Reason To Ride Great Lakes Volume 6

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RtR offers a new, much more effective option for the riding community. Working with the same folks that have brought you the local motorcycle mags for years, we now offer a hard print version of our concept backed by the numbers and reach of our digital editions. Event organizers and advertisers can reach over 300,000 riders and enthusiasts each month, for less than they were paying to reach 10,000 previously. And riders can still “turn the pages”.

We built the largest local biker mags in the country by serving the local riders and supporting the local events. We sponsored and subsidized the charity rides and non-profit organizations. As the world changed and went digital, we partnered with Reasons To Ride in order to offer even more options. With RtR it’s now possible to reach thousands of riders for as little as $1.

It’s a cool concept, and we believe that the “local motorcycle mag” played an integral part in defining the riding community. Free biker mags let everyone know what was going on and where they were welcome. While there are other types of newsletters and trade journals, its only in the motorcycle community that you find the concept so established. Riders know that they can pick up a copy of their local mag and it’s speaking to them.

With the internet and social media, many print publications have gone by the wayside over the years. Traditional newspapers have largely disappeared in many communities, as folks find an easier connection online and simply through their phone. Once again, though, the riding community remains unique in many ways. is the evolution of a really basic concept within the riding community.

By posting within the local mag – organizers were able to let both their friends and riders that they’d never met that they were welcome, cordially invited even, to join them for a ride or get Anyonetogether.with

COVID and the ensuing dramatic increases in the cost of paper transportationandhave forced even more publications to either close up or dramatically restrict the number of copies they print. They can simply no longer offer advertisers the reach that they once could – thus reach only a small number of riders. In many cases they are now only reaching 1/10 of the riders they were before – for even more money.

For almost 40 years, free local motorcycle magazines have served as a means of letting riders know of rides and rallies, bike nights and bike shows, and recommended ride stops both within their community and within a days ride. For event organizers, local shops, and supporting dealerships – they provided a cost effective means of connecting with riders and inviting them to their events or simply through their doors.

Nobody likes change, but growth and development offers new Weopportunities.areproudto


a motorcycle or simply a love for two wheels –or the cause being supported – could attend. And with such an invitation, everyone knew that they would be welcome as brothers or sisters within the riding community.

Our community is one of traditions and nostalgia, though. The twisting of the throttle and sound of the engine are an integral part of the riding experience. And while it’s hard not to appreciate the energy and purity of the electric motorcycles, it’s really not the same sensation for most riders. For much the same reason that the new electric Dodge Charger “muscle cars” have an artificial sound added to their engine, riders like to hear the roar as they twist the throttle. And similarly, they like to “turn the

(RtR) was established back in 2019 as a resource for riders looking to find riding events anywhere in the country. Since the very beginning, RtR has partnered with local riding organizations and their regional print mags in order to connect with riders and the events in their community. These online listings soon evolved to the point where riders could actually register for the rides or bike shows, and purchase concert or event tickets – through the same listings. For even the smallest local event organizers this offered exciting new options and made things so much easier as the world moved more digital.


Managing Editor

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So as we look towards 2023 and plan for future events, we hope you keep us in ReasonsToRide:mind.Great Lakes Edition – proudly serving the local riding community.

this evolution and all the new possibilities online, there is one thing that remains constant – that we can’t do any of this without your support. We remain dependent upon the support of the local riders and the businesses serving them in order to do what we do.

introduce a new PRINT version of RtR that brings together over 20 years of serving the riding community and cutting edge opportunities online in a concept that welcomes all Evenriders.with

T. Roberts


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Photo Jason




Visit us at for more information.

Have a message you’d like to share?

Bottom line: Know who your enemy is, forgive who it isn’t, and live a free and happy life. Our Father doesn’t expect you to carry the weight, that’s why He sent Jesus.

If you have a message that you’d like to share with riders across Ohio and the Midwest, let us know. TRO welcomes the opportunity to work with established motorcycle ministries.


There’s Freedom in that Wind…See you there!

add to forgiving others, you also must forgive yourself which is even harder! Most of us don’t realize that we harbor the guilt of others’ around us getting hurt or sick. ‘If I had only been there’, ‘If I could take their place’, ‘It should have been me’, ‘I should have….’: sound familiar?

Fall came down quickly this go around, and a lot has been happening along the way for many of us! Fine tuning the ride to get ready for the cold weather, preparing ourselves for possibly a snowy one this time (wooly worms don’t lie, man, jus’ sayin’). Regardless of where our heads are at this fine October day, there’s something a little bit more I think that is on my mind today.

What about now? Someone just shot and killed my best friend, my brother, my son. Someone raped my daughter, my wife, my girlfriend. Someone robbed my house, stole my car, took all I had. Someone beat my grandmother, left her to die. My spouse has cancer, my child is crippled, my son was killed in the war, my family was taken in a car accident. All these things are driven by public enemy #1…satan, and he is good at trying to get you to see people as the enemy instead of him. Why? So that he can trap you into carrying this simple little thing called Unforgiveness…which…

Mary G.

