EZ MEDICINE QUALITY COUNCIL-SCIC EZMQC-Strategic Clinical Improvement Committee -Quarterly Newsletter
March 2019
2019 Project List: 1. Ensuring appropriate Oxygen Use-UAH GIM Units 2. Scale and Spread –Tackling Lab test ordering overuse (SCH, GNCH and Provincial) 3. Geriatrics-Ending PJ Paralysis 4. Dermatology- Development of a Vulvar care action plan 5. Supporting Patients with Sickle cell anemia in timely ED care 6. Pet Therapy– Determining Clinical Impact 2018 Project list carry over: RAH Antepartum Bed, Ensuring correct Liver biopsy ordering, and UAH ED GIM Patient Flow Initiatives Quality Improvement Education
PGME Sessions:
Ensuring Adequate Nutritional Intake While Reducing Oral Nutritional Supplement Wastage project will be presented at the Nutrition Services Food Matters Conference in April 2019. Royal Alexandra Hospital-Reducing Excessive Laboratory Ordering for Preeclampsia Bloodwork: Be Hip Gone with PIH will presented at the Choosing Wisely National conference
Wednesday, March 6 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm (RAH) Thursday, April 11 8:00am - 12:00pm (Lister Hall, Maple Leaf Room)
Wednesday, April 24 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm (UAH) Thursday, June 6 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (ECHA, room 1-430)
AHS Quality Summit and AHS & UA Collaborative
Email: Taniya Birbeck <tbirbeck@ualberta.ca>
Both events have been canceled due to Connect Care
Connect Care Ready
Final standard operating procedure manual for referral entry completed
Physician triage within E-Clinician underway-MaryAnn Dempsey developed a training handout and can come to your division to assist your group if needed. Please email MaryAnn.Dempsey@albertahealthservices.ca if you need assistance.
The UAH/MAZ/KEC is slated to go live with Connect Care November 2, 2019
The DoM CC-Physician group has formed with a representative from each division and stakeholders. We are currently recruiting physician super users. There will be one super user for 7-10 physicians. Please let you divisional representative know if you are interested
A physician resource site has been developed by the CMIO to support physicians-http://qwci.qwogo.com/clint/hirex.asp? FNOTIFY=11795@himhirex&template=/vivispaces/product/_common/gridview/display/product_manual_gridview_tpl.htm