New-York Tribune #3650 (28 December 1852)

Page 1




TIIE iVKW.i IM. K l»AII.Y TIIIBCMB |aBcra.i»iir.D EVF.BY MORNINQ, (Sonday miTitv) BT 4JRF.EI.r-. k MiKI.KA. H.

at mr. TatBOMa bi iloinos, cobbbb or trarca amb Kiiiti bt* orroaiTB thb city ball, 8ad dr llrerrd lo City SutBacrilw-r* for CflBBB »e* week gr, tt -ri the, iir- -r, tbey e .:¦ pay IB at tba De*. Bt b.x meuua* "r a year at the BBBB rate Buiflle ,-vi.-. 8V.) i . ..i* Mail Sobacnbera, Flta* pet aiiDiin*. in atrv* « .ti* t-.k*:! (or dx anoritb* tot three


iith*, $1


af.. T7iree IVl-iain advance


r».qdred uj ailex^

tharKee with toentry Newiaapera IHily Papen* **_**** at t' i otSo wbuaa teroa* ara hifher lUa Utoaa of IA* TrUmna at* aot allowad any differene*

TM*K isi.B--.OrtK WKEKI.Y TMIBUMB A VBRT LABOB PAPER. POR THE (OHNTRT, la' etery -Iatvboat Moa.tiNs, at the low enta or et $2 ,*i yn.-i.irj_, in adtanre. Eiaht cpiee for BIO, and the paper in no tw*Dty ceiea ta ore .doV. - «<ir $20.wbich AeV .1 i* paid aaa* c4.tittt.Be4l tw-yoiid the time Car *erti#e .wat* for thi* akemt will be eh*r|ed 30 centa per Uai* Ba eacb iiiMttion. TtVR NEW-YOHK TRIBIJMB CiaCULATlON,

rOB ll'I'i.t.B

departarB of each Mal Stearner 8>r' lattwaac*Nk Price *i eenta a copy. or Bf a year, tn ant part c' Vrret Bntaia, er #4 to the Continent, auftaca ¦BBBBB. I* f aM'-"-.rd

TKIBINB THK NKiV-Y4>KK. .V..B VIA, OBM.ON AND THB fANDWICH IILAWDt, **e* te pati.aabed oa the depnrt'ire af eaeh Mail 8ta«ajaer foi CBMie*. Priee «t eeut*. per eopy. .

'.|'..T1I.UI,1.KI,V rrtiin NE and Fbiday ninrriirig. Price aa>.ti«hrtd etery TvrioAY Two txiru, * for |V> Ten for 820. Adv«iai-vRfla. p-r <j& BHvi*r i.t* f crarta a line f r ea -h in*erfioa OK i E' K v A McELRATII, Pabliahera. i't!i

Special Notirco. t\7 "*>'-inocrnt"o \\ h\tt 4'i-neral I'onrniii... ornrd nieetnitof Uns Cornri.tttee will be beid oa .il .-.')'.) I.VENINd. Dee 28, at 7J oclock, at the Broad¬

brr.mir icterratrd in Ihfl RARITAN BAY d,aj,o«or! UNION, may addreaa or edl rm OE« B AR *OLD. raaidmg ci. tl.e domrun at P-rth Amhoy, N. J. or C. O. F...AD. No. I Battery-plaee. thi* eitr. who wi 1 grve 6n ol tbe objecu and g--nerd plan* of tbe Agflociation ai.d receive(ubtirript ona for rock. to




TLILEof hiif (iiiiikenn MUSIC, will t,r dehv4_ed MKTROPOI.ITAN HALL, (Tneadav) EVENING, Dec. 23, toeommance d 7J o'clock, preckely. of tbe Fifth Leeture will be, the VOICE.iU The-mrijeet »tmctureand ._m«tir capabi'-itiea: tbe philoaophy phyaital of con.joaing for it, dramatically and otherwtae; old aad new f.riTiacf writing for it; the pecnliaritie»of ancientand morlern vocal cornpoaera. Palegrnna. Jornelli, Pnrcell, Han4el, Mf/kit. Haydn, Roaami. Be.l.ui and ot'x-r*. Beaid. thia each jiiece of Mutric on tbe progrRionie will b* precaded by critical, explanatory and biographical rear.ka. at


Tbe Hltiafration* ofthe Fiftb Leeture will b* givogn DE VR1KS. VIETTI, Et-fBflffl I'ICOVIETTI. tiiRnor

way Honse. By order. OF.OROE J. CORNELL, Chairmaa. W it t.tiM L Sharm.ow. > .

and theORAND CHORU8. Cor.rluctor.~....Mr.O. F. BRISTOW. Leader.Mr U. C. HILL.

0BB4u.Br Biasaa, 'jwaaBBBa I'otntiui i* reooeated, aa boi'neee of impor-

vt iil be lnoualil I' ttie ineetin*;. f. I.'enrrnl Cnminirtee af Dernecrritif* Wbijr Vnuna **len..A mietini nf thia Ciirnirutte. ur-HU- held at the Hr.ndway Ho.ineon'l L'KSDAY EVENINO, lMc.28, 1662. nt 7} o clock. B t oi der,




BROOKS, Chairman.

' ¦¦¦

Im tttal attendao...ef the l ci..ti.itf.!-.


a* it


i* the last

ttT Tb#> V'o.n. Unrtrd..Ata meetina ofthe Yonna {, the followinf ticket wa* norninated tie tlie r. (tular noiidnation f.,r oflicer* for the t.-ar 1853 : I -'.'*iti>al-AL.BKI'T H. NICOLAY *'. r Krr/Vrit'daaf-AbRAllAM W. PlrOYD. "

C,f))rr«/-oadi.r/.Se.,rf.;ri..UENJA.MIN 1'RICE.


For Reeordiag SeerrUtru. JOSEPH M. F1UCE. t-'cr Tictuurer-ELIAti COMBri. El.ction THl'Rr-l-AY E\ENINO, 30th, at 7i o'elocV. *tT»:i.i*ii ,v MipeaaOdd Feilow** Hall, corner Orand aud C.rifr.-.-ta

li7 t.rand Uivinion M. »f T. Kn.tera New-

Tork.--The jtiait.rlv *.-**ion will bfl iu the, Hall of lA'a.h.i.Klori DiviaioaNo 4. corner ot I'raiikerry and FuitonrtB. littckljii, on WKDNESDAY. Jan. I.*, at 2o'clock, Y M., ci.d Will Bilji.tliu 1 n.rrt iti Alb.tuy ot) the 18th of JaLii.iry. nt 7 o'cloi k, 1* M l.r deuir.iiatraiiv* purpo'e,. It.rd.-r, A. C. FlaANAOAN.O. \V P. Ti. EnorBLr.Y, (J..S. tr*? 1'i-aplr*. I.e-rtnroa..Tlio ti.ird Lecture nf the et uixe wi.l l.e iiiven at llio TaliflrBBB*. l»v Rev. WM. W. PA'ITKN, of Haitford, on TIESDaV EVENINO, Uec. 2* Siiljirt. "Tlie Mirfyraol Yen.-tdAy tlie Heroeaof Tnd.iy troor* open at 7 o'ciock, lecturw to curutnence at 8.

TicK.t8l2ic.nta. Hnndny fr"**"* AimlvrraHry ot " Dl*ielplet» ol Di»ci;,!e*' SuuHi-I'«:wl.".The Aui.ubI Ai niteraary on \\ EDNESDAY E\ EfllRO, dty :;. h.ol will take pl* Me. I ath ar.. n.-ar 6tli_

at the Diacii-lea' fma-Houae. 88,iniiaeiirii.H Bt 7 o'clock. Tae exeicisea wiilconaiit of




t-iikiiiK l.y tl.e ( -, aliwi Addreaaea by tLcOllii'. n ofthe (liuiiii and othera. The imhlx are reaj.i.ii. atited to be prtaent. Aduiittanoe tiee. Ni

i i". ,-i

17 TB. New-Kniilniid I'onrap ln Ilrooklyn.. R.t T. STAUlt KINU will Imtuii oa Tt ESDAV EYEN1.(1, D«e. tk, at the Brookiyn Iuatitute. Subject. BoctAti b Ticketa for ar'niiaaim 23 cent*. They may be ol.taiti.-d .tt No. 18 \\ all at., atid at tho door of tb* Inat.tute on the above evrmiiu/. l/cture to toaiineuie ul "J o'clock. r«7* I'opaliir liiM-liirea an.I Experlrnent... 1' nt il BBOWN WlLl.lAMS nt BI.-.-ckT Huildin^*. roraei ol bleecker anil Morlon-ata. New-York, on TI'IH (Tm av) andTHIItr-DAY BVEN1NOS, and at BrookItn .Miiaeuui, in Brookltt.. oa W BDNE8DAV EVENINO, u. i....b, .hia w.<< i. S.-e liand bilil. Hei-onil l.reliir* on |r?* Iliiatlnio d li.lllaaa*. "At *. Appl.. t.. U.e Ei'K'l.'i'-B "I I'ltc will tako in W-EDNESDAI EVENINO, Dee 21, at Hope pUn l *pel, Sj. 720 Hroadtt ny. at 8 o'ciock. Ticketa for the nI'o he hodof HAI.L Jv. .i .1 'ho roi.iBe, ¦".% cent*. |<(lN.No.'--rj Bread-.i. t \l ll.I.I AMB 4, 8TEVENS, No. L'M Ur. ttdway, and at tl.e door. r?*- rtl.-rhaiilra' Sorlrtv la.cttirr.s, lN.V.-TIMerhanic*' Hall. 472 Broadway, on MONDAYB, at 74 l, Kirat OMBBtl v. Jain . y 3Het. Thoniaa Sforr Kinf Mouiitvns, aud ¦.

jajmary 10-Bet





John Huuipdea,




ri0|HBB af Papulai I. J. \\'M A.TKT1-", I..*itiiri>e.-i»r.()i;..r. tt I'npalar atiiiu.r. "Nile Not..,' l.i.- Howadii, I ,tv, ."

of tiiisaeii.-* al t...- lab\.KHNEMiAVE\ENlNO, llec. 2». S.l.ject-H; doon ."!.., Awiii is'tr..i..." Lactara to eawiiiaaaie «tofMeaai's. .,.,,. itT. Tickeuoi.ealiillinK.-ach-i.i' k So*. 8triA.aet k Totraaeol. Muaeuitii Ito.-, No III llioadway; T.J.Crowen, No.»» Broadway; anl the boOaUBOtaa nenarally. i,

ntli 1...



jrat iiAchnuiia' liiNiliutr l.eituroa,.1804 hc dnnit »B:i*.ta. aecond l..*ci m oftnaat cn..-will o'clock, at tha (Tu-i Iay)No I 1VKNINO oar.8 I>ivwi.m »t., by Bowery, lt,. .. B..fthelu*titiit'', ofOoTera11,1. lOIt.N A DIX. Bubjeet.Tha lo«Bence and othtra cau i.. n'on tbo Induatritil Cla**e*. Member* laihrarv it. the ,,. uie tiikrUat tlkt A, *k of the kArtuitry th" Inatitute; Ai-plitnu Co s. No. 20ft Broadkoomof No. 71 .,,.. Hall.*, Sora, No '.''" Bioadwav. aud Iiayuor a, C. II DELAVAN.1 >*. LectureComiintt, 7.AD0C PRATT, )¦ T 11. lil'RUAS, ) tr liuiiii MmIiio l.nw Ili'ineBMlratleB.-Tha


!aW|.ii.liih.iii,Stli<-tTB«ciiiintiixicatinadniika r.t t.llut.m th. | ..|..i-i.1 ,.! tlm.-t mif.a ol the V-'l^ -¦',. "*"> Hall ,*»>"e .''t,JV'a.."5>.P< WUlM**em.i, ttnla.M .nble at Mt tto^.it«i hi. ,Arol




Y. 0*1 Addrea*.-* will bo inai!.-hy n. IIAY EVEN1NOJ Hon F A T Ha ¦i.-.'iii. JohnB C.-,.h.R.vS."u'l« li,.,,, Uaine Law andj, tie Coiu.-bbv ll" IB. by ntc«pl<ni>co*»lon) hDibibI Fmale (wrfl.-nfoiaadience loiniiia in chora*. ., ,1 |e voica*, U.e t,.l. had at Jollie-B Mo«c Iltjre. No. W8 ,i Briadwav P.-at I Htice. nea. ( anitl-.t.; Etaia k . ,'o.6in Bidadway, kc , *n.i at tb.' aaat of ******* Dinmond Jewelry-Rr... f H.nntlliildeaati and aoraajafaatip fcc n..wl-ta.aellEar,...,;.felfiBBt Cm«*e«, tvj Wu*. FiiiLT-Ring., **t Bri , at aiaa unnnUally low. Tbo*e lo4>kii,t for cheict. lw..lay

Cim-yai.a 1'.\-.*'

Tirket.-, with aeat* aeciored, 50c4ynta. l.ckrfa and placra mi ta JflflBffld daily fiOrn 9 to 5, d n.. Hu,! B 8cn'» Mu«ic BflflIB, fla il I Hroadw.y, corner of r*ik p!ace, and al the door on the evening of the Le-t_.-. 1 he do.or* wil! open at t>i o'clock. Tbo Leeture will com¬ mence at 7} o'clock, preci*ely. .






EVENINO. Dec. MAZEPPA. Harr.i RudaoCl.Mr. Simmnraa

Thiiiiinr.Mr Ilowaid. K iidao.Mt. CirUT*rl Premiakui. ...Mr. Mep'aiei Olineka.Mra. B-i'-kJand Aldei __baa...Mf Carti.t-h O-.eira.Mn. Oonover Droliuako.Mr.JefJera.or. Btaperdeai.Mr*. Pin* Tickrfi 9(i renti; Pnta'.e Bcxea, 9~ Door* open d G. T* flemmf.c* d 7.


THEATEB Bmadway.-J.


W. YV.ii.Ata. Lo_a-e. J. W. Lmteb, SUga Maa* F.VENINO, Drc. 2ft. POPPINO THK Qi'KSTION. Mr. Blake F.Ilen.Mia* F. Cramer. MY CIIIUSTMAS DINNEK. After whieb the farce of S RAPPINOS. or Noae* Beware. witb the To conclude THK. HAPI'Y MAN. Door* open at f>J o'clock ; perftinniince to commence at7 Parquet a_J Dre«a Circle, 5*i cent*; FaiiitlvCircie, 25 cent*.


Dec. will be pecIaeaae* -THIS fcrn.itd tlan Om ia of LA CENF.RENTOLA, Don p_a_B_fo.Bi| r-tti.giovBi.ii. I Ceaflftfltf !i..Muif. Alboni Dar.dini.6ig Coletta [Clonnda.S_gi.ora Avogadra ROSITA. Rcita.MU*. Halan Pcrrita.Mia* Joeephina Door. open al 6.; commence at T. Boxe. aod Par-(uet Of.; FaniilyS-c.t Upper Circlee 26c.; Fnvaie Boxe. Oo aud 98.


