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Whenua Magazine - Issue 29
A partnership between Ngāruahine iwi and PKW has seen the establishment of a tertiary scholarship which aims to build personal and professional capacity for Ngāruahine uri.
The first relationship of this kind between PKW and iwi, Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Pouhautū (General Manager) Allie Hemara-Wahanui says it made sense to work with the Incorporation to offer this scholarship.
“PKW has a solid reputation and capability around offering scholarships, so given that this is a new area for Ngāruahine we have confidence that partnering with them is the sensible thing to do,” says Allie. Worth $2,500 per year to an undergraduate student, (that is, someone studying at Bachelor level at a polytechnic, university or wānanga), the PKW-Ngāruahine scholarship specifically targets students in their second or later years of study in a subject of their choice. New applications will be accepted for the pūtea every year.
Allie says that the iwi doesn’t have any particular area of study it prefers students to be focussing on and assisting students who have already passed their first year is about supporting those who are most likely to finish their qualifications.
“It was decided keep the field of study open; this is about helping an uri of Ngāruahine to succeed, which ultimately benefits us all.”
Allie says working with PKW increases each organisation’s networks, strengthens whanaungatanga between the respective boards and staff and creates a strong foundation and potential for future projects.
With the relationship and scholarship recently formalised between PKW and Ngāruahine, the decision to work together is one that she hopes other iwi around the maunga may consider following in the future.
“It makes sense to streamline our administrative operations for the benefit of our people, and as iwi establish their own charitable trusts, we should ask ourselves what the purposes and the relationships of these trusts are, given that we are all working for the same people.” Mitchell Ritai, General Manager
Shareholder Engagement at PKW, says the incorporation would welcome the opportunity to work with other iwi.
“It’s important for us to look at these strategic relationships and partnerships and the cultural aspirations of our people,” he says.
“We see iwi as key partners in achieving those aspirations.”
The applications already received for this scholarship will be considered by a joint panel made up of representatives of both PKW and Te Korowai o Ngāruahine and the successful applicant will be announced in the near future.