MOTORCYCLE MINISTRIES Ho, Ho, Hold on a minute!! Didn’t we just start this year?? Man…December already! Christmas and decorations and shopping!! Busy, busy, busy… parties, presents, pressure up the wazoo! Is that how it’s really supposed to be? I say a resounding NO!! I believe December should be the month of Remember! Reflecting on our past year of memorable moments. Good memories, some not so good memories, but memories made that will forever have somewhat of an effect on us. Hopefully, even the not so good ones will bring about a new strength, a new hope and a revival of courage to face the most difficult of challenges! Then there are the good memories…the friends we were able to meet up with again. The events we were able to attend and enjoy. The awesome motorcycling and travel we were able to do. The laughter, the tears, the overcoming fears. All of it wrapped up into one big, delicious memory for us to keep and share as we finish up the year. Rex and I had the privilege to travel a couple of times this year. To Hiawassee, Georgia and out to Iron Mountain near Mena, Arkansas. Rode into Oklahoma, cruised through Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, North Carolina, West Virginia…met a lot of great people, prayed with many and shared the passion of the road along with our passion for Christ as we went. We so thoroughly enjoyed our time out on the road and our time together. We aren’t perfect, but in Christ we are perfectly fit for each other and that’s what makes a great team/partnership in marriage.
for relationship with Him and with each other. I think that is so awesome! Trouble is…we spend way too much time looking at the differences in each other, comparing ourselves to each other, competing with each other to the point that we do not honor each other for who we are and what our purpose is. So how do we change that? It’s actually kind of easy…start looking at those around you with the eyes of love….not the human kind of love, but God’s love for humanity. Begin to forgive those that have wronged you or caused you hurt…’That isn’t easy MG…you don’t know what they’ve done’, you’re right, but God does and if you forgive through Him, you will find love for them…even compassion for their souls. It’s not easy, but it certainly is freeing…why carry something around that imprisons you? Chances are that person may not even realize you still carry that with you. Time to clear out the not so good memories and find freedom and peace. That’s what God’s Son, Jesus was sent for…Peace.
Merry Christmas from our hearts to yours! Mary and Rex G.
Relationships with other people are like that, a covenant, some call it a Brotherhood or Sisterhood. That’s what we tend to lean to in the motorcycling community. We become a family and that, my dear friends, is how God intended it to be. He created us to be family. Doesn’t matter what you look like, or where you came from, what matters is what’s in the heart of your being and that is the exact heart that was created by God, our Father. He’s the center of all creation…the heartbeat of us all. He created us
COME RIDE WITH US! CMA is a servant minded interdenominational motorcycle ministry with a nondenominational message of hope and love through Jesus Christ. Enjoy the family atmosphere, make life-long friends, and join an army of people dedicated to changing the world, one heart at a time in the highways and byways. Visit us at for more information. Have a message you’d like to share? If you have a message that you’d like to share with riders across Ohio and the Midwest, let us know. TRO welcomes the opportunity to work with established motorcycle ministries. Feel free to share upcoming events with us as well, by emailing information to
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