EVER1 MORRIRO, (ROBOa. BacBTTBBj ItY OREELET k MvK.l.RATll, of srao, r and nas-
tf thi: TaiaeNi: BOtLMaaa, losai.R SAU-ITI., OPfOSITE THII tITV HALL,
jvr Ami taRvaaai to i uy iBeaaribasa f«,r fi> Caats al tM Hfl «, »l>»-ri tl -,-v pri-.e.. I'-'-v .»ri pat in advanie fcw aix iiu.iiii.. H a ... -..- .'¦ liifmni* rn I tw_ Maii "¦ for «n inoothi mrrt,,. Su1--. vuutU II '»'. fl ..¦.¦ > rs in ad H Wllni-swithl aatry,b,.Nawnapws. tiiicti-.- Uum llwsa ot Hat HrOtt ttme ai. not ailovartl li -
TKIIMNE, THK MiM.VOIIK WliliKl.V COI srit.. A\H!Y LAROR PAPER, POR THE booabahai avary Ratvboav Moaaiao.w tba-wrarican ******** |i". Vm, Huaaaaiddreai fas Knht roj-i.-af-.r ar.d tba paper in .ooeaBjeea* UO, ien.,.', tispaid. Ba,.... each iiiaertion. ¦
fcr Uau- OM wiil Ix- tUatiapitBcoata per line timimm: tiik """M*. k BBblial,.-. evrrv TOTUNM- _i. POIOAV by R) iVn iu; lia, Adv-rtue-
>.,. i,t«
"Vt-cli iiiavi...-*).
ertai n,
rr.ornirg in t attt dii-dmi-iK) a.f _| por .«, THK lA.MaAION _C >TT ANO ORAHAM 8T1-R, rn. r«a ii,| a laneeollection of Pa'.noiic atd C--n i.rmnai aid orlccted, adtptrd to Uit mott popui t a". of >i.< pay Olee (lobs. Solo S:ng-rs, Ainstmrs, an '-'
li wnt:axrtiationa will tind thn P.ook/on what f-jod oid faahliDed n.tei.itt uf ' TipP-Clii> acd Tvlrr too.'' rrair-re trr
Tlli: NEW-YORK TRIBUNE islabml mocai woobia, aaaaoa uo roi sabowich kpabiu-iatd oa ths lepeitars 4 aach MaU S-samai tor **** l.Rl.r.LK.V A MvK.l.RATll. l*-.','.-i.»-ra.
flciigions Xotites.
trrr,t,r i
communicatioos, by
iiatem.cU and
Angel haih ipoken to him, lr: ¦ -.<¦¦'. Are thry not a1) n.inuterins tpinit'" H_lir\e n.t every ipint, but try the ipint* wh.ther they Frr -kia l.y FOV. I.ERS li WELLS. No. W PriceS" criati. lf
r.r an
fightagainat <ii d."
RURAL aTcHITECTAI. I. KaN'S aconiplrte deacriplioo Hoitea,
IR*".BelD. Cnttagria-d Outboildmga.comprii.oi _nd
of Kirm
-.a'afiee. -M E. « hureh, New-York.HP nlng Servicn oi the above Church. aunoin-.J-d mt fbr ,...-. Mil Si.niu-1 ir i'r t/i'i,'",' Ae*»ea*U art foarB ti, areof aterttiiv psanaaoa UBtll 81'NI.AY. tha a"*h imt.
Mlih I otroraallal "»orl*-ry. -Rav. I. H. 'fi? -.-.Hall, In (aMM-M.L. wi.l piaa.h in the Maoi.
C^LARK, Broadway
Cbareb BofOBBBBi : l*rr»bvi-rlan -ny Nrr-ond N Cioaby et, near .*vprinr *'.. I. ..I I .-|,.-t«-Rav R tha Paster, r TO-MORROW (SabhatB) by r-*t L US*-' i, in i-ir BNB__B| at 10; o'cloek, and m tbe after'
K, t. at .j
ROlif* JKSSOI', Pastor. ,,
Iaa. alil.-.t i t-ar .id-av., TO MORROW at I"} o'elook, A. U ard 4 o'cl rk, l' M lebjeet, io the afternoon."Toe fa bre and Drtipi ot Ponitritueiit" rV Krv.O. B. * lioaton. wtll pretch T'OB, r R >-V M'iRNIN,;, al ..,- I'hun h .f tha R'-a.oratiou, Borri* p'a-t-, Hr-*kljn. Brrv-ieei cotniuenrint at !"!¦
political filotutf l.unily'a lannr !.THK
l.un trom ri
in Inll f.,r*e al their l|j*adIkth caut#. will nonii-itrr Mo.dav
(iitn^t eoa/tna
»v_r.m., Ann-itt^i.
No 15 Av-,-oue tl.
uf tl.e bet, to'tXIBStltatlj Addrraaeahy OlValucI thr city, aid alao |Oud anying will enllvrn UM t,,rne
«t 10
All who deaira t- do bitt.e urarlrr tlie Arnariran |oy, at ntl« rr sWI iv Wirtirid Scott, wiil havr au oppor.»ro|liii*.lirirDamri Bliiv H B-'lhr AaaoeiatL.n mrrt at thr lame plarr rvrry Ronds-r Mght, wh. ntpeakirK. iinyng aud other entertatnhs^ Rt rxtrctiri will he DaNlKIa IIKRUICK, rrosidrnt. » L. C STii.ayi, Seerrtary. om,
ftpenai Notucs. rf Thf >or.h Amerl.-.-ii I'hiilniix, N. J..A. aoane ol Uoctrt-_l larcuira will he «lvrn at iMstaaBta. prox., Boa, ui. th- riRRTRUNDAY in Auiuat plc«[iiii,uii-B rich auccetiive Su_day duiiog lhe BB-BBBM RIPLF.Y, W. II.CUNNINO and C A. D/tN A. have esch nrifai'il -e Aive at lr_it one leciure be ex-
tt thr coutae, m d other Ineuoi of aaaociatlun ma, ,aeit- to cr-.-perate. Tb, MOTIC1 "m~ Twot Otkiti sNaw-Yat-t.* M 8 PACIRICwUI._lB-.nni; A c ot-d ««-u.. BATintDAY.AB.Bal 81, al l"j Aa UU he irnt per .allti.r hi.n.rr. and the Sutei,arill WM v- BI{*|n _
tay Nnflt-r to |»a«**rn«er*.-l'_t»»n»rn prr *¦**.fA( li K I.,* Liverpool, will plrtuehe on b.ard st tr« tuot - ****-* -'T"18 UAV*
^"Vk 4cS&MR^&
%*%* I'oHtsior Mianipa for tale at this offiee. .n_.rturlnn, Real Ktiate and House pf' Unnlrl T. reoted and renu oollectod. Reaideoce, >7 11-,-oaei
Ttnd-av. OBicehouri. btoHoclock A M ,tao7o'oliK:li TM. tStr Kalracl Irom ihe >ll,iulr«»* of Waahlnu. imUi Na. :«( .'''_..»«« hrld 1 u.* YrXlo-t"..- Al » rnular ira^ioii .f >!i» Lodie. Wore reaolutiooi Uie Wth following luat., tba dtv tvri-ina, iiiarui ,'Utlv ad, tirt arr ha'rl,y br and thtt ihethaiiltot Lod|« Tliat ketoltrd, riiomat Hun', tSBdntd t.. Capt Ha-zrrty ol the ateamloat n arity ,,-iHiict toward Ibe ...r.nlarra «*. tiria |l hi. n|..|i,|. -n the 16th to ili-Hon ex, HhrBweBarj lh lr ,.lc-inc Ur-ir on bt-in, iubtt *>be be-tlff pttanl tlie proprr landuif, foimeri cf thr ian-,- 1-v OBf C-B.B-1ltai I"- 0»_ai-d lua
ie jneotrd, to hia lo br put a»K)'i,. and landrd ua woere we rout,oeat iiiroiivriairncaaiul lota ol tunr on Ina rr|ai_r au.l ITS bSSBb, be ot'ih.s ihanki l.od|e l-r»./ir,l Tnat thr for her unpreBa pn fl le -Miti I'arinlv, ot 8hrewa.mry, h.r inanaion, and Hcrmrrl lad, like c-nriuct id opmiua He orebard and pl__t_-e trti.ti..* ua ihe pi-viirr-, ai ln the lecuati.e a_iuieall we lhat indulfle miittit iroaraot tttui* of thr pic-nlc. have the kfler.l Thut a Coniini.lrs br appolntediliiaito Ib' tltlM, BDir publiali.-d ln IRS bev \\.K TnhWtl tnd t ton of eath oent lo I'uj.t llaa«"t» *nd Mita P*
JD1IS4 -MMll'llY. ,_oniI11,lU)e
tr Hoan*e K*iirea»-\ta ckntral. railroad 8 hKVV-JKRSKY. Twicedail, frooi New-York lo KaaBo. Pa Leavius at 8 o'cloek A M- and i o'eiock P M
Oflice No II Broadwi), Ne_-Yoik._
Attenllon! Allentlonl-S-ott and Oraham As'tW B-iait.-na furi,i*h.-d wilh Klaft Banorra rrantpareai-les M1LLRR at their old ke., t>> Al KKKMAN Koluin aud Ann its ti Naaaai. al, belweeu
lUcd, No.
hy hU uliehnve oa».il lt.. IV Itrroininrnilcd it.asa Kllin ia «u,Miior to all olhers.isit.ltr,
dr*L>T|i .ort m-l cK.i u| ni aiiiiuiula'o vemu-it, anrt pu«»»athr»atri ,|ul,ler a-.a bratrr than any other. Noanlth,ou#h Wri :. ot oui can bS teen la thr watrraKer pasa'.iiii Tit u.a mat lt it »old at lhe low price ol f 1 50, at InAhio Htll, No _r Broudway PbHb AAnOWtx***** Mrandl-Briman Anrl Bo iiiirutactuir, patenUd 181!>, kuown to Iw unaurpatied W an, fi-re.gti imporiatu.n fi r IfUiiwc] or h»-»uty of aolor, B ooialilllty. Thit Orern lt rontideutly iacafl-__BB8a_ ** in lu uar for a pMiBi.tii ihenrtu-e if partieaii-ncrinrd Aaf for purH>rt>i | Venrtian blnos, wallhaufiiifl. Ma'iailaotumd atd aold rlt ia i'>r«uiUJtTii> ettoi.e No hWaRT/.. MJaaeb-st.(Rwaasy.) THEO.RC followlpg U trom SiimtW Mii.Hiif--» I nrrd.-Thr B.»ton. n K Banrt, 8aiat.,a-si. iSaiKatl Bo>T,iv, hri, 8, ISbO. yeanpiit, Ma «'ii iam Bm.i r-Pear Hf Koionaevrral l.-thren trouhlrd with beldnra the crown of tiie lyrntte koo a'oui tix .r arven inch.-a iu cucu. .'nr,n-e. Atter re? i«r<. t»i urrto. othrr k> ca'lro laaaaBiea audb, theadvics, d U eti* thr wmli.duced to uae your lljpnion 1 atn happv kir ihr i ..ip. ar of rrtto.lni her l,«i h»ir; and l> mv tha' itt eti, rt hat >«een to csaie Iba hair l. |row all 1> aod iwi tlr nart a'l* c>*n S^r hat iurd »»lj tw» nilaa. Md 0 irretular.v h.,1 tnr _t.d it !*en<-r Bol o. thr hair would thr that gmwth e-d I Uai'T au.-onvti
era vn
* -**** . ¦«¦."d" '
PiieetSaaata. JTthi.T_.-. i-r.ry, which Iaa
throne', LittelPl Llrinr \g«, in 'Itelf s i-isriniee ol ite nrritt. it a ttlr of m-n in'eir't, ai-n nooi e .ab read it wuhont beir-r BRsetad alanai Batesa Ihawbolelale wiD r.ror,*iu"n witb aaythii | of thr kind thal w<- have read (or aia-v vean. N RLEAEfiOUREi by Cl.arl.a Diekent. Priee I.i, etata. Al NT PHILLiri CAHIN, or Soithe.-n Life A« It Ii; by Vary II. Kai'itnri. A frt»h «upply i! work .urt n -ived I'rice AO eerite. Ko.86 LORRIMO'R KIEI.D ROOR Pr.cs «ctii«. GRAUAMS BAGA/INE, for .Sepismljer. A iplmdid BBBtBM. I'ri.e 2b ren'i. THK CLiP.ORD PAMILY. PrinTSaaaaa DEWITT h DA^ ENPORT, Tribune Bi-ldlagt.
IV HYNASTY, IiiiItj f the J.1 M-n. I vol ,,. pa.rt,
Bonapure Kmilf. hy n.tialia, embeliuh-
tl witb 82 Portraits ia tiat »..rk «».!,«,.i. tl.r
> vo
rj fthaa
aod gi
rh hat feera
a'.ttn.rl, -ra. U. t. raat 'T "ttdaob¦" Krr ia aad aew ia away, U W. T. , ,'. oi 1 iM'd nairaiavr. lli. ,r a li.i.a -. r \ ¦] ana. -r -1,1 ^ria|a! »-l-j>. a' lia. ll *.* .'¦.«-. a| rd peraoea ,., -1 N ;. fl 1 If
-.- -. \. ...--. ,...
OVERINJ; or, THK HEIR OK WYCHCRLY, llii!-r!c_l Romance, l>> i.dr.d Ortjion, hit), ieg.a
Prtes .,¦. V-----1
||,r «t...\
r.-r;. ,r« U.W, '¦ r S*ata Krt -t--r
I and .1
1,1, OLLECTIONS OK A FOUCRAfAM, by Thouiei \\ a'rrt, l.ino., inuilin ib centt. paprr M crn* LNPEBIENCE OP A BARUIsrKK. h-.W\rren Warnrr Kti l.'mo tnutliti 75 crttt. paprr -.*' rrnta. \N A'li'oiiNiV. by Onstavas CONKESSION8 OP l.'uii, n.utlin 7',-rntj. pap»r'-" centa Tbe Slitrp, i-'nqof t'lrelaxivr thrre v,l ain»« ii r -nrrally attribut>, ,
>.ai|, au'.hur of Ien Thoutaad
Siniutl \Aarrrn,
.'i t-i
H_.RO.NE8 0«f HIRTORY, hy Mary E. Hrwitt, ilhua , rt wlth GSleel Plattl, Uu.o., muilln $1 th, full gilt
.1 7>.
ia, i,.
a ,.
i.i\ i
anJ aho'alj-.a:l
l-'t'r ia etorf
o» ,;kn krank riKRHK iad hon. wm.
bINO, candidatea for Preiident and V'.c. Pr-lid ut ofthe li.ltid Rtafes Paprr, price'J5* rei.ti. lOKM-ll, LAMPOKTk COn Pnhliahen, Ne.1 I'aii-place.
llam. *aaarlailoo, .No-'J.-The 1^ ladiiBtrlnl -i_..H.,.if IbtS A.,.c;aii.-u_i,Mf:,-.i.hat . Mrronru. B hr.d -n Iba WA BBB- ai 18 oclick A M at Ho WO ol -1-nu mt lo. tbe c Scaof ^Lo«l Wer.. t. r the purpvedrairi-.ia ,-t withdra^io^ from tho N B-A-iv BisasBBt do so on Uie uexl refular moetuaby .,_ricf the A«*** -n M i.a
> CocomitteB. CUaMRRRR, ii s APPLETON )_
ANU I.O\E. Part III aed eouclnstan of crj.. 1 .j,rti M c-j. TbeTw, KaihrrK." Pn<-<> ui (itprr'A iu thic- paru, in papti $2. Bound ln »«ik Tb* ci,|,'p!rte Mua.Hl ti '" n narrativr .«¦
aa re ....
ai tbl drra;. |.|.ala«.-l ka. al. .".neaamlina Tliaaoifcordaacntjaaplaiaif .
, n mi tne nl
,r.-,|. ,.i a I'ria- oan
«i »ork srifli e it wa
rr- tm »-,
io| ii.l i»i
i.i- ..' -i.r at* Hauir
RAMIULPH ABPublitb.d-THE HK.IIiS iivI'niT. Krnm the Dablia Ma|, ,-ditet l,y REfl s Niivl. Pilcc '2b cectt Ju.t .,-.,,-,,.. Jt_a llyra. -ftit. G I i ll TION. New R.-vitrd Kditii-n. Pn.a A(i eate. THE I I'PKR TEN THOl SAND. Price Ao oenii: y**tt ii Ib cen't. STR1N0KR i TOWN.-END, 2S Br. idway.
MONDAY. Second edi>EADY the >K\ RH M.JHTS IN liuTHAM. % on
PRICE Pub'.ulieia. No IJ1
Bl SU Ll. k
EDITION, RBVI8ED.. mtt P APPl.ETON k CO. have -utt aud Maiinf.II lamr pabljibsd: Al'i'.IANa Rtiuianee. by U. P. R .famct
a l-tooi pnce AO ume, l_wo B Kvicl OtM hancaouie vo.ume, cloth, 7o cents. iBl or mr i ,..-. ,
..-. ..
(. A R D E
ti. wili be pertormed KVEMINA Aug. t'KOyi r. r." LE.
Louiae.Mll-' I'a.-uoat W I^eordier..l8eoeh_ni rir.nird Tuc- i.-vi.,dr ulth ihr Parce JUCEIR81 -I8TER Mrrehand ¦m,lm,.Mr ¦.>."". i>i«Brt tlttri. n cu can ba had al the l'nncip-1 Hotel*. Mama and et Caalle Oareao.
l! M_na«er. RVENIHO. Au«turt tt, to cotn kt*. at »ii'cl.^ with the Ovurtore to Roke.t Bmoe. BBBl To be followed by Ihr l"oroedY of THB lul'K >1_TKR_t. ^ Pour 8i«*e,a.Mi- laBB Drew Tu t* rncaeoOol bt t BALLI'.T Dl VKBTI8KMK 1T. Ul vaaciuaW wun Hanrim by Mlie. Paanaa. Mllei. teari, lattder, La*i|i>e Moaa M*|e, and Uuiibr.t.
... .
An ! the third ac! ol OTHELLO -Net Cirrla v ceoU, PBrqaei. Itxi,. C.rc.a aad all **tt tt*l*\ X5c To (ounaa-ce ot . o ak*B
MUSEUM. >ARNUMS AMERICAN .rl seatt. ahildrea
J Adrmaaiou SAeaata; ponV* H| att axtra tWU week of tbe tom'a p-rformart knowa ss VVHITK'S TH» )P1AN wbo. wiib Mu» K.MMA tbe \\<_Jut Mr ONNOR, tho Uwjic Meiodiat. 88LIE. ¦> La PrOle TAOLIONI, wi.l appaar aTary oRf.o.«w ol 3 Msvery t-eunkxxt at S Cei-ek. The Uvia| RULPENTf.
.Tludi, fJUNU-OnANU. m.
asiaaa ..,....! not p__aas_< i awty. a.-.i, to
_**w.l Pl-RMSIirO:
-< -.
CDanls. I.v rh experienced Woman, in pn'vate family ASe.thtrCoor, private bo*r-in|ti-US*. .
ard i.l
A-dreaT.H BLAKE. A»tor
with PARTNER WANTED..One of businaxt in lake
e*>a.fe a Raaa ai ilOI ka ¦_*... la AsmartaetiveMaa, sritb ihe Ifabova
Meyt-r'i I
to lt
i IV
i '
nr« ^¦'."0, wlio will
en .-rtleman with from ll'-Mo hi.ilrr_> A loilabla age and txp-'ri.-n. -i-r -,'-r< tnred Nune but such n**d apply. L. D. at thii i
tot ( a (ra
PKNOBSi'oT.< ept. WRRaakar.
WATTS'S ("rx.k_.
CJERVANTS..Wanted, Bowery. (.rii-e, No. ill Orand-at, VV'ashlns at
t.-natai Hon»_wi>rk.
:. r
Tba t.r.t-nain.,1 ttr it entlirly new, bull: expreoaly fur thit r.u'.r, wnh tplendid etete-ncme. brieal-roome. Ac Thecthrr two tteaiiiera have been thiarouihlr ovrrhauled and r.-t.ttcl w-th new furniture The lare to Cape May end is $.*; inee'arxtra. Philaielphle * CtlARLKS B IANDPORD Apat CON0RK8S HAI.I.W B Miller, Proprietor. RANSION HOI .-K.Hooper V Ludlam,
and Irotnnf. Iic
B.Kn.ployert can alwavs tind faitlitul and eom^elent
domeitic icrvanti at thii otlice.
WANTED.In respet-ntimber of Children ot b.>th for a
table fair.ID«s, al.o. ot VV omen with Infanti, at low wa*e* be made at the Ottiee ot iheCiiiiniissioneisof in the I'ark.
AMKKI, "»N HOITSE ...M Rrynoldl, DKI.AWARK HOI SE.Jat. Mecmy. CENTER HOUIE.Irnn'h E. Meeray, COl.l MK! \ HOI SK.L. Hirwir... A1LANTIC IIOTE1.Joeeph M.-.Makin, to
br addieMirc l. OV. VV IRE, Kurl Valley, Hoo»ton Coantr, but a good rocali** aod ooe otherwtsa t ully (.'entfia. None education in both kraaeh** ci.ii'petei.t to inifart a hnishpd uamai nred apply. One w.lh soine sxpenence tn teaunnd anuld bc prefir.. 8.
Im-nn ADVFRTISERCrucbles
T Lria.i.* (»
of MU8IC the arOrnainrnE H BVIL
delivery._ A (..'ntlumiiii, wiu. LAWVKRS. ia lhe active and sac«pa_ut
Oentie¬ piaciie*-. lakr chari* of the advocale's part of tbe stkn a oonnection, men ol r.-t.ecta'i.ity, who wish to fortn addrea. lhair «ivio. fru.unr B OR_ea, will oAAirtn A. C,
and SCHOOL8..A PARENTSln teechtnr. to iaaad
cinpetent *nd ornameatal hranehe* of* thortrrprj ii. a.. Uie ... |h Ki _..ali education, (Muiic eieepted and tn the Latia. li prepared to t rm .-Ptniih and Oerman isnfU-kf-* .,n.! «i:tirr m Teacber in a re.pecUt.le » n.r-t Tl.e lari.-.t.vy refprivata family. rrri.n r--. l* |1v*n. AddrrW KULCATION, Boa 4^0. New .-. .-. ti :. iOfl City ..rk.._
Iaeuly espenenc-d u»*ial
detirous toipcaive into her stliool ,-tte ,i. etchinfe t .r Or.. kitram tDl'l ATloNAL. Tnoune U
nne or .». -
nXpkU MaB. Militan » li ha ofta.d te a Raar_ap Rehool of bifhreputa. can ba had oo Mooday or Tueacay , Aadraa I'Ui.Ntii'ALs care of Box No. .-*.. Newof
s*r .
hu i-dy, aad has cf Oemaay. wbo has made adocatian trt-i Profeaonn Be'rutn aad .i_.». w__d like Colv.nterini. an atr_u*»n-«it wiU) any '-Diver_iiy ormatnlese fcr the teaehinof sxe'ent and modern laoi-iaa**. 1 -._ rv. etc e«c. He cotna hiihly r*p__---8-t-->d Aodre** Box tU =** Po*t-O_6ca,
itnataea. c
MfBtialBB adsssi-kr tttrp. .-
¦ -
*********** ie*. nfeai* ara (Vwli ard frag*. lef .
ce_*tobt,D*-.y. B., Tiibaae Othca, wilh
aod rtltr-
.-.«-...-.< 114 "fl^ANTED.TTNo. aBSS^al BohumtD. >chool T.aer.-1-t Cl- U, mmt koopnit. >> Ry Eiiwbeth Welh B_ ki-rer. Torttr*. Boys to leanj Trwdea. Men Boi. .
UUe*^ Zaort****^***
****¦ h
"iSla^ ^^y Lat-i^"-Av_i. .^.Sft S&.M -s-_t*_-s«:daab-g**rz,7:-rt Tka -
BBBBI octrla aUout it Wtm, tti maoogaa le krap ap lhe istaieal
caa.evaa r,w c
mmimeam%ettmpmak*l .;. XX oa Xtntta.
r*_ naa.*
aaxH-aaxaox. ..S ..«._., y.
WIHE WIDE WORLD. **Tl THE aaaaa .,,ii
Man thor.>u_:lily "IV \NTED.***. Retail Otr Pry Oooi* Tra.eto >\ «aaR rpdinw.ththe tb*eap*vcity ol shop-aalksr Tb* b«B overseeo7loact tmmtxry.kAn *td be r»i«irad. A.drra C.
ia a .ta,
arv'v*«l""_;L._itJ Alk_.
'^V'ta'JitTn'fiw-^!'' .Pa.kd^a** aalla.l_.
a. P PITNAM k CO. P-atuoers. _cc art tot sale by all Doo-aalWra.
Hc 10 Parb t
Appi.c-kDU oi rt.a"i _id.*-t***i_a-». Plae** fot mrli rsady. fre* I posta|«. 'r.m NewYirk. tacltata* 81. dii:a*ce d__c,.a,.* me
tm+aAemtmoakntjaM feffift^
02(10. Ry
could drpoat tb* ahovt amomttl ti asaawa .it_Haoa ahrrs itar* woa_.l BB _oa_aO.aas» Ata Beat of ieitr*_w_* rvaa- AAitam work
Tntuaa Ofl__a.
No boarders.
at day an.l permaiieul
KultOD-iC for i.anaie.t,
thit' BOAROINt-..Twoor gaaaad Ro. 1
vory pleaaRnt lecond Bed-rot-tn folei. with B.<*id. to
of houee.
loveuoe, end ttrme.
Loea'ieei a Rroedwe> matt R»nt bo* to eaeeed Irt) Addrete U Rroeiway Pcet '.? oe. ot
¦ ta
per ouei:i:i
Real Cshite for 6ait. GREAT BARG .IN in TIMBERED
LANDS.Tha asveitiwr o*era for aale a va'uthM timhrrrd t.act tf about *<mi ecree of la»d. wiib a aew tttem eawoill (two .awa and on adgtr., .-wt aif nill oati fi, aS; aud teveral Bbsap hoeere. BBM lhe prtmitre Tha traa-t ilea wuhte t.«i>teee unlee of 11, Slmhm Co.. in tbia Siaie. wnbin half e inlleo, tho uthern Railroad er d eigh, -niiae the tleneere .'alley l -, a ,ti N.iii.ia v lloge. I. -iiir*tiiral',i Thera ia d rwtljf i-pioaite the oreinieee a einppiug poiat apoo ihe railroad, . bere ali lumber. tlmber, sh-egee _.-. cao b* tent to thie C 'y, RocI «-trr. K.lmua or eny otbei ,-oiut apou the li-ie of raiiroadiin lins State. I'r i.ivsrueer having moat of ble time eng'oterii with other bt mieee. wiil eril the pru-erty et e >**ariein The .ar.d le beavtiy timornaB, aud u, trotth or larmiLg purp.-tn all ibat :i.a«_rd|tur lt^witii tlmbei, -niile, Ac cn ,'or half ol tne purcbaee m. ney ean remoia on I. nd bk r'gege upon the ur«uiitei a term U yeot*. The O'hrr ha,t would b* reqilr-.i d"WB Or the ealvertiaer w. latr tor lbi hait tn ;- -ad .iow-> ttarledry goode, at Nrw-.oik caah pr-.cre meJi a< hroed. !<. iia caeeotirM rulrd i<*o<l*, tl,-ri'ii«a. hta ry, Ae ail 'o be f're_h aud marSetaMe psuaa aad al tae iauti pnrra utheeeid marfcet. ror the aiidreai of ihe B_v»rrJssr.MbbmO* ..
Na R Dey et
ATRIVATE ALADV. reaidiog ^_
-Mjarden Psrrtr.i » ho houae wlth t! rm. would be preferred Por further laodice of tne Tribune. lornaa'.i -ra. a.... -..
p> ar | a llM BBBB Houae la the viclrmy of lt Meik'i Cburch and I1 Ib f would let. to a party of tieut!coinmuntthe tbe aecond floor, gltiaateaita either furnlthed or uufurnith.d, eetiri wuh t, M.r.-cr*rt. wiih .r wiUuul poiliei board Or a Uenlieman aud hit tand .rntrel nome. whrre a u.,.f dtlin irocurui -jbi. Wife. siSiBSee axd r i.'a at saa he found, may hear of wch by adL. M 7..-UL' il.-eoaUg
aa ha»altnow PARTY toof Gentlemen No MB S_H of Parvlal Uaid lf doilred. ttefercucce
fmnt Ro«,m and
Eamllv. by
* gei leinen » .:<> de.ire. to lo-tte "-.l Tlu pn. ¦ Ti.e > -e.. tu.nahle teterrnce* |iveu. Adeed -t
BAT. Hhl.OR. frtbunaOi:..*
let furniihed or unfamlsh«d, wtth full or partie B.-_rd, m a hn's* with all lhe modern where the French ls only a Kreprh _t.i1; by aupied to
stu.keo, and the ..njliih hut little Freneh lesaonsiit-eo ts the evenlrs Tbe lady wtll also live'etai-is to the ladlw at the houae, or abroad. R_.lari.B-_* ai__ian|-d Addrea No. 4s> Waat .-.iii *t
to LET WITH BO.RDS...table far tamtlies sad ainsle Oaatl**a*a la x *ir*tclaa liouie, r*plete wilh aii ttie anrdern .oiproveuieats, No. VV Rel. true. i et.
MEN, or a O.' and VV ife. may obiain pleasanl Rixarii with rn 1 Bianl. at No 176 llud.onit Aa h.BM bas ail the mnrlin. tmpiovements. Relereoces exchanged
LET.HnndRome fnrnbhedly nuites Alao. Raomi lonvmiPBt to
JL of Roomi with br.ak*aat auitable Nn 1
\\ T
amt a Ba.ib.t, .Mra. 1. ( .COFFIN'B
.rd Ica, far
Apply at
tor a
Brnadway._ 'ANTED. By
young Gentleman
snd Alfe. soine partly iun.iih'd r.M.iu, wiui.ur board, on the .*r. t..t fliK.r nf 8 modern house ln the clty. Anv privite farrnly who wuh io Teduca their reat from B-iatn i-li'.. s jear will i n ,('.lpt who wi.h to liv* retued snd tn tl.e.r.-eltei State part iculars of location an.l rooii.* atd. .1 mita-le, tlie advertiier will eail immediaicly Adiinii BBB, Tribune Ottiee. nn "117ANTED.On or furniitied M unfar. f | eli-sant Parlnr and Brdi_oin, hnus* line ia a front. sp,,i.d nn u.e Ho-r, oiab.d, op town The viiliaty ot t nmn or Mdiiison Kjuares p'eferred Kor iucIi apaitmeota and Board. wi.h an a_r- ett.le pri- ate family, a li'^ral cooippniatinn wtll be pald or tlie rint al a fire house. if the 'amily prefer it. P..r furtber kartieulars, tnn:*.. J D B Brnadway I'ost lltTice. r
TI.e >irP-r p*'t'.' huildloi No tk* Hr .adaay adjainiil " on Im tl Br.-a.1way Th.-ttr-r, li.* 'rtrclpslcelllns II .I' (eet h'l'i. Wxiliit .I'f.atloo for a des-.rtb! .... ra fr^sc... A tfi.r.i d.-cratedin s)mw R,. n, r-aonotbe found in thp ,:'v V-.rn*.*,nnn ctn bo bad imnediatny. Appiy te K P. ROX, B thapwi.
I..N Hlt.llTS -A la-ntlv aboat to hoasa>tha Laa. ef a Hoaaa pleasaatl laaate. oBtr I r saie to:.' t *l Wilh Ih* Wh-kl* nr part ol th-r n Hrock 1)1. Hl|l.-t,
s.c. Thn Paiailnr* 'ii H. isin «ord order. withtogai, olitam a g.nw II be ., ni A to Im tu UDi.itial opportunlty teet Dvt.llinir opon moderate terms, within if.-t miaatai A lioe tddreaed '.. lf lha bastelir r~*""** of New Vork. receive ;.romt.t attenL VV at lhe utlxe ot tkkt popet. N_j .-
POWER to OOMS witl. STEAM A ite _d I'ow-r. to w. h
B Apply IIOO.MS __,
I.ET.Pin. Iisl.t R.orn* tba B**7 l>, nol Bji.dini. toVV A ALLKN.
door. tf
n. 'io
1-daiiy. to LET.To
n ttie
y and Krank-
p.-ii..i--i, s-cond
Ut, ....rr of tiie B»w bnck If BB*, -'.»>. .-irner | i I i i ara wi ot tb-* . oi.e ( ir. lhe ti'.u_*_ ard no chlldKB. 1' pr* hut is .1
ln | nn lhe preri to with
a GaBtlamao hoaee erd ht Wifo, uritk Par >r and H-r!-am. !n aRleeekaweai eetbtimeals,
RaM Ra m oo Baaaai U-*r. w.ih paai-. sl riiehed. l're'rir-d between Ha,u,t.,o acd K-U'Uii t.. and -th aod Btb-eve. Referei.ce giveu aud requ-ted. Addissa K B x- 4 ._ «i..i
u ife
tlie facilidea
tf up and down-town ronunnniiatiuni by RoilroBd tbe cectfr of bBsUirta to witnin osr bio, S ot houee. Pair Uedected Much reduction from doWn toam tad Ra) :loor. _l Ljtrge Oarp.-.cre. Kitra Urrr o^n.t tecond I :y BttsaBaa « .ro. era. latt. v m
fcetaq-iaj*. »!__. Bank splend.d thr-.e s«des. wuh ai, elef actly ligb-»d rtco.8 M y '7
Aop.yatNe^ Abi^gaxja Park, or eddxee. X. L. P Tth*
ot P rdbasa, oa the Harlem Ralln-td. Tha brauti.ul 188 h-rt t.juare, riintainlng frait tieel ot Aitp.ole a-eI-., atvul Ja, and about fire ininutu' weit from the full view of the PelfDe|at. j, a beau'iM rniinrm-a, tn aboat one'i tiie, North tacee. Rver, tnd Loeg Itland, fioiii Cuy Hall. New Totk fhoar g a cou.itrv lealdetair, cen hrre tind one iti rctni e.e- j ,vilt'v l«,r douie fiuatr.eea in ibe city iBfBtrB ol ll S OIl.HKItT, No 5 tt. aSeiween thr h- rt a-t I' ard '.'. whe-e uiaiw may be tad K,r ot I'HAItLKS BrRK.'AN, ou the premleee.
MORRKSANIA village..
_M l..-te (ien ainlng unmld) raiylog la Bsb areofteied fcir SAI.H -e-gb'li of Ten eaat down anj haiThree loU Marrh, parfect antr end ib localloa, Hi-npy Sll view ofthe Kaei Rlvar, and in tba Immedlale vlcloiiy of tlie MBfelaaaH of teve.el of the ni.el wrelthy aod reAlao tiiia J
ote an acre to t:i t.ret, -n the nu tt favoraMe teime per l*'M Tule .r before i a very healthT aid N*aullful
tpr Jta^.r eitl/rnt of Waeatchrater I'ounty houaea aretiahtaa aow Kevrral, our auarter of a mllr *iui!cuig and I. tt arlling rapuilv Kor tnape and olWer lan aiply u lt H WINTON, No ATryos-row, totl
Hailrm Ita l.a«d Oltiee. nppoette (Uy Hall .r t. LET. A SAW .VI ILL ard a KARM, ittuated in'gDinery t> unfy. New. Va rk BBB mile fr. in Aint".ii-irn \ .llage on the t'liickviuniii l reek S nrvrr-'eihng itirem Tba WB -oiitalntirventy Mrasel tou* farmiag land eg»>d t »o t »r» fra.i.n ll..u*e .i d larfs B-ci-a eid aK aeaaasary out buiid'nga, and a living ,,inul |iHxl water. Irodiog b. pipre to the houte, aad th* A .wt to water th-- aock tn the horn yi'd a-> i, im .'ii-a>t,iit quorry, r»».iy op.i,.-d, aod a ailHcleol I ,'ianied to wtll the fe ni with. and wunn iU !. u-t ri,*r ut New-York l ity Km partleulan loajuireof A IM AL. I)"»k'i Kerry, or upon lhe prrmiaee. aira«MreeeA. Hr Al DoWl Kerry, Weetcheeter lo or at Auiaterdem to li \\ ll> -
.SALK A -iimll Kntin of 'JO ikti-b, partlenlaBI No |.*.20,eenwich-it.
iHu.t. al within ,-neuaile from the DepOtat k'.l.tahrthinouire »f Will TRKor town, Nrw I- tey
HK.Al) S.
Itlii'THKR, Hriiggitta
ma power. w-.i adtpte.i to any bi_s_ne_a laa*-. nt DI OI.K.V k SEK, on
tha preue^aa. eaDA01 in th- roo*« fa_~ion»'4le uf Broadpat tablished (.ailery and fittal up ia wtj. l.»tin*ot.e of taa iarsest saf llK*i_a>. the n tat in.j.rove..; and eoavaaiaK tuaoper of aoy n'.her lti to tbe city, to L<if'ori. now D ln .VUy, i-i or Wamkt lit* ii.* » shara ia th* srraLge with tgiud pra< laai cpe'ator to UA'JL ERilEIAN bo.iiMt.D ,i«a of bu w.-v.ce*. Addrea
ARTIST. 1 nbun* Orhca._
a term ol LET OR LEASE.Kor thereon eoa*t___ns
yeaia, th* Lot witb improvement* a fianv* Uweliir.* Hoas* *nd Br.ek Machin* _____p and C Altx Ko«i_.a eumplete. at No i*7. bih-*t, o-*r Avenuewtth brtek tio lot in rear of the above. frontini! on .th-at, lo 11 ___-*.. for snttable Appiy purptae*. bm dios*, kc, H BROWN, No'l Wall-at, from 1 to il
P.M_ Houie three-**tory sultable for one famiiy. r-iniaialni
lor S\LE.
Si.'iatrd aloii. i m'lre Irmn M.UTiatown, Nrw-leraeyj wrliiloca..! mth Kniil, wiih tw,, giaod Ow.lli.ig HbBBBB t«o,, mtht.utee kc, .Vc. Th- Karm romaiut ahout 'i« orrraot » TCi-l|rnt land undrr a g"od tta'n ol culuve. on Kur .ITKHK 10 h RROTHRR, paiucalarsmqaueof WD-uggitta No. ii i irean w ch ot.
STEAM PoWiOOM__ LET, vmmatet Oi**aa Panama, N. G. _.» i-.K. the aawaaJMiaa. HOTEL, '" A-". »-veral smallar RaaaW ...acb brtLCh sti., *a* TH* Hotel ls b, far the most airy, ipacious and aaa th* iwei tbr h-Baia* tacih-l**, mmt Tl.* Utt bI p.-jiia cutJt ht-iise la lhe City of Panuna. mt araU Baktat. Apply imBdth*roo8B*« j0^N D BOWLES, Proprietor MflMRRfatt-aataM "fflBSarABtt tolet. with or without loard. tn a bouee having aU lhe modern ImproveLET.-Tlim* to POWER OTEAM I '-_a.t_ent lor aa otbee. Referenees rNuirad ,f Ble-cker iaaB4l,
o^m Oi ,-f the m, tt drai,a-lr lra.raot Land yet orfered l.'r.air ii *he Land Mo.igtap tn I'heilee Hernan, la the
BROOKLYN -Three trry deelrahle leota. o* '_. it. ie ihe \ih Ward, easan of Noetrand av. and in e vriy piretaut laaaBMa lt. t-ulra of liOftAl'E II. M. Rt, corner of Eiehoi-ge plece aud Hasover-et.
BOARDINO..A Brnad-vay, WANTED -In ranteel priBOARD _aaa*»tly. Rooma SALE FRENCH BOARD..Pleaaaal Itnprnv-m-nta,a. t^OR
t naa ard bli Wife ai No 177 Ka*t side, betwei-a ilutn-ra snd Jettenonits.
Ht could No M Wmt thi tt., between Mh and 6th-avi, tbree or two end hia end Wif'r, aerutnooia-.e aOeotl.oiao ¦ |le QgMl-MSB. wilh boerd The houee has ever, cooveMaan and in R Br. okiyn, wuhee to receiveafew pleoiaut poit of wi»h in the edueated their children
EXCHaNGB.For N»,w-
Yurk. B'ooklyn or V\ nlia.niburih unt*nprovrd or lme proprrt) The Karm ia titueted in Oiangr tloaaty, iinr nu!. i west ot New b.iiih. con'an.t IBS ociee nf the b»tt lar .1 in tlie county. well walerrd, aod g ***, .-omforfaSle Imuae, baint. _c on the tame. Apply toJOSKPli UAVI8,)N, No )7I Br.adway, Irom II A. M to I P M. _
for SALE, G(M)DnnilGHKAl>. of tti
.Thrre of Ml acree rach rhrre H e.rrt, tln-. ofSn ocr.-e.all with |.hmI ba.Idliga. pitaty <>l fiuiL ano D- ar railroed ate>Ion. \ ertoue otlier BM d Koaine, . nd vtllatt- Hi.ii-,-1 aud Lot*. aome to Iw -.». Iiangrd for city irntitl.a'l of .a»y acc- te to N.-w-Y->rk A|>p-y U> S \AI_. Pleiurirld, H J and et Pacifle Hotel. ».i He'i.r duy.. fn-ai I, to '. Leare at 8 and 12 o'doca daily, from n, nh tule t ihe lialtery. n« ecree. thn-e
Hill. CJ>nUinln| beautiful locatl, n knoa n as tne nearly forty H<i) acret. It n cm mutt nisenifieent view of the Hudton River, from Naw York bauke eeveiel villagee. botli to the einbrertng
Uir Pelllttdea, Tappan /ee, aod a BMM pl" ureai.ia ina.i.l wgentle, K-ri.rr> i.cluiling "Sleepy llollow," Ite. Theel.,|* thr acceoe very ee*y, tlie t..n eveellent, tlie .iIibmM *elubr-< u« It 1* wlthUi about fifleeL' walk ol tti. eriiter ot ihe viiiege. of levrn church.* and teare*ai hrat-elaae ochuoll; anu the tame dtarar, .. from llie rail,,-a.i ttttt-». ei A tiraiiitMat lardi-'g The line retldercee ol BMBf afaar be di.ldcd ehinoatn ui thia neighboihood Itcuuld hreadilr ln'.. fraw ..r ii.any parta, every one a,l wtiaa would t* a oumuiaidini irte Another opportunllj Hke thn will uot pnihali ,-i.r vain ae every eliglble HU- NewY'lkandthe Hi«lilaini* lt appropr. ii- .1 Ifeol.l aoon Uie pr.ce wiH br low and leimi S-diTodntng Anply te WM. P I.VON, Tairvtown; or to AHRA.M RKUL'A, 0_8BBBM Hai.l Bii'ldu g-. Nrw York
t«*ii»»mttnt H'.u*." and
I ,^OR SALE.A Applv
I^it, No .9 M Jlhrrrv rt Ale., a Houee and l.--t No. t. ROBKRT KI8HKR, No Wi et, tiom I to 'J A M. aod I to 7 P. M -
FUCTORY for SALE-Tha la_K« and
aod e >.-.,!¦ << ...,* Buidinge end Orouad. aow oeeepied th* by the B ru 'i.thai.i Manufac.unng Company. tuaa'aaln with powlouriohtng u.wn of Blnniughouj, Cooo tugatlier tr, biaoeh ut irful water whrrle end fixtnrre adapted any mtt 'ifa. ture, aad havlog water p«.war uueurpeeted. V*. tii he eold cbeap to eloee e truet. aad ie well wathy of oi this ,
BeeenptUiB the atteutloa of any peiena iw.einnf pT'Prity tur lerma and further parileulaj-a apely Mei Madea laee. 8AM L LORD. No
SALE FOR goawaisaR]
te LET. .A
Co'laia oeir iludmn. L'ola.-ubli I'ounty. 1 *k* h maa le e.n*U'icied, .a cornp'ale .rd»r. end m at pleaeThe groundt an teatefullj Iaid oot, tnd eon¬ antly lr- atrddauca and varletv "f eholce 'rnt treet ttnoaiaa taln ai. at... fi.-r ihiubieryand pleot* Tbere ia alao a largr kltehen ,ar.-n a, d an aiaiiar'irii .ipply -I »afar at thr -l.-o, It ie e n li ,tee wa k of a chureh, an acaarmy. two within tchoo e. fKiat-cltice. ard tha BMSiuO of the railroad, **y lehioh lt ia .*a» than '. ur ho.rt dit'oot tr MB Nrw Yorl 'fliera era ei araa' foas Sally c< rn,r..,,:a.»tioot by railroad aod t'ea-nb Jat wlth New j.,S. The lo atioo, whlle poaratieg tneoe advaiUa-'. t* i»c,i!iarl»hea,,r,t, retired e..d pl-aaw '. a«.ll. ie ..
..rf tt.rre are few pi.t.
tbe kind
mora t**1 *--a
>ar_is, aad for TUe property will br a»ld SB ara ooimodatlug kr.. *epv 'o 'a ver^ ° low Ponce. Por ler'.iiS .HLI No .Waliet. JAMKS
BALE.A Farrn «,f IM Reraa witli0 .f ,ne citv. two booeee, two g'»jd harer,
FOR ln
cn* ..all nnder firat rate l./iprovemeat aijou' I Ml r.r or.aard and aatindanea of SSBSS rodtgo< d ttcne 'mce, fruit Pr-rRl jOU. Al»., e UBBi bar ot othar foroM io dlffrren, irctione Apply lo N ATKINB k HINK, N». VA
Broadway._ l/OR SALE.-1j',
nt tifi acrea .f wlth two go^d bousee, one new aod Iwb r.-rin; two good baras *» Iy H fcet, aboot ****** ""pio.>iue>,ti r-rchard asd ather frull; well waarred BMl le a heeifhy i;*n*'1->n, with «rtt ra.-e markete. Ap|-:y to wfATKIN> k ItlNK.
an acre.
PRIVILEGE. SALE-WATER of Land, ertuate lhe toara of Rbt-ebeeA,
io .6" errei Ma tha village of Uutcbe_i< unty, '1 ea.uthw.rdly the Hadeeo Rj»er art Rh.urb-t-. and ea*twerS.y from L'poB the pre_u_ea Uudou River Railr<*d, two emtlee fall of waler of great vo.are e_ceileat mln atee, wlth oj_e of about glaty feet, _lturd)o| iu_VcleBt bbjOv The land te |BBf tttia.r.ei t .-.-a ._.*'¦ W.haa not aud wei-r:mb*rrd. Tlie deeiiable lu.-ui/e of OARtothe oftered been paullc hrrrti-.'.^r RKTTMN a>.inrbeei. or uf KRA.NCI- T. UARBIfTT. BON.No -2Jo_n-*t New
BOARDING.At Noa. and Eaat T_O p"t.c. UBVEjYcrk._ EXCHANGE for 45_ SALE. LEA8__-A L1VERY LET aaeie*antB_ili*--8_or-orerlt.ia_8_> FOR Eaat 15th-st., T"0" J Tbe' BOARD.No. «t._ As._ antl LET.Two acrommo-atiotiB, good It.Ttth-av^^ T^ B(jaRD.With _ALE.An elegant frea-ataae t'moo-eqnare._ and
Bn«dway, for
OwitiemaB aad IVMR Aieo, for
A few day .irg.e Gen-ieme- eu.uu pleaaant Roomi b-erden can be prondee tot. B__n, hol _nd eold weSar. Apply el No
Bruweeant park, in s private fam-.!y. with aommoluuienitee ct apar.n rnu lultid U) fen.iuel. Alao two or three R.-itufor airgle Oeotlemea. The Llouse ls uew, witb got. wann aod eold beLbe, eea
be obtained at
No- 57 lm_o-plao«, oce biock etM
Wtasa cr rngle Oeetlrrorn ean be eeecBun-deted w,i_ preaent rormi and board at Na. 173 Eaat Broadway. Rrferrncee eachanfed._ their
Gentlpmen and their Wires, aod also analB GentlemaB, eaa ba aescaBmodaud -SITUATION *-WANrEDBctii xi M I ll **T-'*^*t*l_i^*}-_ a Mtn. *r» 7*ate; is a aaai -gmk
aanrnt-.. »..
UlT.iler,-et, Brooklya.
olnie looms.
fn ent wltli 8 pra«tiil_.« -r*. H'Kv KI'S. ...!i_e.
ar mme one
for Mn O, No
rooma eeeure a unportutiity Broadway, relirvedtobe amoui Itr moat .eotre-le ,n ai) niMCUin be hid iu tbee ity. Alio. may oe bad. cueortwe
v<»ung Man. a and an**,cal, con R_ praciirai Deniist both mecbaaical xti.ti.1 _iti. thl Spanish 'ariass* _au d with to .ate Ooodieloi> ii._ arrti
A LONE LADY. raaidinf in Brooklyn. wiahea to tekr Lady and Orntleuian. two youig J\ Lo-ire. t> board. Tieaa vetrrnakera preferred. AdJrete
MERCHANTO..The Principal of rpi) 1 a' t| La^i..' Semirary uthe country. cl lii* arst .
Maaasas »B-M furnlthed B<ui without Boa'd. I'.-nnt \\ ill lie paid inadvance ifdru,oi in Ai-.dnat N.N- T. ibune Oflice. Beat ol referencea
ii..t toexcr.,1 .1. [irr
laa bren er»»nrd nf Ibe law fcr ...nre than lift-an jeari, ls desiroua of a prolealonal coiinaction with a (entlemto of in and abillty mw iu prtetlc* u. thii clly, who sould .
before October,
Coarb anb Rooms. t-rrd
tai Itiarche.. A.c, plpaa. call to-day ***i Br_*dw.y, ftom t* CoX'8 V.t s. in-ol Aaaaap, Na, vacancie* to be t.lled ao tn lv II ind 1 to 5 'elock. Thirtyvailous State* of the I'ninn.. I.adiei aod Ueiitltui*-. ln ^bb*cru..l8 pieleireii. The »Ulh Annual Cireular i* now
A GENTLEMAN ofqaiet habiti wishea
by machinery. i.,rtl,i* of laanufacturins ft-. which a pateat has been appll.d, an* ls dailf e-pected toiaop 11' wantsa partmr to lnv.-at alont ?.--" ... tb* Eicrs..ty nields snd m»chiDeiy, by which freai numbes uf cn.cll.lrs can be made vpry stronfly and tsndf'mal. Bacunty will b* |.ven on the palei t an.i a *»d incom* ...*y te map* by the invtstment. Addiea CRl CIBLK, at ttie ttFct ol this papei._
bTATER H TEL.Jamet Brown,
t. convev pasaa-rgrr. to tbe di*frrrnt hoteli. over a tir.r tornpik- huiliiaatiuinnier. The steamers of thu are -omtotJ-d pftba l-ELAW ARE.Tapt Sam'l evmonr. RK.NNKHH'.I'spt Chee 0.Clark.
Bnie.inan, yoan* Mtn tthn 1- thorouuhly ac,;aain'.ed Witb t),. Cl. tiiing buiinra of clty. ALPRKl) MI'NKOE k CO.. No. 411 Rroadway. a
wa'emi baibiaf, be advaotsgeic-n thr whole line ut cjoat. theit bea;h cuntiot defor rta ta'.tv.and the beauty atlurdi for a ita.e wew.-ul.l that a I ,i connection regular i-al.-'-.i drivs. Steuners Irave New-York at ".o'cloek arddwl) lme nf Ocean P. M fr, m pier II N. R rrer.hing Tai* Itland the follnwn t BM ri ii | at 5 A M where carria_-i will alweyi he in
aiid they r.-ipe, tfully re.|»ee-. the t'avelinjt public of port. Rew.Yorl «nd it» vicm.ty topay tlirm a vuit the approa.-hln leiii'ii. eithrr for pleoture ur the leetoretion of hralt.. for i-i rlace ti nit
Moi.rtl ab.lity. wiihe*too**taln an ei.|t*em-nt ia a ll.urth ta fikiln Snp.-tnr. Simar Tlie besl clly referauoes fitrn Aclrsis, Box '--'- i'ost-Ollice.
i'aving-Stone. Ap|ly at No. __."» l'th-av
ni.'urn.'ih.d Kn-nt, inaiaiill re.p-.taVe f* nilr, with whoin braaAtat tnd te* trtv be had. if required,. »itu a'erl on the i-.n* of ti.e Hudit.o or (!reenw;ch ttxieo. or of t.'-O 7th, ll ef S-tnavi.or upper ptrt of Biee.i.r.t. xnd nn: rt T.ravi muM b* moderat*. Addrea OORAN_.'JN, at thl- cffice tn
MD8ICAL. Lady of tio* higheat 1>AVlNxi-STX_)NE..Wanted 2,000 .' SALESMAN WANTED..*Wanted. ol
as tb- ve.
fc_ iiinieidlng in a very p'.-a«art part of ean ac. .-m .. fcttte a '._. rnut.i' waik firnn Baatb boardtri Iwo larse and .1-aira.le r,»an.on 1,1 iprcta)'|a ¦ad 8B Boar aad a aasalla* oaa ob tha Sd, woald aaUtwteh board fi rl,-- .-mng leaion. laplisatioo by I talO partial t Post Uttice, wuh addtea will bt' att.-nd.-d lo. K \
AARON 0AKR1 TSON, I'roprt-
llif-.t*. S minnte** walk from
TftWAL HAI.I. Tbia largr, new Hnd r|«iant H->tr| lea, w p. n for thr oeeeon. The pul.iic will ,:ad thit l.i-ii- r.jaai to the bett American hoVla L -cati-ii a few riew ,,f thr ocean atepi Irom tbe ihore. witli i New Jerse? .The proprietonof the f-*lO C »PE MAY. at Cape Itland baveleHltsd tbeirastabim* WAN rED, experienced luwirg Hoteli FLLINEKS and bow prrpared to rrcrive viaiuart. ISSeeOB, hai..-, at tl.e New Moorn.i.f HtaT', No Ml li- >tdflatter tlirtnielvrathat tteir accotiimodaliouiare'-J ial, They RARTU 0 LOMEWh WEBD. end'n eom- rr-aj-ecti lupenor to Saratoua Bpnngior Clnw-
wuh pantre* »»__. bed, on the _d floor. above t Handtnme firm.hed '.>>ntl»tin?n tnd their V\ive«. A few stnsle Oontlroien can be hard..-ro»ly accomrr.ods-ed, al No. 173 Hudsoo-st, n*ar St. J..__d's-; trt. r-. m.
L..T-VV ith BretSf.t and Tea, at N* 'ibQ Ontenote., hatm eem MR et. mt W'availy-place. Tb* bou*«h*sail tl.e ntudern 'nipri.viment*.
N.w^Ywt_ SOLD.. iuU\ V O L U MByES ANT? EMH.OYMENr.-Ay.uith. \\> the aathcr of -The t tl.l»UWi>l*EF.CMY W lr. vears of »**. »b* _** -aent some yeara in a Ltw Svole. l_mo I \\i«e, Wire W.iid"idJ-oJ 'bee V I'.uation ln Brocklja Hai th* be_t afraeomamad BOik 0__a__V"1" .( New V ark'and ^od^pbio.1ork^oo^ tm^betktoZ kfl d ability. Caii or addr««* tot R* J O No. ..1 Tillary *t-Tka iMaTll" T."^ i~-* *******ol SB_eeBBfl f.*tj tai tr.tft thtt yot lut aa-tr.t .pir.t Hrookljn._ rnWrtk »» ******** hc***
No. 78 Maideo-
Depc, No to* Brp_d»aj. N Y, reqoeet the publls lo ia_*isal ITH) UNlVKaRSlflES or COLLEGES. I -A Oenlleman, aebolar of distioiroished l civerrtty their inime-ee s_xk of Muns lor \ oloe, riauo. for'_, 4, a, I
..ende, fcv Organ, Wi-n. Vlek>nce!ii>, Horp, Ord Tne gre».t-«t e.Id rvery itvle, for vtrtuoww arr. h-»r> jtu-ra < w-xr*h. Oiders oi lecuoe in lhe I'n'.l^ Buiro, of |: to wiib atteaded ba will Masta firoxfo anl Aaaerieaa
a.wnrr ran
ba ac-om-nodjUed. for the rrBoa. A In rhe coun'ry on tbr BBd lieetrr.hle HadSM ItVBI Tlar location il r .1 ti.h'ng, umurpnaeii tiy anv on tlie river. Adcien V, A Pa.t-OtUe.
k CU-. Muaic
of the 17th evening Thr bave tha
t.i end Wife can <W raf tbe lesaon, v* i'.h
N tl.-ui al Maiebeatcr, ihe f.-r aale atthe Newi Depote and st the l)ft:-r, No j Lourt.t. t amars wiileeive iub«ci.i*-i .u iiie ciiy.
M.inry L.
awt riiu DIE SINKERS..Wanted..A OPIR1TUAL TELEORAPH (pubHahed >a*a l> i.-lakirr. d t 'ewe.'ci woik. A|h tlMOHBRCO N ..VI_:....-lane. | l_7 i) Cbarlas Paiti-MaM |l Japaraaaaaij for the week -.»i-_j-d, oonte :be b|,int ol N. 1' f. t* raa__r_aaM pnirnO Mao'.ftwteA (JRADL'ATE "f WEST POIN T. k-; ihr Kulure Rerolurioas iu ol Yeaii 8ch«.lt, an *.
IBBBBtt-T baetwoMrfe airy Rooma. unocsupird. BiiBmrs tw.. i..-..-.. k*m the bt Cove. iBUBtdiete app leati u H n.-ceeeary \rt.i--ra-t the CIUS ,.U_ri*>rrat Olen Cave. L I
nr. *r. ....
eompotPiit toUk-c *i iry« ATELT.Oa Who I* rrtail atora; m,n« other npeiiapplv Inquire at No _l Sr.utl. .tl.-at, Williamsbur-h, second block trom I'eck-slip
On Suin of
ot B
BOABDH.O..Large anfuraiabed front
tn* aarior. i-itabie tnr
.uinea. wilh the retai1 a'lle r>-l-rei,eei. mav brar of iii tt. lit-av.and' a food lituation by cailinf at the eorner of ii tn ian
.,d wl.,
bi b
t. a
b. applyi.g
k fiom South Perry. at No. _* I's .lfie-sf., near Hiek it Ooe or two pa aa_t room* tnd bodronins will bt let, cnfurnnbed. with Boaid. to stuali tamiliea wthout s*>rvants. Tbe bo_*e is pnra'a. and ih' 11 .*- topether * f«w Mlect boardera, to whota auisfactioa wiil be |-__tnteed.
L*t \\rANTED--To T *t Aatotta Rev enswood,
.- x
le r. riii-odate arith ..r.cle I! taaa, .aad.o.i.el, rd auh th* a*a vf bauh. tn tha *l*a*ot it.-n* Ka»t lah tt., mi* bi,-k above the (. ._e_.d_u Hotai Snaation r.,ur;._j*.-d.
taap I irv|Refrr H'.;So
,"nuired. Ottic nf
anl lo.ati.-_s In the city
Co-t anb fonnb.
n One liviog with hu pven-i down town and i7 yeenj af *_eII tn, betwaea || t -I T. Ibuoe IIAKI..V AKK.
Baheefibei- te
K-xuns Ia*** and airy.
rb'xin t pl-'asaat Room, «.'her fuiltihfd nr ollirrw:-". « ita partie' B.-erd far i Ien -i ,. -t. within a few niiuutea' walk ot Kulton M Ferry Katerenc*. re.ji.ired.
tr-.-t. re. be u v
N. W-W.RK. BOSTON. Ac-A Hard ware dealer ia a ct) ir. (Tarla H rtt. witlire to rnalr an ami irment <u with lome h,-ite ia thr Statei for a paitcrr cr oihsrwiae) r regnler turr!y of American Hardware. Addrees R. C_ I.l RTtn. Toronro C W.
the Tl/'ANTED.Immadiatelr, R ? part Hoiee, end freet haeemeBt.
fiirntshed or anfumithed. initabla for Pamiltea or sfai-i.rrtl.-nier_.*tNo. 113 Blaeokar-*.., third blocAweoto.
WANTED.Io Jobbing Hard* k r)OY postpaH, Olfir*._ 6-tmnn'r Kctr.ats. ol.rain KAKM HOUSE.The C-ANVASfc-ERMryrr't'Vaittraam. BOARD Oalj *_-peri*M*dhaslaaa*_B*aaai villefaofOlaa Cuaily UlfDRRIIILL. WANTED -\ voung baf I) RUG CLERK laatetel BO\Hi) in the COUNTRY..A healtty CLERK WANTED IMMKDIDRl lully C* A P E 18 L A N D BATH ING \^' m_|nifiritint G'BEAT INDUCEMENTS offered
tlie l.-iiim »* can Ire hoUfht. Tn*- '.''*>n»** n. tlli r. . t rtrn rlianee to t sri.trt a.-lv* I- nr inlormanon andrea J. P. A., Box No. 203 I*. O., ¦, tl.
Pur« haaa ia
to Let. with B.wr.l, t familie* who w\V to _i*h thelr own nx_mi, al No 11 Vsrck-i:. _pp..i:e St. J hr.'i ParB; or*. f lha moai plta*-
No 18 ttk ttoek Md faxt-iree ol thr Cl-.thi i M tt. kr.own at 0«n Tsylor'i H-adr. in the of bret lUndt rmr the city. Rent very qtirten.,| l< w Hia cetu occupird as a llothinr Store the lott fire Will be eold on r-acutromart. ol run wi.h a good 5rart. n.t to P. L. ROUKRS, corner of Nu«a acd Ku.'or «-.t.
-r.«. :n
Ccmmua-. ine from aevrnterii S'etre. Wntern BaBlBI M
kt -Ma
flaan-aai tba
I yaan taaa aaaaall fattaaa,
romfortab'e .loose for s Bwde'-tri'-ed fen.ily. witb e ooiel-re «ea ettarBed 4_>d-ew BaiS BRRaw Yo,k Poat OBioe. |inag p_niaa an
of Rooms for a 0*cti*ni*a and bis Wifa to Lot. Board for iu_|le Oantismeo. Ratereoce* re^ Apply
rirnp-d in hu p.-ovioe*. and hai toeae *oor yeara been er twA in '^atli.ns lu an Aineii. an L'-dvU-ll, ls d-sirous tofindaaraati .. as Ti.t-.r ia ,i ra.n'lv uti.-i ln the c.ty or tlia Lanin a Col fasres. be ritri also tea.l. M-J.c. Aadre-* your leliers to A
Rn,j b.*l*
a mile
AFPi ENI H TE AC H E R, well expeR
eity. any di/erttoa, 2S acre*. within 15 sniles wilbn a n.lleof a railroad d-fvH. »r tfeeeib-el lendingthe i:ne of tbr Heriem lai.n-ar pieterred Moee.ale cobbPrtoB , rt and r-neee in good repeir fr_tn li' n to tr\i*i< Karnitng utraetle aod euvk o__> laAea, Mfl But ttdea.ird AdereeeKARM.
lar-f* front
r, to let
le ebarajk-r.
aprre In.luding i.rarly all the Keeteni and fiuptie ol tl.e BBBB Aridress Box No
,r .---_ ica:
of thit paper.
Tiiiar'y *t Biockijn.
i_ood I'n-tr; <...<.k f..r ramxetet e
p.r.'nes: alao. a St.k room wuh pan'rte* with B"and, laa very pl__*t__t -.atiou , in-d-*v. betwpae 9th aad ir**h-sra. *i B.-vid wtv.tu'l R*t*feuce*|lven and r*.;-.-.r-d. Addrea Boi No _.i#> Pcat Offce. |a
a buriorei ealablithrd in a lirutiihing dty ia Oeoriia, cf ta'en, in hii pn-Mai io, »..ltiapi* of tba hWt order Addren 11 .*».. at th- 4km
im tamiiy she last aerved f.r nfeicaaaB-vaale Pr- Ien hving in Brooklyn. Apply Bt Ra
-A \I7ANTED \V Hot*'
8ALE. with Bar Kiaturee. Redi. Tea sc-omiuodate Foity Boerderc. Cai. near Oliver. the prtmiwa, No. 86
) I10ARD-.-A
FARM WANTED-Of 10 nf the ta
HOUSI for Bed-irg, SAlLORS' BOARDING Ne. 13 Poplar-st., BOARD.At PaliOD-Pen., Brooklyn Cberry-tt, TO DKNTISTS Daatbt, who haa BOARD WANTED.ByaStudenT. TO COMMISSIONERS IMRof DEEDS.. PlBHER'R, with for SALEin badraonUi I.OTS [LDING BOARD..Lnrcp BT TO CLOTHIERS_Por sale, the leaae, Bmadway. Qalaey BOAKD..Good Rooma an.l B.anl B EAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES. Apply 1'^(TlHA'ilDWARE MERCHANTSln BR( »oKLYN\.A Gentleman Bnd Wife, ie-rrt villaaea Hailway
ARE I'HANCE for BU-INESS..A machine ot ireat
very profireMe invearment. :n a viloe aad n-edv sala mav be made by caiuni soon M lUn.1 ieL N». 1*6 Kulion it. where a ipeclinen of the ar¬ WM. S. AL'MOCK.. ticle coa ta treu in full operation.
l-Uno. Paper, I8__| >.f 'J'ut-t Montjoj," kc. tmm "-'< Al K!A*-" A Rotrarce. By O. P. R James and M D. Pluid. Bt end ecltloo. Paper. 4 ; eloth, 6 artr-e*
SALE.The Thread url Ne*.:le Store
in oce of the moat of a k-ca'iu-t on BroadwiT Tbebojlneee hu been irvertl yeare »etabiufcid. The ttock conaiate of Hoeiery and ia good order. and wtll be iold cheip for rieh AaiAAWt A U
tr* to
itock, fixtures. Adde-.,
Clodi .V r-r -t A BTEP FROM TIIE NF.VV WORLD TO THE OLD ANU BAfK A.IA'N wtth Tbo-itbtson the Oood and Evil li 'iov> |l W. ln P.oth Bv P" f M. IV Tappan. TIME ARD T»DCi Or, Smv* and VVm. Bv A. S. Ra*.
" '
a. MAR8HAI-U Less-e.-THI8»-.veNINO. Aamvst .'I One lhe aeae.-. of n.ght Pn,f ANlatt weea of U*ON w >o . l J pertutm lor the t-ei.efii Bl hia o^-ot, HARbTEYTINOK. A l.rai.d Solree of .M_^.e-l(',0 Beautiful Il.a_i___.
..-¦.. ¦ -. ai--
Kirope, Spinl * ttlhai
9tmnocmcnia. USTLK
¦w'Bf.-o uiutt
J. DIHTIRNK.LL.N-, 113 Broadway. Country ii.eicliante aud booksollt-n BBM
BBr.k.pB.B,u ;k .J il "ibe
chootint ef Lota llopr Vlllaaf.-Ths ih.. villaos ou H»bday. Aaa » at 10 pnmwe*. Umie w«l ba ar, Urt tai t p.c
U o'cl,..k im «hat -tbtld un w,-l irave < Uv lla.l at BMarBOOB tWk*»0 Bi.rdrtluru aVBtJ li-ur th.oi _>> U.e and o.heia mtrrroTrd .uhar.itH.ia tilB '.irn.ta. The Sl M.-nd.y uMll *v H.i. K.w^iy, aa., at "a o'cl'K-k, to makeaTanjtamentt for drawina-
t-f vi.uiH r
wnttaa aaaa a .
MAPS..Mapa I'aHcd Btaf, and Canida, miunted ard poikft 1* theMaptof the World, do d'. Mapa of Europe. Aiio, mi A (: 11 ER "WANTED7.A Lady well the Piano, and to teaeb to give instrnction Africa, ^orth Anicilca, lientral Ameriea. M-xIco. J_ qtialified lor sale by I'rcDct.. hear of .tood ittoation in Female Sem-.titry,. aod ot thr dt_e eat Statei ot the I'nit.'d Sutes. of
paper of Art and Lit<*r»t_re, puiiliihrd avary ,**atu'cay at No _l SchaK «t. Roston Pr-, m Ai i,.r a .Bveaae. Huhocnpturt rrceiv.ri in Nrw Vork hv artg I.uia. No MB Bioodwa., Maeoo k Law, No. io Porkrow, Ac.
I SECOND tl^aJrTRAlBtET.I*..-.!;¦
D 8ai,H.,No H o Kulti-i. .1 Bleek Sinlth.No 7. H.oaoba.0la,k kCo N>- TTi-'.'»"-¦I**-_ri-*t.; and bv dru?niiU aad »»y la,y I i'r, No
Mav A B
^one.a tDantcb.
rr cn a:t
11 NE .For sale, onr haif of a eewly tnven'ed aod K«ch mac.aire, with t t_em, patrnttd Moeniae. wiil do thr work of twoatT-Rva men ie eheep and mnpla of enneiroetion, aad niturt *v _niv»na.iy adopted by ali oar (armera; a. d pertlrt hJd'.Eg towa or coaa-.y righta, wiil male from f-S to lt" per rAv on eacb <r achiae. Kor par¬ ticulara. appiv to C L. BaRRJTT. Solieitor of Patensa, lot ¦ No 1'. Na 2A2 Broadway, oppoette City HaU._
TVET NURSE WANTED.Mu-Tbe Deal- II Proteitat.t, Arrer.can prpf*n-ed.wanled. SMTtH, Ap; Otfica i_ o'clo- k. at No. 14- Oiaiai-st to No. have removed from
ry Anoihtr waKH IN .ilk. BREA-H '.Tba Rootl r.LT"-i"-TH of tba Kleventh Wani. anri a.i tuo G al.aiu Atai^iati.
ftn It
world. I)
_r«.t t>
Booka and Sutir.Drry, -«. u, No. 3 Park-row, and .'Jo 3 Aon- it, oppoaite thi AaU-r Houae In arnouucing to our Mer.di, and the pnhll-. oar removal t j tbe new aud elniant building loca'r.l oa above, we woubl t,:a-_ ae we uow heie noreextentivr eceomr_od_ri,>ni t hau before, and greatly ircrrosed fecilitaee for d'vni hudBroB, wr rl. ill be plraiwd U. lee ai! deaien ln Booka. \c v.titin. New-Yoik. and wi.iilil aaaire thern tbat our pi'oeaand te-x-iireaa favurable to btiyenu at any otaiereetaluU-iiaest J
wood h inaoa, wrksli,-pt. too'-houaea, eernagr waiun-ho-iirt, t'lblei. am ,ke aud aah li'-utes. ice-bouero. apiary or h».e-h .ute, poaltryboBSv, ral.hury, rioveoote, piurry, berr.i and .heai to¦ c\-:le, ic te geih.r with lawnt, pleaanir |:ouodi ir.d pt'ka; tbB flover. l-uit ar-d vr|r,a*.le parrjeD Alao. uaet-il and ornana- r.tal diamrttlc amnala for thr ro mtrj reaident, Ac. Alio, tl-e beil nirUod of c.nductioi water into catth-yaid* nnd booaea. By laewie K Aiieo. Beaatifully illuatretrd. rrice Agncui'ural B-xik Pubhiher, |1 25. C. M. .SAXTON. No \bl Kult-n-tt., 3 doori trom Broadway.
VS'abxt-t.»a «r»'**.blT .-.rti'..»a by i>..i.(r.-,T...i»( hl** . i .. |- ,. . r.
SPFXTINO the prmcipal Kactt, CaaOM and PecoIiaritiei Invclved in Manifmtationa, tngeth.r withia.
Chanref f_nr Dnsini'aa Ulcn.
I'LETO.N k CO, .No. JfO 1'roadway, bare iis'.-dI P ( 01 NTRV LRTTKIia Edite. by Prof B-, N»t ot,*) Obaervatary. 1 r_l laUno. Paper eover, boc; elotb, la,
OrderafilledatTHETRIRUNEnppICE' hy DEWPPI
for Liv-
.,*"' i;*,rt °-
HOSCx BOOK..PuhCAMPAIGN th»ai ti'ia
.* -.
quiot family.
Part ut e II., pleaaeatJy tu .a'ad oa the waal et'da ef the nry, b.i«»« LaRey aad Gronata A__re-S W., Bcx No _.<«.. Peet-OCce.
RaahHafa-4 iv
k DA EN l'Or.T, Tiltuur Buildiogo, or by tne l'u')i;th»r. H K OA\ IT. No. Itt Broadway. ttF ttitt l"i centa; ¥8 prr hond.ed.
and their wivfa,
aad a fcw enjie Giotaamei. may fiad P*aseat Roucaa, with Beerd, by ef plyiai el Ro. 11 Uroy-plaoe, RleUarat.
No 2K) E*st 23d st. *"' -oton wa'er in b*«*-ment. __«. Ra.'."*.'.". _-. ai. mqui.-e of t. W T.MKIN.. No Oturttr. of r-.<r.V.k
ixn.L (
it., urat.N.
1 i_ Nasaa*-it.. OlBe*
_d ttory
clob itaBie. teet, No iS Cham-er*
cians. otatt
feet w.d* by *> deep. vaoAppl7 to A. BLCHANAN, Arclu
al bnck Housas. Noa 177 and 17. East 17th*t., w-.tb ********* ****** tba modern ._nprcve...*BU. rarMBB. St MAI. of or Wall-*-. 15 No. BLRBtTT, J rfWU I.ARY.No 31 Avaao*C R_at c._4_«ra^ for balaac* of _M y*«-
ROOMS. witt locioiraof T_ LET.Well-lighted IIMONBOM; orwuhoot tieam Power. of anv sim. No lti U*-*C M
LET.Apartments in the Hou^t N*. 176 Oiaad-W- _8_l_*ble for ansil ramily RajI
ooeuptod by Thoy war* r_e*Bily aai 4*c**-a4,
n. arai
hail,D.Bll*_BOW ^.*^.^0^*!0 mmYwSSSk kmyb,,aathaptaa^mm.
PARM-Tbe Houee and Lo«. No l« -ah-ar. Tb* ai dirg .. l-.xfc" leet, fuur ,*ietn bigb, bellt m tae mosl subaeatial nsnner fore flour aud frrdiiore. It lewell ealcalatrd for a ee'-lnet wtntractuty and wan. boaee, or wouM eelt whrre monj ie reqmred Tb« any manufecturti b-ielneie K_rmef_Ho 50 acrea. aaat tho above will le eold low, ora ( Itv will_att*tBinr_chaB«e.oa Loeg lalaod preferred. Korpa-li u._rai-,uireofJ X- WEl.L8.No.
U-.ra^ *eory and BMBBMBB Hooea, ftnleB-d ta ******* tatat modrrn etyM. witb aaa. basBa. ka_ Btaate ia the lae^
partof katt, tuit.gni ¦BM8B-B BBBBBB
of Land,
SALE.Fifty-figh. otHet (reat Wlllisinsburgh. toward Newtowa, JV'TZ. rtlle.e lota. ti U milai dlit-nl trom mllei diitant di-tidin* Into vlllai* ter *LtA,~. __ft_._a> ** of th* -M-*t (*rry Newtown Creea, aa.1wrl.oi half which *tage* the plankroad. SSCS Ort the p.emieee tbera 1* Ura* houa*. tmmTmtamtn aoraat
*nreo ***rv
B-__S_7a! ¦y^\}""K*outb+*e* rj/Br-^wav
an* itrandst. New Vork
¦w-iORSALEnrEaXCHANGK-A. Steamin,.., feet long, W'?*"^*.' Jf tlde-wheel with lf.! Ing waa~~-*v^ foodj. tunnirg orrier, having BO
J fa*t water tnna
a new nj.ter,
owrn«r8 wooM bo a ie *°r f-V~" lnr 1 -__-, ^ .,-,wii ut. »N for her AppHraiir.n to '.. mad* to J VV.VN OOUSrON, t.oU*-*t wharl.
Pbiladolpl..*._ A FEW CHANCE.ONLY TI i AST vil1 OTB LEPT.-I.oU for only $<.(>. » t"" raenliful
Vortker*. *nd two cl,*.,.-. to ohteta ***£**** CTof cost tU.oaet hleh ct-t t*» each. without .dditional vt
IBS LoU, the wnalleet <'f w!,ichar. TNTondersiil.d5.hsa fl flar-WH vill .«e ol Vonkoni. whla 1.
b?iKv-> b, D-pot and Bl iMl ^I'.inlna^w^lkof theBailioad WWr »¦¦¦ J^lSASg -^taaaaaaa M PJiw rsch^ |_" celivo.y ari-Omert. *
_T.1v half
the llud. ¦ R.v*r Bail road will.-
hour . nde
m'p aa bow -od "I- now --*¦-'.' contract to co.' M Nt.. onthe of T_n dollai* to be P*idon on bond and 8th af 8>pu-_ih*r M__t _nd »» m.y ,em*ln Uk* place in the Ml,toaadtbethabaaaaa Uie I Ta-BMB oa tbe 811. ofwiil b* aaaUai H txst addluooal ?jterron without one or more of All oeracni tbet »r* deairnus of prwvunn* »t one*, aa tliere are only a few the**- lot*. should sub-cribtJ Iryti left not eubscl-hed f-MT. .... aa HouseSal*. t f K.-.I Kst-t* at MerchanU' Fl IBIBBB, and MecU at pnvata H t*rmJ' Agent. At.eU.ceer, Real Ketate aod Insurance 40 \x_ll-t...roml" A.M.toS P.M. to 4 I PM. PM. Offlre... (No from M#J N0.24.Oraiid--t.,
TSSbSBS'of6 Kl S*aa-l«aa-ilSaa_
rMldX^"'f nTcoYXT"
B0OK-KEEPINGita hraneh-t,
i.Douhle Krtry B-k keeeins. la ali udiil .|i>Hlli.n of Pavmnita, Aicunt Hal" AceinTa-. Cu,rro, Ac ptaatteBlll La. ht. t-y A. C LKWIS .1 i,.,.tu» Raaaa, Na IM Broadway Termi taaarabla Referen." given_
n.inules. I^r. only 6J cents. Apply fcr«l ferries exerr » Jr.. on the jr-mises. «E.WE» to J. VAN MATlR. BTER. No. 113 Na***.i tt. New-\ork, or P. V K__.M»___., tio. 2S8 Oraad-et, VV ilnamsburgh. .
for SALE or lo LlT.-A new two story well llntshed I wilh giountl attached. wtuated in Fakmount, Lpper Morrisanit; ain. a few J.ot* io Batli.ate -.-r* Paa at both pl-cee accon.n.odatlM teima. Th* Harlem VV No. a2 r to MKRIAH, eve.. bourin the dav. Apply it, N Y.. or to J. h. PARSH ALL, eorner of 5th st and Wasbington av..
No a-'1 Medtaon-tt.New-'i ork .The oent conin.eiiceon MONDAY, tha Mgot ttiis laatfcatMB '-'w.llThe c-M'rae of tiistnnti-in e-i1M tl fcOMOlMl. !' breiet Um whi-lr ran:" M a thornugti and SBBBtBBttal ed-i'aerite where in all tlon inil praetlcable, li iiltirtrated drpart to an ple eppara'tia Puplliln the citj a*e cnvered hy irtrom at ,fir amall eatra Inatt'nta a expenae to tlie psand rent Pupil-t can otitaio boa*. n rnpec'.sble pnvale boardIng li. naet in thr vi, inity ol the loi'-.tu'e. and the termi or ( iicnlantrtec.fying thecnnne ol itudy lution may \<o liad at tlr Inttuute. or furth'r mt .n-iatlon may be i-h'aim-d hy Milreaiii.g "ither of lhe fjllowmg eentlemen, who eoiut'.tii'e the Board aTMnea: . 18 \ AC KKRK1S. OJtn tl******.
K I). Bsown, Treat-irer. J. W ( Lbvebiogb. Secretary- 'r»<-
Jot-i-i, Hasta, Price. Thompeon J.nir.l.
V00 M,Ur*]-
Jeme. Horn, 1). B Kerler. A B. Holmes,
re.,p*n.*d biaidini and Dav Sclioo. ior Young Lediea or Miinritv. Sept. 1 .i, at Ue n.-w and eawoaatan ln-._t;..o No. 121 Clinton-place, (Itb-M ) le-tween tlie .',th and ht!i-avi. llirie be |rr|i»ir,i to eeOOOM the edu-a taa of Tlafy WiH Cirtberotlgb enri aatiafeetory mauner. Young Ladieiin a full culara, containing informa».a>nco-rrti,ir>gthrir mstbota ai d l.-iint. may l-e oliiainetl at thr Srhool or at the ooogItor- of 1 II KleUlirr, No. 141 Neatan-at.
INSTITI'TION f.tYOI'NG LA 1)1 RS, conducted by
be made to tlie I'rincipa',*. No. K W.-*t M K-K AUTiK, Ro. 11 vVooalarM, aud to Mr. ROE LOCKWOOD, bookaeller, No. 111
Broadway._ AND NATIONAL LAW N. YSaratoga
Connty, Bpa, The aext Tenn will eomaxaoet on the Kth or See men .1 tember. Object of tba Irstltunon, to traia young tle Trlal of Cauee*. ai well ai R Eitempo*. Breakini aad iulari, lenl lhe Sitenee of Law. A Cireular. itatl-g W par. »,"» LKB I >y rerioaet dirertecl fpoatna^l tr 8CHOOL, Balliton
Power acd Farm for sals. Tbe aubsenber i.Ners at saie that vslnable i-ropertv known as Aruiitane's pnvste intbenvtr Deltware, UmilesalraveTrenton. There islsnd are about 127 acrei cf land.100 of wl.ich are arahle. to a ana would make a fine Tra.k cultivation. b:_h sUte of Farm. Tbe lmprcvements ofa p.nod l.ous.- and barn, tor a su _imer boatdiii|-house, situation Itisa _tsplendid Tlie water witb al.undance of sliade treesand *fod fisbiop. of the bect t.n tii* river, one be to uacanowledmd power with the csnal on one side. and the Bel-idere Delaware Railroad on the other It will be ¦oUlosr. Kor further aaniculars apply t*> EDWARD M PAXSOS, Attor.isy-atLaw, Do)lestown, Buchs Co., For SALE or to erectid and fur¬ LET.A new Hctiool House, recently VVestniihed, in the rapidly powinr villar* of Yonkeri, rocbestei County. The huiloing 1s situated in a w*ll a.lapled snantto part of the villtae, and every way to the purvose. To a Teacher, of eith-T sex, the deairable for aicriaol of tl.e first openin* will be found most alaw. Applica'ion may I.e inadeto VV. N. SKYMOl H, No.
4Chatl.*m-*<iu8_re. or at Vonkers.
TO plaiitlrd
OYSTER PLANTERS.Theihoreaubfor
best owns two milei of the Vo'k Biver, in the HUte of V Oysieri upon consedeo is th* rtver of the it ii unn
ir.ini^ Cnited
which trstlly titate*. 4d which tli* fiheB'. and -n-st hi|hlr llavored Oysters isth. natne »reto b* (ound. Wben beiayithat "Caph-sle" li r>ec«*_sary torecomoiend cf hii farm, lie has ssld all thstNew-York noiglib... lttoarreat many persons la >.' the and lUtrade Tlie Oy.ter hood who hav* been *ugM*i Sttte to plint Virtinia law lorbtas n. n-rei'denli of ihe subthe of things iUt, I tbl-i r.der river. in tbu Ovi'eri ii nber tbii.ks be m»y di*** se of a P»rt of bis ihore upon iu the very advantajteous tcrtr.., to thoae wi.b'i.u to engsse Oxiter huiibe**. by dividlng hii shore or a porlio- of it into a ce'tain numla-r *f io»i. witb lei.d enoush to each f.r tl.e fruiU and veg .»urpo*e of erectirn b'llldtDg*. and of rainln* tablet lor the Northern mtikct. The land isadmirab.v on the touth silnatad being for Rtrdeiit.* purpoas. adapt.d aideof tl.e rtvtr, neatly tnree milea wuit, wliich eerveeto therebr ofthe wi.di wert the ar.d ipriog. oortb t.n.per B-lordins most efHclent protection asainit tUe lat* ftoau of that sesaon. This t.Her afl.-tds (for a moderete sutn) the meani if lainini a rt-iideoce in tlie Btate, aod of actjuiring the rlfl.t to plaot Ovaten tnd of trading itenerelly in thal line. II the sabscnl-ir can find purchaaeie for some four or five of tbete lols. bn will seli, but would not be willina t > aell olherwise. He is nol' anxinus to 8"ll to Bevertl, but lf one would like to purchate a portion in'se enoush to luallfy his iellin«. tliembscriher<lat* bm, ut^ii very termi. betlers adHreased to Va, will be a'tend.-d to tliesuhtcnf-r. et VViilitmiburK,a'which titnehrvMi! keav* uiitil tlia VOth of Bepten.lier. /or Naw-Tark, on a matter of liuiinesa, for a ahort lime. While il.eie, lie viittinsduten Iiland. Bt refemn* to innl ;.._..1. I'oat. cf Stalen, his wf.ereebouU ),./,.
Tll'.MtS i.llil- tOS PKACHB.Jr.
ILL EXCHANG E. Por improred \*U yf itnimproved city propertt. about $6,f>0ti wrorlh of r
the most fakbiooable Jeweiry aod V\'at.ihes. ApolytoJOtill'll DAV ISON. 374 Ur.adwey, from 11 A.M. to I P.M.
I lii '
| TO $150 fur n F.\ RM of FIVE
I rv. f ACKF.-Kor ial*, Fai.ns well sltnt'ed at Lake Land, L I Oolv 8S >n cash securei S acres; l*aid io monthly in»u Iment* nf |_ each. Thn is a heelrhy and delif .(iui loctt.on Ksrmi sold within a very sh.rt lime, and cow under cultivation, tatitfy llis moit cr. duloui thal thi. Iaid i. well e.'riilated *iir farmioi aod gtrdening and
I.y thessn.e cultivation, be inadeto
I urpn*ea. as mach per acre as land wbich selU tor ten tm** as it.iee much per acre. Ail the venetie. of yrmn, g aat, and garden ralsed in the .r.-at.-st abucdanoe, and .egeUnlr-aie so near the of New- York, where articls
City for
saie commends tlie higbtst pric that s fa.i. er ther-e tidvantagrs rrnder tbu place a desirable one fora |mctical tarmer. who can reelt.. much tno'e rofit from tl.e produ.-.-of hafermtlen by going to lhe far West, and at the aame time en ior the p'easure nnd sati.faition of baving his family s-imainded by tbeir early frienda and assoeiat.-a, and Ihe moral at.d rel.gtoua privileges which tbe great mtss at th* far West are for » long time dep.ived of These farms are now eelling test to actual aeltleia, and will aaaa be disui. la order toaeeore* neat the p.esent j.rice, make ¦aiai lmmeiiste aiplicetlon to CHAS WOOD, N... .'". IJ ,,i1
wey, wtere mepi.
I.e had
_3ct)ools. and DAY 8CHOOL.-iSoARDING .tLjh Tbe Miases ROl'SSKLLE (late of Halifax, Nova
'¦kotial resptt. tfullj aannunce tbat they have opeoed a Scluol i. aokatt st., Ibr lhe i.ducation of Young Ladles. No. 174 will coinpna* Sooth BriH.kivn. The course of Instinction aod Drawnug.. Maaic Kreoch, ; hranehe* Ua in all Knali.h raiti:4ilar attentlon will be paid u> the morals end menners ofthe rhtldrtD comuOtted to their ceie. TheinMiaa*. R., bav ing the advanuse of many yeers' experience teaehin*, Rave adopted a sjsteiu which they feel conlideut wili be ap* a* to Tbe higbest referencrs eao be giveo, and tertlmonials Can¬ aharactrr and aajability trom ladies of tlie tirst ran'i inwiieie ada aod Scotia u.ey be aeen at tlieir reaidenca, l of term* alao can be had.
H.GHTS SEM1NARY. r>R<K)KLYN ALON'/O (.ItAV. A. M, Principal-The
orxiterm of thia lnstitat'on will commence on Moodsy. with every tucilitv tke ("ih of .-.eptember li u furnith*d eaucet.on. A few for a-Qu'.i.tijt a thoroosh end hniahed of ihe Pnn.tthe into b* reclved teunilj will Ladiea young all tl.e in Kngluli wilh B .ara and Toitioa pal ai.d fumished al 9'MH per annum Circular, contaiuing intt-ruietion can l>e ohtaioeii bv applving to toe I'incipel, at ttie Bem.nary, N»a _a and tf^iue
Dlftjcted by V ICTOR BK.Al'MONT, ef the Bchool of Arte and Menufecture* of Pans..Anew of 1/ectare* and Lessoas will be«in on th* lst of Sep8*mber n*xt For peiticularsnearaod referenoe* apply at th* Rci-ool, No Bbit Honstoo-rt .
lady residin^ in a and beeu-Kul ratt of Sotitb Brooklyn, wonid
bealthy ar-d *dugirli lo board Vnto bai family a few roung would bw ca etullt »taa-.a Tholi educatloo aod moiala Innded lo end lti y would enio. all ihe advao-iate. of ao
aad edncation ««.ee_b » and rt-tlred home Te>n.i--_lo___ and .DallOt* .'nglish bia-che*, (188 per aunan. Freuch in advana*. all ***** ib quarterly P»y»-1* Muaie extia. BU1* *~ DKLANKY, Anolv to No. 8 Wyckoff, B.arC4.ur^rt.. Brooklyn.
to find a* lnrtltatk- ta whlch good orier U meintalBed bt avcured by thorourt ««al hlndiie** and rapld Improvement, eud served at th* CtH-iineralaJ iMtractlon. will b* ple*_~d tb aad el-M1.Bhmdmal **ao°-BahooL No Henry-a m *** BOLOMOtN JENNER, rrta^pal
wiahina _
ROARDTTxRKNCH an.l ENiJLISH SCHOOL. No !*7 T-iompaon-.t .The F 1NO and DAY will rt>a>. o their oaUbliahment lor Misari I'ALACHK
lii ARs¥\_r^oITR^E~0~K BOOK-
KKKriNO-Ttitsnew and beautifui woit, printed ueolota. for aai* at the Author'a Cotint'.ns Roomi, for the fraeoo* of Book-keeptng, No. »>4 Broadway. Price, $1 25.
SCHOoL for JLVB Ol.lSlI liOAKDINi. TOa NO l.ADtKM, No '_( Weat lVI. at between '.'baod fclh era. will trt.,ee..D SVTl'RDAY, Seot 4 P»-e-iUeod «ua o.ana wiab.oi to coefer *ith Mrs. Meers ln rela'1 ... to jupiit, willI B_*d har at hotne durtos ichool hou.a tr_n -» Wtyeehk M lo4P M eeendav Mrt Matrs he* nivde an a_rr*_>ge__r,t fcr aa otnaibaa u, convey her pu},il* to and from schooi.
lerrrtt maorttn-nt of l'iinos io thit city ls to lie found etlhe wkreroomant T. OILRRBT 4. CO.. No D.U Brnadk and way, corner oi Anthony it., oppc»ite Broadway Bai and will be sold at great bargaim. TiMJ bave the inetalhc frame, and are warranted to ilar.d any climate. Dealen r-upplied en very liberal tenm. Ollben'i Cottage or Boudoir Pianoe, convement tor imall roomi. Ibl aale low, and warranted. Alto. an exteniive wsortiiaerit ot Oilbert A Co'* improved .K.olia-'; Piai.oe, univ, -ri.llt adimtted to be S_!e Aund. lupenor to all othen. HOKACt WATK.ltS. Pianos and Mt-li«ieoiia lo rent Twenty-five second-!;and ihr *-')<l, $-*J. $-io, folluwiig at $H'. piict-t: eheip. or foriale and $1-0. fll.', |1*'. Jl'A $I3('...II0, $115.and$l*i RHLliO-, 8£)d. Orand .K.olian i'lar.oa, |2-«. $-7,' Boudoir, *fi<jb. do. wiih .1-:oli_n. R'l.V.. i'rioce V C'lMeloP__BO,J-Wj deo_«, Rik"), $,<-, $<o aud $"b. Carhart Melodeon. $85.
for CASH.A
Uve roeewood Pl ANO-KORTK.; has been uied but fou- iiaon'laa. having all tlie modern improvement- fordurafor two years and tuned Mlity a. d tore. Will be wimnted lor one year gratia Apply at the manufaetory and ware¬ room* of M.DONALL" \ BROTHKR, No. M Bowery,
very low figure One at $l"si. one at one at $)I00, and the other h' $»,». They maybeseenat BINCF.'S Piano Korte wareroom, No. M Kultou-it., corner a
of Heniy-at.. Bri-,k!yn
Jk C.
FISCHER, (late Nanns k
Piscber,) meiinfactory and wareroom, No. 1 TO Oreenwith wicb-lt, corner of Dey lt. Piano-Kortei, warrant-d. reverae brldge and patent tube, well calcula.ed for keepin| ln tune Piano-'oitea tuned, lepaired and e_chai)g_d. for aale e
conarqurnee t.opu arity oi their Pl ANO-KORTK. have rxtended thnr tuiiii.eis, and opened a Wareroom ln Broadway, No ti'>5, where we iliai ronttantly keep a chmre aelection .f our from tii lo 7} octavo, in Ros-rwood caiei, with a>i the lafeit Improved pa'terni. We ihall alii continue to keep a full sssortuient of lmtrumi-D.a at our Manufaitory and Warrroo.-iia, No. 2.' Canal-lt. All Piano-Koitel of our maniifacture are warranted in every reipt-rt. Profciori, BiiiHteur* aid thoae wbo ariticipate purchatiog. ire reepectfully invited io call and examiue. All orderi from the city or country punctDaJly ezecuted.
tic* ta h*r*by Evmtna 8chooU for the ed. wborn age* or avi.-ttions arerent thrir all* edir-s tlia Day Bch. <,la. will Setpered on RV FN1 S a_pa.tR UV ..riurm of fowtaen wsash*. Tb* loc-tion nf each vi,.. atu ka made koowu OV eaubie.nient e-veft-aen.ent __k* dt'iy paper. b. BE1DLE, CHARLEB J- BODOE. KIIW'ARI) VVM H. ALD18. FELL, J WELDON * J' ..
WILLIAM IFDuNNElaL B.ardot ..duceiloo. Nrw York, Aug 9, 18-2. CooimUte* OB Ev*__in* Srl.oola nf th*
aad Mta* FRKKMAN TCTE. Mr* HOWARO for the reeeoMoa of pupila or rir.c(pals, srlll t-ftpeB epplv at the Inett WK0NK8DAY, Beat 15. Forclrculara, 1^ Rroadway Cut*, orto NEWMAN k IVIION. No.
a-e ..._._._d ilirlr* for tuaaafcctarinp Maehlnary, ...' ...¦.* * i,' ROOM Mi RAY. Bpaat, Ofl le* ard M ebl en _Mp6t,No Sl 8. __-s_,N T.
te.,.iv. I.l imi
a. t
fiom $.5<i to RVm Kor hire from $.1toA|li per month No. Ml Broadway, New-York. 8AK1-OKO k BROTHKR.
ORGAN FORSALE.^A beautifulpnr-
lor Oi.rn ln mahogany case: would suit a amall church, Odd-Kellowe' or Kieen atona* liHlge. A iplendld plece i.f furniture: muit be sold icou Ca_ b« i-'ii at No. 1 -.7 WomUr it. HAMIiiL. ¦
Buel Company s-e makinr a superior ertid* of i'«_*t Bieel. werrenieo equal ta. ta) u. mar ket. end ar* prep .*... I tnex.cute otoers f.r ell kt',n« ol Ilt.niiiaieri Ce.' Ti -v a-ee.eci.ts Slandi of llolia. end ar. al*. prapaial *n fc. »>-ex-.arut«d receiv.-,.der.furR<.iled and eli.eet Steel. JOHN VV. Ql I Nt. V inafewwi-ke Campany't VV arel.o'.ae, No «l JotM-st N l
BUILDERS. Owner. of l-uildin;r., &<_.,
are re.|i"iud to *san.ine, at the sutacnber's, the Os* the adv latag *tt Oven, a new!> ir.v.nted artiele, comblnini.with tac-l.tirt* far tbe old-f-jhioaed brick oven. and at lus* more but to the cuuipect, iame, boilln* limilar the co. t of the latter. Yanoua ii_**i constantly oa 238 WaUr-st. No BENT. Ja.. h-j-dT BARTLETT
UN WADDlNti and
PERCUSSION th» b-st and
VVaddlnR. CAP>.Eley's Cloth Onn Eley's Pereuaion Cepi, VV .re Carand Spt-ning Ma'.enals. Powder, Fi_i«*. 4ic A lar.e _omplete assonmeat of tbe above tor saie by tha laiao>ert artiefe nsed ¦s
_, ___,
PRANCIS TOMFS k BONd, Ro. 6 Mat.en-len., latita Um ettentioa of bnyeri tn thelr axlenilve i_aurt._ini.kof U.e above good*, which tb_7 offer for **le cl.eep. fur eeah ..r apoioved credit. oftlltiae* A corutnotaupplj of COLM PISTOLS,
LEY'S Grato and Fender Maaufa*tory, No 346 Broome-it.. three door* of the Bowery, adjoinin* Dr. Cone's Charch. Builders si.d others who ara aboui purena*. Ini. wruld do well to call. as he is rooiident that his patier ns, for variety aud eheapue-*. aie u.uurpaaied
BA1N Martifscti.reraof aJI kintii of Suriical and Dental Instmwhich ar* otf.-red
menu. Tiu-ses. Kynnies and fine Cuilery, to Dealen upon the liseral termi.
River Mpot TARLE CUTLER Y..The South at No. Sl Ctitlery Compeny hsve ertablished a Jobn-*t., ap stairt, wlrere a eomplet* axsortinant of sipenor Table Cntiery, Butcher, Cook. ana Shoe Ktuves, ite. may be found, to whtch th.y would invite the attentbn of the F- *-*. QALLAl'DET, Agent. trsri- and large kagam
1 ANO-FORTES..The P spaeloui
finest taort-
ef Piano-Poites In the city mav be found at the wareroomeof N P. B. Cl'RTlS A CO., No. 117 coruntting of Oeorge Hewi'i celebrated AmenBroadway, iin Patent Action Pianoa, T. Oilbert k Co.'i popular JY.ollan Piano, Ollbcrt'a and othen' Koudoir. Also, a vartety of nrw and aecond hand Pianoe for aale or to let. No. 417 ment
CHAIN Curlw,
ot the H EN R Y CLA Y. and
LOBBof SF.Y"KNTV-PIV'E LIVKS..Thia should b* *_--ieieot waming to every travelsr to htm or herself with one of DAV'.*) Patent Life Pn-servers. which oat btitatntle. and ean always be found at hl* esubllshinent, a
No 19 Courtlandt-it.
CHEaP plenk 4} C^ARDS and CARD"SH__ET_-_...Tho roush
per foot.over tin or shin-
,7. cent* and warranted, by OOODVV IN. No. _HJ Spnnggle*, rt near ll..d_oii.
J lubscrlbt-r has had Mftten yeers' pnictlcal experience in lhe n._.m.._cture of Krameletl Card.. and in commeni ii.g htriir. .t fur him.elf inti-nds tn keep on .and a eoiiipleteaisorrnieiit of l.nameled and Colored ('ard* and Card M.eets ___»-_. inche*. which lie will otfer lo ca*h bayen ar prleaa aiwaedluilj bw, All Cerd* ef hl* tnanufacture will be war.anted to well. and ai.y sl/e and q.ial ty of Ce.d cen becut at s few minates' notice. Caljsud set ipeR W. ROBY, tiineniand pr;c_*at No 4 Reade-sr. No, 4 Reade-st, eorner of Centre st.
HAT8..Elegant French Silk llau at $i-$l leu than Rroadway pnoes.
IONH..lust puMiahed at.d for uie at No. Mo Broadwev.up.tair. Pr'ceBl _*. p^rcopy. Also. THK CLTTF.R, a woikon Cuttin* for tailon, jwt publnhed ai the same ni._-.ber. Pric-1. pai eopy.
ImF)orter of
V7 Engliah, Fiench and Oerman Fatcy Oooda. Noreltie* and Toxa, bath usenil and orna a .ntal, roltable for present*, at the Eniporitun, No .*'¦'. Broadway.
A RUBBER 8HOES.200.000 patraof DAT's Patent Yulcani/ed Rubber andJapanned
O.i rti,. ... Tbe**- ie i d* received the firit premium silver med.I at the last an.. uai Fair ofthe Air.eili-an lostitu'e" Exporten a.-,.i cxtemivn dealers are a.|vi*r,d ta aave e pro¬ fit ln ordeting end purchaalni. Day's faciluies equal _,l*>0 B.,. ia a... canti. n*d thu. tne "comi.inauon" paiiiaduy. are a^am at tikail o'.i g> tne ofthreateiiiuc prnaecution to u.y cui-omen. ali fm el.'-ct, lhat they may atiil for ona year more plunder the. tivcket* of ti.e pe.i.'e. HORACK H D*.Y, O.'dest iVinufac'-irer of India Ru'.ber Bhaafl in tha lai'ted dlatt*, owner of ovei R patent r.<i,_s. VV e.ehouse, N.. "
PIANO-FORTES. Peraona aboui pnr-
r-luvair-.- Pi ami wtll Hnd it to thrir edvantage ta call at R Olenn.vCo'a Mani faeii'ry. No I'I Pult-ii-it, (wett ol cf maho-any aud roeeBroeiiway ) A general onaamrtiiieiit hand, a liich » ill i^s eoM low for w o<>d Pianoe connatitly easli or appioved paoe D.-alrrnupplled on lihrral temu U. OI.KN.N k CO, No. IW Kulton-st.
WAREROOMS. No. Thompeon Broadway. i^abl P__Jano-forte one
door above
Pereoni about pnrchanin Pianoa are invited to call at tbe Wareroomi of BKNNK.iT k CO., wbere they will find an -BKirtinent of Roiewood Piano-Kortes, of modern atyla doubte tvery init-uinent warranted for two jeari. Should be deferred be entertained ai to quality, the payment may recrived ln Pianoe Old removed are donbe luch aaUl part Newand aecond-hand Piano* to Let payment for urw ni.-t Si:. Maciafactorj, Noi -11, and 315 Rivibgion-iL
The original Prtnce Melodeon. whlcb baaetood tbe leet for yeara and preved itaelf aauperlorlnatruroent to thoae )f any other make, ean he had only of the eole agent, WM HALL a 80N. No i..' Broadway, (oppoaite the Park.)
\~f~F. .
cy ln the Clty of New-York of OOODYEAR'S Metalll* Ruht.o Shoe Company.All large purchasers are earnnstly Inv.ted t.' call, before purchasin*, at tha Metallic Rubbtr Boot and .wh .«¦ VV arebouie, No -12 Dey-st, wbere they eaa find Inr.-.a Rukber Boots s__d _)hona of eveiy variety, aad ba sore of ottaining the be*t terrr.* end laraest diaeauot. _JOHN VV. CORLIES, Manufacturer's Agent.
WACHINERY OIL.RefinedBpennNeRfa DERPAPER WA__TrablTs__^j7T. Engiii-i,
Foot 0(1, warranted eqoal to the hest Ott, for marhinery nnrpoe** Por aai* by PKTER C0OPER.No. 17 Buritni-slip
Rli'KSON li CO No Ki. Puiu.n-st., otfer lor *al* the lt,waat lermi, VV'niiDg Pepera, Frsoeh aad Ame n can. Newtpnp. r, all s'.7.«a, weinhtt and qaelttle*. Book Pep-r, all, welgl.U and qualittes. Ylssoe Pe;.et. fancy eoloraend white ofthe beat q-iallty. liai;_li,_ rapar, wli.te end oolored. ,'. rt-.enl widlh*.
hua remove.l his HARKISON Warerooms fiom No 211 Canal it
and Manufaetory ntar
to No. 37 Mercerit..
Orand-et, where
be found
splendid anortment of Piano- fortes. iU | PIANO FORTES.New and S«c-
\rx 'ond-hand.( with and withont Coleman's eelebrated in pa t of tiie fa>llowJColian.) for Sale or to Let, eoutiiflng Boiton Pianoe- Hallet Davn Co.; Oeorge Ing makrraOilbert L. Oilbert; 8. Cumeton V _fo; Lord T. Hewi: W Marih New-York.0 A H Bar more; Dubon A War 8 8eibury j C Dolne A ( Boardman | Campana) rlner; Oray M V. Cregiei, and otberi-all of which are offered at very low pricea. Thoee in want of good hargatns are Invited to aallatour Plano-Korte Wererootna, No.+41 Broadway, tt* tween Howard and Orard-itt_LINCOLN A TH0MP80N.
fflacrjincTTj, &t. SEWIMi MACHINE.. thaoe luvalThere longer any expenment in |^ s^INGER'S it no
ueing whwh execute all kindioftnam-
nstle labor-aaving BSBCbtasB and durabillty. Tbey arr *d_pud ing a itvle of great beautv to any kitd et lewiug. ai.d are uied by ladieeon the.r beat cutiom woik. The grea: drtnaud for Uieee u._cl:nea and the ucivereal .etltfectlon thi-y ha.-e gtven. ia no tm_i, proioe tor tbeir ueefulnet*. which nerde ooly to be known to be ep.t ih-ie maprecisted The p.iucipsl oHice for the taecaobeieen ia they ehineitiat No. i.58 Broad* iy where be wil! the where happj to demonpropnet.r operat.on. ar,d itrate their uflity to any one wlu, will
/ KOI 8ALE-AtMrch_D'.c«vilae. Saratoga Co, bythe Amencan I.inen Thread Co npany, ai followi 5 Carda C -I Mulas. 1 Spxilmg Krame_60 2Pramee.2 Sneeders, Cani Be Bpindlee. Warpera, . I're»»ei, 6< Lrx-mo, Reedi, Harneaa, Shuf t-a, Vc._e All of whleh atp:io_e5G coit. cent Irea than the original per
Ilattcrs' Paper, tiuii. and ofthe batatquality. Cloth Pai>ei.:..'a4", hmxtk and 4"x|8. Pallein Paper. on rolls for Uilora. Eniiisb Hardware Paper, » iar_-*_**,,rtrn*nlji_«t l_r1r»l. Bheatning Peper rf the beat quality. VV :i._ Paper, air .ta rat and MenlUa. Tee I'a|ei i>f d.iterent .,/-. Tar Ri.tfius Pet-et. suiubie forroofs, tn rolls.
from over IM steel pla'aaof Impression* furniihed _>c. PortraiU of Kmtnent Men
nerx, American acd Forelgti of the Re'oi-OH-iona. _tc at KELLY'8, No. 141 Fulu.n
Uool, Plaa and 8t)k Machinery, manafa-Tired bj Parr, Curtie a Co, Manchaeter, lmported to orBer Pay ke. their aathor ln New-York.
oent Addreee, for pncee, Wai agecta la the l ulted Btatee. JAS COCK KR k CO. No MJO-BMB. New-Vork
TRVVa, FAR.MERS. tbal <>IL
BKRrS Kxceloior Wrought Iroa THRASHKRaad Cl.K.AM- K. will tbraik and clean, fit for artarbaf, wiih tw. ordinaiy iami bortee. one half to one kuibaJ of graia pe, miaate lt ls portable, eorver.leit. aad doea <ta work A lever tr U'or-.ugt.'y power furetiheJ lf iemtrt Prioa, al. eomplete. withrailway power, 8I7A to 9i'*' acaordio^ to sUb. Addreaa, poef^i. JOSKPH O OII.Br.RI. Ne 819 Paa-.*t.N Y
ls theoriginal InventoroftheChemical Yeast Powdet, which ls preparen and sold by him at Nos t>H and 7" VV'uh. In.'on-st. New-York, In tln eans. Those who purchaa* should see thst they get that with the aboxe name on.
\I/'H1TE Fruit, of T
RRAN1)V-F..r .juahtv. tor ssle br 73 (HFEVKR.'No Front-rt. Als... a iarg- »a.orti:>-tit ai Or.en ana Bla:« leu, VVine*, Riaro.ea. Bpla**, Ctlt-e, _,..UCARS..500 lih'ls. Cuba Mnscovndo. v
by 8)'OFFO!«l), TII.K8TON CO No 4_£lt.ut:. st. to SO _P MAKERS Let'.rt I'at. ot of the l'nited Statea hat-ing been laxued to V\ M MiCORDor'he-"7'r. ol July, for e veiualle unpr,.t-tnenl .-. ap, a'l n.antrla, turera, vebd-ra, aad uaeis are bereb) auta.nrd ti.e t.*e of Kaoli.i,..r ott. .r e-ava.eiit aii.n ltiou* tn.r-rtl., -oai'in-d witb aiau.sola. ai iha-, will, i.y ao doing. infrinse thus patent, and subject themselvrt to proaru'lon. All tbe n-o-sssry tiv'uree fur making 2,.(-. IH* per d»y trill co*t tk t to erceed 9/ti tw. peraonsoelv rr^.iired to atte::d tkt> manuViure. RiJ-Ut* iiisjuutsct-ire this, ti.e most va'uaW* Soa;>, ar* otler_d for .a'eon r-a*ona>)le te.m*. Apply to Wm MiCORD, tio. Ill V it.. ln I,.,,*. suiteble
tha Canada taarkat for saie ,
tbe only genume lmprnvet-.ent (sving lahor and ri|>ense, an nieking lin.m verv white, w.thout i. ur> ti. ti.e ttbrc Refer to the A.xtv H .aie B..ld hy l.r, aia aaaerally. D.p< No 114 MfanaB-. .'AMES PYI.K. Ms'-ta-tur.r Liberal discount to thr- trade. ne»e. _.
OT1CE to CONTRACTOR-**..Sealed TYJ f. r.-sinit and l'n.1. ll Pr-Nnpoeei* Nc Ward -..'
r[ inniog
.7 i Ir-enwich rt ai.J n.r C vper tera, 11 et Scbot.l PMBtBTI aa Plumbet'. V\ urk uptn tne s__me. will be re¬ ceived ttru. PKID.VY. Au^..at27. The plana ai a tioricar. .>. aeen, aad Itape. tiea .f th^ pjt-miaea bt.1, upon apr!iratl.ii THOMAfl K. J ACK-ION. .n hi.e. t. No. 17-.Broadwey, comer 'I M«.,(enlane. Tli* or-Postla. under arai, a*. io be lelt al tlie of!:-* of .lovph Bltrkhnrn No bd Veaev st JO«EPH BL4CKRURN, Chairma-i cf the Board of leb ... Ofl,. -.-i ,f ue li' kVard. Char: I 8T-. ast, Sec-elary.
).\ tl.e (n.vrnior. o>
wi:i be received
their office in the 1 arlt, ui., at 8 o'clock. A M for tha maior,.' at.d c*_-p*"-.'teiV wotk of an ADD.'T'ON to tha HOSi'lT*.'. ofthe Nt'R.-FRIKS on Rat.dali'i IilandTl.* p!*irs end ir*e if_eal_a*_l m*y laj s»en et the office of R.O IIAT. IEI.D, A"'>:t-.t, Ko OCha'haiast. Thttpratne .:
nc*al» fo be e-.-.nipaiite.- th* ntm-a rf two partlea srilfor lhe Uiih.'u! peitorn anca tt lhe work, and »nh tr-«:i reaidrncaa, and the residince ot th* ct-i.tiai tor, and dirtct-* ir. th» 0')V KRNOIfS ofthe ALVL. HOL'MF. Tne name i.f Ibe oonuact _r to be indoraed oo the aaaalaaB,
*the Ooremon reaarve tbe iicbt to rej^ct any or alL, tha of-r^l Oflinr of lhe Ooraroai. of Iht Aat* ..*' H...-.- I* .' -i *x Par. A'..'
rai I
' i,.:.. uxtirc rtal. ua B
i- t
D.vMi B
ita 11... m
ib, bi*
Ra I Rh J(BiN BRL'CE, Piaa
1 T I Z E N S'
*v t
l-:"-! .111 ttint*1''
f.e':i*v" ».)
.i m c-wie .' T*-e lion mujf
bava b.--n ma.ii.'-C' ired !>e»». pntnti* aiU >r.W ..anl wi.e ,,l _,-»t i.l cl ai.'i al I e!ar': ly.etieofrtli.a_n art tuagbaass h.--n have maoefeetured of colil-blait b. The Ma, uit mnt! -
do_e, * ;tl. II The wu, 1* :»<*»-,-iivered in ...
five equal port.or.t durli,«_ ti.. ii,, atba, f Kay, Jaaa, Jaly, Auaast, aud Sept-nnber oftext >e«r 11. Oo dellvery tlie *ir>- w.ll he e-a-mnad and faat-d la thr follctviti maouer Ol avary 5 buudl-a, or i.U-xi Ib*, one Ifctla will be^elccted, la.l laatyei.drd belweeu two poate l> 0 f__t apait, the ni- ri d at. icfled to a capiUu. by which it will be giadua'l) lau.'ed uu until it hreak*. The aaaiilioo now i*. that vme U u*l l.ot brmk wilh a greatrr BBflefl. ti.BJj !ili,.hea. whicii i* euulvalent to 1,3-0 Um., or 90,000 t per luperlxlai inth of.a li.l v..rr m If it itandi thii teit. th.-i, furthei ex* laatioa ,.f tbn l.* (l Iba, iu r»«p-.-t to other qu-lltlo*. wili l-e contintied hut if not, il will be ,. oatraetar. areiected atd placed at the d;m-< «al ofthe l'i. At r.-_-vial' ',* anil fihre. e_c.!i rnd ol e*keln will b» trtted bv heiiillng it aSBBTB over the jawe «f e large pair ofnew ard iiliarp plien, aad oi-nd nr il baek a«sin. The wlre n,uslilauil tiila irtt without the leatt *ini of failure. Itibai-ruasurl ,-litt.i :ty wtll at uie aame time b* exaro...
will then be acceotedcoi.dlllonally. and M per c«nt. of its full value w.ll then be paid lo the c-iiTactor iu bankahle fui.-, ;; The 2,' (er cect. w.ll be reterved four monthi lor.ier. tteald in thal r.n.r. _arts| iba UMStlUuliiM ot the ealltl, any BUie defective »k,-:nt b»- tlioi-iiv^rd.auch ekrina *-.!l br rejected -nd ultceA at tba euatraotar*l di.p-ital, eilhei l.itken ,,i whole. o:l,-d or not oiled, la auch c»ndi'.ii-a Bl they happ. n to tie ri,u ..« tbe progrrti ot the work. The value of lucli wl.e, U-rlher wilh tM rxprmied 0|)on -At) percent. ree-rved it. Will then l,e -,>luet»H ofthe l.V lhe u,'der»i*nerl at the Engine-r of the Brtdge, will be tl.e taale tatfaaaf tbeabowetaaMi hewlll itend aianlmthr rontractor and the Brllg-* Compariirtl uu.pirr between ition tbrrr .hall be no appral panlee a- J fioniforInadr. iinnorted wirev.illeito abracrpted Onelf. P.opiwait hall or-00,00, I1-* wiil aV-uted on tiir Canada nde, aud may be -a.ideil, If in.i-i.i'rH ny uav of New-York. 17 Pinpmuli will he reeeived uo'il the Itt of Ortoher next, they are to 1* tiirectrriti, tha uri,!rrtign-d, at <l i*v ra, N. Y, and ihonl.i be maraed on tiie envelope " I'r.pnaljj foi Bnri/eWlre." 13 Thote contractort, wh _- proneaali are ew-apted, will be iufuriiaral ol tbe fact hy naii hrfore or on thr l'"h of OoJOHN A. ROK.HLINO. toberBezt Kniinrrr af Niagara Kr.lla Railroad _uipention Bndge. Y Aur-nt N. Kalli. S, l-'ii. Nugara
11, ai. h w to make brown ikio fair and olear. I teach bow to remove ten. pimplei and freckles. I teach how to change the aallow faee into one of beauty. I t.ucli how l.. ia. ika ths w. aokh-d ikin tinooth
.,'¦". 1-rlllVrt
hy mail or
Ho.U", GOLH-ST-COOK k MANN", Importersof every deocrlption of eolored Leatlirr for hook-binderi and makeri' uie Alto. F.ngliah mutltn, Ma'tliall'i pocket-biiok tln- ,.l. ard every article reipiired ln the trade. Coniumers wLo buy iu lame quanlitie* w ill tind it to their interett to exatiiite our itock. P.8 .Ru'lng Machlnes. Standing Preties and Cutttng MaShinei fi.rn:il'-d
ihort notiee.
_fnrnitnrc, ^c. and COTTAGE SETS. "L^NAMELEU OILLIKS, C^rnamenUl and ChsraJ___l-MA1HKW8ii ber Kurmrure Vvartl-.ouae No !'.' InMdway,ea*: ilde, ne_r
Orand-it., Manu'actory No 4;, Or.-eno it. Tbr lubacnbe-a having been euaaged exclnalvely ln tha m_!iutecture of Kuameltd a"d Oruaiii-iital CotUiie KurniIure ainee iu tint introductlon from K.ur;)pe, ara Uierehy enabled thrniuh ling eiperience to otier a warranted artieie Ib p, r cn t. le'uw all conip titort Enwutled and Chamber ficti tintS-ed ln tbe most BBfBt> glte ity let tc ani*. tlie bm « retined taitei. Perioi.i frotn the oouth ere particulur'yrequested to eall and examiir our entnely new ityl«* of Er.amcled anJ Oroamental Pun.ia-re, fiuUhed by uiexpressly for the -oatiiera market who de-iend I'nlik- sl! oth-r eitahlnhmeuts ln this etty to Biaaaftctara fc» tbsm to ttll aiaia intheoltly ou ofhett Oiat kaewle| what ipialit) o! material* wero uood in their every eorttrucnr,n, we wouhl .rifurni the public that oach aud article otier-d by ui it maoe t'lraiunhout under our own »pecia.1 luperv.aion, and »air__tod to be of the firit quality maSpleodid tmttaiiom of Rotewood, Oak. Satir.wood, ke. ko.
od band. aara taken ln boxlrg Pnnnture, so that lt can The lnjury. be trensportrd anv diitauce withouti.ctha; leaat alio pa-cut rprinf Hatlrratee, PailleBKs*. PUIowi.
No. ib'i Broadway. ea*t *tde.
MPS, dole*. ".aict, Hall Lamps. Crockrry.Olai Ware, JTr^Ll..ID.OILhmICaIMPHENELA*i
ic.CliinaTea.*Tetti, Tea Trati. Clnna MatU Mu_» and chrap,-rtkan C. A BALUU IN'a, No. bi Bowery, 1 doori above the
a. il Sanren. for preienti, and iniuiy oJier Ul .-iui aitlCapS c'.r* Mlaelliaa any other siore ln the ctty, at
(JRN frUB B..WRI be aold at a bar"P r iam, No tt aatthmWOtta, Oflice ,in,i Ovunting-
HT.i,^, Drtka. Cliaira, dtoo-.. lIo«hi,*na Mahogauy Bureaut, Ito- Irra. StarM" U atrutiand", TaMra, L ollngOil PalBMaaa "t>r and llu.k Ma'treaaet, PalliatSofa B -,'a-«;aae* .--.o-U
8of*», L.ouu|e->, Itadalradi. Kurnlture reoted.
BK.OS, M ATTRr.SSES, ke, st CRA WBL'CKS. No. New-Ycrk..Cheap Orand-r., ^d eoor east of Essex-it.,atteuttm of familiee Store.The I'pholitrry aud Keathrr about piactiMioi ii reaprctfully invnted to the large aud I'&iil xnae*. BnAMaltreteee. of Bed* beautiful iMortiiitnt steadi, Cola, Ac a.i of which bave been puruhjeeed al low .VV,
eash pncee, and will be eoid at luch price* ai M make it an inriucemrnt for all to call and rxamlne the above a'o.ik prev: i to making t.'.e.r purchaaca Uoods aeut lo aay part of the city, Brooklv u and Williamtburgh free of caita^e. Oid Bed* aud Msllreeae* renovau-ii aud .uaaie over. w.cra*\ ui ck. tfiiinafliBoiBt _d door east of Ejmmx-el. N. Y.
vs. .'.." IroD Bertairadiof vanona paitemi, whlcb ftnd ln a way ,hat makeatheai very convenieat, occupying no mora ipace than a chair The attention ofthe trade and ehipper* l*t< ;- iti-a bv HALL *.''»>. -io 2_1 Water et .Commiasioa
Merchant*. N B
B*-kiey, Wa. ien*., Fnaaa. *. Palsaar, .>''! IX >v
of ti.e Crrnpany. DIR11CT0RS. R W. Howei. Jtcnb Rnete, I t arttirel-ng, Jo*e;>f) Foolke. Baaaa. H Fciter, Jobn K ,**tiyea*c, John Uray. Henry R-'adel, i.eorro vv rl.nt, John L. Haekley. f. A. Palmer, Thomas D-sn, Nathei. Sttrr. John Vk Maner.'sn, VV N fwcliilire, (.err_e(ltrk, Lemuel Baags, it bart Schel', J B Harm, Jnrob Aims, N. H Wol.e, Henry SS L.rrrtb, W. J. Kell___t. lames Sandf.rd, Joseph Brltl.u, F. VV FdmcmU, Alb-rt Ward, Ken;. Raba _*, Jolio Mi. Euzece Dut.lh, J8.C0B RKKSK. I'.sii.ent. R. 0 H Hl NTINOTON. Actuary. B CAMSRtLKNl.. Counsel. Wlt. V- Pi'Rtf.r, Se. rca.-y. JOHNT .MKrCM.FE. MD. ) Medieal Kxemiiie... EDWiRD FIKLDS ND, At the Office of the Compin. daily trom 2 to I o'clock. - ..
INSURANCE..Nittional Loan
Furd Llfe Beetatv of London t.eneral Ager.t'i Otlice No. 7 i.recdsst., Jersey Ci'y. The above to *'t-ct imur.ui... .... the livea ol' perCompany continues in the t'nitaii Sintea. and on (a iforoia and other special I.a.a'.is. al rair rate* of pte.iian.. F'ur taru.s, blank tortus,'v aae' ta .1. SJTAIIR, lenartl Agent.
]\1 ANl'K COMPANY, Ni (B Wall-it.-In confonnty 1" submit tli* of their the Company
i*qu;*ilio__i followinf
BTATKMF.NT. AmountofPrerriun.snotmarked otf April'., l-___f-l7__,!N 13 Amount of I'retr.iurris on 1'olicie* lssuei from 3d I. I "7 April, I.-".!. told April, M"._. Total amount of Premlums.f l,l»o.47t' _*. Tbe amount ot Preuiiuin* marked otl during the year, at On Marine Riaks.$l,rV*'. 37 On lnl_.ndTr__.sp.-tat.oa and Navlgation Risks 91. W 00 <-1 Rl, .77,*<_ 18.1 '»4
LeiiRetara Premiumi. Earned Premi-n.s for the
year.$1,4-..,4"* Pa.d during the same period: For Marine Loaes.$714 TM bl
Amount of Kaniit.gsof
Amtunt of Earcing. of 18M.___7,7i". 68 Amount aT Rara i..*- *.f Ml.SW),isu oe
Amcuntcf F.ai_ing*of 1851.-81,. H M Amount of Earningsof IH..'.l:'7. -..; il Total for six yesr*.$l,(..v.,.J8 M Less aaaeaat of firtiliaiea 1847, isi., i .i>, aud 50 per cent. ofl-JC pald lncaih. I HUM
BUls Receivable. SO*','**; M Caili and I'ls*. ttleii Claim*, to be cloied by csih Ul.oo" 91 otnotes. Total AMeU.$I,H48.1U!) 58 The Tnisteej have declar.-d a Dividend of Tbirty-I'.ve Pe Cent on tl.e oet earned Premium* of th..- psat >eti, payable in Scnp. on an J after the v an.l Monday io May next. The Trustees bave also reaolved, the baiance of tha outrttaiidira Scrip issued for the year ending 3d April, lR-V), be paid, with the ioterrst due thereon, on snd after Monday, the l"th of May aaai aud _Ji >, thal tbe intereat aud M per cent. of the Scrip :s*ued for the year ending April, 18.-1, le pald ln like manner, ou and after Monday, the 12th July prox., the Certifica.ea to I* prtsented and canceiled to the extont of pa>nient. By order ot tbe Board, Ti'.i
Joieph Waliiar, Thomaa,
HL'TC.'-INOS, Sjcretary.
D. W. Caflin, Pa-.l N Spoilord., Beptimus Crookes, Herry Slielden, Charles Payen, S. NaisDn, CltailesH. Roier*. Wilaon O Ilt.Dt, Samuel J Beiis, Stewait C. Manb, William Watt, Jan...
Oe*rge i|...t:nss,
Samuel Willets,
Almet Reed,
Chu O Carleton, Luclu. Hopkin*. Darr-I O. II
tresi wareroom an-i iron reo_te\d DEPOT.. Thr.te nw, l.-althy hefli are the beat a* well _. ai.y r-i.rrr Keaoy fur oule. fr.u. $i to chraptit new made one warrar.t-H. Old Mattroeeea ,-. t'rrd $16.teatN.K .Every from to f-U *>\'i. Iron Bed*tr%da. all _| rin» Brdt, atiet *Ld pr.-ei. fr m $ito hd-'i, at No. bb3 Broadway, above n
Bceaard, Jr, Maltby. B M. Whulock, J»in«a T. Souiter,
ELLWOOO VVALTKR. Preaioeot Lh.VV |S OREOOKY, Viia-President.
VV. V.
CHAR NKVVCOMB, Secaod Vice-Pr--«ld9nt.
Huii.iii-it.s, Secretary.
Llfe Insnrance.
ItlANHATTAN UFB INSURANCE 1?J HOMPaNV-CASH CAPITAZa, $loli,!.». _adapea4entoftne Prei.r.-ju. Fund. Oi-iss No. 14b Bnadway, eorner of Llberty-*t. Th'sC'.a.pany cn'.inuea to lmo.-* *.(__.*t ali mxnner ol
Llfe nika, on moat favoiable teruis. Petxor.s may lnsure, payable at any give* age, or aooner la «ase of deaiB California permiu gsa.ted at ledaced ratea. A. A. ALVORD, Prea-deBL C. Y. V-fvip: e, Becrelary. N. D. M'-iKGAM. Actuary. Ai.ram Dt. Boii.M. D., at tht>oBi_e dul y from 3 tol
O'clock. P.M
jlMi.Pl.n Will u.iure tbe heaJth of both Malesaod Feiuala*, at apre_i.ii.Bi ot $_ io $." per year, and pay $2 to 920 pat week t-hen aick, ai.d douo'e t-iat amnuct for funerel «_¦
Bf the .Jearh nf Mr.E. MIL\ 1 »TICE.R. on th.- i»«h intt. thr Captrtnenhip o.-der the J_l LiBBd nrra of WELLR, MILLER * PROVORTam dieailved
The but.nees of the late Hnaes wi'! be contin-ed by the inlecnher*. from thu dale, under rhe nim> af Wl-l.LS k IOHN B. WKLI.S. PROVOST New Yotk. Aug :>' Itbi. RTEPHCN H. PROVORT.
ll pai.rertL'p betweeo THOMAS N DiCKF.M-OX, llA\ IU AUDAMSaiad WILLUM 0 CARRI.'.K (fcrl ar
lliri si.d g autli g f nghu and liceusee to uie aaid Oick.BS n* mv, i.tio_a> u wholly d:.-t*ulv*-d. aud tbr pni,,ic ara d agaitii' . .traaM w.ti **:i D\Yio AI>D/\M.S, fi r tl:e purcba*e of any rig-Uor lniereau ln t*it| l::v. tu na, ai no drailnmr coDtracte u,a,ie with him wil!
1- coi.fiinaed
recogm/cd by the auKacnhera- Rew-Yorb THoMASN. DICKKN.SON WM. O CARRIKR.
of H. .M. NOTICfe..Tho purtnership diy by
LOCKWOOD A CO tatnii AmthwA motuaJ eonaent, and eitber of tbe undervtgnea are autnonaed to anlUe lu aBairs.-Dated Joly .8,1B5H M LOCKWOOD. OEOROE Rl'OD The Ciothlng borinree, In all Ita branehBe, wUl ba con__. urt at theoli stand by uu wbecr-ber
i.vil, ai tbfl_t
ot a.'l deoc.liv R av-..-.*.. 1-un-i.-r. Ibips In Port kc oa a* f«.Btun* 3 .1 o.iIat-tea lo laowaai ut thr Couipa_y.
U tf rpe.-M.Jt_ OasitttR Mutt. B B_m_bl Jas R V r.a ,*.;o. Josepb Rgua_l_a, K.H.--.> rt v. m A >Vr,ro,.r. Jaassa n ,)...««. A W^ilT^ Ouaa. Wm '.'aiiiijb, .1. ^au ue'Lymao, OarrittU J-.ieph N 8a v _§e. A>»he. A P_( n.aa. Siec'ir, \V-MfcnR l.jyl J-ihnS Ma-i-i, li-,. v I) Craaa. WiUU* J Br*e_. Erjiui Lvr-an Marl C l_!.n Wa:t.s ^^* JclM DBBBaar. Wm R -tewaft, \Vi.' »-- W|_|_)v l IBS-BSC Saod-reoo ll-mi lni|r>« UW Oae l\ ao Nur*, Um. W CaraaO, Devid I. JohoW. Hoae, Ct,...-, it II T.i-k.-r. m Copper mott. *."tm «_-. i
at tha "tti.e fo* papers givt_ig a more d.__n:_e Appiy n All couim__nira' m'.at be addreaed to l_k*
expi.ia.ii. D t. VVHtDEN, Prerdect. S*creU_ry po.tpaid 8 A Pik.Kt ri, Secretary. Wm. 11 I-Axuai... m D. Examinlng rhyrician.r*diartca, No. 44 Walker-st.
COMPANY, New-York, Office No. 67 We2i-at.Cash Capital S." .""'..liwa agalnst lot* or aer'.led promptly. damage by Lotses ad.u.ted and JONAtHAN D. Pre_dt>«»-. L. O. lRviNa. Sec'y.
INSLRANCE COMPANY, No ?! Wall*--, eorner of l'eail il CAPITAL v.llil "(Hl. At an eleetion heid thie day. the followinggnntlemeB wera choaen Directcn.ol" ll_a Cotauany for the ens'iing year: Oet-rse Elder, Sampacni Moore. M<_e, T»yi< r, Benj B. Sl-eiman, Mt/.hall Pepoon, hrancis *»kirtdy, Alex H. Oruit, Ctia*. Buikl.tlter, Peter Marlin, Aaa 8 Porter, James B. Wilson, RuiuaBtory, Itaac C Taylor, F'.de*. Wtluam R. Foster. Henry At a stib**vqner,t meeting of ihe Board, *>AMP_10N MOORE, Esq wa* unariniously nx_l_< ed Vr-aidentof tha J. MILToN SMITU. SecreUryCxmpany. Ner-York. F^b. 2, 18.. ¦>. ' ti. B. -Tli'i Comjittit continnes to insnre Buildtnga, Marebandise. Hoi.sehoid Furniuire, Vessels in Pori, _ic. on th* tuo«t favorable terma AU loaes prompuy a_ ._.ei aad
RRW-YORR,aBWb l,*hed lBlH.' No 17) Caaal-et.; Branah OK.-e. Na <R next eon-rr ut vA i *t. opp i:te Bn*adway, Chareb Intu-r Builriinia Merct-ar.dlir, Houteh.ld Tr-.nity Ku-nita-a, Vaesell in Port ara tfieir I'arr¦»-*. Vr loi* orifnagt kv fire 'l*.!:r>!l\'.l Ti.BRKLUP.-ot._a_l. BfOSEI O LaoBABO, -ecretary. OlORUE 1*BOUHBOa S.rvivor.
NEV. YORK-AjBaav,Aui ir.,i St.TbeVALLRI B.vNK. Ituobville, la* ihito .v Ued ia i lait S-ke. a auHasR .he,t a.f NELRO.t m 11VK1....1 i-r', , .. /,',. aaeat t_r iba reaanopdaa oi ita eusBlatiai ootae, ta... .l.t i w .la a rrviM a- ul ii» ap;«>liitnre'ii "i vV aaiiSora Co. O-* tu. ll aaieiil, ,a> u,a ._' rt'l.CuA Aa eat i.a auiind il.r *.-vi-rai aci* <_'e<i»-| M liici,r|»,*a-rd Raabii Assuoiattoasane Mivnaal Haiikrrt.' peteed Atirii DaNIF.L R Rt K>HR, RaperiaB 17, 1R51. -
STAff of
YORK, Albany. Aug. K's ^2.-T',.e LK.A'I*
Co! NTY BANK l.aa tm* day fi.'ed ia Ublioitiy. auouee sf the apeclntment of NKLSoN »CO> KL. .,' ihetuyo. Altauy, ai ageut 'or the r-deu.ption uf iu cirulainig mea. Wlth a rrvo:atlon ol lhe appwint n-m -il l\ aoBt.-.m Co a* tuch ag.-nia. agireabi. to the ict rntilied 'Aa let to tnieua thc t-veial t* ut rrlatli.e to li><-<>--p<^at_d BAtiii. B-Lktnji AasaalatMaa aud luii.idua. Bankrra,'* p.ilied April I",DANIKL ST JOIN. 8,iper,.'mdeat. "
A MAV YOltK. Ax Iti. IBSt-Tha BANK OK LARBI>OBl ROH has thu diy hlrxl In tbiieftce a uti-eolriie PEI'OON. HOKIMAN i. T' NRaor.CH, apr'in'tmntof ot tba City of New _i_. ategrnte tor tlie rr.irmiHioa of ite ciri.-lit'.i l nc'ei. t MtbBI vvitli a rc>ooaliou .-, ihe c P. poou \ ii.tti_.__i, ** iucb -geoto, *u.r***h;* ui tht set et.titltd " An a:i to aiuei.d ihe several ucU rejat.ogio lecorrorated Rii.k.-. B mking .\eeociat.otii iad ludttUiiii
B^k^rs," p__*«i! A| i.. I' liM. DANIKL B ST IOIIN. SiDerinlendrat
MKSSK- Dt'Nl AN, HKRMAN A COMPANY, Barkrrt. Nrw-York, are prepared ro totii.* Menan'ile Cre*. and Le.ters of I'rritlt oo the OIUKB. Ita, (.'lrcular Notee, LONDON. availshleat al! the brauaMa VaL BaNK OK ind agrnctriof that eitabluhment, a* fcilowai /
i^^l 8yg-»A._
_A SIOHT BIL1.« aa COOKE RROTHKRI fa CO, San KranciiCO, in lumt miuit Po, aale l.y AMOS lt KN'i'. Na. ti Liherty-0 Oll ICE or THL B*.i,i'*i. IBBOB-JBCB, 1 NiW YoK_.July27. 13.2. J
Board of DirecDIVIDEND..Thn Taaalay, pavabie .f th,. KOi.'Hh-SmUV THE BONDSBA'LROAD, blMagoaaaaa ttgahmm ton
have this day der.'ared a S__B* BBBMa iiu i-'-nd ol oo aud afirr ibe Mn
elibt per cent.
thr rranal--r h.r... Auguet u.-xl. until wbicb timeJOIIN W,<AV
tl.e lit aay of Aiiguir tn'ri, at the Bd.ik of ibe ¦*!*¦* )¦ V*w a.'k. wili hepat"! sr ,.! Mr...n 01 NCAN.S'IKKMAN CO., N». M \\ Uliam-*t. .
OF FIC E af 11
N E w V (>H K ui
Ii" S. MAIL 8IKAMSRIP Ci)RI'/tNY. No. itallit, N. Y., Amuii 17, WM.1V*ba_M fnr iiiiacripiioR to llie I.h1_,.:*i f tne Sla.i k ot ;t... ,...i-iptey io lhe p_**e*e ol ihe a.- RrlM not aubs-nbni lor creaicd mail p;ty prrviou* b> tln OaVBraBBBtl arlU ii- <i|jenetiat their oflice. as, Ikjid thr |,,th tothe IMb ot -l-mtaia. ber ntat-lncluaive, bj otun ot mr 8aard »f Dirrct, it UM. L YOI LK. .----rstary.
RAILROAD PENNSYLVANIA t**ht\ttt -8eai_dprop.*a_iBll DOLLARR
be reeeived at thr ,fticr of tne C,Hipany, ia l>hlladeIapbM, a-i-.i' tbe 1 '-to day of hepienber next, at i-usi'. *ur Ma whole orsr-y paartl-,ti ot tl.- ivrxarr ntni-4 Loan. Th« Loan will be aecured by a tirrt 'iiortgage ou fulUUjoad of tiie Company.M m'le* in lengtn -*."l it*eqol^ air.i*. which, whro placed in ..omplMe operat'.n i«-la^BB laut.'.iiri baad PKieui-rgh, wlthsiDirletrsck audsidi-gs, wil eoat 112, iM0,00O. Tbr amount of anoondltlonai lu^tcnctlone t. iri-eaptn itock ot rlie l1ompai,y on the 3l.n May, wa* Ri.tjilMo. whicl) v. ill abonly Ih- i-u-rr-i ea fo T :n Allllio.i* Oo IBSSS thtt -iato |' 8 tuba,-r.p,trr.i there wu* pnd alwith tho large reee'?a of 8m Thl* hn«d h_*la, louether C.j,ii('4u> from the boairei* ofthe road lo lt* antira-Sirdof ceaths ebillt) O* s aonbt, mathm, ,d.-,n,,n*ti-aung bryotiii to I'hv 'i',t oily inlerestoo its ci»bt, but MnpleOrW OaaBBBB) ri to ,._t; taB the Llirea-t. .it BBBbMs to ir. etocklioldem.) .)*i> to c ip'taliit*. with ar. umtaMt:isil awu.-a.iee tbat lt mtt alloril at talr an inveitmer.l of their tunds, acd eecerralafa* ihe punetueiuy w.*t. wmch the Interest wtll be mot. uth* deal govrrnment eecunriee Thr B»_fli will he tiaued tn eame of Oas __-_«_-- l** iar». with intrre*t eoupon*. al tlie r_ta of Wt oet -*""¦*ia- rirn payatiir on rhe ut'Jaaaaiy xni Jnly ot**** mr. al tba eRtoa * theC impany, M Uiiieiiy, or'.utamsss R'^iaiaterltng, W.rh interest wupons. at the rateof Baa BM ient, payaHe ia Londoc-eaoh witiiout ao. dedoctwa M taseg __*. -BaB Tha Bonds srlil be r_d»emed where Uia later_< ll'.**** the Slit of December, IMB, cr they may payableatonti-e ttucka verted, optlon of th j owner, irito tlie capiu. theCi mpany, at par. at any time pre vions to tbe 310 WMn her, IMR ___. Twenty-hve per eenl of eech aeiepted bld l. ba gSW within tweniy rtay* atter th- rec-Ipt ti notlje of Its acespB ance at Lon-ion, ff f.r S'-.-.,. c B. L.1*. ,ud rh.iat. fbr Oo.lar Bond*; the retnaii !--r to be paid in luaUlloMM
every no dnyt theTraftar, umii tlie whuln aiuojul _> arlBsA or the tull an.ount ca.i hr ,-oi. ,u at uuce it drelied. ^^ The pr.-t-iaali will be aidiusK-d to GROOOE V Pr-uurer, PliirUelphix snd innorard " Pr.ipoaal* fal 1***
ipecify the price eiteied for Dollar and 8ler_M They wtlleither. Rondi. or The btdi wili be oprned and d itenn'aad by tte Board m 16th duy of _«pumber. Directori, on thrInfor.-iu.*..-... Ic reiation to the road aud M Any further al thr ofliee oflbs protpecte will br fumtthr.d ,,i, applicAtloDChle' Knuoeer, tta EOWARLl MILLER, Cotnp_ny, or toofthe tn spectal Agect Ccmoany London J EDOAR THOMPSON. Prssideat Phl'edelph.a, Jnly IS. |MR_
oi.NTY ROBD*.YVs ntler Ij' sale at RR rsiss lollowing StCL'RI TIE- of lhe moat aadaxjl-fed cairW-
M*aWJ___| < o-<.obs CKMf RAILKOA!), ONVK.iTI.LK BONl>*», Prl-e.^SI pavaole ir Naw Yurk lit July and let January U'l.MINOTON ard MAV<IfPII-W W ¦ PKR< ENT RA1LR,,,VI) Ci.tVKRTHLKMMRr.ii' BONDS i JopoBa payablr m New-York, ,it June and W I)rr Prira i. al pavabir la IH -6 -.',,1-. MADISON audlNDIANAPf.Lls-tKVKVPrt RNT CORVERTIRLR KA LROAD IIMf.« *.""OAOK. BONDS. « ou|, di payable Itt *. W*** the N,"#__; oaiyt1^-r I'riix'.pailall.uueio l-ol. Kutire deb: oi RMLIOI
_._.« ...
Hr V
PER i^T BOMI8,. oupjosp.yab-etn >ew luis, i» ...u. Jolv aiui lat January RRVEN P | -a indiaN* CENTRAL Pl«« RAILRORB CONVERTIRLR Ist May aid l» Ne*-V»rk. 'u HiiMiS iropoaapayahl<
-^ r/;;I .^l'^
Priecipal B IJ*U» Ut ******"'JSmm oy* < o.p.r.1 pa)ible io >""'>>.rl..!* __7 and ******* en., !rt lanua,y O-e-anteed ey BMM_BM oue t ENT Ve'ley Rei'foai* " OI vi Y. Ohio. 8KV Y'. v%, «« fh, |_*C.<si RurW H< NDS...U .B -pevabto lj_ Auly ta* «* ^*[*,* ,-,.. ,u |B»K N.-.ea.ber
^«. "V'SS.?.-. ollh*
<-*** pnncipai fail. Oue hailroad o. e-V" -\ ,.f., an si.d Manetu t )_'.¦" eoali; value I t_saMTS. «''.'..£i py-t t ;.sT
f.M*.-ALI.KN I-<'; NTY
Aug I., liii.
Juhn O K.
A la.-w aeeortDi-nt eonitan'Jy oe hand, alio cases cf deeeriptlon maae to order of Silver, Roaewxjd, tkte bor-.n), Black Walnut, Ac. N B .Storee fi'ted ap ln tha oeatest marner, with Counters, Snel.-.ig. Slidmg Saah, tAk, B K PK.KBLES, at short m-rioe, by No. 1^4 Grand «, N. Y 3_oorseaitof Broadway.
L*>vi Cook, Davld L.Sayre. Henry A. Btone,
Cornelius Orianell, Boker, II W. T. MalL Eiias Hteka,
The Campiny furth'r report that they h_d, at tbat date, the fi.ll_.wi:.« Aaaett, vl/ lnvrstt-d la l'nited States 0 per cent. anl other Stock*.$21,572 17 M Hor.ila and Mortgs :es. 8R8M
VV. v.
amu aoce bl .; rtioi-,. o' "ili-ar ar... ^^
Amouniof Fern.oisof 131".1J8.11. 77
New-Yorx, April .", 18-8.
COMPANY. * (lak t KDllnl. I..O.IMMI i).,', ,r,. !_#,)-. I IJ4.. ipar !(,r Tfcls Company bavtafl B-Bspl ie.! lh»n /tuimJa^
VJ f-U..'.- W
T Rt. ktt*t*om^^
1«47.."$-,0.-1 0-
Advancet made on conjigntnenti.
PICTl RK KRaMI'S. of every deeeriptlon. on tuat W. N JOHNSON, aad mide to order, at lew nricee No. HU Broadway. (Collauiors Hooee) and I Bowery
For Inland NavgV.on Loise*. U,7_S n, Reimurajice, CoinmiisioD, Intereat,
Expenst-J, and Bad D. bti. Frof.tsto be divided.?'.'
pnr..-:o!a o' lasfliriim apnn rhi Matul. av the rrtwt favomh1'- terms. cons_itcnt cr tire atfaty to the n <ur*d Acy te*orms*-.on rtspacttag L'.te Insu renca, A-: .:'."¦. I BB] be 0-t__n.d oa applica'.ija at tiie 0;.._*
f 5 0 W A R I) Ll ¥ E INSURANCE
s-._-t ,, | M (i,^_ Cartto y dra*i. .rrao.' ,._d nrhrrlrr in *a^^* Aa*oju- <.',.».. , ,
OAixIrl. Bl'RINFTT.rre*
IPITAL »..,!,,,»... .
ternia*. :har Citv or ef a i.-.a.-e ie ti * p. .ht*
iii' V PAN >.. of NewVitV- Ottiee No. IM Broad__y. i ti. C-.mpehy icr.ttr. snccaf-il op-r»':j iman po ioiei on Jotot S'ack
.-. ,i fr. m arcitieni
laeob JaaawM Joha R.«lin«.
JimmM McIrfUB
>,. -.f.rira
.oa*. .
AliBfl htdwll.
