Depinder Sidhu, Year 2, Semester 1

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STUDIO PRACTICE Methods& Madness Depinder Sidhu Student ID: 0909371 UNIT ERGD 2009

99 Ways to Draw

The analysis of story telling is done though this comic strip. The story telling has been done through a pattern-making format, subtraction of continuos parts of the image, use of type as well as cutting and pasting. Experimenting with different ways to tell the same story.




Shooting Stars

The death of Amy Winehouse was worldwide news, spread through tabloids, internet, radio and TV. The news reported and focused mainly on the cause of her death, for instance alcohol and drug abuse. The idea of looking into her ghost stuck in Camedon is a different interpretation of this story.

Winehouse lingering through streets of Camedon with her signature ‘beehive’ hairstyle defines her in the public eye, a good way to simplify her image as a ghost. The photos of Camedon are used as that was her home town. The idea of Winehouse’s ghost wondering the streets of Camedon is a slight insinuation of the afterlife of Winehouse’s ghost walking around in the public streets of Camedon.

The Film

A short film created to show Winehouse’s ghost in Camedon. The quality of the images are blurred giving it that ghost like transparency. Winehouse’s figure, a simple one outlined to show her well known ‘beehive‘. The film is not a smooth running film, purposely done to give it an abstraction of a spiritual presence in limbo, along with the film being a silent one, illustrating her afterlife to being lost and alone.

To see film click here:

Paper Co Brief

Working in partnership with Nicole Clement Finnaylson producing a brand values communication Direct Mail piece for Henderson Global Investors. The ideas are generated from everyday shapes seen in the business world. Initial ideas being a wallet shape or using the shape of the globe as packaging. To conclude the wallet and globe shape are incorporated together creating a high end design.

Jamie Jefferson Lewis

Commerical Properties Director

Information is not vaild used as example

For enquires look at our website


Henderson Global Investor 132 Berkinstove London. EC3N 4AD T +44(0)00 5768 xxxx F + (0)00 7645 3645 M + (0) 7861 XXXX XX E: W:

00000000 000000 0000

000N OSRE DNEH 0000 00/00


Gold Card


For conditions of use refer to issuer If found please return this card to Henderson Global Investors Information is not vaild used as example








These cards are a representation of what will be found in the wallet. The call to action, brand values and company information are clearly set out for the viewer to see. The colours reflect the company’s cooperate status, representing a high end clean cut design. The brand values are shown through acoustic poetry, the idea to force the reader to relate each brand value with the name of the company.



Better investment

decisions for better investment outcomes

H onest advice E ngaging with clients to achieve their goals N ibble teams

D uty to treat customers with respect E xpertise developed over 30 years R eaching for the globe is our future and outlook

S ustainable investments O pportunities to invest innovatively N ourishing your stocks through the good and bad

The Final Design

Curved edges used throughout the design represent the global aspect of the company, the colour is clinical and reflective of Henderson used to place emphasis on the idea of trust and loyalty. The wallet is an interactive piece as the client can open and see what is inside. Embossing is used giving an aesthetically pleasing image and a touchy feel aspect.

Serial Thriller

Here I got my peers to draw the word build. I chose the word build as it could be seen as a good way to illustrate a typographic image. On the write are scan of the liltle book I used to have build written on it and on the write images of people writing build, as you can see everyone has their heads down writting, in other words camera shy.

This is an image taken through to Adobe Photoshop and layered on top of each ther to create the crazy city of the word build acting as skyscrappers. Inspired by the work of Mike Perry.


Mary Wollstonecraft.

Mary Wollstonecraft was my chosen name, she was an eighteenth century feminist and wrote the book Vindication of the right of Women. As I was not being able to google it. This led me to force my self to explore different ways to research, such as sending a text out to everyone in my phonebook which gave a large range of results some being humorous. Also emailing my CS tutor Louise as she had a BA degree in History. Looking on websites such as a BBC and the Women’s Library.

