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Welcome from our Chair
Purutia mai rā te iho o Ranginui e tū nei Whakamoua mai rā te iho o Papatūānuku e takoto nei Kia tīnā, kia whēnā, kia toka te manawa ora. Ora ki te whakatipua, ora ki te whakatawhito Ora ki te whai ao ki te ao mārama, tihei mouri ora.
Kāti, rere kau ake rā ko te reo tai whatiwhati o ngaru nui, o ngaru roa ki te hunga taepō kua rūruku i te wai whakapukepuke o Tangaroa whakamau tai. Kau ake rā koutou ki te wairiporipo o nui mā, o roa mā ki tae atu rā koutou ki te puna marino o aroha, haere, e moe kāti. Rātou ki rātou. Hoki rawa mai ki te hunga ora ko tātou anō ki tātou e pikau nei i ngā kaupapa huhua o te wā, mouri ora ki tātou.
We are proud to share our first edition of Te Iho Tangata, a six-monthly publication which highlights some of this year’s kaupapa Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa have lead and supported.
Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa now has more than 10,000 registered members across the world, with a majority of our whānau living in New Plymouth, Waitara and in the main city centres of Aotearoa.
It’s important we keep our whānau informed on the work we are doing and its alignment to Te Ātatu, our five-year strategic plan. Our vision – Te Iho Tū, Te Iho Whenua, Te Iho Tangata sets our course toward Te Atiawa being secure, continuing to thrive, and remaining connected.
As the post-settlement governance entity for Te Atiawa iwi, it is important we continue to prudently manage, grow, and distribute funds that support Te Atiawa kaupapa which enable our hapū, marae and whānau to flourish.
We hope you enjoy reading our first Te Iho Tangata.
E ngā iwi o te motu nei, he raukura rā tēnei. E titia nei e Te Atiawa. I te iti, I te rahi, te katoa!
Liana Poutu - Pouwhakarae/Chair
Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa