LOUD Magazine Gallery Edition

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I AM THE ART & THE ART IS ME KO AU TE TOI. KO TE TOI KO AU. Saturday 23 July to Wednesday 10 August Main & Small Dog Gallery Depot Artspace is proud to present an exhibition celebrating the diverse creativity and talent of a group of participants in the Auckland City Mission’s Homeless Services. The exhibition is titled I Am the Art & The Art is Me / Ko au te toi. Ko te toi ko au, and provides an insight into the unique artistic perspective of some of Auckland’s innercity rough sleepers. The exhibition has been months in the planning, and was initiated by Depot Artspace and two of the volunteer Art Tutors of the Mission Activities Programmes, Clare Caldwell and Peter Lange. Depot staff say they’re excited to work together with the Mission’s tutors, staff and artists on such a fulfilling initiative. “The arts have the capacity to break down barriers, offer diverse perspectives and change ways of thinking about issues and about ourselves. It’s great to provide a new experience for artists and an opportunity for visitors to engage in a different way with them and their work.” Opening Saturday 23 July, 2pm to 3.30pm.

Timothy Clarke: PRINTS FOR DEVONPORT Saturday 23 July to Wednesday 10 August Verge Gallery “This exhibition will show my impression of Auckland City and its surrounds; all the parks big and small, our volcanoes, our wonderful ranges riding on Auckland’s back and our beaches. I’ve chosen to print older buildings due to the amount of art, design and pride that went into their creation, and bush scenes because there are so many to choose from in and around the city. With designs influenced by photos I have taken I carve the final image into my lino and once satisfied start the printing process. I use the Ponsonby School of Arts print room where a friend and I ink the lino and use wooden rollers to press and roll the heavy grade paper which leaves an embossed print, creating an entirely unique one-of-a-kind image every time.” – Timothy Clarke Opening Saturday 23 May, 2pm to 3.30pm. 2

Simon Kerr: eddie ramshackle and the blackboard series Saturday 13 August to Wednesday 31 August Main Gallery “eddie ramshackle is a raw and representation of myself (Simon Kerr).


I have found that, in general, it is more acceptable to people to be confronted with the views of a fictional character rather than those of an actual person. I am comfortable with eddie but I hope that he has room for development and growth. This blackboard series reaches out to those who view it and asks them to be a part of that growth. But eddie has strong views that seem black and white and I recognise the challenge of showing distortions of his views. eddie is my mirror.” - Simon Kerr Opening Saturday 13 August, 2pm to 3.30pm. Artist talk: Sunday 14 August, 2pm.

Cristina Beth: DREAMTIME Saturday 13 August to Wednesday 31 August Main Gallery Paintings and printed works by Cristina Beth. There is something very familiar about these vintage and nostalgic patterns. Inspired by fabric fragments collected from abandoned mattresses, they offer a corridor to memories and carry our imagined scenarios, memories, facts and emotions embedded deep within their surfaces. The traces of repetitive thread lines echo the rhythm and rituals of everyday life and passage of time. An integration and meditation of breath occurs. Echoes between life and secret lingerings. Between memories, dialogue and silence. Each individual thread is carefully rendered in isolation yet belongs to the continuum of the whole structure. Snippets of our busy lives gather like whispers and float out from under the blankets and onto the walls. The fabric carries within it the essence of our human fragility and becomes a confessional container for all life’s dramas and emotions. Opening Saturday 13 August, 2pm to 3.30pm. Artist talk: Sunday 21 August, 2pm. 3


Saturday 13 August to Wednesday 31 August Small Dog Gallery Jim’s Overall’s paintings reflect his interest in two-dimensional images that embody a response to vision. Overall is interested in the influence of photography on painting, citing David Hockney’s publication Secret Knowledge, as “one of the single most influential things I have ever read.” Along with his avid interest in photography, Overall prefers a more manual approach to his practice and has increasingly turned toward hand preparation of oil colours. His eclectic list of influences include the likes of Jan van Eyck, Raphael, Caravaggio, Rembrandt and Ingres, along with contemporaries Chuck Close, Gerhard Richter and George Shaw. Opening Saturday 13 August, 2pm to 3.30pm.



Saturday 13 August to Wednesday 31 August Verge Gallery

Photographic works exploring the beauty of marine habitats and creatures. Habitats range from Auckland sites between the tides to offshore sites nearly two kilometres in depth. Historically, as inshore species were depleted fishing industry activities have moved offshore. Knowledge (science) has often lagged well behind exploitation if it followed at all. Very little was known regarding fragile deep-sea ecosystems beyond target species. Driven by ignorance and greed, the lust for profit has overridden notions of sustainability. As a consequence fisheries have collapsed and ecosystems have been degraded or destroyed. It may never be known what was lost… Opening Saturday 13 August, 2pm to 3.30pm. 4

Group Exhibition: ESCAPE ARTISTS Saturday 3 September to Wednesday 21 September Main Gallery What do admen do when they escape? A group exhibition of paintings and multimedia works by local artists who have worked in the advertising industry including David MacGregor, Andi Merkens, Alistair Guthrie, Josh Lancaster, Roy Meares, Tony McNeight, Scott Wilson, Fraser Williamson, Brian Harrison, Peter Burt and Grant Alexander. Opening Saturday 3 September 2pm to 3.30pm. The exhibition opening will feature an Art Auction in support of Suicide Prevention with artworks kindly donated by artists from Escape Artists.

