Secrets to a Diet Program for Weight Loss

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==== ==== Hi, weight loss can be accomplish with the right healthy cooking For more information visit: ==== ====

We all want to lose fat, especially fat from the belly. You can lose fat fast without all that hassle to waking up at 6 am to run on an empty stomach, without even have to exercise every day, without torching yourself by not eating anything and live only on water. You only need 3 things to lose fat: strength training, healthy nutrition & cardio. This article will give you a simple, efficient look on what the true rules are for losing fat fast.

First thing to do is to get Stronger. Strength training increases cardiovascular fitness, strengthens joints & bones, builds muscle, improves flexibility. But most important thing for us is it also helps fat loss. Second thing is to eat healthy. Buy raw foods and cook them yourself. Do this for at least 90% of your food. If you buy fresh raw food and cook them yourself, you know what's in the meal. How much fat, sugar salt, sauces etc. Third important thing is to eat grains after you worked out, not before. Grains like rice or pasta are very caloric dense. 100 g blank pasta has over 350 kcal while 100 g broccoli has only 35 kcal. So limit your intake of grains before your workout. Fourth rule is to eat more frequently the day passes. Frequent meals prevent hunger by keeping your blood sugar stable. This will also decrease your stomach size, so you will feel that you've had enough food. About every three hours. Fifth one is to add Cardio training. this will burn muscles instead of fat. Add Cardio to speed up the fat loss you get from strength training & healthy nutrition. These are the 5 rules you have to follow for a good loss weight, without torturing yourself. The Basics of Weight Loss At it's most basic, losing weight is about burning more calories than you eat. That seems simple enough, but if were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem. Too often we take drastic measures to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. Maybe you lose weight but what happens when you go off that diet or stop that crazy workout program? You gain it all back and more. The real secret to weight loss is to make small, lasting changes. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.

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