There’s been a lot of talking about the things going on around us. There are shootings and lootings and just downright nasty things happening all the time. Do you really expect anything more? I mean seriously, we live in a fallen world. What does that mean, MG? It means the minute it was handed over to the devil in the garden, he had full reign. (You can read about that in Genesis chapters 2 and 3 in your Bible) That means he has been able to cause men and women to do just about anything he has wanted them to do all this time! However, … Jesus did come in between to take the reign back, died on the cross, rose again and is seated in heaven with the Father and has made salvation possible for you. All you have to do is ask, and that is in the Bible as well in so many places Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Romans and more so read it all and you will see He made the way for you and me to combat that wicked devil and take back the control of this world and live an eternal life of peace! But in the meantime, ….

is the hardest prison to get free from. When someone else has brought a hurt upon you, especially a deep one, it is very difficult to forgive. It takes a lot of faith and a lot of love to be able to do it. Listen, people really don’t know why they make choices to kill, rape, or abuse others. Ask them, they will tell you, “I don’t know, I just get angry, or this thing comes over me and just takes over, I can’t control it.” They aren’t making excuses, it’s true. The enemy will put

Word Up….

Feel free to share upcoming events with us as well, by emailing information to

COME RIDE WITH US! CMA is a servant minded interdenominational motorcycle ministry with a nondenominational message of hope and love through Jesus Christ. Enjoy the family atmosphere, make life-long friends, and join an army of people dedicated to changing the world, one heart at a time in the highways and byways.

something in their head and replay over and over until they act on it. I’m sure you can track the source. Sickness and disease can be traced to many things as well, life stresses, bad food processes, alcohol/tobacco history. A fallen world of a sin Then,


• Warn pavement on high traffic roads can lead to depression in the asphalt. Water will build up in those depressions and increase the risk of hydroplaning.

• Reduce speed to allow more time for braking.

o Turn smoothly

• Take turns slower to minimize the lean of the motorcycle.

• Be careful when putting your foot down at stops. Your feet will have less traction in the rain than your motorcycle.

• As water accumulates on your motorcycle helmet visor, alternate turning your head from the right to the left (while keeping your eyes forward). This will allow the force of the wind to blow the rain drops off our of your field of vision.

Generally, nobody wants to end up riding their motorcycle through a heavy storm but weather is unpredictable and every rider should be prepared to handle the rain. Inexperienced motorcycle riders tend to fear the rain and the loss of traction that comes with it. While wet pavement is slick, motorcycle tires are designed to maintain traction with the road even when wet so with a few techniques a rider should have little trouble riding their motorcycle in the rain.

• Ice/snow (esp in low, shaded areas and on bridges & overpasses)

There are some other surfaces that can be slippery for motorcycles even when the weather is nice. Avoidance is best but using techniques similar to riding in the rain should keep your motorcycle shiny side up if you cannot avoid them.

• Metal covers/plates & manhole covers

• Avoid hydroplaning while riding the motorcycle by riding in the tire tracks of other vehicles

o Accelerate smoothly

o Change gears smoothly

o Use both brakes gradually when stopping

• Sand, gravel, rocks (they tend to collect on sides of road, esp. on curves & ramps leading to & from highway)

• Maintain a larger space cushion in traffic to allow more time to react

• Trash

• Mud, moss, algae

• If possible, avoid riding your motorcycle in the first 30-60 minutes of the rainstorm. Water mixes with dirt on the road and flushes out oil on the road making it even more slippery.

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• Avoid all sudden moves - strong changes in speed or direction can cause the motorcycle to skid.

• Potholes (they look like puddles but you can’t judge the depth)

Some areas are extra slippery when riding a motorcycle in the rain. Treat them with caution and avoid them when possible:

• Bridge grates

• Train tracks

• Wear proper motorcycle rain gear. Staying dry and warm will help a rider focus their attention on controlling their vehicle instead of thinking about their discomfort.

• Leaves

• Painted lines/lane markings (crosswalks, HOV lanes)

• Fuel, oil, coolant

• Crack sealant & tar (esp. in hot weather)

• Wood (like some old covered bridges)

Note: Many of these tips also apply to riding on fresh cut grass or fallen leaves that have accumulated on the road.

Man oh man, it seems like I blinked and the summer was coming to an end! Labor Day weekend was fast approaching and I had nothing planned all I knew is that I wanted to do some riding and do something new to me. You would think that working for a bike magazine you would get to ride all the time, but not as much as you think. While I do get to go to tons of events, clubhouses and things of that nature but more often than not, I end up in the truck. Its just the way it is.

