Reasons to Ride MAR 2025 DIGITAL Michigan

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As I write this, the RtR team is hard at work preparing for the upcoming Spring and Summer riding season. We are filling out the schedule and fine tuning our shows as we look to make this our biggest and most successful season to date.

To this end, we have already added several new locations and venues as we look to expand our appeal and offer even more exciting shows to our followers. We’ve announced a vintage and custom bike show that’s part of a flat track racing day in Hastings, Michigan. (RTR Customs & Classics Bike Show at the Cummings & Peel Memorial Flat Track Races) We’ve partnered with the Mid-Ohio Shrine Club to present a Bike Show in downtown Mansfield, Ohio as part of this year’s Shriner Bike Fest

Each of these shows promises to add something to the Bike Show Series and introduce us to even more riders and exhibitors.

And that’s our goal, to grow and evolve constantly – reaching more and more riders. It’s an approach that seems to be working as our shows grow and our readership continues to grow exponentially.

While at the same time, we want to keep the interest of our existing readers and core audience. Our belief is that while we add more racing fans and new markets, our current readers will join us as we head to the tracks and new locations. Some may already be racing fans – or were in the past – but our hope is that we will introduce something new and exciting to folks that had never before seen or possibly even heard of flat track racing for example. It’s something new that we think everyone will enjoy! We did the same thing years ago when we embraced hill climb racing, an old school racing style that’s one of the most exciting (and crazy) things you’ve ever seen. We made it one of our core events and a part of the fabric of the magazine – and we introduced it to thousands of new fans.

So, just as we grow and evolve; we hope that you as "our audience" join us as well – trying new things and discovering new destinations.

As we plan things out for this Spring and Summer, and beyond; we’d love to hear what your thoughts are. What would you like to see more of in the magazines and where would you like to see our travels take us? If you have local ride stops that you’d like to see more of in the magazines or possibly as a show stop, let us know. You can message us online or shoot us an email anytime at

As much time as we spend working on our plans and consider new options, we know that that we’re all in this together – and we appreciate your support. So please don’t hesitate letting us know your thoughts.

And of course, you’re always welcome to join us on Facebook or contact us through the website as well. There’s a lot of great stuff on our online pages – and you can always reach us there!

Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing everyone out on the road as the weather breaks and the riding season roars to life!


One the Cover: Doug Horner’s vintage Indian Flat Track Racer as shown at the I-X Piston Power Show at a past show. You just never know what you’ll find at North America’s LARGEST Indoor Custom Vehicle Show - with over 1,000 cars, bikes, and more on display! It runs March 28-30, 2025 in Cleveland, Ohio. Photo and design by Bob Mazur, RTR. offers interactive listings coast to coast!

If you aren’t already aware – there’s a lot more to Reasons To Ride then the magazine you’re holding in your hands. Reasons to Ride (RTR) is a lot more than just a “print biker mag” – we’re event promoters, non-profit consultants, and online resources for riders. In fact, in many ways – we’re a website that’s prints magazines to connect with even more riders. We reach an average of more than 85,000 riders a week online, over 250k readers a month see our magazines online – more than double those that get the print editions.

Even if you’re holding a print edition in your hand, the digital edition offers even MORE content and cool INTERACTIVE options including links to events, rallies, preregistration for events, chances to win prizes, and so much more!

You can also view various blogs, shop merchandise, check out past issues of Reasons To Ride and even other magazines from all across the country! It’s all at!


We will be focusing on more EVENTS, BIKE NIGHTS, and unique ride destinations.

With the spring riding season just around the corner, we are actively scouting the region for Ride Stops for our 2025 Ride n’ Win Riding Challenge! This challenge isn’t a skills challenge – it’s a challenge to just get out and ride as much as possible and share where you’ve been. We encourage riders to explore new areas and check out new events. We challenge riders to join us at new rallies and rides all across the Midwest – and even at some of the biggest national events across the country. And along the way, we’re looking for new places to stop!


Since its launch in 2011, this program has evolved and grown every year as we try to improve things and ensure that it’s a great time for everyone. This year is no exception, as we add even MORE STOPS and WAY MORE PRIZES! Our primary area of focus for our Midwest stops is across Michigan and Ohio. However, we will are continuing to add stops throughout West Virginia, Kentucky, and Western Pennsylvania as we develop our new Reasons To Ride: Appalachia magazine and in upstate New York and even Southern Ontario as we expand in that direction with our partner Hard Tales. Our magazines cover some of the best riding in the country and there are literally thousands of really cool stops to discover.

This year we are making an effort to focus on more EVENTS and unique riding destinations – such as diners, ice cream shops, and retail stores; rather than just bars. We are going to still include taverns and restaurants, of course, but we will be expanding our focus to include a wider variety of stops.

If you own a business, are hosting a ride or other motorcycle friendly event, or would like to recommend a place for riders to visit – shoot us an email for more information on how to become a ride stop.

