"Our Promise" - A Values-based Code of Ethics for Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure San Diego

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The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.



The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.


IN TRO DU CTIO N ............................................................................................................................ 3 O U R PRO M ISE ................................................................................................................................ 4 N U ESTRA PRO M ESA ................................................................................................................ 5 IM PLEM EN TATIO N PLAN ..................................................................................................... 6 YEAR ONE .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 YEAR TWO ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 YEAR THREE ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 APPEN DIX ....................................................................................................................................... 12 IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE ................................................................................................................... 13 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................... 14 ETHICS RESOURCES ..................................................................................................................................... 15


The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.

I NTRODUCTION WHY A CODE OF ETHICS? Our Promise has been developed to strengthen and highlight the values used to perform the important work Susan G. Komen for the Cure San Diego provides to our community. Further, this code re-inforces a component of accountability to staff, volunteers, researchers, grantees, and donors. Maintaining a Code of Ethics helps to create a shared pathway to work together toward the common goal of finding a cure for breast cancer.

OUR PROMISE Our Promise is comprised of the values shared by everyone who belongs to the community of Susan G. Komen for the Cure San Diego. Each value was speficially chosen by staff, volunteers, and board members who graciously participated in interviews, a survey, and a focus group. The consulting team also received feedback from participants during the 2012 Race for the Cure. In spirit of inclusion, we developed Our Promise in English and Spanish to remove language barriers. We hope that all who read this document will be inspired to work in unity to find a cure for breast cancer, honor those we have lost, and uplift those who have been or will be affected.

IMPLEMENTATION PLAN In this section you will find detailed suggestions of how you can integrate Our Promise in employee operations, governance, volunteer management, and social marketing. This implementation plan provides ideas that would offer the opportunity to increase ethical culture and strengthen solidarity. We have outlined the plan for the next three (3) years, which prioritizes when each activity should take place. A large portion of this process will be led by the Ethics Champion and the Our Promise Advisory Committee. Our Promise is a living document and should be reviewed and amended, if necessary. We hope that you see the importance of modeling the message exemplified in Our Promise by living each value out in everyday work.


The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure. Â

O UR P ROMISE LIVE WITH INTEGRITY. We act with respect, dignity, honesty and transparency, even when no one is watching. We honor and act on behalf of those who have survived, those we have lost, loved ones, and the next generation. It is because of them that we are good stewards of our resources. INCLUDE. Breast cancer does not discriminate and neither do we. We embrace each other with compassion and open arms without judgment. We acknowledge the uniqueness of each story and how it enriches the essence of who we are. We believe that everyone deserves access to services. COMMIT. Our promise to find a cure for breast cancer is as strong as our promise to serve each other. We work tirelessly to save lives, empower people, and ensure quality care for all.

BELIEVE. We have confidence in the truth, in each other, and the future, even when the answers are not right in front of us. We believe in the people we serve and in turn, help them to believe in themselves. We believe that there will be a cure for breast cancer.

STRENGTHEN COMMUNITY. We are more than just a pink ribbon. We are the strength of a volunteer and the hope of a researcher. We are the generosity of a donor and the tenacity of a survivor. We take responsibility for all who have or will be affected by breast cancer in San Diego County.

SUPPORT. Giving up is not an option for us. A majority of our resources remain within our community to provide free treatment, support and services. Next to the U.S. Government, we are the largest funder of breast cancer research in the world. We create a place of love, healing, and hope so that no one is alone through the breast cancer journey. Â

EDUCATE. We advocate for innovative research, education and breast cancer patient rights. We know awareness can save lives and bring honor to the memory of those we have lost. We inform each other early and often about the importance of making proactive and healthy choices.


The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.

N UESTRA P ROMESA VIVIMOS CON INTEGRIDAD. Actuamos con respeto, dignidad, honestidad y transparencia, aún cuando nadie nos está mirando. Honramos y actuamos en nombre de aquellos que han sobrevivido, aquellos que han perdido, aquellos que amamos y honramos a la próxima generación. Es por todos ellos que somos buenos administradores de nuestros recursos.