Raman- Sup? Aman1- Fuck knows? :) Anil- She was a feminist... and Mary Shelley’s mother! Boom! She wrote the Vindication of the right of Woman! Im cool init After the Vindication of women she wrote Maria and the wrongs of women. Kory J Virgo- I don’t know deps! SHIT! Aran- I have no idea Sonia Poomen- Ur mum Jasvir- She was a British write who wrote about women and their rights etc. :) Rebecca- Karina says its the author of Frankenstein or her feminist mother? x Avi- Hey babe! I don’t personally know but when i googled it- it says she is a british writer+ women’s right advocate. Gagan- Google says ‘Mary Wollstonecraft (April- 27, 1759- Sept 10, 1797) a revolutionary advocate of equal rights for women. Ciran- yea sure email me the questionnaire. Simon- HA HA that would be telling!! Yewande- Fuck off Delana- I didn’t know who she was until i just looked her up lool x Nina- Can I google it? Otherwise I don’t know x Zina- She was a British writer, philosopher and woman rights. Catrina- no freaking idea x Mahipal- No idea... Guess is some author or somethin Karan- WTF Selina- Don’t know babe, can’t you google it? Kiran- I have no idea- Google? lol Jyoti- LOL Deps I have no idea xxx Babli- Dunno, Google it x Guv-Mary Wollstoncraft (// 27 April 1759- 10 September 1797 was an eighteenth-century British writer, philosopher, and advocate of women’s rights. During her brief career, she wrote novels, treatises, a travel narrative, a history of the French Revolution, a conduct book, and a children’s book. Wollstonecraft is best known for A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), in which she argues that women are not naturally inferior to men, but appear to be only because they lack education. She suggests that both men and women should be treated as rational beings and imagines social order founded on reason. Haris- I don’t know who that is my love, but I can research and find out for u, if you are not trying to fool me lol British writer, philosopher and advocate of women’s rights... Do women have rights :s ?? Akriti- lol She is a philosopher, write according to wiki Misha- Who’s that? lol Rachel- She’s a writer :) Francis- What’s that buddy Aman- A german twat? Josie- She was an eighteenth century British writer, philosopher and advocate of women’s rights :D Mukhy- Who’s that? Louise- She is a very interesting woman and is seen as one of the first feminist writers. Her work and ideas have been used since the 19th century as important influences for feminists and her book ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Woman’ (1792) is a early key feminist text, and something you could look at.

Her life is also something you can research as it was quite unorthodox, with many love affairs. She also had a daughter, Mary Shelley, who went on to write ‘Frankenstein’.

Just to get a visual idea of what Mary Wollstonecraft looked like I googled all these images. It can be seen that not all of them are the eighteenth centuy feminist but the common figure is cleary her.

Methods & Madness Evaluation Throughout this semester there has been four set briefs: Shooting Stars, PaperCo, Serial Thriller and Biographies. All of which have pushed the concepts of the work produced in relation to these set briefs. Questions have been highlighted and stayed prominent during this semester, questions such as ‘What is your work saying, what does it mean, what are you communicating, what and who is it for?’ With the help of these questions, it has given a strong set of guidelines to work with. The Shooting Stars brief was to take a recent piece of news, mine being the death of Amy Winehouse. Research went into analyzing the death of Winehouse and how this new was represented in the media. From this information the idea of Winehouse’s ghost came to mine being stuck in Limbo not letting go of her beloved place of residence Camden. From completing this brief, I have learnt to creating moving image as a skill through quick time, after effects and pro premiere. As well as learning skills, using the research I was able to create a concept, give a reason and meaning for what I was doing and present it through a film. By doing the research I learnt how to pick out the main parts of the news as well as at the time of the news and what was being said NOW. I have challenged this brief in a new way as I had never previously done moving image, moreover I have been able to see the social and ethical implications that were made around the time of Winehouse’s death, which influenced what my idea the assumption that she was stuck in her own bubble in the town of Camden. Moving on to the PaperCo brief, this was a Live Brief and also a competition. This was an EXPERIENCE, being able to be briefed by the actual client and then having to present the idea to the client was an experience, an experience of what life is like when pitching an idea to a client. In addition collaborating with my peer Nicole Clement Finnaylson was an experience, first time we had collaborated, learnt a lot from collaborating as we bounced ideas of each other. The PaperCo brief was a collaborative project which in turn allowed me to learn skills from Nicole, for instance Adobe Illustrator and most importantly being forced to have a concept behind the idea so it is successful. The fact that we had to present to an actual client was a learning experience as we had to learn to be professional as well as cooperate and speak to the client about our ideas passionately. Serial Thriller is the third out of four briefs, this was were I decided to ask 20 people to draw the word ‘Build’. Doing this brief allowed me to experience how people react to a question and what outcomes different people may give, some putting thought and effort into the answer and others just doing a quick job. A learning outcome of this was challenging the visual aspect of this brief, how was I suppose to present the work done by my peers. As the word was build it led to the idea of layering the words up and creating a futuristic like city scape. Finally the Biography Brief was a very challenging brief, being given a name and not being able to google it. This led me to force my self to explore different ways to research, such as sending a text out to everyone in my phonebook which gave a large range of results some being humorous. Also emailing my CS tutor Louise as she had a BA degree in History. Looking on websites such as a BBC and the Women’s Library. These experiences allowed me to use different methods of research other than google. This has taught me to push research further into asking the right people and researching through physically means like going to different places. To conclude I have learnt a substantial amount about during this semester, for example working collaboratively, research methods and contextualisation of my work by giving it content. Also picking up skills in the digital world.