Over 50,000 riders have participated in this program since launched – and we’ve awarded over 5,000 prizes – including motorcycles, travel packages, rally passes, concert tickets – and of course HUNDREDS of t-shirts and other swag! For more information, email us at

If you’re a rider that’s active in your local riding community, we’d invite you to consider becoming a Local Road Rep for Reasons To Ride. This is NOT meant to be a high-pressure sales position and is probably best as a fun side gig for those that want to get involved in the local riding community. It might be a great opportunity for a retiree or a supplement to those with the summer off. And for active riders already involved, it’s a great chance to help promote local events and businesses, while making a “few dollars” to support your riding habit!

Like most things, you get out what you put in it. If you’re really active and cover a larger area, you can make good money – but that takes time and commitment. The real payoff is to have a good time as the person to see about getting events or even just a picture in the “local biker mag”.

We aren’t looking for guys wanting to be “part-time bad guys” or any nonsense like that, we’re looking for reliable good folks that want to help support others in the community. The ideal folks might be active supporters of a local charity and are looking to expand their activities while getting more exposure for their own ride.

We can handle the sales aspects of the area, but we will look to you for pictures of local events and updates as to what’s coming up. And you’ll be able to make some money doing what you’re most likely already doing.

We’re asking for a minimum time commitment of 8-10 hours a month. It helps if you have a laptop and a camera – although a smartphone can usually do it. You’ll get some cool swag, access to rallies and other events, and a chance to help a lot of local folks.

As our coverage and presence in the area increases, you are able to share in the revenue generated. It’s a proven business plan – it’s what built this entire organization. We think it’s a pretty good deal – for the right folks.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We will be scheduling “Intro Video Seminars” over the next few months to help explain how it all works. And now is the time to jump in, as we prepare for the change in season and begin looking to next year.

TRAINING SEMINARS now being scheduled! Both regional and online meetings available. Don’t Miss Out!

So don’t delay – send us an email and tell us a little bit about yourself!



As winter winds down, it’s time for us to focus on this year’s event schedule. One of the biggest challenges we face every year is trying to develop a schedule that covers “our market” with active appearances and reaches the most riders – without stretching us too thin… or simply burning us out. Yes, that’s an actual consideration – I promise. And of course we want to GROW each year!


Traditionally we always kick off the riding season with Bike Blessings, and we are looking to help get the word out about more blessings and related events throughout the region – and even nationally. We have sponsorship backing to offer extra marketing support at NO COST to the charities or host organizations and even have stickers for those participating!

We are looking for more BIKE NIGHTS to help promote as a way to reach more local riders. If you’re hosting one or have one you’d recommend – shoot us an email ASAP. We also have sponsors that will support more promotions and even on-site events at participating Bike Nights!

Email us at for more information.


With us now expanding our focus to include APPALACHIA, NORTHERN NEW YORK, WESTERN PA, and parts south… we’re looking for existing events and strong partners for us to develop a relationship with through hosting events and sharing their message. We are also looking for more MICHIGAN locations for Ride Stops and events.

Our BIKE and TATTOO SHOWS are designed to not only entertain folks, but to actively engage riders and allow both us and our partners to network with them. Anyone that’s attended our shows can attest to the family approach that we take with our exhibitors. It’s NOT simply about the bikes or even the ink – but the folks showing them off as well.

But this approach is one that we seek to develop over time – by finding the right partners and building the shows year, by year. For instance, our Geneva-on-the-Lake Bike Show is going on 15 years. During this time we’ve seen builders and “fades” come and go –and bikes exhibited by multiple generations. We’ve seen multiple cutting-edge bikes come and collect all the awards – and then serve as the inspiration for the bike that comes and takes the trophy the next year. It’s pretty cool.

Our TATTOO PARTIES are designed to not only showcase amazing artwork done throughout our communities, but to also bring out new folks into our community. We want to reach into the TATTOO COMMUNITY and encourage them to come out and experience the riding community and the energy we have. That means new customers that might not otherwise frequent your event or

business. And those new folks might inspire even more folks as they come back and share their experiences without their circles.

To this end, we offer turn-key promotions that work to maximize the marketing potential of your event or business. Our shows have evolved over time, with new features and extras added each year to create excitement and ensure ours are the best in the area. We take care of all the essentials and can even bring our own power if need be. The host venues can simply focus on taking care of the guests and doing what they do best.

There’s no need to try re-inventing the wheel –when we have an established series of tattoo events and bike shows that are well known within the community. Over 900 bikes and over 500 tattoos were featured in our 2024 Tour Stops!

If you’re looking for a long-term partner, to bring a turn-key event to your location which we can establish as a marquee annual event – we might be just what you’re looking for. Contact us at BikeShowInfo@ or you can call me directly at 440-678-8608.


March Right In

And take your place! What do you think Jesus is preparing for you? The word says that He is going ahead of us to prepare a place for us. Well, what do you think He’s preparing?