JayJar-vk, MB.HarrR
Cbalta, Oia-ura.
* .
.'penoci! ?r*.p*.*-7 oa
above, was:
to make brown teelh at white ae penrlj. I tr.ich ha.w te uiiikr otlrntive breath ne-fectly aweet. .ii how toinak.-haid brown hand* eoft aud white. I Maah ba> to make i %m,, 6 mmt hard and touad. I t- I. to make the hair iroar lii.xunaiitlv. 1 can hatten thr _ruwth ol wlnakert, moustaelias, ke. I teach baw to have hrliht a d aparklmg eyes. I teach how to pieaerv. the eyraignt fcr lile. I traih baw to impairrd ryr-ight I t__(1. how to change g ay hair to its origiasl rolor. I teach how to change Hiecjilor of the hair at desired. I teach how to make the hair*. ft, rich and gloaiy. I U-ach how to meke the lipS and chrrki red. I teach how lo rrmove tupnt'un'i* hair. I *i ow thr obove are all perfrcrly harmleei. I know they arr all very rheap aud plraiant I kn.w every p. r«on will likr them on trial. I givr din-i ti",-* ,o make and ute theie compound*. I ki w thry a*e aV-tlrr tlmn any advertlard oo-i'ii-tiei. I a.k ONtil OBR DOLLAR for al1 thii lnforma'.ion. I recrlvr na Irttrra unleea p.M'paid. A.hirr.aor uend to M LAVA48K. Kn-neh Chemitt, No tft4 Naaaa-i-at, coroer Ann, New-York. He will send the
I'aaiiptl *..-¦:.
O.n.ei Ranaa j«r_,T. ..,,.-
aorof hofcWaM ata. plg, gbai-oal ns. _a8 ii,-'. snd of 7. Ha-tttactory*aaa arill .-, ,,;-[,, |, .,.,,(..; ,;, tba wlrelstobsdrawn 8. Tl « wlrr Uaiatl be drawn ,o Uothd tt uo lo«* I'-an two f.-rt 10 .ilalll.--tn. 9. It ii,_.t lr pi.tup Mbaaa-SSB._nMB,n near as can _.
."-. r -
COMPAN'1 .iBR_a.Ni
of Nr-
i -x.
I tttu-b l.ow
oo _
OF BEAUTY.HOW PU.MPS, Iron and Wooden JECRET HANU.-OME. superirr galvenl/ed Chain, wnth tnmed and O I can tn»t--ct any per.ton how to be handsome.
Cuurtiandt-.i, New York
flic-ur-r'ieoleairents. FRANCIS +OMES k SON_*. No. 6 Maldiralane tn-«i l>> beniliii.-anij larii.'iing also hy hammrriog. fiiing and li.g the, wtk '.i fonm part of tlie operation of PISTOLS, CUT- notcl LERY, TLATED VV ARE, JEWELRY and FANCT iplliHK-Such loti aihavs itood the va-ioin leata latlifectorlly,
PIANO-FORTES_Pereona abool pur- [NDIA KL'BKER SHOES.Sole Agen¬
channg Pisrot, wil] hnd It great'v to their tocahat N. J. HAINKS .-. CO'Sl Manufaetory sr.l W _reroomi, cornrr of Ith tt and kl-iv bera a iplen.lid etaortment of Ri. twood Piano-i. from li to '; octavat, are conitaotl) on hand. and warraoted in every rtlpect. Thr abova will he aold low forcnh or ai'iiroved paper Old PienM taken in ,-xcnarge. Dealen. fea.ben anal Proteatori auptermi. plied on liberal N. cor. I ith-tt. J.HAINKS Co. -d
I Iht, at lhe t>. I leael any| l..e l..;_»r, a.i. t 1 lin ;i« R to be of N.. leabta, a-. lhat IB IM wHI u. .1 ". m le*s than II lbi An c.'.-t fnr v. Ibeg 3 aili prafeiird ,1 »l!h a lim- inootliaiid i Tbeal «.. ii, SS "' lo-arly aie hard is tl, It l.r bbad I
(TntlcrTj, ijarbmarr,
KORTES..We have now on hand a large anortment of new and t-cond-I and Pianoe for ta!- and to bire Pianoi
_..!'.. OBV _*
(ara. Tbt Kaa.* I >'. 8BV, pi I.t*'-' M. M... .',». ,_lo ..'.-.. :.---..' ,,i
llven tbet
NaatHa_iat|_MNo IM Canal lt, one door HnoWN, train Sullivan. in LIGHTE k NEWTON. of FASSHFALL REPORT OTT'S al tlie.Ticreaied flemaod, and nnnvaled
N. B. Alao dollan Plano-Fortee
_5.TG---nf.ce <r_-m.pai.i_-..
-nikTl'NS af WIRE WANTED..
.'' " ' I'laa^.Jii'.a j-ImH d hy the and -.-¦. ,. a tha ixrt tt tht NIAOARA PALLS;. ATIO.N'AL f the bRII'OK COMI* iNIES fa-. ,h 8-i '''. c. b tm tho Wall*. h* t,, lr -ii*ra NILLI ''-' t P Nl OP ItvOv} Wll.1
SALK, at
tulwing. elrht-forked reela, Ra, 4.C., finely (initl.ed buckett, wholeaale ard refail, by PIANO WARE- oianufaclured.McCI.ARY i. POWI8, 8#n*_a P*ll», NY.
ROOM, No. iZl Brradway. three do m abova Canalet..Tbe "A.olian," "Ulldsd -tring ' 'Amencan Pa'ent Arrh hottom" Pianis..Ths Fj3scnbri. Ac.ion" end health, to relinquiah ln part h.i ccmpelled, aafrom ill of teacher mutic. haa made arrangetnents profetttion a, .1 asoorted New-York and Boiton Pianoi; aad he to truiti the convenience of haviog at banA leh-cted tiiitrumer.te, end bls long act-uaintanee wlth the public, will inspire confidence in his judgment aod secure hi;n a liberal .here of patronage. Becood-baud Pianoe exchanged, for sale and to let. Orderi from abroad ounctually att-nd- d to.
,-..,.,a.t.,... I.nd.
bamuel Mllbank.
and Mn. KIDDER PRMOVAL..Mr. »iv* noii:e their pafrotn aixl lha pnhio, tlist thiir X\ will be
I ,.,p.wei; l,,nl',..,S Ve.t. IU. r. I.ail-. I l, l.. aad othei *'-" t_.
IV li rt* Bb -x
.. a
I hnmas W illiams, jr , Kbene/er Cauidw-lL Cleaimaa, .'">">
far ALL. HaaJanaaHARRLER. Na94 Weit tsth et. NVwton. for SALE..HOME TI AOTS e*ch, in the beautifui vnl- 'I'h't eitahhahmt-nt will be opene.l on the i-tli ol laalaaibar. 9M Lot., from tSb to $12"n.i'es Kor initlier inforrnatlon and proaprciau appliia'ion mav from VV il'ia-ib-irgh
Ma-petii. L I., aboat 2| aaaTai ind be rrarhed in IS mirute* by omn.busn from the dif-
P A N Y*8 M *. CO M F.i.i'..-i...-.¦¦> E8SEX -s.-.m
-lamrance Bo'.ldmgi, censr of Wall and W____aa Noa. l"aud 11 «tv_Ld t!_..r Bau.ueiS Hwla_.d. B. Mintuni, gaBart Blephe-r VV .itney, P.eub-i, Withera,
Dantel B Fe»r_n*. YVulltmH hois-ll,
hdv.a .1 C
JoaiahOakes, Auiuatus C Downmg, Joseph OtiHard. Ir., B Lamar. lai.iesM. Weterbury, Oa/s»aj W lliism H Af pinwala, Oe.nre Curti*, VV ;l!i_ni Butler Dunjaa. Oe^rae T. A lee, Cheri.i H Ru.i__:_, Davld S. Kenuady, liaac Towniend, John J Aator. Jr, joi-ii A Stephen*. Frederick A. DelaaO, Jan ei VV errea, Jeinaa 0 Bell Arthur Leeiy, Daaiel Drake Smith, Monin er VV Hartiitoa, Frederick O P'oatar, D.nnit ( Duar. Peleg Hall, John Stawaid. Jr , Robert 8 Hon*. Tbis Cou.pai.). their Capital of $1 ->,i«. pald ia, la and aeeurely lnvealed, are i).-.partd to insure a^alnsl ca*!"., loss and oawage by fiie, ou fe.orul.le 'erm* Thaehtiter or thta Cotnpanr that, after paytng 1-tereit io tbe slockboldera at tlieprtrridea iat*> rf 7 p-r cent. per an i.. fourtiftlu oftbe ren.ainiog protits era to be d.vided aoioag tha maatti ln scnp, ta-riug lnterest, wl.ich scrip ls to be ra-teetieble In caaii whenever the *oca*na_a_asd proflu a_iJ eapliai aiia_lai__ou_il U> $i.i»«.,..-, ROBFRT H HONE, Fr__Vi*_tD'-NGA-i F C.RRV, 6ecrcta_7 ....
fl the p. oi le B-B-ll
Hli. 'I- 4 »ote belu| '.ftely i* »
thT_^.uodrr_hic,,.he^ »_.. ***,£nwox mmri* un YiARV^KV;^-^^ s_s
ptupBi B-tboni
re.p real end p-rsoasl «slMr« wAhm 8M a u. ,k« »e nieof'-lusssB f.-un«y Iibj.'s. tb« pe . _. AtH ad-.B«eri by Coeetitutions The nrw Ind-uia. prch.b.i abaalM.:* yew** . w
.>>«^""mt^Jl Snann ******* n__» *.f**T
i. tor' tu.'her .*».!_ o. aacunoee of ihlt w 1*1 n ippiM-H* Pr.ulrI aaa-MBA <a 8k_R easa, can be
at onr (lviog full natuie al aa.!. i»i ..nly.
er._ d.'
i..e.l ', !-. ..*Hon
etrh. pxvib.'e lst July l*-<\ *.. '.he .V|echa.iC-f Bai. tl e City xf *'.»-.) ora. Ict-.e_t a: "ie r-.te at **v-eo pv Yi rk _c_al____-uall>, for which coupm eeat., pajeb'ein **-e*tBor.ds. ate at'ached to thTl,e Capiul Sl ck ofthe. Rufaloar.d New-Vork City Ball Mai CkM-aaav saasc-ibed, ls $750,i .A of wbieh $ heen pt.d u. caah. The tiaa k fioua Atlio* t-. H..*u«H*vilI*, ** a ha. .aaa built e .,-i(,^*d by i >.e Cutnit-uiy. aod l u* !..n!<e o»er li.e (le.."*e. row iu nii.i.i..a order, .... R,.,r, et I*. ..«.. wi.i b* IUi-M4 »'y the I.t of »-o Ueol-r i.ext. Tl.e ciart af theae .rh naile* .1 f' _»*',.**.
tl/ax. m
\ aad CHtCAGx RAILROAD.TheOalaaaaaiL'MaaaeRMi rosd eoi ot ( hi.ago, u. tha Btat. ofl lti attha n- ia, 1 taeto Freeport :.. Btapbaana Coanty a dutaoeoo 12>. iniles at whieb paini :.. e_aa__*a with tl.. t.alena ilraoc. cf tl.e now beint ct,;. 11
Oalena ond ;'uaur,ue. ir, t'.e Btate ot lo.'- a, ou tni. .'.'. River. At a poial thirtj milesweel ofl li.ca_io it eonnectsw-.thth Aur.-,. h Railroad, noa :n operation -ln.-tetn t.i .-h i*a aai being ixtei ;-.d By t.',,.. Campauy totl li.n.i.ii Ciotral RaUroa-, at a pelat lixii-ta mil-i aorthc tbe Illiiu 11 AtChl eao,lt*eaMaru tril foim coi.t ctioiis, tlu- .".. al aod tba Md gan tto-thara ll_jl.oada cotiii ot Itailioa'l l.i.e f..m tta Atlanti* c'lts lo tl.e M__fl-_s_]>f R.t'-r and Ibe Nortli vt -. Tbe Road I* now cai. la op.-rttian nol, a iil.t toilea fro u tl.e ton., ot Rockbr-L, oa lhe Rooi Ritrer, to arhieh piaon tht- Brarh is a. aotiv* precrMa, and Irill bi .....,:.',; and pui in oparation by next. ;... ii.a. f.r II... *. :. a, '.I t'-.e II. ad Land. Tbe rainaloi, t ,.;.l..i< ol ti.L- w..rk w.ll be pat .10.le eoi.t'b' t b> the tii ,M.> u< Ai._i..d piobably 0- t. Jonc. '1 I.e ll.a.i/a C.nlr;:! Raili.a.1 C ance iar-1 ttat.-11 "i. .n *. ae tol gllnk fio.n Fieepoi to ll.e IHi...--..ppi cotnpl. :< i< > ,: iv In th* Ul)... 189 T.i- aiadk * apoa th* *ad aia . «*». tha rui ,.« iri tJe, we. bi.i.1,1... uet in t).i-!...!.. aad -t 1', u. 110 t,_ mi.e Thi rniiie con ai.d aqaiattMat of tl.e i.iad will I.e ahoa .1 paid ln i.l.l -.' '<'>. an,, . 8.,''l('"". Tha at.,..ui.t ..1 ctp.l haa hwea ...I* tilk-.l. bu fii.tti. a»,,,,.i,t <l ul.-a.t |. "' i.i.t yat rall.ti ia Tio,. ar* l._., 1 ..latai.d..,. a. i.u'u.i du ,--.... .i,«. n, depOl ai7.uaoiiistdivtaionb.tid. ai.d $417 11', ... 01..1 divis ai ...... la T a ...*. wa open lo F.l.i.i ..11 ll.e Foi River, e dia-a-.i-eof 42 i.ii.ei, .11 taa ...1 ntli <>t I'Viin.itiv. .1 ___aeo-__p-*t*_ 1 I noaaaa to ">Ia ca latt Ita pfBtaat BOUlt oi lein...-..*''.... li " '¦. li I.I,- ,1 a *l ty I, lu I* Tbe eai.ii
THOMAS BnriiDgion, N. J., 1
tiooetr, will aell ae above, wiiboal
I. I.
wt!* >
tn.,.. *" f that tl
Ib* Cirre* milea. The *».' ;. .n.i.iil.i in l.'.''. '¦¦.!, tt rn- .11. ,0 .', 00 a ti slttui-e ranol I. ni'l.-a. The rr.'.a eainitiSK (or tl BM tb of Mm.h lail WPtt $_.7...i. ,.| The Company, l.yieeot. ... I-Oiid*for »hoeoratruction o On,../. a a 1*| tlie .iu.. of sala load fit..ri K,,k;. ... 'o Fr*aport Tliere hootls I'.'ti llenal .1 1 per <-tit nnd are pnva-il-4 it leo vear* fr .'. 0-'>- O. P 1 ta* property aod ravana** ol tha 1 pal aa8 lotere*', rl Tba im..t .I prti !.....sari :.. thaCiry of Nr* ^ .,'k, a.-.. tt. inter. tt |..rn' ai-; payaile ali. by roupoo*sttaet-s-l, oa tb* l-t ..( Pohraary aaa Aog u | J ili't i.-'-.i.' 1* th" l.r.a! lisue ot ll:,'...d. /<.. i|.e conetnn ion of aa A po"'¦'-.'. ci th* h.a -.v be ol 1.. wh Btnoi.1.1 a'e bow ol *pp!t, to M-.tir. Dnncaa, Bbarmao kC\ I lhe City of V ".k. at wb ,«. a il n b ne tae teuii aiii.titil rnter-at taa tbe l.,,-i... will I" ri ..ker I.e pa'd. 'lhe anipje lesourc a of fiecatinti, 'hroujh whicli tliiil.nt j.asaei, ti. lui'x'n a Ka'lr x-i. hxve bee. fi'iyd-.roi th* iload lha* tt.-, aad whea lt il.ail t.i l>y ih. rrvi-iue* u.e M.s.:». ipol Rivar,Canniai a main line oi aeai-ffU- with riBniii' ii atit.i lioci Lake Mialkican with tbe oooatnon thi l. |,p*r M.ii.-.ii'i. ir.d (, i.uu t itthroaahthohean ct 'Ut i.l
llity cail thc a
and h.uiu.
k. havebeei
of thia loan ta R_a- IHO, ol and lha raiua od. -.111 b.r a,.,tl >
... mn
d morttieie )ia, I..n i.i.ti. ai.d Boaton ll-.,. av IheT-.-j * ;'¦... 1,. v
!,. ibe <im* "I k.n
load, and tot
lunoiai ll.e Ihe Coiau
tkjB-datim tlu atiug debt ol aia payabla on il Id >.f \.".i 1884, at Um Baak oi Com I III. .... ,1. N conve tiole Int'.stoct pla lotI ti.Th*. rn-ar*frotn |t_tKl.,.- it tbe sarnn ..1 th*i. data a..a *.. .i th* tt
.',...'.|..' >
tl bv a
T oy 1, . utal stw * if tbe T.ot a \ ¦>...... ibe* n .1 ( .1. h< atili.... Pl I ...a pa a .... t w u-.d »quipin*nl up ti nn.011111 exi» fi .1 Awasl Ri t*nd* fr.. 1 d 11 «t Potmal, v ernio'it, Tn x 1.. w il Iui, ll Ma.e i.l PieW-Yotk, BOI ;'i t ,a tbal ii-.r-t. ..I
honnetr, nrfk i'.IBS ,.
hiii.rd in or
id mani
ttl.-tt. la-wt
relail II l-i RNSTl IN.
et..Iri.i. Lineit ->y
H. F. BR1UGS, No. DR.way,invitoa ladieeaad|entlentea Buspeadeie
.Bil tbe '.! tl.e Vera lhe T"\ fc Ki-'.in Rs J
1 i.j .
ki. ...
P'-chborp, and
oi ihe
ioad ia lo.-e'*- ihniMg1IBI
« '"
\ .. yora,aa. Ratland, iltt.-'ite 11 i-r..' «..f vv.,.t .t _. .'..ounl of busiueii u dein Veinui.l. vth. ri4f d. At N.'r'b H.ia rk 1' ront-rc'* whh road* (the Tiovaad t, mile* long. I»»d*¦ anothai rl -y lo Rt lunl. tng inrough 10 Hu-'.nittrn e-,d iraot. Reilroeiii wi'l g woerelt concrct* '" West. n v era. ni frotn H tolanaria and f" or wivot the >
t .,,,..:
uaval io Raa n_*r* om «id. -?¦ pro-ts'le busmeis, and 1 a RoaB i> aow dotap a ti.Breude.: . .tl te'.i^t.a: d tl.e c sl o' Lhe Ktaul u_.l._ai.eiu_gly ** u dciireb.r- ;..t ..-.i.t, ut c, .'¦.¦ d tl u. lo apltalvv .'*UtD '-. it 1 '. No _4
C()NTu\Ci\)RS.St-aioil PropoxH'.ce of tt.*
tha wanna aa. * tha third _ai ei **-rt*"'::-*-r lnI .. , * Tuuuel on the line c..,.ite (, r tb- er.K aud ebom *.laara, 01 't.e 1. k V. R. t.-* a wili be rock. ot x'.jn rv. Tbriert ..... laafth l Waitiaa Tha rrty fxx''--le c"tm-lt
Tn* oarth
Naw Yo. ti_n ll tdkm
ta* _ou!h end u BOW tte'.at ma-le. .-.- v.i'.t tho wart .'vanr-iand VV'ealt-;. I M ikU R__B rea; heaasv
aJpu-'T -Bfonaattori,
Bv oid'i
KN tt-
a P.
.pp.'t at No 19 VV'e.lit. or a, ^ 1 Biiden ui_*t b..a|
, '¦
:, ,.v.
1 bsobtos
M-.Tha eaaita.
aaeaa Wi
vv 11 i.iaM vv
MI.sio.M R of EMIORATION kt v.'lsc.oN¦IR.OR--.-. No. II '¦ tia- a-iaui, ¦:, at. New-Tork, opn^rii-, I o'cloek A.M '..;'-.' -* P U .ampbleuaad rara f. itl._..:r and «.itieeoursaa, wili b*| saa ch- 11.. iv aud free of eapenea, t. allporautm w|.,> if^nd to i.eS' V.,. nae nf tba lasM armairtasol thr lr a.a..i.l '. aliry ot llie M.t. -.
*. \\A.\ Cectx, ,-t, i...a. I'- .i-i. Naa Terl Wtt \ Hair 1 frasB rs, MiH*o T the b_.gnn « aad VN a\ v» ar..l I' umi-i ityls. Also, LlkeBaaseecast, la wa lit Ing ai.d ibe .: N 1'- Wom iti. 1 relrlcal performen tafcea bi ot arael l .,.,ii...' ,
k Dll VK
S Wai!-at, near Hanovei «t .*'. art* ?" arri VFanaata, aaaiaat_ad to se lenulaa, aa. rectivaMa at anv Land Ott.-.- in the I'aitrd Staie*. eooVX trrtu-j f, ttaded -J all p*."J-f Ih* .- hai d . tl it.e u xr.e. ; . -oe'.pt of reuiilUnco*
WARRANTS.Ttjb Bobacribrx*.n* »be i.-.',..t p-ce. for Lxnd Warraata
_i e** sre Ott-ce, No. y VVia-, laruettr! N'att. Ml QAREY k JOMNSO.N.
l m 1 Raah af Kr... Bath
U "doa
of IrelenA -vtiiiaod. to '-ssaa DrafU oa
Wo are, y apetiaJ . IFesttv* baat.. r*' .-.*»' *.|h', and '0 u r.s fr.niRlap. TAYLOR RROTHKR_t, mrpri. I »V e..' *t, con«r cf Pea- st
"f-n. xnii'
n.'i 1'
the Higfa B
be *«ei. b.
y..St li mad 11
arii * ioc,otie«.
SPECTACLES a-: \-t- n,
I lofoaaa, I :.'.
I' .Xi
KeferMaker, No.8-Bowery. N HtANh>, Bpactaels . vv igea a: lia os t tbe l':-. Su..od Ri.gtit. New-Yoik EyeIntinnary;
-a 1
world.lndntieroahie to t i J.R. NoNES N
STATES BOUNTY LA.Nl) ITNITED C, lupHnal-Wa No W Cl aii.iun, opiKialte Chamheraet n.adr f.,r V', arraut*. aid-d hy ni-iater rollsj wairaaU boagbt or locatoA oa taa l*-*i eeleeted lands froia oe a.i ii ri> 'ii, *iii Kan-i. Iba *a,r OKKU
Qtcamboats anb UailioaOs. SHRKWiSHL'RV, HI.iHHM»K LAND DOCK, OCEAN BOURE, lUni Branrh,) r
PORT VVA.-H1N..TON, aVIO! NF-I DOi K, KRo*V.n8 wn 1 ..nd RKD BANK-The p-pular DOCK. iV .t.-,i. r* 1-I)-*'. IN LEW1B, Capl J I' lV.-nee, wUJ leave Ri-l-u.M i.-.i I an. No.lh River, a* I- BB I ¦ fh-aanbVB Krin- New-York lo, Tj AH Monday. MoLday, Aug M AI P-M. Turway 17, I Tiart.-.. v, |7, 8 Weii -ftsi 18, BA WettoeeJay, I Tbiii-wiav Thoraeoav, IR -, H AM PruMy, to, I B-lBidaj, tM P M -Vu-eay, .-'. Tueaoav", .. 94, * M -"... '.hurreiy, .** N' .v, .*7, s Wrtmmxmy,-'%t\ v AM Tt, -may. W, ,,,«>, -.atuiday, th, 1 .* ..
fro* N
r--..rn 4.»
4 .A:.
Laki R akoaki
'..I Aaii-.l t:
I,av ...
_:.c u
w-,.1 r_-. to ICEY" tne twt of PuKT, t'-u. :ii- aiA r.-rt Hamiit in; l<avi-g <w a-a Ki ojuoc tt ,'a: .1 A M. Re II,Irave Key P.-rt at J P M. .
POi'.T DOCK, RJCK.AN .,-)! >> ,Ir"» AS1.INOTON MOl'Nf .«. DOCK, Brl.'VVNS D-K'K, and RKD BANK-New and spteod.diieatB(MlddlrtowtO K*l THOMA8 Hl'NT. .a**! A H Hvrerty, wiil leiva _rt R.ver, ai followi: UieNa-v.'-Ilavni. I'.-: Kroin ^_r.weoor» Iron. New-V.rk AM Monday, Au| in M4 PM. N ._*, .Vat
r..,,raday. Tbu-niay, VV
Ratuii.av, Sl NDAY,
18, I7
.¦ ¦.
--. ..
-I il Turooav. VV.i,r»Jav ..__,." --.
Batuicev Ti
s.-, "t II, I
Aii peraoce are of the oweere
Pa'tie/oon. tii PriiaVB, and A.
LIVg.8 Nt 'v
a :en.
the verv cd rela-hi or 1 im
*>i*-ut *-:>edoa
slteraataday. JA.MES BI«MOP b Co, No 3 Brt .af-H
ITORER io not a I
-I, B K «-_>
T Dl
.,.-¦. -.
» th* ¦ [_.OHAM dt'.ioci f_r ls- xnd
t api
ia for Boetoa, ov, , loavc I i P M Klre. K rtlCa v | * .. Oo.dCa' a-.ja.tpI IK* I,'*- Bl k CO. B,.ai,.n; B WIER k l > .-as; or, tbo t-aptaia. on oo«.-d..BiBton, July, .1,
dl [.¦*, S¦ A Bi.1.varrv ¦s |
Sydaey di-ect,
aail ea he; nl pu.-t T..- t .ted far Platpaae I .
...a a _.c
-the eoo.:-.-: rf (amiite* , a
a_d HI. THOMAi aame r eneyto B -^:-jda.f *> I'aeeare r-'.i.ev to >:. Tr.
ibe --th
boaid, Pier
1 j
at :.-.« is_t martrt, u t_o
latpvt, .Sa im aUtt.iy rc,
Intf lt.,«l..,.l..,.,,, >.
. -
* -
ik*. «k
» ...,
laa H»-.t
'. .¦
** kl
A. (. Hl.'k. P.....,*'. Si..r..r
. ,
i.t ii. .l ....
. .
lv tl.e
w ¦-,.,-
i r h ,),-..
.,,. .... ,.r
'r.l .,.!.¦
,, ,
.!¦' .......
Tort. «' llo .arai 41 ,tli thi II II RBII ik Ity oil .. taa sssis, i,.'. in .... Mj
a it th<>-..
JOHN .. .t
kaag t*eatjr Iva Har1.
.,,-,-.. ,.'II -l.-'l, .ue »i,le ia frnai ial mi aai ns* kaadial Roa '-Ith. ... par -ii..,. '... .tte, i,i . r \
....... ti- .»¦. Vt st a -rt»... aay...
Ua _.¦¦.,. "v... B .'
t rk,,,,,,., aai ..... , Aralaki,»...aaitaa»l B*y
.... -
li.,....,. aaa l». **m
P. ..,-.,......
:.w ..i X-.. > .¦«
b* t>.e.r aia I a a fi lloa
i , ........,-.,.
ineet ......
i.l. aaw ...8
»..l..l, t'.-.B lha....- .rtli..'y il r,«ia aa*_M »uk "ne ',,, .n.l alaraala Bi-st, i.» I «i, tn. ii,. i. .... aa.1 lotfc. SO.k,l ..k. "tt-nl» .... la-t, thaaca 1.1....I '.el tO* .lt. a..,.i«.,l. ||,a plt. .M.t.l.,,.1 Hate.l July I...I-A1 nfnaA* CABBUti VV B, lt I'.a.t, l>ri..ty Mmh rt. I.l.. , I'KI >li:rol Kl'.itfv nti'M'i.uiitv ol Mew< '-.. vv | t v.,,.,,1 VV..i.,asi.. Al K| >. t**e*rki i'i mn u > aaa*yd-aausSl .ii...i>nitk. C DBNBCKI i ... kirrtf . -
«,.,! a ".,,1
¦i.i Hi._a
l.r.,.. I...
1,1 tlu.*.
a.... lha ,.u C A.MCHOU,Plaa-fa' k.t....,ey, t\. I'i H ...Ia.y, M. T. Jt COI KT.-<;.-"i_.- K-i.-h ftK in-t »,. r*
18, la
H, Bl Kl III"I..'
... *
v, ... ..i
|k* y m
>.. «a
i. li.e .iia.i,i.t. a lha .
Sl i'Kl.MI.
li I
I «»l
ll, ttie
.,| t.r
.o. te,
.».¦ *CHB Bayor, A'.".-a.| re1.-. . i. lha ..l'.M'.,. and l.tllSiioi pt a >i k ,,.,-. .. BUJOBIMODALB iWi.'AKE, * W ,r. .,t a. ,._,.!«. II.* rty. f. I, !'¦ ,. ,._.,..,..[* *.-. moat ith* ...... *.-. aa sasta, narakfi
p .»',. ¦ ,.i ih.
o' B*« \. rk
yi hl ii *i/'
X «'. r, .. ..*...- .-» a
th. .,
Uca, gartuaa to th* r.
.t.t ... t_.
aakmmi''Ap pppak afmatpamrftawtarp, * . -r.l la** r«
A-tui t'.'_ .*.
x > .. t,-." (.ar...1 april*.. a ... ..,,.,... .,, t -. .r.'jtiaa A...-.-,,ta taa ...-* "* akath*.-........ N1 , ¦.-. / ... .... ^..-.i a*f MO," aaiatl Bay V, 1*81, l* da. aaraar or oaraar. .... atoaa1 ... ...a.-1*4 ,. tl .' Ti.e. .... ,.li,>'.--...,.. ,n ....... i,. ,t ,a t>... .. ..... thal*B ga***** ..,._. .rt-.'-...ara .r . .,. ...,«.,, |.,_..|.,,l| laa.aa » pr*.. .t.i-,. uhjabeas a amay,-»a.IBI BAVBt'll) Ji
I.Ir.I tu* the lti, ..y
... ..!
s sr-Yorki i'a
....... ii,,a
...r.l, al
my erupt'oaaof J
Br a Iway aad HAI .-¦
,. .
..,., I ,,-rk ,.| lu. *.. ,i .... «-r ...
.. ......,
Nofeouiyi i at Noa. 8811 8 i
UJotcr Cnr..
\ IHM i-i, nu- h
Baaa 11
acenery unterpataed.
;. n.w
..r.t'.lt i. IA uii!
B -,
I bt -i-i
I't KM A.M I. ,-i
IW k.Nlk .... r
.t i.l t'l , Ir ¦ ih* x.*i ra
v -..
)a.i Iaa
Itt ci R_)1 ANCE .
-j ...»
of J_t-_ry aext Ua-" ^- » -. < CAM1I.I.A CBIr >
aa ort rr »f .-.»»--.. | JOBB f. »
0t-tmC. a.Lty
* _i
r. a'.-a-a .
a-'lt I
Oa.-rr. Vi i
_-.«,tt*re a
A. i,a oa
yaaae* Ap* i_n,:<y<(
Ad a saa** aa Aai
*a.t__d ae
A..-..,,.»,._. ai.j TaJ-a ia u.« City rr (, ,'_.__-*, .,.,.! aay 18 ...,, .w__.r.,.x. .aaatoroa . '..
u ai
s* -__ray*o.*8 Itavia a_.*cta_l araa-_ia*aa_i t_*.^«,.t1Pl
... »-ra«. w..__.,t.,ra.u tr.
-U.-e|l/alk* I
-araa ar*
tf raa,,aat*_l
'..bCIKIKtlXhAI t_a ..,..
afmAaamll .,7
0.__r_*. Bo. U . . < -r x.. y a ...» ti- .:... ./Ui. -_.,.. p And th.t the kr_.u *rn r,r»-_<! hy th* a a ea* t..aa.n__>at ar* ea (Aow AII tn* *..»-iaaaa.. th*T».__,Waf. o. ._. C y *.a y iag , ti_, u# fcnQwa* .t..u 10 . ti Ot UwaaM ky tho ._.__»m ka* or a.4* ef ia ., *..:. try tk**aat*riy lia* ad, Un...., *. tk* ».rtk kr tk** of ..». OU, . _*t»*.n Itltt .t ta**. " "" ',M0' *"* .¦t/» rf "^ bl"» h^**« l**U «*. a. tk** u IttM out oe Ua daato* ao* karf) 3-*i* s*J* "I ^^ ...* Caiamioaart, oa la a* .(inaaa.1. .a tho . ..1 ... t y.^Ba^ Tork A»-l tk* .*.* 1 t aou a. uaal tkar ropmtl a th* shot* k* ae** tad (Ha**.. .* a tk* laynaa Cart a «-. 1 '., . -.- 4| T,fm of th*.aal Co.rt.Uk* ,., ty y H. N.w r.-rk,, th* BM Ixynl 1. a.,t«r, lkM.a. li.a ¦ 0/Ott Oeift a thtt Say, ac. t at .a4 tl.tra, i.raa >.e.t thafaAf ea raa aaai naa t* kaart, a « o^d* thal **.4 i.f tt k* e»a*r. -Uato* B*w tort. *i. -'I .
RSUANCEol ol "Ir-a V -l
r i N
3 rrefata <'^U^T,,U,.
t. t...
y.rk, abd -,_.r
B I L ( l.*hK>
OM ..-..._ H
.... _k*__o.***_.l___a_au*ri ' >
ar_8ba .utialkai
taa ' i
.f .!.,..,
or-rr *>f t
1 iQiB V-V . -alad " A A. t la* 8.....'t.i r-Ul . *
a.w V. r, ,. a
U..I t'.r. ,c
.-*...- A«-a,i..n in
anaod a* a.'tr.'.t-'a*
... .>
, '
.¦,. «-..» .,,
-. J ,|y a ».<-... X.* y.,r«, I* |aa ,.y |. || B'-tiKS BVYNAKO.Jr.S J"Ht| A V.'kKJ. C,d,u>« J'ltt.t'Hn rOKB. ) n..iH.»...,.,. Jy.ltara PKEME COI KT..lnthernatt*-rol Oie an* t-9 ... .: -!.a B.yor, AUma-ra .- .-C. _,i..r., .^ ..m* < .» *| n«a Tark, rahu t/> u..i.|'B!ll.*'(l oae HI.N0KKD
M-..JI HA.V.VAH ll ll.SOil,_i.. tl,.la,
of the Surrofate
a.i ot '. r
.-'¦., ,rl
£tgai Noticcs. <
BOI IHORANOjCN «f-JER8EV .'.! a' I R .J i ar.d
rl RK.
rmm4 ,
oded Ps D CAMPBCLLard LAOT, May. ,1 IbyB '- ;.v|\. il.M 6. VVILMABTU wiilBSBlst ln tbe *.rsa-
f .
-Th;ie*U-. ClRE
, ,,^i
-,n tk* ~,.'i .' aa
... .. tn ) Hal_¦__,_¦ BM (tth a».| i.d'..* a..- .,,..._,.( Kla t».)a* _t_d_*»a-* __*e_ea o«.d i/ lha r........._.»,--,. ... a.-.** *r.tii,-l i.-tter,... n.'a .¦ a_*r***-l a 0 .,_._, . -. ;*..... mia nf if tai.ik-l. "Bay a/*r*f*-i*r» ..,.-. (r.r «n. ... Ha* aad hkrlaB**t *f a I *'*'-¦ .,¦ . N _Ma-.ll, War.l ..( lhat r-. V.»|.r.." Al-l --. ,r-h«r «,'« m Ua ahn-ae*B___ ma-t»r wif) r* rr.tla »**»,tht tharayoft ' ,.. .r ...ia ,..-
1' M
I ..',
a. .' ,. '
' .
-..ii.*.,thati* -_. -.y
-I.... . ... i, ptr--.*¦>..
.... ar* .*
at tl,*
-, sss
.,*.»,.r J -.¦...! ...».r|, wif.,n I
W. -
\ .-* tranr.en j ittended
'*.'-'¦ I
A. V*.......N,
wili arban roni
Pea^hTorc1_a_dlUd tt~ T^PEfTTUN. Cuai. Not Bn; alao. Egg aad Btove rlso, ot
*?? -x i*b tbe lt* ."ia.
. i
i. .. vii la.i i
na, tl
No. IM Hn.anway No. Hl W ash.n^l-u ltl
.ren y tot 1
-aulated and large rti:*-r. ,trj. wiui plinga rarbaibs. lA'ill tako ftatiat st I wt\^.t. App.y m _j CCNaRD.N, 1 8 .I'g. gi- c.
tu. »
acc itt w...
'. hot of C« __..._. Nt* I*-. ._* '!' -«.-* B' l_r._, btlJi'HtK.x, 1 lastripa -n of , N m \ t rxvo*.c*n h** mer e: tl.a rl'.ca of ta* iibaeroer* t tpt -. acd c** a-*._-au:-E_i ¦ any .,
*t paoaaga 00 tocotd ¦' c»-T.-o " -...
J .*.
ttylr fot tbe I '-V'hir*. Boetoa, lATtJRDAI I P.H,Mil
nd tp!-nd:d aR expr-wly for tbli t
fur H.ALI-
wr,,, ii i Oi'
nA. <*,,,,jrmi
Pxcte'tletv. New-YcfkevjryallernauTiiu.iday. Ko- paaear* applv a* 1
to iNELL SOBfl P.a ad.
VV. T. U
M.iy J
ilr, prove
of tbo
a-,1 roots
NaV-YoBB *lu aud a,tiofe*^
H. ll
up»ard, whlcb are tad aod 'j.rai i,rDv iriler. poe'-paid. V Co.
lii.e. ard fann^rrl
'p, or
atod dniroos of
E. R.
ihair bowev-
K dl
FOR i\ M
-e«. f ..¦..-..
'. »
ta'1 every
a-, ,..
18 IB
PREMECOI IM'.- Hfti..i..l HeCa* ,iita,ii*l 4" K, I. a.i,,w. aa.1 II
1 .-r*iatr day. any at tbe a_rW T ir new and. Uauf.ful * RCINDKEB. Capt.ft anA .rk. Nrw-V Thaiadayi >»ve Tueodaja, wii. Kamhain,
arr ouu.h.
711 RS. L. S- IOWLKR. M. I).. will
. .
... I CM, N
M 0 No. 177 West it. cor.
U.e unal
a-Yorl M.o-aya WoitxtaUyt,
a -
open. M
Bt_* i-ai 1 ' J. Ma 8YMON
irraa it
VV ',').
ar ne
freight to Haraaa to New-On* ani
of frelaht
.V. i.-^J
ho.te powir Rot^rt Crs .
1 -ira-a-
i *'
UiOi M-..*l_\
LINE for MORNING fa I * '.'. l!.e
KaiL days ard Aiber-iyeac-, ___rd ..ll *' I UU»«
ivtai ll
aioao tbM
PA> ..iO,
NEW-YORK .. x.j V
I.X.* ta.,*er
-a i,i
.. r
Kre Koarith left tim I:o*t I'able lli ire, t loea . iar« wr-u rui.i I ie .-a .-',i ltl. a^e, Aml eoi-li reoall ui VV laaadi-m'* balar: e waig vtwerwgt, .*Lo H-i"gary «ria!l ba m.,1 aot, ,' bia apatnot Ui oo ii tbeo VV'lthb K.,iiut!i leit tle room, r-rownion Us brovv and ln hn abes, m _l lt was inth gr-tt pain lhat Dr C. VV. ROBACK annKoasatb Bat I tbo deetstoa ot Ibte l thetianireiota'llL.e, and tliry hiv decreral th\i I. iSSBtb * tlie li»-eiator oi 11 -ir*- Nevertlieless, withtn if-will be tree Dr KOBACK'8 ,-r-.i rtl of Ettt p-V Ai nrel! . ln '!iil cauo* been faltilUd with m-a-a- !om iccuracy try, abave ---ii tboos wbo wlab advieo. by sstroio^y or geoky Na\\ -;-,t. New-Vorl. i.i* hai.ii ol renden,--, marcy, | ind| mtoC.VA ROBACK wi bo relfj.ulyattond* >n call and get ao Aito, if tirepaid. i ri fi trolcneal Almsnie, graiit, wt r- certli a'ei can be teen.
v ,
HesoBBbl the aid ei B
and ROBACK.'
..... t
-. ,-ai* in ute and not one f. Iure. Tho mott reaprcteble retei-ncei given in Pliiladelplna, wbere :l ,* r\i-u»lvely l ut-a. I'ighly agreeal'le to the toite. K..r clii i ii u ni-aih reoj:_iiie_-n tiy uie iato n t.r,' p: II i H t.V.VN!*, VVhol-aale Agent, No 0 South 3d-tt., t-.ia. JaMroesived aad fors.iieo. C H. rimo. Imiigtit. eorasr Broadviay nrd loi i.t.., t.rv. k Co., No I. i,r-ir.d ,t, by R08WELL Agents waiated in every sect:on i<t tba l nioo.
4 |
ef.rct i.iliy cured ty HUNTER'I DYSENTERY CuRDI-'VL, wa-isnted wrliout cpiiitu ur auy klmi of orugs
Naaa-ahlp ATLANTIC will eaoeead
Tl.e ac<-
i^a ..a -
.Ma. k. i, 1>
t.t I,
Batrerj-i i^ce, up SttUS. 1
4 t*l
.... No UMPbR-B Meoari A B V. Beld _Il i^i-t./Tirraily Tlir uoalaie t.- bi.v lt. vv ii' be tupphed graiia, l.y cal.i.ijt ,.n ttio t. Sl No.6- Wi |U lt pi.,,
apply only
->»e-t ra-r,,
.* -.
.. .,
parrnyclna, eye*. palical d.teaie*. obttructiont of tlie tplern, ipatii-a liytpeplia. cari'.ialiy, paioit.itiiu of tbe heart, hyooirica »iMinr**of i. u..ui ,;, ..i a-a,i,. ai.ida. Jfcilai al wl.a.|r«ie aod retail at the piiiic;p_l d-tn' in ti.e dnia t ,v I)
s- Por f tl.llt ar
n w
the liiiigt. aad
stoaaaobip PACIPIC,
munr.'int ateam-
WbaH ALBANY -Kn i.i ..uckA M o*..v a.-.,...av« , '' '» Th,
Dr. VV
a. abanaorraoals baaaab ftattli-Dcy. sciatica, etali he*i,re sBBueesia thr uint..
roata 11
NDAY, AM.;BIMoaaaj
Jio C ICENT CITT, D . N. R op FRIDAY. Aag 17. at i
N iv. Pevi-r-
, .
. ..»_
a remedy er.ted exclmlve Royal laiiv-.lne, ui;:iicuii.'i.i crtcacv, aa tuch acknowledred by tlir iruriai dllaatioa Ibe itud-.ei ofthe liiaudi of*CbbbbbAnsrtoMeo. m n v ed ty ti.e ososi smlarat fcssltlos af Piaon a Italv, aod tl.e Royal ProU-cxr of tbe pubaio,:..;.. a, It'..-- quickeel .' . ¦ and I.-.. >: reim-.iy tor any kiu.i ol i;i> head ache and tle-Oajloitui a* inveterate ai It ever may be :'.., at, KAlda, Rioacbo,| a.r, glau.i.ilet, piralyna, -*> Coituita i.ianii brutwl, iiiuaou'ai COatnwtloOS. nrr
TILEBTON -.IO. N'oi Theitci ti N, Botbeiof* w. x oa Ba. lay, A rerain. rssary leave oc h«r i.ext e>.!_.. iii>- I
o V\ Vt
rrinav, ' ND v>,
aatit.Wi* plt
. a tk.. f, *w Ua l-tli I.y
int, V|
t'. mlf,
V 4
c< ,.*¦
D SANP8, Kot ol». .it wholeaale or rn ,il. l.y A R Geoei AgenU :. rilOM v> y MAX* V\ lliam-et; IOHN Mll.llAi N V\ KI !.. ^ Itk Hrooduav, Attur and Irvmg H.-uie Drug Storea, acd No. 11,' l'.ioa.lway.
,,w- ..-r
K,.r .1 f. rr.iain and pa U, l). B. AI F.EN, A<ri.f.
." '-
,: p lAMEB ADUEK Ctrmmaaitar. will Irara b.-r Ni 1. H. B P.M. pre. iteir. For treight. apply oa I irpaaed s at the 06 :<. of iccomt: f
Tnead--. wlth boat. will P-P 1" n e-:-i: .-* mat**0ttl I i i-.rbtd tr_it__| toe a-v.*ve bcai oa tne Beccaal
|q toe. iv-*
a-otr* ».*
V. F.l,'.
I T .,,,.. VV ronrafiay
, .
©cean, #c. CH ,\KLES'|\»N._S.>i..i-\Ve*'kly I 8 ;Mii! LIbo. Tta and I^OR
I ..
.u-*day, -V
Mw,..'¦.»¦ *y.
t ei 7 c k t. M.l at. ri it Lah* Kooheakiaaa «i>ti lti I-
. _.
.h- .-
¦ «
TOR .s.\N
prsiloalv, ob SATl'RDAY, Sa
ty .t.
a '»..
-.irraitv of
et. tt
siocdsy, Tur_3iy, --ol, -1 IV, OeSI'NDAYS 'l)r i-'DVVI*, Lr.VV IS
1- I'A.'.. I-('.') -T
Par* froia S.w-Jertey llaii-
* to
irr,»,,i ui
A iW li
uriviatat N leolj
VV ai r> n, New \ rk
ment . at 7" ceutt t-er toot, and al tne late oi 5IOO per t .u. .
vi K't-irrin^. leeves
Now-Yorl to x
BBtolbaN V. Eys lla^pital, m.d Or. W a.'iaceond Dr. .Mott. S. PASSPORTS for all parta o
'I -k.
BcientiUcaily adjusted to viith uneil.n| sccu.-acy. bv Mr.
krep np tl
i' M
.. i-
dallOO oa Ooatrd tlir I'a-llic Mail S_n Krancitco on the m^it rs will bo kept up fog i trantiriit pateraa ---rt kotweaa I'i-iKreecii of tbo SBBva ot* ners will -r Hexi> 2S0 Iba p-irajnaf baigOBB¦ |.-.i I"
t v-ewthe
Itnlea of fa,-- from i'.iraiiaa
t t.
and \.\w*m.. I,- tne
ol a.'. OU m.
»;- a-i.rn.
iiRUNSVVICK, 101 l.r .'i kKER. MODELER,
ii. v
iy e-a», a.-.'
,,,,,,._ .
<t, Draa Hit on, M_»i . t i the origiaai reoolBl for tbe naai. ,*,tiire. t e|eBB.BO medl ti.l tiipplv-o Wbalsaale _,i,i irta.' an.l ,-t wioa-irn."--! tn to
WARRANT- BOUGHT and Thuraday," Pnoav. JJ BOLDobUm tnixit kvanh). te.-rns. byCOLtMAN I ANI)
,'.eai.i,r t..
tl «.N rON. Oensrxi Ajteat
ROCK Ei; SA \ INGSRINK Ii *K ER -V VI. .U'.lv ttat t 0 I
1110L1 v. a
to eiarrii--
Iba ValBB Bf* Bl »'.-.- I ¦ i Pai-nt aal Bkirl -vpporters. wbicb are woa ,i \ u la.. u-a'i ix»t Urar ),, ?- Bai ; alao ttlSd b| ary p'uy.i.-iaril who 'ej,,'. ai] -ii-it. k.
N DA V E\-
NEWROCHELLE a*.d O L E N l <V F. Thuty Ml ap ... r.| Idai d Boaad -i'ar_ oalv 12] i the r..-«-'y itt* '¦(. Kaa n 11 I BINO PHILIP, I pl iv. laa t. K IL, a. M Grand n 11 : at! st hrctn < P. || and N.-w 1: -. tt arhotaaoaM aad *iii l y lar tl, t's.-t;Iva titpfi ." tl.e rtiy, anot-ipg pletaaat . ,...,!»tii 1.1 fcr 1 I aoa bathiag at aith*. plaea. ILROAD rt )\l l\\ \ v _<V l, EXCI K-xlt'N train NEW-YORK my will r.1 aa |and retaia, ..., .'-,. v Ab**_*L .t». f'-r r. Q -!..*
I, .1
.; d_*'*are* ra tho hank* of a rive brokea at *hort *'. 'P, the tuniaeo t.aterfaii. wher*th* tha and Uw .-all are pouho* oui daii> in.rea.ttis r'I I li-hi '. and m .'.i.te-ni h ra.-rliiiiua.i tl 11 « ;ii BC. 8.8 tu.uerelt. \t i*\ -.¦. 1 xtitl Oattrared w raloabla wood ..nti t.nib.-r et.!: and.'! of ovet the wln. h are tiow belugt_BI**pO-t*dtn ltr^e toed Al Fegle Rrnise tlie Troy and Bo-toi. Itt.l-oad eor.nects anl. 11 ,'..*../ raa '.' ihroug-i ihe rich ai.d p.o-
AL'ELll.H fKLIa ,M
-ty irt
ay ol yoir tiaaar to t..a -...
<*.t. t,,
xT-curoion-, Ut.
ta(. Ot ltl Dl ol 1 i. a But DOOtl loiiv.r.*. 1. . IV ta < Balai ofVVild Cnrrry Lettliem uot d-er ve you. performs-ltheI. ourti BI TTS ,11 *v t' Sl ll w iaivvi.K. N
au.i for p.eaairre cannot ie. oqj aoy utbor r..a,1. 18 KINOT .- pi N f.anl f. R> al V. ,'.;. 1, LAI UAM.a C. aodi Railroad
|10 u
Hoit will be kej.t at eich en.l of tlie route to cover a, f, lljwiaa ti-.- r I'acketi. helotging to the Pa. i'ie llatl t. Dihip Company, .i aow oa ».'.* Padflo, oueof Btlch wili .1 I -ii i COL MBlA.-i -'tunt OOLDEN OA1 nk_sm.i.." ii, -. inNsnri v;n\.. iitiiiH. . NORTUERNER..1... ns VNTi LOPE I'.y l-l KI.IC. VROLINA.-¦ ,,in. .n , ORi ION ... I,i '..i-t. ''"I-i MK! l'ANAMA.,.. Itaas ISTUMI'I .tOOtaas' ..>¦-, tu.-j. CALIKORNIA....'.'.a< tu_a NlCOilN .'i"tum. PREMONT The new ii-m »hn I M II .ui p.v hrt ween San Ibe arriv ale of Um mails and peosanaers Peaema, anar*.
Acapulco rrteivr
r'*'*"1!*- of Ju >. Honerl
|3rofccc*ionaI only way
30 I ina-
f.-naie very 'i--:ip. at wh bowery, eurBBT oi ile.ter-i:. M. 11.
REDaMOND, N \\/lU-iAM *f Y..uii>*, BaUyaiaaB. v
ail of
.-..-.- «a«ti-t
ihisronntry al No Oo
il ha* .ilecta.1. bato *':ar*"v almy bysiciaaa, at weii as the t .juac.i.aud cu.-.d aapriaeia lad -t:a ImiUton to palm oil tp< uout i.aivtuiee, of *.- aaadai aaraaao tt tha **. soRs i " loan , lierry 8yare alltd "STiii of WlM Cbstiy and Te, IBB," " Coaipoend 8yta of W.I.i Cherry 'VVildCherry to aud abieb other ea, tund.y th-ya-Ccmlrey." poaada;
Departmeat. comauadedbi Navy ODoera, aad carryinr Mie 8. Maila. mll boraaitw bsva PHna.ns irmnern thc urilval of tbe AtUutir Mails, aaA St,. on the lit an.l l'n'. d n, uf c aud will toii-'il
atJ t.
ihuaoat ntea. B
t! e mir.v itr|u!ir curea tti't-d the »
I'KiAti: n.rRr-c,.in-
v :,i
of Dnino-si 1* foll Tm,, 4 '. \ M .' Ctnand*.'*..*. R,.-)i'a*ar, .'. i?eie Fall* t.,ri Cei 4dx vv.. tiCai-an* rn.....-, *n ,.,.... M-il. TaaiMBtl A M itny , ir,.-ht al Elmire. anl Bi. .te .,1 Ct. naitni, a arly next <i»y. al' P V! This i* tbi .¦¦ bi ifi r..,'- la Nii-HT 1 New-York aad NieS.- .¦
|. P.V IHCMUI, by the paa*STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The puelie are inlc.-n,,-d that. mn. rtBo new t' initintnt Bf Ibtoi < ri _. v. -Steai srs ., the .
t| t ..raoilaat S,. .-_, |. kkX'.txi > .rtlerMy._Rit_.i_-i . ...» .*irp .r.t in tb.a ecBes, akark .__ m .,_,_
All ia.y. ... .4, i.
tra: »:t of lhe Ittbi.-ii may te p.-rf.irinr.i ui to twenty-taiur houri.t*ie exp-ute, wlr.ajli varl-. Ia...n
silka ralvtti laataan a**ri miliin»-y goedt;
,,. w,
I| 'ix. :
.up. '.
provii i mt'ii, nibeearaiafioftk Tbeext-I
apr.l, ix4|. m I... I.rai.tka tr ... ijr
ttll taW4X.fl
¦..;- :-.-, !. k or
t- e r ;;or
.lay .I '
ofiice No. f-2 VV all SL
Bt dr*:_;.;.
»_-i .:
tobo ."ai oaed
1'aiseDgni arr landed at the rai.1 road d- pot. Aip.u^a.'.'. free of e*.prn'«". The tailroad be n| ia oaoration, aud carmn ever half the dittance tium Atpinvva.l to I'atmiii.. taa
yo. *¦ *
,t I.MI'i .sirioN <..»:-.- ihe va' ofaay discovery, tbo biabarRM he d m *.i mn ib lu p
a >n tk* (.!__._»
t'. yon .,,'.¦_.,» _M -t-. ia pa.x| Sata.a ail) ____. ._« ,..:,»*
rr.-a. oa
0 EVl AK I,
lirtt-cUa****!' xairect, coaneotiug cpreaa Train tor < '-'. (.4.U.R.--I Tftxat* P ¦*' "* Plar-nnt CHAS MINOT,BapertBta
mt i' tr.-.t
-\*i\v tf »' X*
batbs raoM >.- v v iik pi upunrAU, anu "i*lix>n .-'ate R. oirj.$,, b 1. *t ltl iirC1 1 r» | V.-) ItOjII.a.,'kj d t abin .-tar.deei . ib
' Bl
N.i-HT Exrai iTaam t8F. tt-
ofl >>cii I. oui tba W&lt
CttAl_-~ThRPRa_Mr7hr«R-R P"ITTSTON Company pr-pared city, Br_ck'yo
and u constantly diec.harging Aatliroaite and Bttumtooui Coali, via Peacn Orcfia-d. B.tck Nealh. Lehigh, Liverpool Orrrl, Cannel, Sidney, Ac. -c.sil of the ve-y beot qua.irv. deiivered'n hviiscma J A.VlV.S I, VN , iRTH, order, and lor aale low Sth-eL cor Thompeon, and tkh-av cor AjB -o
n »m
v.tkir. tke
.... ih
loga Ph'.ia'..
1n itcie ani r-vfy f-,r *alj. i
aid ERIE
Ba ky, Toleao and ..nd Cilca^o. M.11 Trhv si i- \ M. fer a'l a* \t . TK4IN St i P '.". X.a I ..-.: r,., f'.r De'tSS-Te. IVstTbsihbI .1' M , v-i l-r.-- i f-l" iware.
4^_ILK 0
of I).iai*-«t. al fo!l"«-. pierA t'.x¦! M f.r Dunkirk, eonneetm* wtth
TV EW-YORK .T.ain* l-ata
-. isbada ..' alityol Lu TIPKANY A CUTT1NO, No.3-1 Bio-dway.,'
U id lr.n.r., .t 1. BJ I. eoiifidcatljt-J'.l...ated tad.utv al a'lic ¦ bo r.*d 1111!.: kln ln. ..,._. R Ith* Tfe prtii'i t r.rvenu* 0. tl ii, .ri aa_ _rott-tii of l booBi BOtroBoTad .exuat,- ofl ti.l.utarv tt ll.ioad r I rnoht ui.d.a.1 ta locbaractoi New-York, April 24 IB-3 JOHN R. Tl RNKll. Pn
a.i i._;. Pi
»: _rt of 6 >", aad lhe M VV tv tiein ur Pi-rmont *t S I*. M in.t. _d of 3.30. Ar-n.t... CHA8 MINOT, B-perlataa-Mt
UOODS Bnd S1LKS, DRESS red aome of
fVjEW MER1N08.Tl Lx !..-..' £;!'**. f
-CHANOE OH H.MR*J-On ani after Monday, r Dunkirk, Cleveland. Ci. .rin-a, th- r \\--m train
. -
Drj} ifioods.
J.1 Aog
18 .'*».
k. rpr..
tk. v
tv.ree-*t tri.t. ''..'..ri,.
loeetber with a general BSMftmeBl <-f b wiehold WaibatanBa, W... .'in.-. wiiK-ij er« wrli the ai'rDii..ri of houte-
.,- r,,
d ctla/e llriiairaofla ma-hie Uio oi*.*a\ng Burrvt and
Sofea, Tata-aTetes, aasy a»d parlor Cbaws bbb* a-at Cbaira, VMi-ioua patt-rni; r't»w.rad, n.i.l .,..ii y eeatei aud piei Ta 4eawlib marblstova,, iteai on d.i.iiiK T.i lr*. Book-caeea, IVardrobee, r.>.<rw,>_ki «i,,i petnted chaiuherFuraitareea tuitr, rnahofaBvaad wal-u' r'raaab
WALL trrt i'ANAMA Ky order ot thr PoaSmBStOT '.*.-.». i rel, toe 1 i. ,1 Stat-tMili Steamert lornia aml Orrron Maila, »re to ka *td."th ,af raf li montb, d-rr,-t lor Atplnwall Bl u inSurilay, the mi'inr to bo p -tp,.-ed ann1 th e fhe P Mail Btsaawrs are to ota -ite on arrlwl ot thr maili at Paiiui*. RIT11) .-'1 * E8 M .IL 8TEAM-H1P CJ Thefoila w n.- i a <.. oi tbs Btaaaasbipa b-..o.: ;t I i -i.y i.HiROMA.S,nntnni CRESCNT CITY. 1,-00taas ,jHKi..-¦' t n. iii- ROKEE .....L* ..m PHILADELPHIA.I,Ioota_a ILLIN019 . EL DORADO K.Ml'.Rr < ...1.3 -tans ialcoh .i,en Nsw-Yoik -: A piawall n the StBaaAIOtbof r|r n EL DORADOand t e PALCONwitl ¦. Orl-am ar.d Aip'. iwall. dirr forrn a Iravingon ibe "th a.n1 .".'.. .t each montli, and foru an.: wath I Tl a-,,1: im N * i>rloaaa aal partsn MaaicoL CatUbrala aBdOreaoa P.itsaga t. NewOl i-ani an be eecired Irom ARMSl'RiJNO. HAhKllS CO., A.- nsatthat pla.-,-
rediaced refna..Shlj. br steemer 1RA'. r.I.KR. f.,... r., k-.i.f,. km at ip tt Taroagl ticketa via Neu-Y,,.k end Now-Heven Railnad For pertisu.n. aia 1. et the P-eilroeu Offioe, No IM South-.t N Y.
i.d I.Hir
nr r*s_To
COMPANY. c-nr-.-ctini with t'- PAi IHC MAIL STK.AM.nHIP l I'MPANlT -Oniy llir Mail L'B* for CALIKORNIA ai l OREOON, via ASPIN-
rosBPornltBra, '-. carvrd
c. n
Trai... Irrave Ne*-V *rk fr_m the foot of Coortlandt-it u run Tial.i st ">'. A M, eonne^.i.-'S al Morrli-Otv_ and ._*. 1"-r-t fo' tlie V|r n-t-'V. Iraia at 13 M ,waaMla| _lih itag-iat Dover ai * Thirl Tnn. et 4 P M p'ote-Nii.-i on to Doaw, wh*r« .errxr-* i'i. r>« pr.Hureo u. pmeead uiaal to lhe Moun'ain.
.ta.l >.« .ra k.raay .un noa*- .rvl r-*|..-»tl ti* .a tr... ...... ygf ' aa. 88 -,,._. t ,j Naa ...rt. .t ti_* Ha -I .»'.» a N.a Tart ,.. ¦. a ... ley ai' i .a*. ... t-_ -, , .-.»-. t..-J* m.J ,,,«a_i.*t... tk* »...._. r.'ar, tl ke s I* XV ,i| ,t. ,B Ua f ly N.» T rk. * :h>* t***iy
Coal li to deliver to foini'aiaa la and Wiiiiamsburib from Its acy part a| thia Bcats, rnd (everal yarda, the vanom tirri of ito Pittit. n Coal. which ii a luper or Antbraciie for domeeao aie. A)?ly at the yarda, corner of 14tn-*t. and I av. i Weet it., oear Mortoo ai the f.wl of Ooveiu-ur ti Kast River. fiHit vf North '0*0-, VV'il.!a.»-ihurgh; t-wt of il ijIt, Brooklyn, or at tlie flve ofthe Cw-puiy, e.-rnrr ol Wall-tt T* r C-><i »ill bedelivrr-d |, |l 7» Rroedwayof and per taa, Inll Ib*. from the Canal Boata. aad ai A- -\ *-
eubscriber has in yanla, ail the various kiadiof aDown
6tr«!_,|e.35 Pateer ien. will he lacrird at t::e Raiircad wharf, Aipin¬ wall, free ot the lithinus at the paaengert' ex.u-rt* Peraoni ircurtni thn-'uh patmge Vt the L'nlteA fttateeMan BtaaaMa f.-cm New-Y'irk, hare preferenoo of . dartoB e Ivsrd cf the Pacttie Mail 8:ea.- i I BBM I ura from Paca'na to Saa ranc.ico on tha t&uSt Ibvcf_b:r trrrm. P- r frr'iht or passage appiy to CHAR-aLs A. WHITfl Y, st the Othee ot tae Co. s, No. 177, VV eet st.. comer of VV arren. N. Y.
l-ee'eV 8ai.-or. State-Room.|S$ \f ard Porward belc.n, do. b-r-.a, v;u -tar.deee.15
DINING-ROOM aml CHAMRER PORNL . Book-eaa RE, Carvad Raai vn-,.ii an.i large aieortonentoi mgbb_ baaAfuraitarBfarsa aal auction, IIIIS DAY.(.Satardav.) Aug.2i,et l_j o'elock, atRelee-roeoi f-rChatnUratt n,-_r I'.ia.a.l way..IIKNR f T LKKD-i Am-a aatort-
-HiP COMPANY. connecting with thaPACIPIC MAIL -TF.AM8HIP COMPANY -ii t ti:--.rh L' 3. ltl -.11 iinr bgCAttlPOB-UA and ORKOON, rux A*pi_wall erH Paiaama..T.;e'd new end double enjlne C. S. < Mi.i .-teemr.ip OHlO, '<..'¦ lunt J. Kln.ney N.i , -iti-aer arilieail en \TCRI'VY, Sapt, _,a: 2 o'cloek, P M ,pre<i»eij fr-im pier at foot of VVix.-jJb it, Na r*n Kiv-r Tbe Pae rt' Ma'l steami_:p Ce-npeny'i magniticect tteeT.rr PANAMA wi.i ee in reartiDeajo at ___ema to recrue the Onioi rrai.'t ind pateen<rn and ia:i niimedlKtancisco Nc e'to-ti will be iparad on the naryfM 8an -1 atesa i ¦; t tneir pa_M_|-rct_r,;-gh ^th -
- -
lierti.. terr.r-
at i
K 01.1 SCHOOLKVS |\T EMOIVV"VOK N'TMN. vft M.'HK'l and ESSEX RAILil ROAI> .-.Iroute the moit anl
T. Li.i.ia-.. A.aC.on
BieBt oi roaewood and manofai vvc.d parh.r Kur, r ¦¦.<* ,-<,v. ,- d ilI li,ib
bert route from New-York ts via New-llamptm, daily. by Centra' Railroad of New-Jersey. by .*_/', srdagocd road. On and after Jl.. l.rve hv*'»8r.r !.- U UtK*'.T. from Piei No I. .*,' .".. M. Fire $2 I2_. Th.-outh ln b\ i.wjri at8A.M,aa411 ...... ir.»r.rma:i .1:. apolv et IIOPE'B __*I W, Na H Brcadwsy, oron board the boat Of lt- pa. Kxprea raa* tc eocneetiou with thl* Uo*.
.lip. up tiail*._'_
Sl I'KK.MK O'l RT.-John T. etri w;ini lM ftTEW-YORK J* Mt.a.t Heory T,-HRHKV BM-. t'. «a«H_d-
at No iU VV
heavy ipnr.i Appiy
hi.iee. sa-1 lhe ri.-r aa I'NITED STATES wiil leave NewY.-k | .-i lopti -t -une.- «*. again rn Tl!l'K-'VV i Poiaoii.i ti.e hu- nrv. da. ub.e-eu|.ue-trainer Cor-*
Meals aerved on board.
ttv-e tniies
open upt.n
July tt, v
t-epc* ev-y
No 6). RohiBeoa-et.
T" purt'Inw© for W'AMKD Hoi»e Cart an.l Ha.-neaa the Cart ?
No Beaver-«L JoNr._ * JOHX8 s Na 184 VVeaf it c...-ii'r afl.ivrry-et Psneng-ri p.-r I'n-.tea Siatea wiil diae.nhar* aio-rtiaie tiie wi.aif ti A»,.-,»a... a_ii I_te tbo i'ai.*-i» Ra
X CIS SK1DDV wiil leave f.>ot rf Jey-.t at 18 ¦ euta* .ef.,r* 7 O'clock. for Aihei.y, Fara M Ceou. o» HONDAYS. WFDNKSDAYS and FRI..AYS. m.. r t fo,lo_lD« ls,',3lr.ii Wf.t Poii.t (fewbunh. t K.ckStou. Dr.itoi. Caukill aod Ilod-. j, return ug 00 eiterDXltdi, 1. irail-i the iame landints Ti.ia bat will nol lae* or pay the I*a*t eit<.tion tu et.y other boat -u' * r-r*_laiiy aloap, antvtaa ia ani ssason. Tha owaan m dti.t tlol pa__en*er* by her will pranouur*. liartheaaf-at anl . moat cn.loilebie on tl.e r,.#- RTdltaa 188 La.e _».*& t'.ven to tbe Cptain. ai.d r.,ey tm f.,ur,,i itnrng up ob boaid t.f tlie boat hy ti.e ei*. of ii,a laaaoo-oc. Wo. l * P_t-nt M»'alie r_r_tta. Tha boot i. _>.¦ Lii* Beat*. T..ap4.t>i.c intv ri-..-.,,: -,,..;.,.,.-. JAM1-8 NcCi LLOi'GH. Afoat.Ro 16. Frotn-sv
PKNNIMOR^, Prrr.ft c-f Cornc'.l MlLNOh, ^r»i't Mauageriof8;.'i..l PtnL
C.f.'AH. H
-1-HE lf EW Rad elegant Bteamer FRAN-
lo'ekck. Ret.,,i.,. 1, -.,.;;.» Ing ei fi «'cl,<k. (Raaaape excepted 1
be .*»_
rsalo. Ro-fcsaoa opeo, ai.d tbxa DA\ II BRixikS .v CO., Apply to ,.'-_erai -'¦> Ai- _t*.
Bb yeonoid. \ very pieesart ard tty!i*h driver: tonai. aad kind ln double oa nngle Can
mthmm r onr. e_n_k__ttn*w:__i Weatern R__.:o*4
.ome vt-rt far. Among them a very Bla:k hawiloit. lo JAMES DAV IS. Roorum-K. _*_.Kniti-n-av., Brooklyn.
C.iintr -I .,_.,«. B.
Kurr. P-Hntia*. _«.'.** ¦**-r ' B SorWy . r**'r* Dr*.* la.** .8»aaona (it* He a. (Qtaa. aa* _.» ..ToPATBICB 8.J.'RI.n I..a ar* k*r»kr aaaaaa.a*. aa* *. a lha auire* to ...*.* tt*c_n<rl_utt .a thiiot ata.i. *_adb ».t W.u.-a of Ki ka-**J, al tb* tk* Clart ol th* Couety a saM «. y.*r ._*<**, u> n aad, J :. .*, l*fw. a*. t.. «er»* Ura.J <*t<ap__,tt oa t_*.«hatn»ar. tt ka -*¦.*. *t>v .>? W.llai__ ""ti-tk* j. \.a y_.k, a.__,a:*». .ty -tr.tAa .»¦«-.... oerou.*it._-,»», the Jay ol .ark **m ». aad tf yota ta.l to aaatrer tke .. .*.r pia.-t al.¦ tk* baa ___.-»aa-l. tk* m Ou* tataoa a.ii avpf* '. -. C.x.rt »>r tka raa*. 4* »la._t_l . . ..... k . . aS* JAMKJ B. .'fsfr.r_-.t-,.*.'. Autttttf.
BRMlkinl Hor*.m, F ORSaLB.SrvwrI Appiy SALE.A fine hrighr hav HORSE.' FORkaaAab-fh
Oocaa Hoo**
at tl.e
Sl l-KKMK rtll RT. Riehn..,rnl
fjorscg, (TorriagcB, &t.
itiorei. eombire to rendsr 11 oae of (.r 1,1,e* ,ar«,'H;'lr pr.p.-r-'rl wil'r.. r .V» IflCB OSced lit CAP* ItA.itta f.r iBaiiafaisareis for a loaj thwt, T'< r purri;tv.' Will t-r»qrl*rd ,. ... | Seettrity f r thr ,»',.. .r- ' f tbe rintract JrMK.s vv WALL Miyor
k .ini
p._rttir*ly stop
Ita*in8« _
£TEA>1 BOAT ARMENIA^Fot CoralC_/Ponf'..ir_.|iir. Neadr.jrih C-m M C '.n ef*enioi-OBl tvt.l erxj Milita.. fr.jti. the .oot of .ty-*t ereryRprfag,
MHowb fci'ir.h paaari the great hulkof coai waichin.'.'.pped -,.. I'i.: adelpoia The ellgibW eitBBtlea nf th^i ItmoA, tht 4**th of water, ,-'
a..-. 'i,r
NOTICE 18 HKRr.BY UIVEJN.^corrfin* ta
k*. U> ttl sararaa __..__. rk____B ta_a_aai TMOBiJ WTVHI, bt* af Ot* C*s .- BrtaA'ra, k n*. Cotiaty. Ja.aa_.I, lhat lha* ara raa- .f*. to atbibrt "ha atma, an. tk* .ovrkae. tkaraof. to tka ***.rnkar. !**.» C._», at kaa faailaara, Wa ****** al..* tka Cty** i>. lort. oa*. k-ara tkatau. ta. ,_8a_k aaai. Daaa- BsBBBBa
far Aiwcy ec_ ircy, Le'janon -ipn__g*. Pituhoid, tmtkjg. beiA tne Othot taBs media.e Stanona At il or:::t, f M Aeecrnmodsxicn Traia to CRaBM_B Ponr Comeri. eocneetlni VVeatern Railroad *ci__ Kz*L Cf 1 .Merren f.r __eb___.c 9p:_ngs wili take t-.o 10 8 -i"_», A M Tn n tfl CbadMm, \Ve*tem Raii.-cad le Ctraan, and fctage to Le-__._:. mtviaf eerly the same after-r»-M. BLOAT. Supanni-a-leat rare trirongb, 52.
M M, MR 31, 9
.af Iaart_r_|.
NT-rbllUH * *ryx*x l\ r Md MORTOAICon Real Yjnv* tn *W MoeMyos Brootlyn apply io-ANI HON Y J. BL_ BCKBR, Auclicr.eer, No 7 Brtad it.
t. SA.N FRa-NCISCO .it R.I) TED RATKS-Nrw Y-rk and 8en Pran-i s-«_.I...¦» eieea .Tlie new atnamahis UNITED ,« r :ier ieSTATI-l* v\ C Br-rv Comim for Aipiowa,:. Navy Bay, ,»VS| DNERDAY. t*Ot, pa/iui. l. Bt ". P.M. connertirg a: IV a . tbl -,-*, douoieengingettr.-.i wnfrlELDICOTT, _,intaa* I sa, Oaafps A < -. G -.:,'.-., i- *. ch *, a -r a»i'< tr.-* a-nvai i-.» Pira,-a by tlir I mtea liom Ne»->a.n. ami lmmedia'r.y trirrr_ftrr ->m-»od* t * San Fie. r. ii.p:iicj at rtn-dtare I p. rta. aa»l«. in acommodalion* and lef-'y. are sot nr 1 pa**< d ju". -tpraanced urge-.n :. aitaclied to the v- taei.