ALBONI wil nmke bo r Tliird ai.penrBnr-e in evening next. Tue Boj Hook will ilo An.trira. on beoinned ou VVedueafUy moming. at 9o'clock, whea aedfl citn ie aeenrod in t!io .Wflfl acd Parqu*t.

THEATER.Cbarnbera-itBURTON'» EVENINO, Dee. played, 28, will h*


P.YItl- AMI l.o.NDUN.I'lariil-. Laolv Vola til.. Mia. YVea.a.

J.-.-..)ai-gxti-a_Mr Thtnia*Tro-t....Mr. Ilurton SsJ ly Tiot.... Mra. Hugiiee. ONE I HOl SA.ND MILLlNERfl Joe Bagga.Mr. Iturtou Angei~aTo.ld.Mr*. Hufbe*. ll-.-or. open dG_ o'clock; perlo_r_a_oe** oommetu. at 7. Bo.x-a aud Par.i' et, 50 ea.ta Scc.nd C rele, 2Sceuta. PriTate Boxe* 03; Orclieatra Cbairs, 7 > cenia.





( HRIBTMA.-' HOI.II'AVS.TOM THUMB .ud ti.e FORTV TH1EVEB. T..- AMPUIBIOUS MONSTER, cal od the Bea Tigrea* Bfllfiiffld tatba water from 1 to3. ar-lfreui Ci to 1- I'.M. Tlie P_TBIFI_D HOIISE and RlJ:l Ria now b.-ie. A: 3 thia, TOM Tl.LMB a-d ibe intereatilkg drania of RAVMOND VND AONEi, Ai Ihia Evening, TOM TliC.MH, anJ the roiuanticaptxrtaekd TUE FORTY THIEVES. to tb. wlioli Mui.uiu. ll.c Baa, hc. 25 cciila | Stda in t:.e P_i|tiet, 12J centa. oxtra. "


No. S7 Bcwerv -II BaBM fl ('» Pioiinetora.. nrd HOHDAY. Cbancc ot i'erformaitcea (or tlie HOLIDAY YYF.KK Mr. J. J. NATHAN.i iu bfl lUMuiticed Foir Hmae An FRANK PAS'IOB a perform hi* jredanddar-

Ad oo Hflfli*flta vv. itof'lli-'oRD iu iai flomei.1 .-..:. rt et Li IM a Mt-i ( BHERWOOD. lor tbe hrat nme thia La ha boaullul Hi.i- Act of tlie R«»l-.r Dr. BAS ()»ii>ol* in . .¦¦

Sl T vtill i.ilr.Kiiico (*-! t),,i itonderful tiniuo-fl tea!* of




fAM'S iu blHCkwicactot HoiflBflfltflhip. W. BIBt AUE. tlie W.ld InoJian AdOB b.anoeh.k. fb* buipwrecktd BuldBoy, bv Maattu MBANDS. P_at*-rta|o Y.uiutuw. \c .-,.'....ngaii tl'i- vaneti'-aproduced tbo cinfe; and to conclude wilh llo* inag";.»C4*nt *pecucle of m A/irr -Y 12.. Door* Pric* cl ailmiMioii B-ne*, 26 cent*; Pit, o'eka k. oi-o B at tt, pciforn.anrt. lo ciinmenet- d 71 alteni4K)iag. and _iar_d»y VV'tdncuay _,...

(UkLOOH of WONDERS, ELLER** No. S_y Brrtf.wav


BBIUal-T 8UCC-.9B. _.

Mi ROBl'RT HELLEBwillcoi.tuoiie during the pr.ent week. ho. branttful *ml gdoalodiing »- ri,-o ol expertcnanW m r-KCOND BHJHT, bew.ld.r. wbieh have flfl th» laat let* evemnga" eoniple'.ely .adiwart«. you wud, i.. aae l,, an.i t ac-flBitirk e,I a. NKCROMA.M V. mmmmm. r___f3__B__MAIN. 1IF.LLER'* tbe only I.ivTiig Ctuijuror eapabkof graUfy-


..,,.i,a,,(;,iT mo»t liiarvellou* ot all manek. Artk-oJa are licaciibed, date* tocuic*, wi tinga, iaitiCoiMc-: olreM, M fl t,v tta ot Ihfl dailt Bflfd-a, w U be iniuutelyHKe«lled. VWa-AKli-v PR1NCE jaflV ...h Bitndfolded. _._«. Acniaaion, 30 cenU. Perfoni.ancea comruaaciag at 1* o'clock.

HENRIETTE 8ONTA0 "alli-uN.A KIlEEMAN. 289 HrvW.vay. MAD. Si ",KKA^.v.. j | Klrh:le..,JrtAi-lrY Publicire ra.pectt'iiiv and Mad. HENRltTTE SONTAO. iu <"reat Variety ol (1



and Amencan aiaaaftr. ,i ..rf'.-n,*, oi t rarrcy BrtMea anitable tor holiday ,a<eat tert lew rafea bt





KREl'.MAN, Ho.ttt Buadawy, cor Read*.


l.tlortned thai


on l.o-r returt. fntm B_tnuoir and VV _i_in_lt_. wil. make, about ibe nii.Wie ol Janunry, I8.S.S, no-rIN OPERA. liRST APPEAkANCE


aad. wortrT" Flnt Silveittiirc ol tieautifiil d*4nrn Laile*. .**poi.ii8, i: a Vi. :-, 'l.aSct*. 1'itch ra, Oobhis-Cuj-*, 1 . ka ,d i verv ol table war* niiiiab..' forpreieuU.



I' hand in Uov l uited State* B*e pni_T_.-un-aAd.i... .t«i: C'B-rt -mmenea* d 7. o'cltB-k on C b*_dtbd: .nh-ued The pub!tc a.e r-pectfuUv ceui. Cxnc rt will fla i. aa aid N.w-V.-ai dava an Attrrn,K>ia 3 clocB. at o cio..le-tc. *i-to at giTen. Dvon open

t .*


« Ht>rvirr

.1* of Silr.r rialr.raaalallaa '"«N. MlLh ANf> Sir.AK


IH-.I11 8 wfll be i-i. eeut rd to any o aa



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"l-ur^li a 1 Jeraey

tV ^IW.-HARPER INIO-kl. No. 11. ."£.»¦» hcVlt.c mpfith AAianvrnarv no TL'tSDAk l>;i.^°[BftiBU, Krooai. thr

Jttb im.. kt. tbe M E. Church. Oreetie *«.. near Bt Bet J B WAKELEY. J N'O B I'-H OH .nd othera. Muax »niua*e tathe oocaaion Hon JAMm K w II vrrwuie. Uour* oaen a! 8 o'ekaak; exereuea 7- Tktkata i:f ce«t*.to be halui the B-u.-u-it.i8of il* I hwd a .ai «t tae d»ara. NABY J. M- NAVVriUVN, irec. ol iL^iaaaiMaa. |


snd ILLCffRATED WORK8 io* "1RKSE.'irirBB>r By ('. P. R. J-,m-a. author of SAI.K bt CHA8. S. FRASCISk Co, No i"U Broedtrav. Angu.tai." Bieheliea," Priee W c.ita. THE WA1ERLY MllVEt-i-Edioburxh edtua. 44 THK STEECHES OF WEBSTER ASD tol*. half aoorereo. TBE WAYEBLT NO\TL.^Abbot»funl edition. tf HAYNE. Pnee lic* at*. balf rromero THK LIPE OF DANIEL WTBSTEB. Witb Portrtit to'.a. THB WKITINOB OF SIB WALTER ."H'OTT-Noteie aod an arco'.r.t of tbe farco. Con_r_rver»y between Web" and Poerc*. 39 aaa. Boatoo ediuon, eiefant haif anaqae calf. derandHayn. Priee 12J cent*. The aarre. lnrrudin* Loekhart'* Life. 3*7 tola. haif bonnd. PITNAM'S MAOAZINE. Priee 25 cent*. THE WAVEkMY NOV'ELS. Edinbartk editoa, ia J4 half BMroceo. Anex.eU-_taatort___! of ANNUALS andOIFT B0OK3. tola, 8C<rTT8 POETICAL WORKS-12 tola, haif t*»roeco. Ako, E'liDbarali rdiuon d low pric*.. EM.EWOBTH-S WOBKi-fiBeediboii, 21 tala, halfDEWITT k DAVENPOBT, antigue ealf. Tnbune Baiidiagt. MtB. 8HEBWOOU-8 WORKS-18 tola, baf-*aa<Tne ealf. A Gift Book fotr Every Amencan. MII.TON.Piekenaa'a *> part. editioa. 8 rol*-. fnTlealC FOCTHEY'I LIFE AND vYoRKS Of COWPBR-U ROMANCE of th.; REYOLUTJOX; tr.'.*, li.t ea '. a Hiitory of tbe Perar-nal Adver.tu.-re. Heron. Ez MGORE*8 WORKS-K rala, balf calf. plcit*. and RiTrr.ant:e. Inr.ent* a* eaao-ted in tbe war of RO.-W EU.'fl J4JHN80*.faVat.-dit. >*. 10 reia F1CTORIAL BIBTOBY Of ENQLABD-Caraflara at Iiidejendenc*. Or,e eirrv large ruyd volume, elegantiy time, w th .nrlrx. 12vol*.. ha: pr**cBt lUoflrated, ia _____in. Pi_* 91 *>; tiegant giil aadefl tad ibe-fHB Ir..NNi l'.iLiiPEDlA-Compiet*. 1 d toLa, ba-f edgea, 93. morr ee. 1 kflfl velume po.. j»e* a rramaatic intered in being tbe 1K*. IXCPS WORKS-1: v, B, Ml aaa; elepat. *ikewi*e l.alf-a*.fi.^nr ruf kg-nduy part of ear flflflfll nalioi_l routeai. and a* auch. i( in .-..'AKSPERE-Kxiflifi Pictoria" edifcon, 6 tol*., half calcul.ted to protoote a berter koowledge of tbe apirit that cHA/LETTS CABINET EDITION OF 8IIAK8PERE. pervaded that -ra, than ran be dertred from almcar any otber acurce. lt ha* ail the frethx.a. and lotereart of a 3 vola, Tarioo* rty le*. THK WRITIN08 OF ALEXANPF.R HAMtLTOSron-.anre. witb theatnet trnthof lutgory. Noau_.arvT.ln_e 7,oB.. half calf. ba* evi r been -i.iaht d, and it tlier-fort contauna mucb kt«Ti'E WORKS OF DANIEL WEBSTER-8 vol* kaB auowiedg. reiatuve to the Bavolation lBLF.8 LAMBS WORK.*".4 to'.... balf caJC CB which. from never-ppeanng beret jfore:_,a penr..r_ifonn, THE NATlONAl. i rt^ljBdfRiiana. knew to thr great body of tbe people. OOLPSMITIC*. U (Ht \S.4 tola, calf I HANMNC.'S WORKS.8 tola. half calf, anti(]ie. Ako. Now Rtady. l-r.U l.i m WOKK.--.v,.:». f'i COMIC NIR.**ERY TALES. By F. VV. N Bayky k W H.worth. Lonrfellow. Tl* Miltca. Ai! it flta '1: c r,:a ning over 1-' IlludrBlion*. by Leccb, Braj, ScottCotrprr, and other r-fauc'iiivl Poets, in tarioa* tire* and Mvlea of birriit.a Cp.ik.haiA and otber*. Pnc* 50 ceite. A BTBB a#»v.rtn-cct af IbLCSTRATPD WORKS. itutaLl Kl F. a BROTHEBS, \ADTHE F-ukar lera and P'i':,..aoi»r». OFCOMMONPRAYKR. mom, ro. CHI'RCH SF.R1 HE.In vrrtrt atlvnd No. 134 Na**ait-d one doo-r beicw 3oeek-____. Etwjliab.a itreat M \EMLE ItOOKS.Amencan Jl'\FM L» LIBBABiES.kc-, ka. A BEA< !-___' PAPER-CARD tanett-CHAN .** KRAN'i li b i ->. No. 2*>2 Br-ndwat Joat ReeeiTrd. TO THK rri'LIC-Th-tnubliaheraof tlie " IUoJJot THE AMERICAN ALMANAC. 1838. TRATED NF.VVS** ar.' compelM to ce tiiat. with the rad of. very faat ¦;.<.in prea. and a BBflfll* -*t of hand* d work day ai.d fl-flbt, th*y find it temt-oranly out of tlirtr EAITI1TI. I'IrT BOOKS PARLJ V .**" CABINET LII'llARY. bt Hon. 8. O Ooadneh, pov r te kiep pare witk the pahlic dernarx! for their p*p*r .tbe order for it btiiig tiie tini*. grra.r than tbe rauiuber ve.uniei ICn.c-eni-'onr.. tint'nrnlt louftd "sJfl ehoice illuitratioiia will be able to pnnt rl'inng t'ie BflRVBl flflflfl. OEO C BAND Nu J Cjriihill. Baaton tbey Pubiiihed ky who 1 .ibrr* »ar>*. Iiodulgence klflBJBflfltafl* tt Btaflfl BflflaflBflfl For Mk'e by all the Bookae l.en. have bo en imperf.ttly flapahea, ander the rafl-iran*e tbat, however ncrino-. the deuiand, every order *h__ u-tiinately A Paper for yonr Family. b* YY it li the increaaoMl (ecil.tiee wbieh they have now tn ac¬ HOME JOUKNAL. Nt-w Scriea for .m tive preparaticn, Ibe lubarnbera fori oootirt.-nt that the rabln conreqnenr* of the jreat Andron>inaaI!yt*i'--ra*inf ra> _er,u.-nt rnn,ber»nf the ''ILLD8TBATED ICfl WB" will not be aubjo-ct to any aimilar delr.-i, and wiil cnnifg.tly imrr.and far tba rVtantlv printed, widely-ci.-cu.atrd aud un;prr ve m avary deparlinent. texaally rxpalar Fan.i.y N'ewipaper. we bate, lifletororc, Tbo- inat i.m.iber cf thi* paper, bo^ng 8."> OOI co;.i**. ha* brcn unable to fari.-.*h the ntnnbcr* 'o oaly a tery lim¬ Bl ia futnre, we T Ifl .. Hfflly Baaaafflad, and tbe preraea aro- dr:v.-n to their ited rit. rt.*t r.pacify for th* nipply "f tbe areo.nd. Th* ok*<ym.l .rjll, tta fnat of Jaouary teet, eemaeaao* tit* i-ubiici.ditu n will be ready for the publ c ,.n VV _m--«oky, Dorc. _9, tii.r. t i ntrit" a* Batl >lat». ra pr. Vit.n* lo which it i* exprcted tbat aU orojer* from thrfrt-le ari en*! la aa t will be fullv au[ plird. ami ag' ut* ind d**!*r». her* and el*e- BiailnalW nt4jft"*r.'-"* MoftheEditon-tl i-imtr.'.'it ry n.l. :ice i>f*|. .. wh. re, will le enabled to obtain all the eopiet ordered. aj,,. Do.i an Ma*aAine*.th» **'-. 'ioui ofthe _tl,e»/i«'< iifereatinit pub! *.inu* ot tbed-y -tts ("M ENTS laeeintftc::ri.fhe iparkluif wit aml n-nua'.n| of tht ILLCBTRATFD NF.VV S fir tt.- weak ending S»tnr-'heperr. ¦...-, a'-.d r aaip ofthe Tuday. Jan I. 1PS3. t characters.tlie it.niu *cene* of ar-alsk. FNORAVINOS. the rhroni.-'t ot the new, f.,r Ivliee. 1. "Birth i f the New-1 ._-,"* a dwn by Tboma. A tbr a,.fld we (iv- in. facta aal etan aaa lar.e page orn.riivi- g, j.rorao.iced by artiat* to be uci of newe-ibe I'ici .t Et.iliaii tpmtp.tbe LBfbnaBtioB-the tnt, bjaaaof of thfl bo-auufai c-aign. -v. i pn- turrd. the tbaaa.the life, lit-ratare. **anc1 parfkoaof 2. "The Lut Momei.tiufDafuelVVob.ter," * c:ety aud mora-a. and the nmial vanetv oi c»ritui cbooaina* <tiiie. covenng tv.oer,tire page.. The'.on of tbo fioui tbe wilJertiCB of Enanah per lea. Iiteratu.e. cntiinl. ia.,l Yl; YVebafrr'a family B.I fnend*. at... ciBtn. rtc b.-v.-bi BEW FBATUBKS ot" leaaarkpoetry. inp aroui.d Ibe Qving bo-oi. .al.tlifiioiy r-preaoatoad. -af wiii eiit.cbanii iitevaiue u» tne NtLW aud tlie dv ing atairauifon are «co-uraU ly proiueed. T .* BlULLIANTM-.IllK.*. I»r 1853. taee* grciip alm include. portraiti -.f Mr. Flccber YVV-ter. Dr. r $2; tot th*ee copiv*, $5, et Oue -r'oronccoj.t. VV_i,n, Mr J W. I'a-g*. Mr. Peter llan.y. Mr S. A. eopy for ihrae year*, iV-alwayp in adva- .-. ten. Tlie aecnraoy f rh.*e prtraita ha* h«_a gredly Addre* Aij'i'. wiuicut Bt^criba delay.MORRISlc ara'Pt oi by ll e damr.TPOfyp* W1I.LIS, li. Mr. VV'eh.ter'a liibtary." A larg* engraving, ihowuig No I I -'.toti-4t.. N. Y. rfll.toriat.d Pr..p:;rt..r», BflJ view ,.f thia l-em.r.-al Bfflrt.M..t. 4. Th* Manaion of Daatal Wetwter at Mo_rab5eld.'* A bv NEW YEAK PM8ENT8..