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I believe the best is yet to come! Not only in heaven, but right here on earth! Why do I think that? Because in the sample prayer given by Jesus, He said, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven “. That’s pretty plain to me that we can line up in God’s will in heaven right here on earth!

What do you think? Do you believe that heaven is a place of peace or chaos? Is it a place of supply or lack? Is it a place of contentment or a place of discomfort? Joy or sadness?

First, He said, ‘My peace I leave with you…’ so He walks in a constant place of peace, even when righteously angered. We can walk that way.

Second, It is spoken that ‘He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.’ Since the glory of God abides in Him and heaven where the streets are paved with gold and the gates are made of pearls, I would say He’s got it to supply us!

Third, He said that He would ‘send us a Comforter and guide to help us’ and He also said, ‘I will never leave or forsake you.’

And most of all to round it all up with the part that He said, ‘My peace I leave with you…so that your joy may be full’!

All of this is offered to us! Even in the midst of the trials of life, we have the treasures of heaven right at the sound of our lips. All we have to do is receive it.

Just like a good ride on a warm spring morning, all we have to do is go get on the bike, start it up, roll it out and we’re on our way to a peaceful cruise down the road. But what did you do before the ride? You prepared it beforehand, kept it on a tender all winter, changed the oil, checked the tires, made sure the tank was full and cleaned her up a little as well.

That’s what the Lord does for us…He prepares the way before us and makes sure we have a smooth ride even in the rough places. All we have to do is climb on board with Him.

It’s a lovely thing to know He’s got us, not just for a moment, but an eternity.

Inviting you all to our Seasons of Refreshing on March 28-29 at PickNaz Church in Pickerington, OH.

The theme is ‘Are You Ready?’ I hope you can make it, we are definitely ready to see you!

In the wind…

Motorcycle Ministries and Bike Blessings

We believe strongly that while an occasional solo ride can be rejuvenating, far too many of us are riding alone –figuratively and literally. And for those struggling with life and trying to find a better understanding, a motorcycle ministry might be just the thing for those looking to connect with other riders and their own faith.

For that reason, we seek to actively support motorcycle ministries within our local community. From our regular monthly ministry pages and event bulletin boards, to supporting rides and events out in the community - we believe in getting the word out so that riders can find a possible connection.

If you’re involved in a motorcycle ministry, we would like to hear from you. Send us an email with a brief background on your group and contact information – and we will get in touch. If you have a card or flyer, sharing information about an upcoming event, services, studies, or other opportunities to meet up – we will do our best to include the information and possibly the flyer itself in the magazine.

If you are hosting a BIKE BLESSING this Spring, we would welcome you to share the information by entering it on our website – at You can enter the information there directly, even upload a flyer. With the support of our sponsors, we will do everything we can to include as many Bike Blessings as we can within the magazine and online. We will also have FREE Bike Blessing stickers for those looking to hand them out to riders. We introduced these last year, and they were EXTREMELY popular. Email us at for more information on the stickers or how we can help sponsor / promote your upcoming blessing, ride, or other event!


Post them online and get get listed in regional motorcycle magazines as well!


CMA is a servant minded interdenominational motorcycle ministry with a non-denominational message of hope and love through Jesus Christ. Enjoy the family atmosphere, make life-long friends, and join an army of people dedicated to changing the world, one heart at a time in the highways and byways.

Visit us at for more information.

Have a message you’d like to share?

If you have a message that you’d like to share with riders across Ohio and the Midwest, let us know. Reasons To Ride welcomes the opportunity to work with established motorcycle ministries. Feel free to share upcoming events with us as well, by emailing information to

Sport Touring Corner

Sena Wave App- Unlimited Range Intercom

A couple of months ago I reported on the new Sena Wave intercom app that uses the connection with a phone and VoIP over the cellular network as an additional data path, providing unlimited range for intercom to anywhere you have a cel network data connection. In February, Sena released the 1st phase of the Wave app, known as the Geo-based Wave Intercom.

A quick tour-

I downloaded the app to my Samsung S23 phone which is paired with my Sena 50S and registered with my username. Let's take a look around.

Home screen- #1 Shows a map centered on your current location with your user icon. The circle is a 5 mile radius around your location called the Wave Zone, which will be explained later.

Friends screen- #2 Shows I have added two friends so far. At the top there is a person icon with a +. That is where you go to add friends. Several friending methods are available, including #3 QR code scanning and username entry.

My screen- #4 shows your personal and device information and allows editing, including bike and profile picture. The gear icon at the top takes you to the Setting screen. #5

Notifications screen- provides an easy way to know about friend requests and acceptances. #6

How does Geo-based Wave Intercom work?

When you press the red Wave button on the Home screen or double tap the mesh button, the Wave intercom screen appears, showing your location centered on the map. The circle represents the Wave Zone, which has a radius of 5 miles (8 km). #7 The app initiates intercom connection for all Users within the Wave Zone. This means that users must be within this circle together to start an intercom conversation.

