3 minute read
Jason the Lawyer
I believe motorcycle riders are better and safer drivers than car drivers. Here’s why: It has to do with several factors: visibility, evasive ability, and attentiveness.
When you’re on a motorcycle, you have an almost unobstructed view of the road and your surroundings.
Car drivers must constantly keep their blind spots in mind and remember to check them before maneuvering or changing lanes. For motorcyclists, simply turning your head to the left or to the right is all you need to do to get the full view.
Another benefit that motorcyclists have over car drivers is the fact that they can hear traffic better. They can hear what’s coming and can take the necessary precautions to keep themselves safe.
A motorcycle is much more maneuverable than a car, especially when it comes to moving within a lane. If necessary, a motorcycle can swerve either to the right or to the left to avoid hitting a car that stops suddenly in front of it.
Unfortunately, a car driver in the same situation may have no choice but to run into the other car if they can’t stop. Even if the driver pulls to the left or to the right, cars are much wider and heavier than motorcycles, so they won’t respond as quickly and impact will still occur.
In terms of stopping and starting, motorcycles are able to outdo cars. Because of its smaller size and lighter load, a motorcycle can stop much faster than a car. The same is also true of accelerating, which is a viable evasive maneuver; accelerating can get you out of a dangerous situation.
When you’re on a motorcycle, you’ve very much connected to and aware of the world around you. Car drivers don’t normally have that same benefit. They’re cut off from the world, isolated inside their car. On top of that separation, they also have other distractions to contend with, such as the radio, other passengers, kids, and cell phones. Sadly, distracted driving has grown exponentially in the past few years.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving claimed 3,477 lives in 2015 and caused injuries to 391,000 people.
Motorcyclists are removed from many of the common distractions that car drivers face. For the most part, it’s just the motorcyclist and the road, which means that they’re able to concentrate more fully on driving safely and remain aware of their surroundings.
A good argument can be made that motorcyclists are in general are better and safer drivers than motor vehicle operators because motorcyclists can see more, evade better, and focus more. However, it’s important to ensure that the road is a safe place for everyone.
We need to remind our fellow car and truck drivers to focus on the road and to keep a careful eye out for motorcyclists. A safer road benefits everyone.
Attorney Jason A. Waechter is a Michigan attorney specializing in the areas of motorcycle and motor vehicle injury litigation as well as Michigan’s Motor Vehicle No - Fault Law. Mr. Waechter has collected millions of dollars in settlements, awards and verdicts for his motorcycle clients over the past 20 years. A portion of each case settled goes to educational resources for bikers, funds to help bikers while their cases are being litigated and our motorcycle accident prevention campaign.
Call Attorney Jason Waechter toll free at 1-877-BIKER LAW. Or visit www.motorcyclelawyermichigan.com