Access Partnership Project (APP) The Access to Care Survey is presently being administrated with all frontline staff managing referrals. Report to be provided August 2018. This will provide focus for the final steps for Path to Care implementation before 2019. The Connect Care – D group is creating a conversation about standardizing the Physician triage process integrating E-CLINICIAN. “The APP and CC-D project teams are moving the DoM to ConnectCare readiness in advance of the projected rollout in the Edmonton Zone”
2 Projects Presented: • Oral PresentationHigh system users • Poster PresentationUtilization of Prophylactic Azithromycin in Patients with Frequent COPD Exacerbations Congratulations
QI Grants- CMO Quality Innovation Projects 2018/19 Series SCIC Received grant funding for the following projects: 1. Appropriate Lab ordering-Creatinine 2. Access Partnership project 3. CAM tool 4. GI- Inpatient bowel prep 5. UAH- GIM ED Evening Service 6. Living Kidney donor Transplant 7. Improving care of patients with suspected TTP 8. RAH- Reducing Length-of-Stay for Stable Antepartum Patients Congratulations!