Once Wave intercom is initiated, users on your friends list will remain connected regardless of distance. However, those not on your friends list will be disconnected if they move more than 6 miles (10km) away

Using the Geo-based Wave Intercom is easy and similar to Sena’s Open Mesh which instantly connects anyone within a normal range of 1mile. The main advantage of the Geo-based Wave Intercom is that you will never lose connection with friends, regardless of how far away you are.

How does Wave intercom deal with weak or interrupted cel service?

When cel service is lost, the Wave app automatically alerts and switches you to open mesh. When you get back into cel service range, you will be prompted to switch back to wave mode if you wish. This is a great convenience when you are riding in an area where cel service is spotty. (You can toggle between Wave and mesh intercom any time with a single tap of the jog dial.)

The limitation of Geo-based Wave intercom is that all participants must be inside the Wave Zone together in order to start a group intercom.

In early April, Sena is scheduled to release the 2nd phase of Wave Intercom, called Friends-based Wave Intercom,. This mode will allow for private group intercom with anyone on your friends list, regardless

of distance. If you want to start an intercom conversation with a friend who is more than 5 miles (8 km) away, you will need to use the Friends-based Wave Intercom.

Compatible communicator device firmware is currently available for Sena 50 series, 60s, Stryker and Phantom models, with many more to come.

Full app info and basic user manual here:

It will be fun to hit the road in 2025 and see how all of this works!

Let's Ride!

Connect with local Ohio Motorcycle Sport Touring Association riders at these monthly breakfasts:

Southwest Ohio Breakfast, 9AM, March 15th

Village Family Restaurant 144 S. Main St. Waynesville, OH 45068

Central Ohio Breakfast Meet - 8AM April 6th

Portside Cafe

6515 S High St Lockbourne, OH 43137


Local SHOP Displays on the Tour!

We will be making a concerted effort to invite and encourage local custom and performance bike shops to come out and participate in RtR Bike Shows in their area and larger regional rallies that they can attend. For the rallies, shops can even set up and offer services during the rallies. Or they might just set up and sell t-shirts and other swag or parts. For shows in their area, shops can show off their work and connect with local riders and future customers. Shops will be able to sponsor their customers in the shows as a means of showcasing their work as well. These sponsorships and even the display space will often be available at NO COST to RtR Advertisers and Sponsors.

For most shows there will be limited space available, so we would encourage everyone to plan ahead. For more information, email Info@ or


We will have a limited number of Yearbooks at upcoming events –including the 2025 Piston Power Show. If you were in our ’24 shows, chances are that you might be in the book. Stop by our booth and check out the books. If your bike is in there, we’d love to have you sign our special “shop copy” – and you can score some fun 2024 Bike Show Series swag while it lasts!

2024 Bike Show Series Annual Yearbook

The 2024 Bike Show Series Annual Yearbook is now available! It features pictures from the entire ’24 Bike Show Series! Consolidating all of the shows into a few pages each was a daunting task, but we tried our best to capture the energy and sense of community that ran throughout the year. Even the shows that had rain throughout, had some amazing bikes and you’ll find most of them in these pages!

You can get more information and order your copy online at www.ReasonsToRide. com just scroll down and it’s in the merchandise section. You can also find links on our Facebook pages.

Get yours while they last, because only a limited number were produced and once they are gone - they are gone!


19th Annual Ray C’s RODEO & BIKE SHOW

Ray C’s Harley-Davidson, Lapeer, Michigan

Saturday, June 14th 10am

Reasons to Ride will once again return to Lapeer, Michigan to host the Ray C’s Bike Show as part of their 19th Annual Rodeo event. This is a GREAT event for the entire family that grows every year. Last year we added an informal sound competition and even had a few rodeo games in the lot for some riding fun. This year – promises to be even more fun as we add more games and challenges for riders! And of course, we will have the traditional bike show with the added thunder of Ray’s HORSEPOWER challenge! Don’t miss out!

Like and follow on Facebook for more information!

OHIO BIKE WEEK 25th Anniversary Bike Show

Jackson Street Pier, Sandusky Ohio

– Saturday, June 7th Noon

It’s the BIGGEST MOTORCYCLE EVENT in the Midwest and one of our favorite rallies anywhere. Right on the Lake Erie shoreline in downtown Sandusky, the Ohio Bike Week Championship Bike Show is held on the Jackson Street Pier across from the main concert stage. With a beautiful park-like setting across the bay from Cedar Point, it’s a picture perfect spot to host a show featuring some of the nicest bikes anywhere. Like and follow the online Facebook event.



It’s the Nation’s LARGEST Indoor Custom and Historic Indoor Vehicle Show!