Bibliography Madden, Matt. (2005) 99 Ways to Tell a Store, Exercise in Style. United States: Chamberlain Bros. Morris, A. (2011) The BBC News (Accessed on 24.10.11) Henderson, Global Investors Limited. (2011) (Accessed on 17.10.11) The Paper Company Ltd. (2011) (Accessed on 17.10.11) Perry, M. (2011) (Accessed on 29.10.11) Todd, J (2011) BBC History /history/british/empire_seapower/wollstonecraft_01. shtml (Accessed on 5.12.11) The Woman’s Library (2011) (Accessed 8.12.11) Switft, Simon. (2006) Romanticism, Literature and Philosophy. United Kingdom: Continuum. Poovey, Mary. (1984) The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer. United States: The University of Chicago Press.

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE 2A Interrogation Depinder Sidhu Student ID: 0909371 UNIT ERGD 2010

The Beginning

The photos are illustrating the growth of the jasmine plant in tea, it blossoms into towering structural forms, which in turn can be abstracted into towers for buildings. The drawn illustration highlights the detail of the flower in greater depth.

Battersea Power Station

On the right hand side is the jasmine flower repeated to look like a symmetrical city reflected vertically. From studying archigrams the illustration above has been created- a merger of the battersea power station and jasmine plant, creating a sense of depth. Using the software After Effects, a short film has been created using the jasmine plant to show a city forming out of empty space. To see film click here:

Fish eye

Using a fish eye to see the world through a different ‘eye’ rather than the naked eye, created a slightly distorted image. The mannequins are bundled up together to give an impression of a sky scrapper.

Mannequin city

Illustrations of the now temporary name, the ‘Mannequin City’. Repetition created to show a structural pattern, or even a grid system. The drawings of the mannequins create an image of a skyscraper city standing tall with their wooden legs representing the roots of the city. The roots symbolizing the growth of a city.

Further sketched images of the city, skyscrapers have been layered on top of each other, flipped both horizontally and vertically with a strong sense of symmetry slightly distorted. The legs have been worked on representational of roads forming. Use of geometric shapes come from cities being formed on grids.

Working on Adobe Illustrator to create this basic outline of the city, highly focused on geometric shapes. This is a work in progress piece.

Roderick Mills

Lab week, Roderick Mills workshop, illustrations done to music, films and a vast collection of random images. These images are created from the word CHAOS. On the left hand side a pattern have been created from thge ubove image, the pattern gives the eye a blurred image created chaos for the eyes.

The Girls

Lab week, The Girls workshop. Group portraits created by the use of foil, a versatile material which is easily moulded and manipulated. Also being a reflective material reflecting light and highlighting features of each member of the group to differentiate each individual member. The features of a face determine who a person is individually yet the continuos use of foil shows the group as a collective.

