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Te Whata Hononga
February’s hugely successful Waitangi ki Whaitara was a natural fit for a $20,000 Te Hononga grant.
“We were proud to support the event organisers Te Rau Oranga Trust,” says Pouwhakarite Pūtea Tautoko/Grants Manager Raymond Tuuta.
“The Waitangi Day market ticked all the boxes for a Tahua a rangi grant. This event was an excellent opportunity for our Te Atiawa uri and broader Waitara whānau to connect with our whenua at Otupaiia.”
The grants help uri and rōpū with the costs of attending or running events that connect whānau and promote Te Atiawa identity. The two offerings are Tahua a rangi (over $5,000) and Tahua a nuku (up to $5,000).
Tahua a rangi supports large events that benefit and are open to Te Atiawa as a whole. They might mark an important historical event or person, promote Te Atiawa reo me ona tikanga, or connect uri with their traditional takiwa and marae.
Tahua a nuku supports smaller events like whānau reunions, cultural wānanga, representative sports teams, kapahaka, exhibitions, and whenua Māori events. Both offerings operate on a 50/50 co-funding arrangement.
“The most common grants are for whānau reunions. The other day a Waitara whānau mentioned having a wānanga around whakapapa and going to other cities to present to whānau there.
“This perfectly aligns with Tahua a nuku. Once they confirm $1,500 koha from whānau to cover costs we can come in and give the other $1,500,” says Raymond.
Another kaupapa receiving support is a haerenga by kaumātua of Mahia Mai A Whai Tara to Ōtepoti in April. They will retrace the footsteps of their Te Atiawa tūpuna.
Applications are open until 30 June 2024.
“We encourage whānau to contact us and have a kōrero around their kaupapa,” says Raymond.