For anyone that’s ever complained that there’s never enough to see at a car or bike show, we once again present The 2025 Car Parts Warehouse I-X Piston Powered Auto-Rama. The show will celebrate its 61st year in Cleveland, Ohio at the I-X Center, March 28 – 30, 20205. Packed with over 1,000 piston-powered vehicles and thousands of gearheads and powersport enthusiasts – it’s one of the biggest indoor shows in the world.

The show features an amazing selection of not only motorcycles – but cars, trucks, military vehicles, construction machines, farm machinery, and even planes! As the show organizers say “If a Piston Makes It Go – It’s in the Show!”

All vehicles are entered under the International Show Car Association (ISCA) / Summit Racing Equipment Show Car Series (Consists of a full vehicle inspection) by the ISCA judges. Vehicles can also be entered under the I-X Piston Powered Auto-Rama Driven Series (“Rockers-up” inspection by the ISCA judges).

Motorcycles: The motorcycle area will once again be hosted by Reasons To Ride OHIO – Ohio’s Motorcycle Magazine. The show will award $1,000 for the Best Bike, along with top 3 place awards for the various classes, as dictated by the ISCA Judges. Reasons To Ride will also be presenting a PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD based upon attendee voting and the historic DUCK AWARD for a custom motorcycle shown at the Piston Power Show for the first time anywhere.

RtR will have professional photographers on site shooting pictures of attendees and motorcycles for the magazine and possible national features.

DESIGNATED RTR RIDE STOP: Post pictures to your Facebook or Instagram Account with the hashtag #ReasonsToRide for a chance to win a ’39 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead restored by Dale’s Wheels Through Time, $500 Cash, a David Uhl painting, concert tickets, Rally VIP Passes, or any of more than 500 other prizes!

Other show features and displayed organizations include:

• Penton Motorcycle Owners Group

• Lake Erie Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America

• Skidmark Garage & Motogo

• The Ohio Motorpool and Military Vehicle Preservation Association

• Western Reserve Chapter of the Antique Outboard Motor Club

• Mileti Industries & Monster Truck Throwdown Featured Vehicles

• The John Shapiro Cruisin’ Times All Stars

• Historical Construction Equipment Association

• NEO Chapter of the American Historical Truck Society




Advanced General Admission Online: $20.00 Box Office General Admission: $25.00

BEST OFFER - Advanced General Admission at Car Parts Warehouse Locations: $17.00 (Car Parts Warehouse Locations)

Military & First Responder: $15.00 (Box Office Only, Valid ID required. 4 tickets per valid ID)

Student Career Day: $10.00 (Advanced reservations required) More Information

All active military personnel, veterans, fire, police, healthcare workers, and first responders $15.00 (ID required – up to six (6) tickets can be purchased per person)

Kids 12 and under are free.

Photos courtesy of Gerry Prusha, Ame Lech, Tyler Smith, and the Cleveland I-X Center.

March 2025

3/02/25 08:00 AM

Walnecks Motorcycle Swap Meet- Springfield Ohio 4401 S. Charleston Pike Springfield, Oh 45502

3/04/25 06:00 PM

Cornhole Tuesdays at HOT ROD H-D Stop in for Cornhole Tuesdays! Every Tuesday starting at 6:00 PM - Blind draw - 18+ to play - $10/personInside TNT Bar

HOT ROD Harley-Davidson

149 Shoreline Drive, Muskegon, MI 49440

3/05/25 05:30 PM

VETERANS 4 USA: Peer 2 Peer Support Group Eagle Church of God 7087 East Cover Rd, Clare, MI 48617 989-418-8797

3/06/25 06:00 PM

Cornhole Tuesdays at HOT ROD H-D Stop in for Cornhole Tuesdays! Every Tuesday starting at 6:00 PM - Blind draw - 18+ to play - $10/personInside TNT Bar

HOT ROD Harley-Davidson 149 Shoreline Drive, Muskegon, MI

3/08/25 11:00 AM

Wing Cook-Off at South East H-D

Bring in 2 dozen of your best Chicken Wings... Win SE HD Gift Certificates! South East Harley Davidson 23105 Aurora Rd, Cleveland OH 44146

3/08/25 12:00 PM

Daytona Party 2025

Arsnel Harley-Davidson

4405 Highland Rd, Waterford, MI 48328-1223, United States

3/09/25 09:45 AM

Triple Tree Biker Church

Bike or Car, Come on Over! Coffee & Donuts 9:45 Service at 10am Every week

Biker Church

1340 Newport Rd., Manheim PA For Info Call 717-824-5965

3/13/25 06:00 PM

Cornhole Tuesdays at HOT ROD H-D

Stop in for Cornhole Tuesdays! Every Tuesday starting at 6:00 PM - Blind draw - 18+ to play - $10/personInside TNT Bar

HOT ROD Harley-Davidson 149 Shoreline Drive, Muskegon, MI 49440

3/13/25 05:30 PM

Ladies Rev & Ride Event

Arsnel Harley-Davidson

4405 Highland Rd, Waterford, MI 48328-1223, United States

3/15/25 12:30 PM

Winter Workshop: Handlebars

Keystone Harley-Davidson

2800 Eberhart Rd, Whitehall, PA 18052

3/15/25 10:00 AM

Battle of the Bikers Blood Drive

Support the community and those in critical need. Vitalant Blood donation stop.