INCLUIMOS. El cáncer de mama no discrimina, nosotros tampoco. Nos abrazamos y nos incluimos con compasión y con los brazos abiertos sin juzgar. Reconocemos la singularidad de cada historia y como cada historia enriquece la esencia de quienes somos. Creemos que todos merecen tener acceso a los servicios necesarios.

NOS COMPROMETEMOS. Nuestra promesa de encontrar la cura para el cáncer de mama es tan fuerte como nuestra promesa de servirnos y apoyarnos los unos a los otros. Trabajamos incansablemente para salvar vidas, para empoderar a la gente, y para asegurar que haya cuidado de calidad para todos.

CREEMOS. Tenemos confianza en la verdad, en nosotros mismos y en el futuro, aún cuando las respuestas no sean evidentes ni estén frente a nosotros. Creemos en las personas que servimos y les ayudamos a creer en ellas mismas. Creemos que habrá una cura para el cáncer de mama.

FORTALECIMIENTO COMUNITARIO. Somos mucho más que un listón rosa. Somos la fortaleza de un voluntario y la esperanza de un investigador. Somos la generosidad de un donante y la tenacidad de un sobreviviente. Tomamos responsabilidad por todos aquellos que han sido o serán afectados por cáncer de mama en el condado de San Diego.

APOYAMOS. Darnos por vencidos no es una opción para nosotros. La mayoría de nuestros recursos permanecen en nuestra comunidad para brindar tratamiento gratuito, apoyo y servicios. Junto con el Gobierno de Estados Unidos, somos los contribuyentes más grandes del mundo en investigación de cáncer de mama. Creamos un lugar de amor, curación, y esperanza para que nadie tenga que atravesar a solas la travesía que implica el cáncer de mama.

EDUCAMOS. Abogamos por investigación inovativa, por educación y por los derechos de los pacientes con cáncer de mama. Sabemos que podemos salvar vidas y que podemos traer honor a la memoria de aquellos que hemos perdido. Nos informamos los unos a los otros pronto, temprano y frecuentemente sobre la importancia de llevar a cabo decisiones proactivas sobre nuestra salud.


The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.

I MPLEMENTATION P LAN Ongoing Activities: •

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Annual review of Our Promise by ethics committee and board of directors. Our Promise is a living document and should be reviewed and amended, if necessary. Celebrate success as needed (monthly, quarterly, biannually, annually, or as the culture progresses). Provide ongoing training as new board members, staff and volunteers join the organization. Consider starting each board and staff meeting with a five-minute reflection (“ethics check-in”) on how one of the values was exhibited (or a situation that provided an opportunity for improvement) since the last meeting to keep Our Promise front of mind. Case study analysis (“ethics gym”) during ethics committee meetings. The group works to analyze and discuss real life examples of ethical dilemmas at other organizations… “what would Komen San Diego do?”

Y EAR O NE What: PRESENT OUR PROMISE TO BOARD FOR APPROVAL How: Upon staff approval of final draft of Our Promise, executive director should present the document to board for approval. Why: While staff will be living Our Promise, the board should approve the document from a governance perspective. Board members, as ambassadors of the organization, should be living and representing these values in their interactions with the community. What: LETTER TO COMMUNITY/CONSTITUENTS EXPRESSING LEADERSHIP SUPPORT How: Board chair and executive director should draft and co-sign a letter to stakeholders and constituents about the adoption of Our Promise, why it matters, highlight some key items from the implementation plan to be looking for, opportunities for involvement, and express that this is a living document and their feedback along the way is valued. Why: People look up to organizational leaders to set the tone and model behavior. Communicating this from the beginning is essential.


The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.

