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My exploration in architecture started in my home country of Taiwan. As I grew up on this fascinating island, I saw aspects of myself reflected in the culture. The metropolis, containing swarming humanity and structures created to support them, juxtaposed between energetic mountains and the sea reminded me of how fragile but enduring life is. Architecture’s purpose is not to dominate the natural environment, but to find homeostasis between itself and nature. I have experienced a wild and rich nature, the diversity of urbanscape and landscape, and yet the declination of culture. Therefore, I have always seen architecture as a connection between these multiple and complex anima. It seeks to trigger deeper thought about man and his relationship to space and environment, and to close the gap between people of different cultures and political ideology. On my many hiking and surfing expeditions, I have witnessed the spectacular power of nature in Taiwan. I have seen the weather on mountaintops change in the blink of an eye, destroying villages. I’ve seen coastal lines sculpted into shapes dictated by the ocean waves. This interweaving inspired me to find ways to represent those relationships through design......


XL. OO1 CITY PROJECTION _memory of city / urban 2016. Graduation Thesis Project

L. OO2 UNDER HORIZON _lifestyle / landscape

2015. Design Studio 6, option studio

M. OO3 THE CITY LAB _experience / city

2014. Design Studio 4, core studio

S. OO4 THE WALL OF IDENTITY _ethnic groups / pubilc space 2014. Design Studio 5, option studio

XS. OO5 non-ARCHITECTURE _fiction / representation 2014. Design Studio 5, option studio



02:07 am When I fell asleep with a city that I dream.......


The Lost Beauty of The City 2016. Graduation Thesis Project \ Solo Work Instructor: Min-Tse Li Location: Port of Keelung

“Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else.” ― Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities Architecture demonstrates the thoughts and values of decision-makers. In modern society, economic development seems to be the only prize people are chasing. Yet, by doing this, too much has been lost.

Capitalistic societies bloom homogeneity. Gradually, people lose a part of themselves and forget how to live with spirit. For most people, the port of Keelung, Taiwan’s key port city, has a feeling of being grim and unapproachable, a tricky and oversized urbanscape. Keelung, was a city built to support others, to create a great amount of business. The hyper-focus on business led to the diminishment of public spaces in the city. This project aimed to reflect and question the development of the modern city. I tried to create this kind of space, feeling consumed with the desire of the city in a dream. My vision was to deconstruct the city, to show its invisible side. In its reconstruction, the interaction among people, the environment, and the city would be most important. Lastly, dreamer as a revealer, audience as a participant, roaming from one perspective of this city to another.....

2016.YEAR 5/ Thesis Design Project

I am sinking in the ocean, up and down, watching people enjoy the sunlight, the warmth, and the wind......

03:01 am The port comes to life, sound and light penetrate the window reflecting on my face. I am a little dizzy......I am awake, the city is awake.

memory of city / urban

mountains / city / ocean



In order to build up an efficient city system, the government used to set the rules. It was necessary to erase the original framework of the city to build new rules. In doing so, they blocked out the memories and stories of the locals. In my observation, today, Keelung no longer generates prosperity. What did that order actually mean in this now empty city? There are a lot of boundaries blocking the freedom to move.

The Rule of City Mountain area Coastline Harbor Context of City

The curve and irregular coastline was a dynamic feature. The relationship between people and nature was closer in the past.



1888 In this period, Keelung was the most prosperous port in Ta i w a n . B u i l d i n g s and boundaries were erected in the busy core of the city. Gradually, the significance of the city changed.



2016.YEAR 5/ Thesis Design Project

DESIRE BLOCK: A straight/ fragmented city

There are two kinds of desire- the government’s and the people's. However, the former presides over the latter. I am recalling the city I lived in, the artificial barriers that occupied public spaces. A lot of structures crisscrossing through oceans and mountains. Still half asleep, I see the clock over the bed. It is about three in the morning.

Site/ 1960s River with fish market

There is a subterranean river below the city, an invisible landscape under those desires. People live close to the water, but they never know it.

memory of city / urban

cruise ship A super scale machine temporary moored in the harbor.

mountain cutting highway To import resourse to the capital, the highway is the shortcut.

Boundary of port


If ones run to the port, he must see the blue o c e a n . H o w e v e r, i n Keelong, people can see a huge wall instead the ocean.

Because of the rialway, citiziens were hard to cross through to another side.

untouchable river Port area Staff only.

building on the river

The efficient block

In order to efficiently support the business proceedings, the government developed a crisscross system. An order that ruled every rule.

The authorities build the fence to make a rule that people cannot approach the river.