South East Harley Davidson 23105 Aurora Rd, Cleveland OH 44146

3/15/25 11am


Raise funds and awareness for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Registration starts at 11am, Blessing at noon and kick stands up, or engines running immediately afterwards. All vehicles welcome to attend. $10.00 fee for driver and $5.00 for each passenger. Food will be served after the ride and cash bar is available. We hope to see you there!

American Legion Post 491

422 Woodworth St, Leslie, MI 49251

3/15/25 05:00 PM

US Military Vets St. Patty's Day Party - JACKSON MI

Fun and Good Food in support of local Vets

US Military Vets

3744 Michigan Ave, Jackson MI 49202

POST YOUR 2025 EVENTS HERE AND ON THE WEBSITE AThttp://www.reasonstoride. com/Submit-Event

3/15/25 01:00 PM

PMS: Parked Motorcycle Syndrome

Meet and Greet w/ Angelz of Grace Come to our Meet & Greet and learn all about the amazing rides we have planned for 2025.

Malone's Tavern 32350 Van Dyke, Warren, MI

3/15/25 09:00 AM

Saint Patricks Party

What will you get when you pick from our pot of gold? Try our beer slide for a chance to win a $200 seh-d gift card. Route 30 Harley-Davidson 350 Tarhe Trl, Upper Sandusky, OH

Saturday, March 15th 6pm

Iron & Ink

Tattoo Party



Burton, Ohio

Follow the Event on Facebook for more information.

13364 Main Market Rd, Burton, OH 44021-8400, United States

3/20/25 06:00 PM

The Local Bar: Cabin

Fever Tattoo party w/ Iron & Ink

The Local Bar North Olmsted 24110 Lorain Rd, North Olmsted, OH 44070

3/20/25 12:00 PM

17th Annual Chili Cook Off

Join us for the 17th annual Hot Rod

Chili Cook-Off! Enjoy samples from Just Klassics Deli, Hamburger Mikey, Dr. Rolf’s BBQ & The Early Owl. Vote for your favorite. A $5 donation will be collected for Pioneer Trails Camp at the door. The TNT bar will be open. Please drink responsibly.

HOT ROD Harley-Davidson

149 Shoreline Drive, Muskegon, MI 49440

For more details on these and other events (coast to coast!) visit us online at

3/21/25 06:00 PM

Biker Brawl at Route 30


Some boxing for all of you fight junkies! Join us at the dealership!

Route 30 Harley-Davidson 350 Tarhe Trl, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351

3/22/25 09:00 AM

Mid Atlantic indoor Nationals - Car, truck and Bike Show

Mid Atlantic Indoor Nationals - Car Truck and Bike Show 2410 West Dr, Oaks, PA 19456

3/22/25 01:00 PM

Maintenance Workshop at Ray C's

Learn from our experts... FREE to ATTEND, Door Prizes, Visit us online for more information.

Ray C's Harley Davidson 1495 S Lepeer Rd, Lapeer, MI 48446

3/22/25 11:00 AM

Thunder Mountain Flat Track

Motorcycle Racing

Round 2 Rpm Promotions Elite

Championship Flattrack Motorcycle Racing Series ‼️‼️

Grand National Hooligan

Championship ‼️

Thunder Mountain Speedway

5025 KY-26, Rockholds, KY

March 28 - 30, 2025

Car Parts Warehouse

I-X Piston Powered Auto-Rama

The IX Piston Power Show, also known as the Car Parts Warehouse I-X Piston Powered Auto-Rama, is an annual event held in Cleveland, Ohio, at the I-X Center. Renowned for being the largest indoor showcase of its kind, draws enthusiasts from all over the country to witness a spectacular array of machinery, making it a true paradise for gearheads and automotive aficionados alike. We look forward to seeing you all there!

I-X Center

6200 Riverside Dr Cleveland, OH

3/26/25 12:00 PM

March Moto Madness 2025 Mother Rally

March Moto Madness is for riders who love food, camping, and great company. Reserve your spot now as spaces are limited! 801 Steer Creek Rd Tellico Plains, TN 37385

3/30/25 08:00 AM

Smoky Mountain H-D Blessing of the Bikes

Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801

April 2025

April 2nd to 6th, 20225

Arizona Bike Week

16601 N Pima Rd., Scottsdale,AZ 85260

4/02/25 05:30 PM

VETERANS 4 USA: Peer 2 Peer Support Group

Eagle Church of God

7087 East Cover Rd, Clare, MI 48617 989-418-8797

4/03/25 05:00 PM

Cabin Fever Bike Night

Join us for Cabin Fever Bike Night April 3rd—an evening of drinks, delicious food, and great company. Whether you ride in or drive, this is your chance to hang out with fellow riders and escape the cabin fever Ohio winters bring and shake off the Winter blues. Tavern of Independence 5530 Brecksville Rd, Independence OH