What: IDENTIFY AN ETHICS IMPLEMENTATION “CHAMPION” How: Either from a nomination from the executive director, board of directors, or self-nomination from interested staff. Why: This position offers additional leadership opportunities for a staff member to create and maintain an active ethical culture among peers, organization leadership, and volunteers. Without a champion to continuously engage staff throughout the year, implementation plan activities may lose precedence over other organizational tasks. What: RECRUIT AND DEVELOP AN “OUR PROMISE ADVISORY COMMITTEE” How: Ethics champion and Komen San Diego leadership nominate and identify staff, board members, grantees and volunteers that exude exemplary values based behavior. Committee will meet regularly to help organization maintain a stellar and active ethical culture, and assist with the implementation plan. Commitment to the end of implementation should be requested, with two-year (renewable) terms thereafter. Brainstorm creative ideas to incorporate, educate, and communicate to the community what Komen San Diego is doing to follow and live the values every day. Why: Many hands make work light. A diverse and active group will ensure a fun and meaningful discussion throughout the year. They will also be better equipped to handle tough or unforeseen ethical situations that may rise in order to resolve in a timely and specialized way. Creation of this committee will also help with public perception that the Komen San Diego takes ethics seriously. What: CONDUCT BOARD, STAFF, AND VOLUNTEER OUR PROMISE EDUCATION SESSION(S) How: At the next annual review session (or retreat) with board, volunteers and staff, create an agenda item to include the importance of having and abiding by Our Promise. Alternatively, create a special Our Promise education session for staff and volunteers. Include benefits, risks, and a brainstorming session to help Komen San Diego to implement an ethical culture for both staff and volunteers. Why: This generates ‘buy in’ among the staff, volunteers and leadership of the organization. It also allows for a chance to take ownership of Our Promise and implementations for the following years.


The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.

What: INCORPORATE OUR PROMISE INTO BOARD, EMPLOYEE AND VOLUNTEER POLICY MANUALS How: Staff should review and incorporate the Our Promise into existing board, employee and volunteer policy manuals. Consider having board, staff and volunteers sign an acknowledgement that they have received, understand, and agree to abide by Our Promise. Why: Our Promise is essentially a policy document, much like a confidentiality or conflict of interest policy. Therefore, clear communication of the expectations to follow Our Promise is essential, and that not following may have consequences. This will also be a good time to review all existing compliance-based policies (i.e., conflict of interest, confidentiality, gift acceptance, document retention, etc.) and create those that do not exist. What: FRAME OUR PROMISE TO DISPLAY IN OFFICE AND CREATE PORTABLE OUR PROMISE CARDS TO DISTRIBUTE How: Staff can have Our Promise enlarged to perhaps 11”x17” and inexpensively framed and displayed in office. Alternatively, each value could be individually framed and displayed around the office. Also, create portable size cards of Our Promise to distribute to staff, volunteers, etc. Why: Displaying in the office serves as a constant reminder for staff what purpose they serve and what values they hold. It also serves to let outsiders coming into the office understand the values and ethical culture of Komen San Diego.

What: INCORPORATE INTO WEBSITE, SOCIAL MEDIA AND MARKETING MATERIALS How: Staff will work with current web designer to integrate Our Promise into website. This may include isolating and highlighting certain values on certain pages (i.e., “Live with Integrity” on a page talking about stewardship of resources or “Support” on donation pages). In social media, incorporate a different value each month showing how Komen San Diego lives that value, and ask an open-ended question such as “How do you (live that value)?” to generate conversation among fans. Also, the next time marketing materials are revised, staff could have graphic designer incorporate values into materials. Why: Currently the Komen San Diego website does not clearly show the mission or values. Adding Our Promise to website, social media and marketing materials shows transparency and also helps clearly define to the public what Komen San Diego values and that they take ethics seriously.


The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.

What: RECOGNIZE STAFF AND VOLUNTEERS FOR VALUE DRIVEN BEHAVIOR How: Monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or annually recognize those who work to exceed the expectations of the organizations values at special events, races, or annual fundraisers. Individuals who exemplify the Our Promise or a particular value could also be recognized in print and/or e-newsletters and in social media. Why: Rewarding and recognizing excellent behavior encourages all individuals to aim for a higher standard. This practice also communicates to stakeholders and staff the organization holds appreciation to those who practice behavior parallel to the organization’s core values. It also boosts employee morale with creative and fun ways to make the work and days more fun.

Y EAR T WO Ongoing activities: •

Continue ongoing activities (i.e., training, awareness, celebrating success, and reviewing Our Promise) from Year One, and consider the following: What: INCORPORATE OUR PROMISE INTO BOARD, STAFF AND VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT, ORIENTATION AND PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS How: Incorporate Our Promise into recruitment strategies, including job postings and job descriptions. Once an offer to join Komen San Diego is made, either at individual or group sessions throughout the year, orientations will incorporate time during the session to discuss the importance of Our Promise, as well as activities and discussion for attendees to ask questions and immerse in values will be included. Annual performance appraisals will incorporate and weave in identified values with current measures. Why: First impressions of an organization are extremely important. Starting off the board/staff/volunteer experiences during the recruitment phase with Our Promise will send a message that Komen San Diego holds the values to a higher standard and helps to ensure those recruited share these values. This should be re-emphasized during any orientation sessions, and brought full circle through annual appraisals. If someone fails to perform with the core values at the base of their work, one may question their ability to continue their commitment to the organization.