I n t h e p r o s p e r i t y, p e o p l e needed a lot of place to build a business, so government started to develop some area that should not be developed. EX: build on the river.

2016.YEAR 5/ Thesis Design Project

Buzzing, the boat is ready to make port. I see a strange long building in front of me...... a little panicked, I walk slowly toward this enormous building. The fish market is going to open. Vendors are busy unloading cargo. I look at my watch, it's 3:38 am......The building seems to be deconstructed, yet I can still see a lot of people working in it. They cannot see me. There is a river flowing under the building, I can see it through the breach of the building. The color of the water is dark...full of depression and greed. However, in my memory, there was no river here...... On the left, a billboard reflects the image of the city with the mountain behind it. Depending on one's position, it can reflect different views of the city. However, I have never seen the mountains behind t h e c i t y b e f o re . T h i s b u i l d i n g seems to be growing along with my consciousness’.

memory of city / urban

2016.YEAR 5/ Thesis Design Project

Finding The Lost Memory Wait......I have never seen this building in Keelung. Even if I had seen it before, it did not look like this. I cannot remember it...... I started to think about why I was there. I have never seen this subterranean river before. No one told me about it, and I have never heard of it before. This is not Keelung, it seems similar but it isn’t. I always remembered Keelung as a prosperous, but unhappy city. A city does not possess emotion, but people pour their emotions into it. Is this what we want? I am not sure. I recall a childhood memory. In the city, each code represents a certain memory. This building must be a memory bank showing us what we lost...... Or maybe the city was projected by my subconscious, an aggregate of desire. If this is fake, what is real? A river that people have never seen? I am confused.....

roof garden Producing a public natural world on a higher level to connect with the mountains. Pretending to disregard the rules. section of the building It never manifests in reality, yet opening a cross-section of the building to let people see the section is the goal. billboard of city reflection Like a mirror, the image of the city is overlain with different sections on a translucent billboard: a board usually appears in the capital city. fish market In the past, fishermen anchored their boats in the city to sell the day’s catch turning the street into traditional market. Hsu-Chuan River Died in 1975 subterranean river Nowadays, few people know the river. People constantly discharge waste and toxic chemicals into this unknown river.

The memories of the city



memory of city / urban

section of the building



f i s h

m a r k e t

Hsu-Chuan River

subterranean river

billboard of city reflection


2016.YEAR 5/ Thesis Design Project

Finally, I climb to the rooftop where a garden is. I am surrounded by trees, and the soft breeze gently sweeps against my skin. At this moment, I am detaching from the city, the artificial city. I walk around the trees. Suddenly, the towering peaks catch my eye. I never noticed the outskirts of Keelung before. The magnificent spectacle spread itself out before my eyes. It seems I am living in a state of perpetual deja vu. Everywhere I go, I feel I have already been. 4:29 am I lay on the bed, trying to recall every detail of my dream. I don't want to wake up. I don't want to wake up in this cold tiny concrete room. I walk to the kitchen have a g l a s s o f w h i s k e y, s i t i n t h e armchair, see the old postcard on the wall......the image on it is the same as my dream, I never noticed that the photo on the postcard is Keelung...... I think about the dream, everything in that world was trying to say something to me. No...... not really, this is my dream, so maybe I want to say something to someone else, every part trying to connect to reality. Was it a dream, or a /time that was forgotten by the people. It's 6:02 am I am going to swim...Actually, I'll look for the subterranean river today.

memory of city / urban

2015.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

lifestyle / landscape


A Juxtaposed Context of Balanced Life 2015. 4th year, Option Studio \ Solo Work Instructor: Sheng-Yuan Huang Tsung-Hung Pai Location: Chilidan, Jiaoxi, Yilan

Urban planning plays a critical part especially in Taiwan, profitability dominates the authority of urban spaces. This project aimed to open public space in the interest of economic urban renewal in Chilidan, and to discuss the relationship between local culture and daily life. For me, life is an “inbetween� experience, between different lifestyles instead of a union. Therefore, I was trying to provide a chance that makes people live inbetween, escape temporarily from the original life, and regulate the shape of life.

2015.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project


Downtown of Jiaoxi


ONE LIFE Since the Japanese-Occupied Period, Jiaoxi was known for hot springs. Locals used to explicit hot spring on bathing and farming. In 2006, the Hsuehshan Tunnel was completed. The tunnel connected Taipei to Yilan County, cutting down the journey time from two hours to just half an hour. Because of this convenience, Jiaoxi’s economy boomed. Out of all the towns in Ilan, Jiaoxi grew the fastest. This was because of the hot springs.

