Reasons to Ride Michigan February 2025

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I’m writing this in the midst of what seems like the longest continuous cold spell in recent memory. So cold, in fact, that my Brother Joe Rothbrust may end up breaking his streak of 118 consecutive months of riding. And that’s a feat that he’s accomplished from his home in Ohio – not as a snowbird. As I write this though, the month is winding down and he hasn’t been out – but we will check back on that.

During these cold mo, we spend the days focused on the upcoming year and our Tour Schedule for Bike Shows, Tattoo Parties, Bike Nights, rallies, rides, and other events at which we will come and help kick things up. We’re returning to many of our favorite traditional shows, and we are replacing some stops with new, more exciting locations! We are bringing the RtR Bike Show series to some new areas – new states even, and we’re pretty excited about it all! Even though we still have a lot of dates to finalize – it’s shaping up to be a great year. I often lament that my boys and work are all I ever do, but that’s not really a bad thing. Can’t really complain – ever.

You may not plan out your whole year like we are forced to, but you’re pretty much faced with the same choices. There are an almost endless number of options – places to go and things to see – almost every weekend. It’s on you to decide where you are going to spend your time.

As you do this, I’d like to suggest two extra considerations. First – what new destinations are worth adding to your route; and secondly, who are you riding with?

It’s far too easy to fall into a routine and just make the same events each year. That’s comfortable, but you’re missing out on one of the most exciting aspects of riding – discovering new destinations and new roads along the way. We’ve expanded the focus of our Midwest magazines to include more and more of the surrounding area. We are including not only the surrounding great lakes region – but also more southern and Appalachian events and ride stops for your consideration. Over the next few months we will also expand into more Canadian coverage with so many great stops just a day away to the north. More “unexplored” roads for you to consider!

I’d also suggest that you consider who you’re riding with. If you’re riding by yourself or with just the same close group of friends, I’d encourage you to consider new groups and maybe inviting along other folks you might know that ride. And if you have younger “future riders” in your family, don’t forget about them. Take the kids along, not only on the ride – but consider the countless “family friendly” events that we offer throughout the year. These include Bike Shows, charity events, and more racing events than ever before. Bring the little ones along and help inspire the next generation of riders.

Stay warm and let us know your thoughts about the upcoming riding season!

We’re looking forward to seeing you all at upcoming cabin fever parties, indoor shows, or when we’re finally able to hit the road this spring!



Reasons to Ride partners with RPM Promotions!

Reasons to Ride, LLC (RtR) is proud to announce a partnership with RPM Promotions, LLC – the premier regional flat track racing promoter in the country. Flat track racing is America’s original motorsport and offers an exciting racing experience to both the racers on the track and those in the stands.

RTR will be working to coordinate online racer registration and advance ticket sales – and supporting these areas and promoting the flat track races themselves through the magazine and online. Work is also underway to develop some more on-site activities as well – including entertainment and bike shows as part of the race day events.

RPM Promotions has 27 flat track racing events on their 2025 Elite Championship Series schedule – covering 9 states and 2 countries. For each event, Reasons To Ride and their partners will not only help get the word out – but also offer online preregistration and ticket sales through their partners. This helps support our national campaign as we seek to expand our focus to riding events coast to coast – not only spreading the word online but also boots on the ground helping to make these events even better!

Look for EVEN


in upcoming editions of RTR and online. Flat track, drag racing, motorcross, hillclimbs, and more!

For more information, visit RPM Promotions online – Facebook and their ticketing page!


If you’re a rider that’s active in your local riding community, we’d invite you to consider becoming a Local Road Rep for Reasons To Ride. This is NOT meant to be a highpressure sales position and is probably best as a fun side gig for those that want to get involved in the local riding community. It might be a great opportunity for a retiree or a supplement to those with the summer off. And for active riders already involved, it’s a great chance to help promote local events and businesses, while making a “few dollars” to support your riding habit!

Like most things, you get out of it, what you put in. If you’re really active and cover a larger area, you can make good money – but that takes time and commitment. The real payoff is to have a good time as the person to see about getting events or even just a picture in the “local biker mag”.

We aren’t looking for guys wanting to be “part-time bad guys” or any nonsense like that, we’re looking for reliable good folks that want to help support others in the community. The ideal folks might be active supporters of a local charity and are looking to expand their activities while getting more exposure for their own ride.

We can handle the sales aspects of the area, but we will look to you for pictures of local events and updates as to what’s coming up. And you’ll be able to make some money doing what you’re most likely already doing.

We’re asking for a minimum time commitment of 8-10 hours a month. It helps if you have a laptop and a camera – although a smartphone can usually do it. You’ll get some cool swag, access to rallies and other events, and a chance to help a lot of local folks. As our coverage and presence in the area increases, you are able to share in the revenue generated. It’s a proven business plan – it’s what built this entire organization. We think it’s a pretty good deal – for the right folks.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We will be scheduling “Intro Video Seminars” over the next few months to help explain how it all works. And now is the time to jump in, as we prepare for the change in season and begin looking to next year.


now being scheduled! Both regional and online meetings available. Don’t Miss Out!

So don’t delay – send us an email and tell us a little bit about yourself!

