ed, “My Unorthodox Life Doesn’t Tell You that Orthodox Jewish Women Are Rocking the World of Jewish Law,” The Jewish Journal (July 2021)
• Response, “Is Jewish Continuity Sexist? Who is Really Listening?,” Sources Journal (Shalom Hartman Institute) (June 2021)
PROFESSOR MAGGIE LIVINGSTON is a Vincent de Paul Professor of Law, and she teaches and writes in the areas of intellectual property and commercial law.
• Community Property, in mAttheW BendeR deBtoR-CReditoR lAW tReAtise (LexisNexis 2022)
• Breach by Licensor of Trademarks, in CommeRCiAl dAmAges tReAtise (LexisNexis 2021)
• Infringement of Copyright and Literary Property, in CommeRCiAl dAmAges tReAtise (LexisNexis 2021)
• Costs of Litigation and Control, in CommeRCiAl dAmAges tReAtise (LexisNexis 2021)
• Agreed Remedies: Contractual Clauses Dealing with Specific Relief, in CommeRCiAl dAmAges tReAtise (LexisNexis 2021)
• Recipient, Excellence in Teaching Award, DePaul University (2022)
• Moderator/Speaker, two seminars and a film screening, DePaul College of Law Center for Animal Law
PROFESSOR JOSHUA SARNOFF is an internationally recognized expert on the intersections of intellectual property law, environmental law, health law, and administrative and international law. His current research focuses on innovation policy and technology development; climate change technology and data; utility and design patent empirical analyses, history and theory; and intellectual property rights in genetic and natural resources, diagnostics and therapeutics.
• Compelling Trade Secret Transfers, __ hAstings l.J. ___ (forthcoming 2023) (with D. Levine)
• Design Patents Are Theft, Not Just A ‘Fraud on The Public,’ Who Need Legislation to Restore Their Repair Rights, 36 BeRkeleY teCh l.J. 168 (2021)
• A Research Framework for Intellectual Property and Environmental Law, in hAndBook on intelleCtuAl PRoPeRtY ReseARCh (Irene Calboli & Lilla Montagnani et al. eds., Oxford U. Press 2021)
• Consultant, World Health Organization COVID-19 Technology Access Pool, addressed recommended practices for contractual terms of funding agreements to assure technology transfer and affordable access to needed medical products (2021-present)
• Presenter, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s inaugural AI and Emerging Technologies Partnership Stakeholder Meeting, discussed inventorship issues relating to artificial intelligence (June 2022)
SENIOR PROFESSIONAL LECTURER TONY VOLINI’S areas of expertise are legal writing, patent drafting, IP licensing, and cybersecurity and privacy.
• Strategies to Deter Child Pornography in the Absence of a Mandatory Encryption Back Door: Tipster Programs, a Licensed Researcher System, Compelled Password Production, & Private Surveillance, 31 the dePAul J. ARt, teCh. & intel. PRoP l. 1 (2022)
• Recipient, Hosier IP Scholar Award, DePaul College of Law (2021)
• Panelist, 2022 Global Cybersecurity Initiative Conference, Chicago-Kent College of Law (April 2022)
• Keynote Speaker, “Bridging the Communication Gap Between IT & Other Professionals,” DePaul University Annual Cyber Risk Conference (November 2021)
• Senior Commenter (ransomware article), Northern Illinois University Junior Scholars Conference (October 2021)
• Participant, “New Perspectives in Technology Law and Intellectual Property,” Seals Conference Discussion Group, Washington and Lee University (July 2021)
PROFESSOR KAREN HEART is an experienced teacher, software developer and attorney. She has created software for industries including publishing, banking, insurance and logistics, and her legal work has focused on intellectual property, civil and criminal litigation, and appellate work. Her current research interests include system security, forensics, and cybersecurity regulation and liability. At DePaul, she teaches Computer Science, Cybersecurity Law and Information Technology Law.
