Awhiwhenua Graduation Celebrated at AGM Recognising the achievements of Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation’s (AWHI) Awhiwhenua cadets was a welcome addition to the agenda at the 2018 Annual General Meeting.
Eight graduates were recognised at the graduation ceremony, five first year cadets, two second years and a staff member, all of whom had successfully completed Level 3 and 4 of the NZ Certificate in Agriculture. Endorsed by the NZQA, Level 3 covers Farming Systems and Level 4 Vehicles, Machinery and Infrastructure. Theory components are delivered by Landbased Training and the practical tutor is an AWHI employee.
“Previously Awhiwhenua graduation has been held separately from the AGM but we felt that it deserved to be celebrated with all our whānau together,” says AWHI Board Chair Mavis Mullins. “We are justly proud of the Awhiwhenua programme and are continuing to evolve and improve it based on feedback from farm managers and cadets to ensure graduates are work-ready when they leave us.”
Back row: Colbie Lequesne, Jack Rickards, Ezekiel Anderson and Tyla Whitewood. Front row: Derek Priest (LBT Tutor), Ashlee Burgess, Tamati Butler, Kate Price, Christina Malcolm and Keith Robertson (LBT Practical Tutor).
LIST OF GRADUATES Class of 2018 Year one Tauira •T yla Whitewood, Jack Rickards, Ezekiel Anderson, Kate Price, Tamati Butler • A ll completed L3 Class of 2018 Year two Tauira •C olbie Lequesne, L3 •C hristina Malcolm , L4 AWHI staff •A shlee Burgess, L4 Te Paenga Station
“ We are justly proud of the Awhiwhenua programme... to ensure graduates are work ready when they leave us.”
Mavis Mullins