Reasons To Ride Partnering with The Ticketing Co.

As we announced last month, Reasons To Ride has entered into a partnership with TheTicketing.Co to offer event pre-registration and ticketing for events and concerts. is a proven platform used by literally thousands of event organizers across North America. In fact, over $50,000,000 in tickets have been processed by TheTicketing Co. And now, Reasons To Ride is offering their online services to the motorcycle community – backed by our online resources reaching over 1,000,000 riders monthly!

TheTicketing.Co has a platform that offers an unbelievably simple and easy to use process for setting up ticketing and then hits it out of the park with a just as simple and easy process for those looking to pre-register or purchase tickets for your events!

Working with, you’ll be able to easily set up an event and offer pre-registration / ticket sales within minutes. And your tickets are available for sale immediately. Refunds, cancellations, and even layaway plans – all handled easily by at NO ADDITIONAL cost to event organizers or the charities being supported. On-site ticket validation and check-in can be handled by laptops, through your own cellphones, or through customized handheld scanners that can be purchased or rented for your event. All devices or app’s can scan the ticket QR codes or use an attendee check-in function to search for tickets by name, email, or order id. You can even use for box office services on-site at your event to accept credit card, debit card, and all mobile payment options – including Apple pay!

Event organizers are able to track their sales online and view on the custom app platform. Then once your event is over, you can get your funds promptly and easily. In most cases, events are reconciled almost instantly and the payouts are handled on the Monday or Tuesday following your event.

Pre-registration for events – and especially charitable motorcycle rides – has proven to be a very effective way to improve planning and manage costs. Pre-registration allows you to help protect events from challenging forecasts and eliminate bundles of leftover merch – by not only getting an exact count of confirmed riders, but also their shirt sizes in advance! Reasons To Ride is able to support the online sales by getting the word out and driving traffic through online, print, and on-site promotions! Nobody does it better!

To be clear, here’s what RtR is offering through TheTicketing. co

• Online Ticketing and Pre-Registration at NO COST to event organizers or the charities they support.

• Marketing support through Reasons To Ride including digital, print, and even street teaming at regional events – often at NO COST through the support of RtR and our sponsors.

• No cost ticket check-in and day of event box office options – all included, no additional cost.

• Industry leading customer service – with REAL people on the other end.

• Online sales tracking and reporting instantly through the app or website.

• Prompt payouts, usually within one week of your event ending.

The first step? Email us at for more information or so get things started! We can schedule a conference call or possibly even an on-site presentation to help explain how it all works. Even if you’ve tried “online ticketing” or have something on your own website – this new partnership offers SO MUCH MORE at essentially NO COST to your organizations or the charities you support.



As winter winds down, it’s time for us to focus on this year’s event schedule. One of the biggest challenges we face every year is trying to develop a schedule that covers “our market” with active appearances and reaches the most riders – without stretching us too thin… or simply burning us out. Yes, that’s an actual consideration – I promise. And of course we want to GROW each year!


Traditionally we always kick off the riding season with Bike Blessings, and we are looking to help get the word out about more blessings and related events throughout the region –and even nationally. We have sponsorship backing to offer extra marketing support at NO COST to the charities or host organizations and even have stickers for those participating! We are looking for more BIKE NIGHTS to help promote as a way to reach more local riders. If you’re hosting one or have one you’d recommend – shoot us an email ASAP. We also have sponsors that will support more promotions and even on-site events at participating Bike Nights!

Email us at for more information.


With us now expanding our focus to include APPALACHIA, NORTHERN NEW YORK, WESTERN PA, and parts south… we’re looking for existing events and strong partners for us to develop a relationship with through hosting events and sharing their message. We are also looking for more MICHIGAN locations for Ride Stops and events.

Our BIKE and TATTOO SHOWS are designed to not only entertain folks, but to actively engage riders and allow both us and our partners to network with. Anyone that’s attended our shows can attest to the family approach that we take with our exhibitors. It’s NOT simply about the bikes or even the ink – but the folks showing them off as well.

But this approach is one that we seek to develop over time – by finding the right partners and building the shows year, by year.

For instance, our Geneva-on-the-Lake Bike Show is going on 15 years. During this time we’ve seen builders and “fades” come and go – and bikes exhibited by multiple generations. We’ve seen multiple cuttingedge bikes come and collect all the awards – and then serve as the inspiration for the bike that comes and takes the trophy the next year. It’s pretty cool.

Our TATTOO PARTIES are designed to not only showcase amazing artwork done throughout our communities, but to also bring out new folks into our community. We want to reach into the TATTOO COMMUNITY and encourage them to come out and experience the riding community and the energy we have. That means new customers that might not otherwise frequent your event or business. And those new folks might inspire even more folks as they come back and share their experiences without their circles.

To this end, we offer turn-key promotions that work to maximize the marketing potential of your event or business. Our shows have evolved over time, with new features and extras added each year to create excitement and ensure ours are the best in the area. We take care of all the essentials and can even bring our own power if need be. The host venues can simply focus on taking care of the guests and doing what they do best.

