DON’T LOOK UP My article is running a little late this month because Joe Biden, whom I have been a little critical of in the past, had a nation-wide address last night. I wanted to hear what he had to say, the promises politicians feel compelled to make, the programs they intend to pursue, and how the American people are going to fit into the whole scheme of things. There was plenty of what I expected including an abundance of “pie in the sky,” but I sincerely hope nobody looked up to find the promised pastries because as it turns out cows can fly and bovine frisbees were flying everywhere. In case you have not noticed he has an addiction to bloviation, but with Joe it is equally as important to listen to what he doesn’t say as what actually comes out of his mouth. And in those times when his ego lurches him off script a personality emerges quite different than the polished image he portrays, and it has been evident his whole career for those who pay attention.The person you find behind this smooth alter ego is somebody who we should all be afraid of, he is dangerous. Obama referred to the constitution as a “charter of negative liberties,” and quite frankly resented the notion that the founders intended that government be constrained in favor of the natural rights of men rather than citizens enslaved by the burden of government controlling every aspect of their lives. This was the president who more than once openly admired the ability leaders like China’s Xi Jinping and Cuba’s Fidel Castro to move programs and projects forward without the constraint of justifying their means, motives or intentions. China built an entire Olympic facility including venues, housing, guest services and a transportation hub meant to impress the world and, in the process, displaced hundreds of thousands of common people with nowhere else to go; and without the slightest detected public outcry from the people being misused. Further, most of the labor used was little more than slaves living in squalor and barely surviving on subsistence wages.That is the hallmark of tyrants with absolute control, and the end game ideal of the progressive movement. Obama resented the fact that middle America is populated by a“working class still clinging to guns and religion” (his words) that stood in the way of his transformation of this nation into a post-constitutional Marxist nightmare, but he still managed to lay the ground work for his evil intentions. Enter Uncle Joe, the soft-spoken grandpa like figure that people not paying attention want so badly to believe in, problem is that he is not nearly as smart as he wants people to believe his is. Harry Truman once said, “Show me a man who got rich in politics and I will show you a crook.”, if the FBI weren’t corrupt from bottom to top agents would examinethe S-Corp where the Biden family hides their assets and determine how much of that wealth is ill-gotten gain stolen from the American people or payola for influence on the 28 JUNE 2021 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MICHIGAN
highest levels of the US government. Funny how when the smell of corruption begins to emanate from the house of Biden the pot gets stirred, pressing issues arise and suddenly the stench gets blown away. The dead giveaway that it is time for the media to refocus public opinion when a new “existential threat” is suddenly identified by Unca’ Joe and the obedient lapdogs of radio, tv, and the press chase that ball like a pack of braying Walker hounds and public attention dutifully follows the ruckus. Pay attention to this, “existential” is that proverbial “dog whistle” that signals the alphabet media to change the narrative before they will be forced to ask embarrassing questions. Joe’s version of existential threats don’t really mean the end of the world, but they may spell the end of progressivism and the inherent evil that comes with it. Pull back the curtain Dorothy and see that Joe is like “Oz the great and powerful,” just another wanna-be master manipulator. Why would grandpa want to scare the bejesus out of big sectors of the population you might wonder, maybe it is so he can justify packing the Supreme Court and roll roughshod over the Constitution. On more than one occasion he has said that constitutional rights are “not absolute,”then uses the weak example of yelling “fire” in a crowded theater. Whisky tango foxtrot: his example isn’t law as much as common sense, but a packed court is the fastest path to curtailing most of you first and second amendment protections. It also paves the way to granting DC statehood, which was strictly forbidden by the founders and would give democrats 2 senators and 1 representative perpetuity. It would also uphold the pending bill HR-1 which seeks to nationalize the whole electoral process which is constitutionally ceded to the individual states. It would also ensure that our southern border remains wide open to the cartels who are smuggling drugs, people (both willingly and unwillingly) and their bugs germs and diseases, as well as known and potential terrorists and violent gang members. Such a court would also uphold the redefined infrastructure which is going to include mandatory pre-K for 3- & 4-year old’s’ so the government schools can give them another two years of indoctrination. The tens of thousands of recharging stations for the all-electric vehicles he intends to force us into by 2035 will not only be blessed by a packed court, the courts will also uphold the seizure of private property under eminent domain to install them. They will rule in his favor when the EPA steps in and forces homeowners invest tens of thousands of dollars to make their homes “green” compliant of take our property and force us into government housing (look at the way people live in government housing in China). WWW.THUNDERROADSMICHIGAN.COM