RAI! ROAD. leave t.e t':ty Hall S_b.:__, .lew ort, *.'.'x.-pt-e. s. :"t'_!__k. A M. Mail Traia
.. will ;i;_hli_.d Dock.
MATINICLNK InLAND.-Ia i aiaaaa, ol ar-ecl of thr Legiglature "f':ie 9tate of NaSWJeraey, and by the authonty ,.f a l-gai Town Meeting of tba aRiaaaaai RaiRaatoaCtn will ba sold M pi-.e sale, at 12 o'clw,. M''ay tne 8th day ol BaptBI *r crit, at Beln.n'a City Hoiel, in thr eity ol Burhnftoe, N J onehalf or tbalssrsr Bartaf RarBsataaBi Maruni-iunk liiand, Thn valo'^-'e property li ittn.oa nt aboat 1 Ao erra* airii'ui toe Oriaware liivrr. o-iy-rne tne city of BnrllngtCB, N. .1 i'1 rniira «i«.a. .fir'city of Pbiladelpbia, and upon ths treei i.igi.way briwrrn thr two grsit c-in -r-:a c'.tlu cl tbe IM,..., aod iB.rneoiat»ly opp^mr the r.-rjt.'r*. ot the Delatvare Div-iiJin Ot thr Paaaeytvanla C'srsli, at BrlftoL
M0RR1B KETCilL'M. Trcasurer.
ii 12 M 04 M
2*1 12 M 12 M. 2* 3 P M.
3., IP.M Toeadty, 31, 4
per eem <¦. .... ( .-...rattloor.on__-.wlli bee. ne du aaR4.l eao n:,.t at lhe of the C-Uapaap, No.... VV'allgt on Yi....... -epUinU-r ;'' P.v ,r<!.-r of the KxecJ'ive Con
T^RSANTr .\NTrTsO>i-DlRECt..
central" "railroaI 1LLINOIS COBlfANY-.Ta* frurth instalment of live
H 4 K 4 Kr.l.r, 27 4 >ar.irrtay, :,, bA M Monday,
W-^aii.,, 'Thartdev,
wertiiy of sttennon.
ry uiuaily fiund in tba urge ano fs__;onableKur_:t_re IV.rer.'-mt, and .i a mnrh lartrtr ar.dmcre va..;d auortmcnt than can t-e foocd in any eata- iiih.-.-ient ln city. No |Oode wili oe adm-tted into tl.-.i me butsnih as can ba irheri uapon end warrentrd. .ina no Iimttrd g-wrfi -je rocer. rd, "* it ii tne introtion of -lhe owren that tiie wiijle ihiii Ijt i,;ld withont reierve. v Ba t'-n i.ii*r.or rosewood Piano-Portes whieh ara well
Tuetday, R -Thi.
i.iuj before
arivr* with the n-nir drirtratii* deecription of gooSa The fumiture ri* all bern tjiede in the beit asd mcit iu_itw;t:al tnar.Tirr lo. ,-,,y r-«" *ii Omit, and ro-tttts of S lirge and tpir. didatt-.rttnert ef n:hiy carved Kosewood, .'.: and R'ari, Walnni P-.., Dtnta y ro oaa, L-.!.raryandC*ierjiber f-rriitore, corrpniing every artiel* of elagance ud uiili-
usday, lata.ct..
J BPLENDID RORI WOOD and MAHOGANT tl RM .I'RK, ITaNo i-i.HT!- -. a Or fear_BBBt-_*aBBB_taB a-. *un.a.,ve, ti>-o, apprcvra loconto notee. On THL 118DAY aa. FRIDAY, Aa| 6 aad 87, at 1" -'c!_ck sacb Axj, at ihe iarge hail Ne. A)', Bnadwiy, MsilMlll Chke^ Mt.errn, brt ween Spring ind rnn--e-T*l 1'. C KEMP tr.llttll t' vir-i, r. a* *abo- r, a l«rgee"il iple'dld aMartin.ct tt r nri >t»re, an ot thr v-tt quality. ard all of which wiil he tod wttbont re*»; ts, and p-cientii rare opporpoetTivel] t-iM'y to Ma trsAs, Benl an-i hcu?e^»»r>m to tupply thern.
-'.SWlD l.e ita..r.i thr
R- C KHrlP, AOOl'
T_.-tiay. T.
in.'lui-.a.i II end Catt. of ttl.i.h U-* Co.npanj hiivt *t,rtitlciil. ft.. UMi-tdlate uu. teatta, Tha B,,,,,:. .0v. .,.!...d a.« tne laat of e serlea of 700 o thi tl.tS-O each. a-rured hy thefir*!lo end only m- rl. tre C.BpM 4V"li.II.*ref-r,e^l to. executed Miepherd Ktapp, Suiitl aud T. ITl-IB Tr.-^eea _, , , Tha C, j...... btv* pu.-, l,s_4'-d-.-i.i.'esoftheP.-'Ttlcant Railroad ti-ea, fiom Aiiicetoa i~;tit eWht ...ile. i n.rfaio. Tl..-la't. rCaoipaay are kaiMtBf inew tr_c) direct ta. Bh'e.U. coinnn11 .nt at lha ..i.t ii.-i,t.,.ned Ii kawar*. ;.i efWii-aiiiharaatr, wian tha t.e to _.v. potae ti..n of tne 23 milea to the Bul Co.u>,a_,» -.k>eudNe*.-Vo.k C.iv Rallmakl Coaapaaf. The la'.'er C.m miloa, so laat tbo arhota Raa. tbooiphi pBtiv er» iww i.u'..lo.iithe -Bualh of Noveoi'-er o»x'. and lii. vr.i, baeosnp-*i*d tn wiiete It inter H-.oellatiiie, tu f,"." Butlalo aaaaiaaa_a| aetts the Nei»-Yi.rk ai.d Y.rln Kn,',i..nd. H2 milea from New itaeaa aii Ma*_r the Boffaloea__ Tork, meains Yo»k 423ii.iifs. being tl.e .'otle.i. mott direr-t and a.uve B**_4aaaa*eo*a betweaa New-York aad BaaVala, Al Ru.lalo tl.e oorin*. 'a wili. a Ilalir.wkd iO»W betwroa Ruflalo and l_e-.i*te,i, hy meaiiiof whir.i pa/.i/ad a direct if.n.uelcaliori will bn crea e.l i»at wee,o liie .',..'.-.! eitira, N.taara, and Toroutu, Canaaia tVeat, wiliiuut. hraak *t BoR__*_ II.. t Iload wil tarm an irnporlar.t COnnection will. th. Railroad. tt. Ca-a-ia. .... ... u> D-lroit an to Lake* liun.r.. Superior en.l Micliiixn. T, noitl.erly aai r* l,.,e (,..,.. I^-wwUh. to llu'ln' an.1 ItVw-Y.iu will i* of tiie tu le»t gau$e, te a_. baat to pifiiote »he noiu.'i.rt 0 liaveler-ar.d ecouomy tt. the traoepori ition ..1 f.'eight. A D PATCH1N, Trera*rar. Fi,r fi.i.l.' r ...f'..... aaali '..
II. 9 .., 9
Surro_at# _j
an order of th* BaVMB tl a ai" .*»>_ eeora * WraOf I-.** to aa.,M ekvat ____a_. IHRI«T1AN BlLL-R. '.- BlM.BB. _t* *m *****. U r na. .< tba -j a Naa l»t. ..... ,a _r .* atae. »,tk .vwrk**. u> 'ba . -~ f.*a*. 81 ba ri ulara. Bta. np af Bear T .rk. *a "« kafar* Ua Int .*. K, .. _a ofleaaaber aa.t Dtl-_ Bat. T>**8tii 4a7 i_f faOr-S-T,:-*-. JOAtt.-A L. BlLLkK. ;r BILMK, AJ»*.«/v.m
sjcharga fcr Pomeoin Bro.klTa Kor aale apieoi-J rtonfrfrtot c-.y Hoean Aiaa. Nn*. M 1.11 lv« and lie Ytt Httet. a bargetn Alto, Houaea and Store* io W_;;_u_i»«rib. payicg 1. per ceat taureec. R LAWRENCE. No. H Naeeeuo..
t. taflaja on.y -The r-prr; r fatt aoilt-g ahip AOELAIPK. toe>*\ Moiter. will be despetched Pjt tbe iboro oethelttMrptember Ker paetage oBly.lall berf.enht port oeirg en/aged.) vrry -'.oe aeeoin_i--d*t.-_s for famiI-i t a taeia ippiy to SPOPKORD. TiLESTON V CO,
9 AM. 9 ..
MsBarta. IurtMnani
P. M. EONERDAT, Aaa. .i.akiJ 25, at. »\l. ii,k .-r.i.l.t A .EL i W
of ffioTin} (Dante& anb to loan. IN11 *V*mWkJ9C*l C-aeir Tark. LOAN-On produrtt*W i ilfU.TO lha*M_r, tt n t K^i ['m,. Wanted. Parai ta *f? ***n* Vaaay
Al/STRALIA-A lirBKlaa. dippar veaael a* bow ln e few day* Cao eccomloadicg. and w. be arttl*t few more -paeeengen if early appitcaivoo u made io k _O. V. HlOHES CO, No J9 Weatrel- N Y
New York.
4 P. M. Tae-rtey. Auguat 4 '.Vad,-ariey .. lt, 4 6 18, Friday, 20, 1", .-_._,.. 7 A. M 'Monday, 23. 4 P.M 'T-ad.y. 24. 4
k CO.. BANGS, BROTHER TrvJ* Bafca No 13 Par*.-t
MondBT. Aogiaa 16. 17,
Tueaday, V. tooealay, Taasaaap, Frldav,
fialea br, ^mtton. A. M.
Im Stata al one-third. Earla-ra at or.ttaUi.__, Jeroey .purtluB. aioneg-a.- rotOBaBOrOBBt alely MK.OARP.Y k JOHNSON. , Wok. tm. New-ei
_/_¦_'MR.-T MdRTOVOK BONDS ofthe R'.'PFAl/ AND NEW-YOBR 011 V l> i.KO Vl> OVIPAf* Y fo
PHILIP an*! SYDNEV FOR PORTd'.tpa.chrd
n,J'nno,'v[_^i'rK Oltd BROVV V. DOCK, (Mld-leu.wn), a* foilow*:
a: t*io
DRAPER will -11 aurtiai i&lMEON 1.5 rRlDAV NuoN, WR 1*888* ny Merchanti on
NEW STEAMBOAT OOLDEN LAND WARRANTS WANTED *\i II fl _of *}\J\ the PWideanB I81J Woia, and alsn of ma C*pL .'.nl7 wiil leave New-York, *OA17H, ibe h r-.rai wl,,. eaahorice f..r no'A trijl R ..deiivi-lurdtva-ieapled), VV*r, P""'r....ll'.. Bt.> irt*oa-m.. .SPaBaWBL .;*.>. Illieow PairrU »«,r lh« War of 1-1 J; hy Q. H. _HU- ?" S. ?r.W^BtRY .I^'NOBRANf ll OCt V- HO^flt V('nT ^'ABHINi.TOS. M KNtB rK.f.PT No 3 Naaaau *t. & d.avre fmtn Well-efc
to th
INSLd'V, LANII ll k CO., Ne M WaJl i_ New Voil. April M, H -2_ w
iol B' a*,»OJ., i.r >i i>-u»eer
RtfVBVBKeXNA.., > H».KIHOl./,> Cc.T..x^aet«ra. aao utrttutPt. ) .
111 4ht
H1111I! !i,.n
BTB l.T.LLiriaourAiaatfcf thaBhlaof RMMb|
mado do lerioM elTort. They will try tio better next time. to ~~Excel8ior ! k Co., No. 156 tW Thr maffnificanl Crayoo Daguen*Kriends of Scott and (Jrmiam! underRaoiDWtv.The Fall Fashion for Oentlemea's HaUwaB *t leoe'i ^*H*ry. No. >» Broodwu. U aaafc atna stand now* and henceforth timt every note lost. aalj 14th k on Ur.KBF lait, Co, Batarday Introdoced by itill tlie delitht end edmiretion of a!l tiue loven of art. F.x by the Kmperor. it and vou will here one at lee*t. amine in your Town and County !. wanted tli»» it Wedneaia on at llnlifax waa Satiruat, ArocsT 91..Tbia Commodore Perry of Bta hrr.'a la, wh.. i.- k> 8* lf uroi wnrri em banted *pel Brrat day, e*tined to be r»Dd*rrd famona in the annali II" !«. the for -rroiindB. Stato [i sure, or li hopesail fmhinf Don't to about He'e. dav your of say RodeeajBiad *| tb*br*atl agfenaol aat lora**a*B| tune, by lhe tutroducti. n of Kno.v* Fa-I ivlena klttt II ar.l- ill Ir,,» the itmipleH hrr th* d*«t *mi *B*B**t *f* ba,k on the 1st of .Septemher iu or,l«r Ioob; for there nre not five States in the atid auuticaily execoted, tohe lieautil'ul ln concepi'on pecta a.Hne.a |r,,M.w, Wlrran uili tn,1 blen.l.iike, Hat aa uaual, will prove a aalsaa al lavonte tW (ii'RNEY, Rt No*. 1*!> Broailwuy. «nd to r<ail on tlie Japan expelition. I'nion that ara fiaad beyond controver-y, now 31 Broadway, eorner of Leonardtt, eurpeaees all other Da1^* EJRta i.f t!i«« WI ftiHliionbii. nre* of even in those we want tlie last Whig und Yai ohv, artUt* in |'.vii| to hl* plctnre* lhe ezpreasicn ti. Mn t> andp ready at No. W Fnlton William lyTlie letter of our Mexicnn corroafoerreian _,,'! ...od-.ts^_ ife. Manufac'.urer, brtwevoto called out. Kll'ort in Vermont is couto Im found The pondent, in another column, will of (ientlemen*! Daolerreottpes mt Bradt..Pieiure* two ttmTTiknin's Full 8tyle9 is of and and needed, thongh Vermont will deairable dRJI tain NRH itenid, important the Pri/* the 2' The yellow fever, or an it is now ralle.l, hail provedexreedinglj <lestmr_iv_ of life, though ita ravagea had heen checked. A new aml very ¦trinjrent commercial Iaw bad heen promulffateil
tiem-nil *. "tt tnd fi***r*l P.rrra Are layii.l ao* tl.*.r H.-at>a.t ixma, But > tha wnrltl ke»i a roll.m roiiad, A', a**f lake.pi. turea all tlie .ame.
nday! Hata will belssued oo-,t OBBlB, No -11 tfr.vadwiy. oppoute M. Paul s.
Abtistic.A lioglR andviewthe ofb»ld,thfly,-t -pl*nmode-t, itore. No '2rMi 3d
pnl.lic are re*peclfully iovlted to ex» eolieekxhlhilH at the World'* Fair. toiether with alars* tioi, of the portralts of most of tlie diitinga'shed men ol our coui.try, at Brauv's Oallery, No. 2"5 Broadway. ^_
later date than the fulvice-, reeeived hy last nigrit'n mail hy way of New-< Irlenns.
con""OTThe Automaton Bird-Treo. wi.i. li V5T W»* tlils morning rocord another ".Lming biauMci" tliat ornainent i'a ihelvct,H. vviuld of liat no- hai a trarted so tnueb sttoot.oo .1 T. rffUf* No nt-b BtWdvioce tbe wvmr-i tbat our friend Muai Th . l. cer- in-tunce of wholesnle de-truction of human wav. we i.nder.twd. is -ow otlereii fnral".beautital ometonety ii an aruit Hu fall auxk n ready. Call._ rare rl.ance for soin* one to get a tainlya EspenTbicmph.N. enil uit-nt Crowning fe on ono of tbe greet routee of travel. great cuno*lty._ The CHKID wiil uaue tbe Pall Style fnr lnb2 on Satardiv next, Extraordiat Ornamknts sti'iimer Atlantic running <»n Lake Tho -fi'-alr hli Windoiv ity tbeSlitirst. KsrENOtrili, m announalng tiot.WM Broadtienieo'i Hstilor lhe Fall of IHR loliciu acntical exaua- Kkar Low Pairrsl-KEi.TY k Frificso*. aod in connection with tli,. BfichlgRO Laee Me Window Shedee, »re *elli*g nation of Its drsign, shape, material and trtinniiiigs Atnen. bb* and M Re»de-*t, Cornaes. Curtun Triinininf*, Jic, at Oi't MrslnCniUin* can genius ln the department of the usefnl arts never Railroad. came into coUit-OO witli Ci-ntral aee'em. and arlueve.ia pronder triumph Lightneaa, richness andofdura- bargaia*. Call high are tbe cliaracterutic* of lhe material; an air o'cloek yesa-n.lV-t 1." billty C..*rper .tjr., tlie Th* propeller I gdoBRbnrg Rt '2half eye fashion, wbich. allbough indeeenbahle fascinates tbeneatFeel. all f .anl'. pt.n ; nn hour. tr*ad out thr .jark of Ife, sunk the moment lt le aeen; claaaic proportiona, exouitite "one ln nnd Wh-n morning tei.liiy Waran'l tr-ad .a aia.n." nees lnthetmorr detaili. and all theae bleoded lot) Hat not merely ¦ cape Point, were iocU Wlio hernioniooa whole" mark the EapBBCmiB but off Leng The vessela tW WHI, auppose it is so. of the vear as tbe tnoet beautiful Hat of the seoenn, io thr art ronipunction* »nd cockroach *.' We bare I some The t of tlie -hore, n. age Cnnadian we say lmprivemenf* on the tifty milei Might slsin tliousands of them with LvosN Magnetic l ow.lir and of balting. developed and applied in this sple"did fainc, .cores of iats with his Pills, and ihall eontinue to pa'roni/e nt the pnce upon u si was deaie the would luatify the n anufactuier ia p'aci-g atonrdluiry rIjovo Bullalo; fog iluis. those infallibles a* long a* sorh p-*ita e\:it. Price 25 cent* fcrabove lhe ordinary ratB* a*)t i**uperior on pei-eol per Hssk or box. D. put No. IM Broadwsy._ of aml the erowd time, Inotead of d.dng *o, he atill elhere* to bi. 'or-ner pRisengers the *_ btt. althongh, in matensl and niannfacture. it i« -*J.*2 ot price. Trnni^tnn number->were of in Tlie woaders naturally irreepectlve tW 300 oold ln Broadway. Atlantic.nbout Hat to ********* eupenoi auy Ano-st
l^iilcMBIO, No. K" Nassau-st,
and City To Country Mrbcbajiti »RUFoiw__a Geo*.,
Iaabb, BartABL-BBj-AetVMM Puptii asIvstim. »«.fj Partn ar Price*.
W_ prr-pa.-d M great buyer. of Dry Goods. Paakee Nntions, Carptts and Oii Cloths, witb a fall, new, aad compnrchased early. and Foreign Gooda arrlvlngby every steamer OlR Svstem U |ivin| universal
aatiiuclion to thoae who have teited it.
Drisi Oooui DsraaTMBin. itaple 81lki and Just openlma very mpert-r display of Alp-CM, Mertno coojprunng PbbRbO, EngH_h DrraiO-oda. of Atoo, color*. oli.Tee end entirely bbss Chkha, Dr Lainea ; Pe'Raal>, R'jeee" ibodaiof plain Mouilio De Ltlnei; Mennoiand Krench beautiful deeigni, new and .Mertno Saawla, K,ngl1th, al, kindi of Woollen, -ilk andWe atteninvite Bo-tch French and Domei^lc tion to'our duplay of the varioui grades of lon| and squaro thn in country Bhawls DiaiJufa-.iired White Goods Dkpartmeut tenader tho The Room devoted to tkeee Oooda, ar.d wuichand maoager, as purchaaer oopervision of Davio P.ThomasThe V\ Inte Linrna of array ofa le worthj vialtoflnt|r*ctioo. Linen Cambrlc HandKerCambrlc*, JaconeU, Lawna. Laceo, Klowen. fcc_ isoomp ete ehiefat, Kdglnga, Knogee, Artificial Nsoklni. Teble Uothl, and eln.oat unnvaled. Alao, Towela, would we, io hu Ae of all qualitiee.bnt moat Kmbroideriea-liavlng of line behalf, tnviie attentlon to the the guodl prrUlnlng bad a lltWetime experlence eolelyhein ottm tn cloie buynrs, to thii department, the advantagri muit be eximin-d and tritt-d to bo appreciated. CABVBT the HOSIBBV, of Tbe Purcbaeenaod Managrn and Oii. Cloth. Yankkb NoTIOBS, and VVooi.i.s Or.ol aud lmpection tbe icrutiny invite eloueet PASTMiiNTi.. tbeir gooda and pneee. Ooods Dr.i-ARTMr.aT OaiMESTlt of Domntic Cotton G,)ods, lnComprlees every description eiodiog all thestyles of Biown aud Bleached bheetiugs and bia,ltl! tf PaiNTAND GlNflMAM Dr.PARTMKNT. One of the moet exteuaive uaaortmeuU of Uieae Ooo&t ofMred lo Retailen in Ihii country. We only aaa an liiepeoHon of styl-sand pncei Our pncee are undevlatlng and unlform -Nett Cash pay¬ able ln ten days. of tlras, bj Weare prepared to grent short accoroodstlon paprr, payable at Bank addiuK ii trreet and taking tlirourh the We eha.1 exhibic l,v ihe aid of travellera, oauntry, , full -ar-ge of -ampln of our Ooode. Orderi and forto na will be filled »ith promptie_» and deapatch, ********* warded ipeedily all thr wintrr by North. South. Call oi to Ibe Via
and .lobbers, linportera No. 47
at JknFall Fashionable Clothino ihla firm for m»n-
ac-juired by
Biaci ii Co.'s-The
reputatiou for general aale, equal io that mideto meanuie, hai givt-n tliein thr coiiiui-ii- of au laimente tiade. Their Hock of elegaut rrady-made Ciothnow ready. and they invite lo it the etprIng lor tbe Kallol lscounlrv ii.rii I'Vittat preaent in town. In cial a-.teiilion the prin;ipal citlee and towni of the Ka*t aud VVrtt-in at well as all the inteCdarl.-iton. New-Orlear*. Haw-.nnah, ici toWM u< tmponatice in lhe South. the brair.y and tinuli,
Bfactunng Clothlng
tlie M)le ainl material of tlu-ir r.-ady-made Dreai Cuaia, Suriic, liave l>een aptouto, bacli, Overcoata, Veita. Pantaloout, for tba laat tWBBty tive yean. The precialed and iidmiiu-rt aaeortnient fjt the fall of i'-bi ia believ-rd to ourp.a* tliat o any former year, and to lie altogrtiier unprecerleiit-d n New Yoiit Mrrcbant* from the country wlio detire to giv, toneand eharacter lo their fall tt - k. ami t. trcure a rrou latli.ii lot kicpiug a c'.aasot garni-nu un..-a)ii-ilrd in tlie trade '.V ot *..>ieiiu tha arr invited to itanine tl»- «" ¦» va wholraaledejaaruneut of W. T J_aaiB6S k Co.
No i!i!
Ann-ri, au Holel.
JFAMiKKIVl, k L.M'HIKK, .Vler.tlBtll
Tailora, havr r.-i.i.-v-d ftoi.i r*o M ro Nt, S_7 Bioadway betu-een Hnuaion aud Bleerk ri-*;*,! wb.-re ihey are prepared to funmli aitiulea iu theli ai.d 'lieiin,*t faali'onable maienali tbrtlorttwt
(Brewifer'a M_rt,le Buildingi,
< laOTin.Mi RlttRT lntr Linen,/yphrrin». Seerr.iicki-r aod \lapa« Cm AlCcau i*I lo ? I; Llnao. .1,-au aor Diao Dt Kie Pani*,.-.'lo p.'.apaiti a va "ty af Kancv V.j;i; Matinilea, Flgured Rflk aai lajbroidi-ird Wlnte Sa'ln V ,- .*, toftom Rltof.) RlC, Comer an ittoi'i,, i.'i't iuiv Raaiaeaa Ccala, Ri LjBVIB llRSCAB. Wli.tB-it.a_a Brr away Um.kb Uarhrnti AND H..KIEBY KOR
Titr. Si Ai.-N Tl.e*eaiticle*inouid be bought ol the Importeiiand iiianufartiiiri* Tlirn tbaI, ¦>--.' hit ol aelecllm from a tery large a-> "iiinriit i,ud ol-uining at very low priaei. RoasoonBar tlie oM starl. Na !"l A. Kinkin feCo,Ha_Mn owrry.
ii he can the CF~" be found. who, alter puiclia.lri one .rt of Siiirt* from n No Aft"! Houae. hai lalled I.i rrc iiinn- i, I them to I.i* aci|uaiiitancea oithe n.: tt t-lraantiy made an.l deliglitfulfy fittiug >hirt* ever mada tooiaer.
1^" Don't
go to
Dty Goodi Storei!
Mbb'S PVBBISHIBG UOOOS, li tliey cannot Ix-gln to conipi-i,- wuli iRaraa aaataaivaii la tbr lme. The bosl plece in Ntu-Yo'k to Bhlila. I nd-rsliirtt. Drawtrt, St ,cki. Collaia. Ciavata. Huaiery a d Sii.p,-nrl»-ii. ia at S\kx\v'» Men'i H'uMilalnug \\a>e!iouie, No. 140 VVTiliam-it, near to bnv
r.unaH'ati's, &r Fisr'h Patent MetRllic Olfice and VVare-
Bir Ught and ir.deatructit.le. roouia, No. b*> Broaduay.
Principal V\
iV Rn h Carprtirbi.. Prtrrron nf VVhite-it., have
No ll'.A Broaduay, eoruer luat rrce'vrd dnrct from ibr Kuropeau manufacU-riei per of auy lioli Miaa i VBtVBSBBd Tai-ratiT C.irprllng. thing i-vri befoie la llns ci.uoirv: pattrrn* entirely new. oxcluaively our own, ind for eait.- full 1*'per oent le*i thau Otber aloi-t aalling aluillar gaiodt. aatort'iient laie arrival. t.oi.i BaiBpB. a larijr aml elegamauroatauig
llii)st>> Riyrr Hotkl.. riiis Hotel, tilual.-d on the corucr of ll-'.nlen aml VV'rit Aelijtblliaiiy O.S. o: ,-,-it,-K K Ccili-i's lin- of *trauiifili.i, tb-Clna! tt
|)e|Mii oi Ihe Hadaea Kiver Rai r.-ad. Hob 'keu Kerry, and a ahort m ihr Ch.i-rra itaBWbtfM anrt tli-. Sottli River ttraiiieara, it d«>w opaa tor ,lie tr,--^tiiiii ol ,ri A bote> io wlncli a 1 tl.r uanlt at l'i-* traveling oonnnunity would be aupi'.led, 1 a. long been a de«nirralu,n lu tnat patt ofthe eity, aud do exp<-iiae baa BseaapaiBd to render it at attraclive by Ita couitoils and luxurici a* lt i* iti beaaty of loeatlon
Metbovolitan Hotkl, Broadway..
The Metropolitaa will be oompleted and open-d fn the of Board, ii per div. Sept. 1. Price reception ol cempanydixx.'N Ll uvii V C>>, Propiierori.
Bf Fowlebs <3c Wk.ll*. PRrenuloiiisra
Bad PublUhera, Cl'oton Hall, No. IUI Nassau-st., Nrw | I. Bad No lu Wa^i1nrton.*t R SOBsa
tAr" Tlo* R'tt'iitiiui ol"
ii'iiileis ia p»r-
n to tbe ad--.-rf -ementsof Cl II WoC neai a) ¦hi'. asosatai heaoed tuti u, $i>i tjr a Fatm of lne acre*, e!i*o, Kxcuti.ou to Lake'au,,. 1. I.
tlculaaly Invited an
Hair Dye
Wius.. P.mchklor's
Maimfaclory for theae art'.,-!r* lt OOtobraBOd tu all parti of tbe world ; peraons wiahluge light, eingai.l and dutalj.e Wig «r Toupoe <au aurely be *uited H'« Hair l)yn is epphrd wlioleaale ano eare guaraotee) or eold. retail, Wail-et C.,py tbe addreoe.beware of imltatious.
Lyor'i Kath.miu.n.Ttir
No. I
ful To»!et article. a-d etf.-ctivr remedy f>r Bsldneoa, ,i-ay Hair,, Ac, tu lhe world S.a.d l.y ail thr piiicipal Droag'.*!*'. hrouilaout North ai.d South Amt-ri, a. Kutope, aud tbo itland* >.( ti.e -yean, in large '.ottlea, li.r ?"> centi. trade litwtally dealt with at a pnce which will a handaome profit, Pnucipal Wholesale Uifice. No 181 B oa.w.iy,
N. Y.,upstain.
Hair DtlllM..QaieVAOORO*! Excelsi-
oa Liyi'in Hair Dye, to color tbe hair or whiak-ra thr mo¬ ment it la apphed, wtthoui mjury toihe hair or akto. It ean he waabed imwed.etsly witbout diiturhing Ibe color, Bn.titiug no t«d odor, irnprov ing tbe lex'ure and ennterring io tbe ht_r lt it app,ied or eo!a at Csiitauoso'i ** ^ and bcalp e«,ahliali!iient, No t, Aotor Houee. PnvaU reocu lor apply, f the dye
W^cradds Li,|uid Hbu Dy© ia. BS S woji Aloos. W»iUrV BrLadway A BOON TO THE Al'PLIfTEli !.EVuRRRB. ertrvtually curad
ar»Uu.el exea^tia. w ^a-u^^ the ver. *... -VB| ta. Ko«»a« eeUbrated 1. Oonaat't>*s Medicated ' ' **'*-*. '~ckleo, aalt rheain, Beat. wonna, totter,«I»wm_, iaa, Suhtlie oo hairf rom a»j M,ou.h.e«; J th. ^ie Puudr; u dR ^ WbMe aad Hair at 87 near BBBted
Bupture. e, MtatH-, BghLeelfadjoatlegelastleTr^ 8N newU inreoUtd. Practical Truos Maou.actui.r, U tbe loventor of aMsasii, naw Vruta. oronounced bv tbo facultv to betbo ¦aal eH«iti»e one -xtant. every p_tHl.0 of the body rer. Bropevly adjmtlng Itself tojeslble It roi only iuaara*a'co,udonng di.placeaieet Blete releod-w of tbe bewel* but efiect* a raa cal eare. MtatH having had epwaid ofiwentv j,-ara' experlenceMrla Mw ireatBtoat of bernia. will guarentre a cure la every cate af reptore, of however long itanding A eompatentr.-male tootieada-ce ta wait upon Jasiee CBlldron liii*.-,»-,.y QViu\. Vim uluLI .' ijolock in tle ever.lor, Maajn k c., X* h MaidaaluB.
the chief Irduceil subje.U of wooder for di<eussion, »nd Tho eil.t .r of IhemewaaDr Waii*'- Nervous Antidot*. between ata meeting ;/.. "oada* Ttmniiil he ws*preient Dr VVattsand YlU-Oreeae Halleck. Ksq.. when tlie Ittter been Ind if aa ti.n at well look you aaid "Why. Duetor, aaid tlie Onctor." yon taking your own At tido.e Why,'' " said I its" do,' of sp*ak as il you knewsomething tbe Poet, -11 onlei. it, look st tne »ud no mun ever looked rnddier or healthier tban Kits-Ureine Hnll'-ck. "
Birtcrs, pre¬ tW HooFLAllD'l Orman soid I.y Dr Jacbwm, st tlie (ierman MaMaal pared and 0 1.'" Ar, hut, Ph|ihia. da.lj inerease ir. tr ,-.r well-deierved clebrity, f.r the cire ot all d.seases arls.-if
fnrii letaBpoaMiBl ot the liver These Bitlers, have, loAf A. proxe.i a ).ie»tin_: to tl.e a ".rfe.l. wh'. show t'>»lr grs'itadc by the n.o*t tMt. nng testin.onials. Ti.i. medicioe ha* .iihbl-ah.ri fcrita.1' arnmethat ro-.-.P' titoii, however wi'y their erbene. Ol i.-dnctive their promii'-s, ctnnot reach. I
KK.ntn tlie piih:i:rnnfidt-nee bv the im'neme beneti's that have been derivt-d irom it, and wili ever meintain it* posiYor saie ln N*w-York by A R. k D. 8 t*ir>s. eorner of Fulton and William et*., ar.d by C. RlBO, eorner Brcadway and Jobnsts, and t.y Mrs. IJATBB, in
"new-york~tri buisfjT NEW-YORK, SATI'RIIAY, A.lli. 31,
p'or 1'retident, WIM'IFI.I) SCOTT, of Nr-.v-Jerwcy. J'.rr l'i,c-l'ri\ii'..nt,
GSABAXaRf Nonh-Carolina.
fggf Advertlsen.ent* for T7i« Tribune of Mund*y ought to be sent ln before 9 o'clock on Saturday evening. OT" The Tribune ls served ln this City, Brooklyn, WIL cent* per week, payahle to the earnera. Nemea aent thronth the 1' tt Odice or Paony Po*t will be promptly placed oo the Car.ler*' book*. liauisburgh and Jersey Ctty for L'J
(Of Ti.k Whig Ai masac fer IRbU eontaln* the eosnpleto
rete for Prestdent ln DU1 and IR4S. Por saie al this tffico. Price 124 eeut*. lt 8BB bo obtained la Baltlmoro, al Bur-
Iees li T*ylor'*.
For Europe.
thre a large majority for Scott and Graham.
So is eli'ort in alabama,
though Alabama is
for Pierce nnd contagiom, nnd efKing. fert in one Stato stimulate- elfort falOthors. With proper effort on the part of hii friends, Gen. Scott i- not to he beaton. But the caoea noedi work. I'irst, in putting In'orniatit.n into tho hnnds of all the voters; next. in ell'ecting Bttch an OrCiiiii/.ntion n- will Mi ure a full nUendance at the polls. Tliere are thousands of Whigi (v.e -ny it wi.h sorrow) who will ro ii jouincy in October and fiil to reach home till after tha Presidentia] Eleetion in November, if they are not entreated todo roused-hmisleepta find their veseelsin otherwiae. Many will start on voy.i^es confusion wild Tho Rcene of terror aml or plea-ure who mean to do the business of our in telegraphic graphically deicribed Rnd it ii not rarpriiing that right thingi but, nnder the deceptive plea diapRtcheRi out of lhe Btrnggling nnd <!<. perate D1R8I I that'0>E i'oie can make no dilleiecce,' voting, and feaiful piopottion shonld bave perisbed. tley will Bevernlly abetain from tlu* defeaf CounTy's is perhapa collectlvely The lowest eatimRte ire heste reeeived little for Wecare Canse. great meetingp, IorI ; thiimflj ihat two hundred livea are ln* exRggerated, but il Ls eqiully posiible bu let the Documenta be everywhere difihat the rictima arr itill more Rumerona* foaed and ;i thorovgh Organization eflect\t*om b body of n\, nnd we may then feel assured ol* n They Rre chiefly derived triumph. Whigs everywhere ! reit Norwegiao i migrmnta on their w.iy to Wi-- Scotl a momenl nntil your own County la nol comin. rappKod and organized.then Now, in rocfa n case as this, the pre- theroughly Bttention turn toyour more dilatory your itimptiofl is tliat the culamity is due to tho neighbore. i nre now ! Dnj fiiiflt'SBiiess, or the wiUfulness, or, to IOWA. spt'iik more plainly, the ciime, of the persons in clmrgo of one or both of tho Two year- Bgo, the Whiga of Iowa Iost Bteamera. Tliis may no* prove to be the both Menibers of Coogreaa; now they fact, but until nn iiiies igation demon- have gained one of them. itrmtei the truth about it. -uch is the proThen they were beaten on Governor Bamption. And that preanmption culls for 2,091 votes ; now. while the vote is largely a rigid and nnsparing inqtiiry as to ali tho increaeed, the majority claimed on State cirenmitRncea nnd CRUiea of the CRtastro- Ti'k.-t isl.ut 1,200 to 1,500. phe. An ordinary, white-washlng rerdicl Two yeara ago the Whigs carried lesa ,'vt iii a coroner'a jury will nol latisfy the than one-btith ofthe Legialature : now public or absolre the paitieBt I; is time they have nearly half of the Membera thut the managera ol* public eonveyancea chosen thia year, thongh five Opposition were made to know that tha Law wntchea Senatoi's who hold orer Becure n majority over the peraooa whoao Hvei ara Introated to onr oppooenta. The Burltngtan Ilwck to their charge, and thel Ln rocfa a case aa Eye ofthe llth haa the fulleBt returna, this they will l"* held to an Reeount no leai which lold up :
Tlio U. S. Mail iteamahip Pacific. Capt. N)e, willloave this port TO-DAY at noon, for Btricl nml impartial than the aingle indiLiverpot)l. The Semi-Werkly Trihune, containing nll the latist newe, can he had at the Deak, ridual who. by whatever means, becomea the killer of hia feli<»w-mun. This .Morning, ia wrnpper«, rendy for mailin^. om PBIMRBY MtlTIXGS. tkW We ask tlie trtendi uf SCOTT and GRAHAM to call at our otlice and tximutt Our Political RdverSRliea in this City tiie foUowing Cafflpaign which Bre already in bol wuf" with reRped tO were orider tlie aoipicei of tbe their Primary Meetinga for the choice uf Central Comniitiee of thefriendsof 'ten. Nominating Committeea or DelegBtea, Seott ll WaibiiiftOB. are every way au- and likely to hare serioua trouble before ilieiific and dBcieot, ai.d are sold af tbe bave done with them. These Primaluire coM of Paper and Printiri?. Frienda they iv Meetinga, no matter of whieb piirty, of tlie Cuuel raJI aml see tf yundont want to sunply every boOM in jroor Godltj, have become bo groasly and icandalously corrnpl that their resnlti inipire no confiTnwn or Ward wilh | TIIE C A.YIPAIIJ.'V I.IFE «>F «K.\. dence, command ro reapect. Iu a Ward MOTT, with 36 illustratiooB ofthe mo^t event- where doi three hundred legeJ roten hl Baaaaa of hia ilhiatrious career, influtiin* tl.e thereof llnttle* of I'hippewn, i.undv'sl.ane, go near the Primary eeting, Contreras, Chapultepec, &c., with hiaCerro(taomtk, there will often be Two Thousand i protectmn olthe Irish prisonersin i'tinida, tVc. tte..a baadaaaaa pawphlet of thirty-two pn^e*, onmigk, fint- polled at -uch meeting, and n ticket elected ie at Tribune The omot thia bmbb* raady papar bj -ix or -even hundred majority which inp. I'rice $:2 f»er huudred, JU centa per do/.en, 3 nol a hundred roters of the Wnr.i ever ct'iits single. Wbea ordered to he aent hv .Mnil ? cents for rapported or wished to see incceed. under 600 milea aml 1 centa for over 'M\ milea inuHt he added. ns tba Paat Offica Depart ment re- Money, management, liquor Rnd hiroling fuee to bt'iid without prepHyment of poeUge. bullii bfrom the groggeriei t.f otimr Warda Alao, bave done tlu* busineaa ; the candidate WhfMtfWtU t!<l TIIK LIFE OF SBlf. MOIT- a biaad fheet to de hung up in dwelltn bleed' most freely has carried ingH aml pul.lic plnt-t-.s.with eiglit-een aptrited willing the War I. and will I. the 'reguiarly luimillustrationti.will uIho I.e reiuly, and will h.-alfortlt-ii fi.r$io partaouaad, flfper hoadrod, or-2 inated' candidate for v> h'ltevor poat he hai cente smsly. Terma, GaBBiafaxMr. If io i.e. sent hy Muil 1 cent for Ml mile«i antl set his heart ,ui. Bome citi/.eiH who antler atu) '2 cento for overiiiM) milea muat he added know him rcfii-o lo vote the t'nktt. tt perto piepay poataga, hapa Htny away from the polla; more WHL E. llOBI><aO\X NPI'FCn on 8WbHow the ii,.-,* rather than see their New-Ilampshire Dt-mocrt.-y und Catliolii- Kman- party defeated. protesting that they won'i cipiition.l(i pn^ee. I'rice $10 perthouaand, $1 '2u do it again : and ao Boodle <>i* Poodle (ii ovr hundred, 2 centa aingly. matteri not which) geta in, thougfa illj OT WHT I A.^Ta WHIG.A Let¬ devoid of litiie-< aud popularity. And 80 ter ta an Irujutrtne Frtrnd.My Hukace Gr/rct'lm and Incid atatement of the nur Municipal Governnionl -ink- gTR luallj Iti.beingof aradical diflerence between the two from bad t.i woroe, and i- bound t.i keep grounda which divide the American People partiee paat until there shall b nothing wora ind tl.e author's r*«taons for prefernni; and aup- doing purting the W hig partv : A large and fair to -ii.k to. of IPpapee: I'rice $10 per thouaand, We entreat our Whig General ConiU pr* hundred, 20 centa per dozen, 'i centa linely. aittee tO take this matter in hand forthlf ordered to be aeol by Matl 1 t.-nt each for 500 T.ll.i* and und-tr and i eenta for over 600 mile* most with, und act w ith decisive energy. l'rehe added lo preptv ooctace. ciouatime hus been wastedtsothata aeasonCoiroaxBS..ln the ttonate a motion to able and perfect Registratioo of Whig t, ke up tbe Homestead Hill waa votei down bv roten in each Ward iprobably imprac38 to 16. 'lhe I'D.-tage Hill was aiuendtd eo th-it ticable; bm let be done* Let tomtthiug i.t w.-paperp, periodicals nad all printed nutter. tlu- General Committee decree that the r,>ll wt'io|,ing not over ttiree ounces, may go to anv I'ait of the republic for one cent, and when paid ofthe Scotl and GrabamClub in each Ward ijiiartt-rly ii. athtuue one-half cent; newspapere ahall be tlie Whig poll-lisl ofsaid Ward at wt i^hing not over an ounce and half when circtitha rail Primary klection, and all can lattilinthe Biate ahera they are pul.ii.thed, w.U be itraightened yet. Ct\\.' ten dayaora be charged balf tbaaa rates; booka aot weighing rti ighl for all who chooee to rote at our over four pounda n.ay be taken at a cent an outie.for diatanies under :t,000 mile?, and Iwo centa an Primary I; lection to come forward and join ounce for greater distansee, when prepnid. \\ hen tbe Bcotl Club, then allow three d fa foi auch booksarenot prtpnid, tliey willjbe charged the work of puttiog the liata in Alphabetfifty per cent. more. The bill was paaaed with i.i'! order, ud we may have honest, nuiet, these provisions. The bill granting land to the Statea for th. benetit of the .nd.gtnt insane wae onlerly Primary Dectiona, with every Wbi^ \oter caeting ,-u vote in hia own reported. The Kiver and Harbor Hill wea again taken up Ward und ih, where elee, and none bui a and aeveral nmendinenta adopted in i'ommittee. Whig roter caating one ri our at In the Houae the Navy Appropriation bill waa all. ftiendi of fairnesi and meetinga nominagood passed, int luding an appropriation of $5,001 for a tkma ! belp thia along ! burving ground for aennien d>ing iu the .\ew^ ork City Hospital. An aniendment, providing 'IF WI IIAD KMIVV.V for aentlirg a ('oiniiiiKtiouer to negotiate for the an Election is o\.*r. ifonraide After u t|..i«ition of the lalands, waa declared i ut ot order. happena to hnve bren beatoo, weiireuiWRyi bvored \\i:h u bevy oi job'-* eomfortBy Tele(,raih..Tha Whi^s at Har- en who tell ih hotc easy they eoald have riaburg held a large end beneficial Maaa Meeting polled tliea.l,li;ional vote RCCCRIRff tOCRiry vci-terday. Tha (iennan Den.m-rata, attached to the l.oco- their State, if they had only knoicn th i| it Foco p.rty at Cint innati, ere diaaatiafied was wanted. Ii they had not rappoaed their U>ral nominatione and yeaterday pelted on. that we were i erttiin tO be benten, or cer of thefr oratorr- with rotten eggs. iato mcceed, they could have <;,.t oui the A great Whig Mti.xa Meeting waa held at Pittfew voti's neceeiRiy to tum the icrIr. But bureh laat I'vi-t-lnr. \S e liave advicea Irom lla/U ta the Sth iaat. UUiUjeU it wii- uii a-*o, _4 ali io.t, aud | .
mondly certain
to vote
Enthu*iia8in Ib
Opp.II gmefe...Whig....l3 .29 ....21 i/ottsc with our Btrongeal tectioo to hear from. .This is what they call h rouaing "
Sonin foiirteen month* since
A lti- ont of Whole t'loth.
We find in the
nnd most
liardly necessary tn i.niite it Albany Atlax.the fo'lowinjj outrage-
li_.--.ant pitper in this ?>
Uarbocd credited ta The PHlttbttrgk Mortdng I'oit. lt relatea to a ipeech reported as mt.le bjr \\ nt^en li. Hnvm-s at the late Free 6oil iNationa'
Caovratioo: Th-- repoit was find lt wai pretty well authintl. attnt bu wa* a Whlit itnlsia. y, um om here >>'j 'imity und Setcard. Xo puk>> lnt>> the Ooavootioa, "
»cd, when he got ln, to tive C.en. an lmidlm* atab. Tbe plan wai wil ooaeooad, but tha atter di" mtr hi.llu. Icattoni i.f Uavn.-s let the lecret ..nt, and it waa aooa dtici.vered tlistbe tiawe here ai the lecret ?.*>. t' (the Scotl \Vnlj_ri that lhe ipt). lai u'.j-c: of hle nia'ii.n uit i mtnue the CelheHoe a.idt > read u .p«e.n vh,m Urtt.'.y ha.l irr.ttt.tior h.'tt be'ore he let' Haynea coa* oat TLts s^.f. t-h i* ooe ofthe viiist'iai tlieiyitorol Tht. T>i>'-'ic r-is v.-r la'o-I .aV.J, aod lhe i.eaneit hedru wtth wbotn li-tyne*' awooittHd wtdle la .e.'jurfch would bluih it ehergad with the brtzun talitbiod it c.i.tbir.s He was charged wilh i' bat woald nol i. untl) be wa* ei.n.ptlled to deuver I.,n.l.- in ib.- C.uvrn
Ue Inow Wittson (.'. Himes \r-ry w.-ll but ni-ter heard nor .mapecte...', uutil appriaed I.v T-!.»,-.t he bad made a ppi-ech there, that I.e would .tttt'i.d tl.e Pittabargh Free SoilCoaven* I...n. We niier kne*. nor iaqaired, whom he
haa ¦n
ipport for Prewdeat, aad don't kooa that \\ nig or vote.i f0' a Whig caadidata
bti r a lif-- V.
r-n-.-r pi
Coovratioe, aorsaggested
to ai.y 1'iiiti"il
att*adiag any. hm. n.»
aad aaked himto n.aLe oae. W e i'u not believe aoj \\ i.ig bad anv ih ag t,» do with Hayaea'a joen ej to Pitl rgh, never wrote a
aor with tha h!.1.1 tt n (.I.i
ipeech heaaada thete. Ia.l ve qaoted is as t\rttttt as eottl I be,
and had not a shreri mf trirh to r-tHcd upon. \n,l t ia aaa of a elaaa wbereof The TViftoaeaad ita iii'itnr have baen thetargetatbroaghout tbiaeam'¦ Wa 1*1.' t atopto cootradiet th. poiga. tuil, Lut l.rand now an.l tnen n aampla, Bnd lrt tle-
majoritj o. Dvtch I.nvasio.n
lI.iLLwii..The Pierea men say they had twenfv or ti.irty tbOBB. ird ok
permns present at tbeir Mass Meetiag at HiDaboroegh, N. H. ((ien Piarca'a birth*pUce] oa rbaradaj. IIv the rule thry appiied to tlu I.
Iv'sLane celebration, tl... miist have been nhout
half a, as they pronouneed thnt, with fifty thaaaaad present, a totnl failure. U'e had BBB* Maad they arigbt carry ^ew-Ha..^p^hire a good Ifalchtajer, but thev dr.ubtl.-ss know beat how
r'aiu» mJ"**
HgZT?£ j? eoT,"*** UriaoiBaVZS
IVnn.ilvaxin. We ha.l v*-.t*r,iay rt y» * rr.ndtmd mo*t prneiiHuatheaaa to meetm* A muiil^r o| ('as* ,.en ranie .ut ,n^ j ,«*. tbaaaahaa far m ..rr, vbila ttrga TaakZ *** far hn.,. \ ,,. ..v ar.ler.tly dow. ***" Kevi-t. r.e for Bcetl »,y at leeal.-t f»enrT th* '"* His niaji.ritv rrust, from »very present mA.
tbat af Qet\f!ymt, i"-* ireatlyVieaed \h iVnn-vlvai.ia a'>"». **.
everv not *>e surprned
pnn.-ipl. aftge ma bave l.een lhe same tl revghoal all th* world; and vou m-cht as w.-ll atta«piaa* UeaaM
.Mr, Cl IBRE, of Khode l.-land, ia a BpSBCb in the SieQite ou the 26th and J?th ult., aad we are bound to say that Mr. llirtlett frtands acipiitted of »vervthing that could impearh his integrity and fi.lelit> in the liischarge of his duty as a l.'overn-
jict of examinatioii hv
It is proved hy Mr. Clarke bevond controversy tiiat tlie Commis-ioaer bu not coanived at auy private spe.ulation with the funl* oi the GoveiDinent, oruny p-rveruion of the prop* erty of tbe (iovernment or its IB0SBIlf traBaBWC tation hy nny persoti whntever ; tbat he has ttti BSgkl ted at anv tune to provide funda BSCSSSBiy for the u_e of part.s of tiie Coiiiiii.a-iio.i thit hc never deceiied sny one ol the workmen or othera attacbed to the body with reeBOSt to their pay m,
that he haa not trsatsd army ,,llia;ers connected with it in any wiv improp* rly; and that he haa not neglectcd the hsalth anl coaafrrt of tha perBona ui.iler his command. by furtii.-hii!^ insuffi .i.-nt nr lad piovisious ,»r otherwiasi while aritb re¬ gard to another charge, coOBCCted with tbe killing of a a hu named Tsnnsat which, it iraa aBeged, Mraaowiagto Mr, li.irtlrtt'a arglect, it is ah .ara t! a the erid+Bcetoproreths allegatioaiaquita ient and incou luatfSa Th* fi ulti tbua charged oa Mr. Bartlstt ure ahown hy Mr. Clsrfce,to hnve beeo, wbere they rxisted al all, due to bo other peraoa than CuL HcClellaa, .i..- Con____Mione-'a chief ao ra With rt-pniil to Cbamherlia Mr. tfaifce -h.t that he is uu honest man, bat dscsired bi r.!. McCleJIan.
IT' flcn. A. P. BtTTLKE, SeOBti >r i'nmi South CiuoIiiiH, has writteoB letter to tt) that he i.-in favor of Pieree hihI King, aad willeupport dinrnta from a part ol be ttiun, tbe Platform oa whkh tbey were aoauaatsd. Gebbit Sami bas wtitten a letter to aay that he !.- in favor >,t H ile an.l iahaa, aod ahall ii, tb, ugh be d',a't luli\ Bgree t» Plail .nu oa wliu.h thsj ware oomi-
[oiog the rouods of the oewapspere, and nobody fiode unyihing io M-t, i.t .r abaard in tliem. Eeery body ia al lil .*rt t'> in.r aM his own candidatea an,! unik >r mend a Platform to iait himaelf, escspt the Edi¬ tor of The Trihiine. For him to exerciae hia ownjudgflrent with r< iar.1 both to caadidatasaBd platfoima, is giarmgl; fsetioaaaaddiaorgaaisiag. \\ what do) ou propoae to <lo aboat tt' r^'TuE Campaior Scott and GraI
i .i,
ihkihaS o'trt. J ,/« fo thoa* who ha»* ris*«3 S.-ott's i-ase) ahe I then Zy
thewmde aad tha
watea u ta reaial on'tix. Itiathe bOMBl itJarbMBJI
spim<. not oi phren/v, hut gmiittde.
ot tht*
peop'e. ohli^atn.n they
tlinr liv.-a am' (in in their rountrv's defeiwe. '
I eoaetder > aia fued fact.1 Nothing hat bia deoUwo prevt-Lt it." | Natiaaal
ut ollicer.
every movement looUng to its recon-iderntion and revision ? Why won't they either let it be revieed «>r atop aboaing it.'
a ....
fr-m Woteni pr'iininen».r«.M,IBhWof |V., .vIvsih* to a .*<**> "Tha Iire. ol 1-10 are friaBd
nothing, ofthe vun's
Salt eaougfa f«>r
roei tod ont. Piaaidiataflafactiea Aad I b if rhe Democratic ru,/, !* ki .mn beati it> t.. ri«w an.l barberh*! ii.tsriial iiiiproveinentM, ahoald *.** S-.,u _.'!£ while bia BriOeb IbaaTaZVZk? Northwaatara, graphical Engine.-rs, after havine; heen rfiaaBBMed ent .e.-iire us th- Mi.l and maoti'. flT"' from hia post in the Comadsaioa for gross an.l un- Btatee. Thia wili ie»ve biai lie aww *.»*,, r .,' v drniable miscoiiduct, growing, us it would apiear, t-le. loral votes. Fall BBB lav-rs U»e b.. * si-mi.s to l.e a trtie lajriag. laOMMaaaafli /*._ out of tlu* fm t thut he wa.-, moat of the thi*. the same 088888 that el.-, te.t Washi... time in a state of intoxicatton. Js.kson, Harrison. an i All the chai^r-i have lately been made tbe sub- llii.nan naliir.- aml it.e Peyfar, | lallil. lj_
Price, I2J cents. ifitu W SaMUEL BalLOWAY of Columbus ll manufacture, fromTurk'i hland, not for tho twenty per cent. duly. Will lhe Whig eaodidate for Congress in lhe Ohio Dis Pickaway and l.tckthat astute journal Inform us how much -i trict compossd of Frankiin, n hard one, but Mr li.onghl is It Counties. ng twenty per cent. duty on a pi'imo COBl o' 10 be elected, and if any Whig can be iu that Hisnothing at all amounti to 1 And how hard trict, he vill. would be the load on consumeri lf it were X& William Hriitee b the Whig increaaed to forty ")¦ fifty per centi enndidste for CoBgreea in I.iniiister Co., Pa., vice In fact, Turk's Irdnnd yieldi but a limit- llon. ThuddiuH Stereas, wbo decliacd. We reed and capriciooa product of Salt, whereof gnt to learn tbat an anti .Maine Lawtkhst for the price la gradnated wholly by the de- the Ltfialatare ha.f besa Boa_iaat_d by tha Whigs [iinnd : and il the total abolition ofthe duty ol tht t County. would lend to the deatrnction of our inlan I National Libcett Partt CowknSult Worka, na The Post clearly ImpUee, TioR..John Thonias and Frederick Dooglasi,_B WO know that it would increase the avvr- bt-half of tbe .National Committee of their pirty, Convention at nge price of Salt throughout this country call tbe I.iherty Party National Inatead of reducing it. But isu't it too ('alln^tota, Sept- I* Uuliklu had beretuf,>re been bnd to have theae Free Traderi perpetual designated* .Uare'a Xeat-The Mandwlrb ly grumbling at and picking flawi in their A Dnnoeratie l-la.,1,1*. I'rulin -,-lt -i.I-ll, l.ll. \ own TtirilT. while they obsttnttely reaisl C< rr.-pof To« 8. Y. Tr.k'io«. ln.v»>
gave one Jonathan Champlare herlin, formerly attached ha raechanic to tlie MeiiCBB l.oiindary COBMdaaioa, with reipert to the previoiiH manaeement of the CoaaaiBBBBB under its head, Mr. J. lt. lUrtlett. Tboaa atatnawBti, iii muny renpect*, aerioaaly i'nph, -_t«*,| Mr., aud in put h.-hing them we were careful not to indorae them an) further than to aay that Chaaab-flia bad brought evidences of good charnc*er, tnd that the churges were of a iiature to ilemand tboroegh iareatigat)0-_ .^ul'.ttanti.illv the aame cliarges were eubseijuently preferred by C .1. McCIellan, ol the To^owe
lo the rtntfment* of
How could thoy HAM ft I08TEB is a neat little biMik tha ? pOCBSt, J0S< i.-.-ued bv I). Ea Cavit, KOt 199 itand inch another Mroadway. We slnll endeavor to supply orden tW The tivening Pat aays we could for it nloiig with other CampBJgB puhlicutmns. Pfinocratic
Tbr V.-alr.,n Honmlnri t iimmUtlae.
The I'lilahurg
i i.v
Totht ydttor oj Tht X. 1. Tn'.t
There is an error in tha report of tka proeeediaga of tl.e, aaMaafaafafB^ liahed, that DceCa correctiou. Ic ia audtiiitoa otleria? the reeolulion *.he
niintnf ro'ored seamen (whichVae sd .pted aia auhet.ti.te faf a resoldtit... on the eame stifj-ctre. portt-d ly the platform committee,) I "jfrviinia*! ou
part of (.erritt, aml bb afaada,
Baapottof the pltttfor.ii, adopted." I'ms i- a iw-tHke. niult.J cordial
.;' it >^ionl4 Ha I s'aieil thii j.entle.ueo ou dll.-reni sldaa of tat bouie, 1 was authori^ed to i*y that it iwo of th* rnofa lons, r.-'potli-ti by the com tilttee, ih.mld be itrl-.-taj out and h new one adt pHad, lt wnuM ms^t lhe vl«»a g Mr tmttk BBd b.a ttl.-n i«, «r.d bn't.ry t.. (iiudti its, Adams, etc. Tr>.. reaolattoaa pr.poaedH-tup b rn -ttlokei, oal «f.f the foUowtefl nat tr-e early history ot tbe Ciivemtneol ;\*w A. ly ahow^ the e» ttlt-d pulcf to oave Wd, u .'. u. nitemi "
LaiUrali/e. but tn i'inu, lt- .ii.rmaJ tte eoaraM Haaery: and i» tnis p..n.'y, wbica n.uj t.t^ver have m-ii drparted Irom, tbe lioreroaiant vttm li r'bwlir. to i^turn.' li "That flavi-ry Is * i n ', and , .-r.-mt In.t;<; aaaa, the euorn ity ot wMch eo law n.>r au^a Bgalaet c »ri »si i Naa or mlt1 at.-, snd that ChriatUolly at, | Ua> allki- JflDitUtl i Sali.i Ul..;.. i .
A Is partlrulsrly »ft«*4vt li .fnr|i||.,>nl had ai Im -rf.aii.i mat after «tm|
The irullnn'i.1 iu r**
t tr l Sl Who
il. ve
ni tliinit iduwlti) gfaf uadi.lnn hn- rtt.i ln sustali *eg aod i-xtendin;- It, <)..vnroiaa« lo rt *»e a.'l lot»rlernitc with tne *.-.-ura«d ttipg, OVgBl Tbt- i'-tiliitinit In re*olull..n It I* go i.l, so f«r asa &m, hutitvtas ihou^htdeiliaiile t>. su sutute il.o .oroa lu lll-uol lt: (' I'hut Ai".trii-an Btwaiy. b^ltm Hn aaalnM (Id, aml riliin' ..a ilu-t mtn. lt la, ln il'.- t" l-at n
i-an, it.t-Hl.d.lllt'it*!. I'l't law, tlth.'r.'.vliiH ,,r hu-nia, vtAp, Ihen-iori-. uliotly \oil), and 08 BO rOBCB, beior* Cg] :i
n ti
ii n'»n
ga '.Ih. ard thw" who agree wltli him, aw% desirot.* ol h*vio,i ."-.mnry il.-rlai.-tl "lllsifal,"a wa» thi.i.|iht tliM tne st utiii.^ut, as BBpraaaai ln rHiolttt, n c, woald ii..'. t tt.t-ir aaaaarraaaa, .. weil uBi ..'.I ¦. ' .. ot tim reat of tbe Coovontion, aod iIm I/IihIii-.. hartnoiilous and untiii-n. aa irti..n In 'avoraf .io- i 'ir- no ii tbe tinai vot.-f-..t>-. h>>«sr*r mysiied, dirferi-rit vlewi wnrn OBpraiied, .ind Wl wt. .. wai ,.j..|.t-.| as n substltute l.r resoladoai 11 Still t l> "lhat Slavery is a sln agntnit (;>.i, and a. dai .._¦ ¦..*. i. an, whi.-h i.o law ,.r u*n-ie Caa intks *i,,i Ch.i.i.inlty, huiiui.ity, and patiioBsni, ittl oi iHHi.ii Its a ultil.iii Mr. ^mlth eipr.sily staled that he would 8<-.|uls**l li. iht- I'lnifotm, ... 'ar astilavi-ry ls roiu'ernsd had r*wlution* A aid I', be*n *"ti ken ..ut, ant r.-ao'.uiloa C t>. ni adoptfd but. *. only reioluti >n l wa* e«^ .o««4, ... .1 r.--i.ii.i r.i: C wa* relu.ed, nelib.-r b.t our bl* td -all t> thf atl4ui..».,Hi,i-.'iu.(ieaU-il al'i.ioaah oitay ol lf iii n.a>, tor rtujiM .' know, supi^.rt me uWil .r«, *b;. h Islh.' b- .1 ever a<i<vt.'il '.> toe burp llaxocurv Alarm wntied t<> he i>r.. 'i .>.<! ...,n. ,«|,. ¦ heiifiht.ab ut the lntioductlon of tte term 11' >¦»!" in i. ii (' tor, lt. Its oonnee'l n tt «>.-«n. ti.ful |.>w aa h t.i th« t-xprt'ssi n. ln .liicb all f*» isniu a...i..ii (;...i aud« ertat ^.Kiti-* man.'' As sln cai.U"t b.. rl.ri.tUulz.'.l, snaHiiba .-ai ril".e be, in the ttue i-n..- ..I Aa Mr
¦grrad,tbal "Slavwy
Ailow me lo r.o.i that rr m.'.ni.-.-. nn-. t ln
wus uo
ul..tili.|(, tntdi**,
th. aoodaaBVa ul Mr. li.ile. L..r ii. preventlnj the uomlnalioti ai Mr Ctiast i.r any other perion. Mr. lia1.* wa* i...iulu*trd no Maoaal ot idi priaatplaa an.l yepalarhy, "itauut rafsr.
aaaa lo the eil.-i.t the ...ii..-i ... w .....l ti.f»*i n< mlt er* of the other partlei. Tre ino-to mv I'sts.
L8Wn rsrri.v CtTLBB, Mr Mes N. lt l^dltors who have publl.hel to-t |>|i tf the Conventiou are reipectfullj requeated lu laaart ihe above.
i.t.i.l Ol.l...
Corrr.po. Isac* ,-f 11 . N Y
Mr. (iiLK.vt), Morrow Co., Oi.lo, Am lo, IsJl
I see timt yuu ure receivini report* of political inatteisfrom nll pnrts of t'ie finiDfrvit' .1
pt Central Ohio. '1 his region. as v«'u BT. .ImiMr
less nware, has heen heav ily anti-Whip, hut I aia i.appy to ii.form jou that ligit i» hrenk the hitherto impenetrahle dirknusi, and that we have the itrongrtt hopes of v.-ry aa-
tniully reduciagthe Oppoaitioa
vote in tliio »»c-
tion. A large mitnber of DetnocratH have buldlf Wednesday, Aug. ls, 1-.'..'. A joint effbrt hRi been inndo by The procouncetl for ('en. Scott, and st'li mnrf hava I'nion newspaper and the I.o,o-t'ocoa in both joined the Third I'arty. In aildition fo thoaccea* Wasiiinoton,
Houses of CoogrBSB, and mucn precioua time mnlnl, in triiinping up a charge of fraud aguin.-t .»-iti-in ...mijiriitic Whig BBsmbaraof CongresB,
m.hiis we
laie ammaam*A |
Urgeaaaiberot *tk**T* whe haroactao »*i'h ".« I'lt-t-SiilerH silllie 1848, hive lelurn^U to ear aml are n.iiks, batthag far Old Obipp***. whoi-e natnea recefitly appeared at the hottoui o^ rhe hall is roliii.e, rothag, aml aatheriui .0 .its u it rolls, and in NovaarfMf neit Obio will 8881 het a card, tellinj; some dignifud truths aliout Qsa. fi.r WianaLDbcvrr aad WimmmA '-at* PlEBCB. Tballtoaa intended only to burleaipie vi.nb. 11.1M. Voa initv i»ljaa that. \ oun, or sane man would no honest tlibustiering WbifB, m (eii.iiil ¦aaH% AdaalaUtratlre Ablllty. only ,].iestion i.s, wbicb is the in-nt. queetioau Tlie card or the manner in which. The opponentH of (ien. SeoK emleav,ir to borleaqoi.the itself. arare um! digaified (' ia a bora'J Democratic Sea* iafluenca the people againat baa by isil^ifmi; th*t, utors treat it. Coming from a parti which r**eks is the eieater porrion ot Int hle baa been p»i»ed it. tl'.-n.iiitary s.'ivire of ni* t-oimtrv, ne hneo with flarnleir- Bga_BSt that suldier and patriot, «iv il expcrieme, and is, (-oii*e,|,ieiitlf, unit U \\ r i in li BCOTT which ia foul witb the corup- diacbarn the aaalted datiaa ganaiaiag t* the 5
Bwartwoct, Colubs, Debbt, Mooaa,
BfgBSMl ll theeza ..p'e * tttr niog military chieftaiaa. aad aho aMintaiaod f*t '.Mi.v venrs, that warhlte dweda wenaeonnm** worthy thagrethod.of tha paaoaa. Bat, '". umataacea ait.-r ttmrt? *t lappaaai and .!'»'< (icnerala. when thev have fhe aad* 'tv ta tnt I **** <,r puhlir ^tHtl.)n, have no ri iheir lnlnw-iiii.Beiis! Ai woaM «.". ro far Oaa. HarriaaB aad Oaa Te?ler wna ahyf ad eoBti for ths aame oHeasi I Where io tha iiihIi/m! ns ii.i'.t'iiipetent ec' iui*orth», ju»'** Bat, tbapaafll wide world caayou imd the parallelfor rei-kir--- UrB. Scott i. aoa Btigaiatiand. elected thamaw m --. fraud, brutaiity, fal whood aod c, rroptio*? ^." opiaioa,aad we ba*8 w a. tbe to Prtaideacy, tbe Locii-Ioio party ! l>i,l mortal man e\,.-r umphantl) lii. v wil! il.eir >!' -1 riuiff n mipi-er n. annl. atruer wonl than MlRI W\i ' Ii^u be r-p'ak I '¦...- pei pU ara bettt-. judgi et m-nt thaa aaaa -i id that xxm; tiie nurserieeof driafciag'booasa iBdina poiila ians icb aa an- m>*3 UadaaMgSi .\. \i-r. nerer' ii, ini-v aod .-. W iaaVId 4A, Tbe ttebdwich iaiaud Aaaaxatiap U'lestion, iinHi i.r ia. Scott poaaaaaaa «,iii.ii,is'rative/'i*JThatl whirh tbe Loco-Foco leirters here lonulv h ,| 1 of hu ble ordw,th. inr#»r.i would blow tbcm B prosperouB gsJe.baa >t*»*fi ia* <i tbebighaalIlisco.i.luct -e-ttJaoX5"**^*" kill d i>* '. v. tewAantwbe itthtoi ia ... graioualt mi hootirrdifficultiea,ia *vnM**t**t***rtm' il.- ,>hihii' a re.-ulutii-ti exncrlv niiti.;ipatuig th^ir .1. M.i'' thabaandarytimttm***?**¦ 'I action. be baan't hit- aaongb in it to iiru* ,1 .\. w Bruniwidi »nich Btoaa tmic a linile brratb. breateaad heetde ctlhwaa,aad ******* ****** .!.'., IUii wiliprobaUy remajaiatbs I'ostIBB -er..ce*.o Meaico,*l> meemdmj i itti' t DepartmentOunoa ti,i> innijtii; ac all -i"" '".r bia et*i aaday -'i, .-.-.-ur will not l.- naiii^ii orlii-i-llv ii i.r apture oi tl.pacal, .,'i .I.H'<* " "' «« »». ***** alter his coafismatina asJudgs. Hon. Loaairxo are nt a¦,gradB nr. v aaj ateliea 1....... mttk. yandi llf i ROW -, of .N^w-^ ork, i*«.iilil in uii prubebllltf I ahioel mm*9M, MadiNmofferfdioaaaaeaaaia be Bppoiot-d if bs would accept, which lie will to bia charja, . ot, '..i reaaooa entirelj Bal tory tohima lf. . ,i (., r. Jacfcai1. ti1 aatraated the ireateet aaameat Taia He covetaoeitber the bonoruorthe raaatioaaaf :..,,.,iii 01..-H. h.s qaaWScati «a -h.ul.t .mt ba whhaaj tl pln.r, |i,,| ,t i 11 would he ;_iv.-n ,.ptt,. nttn a.ya,aaaaittar jfyaaai *e.«hf, iathaaa .-their to Faina Grabgeb, hut he will not have it. I be traaahalaa tothe betu* ol j.-i t.ii. tn Ji.ii*. W. Ai .L>* ut OM ', i.- tbal hia Mn.,- iaaJreodjf raprMrnted h> Nr.CoRwiB. Bur the South CVolina ej ilem.-nt, (Jrnersl tbn , t:, tuni i- n«.t iaeapersbls, aml tiie preasal DariBgelected (ien. tk ott to I'roC'ul te V****** pn babditj ia, that Mr. rllkb wiIIim' aopeiatsd. Ja. kami a't"»R» Um t" ».*». to fhe puhhc nitrrests, and U> K"lt'.!.".. ********' io iteeacila coaftictiagalimiafa exgtcmt tl ptw*mtmm*t Political Dialoooe.. Whig.I .*,.,*. iii n vvl.< h re.,iiired theTbe manner in arMal forbearan-c ar.d ¦ aet that ti.i-re ia -, tktW ca'iipaig:. paper lor Beotl <hs. baraad fhe rier,'". ******* tnat Hoaaol
e 8ec Ut Ita
.M, .Ni i.rv, and tbeir precious coofodsratse.rob* la-r^ , t the puhlit treasury to the tune of inilliof.s .it i.s really worth lot.kiijz nt. Aud theu how maaj boon ia it aiacs a l>> moeratic Seaator was u.iii, trd t._. tbe Grand Jary of this l)i*.tri«.'t l»ra croel ar-Jtult upon a public officei* ot' tbe Gorsro ii,. ut.' a;'1 a Loco Foco memher of Coogreai
office, This is a straii^e
tion. thoae who first
Iajco-Fjco.Istbsrel What is t called, ami where i- it pubUehsd Psrhope l il get up a rlu* tor it right away. (Inr prsssat pa|>er.- dou't aeem to anaiser tbe purpoee. is taflert The Timet, and PubBahsd the.r l'-fperate case ia. It BBB8I I.e at its lant in LoadoB. I _ee it goea atioag for I'ierce, ar.d bo la-S) vh«*n Captain Ryadara aiid John Van «'ir-r, tiouht your frietiii_ wiil Baaaertaa '""' tit Lot I'-' «uo omiiimioetco. u PaHaa'B ociaido to mv« tt. '
well known
UJJ diffiealldatiaa****m**m*2 ret-apituiatmn
th..uaM, ^t\\^S Wt It^pmattmmtgt the eaaidratU iaatracUaaa *titt***hj*****l et War, ******* , .. IH *o
to bim, through the Secretny BOOM he aud inatmctive. roereiir.,
apperd them.