There’s no need to try re-inventing the wheel –when we have an established series of tattoo events and bike shows that are well known within the community. Over 900 bikes and over 500 tattoos were featured in our 2024 Tour Stops!

If you’re looking for a long-term partner, to bring a turn-key event to your location which we can establish as a marquee annual event – we might be just what you’re looking for. Contact us at or you can call me directly at 440-678-8608.


Fabulous February!

Well, I left off in December telling you that we would be sharing a bit about our trip to Thailand in November. It was a marvelous experience!

To fill you in a little, every year there are several mission trips planned between CMA and our ministry partners: Jesus Film Project, Global Christian Relief, and Missionary Ventures Incorporated (MVI). We chose the trip with MVI to Thailand. We were not disappointed. I’m going to be totally transparent here, the closer it came to going, the more apprehensive I became! I had not ever ventured out of country. Had no idea what to expect and thought, “I am going to have to watch what I do and say so I don’t get in trouble over there!” I was assured that I would be fine…so on the plane we went. Twenty four hours later we were in Khon Kean, Thailand! Our mission was to deliver four motorcycles to four pastors in order to help them in their mission to visit the many churches they oversee throughout Thailand.

Before we did that, we visited a school for the blind to deliver supplies to help the school provide for the children who not only attend, but live there. I was moved beyond measure at the love I felt from those that were there, both the students and teachers. At first, I felt so sad for them and then a reality check came over me… I met a child who could not see I was moved by the sight That I thought was misery. But lo and behold to my surprise, They saw with their heart and not their eyes! It was at that moment that I realized why God sent us…not for them, but for us!


CMA is a servant minded interdenominational motorcycle ministry with a non-denominational message of hope and love through Jesus Christ. Enjoy the family atmosphere, make life-long friends, and join an army of people dedicated to changing the world, one heart at a time in the highways and byways.

Visit us at for more information.

Have a message you’d like to share?

If you have a message that you’d like to share with riders across Ohio and the Midwest, let us know. Reasons To Ride welcomes the opportunity to work with established motorcycle ministries. Feel free to share upcoming events with us as well, by emailing information to

How many times do we look at a situation and assess it as the worst? We look at poverty and primitive living as if it were horrible conditions, yet those that are living in it demonstrate contentment because it’s what they know. We have more than enough and don’t appreciate what we have and are always looking for and wanting more. We have a good motorcycle, homes and cars but when we see someone else with something better, we become dissatisfied with what we have. A coveting that always leaves us in a state of want instead of a state of contentment.

The takeaway from our trip and the point I want to leave you with is this: look around you, be content with what you have and count every blessing. It’s a sure fact that we won’t be taking anything with us except what we have in our hearts. Fill it with what matters, because what we see with our eyes isn’t always what connects with the heart.

We did get the motorcycles delivered, they call them Tuk Tuk’s, because of the sound they make and the way they are set up to haul people around. Enjoy the pictures and at some point in your life, I hope you will get an opportunity to travel to other places and see with your heart that, while cultures are different, people are people and there are many lovely people all over the world.

See you out and about!

Motorcycle Ministries and Bike Blessings

We believe strongly that while an occasional solo ride can be rejuvenating, far too many of us are riding alone – figuratively and literally. And for those struggling with life and trying to find a better understanding, a motorcycle ministry might be just the thing for those looking to connect with other riders and their own faith.

For that reason, we seek to actively support motorcycle ministries within our local community. From our regular monthly ministry pages and event bulletin boards, to supporting rides and events out in the community - we believe in getting the word out so that riders can find a possible connection.

If you’re involved in a motorcycle ministry, we would like to hear from you. Send us an email with a brief background on your group and contact information – and we will get in touch. If you have a card or flyer, sharing information about an upcoming event, services, studies, or other opportunities to meet up – we will do our best to include the information and possibly the flyer itself in the magazine.

If you are hosting a BIKE BLESSING this Spring, we would welcome you to share the information by entering it on our website – at You can enter the information there directly, even upload a flyer. With the support of our sponsors, we will do everything we can to include as many Bike Blessings as we can within the magazine and online. We will also have FREE Bike Blessing stickers for those looking to hand them out to riders. We introduced these last year, and they were EXTREMELY popular. Email us at for more information on the stickers or how we can help sponsor / promote your upcoming blessing, ride, or other event!

Zeppe's Blessing of the Bikes
Chained Eagles Bike Blessing

Sport Touring Corner

Taking A Fresh Look at Radar Detectors

Last month we explored the latest in Bluetooth Communicator technology. A reader contacted me who had a setup similar to mine with communicator, phone and GPS. They wanted to know how to add a radar detector to the mix and have it beep in their helmet. I've used radar detectors on all my bikes since the mid 1970s, so let's start off by talking about why people like and use them.

Is there any reason to use a radar detector other than to break the law? Yes. It's not my desire to go out on the road and see how fast I can go. I run a spirited pace that is safe for me and that is often above the speed limit. That said, I am careful and respectful of other road users, especially pedestrians, road workers, people working in their yard in rural areas, riding on city streets, etc.