In contrast, on the other side of the railway, Chilidan, people still led the traditional lives of farming and fishing. Nowadays, however, people no longer have hot springs, agriculture or aquaculture to develop. Thus, traditional industries are in decline, as construction takes over. There is a type of lifestyle going to eliminate others.

lifestyle / landscape

Mountain 15℃

Hot Springs Fields

Ocean Hot Springs Hotels

Hot Springs Fields

Hot Springs Hotels Railway

Route of Hot Springs Railway 55℃


Site: Chilidan Pipeline

2015.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

SENSE OF LIFE In order to have a deeper insight into the culture and local life in Chilidan, I tried to live as much like a local as possible, walk on a path that was closer to daily life which allowed visitors to aware of the context of life rather than the asphalt roads. While I roamed, I attempted to experience the land with my body. I listened to the locals’ stories.

In Chilidan, temple life was slow, and the diversity of people’s experiences so intriguing. This area was set higher than the downtown area. Depending on where I stood I got different views of the landscape which I never experienced in the city’s center.

lifestyle / landscape

+180.0 cm

07. +160.0 cm

02. +153.0 cm

03. +85.0cm


+25.0cm 05.

+ 10 . 0 c m 04.

-75.0cm 06.

-155.0 cm 08.

2015.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

URBAN RENEWAL Gentrification not only wipes out the original spiritof a place but also brings conformity to life. What I experienced in Chilidan I haven’t experienced in other places. This is the most valuable and unique characteristic of Chilidan.

Commercial District Residential District Transfer Station Land Use for Park

I enjoyed roaming in those farms and the remains. It felt like a playground, connecting different people together.

lifestyle / landscape

STRATEGY New urban planning solution: This solution was based on what I experienced, and how I tried to connect local culture to the kind of urban planning I envisioned. With this new strategy, I calculated the area of the original parkland, and on it, expressed the culture of Chilidan. The remains of Trionyx Farms.

2015.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

LIVE IN BETWEEN The horizon contained two different worlds, up and down, shuttling between the new and the old not only provided an opportunity for farmers to show their products to the people but a new way for people to travel between history and present reality.

lifestyle / landscape

2015.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

swimming pool aquaponic the tunnel O n e s ca n e a s i ly touch and look the water surface.

This area present the n a t u r a l e co lo g y o f Chi Li Dan. Also, an outdoor classroom for vistors and students.

A kind of daily life in Yi Lan. Life so close to water that people cannot possess in urban.

lifestyle / landscape

The integration of several programs allowed people to rethink the relationship between body and environment. It is the only way to explore one's perception: constantly moving rather than staying static on either side.

papaya basin city garden A garden that make citizens leave the city temporary.

The heigh of the basin makes more fun for life.

2015.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

In this view, people no longer live the same life. By doing so people can experience different spaces, and ways to approach the city. Those vanished relationships are essential for human beings to connect to the fundamental fluid of life.

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." -John Lennon

lifestyle / landscape

Final Critic on Site / Facing Reality

Architect / Fieldoffice in Yilan Deep cultivation of construction of Yilan for decades.

Models / 250cm x 340cm x 25cm Scale: 1/100

Township Mayor / Jiaoxi

Professor / National Yilan University Hot Springs Specialist

Our studio is surrounded by hot springs and rivers. During our daily morning swims, Professor Huang spoke to us about local life and how the environment impacted the way people lived. We discovered a dynamic conversation between life and design.

Staff / Fieldoffice

Professor / DEPT. of Architecture/ CYCU

The significant point of this studio is always to face the reality in practice. The final critic on-site with 1/100 site model (250 x 340 x 25 cm), There were professors from local universities, the mayor, and neighbors who allowed me to discuss the future development of Jiaoxi. It opened a conversation with people and the administrative powers who lived in Chilidan for decades.

2014.YEAR 3/ Core Studio Project

The privatization of public space is a serious issue in Taiwan. Especially in the growing city of Taichung. There are tons of buildings constructed with concrete walls and glass curtains to enclose private spaces but this, in turn, creates more boundaries and less flow through the city. As a result, the only public spaces in the city are tedious streets with busy traffic. I started to imagine the city in a stripped-down way; that is, as if tearing all the walls down people can feel and see the vivid and energetic city with the activities which happen at a different level.