^"^f'^ift"J ¦aaii iuoomi.-nu«i«eo«a
**** <**».» M,9"r
II * B-w
.< nre ot !. < lit g, aoin* raa'i »tt. may 6*»tni'e hy <-f ir»e f rl* of Ibe I'-iIttrt Htai.» la the b»'br>r of Cu*rlo»trtn. The o is*i->llity a lufli^teot rr**(>n fir iu'fiish.** of sneh a nat-asure and Ibe Preiident li ther.-t >re *oxaraarclnji
indiriiuolt, tiuifc-posefisiTTi
against It, lovt that the tltuation anl "eans of dSBsBBS f BkOBB fortlfioaitoM atould be to*p***4 bytn uffii'tr ofrrperi'li
tmce, r/./a c mid alto ttunuilr
r*n prorilefor any CO«PI
tr.rkicAth,yoinyh,er,n.'-d HE HtB-TTLC DEECE IN VOUE JUDGEIETAEO DISCKK i'K.S, aod ll b> bls wlibl_._t>ou rcyair Irnm-dlatwly io Cnnrl.«s inneefd witb tb* f -rtlri-
.od a_d ex<n.lne erc jfl-ii 0 catloM Von are a. ll',** ty la tnkr mrh m.*.« i'»i, «Uh_r hy itrengtiwriira **** d'-f-maet, or Ny rmatorofrom Btfeei o-tttt, tn.: their g»ni*ons wilh tr, oiai^r-wn aw you m.y think prudeuce and a just pre.Hiinon reCjulre. 1'imr duty will be of grtat tmportarue atd great dtliand r ar.r.i v with the eery. Y<>u srill eontu!t imm Collector for the portof Ch irl"st >n, arid wlth tb« I.lstrict Att mey of flosft CsroRa* »nd ym wlu uk_ no wbal relate* t the Imii-dlat-s def-nae and ¦teps excej-t "' tHuirposta. wl-h-iut tboir ordt-r and c >r>cur8-curlty Tre executl ,n ol' t»ie lawi will ba e.»if>rc<*.d reoca. Ihrcudh thr* oirli authortty, «di io lhe mode p .inted out
a,ts of
SBosid, ord'ti .rv
untortu.atAly, sny
power ln the hands of crisls arlan, wben lhe the c-lvil. fiiceri thall noi bu BO_ il.-nt for this, the Preti dent ikoll detrrmine UtAWtfttmhi tak*n and the mentItret tn'be adopted. Tkt, thertfort, you are other «Ue inBtructed, joa will BSB la a uiiieme.rtic tha l«_al re^ulatli,Di of the proper rinil oAtetrt of lhe i'nited Siate*. I wtll tb»ns jou lo coaimunlc Ba frwely aod cotfldencpou which vou may dec-m It tially ip. ti ».....ry i.i-.p'c iuii ortant for tbe i\. :roi_. r.-» t. r-,'nlv_ InformaUoQ. -vant, V»it tiulij, j. uwn C4SS. -! ian r>»pirtr_«-iit, w**, Maj. r.n .«. m, c, tm " it had full cunfiGern-ral laCEBOB, tippears, .1
jmlc'iient and di-'-re'inn." 'J'hat, reitamly, s.iou'ri he Hiillicent for all old line Jack-on n,en. Wbat Hay the vereran*, who w in tl.eir lauitle under the lead ofthe lien of Ordence"
_(N. O. Bee.
' _
The FatE OF Capt. Mabct..Wi: intlmate.l our doubts of the .- r> -ttieti of the statcment lhat a letier from Cspt. Marr-j had been reeeived at the Hartford Po»i OUice, pealaaarked sloce the d«te of the Xfported masiaire. Oar iiip.-lons, lt B88-BB, wore Well foutdbd, fci we learn from Tkt Hartford C> rmtt of Thundny, wolcb has thn I .iliwion: The itMtcrnent In lait erenlnus Timu' that a letter hid beeu i. ceived st tbe l',*i ithoa, ln thii citv, dlrr-'it.d ln Iho baud-wriung of (,'_pt. Marcy, aod jid-i'Mtud to 1,1s wife, bai. we re_r_t to mv, proved untrn^. A lelter wat i.-c^ived poitinmli.) I V\'ato VRkfO. Texai, July 110.'' addreis^d to hts d«i,ahter. who has b,*en atteooii.i! acho»l, nud bflRsved hy tbe frl.uda of "
V, '.,' ln h.s hand-wiit n^ The d.**lrelo aicerCaptth^M tr.ith or f»l*lry ol lh" romu'i wnlr-h have b.-nn taln aim .st
every tHic^raph, for the pait tbr'-e weit, betoa *'. ^r, at, the friendi duy of Ml-.* Mar, j, in h.r a'l..*. ee, f -it authori/fl tt o^n the letter, but tiielr ex,jxict>.t' n* were not reall/.od.the iettt-r wa* Lot trom Capt M-.r.-y. p. 8 .Since the ilmve wh» In typ«, we leirn that Mra Marcy and her daughter hare arrived in the eity, aiierted and c»Dtraol-t*d by
was Irom a lady lelttlve .li-ort Artiuckle. Cnpl. U-*rry't family are purfectly C'lf dent of bls safaty. A t-lejrraphlc dispatch was reeeived yes.erday from Mew-Orletins sutinn ih-t advicr>i at Mt.inpbis, Tenn , Aug !»,, from fort Bml'h Aug. ;t, brougbt newi of the posltive lafety of Capt Marcy and hts command, and adds that the whole party hava arrived at -"ort .Vriiuckle ln good health and ipirls.
ard lhat llie l.i.t-r al.uded to
THE LATE8T NEW8. By Telcgraph to The New-York Tribune. JcrtheT* TtUprapk (**(*.
nf Hnnaoe* ovU Btaoee-iti
Ilnrbor Hill.
Ncliiiii" ii. IIU lhe icit.t nml b,-ecvM Jlttj-auhto tbe .V Y. tithune.
WaaaDBMToa Frldsy, Aug. 20, H52.
Senator Douolai will offer
bill to-
morrow, authon/ing the several States to levy tunnage diiti b for porpoass of latsraal improveneut, and mpport it witb a npeech. It is ds*
igned fo defeat the Kiver and Ilarhor Hill. OoTa Reward i« exji.-ct.-il to tnke np the paine mibj-ct, aml urge iriternal iinprot, ments directly hy Cou-
l.ii. gre.H. >li<«« ^leetlna Whla apeehtl Ihtpok-h to Tho S. Y. TVOws* Au.. 20, UOR UABaiasaaa Pa., tt\A*g,
At the
Meetiof, \o daj, with iimsic from Phila¬
Airtmo Clask, Cotdwmter. L. D. Cairraw, Ooldwater. Mrs. L. Rvcatarr, Ba«tle Creek, MWi. A. Pai BBBB, P.elvidere. I1L J. L D Bissru., Moblle, AIs. B. V. Ii. Oaavaa, Krte County, N. V. A. OOLTO, fcrie County, N Y. J. Shakbkb, CUftoa, New York. Iamkh IU-ssell and I.ady, .-'traUburgh. C. BCBTIBT, I. I._sa,le HL R. WwtTt snd Wife, orwell, Vermont W. O. Haix, Albany. Mrs. AsD.rwg, Ann Arbor, Wch. Mrs. C'inwvu., -.
a'.cnrA tnttek toUdt'.de to thn PreaMent TIalndilc*s Ib the hope thm iri**lnt.<ln.;'« aud patrl idtm of her aaaaaaa wtn pseeaai aay -aft-bRbb eaaa thnCmiutuEon aell l«ms of ibe f'.eo»*r..l (I ,-e-n n-nt Bot. whMe Le anxlom'y looka for tht, B Mtt. hr d<vms it p wilbl", from thr li,i. rflaa-i <n he bm, tnat, lo the Irala !<vves-
Y.xit, Kriday, Ang. 2"), l-'U.lO A. M.
The Bteamer Atlantic came in colliaion with the propeller Ogdemhurgh, at two o'clock
morning, and s-mk in about half an hour.
A deme
fog pievaijtd
at the time of the c!Ii-
Pui v. ofthe Atlanti , is safe, but ^usteined some inj'irv. Tlie first tnite was alao saved* The steamer Clavton haa gone to the wreckAll the paisengen aavi-d ly the Ogdenaburg hid nothing on but their night clothes. Ti.e losi of life from the Atlantic is rstimat*»d at two hundred nnd lifty persons.while about .. likt- numhtr were taken on board the propeller, which wa- leakint: badly, hut they Biicce.-ied in reaching this port with ber. ll.e emigrante, who could not understind a word spoken to them, by their crie< and terror added to the horror ofthe icene. The cabin pa-sengera, and al! who could he made to understand, were exhorted by the Cap¬ tain and officers to remain calm, ard provi ie theinselvee with chaira, setteee, l.eds, Ate, all of which were patent life-preservers, aod would buoy tbem up in the water. Numbers, however, unheedinjr. and not underat.anding the advice given them, ru. h-d overboird to certain death. At about :2\ o'clock, nmid the wild shrieks of the pissengsrs, the steamer settled nnd sunk. The propeller had kept in the wake of tl.e At¬ lantic, and those on board her dii all in their jovxer to prei-crve the lives ofthe huudredi of human bcinga who weie now tetn etniggling in the wnter.
The fog wns a tad hindrance to their eflbrta, but pome 250 wire reoeoed (rom theLahaaad t r.tib) the propeller to Eria. A large number leftatoace onthcSultana for Cleveland ; others came dowr. in the can tlu- morning. Fiom the best informition we can <:ain, we are led Ui believe thnt aome 300 lives are lost. The fol¬ low ing isjalist ofthe cahm and aecond-claaa pasaencere. ns ticki ted from the o.liie here. The nainea alone nre known without iniriale, anl the plaoea rmined are the citie ir. which the paaseagan procured their tickets, hut it ia not certain that, in all tHtt-v. they reaide there : Cabin I'axsengeri.For Chi.ago, Mr. OsBORNar.d cbild,of New V.jrk. Mr. Khad, of New Vork. -
Mr. I'i..i.t. and tamlly of tbree, oi New-York. Mr. Fiiost, of Boaton. Mr., of Albany.
Mr. Lake, of
THT. I.ATE-T FROM BITFiLO. Bcrr-x.0, Friday.0 P M.
Up to thii hour no lurther BRiaaa "f cahm passenger-1, either lo-<t or aaved, caa he a«rertaiiied. ISine of the crew and ahout twenty-five Of the cal in pas-engerr> are known to be lo-t. Captain PBTTT, ol the Atlantic, while lo*,-ring a 'ife-hoat, fell a dietance of II feet into th* b >at, Btnkir«j his head and cutting it badly. He waa precipitated into the water and stipposed to be lost, but waa pichsd up by a bsat from the propeller, aft.-r clin_:ii g for I") minntee to fl isting pieces of tinibcr. He is much icj ired, and now lies in 'his city in a precarious state. Hr< DaBA, who waa lost, waa very efficient in saving tne liies tf paswngers, and exhorted than t<>
life-prei-ervers when in the water. went duwn, he t oo_ a sett-e and
to the
Win n ti.e boat
oard, bat a* tbe -ame aaaaaaat some ptoi 'iU or -ill emigrants leaped over on to him, ,mi he £c,i
e.nt unde..
'1 he last (>rr"ir,s taken from the beat were dr. Cltrk of lhe heat, and *lr. Bl .' r. 'I hr st^i.mer h_d f he:i sur.k all hut her Btern, nr.'l :.:ey, with BOOM lllinois paal wer^ cl.r.f ing to a rope attached ta a laatiag rnast and the wreck, heiug up ta tha in water. A- f-cttA u- the ..iii:, k-a of tbe drowni*,^ pis-en¦OfS were haahsd, ths voice of a little boj * iheard and itwn- then f\r*y ilL-cov. re.l tbat a ch !d, ahout 8 years ol,', w»s also cUafiog to a roiw a short distanr e ofl. Tbe little fellow, talking to himielf, was siiymg, "Oh! I can't hold on much longer. If papa wa- here, he woiil.! hold tne up.'
lllinois, a, powerful fellow, ir.imediatelv tneved a lon«r rope, snd sei/ed the The
man trotn
boy as he was ahout .-ou-e
time, and called ae
tn -ink. He held him for out to Oivnnto com* to
BSBrljf ezhtastsd !>y the aa attempt to reacii him,
but in vain. At that moment tl.e beat of tlie propeller, loadad to the wa'crs erlge withrescued pas-engerp paastd, and (iivnn liailed them, and
them t,< f-are tl.e hoy. Mr. Bl I'iri-t mate of the Atlantic, who PPtt on hoaid, junipcd out, and swiun to the rope, feOO- tne hoy-< oll and re turned to the boat with hitu. H«- w.. thu^ saved. The l.ttJe fellow was from Maftaacliusctta and wae w iih his tm, le, who was drowned. His nnme was not reollecte.i by the clerk. Then. finni the propeller took oll the clerk, lirst enzmeer and th.- llluois paaasagsra The pascer,gcr*> at lirie held a meeting to-night ar.,1 pnn-e.l re-olutions thankins Oad Im their preaerratioa and safe dstiveraaos, nnd tl.e officsra of tbe Atlantic from all bltuie. P. .>..Amon Mitton and family, af New-Vork, \tho were oa hoard lhe Atlau:ic, are ull t-.tvtd. . ntreatcl
fiice, were as follows :
Fur Cbicago. Mr. Ujirtiv and Wife, of Albr.ny: Toooooo aiid Wife, Troy, Mis. Stethem, rasldcnce unknown. For Mnlttaukee.Mr KaBBKAIA, of Boiton Meuri. 11am fiBAVKS, and COL1 iv, reildence* not known. lor slaboygan.aU. Ti HMiR, reildtncd unknown. Fur Vi'.n-h. Mr. Wl IBW, \\ ifo and two Cblldren Hird and Wie, LU.>i>iek.via\, Siewai.t, Li \.as, and IJati x. How mnny of the above nre lost it is impossil.le at present to say, but it is thought the loss of li'e haa been eonfaed to the poor
delegatioiis weie jue.-enr delphia, Laaeaater, Vork, and l'erry Coaatiaa. Tha BBSetaaf BSSjaaiasd at J o'cloek in the rear principally ofthe Cmnt-Hnnse, by the ,-hoice of Hnii.J imi.j emigrante, who, altboogfa life was of course as lawia, as Presideat. Jodf* Coarad, Mr< Berisr, precioaa to them ns to tl.e wealthM >t of our i iti-
Thc LnUe Krie ( titaHrophe. I Bia, Friday, Aig. RO, .'-I'.M. The steamer Clibton haa returned from »he wrerk ol lhe Atlantic. Hhe repoiti h"r a- enlir-»ly riifMpp.ared ar,d S'irik ln 18 fnthomi rf w»tBr. The b.«.. I elonped t) Me.irs. Wtrds, owr,«'ri of the Caipiae. lately loit at Cle».-l__d. She wu vau'td at 9.0,000, ¦mi wai not Iniured. Tle l-ruutl l.clce ol I. O. ofO. F. ol ."Voitbrrn >.>v-York. n I-riday, Aue SO, 1851 -
."I;.- Grand I_. ><I^f. by ¦ onanimoai il ,:<.-<¦», ,.c.,tobe iooertod la amongst u« tolain. ut kave dtrectfa all the spealierB. their untimt-li dt-atlie. of Ohio, Mr. Merii, k, ol Md., T'u lien R Ua, i i Rew-1 "rk City. (JI<*e Club excellent Mjsic BB aad tive llii.'la of From .Mr. Homanofthe Mi.-higan Central Rail¬ Duel llitween Tm i;«lit_r«t al Naabvllle. added to the interewt of tlie OOCSBJOB. A very road office, we received the infonnatioo tha Na^, I-riday, Au^ '^0. IRSi now conventd iu tha Courtis meeting were tho numbers of ticheta iaauad from large A peraonal altercaioa occurred bera I.llowiiig Lhe are uud _&_ooB_ and lOCfcsta filb'n^ llouse, bis t.ilice Bteerage peaaengera, Emigraata, 217, Ih'.i morr.lrp h»tween Mr ZaltlSO-W, Editor I I't Dat i'lii.v. tkwmtr, enA Mr. Mmhog, Fditor o! lne I'num. BiiO'a
afLeaiaiaaa,Goa, LeatieCoinbawereJadgsiohaaoa,
ns, will not have 80 uian>
.tsrdard ss that ofthe
not tetA oae w.ird pertineot to lhe imead ment. atd tkee p'oceeded to shuw tba urgeni n~e.>**ttv f, r the c. -t^aVti. n ofthe wjrii fcr wbicktae
M-a,n B^shuCiss. Chsso, Csrk. Coop-r, D .iiie, llfe,(Iowa,l 0 i.slli. 1> 'Wni, Mala. Jam«i, Jjqos, (Iowa.) S'»ard. Bnsner VV'aoa, VV'ilk»r .io. NaV».M.aara Aram* A h-.ts>>n. Rs4fer. BsTarri, B-'l, Bi.r.ard. H.-Mbtiry. Bmdh»ac. Brsike. Bofl*.-." 1'iarlioo, i.t... 0. *-».:. .>. Si .->-.. FcWh, )¦:*.. (Mar, r.'.-, >ot--' :«tD Kn. .VIa.11.r7. Man«a.n. Maaoa, v. M<ttnwerb«r H iVato. P'»tt. R i.«k. 8e-a»i-s. s^i. ., stp.-uanc*. Yai.oey, T* ¦.,.'. tian, ^tiie.r.. dcrwooo t pt.S -'fhl billa arere Mr. Ri'sk back the bill to irneod tbe |>o*U«e law*, witb aroendmcnrs that the
clared oui ol rd-)., lt cludlof one br Mr. Oam mtkir g an appr. prtatica to eaable the Pr»i! ient to send s CoirmWi. rer u tbe Sandvtlch Islsnds li lo julre tnlo the exuecieney rt eotertog upon ne<oti»fi .ni fat lha aci.iiitHior. ot theie inasds by the I'nited _tates. -.
i<i wne-e ma partot tha r.:..i Btaaaa i piitage t» paid qaartOrl) r tagahtftl lnadvaoco, wbere ot .
-J, oowbalf aaid raio* c.n v .fcit'! t-e rhari'-J BOl welxbtn* ..f.r »heu rirru'au-l ln tke Bnai aaaaoaaswd s I if. New.i^s^!?rs r
Th,* bill
> '.(it-
S 'lecl
*Ai Ibl'd
bill I
;'in2 «
bkik Qu.t-n wbich Wdi Ottm d
to a
Mr. li
tln, Ure Klre-.-! onl
luin.t il !'. ter _'tiyTt»a_t. ou the i-i'-riia nl one f tli.aae -1. Uo bad on hli pot soa a w_tcb, nod di no md
i -,
t.. talBg wss auaelBorad boi wnx*. b.d a ..'.yii.ii w.ti ileba'ej iu ttto Baaat. »ow, aad im piocetdin^s bad kwt oharactor aud
,.ii.' bbB
t.y m,
.'' D
rrsldered, bat M
not. h>- nl.-hed tnis bi!' to b» txk>-ti up
objected to making thia a Tho iifi'ii-.u ofa l'llnier n.i^ht have
Mr. lioKLA.Mi v. te
t-i en an.iri.i.l.
it. ibe sell "
Botaoa li
Ity Is
R. bart..
alaiagardusaau. 1
Im itki te*a oo ihe ana, p.ri uith T>eaty,ao'l In'.ii.hlL.,'in i.'i a pira'.lel of la.l: 1 ..< a* a.trt n'tut^al o'i*erv*tl..n*. la a depar-
Treaty U< y ba poitputiet'.. at d made itit- special order lot Tueadsv. Mi II m.y Bfked f< r the \ rn and S<trs 1-
mttkom, Wattk Wai ¦
nlosed anl Mr. Muon's
Mi. (iwi.x
extending the
t'.ir.ef r il yi) v." loi .'--'¦ ot- railroad IrooimsortV'. .1 11 cT n BBd M ;..c'i.--'»r Kal'r >*.1 Comc lt vi as taken ui aaaahtarad, and f.asa- d. -
deairedto reoonaiderthe
with the nonir.ations tion.
Chnrles Riomelln was foreod from the btaml yeatirdavand pelt, d with ei;^, and lighting
conttnued dii.uig if.»t i't the night. lt hu baoa raining lutnl haroaMdRj. The Corn in this ridoityil beginning to laah batt-f. hot BOSh of it is past recovery. l.'c in Corn is
demand in
iimrket ut l11-
Hall. Ueinocrntlc.tleiilnaln Kanrull ReS-OM, Friday, Au* M, anu h.'l^l in A lar^i* Democratic C irles L Woodbury, son Taneull Hall thit <f tbe la.e V. I JadgS, BBd Pr.ii-ieat of the B >iton C.ia' i.<- Club, Nr 1, preiM^d. Th« meetina,* was ad-
dre»»eii t,y O-i WeRer el 'M-rni*; Haa JaassOaaB BBM ot A,. Co' Rsaraaosl U:A »ndJ>hn Van Bu-en ot New N .». Ae ou« th,^- pr»<e,ii on Uie pUit'.nn, Vaine; CI tht* We,K('<>l la__r?l l,"° Mr. iu:.A Jadir" Alleo, t.h.'iii D 8 A M J >r Bteveaa, U Ool poE Ps Oot C**»* Hynite-t, H.T., Vl tSoE, l' rn. Ct;,t. I^Brr. \» ; 'J'D.t. «. N Y M*«s i CoLt t> \ 1 Htmhtot nnd K n It F Ht'lert. age of Tenn,, acd Mr. Thrasher ol Cu'-mn notonety. .
Tke Native American. of ralladelpbla. pMitADKLrniA 1 riday, Aug -V. IRM
oompleted tbelr city and c.nniy liraet and hare adopted reauluTln- Nntivt* Americaoa hatra
Ooc not to ainalgamate witb any party wbaterer. .*.
lhat lhe steamahip Mlsslsaippl would sali ln a day or two ob a crulse to tbe nahlr. cronnda. Comm kiore l'erry aad his oArers had been im .ted to dlne whh tho Catbollc Clergy, who, wlth Archbishop Hughra and other Catbollc* of tfce County, were la coaroeadoa Commodore Perry stated thal hl* orderi were to re. tara U New Tork as eooa as £ept 1, to joln the Japaa eapedlbon It Is the ceoeral optnloa at Hallfax tha no aegotiaBon whh tne Colonies for the rigfct to hih withia tbree mllea of the ihore wll be succeeaful ualeaa re
v.'jryct! tu \faaik \a s?awiti
ot the
Ihe passengers n.ate
was on
j Hi D-M 5;_^_.
all in
after the collision, which was verv severe, the utmoat confusion prevailed am >ng the steerage and deck pa.-st-ngers, a ttry large rxirtioti of whom were Norweigan emigrants, and s.-veral, it is thouiil.t, in tlu- t.rror and liai.
prevailetl, jtimpe.! aveiboardal once.
Csi-tain Paill, aJtbotieh seriously injured, with
the aiaistance of the crrw, endeavored to calm the feara of the passengers, asauring them there was
The steamer kept on her course, the to be able to reach port, altho-igh the boi* wai
leaking badly. The water,
rar>ii!U ea them, despite the BtTorta of the crew, and bv the time thev had procetded about twe iniles frcm the spot where the collision took place, it waa founc that the lesse! waa rapidly siuking. the firea in the t-ngine room being extingaijheJ by the water. A acene tt terrible confiiaion followed. Tk ird
are known to John W. Mcari.v. ipreo* Agent.
be sared:
VV. Wm Riix.a, ol BuSalo. Mra. F. li. Uar»:s, of Detroit I). S. Walsbjdoe. Kalaoia/oo. Riiiian M 8mith, oi Poea Vaa, N. T. WALith Osbobb. Mliwaukee. A. Rxkd, Farmington, 111. Ab.vbb C 1' Bwdwicb, C. W. Mn* Mkiebs, I'lfcx. i: G. kv tsKiT. (IreenSeld, Maaa. Mr. Bbockwat, keooaha, WU.
C*iV T;jMt>i Viweg^k
ashure at
Dog Uocks,
Philadelphia, wiih but suiail
d..t*/ lord.ln tai.Htiy a^Hiuit Blaa Coorta, wbera tu- bbbRBI u asw undergoln^ a !*l'iiallun. /.. Hi.l.r.ttr Adrtrtiter cuill OWnh Tubhee, a " va.;»I and i»yi hh prai broujrhl 0, Iure the l'_lii. Courlat Tmor.toon tbe 11th lual on a charge of bt.muy.a r. (UUitj'.n r.avi.iii Beea m id», f'. lnm hy lhe Tbe prtaelpal witue** aK»tn*t ..ti_.uiit.vt i u tti* ild .
?}:S.\TK....WA.tHi>-,.TOX, Aui
.iueia. V... u th- Ctftl _ud I>t^ia>ra_tUJ m co with tbe River aad Harbor bilL
Mr. Fiih aaid be would more to-morrewtot»ye up the l.ard I.iitr.uB»n bilL A aiXion to luspt-id the rules wu agreed to. 'lli,* l'haik Iaid before the S.unt_ eomti iiidi several i; i_e ieK%rtm,.Ltji »itf, itattBDvata of tfco amaber felarka, th-ir tau* . annual report of thn Regents ol tne S-_uthe Aite, d
M Hall mored that tha tiomestaad blllbeuken up. Mr. Ball i.i'- w aa in fiivoT ol the bill, but
should Oe allowed. The tfce i.poits ot C motion was mide _i »n unOuieiy ¦easaaR of lhe bill, Mr. DuLi.i ui 'a ia a i.ienii t apat an aporopriate time. and wi b'I!e w, bM S-gfeat ifcut tfce _-:;-,te rr.-el at r Ult. and Ust then BM land UU* oe ukaaup, and roctinaed
'-nt tor
Tbe fi
U_-pcsed oL
ntjut a bid^uMr. DaWROR iaid there oxi-W t en'xr to
pay lar state of .?*? .. TbaBS wtto __¦ U due them aetually hundndi cl o-irste cl_bn». money w*r, ,-o. taese jet by lbe<iOT*niPi<- tnA sivleg away exwaslreliivorB ..
noaeRRWtbeparpoaeot no clalm on lhe ', jv^rnmeit pe,«pie wao Uve*;.>.! for tbR appnopHrta time ne\L Mr. Hau Bov.mber
thU blil wouio oeter arrlre ulU) »t»*r lf tt wtre iu* token Bf be w,i_ai ceoient lo postp-O. till any ho* An\r*d, even tf It was mldn'jht rhe whole tim** tor re* Mr. Rr. k bil's would aot be Uken np ia a dsbata
hope.i pomag iir. Pbrtt Rppaiad tukinu up tha an Mr. C-URI coasidered thiorder
thru lor uai_| the bill up, la lor Us cnn*uie.-_ti-_. .
I appro-
to aa a time
9 Hail«r M-
'or ien
'..- i--.. I -f. di indreat » h.v.n 1 gia^OuO fcr Hvoa Ha'bor. Oatoj hr '..-ak»s er at BarltBftao, Vi |. | ar'ior at .Vw b»^ 1 h; Cooaaot 0-*i. e cx.tle fVl..air;* 1,0001 h. oc »t B- id^eport, Conn. i.t the Ifteea thousund for the .-,. .,
Thirteeo .X
A-\.-oLa'.a, O.-lu. wa* re.eoted. iraa then puetpiM ed.
»...,, :<< --.-d bilU wert- puaseJ. li. iae bill ta define tlu* boundoriei cf tre aahtery raaana m IL^iXtciuta, waa i*x-u up and paa-> d At cear j o'clock *: ..
.i»illo.', w,ii Sirah Otr
ol ."*yi»cute. whom he
.Ivlnj, a lumriihr/
ot lhe
tt.-tl, i. aaia Ths ira'tired lady, who fare her evid«r,« with all tha ai
lite niaiai!.-
b« C«H| b
.l li»r po 1
. i- ¦> .' f-.*li.s of *-, r-v .tti/ h'a,n,i Kslit. a,iH. hai ailB tha ImiaB '.,' sl.e a'te. a unef aivj.Mtotaoi-i, rnariied l.luiai t: KhiIs aud luii'oe u. t»cl tlie unniu-.-ed h-r nit/nii^* ^»itiii »t, t. Arwrtbeii marriasa, twey w*m * m the aenliio Loetparr, T-nawa ai^, ai .*, to tha ', lu ti, '
laioil tor'f.*t b...i
*ii* had livad witn Tiio.,*e »s hia n.*.a> ;*o ui, iitht, and imilly left ou, her at Sjna'ise, t., ¦v' Ct\ »ia»i_ lier I lenrts re*lded, u, tha «.jiir*- et a f>rtul|bt. *e\er. lin f. ie,1 In fn .:.Jli.a- She a'l r,ltne»at»Ma'e. «h,,rtiy alter li_r tnvriaae, th»'. Iiar lib*ban« bad wilh blu, aa lnn»_ .uuku. uy wu.nn lie b*4 weat ihat 5 r.i.v oeiir.wife, f.ut, iu t,it capai-UT of -i ., lakaa, y liidiai. »u,i.aO lie ii .ad unu<" hu a* be r_ll>-il it: aud tae p-< uiued that be woald .--lh 1., r oai-k to l,er tntndt." promlshu
Mr. P.-iult B,
Brb- app**rfd
fir tha
defeme, road
j racuse n«per a jjr Kn*ti:..-ju»-rit seeoaitt uf tha _r.d ni»-rii»v'a pi Tul,l,»a and Mlsi Marlett, , . rt aiid *i)ect«'.ar» wiib leugHer, .... ll haa Utile to do wtui thi qu.-sujo buiere the ,.
\ Mr. Sk'u-er was ih.-n
xamined, who latat'tied
admtsetoa of TuhUxt tnat he wa* l-)rally |o an Indlan woman before i^puutlug Mlss MaHetf. Tbt-ie ad_.litti._i were ubjaciad to hy tne
d.»ent», snd tbel'iiiirt <l»,ctded to b Id tba rnalt-r Iti iUn:.a-u h few c-,yi, lor ti,rt purpose o| c.nsuiilu,. aa t tte ai)ii.)ifii.iiily oi 8ali.r er's tostfrn-iny. Iflredeclsl'.b s>a« la»u_bl-, TBbbeoa to'.d he re naoled lo .i.e I nt'.d .-'tttei lor trlaL Toe cnnie ol lifia-riy li not ibdadid iu tbe Aahhbrtot Treaiy, hut Uiere I* an anieeadsbl tn* uiatui wnlcb co?-ri tuo cnie. ,1 i
Iii the exhibitioo of mRnn_acti_rea
up autt
Ibe blU His poiBioa w_s ter from wbenr* the motloa came. lt w»s weU Bsaea eeea thal tbe »t-atu,r srbo h_d made ths ¦BBBBB_BB8 AaoB tu tttoowi for lhe PraelieBCj by a party SBRBR bLl aras ThU tlo-ias, l.iberty Mea or FreaSotlen wt»l.aao«taaa pU_k ia ths pUUonn of tae CooraB«»
the paBBOngnra in the'.'rJ eolored man helon^infj to Thiiadelphia, wha went out for a tirm here to work at coopermg.
is a
into the«-st-il
Kinperpor's army, but
licapad at tbe ri->k of his ble, and ha* returued baaaa. A new Coinmercial litw, tt a very strin-
cent charaeter, has been proclaimed by the Kmperor. Hy it all original h roicea must be certitied, aa well aa the maiiifi'st, and if the carga does uot ompare them, a heavy fine is inpaaad il the amount does .lot.xit.d $ >;', but d~ it iw* the raasal is to be sei/t'il and cool'.cated.
MEXICO. IBr T.l^rapK.] l-'tir. brr Ir-im llexlco.
t.dillty to the CoiMtttutlon, bul demand tho a'jolitioo ol tbe laws concrntna tbe Natimal (iuard and tbe s.-patl..not lhe HUtrlct of'.a Irom tbe Huto of Vera Cru/. At th.-last'i. c he v,.n ready to tall upisa J.lspa.
»!anj_,,n,d trom tha end of tne iiTtenntb ee, tib-L lhe leitee >f ihe ariei.ic raloes ol ReteBeaHe fouad uln *ut* ;i b**aaa t" etttott fa m unenic . to pay tbt* . tpentei tweuryt.l i. Wiib _. BB fountl, a M d so ex ra.'led lirge baptitmai .t/LCted In ll e ra ya.l pa ac- al Berlin, and l_e^ has utt given orderstbat thr.e p...rdi of -i'.eslan «.ldsh-»il lOM t > ihe goidiiLith ot U.e Court to make a vase (or .
*hn* tla« Tm Boar Plart..I* ippeenlea»es make oter Ci'itnrila. Tbe
*p pltt. ^.-jwiall
ti.eir t[ pearapo- about tte ir-icole of N jTember, or ri at au waabBaa\ar iba r^l_y taat'.o hasfuliy sutto g»owBj:» i-*o a bol hl^n, aad ihe th.-plar.'! never tn May tnoo^h ihe leaTwaad *u»k Aroo t_. s r.m-ib i_ toe ground ail lummrr witnout decaybfl ll l» uied to wa»h wiib ia all paru of Ibe country, j-.r d ty tt'.a* wbo ko- w tu vtrtu-i, lt U piefered to the 88 strlp -.-.-II. a The metbo 1 of using lt U t_ec!oihe» iato water, and rubthe bulb i;? iLe h.*_,
th.tek luher, atd s»nells not ua-
wt, i -ap. The feaaaataal P'na'.u.*)'.ia*n y. m_rl/aiiinum.
ot the
HAYT1. "
, «.
The b'juae wu: in*o Committee on the extent Ot the oth<«ra thi crews of tbe numarooe vaaKavy App'. pilA'-.oa bllL wbicb ara vUtttag this port, searce aa ladirtdoal, Mr. Iliuoi otfere«l nn amendment ap- ¦ak here frum three to tea days. eeeapea aa at. after i*i',000 10 compleietBe Uuay Wall H Cma- U_k ofbelag proprlatici the yellow fcrer, whlcb lei-alaatea fatally la yot t Navy Yard. lotheeoaroe of bli retna-ki be**ld Tomtt m very many laataaoea Two ar thrss tb* (i<.veriB.e*t ha* noward ol tbreo ntUiio doilare the boiUi ca provarvj al thl* y*rJ, acd aa tht wall kaa lo ba 1 days _|o, Capt C_u% of the Axofl-ioaa hri* Era, Oed, a
Colony ln Bonora appear* to bave completely fstlod Crimes of all kin vven'iife inthe Capltal, acd most brutaJ Miaatlnatloii* were not uufrejuetB.
The dill.-enee between Mealco aod varioos polnulo tho loterlor wa* reaularly stopped and plunder'd.
|r would appear from aa BBBonneeaBent
ln tbe Conftuti. mnal tbat tbi. Mexl.-an «i...eruuiai.t haa tak-ii s< ii e rurloua ard drcisive, il nut arbitrary aad ."..... nest aetlon tn ref«renoe lo lhe opeulng of tbn isth riu* of Tebu*ntepec to trade aod travel. It ealls for I... * >.r proposltlon* f..r tbe of accompbitilm lM* recult.tho *nme to bo paragraphod by two N.tatatt, made under *eal and reenrod oa'y lf preaeatoe by tbe lotb 4aga8fc Alier an e»»u,io»Bon lhe (luverair.eiit wtll then declde whlch ihall bo reoelvod.
Dr. IIine* wli'j vnnnab fm\ ba* been
from U.e Sa-
Ailitlr at .viii/biIhii lf. bolle.lo -TrhsMotepita Bsiiniiiii <...>. l.ett-her. I
.S l
Monday. /.af % II ¦'.. Tli* ailiiir at Maaatlaa wili pa*i avac irithoat the etab.l.ty of the (iovero8km. o,
so, al.-io, will tbat of KeiHillein. He
at laat dates r.ot far from Jalapa, but wiihout aay for.-e of'onsideranon. Tha people, wherever ha
li*.s b*en, have imu.ediately suhenf ted, apparendy, ar..! hav.- declared t'iei/,selvf» for him ; but wl.oa he has pronounce.i tb.t word uui.-ck they have aasarered, let Ihememy eoite hrre' Thue he haa found bimaetl witi aai»,nt*, r-xre a few, wbooe intentloo l* to hvo by roobt/y, aod other dUor. der*. The on.voy lelt tot* clty oa tho ."Vib ult wtth i-',' "0 Sid i r.t .-..>)0 ot R*jo'LOo and 1.1a paity is to rott tbi* money bul lt 1* w^ll giardad and I may aaauie you lt wi.i arri'* *«te at ITOBI Cru/. Tbe<i .vernment hu juitpubllshe ftjtg\ *tj ) aa laviu'.l. i.,ln with the law of I-h May laat, lor peraon* lo make prop j*al* f..r tbe opoolna of . ralir.*d B8B88B tbe lathmu* of Tebuaolepoe. li 1* toarpttAtd lhat all stranicers wbo ou» p. opoM sba.1 ibr'.r nailona'lty m tuiti lo all roapecticg tni* ee>>n nuttleation. Mr iiamlrez, wbo ka* ax roai<ned, after jusM fying tho Oovornment lo tbt* sf.p jlvo* tke (eneral bul* In two artiele*, aa fjIIowi : t i ibe Ouvern0i«Bt wtll admit propoeal* f.r tho cob*Uv.ctlon ol a railroad, to commuul:ate with b>>tfa seu, the Atlantic and the i'actfic, acrvw* too* ot I ebuabtopec, noier either tho foliowia( c ond 111 «. .' Toesecute the work for a dtttermlaed amount ot tboosy, wnlca stali be tiea ln tbo pr. p<>s»i. -.; 1 To onecute the same at tbe coal of thu person propoalaf, without .' w »'.¦ t tbe aiii.t of motey to bo mw> ptrbdet. In both < t*e* It is uoderMixid tbat lha ool^a* .ion sball bo tho aiooiute compledoa of the eomiiual»!¦ >o, tbo trsn.p- rt trali tyttt, M *l*o the qua'i'ylag ui uiitium i uf tho po-ts, tl. e manltig raota *o tbal ali veaael* tat. enior) at tbo end of tho road or »;<amaLl.'at r.. srrond. Tb. person. propcalog are fre. to efcooae either ul tho moan* propoood, lut th. Qoverameal ra. aorve* tbo privilewa A accoptiag thal whloh lhay osag cimldtr m-j*t .uBabte. Tbea t. i.. wa ihe baai* for tb. proposals of tb. lat aaai Sd claoa, wb'cb oeenples 1 .ur columa* of lhe htmuor rpubbabed yeetordaj,) aad 0 !., aad aka ooorler lea»ea at 'J. The dd artXeke la as follows i Ho who may aakatha road for a bard ao.ou.t sball rocolvo 6 par aamt. aaaa ddm .tly cn tho amooot be sball eapead oaUtBeIBeworh; tkmt aai amount lo be Booktaaet portoOlaaUy, =
Knvaa'a of Vellaw Ferer. i: I ^K OF REPaEBHTTATII ' ie bill ii;.,;..>ri/Pobt ac Pbi.ncb, t riday, July 30, Inr ioUi rs et«*«z»d 11 ibe 'ast wir witb Creat Britaln, and uiilitary matters here are Political t i.r. ct." 1 thelr uniy lanea ucat (or fuldvattue, aod locateto others in baa ti.ereut aid bad notdl*p*ed of new qctte trancdl, aad wtll probebly remala ao tiU tbe tht isn.e wben tbe morninp 60,^ .splred. nitddle of Oetober, whea the traee entered Iato be¬ 1 1.. H took BO fl e Scnate bi'.I. ex- tween thr Eaatera and Haytian parts of the lalaa. wtll tenclpg U ice kaleiah aod (iaatcB Ralirood C.mpany hare espired. Then ll Is more thaa probahle hoeali1. ,1 q ..;- . upnn ali ralls, now oa ±t part of the Hiydans. aod i:.- poried by that oompaoy, so tbat tiea wili be raaewed or leresf'er t.. latertbe aany sball e made ln fuvr ft^ual annual paymeoto, proaecnted to a eoaclusloo, tf there should be nu Li* Paacnaaa ¦ am me.atlniatoreMrvetueinu&eye (erenee by tne tbras great I'owera, Eogtaod, Fraace aad due tc trr c n [ t) faf aail servioa the : :re i .-tates. On uiciioi. i Mr. Stcabt. the biil vrx* It ts with reagret that I anaonnea that aickaeaa of a tab'i-d.Vea* N-;very maUraaat cbaracter prevaila here to aa aiarmiaf '
The atialr M8BBB to be a-terim* oae. A ment.. bai been made at (Jua.lxUja.a, and oa. la ro*t Tampico. po '. 'i lo kaaa taseu liitlians '.live riiiiii.lineil new datli.ns ln the Ktate ol Xaealeca*. mardartait aa 1 robl.tng d-'i-ncl.'M iuhabl'ant*. Tbe papers town with boniVe d> taiis ol lh«lr oxces*es.
n.nit n'.w
lna"U ol natlre golai L'p pen at Bre*l*u. t<. ihe end ot the ii_te_uiia ceutury, cun*lderal,ij; quaaI'.l.el ( ya.ij wer- lalilad lu .-Hetia, Uj Itudl and depn* liaextnt'lns Irom B«i/law oy Luewsabwa aad H«i^hij.ieiL, to GolSber| Tc. lasi BBaaH-Bod town was ' ly tl.e gold set-kere. TbssatrasRoa f | )ld wm t,rv to ire te em,
to taking opposed stn*n«th«^Nl bylthe
amendmenta of the Com-
t'ie th. r kg.-e. d t.. .sarvey of r survey of ^,n An lainmn Rl»er. M»*t lou ijt.-r, T» xxs. 18,500 for rep-urln* w..rks at l.ltt> 1 ag lia.b-.r. g9,l«4 far survey of taat i'aaca^oula !:i" -, M.-s *. ... -I I fi .idence Har lor s -y f P.'li .' OMo B-Vki lor repalr of ..a-.tall at ktprbtewhd M**i 03,100 for lurny of bt 500 fjr survey ot 8-rtv.bury ktt. r N J ir breaia*--*mdat toftkmtm .*la Ii-*.i, Kaaaebae Ma I
the waa t*:-n *nt -0 ta
Noes, 23.
ri.o at ii,e Fal> / 7 n¦¦ -ut I'alri il, '.u
After debate, Mr. -.'!Brixca moved
,-uj.portot I
bee,furmeril *
ln Ite an'i..!i.. i.t >' Mr Cxas ycterdsy, and lt wa* rt' ai ..i.-'U. siun occi'.donal rel*-reui-ea to platfi.rn s »r.rt ^*ru-i ty .Mes.ri Hui.ter. B rlxt.d, l) .wqb, t'asa. i.aoiOlin. rthte'oi, MeoOB, l> .j^las and others. o'ckx k Alr. SaraLO's ameu'lm.-ut At waa n.-tlrd.Ayes,-. 1, KoaS,Bl I.¦>.»$ Mr. Ai' BI8OA n.'.ved to
Fie_t Sl-siox.
d here.
foin Port-aU'Trmce Ith mst., have arrived here. Thev I rlfsr accmnfa et tho contiimed rava^e* of I'ort-aii-I'rme, but state thal Mr. thaplagaaal \\ Isor. the l S. i'onsi.l at the l'ap-», had diauaiaaad a remedy wiu, h had saved many l.vee. Ihe disorder i* descnbed as a ro»unc in tha etomach, whii h takes place in Jl hours, if not eheched hy laawdfaa. The aaaahae of nttivea wbo have died all ovi-r tha i.'.an.l of thi* duonier il very larije. The .iiiin'oer ot forenn seaiuea that died of it at tlu* Ckft k 13, and ...anv wera still riak. A hospit&l tor lorauncrs has beea established throueh the eiforts af Mr. W.lson.
Mr. ELtiaR movt'il that tlie tu\e reqaiiin^ to private M!(i be Knosy ,o be C.-Vile<l excluslrely the time iL.penOed. Iic laatred to hare the iiutneitead WI! Ulenuj. Mr. Himkr iaid tliat if thp r bed, and the :'irst I'-iper ded. be would propoae lodnote H.'l
fiaeaad Dupatch. A very denee it>z, prevailed
MaaaaaEJpl leesea, l-riday, Aug. U, M9t Account* from Hnlitax of Au^'. 18 atate
Tbe L. Bi Mteaas-hlp
proipects ot bein^ laved.
leataa, Frld.y. Aug tO, KU Tl.e brig Me.ltn.l. wiil. Iit,-s frotn Cupa llavtien fo f e M insr, ind the achr. ilureka,
nace. He li r.ow un-thle to porfsnB duty. aheda in noTamea* ttereral brick-jrard i1 <i re tired by Inrerdlaii. tnat niyht and iteMroynd. TwoOB Ibisa men aleeptog ln ona narrowly BBflBfSi L. li k baraed t<> death.
n mh
l.ate and latrreatlaa Irom llstil K.ttx|M Of Ihe 1'liihi.i- V >r« I iiiiimrri Int I uw.
wu* un-
il'.ierst.n ai.y manner t.i al ter or tnxil. .0 .ed. Tnxi si.t.n power and . ii.-r. 'J'l'^i tbe aot of Joha annUaloaer of tli» ;'.-.u.m HiHt.-., ln
KrW-OaLB-Jn, 'Ifiurntsy,
lhe bark MarmioOi from
11 1
Aue. 1 I, 1-':.
Mr. I »b*r, Oonsul al Pon u l.tnce, th* ehiei p >rt oa the Iilac.i, lmmedlate.j appolrtod Mr gidoey Oaksashh to dlacbargo tbe dutie* of tbo yocatat by tbe Ja. 'i.s.* of Mr. Friti. Mr. Oaktmlth bu beea reild'ni al Port-anTrtnce lhe p*»t year, lo a metraattl* house, aai wu to leave tmmedUtoly for Aux Cayee. li. la the aoa o! Seb* Smith, K*'}, of thl* CUj.
yini im I i-ii-lit.
Ooaaidenhle REcitomont exis-ts hon amoni: a portiea af tha Grnaaa Dsaaoerat-.ialae tive to political aaattsra, aoene i»in_c di-natistied of the Democratic Conven¬
life aatoaa ihe t »uiui of the l). u* nt,
f.iri.ame allttanoe Lt poslttoD lhe wh.el ot nueof tbeio
wm Straafe bj Iwo apBtaBBBi acd. a iiiltun, r, ne bad tu cuitody, kn xiiied down Hts foot was run rer and lerl miiy lnjured. Ana.tenpt was msde to reacue his prttener, and he wns compelled to fell to the cr .und two aitallanti wilh
public itreeta B.
Bai.timohk, Kriday, Aux. '-^. l-1'-. week endiaa the I mail haa arrived frooa Southern The jreaterdaj, uring v t >r tbe bt ane >.' a ii ns o' coal were ihlpped hy Scuiivlklll Uaiial. New-Oileani. Mr. Hai.i.i r aroold oppoae thia motion. 82,5.7 Companies During tbe firei lasl oighl our ona The papers ci.ntHin dates from the ('ity tbocyb he wi,. tn ta' or of tht. pi..p. uti.m Baaat IdiIij gx-A ln a little fl.tici.' rur. man shot llic ijiHtation vv..- uikenand the motion acd an.ther hattered by a bilck Knult, of Mexieo t.i the it ot, ultlmo. loit.\> h ^.y^ io. The weather u ran ararm to-day* Tlie Rebilletlo" insurre( tion had j;ivon Mr. M.x-i v. 6mm the Committee on tl.e (I.. rnm.-i.t rftest troublei Ketreatlo* upon Ilaa. Rt !at'. i-p rt 1 »h- rf...', ' 1 ial'iy _M) iii> Hr.ioE..Our Oraii ToRBRRrer.a.lcct a c.>-iinuuicntion tuico. bo hi i.i.l.iir a small ;»rly t _i>. er. minl ir.tpa, u 1 rotf tdOooOil .^e Hldalgn, ao other poworo. readeii w',11 puhI.Hlily * -i y ls givaa to u.<- C ...... i.t! rn. r. nr s.rrtiyors, Ititid ln The pri tt p. Ln .: them to retreat u|hid (>¦ l/al»a, be subeesutixdard BOBH Uma tin.-e glvlnv B ikitch sttoio Bipowtmenl I* tberclu provMad far, >b*n ot ihe romantic hiso.ry ut i»S«b Tuboee, _tnl his mir- ijii.-ntly eotered i'ordova without strlklon a biow. to flmiuiint-, *i.<t by i.ilrrt'.'e lan 'mark* eita'-liah ,)... wi,h Miti darah Msrilett, wbose relatlres reslda liis course has bein a t'iu n^hani one, nnd hs I* sop ihe t.i-ui iia.l'* iht- >':..' Statea atd .vtexl lu li ls city It appears ih.nt the ui>ti riaqe has tii*n_d co .. lley a.e 1 thal 1 ry. and rtt by tho people of bt* isctl u, aad ur^ad forward pirted f wno bas for tne rkther liruunuta u_li_ppllv hei la<iy, .-i 1 eoaauusd to | m tt *r 'j' tiie C_na- by a large arint-d lon-e. ife anl bls adherout* pr jfaea 4 triiorpa'i)
to go to the wreck. The l.ouisiana,which was fired up, iiiiint-iliately prepared to start, but the Conal>iin\'s boat Cleveland, arriving from up the I.ake, waa diapatched tothe scene of the catastrophe. She snw nothing of the wreck on her dovin trip, owing to the fog. An Company had about $".",000 in money on board the boat.
Ci 0
n r< »i,"_
d il'ili g ln .imt
.Mi. Iii *.tkk iaid he vvoul.l notronaent hid ahnald taka pranarianea ot toe Ap^roprlatbataa] bi,!.
rlii-ini'i.i nnioni ihe <;eriiinn».I'urn (ropa. C-BC-BBAT-i Fridsy, Aog. 20, 1?_-.'.
lug toe *tt two or lii-v* weeka.ihe t -¦rent b,'eli there Tne Rarshal's tbia i'.ty i*avaari"tted »n tuiplclon ot one or o.-rlei, two men utiued Wl.lU u Uap."¦, hIiki "Oblo Hih," slls* " ,-Vlbaoy M--i-;.;. 1 .iinii'i, allai"Col. Wintrey A dia
toii.i'it,t' oldoflrrdor. Hofcn been lu tl.e penit-ntisry ln the ptiat'i'i. \\ st, nl tti lhe hhndi U rhe P..|(ce of New V>rk. Hii Mi". D v\ ia iaid it \m.> i. to dian,liy rre hi-.hly reip.-ctii')!'*, mid btm done rrery .: in a baii iMaatoaave rlm i-,,m a i:fe of crtine, but ln »aln. Ha ,t iii* eotnrt.e, Wlofrey, »r*» unoer cemmltment by ai iMr. li"i.i..\>i. appoead t-ikins the bili Aidem hii hi'i'w-rd, w1.,) liHsa'sosent to prls « <<ne or .« ilaaa ot tlie se..-1-.n, thou^b he waa In lavor of more other pt.rtl, s BBppoaed 10 be tmplicaied wlth Mr. c.vss hoped there wonld be ao de- them. ml of the Conaolidated Piili-e of l.'..-ri oa. uio-tit'tJ tlli iu- e.-t .f prlnting, thisS str'e Uu atrrenty from h urieireClt]loaren now ii.on hiu.ieli could not n.ake lt plalner ibau it i.i-tti w!in Uwi.-ttebaraaaaaa na Ta**wa* now 11. a l. .i. l.t Ilsnllion and otfter Kth«r, ln eodearor. Mr. Cui;\ conaidered it the duty of tlu* Iay I iv vent a co'tliion u-twen tho Huaane Uose l»ke the bill up, and paaa lt. *¦ ii !-a :aent K',i» ,.*i.ii)p»n|e|, ln thrt weitern part of so much s.) as to M I.i rLaa aaid all public baainasswaa f« ty. wereI,,Doth lhe houte. UfC. ,-r K*her sared his
Sereraldariag robberieaofmoaejtwatch* dlaiaond jeaelry. Ac, hav. t-tken piiee at i'ape
rlcg, aniw.-rlnir, tb* d,-*ciiptloa of lhe bresat-ptaaad a-,i !.* porma * Ibepi i"iiy aatoien. oae Uepbma, of the ptlsoaera la cutt.niy here, li an
nl Mr. Mn. Ilirtican itlli
PuTiAWtPHiA. Friiay. Aug. IR
A l.eaitlaa DS-BaMBBBl
lilaek upon the I'o* Kowilvltiu, «Vc.
at I ap. N
Mr. Ot ia said he had naed nll bia exer-
en m'.ht let which the Houte ad.iiirued.
-.'ii'.As tlie tiuif before tf hivei and Hx.borb'.'l wa* would Lot n >b iujVO lo take up tbe A^prth
aaaji t'atic; taat lb-> Com-
a proposed al ipensbet,
,*, in rfer thn, neni'en
¦,».¦ k, trii moraii e fram Major ii itarte, ol FRlBbarf, to Mayor (o'p.n, el I' aaBOafeBBBl thelnforBBarloo oi th«- »rrett, tn lhe Irea Clay, of a thief by the
Ueck do. .">!, Becond Class do. 10, do. 18, were rzekaafrd, »nd ll a wm l wai ibot Id the hitid, the letter in t' fase tne ball glan,-ing d>>wnw«.d p*'nl' bill &.i''r lt ti.e ,1 -,..te wltbdr.*w It. luakirg 326. Aaide fron. these ."Mr. Ho nin think* aLd bett.the wound li thju.'ht dang-,roji. The u t,' ii Mi- Joaaa ofiared ¦ resolntioo, ordering there may bave been 185 peraona on board, iuclud- cauie of the dunl w%* remarS-. m»de by each ln thalr .1*1.1. t. .-ihli.aer t^.e Se*« oo, tb. Senate lake a, Friday, Aup.20, 1-.V2. in all the about and r..luinp crew.making 150, irtpectlre papen t- to at_ 1'lar, e, and elecuun mat¬ di.iy lio.u l t.i l'.M. Laid over. ter liero was liekl ii the jnobable loe- to about '.!"0. This, we fear, A Whig a\at\%4 iiieetin^ The lii-t r and Hbrbor bill wu- t ikennp. Tmeeatmtdmmt i>-' du was oo i, .t'nx a3'/x) Murder aml Ueirlbntion. to-nl|ht, abcut 1,000 persons belug present. C irn-llus i- n little below the mark. ', irif t.1*. U ior » *v.rti j ot Ibe f{app-.l.«-n LocisviLLK, Krld-y, A*ig ii), 1_",2. The emigraiita arere Norwe_.-i.-ms, who came PMiab preaMeA 'lbo mretlng was adJresied by Dav is nrged upon the frienda ofthe A fonn.lryman oamed MeUoWRR wns billM10 rtLhiii Wessis Itarrah, Ceo. Darsle, _iwart_«re,der snd Craw- through ly Lake Ontaiio feU-aniers irom (Jiiebee, t d kept by **«rah Uiiferd. A number of nmjjs we.e sung by «lee clu'is, and and about '5 or BO of them were left on the dock murdered iu a b.,uii> ol lil-tu-ns, Lait PlfS [theScnate Mr. DtSaosiuaj LUht RaEal were W-duesdav fjr BB cta-lit three clieers I'aiL*, tbe arif urntnont giren up,>n fhe to afi.-r them to aadfar lhe Con to i '.. II- t-.-.i-t a B. p-.w^r wa* on board. and, ln agent refusing plsee, go pany proce.d.d BBObMag opp. tico.i and Orabaaa riiwd Oe lhe ued. A asc .moi»nted hii'ned t tbe h< uie. large tj ll aaai nr appro^rl.tbaa. on berp< now the Iob* of nrrp*»t«»,l ||t their mourn frit-nd*. Tliere An intlividual WBB Tbey uinde to tt <p but t«cblrd the ih up< Ih.- o-noa'tli-y nt R unvlp uloo boBOg at att-iupt *j\ ed-e-^ay, «n iutpl_l.,n «f hnvlnj( atolen some watrh ie reason to hope mi.nv mny yet be saved on life the proceedl_|»i.tpol, \\*u waa a m.*rn'>er ei tha K>t-'.«i'd.'. 1..:r ,aui uiui.iuned to aoMcC, icsie v aad u! ed, *»le Ue lo a jeweler. cbalns, whlcb he w»i,._. Hn^ f * any,aLd etti furmerly a cilizt-n of CiuciunatL iwe» (c plfc-r t- n."veil but Is aac»nalned t. be a pn.-i rurs. with wliich the boat w&s well furgave btt nan.e nt FolUnsbev, Btnendmenta stiikMr. m.iili's no.fd N«w Vork thlef, known as IVte Stuyveaaot. Hn n.ebe.l. .llurder al Billili. The t oataB ipeclhc surveys, and Ineapiopilalloai p$ lt itill utirt. r iirnl, but no clue haa been l_uud to the on the in thi* new. received I lil Inimetliately being vrALo, i.J«y. .Kug se.tig *&0,l J iseotral.y lor aurveys by tb* Gorornowners ot tha proptity steamere Northern Indiana and l.ouiecity, the A BOgro inun liiun,*,! BoWRItU wns nr.-. Ti.' re *a I'elted wilh Kc«s-Rx* ,ana, antl propeller I'rinci-toii otTi re.l their servicee r.tla J here tl t A. M ,.<u implrlon uf beln^i lhe maid.rprinciple ii ou
for eveniaa
the H reportiI i aback Pn:'|lc Priot-r. and
i^ir. lJA'-'i.i>' billpri.M adtu.-
rtetag oeiealter *
g 1* .d to tae State* 10 tn.
Mr. Cartter ob l. Mr. .Inn > or, t ArkwntRti
of Tennessee. askad leave
ra reio.utltn pru
lor 1
-I to he >*ac;roswd.
o1-'r«d dev»y»*d> ea**.*.*,"!*, I I, Nayi 85,
»¦..!' ns.
riieoe amend*
taken n]
'0 tn,
-th, mtt tr n cianrurred In
wbeic pn'-.'tahed, ihtll he ctwiie'i tne half >.f ei-t ratei before t amed, pro.lCed lhat sma'l newspapera, ptio-
a»d aloo'ooo of the m«a aad hto aaae aad al M. «vev bave basn airk YMterday wa* barted Caj.t Keadnck. nsaaaer oi tli* acb. oo»r Urey Yjugte, trom Buotoi, aad .r-. bl* mea and all th* cr*w ..( tb's 188081 b«v. boen «li*a on sh re Tbree day* *in:*, Mr. Co.BL rr.o'e l thobrlc R. VV P».-k.-r. ot Btm*)>a, dlM, **d Capt. Hayo of tha veosel, aod alao Capt H .>pt»r <W tk* tcboater Kti'eha, bavetwva airk, bat h«*e r»ctverod. A pumbst rf Atnerleaa eail.ira oavw d:nd wlihlc IBO .»t !. i. .- twi-lre days Am- nt the .u*- nre aod -'fro o: tbe Europeaa vea*. :*, Ul* dtaes**. kaa beaa eo i*Uy tatal Al Capa Uaybu tr* terer appear* to k»v* be«a It I* nre n.a '.'nai.t. lf p.-sl' '«. thoa at t*ie i'ap«ui that four ro*n aelooiin* to ao V-n*rto*o meet reported died lo oae nljbt, aad U^e two otber* oa th* mimnrBat d»v We are now la aboot tba middle of the aisklv s***ta. aod li aaaaaaaaaaahma u» arrive, tt t« doa***! tf tae at. kotia tbaie* till some time la 8**pleaitww ov Oett.tmr. ll li rvally paloful to so* v.i-el* come lato thl* fotrX with y. ttLg tod viforoua erwwo, eriik almael lhe cerattre or tea. of taoaa Ulniy u-at before wo i.y* exoi-a,earaoc wil. Bave tertrlna'ed tbeir eartnly Two *ailor* frooi Atnertcaa veaoel*, ooe aa foftUhtran. uxn ,,i J.itin tiloater, and Ibe t*h*r aa A«**ie»a, ramed Jobn T.y lor. were an-eeted. aSool throo weeha imce, charged wl i. theerime ,>f murder, exmiiaitted na akore, oo the p«r*oe of a Ilavtiaa. Tae Aa**rt^ao aaa* !'.-'il.h C asuls w,re i'..»nl al lhe l-i«l. whlch waa o. ductcai wtth grrol fairnea*. Taylor wa* f-iUy *o>i*tBted, and tDoater .enteticud to bard USor ft Vta aad be ii now empl..t*d, irlth other coovteu, lo labor la tBa
The CoflBmittea rose and reported the tW Advicea have been received hy brig; bill to tbe Houie Ct*hm\ al Pbtladelpbla, from Port-au-Prioco, H*f d. of Tbe amendmenl of Mr. Stanton. td tbe d«atb of Mr. Frits. American Coosol at Aaa Cayae.
postafe perl.-d'csls, aod ali prlalod matter not esc» eiiln* ihre* ouncs, sball be sent u> aoy
reiectwhkh wa<
reported. reported
n.ei t. u-.i
Mr. Brook* efferad
adopted. .ppra-prltdDaR-'.tXX) fir a I!burltl _round tor d)i_g ¦ the Naw Yur-. City lepiial. Maoj :um-T)c!rmMit-. wore ollereii Hti.l de*
lisbed tin.tihiy, wben ien: to parkiurea to one addrtwa, aaid, b> aftdag atamp* tLer-1 m ill be char^eable pll at talt a c*m ior ea. n OuBOB Pja.a*" n all traoilt-nt n.*ttershalt be paid or ct-arged doable tbe fore^ >lo^ rat. 1, atd lhat all h"oki. .. .iJ 0 utboun.', not w. _h.n|Over fr ur p.'i.nis, sball be deemed tnailable mat er. n<*. rh-.r nt »l h ;> ..txj, at one »nt as ounce for all alsiaiii-*'* undf 000 n 'l-s. and twoeenisan Vanci-s par 3.000 milea. lo whl.-h 30par ounce d>i '. cei». il-aii b». ai. td in .'! c-a-e* wh-re tje iame may be itit wBhto* **m§ ara patd.
anronnt to one dollar, lajln that lf we g* on at t'i rvio . f tncrraie, atd reiort to thutn* mrani te be*-. to'. re to Increase the extyntt-o ol tbe N-ry, m\if yean wil! n. t elapse before tha I reasury will be u.»bie to supoty tbe denvin J upon It Mr. .Mills,... s wa*
S. uator frotn
Mr. Stcart araated to re<Iuce the
VirglnU. Tbe queetioo wh* takea and the motion tc take up wrs r.;ectod by Ihe foll..»lnf vote
nn. wiih
Mr. Mill»o> retnarkitil that the ^«>nrVbad
nr_>t th« same as thtt
oftfcegenatnr 1 h^ir pairl «tsni was aot, to isy. meaannd by t.i* iame meaiure Thi* bill did not arlglaaa aM ire 'aoaOctl p--ty wolcli the Seaaaar ciid- u n.a It did not ortatnabt at Pittai ur«o or Oaam, BB I, Lut farther BoaBh lt erutoa.ed in a *Mttoii a>ulh of Vir»li!», patrl 4lim wu rttfoltted bythe same
%Vbla IMant, MrellDB "t riit»bur«h-Arrrsi of u New-Vork Tlitet.
dred and f< rty tti miihooa of dJIo-i on tbe Mr. ea*.ai>li*r<DM-it, ptineipaliy woce the War oi Mll Ta*n w** tv.iteb lAietutma tnd mTrhajary lo th*t br_B-*l of th* puSnc lerrice, wbu-n eu_bt lo tw abaled. Batu*T burc up iaa rJ_-taj*r tban ia >-.n hand. unpr<xl-<*t-*e, acd all the old to_vum alke»p
Mr. Halk aud that be thanked Gfc d that
tho raeasnrn of bia pstrlottsm
relief, weight. l.ivun made
Mn. Cobnwell, iliter of EUhu Burrltl f, O. Mosuia, of Canada. For rYaukrgan.Hr. 8. Ciiabbeb, Naw-Vorl: Mr. Brltton, do. For MitKatthie.Mr. Sianly, re»ldence not known; MIs* Mn..,- do. TmIkktt 9tf. Car.'.ev and Wife, of Troy; Bts if.j i, do.; liaowv, do.. I.fiobk, do.; huuir, do.; Joii.NSiN *nd Wife, reiidenre unknown; Wnirr. ud \Mfe, do.; CnrrEN, do.; Gkehn, do.; IUbch, do.; MOIITOOMtBV, do. 'lhe BOCOB l-clsss piEsengcrs, ticketed at the t
aior's moilvr* Tbey were douitleea patttrfic. aolo tfce jr.ea*tire of ttat tisiiui'i pitri -ditn. < ppoeetl to e.m»t leiIng thii Mil to en**>'» tn* party whk-b n"nln*ted genstor, wh-xsel trla-npij woald be tbe d.-s-ror.; ,n f»f tho country t diiudbute l»r*eao aawfl me people n 'he em of an el«wtlnn.
rorCing lie wa*
Among tboee kncun to have heen on board, and not yet heard of, wrr»: \V. E. Dtr.nrRT, of Chicn_o; Al.M. HVBDBU, Agent: and II.Raci CaELEI 'id J IRR CaRI.KY, of Kast Kandolph. Fonrtk Ditptttch.
Mr. J aibuhotiikb, of Albany. Mr. Kusiinell and brotber, of Albany. Mr. Lawrenck and family of three, of Utica. Mr. CLAhKi: and family of three, and aaa child, ildence not known.
tt ahould be done now, R being cwseary 1 The Chair aaM Senator'i motfarei couM enrrpleted pr i. ct thn tmiu-Bse amount jf ttmber. Mr. CaRTTRR oppoaed the ftmetrlmiMit, Mr. Haaon Ad nut que>*i,in the Ken- Thrre hare b*en expend<<i ta the Ntvy Yaria oo-* haa
not be qneadoced.
whlch *hall bo sfreed upia.
Art 4. For tbo .ocurlty of tke tke Inuwo*!, tbo road aad Its prodaeu ahall ka a***tk* ac*u.J to the roBtr»ctor, cooal^Blai tohtmaaait r"^"" ahall aat aaaead 90 par 9ttk * lha laMr l»l mt I _
lha remalnlr>| 10 per cent ahall trnaOoa af tbe fonrer, ihe iioverrmeot.
Befor thebenefitof
eaeh of whloh Theie are In all tbtity tive artlelee, and aa but hflten d*y* mreit profoand conslderatioa, I thl.h H Ihe
allowe. for r«c»piinuof propoaaia, natu will be given ia. After the iaDSff of tb« pT.,ba..'e be made tn of lhe artkles cao linie. no chaage
any af any proposttlon wbich may be made. I wtll take the first oppormolty to send yoa a com¬ translaiion of this canrsieahyria plete It wu announerd by Tht Tralt d' Tnion aome *<"*" tince tbat llov. Lrtcber waa on the point of i;<>tng hoins, b'''."',? mhtiher hit Goren.Hient cemirnled *r **« .'** had ett he yesterday, 31st July, The Mtrnito* statedwillthw.laave on tho
he regrettsdthat tl.irinpthr morettBBtn.if'iry thal lha Whiga h...> eaietad, Omf and have heen. when in ttwOt, alwny« pr-ven'rd truta
80 that r-'alitt, carry ii.^ out these prim i,«I» accord.nK to the eoaaiaaioa af lhair own bistnriaa, tlu Wbiga reprtseiit seawthiag quita difleiwu! from thnr prnft-'^ed "liberuland rnligliteneil priti".
Itasdfeg cn the * te of the hoisa of yre-rnt, owr-f to he settlrment of aome of *he ii'ts under our feet. It would be we!] ;lt PoBtina 1'ilate. Hen in Ma wall fonaiag the dtB] itrs. ns, for instaue,, the rextoration ol tie C' sect., di.l they krcp continoai'il RubaitaawatisBedthst .thera Bortbara part ot tl.f fouadatian "i the tamph. ,'».; e'ar, which tlie. tiieeka t.,le from the sli'. M their eyi-H tb. biiiour, of Chriat. ure I.jiIv tl.ree ,,u.,.». ad.I"'"» tta* «'.»!""»¦ Th- l.atina, h.v- .nuch bitter laaataraaaa and f.oe retiin<<ie «>f BBCiaat ofthe Nativity, at Rell-Vlie th« uie |.e very .,.,! ,.,.. Tr,r rnrivfr.. ; f1'*"1 beea lb*»W#*dwhirbhj*\** ia iwd te ratt***,
of tb*m remoesls of
bv Uie deatr'nyid eai.-b -'ave-. Mr
aaa jreiaee that tb,
Sir John Pnkiagton have iavolred then ta and prerioua d
intoreatafths Jsnaarai
brtsreat sf the 1 adiordarei ;tiian eheer tgnorence ol tho t.i thc laaasctira iatsrestB ,>! Iba b rrawsi r.,"; ofthe rioae are more lureto u'urer. Tbey are followed aad Bupportod bl I 1 thhn ti.e oat fi>n
Colonial Interest, tb#8bipp Church Partj, ¦ siaorr. hy
rvvolution pr»; _r..: y it. Oppoted to ttie Toties, sb tht-ir lieriditiry u., lt
with wboca
Anierichii \\ ln»- ;,.... name. The Hritish Wnjr, iq the nntural historv .f puhiu-, fttm a ipaciei a [i .- afl th tbe amphibxmeetaaa, ei si but ledllficult »o de>cnle. Sha>' »t eall theisilv, ii, with tneir fll, cootio nppin, nt.«, r« anlari love tt, taaa tbanilug tba tepi *», crlt-iin po, |. t.,e I itr- r srr I tl Bld i.' t ruir.arrusaed m the M.t.e tlilhultv 'f ^lr. Toke, wim, na*\ih »- "'' e-tf-gt | n 1*1 te, ,:,'«'. J'S in lua 11t» ,if l»arrie*" t'.i.' >. ', BCertBia ni-.aUr-f "I'beral, a>cta!_nd er,*iehteu d piiociple*" wbi<:h tfcti '.
Parliami tt ia rar. ly
Bt qnf ;t;y.':
ry. Tne relative atr
paitiaa arHI ba taated
ot tti.
i'ar iament hv the '!?!. the ('.. inuan -i i:¦. Coii'". tl.e. kt to thl .... ;... v« t ie! 1 ht ve i.".| the op cfllemx. Mr. II. I.. s, I'reoMrntnf L*l .
i-\ei ,1
k, bul
hcria, eal
¦aa, Tbe ..
Hia Ei
-.;-.! llioa
.....) :.
fi,,-n tha
Moont it, arheaaa T.iua
Tr.eCrusadtr. un h-rf.oiifieyot H'.-iKiHuaa bi 1. Mi Snt
ter read
tioBfCbi tb tiic-r..--
'.' tl wu
p| Q ,.. -. st, i'.r. (*i.. [..,).
...,,.r ,i,
.1 tl.-- I'o.ver
ion t.'.>ai.-,}. J on ti,,
Sia'.--', souR.'i: lha pra ir.
lf tiie
,,fi)i;..s. and tiie bill north ol
iniien, bat tba i ,rc .:t ul J,-tiiueofHerod wasprobably doohla
t.t |
a msn
are .>i a
1 hri lit
:,rr v
Ezcept theae foan*
'.fl of the ancient Hip| cu tati. city. rhe ieagth of the prei it wall of eircnm* 11 a
¦aaah aaaaidei il oscsaa 13 ba sn.eeiarl tbeir interrata th. i;ecc-sary reei Its ,,f modern inanufacturirip itidu«try, er"J afahtat tba social ! ¦RbBi ataad
that tf site ef tbe tetnpls.
