1 minute read
Not Politically Correct
Hello My Fellow Patriots and Riders,
Keeping an eye on politics takes up a lot of time between what’s going on in the state and at the federal level sometimes it’s hard to find the time to ride. With that being said, I want to applaud the men and women of the MCOC, MRF and ABATE who keep an eye out for bikers rights and I would ask everyone who reads this to support these groups who are making a difference.
Here are some of my safety tips. I have been noticing lately a lot of gravel around corners and curves especially out in the country. This is dangerous for everyone especially new riders. Another place that people seem to like to hang out is in our blind spot behind us and both left and right. DON’T be that biker; riding in someone’s blind spot is a good way to get side swiped in the front wheel. Another good rule of thumb is the bikers 2 second rule when following another bike I use the same rule when driving my truck. I know it leaves a lot of room for someone to move over in front of you but it’s better than hitting the brakes when they are going to move over anyway.
With the upcoming 4th of July I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Holiday. Remember if were not for the Brave We would not be FREE.
As always BE Safe and God Bless.
Earl Lackie