Liberate The Civilization of The City 2014. 3th year, Core Studio \ Solo Work Instructor: Chuan-Chih Chang Location: Taiwan, Taichung

experience / city

MEET The location of the city lab is near the famous green belt walkway in Taichung. Locals used to take a walk, ride a bike, or have picnics there. MEETING OTHERS is a popular activity on this green land. My purpose was to create a type of space in the city which has different heights and layers. Also, I tried to produce an experience of wandering. In this experience, as people enter spaces of different heights the fluidity of the spaces change. They make the ground events extend to a higher and spatial landscape.

Prototype: producing an interactive space with a ramp for people to freely wander on and also enjoy visual and audio input. Several activities happen simultaneously on the deck and the hill.

2014.YEAR 3/ Core Studio Project

From Land to Ramp The concept comes from the foothills of Taichung. The undulating terrain makes the walking experience more interesting, and makes the approach of activities inadvertent. In the city lab, the act of walking becomes a blur, people move to different levels in an unconscious way. In this movement, people are free to shuttle constantly between land and ramp, and between different events in the city.


experience / city

1x1: stair 1x2: ramp 2x2: stool 2x5: podium

3x3: seat 3x6: area 4x3: desk .......

2014.YEAR 3/ Core Studio Project

experience / city

An Endless Space -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

2019 PTS architectural documentary film recording Naked Island \ The Vanished 19"50 - 27"00 \ Director: Mi-Sen Wu Interview Location: Taipei The first episode of Naked Island, "Invisible Me", compares architecture by penetrating music. Music is like a flowing building. However, music is invisible, it is the art of time, architecture is tangible, and time is cruel. In the passage of time, there are many buildings that have disappeared in Taiwan (such as Zhunghua Shopping Yard), illegally preserved buildings (such as Mitsui Warehouse), or those that have been preserved in absurd ways (such as Bopiliao Historic Block, Lin An Tai Historical House, Sisi Nancun ... etc). The director of this episode tries to prove that architecture also has a narrative form through the common characteristics of film and architecture, to carry out these architectures, the relationship between landscape and space, including the human body, memory, and architecture. Although these "disappeared" buildings are already "invisible me", they can help us "see" the appearance of that generation and "see" our own appearance. One must remember the past to imagine the future.

Image capture from PTS

Naked Island \ The Vanished EP1| Trailer

ethnic groups / public space


Break Down The Wall In Mind 2014. 4th year, Option Studio \ Solo Work Instructor: Li-Yu Hsu Location: Istanbul

In the winter of 2014, I got a chance to do architectural research in Istanbul. I looked up the historical background of this city before my trip. In order to think of the best proposal, I had to cultivate a deeper understanding of the current situation in Istanbul at that time. The project focused on the discussion of the connection between the locals and refugees in this city. I looked at this city with a Taiwanese eye, hoping to provide an objective platform for the discussion of the issue. I conceptualized “Taiwan Pavilion in Istanbul�.

2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

Battle of Manzikert

Crusades Rise of the Ottoman Empire

Army on Penghu

The Yuan dynasty occupy Penghu

The T

Netherlands/ Spain occupy Taiwan

War was crucial to Taiwan and Turkey building their nations. Looking back at the history of these two countries, they both experienced different wars and occupants. Thus, in the beginning, I started to focus on ''WAR'', and tried to understand this word even though nowadays most countries no longer experience war in that way.

TRAVEL/ WAR The old English word TRAVEL was originally the same as “travail” meaning “trouble”, “work”, or “torment” which in turn comes from the Latin “tripalium”, a three-staked instrument of torture. Travel is thus linked, etymologically, to aggression. Since the First World War, the lure old travel has been built directly into the seductive language of military recruitment. Advertisements for the armed forces promise military service as a way to ''SEE THE WORLD'' an opportunity otherwise available solely to the leisure class.

ethnic groups / public space

Turkish War of Independence

Tulip Period

Civil War Siege of Fort Zeelandia

The first female muhtar

Xi'an coup

Republic of China

Retreat to Taiwan

* The motion of refugees in Middle East War whether also as a journey for refugees.

2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

I was asked if I could take a photo for them, yet their facial expressions looked overwhelming. I feel helpless about whether I could give them any help.

PROBLEM of THE CITY? When it comes to the issue of refugees, there is always a portion of local citizens who are strongly prejudiced against them. However, they are partially influenced by the media bias which paints a negative picture of refugees. The refugee problem is considered a serious one. But what actually is the “real problem of the city�? What if these immigrants were actually free travelers. Would the local citizens have the same negative opinion of them? Is it because of the clothes they wear, the color of their skin or their languages that are the real problems?

