This was one of three workshops at the Special General Hui held in April. Each workshop focused on a specific kaupapa and together they all contribute to the vision ‘Ka ora taku toa, kia tū Ngāruahine ai tātou - that Ngāruahine iwi is a healthy, wealthy and culturally vibrant iwi. How we see ourselves is central to our identity as uri of Ngāruahine. These images, ideas, themes, words, colours, songs, feelings, memories, places, and people all help us to define our Ngāruahinetanga and make it obvious to others when they see us or think about us as an iwi.
and why it is so important. He talked about remembering the turbulent past when our ancestors fought for us and made the ultimate sacrifice. He also mentioned our responsibility to build on what they provided, to flourish, and be the very best. Doing so would become our acknowledgement to them as we pave the way for the next
ourselves, portrays the values and
generation. Subsequently, the inside
philosophies of our organisation. Tohu
cover of this newsletter includes a dedication to the vision With a new vision, Te Korowai is asking uri for their ideas and suggestions about how we want to show who we are to the world, what makes us
Last year, when the Board reviewed the long-term strategy, they took the opportunity to revise the vision and ‘Ka ora taku toa, and kia tū Ngāruahine ai tātou’ came to be.
unique, and what best represents those
At the Special General Hui last month, Dr Will Edwards gave a heartfelt kōrero about the vision, what it represents, 8
Bonita Bigham Kaupapa facilitator
things in a visual way. This rebranding exercise will pay homage by launching
will speak about those who belong and communicate what is important to them. Te Korowai invites all of the whānau to use the template opposite and put their ideas on paper. The closing date for all contributions is 21 June 2019; all of the submissions will be collated to identify
us into the future with renewed clarity,
common themes to inform what a
purpose, and passion.
future tohu might look like.
Imagery is important, consistency in
Be part of the evolution of the Te
messaging is crucial, and recognition is
Korowai tohu by contributing your
empowering. How we present