• Purging Data from Backups by Encryption, in inteRnAtionAl ConfeRenCe on dAtABAse And exPeRt sYstems APPliCAtions (sPRingeR, ChAm 2021) (co-authored with Nick Scope, Alexander Rasin, James Wagner and Ben Lenard)
• Database Framework for Supporting Retention Policies, in InteRnAtionAl ConfeRenCe on dAtABAse And exPeRt sYstems APPliCAtions (sPRingeR, ChAm 2021) (co-authored with Nick Scope, Alexander Rasin, James Wagner and Ben Lenard)
• Harmonizing Privacy Regarding Data Retention and Purging, in sCientifiC And stAtistiCAl dAtABAse mAnAgement ConfeRenCe (ACm 2022) (co-authoried with Nick Scope, Alexander Rasin, James Wagner and Ben Lenard)
Each year, DePaul’s Jaharis Health Law Institute welcomes faculty fellows who focus their teaching and research on the intersection of health law and intellectual property law.
Jaharis Faculty Fellow Julie L. Campbell is a health law attorney, certified health care compliance specialist, medical ethicist and medical-legal scholar. Through an interdisciplinary lens, she identifies issues in the health care system that impact patient care and health outcomes. She focuses on technological advances that affect patient decision-making and the dying process, as well as systemic errors that contribute to premature death. Her article, “The Ethical Use of Observation Units: Empowering Physician Autonomy for Patient Placement Decisions,” with Kathy Lee and Emily Mann, was recently published in the University of Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy. She previously served a senior fellow with the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago and as a health law consultant to the New York Times documentary series “New York Times Presents.”
Jaharis Faculty Fellow Rick Weinmeyer is a fifth-year PhD candidate in Social Sciences and Public Health at Northwestern University with an emphasis on public health law and health policy and bioethics. His dissertation explores the public toilet crisis in the United States and discusses the legal and policy changes needed to improve public toilet availability and accessibility. Prior to pursuing his PhD, he spent four years as a senior research associate for the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs at the American Medical Association (AMA). During his time with the AMA, he researched and wrote on subjects at the intersection of health policy, public health law and medical ethics.
DePaul College of Law offers one of the most diverse, cutting-edge IP/IT curricula in the country.
Qualified first-year students are invited to join the College of Law’s distinctive IP Legal Writing Section, which places an emphasis on IP/IT topics as part of the first-year Legal Analysis, Research & Communication curriculum and is taught by an attorney or professor with professional IP experience.
The upper-level IP/IT program features a wide range of coursework, as well as seminars, skills classes and clinical experiences, including the Technology/Intellectual Property (TIP ®) Field Clinic. Students also have the opportunity to pursue one of four IP/IT certificates, three joint degrees and an LLM in IP/IT. Additionally, CIPLIT’s recent Technology & Data Protection Initiative expanded data privacy, data security and technology course offerings and created a partnership with the DePaul Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media that allows all DePaul law students to enroll in select CDM technology courses for JD credit. Current courses include: Legal Responsibility in IT, Cybersecurity Law, Disaster Recovery Theory & Strategies, Information Security Management, Introduction to Programing and IT Auditing.
COURSES Courses may vary from year-to-year.