Daphne Mason: 21ST CENTURY Saturday 3 September to Wednesday 21 September Small Dog Gallery At an age when most eighty year olds would be having a well-earned rest, Daphne Mason (eighty eight this year) continues to paint in oils at her easel for several hours most days. Her current series 21st Century is the fruit of the last four years work. These vigorous and often joyous structured works distil themes she has returned to throughout her career, namely memories and implied connections. A colourist, Daphne uses the framework of these pieces to set herself rigorous challenges in the art of balancing colour and form, using recurring symbols and colours from her extensive body of work. The resulting works range from the analytical to the exuberant, as Daphne allows the emerging colours to determine the direction of each piece. Opening Saturday 3 September 2pm to 3.30pm. 5

Fairtrade: STORI BILONG FAIRTRADE Saturday 3 September to Wednesday 21 September Verge Gallery Fairtrade is a global movement that advocates for better working conditions and improved terms of trade for farmers and workers in developing countries. Beginning in 2005 with a coffee growing smallholder farmer organisation in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, Stori Bilong Fairtrade tells the tale of Fairtrade in the Pacific. This photographic exhibition starts with producers and follows their products to Auckland and around the world. Fairtrade ANZ currently supports more than 20,000 smallholder farmers in Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste to develop strong and resilient farmer organisations and businesses, with the objective of fostering sustainable development of their communities. Opening Saturday 3 September, 2pm to 3.30pm.

Greg Smith: LOST PROPERTY Saturday 24 September to Wednesday 12 October Verge Gallery

An exhibition showcasing work by Greg Smith as part of the Auckland Heritage Festival whose theme is Now and Then - the Changing Face of Auckland. The Modern era of architecture, design, literature and the arts has only recently been acknowledged as a defining period in our cultural history, yet sadly many of its finest works have already been lost or destroyed. Lost Property is a rediscovery of unique houses, stories and pieces of history, for anyone who wants to know about lost and at-risk iconic houses, people, paintings and stories from our recent past. Combining historical imagery and in-depth research, Lost Property connects the audience to the architecture through which history and a new era were given voice. The exhibition opening will feature a talk on the topic by Tony Watkins. Image: Mark-Brown Fairhead architects,1962. photo by Studio 57, courtesy of Home and Building magazine Bauer Media. Opening Saturday 24 September, 2pm to 3.30pm. Lost Property is presented as part of the Auckland Heritage Festival programme. 6

Group Exhibition: TO AND FRO

Curated by Jermaine Reihana

Saturday 24 September to Wednesday 12 October Main Gallery A group exhibition showcasing and promoting a diverse array of painting practices by emerging artists situated in West Auckland; curated by Jermaine Reihana, Depot Artspace’s current artist in residence who is based at Corban Estate Arts Centre. Reihana recently exhibited a successful solo show Te Matahi 2.0 at the Depot and is taking this opportunity to bring together two communities that can benefit collectively from a culturally rich art experience. Reihana will be presenting the painting practices of artists such as Mandy Patmore, Numa Mackenzie, Kenneth Merrick and Michael Prosee. Opening Saturday 24 September, 2pm to 3.30pm.

Claire Delaney: WINGS AND THINGS Saturday 24 September to Wednesday 12 October Small Dog Gallery Artist and tutor Claire Delaney celebrates the magic of storytelling and the playfulness of mixed media through a collection of paintings, prints and objects. This exhibition follows the theme of wings after the success of her first award winning children’s book Little Wing. Delaney’s characters are inspired by the juggling of a creative life full of artistic adventures. Opening Saturday 24 September, 2pm to 3.30pm. 7

Less Is More This quarter we have produced a Gallery Edition of LOUD, focusing solely on the exhibitions coming up from July to October. Lately we have been exploring opportunities to more effectively engage our diverse audiences and wondered whether the plethora of information in LOUD may obscure the exhibitions and events and hence their accessibility to our visual arts audiences. We thus decided to subscribe to the ethos embodied by avant garde architect Mies Van Der Rohe, whose aphorism “Less is More” defines a generation of modernist, minimalist architecture. His focus was on form and function as the primary facets of building design. His creations were “devoid of ornamentation, depending for their effect on elegance of material… and precision of details.” With our Gallery Edition we’re intending that LOUD aspire to some of these characteristics in order to better serve our function, which is to let you know what’s going on here in the visual arts. It’s part of our ongoing research into how best to reach each distinctive creative community the Depot embraces, from creative professional development and sound recording, to publications, community events and an exploration of our cultural vernacular. We will keep you posted on our subsequent discoveries. Linda Blincko, Depot Artspace Creative Director.


Cover image by Simon Kerr.


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