18 November 2014 Last updated at 13:00 GMT Recent news from Syria has been dominated by the battle against IS. But almost four years after what began as peaceful pro- tests, half the population is still displaced, large swathes of the country lie in ruin, and President Assad is still firmly in power. Fighting continues across the country. Aboud Dandashi is originally from Homs and is an IT proj- ect manager. He is 38 years old and fled to Istanbul in September 2013. 13 November 2014 Last updated at 10:07 GMT Turkey is home to more than a million Syrian refugees, with many living in camps near the border or in cities such as Istanbul. The huge influx of people has caused tensions within some communities and there are also fears some refugees are being exploited by landlords. Mark Lowen visited a neighbourhood in Istanbul to find out more.

ethnic groups / public space

NON-PUBLIC SPACE In Istanbul, I could see a great number of refugees destitute, living on the streets. The Turkish people were angry about refugees living on the streets in the city. I stood for some time in the center of Taksin square,observing the hatred the Turkish people aimed toward those refugees; they yelled and drove the refugees away. It seemed that the public space was never available for the homeless.

Site Refugees

Taksin square is a famous plaza in Istanbul, it has held a great number of public events. In 2014, a lot of refugees gathered there. They started to squat there, but the Turks did not welcome them.

2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

A MUSICALITY CITY I was thinking about the connection between different identities. Since the first day I arrived in Istanbul, I heard tons of sound; the city seems like a big audio party, people can experience different melody in every corner of the city. Since people joined the small concert beside the street, everyplace could throw a musical party at any time. At this moment, people would not depart in a different group, they dance, they sing, and they laugh together.

I collected the sound in Istanbul to build an urban soundscape. The audio map was the collection of local sound which included the sound of different religious activities, the melody of the street musicians, and various languages.

+ 570 + 465 + 380

+ 220 + 190

+ 20 +0

ethnic groups / public space

2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

THE WALL To block people's appearance and focus on the sound, I built a wall in the middle of Taksin square. One side of this wall is translucent(city side), people can see the blur shape of the moving man but not their identity. The other side of the wall(parkland side) is a stage for different people to demonstrate their talents. Since I cannot block the sound, people on both sides can hear the music. When people in the city side heard the beautiful melody and trying to go through the wall, they will discover the music is played by the people who wear different clothes. Sometimes people should take out those comparative sights to share and love each other.

01 02

pp plate sheet

glass fixing H bean


05 wooden deck

04 scaffold

wooden deck

01. pp plate sheet 02. glass fixing 03. H bean 04. scaffold 05. connector 06.individual footing foundation


The City Side

The Temporary Construction

The Tunnel

The Translucent Surface

to break the gap



The Stage

The Greenland Side


ethnic groups / public space

IDENTITY In operating this project, it was difficult for me to define the identity of the refugees. This is why this wall has become a Taiwan Pavilion in Turkey. For me Taiwan is my country, but internationally, is this country a country? Or a place where the chaos and loss of identity are like refugees internationally.

2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

fiction / representation

OO5 non-Architecture

From Films To Expression

2014. 4th year, Option Studio \ Solo Work/ Group Work with Duo-Li Lin Instructor: Li-Yu Hsu Location: Zhongli, Taoyuan

This project was divided into 3 parts: Firstly, I was inspired by the book, Spaces of Neolib- eralization: Towards a Theory of Uneven Geographi- cal Development, written by David Harvey. It became the basis of my discussion on the spatial relationship in this project. Secondly, based on Harvey's theory, I tried to analyze those space relations in two movies (Paris I Love You, The Giver). Through this, I used a different perspective to interpret the movie and space. Lastly, all the results and analysis had to convert into space (architecture) issue. Therefore, we (I with my partner) chose a site, Da Guang Yuan, besides our studio to represented what we thought about the city based on those movies. In this phase, in order to learn the history of Da Guang Yuan, we did a lot of field research in this old community. Finally, we build installation and held a movie festival on the site to memorize those old-time with neighbors. *Part 1&2 were solo work, and the 3rd part was a group work with Duo-li Lin.

2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

Space as a keyword/ PART 1: Reference from David Harvey David Harvey considers space has a deeper meaning than ''absolute space''. He states “it was crucial to reflect on the nature of space if we were to understand urban processes under capitalism�. I tried to take his point of view to see another aspect of the authorities in space.