The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.

What: INCORPORATE CORE VALUES INTO FUNDRAISING APPEALS AND DONOR COMMUNICATIONS How: Development staff could begin incorporating core values into fundraising appeals (i.e., direct mail and e-solicitations, corporate sponsorship appeals, donation thank you letters, etc.). Why: Highlighting values in donor communications deepens the connection with donors and reinforces Komen San Diego’s commitment to ethical conduct and the community, particularly important after the recent negative publicity. What: CREATE A BANNER FOR EACH VALUE TO BE DISPLAYED AT INTERVALS ON RACE DAY How: Staff will have a banner created for each value to be displayed along the 5K race/walk route. Development staff could work with a corporate sponsor to include in a benefit package. Also consider creating additional set of banners in Spanish. Why: Communicates the values through direct contact and exposure to 14,000 committed walkers, benefiting both Komen San Diego and a corporate sponsor. The values are inspiring and would motivate and remind walkers why they walk, and strengthen their commitment to Komen San Diego.

Y EAR T HREE Ongoing activities: •

Continue ongoing activities (i.e., training, awareness, celebrating success, and reviewing Our Promise) from previous years, and consider the following: What: RECRUIT NEW MEMBERS FOR “OUR PROMISE ADVISORY COMMITTEE” How: Our Promise Committee (and appropriate staff/board members) will recruit new members to engage new participants and replace those wishing to term off. Why: After laying the groundwork and overseeing the implementation thus far, efforts should be made to recruit new committee members. Term limits should be respected and new perspectives should be infused into the committee to embark on conducting a formal Our Promise review and creation of a new three-year implementation plan.


The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.

What: REVIEW OUR PROMISE AT ANNUAL END OF YEAR BOARD/STAFF MEETING/RETREAT How: At annual end of year review, staff will take time to also review the identified core values and make any needed edits or changes. Activities, and discussion will also be included to remind staff and volunteers the importance of an active value driven culture and to brainstorm creative ideas and strategies for future implementation. Why: Times of reflection are important for staff and volunteers to voice their opinions and concerns about the organization. This is a great opportunity for those to discuss what worked in the last year, what didn’t, and their suggestions for improvement for future years. What: CREATE ‘WHITE PAPER’ TO SHARE EXPERIENCE TO KOMEN NATIONAL AND AFFILIATES How: At the end of Year Three, consider creating a ‘white paper’ documenting the process and experience of creating and implementing Our Promise to share with Komen National and Affiliates. Why: The work you will have done to create and honor an ethical culture should be shared, especially considering recent public relations issues and that educating and sharing innovative information is a core value. You can share lessons learned, value added, challenges experienced and recommend ideas for Affiliate implementation, which will only improve your position as a thought leader in the breast cancer community at the national level.


The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure. Â



The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.

I MPLEMENTATION T IMELINE Ongoing Activities: • • • •

Annual review of Our Promise by ethics committee and board of directors. Our Promise is a living document and should be reviewed and amended, if necessary. Celebrate success as needed (monthly, quarterly, biannually, annually, or as the culture progresses). Provide ongoing training as new board members, staff and volunteers join the organization. Consider starting each board and staff meeting with a five-minute reflection (“ethics check-in”) on how one of the values was exhibited (or a situation that provided an opportunity for improvement) since the last meeting to keep Our Promise front of mind. Case study analysis (“ethics gym”) during ethics committee meetings and/or periodic board and staff meetings. The group works to analyze and discuss real life examples of ethical dilemmas at other organizations… “what would Komen San Diego do?”