We woke up to colder than expected temps and realized the hard way that we had under-packed for it. Mission was on to find hoodies. Our plan was to start on St. Ignace side of the bridge and double cross. FIRST though we had to find a hoodie for the chilly morning to cross the bridge with. “Its St. Ignace a huge tourist town, it’ll be easy to find a hoodie.” I thought to myself. WRONG. That would’ve been true if it wasn’t five in the morning but I had to hit EVERY gas station and hotel in the area before I found an undersized potato sack hippie style hoodie but it would have to work. Off the starting area we went. Luckily Erinn, like me like to be early to these things and we made it with plenty of time to spare.

I looked online for something to do and low and behold The Bridge Walk! If you don’t know what The Bridge Walk. If you don’t know what that is, every Labor Day they open the Mackinac Bridge to foot traffic from 7:00 am to noon. I had never done it and always wanted a closer look at the bridge so I was in! I immediately call my gal pal Erinn knowing that, like me she is always up to some adventuring

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and we finalized some plans and were off. We hit the popular Cops and Doughnuts in Clare for a couple cups of coffee and some some good eats. Erinn is far more cultured than I am so she knew about the neat artwork in the alley behind Cops and Doughnuts. If you ever are up that way take a walk behind the building and check out the cool local art. We stayed at Burt Lake State Park in Indian River. Pulling into the campground we quickly noticed the place packed to the gills with fifth wheel mansions. I remember thinking to myself that these people were missing the point of camping but to each their own. They must have thought the same about the bikers with simple tent set up. Our intent of staying in Indian River was to see The Cross in the Woods but like any good adventure plans go out the window and that never happened.

and shot the shit with her a bit then went our own ways. Erinn and I headed back to camp to get a fire and a couple adult beverages on the way back we passed a giant metal head of George Washington out in the middle of a field. No way we were going to pass up the opportunity to check that out. Im not sure why it was there or who put it there but we spent some time climbing on it and snapping pics. We were ready to hit camp and call it a day and be ready for the walk in the morning.

Erinn and I hit Mackinac City to people watch the fudgies and get a chip from Zips Harley in town. We ran into my good friend Amanda “Reckless” from Guilty Girlz, small world. We grabbed some coffee

With five miles each direction to cross and limited time to cross we were a little concerned about pace but just figured we would see how it went. Well, I was concerned, Erinn on the other hand runs ultra-marathons ten miles is barely a warm up for her. We started across with the other 26,000 people and quickly realized we were

Discover MI: Walking the Bridge

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in each direction! So cool You don’t get the real feel of this when crossing in a vehicle but as it is designed to do the suspension bridge moves in the breeze! We made it back to St. Ignace with a Michigan bucket list item checked off.

out pacing the majority of the pack. If you haven’t done this walk I strongly recommend it. We took in a beautiful sunrise and other breathtaking scenery on the way towards the lower peninsula. We made our first cross in well under two hours, plenty of time to make the return trek. We crossed the first finish line and got our certificates snapped a couple pics, hit the portal johns and headed on the return trip to St. Ignace. Knowing we would easily make the double cross we got to take in more of the actual bridge as well as more of the scenery.

We finished up the day in the UP hitting the upper and lower Tahquamenon Falls before the journey home and back to reality. Definitely always a fantastic time in the UP. Until next time.

I stopped for a picture and felt the bridge swaying!! I went onto the grating, looked down and could see the bridge moving about a foot

Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine


Inn route to Hocking hills. It features a technical morning option with over seventy extra miles of county roads- 180 miles total- to lunch. The Ridge Inn was wonderful as usual, and everyone was ready for a break. The afternoon return route was about 100 miles of twisties on nice pavement back to the hotel. It’s based on part of a personal fun route I use to get from home to Marietta.

On Wednesday, I checked out the new Morgan’s Raid road route, which mixes a bit of Civil War history with a twisty route. It follows part of the 1863 Confederate army incursion into Ohio between Nelsonville and Senecaville. Like the other new routes, it required a couple of changes. Updated GPX files were uploaded to the website and update info was posted on the home

MSTA FlyBy Week 2022- August 22-28, Marietta, Ohio

Sport Touring Corner

On Tuesday morning, these guys were excited to do a spirited technical ride, so I took them to check out my new Norm’s Ridge

Checking New Routes-

By Norm Kern, MSTA Editor / Contributor

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friend Dan Steinberg from North Carolina wanted to ride the Beallsville Diner Lunch ride. One of the most popular in the FlyBy Week collection, it features many of the best twisty roads in Southeast Ohio. Dan led a group of six riders at a very fast pace on his BMW S1000 XR, followed by Chris Meredith on his Suzuki B King. (And the rest of us a bit further back!)

It became one of the most popular routes of the week. By Monday evening, quite a few people had arrived, including Brad Trout, Shane and Grayson Willacher from Galion, Ohio, who had been to a Moto America race in Pennsylvania over the weekend. They read about FlyBy Week in Thunder Roads Ohio and stopped by to check it out. Dan Trampel, who attended FlyBy Week last year, was back with Anthony Crawford and James Gillette from Chicago.