.¦¦¦.¦¦ "'"¦'¦ ,h"r rhndr*<i r>' m * tbe Eoroi. n o*' l-. dtstaoce ,.) 208 i il". tn acRooi. Tnrre tb-,--. <!..¦ pe, ...jlil-hed in V.,,v,'*,i'i,l Bjocb tndo-try ia t,.m ,r.r. Tha eaRortaoi play ll,,. c.l.-i.t sra iim oa,aoaaa wery, and toaoa, their brradsl aRas/i Cssaada.swssiRotateea, aad
in tlie same poaition BB the drurkard luought up before tha Lord Mayor, wiu> ileclaietl thnt i.e reprc*."iiteiltl.e re'iipenun e but from Boinc accident or o her, alwaya » >* principle r.e. The ri<- BsUa nre tio? m prhidpally driink oa Baada}.. gotHut ma tl.. nv.-rs tmtoatbshithUoda. uii.iic iiii.irs tt.-r never miml their principles ; we can b. -.'t ,r.-p pli.n.e.i it. tba uniy-¦¦ ¦.*', aad jrieMa ma tbat aay. We hear aow that he amae oat what they aia in hisi'i-i.-al faet; whai aa ths mni-tof*of tbe <<¦.¦-ahaadant 3d. WhjiaallthUf , ., bsnrsst, *tid l.»-li»i< d. what l.ut thev oae. forth* por- thev carrv out, Tfce ehaaatB ia i- miiVi"i> tn ter me-r.iDs. Col. Kamsry left here a few devsslaee Tbts ls supposed now what they want other people to believe wir. aRore b.alibt. an.l the i'..l...iv baa all»¦". pose ef eiplorlng tiie Klver Meseals. rerj grnrrallv trom to chi.r/tcter. tunna.-e their small of respect lor steamboaU CtbabevidnUy nav.agableihe germ« ot pros'.ientv and ol'furttre gr.vir_e*s. <> lt H a fracThe Whiga aa wall as ti.e Tori.--<. form******* ol dty of Puebla to lu emhocJture ln the r»nl v latfrrstiBf to bbb a rrtmnioawsaith a»»* west of Acapulco. ofGieel of the Untle.l tion Partf, some roiies north broken out ln Nav, the oldest, richest propert) prorpefitu nnder a rrpnbli, ia llorera'" '..'»" pirtion syoce arrogant most We bave newa that a revolutlon has and <'uadal**rs. M la stated tbat the revoludonistt have o« Kngli-h landed property is tl.e very BiieMaa <>i while. the statei Rl Ml-'f fo,"!.I««W ptirreti -v to the notinn that th>- BBtirea ol Europe hat -VU men I't their number what lt may, I aasure vVhic party. .t t* aie not *et prepared Mr repah ieee wlll not aoccoed, «»cept ln robbing the (lov- theWhat. Totl.e froaa them yoa they of \infn*. th.-n, dialaMniahaa ariittirretw repreeiiiTt.rtt somethonssnds. BeatS rurin is rep>,r»s h ,w> ,-oin. l>,,iii the are I beg leave to add.tbat whatever propoials the Gov- riet \ The Whiga ii Btrikrag "iii'iientary ae Ubb eatbu«a«m it.le«tl.e "f Tehuante road acrcss for the tho Itntalice, of BoBrgeOW., ernment may approve of which prevail- in lluo.irv tba Emoeror, the aonsent of Congrctts before it can ba trial and comn.crcid iii.d.lla class. I ... rr the sccrdit pee most aav« ot. | to tbe afidal accourits in theVienr.a carried Into effert. In tifieen days, accordlng to the C'l.dition that tbe Ho-ireeoi-..' shn.i'd al.imlaiutoneocouma, we shall know who the company tnay he to them I" «n oblif;archy of ar.ito. n.ti.i tbe pnratl ln Peifth the f!i_s which adorned that sbill bave obtained thc prtvilcge. ei government aadtotheth.-eaero* Imm entry, were ¦liea Bsads tba wbsa E_apsror beaaea mid¬ Doa Anselmo Zurutut.n, the proprietor of the line of aii. make H offieej tbey poeanaairn prft-rioattf prepaiadbjr tbedoc nuthoritics anl Dllllgeccea througfaout the Kepnblic, died at Puebla aml assist it in con.picrmg. ali tho et can- mbI to tlie boaaaholdwra, wbahad t<> display the.; aboat sl»ht days azo. He leavea a tortune ol a million dle .-..ure.- ofaocial aad pufittcal in tl.e *l.ich thc aad a hal', a reat part of wbich be has left to various cessions, l.ave nt dar pcaalty nfa taa And notvithstan.iing w.s ln Lurope. He was almoit wlth- devclopeuitiit have Bhawa tt.ems.l-... to eioi.,c*-iiieiif oMoyalfy, tbe Kmperor rell^lous lnstitutiona offidal Neitbar aml itnnrimlalile srill. tothe undtimftklt. l^con.e The hein. stai-ei out lega' wiil, aecordlng somurh displ, ased with his reception nt 8tuhlbe eontfru^d on account ol the estito for ten years, af¬ more nor less. And as oiten as suclan '.liiavoida- mt iaannhnrg. that the City bas wtt ber ehartsr ter which the concera srill fall to the ahare of the flrst ble Baeaaure baa heen paaaed. they de< lare lo-.-llr in consiquencc, and hy sp.'cialor.ler of tbe Bm* end ol hietorieal progress clerk ofthe esUbilshment the hercwirh timt bas f,irn'>*h six hundred new recruits, to Tho(JovemmeLt bHSghenpermlssion f"r thelotro baa been obtained: tbat th* whole »o;ial more. ]*-r«r, toentertain a garr.Miii ofsifbttbooasad men, nr.d ductionot 1,500 barrela ot ilour into Tampico, and also then aad itoafthaata hascar.ud ment purpoae, two year*?, at five esBta per man a day* of h_|'a lard whlcb may be nocessary to thev thequaEtiiy to lii.nlity.'' They cuu support more forThe. cliog tluthe wanta of tbe populatlon. This BMMIMM loaa in l.oitilon waa said to have eupply rentil of tl.e.r -!.¦. who reaaa \\ 1 of ar. eusilv than Minl.ter Toriea, at lhe Instance of Rr. Roble, the bat after a minute inve.tigarion l tind as anccesdsd, themselves ta»Matonnsider and thry beranae Tampico CrciVera via revef:u»*3, made avislt bu just what mi_ht ba thehinventio.ii hrmera ofthe reveaaea ofthe thateat ofthe foar aadljoas aturliaf. bat lia baa* doubt merely to asceruinwlll have heen bv London of those p tloae to couctliat-and obttlr, thegood >p^ Britiah Eatptn '1 bry can rcnou.-.c >.tr.e monops- dred thotisand All the re»l x*/n- Bttbocribed by Vienna, ulailons. Thepecpleof Tampiso have manifested much U of li..' Corn Lawa, h« long ai they manitainttie firnis. an.l Am tcrdam firnis. Thc eriotationa oa Paris ot gorerament aa their "re merely n, tninr.!. Tba boysri lhe y;sExchaage account oi tho holldsy. which commenced M r-voluti.iii since the Kver tv. glorioiiaini.nuts. caased Bnd BSllsra being tlie. wiuie |iarti*e. thsf-wsab* terday and wlll lait one moulh, the opera, has lot BH given unl l't-*v ihe Whira, with ahort rerolution time ten m.-penied. Tela companya bave rtberatheasaefrea. who endeavor to raise. the and the st handsomn firrt Fraacli mtba and bave gained priacipally by versal eatUfsctlon, value oi tba beeda ¦ khia way. Tlie I.jhu m tl.e u which dUtrea. theineolrea bavefound thc raaetion, Rotwith.t_n<_.n_ presont Dro_t Tlie conarquentof fhe recalla all has not met tbe financial dinVulties ot thc very great, the opera h.* nlwhys been crowd*d. loans enjovment this ;ml 1 Cofoffiees. W'hicvcrwillfind in for miklng Empire, hnd it is aerioody in ». nteoap'ation hiatory, mtimlejeio tbe Nat¦'>, al estihiishmenttheeommencement to hia mind Eaglieh period to inVienns, to force all tftr* truste^s oforphinB on peraonal propertv, Ae.has.rluci 110 other distinctive mark ot Whigdombat the on luats itt iex, ia Geearaaaeat jetulry, tbe faftuaes of tbsir warda of the opera, iacn-ssed n.aiiitainance of their family obligUiehy. Tne vest lm»e It i8 ondaoaa that thc same measure haa tht amount tf 131900 e, muic.h .' This company interesta and prir.c.plcst which they represent stocks. heen been eoormouily taxed: Y-r lnitsnee, olMadame Hefla rafaresd iti fiwiaertfcnea iu Austria; thn to to aot time frnai r..onih, ber $l^,a beleag on thne,do tsx braidaa, imposed n_al had a peraonal also au Wl.igs; thev nre forccd upon them hy the .!. vel- it waa dono ju. t two yeara btlore tbe baukand two or three of the other priudpal slngeis of 1811. ruptcy and lhe rest Ic prouortlon. An appeal opaoat of the induHtrinl and commercial class eqnal amount, Awerr. ofthe interest yon take in the flsx qass* find them united 1688WO bas been mada against this extortfon directly to the After thn liourgcoisie. to a nesr ecutctiing Fresident oi the Kepuklic, and it ls probablo lt will De with the Bankocraey,jost then rising in'o nn- tion, I call your a'.tention exhibitrd at the last meeting of the rcar.tlt.d. machine, us wt find th.-in in 1846, uiuted Tor portnnce, /.srsteeos State of Ihe entered iieifust Flax Improvement 8ocictv. Tbe lndians bave the Millocracv. The Whigs a.s little carried the. lloysl the aecond time, and have committed nowexcessea. Lo, Ueform lt was daiCfibsd a« bsiag an ingenious inven¬ I'.ill of thev carried the I'i-.tion. the proctss of scutchinz. after tnr rolliner of Trade Bill of i?lti. Both Reform mofamaala, flax in the iisiial way, heieg eclirely done by ENGLAND. the, political as well n< the commercial, w-re the, irachinerv. a few hoya onlv heing rr'|iiirei t.i presoon as \.t of the movements llourgeoisie. I'ax atraw,to straighten tne ends as it The Blectlona-Torlra and WlilR«. eithir of thu-e movements had ripened into irre- Bead thetnrouch. and take out the wben e'ean. CMMaaaB-Bsa of Ifea n. TSBeea aasoon as, at the aame time, it had aistability; 18"-. fi, Aug. London, rriday, I appcared tO do tiie work fairlv, bat there were euii*st ineansof taraiagtbfl Toriea out tha beooaie for an estinaete ,,f ihe eomparatira Tlie msuit* of tln* (,'eneral Election tor of otlice, the Whiga steppod forward, tOOB up the no data vet eoald scntch, or thc ndativc yicld of qaaatityil ol the Goverriinent,and secured to thetr.tbe Hriti_h 1'arlisment are now known. Thia re- directien sniti,' weight nf etraw, aa COflipared laoli) {hc HB of the selvertha vi.-tory. j-nrt goverotnental eult I sball analyze BOTS fully in my next letter. "Id machine. ilotti these points were extended the pnrtion ef rn- with tbe ln 1831 in !., 1.-, il.iiiied. A new mode of BreWhat were tbe parties which during this forn. as tbey t..r as wm- aeeeaaary in order not to leare diffi middle class ent.ivly diaaatiafied i after 1846 paring Hax tibre from tlie Btrawbya praoeaaHelf'a-t tioneering agitation opposctl or supported each the thev confined their free trude measiires so far as t nt from retting wan ahout to be tried at other f .Me.sra. J. Lsadhattat 4b COa, wbo ware par* nt-cesRary, in order to saie to the lainle.l bv Tories, Whigs, l.iberal Coeasnratirsa(PesQtsa,) was amount of priv- cbasiaf dried ilax straw from the farmers pretry the potsii.le greatest aristociaey men ofthe lt was tho invention of Mr. W.itt. Free Trailers, par rteellencc. (tbe ilrgpp. Eachtimethey had takea the movetnenl i'xtensivrly. "1 would Roon be ready for tbe in.cpcction ot the Manchefiter Bcbaol, Pariianeataiy aad Finaneial in hand in order to prevent its forward maru'.i, and aicon.nutt,c to reoorer their owa poata al the mme time. Reformers.) and lattly, the Charti.-tH. Tbe potnto disease in lreland is very BSrioaa. Jt is clear that from the moment when tlie. "Whigs, Kree Tradcrs and 1'celiteB coalesced to lamii il ariatocmcy is no loagar aHla to aauataia oppose tlie Tories. It waa liatwSSB thie. coalition its poaition aa an independtnt power, to fight, aa an on one side, and tlie Toriea on tlie otlier, that the party, mr tha govarnoaat poeltioa, IROM NEW-YORK TO NINEVEH. in ?hort. that i.oui the noawmt arbaa tim Toriea real electoral bat tle wa« fottght. Opponed to are WAY. history has n.> definitively overthronn,Hritish Wbigs, Pt-.elites, Free Tradera and Tories, and longei tim: CIT* or ciirist. any room for the WliigH. The arialaoraev were the uflicial entire England, thus oppoBedto Iditerial Corre>pandt*ncsoftti«>.r. Tru i:,t. dertrmed, what ia the use of an aristocratic re present ut ion ofthe liom geoieie againat this, Monday, May ., !-. Chartiats. fut*t ¦ nec ia The politiial parties of (ireat Biitain are suili- tocracy? known that in ? he middle Sinc* trarel Itiewfll agaa the n journey tl.roiti;b tbe Eaat nnd ciently known in the United &tate.s. It will be (ierman t.iwns part ofedacat-OB, thenarieiag Kinperors pat thrjust*adootm*H* to auflicif nt to bring to mind. in a few atrol»cs of tlie urder Iinjierisl pro¬ ia no Ir.nger attended with persona! rii-k, Jerusa(Jovernors, pen, the distinctive chaructcristics of eacli of tect these towns tlu- aarroaodiag nul.ibtv. lein will roon ba aa faniiliar a station on thc grand wealtli and ae As eooii gBTB growing populution of desi ribii,them. Bi.tlitient strength and iadapaadeaoa to re- toiir as Pari8or.\aples. The taskso tboroa ,]u\ next to it is Up to |H4<itlie Tories p'tsaed as tbe ^nardians them supprilunus, towns already the imi! tbe nobilttv. even to attack g»l the traditiona of Old lineland. Ihey were. aaa* aist, aleo out tbe. nohlc Ooaeraora, tne otmteoti. bas thc topographv of tlie city basa Iaid doarn l.y bave beentbeaaavfaocatt ot tlu*. I'.iic- Robinsea, H.irtJctt and others. Thera isiittle pected of adininng in the BritiahCOBBt-tOtioa tlie TheWbiga Middle Ulaaa, and their governmeatal monop- more 1,-lt tot B-bBial reeearcii. Tne few pUca eighth wonder nl tba WOtAA, to ba fasRafSf-l i-l. must bi'-ak down as soon as the landed innUmportt acti,,.iitliii*.in-'.--for tlie, tlie Hi»li oly noa |enen ofthe Tor"-- is br. kea down. [fl the sanne wbicb ean nopoly Cburt'b, Mie privdegea nnd liberties of the British measure aa tiie *lit'dle ClafS has detelaped its cej'tctl, and tbe muny douhtful OBSa BaaRalwaya euhjett. 'I'he fatal y ar, MG, with its repeal of iadepeadeat strength, they have shrunli Uovv;i be the auhjects of sjieculation and COOJectore. thc Corn, and tba aboat of dUtresa wbich Irom a party f 0 a cotcrie. It is evitiei.t wliat a diEtastefuliv beterocBneooa 'i'l.ert'. ia no BOW li^bt m hicli can rSBHIl 8 the cloud thifi tlgxtki forced fiom U.e Tories, proved tlint mixture efnacertaifltiea wherein one continually irandarB. lhe charaeter of toe lliiti-li they were entliUMa. f- lor nothing Imt the rent o ti.rn out to he Fendahata, who are IVhi ut the aame .'et, even lejectuig n!l these with thc most ekepland, and at tbe same time di.cloied tbe .-.ecref o time lilalthiisiitiis, inotu'v-iiioiigi-rs witb foudal ti''al .-pirit, ther.? still rcmains aaongh to nahe of aristocrats without to and tlie attachnunt their honor, the place political reb_iotta in- mrjudicea, without industrial poii.t lin-ilitv. BBCTSd in thc ry ca of e\ery follower of liourgeois aethrity, stitutitiii.-i ,<f Olii l.i.gian.J. i'hese instituti.j.a ire men wi'h Christ. 'i'ho citjf .-t..iio'.- Ofl tbe ancient site; with progieaaive phraaea, progreaaiata the very best JBBlilllliliaa, witb tbe h»*lp of whii li fanatical CoBsarvatiam,traiheken in bomeopath- tho .Mount of Olives lookl down upon it; t | ihe large landed properly.tbe landed iatersst. ical tractions ol lefbrms, fo.-terers of f.ioiiiy-iie- luiiiidations ,,f tiie of .Solotuan nre on Teflspla has bitherto ruled Kt.'glai ,1, aad even now se- kato potietn, Grand Ifaatersof corruptiou, hypocr.tcs Mount Moriah; tho Pool ofSiloaa. ha.-- .-till u oi politioB. The 1.1^1 ofthe maintain its rule. Tiie year 1816 !,ro:;_:lit to light of religrao, '1 aituflea baveaaonnd aathetieal common cup cf water for tho. e wbo at noontide go down initanakedneBHtbe substantinlclasx inten ti arhich siEngliab hm-. Tbej bare m. iaatinctive batied againal ' th." Valley ol Jcboaaphat; the an.i.-nt gate forn^ thc rtal bas-' ofthe To.v nirty. Tbeyeai >-v.'tv thmgmotley and ambifuoaa,aa;;-! looketh toMBfl DanasCBS, and of thc Pal.tccyet o'" 1846 tore down tba traditioBalljf reneraWsUoo'b Kusseltitea. And then, v,'.'1! the Toriea, tha maaa llenitl, thsre il a towei wbich 'i'iine ar.d Turk the urban aml raral prol.-people, hidr, under wliich Torj clas.- iut, re.-'t had hitherto Of tbt Eogliafa hiifden itnell. TJievesr IHJ, trarief irine,| tlie Tories tiiiit.t, liti* in Commna tiie hatred aguinst tbe und <*insader iiave spared. Jerusalcm is built on tbe summit ridge <>f the into Froltetiiinisi^. Tory «u- thsSBCfSd naine.l'ro- u tnonry.inonger." With the Boi Nrtinaht i.*ti>e proahaeoae Torj waa tbe political in commoa the batred niititist aristocrats. In the bill country of l'altstinr, just where it bagfaH to \\ it natea tl.e one aud tbrbiga otln-r, ariatocrata batlle-cry, Piotectioniit is tlie ecooonticel .-*h.>ut BSStward. .Not balf a mile from thc Jatl'i tbe landlord who oppreasea, aad of distrees Tory sceni, .! 88 id) t, n principle; l'ro- and the 1 who it. lord ia In the Wu'.; it Gats,tbe watsraraa toward the ilodiH.iaR.nn trctioniat an ir.terc-t. I'lotectionist- af whut? money uploita batc- the oligarchy which his r.i!ed over Eagland It is aboat 2,7°° fest ubove the latter, aad 4,000 Of tbeir own le.irtnie., of tbe rent ol their ov land. Then the Tories. n. the 81 d, aie I! ainsOBl for n.o-c than a centory, nnd by wbieh the People above thi D adSca, to whieb tba deeceat ia aauch i> rxeluded from tha dtrection of its own aflaira. as ni'icli an tha reinainder. for where isthe liourTbe Peelitaa (libaial and eoawrvatira.) are no mcre r.brupt. 'II.e hill, or ruth.-i rroup of biiiu.11 reoia wlio is not a protectioiii<,t of liis own porte a ataads, >iants eastare _4at_Bfuiebed from the other IJourgeoi-, pjity i.f tbej are mt-relv tba toepseuir ofa party* h.i:.' Isi They tha late Sir Robert Peel Bnt Englun. ward to the hiink ,,f tha vaflsy of Jcho^aplnt, and in the aame way as tlie rent of land is,listinc,»istied 11,an, too prosau nl, for n soaaeair t.. form, Ironi coinuieriial a:id indiistiiul prolit, lien* of men nre h 1 ln ni, tl.e It.iirilntion b.r unvtbinc but t-ii-cu-*. .it«* Moaet of OUrea rises opposite, so that from land at eeaae rvative, profil i^ progreoeive; rent of wil 'ideaand runitiiit one sccstlieeutire citj -|>i-ia| r,o.v, tint tho peaple ioiv.* eraetad braao lai.d ia national, pioiit i- coa__opolitieal; ient ..i Aud is a dis- and ii.aiil.- montunenta to the late Sir W. Peel ia out like a niap before. him. The Valley ..f llinintn, Und lit-licves in tl.e State Church, prolit Um bed oi arbich ii n ian ii higbei lard than senter hy lurth. Tln repeal of the Corn LlWB af all paits of tlu- country, they believe they are abh sa much the more to do aritbout those ti al f Jshoaaphat, .-kiri-* the souti. weatei 1846 merely iRCOfBi tt\ an nlrfady accor.tpliBhed lant tbe Grahama, tba (ilad- Boutbera moaamenta, ,\c. fact, a change king sinca eoactsd ii, the e!-n:ents stunes,I'eel part of the wai!.-*. nnd drops into the Peel* the Theao-called CardwellB, viz the Biibjrdiiiation of civil of lirit sh socisty, ter valley at tiie foot of Mount '/ion, II of this which an bnt stafl" itea bureacrata uauei the oothing iaterest of kadsd tba luoneyed intereat, Bontbera of tbe moaata. 'I ba att i> _t thc ill ire :iuier itobert Peela hadacbooled Ibr bimaelf. Aad bee propetty aadsi tlu } form pretty comp'ete staii, tbey forget for oi tbl two rallsya ia the site ol tbe citv aiaiiHlactuiiiig ii -Rrjr, .l tiie COUOtry under the amomaal tion them. of the taat than a no army city. Could t;i._ lact be doiih'r.l aiacs the Jel.i"-ites, t!,e most Bfldent ;> irt of Jeru-.i.-.1 K. Peelitaa,then,aieeld Bapportaraol country popalatioa JtaruN. in ttiglatid, to ' Tbe w ho ha\c not '.ct tti cobm b aa to '*!". lt i. now 'oiered with |ard<, tba coacluakm Peel,t townb'populntion in thepr.'p DoTooe t.. three whi party to attacn themaeln Bto. It iaevidenl at wall cro.-5;nz from Moaat Zioa on the Tbe sub-tantial lie.ucVion ol the poivcr ol the Tories waa the rei.t nt' land. 'llie rsfit oflaadil 1. riroilai aeruple ia r..t » Bnfficient meane for to Honat Moiiub on tbe ea-t. A little gteBi ronstitutc an tiiem to of ..l Iood- Thl prica food, power. independenl by tbe priceBBaJataiasd rrgulated I a Ftee-tradara and the the tbeTyropeoBadhrideatheinouati, n ui bx r-<te tiata,the was hi^'i then, artifn-ially atior. of arhoae charaeter w:;i form lhe and vsiiia'e through to the Damascna (Jate, on the theCcrn ihe rcpial of tho Corn t ofi y next. Kvki. Maiix. down tl.e price oi" Iood, wh'ch iu its tuni nortb, though from the bigbt ol tha w_IIh un,i the hruupht bri.uclit ilown thc re_t ..: laad. nr.,1 witb Miikiu^ The I itfaiiig ({ue.tion- I'rrsJdcnt Koltt-rta ol pesition ofthe city, tba dspfaaaioa wbich il causes rer. broksdowa Ibe rcl upon which tiie 1-tbrilii Aii-trimi All.ilr-. ia tha maaa oi bnUdioga is aai very perccptible, r. poa poiitic .1 aowsrare... Ihe rorisa ".. S. V. Tr S*. ' froai the b.tfer pient. Moriah is the lowtr* ina :ito do i,ow '!',) excei't Wbal, tben, they iri^ Uxnu.v, Fndsy. Aag, c, ef tbe mount*, and harjs directly over the tainapohtaalpownr.t.., aociBlfoandatioaofwhirh Tlie ii-hine .'lestifii i-. a great kaaceasedtoexiat. Aadhoar can thu bsattaiaed ' Yttlk-y of J'hofcaphat. Its sununit was h'ult short ol,, t mm -/»'. ..' tbat ia for the Op|to-itii)i. todemoliah the l'erby Uy BothiDgarcictiin np by Cfnlcir.on so as to form n >; iadrangular terto say, l>y ef the Stati BjaioBt Society. iatry,or at lea-i *-i Foreirn A iaec { bj -' 10, The lower couracs ofthe They ^tiive t>, retain forciblj iaetitutisoa ar.d a Lord Halmeaburv, vi'ho haiterof ielfao an. gi.nd w.iai 11 froai tba political power which aie blocbaof grayconlataak. Phare no doubt »»ry nn. oent «t wiaitii the ntral pspotati ':i fouad fit man for his m .' ln itill aud t itone, ittnain, red itsclt thl wh.1i tt the I populatioo eal a.!! re* to be no doubt that tnev are of tba BBBS "f B 4o* bj auch And nscss* efthstowaa. pl tuat of enonno anrilyandsad t it__ abxious «' tiii tog'-t into quarrala aril ithe H aft-s, make moat rate rbich wera li.teen, und one aml public opinion being sirr^g in lavor ,il Knglaiut; it maa) I'.'i ._; n a Cl ;...,.ty.Uo I'ret ia 1. t,<:tb. Tbenpp, r pirti.f tha Tbs Tbrirs recrtiit theu an.itaa Selim, tha con pieror wbo have aathsi without babavioi aad tbe level ol i;ie terrace no*v supipt, tiieir iaasHaasTs as their aatural aapwi, .*,,.> who aa thia uacourtaoua diificulty la which Lord Bialim Ol wbo il > are e>iii"ini' alli di poi ea1 up D I itti'ir, w-hich staada on
ciple-i." Thu-they
or> Pe.lnrr.
at tJie
wall. tl** around
ever, ii»>t lorig
sbed ri et ttrmit a ChSfh
nt Hr. anioi.nt
KcLinson, who is
relial.le than any oot eoaaeide with
offlBfia traditioa,doea
becomcs Peliul.
di-cordant orgy
beiittmg t!ic rit> l <.'
undevelaped, nr,d
here is yet no aeu wr.*fc an) prrfcet «|.int. Ir i* my eriafcrteas if I give offrn** .<, ur frienda «t h. me by tbaaa aaaaarka, ' *-* %aaaaaa oawttoae I tt eal J.i isalem ss l : aadit I .i.;e he.ig n.-re, l rend the neaaaatl al aaai rai travekr. xi ,| m r.-< nt- ie
acroaa t::
M,mdMatJ_H«Z ^
careathe defatteaal
aml iever-i,oe_ io w'oich th.y hddba. atrika men* 1'orce.i end :ifibcM lt W* p-trrfy rrm* reudirg sm !. -nat my anticipatio*. Km rais.d too btlh, !o. thl vi w ot tl.e citv ffoo, u, Jh V. ro.t.l ai.d ti.e panorxma fr«>ni tlie Moaatrf Olives are the or y wh. re-0 | |me ^ plea-nn'.lv diaap| "inted. rr lie left to the By far the mo.-' cit» i- tha foiindation wall of Solomon's TkTeinple. a. t.. the accounteofu* Tuil-> aud Mr. <7afln'rwooii's eiaminttiun, rtt*g awe
iatawatiBg Meaqae afOtaar, eerdbg
A long time ago.I do not know the precNe .iiirrber of yeare. tbe Sultan granted * lirunn, in aafaaneaee raalta, wbieh are belkrej tobethat ubstractioos ol the Tc-nple itself. L'ader tha anawerto the application of both Jews and Ctllis* tinr.s, allowing the members of each s«*ct to put dOBM ofthe BMOOjaa is a latge ma*-. of aifc. to death any per*-on beloagiag to tlie other sect, rai rock. itven-d bythe Moslems s* thatf*« wbo should he found inside of their rhBIcbaa or which IM ahe met monnted tiie beast Hortk *k synagnguc. The firman has never lieen remlled, he visitet! the BcVBB beliived by Mr. though in every place but Jerusalem it remains a Catherwcod to bare *. rved a.. p,m afthl dead letter. Ilcrc, although the Jews freely par* tion of ibe lli.'y of Hettaoi .\o fhwdiuhj. niit Christians to enter their synagogue, a Jesr lowed to enter Ibe ¦oaejae, «»r even iteen. 1.^, manc. The Mount of Olives ia a stecp nntl ragged hii!, who should enter tha liolv Sepalchra would ba on paaalty ef di th, "id even the 6r ..tnof cou-itlernhly h' than the city and the aur- lu, ky if he escaped wiih bis life. Not long Bia ..*, BaKaa has faOed to i l-tnin adt.ii-.-nm tr iFruk, rounding hights. It is atd] covered with olive an Kr:_;li_h geiit!et"au, who was taken by thl Iinhave beea Kroaglj t. naptad to make tbeattaaat in> Egyptiaa drrs*. which happens to iemmk]m orchards, and planted with patches of crain, wh; li ninnks lor a Jew, wa? N severcly beaten that he do not thrive well on the stony soil. Un the aa n- wns to bcl fortwomoathSa What irona that of a mai ab. or Naoh ¦ prieet, b.: tha Ih*. nut is a iiii.s.iii., with a minaral attached, which tbaa Bcaadal, what abomination, that tbe aaot ti '.:. lu tl.e aojoining coll. rpsvw and ity pioiii!ticititi«it of Aiabk *in',j betraym h|T,.11!-. a grand panoi.ic riew. As we reached looked upon by so many Christiutis B8 the I in ca«e I aaaaceoeted. I aaea aaai <iftruu it, the Chief of tho College of, in the awfully sncred en etrth, should be thc BCSBS of buv a ptriiigi.- the htrga beadaoauafl) 1 never p 188 the grotip court of the Moaque of Omar, came out, with a such bmtish ifltoierance v.-.-,ibvt
The trees du BOt spjiear as ancient as some i.f tho-e at tbe foot ol MoBBi <'*rm>*l, which H>e tuppoaed to date fny.n the Rumin eolony estal.Hshed hy'i'itu .. is well known that at the time ol the dcstru:t.on of Jemealem by that limpcror. all tbe trer*, fur many inlle-i areoad, were deatreyed. The olive-trees, iherefore, cantmt he those under which Oirist re-te-J, area supj c.-ing tUa to I.e tl.e trae sitc ttGethee* ti.>
foiuvJ»i \kt]
nomheraf atteadaate. Meaaloted naeoorteoos. ly. which would aot have beetl the case bad he I.e. n the 8aperior of tbe Latia Conreat,and ara Cirt-ek Monks. There were some Turkish ladies in the intcrior of the moaque, bo that we con! 1
¦Ol gain Bdauttaaee, and tlie.refere diJ not see the rock containing the foot-piietaofChriat, who, aecordiag to the Moalem tradition. ascended toit heaven from this spot. The Mahommeiians, mav not begenerally known. acceptthe history of C'l.rist, BSCrpt hia cruc.lijiioii, believing that he piit-i-ed to heaven without death, anothei peraoe being crtic.liiil iii bia stea-i. They call him tlie Roit-Ai'ith, or God-Soul,and eoaaider bim, after Mabomet, cs the bohest of the Propheta. We aaceaded to tha gall.-rv of the minnret.. The vit-w
city lay oppooite, ao Iniily spread oat to our that almoal
boeee might be
Itis a maBsofgray buildiaga,with d.ine-ioolB, and but for the ¦oaqaea of O.nur and Kl Akea, with the court- and callcries around
them, wotihl be eseeediagly tmu-' in appaaranco, Tlu-..nly other proniinent poirits are tbetoarere ofthe Holy Sepulchre, ttecitadel, eacloelng llcr'i'owcr. ai.d the mOMpte t.n Mount/.ion. The Turkiah wall, with ita sharp angles, ita aejuara in-iiiiiis, an.l tlu* loag, etabraenred Kaea >>f it-pHrnpet, is the ino-t strikiug feature of the view. Stoay hills stretch away from the city on all aidee, at preaent eheered with tracta of apriaghtg
ivhcat, but later in the seasun hr>.wn and de-olate. In tl.e sootb tbo c.nvont of St. l-'.li-is ifl visihle, ninl part oi the little town of liethltlicin. I passed to tbe ca-'tern .-ide o!" the gallcry, aad
there, deep down
among; the Bterile mountaina,
glcametl a b>ng sheef ot blue water: its aouthera extremity vani-hieg inahot. sulphurv ha/e. The ataim of Ammon and Moab, whieb formed
the bnek-gronnd of my firal rii w of J. ruaalam, leancd like n va-l wall against the sky, heyond the sea aml tlie valley of the Jordati. The great dcpresaion of the plain below the sea-leve giv es it a rad. t remarkablo charaeter. lt ap}. area deeper than ia aetaally the eaae, and reaem* blee aa ennrmoua chai nor moat, aeparatiag two diflereut reghma of the earth. Tiie khamtetn wa- blowing from tbe desert, aod thraw ir veil of fierv vapor over the laml.cupe. The inuezziii pointed out to me the location ol Jericli... of Ixerak in Moab, and Es-Salt m tl.e country of Am¬ Ere long the ahadow >>ft!ie Minaret <lemon. handa on both aidea r.ote.l iioi.n. and, p of hi- moutb, he cried out, firsl on tiie Houtfa aide, toward Ueeca, aud then tO the West, and -No.tli. and Eaat: "God givat: there UaoGodbut ...
(.od. aad Malioinct ia Hia Propbet!
ooraelvet before Him am! to Him alonr be
the glory !''
Jerusnl'Mii, intcrcrdly, gives no itnpre.-sion but filth, ruin, poverty anl ilegralation.
that ct
three atreeta ia the we»tern or
bigher portioa of the eity which are tolerably clean, but all the others, to tbo very gatea of the
ofTarkiah ollicer.', i|iiietlv Bmokiflg their long n.oliah. hut uiiim kily I do uot kaow tha *Ao*it form ofpnijer, ir I migbt e.t.ry o it theplmuadir ad aipping tbefar coflfee within the real p a; "traetion. i Im laor&ii* ofllie Church, without a feeling of hiMtiiliati.m. tl.e gui-e ofl Worse tiian tba money-changers whom Clirist we succeeded in getting a nearer riew uf tha scourged out of the Temple, the guardian* of thi- mo.-que from the roof af tlie v, rrernor'a ixIks. 1 ran. oi*. bv aaaaauag lhe eharaabtrof a Turiiai edilice make tisc of llis crucifi\ioi) ami r. mrrai ,
of guin. \ ou may buy a piec covering tiie lloly Sepulchre, duly certifiedby tha Greek Paeriarch of Jerusale::;, for about $?. At Bethlehem, which I visiteil this morning, tbe I.atin monk who how. d Ul the mantion.
as a m.ans
of tbe stone
emMM, gaiaed ai admlaatoa. Tlw roofoverlooki the entire aaoloenn ofthe Hiretu, and gireia
complete view of the BXtertorof thSBBBBBJMMl paved court attrroaadiag it. Tner* ia n-> regiilarlty in lhe sivle ef tlie btiu'.hn^a m ger, the pit wh,-r,- 12,000iflooesnta weraberied, the eadeeure, boi tlie geaerel adbet ia hUdr nnd other things, bad much less to say of the sa- picture^iue. The great dome of the uum,jih> ia credneia or autbemicity of tba place, than of tba the grandctt ia ull the Orient, but th« !..n.'e to reeoflihla au octij». iajtutkc of allowing the (jrccl.s a .hare in ita p ** ofii.,; theteeteditice, aml COVared nrith hlue aud wh',:* tiUy^ sessioti. I mada th,* round af the lloly Septdchie ou ie not higb eiiougl. to do it justice. Tbr irpt, ccurt ia pived witi. marble, aml has four particoe Buflday, while the monks were celebrating tbe eacb of fire hght Saiaeeak ar. he*, ujieuin, fe9tival ofthe Invention ofthe Cross, in thc clnipel ofthe Empiaaa llelena. As the tinding of tbe into the cret-n piirk w hu I. occupi*» the reit ofthe terraea. Thia purk i-. atudded with cypn-imj croaa by thoEmpreaa is abnost tba oaly author* 8 tig traaa, aad dattad all over aith tbataaabnl within tha for baclosed tha H->ly pUcea ity slieklis. ktWt were lot kiiurdovvn oa the spacioai to doubt their au¬ pulcbre, I WOflt there inc'.ined ht-hiild who rhould ct me along betSfcth thenticity, tind came away with tny doubt raatl) area, increascl. The building ia a conlused hl.yrinth Mohaiiniied Senoosce, the holy luauof runbuctoo ol chapels, choirs, .hrines, staircases aml vault-,. who bad luid ofi his st-Hil-t r>>h* tind donnedt without any dilinite phm or nny arehttsctuial green one. I c illed tlewn to him, wlieretiponha beauty, though very rich in parts and tull of pic* looked up and reeognized ua. Por thia8888811 turesfpue eflects. Oolden lanips contimially burn rt'zret our de,ii.rttirefrom Jeru*aletn, a« I n-niare before tbe BBCred plnces, and you rurely visit it a little penoaaiOB would indm-e th" holy miat» without BOCJBg BOflM procession of ninnks, Wlth a.. anpaay bm nithia tbo mosijue. We leave to-n.orrow Cor Hanisicns, bv croeaee, ceaeara aml tnjier-., threeding tbeehadOWy passages, from sbrine to ahrioe. It is astou- way of lYasaiBth and Titcrius. My ungiaal tl'..* ancirat iabing how tuany lofilitina are iwnmhlnil under plan was into thehavelandgone to Djerasli, of (iilead, and thence ta (Jera/.a, one roof. At firat. you are ihoarfl tlie stone on Whieb Cbriat r. Btsd from tbe burden of tbe Cfues; Ilo/rab, in the hjehel Hanoran. Utit Djebel tlien, the place wbere tbe soldiers east lota for Adjelotin, as the country lbout Djerashit :alled, hi- garaeats, both of them adjoiaiag theSepul- i« under a powerful BodoUBI afaekh, na.ns.l AU* rhre. After see ing this, you are taken to the (I A/ct /, and w;:!i,..,i aaeaoort from bim, aM Tillar of Flugcllation; the stocks the place ol involws eoaaideiabla dalayaada fee of ^I50,it crowning with thorns the spot where He niet woald he impoaaftdotO make the journey, We His m<>! her: Ihe cave wbere the Empreaa 11,., na are then fore p-t-tri. ted to tha ordinarv route, ud found tbe cross: and lastly, the sumtnit of Mount in case we ihould n.ect witli any ililiu.iilfy |,y the ia a amall marble build¬ wav,Mr. Sinith. the Americea ('ouul, wbo il Calrary. The Bepnlcbra now bere, hns kiiuilv proearad us a InaM from ing in tbe eenter of ths church. We removed oar -liocs at the entrnnce, and were taken hv a the Paaha af Jornralam. All tha tra.eler* bere (Ireek monk, fir.-t into a sort of ante-chamber are iritKinT r" ;'«rations to leave, but thereira s. t. lamps, and having in the een¬ still two partiea in the Daao rt, Kghted with golden on ol the stone iti case a inelossd marble, ter, 1'Mfnittiini U'i'.l tat*. l.i-Riil Im. '.-i which the Bflgel BBt. Btoopiflg tliroiigb fl le* Aik.aTb* v> door, we entered the Sepulchre [tselC I'orty An' -nii i-< uow pendingiatha of tlie City of Now-Tork, itiv .IrlasthS lamps of gold burn ui-ceasingly above the wbila ^upremeofCourt vaiidlty sev.-rHl ot Ihe piuihtOBB ot Ue will of Dr.of marble alsb, whkh, as ths monks aay, proteeta Wm li.te oi hiriderbook, io tbe Cunty Birihiop, the stone wbereon the body of Cbriat wu> luid. Columbla. Tbe 1. .ul qiMatfoBB to b.i m*tjei ln thueiss and in tlie reiult ofteewl Aa we again emergfld, ,"!r guide led ua np a fligbt araef graatb«v.bnpoitaBeo, it dliect i.-.teieit; a* up >n tbat rsssl public of BtSfN tO I aecond story, ia which .-iood a tbe the dlipri''.tion of tevtral hundred lii.iiwU depeeds dollars. Tbapradaa tjunition la whether i.'ie estaa sbrine, literally blazing with gold. Kneelisgon ihall pu'.ilc charlty, ailheteitbe marble lloor, he removed a goldea abisld snd tator be.ievotedfoobjecisol er wl tther it ahall heenj'.y.'.i i.yladb Intended, rock of CaJvary, when vidusls, oot ol Lls kia, ard |o wbomll wasn.^i-isny ahowed n.s the hole io the the crois waa planted. Cloae beaideitflraatba event Inttndcd to bo glveu. 'ihe briel hls'.ory ¦ *. Is thl* fissure produccd by th.* curthquake which follow- cane pr. William Barthrop, an Cn/tllshman, KtlvA ls the aided tba crucifixion. But to my syss, Klnderhcok, and putsued the eyregant* hlspr»(8»w« by a*a phybician foi about i'orty years. H* died to 1*8, light of a dini wax taper, it was bo violent rup- poaaaaaad of s>..n vulued at that thaa *t *t»>ut i*» ture, such aa un arth,|iiake would produce, and hundred tho'isnti'l di.l.'an, c .nilsiinn moatly i)lp*fl°*f llo lelt a wldow, but no chlMren, or am the rock did not appear to he the sann- a.~ thal "' property. .elallvo In lhe Iiiii.-i ***agm. bVe n«are*t n''.tdtt &. wbich Jern. nleni i- built. Aa wa turned to leave, tvg was Mr.. Mary Lonsor, of NotlinxLan.. Kfl|l*i4. 0 onk sppeared with a bow! of sacred roae* She was tho BWther of leveral children, t...; B|ian of thetntitoi. water, whkh he .prinkled on our hands, beatow- ai.dDr.oli'isi Harthrop, prlor to bls death, made hle wil'..theB* ing a double portion on a ro.-ary of sandul-v.ood nicst lmporti't (.rovliions of whlch ure ... lulloei wttlow bis ten thouaand dollnrs lu caah, wiiii vari* which I carried. Lut it was a Mahouietan ros.iry, pave oui ipec'.hc legaili'i sud the u*e >.t a uoueeJO'laflB. and tbe .-*acred from Merca, brcught conthining To slster, Mary I'.onsor, he g-ive ansoosBy.iai tl.e
Holy Iscpuichre, are channels of pestilence. Tho Ji-Ai.'h lltin.ter, which ia tl.e lurgi-st, ao aa keoed aad dwguated bm that I aheold rather go tha wbole round of the city walla tl.a.. pnss through i'. i BBeoad time. The bnzaars are poor, c ND* pared wilh those of other Oriental cities uf tli.; same yi/.e, ai.l tha principal trade aaeoka to b. io rosarics, hoth Turkish and f "hristian, ero -es. number of ninety nine beada. s.-als, Mtnulets, ard pieees of the Holy Sepulchre. ii
Tlu- population, which may poesibly rea. I. 90,000, ij apparently Jewi.-li, for the BOSt part; at. lea-t, 1 have been prii.cipally struck with tl.e Hrhrew face, in my walks. Tbe nuin!>er of Jewa has in* crea.-eil coi..-iilerably within a few- year-, and tliere ia also t;uite u nuiiiher who, having been
1 have not ipacehere to atate all the arguinenta for and n^ainst the localities in lhe lloly .Sepnl¬ cbre. I came to tba onclusion tliat mine of tiieni weie uutlihentic, and am glad to have the cm.urrence of such distinguisbeil author ty a-, Di. Robtnsona Sofarat this being a nlattei uf I, for <>ne, rejoice tbat Ihosa sacred -pot are lost to the world. Chriatianity due- not need them, and tliey are ppnred a daily profur.ati n in tbe name of rehgion. Wf"e kaow thal Christ ha-* \wilk, d on tbe Moiinl ,,( Olivcs, and gone down to tbe I'ool "f BiloBBl, and tarried in liethnny; we know that here. within the circuit of our vi-i ii. l!e bas fullercd agony ar.d death, and tbat fro u this httle point went ont all thc light thut hai made tl.e world great, r and happier an.l better iu its later than it.-, earlier ,la>.*.
directed his < BaaaBBTI to purcbaso a f*rm Mti\ tf*-' land dollars for hi* i.eph. wi ar.d nieces, to i.- I't*' tbem fifi.-en yeats, an.i then sold by the exwotnn, .*. tbe prcceedi divided amom; bls nephews *n&tlmt. All the rendue and remainder ol the eitate »*s di*poi*d ol subitauialiy aa fodowa deaeoa «* * ll'cient luods ahould be teatMkt* execcturs were direcled ?« erect a pabBc dlipaBBfi on a plan to that ln New-Vork Clty, BMg dlgeel paiBOB., to b. alsoded by a phyik-lxn, *':*f" to the eaUblisbneut, at thelr own bomosaod*'*J W at tbe dhpenmry. .- uflJcieat funds wero dbacpdlMa .et apart lor tl.e areeOoe of the bulldlm? sod iaaiB for the locaiioo ol m ezpeaara Ahhoait the lopl«ie tho w:ll, tbe t«<Mwr*r'' JaaotBaawd dlspeniaii d thht it ihould Lc ereci^ln Klndt.***. dectly intenti' tbe place ot hii ruid=nce. gT.rforr. ai.y loooey wm to be sppropr.'.'^l »«r " er*ctlon ot the disaeaaary, he iave bls «^**"** thesurvUors ti them, Sl'J.UW ln trviLltdU**. ecutors w. ie sadsfled t proper "ivu*«*^T tri to I'-e S -..Hy for the BenHBBty ti.ey ih..i.;.l oreaaea aad Boanwtrwes la 8k. Oy ol T*9a*****\ ..r.d the Borlety tt r tlie Benelit of '* Het milr. un ia tbe Cty ot NewY. rk, bls desth T"tb* lit.lly !. i¦ Au'stsnce Bocirty, «r:d the Soeietyfcr ihtHemt*
converted to Protestantiam, were brought bitber atthc eapeaee ot Eagli 1. Niaaionary Soeieties for the paipaae 11 formtng a I'rotestant commuaity, Two ol tlie hotels are kept by familics of thia class. Tht Engiisb bave lately a very haad* aome church v. ni. n tha wull.--, nnd Rev. Dr. Gobati ..ell ki.owii by bia auaaianary lal.ors in Ai.yssinia. now he-. the title of Bishop of Jcrusalem. A hia in Central Africa zn\e me a letter ot a. '.ion lor Iuiu. aad I am quito ditappointed Taio.t-tm^ ing l.iin al-eiit. Kev. I >r. Harclay, of \'irgiiiis. a moet woithy'man in every rcspect,i3 at Vet, 1 muit frankly confess, in waod fhe head of the American Niaaion here. There through this City.reiered alike by Christians, HttpcctpbleAztd acd lndl?ent ra»mte*tmitttim for' ie,beeidea,what :s called the "American Col- Jewa and Turks as one tftbe boliestia tba world naS aachtbaaami V mbb.II| lecutori dccesie. B..t a u cny," at the rillage of Artoa, near lletlilehem.a .I hnve been rei.ainded of Chriat, tbe Man, rather lhat ihould ax-iale. thaM little commnnit) of converta, wboaa enperimeuta than ol Cbriat, the God. in the glory which cio. any o:tlien., Ly r*Moa "'¦."¦"¦fJuTeal tho given iu cultivation have met with remarkahle BUCC08B, OverhSBga PaliatiBC afar-o.*!', we in agine einotious cauao.tfaeu lha BMBBJ iboabl **J***Mfcppmgtp] or nol. which never come, wben we tread the aoil, and er,cut.n v ere dlrecrrd topa> and are much spoken ol at prc.-ent. otber cfaa ''"^.oi'iheteoieit Whatever good the rarinna miaeioiM here may walk over tbe liallowed -ites. As 1 toiled ii|) the acy which tb. sboi Id Ibbk of U lu lhe ft* li. c...- i-i^i' Haaaa "***.lt(0hll mitMt *"*> acconip! Jeraaalem is the last place in the Mount of Olives, in the very footsteps of Chrint, lowlng wjrti,: *dttd m ^ rt-ar;i mtM world wbere an intaUigeat beataea would I.e coa- with the heat and the ditlkult aacent, I vnt.-.l to Cbriattaaity. Were I east here, igno* found it utterly impossible to coneeivc that the rent of any religion, and were I to eompara tiie Deity, in human form, had walksd there before lives and practices of the tlii'ieiet.t BOeta U the me. And even at Blght, us I walk on the tcrraeed n.tai..- oi making my choice hl ahort, to judge of roof, wbile the nioon, "the babaj moon of blessed *-*-'¦ ye*mm\ aaeh faith by the coadact of its proftaaora 1 Israel," reatorea tbe JernHalem of oldenda>sto iboald at once ebooea Mahnmeileaiam When yoa my in n-iimtiuu, the rfavier who then haunta mv ci n.-ider tiiat iu the Holy Saaadchra tli.-re are thoughts ia the Man Jesus, in those momentsof trial when he leit tbe weaknesses of our eommon niiutnn ebapelB,eai !i hunianity ; in that agony of struirgle in tbe gar¬ cailing itaalf Cbriatian, and ihai a Turkish poliee den ia always atatioaad tiiore to prevent the hloodv of Oet heeaaaas, iu that aiiil more bitter cry of g ^ I'uoBll'edeeefeof IVBarthrop, i.' <|uarrels which otten en-:ie betweea tbem, you huniftii doubt iiuman appeal from the crosa"'| County ofthe ea.e may jml^e how those who cill themaelrea feKow* "Mv God,my0od,whyhast rbou foreaken me Tbe prool o» , .,L... r.**^ :'[° Princei preetkethe p.ire faith \ et there ii no reproa- h for this concptioo of proof. 8«lbrep »') He aooght to eatabl h. Betweea the Gredi and the eharacter of Christ. Hetter tbe diviuely-in- of Dr. r A * incon pet« ."v- J j to, Piu-...*n«*<* Lata -p- ially, than is a deadly feml ipired Maa, the ptire-it and most perfect of hia the ct i.'e.t eoSOOd. *',!"'-1 in.-ewif "I"*' h .-I their eoi teata are a seaada^aat the arul is and all that race, of pattern ., type to good ou'.y tbe few true M ,,.'. , than tbe Deity for w hoae in- .on..ndcon-ioeratlc-,n. *\ mA ,B dl llumanity, renmiBred tba tXrt *k u ol ». ." 8 181 a we triuuple his teach- aJoiltUd loprob** bythe bvtmtjm ( ¦_. .
ejrtW *«J
!>nev..Ients..i.t.,*iiofw^;'«y''';;,,*',y; «'«ATttmmion *°^*^glTteg* **\**9UpZ*m*t .
t^«a» JM^ ^ 0}"VJ^JZ
abruptly tothe Valley efjeheaapbat. el which the« reekscoaimcficed buildingon M'linr Tte r.iriMrli rrinicr.ts bati th. .r teaatoeatha /.,.¦! Bat if the ei.ip'.iy; i, ol awtsrial weaa* has heen ai.rnidor.-d l"r fhe time, there n noue city aide, aataadartha lerraaa "l it.e mi-jie, oris lhe less h war <>i word- ad af aoaada «iiil faiag w!.:. t!. , oi Jewa Iad a paenliai beatil on. Qe into th** ll.ily Bepfllchre, when aaaaa is iu hut ing theii.Helvea iuterred S'l tl"" Opp .'.,i.. i.tflie Moonl of '' i»e-., a "I. :s .ii some «ing crlehrat, d, and y,-i ean s. arrelv Sfld ire the (Vo BOOOer does tiie Crerk their begifl Ui place quite cevered nrith their cmmhliag toaab* dinabrill chr.nt, than t.r* Latiaa rty to thc assiu'ti-toiir?. Tbe bed of the Brool Kedreo ia naar dry ard tony. A .1 chapal, built ia the bottooi Th. I nve hii ,i,-,iti, iui'! f. ir.hly dOSI thut Ot\**M oftbeti.ll.-v, i* r-np.-i.-eii by tboOraek. to cover atrain it- beOowa and laher ita ptpea tu drown the tl.e toaah ofthe V irgin.a .-i-.i-n whieb fhe Latina lisral aiflgiflg. Y«>'i think the l.atins will ctrrv consoii r ci -urd. Near thi at tha reryfjot of tbe day, when mddenlj thecyaabala ofthe \!iv«inttikc in with bnr-li braxen c1_r^-, aud lor the theMonntofOUrea, the bitter aeet baaa lately triumph. I!ut thera ure Copts, and M ibniltabigh -toi..- wuii around tl.e Uardaa ol iiioment au,' Getb eiiii.iie, for tl.e porpo-i-, n¦ .:». r**n11y. af pro* rr.nitce, AlBBefliaDa, aad I kaow aothow m.ity te. |iag tl e live «_:.'.I "I reO. I Bill il"l ffUt flftbe other eectfl wbo mn«t hai-* tbeir abaia, aad tba i.-i phice.l here aerrico that should hme beeaamany-tooed bar* groaaria wherefore Getheemaaa Most travelers have jjven their fmth to the spot, monv, pcn'aded by one grand sp!,;t ofderel "i.
|M)!, th*
itoCatboli ti i\-
worfcmaaahtp. Fraei
£?* |2 p»r*ecution«i.ri..0K* *P«red the v.o.1.1. il. in.iead nf adviog H Hivmc M-dit thej WetM atrive wtlk'ts! raith. Bot Chrat.-eain j,^! ways He tiod
;;r,'^.i*>\n loaa.nd»ffi tr'^ry^ n
.itf.d in ertdeneo, tbal VVTIard tte Tletl-n 0f tht* the great h-»t tle of ? rn. Barthmp then applled Bl RH ton up** firl»t>«n haada rtTod, the earth will bscos_a tli, Megog -**%. \n fcegM an bIbmM aapatalWe. smiehy, w,. t.iien, the Jadi-lni»trart»m ,ip.n Iba »¦*.*..., >-i>h tb* wll **M prnpeny of thoSliat* -.Cihuit, allOo'alaakoaTaaaany, is*ed, art l._«i her .<>_, J .i.e i'. EUake iaraad i trom c l-s.t.-c, and the Lord will incaad from his heveniv Bhreei i.v. v> ¦.! thruti),!. the rr,,.t froqueotod stroeti i.f ptt inthe adaiinistratiori I.. tntt aaaaa Bba whatI ana, to a aaad in the le.iM.orhood. He w*i tothe ha.-* o! th»* ixeaeal sirvlvingaf to rei»n over thuii thraaab a ha,.py milleoi'i.n. /s ptitstisK iSate ranie !>r. ai.d whipped Ult about 1 o otoek, t.Beebaaaa, wk*«.bevtagharlaft t".n I'.-n to x uoe, were r, The Mornsoaa believe in l..| t|,.. Etereal so fatijfaeO that tbey deeimd wb. c ti* murdereii ral witb execoRe. I r^alnci ii tor nor t tnttt yeari truita ereatcd ln the wili, bBB times iato Cjur;t lt n'os.arv lo toaiporarlly deslst, and came Inu towo inhia>ori Jevia Cbriat, aad ia tba Hely Qhiat pf refreshinanti. tho A'ter prorurlnjc for frhec.'ainii)j_ ibat they are Invai.d. porpo** ,» Joha P. "'"'* drtobtag *i aeveml bou*e., they retumed ti tncir They l.elieve ths word of Ged recori*' 1 b thl ¦
Tbesult .r.ow
Bi»n, sarviving ade__R*t*afe>", _;-., ol I»r. Btrihropr Raw-YorB, Mti*] W«lriit The peopleofofDr.the State ot and her-!»-dr»n Bannr.v. Boaior, the iltt.r ind tb*. _dtr_ijl»t/atorof Mis. Bsrmrop, tbe wUow.whi> Itedln IMR then1 ai
Tbe BlWjIalBl a'legea, amon* other tblnfs.that ln exlit. nce, at tbe d.;«th of tae tesUtor, anir s j^len-s 0 f eorporatn lr,»tltotlons or tartttt**,oa,rofany "The riostot)' y-o'rati,-. chara,ier|or de*erl;t, sses intoit for the Benetrtot Lhoresioi abd i-'jumitr, or "Ti.e I cUtt f.,r the Cltyol I'htladelphia,' «f T-iloressea aud 8eaui^re*.«a ln ih« City ot New lork,"towh..m were given Rl.lXWfor tire years aftei ae death cl the ti stator re ltUthen atleged lhat thn provlilms of the wll! of tbe larrn f.r R.;,000, fir the)) ipecUngof thepurchase teitator.the the cl nel:ea and fcencfit ton nrpb-ws nrovUUa for the esta-Mshn-ent of a K'ibll3 diipoasaryofthe. _ad thn dtaj»o»ltk>n of the resldue aod remalnder 10 p*y and apply thi e»ut« ln trust to the axecutors beneht of one or more. »»rre st th-ir diseretlon, for the w aocicUea fcr the support of resijoctaale l.ndlgent par ln in thalr uoc-iuln and lcdrfinlta are dB_a_i.ii."and unaulhortred l*w, and wnl .wfu'lyobjecta, suspinii by |»_ltdabsolute power of alienaucc are and ssld of est'.te," tae *" vold. \:¦¦-I resldue ot tbe eaUte ln the hanis of the admlnla The IrsUir mutt now amount to ov-r $.T).i.i).jQ, the whole mr whleh, lf tbe »vill ii valld. must Oe dovoted to "b e»t t>:f wu lu.mttteltc» csarity. Many years ago this will nuiiH _t c.uEseffor their oplutin as lotho vaildity « tbe tuisU created, and ll waa cenerally Mleved th<C, aey were valld. Am->ng otneri, Hon Atn!,rosa L. Jor iin.ol New-y»rk. Ute ABBarBBB-Oaaaral, cave an ela!,> rite wrltten oi>I_4on, In which he h»-ld the trutts vaHt\ ind capableoi being enforee.1. His opinion is cooeur | red ln by iriany eml_e_t lawyers. rhe proviiions o! tbia will and the coi.dition oi tce eiUte is not ganarallj |o, wn beioud the county of Olu-iMa, where tha tea tttor live f nnd died M*»ny of tne ijcieiiei In'ended tc? lr ben»f tted by the be<iuests ln tbe wiil. probably know lt; and nonearc mud-pirtle* to the suit jotblng aaii.ut Tbeente as It n<>w ttit.dt in court. I' wi.l be iaen, ls lr i peeu'lar nmdltiori. Tne a ..niniitralor, wbose duty lt' ii to suitaln and execute theia tru_t-, their ln va 1: ilty and amploya counsel to thu* Jir.ue luenurL. Jleiace it behiwivet a'l irireresti-d In the -xei-iitliin o:I tfaese n< ble charities to the ibat their valilily Is proper I- raaintalced Hut if it should turn out that tbe leataaor, ln dlsposinf tf hii l«rL" ,-tu'e to cha.lty, hm c intr«veoed lome rull cf law, lt'oout'tless presents a proper c no tor tbelnter lert'i.i c Bl RN !.'.-Ulature, hy wh'.ch i-ltab!e dlractioi esn be iflxn to iheie charltable bequj-sti, and tbe ob j^ct of tbe teiiator tbui attalo^'l. Teere arenochll dren or relmivfi <if lne twatator ln this c juntrf, to bl a*»ect_d bj lhe executton of tho w.H, aod It praiants i linipl-i:<_>e, whether lhe tstme thiOJ lie devot-d to oboi as »he leebRor Intended, of publlc Jsrts go to indlvl'luals having no clalm upoi Whether Itshtll Ue testator's county. nor equiubly entttled to any por ton of the e»t-te. Tho emi_i»m Jualire I»uer, of th< _iuperIor Courl of tho City of New-Yorl, ln thi vaa aot
Bible. in the I'.ook of Morru >n, and in all othei good b b ka. 1 i believa in tbelibaval gah«-in« of Iiraei, in tha raetetatioB of tha r>*n Tr .-, n Tbese uroceediojts w.-r. wltucaar d by two peisoa. the rea.irrectit.nof the hodv, and ia tba BBtaoaal wh.. w. r*- ii ctet'ti lo an t. .Ii,ln« encloaure The body wa- depoalted ln a tbi* ket near by, where reign ,.f Christ on the earth fir a tbou-.n- years. it wa. Inti-Dd'-d to be k.-ptuntll nigot, wben an opparta- The S-jpreme Hierarcnv which ia the nity wculd be ortered of ilnklng k tn tke river, Verv tortunately, bowever, *ome aee .unt of the di* the Mor.i.on worship eoBsiata of-Tr.nity or rat.Vr bollral affah came to the knowledge of the cltl/eoi, and B Duahty Ot Pereeaa. Godtha lather is held to prevented thii plan of concealtnenL It i* ea»y ta ba- be a man perfrcted. but so far s-lvnnred in faith, li' ve tbat tbe murdereri would vtart tbe report that Wlllard, atter being whipped, had jomped Into ih- river iatettfraee, and pvwer, tbat, ia compirison with and drowned A C-n*table arr.-st-d Lanirston, 2*nn- man, He may be called the I iSoa, cinc snd Andenon, and tn pt.-riorrnic,- the duty tw- Je.nt Cbarist ia the ofl-ipriag of tha latiier and rowly e*c*pcd wtth bis llfe Tbe cttlzens, wbo*e ii.dlynatfon *c*rc"ly knew any the Virgin Mary. The Eteraal I nt her ceflK BB08 louods, would hava lyncbod the gut ty partio* on tbe -,»-nt bia berald-angel l.abriel la anaonnfH ipot, but for the law and order sentim»nu advecated earth, hia union with Maiy, and the Bnbe thit wi* of the Influentlal residents of St Josoph. byAtmany tbe time of the abductl >n, W.llard was lo tbe most bom was the tabernacle prepared for the spirit" destllule Ircumstance*, antl his facaily was nearly ln a »on, who now constitutes a f.od. The II-ly state ol starvadon Tbe people of st. Joseph, afior be comtng aware ot their condition, raUed for their rehef f.hoBt is the conromitint wi'l of both the I'athei nearly t aml tbe Boa, ditl'cring ironi lx>th in bein^ mere'y a Bpiritaal Soul or existence, without ever having NEW PUBLICATIONS. taken a material body. The mermon*. A prie.sthood, the MormoD3 contend, ii e-senTHK MORMONS: Or, LaTTKB-Oat B.mjits, is thi tial to tiie l.ein. a well as ... th.p.-rfe, tioa of « v or thi: GRr.vr Salt L.vki:. By Lieut J. W. Ooaaiaoa. 12u.i>. pp. lto. Llppincott, Oratnbo Church. The priestly order receive-. tithosefall tC°* one j«)fa-ess, s on entering the Church; and the The nuthor of tfaia volume, wlio was n members pay a tenth of all incoma, and devote member of the Exploring Expeditionto the (ircat a taatfa part of their time to the temple andothct 8alt Lake, under tha coinmand of Capt. Stana- pubbc work-. The biibops have ch-xrze, ,,f tiis bury. hnd ample opportunitiea for personal ob- tithe i«i,or ai. I put the preeeeda in the pablic aervation of tbe singular munners and custorns af «tore-hi',i-e«. Tbe pr'esthood bas BBBBygradea the Mormons, and has reeordad the results of his of ciftica and gift.-. Tne hr-t is tbe Presidency experience in a intelligent and candid of thice persons, correspnnriing to the Trinity in narrative. We can freely recommend his work Heaven, a_.l more particularly to I'cter, J.ime.t, as t ontaining the most satisfactory account tbat and John, the firat Prsaidaata of tiie Goapel wa have seen of tl.e history and charucter of the Church. Neit ia order iathe treveKag High \pospeculiar people among whom he resided for over a tolic College of Twelve Apntt'e.-,.then the hightwelvenionth in his olticial capacity. priests, piiests. el Irrs, Lisr.ops, teachert, ar. 1 !. a. The vailey of the Great Salt I.ake ia aituated cons, with tba evaagebsta or aiisaioaariea ef thi midway between the States on the western bank three aersatiaa. Kacb, eeastitataa a full Cenc'ft. work. WUlard .aoon exhlbtted symyt. ni of tzhauhti. n, aod it bt-cniitni; anparent tbat he could mt ai.rvive much longt-r, be wn* tnatantly klilod by kni>r-|ln|t Mm tn the hea.l wtth n club.
of the Mis-i-sippi, and tl.e Gold IJegions of Califomia. With inl.ospitable tract- of land on tlie North and South, the slope of the Rocky Moun-
(juorum for tl,*-
of its member-, l"it apand the whole church court asscmhled in (ieneral
peala lie to higher order.,
ia the fiaal appellate chsrlty taina onthe East, and immense saltdeserts onthe Council. A High Council consnting tttwelva West, it is isolated from tht usual abodes of civil¬ BBBBthera is eelected out ef tho high-priest", anl i/ed man, and presents a localit v with rare natu- jii'lds a perpetual *e*uion for tha advi-e of the csse cf -fyrss va. The Mnhodist Church, (yc ral advantages for a great BOeial experimenl. Th. being free to give ind ar~ue .'ITii, In hold name of Deseret which ha« heen appbed to this Presidency each onedecision Sujierior Court InHrportt, tondford, of the Preiident i* hia opinion; hut the tlt.,1 rt*» as con for a 'ng chwrlty Ix-quett t'nry l<> Uw, thus ipeaki of the proprlety undei territory by the Mormons is a mystic word taken abaolotSi and deflMflda iaaplieH ol.edience. Tnis of t) t the circurmtances iucb l.egiilature applylng from the Book ol Mormon, signifying the l.and of Council ia eye, ear. aml Imnd to the Preiident, 1'ij. nccesilty of an appeal to tbo I.oglsla 1>. .'i e it: tbe Honey Bee. In this seipiestered and roman- tbe members are sptesin ah mstters in the tieidoi ture tn other casna where arn aougbt to be rreafed, we cannot regard as an evil. When a new and tic valley, a colony of 4.000 persoB- was estab- the temple, in thc social party or the dome-atic plalnly meritorlous eharit? Is meant to be toundod, tual. lished in 1847, under the conduct of Briirham circle. tu o hotpUol, an at.jlum, a llloary, a college, or a sohool, ol us cku ttm thut ihe sitnction »f the Legislature Young, who claimed to be the l.ord's i'rophet and "Their mode of condurting worship istoassem wlll ever bo withheld, nor wiil itbe deemod a subject ol Seer to the Latter Day Saints. ble at a particular hour, and the ttenior priest ther regret tbat wben the aid of thc Le.Ulnture ls re¬ The land was consecrated by solemn ceremo. indicutrs orderby asking a bleasingon the cengre quired lt wlll bave tho opportuulty ol eomldariuj wbether tho cUlms or fair expectatioLS of wivos, chii ni*- to the aervice of the Church, and a pt-rmv gation and exercisea.when a hymn Irom theii dren or relatlves, hsve been overlooked or sacriticed.' nent location made on territory, to which none of own collection is «un_, [BBJOr mide OltampiWl ln whatevor way these meritorlous charltios of Dr whether by aid of th, Bailhrop are to bo inforcod, f'ourt the wandering tribes of Indians could show a t.tle. and another nacred BOBf,foUowed hy a Barmoa fm , or by act of th, eijulty powersit Is,,fbutlhe sjupreme ju-,1 that un8er competent authorlt] ln five days a large tract was aplovved, planted BBBWOBS previou-ly tip;,D;n*t"l to prcich whict I.ffiblature, witb potatoea, and the site of city Iaid .mt. is usually continued by exhortations and rc n irk' the esute sh juld bo devoted to tbe objecu intended b] lhe t-stator._ During the following year, very month was from tbo.'e who feel rnoved upon to ippnk. P.airiirtive l'onll,.Rrnii..i, In Wett Tray. Loai so n.ild, that the aettlcrs plowed and aowed in Tben cotices of the arrangement of the tithnboul MifMM.I* : ^Ixiern lluuaeo llurnt uui * each, hut their provisions were redaced to sueh labor f,,r the BBBfliag week, aud inforfiittion on al 'I hn ix I- i.n.iiir". rendered llonaelean, a decree, that th*y were compelled to eat the s.vii'ar mattero, intereetiag to fieni in a churd r,on, ti.t T.,.» Baidi-1. Wi* give l>. low the ac- hideeof the Blaaghtered animala, which they col- capucity, is read by the cirrcil clerk, and tht lected out of the ditehes. or tore from the roofs of eonrregation dismiascd by a benediction. curato as our roporter has been able to procure lliem ln lia,- hun j and confusion.of tho awiul c indagratloi housca. Their miserable meal was CaC.I out hv Tne ftre wai "Wbile the congregationis assembling and de that occurred at West Troy, this mor_iojr. the wild roots which they tlue side by side with one ot the larpest tnal bai ever occurred in Wesi Troy from the house, it is usual for the large parting and the largeat tnat has vlslted tliis viciulty for a lon| tho savage I talu. The luiiiine waa a^jravated aud exrellent band of music to perforni anthems time. Tbe ground burnt ovt r cover. an area of nearii which from an of locusts tne by army deacendiag an acre. Tne hioezteod-d trom i.enesee to Last-Ua aud waltzea, whieb drivefl a*ay all BOfl* marcbes, tarlosl-., and trom Ktoad SL to tbe Caual, bornlnf mouttain titles destroved every grten thing, cut- ber fe.Iings. and preparr.* the mind for the exe'leven buUoings ou Utoadst., lu tho r»ar and two oa tbe Cnul, and also dettroying the principal ting ofl the tender wheat stalk, while ti.e graui citing and often eloquent discoureea. As ther,' nnd eluilum every attempt to are a luaiber yard belonging to 1*. l)_uchy dl Co., on thoeaii was in the milk, large number of Welsh in the meetings, and ,,i tha Coaat, avert their f-ttal progress. At last, a irakaiua of them not un.lfrstar.ding tti1*. Kfigli-h 'I'lief'if, which was w'.ihont d'tubt tho work of lncen aitl many appeared from an nnexpeetcd qutrter. Flock* dlartea, was ti-si oiscovered about 1 "i o clock, and otig version ol the principal discourse i« inatcJ 1. tho souih-wost corner ot tnti lumber yard m of gloeay white gnlls, with I.right red heaks and langunge, a made tothem by an ititerpreter, ani a eotoetime.-* M, tti*. 1) A .'.>. Thoie who arnved BBI iy at tbeicone of the loDllagrsllon, aay tht: a great qaamity of cam feet, dovclike in form aml motion, with plun.age Weaah choir will then exhilarate all present hy of downy ai.l'tnra., i.lled the air with their gracel'i aaa « turj .uUnt had boec mr j'.vti a-jout on the lum ore ol their hymns, to on,-* of their Bisgtag Kl pt a, and il.a. lt was s.-t ou Bre betwcea eevera fiil carcerings, and aligbting on the amooth an of tbe tlae coilatir lu rham i_g. wild, romantic airs." yard. pilcs lf U,eie had I,, ei. any tueani at band to get water tc gentle slopes al the base af the mountains, l'-a-'Tl.e doctrine and enatOBI tf polvgamy !ias heen throw ot, t.-e Qre at tho Uino ol Its discove: y, thu awtu ed on the insect liampiei, wbich was pro!. Oa.ntlagiiitli ii n ijbt hsvoOien preventod. Occurrtngal iutroduced among tiie Menaoeo. ani graduaily Since their entertainment. that arafor spread B cb au hour, h..wever, ll was a -tteat whlle before I now be ii-garded as a characteristic feature may t.i,. fireai-t and ibethaa of Mormontha have aaore u.aile, thaa >o aoa, lha cropa geaaral aburniwae of tbeir .ocial organ; 'ation. It \^as at firct anarilved upon tbe ground, thc .'. ne* had mado toarful baea way among tho luuioor. lu tbi* cl'.y tnera wai supplietl their wants; tl.e field* are inu better nounced that the founder, Joseph J.;ii;th, and s'l.te ol cultivatioa; the Baoidaoaa gulls cootiooe ta aaCi iy htiy alarni at all, alltiough heatly all af OBt tli'f « n ;.*i i*-» vere prorptly on lh-, t;rouLd, and workiDj their ammal visit, which at firat wai auppoaed thosi* he thought faith'til. hke the atir.ts of old, mar tuily. miraeulouB; and the colooiata have beea able to Davi.f, Solomoi and Jacoh, aboold ba priviieged Tho lumber 88808 of Menri. I»*uchy R Co, sltu t ,r llie coiLet vsliM'* I"' ,1"- oil-lnated, wai food to the California en.igraiit- et a leaa to h ,ve aa n.any wives as they eoald suppett, to Coutiiin. d. Tiirli books, vVc wera. laved. Toero wu raise up a boly b iu*ehold for the s-rn-e of the about t l.i.lXH) woi tb ot lumber lu Ibeto y.inl, all of which price than at tort four hundred m.les Lord. Tiie privdege, auch aa it is, seeiu. now to l.a "-i n balf lhe Lei.m»ed Uu* tOtallT il.-ft:.,yed. About uearer tbe States. have beccme universal, and to claim the sanction aml 1'ie lenialnder ivat on c 'a'iil».inll. Their Ji'theiia, on tbe Salt I.ake, four From .'iijinal the colony *r-,s, i nl k»B ls covered by insurance. a* |nM,ws Rj.OlXl lt is taught that the use ba Ute C'oluii.iiut lii*ur_uc« l.'oii p .ny 6'< (XK) in tae other coloiiies have brainhod ott. Citie.. Witb of a religious piinciple. of f.'Bndation is to raise up a pecunnd t. c. R-'..(UK> tn ibo N.'*V..i_ I'r "1,-cii >ii d'»., matrimony iiiid rapi.iiv groariag aub.irba, eatoad ..". $H (UO ui tbe lludt.ui Rlrer do *4.UtWlu the Mei-nanlcs" apopuloui for the Kingdora of Christ on bar, boly people ol hundred a line two and of ehaifl nearly milea, aiii'il do. X '1 ht buawOt «n ,'ororr.isslon, it i* presumod, ls a total post« will s.-on be cstabhshed for the convenience earth. and that at the Mfllaaanun, tha gU ry ol the to the izc of bi* hou-ieman will be iu 1. it l>ut wtae,her It t-tli* on tlio M-t«r* II. or ou lh" "
parti. * lilrrr.t-H, lt nulal nol l»e ntcerlklned. 11.-Mt-itri. l>_u.hy havo »eiri-ral m.iu**ad dollan wotih ot in _nol_ei yard oa tho blosk eatt.! thi tne, which, bed there Ih en a wettei ly wind at lhe
would baie mado the c<n.-agrau»u a much moro st.-lous onu. As tl was there w_i .-.u.ccly ;._y wind
{.eMdllng. The bubtli'igs on *
tbe east *ldt ol I'.r ait'-i', >rih tido of Kast Ontario it, and tbe Canal
tire, c_i.»i J by tbe lolente heal Tho on'.y saved on tbe w .*. ildo of Braiadat, tn n " ratipv ot the Bre, w«* tne lar.-o Orlck groccrysl'.-eol Mr. Ktmberlv, litual. in ttm cairner ol Qene .oo and Uniod sls. Br k. wili laaa scn-thoig 'iy tno reiiu'val.wrii naica^e ol his »io:k y wat :r. but we unC< latixttd be li tuilv tniured. The ueM 1 utlalli.g uoilb on Broad it was oocupl-d by Vdw.r.l RaRayra. at a |"".f7 ******* Ue i* msii'_d f.,r in u>e N,*w \ i rk l aioaCo., wh'ch wi.l covitr hli loaa. Tne building was osuwl , l'airiok aHodgara. N. Iniiaiauce. N^M building nnrth, oecuplod nnd o»d*<I by Charles K, liy, was t,i»ured fnr Rtiuu tn tlie K. rt ftiin Vo Mr. K also a saiall leiieuutt ,'H tbe i oar. wnlch w*s togttaor wlth a portiou oi nls turaliure. No RBBBafad, tnsu< stice. «_-._-> Next house not tb.owned by W. 8. fl C C. dreen* W.i^i. oj tht* city, occupirtd by Wm. Toohoy, marb.o Wvek^r M> ttr* Qft* wood,imured |30U ou butldtng ln the l 0 Co , f atoain Tix>hey. partial loss, insured h>r aame amount in same Co. | Next north, small ahoenm-er's sV>d. oooupled an.l twt.yl by K.dward Y.ry Iniur^al for R..", lu lha No*Itl | uion Oo. which eovori bl* bwi. Ta« roat hail-ln!* wirth waa a Itr.e brick :we, on the South weat corner .¦! I*. .ud and C«>tnia*u. I-I T^.ng lo ihe imuis of John McCarty, w-ith about Sl.'iW, lnrartd. Two saiail teuementi In the nar, ocruplod by poor I'lUilliMi, owiaod by the same e*i»i< wore alio di> Were .en ral ttii.ei un I n tlu* buinluK
at-,^ed. tbo itreet we came to another Cro_*tcg largo brick by Mr. Stewart, dwi-lltAg *0 tfce R, W c^rper. .wr j,.,ed and owt**>d by tho M'Carty ttWAt, * ""ta probably about the ttnre as tbe uao abwve ainvx-1, wblsfe, wo underatand Wai lutly lt_rared, but la what companies, we wero unabao to Beat buil<*_-g north, was a large three sto'y brick ono, thc upper part ot*t**h*4 by J. W. rtland, and tholowtr pa-tby (iiorge _.; t.olo. tlr. Head btd -)*> a oofrln » e io. ni oa tfce rear Mo#t ot ai* '.iritlture wassa.ed. C e* lo*s -inalU Mr. RUnd o*_-d the building,and aim tha aoiolmcg, t» capl*d or Mr. He*l.* Mr. 8 Ulniui.d lot t.'aii^u the M-n'a "t'cry <.o.,RT00in tbe , .oaesee, and *..' OW ln ihe CRaB B an j !:>r.*\ troi ih Wlll barcly BOBBB ln* loaa. Tbe two ueM hulidlugi north w* re .wnodby R»r. Mr. I .-, i.a'O. c>' Altiauy, aod N.ih«.w. Kld-tOf, aud are n-.l wm.lly A-itroy.d. Thetr iniea wt'! bo at) ut |l,5<W
tatti but li.surac*. / imall « ..lei. bu. waa used »t . tarutt, whl. b
.f K4it()n
of emigrantabv tl.e seaports of tiie l'aeiiic. The nuii.l. r ol" inhabitante in the mountains has heen iMii'ii.-ly estimated but there are probably now ii. 1 tr.ii not leaa thaa30,000,aad the number is rapidly increa«ing lv tl.e in'lux from England.
