Quality Improvement (QI) Education ‐ 2 Pharmacy, 5 medical students involved in QI projects this year ‐ March 10th RAH EPIQ class‐18 attendees! ‐ May 2 EPIQ PGME class
“The Power of Storytelling to Improve Healthcare” featuring Dr. Verna Yiu, President and CEO of Alberta Health Services, on January 29th, 2017 in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. SCIC was there we shared the 2017 photo voices To view the presentation go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT7wFgH8K6o&feature=youtu.be Access Partnership Project • The partnership project is now moving into the Connect Care Readiness phase for this project • Services are using the new SOP’s based on Path to Care and COSA standards • Completion of the Access to Care Survey to support further implementation (March – April 2018)
• Edmonton first for the ConnectCare rollout 2019 http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/17516.asp
To subscribe to the Connect Care Newsletter by contacting connectcare@ahs.ca AND Dr Rob Hayward’s CMIO blog http://ahs.us14.listmanage2.com/subscribe?u=1dc708e64af40834fab4fa0f0&id= cd344d55bf Connect Care Backgrounder http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/assets/cis/tms-cisbackgrounder.pdf
SCIC Projects Presented at Choosing Wisely: RAH‐Reducing Excessive Laboratory Ordering for Preeclampsia Bloodwork: Be Hip Gone with PIH‐ Dr W. Sia GRH‐Deprescribing Benzodiazepines‐Dr F Carr
Featured Quality Improvement Project GRH‐Deprescribing Benzodiazepines Problem: July 2017,Unit 4C at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital (GRH): 0% of patients with active benzodiazepine prescriptions were provided education about appropriate benzodiazepine use and encouraged to be involved in the deprescribing process. Plan: A Gemba walk was conducted to determine the current unit process, and a high level (SIPOC) process map was developed. Baseline data was collected regarding current benzodiazepine deprescribing status. A 4‐step change intervention was initiated from August to October 2017 that included a structured medication review, patient education using the EMPOWER brochure, patient counselling and relay of deprescribing information to community healthcare providers to allow continuity of care. Results: Due to a small number of patients admitted with active benzodiazepine prescriptions in unit 4C, the study was expanded to include unit 3D at GRH. Among the two units, 5 patients were recruited and offered the 4‐step change intervention. At time of discharge, 2 patients had their benzodiazepine prescriptions discontinued, and 1 had her dose reduced with plan to continue the deprescribing process in the community. The other 2 patients have just started on the intervention and deprescribing has not been initiated yet. The physicians on the unit reported being more aware of appropriate indications for benzodiazepines in the elderly population, and more confident in the deprescribing process. The patient provided feedback in that they like the EMPOWER booklet, and appreciated the slow personalized tapering that reduced withdrawal effects Spread‐ This project is being spread to both the RAH and UAH Geriatric units for PDSA #2 Project Shared: Feb 12th at GNH Covenant health research day, Choosing wisely symposium Alberta (March 7th) and American Geriatric Society conference, Florida, May 2‐5th 2018
Upcoming Events: SCIC Meetings-April 19, May 17 and June 21 EPIQ Class-May 2, 2018
Save the date! Nov 16, 2018
Contact: pam.mathura@albertahealthservices.ca for further questions/comments