Absolute Space

Relative Space (time)

Relational Space (time)

Spatial Practice

Representations of Space

Representaional Space

walls, bridges, doors, stairways, floors, ceilings, streets, buildings, cities, mountains, bodies of water, territorial markers, physical boundaries and barriers, gated communities...

cadastral and administrative maps; Euclidean geometry; metaphors of confinement, open space, location, placement and positionality; (command and control relatively easy)- Newton and Descartes

feelings of contentment around the hearth; sense of security or incarceration from enclosure; sense of power from ownership, command and dominationover space; fear of others ''beyond the pale.''

circulation and flows of energy; water, air, commodities, people, i n f o r m a t i o n , m o n e y, c a p i t a l ; accelerations and diminution in the friction of distance...

thematic and topological maps; non-Euclidean geometries and topology;perspectival drawings metaphors of situted knowledges, of motion, mobility, displacement;(command and control difficult requring sophisticated techniques)Einstein and Reimann

anixiety at not getting to class on time; thrill of moving into the unknown; frustration in the traffic jam; tension of exhiliarations of time-space compression, of speed, of motion.

e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c e n e rg y f l o w s and fields; social relations; rental and economic potential surfaces; pollution concentrations; energy potentials; sounds, odors and sensations wafted on the breeze

surrealism; existentialism; psychogeographies; cyberspace; metaphors of internalization of forces and power;(command and control extremely difficult- chaos theroy, dialctics, internal relations, quantum mathematics)Leibniz, Whitehead, Deleuze, Benjamin

visions, fantasies, desires, frustrations, memories, dreams, phantasms, psychic states (e.g. agoraphobia, vertigo, claustrophobia)

Film/ PART 2-1:PARIS I LOVE YOU 07 TOUR EIFFEL Sylvain Chomet

The main actor: no name mime artist

Based on Harvey's approaches, I analyzed the relationship of space in the text. In NO.07 TOUR EIFFEL of PARIS I LOVE YOU, I observed the interaction between the main actor and others. In order to see the relationship between the actor's emotion and the atmosphere, I looked into the storyboards to analyze people's clothing, scenes, and expression. Standing in a different perspective to read the script and do the space works.

fiction / representation O. Paris

1. Story Telling

2. Mime Artist

3. City Of Love

6. Rules

7. Emotional Effect

9. Illusion/ Reality

1O. Mimicking

11. Mimicking

13. Mimicking

14. Mimicking

15. In Love

17. Represent

18. Reflection

19. Imagnation

illusion reality

4. Inner World

5. Illusion/ Reality

illusion reality

8. Innerself

illusion reality

12. Duplicate

illusion reality

16. I Love You

illusion reality

spatial practice representations of space representational space emotional curve

2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

+35.00 m




1.Actor's motion tracking in Paris. 2.In the film, mime artist was an illusion. In contrast, others were ordering reality. 3.The mime artist represented a real life that people often lived rather than an Utopia.

RELATIONS of SPACE Identical/ people feel safe when they are all the same. Paris, a city constantly copied to produce a perfect view that people always dream. In the story, the main character seems to be a fictional existence, he was total cannot fit in the ''real world''. However, the ''real world'' in the story was too perfect to be true. Think about ourself, that depression, loneliness, and differentiation always happen in our life. The experience of roaming in Paris is a dream that people always want to pursue.

fiction / representation



projector 11 760 cm

I took this experience into a spatial practice. As the main character, participants have been transplanted into an heterogeneous space which mix of different urbanscape and soundsacpe. To reflect the image of the city, it is interesting to use projection of moving images to show the different aspects of a metropolitan urban area; it is also an exploration of urban, metropolitan spaces and how bodies relate to them. It will depend on participants' perception and experience.

white band 80 x 180cm

projector 1

I am trying to represent this experience into a space art. As the same condition as the mime artist, participants have been transplanted into an heterogeneous space which mix of different urbanscape and soundsacpe.

2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

Film/ PART 2-2:The Giver I analyzed another film, the giver, and combined the ideas I gained previously. ''The utopia is the symbol of perfect, but it has to be completed by a lot of rules''. That is, the president of the village blocked the emotion to avoid people producing love or hatred. However, the reality is not always perfect, and the memory will only be valuable if the life is not perfect.



liberate Nurse

The Giver




City Guard kill infant

resistance President

The Giver





NON-PERFECT LIFE Life has multi-faceted to experience, there's no accurate utopia or anti-utopia in reality. That is to say, everyone can reorganize the chart which is the perfect world belong theirself.

fiction / representation

Garden of Birds In 80's, students of the department of architecture used to live in this village.

Dinner on The Street People shared the foods together every night.

Open Teahouse People used to have afternoon tea under the big tree in the garden.

The Old Well People liked to hang out around the well because it was wasy to recognize if ones met here.

