POUHAUTŪ REPORT Multi-year projects like Takutai Moana, Maunga Negotiations dominates our landscape.
" There has been much learned in how Te Korowai can support the aspirations of Ngāruahine hapū and marae."
I am pleased to present my first annual report to Ngāruahine iwi on the management activities for the financial year ending 31 March 2018.
This section of the report discusses our performance against the 2017/18 Annual Plan.
Korowai’, the weekly briefing ‘Pākiki’, uploading relevant posts to Facebook and reviewing the Ngāruahine Iwi website are examples of efforts by Te Korowai to inform and engage with iwi of Ngāruahine. The recent special general hui was another forum where uri could raise issues and share their expectations of Te Korowai.
a. Ngāruahinetanga
b. Finishing the mahi
The aspiration hui, Takutai Moana, Maunga and reo wānanga are all kaupapa Te Korowai has facilitated or supported. The common element across these kaupapa is identity and ensuring that uri have an opportunity to participate and discuss Ngāruahinetanga. Complimentary to this are the communication activities that facilitate participation. A communication plan has been drafted that will shift our activities from being reactive space to being strategic, proactive and coordinated.
A considerable amount of mahi for Te Korowai is multi-year so our efforts will continue into the next financial year. Examples of these kaupapa include; Takutai Moana applications, Maunga negotiations and the future role of the Taranaki Māori Trust Board. Te Korowai will provide regular updates about these kaupapa using the different communication avenues that have been initiated.
During the last quarter, communication activities across the organisation increased. Publishing the bi-monthly newsletter ‘Te
c. Hari me te Koa & Whanaungatanga There were two significant kaupapa Ngāruahine hosted in this period. The first was the 2017 Taranaki Tū Mai festival and this annual report features an article on this kaupapa. The second was a visit from Ōtakou