Friday morning I planned to ride a technical route with fellow volunteer Lou Laguna from Pennsylvania. He was going to

MSTA FlyBy Week was fun and exciting this year- over 160 attendees had a great time riding the twisty roads of Southeast Ohio and Northern West Virginia. My friend and bike wash guru Jeremy Riffle and I knew attendance would be double last year for Monday – Wednesday so we arrived on Sunday to get set up at the event hotel, Comfort Suites Marietta. We were ready to rock and roll on Monday morning!

This year’s route selection included three new road routes we did not get a chance to pre-ride, so I spent the first few days checking them out. First up on Monday was the Country Lanes West Virginia technical route. (The “technical” category refers to twisty routes that use narrower county roads with less than perfect pavement- sport bike riders want to avoid them while riders of adventure and sport touring bikes seek them out.) It rained off and on most of the day, but this 220 mile route was so much fun on my 650 V Strom that I didn’t care.


Jeremy LOVES to clean bikes. I had an attendee ask me, “What’s up with that bike wash guy? I rode over there to see what was going on and he offered to wash my bike for me!” Yep, Jeremy finds it’s a great way to meet people and make new friends. All his help and supplies are free to attendees. (Also the Muc Off power washer is so much fun to use!)

bring someone with him but had to cancel. I then expected to ride by myself, but as I got ready to leave, old friend Mark McCoy asked if he could go along. Great!

There was no dinner tour on Wednesday, as our hotel provided free tickets to guests for the Dun Wright Smokin’ BBQ food truck that was in the parking lot. The food was tasty and convenient- very popular with our Thursdaygroup.andFriday

I wanted to do a short ride to allow time to rest and prepare for the evening closing ceremony. Just before I left on a 110 mile route, Dave Brickner told me there was a gravel road error in the 60 mile short route.

Evening Activities-

As I rode my route, I kept thinking about the other route problem. I got back early, saw I had enough gas and time to ride the 60 mile route so I took off. Missed a way point and the GPS told me to turn around. Thinking I may be riding the route in the wrong direction, I turned around. Soon I saw that was a mistake too, so I shut off the route and just followed the track in reverse. Turns out that the gravel road was only 18 miles from the end, so I had made the right choice. I turned around, hit I77 and was back at the hotel quickly.

The Closing Ceremony

Jeremy Riffle of Vehicle Enhancements, a high end detail shop in Dayton, Ohio, was busy all week with the bike wash. He was set up in the parking lot with a tent canopy, a Muc Off power washer designed for motorcycles and a commercial blower to dry them off.

Other HighlightsThursday-Saturday we had our favorite massage therapist, AnneMarie LaFrance, of Morganton, North Carolina, doing free mini and full orthopedic body massages.

About one third were first time FlyBy Week attendees and about 15% were first time MSTA event attendees.

Next year’s FlyBy Week will be held August 21-27, 2023, once again at the Comfort Suites Marietta hotel. The 2023 flybyweek. com website goes live and registration opens on Jan 1. Thanks to all who attended and we will see you next year!

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Finding People to Ride With forms were available and several volunteers reached out to new attendees who were looking for riding partners. About twenty people took advantage of the forms.

We introduced national MSTA officers, area directors, event volunteers, and gave away door prizes. We had 168 riders registered from seventeen states. Charles Borre of Daleville, Alabama, rode the farthest at around 800 miles.

Dinner tours enable attendees to go to nice bars and restaurants in downtown Marietta without having to put on gear and ride their bikes, making it easy and safe to have an adult beverage if they wish. Monday and Tuesday transportation was handled via car pooling by people who trailered to the event.

Bike Wash-

were back to the dinner tours, this time with a trolley bus to handle the larger crowd.


The GPS help station at registration was busy all week, helping people with settings, choosing and loading routes, etc. Paper routes were printed on demand for those who needed them.

As we pulled out of the lot, a half dozen other riders followed. They were staying right with us and I was so distracted that I missed a turn and had to turn around. They all turned around too! Turns out they were Lou’s friends and they planned on riding with us. I stopped and found out who they were. We all had a good laugh, then rode together and had a wonderful

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ALL ARE WELCOME! We’ve always believed that the best thing about our bike show series is the people that both exhibit and attend. This isn’t just about the bikes – but about the people building and riding them as well. After doing these shows for more than 10 years, its great seeing how many connections and friendships that have developed over the years between folks coming to the shows. There’s a common bond that exists between riders – and there’s even more of a connection between the folks that take the time to restore, customize, or even create their own bikes. People start talking about what they’ve built, what they have at home, and what they rode up to the show. If you’ve got a bike you’re proud of – we’d like to invite you to join in and put her in the show. Even if you’ve never shown her before – that’s ok.