Independent Practice Proposal Drawing is a prominent part of my design practice. When given a brief it is always my first approach, you could say its instinct. Drawing is a method that I use to visually communicate my ideas. Structural forms is a great interest of mine as it can be seen envisioned through many means, for instance architecture. Furthermore this can then in turn allow me to explore in greater detail colour, pattern and texture. Having the opportunity to push my drawing skills further is what I plan to do through out this Independent Practice unit. I feel last year I have not made drawing a prominent part in my practice and would like to bring that back to life again rather than having it a skill in the background. Human forms, architecture, fashion, London, the world around me, my surroundings, the people around me are inspirations that fascinate me. Architecture and structural forms are a field of study that I would like to explore. These can be explored through many forms, for instance though conceptual art or muralism. Executing these ideas will be a challenging and exciting experience. I am particularly interested in the processes that I will be using to bring them to life. Screen printing, bookbinding, analogue photography, drawing, letterpress etc. These are some skills that I have already obtained through out my design practice. However I would like to develop them further and learn some new skills to achieve more interesting outcomes. In addition I would like to use Adobe Illustrator to give my drawn illustration a different look, this would be different as I have always avoided to use Adobe Illustrator. As well as just drawing, building these designed structural forms will be a great idea for installations. In this unit of Independent Practice I want to push my ideas and designs to a place that I have never been to, the fear of failing is something that has always made me think one two many times about things, in other words over think ideas and never go for a drastic outcome. I want this fear to drive me to push me to produce work that I have never produced before; I want it to motivate me to be daring and to take risks. My research will be influenced by trips to London, seeing exhibitions that are currently being shown. Collecting and collating fashion magazines, taking photographs with different types of cameras and bring them back to create a visual image from them. I will be researching the history of colour, murals, fashion, human forms, patterns and textures, all things, which I have an interest with. Overall the main resource that will be my surroundings and the people around me. To conclude my independent practice will open my design practice to new things and to new heights. I am extremely excited about how I will be visually communicating my ideas to the viewers and seeing how I will be able to make them interact with my work and most importantly understand what I am trying to do or say. I have a great interest in finding out how I will encourage these ideas to be seen through different aspects of design.

Independent Practice Evaluation Independent Practice has been very different this semester as I was able to focus on one concept rather than doing a whole load of random ideas. This time I has a concept I wanted to play with and create with. Furthermore from doing independent practice I have been able to give my work direction and develop new skills. In addition I have been able to use the processes and ideas learnt in Methods and Madness to push my ideas further. Whilst doing these ideas I have been able to allow my idea and concept to grow. From the Methods and Madness studio practice it has taught me to look at my work differently as in what kind of direction I want to go down. The methods and madness has been a huge influence in the way I research primary and secondary sources. Primary sources as in going to exhibitions such as the one in the National Portrait Gallery- Photographic Portrait Prize. By physically going to this exhibition I got the experience of seeing the presentation of the work and the feel of it due to the scale. Other methods of research was looking through the library, moving images, photography and getting feedback from my peers. From doing these methods of research I learnt what I wanted my direction to be for my independent practice work. In addition it has given me more ways to think of how I want to develop my ideas through different means such as installations. Photography has played a part on my practice, in particular fish eye lens, this has been a great tool as I have been able to slightly distort interesting structural forms seen around my environment. This has helped me create visuals for my Archigrams, Archigrams being based on the relationship between cities and new technologies of information, movement and perception. This idea has taught me to be imaginative and think more outside the box which has allowed my ideas to develop. The play on structural forms and architecture has allowed me to come up with different approaches, one being growth, the growth of a city which I have illustrated in different ways through drawing, after effects and my projections in the independent practice gallery. Whilst doing these methods of research, my feedback has pushed me to come up with a ultimate plan. My plan is to create my own virtual city, for example Gotham city in Batman. Moreover from watching Inception, the way the architecture is shown, the fold in Paris defying laws of gravity, the use of space is phenomenal. By looking at these visuals it has made me want to visualize my work in a 3D aspect, create an actual installation as my next step. Moreover by looking at other creatives practices, for instance Terry King, I had the opportunity to go to his studio and see the work he has produced and how he produces, first hand experience, learning different techniques and tools of someone that has been in industry for a very long time. To conclude my feedback is a main aspect that is an inspiration to push my ideas further, they consist of giving the buildings individual meaning, colour, looking in to city culture and highlighting the main ones in my own city, growth, grids, symmetry, reflection, walls- city borders, inside and outside of the city.