4/05/25 10:00 AM

Dale's Wheels Through Time 3rd Annual Founders Day

We will celebrate our 3rd annual Founders Day, remembering Museum founder Dale Walksler. All-day event will include firing up some of Dale's personal favorite motorcycles and sharing the history of the Museum and his life. The day will feature many previously unseen motorcycles, new museum pieces acquired over the winter, and our brand new featured exhibit "It's Only Original Once". The staff at Wheels Through Time have been working on improving the overall visitor experience and restoring new motorcycles for the museum’s collection.

Dales Wheels Through Time

62 Vintage Ln, Maggie Valley, NC

4/05/25 11:30 AM

Round 4 Rpm Promotions Elite Championship Flat Track Motorcycle Racing Series Champaign 1/2 Mile

Champaign County Fair 1302 N Coler, Urbana, IL

Every Sunday

Triple Tree Biker Church

Bike or Car, Come on Over! Coffee & Donuts 9:45 Service at 10am Every week

1340 Newport Rd., Manheim PA For Info Call 717-824-5965

4/06/25 10:00 AM

Biker Rags Motorcycle Swap Meet - April

Buy, Sell, Trade - New, Used, Vintage Motorcycle Parts Accessories, Leathers, Gear, Collectables, Tools and More!

First Sunday of Every Month Biker Rags

800 Clinch Ave, South Clinton, TN 37716

4/11/25 06:00 PM

Throttle Mania (PRO WRESTLING) at Route 30 H-D

We introduce Pro Wrestling to the Route 30 Showroom! It's going to be one helluva good time!

Route 30 Harley-Davidson

350 Tarhe Trl, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351

4/11/25 12:00 PM

2025 Elite Championshio Flat Track Racing: Champaign County Fairgrounds

DuQuoin State Fairgrounds Racetrack

248 Grandstand Ave, Du Quoin, IL 62832,

4/12/25 12:30 PM

Annual Blessing of the Bikes: Whitehall PA

Keystone Harley-Davidson 2800 Eberhart Rd., Whitehall PA 18052

4/12/25 10:00 AM

Helen Back Ride

We are headed to Helen GA for a night with dinner and sightseeing. We will leave KHD at 2pm on Saturday April 12 and return to Knoxville on Sunday April 13th.

Knoxville Harley-Davidson Clinton Hwy 5810 Clinton Hwy, Knoxville, TN 37912

4/13/25 08:00 AM

Ohio Motorcycle Riders Group Ride

Join the Ohio Motorcycle Riders for an 80-mile group ride from Queen City Harley-Davidson, stopping for ice cream at Young's Dairy!

4860 Premier Way West Chester, OH 45069

4/19/25 10:00 AM

RayC's Easter Celebration

Free coffee and donuts. The first 100 people to attend get to pick an easter egg. Jelly bean jar- guess how many beans are in the jar. *Closest guess wins $200 Ray C's gift card

Ray C's Harley-Davidson 1491 S. Lapeer Rd. Lapeer, 48446

4/19/25 11:00 AM

Round 7 RPM Promotions Elite Championship Series Motorcycle Racing Seris Dave Hiers Memorial LaGrange County 4-H Fair 1030 E 075 N, LaGrange, IN

April 25-27, 2025

Tattoo City Tattoo Convention

Michigan! Tattoo collectors and fans can experience live tattooing by 200 top artists, exciting contests, celebrity meet-and-greets, and family-friendly activities.

Lansing Convention Center Lansing, 333 E Michigan Ave, Lansing, MI 48933, USA

4/25/25 10:00 AM

Leesburg BIke Fest Downtown Leesburg

401 W. Magnolia St., Leesburg, FL 34749

Find more than a THOUSAND more motorcycle events, coast to coast, online at

4/27/25 08:00 AM

Walnecks Motorcycle Swap Meet- Shepherdsville, KT

Bullitt County Fairgrounds

964 Clermont Rd, Shepherdsville, Kentucky

4/26/25 09:00 AM

4th Lehigh Valley Annual Bike Fest

Keystone Harley-Davidson

2800 Eberhart Rd, Whitehall, PA 18052

4/26/25 11:00 AM

Round 8 RPM Promotions Elite

Championship Flat Track Motorcycle Racing Series Lima Ohio 1/2 Mile

Allen County Fairgrounds 2750 Harding Hwy, Lima, OH 45804

4/27/25 08:00 AM

Walnecks Motorcycle Swap Meet

Shepherdsville, KT

Better than the Internet! Search for it! Find! Inspect it!Buy it!...and the BRAG about it!