We’re all family here.

Make sure that you check out our events listing on Facebook and follow the ones that are of interest to you. We will be posting updates and more details about the shows and new programs as things are finalized.,and it’s been an amazing year with more than 800 bikes being shown in the series this year! We will be featuring the results along with photos of the bikes and events throughout the winter, as we review the shows and begin looking forward to the next season.

Great Lakes Motorcycle


Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine

1515 NEW FOR 2023!


1. New Trike Categories – including Custom, Stock, and Vintage This category continues to grow each show, including some amazing custom – even “radical” – three wheelers. We are planning on keeping side cars in the category at this point.

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Have suggestions or thoughts? Email us at , and let us know what you think.


We’ve posted over well over 30,000 Bike Show and event pictures on our Facebook page, with most sorted in Albums by the particular shows. If you’re home and feel like reminiscing about warmer days out on the bike, take a few minutes and check them out. You’re welcome to tag and share these as you’d like. We are working with some new partners to offer the ability to easily get these printed and sent to you – with just a few clicks. Hope to have an announcement on that shortly. Currently, however, we do have the means to get you posters – even big vinyl banners for your garage – of any images we have. Our partner, NEO PRO IMAGING ( ) is able to do some amazing things with pictures – such as metal or acrylic prints suitable for mounting on the wall or professionally displaying. Email us for more information

4. More unique trophies and prizes! We tried offering custom Prize Belts, Rings, and show placards this year. Working with show sponsors, we plan on expanding this for next year.

2. Adding more BIGGER events – fairs and festivals. This year we partnered with several larger regional events to host bike shows, these included the Wild Turkey Festival and the Union County Fair. These events gave Exhibitors more things to do during the shows and certainly brought more folks to check out the bikes. There were challenges, though, as we had to make sure the bikes could easily access the areas for the shows. We plan on improving that area – primarily through pre-registration and sending out passes in advance.


3. Electronic voting system. We are considering several options to allow electronic voting by those attending the shows. This would speed up the administrative side of things while still ensuring that every vote was counted. Once we get things figured out, we will share our system with the Federal government. ��

Each year we review the shows and consider we can expand and improve the shows for the following year. Here are a few things that how we are considering at this point.

We’re able to produce full color vinyl banners of photos or your design –for less than $2.50 a square foot!*



*Tentative dates. Date and details to be finalized and will be announced in future editions of RTR or at


As we look towards next year and begin locking down dates and locations, we will similarly begin planning for expanded and NEW Thunder Zones for 2023. These vendor / exhibitor areas will be managed by Iron Cowboy Productions, LLC as a compliment to the Bike Shows and other festivities we have going on.

Thunder Zone Vendor Areas – FAIRS & FESTIVALS in 2023!




As we announce dates for 2023, we will begin accepting vendor and exhibitor applications. These Thunder Zones are a great place to set up as a vendor selling to the motorcycle community, as a service organization serving the veteran or riding community, or as a means of promoting your riding organization with upcoming events.



EMAIL us TODAY – if you’re interested in doing any of our shows for next year. We will begin signup within the next few weeks, so don’t delay. Send us your contact information and a brief description of what you’d offer. Send to: AndEvents@ReasonsToRide.comwe’vealreadystartedadding NEW SHOWS and locking down dates for 2023! SERIES

We hosted an Iron n Ink Tattoo Party at the Elyria VFW as part of their Bike Night earlier this summer and we were so impressed by the location and folks we worked with, that we went ahead and added a BIKE SHOW to what might be their Bike Night Finale’! This is one of the best Bike Nights we’ve found this summer with games, giveaways, music, and vendors. It’s at a VFW so of course –it all goes to support local vets! DJ Ed, formerly of Quaker Steak & Lube, hosts the festivities and he does a great job of keeping things moving along.


March 31 – April 2, 2023 Cleveland I-X Center,

We’ve created a Facebook group for those interested in exhibiting their bikes - MIDWEST MOTORCYCLE SHOWS. Join for even more shows from across Ohio and the Midwest. You can also discuss your bikes and share your show pictures there as well.

Register ONLINE at for these Bike SHOWS and more!

Thursday, October 20th


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These are just a few that we’ve already locked down, but we have A LOT more in the works! sure that you’re following us on Facebook (


VFW Post 1079, 500 Abbe Rd S, Elyria OH

For more information, email us at and follow us online at

6-7pm Registration, 7-8 Voting and Judging

2023 Summit Racing Equipment I-X Piston Powered Auto-Rama



Vehicle Registration is NOW OPEN for the Annual Piston Power Show in Cleveland. This is the largest indoor vehicle show in the world, and once again we will be hosting the motorcycle area. However, they are tightening things up and will only be featuring 32 motorcycles as part of the display – and they will be finalizing the selection process before the end of the year. So, if you’re interested in participating as an exhibitor – you need to get on the website and get your application in ASAP! And for everyone else, mark this one down on the calendar!