On the interstate I would be happy never going more than about eight MPH over the limit, but am not a fool. To survive there, the safest thing is to keep up with traffic which can mean ten + mph over the limit. The presence of police, objects in the road, etc. can cause unexpected slowdowns, lane changes and other actions that are hazardous. It's better to know about these things in advance, so I want as much information as possible.

There are also “speed traps” scattered around the countryside. Getting snagged in them is stressful, expensive (not just the ticket, but increased insurance cost as well) and time taken if you have to appear in court. The best solution for traffic tickets is to not get them in the first place. My radar detectors have paid for themselves many times over. (I currently use a Valentine One (first gen) that I've had since about 2006.) Leveraging it with a good phone app so it beeps in my helmet with intercom and other audio makes me safer and better off.

The first step is pairing your radar detector with your phone via Bluetooth, so if your radar detector does not have Bluetooth you are stuck. (With my first gen Valentine One, the Bluetooth option was a $50 accessory.) The rest depends on the reliability of the phone app it interfaces with. Unfortunately, Valentine One's own app has to be running full screen so I couldn't use other apps like weather, Waze, etc at the same time.

I'm a big fan of Waze- It's a simple GPS routing app that uses crowd sourced data to alert you of police presence, wrecks, traffic jams, objects/potholes in the road, stopped vehicles etc. I figured out how to run the Valentine One app on my phone's split screen with Waze in the other half, but Waze has always lacked two things- weather radar on the map and integration with my radar detector. What if there is an app that combines all those functions?

On YouTube I found an app called JBV1 that works on my Android and Valentine One detector. Not only will this app pop up and beep whenever the detector is activated, it displays most of the stuff that Waze does, plus weather radar.

In this screenshot, the rectangle at upper left is weather radar, which

can also be superimposed over the whole map. Your current speed is at upper right with the speed limit just below it. The top half of the screen is where radar and other hazard warnings pop up. The red arrow in the center is my location and direction. Although it doesn't do routing, it figures out what road you are driving on and highlights it for several miles in the direction of travel to show threat statusGreen for good, Yellow for some caution, Red for a threat ahead so I can tell at a glance what to expect.

In addition to radar, It alerts to speed and red light cameras, school zones and can even alert you to any light aircraft within 6 miles of your location including the FAA ID and who it's registered to, e.g. a sheriff's department. It does these things using real time data from the internet.

The full screen map display toggles to show road map, topo map, satellite image terrain, or dark background for night use.

In the past with the Valentine One in its best advanced logic mode, I always got some false alarms, especially from some door openers and alarm systems. It alarmed nearly every time we were near a Dollar General and I would joke that Dollar General's slogan should be “We'll leave the radar on for you!” Fortunately, JBV1 gets precise frequency and other data from alerts and can be configured to filter out most false alarms. I am VERY impressed!

The past few weeks have been filled with snow and cold temperatures so I haven't been riding. I used the downtime to build a weatherproof case to mount the radar detector on top of the tank bag. A friend offered to make a 3D printed case and made this prototype with a slide on lid, so I may use that. Either way it makes it makes it easy to switch bikes as I only have to move the tank bag between them and plug the power in.

Spring can't get here soon enough. Let's ride!

Connect with local Ohio Motorcycle Sport Touring Association riders at these monthly breakfasts:

Southwest Ohio Breakfast, 9AM, Feb 15th

Village Family Restaurant 144 S. Main St.

Waynesville, OH 45068

Central Ohio Breakfast Meet - 8AM Mar 2nd

Portside Cafe

6515 S High St

Lockbourne, OH 43137


Flat Track is the oldest form of motorcycle racing, ranging from 1/10th of a mile ovals to mile long ovals with speeds up to 135 mph on dirt. The tracks vary in consistency with multiple forms of material on the surface from clay based to crushed limestone. The technique of riding these tracks also changes slightly, making flat track a sport that is easy to ride, but hard to master. Riders of all ages take part in flat track riding and racing, bikes range from 50cc to 800cc, riders will hit top speeds on the straight of the oval before they lean over and slide into the corner to make a 180 degree left hand corner and race back down the other straightaway. The "slide" into the corner is the signature of flat track track.

Flat track motorcycles are essentially strip down versions of stock motorcycles and are devoid of a front brake. Flat Track is not only the fastest growing motorsport in the world and rightfully so, it is reasonably easy to learn, involves a comparatively low set up cost and is a whole lot of fun.

There are many distinct variations on the flat track racing format – including indoor and outdoor, and of course levels – from very basic, informal local races to the premier professional series –Progressive American Flat Track.

Progressive AFT 101

Progressive American Flat Track is widely recognized as the most prestigious and competitive form of dirt track motorcycle racing in the world. Much has changed over 100 years, but the sport remains perhaps motorsport’s purest test of man and machine.

Over the decades, many of the world’s best motorcycle racers have emerged from America’s dirt track venues – legends like original Indian Wrecking Crew members Bill Tuman, Bobby Hill, and Ernie Beckman during the 1950s, Gary Nixon and Dick Mann in the 1960s, Kenny Roberts, Eddie Lawson, and Wayne Rainey during the ’70s and ’80s, and Nicky Hayden in the ’90s and 2000s. All were superb flat track racers – several of them Grand National Champions – and many used the skills they first developed on the dirt to revolutionize Grand Prix Motorcycle Racing and attain global superstardom.

