2 minute read

I’m sitting here contemplating how I can reach out to the biker community and how much work it takes to deal with all the ups and downs that come with the different situations that arise across the beautiful state of Michigan. I’m listening to the Lynyrd Skynyrd song, “Up on Cripple Creek,” and right after that comes “Whiskey Man” by Molly Hatchet, it hit me like a ton of bricks. You just keep truckin’ and deal with all the crap that comes your way. You are not always right and listening goes a long way. There are some very intelligent bikers that you will come across when you are out and about, going to events and volunteering, participating, and being part of so many things that suit your fancy. Just look at all the great places and areas covered by Thunder Roads Michigan and it just might make you wanna crank up that throttle and head out because we all need to get our heads clear and you would be surprised at who you might run into. It will just make your day! Put “Got No Shame” from Brother Cane on the radio and off you go.

ABATE has a very important event coming up on June 5th at noon. Like our President Vince Consigilio says: “If you are concerned about motorcycle insurance, motorcycle-only checkpoints, rider education, AWARENESS, keeping your helmet choice options or any motorcycle issues, then plan to be there” on the Capitol steps in Lansing. You can impress upon your State Representative that we ride and will vote in the election year! Hell Yeah!

During the upcoming months, you will see ABATE at swap meets and county parks with their exhibit booths. Please get a yard sign, bumper sticker, or wrist band. It will help us out a lot.
We have our ABATE Field Meet coming up on June 7th, 8th, and 9th at the Sturgeon Valley Campground in Wolverine, MI. If you would like to come and participate, you can join ABATE at the gate and hang out with some outstanding people who stick-up and fight for bikers’ rights. Whether you are a club member or independent, we appreciate everyone and you don’t have to own a bike. You may have had a friend or relative who got hurt on a motorcycle and you want to help us—please join. The more the merrier! Just like Hank Williams Jr. says: “A Country Boy Can Survive.”
God bless everyone and be respectful of everyone you encounter in your life. You will be paid back tenfold for kindness.
May the road rise to meet you and the wind always be at your back!

Hot Rod Beaton ABATE State Awareness Director
TO BECOME A MEMBER & SHOW YOUR SUPPORT… ABATE of Michigan online membership. Visit our State website then click on: Membership / Join www.abateofmichigan.org
ABATE State Awareness Director Hot Rod Beaton 419-349-8075