We are currently reviewing locations and locking down dates for our 2023 Bike Show Series. For 2023, we are looking to expand the show throughout the Midwest, and we are considering NEW locations. We are looking to add both more local BIKE NIGHT SHOWS and more larger REGIONAL SHOWS. We are also considering adding 2 more of the CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS as part of regional motorcycle rallies. If you’re interested in hosting a show or having us produce a show as part of your event, email us TODAY for more information at


The Awareness Game – I adapted this exercise from a similar one described in Jeff Cooper’s classic book "Principles of Personal Defense." When out in public, you will undoubtedly encounter people with whom you are familiar. You will see friends, neighbors, coworkers, and associates whom you recognize. If you are truly aware of your surroundings, you will notice their presence before they notice you. When a friend walks up behind you and taps you on the shoulder or calls your name before you are aware of his presence, you are not fully aware of what is happening in your environment.

In order to maintain a high level of awareness when driving, I recommend an exercise called “commentary driving” as described in the book "Defensive Living" written by my friends Ed Lovette and Dave Spaulding.

Track every encounter you have on a calendar. Give yourself one point for every time you notice an acquaintance before he or she notices you. Subtract ten points every time you fail to notice the presence of someone you know. If you are still in positive numbers after one month, you are doing well.

Greg Ellifritz is a retired firearms and defensive tactics training officer for a central Ohio police department. He holds instructor or master instructor certifications in more than 75 different weapon systems, defensive tactics programs and police specialty areas.

With that said, I would like to suggest a few drills that I use myself and teach my students. All of these exercises will work magic when it comes to making you more aware of your surroundings so that you can better diffuse or prepare for a criminal attack.

These are only a few of the many exercises designed to increase awareness. There are dozens of others. Try one or all of them and be prepared to start seeing things as you have never seen them before. With diligent practice, you will be much more prepared in the event you are targeted for a criminal attack.

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Firearms trainer Tom Givens describes “awareness” as knowing who is around you and what those people are doing. That’s a simple and extremely useful definition. Instead of finding escape routes. you can use the same random alarm trick I mentioned above to ask yourself the “Givens Questions.” When your alarm goes off, look around and ask yourself “Who is around me and what are they doing?” If you can answer those questions, you have good situational awareness.

Now that most states have a process allowing citizens to legally carry concealed handguns, many of you may be carrying a firearm more frequently, or just starting to carry for the first time. A common mistake I see with a great number of my students is an obsessive focus on acquiring and carrying the “right” firearm and associated gear at the expense of neglecting more vital aspects of self defense.

Commentary Driving – In the modern world, most of us spend far more time in our vehicles than we do walking. It is important that we not succumb to the tendency to see our cars as cocoons of steel and glass where we are completely isolated from the outside world. While it is sometimes comforting to turn up the music and become lost in our thoughts while driving, it is seldom safe to do so. A relatively high percentage of crimes are committed in or around vehicles.

Greg has a master's degree in Public Policy and Management and is an instructor for both the Ohio Peace Officer's Training Academy and the Tactical Defense Institute.

Carrying a dependable handgun and quality support equipment is certainly important, but when it comes to prevailing in a violent confrontation, having excellent situational awareness is much more Ifcritical.youcan observe the pre-attack indicators early enough, you may not even get a chance to use all that gear you have been obsessing over. Winning the confrontation before it starts is always the most prudent option.

Situational Awareness for Concealed Carry


Escape Routes – In addition to being aware of the presence of potentially predatory individuals and groups, everyone should also be aware of all possible options for escaping violent attacks. Set the alarm on your watch or phone to ring at random times throughout the day. Whenever your alarm goes off, look around and determine the best way to escape if you were attacked at that moment. Over time you will have developed escape routes for almost every location you visit on a regular basis. With enough repetition you will begin to look for escape routes and areas of safety as a routine part of your day.

Look for Something Unique – When you are moving about in public, pick some type of object to look for. Articles of clothing work very well. Try to find people wearing red hats, denim jackets, or gold necklaces as examples. This exercise will force you to notice everyone around you. For optimal effectiveness, look for something that men wear, because most violent criminals are male. Looking for items such as wristwatches or rings also works very well because it will force you to look at people’s hands, the place where weapons are held and attacks are generated.