Today’s American Flat Track Professional series consists of three classes – Mission AFT SuperTwins, Unlimited AFT Singles presented by KICKER, and AFT AdventureTrackers™

The premier Mission AFT SuperTwins class consists of productionbased twin-cylinder motorcycles (649 - 900cc), utilizing the latest in motorsport technology and piloted by an exclusive company of the fastest athletes on dirt.

The AFT Singles presented by KICKER class consists of productionbased 450cc off-road machines specially prepared for flat track competition.

And the AFT AdventureTrackers, which made its high-profile debut in the Streets of Downtown Sturgis last season, features near-stock Dual Adventure bikes piloted by riders from a diverse set of racing backgrounds.

As part of the sport's historic formula, competitors are required to master the skills of racing on four distinct types of race circuits, Mile, Half-Mile, Short Track, and TT (Tourist Trophy). Mile, Half-Mile and Short Track races are conducted on speciallyprepared oval tracks, with either flat or banked surfaces, while TT circuits have both right and left hand turns plus a jump:

• Mile - Generally located at state fairgrounds or horse racing facilities, Mile races often turn into barnburners with packs of riders drafting at speeds exceeding 140 mph, lap-after-lap to the finish line.

• Half-Mile - Half-Miles have been the most common circuits on the schedule throughout the history of the sport. Many Half-Miles are purpose-built racetracks which play host to a wide variety of motorcycle and automobile dirt track racing organizations.

• Short Track - Short Tracks feature quick laps and fierce battles, sometimes described as being like "a fist fight in a phone booth." Starts and aggression are often the critical factors that determine the results on a short track.

• TT - TT circuits can be either purpose-built race courses or temporary in nature. Ultimately, they all require riders to master both right- and left-hand turns and negotiate a jump at least once per lap.

Professional flat track racing is currently experiencing a significant rebirth, much of which can be credited to changes instituted in 2017: a name change, a simpler class structure, and a significantly boosted media presence that has helped attract millions of new viewers. A continued refinement of the rules and structure have followed in recent years to further capitalize on the sport’s enormous potential.



2025 marks the beginning of a new era for the Grand National Championship. The Mission AFT SuperTwins class has moved to an all-production based rule set just as an elite crop of contenders prepare to vie for the throne left vacant by the retirement of Jared Mees following the 2024 season that saw him secure a record-setting tenth premier-class crown in his final season of competition.

This battle for supremacy will open with five consecutive bar-banging Short Tracks, starting with the series’ traditional Daytona Beach double opener during the 84th annual Daytona Bike Week. The schedule then transitions to a run through the Midwest, including a doubleheader in Lima, Ohio, and a high-speed showdown at the “Magic Mile” in DuQuoin, Illinois.

The Sturgis TT will serve as a highlight of the schedule again in ‘25, and this time around it will be joined by an all-new doubleheader –the Jackpine Gypsies Short Track I & II – which will also take place in Sturgis during the 85th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, just days ahead of Sunday’s TT.

The season’s stretch run will feature its two most iconic events – the world-famous 78th Peoria TT and a doubleheader at the legendary Springfield Mile – before returning to Lake Ozark Speedway for a season finale set during the 19th Annual Lake of the Ozarks Bikefest.

The upcoming season will see further innovation via the introduction of the Triple Challenge format that will be utilized at the Lima HalfMile I, Jackpine Gypsies Short Track I and Springfield Mile I, in which the overall winner and final points payout will be determined by three races of increasing distance and importance.

America’s oldest and purest form of motorcycle sport is back on the radar, making that thunderous noise we all love, and it’s certain to continue in 2025. The momentum created over the past eight years has Progressive American Flat Track well positioned to take the next step in its meteoric rise, spearheaded by the Mission AFT SuperTwins class.


RPM – The Nation’s Premier Regional Flat Track Series

RPM Promotions is kicking off the 2025 Flat Track Motorcycle Racing season in epic fashion and is introducing new online pre-registration to make the process even easier. With a 27 Race Elite Motorcycle Championship Series beginning February 28th Round 1 at Lakeview Motor Speedway in Nichols, South Carolina and Round 27 ending at Windy Hollow Speedway in Owensboro, Kentucky. The series promises to bring great racing action with (17) 1/2 Miles, (5) 3/8 Miles (4) Shorttracks, and (1) Mile across the United States and branching out internationally for 2 races in Canada. Top amateurs and pro racers from the United States and Canada and as far from Australia will be competing in the RPM Series.

Jeff Hiers, President of RPM Promotions and former Expert Racer shared, “We are thrilled to bring back grass roots racing with 27 Races on the schedule - it reminds me of the old Camel Pro Days with such a diverse and loaded schedule! Amateurs and pro racers, alike, have the opportunity to showcase their talent and compete! Fans can share in the excitement and enjoy great racing action with 12 different classes and racers 5 years of age to 70 years of age. “

With RPM Promotions being an Outlaw racing program it's a “run what you brung” style of racing Hiers says.