aotaU '.:ug


.f ..theanc Paanua-a.



.dorl- fr^n


Bbta de fcrhietinclADm^^SSLmllm\ami .xkibii-n H>e _^|dta~ *g*9*m*







.*.Y^M,aa_.t-i»i ipl Ai;n * UILGRiM


^(AGF. rnxniS-AGE BANTA-D1" fltaa-flkfliltaflahflk-f GEOrL-dA.






ti UOW O0W4 L1"M *nd tb. HOLY LAk, M) new aai .padoa* tbe




Xftt- pubiitatioont. PK» REW-YEAR' BX<-F.LLENTMAGAilNE FO* JAKCAB1 r.STii.UYH.YVr.



Tork." ». "Tbe Tal.,in Sfa p V.r.caaun.'* iiiu at Saceaan-nlo Citv." ld. 'TheO 11. 'TbeOpenmgol Congreaa the Meaaage in aata." 11 -Tl.e Opeiiing of Coinjre**. R*aoling tbo Mcjaage in ibr Haiiae.'' 11..-abtie .i.gniviBgaare a!l nre r ,1 n' -..wt l-rtati-

fnl aad coafv n.aii.-r,afao-BBaBBad wfrtb appro] e*tma .01". i prcMdrairiplion*.



I.i i 1. I'R.SS. An ..ri.ual Nrw TaU I.BB, l-v A'ice Car-v. wi'h an The "1.mal, by aut.griph. -Ti o YYat. rCarr err," ( ;,r. O. L.-iai ,!. Wil Ir m Bi ruvrd II. Kl.ubd). To a alo.rv of inral r,aet a _oa-w.-*as_ch fcr *lir tb.-lt.' r. l-v Ba. Ki: Kraioe.a Ai olie Mirhaoii. l-v tke BflBfcflr. Joha t-ratikin Advaatarara ia tb. City d New-Tark. TUe Bwifl.kf. i"-I ti. -Mn*ic aad the Drama. Sir ii tn tb.- At.-.r Ai'14.1 'a Hktary of £ttmt». T!i. Opentng of (lugroao- Tbr Dedh o, Webarer. IV- N-.v-York CrTdtal Tb. C.-nflaarBton cf Bot.ainenfo. Tb* (aloric t c |¦'. -te hou of deatb* flbip Ericoaoi the p--r*en' ytar IL , ent Lifer ( of Forte Mannt'.cl'lai.o atur-f Hfflnietion n.ckeriBg'* to.rv at Bu*t'-n. L-atrtit Intel'.igrnce froui all part* of tlie vVi BIX CFNTri. S>rve,i t.. mhacrber* B1KOLE COPIf-ft -idenro. tr: New-York, and a!! tiie pnncipal c-.tie. ,,ttl. l i i. ii lot *-,i ( n t* , YV'eck, pivablr ui ihe Carrier. Ma., tfl any part of th. country, fS a yoar. or 9l W per Hy I who deaire to kiiv. the PeracO* rctMbng in New-Vo.rk.Iwria.iuot l-avniuly lo> eat.d pi| r leiieoiir.. Uooio tltorii aoldief*.. otibri pubiicatwa otOee, Ma .28 Kaltt.e Si.ii Oftic, Kuilon and Na**_ri-_«a.; or to HaiBUU.'* Muaenni. F oadwav. Singk copi.. can ae a* tof. i.uii'iij ofiiie ibokopiac. i:-___.. d ail tlie | a. NuA.okgeixiefl, of tbe Carriarfl, .C«a«. | YT RHAY, Jaa. 8, t ...






.tun. eugravwa*.

inl,..iiird t'nt a verr lugeind ct plcture ia inrro- a. of pr-lucilon, t* l* i .rn avt av graiu 10 kul-aiiilwr.. »-> u.-c .11 tbe uonibrra ofthe vulame . .l.otild auhac.-ibe ti aio.dtately. Ari'U. n.val (,-Srera. iratel.ra. and other* at home or aie rt*)«rct!aily inontcn to fur.ard flrawin. and rtant aceuora or oceurreoa-ra thu n«tv .,,.. ,i* ..barrvition, to the ILI.I'.*rrRATEf> and detrhaa, wben NEVV8, NewYo.-k. Such furilrawingi Artit:* n-iug ai-r.-i. are intaflafly poud ifiiunnd* attii thuotlic. loeloral.aviag. Cr P. T. liannim l-_* tontnUileai l-i-faait II -rv l>, 9:i¦''' iudAf>: K H, *> b. I.*\ .<*. niakin« a cai it. oi ODA-.iaa., ibr ibe publie. lon ofthe ILLI' 4TRVTk:Ii N KVV S. Tnk amount wiil be tlVbled, if fonnd neee*. and 11 kauflj tl r ol tbe profnetorato ratallt.k rjenr__r>*Bttv 11. tlaaa rounrrv. a fOfid Ilhtatrated at a priee within tb. mf,u.i of all elaa.«. To 1,'ajrapaper. acctorj t-i'ah thu dr.ign nn -xpeB. wiU be aparcd P. T. BAKM'M M.vortaj fartner H D. k A ll PKACH. Oeneral l*ar_or.. No. 128 Fulton-tt. Neia-Tork.

T_kj|Pfl1ut ongtioaJ it.a*. .!



SALE -TBr. Barrra



frata r>»k»*>r*)»e ta N* w-Tork wwekrt, k, **V-> .1 let aale SK* ta -¦» taa* buraVa. with habt *ra*a*ta* ,1 mM* att-t.-a-ut. faniiaB wa-r- -.. ..i » paa*. t».-ri. which it k*weea*ry tuav be refaajye*!. She af MI'SICAL ANNTALS ..._¦ ia*ar iotw otaee. aad mat be aeee irema Ttkeraaay nll Maaemy\ at ite rirr tom of M'ltTavet.. N Y, aad ea *i**aaaa.y aaa] .ai. by VY M HALL k SON. No.-3*1 Bn>tawa:. l»akrer*ae. Far IflBBB W.dA>*aaayMtaelti*»er'r*aadMif. alara laajatYe M Cami WILTtvlR. ea boar-, o* af tMmmaa!,>r BOOK.*"-, niAKIKS IH", Oti L Y. W ILKlN-fKXN B Ca. PAPTR STATTONFRY cf Bflflfa varirty. d low I Book* made to pettero, with r-itrv'. FRAXi*1*S1 U-A Maa of ewtaj, kc friraitaad 'J atyk to- J. wke rt-flhaa, Cbecka. Note*. caa ina bbbbJ eapital fron. B8.BB re 88,888 aaai FRANCIS A LOCTRKL. riatrwd. wlakee te aataolxai- ¦ beit.-r koainea** likta aaa aa I lflflfl Manlja No 11 Bindera, and Book Printer* StBtit-era. t-nnd KittiUu Frviriaee, iroaa wktrh a BBBBBjitaa. eaa be rVVABaea in aaaawttMB* in rhat eaB i»**ra p**> ta-uhu* by adaxrawaB "CAUroRNlA.'etty. trilaoaa'jaBra. new rnstarta*.

flj Two capie. fo* .y^ t^r -ear. rud ***v__, 95,

f5. AnvKHiv ffltaWItaflfl Bfl cne d.:kr'* x PAY 1...I D1.VVHT gaapre-uiani 1 T.-ibane B-ildlnr*. Nuaaad.

Sft-aTStaltafl^ A

"J^iS*?1" OR£


^./r'tU Bd-Uy*. -tntamhVBi*xdkard. ^^J^A*^ op*»o.«e keitard. No


AURIAM ESHERAIAN lt l ->. No. 2 Aat..r II to call tlu a'fratlon ol tl.. public tc tl." t lara.I-







mta-mm ai r ll.e.r BMortuirat ceriau:* of BOOKS MiUble fi.r E>EltY AGE. aal will b< foundupon itatpec»io. t.. be a* *old aad liiiBBlfBl aaauy ia the ci'y, and wi.l t>e astei low price*. atrriiial'y , ,-,.r, Th. v '<*'« ai*e 'tfl taa a fin, a.*e.r'in<-of of !»A*4CT Iat. .'iiiii*irtAU.oiiBsapiae*iy li AP 1 euabled Bt *eU at axo whrb aad they f..r 'he lioiida) aaJee, BB'.r.'aJly low .... Hou*y. -r A*i k VN Ra Co, BHEBM AURlANfJE, -






I.OIE ardTl.l v iii..*trated aud k. vr I-ERIMI t- r nehlvb-.i"' .n Siorocc. (liit. with Oel.l Iriowi Kiubleiua




FAMILY MnviTOB. By Mn. OLIi.E ro S04 IAI. HAPP1NE88. a-id tor No. 114 Kultou-et, PabBahed hy E. W ALKER, .aie at ail the Bonk*.-... ta. Now re*«lt aud for aale bt all BooVtell'ra,

MEYER*1 I' -*.'.:,, E li ..1 l<-r

ateel Kieravand obieet* fl all iu*j> hiatoru-al text, by Horace r. deernptite aud i Iim I. llrB--. i. W Curtia i'aike Oolw.n, Oiiari.i A Furue**, Hr. Ret. Parker. Tbeo (iro A.ii. v. m Amenca »r.l Daaa J Meyer ai .1 'uh-r emiiieut wnt*i»oraaau ntv-d, 8J. I'ri. e. bo-gnd full ailt. andllienclify trade. A ni'wt i.lHia; H.*cobiiI a'.ow- .1 to HERUMANN J WilUiiai *t-..Scw-Y*tk, No. 18-1 >v( I1A1.I.ES A. OANA, witb \ lew* ot the tn« B leniarkable


1853, aailr*t.atl-ok*vpa7i.






H AKPWAEE.Eor 8ali>.

:is I_aa_.Ire««, in a aiwi a* Bea.ratreae and Cb*__»*r¦ (firlaar* mv rx-^nerioco-d. arad bat* excealt.t city n»»oa«_ieoe. Caai at No 74 B-h-av., ui tb* fcotkaror*. ba a rtv and ipecta^i* yrtiiBg VV'ore.. Haa no objecfi. t» do laa

AS Co..*;. an.l"Theaeta'ip



vate fairti'v. M aca-d bv the other.