Producing Space in Action / PART 3: Da Guang Yuan To represent the concept of the films, we built a new relationship of space in Da Guang Yuan- an old village within the modern city. Because the village was built for a long time, the context of the village was following their daily needs. The open space used to be a public space where the neighbors were playing cards, having dinner, and chatting together. The vivid atmosphere in this intimate community was something I found precious and characteristic of this place. The sad story about this site is that, the government has planned to tear down this old village in order to build new buildings. Therefore, my installation was expected to re ect this urban issue on the spot. I was aiming for the gathering of local identities and the retrospectives of their old times.

2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

MEMORIES On the site, there is a lot of groceries that been used by the ancients. At that moment, I could feel the vibe of the old ’80s... as if the people who live around this neighborhood were gathered together again... I can almost imagine those good old days with the position of the furniture. Considering a city as a polymer, and those elements are city codes; each code obtains different memories from citizens. Thus, memory is an important point within the city, people built their relationships with the city through memories, including the objects of the city. As for me, I was producing the invisible space according to my database.




fiction / representation

01. The old tree 02.Monstera deliciosa 03.Pteridophyta 04.Bidens pilosa 05. antique well 06. iron fence 07. window 08. wooden door 09. wooden beam 10. brick 11. shoes shelf 12. umbralla

13. telephone 14. diner chair 15. diner chair 16. toilet 17. bench 18. papa bear 19. spring couplet 20. broken clock 21. tea cup 22. basketball 23. helmet





















2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

HOW TO BUILD AN UTOPIA THE UNIT SCAFFOLD:The assistent of construction. It's obtain strong temporary and metaphor of changing. To compare the extinctive old memories and the advence constructions and technology.

I cannot define utopia precisely. Utopia is where the heart is; one can build his utopia by his thought, and vice versa. Therefore, I built a 3D matrix to let people produce a utopia based on their memories and experiences. This 3D matrix built-in many units of the scaffold (200 x 75 x 170cm). To build a better world, the scaffold is usually used to support the construction, it also represents city codes, something is going to happen here, to gather people's memory and stories here.

fiction / representation

SCAFFOLD +3.4 m At this height, people can look through the village to compare the outside city and this old inhabitat.

CORD YARD +0.0 m The old well. In the past, residants used to hang out near the well. The open space is as a living space.



+1.7 m Provided a vertical axis. Scaffold as a urban code represent a temporary stituation in the city.

+0.1 m The surface of the old time living space.

REMAINS HOUSE +0.3 m The building which plants lived in.

NEIGHBOR +0.3 m One of the residant that still live in the village.



+0.0 m The matrix is the order of the space. It cearly controled and defined threeaxes coordinate system.

+0.0 m These antiques own by the old inhabitants.In 2014, I picked up those remains which were leave in 1999, as I traveled back in time.

2014.YEAR 4/ Option Studio Project

RECORDING THE TRACE In the matrix, people can use different tape to shape the imagination of space. That is, I tried to record people's memories by these interweaving lines. This was a temporary installation space to defense those renewal planning. In this period, neighbors recalled the memory and reconnected because of this interaction.

fiction / representation

Mr. Lin Old Neighbor / 72y

Ms. Li Professor / 45y

Mr. Tsai Architectural Student / 21y

Mr. Wang Media Studies Student / 30y

We held a movie festival to invite neighbors to recall those good old times together. The event allows us to gather more locals and encourage people to see the value of their memories which was gradually fading away. People should treasure their memories of the sense of belonging.

2 1 3

1. People sat on the installation enjoying the old memory of Da Guang Yuan on movie festival. 2. The trace of personal utopia. 3. The presentation of the studio with my partner Duo-Li Lin.

APPENDIX/ Exhibition/Workshop/Pubilcation/Photograph

OO6 APPENDIX _concept / practice


We started as a group of the students in the 52nd of CYAR, to work on the curation and the build-up of the exhibition of our thesis design. This was a collaborative project in our final year. Starting from the meeting with the neighbors, we are looking forward to the connection and support of the locals. We feel like to make the connection between the school, students and the village again, just like the old times. In the beginning, some of the houses have been abandon for a long time with a room of garbage. We put some effort to gradually clean them out and “make space� again. Since this area became more open to the people, hopefully, the place could remain its potentiality for future events.

concept / practice


These are the collective thesis design projects and the exhibition publication of CYCU 52th. As an editor and the visual design manager, I have to meet up with different organizations. To produce our publication, we need to pay great attention to font type to page layout, and the color adjusting of prepress proof. However, it was not easy to control the all details of presenting our project in diverse ways. This was an unforgettable experience for me, as well as my teammates, to produce a thesis book, posters, exhibition paper, and all the visual design process; at the same period of time we had to work on our own project day and night.