For 2025, RPM is offering these standard classes for their Elite Race Series:

• 65cc

• 85cc

• 250cc

• 450cc

• Open Amateur

• 30 Plus

• 50 Plus

• 60 Plus

• Lightweight Vintage

• Heavyweight Vintage Open

• Maddog Open

• Pro Outlaw Open Singles

• Pro Outlaw Open Singles / Twins

RPM Online with Reasons To Ride!

For the 2025 series, RPM has teamed up with Reasons To Ride and to offer online ticketing and racer registration for all of their races. This will help streamline the entire process and make the race days even smoother! To help encourage racers and fans to utilize the website and pre-register for the events, pre-sale discounts will be offered for all events online for a limited time.


March 22nd – Thunder Mountain Speedway, Rockholds KY: Shortrack

March 29th – Marion County Fairgrounds, Marion OH: ½ Mile Track

April 26th – Allen County Fairgrounds, Lima OH: ½ Mile

May 31st / June 1st – Barry Expo Fairgrounds, Hastings MI: ½ Mile Track

You can find more information regarding the series on the RPM Promotions llc Facebook and Instagram social media pages.

Thanks to American Flat Track, American Motorcyclist Association, RPM Productions, LLC, and Stephen Tripp Photography for photos and content.

POST YOUR 2025 EVENTS HERE AND ON THE WEBSITE AThttp://www.reasonstoride. com/Submit-Event

February 2025

2/01/25 12:00 PM

Garage Brewed

One of the most celebrated motorcycle shows in the country! Come see the best motorcycle creations, restorations and customizations in a working brewery. Show up and make some new two-wheeled friends!

Rhinegeist Brewery 1910 Elm St., Cincinnati, OH 45202

2/01/25 10:00 AM

Full Throttle Custom Bike Show

3rd Annual Custom Bike Show! 25 classes $12k In Cash Prizes! Vendors, live music & 200 custom bikes! Plus a Perewitz Paint Show! Vendor & Bike Registration is Open!

Full Throttle Custom Bike Show

1921 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27403

2/02/25 09:45 AM

Triple Tree Biker Church Bike or Car, Come on Over! Coffee & Donuts 9:45 Service at 10am Every week 1340 Newport Rd., Manheim PA For Info Call 717-824-5965

Feb 5-7, 2025


AIMExpo is the premier trade show in North America for the powersports industry.

Las Vegas Convention Center 3150 Paradise Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89109

2/05/25 05:30 PM


Peer Support Group

530 we will be serving dinner. 6pm group will start anticipating 730 end time. This will be on the first Wednesday of every month Eagle Church of God

7087 East Cover Rd, Clare, MI 48617 989-418-8797

2/07/25 06:30 PM

Euchre Nights

Route 30 Harley-Davidson 350 Tarhe Trl, Upper Sandusky,Ohio 43351

2/08/25 09:00 AM

Red Hot Chili Bash and Salvage Sale at South East H-D

People's Choice Chili Cook-Off and chance to dig through the back room! Special savings!

South East Harley Davidson 23105 Aurora Rd, Cleveland OH 44146

2/09/25 08:00 AM Walnecks Motorcycle Swap

Meet- Princeton, IL

Better than the Internet! Search for it! Find! Inspect it!Buy it!...and the BRAG about it!

Bureau County Fairgrounds 811 W.Peru St Princeton, IL 61356

2/11/25 06:00 PM

Cornhole Tuesdays at HOT ROD H-D

Stop in for Cornhole Tuesdays! Every Tuesday starting at 6:00 PM - Blind draw - 18+ to play - $10/personInside TNT Bar

HOT ROD Harley-Davidson

149 Shoreline Drive, Muskegon, MI 49440

Feb 14-16, 2025

Thunder By the Bay Music & Motorcycle Festival

Sarasota Fairgrounds

3000 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota FL 34232

Feb 15-16, 2025

Motorama Races and Show: HARRISBURG PA

The nation's largest all indoor racing event and live show featuring 1 million square feet of action.

PA Farm Show Complex

2300 N.Cameron St, Harrisburg, PA 17110

Saturday, Feb 15th Noon

Iron & Ink

Tattoo Party

Hot Rod HarleyDavidson

149 Shoreline Dr. Muskegon, MI 49440

2/15/25 05:00 PM

2025 Winter Meltdown ABATE

Region Zero

"Hottest Party this Winter" Live Music, Raffles, Magic during dinner hour. American Legion Post 737 16465 Milton Ave., Lake Milton, OH 44429

2/15/25 01:00 PM

PMS: Parked Motorcycle Syndrome

Meet and Greet w/ Angelz of Grace

Come to our Meet & Greet and learn all about the amazing rides we have planned for 2025.

Pete's Garage

930 N. Telegraph Rd, Monroe, MI

2/22/25 09:00 AM

2025 Polar Plunge

The Beach: Tiki Bar & Boil

142 E Walled Lake Dr, Walled Lake, MI 48390

2/22/25 10:00 AM

Mama Tried

Eagles Ballroom

2401 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53233

Saturday, Feb 22nd 6pmIron & Ink

Tattoo Party Zeppe's Tavern

Newbury, Ohio

Follow the Event on Facebook for more information.

