Best Foot Cream for Crack Heel and Dry Feet

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Best Foot Cream for Crack Heel and Dry Feet

Crack Heel and Dry Feet show lack of attention on your feet. It's summer time and it’s time to start using sandals, but what about your Heels or should I say Cracked Heel. Don’t worries a lot of us suffer from this problem? We all want babies like feet, but we get this. Feet are most dried part of our body because they don't have oil producing glands that's why our feet go dry and cracked. Moreover, less moisturization, pollution, and often use of medicine for specific reasons as eczema, diabetes and thyroid and etc. With these Vitamin E deficiencies in body as well, calcium deficiency or maybe lack of iron. Dryness is more in the summer, but crack heel is more in winters. So after knowing this information, how can you get rid of Crack Heel and Dry Feet? If your Feet’s are suffering from Dryness then you must go for Moisturizing foot cream and if your Heels are cracked then you must go for Best foot crack cream. But what if both?

These solutions I'm going to tell you are really amazing and you will be surprised. First, you have to take a water tub with 2 jugs of Luke warm water and mix it with 2 or 3 TBS of salt with a lemon juice. Before putting your feet in tub wash your head with tap water to soften the dirt, impurities and dryness. Put your feet in water for 10 to 12 minutes and relax your body. After some time you will notice a major change on your feet, it got soft including nails. User nail buffer to remover upper layer of your dead skin.

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