The exercise is simple. During your commute, take notice of your surroundings by forcing yourself to verbally describe everything that you see. Actually verbalize audibly what your eyes are seeing. It should sound something like: “There is a blue car on my left”… “The light is turning red”… “I see a man walking a dog on the right” and anything else you might notice. By putting words of description to your thoughts, you will process much more information than usual thereby making you more aware of your surroundings. I also find that this drill works well for keeping yourself awake on long nighttime drives.

by Greg Ellifritz


Makes 1

Serve 4 (or 2 hungry bikers)

Great Lakes Motorcycle

1-1/4 fl. oz. white tequila

Put the cherries in a blender and purify till liquid (add a tbsp of water if needed)

Oh ya, you read that right,

1 tsp oregano

1 tsp onion powder 1 tsp garlic 1 tsp salt

For more great recipes, visit

½ cup parmesan cheese

Immediately strain into a rocks glass filled with fresh Garnishice.with the cherry

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1 cup diced tomatoes (I like the flavored ones by 1hunts)tbsp corn starch

3/4 fl. oz. agave nectar

1 fresh sweet cherry with stem, for garnish

Cover the shaker and shake vigorously for 30 seconds.

1 pound ground beef

Old School Stove Top Lasagna

1 cup cottage cheese (or ricotta)

1 tbsp fresh chopped herbs (optional)

Turn off heat, uncover, stir in cottage cheese, ½ cup mozzarella and let stand to thicken at least 5 Serveminuteswith remaining mozzarella and parmesan cheese on top (and fresh herbs-optional)

1 tsp sugar


1 fl. oz. fresh lime juice

12 fresh sweet cherries, pitted

Add hot water, milk, noodle, corn starch, tomatoes, oregano, basil, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and sugar, stir well


Brown hamburger and drain off grease

½ cup milk


1 ½ cups pasta (egg noodles, broken lasagna noodle, spiral pasta, etc)

1/2 fl. oz. cherry liqueur

2 ¼ cups hot water

Pour cherry puree into a shaker

Have a recipe that you’d like to share? Write it all down and send with a picture – to Put RECIPE in the subject line. If we use it, we’ll send you copies of the magazines and a RTR T-Shirt – so include your address and t-shirt size as well! Thanks!

1 tsp basil

Add the tequila, lime juice, agave nectar, cherry liqueur, and 8 large ice cubes.


1 cup mozzarella cheese, shred

Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer 1220 minutes until pasta is tender


Grand Rapids Motorcycle Swap Meet - Fall 2022

to see Everyone



year and asked for Timemore!!!toline the

Plainwell 131 S Main St, Plainwell 269-366-5272

Wolverine Harley-Davidson 44660 N Gratiot Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48036


Wolverine Harley-Davidson: SWAP MEET


It's time for our Annual Fall Swap Meet! Bring your old riding gear, collectibles, or parts! We have plenty of spots available, call today to reserve yours!

Wolverine Harley-Davidson: TRUNK or TREAT, Trick or Treat, Trunk to Tour Pack!


10/15/22 09:00 AM


All trunks are welcome to our Trunk-or-Treat Halloween Celebration. Decorate your car, truck, or motorcycle. The more, the spookier! We'll have door prizes, demo rides & the Jumpstart* (weather permitting), and a food truck on-site for Lunch! Invite your friends and family to this Trunkor-Treat Halloween Celebration!

10/09/22 10:00 AM

44660 N Gratiot Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48036 us on Facebook



Paragon Promotion presents the 40th Annual Grand Rapids Motorcycle Swap Meet & Motorcycle Show Buy, Sell or Swap Bikes, Parts, Leather, Accessories, Tools & More Food & Beer Available General Admission $9 per Adult 4 Mile Showplace

10/15/22 10:00 AM Annual Pumkins in the Park Motorcycle Trunk Treat They loved last motorcycles up and out candy to those smiling little faces. Decorate your scoot for chance to win some goodies!!! wait out again this

Trunk-or-Treating will start at WolverineNOON!

10/15/22 10:00 AM


1020 Four Mile Rd NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49544 Gill 800-800-6034


Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine Powered by


RideToReasons EVENTS


10/15/22 09:00 AM


1020 Four Mile Rd NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49544 Gill 800-800-6034


Wolverine Harley-Davidson: SWAP MEET

Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine by

the motorcycles up and hand out candy to those smiling little faces. Decorate your scoot for a chance to win some goodies!!! Can wait to see Everyone out again this Downtownyear!!!

It's time for our Annual Fall Swap Meet! Bring your old riding gear, collectibles, or parts! We have plenty of spots available, call today to reserve yours!

Wolverine Harley-Davidson: TRUNK or TREAT, Trick or Treat, Trunk to Tour Pack!



All trunks are welcome to our Trunk-or-Treat Halloween Celebration. Decorate your car, truck, or motorcycle. The more, the spookier! We'll have door prizes, demo rides & the Jumpstart* (weather permitting), and a food truck on-site for Lunch! Invite your friends and family to this Trunkor-Treat Halloween Celebration! Trunk-or-Treating will start at WolverineNOON!