2/22/25 01:00 PM

Boom! Audio and Infotainment Workshop at Ray C's

Learn from our experts... FREE to ATTEND, Door Prizes, Visit us online for more information.

Ray C's Harley Davidson 1495 S Lepeer Rd, Lapeer, MI 48446

2/22/25 12:00 PM

Burning Snowman Fest

Dock's Beach House Restaurant

252 W. Lakeshore Dr. Port Clinton, OH

2/22/25 03:00 PM


Welcome Home Dinner

Surprise Your Vietnam Veteran with an Unforgettable Evening

Show your appreciation and love by welcoming your Vietnam veteran home with a special dinner in their honor. Join us for an incredible evening filled with gratitude, great food, and heartfelt camaraderie at Horse Feathers Kitchen & Cocktails on Saturday, February 22, 2025, from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

Horse Feathers / The Reserve Event Center

2345 Equis Hls Dr, Pinckney, MI 48169

2/25/25 06:00 PM

Cornhole Tuesdays at HOT ROD H-D

Stop in for Cornhole Tuesdays! Every Tuesday starting at 6:00 PM - Blind draw - 18+ to play - $10/person -

Inside TNT Bar HOT ROD Harley-Davidson

149 Shoreline Drive, Muskegon, MI 49440

2/28/25 02:00 PM

Cleveland Tattoo Arts Festival

Come get the ultimate tattoo festival experience at the 9th Annual Cleveland Tattoo Arts Festival.

Tattoos, piercing, art and entertainment.

Cleveland Convention Center

300 Lakeside Ave E, Cleveland OH 44114

2/28/25 06:00 PM


Bike Night

Route 30 Harley-Davidson 350 Tarhe Trl, Upper Sandusky,Ohio 43351

POST YOUR 2025 EVENTS HERE AND ON THE WEBSITE AThttp://www.reasonstoride. com/Submit-Event

March 2025

Feb 28th - March 9th, 2025

84th Annual Daytona Bike Week

3/02/25 08:00 AM

Walnecks Motorcycle Swap Meet- Springfield Ohio 4401 S. Charleston Pike Springfield, Oh 45502

3/04/25 06:00 PM

Cornhole Tuesdays at HOT ROD H-D Stop in for Cornhole Tuesdays! Every Tuesday starting at 6:00 PM - Blind draw - 18+ to play - $10/personInside TNT Bar

HOT ROD Harley-Davidson 149 Shoreline Drive, Muskegon, MI

3/05/25 05:30 PM

VETERANS 4 USA: Peer 2 Peer Support Group Eagle Church of God 7087 East Cover Rd, Clare, MI 48617 989-418-8797

3/08/25 11:00 AM

Wing Cook-Off at South East H-D

Bring in 2 dozen of your best Chicken Wings... Win SE HD Gift Certificates! South East Harley Davidson 23105 Aurora Rd, Cleveland OH 44146

Saturday, March 15th 6pm

Iron & Ink


Burton, Ohio

Follow the Event on Facebook for more information.

3/15/25 05:00 PM

US Military Vets St. Patty's Day Party - JACKSON MI

Fun and Good Food in support of local Vets

US Military Vets 3744 Michigan Ave, Jackson MI 49202

3/15/25 11am

ALR Post 491 POLAR


Raise funds and awareness for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Registration starts at 11am, Blessing at noon and kick stands up, or engines running immediately afterwards. All vehicles welcome to attend. $10.00 fee for driver and $5.00 for each passenger. Food will be served after the ride and cash bar is available. We hope to see you there!

American Legion Post 491

422 Woodworth St, Leslie, MI 49251

3/15/25 01:00 PM

PMS: Parked Motorcycle Syndrome

Meet and Greet w/ Angelz of Grace

Come to our Meet & Greet and learn all about the amazing rides we have planned for 2025.

Malone's Tavern

32350 Van Dyke, Warren, MI

For more details on these and other events (coast to coast!) visit us online at

3/20/25 06:00 PM

The Local Bar: Cabin Fever Tattoo party w/ Iron & Ink

The Local Bar North Olmsted 24110 Lorain Rd, North Olmsted, OH

3/20/25 12:00 PM

17th Annual Chili Cook Off

Join us for the 17th annual Hot Rod Chili Cook-Off! Enjoy samples from Just Klassics Deli, Hamburger Mikey, Dr. Rolf’s BBQ & The Early Owl. Vote for your favorite. A $5 donation will be collected for Pioneer Trails Camp at the door. The TNT bar will be open. Please drink responsibly.

HOT ROD Harley-Davidson

149 Shoreline Drive, Muskegon, MI

3/21/25 06:00 PM

Biker Brawl at Route 30 Harley-Davidson

Some boxing for all of you fight junkies! Join us at the dealership!

Route 30 Harley-Davidson

350 Tarhe Trl, Upper Sandusky, OH

3/22/25 09:00 AM

Mid Atlantic indoor Nationals - Car, truck and Bike Show

Mid Atlantic Indoor Nationals - Car Truck and Bike Show

2410 West Dr, Oaks, PA 19456

3/22/25 01:00 PM Maintenance Workshop at Ray C's

Learn from our experts... FREE to ATTEND, Door Prizes, Visit us online for more information.