AS 0-_-flS_aaaifl






She ba* g- o.l rrwr.-uo.o4d No. .8 Ead





Falliratruc:. No. (.1 Broadway, between I'i aud 1



Appiy at

Bflfl ,1*

l^ovi«oii*TUiii4B*aj. BUOVI W0RK8 for SALE.Tu. 1KON COMPANY. 10 eloe* * ermeera, oBVr

a rosptvoiMe Prot«*at*_nt ANTED.By <jl\~ VT YVomtii.a .il..roti YY-_atr__fl. v,





DENCB bernnud and bd.atwub the wa-ling aaid ir-Jiuug ordopiaiu ft t aalr their rrrv e*t. tHilve *nd..niplet* #>f ee* xt. 11a* ibe bed of city IflflflflflM -. ai-d ean iMae.i ai. liiB. ..'at .ot.rt lii'ii, niuated 011 ti.'.c water, at Fox Pouat, ua th* .-. aideace ol her pre*eut "emplc-ver. Call ox* al pte. ideace. No 1. laal VSth-d- near jth-av_ fcr two dava « worka have all been er« 'e.1 w <hiu**,*u years, 1 ui pud onier, aad raady to be put lato itnuved *l. BBB.a tva pec talih« yiiuiur Woman, are a i.-n. aud are e.ju*. t.i Uie produclioo ot 84 taa* tl noa iat. lt a to do cliamfwrwork .1 gr-ieral hon»ewo,k . aie, a. ii l-Ai* p< r <lav fora*m*llranvafe familv, aad i» wllling to mak* h. melf C01 nected with ibe above ia a Wi-e Mill capable ofraaIay, for wharh Ihate BM 4*rikAr gouerally u-artiL Caa b* »*en fer two day* at IHI uinf eifl-ht tuiiiwliod* per itrtr.aaiua d> uiaud m Pr'otidence, atthe prroaet iaeritoatic* ifooag » -ii *'- aud rietit. at l.Bite<iual to th. eatireprod.tol on ol tlw i.idl.. A'i». Kryi iVat' nt Wruuflhl l«pik* aad Nail M* h ne., TT aa Chauileraia d and flflifl BflflTflflaflf IflBflB d*> Alao. a Cut Na Mill, Wbich wtllttirnout ten tun*per No htj Fri-t ;.il f (hav. Co_couiewe!l 1.om77iended. ca|all. ol t. ii. 114 out IB'to I7i raak* prr dty, aud whieh TAftWoe* cot.ld he eiBi.v ajranaed to douhh- that product. AN"I'F.l*--A.-ituatioin. by ¦ Al thu ritaol'ihnieiit waa huilt k r nae. nt. evpe.ia* W*. tableWomau. flbo ''. a BBfl O-ik. BflB BBflfl be p«rf*. t wilint. t.< BMi.t vttih waaiiiu. aud iromug, a-.lca-i do the *l'*red ie havfnt et*tvthi.t about»* l| of the vumt aahibii* iwuplete au eetabliahn kind, and ih* uiteattirt tamtX prtieto Cktauy. Be.t ot city .n New-Etialand. fbut.d he *. '. !.nieut. an.l th. iht.-id prrliai-*, bt, m jrete Call al It is tl iHi»fil thit a.) place iu Ih. Cited fatBaa pre*o«M . Btedl * rtore. Can 1.* *eenf.r all the week, if not engiajed. hetler eprnu.|t>e. fhe proBeraHoa, by a praoiical ofthe auanuraetut. ol wtre nada.iron, naikaailapika*, f.»r an Diau. AN fOWmJ111 the-dfl-ttfM Miaii 'ke Cn, ot l'n-\ideiu-.-. ih.*«*iil*a*olalar«eaadrai>idlJ, *rt f fr*.. K'.iirrtnanPagrant..Tuition iu*iiaf#<t'i-iB*diBrnet. r*<*nintia forcoB* ..npaea Fo- ra-i-.-u:*r*Bp--iv 11 th* Boa Oflice of tha Ampbitbea- inc'ea»iii* * riHlu.r-tMl of t),rm- unrk. t. 7. Bi .7 Bowery, "bctweau tho bf.* ot land tf. aL Tl. m w.-rk. Im -I..* 00 I..I.. »*... wber* th.' Ivrayw *l**e .... which freaueot our bay cau loed au't reee.v. MI'liVlIANTS may rar,..* williout h, iter»«r. *llow« ol tl-eir reeeiv...* taaar thr .eiviciof act-. bn t paflflflB, flmiikjr wtrii the ...11 taafwal au.. ... at taa hkwaBBBB^ BaaajBt^aaBl ¦ Y or* tra.le. Ha. an exten la!." **n at all Lmea be h*al ou aa flood U>rme a* olaewBera Kenliickv. (>ko. Miaroun _nal F-Brayivaalt pnre*l_- ia N«w Eoalaad. rn Y: iBnanl fl-iaaaad iu Ihilaalelytiiok, iu a Uardwar. li -8. .| i'.'B.-.i ;'>» I'utib.i.rr <*o»i).l Jeair* to eivuina iv li.te uo obiertloa to tnve! a. A*rnt aaa, farthwr f, aetiptit.o la ******* for au i_tt' vf'tr-fg ntefaaj. Rfferem--. 8Mi.Ii4>ad A.l- Tke i>ro|-eriy willbe *ol.l ch. ap md the teruwol pvymeat ditr.a ANDREW, Tnbune Oflice. wiil ... ini.l.... , Mr W II. Fo* tii rAai.«iiatM>ii 01 tl'e piopeift app r to ao BpiuicaPFMiERaON. ou tlie pruuiia. *, aml loi i.-rua in Providera.**, u. 11 uiaj b 11 ui. 10. itb-rol!h.- atiliecaliea 11 "' S I. I I*. r. r..N I" K, IHM-.K PAINf. BDW lltl) PEAIU'B. Pn.vii.i,. e, It L, Dr.- ln, 1KC OIIAN''E l"r a persiui \MihacriaiA (.OVliliM.-.i V.Aa\ir.l>. to g.. a -l.oir: ol aiara. * in th* r ..intry Ifl foraeh Piaaeb, bi Bai ol il We t* p.irrhafle ux-half iut. reat ra a aafa aud « flad d aud bniiuraH* bnaii 'aaalr. .ul, ralahl ihed iu Um ii'v. M.nio. ai.d ail ti * l.lrra. ia n.w |..v.nalr..ui 84.1)410 tolSt.OiKlyearly. Addr*** A H, FfflflBB ImogoiBa* tliiently. Kor lUrtlit-r uiloimat.on .. :'._rv.ow caa vvl.e-i aud wlierean Ttibiuieilll H.. M '.Ktl Pod Oflice, bt bad. i;O.M{|ilX«i-HorSE KEr.l'EI.'H.. l.KSM KN VV \ HTEI > .I'u'1 -tfl WBO -_B*9 I hc Furuitnre, 4c, »fa *BB*alBi itr.H-l*i* Family with ll.iilr, luadel.aliltui an.I r.a'lbt loeanun * few bad a l.-iig - xpetiai.i .-, and bav* n _o-.|u_nt_ic irj"-U. or fancy 11,1.. ¦ i.aii th. e.ty, wi'l be axebaaflrd B.r ihal ol . I)rrn'eel C**b an,l aliort time mv-r« "l Box i.i N-n Ymk. arAilit.BB, u( Itaaliou .Vc favoraula Iioi-m cau etiect Yankr.NaBoaa t'-nned gocla, No. v -ii.' I'.at iirhc. raagriu-'i.ta witb tke aud.ra gn.-d TWEEDY, MOI L10N iNo.PL1MPTOM, 47 Hioadway. I.'ETri.NED ( Al.lFO.'N'IANS abo '" BBtlB and engaae 10 a aa*-. pleaaant aad rrry i.*i.i**t, m»uaar«Uud'ii.<lera.).Ml, rrx|Uinn( flf IMii.*afi»B pT-iriable V) TEACIIERa^.-TIif» BoarJ 8-tSJ I.) *.,'Bj«, and car. k*i hxtaled ia ai.t State ui f thr City "f ta-wark. M J will BMWtflfl KRlDAY, froni v it'.mt coaipeiiimu. Por p*Jt-caJ»r* BBBBBB I'"..... ibe 1-. Hd Uacemloer m.t., at 10 o'clock A. M al tht Weat W.'d Pabl.r St-houl. fcr tb* pur-Mian ol rxaminiiig apj-Ii- ENEIUIY. Tntune OBke. Iir iC, A.iaai,r eaaata for tl.e aituation of Prtr :*, iii.l lor tha iHiat I'atnal. I'cp.Ui..ul ut Uo. PubaiC .10 lioo'a iu cilv. T-. YY ,t,l K «l.t ni the I -iite.l rfiatea. From ililft.ilOO to Bfljlflryi Pancipau adtwi Aa. Baufl u rlaaral airbrn ram yaatf Only 8 kBB re9.<' «.uitjb. t-ipal, I300; uf a_.idaffl. ..inrril down. Addre**, t*llh reaj kaiu.. (uu olber* wi.l be JOHN YYHITKilKAD, Set-.t-iy. iiflti.-r.t |.-i >, Tni .mcOfflcor Bu, No. !*» P.«t ()8Vo, Mraiu iMrooo to sell Pfalailc!, hia, la II arvrral articlea wanted »verv fauuly. Agetota oaa .I' «' !»¦ A. iirany oi.Iif-rpi-rmak* **5 per day Alao a man w.rl. I.VXI to tak. an lutereai ti lio-ti-i, iu B -1- -n.ay make fll.idO p.-r anti-na Ton ***».*./" Ft F.s *ou I.-uib rlr*'tue ramtly Or.K-ary Itir rjp vvage*. Cal! or addrca. No. -17 Bowtry, ttouiw bb r ti ay v 'V.' parrh-kaer ht , ld" a*ni| iianl Jaa 8, ui.ti, 2o'i i-rk. 18j3, N., Baa No. "*3 Broadw*y Pcat-nlloe.



















YVANTEP-A piiriJiiiai-r




m.*) iii iii

ME-.F.^Pubbjoer, a thonmi/h tflflBBflfl. yoong IN EXILE; 'IXTANTED.By KEADV-NAl'OI.EON vv Man. aC<,iiii..r.-a_i Holi-h-, * iituatiiu aa It fl VOK E FROM 8T. MELBBA,

KOW B,it.*tli*i.p.niBn-rfaAidr.r»ectinriB... N.po.. OR, A

impurtai.t ettuta iu

; .1


.*u,UB rneat Lite *t.d Ooveruiueni, m ha ow» *:

BT BAllRY Y DMKAllA !at# Baraeor. with a P.rtrnt ot Napuioori. af-..-r I stcelehrated ptctur* of Delaioche. aud a ti.w ol Cioth Bt both beatliailt euarvt d on *teel .' vol*. liuio. J.7. REDFIELD. No. 110. IU Naaaauet. Bu





J KEEPBAKE BM HJU. "The Clueitiof th* Anaaala" 8TORIE8 AMi ST' DIES I'llOM CHROSUCI.E AND Hi.-.. 'RY "Tae h'-t i.ift.beokloryoath.-" THE W ALDiiBK KAMH.-i By Mra iL.nHnry. 1I.E ROA4AN4 t. i.F NATLRJ-:; Or. Tbe I'oetteei LanOIPTLEAVEJ Of AMERICAN Pi'ETRY. EdKatur ll. l.i woli. ,-t ftkP HntiKS tn .verv deairable form ind otn*lin«. AEE' MB.A m-wpiitkent **»)rtin.-nr iu papi.r mache aad her nch bitdinio). t | .-ne atot k .-t u.i*celNaeoa« IJax-**. a. aDtod to tho JNO C. RIKKR Hol day »ea»oti For **U- by Nty l.'J r'ultoBBt.. H-ra.d Buiidia*-*-



(i KMS


^M flltBB or Fablei int itb.ti.i) it F».T». By Wai t'laad Boarar A uew. fteah. artractn. amt valriable i vt-uu*. aud oLd Ei^hri.iaaed with uearly iOO Ej and rrcoauueuded. mv.uiB l Liv raaliy idu.ireai * SiRlBNER, No. HiNaamo-at, Tob. had ..falL Boukwll-r*.





irafBal iraiiiard aade-r the lawa Peo»*td*raaia, ra Ihe akaaaaWtare al


r-frrerr* ean be .]irata-nd»bakingbrea_! The Ir.t ct cifycora-r of Iflbflf. given Call at J J MORBi.S fftore, and Univemty place ll*"ANTED.A wtuafion af a pnif4-t.*tHiCi>ok. T v bv on. wbo thonnighlv iiiidetdanil*" er "uurtu..t Cau be k ?or IB. dayi at No. _f4| Cbi-ttcpliea-pt. Bc.t of City I _njjb b.f laat place. I..-. ii. 1 to Ininiealiately. 8 nr 1"000ika \\"ANTEI**. 11 ..rnarrtetit an.l make Padflfl M ;-nncle taken eaa _e Covrr*. C pal'.v liagiierrroiype Uood liaud. cau naak. frain 9* to fllO 1


tflher in ik.* e^iiiUy. Irua Orea, .aaaa. believrd, toaay bitunmoti. . oai. Lmeatmie, aa>* ue*u-!y etery art-cle reajBir* ed tor the ii aiiat.avturB of Iran «\*t iu ata i h.aaftale «t*aaB* tjea, oa the ipot. aud theae drptaita are aow trerleil, r the n ix-ral* .l.-livrred cheaper thava at any ether Bfl point aow tviupted torth* tuaa.taairur* of Irea. TtaeF .v .;.-, Canal and tVatral Rn'r-ml p*aw tfce proprtv. aad croe* **rk other at tt.* flpot wtker* tha tr-rw are axat th.>rcBa|hlY ot.ei.ed oat. aad whaea lueaBa. fc t tt. other airtTanaaJbe arr taci.tiy ef bmiiflBaaanaflk aai v.t'i tv toapupuloaa bt-roikfh. i.v. beeo a-Wted for tae aa* Bb iehmeat ot Railroad Iraa W'oik*. and 8a- tha *rvvt**a el jiler hlaat tanacea, hi aadiuoa ta tbuat aow aepata. \\wma Tie arrrntxai o, aapfraj.*. rll*TH*eed ta eraaarh bt aa «akB*T* aBBB .reoaayeraritia proht, »t*a aa taa lear prl*e whieh exn taaat btwbra ihe ne* of the 'aM ax BBBBBBk patcea efltxm I: ;'n-uitrj>* ka be toiy l.i.-eatlte while aaythntf Btat Rajiroaal Corapan'** eaalt preae: ia:<-«i letail, aadal*'uf u akii t *rr«v (ptueuta t.-t l.-ou BaiB ta ke bbbBBBBI r. .fj.ii. weaJlrd to tlu* euterpnae. ra114.hi.1- audrr ll-eaiauaAureufia. Praotieal kea Baa*. al .11:. am: Mauufaa-lurei*, wlw. ba>. thor"v*hly tni th a I'rtipvrty, .ml whowt-atrwfo prui'*tl.i«»ial ao fcou* to aaar} tat, witb *arVtt aa<t aputt, a iMawneaa ln* a lart* caah eapital, caa b* ba.1 at tl.e ««*-. e ef the AfeaB 81MEON DBJkl-kjL lor tho

rvcrllear VVa»her and Iroeer. and un-

ta an

aai aaai aaa

Railroad Iron,

a very r.-fjieotabl-* *r*flfl****j "ll^ANTED.By v 1 YY. mi a at'.tiation a* Orat-rd. Book in * pnvate S*t*

valuaMa aa4



¦-.'*¦». propoae rmUrBitaj al Johnetoan, P,u)>»tltaii*a. Tbe airirka. taet hat* ercared »B*r* auvBBtaar* .uperior, . ie 88BBflBBBTB

of f


IIerch',1 utten

k cf

rT-HE ( AMBEIA IKOX COMPAXY-0»with. a ot

re8****<*fable Girl. AS preaeet emp'.oyer. by rof*>ect*ibi.« Wt.tnan. As Wit NoflBS,w*rka"o!d city. Apply

Btioo . from famiie* tn tbe 13th-.:. near Avertue C.



waakmgarid ironitg. No objee'ion ro _.i anycuta; e..n:ry 11*. *.vd cttv ref.retic- Call at No. Tt3 .t-av., betwe. n ltth and iTth-ata. Can b* .een for two daya.

Cbabbirbaip ba a roed raferrviee cn-i he *--**. bv At ir-flC VV Ne Ml Eaat Tlat-at.