In 2016, I had an internship with prize-winning group, Harmonious Architects & Planners. I had the honour of curating the exhibition of the 3rd ADA Awards for Emerging Architects, a prestigious competition of young architects in Taiwan. I had a great opportunity tto learn and share di erent discipline of creating process with the participants in person. It was a dynamic, explorative exhibition.

APPENDIX/ Exhibition/Workshop/Pubilcation/Photograph

04.WORKSHOP LIBRARY x GARDEN x HOSTEL During the summer of 2015, I was selected as team leader for an overseas workshop programme at an old fishing village in Malaysia. With the help of the local community, we tore down a part of the old wooden house and opened up the space. We inserted a library in the house, handmade furniture and some open decks for the children to have an easier access to the learning materials and a place for group studying. Ultimately, this project successfully connected people to each other as an active, learning, growing community.

concept / practice

O5. ARTICLE PUBLISHING The Encounter of the 2017 and 1982 in Chung-Yuan University Library Published in Taiwan Architect Magazine No.517 / By Chia-Wei Hung

When did going to the library becomes a big deal? For millennials, we were born as digital indigenous people. The way we find knowledge is very different from the past. It is no longer looking through the shelves of the library to find a required book, not to mention taking an afternoon or even a day to accurately clarify or gather the required knowledge. Now, we only need to type the words lightly with our fingers, "let's google it", and we can get a lot of information in less than five minutes. Relatively, we spend much less time in the library, or even no longer going to the library. Facing such a gap, why should we bother walking to the library? Does a frame about 50 cm wide and 30 cm long cover every content as the modern world? In the past, we moved the body to search for knowledge in the library, but now, we’re doing the same purpose and the same behavior, but without the "body movement" process, the relationship between active and passive is reversed, and in the process of body movement, maybe lots of things happen beyond the imagination.

A journey to Chung-Yuan University Library The sunshine in late summer is still powerful, hiding in the half-moon arch of Wyan House, temporarily hiding in a shady tunnel, taking a breath and striding forward through the gate of the tunnel. Under the attack of the sun, the first glance I saw was a giant standing in front of me. Entering the library, finding the book lending system, typing keywords, finding the accession number on the fifth floor, going straight upstairs, immediately blocked the passage by the huge bookshelves, and began to identify the number on the bookshelf, seeing inorganic guidelines. Like being hypnotized, you can only follow the number to go forward. From time to time, your eyes are attracted by the outside world with the window view of different sizes, crossing 77, 78 to 79, and going forward, anticipating to see 80, but expectations have failed. Where’s 80? Just disappeared inexplicably into the aisle.

The Encounter of the 2017 and 1982 in Chung-Yuan University Library | Video Chia-Wei Hung, Teh-Yang Chen Zoe Lin, Mo-Fan Lin

CHIA-WEI HUNG 1993, Mar. New Taipei City, Taiwan +886-920-800-048

EDUCATION 2011-2016

Bachelor of Architecture Department of Architecture Chung Yuan Christian University


Fieldoffice Architects Intern Urban Planning Project of Dongshan River/ Lead Designer Jul-Aug


Harmonious Architects & Planners Intern Exhibition of 3rd ADA Awards for Emerging Architects/ Project Manager Jun-Oct


Republic of China Army Airborne Special Forces Paratrooper/ Construction Supervisor


ARMU design + architecture Designer Dana Housing Project/ Project Manager FION Retail & Factory Design/ Designer Taipei Zhong-Zheng Senior High School Facade Design/ Construction Supervisor Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation Landscape Design/ Designer


National Student Fine Art Competition 1st Prize


1st International Far Eastern Architectural Young Talent Award University Selection


Photography Competition/ Chung Yuan Christian University 3rd Prize


National Open Course of Architecture Criticism 1st Prize


Oversea Workshop in Malaysia Team Leader


52th CYCU/ Dept. of Architecture Thesis Summer Show Exbition Visual Design Manager/ Editor


X-Site International Forum and Workshop


Student Association of Architecture Department Design/ Photoshop Teaching Assistant


Republic of China Army Airborne Special Forces Paratrooper/ Construction Supervisor


DioXi.Research Association Visual Design Manager


Article ‘National Open Course of Architecture Criticism’ published in Taiwan Architect Magazine No.517

2018-2019 2019

Women in Architecture Taiwan Student member PTS architectural documentary film recording/ The Vanished Interviewee


Sketchup, Thea Render, Vray Rendering, Lumion 8


AutoCAD, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom, InDesign, Finall Cut, After Effects

Office Language

Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point Mandarin Chinese, English

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