YEAR ONE § § § § § § § § §

• • • •

• • • •

Present Our Promise to Board for Approval Letter to Community/Constituents Expressing Leadership Support Identify an Ethics Implementation “Champion” Recruit and Develop an “Our Promise Advisory Committee” Conduct Board, Staff, and Volunteer Our Promise Education Session(s) Incorporate Our Promise Into Board/Employee/Volunteer Policy Manuals Frame Our Promise to Display in Office and Create Portable Cards to Distribute Incorporate into Website, Social Media and Marketing Materials Recognize Staff and Volunteers for Value Driven Behavior YEAR TWO Continue Ongoing Activities (i.e., training, awareness, celebrating success, and reviewing Our Promise) Incorporate Our Promise into Board, Staff and Volunteer Recruitment, Orientation and Appraisal Plans Incorporate Core Values into Fundraising Appeals and Donor Communications Create a Banner for Each Value to be Displayed at Intervals on Race Day YEAR THREE Continue Ongoing Activities (i.e., training, awareness, celebrating success, and reviewing Our Promise) Recruit New Members for the “Our Promise Advisory Committee” Review Our Promise at Annual Board/Staff Meeting/Retreat Create ‘White Paper’ to Share Experience with Komen National and Affiliates 13

Year Three

“Ethics Gym” case study analysis

“Ethics check-ins” at Board and staff meetings

Ongoing training

Celebrate successes!

Review annually


Create a banner for each value to be displayed at intervals on race day

Incorporate into fundraising appeals and donor communications

Incorporate into staff and volunteer performance appraisals

Incorporate Our Promise into Board, staff and volunteer recruitment, orientation

Year Two

Create ‘White Paper’ to share experience with Komen National and Affiliates

Review Our Promise at annual Board/staff meeting/ retreat

Recruit new members for the Our Promise advisory committee

Recognize staff and volunteers

Incorporate into website, social media and marketing materials

Frame and display in office

Incorporate into Board, employee and volunteer policy manuals

Conduct Board, staff, and volunteer ethics education sessions

Recruit an “Our Promise Advisory Committee”

Identify an ethics “Champion”

Letter to community constituents

Present to Board

Year One

Implementation Plan Diagram The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.



The mission of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find a cure.

E THICS R ESOURCES Stanford Social Innovation Review | Ethics and Nonprofits Unethical behavior remains a persistent problem in nonprofits and for-profits alike. To help organizations solve that problem, the authors examine the factors that influence moral conduct, the ethical issues that arise specifically in charitable organizations, and the best ways to promote ethical behavior within organizations. http://www.ssireview.org/articles/entry/ethics_and_nonprofits National Council of Nonprofits – Ethics and Accountability in the Nonprofit Sector This section of the National Council of Nonprofits’ website gives background on ethics and accountability issues that impact the nonprofit sector. It also provides resources for nonprofits seeking to formally incorporate ethical practices into their operations and stay abreast of regulations and changing laws that shape accountability practices of nonprofits. http://www.councilofnonprofits.org/resources/resources-topic/ethics-accountability Ethics Resource Center – Advancing High Ethical Standards and Practices ERC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization, dedicated to independent research that advances high ethical standards and practices in public and private institutions. http://ethics.org/ Independent Sector – Resource Center for Good Governance and Ethical Practices Independent Sector is the leadership network for nonprofits, foundations, and corporate giving programs committed to advancing the common good in America and around the world. Nonprofits and foundations should develop a statement of values and code of ethics to help guide policies, decision-making, and operations. This code of ethics checklist from Independent Sector helps organizations accomplish this goal. http://www.independentsector.org/governance_ethics_resource_center Board Source – Training and Resources BoardSource supports, trains, and educates more than 60,000 nonprofit board leaders from across the country each year. With more than 20 years of experience, BoardSource provides leaders with an extensive range of tools and resources — including Webinars, in-person training sessions, original publications, consulting services, and customized diagnostics — to increase their effectiveness and magnify the impact of their mission. BoardSource is a 501(c)(3) organization. http://www.boardsource.org/AboutUs.asp

Further Reading Johnson, C. E. (2012). Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: Casting light or shadow (4 ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing, Inc.


Nair, K. (1997). A higher standard of leadership: Lessons from the life of Gandhi. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers Keith, K. M. (2011). Servant leadership in the boardroom: Fulfilling the public trust. Westfield, IN: The Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership


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