Walea, and tbet antinent of Europe. The Mormons prt.f.BS a conipUte separati
of Ckuri h aml Stnte, bat thur policical charaeter aud administration are made subsement to the theoeratical orreligious elt-ment. They call their sys¬ tem Ol (u'ven.mtni a " Tneo-Democracy," j)rofessmg to stand, in a civil capacity. like theaecient laraelites under Moses. lor t!te mle of those not fully imbued ti.e .pirit of ob«didieiice. as well ns for th.ngs purelv te.nooral. tnhuoals of.u.stice are at present ne -e<sw but the laws of lleaven are tiie ult.mate aiitt.ontv, and those h hliug the reralatioa of the Divine U il' aie the legitiinate/iwvenn rs. The Frrsident ol the Chaieh is the temporal civil (iovernor, hy vir¬ tue ol his oihce *.-. Bear of ttie l.ord. Shunl.i one be asaigi.ed to them not ol creed, or other than ttit-ir Chief, he would find himaelf without BC" cupstior. Wmlo received with the courteiy Cue tw a ikstii.guii-hed persouage, tn hii otTioial capacity, to use the phraBB af the paapla, he would be let ^?verely alone." The forji of Ctiuriamight be established to which (ientile sojourners or einigrants could have recour>e ; bnt the memheri of the 1 atBer-Day Chmch would completely ignore tbem: thrir caui-e* mu*t be settleJ tv tnet'hurcbwbich il the Court Ibr doctrinal error; other ofleimrs are treated accordinc to t- e statiife» o 1'. -in-t, ai.d the "Common of the Mountain." Aiiione tiieaiselves, all dispntei are to be aettled hy a Church organi/ation. which include* the civil t'liicr. fn>n. the lafcrior JaatJCO ofthe .Peace up to the (jovernor. Tm Justice .- a al a ward in the c.ty, or precinct of the towu or eeaatj the Judgea of the Superior Court? aie takeu irom the H.^u 1'riests, from the ¦aarami of seventies, cr frois: tha t'ollege of the Apostles while the Seer is the h.^heat ruler and consultirc Ji.iige. A double name i< theret'orere* n
aallid, hy which the ? execute the iuiu ii(>ns iu thair dUrrantofltrial ca^iaeitiej, acKtUborly Ufliuod fjr coiding as tliings relate to civi! or ep.ritua! matC'ur>aj*i.y twosasdi tet>etr«ats noa' tbt\ Bt-BaJL occuplad by tcrs. The et.tire BWaagem*at i* under the l're«i |a i»o.iii«s, and owned n» Mr *u O.d.n, -omg* oatiienct, hich coaaistaof threeperaeoa tha Bear tr, nud Ca.l; ct.i.u.i.ed. ai alto -Ula.e lu or two >i*blf* la lhe alley tt*e L.-n iaf tard t.*oCounsellor.aad Tb. ti.tai i-aintwr a.f h,-iis-t i'-'-f-yi :.; fam''>i As respect-* their religiois positioc. t. 8 Morr-adr-fd h,*ostleii,'ij. IVRalloaaR 1,000 ioiu'«i.a-e, aboui .r UU. iiioii*.o'tim to be the Only TrueChurch of kiod and ti at, under tlie guidaiu-e ofthe A aM»B( ha>t Wiitrti D rn Death.-. h's Son, beheving to themaelves all whu are will Spirit, they gatber wo or ftrt-e dajs slnoe we gave b^ef p«rta -u'ars of a i!e.4in*d when wblth p.,-.,t thf f'e
Maihsortl- * ibos. anl at .e-ae^. .». ewwd by Mr IM ta th- Cntioa aad liuex
a ue»r
to listen tothe voiceof Truth, they St J w*>jH, Mt** n«n*^i Wiilard, wao will absorb aii the aect. of C'hnsteaiom. Twa baa'-, hlv'ag fra-Jui. r.llj c lot-xctad dohU hootswillbe Bjaaaaadad a^ainst each othar; oa. [.js-ifcarged (n*on »-lv-itho foM-.wlog f«_n ]*** h. j.0..t,Jemilngo, acd Autwsou wnr,*, oa Friday ¦nderthe hanoer of the I'ope of Kooie, U.e other ^Mm*e*'"ti. I""' ai- around the llag of ail Natioaa led by theirSmer, brvght before the axam!_ta| Coart. It waa » at
ha.rrWe traaaactloo
tx, death <>f a wiih
proportion of children, wivea and aervants. None, liow
hold ever, hut thote eligible to the priesthood have a right to marry at all. The woman that marriesout
ofthe prie-«thood martie.- ibrhell. Mirna_e is tobe a pure aud holy atat« prompted alone by rebgioua n.otives and a eense of duty senmal atotivea being held up as an aborninttion. It in atfirmed that a woman cannot enter into the kiogdom af heaven, w .thout a husbacd to introduce her aa belon.-ii.g to hfaBMWaX The additioo ol wives afcer the fint to a .*nar.*> family is called a a aaalag to him." Thia constitutes a reiation with all tbe righta and sanctior.i of matrimony. The idea of an eacluaive love is dendrd. The Seer alone hu the power of aliowmg the nuinber of wivea to be increased, the suitor must obta;n the cons-rt of the parer.t.. th-*n of the lady, and bnallv of tbe >e»r. Kvery uninarwoiiain has a right to demand a raao m marriage on the ground of the privilege of salration tle President who receives the petition is bound to procure ber a h'lsbasd; he may conamand any man he deema competeBt tosupport her, to add her to the oumbrr of his wives; and uoJess he can .-how just iiuptdiuent, if he declioes the union, bo ia puDutaed f»r c mtumtcy. The Seer haa al-o power to aanul the marriage contract, and dis*olve the relaDonship of the parties. Ia aoo.e instancea, aeveral wivea occupy the aane house. but it is more usual u> hoard out the extra ones, who are generaily able to pay their way, by aewmg and other female cmploymente. Tbe Mormon* __sert "that thi? Mstem ia the pr^ventive aad cure tot the asrftd lieaaitisaaaasa.the moral and phyaieal de^rtdatun in tbe world and taoy m.*e it both a religious aod a social cu.totn, a point of peraonal hoonr for a man whose .>¦(« daughter. orsister hat been led astray, to kdl the eeducrr and connidenng this aa 'cotimon mouetain law,' baaed or tha Mosaic code, a jorj wM acquit the murderer at all ha.'trds. That the wives f nd the reiation often a loi.esome aad burdensonif one, isc(ftfl-B; th..__h uaually the »urcietv wears a su.ilmg ceunteoance, aad to ail wbo corseat froc. a of duty or tba joke is f aay. The wife of the pn-yhet if he perJeaepi ribellrd it, and declared Sisted ahe ayuld deaert for anather, but the only .atisfartija ahe rrceired sl. 'that a propbet ¦ittst iabe) tbe Lord.' Wh.-:. eich wivea rebeh the proceedioge are ver} auminary, aad puhb'"
A rety rxempiary lady ia the valley is loiked u|*oo _-. brokrn ber vowa for deserUag the SeaW one' and marrying another, andtherefore _, not ir.i ilt-A iato aocial parties." "Another nethad of mcreaaiag tba heuaeheld tad -dJiac te tbe glory of tbs ch-S-t u by 'adep-
¦«.:?. | have m_-_hn_ ordersfo tiea.' Tbiaeeaaiata ia takiag whole fSaaafiaa a» ¦heaevaa 'b¦ Um PretMaaaa Tbe a adoatiagthrm as p*rt aad parccl of th» Caaity o,f sd^o^-rtd, >.«*.«. after tiie chi.-t. ar.d anses out of the bnmtltty ot tht -.
peroon so ptoponiuz to attach hii w te the aa cred chare. ter of so n* great dignifary of fhs i'bun h. The man taeelUd, f"f iaataaee, Sae o Brqgban by a'iopt,..e,' and boaa with hi-n.or neni hy, erd acts lor him as a chud dt>es i ir hn par*nf, aad
rcc ...<
wkh tbefcmdy."
With tne preval?nce
ia placed ic a poaitioaaf relative jafcrieri* iy. Th. d'ference to fiaaaria t-xcelle.iee, which n ark.. a refined »tate of sot iety, <* sti< nnt-"d by tiie Mennoni a-. (ier.'ile gii antry and faahion.'To give thf po-t of Cooor or of comfort t.< the the cde of LattQP Day" etujuette is reckon»d an absurd.ty. If tliere i. l.ut a#at, itbeIr.Dg* of r.ght (.. tl.e geatlamaa, who iabaaadta "
lmd lhe way, an.! let the M jrinon dair.e enter the honse or room -jehind h'tr..
In social partiss tad l.relr meeting* the Mor¬ prs.n.inent. and tbeir hospitality would extemled t>. s*r*tijer*. ha-J they aaitable dweOiaga te invite thrm io:o. The adche or sun dried bnckis aow furniihicg matenal, acd the cte-room log t.uildin** a-e bring repiacfd by spiciou.* anl eoauaodieaa boeaaa, Ib their BOC al gatherin** aad evening p*rtie«, patn>ni/ed by the p«e*ence of tlie proptMi I ^nd apo.«:!e-, it is oot unui'tal to open tbe hall by prayer, askmg the Uesahlg of tiod upoa their amusements. as well as upon any oth"r thea aill fi.I!..w ti.e nn>t spngiitly daiicine, in which ali j >ui with hearty good-will, from the hlgiie-t ihgtntiiy to the humMest indi¬ vidual and tnis exercise is to become part oftba temple worsiup, to praise (iod in songs and danc.s.' " The*e piivate hall* and soir.'es are fre pi"ntly extended beyond the time of cock-crowing by the younger members, ar.d the remaiai of the eveniog repast furnisttes the braafcfaatfor the jovmlguesta. "
mons a.-v be n.oie "
pourirtg forth
from merry be&rts in every '
can nn ui
ilsn "li-.Tti to b** p'li ti b>
Bold o'clock, s.
tho way
order to obtu
n a t
a seor or an
Aboul a wook ataoo, a valuabie lockft was stol. n f.ora Mr. lUn'i *how roota. 9it.ce he has been here he has been thus pluaJered of more thaa 9 0 of property by burglare aad hal
OcTBAGEorsAss^uLT..Afi'lh.vv named
William Rlddle wa* viierday arrested by Offloer Aohermaa, ot tbe 8txteenth Ward, charged wlih a violeal mault u^on tbe person of Mis KHzabeth Muulo, raiioit-K li. £l«teei>th it. rear r.-nth. iv It li allag.d thal |..r *ome cauie Klddle waa beattna > littlo aoa of Mra., i. wben ihe lutei'ei.-.l I.. rea.-ue the ohlld, aad wus tiersell mtacked by Kllile, wbo knocked ber dowa
a blow upon tbe head wtta » stone, . ...1 ber I.y tha by throat md chiked her, and tiiisllv klckei her rio.Motly aevrral tlnn-s tn the .he at the ti ne ln a .¦
to come.
The tliiilojry of tbe .Moruor.B is evider.My a tiaciie of i.i.'.v'n ..^ and g^oss aliamilillaa. Connected, however, with the pretension to miraculous gifi-. it wdJ co doubt cont.nue to appeal to the ( Imi ents vi .-uperstr.ion and fanatici'to, whi-b ii.v.rt transitioi al ag" like the present.
negative poiat of vicv, the phenomeat o' Mormtirism are of great simiticance. They show the dei a> of traditional among th« massei, aa well as amongtl; adncated aud reflectingordere of society. A* nece-sary element* in the general chaos, they had the liopefui and the bea
look forwar to the better t.roe, wh"n faith el.all be i. nataKd on the basis of hu ntmty, anl t. e law written oa Uiel.ea/t anal! gvvern the
Auf. MD.07
iv iratsri, ac, mn lr.aS»»? T.-r«a««r.Iw SorJ.r^
Artillery purpese viittlog
Waltrox 5
o.v aao ive_«:h6
i .i
808PICIOH Oi OrAVB liARt'KMV..A M J.nn Oilmore wus
i.fiwti of the M.xth Ward obarfed with havio;, oa slolen a eold wstrh end rhaln vatuod at Tufsdwy l»st, 1180aom the pocket of Mr PivM k.>rnay. resldlof at
N<> .ill'..
Hr*i-ste<l hy (ittiters I.i-k.i-u *ud Co«ik, .^ tha ttrdny .'.:.-.. 111. Ward, and Ho .rt.y, I toe T'entleth. rh«ri'i-.i u iih l.avins a.-i on t'-e the rope wnlk of Mr Ahm V. Ka'larle, 'n I ighih av betae«n firty iuP.1 aad Utt fiurthats. whlch was twijo lo .!..n-aou I'Bur* llght (iteof them la a small Iad aa<1 was heart d»y 10 aat .hottiy before the fuildln* wa*, tbat ha w..til 1 uie to see lt haru down. The others were *eea lunnlsg tn m Ihe walk ..'. i.-..< tho tiro broko oat. 'J h.iy vtere locked up by Justice Muart
ry A upuB
ibe i-wer iu
baa been f:ri!»» tt Ironi Ann to
tix n-i/_i_t* iinao.
the Irlee Js of iscjtt and (Inhta at the
the heac ica.-te.-i oi tbe tor*
iJeorg- Club, la tbe Bioetoenth VV ard, oa Wedneaday eveoiog, tbat would bave coevkcad the _co«t itaptd al ali aha doobt tiat tnero i* euhwiasai ta tbe Whi* ranks. bad be been tb-r-j, tbat thsre is earaest enifcuiiasm la *om* quarteri, al ieaac Macy reeruk* julsed the Clab, aad not . few wbo bad
re beee Democrati, bst are du* in favor ol tb. He/o of Fort Oeorge, were of tbe nutater. Tae m#tiof was t-.. tjuettlj addre**ed by Geo. Fo*dlrk. of Ky, LU-uL T*yh-r, abo aervrd uocor Scott ia Meaieo, and Charles Goltim, Eaq ot tho Nloeteaeth Ward. Mr. nisitag aottveaod tha m-etia^ aith toama eampmirti aooga, aad, aBofOiaer, tt wa* a gtortawt tttatx Tho oamp :ree ara B^htad ia the Ntaetaoath, aad aHll bara bgightir tU tba idaa of Novanher, whaa Ua old bara, ,
aighl R )0«rt
_'),, t
by rinatng the Ml oa b.t thip. Ten loocontbo groead, but tb-: tuic.wiya being kept cloat-ii to prove_t t*id clrsuiati n of lrosa air lh '.bt b< .d.Lhey e_p»-rt_nced co_siu»irabto d | ge I.i*. Water uijob the ft-troet. Ibe deesi wero fir.aily sc_t_ed ar 1 I'mn taa af oioiui
thiown into UM bVd. i ihe I*_j*-i ah 1 the itterlor of i*>e r otca/gowe-e ne%ily destr ^ed Th-Ianta n-a ,, an'ity of w-ue-whieb w_*p-jui-0 mt > m>- .-..., *unk it r a). r.t!Jr. of the pier. Tht, R. IX wa* l,>adin< , <r i atd bid berrar^j, C'«*bt'ng <,r t,- 0', yy c, 4bt\, partly od boa.-d. Tae iom a__ i*. tt*t* h-t ahd vastei ls rou^tly esJmai_d at % JJG.JOO. -irraiTLt
Loi exUDf uiah
FiiiHV BBOrnSBR nt -m h jOT, a bre br'lie outin tno buii-ia. N H foarth-iv., d oy Br. daii.U-l \ e.t. as s «'.«. *taln'i < -nairicccupi. f« t'ry l>e d.nua trere ¦aB_a|a_S_ad by tk* J«venii-ru'b W aio 1'o'ire without th« nid ot the r iro iJopart,2 w.-re u» tM ir, -ut. V. .* a_d ..adder Cufl >ariy N waa
ti'i mtrm ^utt^>lr i^rvlce* wtrenx Tae _re oriyltatej iJtrtitre «jO t r.i' o is 18a batement uied lor h-*U__ gtaae
I.AMiLoim..-Oa Fri-
Whe.itor. N* 11 (ireenwlcli st, l.r f..r the nl^ht li- w«s aBawa 10 * raaa^ b^ aaasaew aaaerted, nn tt- _,t p'mpaak on tbo 1 diaalM n .Tt rw «n<l »ei t V, the roooi oi tbe lao.ll .r.l, when* he t, charged with baviaa Ptdim t'-'t) iu tn .u-y, wlia wbich hoar.ado off On la.t Tftur.d.y nlgbt, Olilcar MoCabe, of the Hm Ward, arreat.-i (Iray, who waa ukt-D b.fore Jiutl.'- Bo^art aad locked jp lo ewpit exrn
Cobtli Slfki'. .The
jawatrj oetah-
!!»hi:.-tt ..I Mr. 8. Ke. ling, N.. )-.-.' tii -_h ar was BBB yeaierday a'teraooo byaitne darlog thlef, who. K wa* la- Ir.g a osp In hl* rijatr, robbeii tha tkaatntmaeei Ma g'i.i wiIhim, sahaad at Atmui, g.»0 wlih wbich be cacaped No arrest. ,
t >ed CavhT.Baaora Jud^o Cowlei.
J '.1 Hot.Uh and otl.m mat John R Ihrwit Y.ogiaa Co No 13 g*/e a ball ir. I eiruary last at ttoflA4e.U0 Biois. Mr I) waacoai'uiaoof tbo coioinM^M of osaapgrr*, and, a* such. t».u*d aod roc.-l. ed tbo for maaVbaaa htaaatl ih«tt»entv eign>. tmaeu moaoy rmaaln a» ',. ».:. oucted lor, aiid tbe preaeat amt ll lo recover mat ihe an.i unt it la oat J Mr l) ackaoalodaod to ha/iaa reciit ed the m< aey, and ^ tbe mnmr. to acooaat tor and p*y 11, :,titPtiboe jueotly donltaad
k on Fii'iity iiioru aflra tr, ke <;.t in the BOpar part ol h. ua*, M'j. _1 Arooaa P .rtrr Brs. as a aia-dlo;* hOBSB. 1 ao 0 c, *t*M*h bf laBaea bm t- extnr^ )?***-d by tha oompaauof tao -ycomUr*. M-ilr'jsd py Ue Piallce, hrfuro tnueb dsnug. oo .rurrrd. Un Th-ir^lay ,'vi-nii.^ ibovt 10 o'eioch* a fire va SBM v-re«j uo^er the eavaaof Br A. V Barbanafla npetsaft, ln i-iitjfif.*¦#.., xxeor Broo-wav Tbo Bre tree josl beea ku>«ll*a aad waoeailjy e«0cgtrl»b _o oy ih» H-UeM wao t»*t dttcjvered tk. Ab_ut l\*t r g iji!.e». . i.",«._ aoo L»ggoS dtacovorad tho **m. Iju o1c« on Bre lo aa-jtber plaeo. With the aastaUooo oi Okbctr Bapoay aad a aOrea, tboy pailad ot* aoaao boards. aal Sv«o aacaeedod la *_ttag*_-i__sf tba fltoaaa
1. was made to the i.iei.a'0 deieoao th.t u,e a company, ao aodon at l.a hrouyht ben 1.1 the ci o.p.ny one or rnore
complaiot, tlbelog p*rtl»abeing ssaoetato.? by otber taea ag-lrst rf their body, csnr.. t ba fr.*lntalo*d. the r.-modj. If any. bat nt lo ? <ju: >. ard tba case rf Ytter api KM',34 Aaadlori'p Su^rcme U«^..rt«,w». r(-; .ted.also tbat even II a protalie t>.
pay wrre pro-. ro, tho .< tion at law nanaol Ile, aa tnat ooe partier can. ot s .0 I.l* copaitoar la BB *cti..o of law lo relai.oo to copartaeraBl^ aecoaata, aair to tbt* poln r-yard pi ' >¦. BBBaB of tte piainuif. I: waa rej.'tid tbal tho law ipt-t r. rt *p^!y to thia eaae, as Uie deieadaot Ja aot aow apart»-jr Decltloo rearr e<J the
nu. V r
irom a
tr. do oo.
ll)bc! ct, a .:o broke, ut lc lhe iblp Ctoler, iyltig al i:.e fo-.i f fc«tt Ktvor i ao ti e *,». discovertd by the p-lra^s watchoaHb on au BB8B ISBBB^
Bofiarsfur Irial.
d..y tl*ht of last w*ek, a yOBBfl of gentee| appear hi m, n.i. d ilenry Qrav, apolied at the lodgtog boaas of J...hi.a 1
uf tholr
''ry iieat continuprl ia i "i; dry
Ni>}tee>th Ward..TLoro w.Ma2ath-
\rBilb-A black, nnmed tmm
b.rk, n aaier. toe i,('i oa boird th tioiiB I'^tPh he aaw th» arcused ctit Ibe ). twstr and lot lha aaa tt lt f*l. into tbo water. Ile was r im-nnto ' by
'.itp ieea to l.' i-eriy. Oue ia nam- d tbe Lydla aad Aijolbor butal Oainci ti.e i uiloa la Ui»-otatr .Iii,'.. taa tm pSaeod U l-.e ler'. Ica Of tho lyuluu Atty Company
Ai.rah.n. Braado^ Cat«klll, waayeaterdaf'eti'.y Cat.Uln Msrtln, ..1 tbe Fllih Ward I'olica, .. wi.n hav!i.g at :>n a value.1 at |J0, hawser, h. rt h snver wstrh worth .«. trom tho BBBaaaar Itraea Krel.r. iyltig at'be loniol llarrla. n st, Jaeob Ha'lea-
H0B8 b'rjcn as Ifin huis pa.eoiont consOtuMs.
spraof up and made a dao evanln;. There were sli^ht tfiaicaii^ns o: raia, bu n.oe iel' cp to mldn'.ght
on tne
Ci'ARi.r. of Arson..I«'our |>oy^ iv,trey<t»».
'.rtr, endurlng, itnooth bed of
ttAt Two new boati
It appears tbal Mr. K. had takea
tr!Urd the accuiedto awate examlnatioa.
oa the eorner ot C.iin.'.ers and Centraal, to wall for tb.i H./l.iui cars. and while there lell *ai*oa. On a'Mkliig be **w a ..i near him, wbo Imtaodlatatjr at onoe miued his watch aud staried ranswwy M if purs-it'. b t was un.' t.. .-ttch tha boy. Ile n .er taears tbat he bellevea the b ty OflBBBBll I.e the p«r.. u «ti stol, his wstcb (Iii pfrsoeaJ appoarsnee aod v. 'e>- |ed him 11 that conclinloo. J> stt.d 11 i^art coraa ."at
A o
yeiterday arrested by Offlcor
ln.ln. I.*'- trav. 1 o'. V u iu,., r»ut* re ir*-^ *vli a
irocio, *ad
injbig the Ru-.-, piiv,*mttt from thc t-uh Ke,ry tu LS.j*.iii^ (;..,._. tTti*' Wnriii.-ii
Ibree yeatrrday, untu tiie: aaaaac, wbin a freah Dreeie
etlttg cf
l.a,f *ye*4>-
ui.di-r the a'_»p.cos ol the
CapL F:«L-h
Baalaa.9mm o ,tpm t... o.ny \ ',.o, -r*., Pa- na. .
the .-r-iik^eie Concorcant, were alao at.Jen Tha houie htd ..-¦ i. sbut up tor the au.nmor, the tamlly batny lu tbe country, but tt waa aod aocured wttS bolis ¦ nd .... The burglar* ette'-red tbeir entr«uce ln tive rear hy pr)lng ort tbe l.!t *. * oi the shutters to the haek baaeuient, bnvlna prevli.ualy attempled lo forro tha Coor without Niaaaaa. hortunalely tbe aod othar plate before vn'tiablea had been i»moved to a lafe piano th. t»<rr.ily lott Tne value ul the property atolea Is about
having causad
CS*" W-- learn thal tha Albnny !lcs_
aat Twentf .?v.nth *t.. has been ealerod t.< lhe laat i..-:nUhi, aad .mp\ -tely t.y rsi... i-ii Irom the top to the tottom Many valueble dreists and other artlcles of fett.alo apparol wera car ritd ott; and even tho llbrary did not e*c*pe, a* a ipy cl l\..l^hi'i bound lu in
whu a%v* tbo
itruck. and also with
ano alter w-.r'i lentto l'rutilaa largo nutnNoici slruck u'.' lioui lha counter-
_r-tr*-_ w-'re
Bi.vt,i or thi THxaaoxmn ay
* Ctark't, JS4 Daistour'a, (Jbrmerty LyncA Nci* IA.NL IPN
UrRiiLABY..Tli»« henee tt R. No 7s I
c_*«m! can.eto bls place with a number ol bill* ttPWttt ti. tbr- apUta ml t Hinp* <i them, pretec^ing that tnay prt ate inarts. i».-»put'tig t:p n in> mo:i:*ir No 143 W_.htuat')J st alto B-. Jolin l.i'ii.ei.i.. a* a wBasso. and inatined that io June last ho appeerea was cailrd upon by tl.e accusod io prini 5.0IX) Impro* sl, r* truni tie c mi torfi || ^laiu 800ul t i«*oh_ suuck .;' ih-ut the ln of J.j.'y, »i,d ha.d*-1 Ibaao to theaet Ik* WOtk Warraals I >r tbo cut> ,1, wb" | aid bnn H.r'-ti'.f 1', ituian arnl iitrvaccl woie piaced lo Ihe hard* ..' fJkxtn K< ed, ol the Chtafs fj***, *i. y aiteroa)H.r,tted th» tttwwt. Ttio oih'tr tull probabiy bo brougbt ln thu. en uit)/.
iaetitutior.s of men.
slinailon. 8he waa removed to ber resldeaoa, where Pr Hardenbrook rendered every servioo I.i allov'ate her sttlerinja In consetjueoce of tho delieah* *Ute of ber h-nlth. lt I* fenred lha: tbe injurte* maf prove fatal. The asss'iint wai taken JuiBoa Btnart, and beld toawaltthe rcault of tbo lniarleola ...;.. nt-
apostle, in q leenahip in the world
bar-keeper al the Astor iiouio.
Wiie, eegTarer, d'log bminess at I I -ti at., waa lntioouced by Mr. _>chiriult a* o *iti,._», t, n;:,^a u iit he cx.giHv.-d tho pl tte by direcuon uf ia i. -ii accuteu, wbo, be said, repr»*eut<-d to Mn. trai the plate was a deti-ti lin tuitj label; aud ho ti.rtt *-rrayi lhat al1, r tne plate wu deltvered tbe ac
mathnr'a ammcion which
alliance with
about lf Robrfrv..Y******k*j, bold r*»c*l laat from the hall of Koofa
l'sgu. rrean llallery, No. MB Rroadway, a pusture ofthe very largest slse-wbat ta enlled a double wboiailaa plate. Tbe portralt wai that of (leorga F Aleiaadar,
Ali Caae.
ready deserted the "oealed" relation and inirne.i haltbret'Js ar.d I', preferri.-ig a life of n-i ip.oi al privileges in the cahuis of N. braska to the BBBJection andenuuiofa Mormon seragl.o. 'i'be vounf al.o are indi^nant at the iuvasion of their ri^hts whu a dau<hter rt-ject.'. tueir ,iu
r .
t,ii Uu-i.
dt pencence, .1 mustsoon l.ecoin* as intolerable to the Monaaa caauaaaity, a* i*. is odious to the i -ul. -e.l world. Many on tho frontiers have al¬
Fall .A cnrinan named Pat¬ rick ¦. rn yesterday fell f.-om hU eart while la Chaav ben st, snd waa Isken u> tbe New York Ho*pital, wtBk ooe ol bl* leg* fractured.
eaatom af patygamy. Peatroyiag, aa itdoea, all heedom of afleetloB in woe:tn, d>-'_-. radir.^ her to the rank of a cvpherio society, aid couvartiug the BMMtaaered relation of hte late a atate ef aajeel
b tio.
Thuraday nUht. whk-h
,!*, No. ..r> Nur.a a-,-i.ue. it li higlily proba.le miLy i.lhers have been swtndloi in a slm Ur wnj arui hII tuch a*e r.-i|aeate.i io call at the Je-itrion Ms k*»t aRoHee f'ourt, lortnepurp^o ot i'le,jtli>ing tho i HC-uted. '1 wo ittier otiijori wero suut ta. tha houie in Twetitj-t.iirtb itr,,-t tai arreit another woman, it.ld lo bo ih.' leHd.-r ot the gang Tbjy SBW ner, b'ti ny t inie rreaut the tbun tne »lip aml ''acaped. Taoio arretti -! a eio tk er. t>> tjre Juttlc Stuait -ttilluokoUup. iJouif ol tii, in hai >. al, ek'Jy beOa l.len'.lr'-.'i.
The most Uaturein the Moraoa ecnamyaa destrbed in tlns volume, is doul'less tli"
aail in obedioaeB to
again n.»..e tbe aaaaatBB bv . lew tliaordertio* lo nsaka a tlUlurbniii-e. 'ne m*n. natrad Ward, waa takea late ruatody atd rioed |!0 (or aaaoiOng another,!
teau. lor aroo ia tbe frowel, or the him-
Bilapt |>ression."
tW A fi.Ue nhrnt of Ire wu* mtsed ia
his discourse
tbe ...-,.cd .".itrl.-t
ai'd be
wie and three
8Dd had ht* leg bmken. acd oa Thurway a labwar, Patrick Burke, authrovo from a eart latha inihav and dangerously lr.ured. He wa* eoavayad t<> tbe llcwpital.
I FRAVR ri'f'N THK PRrsilAR QotEtatt* ir, and uiikea BCquaifitl d wtitre no art or concealinent of MB»T..Mr John W. Hchmldt, ol Re 83 C':_tjaplai », ,-s praeticed, and deatroya tbal diatiactioo (.ontu'-t.eLera! of th*? Prui.lsn fI.ivertirn.'nt for tba oi pastnr and layman by the dlfliirenea of dres* l't,:tJ-d S'atei, yeiti-rii.y «ppe8red bi-foro JdaHcB RtaBBd ih meanor, whit h keepa them stran^'rs te art and prtfened eomplaiuts ugalnvt Dr, fueod. 1'eltaaeh other*. real aaatuaaata. And it gives the man aLd Aiit'ino H.rvaccl, ol thii Cliy, char::!o| tii-tm wiih having ca tedta bo enj-raved a cojaper plate ln pne.-t the advantage of kr.owing the turn* of |!;.*.l.,n ot tbo penutne p!*te* from which tho T.-o»iurv thought. the dOUbta OB doctime-.. aad tlegree of Notes Uiued llie I'ruatian fin7.*ri -n! under tho Oliligbti ol those m ho are to be his auditora, law of April 15,byIMR crenting a l,,au uf B' 000,000^ i'rui*
Imtortant Abbkst.A (iA.NO
Ct.UdtBB, re*ldltg*lMo 6i6l; Fiurth lt. Casialuks. -Jumes White. n boy.waa run uvrr a coal ,art ln Klusbln«-av
TBBVBtTBBa CsiaiiT. Kor lotn* time past a gaog ol Counterfelter* b»ve bten pracllilng thel*- depredatloni ln the upptr Waid*, ai.d a large uun.'jer of tradeamsa and ilhcrs havo beensainoled out of ea^nildoraulmuDi ot troncy by takltifi irom them ipurijui bank bill*. 3ov eral ccmplainta have recejtly b-in mad. lo Capt. Duna of tho 1 wrutlttb \\ utd 1'olice, and tor louie dayi paii he haa been eegsged in terreti-g out tho operatora On Thuriday he wai Informed that a house In Thirtyfilth-treet, between the Nlnth and Tentb avenues, waa a rei.drzvous for m ui'- of them, and takiag with him 00881 i'ld. :M! nt ibe Chlsf's ottot, he wUUti too houie and there caupht tbree women, all of whom are at various st >res char(i(«l wlth p*Mi-ajcoiint»>r<ett moneyhouse in Twentynpt.wn. Tbey tbou proceeded to a founn-itreei, near Seventh-avcnue, wimre they ¦neated a man and,woui_n, aud oo searehi,)n tbli houie a lar*o fiuiiiber ol Imok bill* wero found. Kaok ot l.sncaster, I'a, TheyMlliconslst of ki btl'i on the on tbo Coinmerctal Hunk al tialoin. and 8td billi on tte M> rchant*' _*nk at Now lUvnn, C mn. The following are lhe uamei of lomo o! th* ludtvtiluals and ivmt upon which tbn doscnytton ot ,-ountertoit iniiity h&i been passed C. Uallagber, Grocer, No 917 Juni.'i I.ewi RBoeaaker, No. 597 Tbiit) alxthitre.t, Ten'h aventie; J M. Snlrley, Dry ,i »*<lt, corner ot lv.e, ty>ighth 'trct ar 1 Nmth avenuo Mrs. liatcbla¦oc. L)ry Gooda, No. 303 Kighlb-aveuuo, Uaro*, iirooer. ot Thii ty-third *treet, lietwe.-n Nlnth and Tt-tth uvenuts and Mi*nri. OongUs R -.horivj, d, Dry
that,hke Paal the tentnuker, thev Bara ky t!ie ewrat of their l.iow aud teaah I.v iampl«. i. ;iit week-day, what they praaeh on tl.e Babhath, eoneerning the virtue of indu-itry. < »n tne palplt ataad they dispen.-e the wt rd o( the goapel, and went li' :<r than when they pUut, reap ia fhe field,
yacht wero bi^tbly pleased with all that they have scd experieoced BBr__| Lieir thorlvUlt, and loare wlth cordlal good Ueiings !«. r ail thote wlth wbjin thoy hsve been aisociated, both aiioat and on shore.
ici n
their brtui!
vhlte ma*ila
«Yr.Derwas yester^sv cal.ed to bolj aa Inqaast apoa body, whrn lt keaBBM apita-eol that death waa iMU'.dhy a*neaat|aa af tbo luog*. fromaahebitvaltiaetf baeakaa^g lijnor. andarlalo; a verdlct to that t-i'ect ws* ret dered by tbe J ary Tb* deoeaaed *poat BB it -I hl* tline »h-ui Cttharlne Market. ssorktof aa tca'a. Ac lie leavee
far ki ths latter place l.y tha 8*n_y Uook ptliH boat labei Wil'.'..*, Capt. Thomion. The gentleman baiongiug to
domicil, as won.en and children sing their eongs of Zioa,1 wlnle p'ying tl.e domestic t*sk<, giveaa iinpr. asion tl a happy society in the valea of Dese¬ ret." "The dignity of labor ia held Bacred bf the iMi.rn.ons. and azamplified in their orgauuation and reqnire.nents. A U/y person N eifher a.-cursed, or likely to I." -i-eftilness is their motto and those wbo will not keep themieKcs, or try their bfst, are left to starve into industrv. This is inculcated in their creed, though the prophet Joseph was excused from phy-o-ai labor af Kutland, his atteution bf ing satliciently occa piedw'ththe government. Every one is expected to work and bnng in hii tithes, and the l'residcnt at-ta the example in the vall.-v, by workmg at his trade of caijenter, on his own wnlls in the katiyon. It is a well-devised et heme, and the m >re ilourishing the laborers the greater is the incume cl Uie pnests. Thia ioCOOBO 18Oxpeaded on pui.lic works, the temple, the bridgBB, nnd publk . lu.r.ty, and support of the I'aimiies cf ti.ose ta nu*- onary duty. I ha iaborfor support of oneeelf and family is taught to be ol as dr. .ne a charaeter. a- pablk worirhip nnd prayer. In practiee their views unite tbem so -is to pro. ure all the benefits of aocial Chrhtieaity without runniug into Cotntnunisiii. The pnest and the bishop make it their
snd :a a'k
TO ImKMI'IRANCE. Uo_.kini wai foaod la Cal&a,:,..,. aud ttk*a lt) ih. Kourth Ward '. ...We .-ultoo W'.e.e be mn* atteaded bf o phv.i.-Utt, > ut (Jied ln U*« courao of tbe atgbt. Tha
lioston, on a pleasure
| >y
-easetl bad
ym-ht Whisper, Capt. Lov*>l|. wbich srrived hero from roceotly
was Jr.
* canietl 1 rsncu "0 81. in a very f |
CF* Tha
tovr, ih led yesterday, on her roturn, ol New niiCa o. She wm accorr panl.-d
ratat, bruwa '<cu«t.drab ^ao's, w.^neo a.>«k8 and eoarsa . sa tfertheb-df hi-i Beaa rtiad-t f**t lo the pl*» renr whieb It wm* t -und. a man wa* *een to eppr laeh tk tbe pocket* of *ott.e mo ey aod otber f'tottrby *Mi h wai> known labela lhaw, *od 0»»o niBOd Tha Ju^ readerod arertik-t al l>e*tb by Pmwatag uadar clrcumita&cesto'.bem unkoowa.
that scme ot the stage dr'.rers along the usper part ol this read *erii u«!y hicder tho can by purposely drtviag acrcrs ibe track. or itopptng upon tt in such aritnn.'r ai to wnk* it almoit itopos-iole to prerect a eo.ltsloo. Tsaierdey, id'ii-r, wnaevWeet nmli-t, rao hii suge upon a car aio a* to stare in ouo of tht pscels. '.'. e cannot la»lieve lh-tt such coiiuot is ian< ti "i*vl by stage proprtitcri, litce tt t, ndi materlally to lr. nre t.ieir tide of a_y new railroad ontroveray. It sooms more ltke w.liul uglinets m the part of drHers. and ih >uld be punl.bed promptly, on every occurreace, by bringtng them bftoro ths Mayor, who wRI soo ustlec done.
I'he cl...rfii!, bappy heea.tiie aelf-aatisfied rountenaute.^he cordiil salutation of brother or lister i ii ail occisionsof address.thel.vely straina of
»i i«e » .< o) M""oB *t ned **tt-'\ whukeri. Ue sii-t. abB. | ttr. J..
held npoa tha b.>l> .»f I la i I ih
SniH-AiiMK Kailroai>.~We learn
wa> Au bbaaaaawa maa tsaed a*aa
~o .t
City Tbnaper* Ivco tent lor the
bebaJ for such purp,«^t. Ta,.. T-ct U eel -e.>o*truo,ed( tt lie baal material*, m«do p*rf**_tly itronr. wiih cleas ssl oomfortabla leata for two thouiaad p-r»-oa. Il ttxm be Iocated. as occaaloa ihall re^ulro, m di_.raol parti c. the Ctry. They pra-po*« to pltch ;t at _nt ls the _¦..*..:_ Ward, ic the atjuare the Ola Brew e-ry, very convet.!ent place tnr ths peop> of tao low er Wards, wbo bave been very greatly n*g | *i tke t-nevo'-at Tfc»se Wards bith need sn I dT*-* a great deai if e?>it in iheir bahah. yet »ery utti. .jn patiiy has b^n expresied. *\ hy would b-A thii Tent bo a ga>od pia. e f. r tao ' >ut door preachlog,' so ^hly commended by tho Ciergy aboat a yoal .-Icce I The Alllatice. wa aro luformed, need $230 K comp'ele the payment ba tne toat, which, wo truat, tiie liberal pecple cf tfc'.s City will soon ,»upply. We an recueivd however, t. say, that u many of oot merrhajts have beea ,-alied upon to gtre m.ney bt the Tent by per-cns cot cnnecttd wl'.h tbe a ieea I M are authorUed lo rece,vo anoney for Ihli ob-ct uc!e-t they havo aiaiaaRala ilgned by tne Trei.doat and Secretary of tiie \iiianc*.
aaee Allianea hsve c-initn-cted a'.loBot Temporjuico raeeIo.»ttctOO»e paru of tbe i;ity wbere iht re aie noC-urrhaat,.r large btlltlc
A N*.w PaoiaiT.'0..'
yet" Ha. »». a-»>m o** ioet * i !. cl-ratn raaa hair. tu »UiUmi4 .' 1 ->l t-.-rnnmr c >in rt wt. ¦»>. woita V r-J.-t. DeOBbf |V"/ t'l'C Sock* . « BBB drcums* uokn..»B to ih. J* -y. ln wnlsg uader
."sham. Itegviar weeily BB tlrcBon.
Dkowmm..Tke Cn
| ¦.. t m laejaaai .».¦ , iaaaa lit, «" v BerthBiaer .mo ... r .1 l>
Dfai. Boaf PavMB in a.v Oirtt Lor..¦ Ytttti dt) moniag Oflaar ib,/ers of tbo tatutk Pef iur.d thn ot * man
tnniy lylog at the edge rf pt. I ot asaznart wator lo an open l.a aear tho
Park, face downward, anl p.itullf ImmersnO mmtCita hfc doti:e.coterf<J wiA mul u if be had drawa hnaseM ibe ground. it was at brst auppoaod tbat tha al-Lg man rsd te^n mu'dered but,** ao tnark* mmtLtam* to prcduce death wero dUcurerable
about hia kotr tha wa* *o.,o arrved at th.t sucb could nh hee. tbecaoo It was .ub^uetrtiy aacirulned that tte uetartoaate mai. . rair.e wM J.,ho Auaour . i;«r B*0, yeari tf age, wboao family realde attho Ct,rt,«r ol Myrtle nxtt I.V .toa *va lt oppmpra ih.| for t.twa incotha paat bo bad beea laborios uoder dlsoasei, .nd thep-e-,;/u,e.ei)icg bo Cot out of h*d *ad waa deted frr.aiithe hou»e, aa la**t«ieof d. la*u^p.^d l.ntm. Dtll/eat *earefl va* oafl* by rho Ismiy. boi no trace tA bim could be found untl. ia*ra yeatordiy b.i wbec hl* body was dMcovurod as above auted. eoBdu.1. a
ABR.C9T OJI THK CHABOT uT Al'D> A Iad tanw-d Paai R_|. D. waa yoetorday hraagbt nttfore Japrlee y,ng, Ut un ettatody rf Coa«t*hie O' toa^ka, ai ¦! r n.c.iiie,) OB tho cha'ge rf aa Ue 30th of havicf la* , aet hre to a stabfe attached to tio oiactaf mlh July '¦. f'a'nuel Os-ju.-ne. e orner ot CoKiosbta aad B*lue *t* Tbe boy u ool more thaa Ll or 11 yeara et ege, aad
anjwid oa the mm*hmtt**thm*Mi bbalhe Uaaar
a Tlftoed match smeng tho hay and thon ran awsy. Hl wbob- abyaaaaeSBBa M havo been to creat*. a *tre an of runnlng with the enirln-**, ( aparil. '|,hu- ta tbeoi tun which nppttar M be und"r th*t excli jon.pri*. lome atve control of boy* uf about his ago. Tne oH.ln < Ibe nomen oi firei In South Hrook'yn sotio months pa ws> p'obaMy owiog to ibe iiie caose that lnduced tb lad to fire Mr. Oabarne's property.
f»>< HTA do^>.rtrn!o Ighl ixvunv.l at tlu* nun
Is'ge <>v. .f KaHic st., jeiter.lay afternoon, botwoen a lasted ber of lahor-rs and and sloop hands, whieh aa bour, darlng which stones, elobe «n1 nther inissitw were freely osed, ai.d many were badly hurt AlUvma not BBI* 9tA tbey mttorrxfA the wb .lo Bel*hb.*b..xi, ****'**4 *-Ho .Urmuted to dlstnrb them uoHI aU *** the a powoof Kirst l»l*tric .ra h.d dl.per.ed, wben ¦folko anacle their appearanee. *
needog ol tlie Domocniti Ctty Csatral Club, Thuridsy evening. the followln CP* At
1'resldont oftcers were elected AnrabMii Verplanflk. Peler Wycki ft, (ieorgo I. Thatchor and David I»ivl Vl«e I'r. ildi-nt*; James M. Seabury, Treasaror; K I Rogeri, Correipoorttng Secretary, and S. li. Cornwel
A Pistbexsed
Tcmuler..Patric. a gen
wiTn a
prococlou* were brouiht ui
Raiko and his son Harn«y, the latter ¦eof abont fourteen years of ago,
charged wlth vioiently aasau'ting a man named Conno .t a nqnor ahop kept bythe fatoer In afyrtioav. Tn aon, it ts all, ged, ibrew a tumbler lo ConoerIta race, ltcu father followed np. t_Dg lt severely, and the Irto tbe stroet, and millctln eha'ced, by borrylogblnbba Justice .ddl'.nnal lt inrles tfjom King tined Rorki tho and Rr., Rw3, dbcbarged boy.
Hodt or an Infant Exhumed..0 af.ernoon the body of an lufaut whs exhume Tburtcny a cellarl in some worlrrrL by'il cx-avating Red Book P inL The Coroner was not
kltig tt.. bed a_d wlll hold aa inqueit. near
do f*. s tm. tt..taaa ;u.
l,H«| Ot,
.kaa utt .'¦". Ti'
11/00 Ob.©**. 'ti..K"k tf. lOCC.I1.!'*.. lat. ^3 iV...
to. d...
ilo. llO M Ene Railroad. rt... .00 uo. -. .... Ki.eC.ut. bai., 11. Hl ;.'" ' 4: .b»lf 1*1 tget in. dn.m*r* i ¦aaaa 8s. n Ma d K*. ¦l.r," H.4. I.i Mt. B.....1. .-:., IJS do. 1... do.S.i l.u.i Nor Ind. R. R. Po l.Mt. d". .» rCtY\\r\.n. R.R. l,i,.i (l«l>-'.i .n.' I ..-.fn 7 |» eaat a<.t.'«. i V n.l k Hud. Caaal aft B.nk Cmmar.* .li" !. it. <>"¦¦¦¦¦ ., So H.n. t.r ll.nk.HKV, Ul) M Fluf.t...* K.vport.... 4"S: **knmraatOflVieA. "J!W..*Srr. K IL-...... do.I. c de .......... W.i*s .» lrtiBMarss .a Tnn. Co..b» 94.f r.sStoa.or^n 01 K.R. 1-', Oo. Bl
...iii. Kn. ln. Ha. ..
Win iM.
, ...
!g t::::::::::: S 5::;:::;::::::
Reoor-lng Reeretary.
lala ReKioney,, f the Third i'olice, foaed a woman aa three imall children ln Amltyit, near Columiiaa. aboat 3 o clock yesterday morning, having been turne eat of one of ibe rookertes ln that viclntty the ovenlr II .a prev.oos Tbey were all taken to oftho Htatlon and the nlght and aecorataodated the remaindor tbe wm rnlog wero sent to tho Poor House. Tho bu aband, wbo llkes rum better than ho does hts family, w, aeat lo the Cotuty .'all for thirty days, aa a vagrant
Nnirs at tha HtarU Kiehnnae.Aoc 20. ...... fl1-. 6a. tA.tttti. K.lua.lwrlaaSCoali SS.Sifll'.S. do.... :i'i tn.. t*.'"¦*» tt, l.oto
Jjn Co."??
IV) l>nu. Coal IVi do. ,80 5rwJtrMI line...
fc;;;;.sa :.-, J«__.p,.«_1in'c<..ICo..-. K
S.i.rr. R. R...14"
Vi,... do.tat
io. KO
it\ I00BW.BWOC.B.R...U.BT
SBCOR. fri.-Con r,i..T! Ml IIn.l I.t Mt. Bd.. I.i 1"-. 4,i.« !(..».!.ng III* ie... ill' l uri.'.r. Coal i'o.. ..t>.». I"1. d... M
.tt.. -.'
Bai* Iad Kit, -.'..
.; l:
premls"*, ptgs koeplng Bvuih Brooklyn, wbich prov*d to be a L-r-at nuftan -et heceighborhood. Justice Klogtiaed htm$10.
WILLIAMSBURCrH ITEMS. Street Improvements..For fivoorsi:
yean pait Tblrd and V ,urth iti have boon ln thesam aafiniabed eonrltlon as at present, In coni«<|uince f lhe fault toutid wiih the awards of Commisstooeri The proeetdii'L'* of opening, gradtng and pavtng bav
beenitayd by an lnjunctlon, and tbe delayi locidont t lagal proceedtngs. Ttnsre was some oppotltlon fror ownois (f property al',ng tbo street, but the itrongO' WM ibat ofthe owners uf tbe rope-walk, sltuatod no* Roiih flecfihd it, and extendlng acroii Tblrd-st, s Barveyed. Tbe tbe present Commlssluoers hare been ii). polii'eal ouriDg last tbiee yean, tnit havo boen re atra ned Irom aetion by lejjal proceediugs They bav Raally agreed np, n th'lr awards, and lt ls probaole thn at tbn first meetlnt- of tbo Common Council their repoi wtll be adopted. On exan-dnarion of the C irmnlssloner's r, report
fsrred to, the followlm; swardi will oo lound :.Reube Wlthtre, tii.750; 8i|ulre» &. Merrltt, ti 400.aseste bark to 1RM).leavliag R.YV); Kitare oi Abrabam Htor.B f.iton, #i«..VK). ai $1,300; Bartlett 8m'tb, *7f'0: Itobert aeued ba<-.k.tUKl-]t!,»i.g $1,900; Peter Mur-ay tl i!3C Johu B Trott, Jr R>0; f 'pbla Bounett, BI..W0. ii aosird baek tfiOO. leavloglRTOO Am>,i Willei, tl 50*asiened ba<-k ifl 8S0.'eaviDg ^-.'.'.O; Paul J Fltb, ti-.'.l Wm U. O Biowu, »lwi, Joaiab Olaekaell i*:i,nw.xt aessed baek tl,(KX>.biaviuir t-'.OO.) Messra Kal-tlotscl aad Reniieii, two ol uie Com.niutnnon, repirt upoi tbe elalm of 8chem«rhorn 61 Bmker, lhat tho beaetit o proporty, adj ining tne rope theln,provementtothii Walk,wbi make np for lands taken, and ropewalk, msch ,
and butldln_s, leaving no c.mpeuiatioD for tbem laery exc ,t tbe benelit to property. Tbe other Comtnts ak.iier, Mr Marli-n, reports tt-'i as damaires for th, ianot tat.-.,, ano * i« lor tbe ilmm .k to rcjewalk aud macblnoiy.ln all l :,l-u lt ramalni t, bnlltilngi, bo ioen whether tbo majority or mlnnrlty repo't l adepted by tbo Coinmnn Council, and wnetber no fm ther 1, iimcilons piev, nt tbe prcgreai of lmprnvemeai Ibe d.'lay of thia loiprajveineut ts not only a detrltioc to tho value ol pioportv on tho stroot. bnt, also Ri proi arty ln niber sectlous ut the city to wtiioh .alrd-it. aa svecne. It Is expectcd that South Koarth-st. wlll also be con forihwnli at its soutbern end. Workmen ai pteud aow niav'iajul ln natliig and fii.iib'n. S mtb Kttth S whl, b cxtebds trom the Kast River lo I'nton-hvenue, dtstar ce of about ono mllo. Wben c im^lotod tt wlll a boau'l/iil itrt-r-t,
property wlll bo muoh euhancod, at Hoo accaleratod.
loaprovenionls along Its
SlVIMlLING..SoiilP Week
cumpMnt was made agalneton.) Jobn M. Wlllla n an a rtarge of procuring a qunn'lty of lumber, iu'.mIs ntei. Ho whi Bf,'.
arreited . f^w jiayt ilnce ln Nea yret* arb, and hu boen broucht to WllliamiSurgii on a requl aiiion fiom feavernor Hunt. Ho waHt-d an ,'\amlo« Boo, and Justice Roawell coiBmlitod hbn toj-ill toawal trlai at the next term of the Court of (J meral ..btiloni
Dispensary. At the special nieetin:
ef the Truitoei held on TbursdHy evening, tbe reilea* Uon if l>r Marcellus wu accepted, anl Dr. tilauvel was appolnted in his place.
Tiie Doincs of Rr»i..A
tbe City Dlipenisry yeilordav irnlng will Karedfacestbleeolnv, nnd with jaih upon tho *ido her She hid .'eon leverely benton her hu* m
htht becansesbe wou'd not jiive bl n eight bbbR thal sbe had, wiih whirh ho doslred lo purchate rum. Dr Uarocasilc droaied ber wound.
A*"*adlt..At about 4 o'cloek yostonlnv
Bergen market ,n-*o were paatlng rui.u t the New-York markeis,thoy were a'taokod by a of juveuilo rowdloa, who ji.uip. ii ,nio their c .ri* and dlacharged thnm of as much fjalt as they could convenlenlly carry «.', and then suf fsred tbe market men to ,,.¦ >a*t. Tbey aro la the hibtt af Ibui attaoking and mbblng theie partioa whenever tbey baa an opportunhy Tho a'tentlnn "f the au tborbies bas been ca! od lo tho exlitenoo of such dokags, and tbey doubtlass will be promptly cbecked. Accidint..Two lmln Bamed Jones and _tmilh f*U from a ptle of lumber, on which ihey wore playtng, aad dangorouiiy lnjured themselvoa, the entire Dornl. ir, aa tbe tbri'i. ,ii tbo eity en
wtighi fallln^
upoa tlie
Cleabjng aaen
Streets..Vexrerdny workwereeogaged tn rtenoving tboobitrustloni.garb-
age, fllih, Ae..from the gutters of tbo dllfdront streeta.
Oa T»*jj*ay M bM ¦> K-. A l.ait, Mr N. KMEK!i>N MKal-l. MwaJia. USklCKIA,. thi*citj Aaiu.t it* ITM. a, lha , Kr». Vt. tthoaujar AM1IWM K D] B 1! .»'.., Mtotl tf a- aw, tiad Bia* ¦ IRV JANK A.,uuljf Umhtfr ol li.» lat.- Ur.Joh.. P.l.*r»*,dt, all a.*. .I .ly SI r* ri.tallr fir»er.*,->a ,oal n'tr. A ». -, Iy R,». Ir»r*rrn, Br JOMB LRRBUB.Sa bra tori C' X >. l.t'l'liA F. AU MT, Ua_|i.t<-.' ul ii. ta Aai- K>i ol l la riu. rplara. At N.»ark \ .1. i. aala W»,n.»-,dai 4a-« IS, Lr Ita*. tlr. Fav Mr CiCOIii.K W. SKWAKI) 1 _. i. S Y tu M .. Jl LIA C Bl >rrl L ia H myliraj. Ks). Al XX r, \ ,<m V\..,»»-,,tv.t*« IHt oat bv R-» P S. Ft*lt. Pn l.t Ri'l ELiSt. Prin,.pal ul i a. W Wialaald Aiatda _.. ta, li caaaa, t* n_,_ro, /.»__. K!*r»d. _^ ' A, Al-iardna.,|., ,-. r- r.t ao.i b, Ret. J. H. Krlai.d. H«» w ii i.iAW Ti.aei y. ,. Iwjrw., M.aakAILoWBKK,ila»i-lrr,.rj.l Li. >!.-,. I erpla.e. .
OBt-a;0th.u.t .THOMASN H. RtBVILLE.m tli. Vtiiyaar af Tl* islantM and :i. ,.i, 0f tke Bratly ar. r'tpe. |MR ,nr.-d ta
I't t|*.
..», .gd i_at..a' So\,-l.
t. B
.m _ia
*nh :B't ¦LE aaaaaaconsuo, atrtti TtirV *.«u**ita.e». and mambe.t ofBaaeoa tuAoa, Bo. .Jf t n"**?*."¦Yf^'-'U 'S»>a tu alt-ad Ut fuaoral '.la.tiat'^ala***''*'* i.. J »*» ****** av.tktatBl-rlar)taae. .
tt. VZlV.x- C***-. tor aowrmast.
tb^M-T&W^! *»****>
"ARY' .¦*
Bia/FA"AJI^^.*l'.Ti* ^orX hK' haiaia****** Fraoc. F_|a.., **"*'*
Tk* frifrd* tW »^^uai»UttcM _f._. r._ B..t.rd,.nii-.*-«r m, gyJ*** '**
6"*» *******'«
<****.'' **'* CATHA ¦¦ tka MB- yaar ul ^i._
j.i^ri.. **-***** *T',,"r.***.*** Tboa*M«. «t..d tia nxaami, few, h.r oi ., w. 3S ,r,i,, me i___.. iJV,2StAjai2__^5S Tlat rtlttiameot IbutnA* ofthe lairh _*..i..i F__.-_.,.«*.-« aao-av -aa-hTag.''«"¦**¦ * will ba tal.B U OrarawooS Ca_a,ur,. C^__/S,li Tho ***"-**-- **k bt at Ta.rt» toevni tt tl 11 u'ckn I. "
tta xxt.taJ
At I..KI, Bat* .n Tkur.dar treoiog, kt*. |<j ct.l«ra,<t M and D. V T. M_r»iI3 M._",i ai.TBIlH8.oari aon'MotC__itia " j»ar. tad 4 ¦:¦¦>. Tk* itarui* ul iut f»».alj, aai \ot men.ltr* ol H tiaan Uutaa u. nn, tu* paktuM ¦aaaaajaBaaM 0. oi*0. .'...__. MwFaaftk l'_,..itak-t BorWtt, I BSS. Mr. Cl.t|.a.)ar*»*_*«¦.,, raquaated to atlaad k* rxitott), froai -ha na.A**t* ot km paraau, Ro. l| t,^ ****Aft*-*ad*k,aM*makaoaXoaemA YJO.»»»., _a_at«-_t-,M k%r R.
kaawa*gCgRiif.KW9*e**i*** Sa_g
ueicf'if* the
Krie !'.. Ii.
"ta tte conpi-s'ive revenne o, tbo and tta lalwtte yraia IMSaad 1*41, roi vr luiircei. n'*i teven, 11 52, from ieneralot aod ".WB-bar. j'tn jraricrn.ica'ttenthe Is*-4* l«Oi. isi.l. hot t. f '«¦-'*> Aa.r i. in a., Datfee. mtt TLflliil 1a\rn Baabal nr and_ 42n.«n 3'<.."> bl lh*lr .t-l'er-.. 67,S» « MMAM 2A0C0 4-,. ......
^_BSTf.!!?«^ii TSX
d<>. ¦in.. inoLoas I.l. It .1
Pmiiadelphia Balki op
37 Pana.
Tbis ha6 liccn
par annum
aent Io
nr>a-k»t froai
wnl illut, -a tt'tr,
Brocn.fVMep, j',4.
»l 500 I'auti.
w*. mav
l If nrtllloos lothrootta Coal Rastera ¦
Oarard Kank r.'n | 70 U .i-n Ba. Prafcrra ti'. BU Bch. Stock, i.i1,, lllki TKsatacky Baak, RR IV Bli 1, I .lii'di. .:. >-. 7 C.m. BM A-nl.-yRR. i.; *9f>« ;. ioi aaa« an. :;.. H.iL I HarrM ars Born. C» al. 1 '. ¦'¦' (."¦« '« « kem.agio* W. M Rh ii s a*v000P*oa. "-,'¦7'.., 11 Paaa Rin lf 111 r.cka*a.|l K.rk. IS. tmt*a4 P -"'.'- 11.770 C)...;.T,d IVI. St.'" -¦,. tljBOO Cara. .mi Arr.lH , H«i'r....i .. ::, i-.1,. 10 Baeh. Baal Ha' l-r-ia-r-il, :v. i 8900 Citl K....'id'-. 77, IO*; f123 Lah.fli Int.. -.1 »3..',<* di. «8, ii. >'-. 'l\ *J0 do., W<; W l niua C.n.' .'¦
,-annn '"
£.«££ _ff,Mtll
B.W 0S L_wa_aaR»t.Tav,*e. 118,9-1--
Yi t H I... ..ti ir-.
ign*m*Ji LdRMBi
Collal'Ill lnbentar-re..
R. v lV..r. II. K .ir.n a*. HO l:«* R. R.'.-''¦, .-.«. d>. do.ben 't.-V, WO liti <i. a .1. luO A. M .«4> do. ". i l.i.Harl-... R. K. do. ).«> '.tr .1. ;n V V. .-. t H 11 R....I1I t.tMaii. dt Ind. R. R.HOlf :..
:* -" l .-.' '. Tofa! b* Tbe protp. r'y rf ih-.- taea tte ratai-ed, unlasstok nf tb* Ittt tteOuuiP-'tl-O .omrlmiarobablarasns't'-; ex.1 ft'.d li f'<r. hat*, bt ven.enil n piOVtded I tha* "a Bl v. tr tl N I '¦ B perted *r.n a balf rn .o t ,.i A ... an tr, t-- ri> up ;. ir,"lar*, itiagidaptos tolocrotsed bniiaeosasd aowianpi
tti ie
S. In.tar.a ll. R
Fmiuy, Auruitei.P, M. of the most excitin)?
f4 Ciji I*
(le, reat:
lewia Afal», Htwlijia, Pehirond. m».t*r flara"! Ai.-ra", Bra.''l.¦ .1*1*1 n, Jaa Htui Btr? B Kuapp, VV .n v% aa, l_*,*..S w .» Slorp* lh.-i.t* HaaJI, Billtr, rr.-a.l*-.*, W. !'. Naa|una,rr*w-, Ta*i.t..n.
b» fan«y OW aad
ratri i> uo, *. -I ll ttl\ I
la ll
l'i' 11
7 .
¦'« »'' ,n'
N*-ii ir A Sona Ra k Y. t.-iur. I'I. .i.l Pro*pe -.,[{..
Rark V
Tbep ,:*.!' *r tho Kive M '
Leaa, s* a rvto of in¬
mochol il.,-dei,'. v .11 b Harrii'tn.r-. ihe .*i." of ite I 0, aiie t.a bM fnr Bay pir' raf lt, ran Uave BSaJS 1 nn posals, awaal .,. car. ot i Cn «rii1re»^_ !. tbete retaryul * Whatavors tteoadonSgMd.antilih, basBawtte wlnrb rtaht to pay Ictn b"!ne»t ofite f tii ia_setotM ofl eoavert, will radaea tbe s tidrien. Intbm s^drriBuif lhe lnar.hold*ra it may 1*0 prirvr to Uafe. tbat the SQthoiitirt of IVortvlvana believad lt va* rlne to tbelioldenofoornebt. la t*.UJO\ -. mtX^ kiow.-i tn th.n, tte ra.trieot thelaw _uthotl_io| ths for-tcuir. aad stfo-d th^m msh ficlliti** in embrad-fl Ita provions ti tl^ preience ut an iwilii.nraii ''.rimm ui'in'r wiuid |lve; anai al«n. at tte same tiose, oabibit ti tlie proip-rooicniiti-n i.f her sSairi. Ci n.ti.ui icstia.nt addr»ito,i to tli** an^eti_i ed, at faonr i II, ,. J. Na w E Ml .' '.r r are nf M Mr-i. Biri'iS II Co,mtMesara.O, r| PeabodyfcGo.wiil__sotpromptatJ< b« J M Cahi «. tentloo t' of Lciss for Su-e ut rennijlvsni*. London, AtR. ¦'), 18BR >,-.. to
f,av iA SO
1,090 iharei:
U a itRtemenl of tho Tli.* Kcadlrp, "H., underhfavy lalei, reacblngto'J,'.!.r>ih'u-e>_; Long in.proved '<,; 1,1 "-0 iharei Hailem lold at si'hlrs of tbo B'tston, Cnc >rd sr.d Montreai Itailrovl : an lii'provemer.t nf 'v, sb lwlcjr ereat firmnesi. B >ndi flrc-i receipts fir Jurae, I 153.1 bP.
in demand. Krle Convertibles and Incomes, all at ¦',; thn"- r.f I-' J alio nelling st par, on tlms. A lot of #.'.00,000 Krle Convertlble*, of l-'lJ, wa* *old and dellvered to-day to Belmont at ShJ. Jersuy /.Inc wa* inactlve. Dsupbln decllned 1 \k, but wa* tirmer afwere
terward. GovernmentStocks werefirm.and Bsnkdtocki contlnued buoyanL The leellng dlsplayed to dny atthe Board will be the lubject cf w >nder to morrow, ai lt was ellclted wholly from lmaplnary clrcumetances.
Tlio doninnd for money was coiniderablti t) dsy, and large amount* of buslness paper have chan<ed binds at 4Mj, tk, and o'j p* cent. for sbort
nieiium ard long date.a. The latter are not taken free¬ ly, whtn the sborter dates**are more freely oftered. fitot k l.oans are easy, at 4 cent at lti there is more yesterdsy's rates, wbkh are readlly given. The shlp plng demand for Breadttufi* contlnuei active, but the lupply li not large, and the rtse ln price and freighls togt-Iber, ton.l to limit lt.
Tho Pacific steamer, which sails
morrow, baa |'M,",(.t>0 en^sged ln gold thl* evening. Tbi* amount ls not so large as was antfclpafid wou'd go forward. The successf i! termlnatlon of the negotlation of the *.-- iiiiilii r. loan to tbe Illlnoii Central Road Company.tlie firat installment of whlch was piild on tbe tb It st., (not the aecond as we printed yesterday,) will supply a fair amount of exebange. Tbe steamer
will take a large supply of Stocks and
Ora«rec6ipri, for Juns, 115].
For *ix monrhi li:r_, enriini Ati.utt I. Fcrslx monthi 1861, cucirg Aiip'ait 1.
Othl. '#17,185
receipta oi'toHs al the Easton offiee, the Delaware DtvM-B ol the Pennsvlvanla Canal, lor
Thf on
the month ol July, amounted to | J2,.'tl'. 13, exclutive of drawbacks. Tbe amount of coal shlpped during the same time was 110,3,.:) tuns.
Tli,' Directori ofthe PRtersonRnd Rum-
apo P.flUroad Company hava declared a dividend of 3 V cent on tbe capital stock of the Company, payable on and after the '20th lontnnt, at the offiee of Ketchum. Rogers Ai P.omeat, No. ..ri Willam st
Tho SuITolk
BfanO-Bcturing Company
bss declared a dividend of 1 |> cent, and the Tremont Mills cf 3 V cent, psyable on tha 2f,lh of Augmt
Thc .senii-ntinuiil Interest on the coupon bonds ofthe Albany Njrthern Railroad, duo SoptemLer 1, wbi be paid on that dsy, at the banklng-bouss of Duncbd, l_herman I Co., ln this City. A rabscription tothe stock of tho Nortlia__pton ar.d Westf.eld Railroad Company has boon
Meearo. Winelow, Laoiar & Co., wld
recelpt* tlian the Ohio and PennaylvantH. It traveraea the most populeu* and prcductlve graln growtng re^lon ln that greal valley. lu 1. eal buslness alone will give it a bandsome support.
The Conveitlble Inome Bonds of the Cleveland and Columbus road, within tbe year 1691, sold at from 10 to U sf cect. below Uie First Mortgsge Bonds of tbat road. At this ttma they are of equal value, the itock commandtrg from 117 to II?. Tbe Obio acd Penniylvania road li now completed and in operatlcn from lltti'jurgh to W'ooiter, 133 mllei. The reildueol the line, 54 mllei.Jto tho Clevelai.d road and Wheelin,; road, wl'l bo completed withla a ibort time the gra.ilng and bridglng b-tlng nearly ready and the ralli on tbe ground. Tnii will be the cearest and most direct route from New-York, by Phil¬ adelphla, lltUburgh and Columbus, to ClnclnnaB and h=t. l.ouli. W e are adviied tbat the net receipti of tbe Ohlo and Penniylvania road, in in uncotnpleted lituation, psys T a> cent. lnterest on the cost of tbat pi rti -n of It. Tbe BrtUfontalne and Indiana and Indlanapolis and Bellfontaine roadi will be completed by the lit etttmrnt aiy next; the formoroonntcti with the Ohlo and P-an lylvaiils road at Crestline. Tbe Torre liaute and In¬ dlanapolis road la oow completed, an.l doing a large buslness. By tbe lst of Api 11 ne>:t there srlll be a contlnuous llne of rsilways from New York, by I'hiladel' pb'a and Piltsburgb, to Terre liaute, ln Indiana, UO
now an a
from the Kxtcutive of tbe Siate of Pennsylvaola, ln Loodon, has addro**ed the followtng letter to the loan
$ 11)0,000
f l",,t 'X).
