==== ==== Hi, Are you ready to keep that New Year goal, with getting healthy and losing those extra pounds... http://http://masonhealthinformation.com ==== ====
The healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets or bursts of exercise. The body likes slow smooth changes in terms of food and exercise. For example, someone who has not exercised for years should not rush into running miles a day or pounding the treadmill. Not only will the struggle to do so leave you feeling disheartened and demotivated, you're also far more likely to injure yourself and set your fitness levels back further. So lets start you off with your new healthy diet plan. It is quit easy to prepare healthy foods. To eat a bit healthier foods do not require more money or time. Here is an example of a great meal that is easy to prepare, inexpensive and features healthy tasty foods. Grill lean hamburger patties until well done. Place the patties on whole grain all natural hamburger buns. Serve the burgers with a tossed salad and a side of steamed green beans(or preferred veggie). Follow this simple meal with an offering of fresh fruit for dessert. Grilling or baking lean meats, fish or chicken is quick, tasty, and can be prepared and made within the hour. Tossing a salad of fresh greens and vegetables can be done while the meat is cooking. You round out the meals by using fresh or frozen vegetables. You can add variety to your meals by trying different healthy foods that you haven't tasted before. The produce section of your local grocer is stocked with a wealth of healthy foods including delicious fruits and vegetables. Most produce sections have recipes and tips in how to prepare fruits and vegetables that you may not be familiar with. It is the best way to expose your children to a variety of healthy foods. To prepare fast nutritious meals we can use healthy foods on our daily basis. If you have time you can also use healthy foods in more exotic recipes. Healthy foods can also be prepared ahead of time and frozen for later use. You can prepare your own frozen foods, but make sure that you don't load with artificial additives and preservatives. And involving your children in the preparation of healthy foods can create a time when each other can share about their day. Eating healthy foods do not have to cost you time or money, and they are so much better for you. Introduce changes gradually Small changes can make a huge difference. Two extra pieces of bread a week can lead you to gain 5lb a year - cut that bread out of your diet and you'll lose the same amount.You are also more likely to stick to, say, swapping full-fat milk for semi-skimmed or making time for breakfast each morning than a diet that sets rules for all foods.You should think of weight loss in terms of permanently changing your eating habits. While weight-loss goals are usually set in semi-goals of weeks, the end game is to sustain these changes over months and years. Increase your activity levels