8-v..<"). tn**. ther with tba. pnvtl*** Bf le*va.B* .BflBf IBf Stt-te. ifiBTj kKif.-d tor itwti a baataaaa. Tae aaaaa ba. bee*itonducted thiriri* tk. baat tweotv vrwra, aad n awued folrlt bv th* etrt. rtiarr. For penmn. waaarouBof floaaa i<x*a th- ftirtiwa.-e bafiteea. ne beuet aa., araaaak i-B. t For rurraat partK-uiav. adilrtB. Box Bw. X,4JB Pwa-


Af*.*ta.t Book



A.uliu** lo Y. JL K. V. lnb__.

loneit and dfitur *t_



Apply d tbe *1KLF.CT PROTESTBo 7(_rmin«rt.,»rSOCIE'i'YAilCN'CV. ABTAUBIfCT, (hanibeiad.



W'ANTKD. A I'l.Tk. ln 9LflWOtaCflJ BflB

haa had aoixke experknt. _u tbr A'tornay b_ii1* and wbo iiitentk to qaal iy biictelf for the ne*. of an orfwi...


praetice of law Aualrea* T IV. TribuiB OtB-*. Compenaatiou dcpei.t* upon qn-a!t*_c«t__*»na.

iireai'.ctnlihoyi.un.' Min, a Lrtter Pro m Pnnt.; ba* aad tong

WANTKIl.By prriei.o-. ail-iatiou a*


aad a ihoro-igh know ledg* oif tbe profofotaioa i* whetbar ia a J»k. Book or flflflfl, *.r ortlc* partieolar Ak iTflflB 1 v Irttrr Ifl IflOfl. HOYVKLL, I'.itf-«|>io_.Piad-




thi. aty.

IV' _NTED.A lituation


Titituan, who


derd.nd* it m .11 ir. btbucIi**. A *-. pbintbing ani '.tt,r>g. Adatr-a* VV VY W Tr-bun- OrBce.

v v


MEN WANTED.Kni-i;...rKniargeiuent o\ Mla9 Oflice, 41,1,1. itnmr-liakrly, Tranttwi. N. JDoakwarr *i.d Raiitau Canal..Waaled,



Booma. rMkllriR; in tha riABRIVA1 cinity of I'i laa at-iiain will let Roo.u the *e«ea*l ttno


*ttTANTED.SitfliiirifHis t'.ar-unarr. snl>«*r. ol vano-i* r-.t* .,._> an.l a



rk, 4.HK,

Alru, nieiud.log a k.ay


of the l-.r of Maao'M


a Boa.d. toa l.rnt bu.ui aud hi* Wifaur twroaoetety, the aaoderu iraa'e Oei.lleni.a. THe bou*., u new, with proveuiebt*. Appiy ai No. **804thav I4**ter*nee. rw'Mired. lor F.nailiaa aad


,ii.»l» .). nll.-iumi can No. 110 BlearkerB Th. ett. 1 ».va ad.iti.m to the b.nldiB« beina completed tlie houae ia o<.i' ready for tbe roreption of boatdeia Nll-E.MAN BDd his VVIEK. or two ».n*l* (1. trlen.eo. aanbe with irB'nfc.rialle Rociii nd Hoard #4 Bo 53 Warr.a-*t. Al*o, 1 wo or ll-ree Oi ntleinen todine.




an<i hlaanfe.or «n*a ortwo i-.f>«'e f>entl*meu e.n fiud haadaotnely (arni*hRi., .Bat No. 171 Pa*t 17tn *t. Tb* hoaae 1* Juruieuad



A Grnfk-mriii

BOARl>. BOAKI'IXO.Two ¦.iifie .1. -.oi t.r, (a* kc.

ar fhn>a rery dVairabla -BBBB are Yuaat at L.'o. 83 Bar. Iay at.

I>OARJ>IXO..AlarkK I'tiruisLtnJ liooui aJao

I 9 a to reat, witk, at Ne. 4. Bl**a-k.rat. Twn ur three Osbileiaea caa b« aocoiutao«lated witli Board witl.uut

rnrrgelie aad eip.r.encad ___('_pri,rrjfl»A a.. lirat-rate SituiiK-nrttin bikI Be;iriion ¦ T uriuea. None fcat to.oote Bi-p*n-_*__'-n.iaiidahout ou the ,-t..nd lloer, in a pl^aaaut .oealion aear Faltoa 0I1T BOOKS for the HOLBBfl to Bfl Buderdgnad, BB bruaii'l tb* v*ry bed rr.,,»u. ka b»Hrookivti. ohfaitird, »'th full ir partial HOU* may mi tha .nv; iar E BOOK8 lor t'-*. Mlaaftanfl Ferry, Lu*d u ar.oto., appiy. ApphcdkOo* IDATof.- EF-bODE-iOFlBBBCl LHE. ByA^ked BOAADINI), iriflc. ef Th. DAYS-I.11TLE SILVERSTRINO. By W <). will b* rrcrivrd i: th!* offlee ua lfa.olay flf-rnoion, t'ie ifl Iloaid. I.yof addiB-aniaaaotet.) lk,n-.:.c« In tbree ifi:<a, \- Firat, .1. uu r... ( Jeataal Bl*ilt edfe*. A-ilKF.L ftfeeat*; WEUIH, 1 vo HM Jau. 1. iBaatrated; aa.d BJitil md lldl IbobbcLB li.aecta ol Spnug ; aofctdad, inaect* ol S.unaer. tk.rd, i-'a*1 vdI aod (.aaai. «l 1EK BUBNETS. Hv Mra. Tut:.iU. (BflfljtaBfll D. R. h. giil, aech ti. Tbe *anie. wilh tk. dAatafl .A suit. af Rooina folet, aiaa ii.t. at-eaaiiiti.y et.tinrd dtt-g noUarr, axlra gilt, gaJledg-aa, tf,l. di BfeetU; rit'daea, 81 Ot.Tnon.iiTi roa YotN< M1R< A.'-TILl M'*i\L.*>: ftajlfl iooiim with fratra. a.-ael, furaaalMa. uar .u'laa« r.tit 94. ¦aa. ba'l). h.a'era, ke., ut tae ruH-cla** brewa aieaa kotara raoufkloif afloar Mr. b> If H Vaa Derro. 1 tcd.; 88 eeuta; full fii*. man l-p, it Cfoiucrn. i_0 N.) 78 W r.f .:*' *t. Rc.r tra. .8 fllCflBUfad. ¦¦." 1 1 i.o.-.t. HALDCAMERON. Oa, Hiabt Tbiali. 1 toL, EOR M AT I ON WA-N I Klta-Of Mra. Jod Pi bhabed; '-WifhP»rl.iraarnJ lii'.lrooina ata laat.vr of












THE PRFTTY PLATE. A Chnf-niB* Juvttii'e. byJoha Bid f bj Doarirv. 1 vo.. ISuio, eiotk,

ttTBii t. vit eoree, 8* cent*. pn-urv 1. aay '.bat at. oraaV-r. graag nr aniail who tal-. ap 't'.aor_r- atvl tk-T'.W. .ntiBi-rp... .i»





Ki l.HKLD. No-.ll.iaa.ill2Na.BBBd.

BOOKfl icrthe HOLIDAYS.-


Mau MRo-LANDd NEW VVOBIi. CHABLEB fCKIBMR. Na. 14k v aawi *i, New-Yuk. ka./ad pakk1-ibrd THE Hl'ME CIKCI.E.aa wiiiu-J w.rk. ByMra.C y. Kti'ii.i EI t.f v liluai-ated ti-* *<.1 eaim l.i ftoai dfBkuaby 11 liiUard and Dai-i- 1 voi. "kr. t*!l *.'t 95 J*. aid utorosc0. I p

A rk.ran.or>. t*.-a. ra. au-'. a ._ w__. 3__y afl.d .'-aaaal web fcud far roavrroaUMB tv 1 Hoaar Tircw d a Bfrayat ..p.iM. TW ,"_«T.tna» arr aafl of tba moat n, . d a Jr-ar* _«l rivaorftr m r.rr»-._L a-w la.k Htp_.J.-a-_ir :., - t. >r J +, «,.(,.'. ,.. ,a 1_. prt. [J. -a*t*-n_.¦ -



)i\\< Kir_KlAMir-" KY ENINO COOK: orFiaawog l Mobali au M-rtBkB*. Wa*tIva. .-kej.atly _________. _x_.lvrm with ,.


WiBardi.-iM>ef aar aa-oHokj. adla fcaa-w 1 a tcoi *__ asaaa ei k_ aaaa. .__.-«




li _.r»ied Fd-. a pi *¦ Kll > r>i A HAl'HELOR-A Bwokof tbe Ueart av Dariey ; 1 v-.« »>c. Ia tu. kia-lmea. .tift.-i .'fi.n. -vr! vVitb t'w _lv4lve Cne esgravia. Ir.n | M k.~..S ly edevkte in d, .*_fajcta Tha -Bwojr-* |gr Darivri-ft aa aa,n''t t~a__*w-h \a a_B»T*v r_-k^a_k_a*f tilNO ?PIR*T*". By Mrw F F EUet, 1 val. *u.! rTigravrng.. Laa-..ta!ly booi.l ia -a rH ar.d


L'NCLE HU.NKS HOME BTORIES. 6 to"*, lilu*ve.. Isc tull a3c. Jwt puLlatrd by CHAd. rK R1BNER. 1B Na*aau-at-

tratrii; prr





i.'iiBx.aid w.'.r» iB»n*d.ia W'rainrnday. Dee.*. THE *.*.« LAW *tEJl^ DIARY FOB DJB coutaimna * hiaakiriaimg far evrry day :a the v -mr. mmch oaelBJ lolornatiou ruvrrer andiruBnai aWloyritui lha aad dhBereat CtiauBA, the 8a Lat ef ail tne taliMl T*b*e* at 7 p. rmi.A C'-tup.ete Clerk* *a jaet Lavvrr. ia ihe C ft. 8kar tU aad Ratr* t Nota-ie*. IX*aaaPabbc ei«ctr*l. f-'B-'in-'Bl di t*e 8ta-e aad l.ity. Pofltaje. Iiaa- ni llo.diat Eiectioaa the I ited s-atr.. Stue. CaiatBratiaiB ot th. City. l-Dart* ofMiikfltera. Ciar.e d'A>»Airei, ai.u ( v. whaa brU ; AB»»r..-au I. BBBal -HaW. Bauu M ihe ol" PraaiaVaU for. i#B CKt-ala, af Baar-Tath aad BrookiyB. 1-ire, M»r Ia*arItiauraue* Cmni^niaa, .fruM. Health. atxi l-.f- *>rork a»< ef l*.bta, Aw-nV .aa luaaxaivc. C«^ ui Broo*Bav cEORI-r. lya f-t-a-r-Va: L^ea, *kcLaw Star.oner. No. l**t N"aaaaat.




-For SHii'-OWNERS aad MASTER.3 Cbarta


cotnrilete wt of Enafaah trikt\*_V aad Paim, iirrtx.a*a. for tb. Nflflth aad S*m*h kt-atxtut Stratx. of Maaeilaa aad the Bay ei:Vi>ce**v*ki**-h*fl'-u«*ba a-i' ,* aarv-Ty, recent taaaa aad Harborcl Baa Fraauaao, Atmele aat^iaW. Aprlj «. ^Li) W. At WOOD, li, .j Wtutet. a






Tl* rayrra. frtan eue ewi of the flflka M the ol IH ext-orf-t*- taaary. -_J fltflBi BBBB ia tbatad thd OEA.iAM - withfla*. a nva.


b.., -titul p.elnri-. oira wn or. 5. "The Tomh of Da.,irl Y\ . .'. r f>. "Tb. VVebdo-rOI.'er.niefl at N.w-York -the F'in-ral C.r." 7. Deatmclion r.f l'!.-, kennga Oreaf Piano-rBrt- Mand Boojfoo. Maa*.' A 1. /.¦ mi *i' 1 rn*ravTi_g. I. ..%'!, w ol ibe Fouutio-tion ol tlie Cry»ul Palaca, New-


the M..*_opoHtan Horel aad aoain B-oadwrt. ad**« Pa fed fham BuibaatiC Drawiap ev.'-oiBg Mr trBASV ARD dana/ ai. » Ita apot by , torir ui.dert.ken e_4,rt*-.y fcr the work*. Mr at»,»"'.*. mev-a T-cture .», aad oa p_g_.ii--'y. plata the **-o_a_8g* Wedneidij .iJ Salurd»J afteruo.iia at 3 o eiocX.









".;>( V_2_"


froni 7 to 9 A. M-


**ew Book*


AN »tb-jr^erXu%^£ *.?£__??. BB.I No-a*****¦*¦ MirrARLAN Tiaki..? Sd

,r'on 4<ktli *t andI to D r. tr.2 P M or No 57

now on

hiMt.tu.Bi MAUlSdN . OllAol*. Broadway lloa;.ol ad_i--uou, 9 to 12, A. _B_| J10a r.a. Adn.i_>to_ia*.Yco-.its)_ve be«n Tl,. above Oxen co.ijrtiiuier.trd wilh ajuo_..ivr Oold Btafl froni tbe Co oajt-fl-^W-rd Bocflfly i H** 1. O. Ve_r*. .nd propnetor.. **.., loanty Iron. t) YY« pretantt. with.SUvorCup eiW tvd ISociety, baldfla BU Oa I bj tbe i_io^lB-4a-d Xgncilrural ceive.i from me<tin«f ail a-rv tbd ttau^aal baa never beru Iniigt« ot ratt'e. ar.d pionucfd iu tbi* oi any odir-i H oiaUy.




I lu- larcif t aud BBOflt

Bf Oxen u. tbe

-!l»AY EVENINO thrSBh ¦Btt.atth. ifv.neWrv' «.;"\*\-\.'N. li.-i-- Bl B.rtl, Am. ^jL,_i*,,,,i.-tt.!'ri>o#»**ta



UJG .H cou.pany of Vl_ic:-.r_ -a_nii;enta4J_ferrdbT_hi»c--leS'_rd ,.,.. ,t.,...atN. A.FRFEMAN8.No.S*Bri>»dand Ktbiopian Drhnealiri canno: be e<*u_ed bv any other



GARDEN-Johb Sbftob, Man* NkTIBLO8 28, Htr.-TIIIB BAKNTM M.aeppa.Mr.

*r***_*_**___\ %k'expe.'-.' will be louii! tlie





tFVA Pfae ( a-nplexloB aad lleautirol Ilalr lor Tw* -ih.Ilrriitia. Tho * JOME")*!*) Ponj ar.d flflfltflflfltllll, ar* aoMoroperbttiing*, for two ahtlhnr* now ; the t.r.t r.o^r* fhe tk in. cnre* ernptio' *, fleah, rhappa*! the otl.t r dre»ojf a tbe bair fin- ly. «fo. ita falbng, rnree Ac.; A--. ¦vaXflfS. Both are gold at No ra Broadway, Sew-Tork; No. 175 PnHon-d Brooklvn by Zeiber, Phi.'-iie"phia. ttTTa Bflfl Krlrnda af Sneinl Hefnr.. -P-r .or..

by Ma-aine UOSE





VQL Xrr.NQ. 3,650.