Ray C's Harley Davidson

1495 S Lepeer Rd, Lapeer, MI 48446

3/29/25 10:00 AM

36th Annual Donnie Smith Bike Show & Swap Meet

Saint Paul River Centre


Visit us on Facebook or for up to the minute event listings,

Car Parts Warehouse I-X Piston Powered Auto-


The IX Piston Power Show, also known as the Car Parts Warehouse I-X Piston Powered Auto-Rama, is an annual event held in Cleveland, Ohio, at the I-X Center. Renowned for being the largest indoor showcase of its kind, draws enthusiasts from all over the country to witness a spectacular array of machinery, making it a true paradise for gearheads and automotive aficionados alike. We look forward to seeing you all there!

6200 Riverside Dr Cleveland, OH

April 2025

April 2nd to 6th, 2025

Arizona Bike Week

16601 N Pima Rd., Scottsdale,AZ 85260

4/02/25 05:30 PM

VETERANS 4 USA: Peer 2 Peer Support Group

Eagle Church of God 7087 East Cover Rd, Clare, MI 48617 989-418-8797

4/03/25 05:00 PM

Cabin Fever Bike Night

Join us for Cabin Fever Bike Night April 3rd—an evening of drinks, delicious food, and great company. Whether you ride in or drive, this is your chance to hang out with fellow riders and escape the cabin fever Ohio winters bring and shake off the Winter blues.

Tavern of Independence 5530 Brecksville Rd, Independence OH

Every Sunday Triple Tree Biker Church Bike or Car, Come on Over! Coffee & Donuts 9:45 Service at 10am Every week

1340 Newport Rd., Manheim PA For Info Call 717-824-5965

4/12/25 12:30 PM

Annual Blessing of the Bikes: Whitehall PA

Keystone Harley-Davidson 2800 Eberhart Rd., Whitehall PA 18052

April 25-27, 2025

Tattoo City Tattoo Convention

Michigan! Tattoo collectors and fans can experience live tattooing by 200 top artists, exciting contests, celebrity meet-and-greets, and family-friendly activities.

Lansing Convention Center Lansing, 333 E Michigan Ave, Lansing, MI 48933, USA

4/25/25 10:00 AM

Leesburg BIke Fest

Downtown Leesburg

401 W. Magnolia St., Leesburg, FL 34749


Cheesy Garlic Burger Biscuit


1 lb ground beef

1 package (8 count) refrigerated biscuit dough

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

2 tablespoons garlic butter, melted

1 teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon onion powder

½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon black pepper

Cooking spray (for greasing)


Preheat the Oven:

Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Lightly grease a baking sheet with cooking spray or line it with parchment paper. Prepare the Burger Filling:

In a medium bowl, season the ground beef with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. Mix until well combined. Divide the beef into 8 equal portions and shape them into small patties.

Assemble the Biscuit Bombs:

Roll out each biscuit dough circle slightly, then place one beef patty in the center of each dough circle. Top with a generous amount of shredded cheddar cheese. Fold the edges of the dough over the filling and pinch to seal, forming a ball. Repeat for all the biscuits.

Bake the Biscuit Bombs:

Place the biscuit bombs on the prepared baking sheet. Brush each with the melted garlic butter, ensuring they are fully coated. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes, or until the biscuits are golden brown and the filling is cooked through.


Serve your Cheesy Garlic Burger Biscuit Bombs hot and enjoy the cheesy, garlicky, meaty goodness!

Have a recipe that you’d like to share? Write it all down and send with a picture – to ReasonsToRide@ Put RECIPE in the subject line. If we use it, we’ll send you copies of the magazines and a RtR T-Shirt – so include your address and t-shirt size as well! Thanks!

One-Pan Chicken with Creamy Buttered Noodles


- 3 garlic cloves, minced

- 1 cup heavy cream

- 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

- 2 tbsp olive oil

- 8 oz egg noodles

- Salt and pepper, to taste

- 2 cups chicken broth

- 3 tbsp butter

- 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

- Fresh parsley, chopped (optional)


1. Cook the chicken: In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Season the chicken breasts generously with salt and pepper. Once the oil is hot, add the chicken to the skillet. Cook for about 5-6 minutes on each side until the chicken is golden brown and cooked through. Once done, remove the chicken from the skillet and set it aside on a plate.

2. Prepare the noodles: In the same skillet, add the minced garlic and sauté for about 1 minute until fragrant. Pour in the chicken broth and heavy cream, bringing the mixture to a gentle simmer.

3. Cook the noodles: Stir in the egg noodles and cover the skillet. Allow the noodles to cook for about 8-10 minutes, or until they reach the desired tenderness. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.

4. Combine ingredients: Once the noodles are cooked, reduce the heat to low. Add the butter and grated Parmesan cheese, stirring until both are melted and the sauce becomes creamy. Return the chicken to the skillet, allowing it to heat through for a couple of minutes.

5. Serve: Garnish with chopped parsley if desired, and serve the dish warm, making sure to spoon some of that delicious creamy sauce over everything!


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