Lab Evaluation The Lab week was first hand experiences and talks from creatives in the industry today. I went to the following talks: The Girls, Roderick Mills and Helicar & Lewis. I was lucky to attend two workshops, those workshops were The Girls workshop based around creating a group portrait through the means of photography, and I also went to the Roderick Mills workshop where we drew from a wide selection of imagery, type, music and moving image. The Girls The Girls workshop was aimed at creating a group portrait with my peers. Zoe Sinclair was the speaker, she is one half of the duo the other being Andrea Blood. They are visual and performance artists. Done their degree at Central St Martins in Graphic Design and collaborated all the time. I learnt from them how you need to consider you budget and think of the technicality of what you are about to embark on. She told us that they used themselves as models for their artwork and also Lomography Photography. I also learnt from her when going to client meetings, how it is important to be confident, as confidence speaks. In addition she informed us of how we should develop a niche and have an income generate to facilitate was it is that we want to do. My group portrait was done by the use of foil to make the group universal as we all used the same material. Moreover to make us stand out as individually foil is a versatile material moulding out unique individual features. Our features determine who we are in the group as individuals but we are also a group as we have the same medium used representing our portrait. Roderick Mills Roderick Mills is an illustrator who is very successful in what he does and looks at the daily practice of drawing being commercial or non commercial. He works with the Heart Agency who have allowed him to work for publications like Penguin. The Heart Agency have also allowed him to look at prices for his illustrations. I learnt a lot from him, for instance how to give my work a narrative so that it is saying something rather than just a nice looking image. Mills also spoke of how he found journeys to be romantic with sadness of leaving and looking whilst leaving. Furthermore he spoke of how you can use the same image but in two different contexts commercially and no one would know or even need to know. Roderick Mills was a great speaker who taught me how to look at my work and to give my work a narrative as well as just doing things. Moreover how everyday life can influence my work. Hellicar & Lewis Hellicar & Lewis talk was called the ‘Weird Fishes’- ‘define a new category of beauty’. They are a partnership who both come from different backgrounds: Joel Gethin Lewis coming from a Computer Science/ Mathematics background and Pete Helicar being a skateboarder. This talk was very uplifting and inspirational, they showed us how they came together from their very diverse and individual backgrounds and how they used that to work of each other to create their work. They create experiences that their viewers will always remember. Moreover they leave their software and scriptures for the public to use and be creative on their own.

Bibliography Sadler,Simon (2005) Archigram Architecture without Architecure. Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Cook, Peter (1972) Archigram. Great Britain: Studio Vista Publishers. Fraser, Tom. Banks, Ada, (2010) Colour in Design Pocket Essentials. United Kingdom: The Ilex Press Limited. Inception (2010) Directed by Christopher Nolan [DVD] United States: Warner Bros, Pictures Batman Begins (2005) Directed by Christopher Nolan [DVD] United Kingdom: Warner Bros, Pictures Scully, Claire (2006) The quiet Revolution (Accessed on 8.11.11) Cook, Peter (2005) Royal Academy ht tp://w w /academicians/architects/peter-cookra,132,AR.html (Accessed on 9.11.11) Brit, M. (2010) Keira Knightly [Photographic] Size Unknown. London: National Potrait Gallery. King, Terry (2010) Hands-on-Pictures (Accessed on 4.12.11) Mills, Roderick (2002) Heart Agency (Accessed on 24.11.11) Hellicar, Pete & Lewis, Joel Gethin (2008) Helicar & Lewis (Accessed on 26.11.11)

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