W lurw 4, a tarttrr, m tho Prutfaaj Bawaeaa, who baa #4 -t* r.ptil A toofl practical pn-iter will aa. oo parm. ;.f of that ram. Mtea b*o partaerahip ia a pnatina bBbB hd-u*eet ia t ana.** *.*. car. whirb ti aew eeaartrAf ia ***** a v*ar. Cr^ti-waU* ** tr> ab>litt aad charartar will Itaaa bai crai-n.a! pnntera aaBeal apply Ia... tt'< B. PalaaeriAatertuari Aaaacy. TTtlktAM BaiaaV rxxg B. T wkBtv paafaaaBBB aaat be kaewa.


G1TT BOfiK *in.l BUBGdiMT -TI'E



:.HuitdreAlaof YniuBiea B-ave beeo adAed ta aiy itack aariBB the paM xx^ek..waakari worka. Ilta*fr« k aad 4rtaer Pereiaa awotta, tra-*c Bii4»kB. Jarr-all* Be-. ta Fr-arh and Koaliaa, Pcr^eatarr .1 th* dat. boaad aal mboaai. FBANCI8 HoRiFALL, Na 301 Btauiwtry, laaraarm Bataaa***-_


MEDAL aaarrltHl ht the beat

I*U>ok "turdir-. i* fcivea bv tae Aiaencaa laaBtate, PirPORIAL SEETCH BOOK r*-r. iu E. IVA^-IXR a SONS, N-w-Tent fNSTLVANIA luS-urrv. tc^ kc_ |i-|*ta«*ty mtkemU fiook Bitdery, No. 114 Fk<Jata*a-at. baatara i Bo-..¦.. over i:!_f__ad dt *rr,i roj by Ely w t So.- ireape.-trailv ialsrrn tlkair rriarda aad tba E -:- aaflfl 1 t-ii .lalt-ocioraai Map- Pnee -t t:« .. g t« »i*>-jel auentioa *.. taaxr *«Baaat P*> n t-j. atai 8U*>;b8|ibI B^k-aaaabaf, ai ail deatr.ptioai or w .ka. \ i'ot t!u* *id c: v ; tuUatrd worka. a* kri* r and M.M-a. J k J...j *>etd Ba**k ef tae BetCe, inaairuBa-ra, rhaad olprtL'"3 nd ; , Kiote ttd LuuMJau* B. T. YOCNii, No. 1*0 Fi_-_aoiWtrrxa, andfffealu-crr Hai:. t^iI*ibl* Ttlhak Cc."i»^kirpete, . Mafaafee. Hariret HOI.Il»AY>.Booka, Stari ncjtiopecie, AaiMW* 0»a fK. o -'¦ k-n-ty a. 'ut.. Daa t -*Fai.irv Art.I*fl. O.¦>--. .Vjr., ke d .VarroiVa .-M *>****¦ N?. *a BrtM-war. Teallfeetthtk*, B-»y^ T J CBOVAEN*-* Fxu-iu U*r*ry a-dJoO0o©kta*~ AZ*aat^pt3ett*of ..roaiie t_k« lotetror-o. t»B Mo.L NTkluw Oudo-ncavaxax aad aaat wbo in ityar*, at reae-itao-e .ra. eaacalatd hk wait ca t. bigrri_ja__l BBBBn*t T J*i*.'~rr«-j*-**a*a* l»acaB, at tUi-' uld frtatd, Na : 14 FiiUon-tt. are 10 f.iiaau otgtrl* for tb. .-








"r**1*__9IB*01IS| Limr.-i. a, Irelaiid YV ouid bt tl-inkfol.v rntelveorl by brr hidreB. Mary aod Citb- rnir Kitxg.tlprmf, wbo laudad in Nrw Yui. tUc ii lh, ai.d ag* uow at No. ".i Eoka'. .'l»t >t. corner cf ld-av. CATHERINT*


Cost anb Sounb. Saturdaiy eveuip-g lrut, a pair of -I >'.( TAf'IiKS, :d loio.k e_e, ia coauog rrim

I06T.Ofl j


Metr-i[ onr .11 Hall throogh Blroarker-at. aad np the «")-*/. tl.a-n

te Ik-th -r. A iBitahk rewaid will ke paid ky loravrag d Nc 187 W.d ir-ttd.. ot.* aaar tr.a atrt-av.

CTOLEN-Er.-m tbe Sul*d<-ril--*r, thi* *>Uowlt* F*bn_arv, ItM, No. W of Bo.r'f. A !_*.. hdo*Kailroad, th* bond p.y*k!* on


k Tr_: C-dupaay. Bew-Yark. No 2. A Warrauf Bfl. dtxe ld Apr.'. l«B. N» 121 Inca-te Bot. of tbe CI. and-Troy lUilroaaf. payabU on tha 948. dee Ifl A-wl, ItM, IJorad Ve 3,7*9 ot fl.c Miclyraa Centjal l_i!x.d. .___,.,___ ofthe Bt 4. A Warrtnt 948. da* ld otpnl. _4o.S,80». flfjlT 0 Co3 loflaxy. Ni A W./ra-it tOi, dn* ld Jann-ry. ItM, N* MO af .

%S. Wwliant

P-n-rylva-ij Ba-imad. Jud n^lfga. _,,. B_ e AW_rici9it'.<'«!*tMarcb '.-5S, NalTJofthe wortgaa*. C4.icgtor.-L.xiEgtco Ra.I'road,ldkr* Ko 7 A Wan-u WA iae Marcb. ItB, No 149 ofthe ...'

8. A^Vrant 9**1, fer. lat Apnl, li-J, No.84. of thfl "5_ Bew A._arry-*i»lr_ R-br-_r". tiiat Biofxexe.

ilil. No flf of tba

AV\ a-rai: 9*. tafl ld AprJ. Cou,panv Payn-nt. cn tb* above are HorV-d. ^ Bo I


BOAKPIXO BOAEIMNf mpaniaij. BUAKI'l.N'; -Two

Uchett m*y be ebtaiu»«l at No-BtB Bh-wt. euker tolha botmai ,A/uuutm all lha iubbbhb

atthet ar

lu.f al*.

or mfiti-..

tn aa

aad pn-itafc-e emmutea. Pai. partieah_r* azad aaaxo-orrtt'tadir ttflreuc £.-*o<, by lallra**___. ,'_a_epa_d. PAUTNFR. Bux Ne I.lBB Port-iJIL*, atatnit wher* *a _t-rvtewcan b* IkadL aa-r

_***f___lJB* M.E*OB SALE-A I-OLLDfO feet erdrr; ike j VVIBE

MILL ia per MilaL. wi'h .b-.nfi_ut

wdar nt-aird atojat _rce r_l_rfo_ I rriai,.' Ap ly'.J JOSJ.PH "-TBaNO. F-ek-Aiil PodOfla*. <*, au *_,.'<.

BIBbY E_jibr.-4t.



Cbatntcnvea., a Brw deawrretu tkte Otranl Bflaat.

tba 128




trout room ar *i keBi-roow, ea the ihud aour aa*i * tB*. tt tt, .-...iu oia truat aeamnrii to a fiafliman aad w le or at Ne. . u*.r *. ut itiea. auxta-.atiij* w ft a

t*t>mfd. Appiy





.. ii..aiai tw. ainan Buitabi* fcr fan.ilir.gc ataae- ilet 'lanaea. aaa, ke eb* U i.r.1 .,, ikr rltiltiw arirwa atoam lioaee, Me.87 W««a *.**>. et, ae*t atk ax BBaa. aow, waii ail kBaypBaa

Bn.M, I'

.-e.|ii.ied. )A RI' REDUCED..A few



^«ar>niMi eaa b* aeecotrrioclAieil with aood Aid. liajiiaadairy :oox«. to auda.i .a* tt.r i trttof a aaa**. ataji J8au4 Bi*¦aea. «C N 107 . a:.. i u- imat B*a.)Ba»a. I} <) Alil il Mi. Lar'a-e iilaafatn rijotria to let ta J 9 Oratirtra*a aad thetr Wi re* aal atsif> f-*Aoil*nuea, wBb Ini or par rd Board, ar the taiarlirB No. 48 Orcte-at Briereacea retjxirrd

fiir FAMILIE*j--At BOARDVH !.i>rt R00M8 th. B>frrriu--«*Arhae|ed With Funitr-lie-ii RooaiBiBapmata IMIARD. handaairva Par* ily Boorn* Soor; Apy-'y NoHM BOARD in r-OI'TH BRf)OKXiTt.--4JMor fewariakaOea> fimuih' -jvjii N".

i»».rn. ia

9 ii:.-




vTiiaiurfl iox Baoincsfj flLtn. WANTED-EitltMr ?fin*r_l APAJ.TNF.Rwith flUaflto W.r--*. >_.dititad,


K BBM *lln 81 withnut tw.aklaat aad lea, wtveifl I'lii.'nr* of a nuum oan be ef.,- ari. Apply at Na

Yaat i.-.'i *t. Tha koia*

[ rt-

.a new,

wtfa aii


rr.. j

tSe r'r*'.


atrved ln tn roorn*; a er woafd reat taa tm-ar.


two li' tilruira with <**eit Wivra. ar a i. oroaR ^i-ri*. UaaaeB <.».. i. ,e< ro uiut'tij 4 ruriaiali**). wltt fi'! or partial Board, iu a dV-arabla loiai.oa. wUare lu'. tit. busrile.* will bc reotatad. Apply a* BV*. tl



(J«iill#niau aad hia W*f>,4Fr two BOARP-A Breaaraay. plearai.t in CATHERIXE-OT.*-«c*Nji^ trk-u-l.Mat BOARDIXC aeeara-i.diit*d Maarce^at,


or turee


*J. Camtlamrn eaa b*ae*BBaaifl*iflt#*»J No. 87 Eaat

rcetri at

CentWmeB Bo. 1

.jalred proaaptly.

ata taa


antb rayiru-tiia

t*f le-.enaeflt.


Qo\iba_ Prfacnte.


SALE.Ib Hariwn. en ISM-st., bptwr-en Vh aiid iith-ava, two beaittifnl bti.ldinfljta, perfec'ly t 6 iB-h"*-

BUILDKRS-N*OL1DA PRESENTS.--H. R KIMBKR- Tf> CAKPKNTERSanilDflPOT, Dowav-at, aflded aul>-nb«-r II bflfl. LT tha by Iiroadwaywbieh !">r"H* prepared .p!*nd,!-*iit artiob*. invitea altVnlaaa to to furmah :n any -.*.. h* k a>. a* *nr io t.l rtovfci*. i. be d-o-l *r«.r_-t to .. bd- wm will w-arwt ry, ine WARRK}| H vT.STAT

F VVARKHOl _.__. No. 46 J from premi/t-* a* abovfl, Having tbe me to keep a greater varietv nf iracaracity, wil! enablean-1. frmn artangeBflflflfl rec-nily t-kan h.retotjre. trade in Europe, I .!o not heaitate to aay that tli.-r* i* noof .-.tabliafcr-oo.t iu tb. t'nited Sial*. where nch a vanety wlncb. on marnclf. in ti * ean.e trade may be tobad ; and arertton will be foond adutfactory all both in pric* and artoocle* afew t. rr receivai, oi recently Ro ngt.. 4-r,a!;ty -oiict tbe dtention flf which I RApiutl_ I.. BBflfl Vtalani, in krga, cuu, aad bottlea, warraaled t) e tir»t qua-itv. Lo nd., Pi ki»». Saucca, Ketohtiraa, kc, in all tha vano-xa dvie* ttalti n, (oU-Btrr, and C <_dder Cbee*., tbe nned ever uopo-.ted , iad aSoy, Cnnie Powderand Afncan Cay.aa*, ia fancy Chineae packagra. VY nt "fndia Arn.w Ruot and Mangooaa ¦p\r\\ nea, aYiachoviri. Capera und Olivea. Baiad Freaf- Fnnfa of every vanety Bnn.iv Peache.. Cherr.ea, Peara, Ac. Hermetically Sealed Oyrterj, Lob*tei*J, MeaU, hc w«rJ-l-.ra, J*m*. Mannaladea, Ae., ln bottles, eana and ato.a Rcae. Prach, and Oraiige Flowrr Water., in plain and f%Bry bottle. VV atera, in *very «tyle and quaiitj/. C.logue ai.d Plorida ki-d*. Ltaie Jaicp and >t_-ghton Svrnpa ot vanou* Cavier. Oaroe. Mrd, At-rhovy and Bloatur Pa*te. I-i i-'ttrdaiid Domeatic PreB rvea. in every vanc-ty. aad Krciath. Engli.h and Aa r.._i C'-colde powier

th* Fxb'bir.Iteoprnrd.,. Y-,- !«i»1 i-* ManrifattaT-r* ofthe Un:ta-dS'.t_a_ra of tho. rrf-i.-fVllTindi.-trvtoth,. requ, atod to contribfltr ajv-eif.-rt* B__fldtkfl AB vr- I.. *:..*. aki land bvthe Co-.mrrte- will * traaa-aittal .,. be Bt-f-o.ta {.rr ot ehai.r frr. New-York to. UaWin, .nd thowe r t__a-


.. r

approv.'.i p«f«.. J;'.rvuk? WANTED.From tho lat of Feb- IXiR XIOUKKENOLEO: Or. r.treia^n OF THE BOARD Ko.9C«rrmi..*-fl. .V DEItW 'Broadway DR JStOBINO e7dlaot£e*\*Try AddrJ. (pa«rp7.d) hy _**_ ."72 ltv,^,.i PUr'V.KVINll ml NEW-YOKK PICKLE nnd by t*f**a*LS} .^"^J-rwiu iu£r*tb*n Veaevat.,ffflWIONDoN PBXBXBV rep-rrd boBaJidl BOARD -Two fliiv-la Gautlemen fi UtiStTV wni.--h, NU1'*"_.Y'i.../,r..rein Ii^RENCIT "-er-'ded a^prThaaoa. i*2 'Mt*.*¦ (kood'a Th0!! tiiilSwiu^^T fta SALE in ULSTER COUNTY-A Salamanbrr SiiffS. L^^^,n*^TriMa^rbate t_a




tteat VaoM




4>ntlfB_nan and Wife Locv-i-in or Hrnry al.. kriwr-n Ra t-r* B. W W No Ifl


be acct.inicpdatrd with two* eo-fortable *"*'. *° «' . who wkh_0 prartkae th. Ftea. h ..xngaa-. w. 1 ,uiarery rooim. ,n




FU__NteHED \__dkto


at 6.

groed awflftaaity. Duxnar b*_


LET. without f*w


No. 47 Whiteat a Oan-ienot*. enry witb grate and pandoorawmmot BBnatTway Front Boora tb* aeeond floor. No iWrtler. or e.hiidrt- la tke hamea.