• Advanced Patent Law
• Art & the Law
• Biotechnology Patent Strategies for the New Millennium
• Copyright Law
• Customs Law
• Cybersecurity Law
• Data Breach Notification Laws
• Data Privacy Law: U.S. & EU
• Disaster Recovery Theory & Strategies
• Entertainment Law
• Food & Drug Law
• Guided Research: IP
• Independent Research: IP
• Information Security Management
• Intellectual Property for Corporate Transactional Lawyers
• Intellectual Property Law Survey
• International Intellectual Property
• Internet Law
• Introduction to Programming
• IT Auditing
• Journal of Art, Technology & Intellectual Property Law Editorial Board
• Legal Responsibilities in IT
• Music Law
• Music Transactions: Representing Talent
• Non-Profit Organizations
• Patent Law
• Patent & Trademark Searching
• Practical Legal Research: Cultural Heritage
• Practical Legal Research: IP
• Practical Legal Research: Legal Practice Technology
• Privacy Law
• Special Topics in Law: Entrepreneurship, Innovation & the Law at 1871 & 2112
• Special Topics in Law: IP Valuation in Tech Industries
• Sports Law
• Trademark & Unfair Competition Law
• Trade Secret Law
• Advanced Intellectual Property
• Advanced Patent Law
• Cultural Heritage Law
• Health Innovation & Intellectual Property
• Intellectual Property & Climate Change
• Legal Drafting: Art Market Transactions
• Legal Drafting: IP Licensing
• Legal Drafting: Patents
• Legal Drafting: Trademarks & Copyright
• Externship Program: IP
• Field Clinic Practice & Seminar: Technology/Intellectual Property (TIP®)
• Litigation Strategy: IP
• Moot Court Competition: IP
• Moot Court: Patent Law
• Art & Museum Law
• General IP Law
• Information Technology, Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Law
• Patent Law
• JD/LLM in Intellectual Property Law & Information Technology
• JD/MS with DePaul’s Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media (CDM)
• JD/MBA with DePaul’s Kellstadt Graduate School of Business
• Intellectual Property Law & Information Technology
DePaul College of Law provides students with a variety of hands-on opportunities to enhance their IP/IT studies and to prepare them for practice in this field, including externships, clinics, journals and extracurricular activities.
Dedicated to “Protecting the Creative Works of Creative Minds®,” the Technology/Intellectual Property (TIP ®) Field Clinic, a successor to one of the first intellectual property clinics in the country, enables students to gain practice experience in intellectual property and technology law. Students work off-site with law firms and partner organizations specifically chosen for their ability to expose students to intellectually challenging and exciting legal issues. Clients include entrepreneurs, musicians, artists, authors and inventors who need assistance in protecting their creations and businesses. The TIP Field Clinic is an integral component of the College of Law’s nationally ranked IP program.
CIPLIT’s extremely successful An Introduction to IP Theory & Practice Lecture Series is designed to acquaint all first-year students with substantive content and elements of practice in the various areas of IP law. The lectures are presented by both full-time faculty members and experienced IP attorneys.
Part of the Technology & Data Protection Initiative, CIPLIT’s Tech-Law Boot Camp Series features lectures by professors, practicing attorneys and other technology specialists on relevant substantive technology topics, including certifications, technology management principles, data privacy, cybersecurity, networking concepts and internet law. These lectures are open to DePaul law students, alumni and the Chicago legal community.
As part of DePaul University’s collaboration with 1871 and 2112—Chicago’s prestigious entrepreneurial technology and creative arts hubs—DePaul law students have access to programming, special events, workshops, lectures and networking opportunities with industry leaders. CIPLIT students can take Special Topics in Law: Entrepreneurship, Innovation & the Law at 1871 & 2112, a practical course that allows students to perform and present legal research that addresses the business, technological and legal issues facing innovators today.
The DePaul Journal of Art, Technology & Intellectual Property Law (JATIP) is a student-edited online law journal established in 1991. Published biannually, JATIP reviews developing legal and policy issues in the fields of art, technology and intellectual property law.
The student-led Intellectual Property Law Society connects DePaul law students with the IP legal community by providing mentoring opportunities and hosting events with IP professionals and alumni.
The Art & Cultural Heritage Law Society connects DePaul law students with professionals and organizations whose practice areas center around the evolving and diverse landscape of museum, art and cultural heritage law.
Each year, DePaul College of Law’s outstanding IP/IT curriculum, faculty and extracurricular opportunities attract many students with excellent and diverse credentials who come to the law school to engage in its rigorous, invigorating academic environment.