The Puris Monilcur furnislics the folowlng itfitiitlcsl Informatlon touchlng the notslllc cur.
rency .f France during a period of fiftyiix years, from I7M.tho dsteat wbich colnage, arcordlng to the deci mal lyiteni, to January, l-j.'. Tnu lnformatlo'i ls intereiting, Bl tho present mom«nt, when the eoppsr eolnage of the country ls undergolng com plete renovatlon, wlth lmportant changes preioribod by the recer.t law ; and tho gold and silver ourreney ii being renewed ln order to imprets upon a n jUi,lc por¬ tion of It tho effigy of the relgcing Prlnce. The total amount of mor.ny, of all denomlnati int, c, inedln from 1710 tn December 31, l->l,h_s b.en 6.1O1,_O0,4R| franci, gold, illvor and BOppea, In ln the following proporllons
Rr | Rntiali i)
IRON.V'tors Scoich I' 'g..>!d st -l v\ tl mon'.hs. Tho 500 bh'a. Splrits TurpyB. I are sUady: -." bbls North CouftT lloti-'h I'urtm. i Id Bl 1". fof ^V'i). .r. ; V ii bbl*. Bl ' bls. Kine 0 ti.r Nortli ('. al--. 84 7.V iO turces sold at $5a 95 25. Tho RICI | St.'CK It h COFFKR israihireiwier; l,.>e bagt Kxt aold at SHle ''c. bro l.sgtiayra at Bi*.; S 0 tnt n' aecttoa, -/"''' sl imI. Hinl 20<> Martcsb.. kl St H .i "¦.'. ll i n.a.--.
NAVAl ! 01
Bl'UARB arasteady; IfiOl tdi Moaovada 8oldat4;* i I'.rowu Hsvai « «. ftli' ASB1 I Bre -i'tn 7'. Ii.ids. Mus»vado sjld at Ma, and a lew Clay-ii at II -i H-. I.IMK-lr.eniaiketiii.ot loschve \roft bbl*. oommon atfl 25. sold at $1 I,'"i..>ii-t LATII-" ste mat$2 11,0 ;' .-harg-dbands.
Do'lars. ZW.ll.'I.CU 72
biUti.4,l4S,-l«.ri,2 83l,8i2,l-3 194 54,000,008 10,Ma,00t f,,i" ,J<*,tii 1,140,941,4.1 Some bfteen tnllltoni ol franci of the copper coio ha-c, durlpg tfce abc e period, diiapp-'ared lrora a_8 currancy. Ten mlllloni wortb have been melted up for the csitincof sannon. The amount artially remslialng ln circulation at tho eommencement of the preaent ye»r ls eitimatfd at ;.".l,_".¦.',_;4 fraucs, (t)7,3'. :.,.¦..<. ]-.'). Copper.
A new 15ank is ubout heing eatablished Ic Oiwego, to ke called the Uerehanta aad Mechani.i' Fank. It ls tobe under tl.e macagem.nt of Israel Smitk, Preiident, and E. T Lathrop, Cashier.
A siilo of SlD.UUl). in Boodl of tlie Erie snd Kalamazoo Kallroad Company, gnaranteed by tha Boulhem
day at'.".
Company, was
made to-
aWTti.. park.l -hip Tl*-r,n-', rr, f,,r Loadoo, wat tnwc i to Ui* S. \V ?i.ii, by tlie tteam ti.. Ai-lnllet, wl, .rs tbeandiored.
By Telearnph.
B',i<T0N. An|. 20. Arr. »hip. ur.-.-o, ml Town«enl, C*l>-utt«; ab.p M,ant|oii..ry, Pn.-'tm «thj la.irkt Rrunett*,, N. G. 11 '.. la:.. rn. P.rt.M l.l.-iD1, Natiiani-I lllak., Huant, Selah, Pliiladr'plai*; bri|t ttaiaxti, l <v* Hiita.i,, CaiMBO, S«n Juaiij J.iu.i-t, Peasaralai Ceabroos, Anfolr,; Civiha., Bataaioro.) R* n bow Pl.iiaa'elplntaailir. Kur-k.i. I'ort tn Prin.H llhinat. ,. K. \\ Pactsr, ,'or Pbibd.lphil oth iaH; !',,*, for Bm ,)r!*,,n» Btrf. Irom N.w-Vork. Also arr. ta hr*. Glida, Albaay; Or»nil>- Mat.. NVw Vork. ;- S., lantnni.New Orleanl; Clllend.r, Ao.; bark Wautalm, Ci,,.* BBW OIU.KA8S. A | lS-Arr. «lnp Partli-aon, Bo«ton. new
[From oi'r C'.rra.pon Ient ] PHILADELPHIA, \ t rrriotd-t tta. V.rra.t, Wniht -, 't ia, pr.,*.iea.., A. M. City Baad Cat IID, km, BwtO, A ^nii|hr, Hsik.ll, Cslsi*) Nelton, li'ip|er, .\ Suar'.l R. ,1, Bot'oaj i'trk Hor«.e, -,do;W. A l>r.w. l).-n in*. <lo «a-lar. lt»porter (ir».n. !o Cleared .8t*»m»bi| Keaiwbac, Clark, N*-w york; th,p Jata, Monro., San pnM '-"a bri|* Aleaia, BasfceO, I'ortlaud W. A. DoDaiai, R.wton Th..m». t f'ward. _in*ll*y. do.; Arra BU. B.r, d. Mary H, ClOW.ll. iai S M-irll. B«*na, da, t. Ura. Wil-not. Br.) Ro»_, Hilifat. S t.i Mail, Cobb Pra.iii.ietowu ( J. M. Clay,oaa, R. «, Hrwum R. I.. Say, Cain, Surtli C«-t_ien, Cnll'P, Providea -. ?»rali M.aire, Ptrl Pall-ij ¦i.*|e, Ftnior A,B-ll. Bo'ton ; S. H. N, k«r-on. N'nkerton, o N. H --, (,...:..->-. B.WafOti WartweB,, Boatau. l)Nii»l.-r*. \r. II Ii i n.imi- i',. aaaeeepet loH ttt*hotti -la *. i.r. Nitl.aa ¦ norUd, wu Wtt. Siar..,*, ol Btltimor., wlio boaoli oi bi* baalta. Tat Iflin L.or» -rhaaan-r, I.i.r. taporlai »-!.or* on 8*MtM_ i.i-.i'.. r a.'i H.
R.-.-l. haa «..t .,#,
towed laan
Baa-,.n, pi-
supply war.t of fortbo nRRR-ML '* Tbe rup;,ly taBBpottJag ef Coal from lhe LeLIgh rcgion (deductlrg the two days for which the are made up afctadof latt's r, ;¦ n) Is sblpmenta about tho same as lait year. Tha Deliwaro ind Hcdion Company and the lenntylvacta C. mpany wiil uot ircrese, we learn, over 100.000 tuns this year.tbo inorraae la lait re^lon so far Is 1*9.271 tnns. Thl* roakea but a sraa 1] incroaso so far,
Thomaa.W. H Daebart, W. I. ,.. J .!.,._¦ |v,i. .... j Ii W.iiu .i.l) s. I.... .!...«, p. R. Baed.8. Ryder.S I Br*M,i M.-¦ .'-,.3 H J.,r;f.,I..H,v,,. K I ,.' .1 Bl .ti tl.« .'.nertp.
Cn i n«.-n Arrived F,pr.t fr m Matnn :«i-Fran. i* wifa and fow a, J.n-M Ro.r. ar. J_iui«, oaatro, liao. L. Tlio. ' Bnnkertti.fl Beaaw, W'''''"" ** ********* t B. Marsch-, l B /
¦lai.mi .«...-.r, , ilT It San..6 4^ Biaa ..r.t.raia i.t. _...__.. Santfr Hook-0 H-rn Go. lalaad... .<) -,-ai Hall
I>.n.-I r*~ SorO.ero L.t'-C T.-.i laps gh, S.n Jn.a, n. 8. Allan; Lirarpool, I K. Cil.n. * Ca, lihno,.. Hinn«a, Atti.nwall.H. i» Bohwtti Wm Pmn, Sean. Naw Urleaoi. E !Jn M, M.nn. Ciarla.ton, Matllor A V.ii .1 C<i-; ,.<'' Hit"0"nA. «"""-B".J-W. tlwWIBCo.; Imaeam L k'^ "{_.*"'. 8* . t.-r'.ard,ni. H.tana. A. B..ttatx.b, Hoter 1, 2 Gr...old; A,.t,.U, Bdward. l.a.on.h.ra Uverp^l. WmommTk Sar.h Ia ;.,*, H-.leraea, QMBOC, roa.iar. B.'ka-I ,»r«ir, Br.) H.rry.ti *bsc, BdaaaelM Bro. *** Bh 'u"lo,. BrM' a...Ha«,n,K.oOraaJ-,Ba.oaft Brn. Anu, (Br Doi.glaai, Hait.and. N. S J 8 Wi..,_» C., -. JcMBta, touag, st K.tu. 1. w. a Co i**Y, v Bath. tnaat.r; Angn.u. Stone, S.T.naab.Sldr|-...cia«rH_._; * r B.y (Br.) HWM,, H. I) Br ' row',.' (Br.) H.,ln»e.,CorBwa:i,.,T. L. * D. R. U. W.l( a.*ooa.r.-AJ,eat, li..B«i. Jack.oav.lle, aiaalar H.daa R.n»k H.t.i. (arat* A.lcrra; Inaiabam. Hario'r I,k. V Pacmr fty.
fi,..n.pi,B Zmdt
"luf .oirnoilTm*mmti.
..j, Bssbbbbbb.JaBMeaaaaZLJI aajtatawiJataPhma, llugkaa, Jabaaoa. k.,,.!. B.wbora. B.tatnaa A R ,ii7n.m Cl au, k^,, wlbiibriti. w hcKm; CiaaSS?tk? tu. johr. i, b taatomk c* ciL
J. W
aa,B. L B.Crvd, a Co,
laaw.^,,BSSSSfaK B^/,,^^ J
k. l-'tl. in-'..
1 rtpre- il |a laf, wt!, ptitl t .«..!«,ai. k.d di .. ui-n it. was t-i. I).iina>. -J-. at WeMil, t Tlut ia known to belor* tonyttkintcbr. bark lu* ta.ol' and fro,. I:, itoa July SO, lor Smrrra I. ., a a r.iy coounaa aiiteot any terwu iriary w tb. A aoaan
To M
lor a<>7.n a-'.
L B t,nrVi\ H .
y ,p, .*
«ba* j.^
«... /. .ad .Id p.... t.
j^, 7J
>L.b*rknrhatCh**t,IMw.aHtoM Hm Sa... ..ra,f, r.v.4',04 M
..r al
Berth i»)i I .
B >w.
legl. ,n MU ult »r ir. *._.,!, I.,w,., bS BuMoaa^a, v . V-t akaal ...,], Pailaa ; HagaatMOok, FairaaaAa aad A'hu. Gragory, t,n-tn. Ual,ik- i.. n. T-. .. k.... i., a.f Hagiii tle Nrt. V, r», ,.. Bat.c. H. BSyaah, aad Lu. .ada. h.ll! -.,., fk.wj.| *' '' B..ny,n. !«.. ,!.,... I^,>w,n. * vt ,v .,,k, |. ., k At
h ..
f«. %r» y,... Sid. u.J«t..b.rl Ju. O.l.vv,;,.
lt ta
neira ¦-.'. u,.t.
u .
".'.li in.t, h..l G-, -| N.wport Kng .rHIoal'
|^,hora. tv i,r, Wiawrll, (ut BioJa,
l.iu.!.ay,»,pe. v.l I t...
to go m
H'.ahar, .n.l Borraaa. Ii rtf.tpjiy
Om \ « fotk Omttpi Haa Tort S^iit. i, Vm ir.t.c^^,^ A-Vr«..-t«. trg ,Ml ir.-t.,b»-k Hauazaa, S'.aarw, aw B.«uia hy* A Mh ult ,rk'... Il.k.ry Hwi-I f, r B.a tork ¦k<> t I--I II Ba t tbout July 17, .krp Tr .p.-,S-:n0>.rm. 8« Toik Bayt) .< ,,, ui.Kayiaa, _brB*aPra» ojbarkil I. ... .. | V ¦.._-. i; . |... *,,. S'.i ...... AafiawaK, Vaty B.y, .i.t, bng Pawa, Ja.ilb.Ce*.', I,.!i.|J..r li.t-n 8ld. fo i-i St. Clty, .'¦ Ik '.X, Br. k.4 Two,, Jakg. ,011. B>.-t..n. vi ,u Platt. al.aut id in*i hr ...hall,. f.r S,-w Vnrk tui. At K.rg.t i,J. ,.id u'.t.,iirk C.lik.rtt.a, Slater, ffoni Bilbnaoit. ' * trr. I.i ... a Co ¦¦--. w ..I.i'.r, Coa mat, tot * ,,r ... -ion Sept. A.
A'Siiualatiranda. 4th nut.. h.tkt K.i-oraia, Pope. for Natr. Voikrio.Tt; Bary,, '... !,t.,: B'.oa.a. Ii...|.»| IA ¦ u, s c.,..^. a, I day*i 8a*aaCa Haaaaaula.iad ¦', . I k Pahaai Park. n.w Tark. A' .-. BB h.rk I II Jturgaa, Atery, tot Nr« yorl idg. brig Mo.itrnae, Allen. il.«g Arr a' Sa Sd in.t l'l AB0f*8, Battta, W.w York-ith, bsrfc Bvsa, Holtnts Bsbnaoreva Mf *a**a. lld. J.Tb.Br t.r-4 Viiiag. Bai.e. Ph.'a.ia.pkia. Air atHavaaa.M t.«t ,h.,rk Hary Taiaay, H ».« w.w Origa.. (au.l ...k.l Mh tot N^» Yo.k 7t.i... i.r K...T S.|..r, B.w Mh.b.rk M.llaud.n, B.tter. t. Olfoaasi bn. r. Vk.1. *a,,u, Wi, I'lh.b.'k IkSSkllk J. B'i.l". tni. PkiHIftph'Sl IMh.Kkt tagka 1 VV 'n .«,(.. ey. I.y... (Can.u ckl. BO dall, kr.gCirtika., N Vork..ld Hl. ba'l Cb..»i»-»kr I' Pii.i.da.ati»i A liar.l. Bl.'-Ii.rd B.-I...I Ith. ..4 ilUton, P».r», m i<rt ISlh, um. *ih. *ht Crnaka, Cabaaaa, (1. abo rsaulttd .i.u..V,t» t.rlr.l.. |.'..'i I ¦08*88, I^rt. lo' B...U.n. S.r.h Ana, r»nr|. -h barts K'r.lril, J Bi.n. HSS koai,forB«a Foa* .""th. Milla..i... Badbr,¦*Bew-Orlaea*«a« ..,.,1 ieil.w. Klli. tt,.n.l Parana, B»tt«, unt-. bng V. Soule, Sadk, -
U.i Nen Orle.n..
inaon. N. C arr llthi achf Chariss A H.H»r, M.u..a. froa arr. «d. wtg Il.nm.rk «rr li Irom K.w Tork, aai raa Ain .ra Tarr, Porfiadj .ailr.l li'i. lor N.w ,.r'r:,r :;.,vv l-arra'rr, Gilkiy. J... S',1 Mh, bark Bruaette, Baah. Bo.ton IBth PI,.!li|...CI Arr. »t c.r.i..... 8b, brig Shawniut, lt»bin.«a, Sew Yoik Dtk. Finm* r. I'lia... Cniaiid Air. al M.nrl 41), in-t l.rgl,. ra. P.nllatno. Hataaa. :. .., t.. ,\.v J.a. t. AtBahBey (aot Rm.. Key,Tark* 1,1.1... » Wal.h I-¦ I bai ...lii, i.l-.f wil, r-w . ir e |b* -ri, i... .lay nut,) iil.r. Kl nhHb. P.iu.ty, .or Kirg.,i,ld|, Arr. st *t. Inha*. N F kH| Kag.y*, Cnnmint, In.ui Boaisa. > iy- .. hr BbBB, M. Rae. N.w Vork, II. Bnt... I'.ila. e plna; wkr l>iau>, f Arr. nt I.. '.'¦-. .ngCam.lla. CampbeP, BaH.aiora tl.. i- ti**, Pr,.,..,.,., i,,,., 11 ..,, Arr .1 Harbor (iraca, N. P., Ll io.U, bng l.raybvua.l, TutkaT. New Ynrk. .i i'.-h ir«t .te.mer A'h.rro... K-trn.y, S.i'r.i ir..n. I' Bat.1 ... hr-. n.ri-h ') *.n. Pro. Brhaoad; M iry J,a», Oali.nt lieme; iltli.Ja.per. BaakS, Na» Y..rk,.ia Btrnaatoe. l'tl.. In i- v 1.1. na. a**l*a. Ba ka.I I «... n.l.-. H.mdtot. aad A.neriia, H. too, liant*] ..'.'. .pid.ln.well, 1.1 CH. illk, vbra. NBt»t'....ti.ll<n.l Packet, W00.I111, Ui*ton ith, s. I'.rnph.ll, t) Bn«, BB, I'l.i'.il.lpliia Arr. .t St Ji.lm. N. B. Utl. nit., thip K-npir* S'.ta, tm%m\ tam totk t taht. M.ryJita, K «tn. K,..t.a, l7Ui,.r.g.0harhlia Rrr,'. K..,.! Baa-Tort VJ.r .,j., I, I ,vlor,do bng. Cbattooa, ... Kl l-r, Pl,..».l-.'i_l.a lekt. Jolmnin. Key VVe.t R,, ... toais* Bi.'.t. II..-.. n 1'l.i. |.'l.,.,hr. Paarl, Ht I .e.n, Bo.l08| l-.tb, »l.j> A.tracan,Si.iitl., l.onrfon. ,
l)onn-atic I'orta. AI.BANY, A.ll .1'. l'l. '.hr,. I«n». M.r.itt,, New t*2 S niniil, I....II, BoMon Alnaay, Hi«(ge-, R..'..n, I'.naa,, Pt.itide.ii . Ben Brown, lt h.r..., I'.o.mrn. .. AI'OISTA, A... 11 Arr -.i.r. HaanstU. Sua>'..n»U, Baw.. H B*a- Yo.k. Toik. BU. I'tli.nthr. H.nrri'.. AIK\VM>RIA, Au*. lS-Arr. -I..p Kllar.lie, Bia.., H*wmn, Kniai.d; !..rk Amplnt.ite,-, Callao arhfS Kur... ... Tr.fctkai, ll.i.l.n Volant, l)-boru, Nrw York. Sid. «,!tr. Corto, CaaW, New Ymk. BOdTOM, Aug. 19 Arr ahia >>. e.n 1/ i.#n, Hatk.wa, I ...rporj, ...i, 11 ,gl.., Rnpa., Ma...:lt, I0A0, I'.....-, BaKia***| trg ttgm. Fbai. | WhSB l.rt.a-i"n, Br.wn, ro., Maniw, KeaSBbaa, N..ksr...n. Ir. v: R.t htrd Cbsaa*B Albany. Cld baik* D. 9. ( Harrnn.n. .Sa.r.port, I»av. Br ,) D.ll. P»Ann, SmiUi, CbarM88| ti.ii- Typ.e, lnrk.n, VV 1, :...r Tiken, Pnnra. >. l,r. |..depenlen. .. Ili.llry, Am Ciym toa -. Gr.y.Sb.rp, Alm.raT .'.,..», <_'«... aadlaB* An. (lark, I'h ..'-III..., Andrew Brown, Allen. A.O-ay Mt B.y SU'r. El.a I..4. UgaBB, N>p»!e..n. A.t ntna b.r.r. raro. Wi'li.m, de.tinatiori iiiikm wn. Kr g Carnliua A. Wwa, VV '. -nppoted l'l r Phlladelli...!. «.i!ed y.-terdiy. BAI.1lMt.HI.Aul "hr,. A Kdward., Cr.»gk«g, Naa York. GbaM ip B.rk Oi I '.rr-n. Hamm.r. hafi.r. r»go^d, tram CL! B*8B Kinrr... I.I.. ( tf r VA .llef. I*.d a an** Kr.n... ....e. Vo.nig. Sl. J..I.1- i' R. B K Ile- '. 1. V.w, \\ r.t ...J.r. R. c.r,.r. Co. '., 11 a .. hr. Trn», Tuai, Fl.tC rrrl ridge C.,|,»>.'t, T.,l,.y, Robaawl B.iro*.. Saaoatf. L..rd Jn i-ii, N.w York J..I111 S Sl.r.tei.Ctm Dublon. BltFABT, lM. It Arr r.g Or. rgi.n., b.k br^t, Baaaor, ISth brigO.o Maralall, llort.n, kait Ortoaa.ColbalB. Bs* Fi t '¦¦ l-tl. ..l.r. Mslabar.Ccttrrll, Plnladelphiai btig 0«rg*M.i..icl.r..t( Prot i.leiii .. BATH Au| 17-Arr. arlir., Paig', Potoo».-.Va Cld. IM 1, hrg Hiotiranile.Tarbof, Pi. tou. B.VM.11K, Aug A-g...-, Waldoh-n.' T.rwttky Crothy htwemi, taa Y.rk, lebr M. <.r.g..y, (of Ro-klaad,) .. d... (M lab. aika IBaaar. PsMa Msawirfsa BBISTOt. A g. 17-Arr. .. br K'.a JubuM*. Lyoaa, riula.j doae v.ti-t. Dava, s<.ii,rr-ei ma taa Y..rk. Bl \y RI.Y, Aug. I4-Arr Kha. BrookaviD*. liott, Pbiladalsk*. CHARI.KSTON, Aaa l» A.r srbr l>. B W.rnef Hiravl, N.w Y..k Cld l.trk Noutalle Amal.a, Pr ,) liilliat, Bou.a; b*g W..i., Nrw Y...k vv.m la ««a, bark Ja»p«r, Baaaat, Haaea, N»w Ynrk brig, l.anr. .«, Pi.ila. DANVKIlS- Arr. llth, .,kr. «... Taylor. Naw Ynrk Mtb.uli/. Patriot, rto. M'.BII.K, A.ia >1 Arr. achr. Kr.ima Nortoa, W.tittt, P«*k
Whalera. ¦
.'¦¦¦. Iaa a.J.-in. !.b»rk Allr.I [y'.-r, I.n,.-, ,.
ru.l ;oi liis A. '.
P. ..-r.-ot, i.r Pa.,-'., w
Eu^artowu, lor Hon.
__e. boat IfettU.r.n || H.-hlaaJt ot" Wevertink heanri N «_. ai-a.iaa diaUat, bark VVii_aoi Harns, _4 dayt trom bi.i'.-.ian lor Boat tn. J ly ii.lau 3u,lon. «t,br:| Brothert; bound to, 1>5 days A 1.4 lat. M M.lon BJ .< kr. Ouo. M. RoUrtaon, M dayt fm. Bai-mai'le lur Polto h» o. 15, Au| r, B| »3 sj, ],,n. -M i3i .L,p g.pi,^,!, | Ogm. fa (,,. Qt ittt* ibr l.i-bon. Anf 7. lit. 87 H, Ion. 70 40, br.« from San Juan, Cuba. fal Botton, Cook manar.)Cirolio., (probably A |. 11, ait Hattrra*. w»a teen b.a| VVatbinfton. bo'inal aa.rtli. A i 13. lat. ja. Ion. .* IU, bark Bary, (of Batli) from N*w i.,. f(Jr Baabac Aaa. '«. lat ¦ 40, lo..73 40,br^rUra, il days from Mobil. for Botton. tao oil.. er* tad two ol th* craw *u k-wiabed to be r*p,rt*d k I lt., lat. 40, Ion. te, ah.p Medenuak, Hukey, fr.m Brwu.o for N*w Yort. Auf. 15, lat. S-,Io_.74, nhr. K .rakfk Aan, froai Itluraor. for Chaira*. J'.lj M, lat. J.', Ion. 'Ht, bri| R*dau«, R*»aa*.fm. Norfolk for D»m erara. A I 14, lat. 31, loa. tii 15, thip I.-itas, Irom Pb.'_.Jeldl_a lor New Orleanl.
Forelsa Porta.
Arr at Anf 4, Taaiet. Stow., frow Loodon for Boatoa; ith. ii.i.'ir i Hud*on, Warn.r, N.w Tork (aod *ld. fur lAjuJot) ,i_ P.rtlind July tn, AtaThor, from Mambari for Saa f.ancit.-o. Arr. at Portamouth Aug. 3.Coro.bu* Onoaoll, rtttcbw, Lundoa (aad tld. lor Naw Tork.) <)<f DuDiaaaas* J_ry .7, Ueleoe, Vokkmaa, from RtBB-BI fvr B.w Tork. or T.rtay Acg. 3, Dalia BUna, ilsrl«i#b, trva Uuiva foi Not*
larfc. _
BBW t.KI.PANS.A.ig. i;- Cld. th.p A.Mand.Beua.,.1. Aataaa; .¦l.r. P M.», |Virr.,n.Sin J'.aode Ni. iragna Arr. Haa* rhip Daniel Weh.ter, Grall'am, San J.iaa. B.rk Olibs, from R10. lDlli.Cl.l tjuran V.ttnrta.Turiirr. Hull,ta.| C..r.iu«at,C.,gg.n», B0-1V. Arr. Sw.L.h bark U,.laa,..*, ll. ir ;,,,.. m brg M.ry BBsabath, M, oD.i.ll. II...... akia. A. N MtK.y, 1. . ... II.-. Vaae-mal..,lir. J --'.... I*..- .ai r ra. \rral v.'wt ki., A'.g. is-sid. Mh*. st-i.ii.1, Pkaaaaaa,BssssaM .Ma
Va. A. K. H.y, h.lhiu., a. hit..:l. Pa. S..l«d thr*. L< ngl.ry,Pi,i!..jr'ii ,. Grai d'a, Laraw.B**Ba Bi.HHiI.K.Aug |H-Arr. bria laaed* 'Br M. l»-.g.'. '«* Ynrk.(.rr,...i 1..-..i.t achf Kbasdaa*.BaaaaBl. taatakmk li '..u Ro.O.-Sh.p Hoa. Pl.alO.. from City PoiaUkoaadt* I.i-erp..|; Ing. Ntr.ry I'lm-tr.). Brnwn, .ro» B**b*Wy*Bt ***** I., Kaltinorr Jnbn A. ta.i .-l.r, GlBbM, from lA.lniiagu.a, 9. C.» bo'....l to B...'..o, put in 01 .., .-:. ¦¦. Ib*. r-t*. MW BBDFuBD.Aw. ISlh, mh** kasBOBBWA War»>.*a; Bb
levaauil ra r.t r;rLr..Capt Arn-t, of Ibe or Bart. iir, ht. i'iriii», tba l.low.tag eitra, t irom lua lag, 'ar.|Ma iivin* an arrount :.,.,. a new |bc 1.0 tb. IS, ¦.-, at A I "I., whi'e ia Ite fiali Streain in the Bay of Mejuro, in lat. -J7 N t ,i od obwrvatioa, loa. H 10 W., by tart raafcsa 111, -<! ir 11 fath.'na. wa'er, hard b-ttorn, lar.a . -. and HbOil petrl ro. k apj^a between them. VV ,.u lbi I. was Lau'».| in, pearl ro '* i:.d r.|,n,e wa* baa I a*., kin| to it. lii»'alaik, I tbank, I* aapl.alt ,m, wbi, li would not *t.a k to tbe ¦I i* only abeat a r-iarter <t a ii.'a w. I-Irom .-a.t-.. weat.b'.i .- boow Inni i., r-h t. aj.aith. I rr.i-«e.l thia thoal twi,e b»-..,e. t t-. arwaat l-a, r.-a. h ttm Ilia-, t'.i.a 1 hadi|(Mi,k<tbo '*itel only sbout on. m I. per l.i.'ir. ». tl.. lu weatlaer and clear wat^r. I bad a fair w*w of ui I Mm in I'. pe. thit oai a»> tur.eyaart wil] tunef Ibis ibaalproforlr, witb a good chroaoBotoraa board, aa a-. ¦ aatka earraci baatod., ILer» may be laat watar»a tb, than aba a. Nalad, a* I ooly aound.d at I cro-t*'. My latit, le aai| orra.t, . t Bisbiera aeiea I W. ayB. fmw tbe loatbtnat Paso, ] sj.ian.led in 40'ailafciM, a ro. ky bot-,,m Not more tian ¦ .juarler ,,i a l .1- iron. thm I four..!? falhoa .. witk !.!«« m-id botto,... Iaa*. Aaxai.
bCt L?i*ry^ftr ht tfonlc-.uma, Jrom Ve'ntrart.Mtl.
Rtlej, C. P. Etau,, ivuntut.fTom grtmen-Mr Mr Csrtoll. Shrlkay, ln l 'nu Jnn. frem Ctttt.k. Al'ieblon. In ln/ | ir, umut, /-.., Tork, li'amJ-D.un.aCulir
w r.
ia New llf.llord oiithirt-.-u-..¦ ^ anl ratebi aft. a. foi %! P ,.,..,, 1.100; Mutiltl M* * riaa .-oa.! BediorJ l '..nii_.-r. .al. y :.'*. Iiarae anUriiliit ara r^al. n*aV*va_ yfaret llt'at.l **y it it pr«l-al.l* tkat tht ttnryof th. I--..I the ahip M.a1'..,.'.i.,- iaa pi -" a,^u,,i Mm» writai 1 Ihat paper, .. we learn . i»nt'._.aa ... aeaaaiatM at ValpM v. . . > tonitt -., ai t it nut, H we aiui-rattnd k n triihi. ii iti ititiswnti ita tn *rs ia.1 el .-rl » iti Bbm A Bi tnaaia, B >¦ A 'nr B, Wn, :,m.Hi<.aia,ini»tiiti|oi.t I I. IM 't wii !., w..,. ¦,.,,. r, i- . -r .ntra.u-e, bat waa |.,t witk aow. tellculty, a_d,t»k*n to a «ar- an.-l.-rtie il ad. Dn th* m .rn nt .,r :.< Ith. .n.-an ..-. sha w»nt a.^ >|au, wtMOIO. ._. port -en, I tfsairtO btt r*,*l, mbt itllait * w ll oi" dtn'ate, t.,t aaia lai'; '..« tiieu pr... .*-!*« on -r t.jyai-. li Bpssisb thip Aiab.Ua. ia isttmf to «*t oottellth iasL,a, j i . Sioataal 1 .'. n.ilaa t. irom the Moro Ca* l'e ; tn matiii t'|i.*l* 11 dittrsts. tl.e wa* atxtro ate_ !,y tbe,-a. ttm ,1 th* p'.rt. who w, -it to h.- a.i w.-h a ttea-.j-r ahe laad kaot nt' re .y tteforreol tbo ta era BttbaviagbMO nh To »nsl. e he, to I,.'.
...|in| part ol h.r .!e. k JJJ.,1, anl wia liarl -r. :..r- ».n ..l -aa. l.y tw aa We lia»>- bean nnabla to atcertain her
Bvsaaiait Dtmt Wiaavaa, *-. ttm Ortea* !r..m S»n Jaaa, r. ¦ortsBattb., CssUs.of Bostoa, was stockRstoa taa Btr, ,; * wiad wl lit -lo- Mal all »«.!.< «et. Baw V nasov, from Curritoek, mttara th. woal t-lmre about tUruo WMkaaiaco, bas a, sSaiHoribla. V\ Bai t-*ir i.a a a, >. ..I N.w R-I 'ral, wreefcO- .','h Jan. on areeT ait Patt 1- a|>a,l ibtp ol ,7o tunt,aad W8S inturedat 0* SS
ii ail ai' walcr.
lat rotraal. arr ., Ii.oper I. lor. r'aporte.1 atli.^ * on Br.,*....'-. Ilr.i. i. M I' .1*. i' rrnni ol IM, mal., aittr takat ort .,1 lier'.t Inii.b.ri anl |l ; Y M wa« olf Port A lamt in low of two *n all boata, i. ni ig ial, Not*i n. S!,. waa .11 oi *..w. ii» J i<-> v. i.x, rd, i"",.i Wiltuiaitoa, k.ard Im
alta-f di.a
to -
bolder* of the Stato of l'ennsylvanla The tu.deiBgo«d, duly ap;.rii,t«d and coramisiioBed by not exceeding l.r,0 ytu_s fr, m al] tho regtoni s.ainit the auihoriiiti of theStaiacf 1'ennsylvaula, a I'oi-.nnuaian- an Inereaio ol upward of C.-O.uOO tuni to lha lume peri¬ od"lait year. rr of Loam for aaid State, sespectfully annoances to th* The Delaware and Uudson Company, wo learn, koldtr* of tbe loan* creattd by har lawa, his arrival in this bave sold every tun of Co_l tbey aan deliirar this year, lawful to wtth all ao pow*r. ne^otiato axehange of any so that they ar_ cut oi the mar|«t Tne C.ty, Pennsylranla of th* exiauag obiifsuou* of tbo Btata. and conclud* b*w Ccal bave also sold all their prepared Companya imall Coal, oan* for . p«nod aot exueedibg tbirty-fivs yaars, at a ra'e of atid have ot >oly portion lump for iale, of thia lateirit not more i.'ian 1 per cent. i>er annuui. free from e ar a 'lhe wlll y seDd to tlda less Lenlgh water ovary kiad of taxatioo, ao expteoted npoa th* bond, wiih thii joartlantjoy did latt, so that the whole lncroaie aemi-an* coupona, or Intereat eertilicata* attached, A.igoat of caah f,,r tbo balance of ihe season must te priocipally denuaJly, on the fir*t daya of Pebruary andpayah'e year. The booei to be -.aaued in ttie nn* of one, tivs, or rived from Schuylklll County.and our tncrease for the balanco of tke soasoa will not much ezceed 100 000 tao thouaaad dollara each, aoeordlnf to afroeinant The whole debt of Penasylvsma is forty uillliooi of d*l- tuns, provl_ed do it^ppago should uka place. In luch lara, or abont eif i.: mllbooa of puiiuds slerltog. Th* State a may fall thnrt of that q utlity. A day l a. ih* right to pay ott tbe same at Uie porloj* de«i<u*ted or a weok lost caanot be ralioved tn tne present itate S in th* tolluwiBi table lhe trade hsra." At tti* praasnt time, (and will be paid ddriag the present yeai). 20 #3,311,325 BTarbeta....CASiruLLV KxrotTi-, TOt TRaTaiaoiic ln Uia bcgianinf of tha yoar 1833 (will b* paid avsuoo a* tb* period arrive*). 6)^,4T) 51 l/oao mad* in IMI. A8BK8-The market Is Besdy. Mt>;> 08 inda. Bank cbartar Icana payabla at any time. Ib) bOO 00 Saics of 4b bbla. at #_ Ibati 81. tor"^ qniet, Pota/and hb A- fcr tbe year IKW, aad Jan. 1, 18*4. Dailbi tbe Pearli. T.e recelptsaro moderare. 2,744,'''' Si During year 1164. COTTON is moro sctive, but easier to bayer. 1 70. biln 2,I«,.VC9 81 Aagiat I. Ifc». 4,4?8,ii4i! .16 .old i' pievioai rate*. H..HR AND MKAl, Our markrt ia Jnly 1,1886....... 4-> 2,731,198 botier tor Mareh aod July 1, 1I5B. 7,884,20 01 VV BBBatB and Stata Floor, wiib aa aciivo again h part i'/i-o >.* s* to arrive. Krrah ground U less pl.aty, aod tsdomaod, July and Aagu*t 1, 1H.VJ. ln demaad for 1860. Jalyl, iieiJS* 43 tbo Ea*: ai.d for eiporL Tbe tiom. trada ar. batiai moro of loaoa th* Tbe retnaiailar are pavable tn froaly o'iha botisr grtAei at tbe lmprov.aiaot Ths rKeipu 1861, 'bi. '83, '84, '.">. '68 and '7fi. #400.000 are mod.ra_s aad are bkely to sootioao *o tho racdae of toa la 17a9, aad |BAo,000 ia leu, '"wnilni month. Tba nfr ii. r grrtn ara loaa ploaty aad la iood tha dotaallto. lt.<*,2 tteft tth raaad for ezport Cai>adian lsieaiea aad BIBBBJBI MMaaBB BtBBBBBVMl aimsUuag -o.r.#. to amve. Bate of 7B0 bbla. sca_ ai tai*. frooia poxirt teld at H Ao*** ua U
WIND.Snnnte, N. k. Meraalmn,S. ; -imtat.3. E. anJthick.
MiCarty, J. Ooodkll, W Gtr.^.ll.J. u.-y, ...:,. T oltsf t W.,.1,.., .
» lowlr.g InfrmiiUon about Uia probabie supply of Coal Tne d» m.nd for Coal cci.tinuas a little slack for the Njw-^ jrt market, nmiot; to the abt-nco ot doalors. Jck.W From ctber sectinns lt Ii iroo<f, and In tw j weeki honcs will oe .-teuer than ibe abnliy u> supply. Ojr operabe tors, thertfore, caretul aud not s_ll inuchcoal '- w Lrydatoa.M.0 Dwelbr.H.C WrishtMHert ahead, as the price muit a .vanco as the do _taad intii C irtl |: t J. tl, .,.. 0 sreas. s, particularly ai the productlon ln this regl ,n li bad J W.itt.n. B.W.MrCawbw, B VV I'r.. aaiI).r l;y linalied t.a abont tbo prei* nt werkly averago. owing to J K "¦ a. a. it r a S wf 'J'.-1 vv M 1> KV'-j | the want f c,!li«ry Unprovements an4 tbe icarclty of B...-r-; C.V'ad.J. Uonaid.D. B. fomkt.Vf ,».c. H Day, 0* «¦ vv n iners, wntla ln the other re.ions tba U
ti". V.ik.
r-i. Pnce, Qoatoc; krig L'Amntirab ls Colombo, Jtri --'i| isbOB tht *t«»rr:«hipa lllinoi*. Htrtalein. Cba|,.-.. .ariao, Nortlero I.niit, Tinklepiink. SanJutp; Wm. Pton, Sean, N.w, City ol BirhwnoS, M.-Munn, Clitrlettoa
The Mincrt' Journal fiiiiii-hes the fol-
8.Ctdays, nitaltioret,
.Iir- 1-anabar.
di »l"«t. Bay liat*.Hray, Ro.BorMt. ^rt.r V.n o k'anl, :1 .laya lama. S, , Wn,. S. Brown, H. 'hr.-.k, 3 alayt, lime. S.'r Yrrr-vw. Ii......< u, .,.T-,I. »». 8A II.>> H-SI ip« Aiiaet, Pl,:mni«r. Ilio Janeiro,(tnrhnmd at tli. S. W.Spi'a) Honda. BicBOTSoa, 8C Jol.n, B. B | barl Mtry Smitli, hr |. Oa y<ini, Porl n ih-. A.ella.r, |.i-lj..n Jal.n R., lavaaaah | ihip Rooal V.raoa, Oreoa, for B,c btrk Mt n
S. ir k-koro,
8rl.r. Maiiu*'a. Krlt..n
n a H-rn il, Hia. y ;,_.-. l'l. ,, Ht.-w.rt, A.Sm.-l. .1 W. W. Cbi try,itm Jordai aadaervaat, Wbifpla, !>.-... Head, M LwiaeMoa, I. 0.Baaaa, kWf »n.. j hildraa, r I. J ¦. Harka. P. Ca ._>..... Ir- .'....', 1'. Onm.haw, Wm. Harn.. I )..«. Bacftas, Ja.., C. VV .-u-.lrr. r. Brobka.H M«,irt* ii. >lr-. Maatanoa, A. HcOewaa, H \tv>. t..n M '.. .'.' ¦- H. Wood ..¦ >. Vt r-i-r. VV .,i Kr.n.1.,1-. Bralf, K. 1. VV Sg.vratrr, /.. t...o.rn. VV m. a >>!'.-'. B i. ta.H.M rta.H I .':. .« IWana, I. B Hatraiaa, liwc Dwtnrk.U Ithalaati I t VagaiB. M Baavor, H Bchaafa, A. Btkcara, A.B.Taglorand ail«,aod KiPaaaaaR. 11 eehaaieaaod labi r. ra Xi ...¦¦./> m B -t.n miittaaukif Liaaaeel -H.-tra. Wm. Phi,!.p.,o(B rar|,a Bal*n Oa M. )'rW'.r..-' vne, o: |-a»t...k.-i, lot. Maror.Uao An >r ' H. t fork| Rev, Julin s Joha 81. . aad waa, ni H Ba| I Mnal J c Bu o. K'an-I. wiir C ,, t|. p,.n -. i. It. 1), i ¦ "' J> B ...!,a; Cliaa A. K- | :. r. t ,,, ... [. J ,. Foi H .»t He.iti .; .,-... Dr ., "' I r.t. I., .; I ii Harn. kaadaon.ofBeiv Iforki I :. ... I'ar-..u. vt Hahiai tal 14. in t-t &,am- ,, ,\ ,,,-'. f smn Ju.n-Wr. Y R. Sti.i a.,.1 te-tii,-, H -.->:». a.i -.rt ..-, Mn VS* K H,, .1 I.-.. i..j Bimbiio, a Ii..-. .jl lady, l y Boutk J!'-. J ai .M T. Iti >n, t .*' ton.r.d l.iiy.J.,,. I'.,,.,. i> t|. ..... Hn (.-. S lt r i larka ady, li B H.IWr, M. I Alk i, a. Onathaad VV V\ I. y. J. rjy »i*>, daughtrf i v H F. Soio, J. I...-, J C Dodge.J li ..l.nty .. Iraa, H Soolj .1 (,r.i-,J ti ...: .,, Holer, 1 Suodsr'.J. T. ;u:t.,i f. Q. A,'--, .. i...._.,,,. L. Waeaa .: laaibad ..... H U , J H -y B. Harray.A. Cook, J.C.~,k, ti. Raaaison. J K'an v. o I . » M .... «,'- , i ...., I. ,,....,,. ! K,,, | ,, i,M. H.Uwia, i.t vi , s B J I. ... M V I....J.I1 r.. ... O. PW?, V, Ir.wer. VV .... ....... ..J th.-e v. h r ,. f
Bayt tam 1
I.M, Hry.r. VV '. J
ku 8..
lady .to i-'.itit, Jo>. Woo.l, I'.iiline Smtli, 11. 11 aentlial. L., li-... VV. ReiJ, M. C'.,apliouer and la.iy.Mr-. J. KeQ,! ,-M. M. |... v, c.,,. Keaca*ld,J. Siul;-. I. . w L. Caha. J.Cosp*ah*iai 0 OBc* in- Oaotti.J. M.Bhaw, S. H».r. J M l; ti ,0s M.y.VVi, Babua, C. K.a«. C. Hait rr.n. A. Kint.H.Ji- .-., r;-nian. John S< .... K Btiaberg, Joen v\ ...Job., Si...kir..r. B " Marah.H. C. Un Ber J Ci-ger. M t. M. Worlen.M. H.y, A. II w H. vv ...... ., \\ v, :.r. J H Marka.1 _-.M C. Kal.n, VV'. H. olruu't, B. BpMcfcela, Cbaa. J. Br ||i. \v n. h.lery, J,...,u«, J.i«. V, l.arty. J.... vv fiarca I Jsasspi*.H Sa tb, J V. r.-.. r. s l... -.,, vv B lt..,Jr... ihhri«s*,0 MiLar. I) Ch.», Wsa. Blae* 0.1 Bbmi. VI M,.... J G Moraa M Hynaiaa.A Lecka,Cbas K. " J t .. l'l
/.. Orr,m./.i> IIHatil,/tr! A. J. Cr.t^r, Kt^., Vh. rreai..em I'anaiiia Ra.ltoad Cnn.pan;; R VV Ileatii, ll.lj an .er Mr. Uaihsoa, OaoraeB How.C. D. Ki.i iu,B.n'..rd * C...'» txir*.. a*8**sasri Mr llit.rn, David LtBdBBO, S. Koalilai.d and lady, Mi.'r.r I. S. Bail Agent; M H*||enl.ur|er. ladr. ">! dr-n, ata.l ten ssevaatl, Hm K. itn**ob*am, Mi-, Biuinfr, Mr,. J, P. U... .i B..r e., lady. .hill and Mrta.rt; M A. Correa. I.. K, W.llum.. f |.|..r. (.;> Bcott, 9 N. WiBieaoa, P. Parvow, Amtir. .1 ('.. '* M.-..iirr, \V. H. Ba. iu., Well, B r*r»>'a M**> ae*S*r; ara ( s. i;. ¦.,.,. M.»- H. y. ....... Miaa M. Toasaua, \\. \v BiyasMa, R K...-. J. M. BayaeUa, J.,hn t. o,«."'l, J. P. Dr.n, Br«. K J Rrad. Mr. Bafdal a.. u.'.i.t, Oat,, Capt. VV. H. Riehardaon, Col Bohart8t*v*a*. Joa Oormaa, Da.i. .. ia, K. R. Ilarrr. P.t.r M. IVongal.W. L Bmrnlef. Pat.r Wilkiaaoa tn Oibaoa, M. M.Oar, M Or**abaw, Br,. C. fi. Tlmmit li.rt th.ld, VV m. B.bln, 9. P. V\ fXArfl, W. Km.iin.-n, B, 0.^ley, Mr.. 1...H aml t.t,.., Mr». FaifMOB, R. Oilho.J. C. W.i. >0, J. Li.lie, Mr.. Mo.-., Mn 1'i.iand, Mi.i Lnntarbarry, >.,.. Bnihaav. Mra. C. A. Crabtr**, Mia. O. Crahtre*, Hias CraMrea, L. A. f'ribtree, L. Crabtn*, M B. Mt,r-e. Mi-tr- Polan.l, J Beawa tt. Ti.-...p..,r.. H. I.~ B. p. Kaay, Botij. hmi.j. P. Mickl*, ley, VV... I ..r.i. a l'.r|..«.t,. J. ,. I.. H.itrell, H I.. Kual.nll. Anaoa ll',--,-. M,.....r.l, A. Hallock, A. Sci.ei.[e-rhy..r, Mr.. C.rier an.)
*. O.
1>. C.a'.h I'our
I'dtieiiKi-ri Halled
Ltant.iittfth r'lan A l
Pe* II.L.-ai,, 9, hr E'l'p.r*. lia. », H..l».l*!phia L.r Harlem. S.l-r.,;,.. '-. H -. V» ,.» ¦, | -. bfcan Hawport Xirr \ l :» ",i.-r, Mirylaad,f daMatrood, t.t l Mount, Ha* I' S. hr. Va* V.r» I'a. ktt. Th-iapsoa, Ma. intt. t., Inoiker. Pl r I .'-a I! .-- .'. gtbr.C H.8« i- i, B.-rry.H.ih, 8 days, l.rat)*r. Ichr Ji >. i-r..-, lt. |-r- P. a-l, Aa:. ,.y, ia .Ilatt ta J 0 irlrt A. Htniiem. (.., Pnji .n. eti.wn riitt,-h*r, Jer-m.s, 11ti 111¦ ii f.i ffi i iii* r-rn ti B ff "T ribllll '. t 'i ju.- * Hay.. ot-ii attrta. S,' r. Tbrn Br, t_*i -.aHr., Neai.Li,, N. t., t».l*., -»U \ ,. Bas llmitr, Bax>r. N.'wh^rn, ti C, *i dayt. -,j, i rly, J !ae.,l"ni.l»ston,: .ityt, cotton anj lumbar, M L. M \ ---a llie., .al R.iii|.ir) Whitmrare, Mtrtctilo, II -Ity*. V I Co. S..I. ,a tooioauy w.tii u_ri j B. V.rk .-. ", Rannn"'," 4 -ty*. lebr.l Wfil
.llarkl-le....K'-r 'ted l>y T,tegrt:-\. Ai.i.anv. Aa* B .Th* lulluwiog aie the Canal rioei|.ti Ki.och. 4.'Hl bbl*.; Wiihat, i. I7I pn.t Jl boara: l.ib.!.;, I'i r.(Hl buabela. Balei were made of l.^ttt) Ki.nrK at p'evioui raiea M IK.i l.mbel* Cohn b r untii.nd, an.l 8c. for good tiuxed VVastern l)*rs are at 4.V tur VV eatern. Ni w-Jm.i.ANs, Aug. IH..C.'TTon ts very dull In onr market Middling is quoted st V.c. .'"" I.aies of tl.snew crop were rmeived to-day Kecelpta al Froiluee....AucvsT 20. Iltrer lloatt-i,.rbl bbls Klonr 4'x'do. WhlaBytheX,nth ky. H4 do Ashes, 2" do. Pork. IM halea Wool, n,l7i: buahels Corn, 1,539 do. VYhe*t,and 30 l.oxes cheeae. Hy the Knt rlatlrnad.e-in pkgs. Butter, 47fl do. cheose, 22 sidt s beatlier, and 7 bales WojI. Hy the Xtte-IIaien tUilroad.'ib>ptz%. Coeeas, and 126 pkg* Butter.
K. I..»i< M R.
l a ',..-
I-.. I
..I ihe
Sal.-a ul 7."ii.«i.idii lii.h old Penrnylvsr.ia .vl.lte at Hl, arid mt w -(.:.;,. rn at 96c, |' buih.. atl> >at. A ri'tiall tiie of S.i'haia Rv. a' 7.'c. Ti.ere la but little COBM arriving. nn* ll ia Baata4, I.."" bu.h. yellnu- aold at 71c bi.H iohi wh te on It'pt private. OaTSCTS stesdy. and lurthe' .*lei ot .i".' oi Pelsware ha'-e beea m.idi al .ile. y basfa VV hi-kv ii in cocd deman.l, aod boO l bls. sold at Ml Hhds. ars held at c. *
Ba* laa. Bark I
Joy, H.t.aa
n,,-.-.., ¦--¦,. .... '.ri ...,. . tv ,..-.. .,». |».
A- /.
s.d y rai
natnaof, died oo lhe 1711 P.rown, Rio Barhe, l''dtyt, wood aad
rt-w ......
-1 .n
v i .i 8 » p,... .., r. AN.rad... im f rtaaa fcrdo V.r.,«.,.»w.,.m m,t.JZ. w. H- ... |'i '..i.ipi,.. i-^yH '.r Th,......,a y.-.. ,, ,. .".
v .,
l.riglnii Ri '.aei Rorax sold at Kr, and K. ar) OOBte 8oti 1 8'
S.. V .,
Air. ni'-..' ,.
dayt, pluter t* ti.a--.-r a.1 -a 11 Tirt Warhhi. I lr*Bai her t, S ,ii.., >S>a?l-. w k («. \ I.S..-1 J'an Kamii...., it .'ty., s-'itr tii horiey t* I .i -j #'i ) VV, a *, II daya from Cardeaat, Br*>.a. IH tt*r. !, --ta*, ;i .'.xj*. ii.t:..,|any. futtic, Bnfoan v , l- (-,,. oi, ;,,., iaa asd Iron. S.E., lo.t S..,Sin;'-. .I H-1 I .»...*. (..;*r] Rrat T rk- tttart, ' ta ..iltt.'matter. Rr.l Varuti.n. (Br.) P.rl.r, Turit I'iand. -.< aity*. «a.-.. rt .. b a.-..'» ifotebriB Bratsi .. ii a-. i. 'fa -i .-. Rr | J. U. iinnlmo la*-.- J W 1 S. l.r 01 I" l, -^r. ;. itft ftom WllblOftOa, N. I' natll >. I. L. Mii Dsaur viuscbr. Pr«r_.liufor tao V ll \ B, '-.T.'-y.~ I I C, witliwhwtto n I) »-'..r. i. Baeo, M..,wi, Brbr. Juana,Oi'apa «. Brkr. J. P. .¦'.¦.< .poitn. ira.-i Vlita|, l K*y VV a,t lf ' * lllT«. . I Beyert, W>»|a. 1 A,j. trnrt Phil .-. H< : :*»« Im. Oaotte I i with t_* -¦%* o. ,. MarttWB Pott 14, aapiiks a.-' r. A i alon. IValaon, Iriui Osolf-towa, S ,'., lor Naw York. Tha -.,... ai* r.i<a .vo*. pakt kota .¦ mat I U msil.aisl risain TVilais oastiaBal tf tk* i»*;o bo. s itrikii i r Rydor, 4ian ktm Qsui|shiaa, D, C, mth ilour
for Ni I 789f9for No. Isrge. b* btiii. Nova Scotia Saitnon mM st $ 8. OILtv.Liflseedbaaadvaitcod; A nt*mteai, tosnive, al ktl Tt un tiie sj'ot and trum sbire lu lets;
C_rd,Wi__M-,B. S, to a>.-»i.rk Br.
l'.< 1
iXr^. "¦"..Tafl.
C'loiir.r.g |.»,
-on, t
i, *n.
Ar. al 4Mw.ri> A..g 4.,. »nu, Rxkatad au .. I », A-« ... h Said, * '..-.». 8. aa I -San Y-. An. o: N.-.'».* ., t VI, *'' .' M.* I * l .(¦'¦",. *-,y a.wort,.*".. CartahoSe. iado.Tarra «. I , ..... s.. , Paat.*. .te..- 4 « i K.n... r>Ur, .,. .k«n.tfcjJL *<>¦¦
|- \
» ,
thi .l.t.'hwen, P.asr«e
i-.-.n.l4> a*.,.
k kmioo, Vt**, TttXiat ''
»'. r.r r-o. >,
McCarty,D, L**aaf,J,A Loas,BahwtMair.T MrCab*.H VV. A-«.. M.l C. I' VVala.. l
lo Ma.
.. H.w
tt -**
Oaia. ...21: "I | <l. IM
a.i ia
at Nortbamp'.rm. The cost of the raad ls eiti' Bondi, (one lum opened mated at or
of t-..5O,0O0 ls alluded to below,) making a turtber and very conslderable amount to be drawn for. tlie market was better wllb Sterllng bllli, at 110%, at whlch large salei have been made. Franci lold at an advance.B 15.^5.1 v lt ls the opinion nf many that not so much Rold will be remiUed on Wedneiday as hai been thought the last few days.
Mr. J. J. McCahen,
i, ¦-..
prav,,...),, Crn.oa, B.i*.. c^. t I .rtoo, tkW Tork a^
Cld atatKkaoimJnIyS? Jort-nBeak Ia*. fer Aaw. S'O .-... H.-. -gA , ii ..,¦ N.i.,. » an.',. a. t ii...... a | v ., y.u"% a.. y.^
tnd 41 ,pa*
Iborn, 20 dl. from Peotaroia
'i dtr«. i,ts iij.. Mgarto C.BossirtI Harf.Tillo] Fa l|» Salt.iio R,»*r. (fia!
* ' '»
'*..'** i
Rri| H.cry Lauroo*,'. ill, M.i.
with and Worcestcr, ^, with lalei'of
V,- .... Bark Kl| I Jaly, I it' to mait-r. SU I fClfaa* w -I hart Vlt.-T It -.<K»r,iey,,,.r linl hrf .B*ik Ha-aj"' t.'Jidar* ».*St Tta..11 a. II ... »I.I-.i,a p.t .u a I . ,. t. R P ll k a ... . Ka'k iiri.'ti. J»,- -., ,'»o Paak A ¦.-' ' K-t VVV.t, aap«k* »h.p Wn,, fm. N*w Oriear. .,, Rark Boi ter.,-, a, Dowi ey. ta Pemerara .1.1 an.l Ri' a-l >»i >th. ii. r,kllt*t t, rr».-ar. S..V.I in <-<i>; oany witn barkt B.jw*n I'r". / J. I.Tkollow, aad bm VVallanii.'iai, l> mt. omb, a!l for Bo r. \ «ry,5L J*|o d* Ht.k A. Coba,
Cbee-e laiLw. Hale..!-- .?> (. r .-omrnon to HAY I. fle, tv andiidoll. Srilea ot buv baiea at *i litl ui I. r ew tothe trade. TAI.I.OVV.A Ibi rntrket Sales oT 31,000 ItS prime at enh 1 > A rttalogiie coasistiBfl in ir»a'< r part of Oreens, WB8 ii"- A -.' ni"tticn tn-.'av BOl a trnill part only WBS so.J, a. hi Iders w iut an adVBBCol .'.' and le'uaed tj aail. T).», w! 'rl. we-e lew, mil.t a' provtooa rat-*. UMI; 2.'. " .|inntela Ury Cod «).d a' ¦¦?.' Ibdt'l >*' bbl«. new fr I'.ai k. ai d 8u > .'%'. '.¦ M U* .^>
iui 1
t i
of <
', jia tar. w.ili
iii aaa
terett r"
ni r
aro *.
..! >er t'needs-. Arr .H.r SJ.I, yp,
tp',1* bnt Zepkpt, Hr ir w... i.,, r,,'.*'., Ht, » o.nA* t\u lastafs Bassatl l_* Baatsili *1took . .,'.¦¦'. ,.-..,.-, Baati frow tho W 9t ny od Uit 1 a.anta |Mk 8_.»<>,la._l<.. iof Kenre'. ak) Wl,,!., H«a,n>. 14 lar-. ...far a_.tacr.OT ha-la., imxfeamttk i Hiti.ix
VVfflSK.Y.Tbe aterkattoveiy aetive, and pt rapiclv advaaesd andrr agrvdipeca rfive iaqairy. Balasoi . at >lr/7.le for Obb), and Me f.r Prisoi. IVi.Hfr .. better; saicol 158 nhas al i^.c.a.Ji:., time aad inter».r PEOVTBiONS.Oar I'ork tnarketii very he.vy, ar.H u. srt-ve. n. i- 'it'i.'ii st thii leasun nf 1*0 jrar 11 hbls atll1* R71 for Mea* and lt? 75 for Pnm 1 ||7 £5 fof Rtiirps snd $.£.' mr Cl-ar. The arn.ala nre llgV Beei it \ery heavy ar.d pri. f i irregnlar; ttie demand is ra alrinte forth* b. BM trade Saleeof 12" bbl" at |l |.f|i7 '.r Me.a. wm |7d'i lor old and i'» Prune; the It'ter qnice V ;, :i; f> i b .'.d. and il 'te'.-i n' -.'.' 1'n' 'r.l- al 9*, Bool i. m i wmaH |m M pi* !'. waii »nd are very acarce Cnt Meal. are very n-«rc» B ll outot nsrk.t Spi f '" tr. Bb mM*vi al »:" I.ird ii oiiered Saleaof l"<i bbla. and teaat beavy, sadis6*aiy I'r ar.l k-'ll nt '/ 1. C I:urt .r I. lu 8 1 .l'll |* tiiiD.I a'dia.t.arlv Saie* of Ohio at I.V ti 1 "tc.; wes**fl ai ic r'.i'c, an.l Orange Couaty al 028 New-Ynik
Brig. u»
.p....J,l,V, M.-r-. t..t!..B..a .»,..,/, "*'.'. .. ¦*.*.., ATaa. B.WV.I. C- Urt a aiSIBM. * ' '. ""*'"'¦ ***"> *"" y»,i' I-'....aghPratlandKritk J ly -ll.Oglur. WoodJkmm Mty^-
au.^r.joa-oa.R.nter...... N.wr,*.. July C.r,..,«_B IM
M tteama) fjinn Adier. J Di-kiaSM wtttar, ,»,| hotrt from I'harleatoa, with mAau m T.l*>t»n t Ca 91..i. A' I I'lut, (... Portlai.l) k.ra.,«y 44 dayt from, w tb tli'* aid ail>.* t.. MmSSM l Cka.arof I.asi, At. Coaa. na Bavia JwoBkaBb aalaa yaueaton m muUtla k katati th* C. J. !.*_> lie- a ii day. U .- H.i k«. ».-.i, gbi aaslorR * * *¦ BowOrlaai B *ar. Aclw.rp J ita rl t'
|Tmin.\. (Triw^JT4^' ^-T-ra.,%!^ JJ. Caamh, »,.».._*
»>... Iiern la better anrl ... lair de.n.nrl ' r the trade and for inippinr Sal'i of 1 lOfl h'.l a'H <."' m'xed to gnod itrsiiht b-anda, and t\ "I* 04 6^ for for faiicr Rye Kl. ur ii scarce *u.l wtntedstll '¦' $.". .V> Meal fern la t.radv la'ee nf tot at |i W. for Ohio, f.l V> fcr Jertey «tid $-. .'. for Bmn.lywlo.-. .«. OhAlN.Wen Hn a r 11 im iad firr Vh for.tpo*! ard tba home brmie, at K-tt»r p-(r.« Th* sapalf ls Ksbt I !i- -, tli iv good .i. pnrv li.r .»»« tt. arri-e. 4,'ie h>.ih. wlotedhioat |: nl, l >,>a. hu.h wh.'e I'enns.lva et. wi.te *t tnd ("iio 4. hu.h r..t"l Oeaa*M liaatdl 04, a*88* Oa'aare |l 17, aad 4.000 boah sood BataiHi Catiadi. in fair re.iue.t-. 11', 1'¦'.. for Waatarn a-I Btat* live 1* q..i> r, eoo la .- J BTB* lor oM aoB aaw, C.rn OWertoA Tpthoi ttat hol a' trie el*e wa. .Mi^r a-.J d.i'l »nl-8 .'.-r m ivi-vreed.rg the HeTand. which l« thawaatsol 'I.f fhome ai.d i'.asUra trarfo; *v'e* ot J8.0B0 VV'-atern n.txed, -.,.,,.. ,i for round relhw. cluitg. ,
ettra lin.eeee
*rr at HnTl 4,, ¦, R,.,., la, M.,.. WilnM^ Arr atH.....,, ,M 3. Sh.l.^.. B.«w, A" . Sh*.ld.A., |. An ».....!... P..._a »«. Ba**aaV r..i,rr. m a b*d
dajsin Wall-st The report tb«t there would belar.e ihlprnentiof specle, tbat there was a greVer dem»r.l foi money, and that some losns were belr? called In, ln duced one of tbe brokers to lell hii Nlcarsgua and Ll'Mbl'It.'Ile market )s verv t.rm. The dema .d is bet:«-r br.e-t 11 b saiaoos »t srevi ma quotatioaa. Cumberlsnd Coal itocks very largely, on ai^ount of hia HOi'S are v.-ry il lU II bsJos s :J U t' 9 l'< cents. fiierdi outitde, who were we«k holderi. Cutnberland Coai declined under tbeie lorced lalei '.;ii per cent Piiii.Ai.FM'inA MaekITS. Friday. A'i;. of the The < 'iii. i.a l and Nlcarseua 9\k. This movement excited a fongral ..Tli'reiason little expert deitrnd tnr Ki.oi-8. B i for the month oi July, l^ol-S, were 21t.l.i, Central Uailroad, itocki re--.9'. r,f all t.i-... aold Bl *l -'"' i' i'i.» .vi.. ': and feellng, ipeculatlve prlces beavy ttlr- anl .ornn hall bbli at $1 >" fc> pair. sral i modoceded a trifle. The market, however, closed more as fo'lows: onr f ,'")i.s lor at ..-iri-"!rat. in.;uiry r.iy 10 con»umpti->n July, 1MB.IM.9M n.a.kri is bara oi Rv. Flovb. Cobb M firmly, though the Second Board itlll exhlblted the ef July, atd th*re i. very little ron.Ing in. Alx.ut l"i. .> ls fo yl1851._.'.'.i^___) Tb. feet* ol tho movement Krte receded ^ per cent.; Nortaaiasaldal >i~ pbbl vvuvn taacai ind wi
to-day to go abrosd ti'fl.OOO of tbe Convertlble Income JFJRSEY CrrY TTEMS. Bondsof the Obio and l'ennsylvanla Railroad Comp* Boarp or Ai dermen..TIib Board held ny. There ls little doubt but these Convertlble Income Honds aill be bi valuabie as the Firat Mort^age Bondi o' a apecial meeting at the City Clerk s ottice last ovenlug A rerolution was paaaed roquliiug tho Jersoy Ctty iiai Bm same road, within a shnrt period after lu comple' to take up tho and din wbicb tbay tlcn. The Convertlble clauae will be found of value. Oompaoy bave Iaid over ihtlr plpes,paving and re-tili with oarih, amd Mo rallway ln thn West gives greater promlee df lar |¦. ram lt down and This rulo la to be
properly, repave obarrved In all their fu.uro operations Tho cauto ol thi* order ls, that tba jotnts of tho ploe are unltod wut r.-ii eiii tnstead ot l.'_,i, a* ls done ln Now-YorK; and ln in.niii.g tho gn.und, the ptp*a are loosened at thi I'lir't* Tbe CommHKoe on Stroeta wero empowored asd mrected to attend lortbwiih to the proper cloannuj of ti .-ttiratt.
me» hnvjul*. »ith more ie,,. irv for >I,e l*ro»tne.< THe «ale* (f uin.e.i cut- txiaebaa *t ?.) y>»ai(." i .r ti i'»i B t-t nmmm t-> it ¦> aht St.-. ti IJtafl Hl 9" ti.uedtn'nltcy Mii-n.g.n BtA Indfua. . 1 Hi'.'ll ll| I r
Tiie Pio Ntiham R .Tha Third Polk arreited a man, nam. d Jaa8B Ga_BMJt. yeiterday, fn t seven and two cows on bls
I- .11..
tt) Nnar Tran.'. Ct......
*"*;V'*££|? radaaallfjl
.''. J*.'. Htidton H,ver H. H IV do. ....... .
do. b«li7h l«. Cn. '.'.-} dn 180 >*>Read.n| lla.'roa-l. m%*\ -0 t»," forer>inr. that fh'State has tho rl|bt io p.J ut. d,ir,.S thlsieai. »-.< . .». and *utteaeailU fl..-'. '.in il Piin-i,.'" vearUlA r..l .'.' H 18487809; .*dJnlvl. I8» M»lal8»<R'1 ba , ral ball je.r .f IK.SH. R7,>-__.fc- 01 I,. t «o»e.ri after, C: .... n, ., aiiraiite of t******* »t bie .. i... taaa en* t js.'s u » *" ** h"'-."*. ** ¦¦" tf Ibe ******* loai,t to .lt-teroiioe, in th. present condlli'n of va*t aceomnUtion of mark.t of the world. lhe pr.wp.rt whh* may bec-me i.ile ... unn" eap-i.l ls their in of interett everywhero mitemal'j terest BOW ten.sieaperiini.' ot lnvratroent l.r aay p**r!a>_ tir^vra-i. n,tr-,'rriniib'-J Exty tho (thr.oldall anj halievo tho presti to, ha* ot,riitnr Treaturer aod Ufis -tureut IV ,i,tjrlv*n'a » .l ntlorrlf ,1 tben.. their l ruiiinminper. wortby tar.r,- tte aad*-srgti_d anll te most haai. toearryeat tao I'lt.'ie C*jrt ,1 tf l>irr-nH_r (iiarniaal.-r,, anrl upou Inf-re*', wlll -.ian* a ea'tr. .fth.-ir !,i_n r.r liianmt. nn-i-dia'-lv sffoel ts*ti.| of U.t tbo fatf-BOkt t tuaaehaoto ttelrroitia Or. it -bej | cate. opon' \be lefivery of tho ntw bondt, ba ts prepared to
F -rr 11 mr, pra H..d» rabbla, S.......iiaa, Sd -.l.r l.«.ra J.t.-. sl»iir,.n, New Ynrl. NKVV HATO.Aa*. '.-Arr. bi.g B-tanioe*, D.ll.>*l.*w. ¦*." gnr: arbit Reoe.-ra KBbb.-Alhany PiV» B.mai.-1 Nrw faakj N.w Bavoa, K-l-ry, J.m«. BMTl Ckarlotla, -.-,
\m*, Pli'ad.ltln; Be..j I.yon. Pki'.<!.!|-h.a; U.I.B W do ; Cocnall, Pi ilade U.a. ').,.. .". gia., B.^1 1. |o. 8'. «.l,i.. K . -.. IYo»*a*8, *" '"*/ VVj u b-llj.-,do. 11 aai V.rgin.a, Saam.n, t\t*m, I * B*hsi. 1 Klua,-, A.hany. , tm M'v li BDOB A a IS IH. ,1 i> Par-.vt**. mmaa* bl ¦ l*l*ad BChaa Baa*, B.t.'ar. S.r do CloUbla, OM'ttmr*, forAlb.i,, A .-., Dr.n.y, ,r rb.l.J.Vb.a. »» r- 4 Crrtu, Ne-bob. K. NKWPORT.AoS 19 Arr t.-r N-w Y. rk. .I.B. MureBO.H* hm* ''". li.r Pb.ladrlpkiai WT .¦." 1 ml, BWBB*. Fall River for d* Ml VV ..tly. IvMk, *.*..'' .-tla h.Hd.J.yne. PlnladrlpbM, Kta, ttArmoot, *o-,l i..k, Fn .r Bakiaor*, >.t*b la*attmmmmw*m*mm lor tam Yo.l. -.,. M *****. I'MII.AI'KI.PIIIA, An*, 1« i'r .bark, Ch.»ipeil'.¦' H.t.,,.,. 1 k. BMiMe*. 8****. ea* Rsas*a **»"*.Bl' ,kr2. Wai.-rlw., Br Out. rb..,lge. T I. and Vo»agrr wwj, Bo.toa, v-lMCTaw^ (iu.y.Bi.. P. lt; Wm A. I'.. ". I'.rnini.Xi,\.not, Fn.rry, ...; Myr,. Kl.r H - *» *^. B..I. n. Cld. I,.,g M A. Coo-.f Cauon.. .". '-, Savanoah, /'pbyr, M.rt*. Norwalk; lat .a Ip-wnh. ,., .,¦ *''<". POIU1AM1 A-.g. 18 trr.l rk J L.ig.Pot,... Kn.l.t -. ih 1 88**« j""J"rt' Pk.HJ. Ip a, ..l.r Hatinetta H»rr.rr..n. Kr.r.klort Nr »*.'» Tof FR0Vl08NCB,A*a.ll A.r -1. lt""1-toft.a\ t%imim.¦-II... J ,l.,..'nn,Cit'.i., '.hr. R, l.a.J I U.u-*. *t2**l' roetpf. pbn. CU. .rhr. ty4i*«ibba.f;iab.,Ba!iiiDW»tm**'MT C rek.N.C BisMaBi Elua, Hsmwn; Bo.ton. Cr-. r. t.ttbet **".'.%!*. Wm.b par. L.ka. kw Pbil.l*'p...a tloop. OfW«i. r,<wi Y.rk. I lisa Eiwoad.*8dha*aail,, AB**I1. bark Tnt. ^^.t^u.- la.* PLYMOIIH-Arr. litb, a-hr B .<w>nuur, Ph.^saf"". RtCBMOVD, A ,g. IB-AW. i.'hr.. Henry R. aorom. Y .k, M.r.y r*Bhg,Wa.BSlllB SU1. *cut. -.
\*4 ***Zggf
'"-I'^KIKT-ArrAni. !»,*<'-'¦ **pryCw».aai.¦** %t AbALKH. A.. )7-Arr hn 0«4 Od.****J**pi Frar.k, »bo d.ed Jiity 31) S.rr« J^ado* ,***' .
I.e ae.
Rep-»bt,*?***& Cr *Eldr,i.*e, *katn, ^;«;r.» lorii.Aul'i**n-brntsoat. Mt oary: Brl«oatI>»k«,' Fdw.rd «J .^ Ikra* M B.ird, »«'"*'.*^. m-br..Klt.r. Ing.l'., d*!_ aVIpbla; Ug8*B S..i.r.,Huotley.8llfrt.niP!,Pl.iladelph.*. |!%2Jl» lli.bf4B.Saa" Bad..on, Teel, JaaTtt-1 B ng, Para. B.asor; tm* Aug 11-Atr h,.g "^"»'Ct^LT^ ,l(»' ^SKARdPoKT. Ctnat. Buhan.. Bangor, Ba.*.r. W.ymou.h. N S. M. * bt.
BS*»^&J »-***+ re7rAt*tAn.A*e B "^JWVfcSi? ^^ Yofk j b.g JvMpl,u*. WiU-.. Balt.ioore <£< bnst Ma Haraksu. 17. hart, New York. Au* He.: JnhaR I»ow, Conniba, NeD.tU'.J*1 VVILHlXilON. t. C, Aug 18-Aff. tcbr*. *.".*£ .. **rt maamaTAeamn'mt, H H^».^' *«5?i* l«h, U,a Bia. Hotoaa, Loacy.M.1, kriglha.. Heaui. Puta,ao. D^l.toa, l*Ji, bn*
****** W
oaern ol
"'^"'H^^JJa^hl tm*ae**trr--
WI«F0an-8M. Aaa 17, tioop WABRBB-8M. A*a. ». *r4 taka Hana.