Boar.I. with wialiiru* baf,<**> o-itad on


mtAingapw«U fnrrndi'- Raoma. caa rlrrati. d No. 13 Poplar *., Brooklyn. on the Highra. A raitl-n. aad ka* Wil. will tnd a dedrable auite of Ko-iri.. __^__ and a few and their "

WIVES, FaNTLEMEN gfl \1 Bt-otrk (l.ullianrr caa be aaflttno*ated witb Board ia a

dl tb. naoaera laiprcov.menta, by applying d b-fwren i_n 6_k and lMh-ava, oppoNo 2-fl W».2Uh dte th*Th. Ingiaal oSau iuary fun-iflbed, will be let to ROOM, cfl* ar two pereoma wh. ean aropriaeiBte a flflflfll botn. d with aBBBhll pkaaaat fainily, No. 114 Or*eu* «t. Irfa.r ara.



with BOAKD for a f-entleman, ."PAKTIAL 1**.. A atetfe ronmand rr convf-ienc* eve


EerryTSaaklyn.fainilyTer.,Np 98C5 Henry-d

aod haflOw

per week i laction deairable,



or at No. 74 YV arren-d.

ter**."*: Fann of 33 acrea, w*n .utted to raiaina.orehare. ana and waur exreHent marketa There ia a food of Oolaraoia nt, t.rem:*ee. tha Inquireromer aoodhuil<iiuii aod I'uiot ata. Brookiyn, in ihe draa atore.







-Tke upper part ofa mce, genf.J 5!-dory conau d m CkoB_Beia-_t., witk beeem«nt, range, and every aale as it *Und». Ap¬ venien**,.to kt, aud Fuimturr forfront room. ply d A54 Broadway, 4th floor,


ojant kSve-*4o,ry marbk No. V* Broadway, and of thfl Bt. NiciVilaa, Metrnpohtan u,in«flda in wbole or in roart. for anber *4i.t._ will be l«a**d either exa term 4d* yaara. Tbe bailding n 300 feet in depth, and and oje-ond trtatk to Mercerat. The Irat alory kaaemrnt w*ll are and adaptt__r-mrnlai-- w*ll ltrbtrd in every part, other buaioad for aCoBfectionaiy aad Ic* Ctaem Saloon. orTlie eeot-rnd nf. rojoqairiug laraje, well bgbied prenuo--.. rallery for flory woald Luata a BBflflBiflcent AMOB R. ENO, No 8* Liberty at Apply to


with STEAM POWER LET.ROOMS Power; Depot to

to let, ln BId. Iight Ro.... with good and krankhn-at. Bmlding. eoni.r of Center tli. new ta W A ALLBN. on tb. prenii-ea. *econd lloor, App'y9 to 10 dai! y. from POWER to LET..Several well-in and Beady power, b|htrd Boom*. with cot.rtant Heater ita Apply to bBiWing*orner F.bxabf-th andNo. ili Pearld., eor. Fktcher MORTON k BREMNER, and CELLAR t4» LET, alf4» athelitfht City RtXiin with or without Steain Power,to near Hall New-Yoik. Ako. Honae. for .al. aud let in Ilrook^ Bfra-e^ upgtaTi



l,n.indMi^.k goi^ta. RENT BROADWAY-Thr.oStoroa, Carriage TO ¦Bta 0.< 03-*: good. tory, .




or other ManatarAlao. au a-nirable


reai moderate; location in aecond ojlorr. rent O-TK). A1»0, a large 24x?0 and apartnienti to amail reapectibl-i fatnApply to R. O PIERCE, No. Llta Broadway



itXV43 LET.-iSeoond and third floor of

a new two par-

floor, J Hip-ae. ean_ioing three room* on each and b..(lroom. two lorawilh marbl* tnaatle., and kuchen boadroora* in two and waate and pii»-, jMinlrieaBnilCioloii the altlc and pnvilege to a krg* roo.m in tbe attic to (Irv in. Tb. hoaaeuNo 128, ctirner Pnne* *t. Inqaira a* No. 81 Amoed.

LET.The two ftory and attic brick rpo X Houae No 244 Weat lilh at, beiween 8tb and Sth-av*. j'. givei, iii.u.ediitrlv, and rent Tery low to the ld _ao t.K.1.

M Ako, the fioit baao'ineat aiod third Hcorof baaflfl flfl fll Weat l:'tb at. laajfliia d either of theaboTe





ROOMS, witb Inqnire T2 LET.Woll-lightiHl SlMONriON,

ot of trtlbant Steoun Pow.r. of any ai. No. 181 Lewn-at. C. M.

iiouoco COtintcb. KA.M POWER WANTED-T_-J wholaor


part of aatrong biiilding. art. about 90 horae power, Tba ->l Ihri itv. nrar the river, preferred. Addrt-** MlWER. Tnbune Offiee.

"IVANTEI*--A Storeand three Iuihiib iu da'mg r.-ut. kr Tnbuae Oflice.



in tbe city. Addreaa M.,

pmmiii.tit hatiuea place


May I, K.l, tidno- of ibe inamia- i, or part of

I'ntma Lense Irom

B .irorr (with thr r. tbr pre flflflfll,) on tlie wra'erly ade or Broa.lwav, between 4'hau h. r* anu YY h.te-tta. A btaflfll r.-ut w ill be paid Ioi anital-le Bcromoir»dationa, ai.d nndoiibted reler.-nce a* to iea| iiailnlity aud pnnnpt lude g tt-u. Addroaa Box 1 242. J'tat O-r*. ,

AFARM city,

lor SALE



- PRIYAir. SALli.Th..thr.i'-»torv nn.l


tt,brown .i.i,r MUl'BK, No. M .' -th .1 wav anfl Ith ... I a.str-M Sorlh BflB, No. Ifl near Vlairrr





.toiy bnck Koub, w ith all Ibe iiiodr.nNoiii.proveiiieut.. IM Weat \Th-et, I7TH *T..lbrr. .t.-iv bnck Houae, n >rlb a.iir, betwatn 7lli aud st', av*. Hi inaia-M Tlno.t. iv 1-ii. k llou**, nortli eaalo»>rv.i ot wiiiiri a, arith Stabl. oo the laar ol Ibe lot. BirriktB Gbkbnk »t-North-wc,t coroei Wibj H>\ with thi- UuiUlmsa- tot pn.** teri..* aai-lN...-^9 VVciilaiaap. ..! *t. pl, toCOl.E lt CHILTON.


.'..iulMORRISANIA YlLl.ACE..S, ld* for Mle.-Terma

av.aar Railraad.-Aboai 1» yel Ben prt cenl. iU>wu aiui balani-e ou >i»bo-f-«v> tbe i7th March, 18M Tbea.- lii. ovcapT a verv h- allhv and Vaulifu! loca¬ aud iu Ihfl iitY.aet River, ibe tion, i.aitandm ,ull taflfl al tiMsliate vicuitv t-f ib* i.1-i.a.-fl pf wiveral of lh* nital wraltbv and rrapa.table ruifrni of VVojatc ratrr Connty.Morn*ank Al*e> TiVie tiahini wllkln a o|ii*rt*t ofa raile The Bran.h Raiiioati. alrt-odv built, )-aaae. ihrooigii thia pntprrtv, alao, tb* NrwRoeh. ,lr'o_i,1 Svond avran* RvilnUkd. which ha. Krr« l.twlv _4i.rt.refl, tt k* exjieet.-fl will pa«a thr-mch Sl'irral ar* uow Ixnitiin.. and thiaprt*.ttv.' li.'aatit r ,-l thu pruparty l.o.ulhr r.:y itina ntil.. tra.piolvikertrcl Kor uiap* and olhet mforuiation applv t |). Tltlr B VV INTON, No 4 Tryoumw. aear llarlein Hailr.iad




SAI.E -A FARM ol 150 Miayo, tfl

__. ».ea on

i. OB. Bflfll tbe river Pnee 97,VB; tfl I aafl 1*1.d. 94W l** _¦ *4fBi*afl w"h i ht,u»f** and karra*. tbe ci:v. tirat-ratr hou*r. .Ai,**.! 91 acrea «J mile.kl trom fl: flfl Ako. IWdhera difterent locokitoaa. and rar..* iu tke

pnee*. A tar. nakw cf h 'im*. and vacant iota par cilv and vicitiiiv, or .iM exchacgeal VVaTBiaa k Hinr. No 15 l hamber_-af. "

Furm on I.ibij; lal-tad. thirtv X)H SALE.A New Y_*k. and thr. f._ ike viUaorr flf

J Par.ii'gd.le. _.'

BflaflB rVem

I: cnu'a.r-a Sri ac.*»ot pr.-i.r land aid haa l-«e two atoiv hou»e barn, kc A good uluaU.-u

te .a. it * __. aBttvain.. «i4_ti-. atore. ..

T*»'r.* raav

App'y jas Wivi LLOl*iitl. Ka. IV Kw.t-at.

1\>lt* StV


Dwelliflv'**. SALE.Two exiVileiu o_lbri.'k V ttrkknike, on BMk-

p raaantlv ula-irai ui Uie Vlllokg* to>rt wi-Bt ol* tba ti .v e*\ rall bit*. Ho_..thro. at dcm.. aith cwllara, baifl inawdeni dvle. of the k. m*tr»raaano-li, and __.__k.-d in a geareal manner. with mar.a for p!«*_tleot. gtadaa. Crataa wat.. Bc. lnla.deol .xeraady ? » n!a.-a. apply to ..,-, pnvale n aid.-rt. * A. MtCOTTKR. No. t-8 Pulton^t. San Build.ttg.

and IaU iu l-flbta about 1X)S SAl-E-Houae flfflBflfflflflfld

Part. ibree etory. artie. taaieanfl ; 11\.|.i watrr, ka4 oud cold; ga*. tbe BHtdoaru iDiprovae.cBb. Term* *a»v A * aud ali 4" Bl BR1TT. No iSWal! *.. B FOBD. No. "1-fl W e.t *i aM of H_w_a-M_n_k, or Mr. _U_T__, aa th. prv-ti..

Bfl IM*. *M





lUH'SF. a-Hbvbb*, \ V iu tb, I'hti't ( B-a thr N Y at. EnrRailrikad. Thr ol ck, a ia*. BBBM flflfl..aa ll v. aat only thr b*al kaakt, kat.t-t.tier expeiviivdv ni.u_a*>r_ aak-.c bo_» ua lh* ao-.t.urn * .tfli.tioB li w Ul ba tary ea..p.eird and remtl for -tvnpafjoa d«nng tbe on.>ih ot Jaaaaiy T* a aaofl tha rrt.1 »,_*. ...-.-aa ra._B-k_k.oa. Par fai*.fl p-_1_rul_r_, irvn«,rr .1 ...... (.1AJIUFS Cl vt,)r-B. Ha»iB-_S" T .

th* eaat aad 04.3C*, AV WA 98.*** BBl .:.«.. ia'HiR SALE-Houaofl fcrii,*_4*onit'H*<ed

wett ou adea i- the ciiT ior d Sewark. N J near A Ard dr.i Hoaaa. lh. d.p.4, _ity flfl.**. Ti- Lofl aa tb. -ik*'. at a _*vaain. if aj-plnvol for aoac. City Vota. aad one tkoaud V J. lage l_t* ai ail prwtia Ak.- a va-'aable Tanu aear Pl* lob.U. ^. J. ai t8^, acrra. aui:ak_. a* a gantle-rH-ua ccuntry r.t_a

E-ttt. aid *)et>ct. B7.t«>. Tt*. purcbMe an.. aaleVVflf».Reai »t Moaw>T attended ta d No 16 Con-v-wcoloaniag oa ot a* i__i KINNPDT. j ft}jLSCli i



ihair fnrndi


th. LidB*

No. '.* Jt_B«, i. tbe oto'.e n_anufact*irrr le.iaMa ¦BBfl a, of tbe ahov. onginal ai.d only fire and b.rg-ar-. t.rery *»-th_.reg»__U .ernnty agai-t Bale-old u tb,. taia--_ha rnt ¦C. J 'nMflfl Oayle-rtag-ther -r-nal «uprrini»i-e__-ol Mr. wita ner,ee oi twroty-a x y-ar. aa a safe m .ker. bd. of -We. wbieh the m_.T_evrre te_t. warrdflflBB kfl ttafl aad other eatiea, trtempharrtly with.tood tafl.i|ll id reconimeDdiiii ihflB .* BBpenor to any in iai

.t ia a d-uder.

^''^f'/Vi^.op.u.nded ilt'.it

obtaiued. c«u'd

l*">",> inar«e.e



.f nr.eT8Aj


o-rr, con-

to y.,.,.,. ^


he.r l*a|.n. wi,


«r v


Lota, onthe southaJIXTH-AV. LOTS..Two fO<l-*t., for *ale and O eaat corner of 51 feet 2 .erba. oa the

t°**^-_l f** ******_*>B

Tlie tw«,



6 inches front. cau b. had w.ih then, .or

ThU if 011(. buildin* «te* in tho c.ty.

Corporatiou title.

WATER-POWEK ca'cull.-d. l.*audVver.l


for locomotive Well pt-rpoeoa. Uie work*. or other extenave manufactunnx rmildinf. or, .....iler dweli.nff ai.d other with two run ui AJaa, a rktauAmj M.n. with a quant ty outhoua-*, and BBBBaa. B dwellin*withof farmiu* land, if requiw-d. ail in uood order. aituated which railrovd. pan-** York New of by houra City, id 14 ». ""¦ 2 throuab the property. ____



rfx»n)»No. .WIBroadwav. near Walk.-r-B. Honra of iuatnirtion >>A M. to 9 P. M The de*i»n of "Fo*t«ri vrtio Coinii.ercial liiB.itute"iito furnuh youn* jent'emeo aa well aduifa, bavecoiupletedtlieir irurral educatmu, a*anopportanity «t who are *eekin* t.fercaut.le ewiployment, Btti.ii n,i without low ol time. « preetieal knotvlrrlraol active m the auoce*. n.ifll H ee* branchra wlnrh ar* lile. W'ntnia. Book-keepui* and Ant'iraetic, and liidispatable pnnaretatutbtbt Mr. Fiaterexcluwon tfa. *o«nd of the mod.ra M or eirle*, lo tl.e ei.tite are qnalified to BtndenU and twelve kaai.n" charlataury; of tiie coButing-Bou.'' iu an expeditiou* diacharge tlrS.lutie* and aniM-rior manner. Il.utleiii. u wbo are faniiliar w,tb tho d. U.laaof buaineea. com^teiit ti av,. under Mr. Fteter'i inatnictioti, knnwledie of the pr.nriple* of doubi* entry in th* abort tpire of one week. an Pan-nta wisliin.- to find n-al hy iriJ luBti.ulioii iu vrl,i.hU'H'd order u iii.iiit.incd ll. .rmiih l.v kind!ic«.BiKl mpid iinproveiaient, yeror-d aud itnictinn. » iii b* alaaaal ajid wrved at th.; Coiumercjal l'li,«.ital Schoi I., No. 75 H.iirt-Bt. liiiancai .**cnoo coiicem* of





*X}*j0aa*O* JKNNER, Pnncipal. MATHEHAYI.N CLASSICAL nn.lwillc 1?A1E .nimence u.xt I.-nn A .MATICAI. SCHOOL.Tb.Tht- no'tib.-r of pnpil* in ,

the lirat Wrdix ailay January iflliaiited lo twrite, and tlie ar'iool ;s contidetitly recoiuthe luen.led a* bem* all a parent can d-«ire. Addreai B. A. SMITH. llaven. Ct. Pnncipal at Faircan be*een onthe three laitdaysof De'ctnThepriacipiil b.r. at .No.8* .M-irr.ivat. lroin I't.) 10 o'clock A. M- or he will call on any who may wiih to sce him, if requeated by note, lefl a* alajte. on


BOABDLNG 9CH0OL, PAIR located CONN.-Tli-i School ii

d-Iinhtfnlly HAYF.N. al-out one niile rwt of New-Haten. Tho next t.-r.n will eommence on the 1 "ith <>f January. Tne Pritfl M-al may be o 41 Mortou-it.. or Nn ''7 W'.-tt -'Ut-it. al -No. leeu leeuai. THU.**. O.