2nd Annual Pumkins in the Park Motorcycle Trunk n Treat They loved Us last year and asked for Timemore!!!toline

Wolverine Harley-Davidson 44660 N Gratiot Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48036

Visit us on Facebook facebook,com/RTRMichigan@orforuptotheminuteeventlistings,

10/15/22 10:00 AM


10/15/22 10:00 AM

10/09/22 10:00 AM

Grand Rapids Motorcycle Swap Meet - Fall 2022

Paragon Promotion presents the 40th Annual Grand Rapids Motorcycle Swap Meet & Motorcycle Show Buy, Sell or Swap Bikes, Parts, Leather, Accessories, Tools & More Food & Beer Available General Admission $9 per Adult 4 Mile Showplace

131 S Main St, Plainwell 269-366-5272

Harley-Davidson 44660 N Gratiot Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48036


RideToReasons EVENTS

10/15/22 10:00

Leathernecks MC HarrisonBIKE NIGHT

Pit Stop Bible Study

Kickstart Sunday Service

KickStart Sunday Service is our weekly Sunday morning worship service at Victory Biker Church VictoryInternational.Biker Church

Come on out and support your LOCAL ClubhouseLeathernecksLEATHERNECKS!MCHarrison

Leathernecks MC Harrison: USMC BIRTHDAY BALL



12190 Miller Rd, Lennon, MI 48449 810-271-0002

16 S. Clare Ave, Harrison MI 48625 231-838-5152


16 S. Clare Ave, Harrison MI 231-838-515248625

11/04/22 06:00 PM


ABATE of Michigan, -

Fall color motorcycle starting at VerHage in Kalamazoo three ending at Happy's Landing There will brisket pulled available at Happy's landing and a new maple apple hard on from Corey lake

be smoked



Come on out and support your LOCAL


Wolverine Harley-Davidson: Anniversary 20 YEARS of WOLVERINE H-D Harley-Davidson 44660 N Gratiot Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48036


Celebration CELEBRATE

7th Annual Fall Colors Run

Paragon Promotion presents the 49th Annual Kalamazoo Motorcycle Swap Meet in 2022 Sell or Swap Bikes, Parts, Leather, Accessories, Tools & More Food & Beer Available General Admission $10 per Adult Wings Event Center

3600 Vanrick Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49001 Gill 800-800-6034

16 S. Clare Ave, Harrison MI 231-838-515248625

Come on out and support your LOCAL ClubhouseLeathernecksLEATHERNECKS!MCHarrison

11/02/22 07:00 PM

PitStop Bible Study is our weekly time of prayer, worship, and Study of God's Word - the Bible. Victory Biker Church 12190 Miller Rd, Lennon, MI 48449 810-271-0002


restaurant and bar.

11:00 AM

REG 12


10/30/22 10:00 AM

Farm and Cider Mill 8619 W. ML Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49009

Leathernecks MC Harrison: BURGER NITE

11/06/22 11:00 AM


10/21/22 06:00 PM


fruit farms


stops. Ride


Kalamazoo Motorcycle Swap Meet - Fall 2022

11/12/22 06:00 PM

6. Its OK when the person you’re with fantasizes you’re someone else, because you ARE someone else.

4.candy.Ifyou don’t get what you want, you can always go next door. 3. Doesn’t matter if kids hear you moaning and

1. You can do the whole

32 Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine Powered by




5. 40 years from now, you’ll still enjoy

What is a pumpkin’s favorite sport? Squash

2.groaning.Lessguilt the next morning. AND....

What do Thanksgiving and Halloween have in common? One has gobblers, the other goblins.

A woman, whose husband often came home drunk, decided to cure him of the habit. One Halloween night, she put on a devil suit and hid behind a tree to intercept him on the way home. When her husband came by, she jumped out and stood before him with her red horns, long tail, and pitchfork. “Who are you?” he asked. “I’m the Devil!” she responded. “Well, come on home with me,” he said, “I married your sister!”

8. The uglier you look, the easier it is to get some.

9. If you get tired, wait 10 minutes and go at it again.

Son:neighborhood!!!“Whatare you going to be for Halloween dad?” Me: Son:“Drunk”“What’s mom gonna be?” Me: “Mad”

7. You don’t have to compliment the person who gave you candy.

10. Guaranteed to get at least a little something in the sack.

Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine Powered by 3333 •apparition•enchanted•ghost• •ghoulish•goblin•haunted• •hobgoblin•medium•occult• •orbs•paranormal•phantasm• •phantom•poltergeist•possessed• •seance•specter•spirit• •unearthly•wraith• EUWSTMISDOCCULT JNARUIERPEGXAEQ MXCIAARHVHTOLPE TSDHNIAIORTNRQI MEJCANTUPPGIUBQ MLEOTNLHPSHLPAS APPARITIONOBAPH KTSSSZCEWBSOROO RMYHRTUQDYTGASN DZXNNILBOGRBNSI POLTERGEISTOOEA NMOTNAHPFONHRSQ ARETCEPSUQTSMSX UNEARTHLYIFMAEG FGVYWQPLHDUQLDA MONTHLY WINNER: Floyd Decamp



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