Bullitt County Fairgrounds

964 Clermont Rd, Shepherdsville, Kentucky

4/27/25 08:00 AM

Monroe Classic Bicycle and Minibike Show, swap and Auction

Monroe Auto Swap Meet & Car Show 3775 S. Custer Road, Monroe, MI

4/27/25 12:00 PM

Blessing of the Bikes w/ Marine Corps Downriver Detachment and Angelz of Grace

Marine Corps League Downriver

Detachment & Angelz of Grace is hosting a Blessing of the BIkes! Come out and get your bike blessed for the 2025 riding season!

Marine Corps League Downriver Detachment #153 1526 Fort Street Park, MI 48146

May 2025

5/03/25 09:00 AM

International Female Ride Day at Route 30 H-D

Mark your calendars! May 3rd, 2025 will kick off The 19th Annual International Female Ride Day & our 3rd year hosting an IFRD Ride! Stay tuned for more details! #IFRD2025 #internationalfemalerideday #ifrd #womenpower

Route 30 Harley-Davidson 350 Tarhe Trl, Upper Sandusky, OH

5/03/25 11:00 AM

Round 9 Rpm Promotions Elite Championship Flat Track Motorcycle Racing Series

Warren County Fairgrounds

665 N Broadway St, Lebanon, OH 45036

5/03/25 12:00 PM

2nd Annual Blessings of the Bikes Hosted By Bikers Against Bullies Bikers Against Bullies, Jackson Chapter is hosting the 2nd Annual Blessing of the Bikes downtown Jackson, MI. May 3, 2025 starting at Noon until 6pm.

Downtown Jackson

161 W Michigan Ave, Jackson, MI 49201

5/04/25 08:00 AM

Walnecks Motorcycle Swap MeetPrinceton, IL

Better than the Internet! Search for it! Find! Inspect it!Buy it!...and the BRAG about it!

Bureau County Fairgrounds 811 W.Peru St Princeton, IL 61356

5/04/25 10:00 AM

Tu Slick Racing: Motorcycle Drag Racing Series

All brands welcome for this Motorcycle Points Series. $60 Entry, No Electronics, No Wheelie Bars, Gates Open at 10am, Teack Hot at 11am, Eliminations at 2pm Lapeer International Dragway 2691 Roods Lake Rd, Lapeer, MI 48446

5/07/25 05:30 PM

VETERANS 4 USA: Peer 2 Peer Support Group

530 we will be serving dinner. 6pm group will start anticipating 730 end time. This will be on the first Wednesday of every month

Eagle Church of God 7087 East Cover Rd, Clare, MI 48617 989-418-8797

Visit us on Facebook or for up to the minute event listings,


Honey-Glazed Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon

A sweet and savory side dish that's perfect for any occasion.


For the Brussels Sprouts:

1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon honey

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

For the Bacon:

6 slices thick-cut bacon, cut into 1-inch pieces

For the Glaze:

1/4 cup maple syrup

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)


Preheat Oven: Preheat oven to 425°F (220°C).

Prepare Brussels Sprouts: Toss Brussels sprouts with olive oil, honey, salt, and pepper. Spread on a baking sheet.

Cook Bacon: Place bacon on a separate baking sheet.

Roast: Roast Brussels sprouts and bacon in preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, or until Brussels sprouts are tender and bacon is crispy.1

Make the Glaze: In a small bowl, whisk together maple syrup, Dijon mustard, balsamic vinegar, and red pepper flakes.

Combine and Serve: Toss roasted Brussels sprouts and bacon with the glaze. Serve immediately.

For a spicier glaze, add more red pepper flakes. You can substitute bacon with pancetta or prosciutto.

Biscuits and Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizza

For the pizza base:

1 (10-inch) pre-made pizza crust

1 can (10 biscuits) refrigerated flaky biscuits

For the sausage gravy:

1 pound ground sausage

1/4 cup all-purpose flour

2 cups milk

1 teaspoon black pepper

1/2 teaspoon salt

For the topping:

1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Chopped green onions for garnish (optional)

How to make it:

Preheat oven: to 400°F (200°C).

Prepare the pizza base: Cut biscuits into quarters and place them evenly over the pizza crust. Press down lightly to create a crust.

Make the sausage gravy: In a large skillet, cook sausage over medium heat until browned. Drain excess grease.

Stir in flour until sausage is coated. Gradually whisk in milk until smooth. Bring to a simmer, stirring constantly, until gravy thickens. Season with salt and pepper.

Assemble the pizza: Pour sausage gravy over the biscuit crust.

Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the pizza is cooked to your liking and the crust is golden brown. Garnish with chopped green onions, if desired.

Have a recipe that you’d like to share?

Write it all down and send with a picture – to Put RECIPE in the subject line. If we use it, we’ll send you copies of the magazines and a RtR T-Shirt – so include your address and t-shirt size as well! Thanks!


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