Through its extensive mentoring and job placement advising, CIPLIT assists students and alumni with career development and potential placements at myriad firms and organizations, locally and nationally. Recent student and alumni placements include:
Adler Law Group
Antiquities Coalition
Art-Law Centre at the University of Geneva Association on American Indian Affairs
Beem Patent Law Firm
Cherskov Flaynik & Gurda, LLC
Chicago History Museum City of Chicago
Dennemeyer and Associates, LLC
Eligo Energy
Ernst and Young
Global IP
Greer Burns & Crain Ltd.
Hill-Rom Services, Inc.
Hon. Cecilia A. Horan, Circuit Court of Cook County, Chancery Division
Husch Blackwell LLP
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) (Rome)
Institute of Art and Law (London)
IpHorgan Ltd.
Irwin IP
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
K&L Gates LLP
Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation
Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd.
Marshall Gerstein & Borun, LLP
McDermott Will & Emery
Motorola Solutions
Nixon Peabody
Quarles & Brady LLP
Rakoczy Molino Mazzochi Siwik LLP
Scandaglia & Ryan
Sidley Austin LLP
Smithsonian Institution, Office of the Under Secretary for History, Art and Culture
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of the Associate Chief Counsel
Wilson Elser
“I would not have excelled in this role without the research and writing skills I acquired through my first-year IP legal writing section and IP coursework.”
“I owe the experience I gained and my growing network of IP mentors and attorneys to CIPLIT.”
— Jordan Hubaishy
— Liya Levin
“I attribute my success this summer to the help and support I have received through CIPLIT and the first-year IP legal writing section.
— Beau Reeves
“Thanks to CIPLIT, I had the opportunity to work as a law clerk in the Chicago office of Wilson Elser LLP, a leading provider in cyber risk management and litigation services. I worked with their cybersecurity and data privacy team and gained vast insight on how different types of businesses must respond to data breaches. In addition to performing legal research on various data breach class action lawsuits, I drafted notices to individuals and government officials nationwide, analyzed whether clients had an obligation to notify under state laws and federal regulations, and played a vital role in briefing my team and clients on future changes in the law, both within the United States and internationally.
I cannot emphasize enough how helpful CIPLIT Professors Gutiontov and Volini were in preparing me for my summer internship. The IP legal writing section gave me a strong legal writing foundation and the opportunity to apply my new skills to complex intellectual property issues. Additionally, CIPLIT worked closely with me to refine my resume to make my job search as successful as possible. I owe the experience I gained and my growing network of IP mentors and attorneys to CIPLIT.”
“This summer, I worked as a federal judicial intern to a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington, D.C. This appellate court has subject matter jurisdiction over issues including patent law, veterans benefits and government contracts. Approximately sixty percent of appeals heard at the Federal Circuit are patent cases, and as a law student interested in patent litigation, this court was a great place for me to learn about the field hands-on. As a judicial intern, I attended oral arguments, conducted legal research and drafted advisory opinions on complex litigation issues.
The opportunity to work at the Federal Circuit was invaluable. I am grateful for the patent law knowledge I gained, as well as the vast improvement in my writing. However, I would not have excelled in this role without the research and writing skills I acquired through my first-year IP legal writing section and IP coursework. I am also incredibly thankful to CIPLIT, especially Professors Gutiontov and Gerstenblith, for their generous scholarships that helped me pursue this amazing experience that will enable me to become a successful attorney.”
“This summer, I had the opportunity to clerk in the Chicago office of Greer, Burns & Crain, Ltd (GBC). There, I assisted the Intellectual Property Litigation Practice Group on several projects, such as patent filings, helping respond to USPTO office actions, and overall research for clients regarding copyright, trademark and patent issues. Outside of the IP legal writing section, I did not have much exposure to the world of IP, but that changed after my summer with GBC. In this role, I gained exposure to the rules governing the global intellectual property community, participated in infringement actions against international IP violators, and honed my legal research and writing skills by drafting memoranda on issues related to patent, copyright and trademark litigation matters.
