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Building a good SEO structure and main campaign can be very exciting to new webmasters and Internet marketers, especially when they find out how rewarding it can be when it comes to getting traffic from search engines. Some websites are built quickly using either a template or web page creation tool. This allows for the designer or webmaster to concentrate some of their efforts on other things if some time has been saved at this stage. However, not all templates and tools support the creation of these maps. Neglecting the use of site maps can cause some delays in getting all of the pages of your site indexed. In addition these maps bring a number of advantages to webmasters and marketers. Keeps the focus on your primary goals Once your map is created, you do not need to worry about it unless you want to add additional pages or move pages to other parts of the website. With that out of the way, you can concentrate on the primary goals involving SEO, while the site map is being indexed quickly by search engine bots and can continue to run in the background as your content updates. Always do things that can be automated from that point forward. This is how the most successful Internet marketers make lots of residual income. It reduces the number of necessary revisions Editing your website can be difficult if your directory structure isn't organized. You will probably end up exploring all of the different web page files just to see which part needs editing. If you constructed a website map in the form of a graphic and made the corresponding code for your site, you can use these as references whenever corrections need to be made. The overall number of necessary revisions should be lower too if you really spend your time in constructing a site map where every page and element fits perfectly in place. It simplifies the creation of future web designs Once you know how to make these maps, you can apply the same concept in making future web designs. Site maps do not have to be for marketing websites alone so if you need to create a personal website for yourself, you should know how to use the site map so all pages can be indexed properly. Once you are ready to move on to a bigger business, you can adopt your favorite site map layout to fit your taste and style. Finally, these maps aren't very difficult to create if you just draw a basic illustration of your site where the home page branches out to connecting pages. It can even be quicker if the website is small. There are also online tools that can generate an xml site map based on your code. Put these tools to good use early so you can start building websites that search engines crawl on. This