With GBC, I was able to work with well-known clients and have my research contribute to their overall goals and inquiries. I attribute my success this summer to the help and support I received through CIPLIT and the first-year IP legal writing section. Both Professors Ellen Gutiontov and Tony Volini provided me with the opportunity and skills to excel as an IP law clerk and, onward, as a practicing IP attorney.”
Associate, Sidley Austin LLP
“I am currently an associate in Sidley Austin LLP’s IP Litigation Group, and later this year, I will be a clerk for the Honorable John Z. Lee of the Northern District of Illinois, who is currently awaiting Senate confirmation to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Following my clerkship with Judge Lee, I will clerk for the Honorable Alan D. Lourie of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit for a two-year term.
At DePaul, I was an evening law student working full-time as a patent agent at a Chicago intellectual property boutique firm. With the help of CIPLIT, I enrolled in the first-year IP legal writing section, which kindled my interest in pursuing a career in litigation. During my third year of law school, I enrolled in an advanced IP seminar and wrote a research paper on the lack of gender parity in the practice of patent law. With the encouragement of my CIPLIT professors and advisors, I published a paper, “The Patent Bar Gender Gap: Expanding the Eligibility Requirements to Foster Inclusion and Innovation in the U.S. Patent System,” in IP Theory. My paper caught the attention of U.S. Senators Hirono (D-HI), Coons (D-DE) and Tillis (R-NC), who penned a letter to then-USPTO Director Andrei Iancu, citing my work and requesting the USPTO’s comments on the issue. Ultimately, the USPTO heeded some of my recommendations and adjusted the qualifications required to sit for the patent bar exam. My paper also won the 2021 Robert C. Watson Writing Competition award from American Intellectual Property Law Association.”
Associate Professor, University of Strasbourg
“Though one of the reasons I initially chose DePaul College of Law was its variety of IP law course offerings, I could not imagine what a great program it would ultimately be for myself and my career. I started law school with an interest in copyright law, but I was uncertain of my professional path forward. Thankfully, throughout my years at DePaul, the professors and mentors that comprise the CIPLIT team guided me and encouraged me to cultivate my interests in IP law. Their incredible knowledge and passion for the subject made me feel confident enough to keep going, and attending the events and conferences gave me the opportunity to network with other IP professionals and even find a few IP related jobs as a law student.
By the end of my time in law school, after serving as president of DePaul’s IP Law Society, editing on the Journal of Art, Technology & Intellectual Property Law, and co-directing DePaul’s annual Jaharis Symposium on Health Law & Intellectual Property Law, I found myself more and more inspired by the fast-paced world of IP law. I was then motivated to apply for a highly competitive joint PhD program in Europe, writing on the topic of copyright in the digital single market. In 2022, I successfully defended my PhD for both the Queen Mary University of London and the University of Strasbourg, and I began my role as an associate professor of IP Law at the University of Strasbourg this Fall. My story is one that could not have been possible without the constant support and encouragement of my DePaul professors and CIPLIT mentors, and I am proud to be one of its alumni.”
As part of its mission to contribute to discourse in IP/IT law, CIPLIT hosts multiple programs each year, highlighting the latest developments in the field. Notable programs hosted or sponsored by CIPLIT include:
Started by DePaul, the Intellectual Property Scholars Conference (IPSC) is an annual event bringing together IP scholars from across the world to present their works-in-progress and discuss current IP/IT issues. The conference is co-sponsored by The Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, UC Berkeley School of Law; Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University; Center for Intellectual Property Law & Information Technology (CIPLIT®), DePaul College of Law; and the Stanford Program in Law, Science and Technology, Stanford Law School. The 19th Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference was hosted by CIPLIT in August 2019.
The annual DePaul Cyber Risk Conference features discussions related to new frontiers in cyber security with multi-faceted examination of the legal, business and ethical ramifications of technological advancements in the modern world. It is co-sponsored by CIPLIT, DePaul’s Arditti Center for Risk Management in the Driehaus College of Business, and the DePaul Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media. The Eighth Annual Cyber Risk Conference, “Cyber Defense: Stronger Together,” tackled topics concerning ransomware and supply chain threats and how different entities and people can work together to strategically fortify against cyberintruders (November 2021).
The annual Jaharis Symposium on Health Law & Intellectual Property, co-hosted by CIPLIT, focuses on current topics at the intersection of health law and IP/IT. The March 2022 symposium, “Antitrust and Access to Care: Lessons from Market Consolidation and a Public Health Crisis,” explored how consolidation across health care markets has impacted access to care. Legal scholars, antitrust enforcers and expert practitioners looked at ongoing issues such as the potential effect of COVID-19 on consolidation, hospital mergers and competitiveness; the impact of non-health care entities (e.g., Amazon and Google) on the digital health services market; and health care financing in America.
Founded in 1998, the Niro Distinguished Intellectual Property Lecture features an influential figure in IP/ IT law who addresses faculty, students and attorneys on current issues in the field.
As part of the Advanced Concepts in Patent Law Seminar, the Edward D. Manzo Scholars in Patent Law features a series of lectures by notable patent scholars. Students and faculty members read and discuss each scholar’s latest work before the authors formally present their papers during an interactive seminar.
The Arts Law Colloquium features presentations by attorneys, government officials and academics who are leading experts in the areas of art, museum, cultural heritage, music, theater, film and media law. It is co-sponsored by CIPLIT and College of Law’s Center for Art, Museum & Cultural Heritage Law.
PROGRAMS continued
The Hosier Distinguished Visiting Intellectual Property Scholar series features the nation’s leading intellectual property scholars presenting their research in IP/IT law. The 2022 Hosier Scholar was Elizabeth Townsend Gard, professor of law at Tulane University, director of the Tulane Center for IP, Media & Culture, and co-inventor and director of the Durationator ®, which was discussed in “Creativity in the Shadow of New Copyright (Small) Claims Board (CASE Act)” (March 2022).
Co-sponsored by CIPLIT, the 31st Annual DePaul Law Review Symposium, “Content Moderation, Platform Liability, and the Future of Internet Speech Regulation,” looked at the the current legal landscape of online speech regulation and what the future may look like in terms of internet speech and liability law in the United States. Topics included Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, the European approach to internet speech and platform liability, First Amendment issues related to social media, and algorithmic censorship as a content moderation strategy (March 2022).
DePaul law students frequently participate in national and international intellectual property moot court competitions. Guided by IP/IT faculty and alumni, these teams have achieved continued success and have won a number of regional and national awards in patent and trademark competitions over the years.
The Scandaglia & Ryan Excellence in IP Legal Writing Award is given annually to the student receiving the highest grade in the IP legal writing section. Scandaglia & Ryan established the award in 2002, and the firm continues to support the award and provide numerous opportunities to DePaul law students. Recent recipients include Liya Levin (‘23), Andrew Burnham (’22) and Jason Sanders (’21).
The Robert & Clytia Chambers Patent Law Award is awarded each year to the student who achieves the highest grade in Patent Law. Recent recipients include Morgan Brietbach (‘22), Andrew Burnham (‘22), Mary Hannon (‘21) and Brian Raddatz (‘21).
The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) recognizes future leaders in the fields of privacy and data protection. The first two recipients of the DePaul IAPP Westin Scholar Award were Christopher McCarthy (‘22) and Ali Albazzaz (‘21).
One of CIPLIT’s strongest achievements is its network. DePaul law students benefit from the guidance of numerous loyal alumni and supporters, many of whom are employed in IP and IT positions nationally and internationally.
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©2022 DePaul College of Law