SLHAN, Priucipal.

SCHOOL of DESIGN, DW1GHT" Proadwat.Where the br*t initniction will


art* of Drawiui arid Patutina, at $o fo* be tivi'ii in term ff twentv ltaioiii. Payinenl* advanced.



ar* :n tlie


thia a'-aaon for th- firat time, aud admit* of fietr tlie dunnf the aaa*nn. Lesaoni on Mooaiitrancc at .ny dav. Wedneadav and Thutaday rvrniuita. (i.neral practit-e of all the iIbiicc*. wuh a lwn<1 at tini.ic, on SAtur.lay ev.-niiit-a. I.Bilie-*' nnd children'* cltnax-a on Wednraday, Tba'»uay aud Sattirdav aflenioon*.

Tlie MB ivatem, proti.v.ry titne


A. liODWORTH, No.806 Broadway.

A< APRIVATE DAKCING fc.r ladiea and No. -Vi


I'lMY. a: BONP-ST. ClaBBM raiBt. ib al 31 and 11 o'clock. aOt-rnoon : for tentl*men at 71 S will eommence tb. aecond Bi n'laail n. nms. Mr. .11. fitiartt-i on Mundat, .litnnary Tuewlay 1th and Wr-dn.-.-



La.'.tea and aentl. iu-n


r"Ceit* !ea*on* every

ftlocrjincrj}, Ut. nearlv

be aold either CHAS. W

uetv tn


Enguieer, No. 68 Broadway.

AVERY REWIXG MACHINE CO.. iVTtHE cii.ruiiiii.Ated their maiinfacrunufl arrangok\ llavn* to fii! ordera already na btwiil. iu a

day piei«rt*d d. tn*ethor v.ilh a iiipply fhr aalea. After IkveiinhV-r 1 *eueral tranaaction of tha iiiei.ta,



tha Crtke* tot exkibitini aad hiiBiueee of tlie Con.rany vt iil be at No i">l Broadway, cor. Muirav-it. Btiond aear, wbara t;* aaklk are mvited te eall ai.'die.' BaWaraBa Machn.e U* traethak will do all kitida ot Baat the niateat cainbiic to the coaneat bacfinf, aud althoiith .v.ry.oth.r Btioh ahould be cut. it will np uer untavrl. Mr. CHA.*.. NEri'LF-TON, No. *?! Wallat., will atteini t." ir-;- hi.i.u'-B* i.i ii. Ca aal das aplaBB. ti*iii tciu'h.;* Ih.- and utillty of tbia truly woniler ot lha airr. I'- kaa i.iiiy $'*5.



ano A IB WARMrNG nnd VEXriLATINiJ J\ W IKE.H'I >K. No. 371 Bro-.iiv.iv, New-Tork.. CUILBUN'B Wt'RLDS PAlBiu.I'UI. E MED \L Fi"Rpatented. nadtptrtd le NAI E. a* irvi-.itlv iniprtttiil a'l cifuatB of Pubiic tad t'i t.t. BaiM api and i-oa*f»**e*

advai.ta^e* w onl.t llie atteuiiou of Iboa* iu want tal a tiratyatr N.-utiBiinit 'Furnace. lt ia a pn-rerful u>ti.-r. i-tt duial .e. i,< t abV BO repAti*. Mppliea a larje BJOnnnt of pure wat'. fu: Kie. tmin l-.mia.-t »ilh R~<l-bi>t lritn (the tire jot ik ink liaed wiih heavy anApatoi.e) i, *;uiial iu tba oaa ol :«.t 1. . |U.'.!y attaa iut au.u.acite, leiu-uiu-iua It Laab-oi t Ate; «ve'v n»rd auda,ipr ir-d : w,K«l nvi Uirt'ii|thoi,i tha l n tcd Btatra aud CacaJa, and baa uiet » ith i

rqua: tat.,: n, ¦,Flijlaaii ai.d Kuaua. erioi Poitalil. Funiace. A»i-. fi ai . i i't n arw a d But NENTILATINiJ fJCHOOL .""TOYifis for or ci tl PONB*8 Irniirt-ved Cixtk.nit RvnieB: Finrrana'a H.-uae aud >ii.i<'ie VtBriBatora; Heantera .b evcit vanrta, A.. i .» tt.r the Mirmr Marhi.*-..! Nfw-\i*k Marhle^ed lronWetkB, CHILSON, RK"1I *.IiI>SU*4 ,v Co No. 371 B:-oa.iway, Nrtv-Y'ntk .ind Ncn 31 aad 53 Biackatooe-Bt. Boatoo. Nc « llr.'».'wa*

ECTRO-PLATED WARE l*ro*aCHA8 1;iNfw-Tatk CBU8TOFLE Majuiactory Afeay

a u.l -^ola AT OA1ME CA ll.I.VMOT i. IW». Alwayton an.I tar aaie a .arje :..*or:m«Rt of Tea S-t*. Trava, I'aiiJeiartrs*. Fi rki aal **pooa*. aud eterytaiua which Iwi, .* t. : tahle ae.-vce. All tlata* io. di are wamt.ted i-y>eji.>r by thetr r-atura bihI plaiina to ar.y other nni-.'.ar. r. Ktli .-.-.prK-r: a very hijh degree of beat and be rep'atcti alwayi wlitti u»rd uj." Tl.e «i.arai)tre» i BVred te tHe pnbhc tor eacb qa- H s* are the n nt '.it*. t-i-n'. nuuka, aacaieand tbe came oi CHH.ISTOt 1. E in fall. which tko aet ailew to c m-ooad them i.t i RE, Aieot. A other plant.aa. -


TbjEWELL'*aiid LAMP-FF.FDER -A uew articLe, warvauted te Xb ali**ri*s frora tbo a*'oi BarBuu Flatd C* uTAIEXT j-.VEETY I.AMI'

l<:,TrB. rlwi e. aml i-thr: rApit»itc ceai-oAuauA a*td lor the prooiit-ittiot iiabt T^.ib avrtitit-a uappliedto Siiv-r, Rraaa. flnl«in;v G'a**. and .*krr ait a* et L \MP aad LAMP-FKl.-iER.-" "Ihe a.:,i: .:. o: ihe pubLic ia i*a.--icalatly i_ie*i to the

arp-icahtu oltL i i .otei'tKai



So'at, Ceaipbcae Lauip*.

hcieea e aid-etail. bf Nl.WFLL A C3.,*ole IJoatoa, and New-York B-aaufactur.ra No 8 Wiatex-at, No 4* Broadway. Alao, B-A-iuaa. W HiCRFAPY bv li R-eia, Oil, BB, Fraid t aatpl-eae,certilcate l* a . .aC.iect raarant.-e of the Tbt felVw-'i* -J L*J*it *.-.>. F^rder enrire aahwy aaair4V;earv of s Yoaii. Oct. 17.1838 We hate exan tb* Pat-at Safrty lauip aad LaapTttd't ot Mr. John NewelL of Boataa aad are t J.'y ceaYiwrd. tVoin tbe eAper.mei.t* w* hate aaade with th.ra, tbat be ba* aaHaiBed th* arvtat «si«r('iio af pi.tatatiaf th* n*k ef if'i'i'.vt actioc nthe aee of barracf rhud. ia Laa f* aud Freaera Ia thu rve'-ect we *»Arirr!T ..oacar ia the ej-iaioo of Fnat f LL uaaa aua I*Ta llayve ar.-l Jackaor-. .U'.HN Tt'RBKT. Prot*. ,-f f^Bnalatry. WM B ELLET. ProtLof ChJ-aifltry. v.

j^***^" .

Lamp* fTaid proeaptlt alteaded ta Bolar aod othei Laaip* caa ke alt*w*>**» aad bata ta* sakrty apparatu* attaehtd orwer* ret


GEXCINE PIHZE MEDAL SBEISSF.L MTIR.N Ne*-SiCHS. NEMkLlUS.flali.lry P'ar.-*t_ rnaaafacran-ia »






BuyBB rli.BB..-'

aad faitufi.lly attaaaM|,a N. B _i"*TAM»uVba arompilt F. DEBAT, E 11.





taffljldfll, pnrcba-


tl.e a-rair.

Safe callod H-rHaving reerully'-'-tained a mental, foni-i wir.rli, bIkiii I'aovru ever riiig'a Firr-Proo.f; and ofT-rro! lo tlie S*f* moat im rfect Fire

pate-.t for


Pateut. which waa irul-'ir. beug haBPr»v__l to rlrat introdnced bv tl.e nWitber. .nd nitroduclnn ot tl* b* the br«t Bad. ta market up to ¦*«_*?¦-. Hemiig'a Petet.i a*.re -Prm-f flfl flfaaflj. tl.e Cb.».piou 9_* flf e.l Divrballrn.e ti.pi'ly to theae Sflfe..aa well . tair ar, I. v -hich I co'.r.liue to luniiJ. teUie imblie. for "rnapeetiMfl tnal tafore a diMiittrertedo.iii.'itiee partial raem hor.tot.'re by e,t,/e,.a .., ablialaad I«b aud tafltd in handbita . the'r.« trr corner of VV.fer aad I*.ne-.u kl S«VaaCfl or U«in| b-MBg iiiaki. g. vending Salamander Safe. _a no liable) riemng-fl Pir«-Pto.ti be given ...the --Bta BtaTBI uubflpurciiB»e.l!iomm. orinyagent*. ili- p.l. H.ving purcbaard Lock, (tke ker cdebrated Powd.-r-Pr.pot fur_*bing'Hall'ateo.h-ii.ek.. for wbicl. . -nedal . ,o Imuch in tetor *o aud «fl> .t tlie World'* K..r. l-nd'tf ..."nf*. tatoclkfl with tbe p.ible. which itM.dr-TvedIv ever of raal Loak Proof I'owder and b weat priced Burglar I fiint.b three .;xe., with and w:thii, tbe I life I Sutr. on iiiTOvrwhen low iince. ar tbe put k. v*. Ota oakfe ni&k'.r* and Safea.ol froi. $IC to 92V; but tbe* flJO for their m.mey beat the *rcunty de.trc wbo other* Block. at th» old eatabtiabei! Iron Safe Mfltt, Orren caa Water-tt . between M-ad.n-1-Jie and YV-.II at.,au.w-here l»'rilarbeaeen fur aale tbe kri-eat aa-ortment ofthe medal award.d woild togetb*rwith iu tbe Safcfl rrool bv the .lu.lgr. al tl* great Worlda Bair, London : alao jold

,*BBjfl__ ^-LS2Sf »».ff*


nrwapiprra. IftJx

.,Tcaut'..iicdBa;aii.ft JunaMv pSoa tifl'can




rjl l*,«H Sy.lSl.U I",






andnlTcr tnedal. pjtd N B.-Srecimena of M.-viblnzed Manteli, Columuj, Table saiaIflaa kc Ac. cau 1 . Mr*B, n..w introducod by tli. niand. r M.-rble Cmpanv. ,1-p.iNo-T13 Broadway, between -i.«. 11th an.i


u.x Safe. bv PIERCE k TALP.NTINE. .uper.or to No 1.*.'Water »t.. New York, baa provadinitaelf Bccidenul or exaiov aud all Sdea that have bt-en taated tire.. It waa awarded the higSeat preimnm, a peiimental Amencan InBitnte. Be¬ gol.i ine.lnl. at llu- lat. Kairof the reinain nnpn.eiiiiia,Safeitwill ing eonatnete.; upmi aciei.-'lic uiaoie free from ia the and anv cliinate, only d in eliangi fire proof. A romnlrt- aatortmeal now for dampnea*. nnd aaleat No 122 VVater-.t., near Wai!--*.. N. T.

SALAMANDER SAFE8..WILDER'* PATF.NT witb RICIPS IMPRoVF.MKNT. STKAIINS 4 MAUVIN, No. 146 W»ter-*t, Nt-w-York. are the onW BBflflflflfl of Salamander Safe*, with VV ilder'* Pateut and Rirb'i Patent combined._

¦71 »I IAN PIANOS.-Thebeft afBortiiientof




three door* above CanaiNew-York and BflBtflfl make. at tbe .ow at i-nce.. AI»o. So^-ond-band Purchaaer. Ihit -ailea* fatoring me wilh . cli will not beE urged 0- BRADIH'RY _ai,ed. ROOM-k. No 4.71

Ai.nRTrii Piane*. of

MELODEONS, which proC'Ai.HART'9 jud.* by Broadway, had-'i.'y

are *uroerior to all other*. can ba n.mnced tbe beat No. 2S4 ofthe aok ageut, J.S. CLARK. (.-pi- -."te Uie Park.l N. B..Indxuiaentt with (toa. l, : Chucb.a AU inatninient* warranted fir one year. KCH ORdANS tar SAI.E-.One ten/ atop Oo.tliic ea»e, wuh poMlal«; one five-rop do.; ou. *vcoiid-lia_.d Oothic e*»e. for aale low. Small Psrl.or Orgaua. W. H. DAVIS, No.67 Mardougal-at.


&. II. BARMORE ofTer at their nianti Ofa factoryand warrroom. No r>48 B!*ecker-*t. c.ruer the Of Chailra, an aatortment of el-gant PianoKorto-a. imBfl. illic OanM and rev.i. bridg*. anfl all o:i»er modern



t* F18CHER, (lfltflNflflflflflB. FioaflflB,) Orreiiwirh-**., TAmaniifactory Uey-at. .


and warrroom. Na 170 l'lano-Kortr* wttrranto-d with



.r ia tuue. br.dge aud patent tnloe. wrll rajrtilatfid andexchanged. PiBuo-Korl.atuned, rrpairt-tl 1'iaao Korte. for aale.


R .Alao. A.Iiai,

LUiHTE & NEWTON. NV H ME8SB8 poi-olarity, lo ct'nar.iurii eof tle increa___d.iioUid)__l of thnr PIANO-PORTErt, hat. exaimvairfl tr idrd thrir bn-oinraa ai.d .r. uow prepared lo orfer t* l B flh flfl » i-i;-.r. -r ii_.t.-Tiiuent aa au.l I'r rin.t. tl.etr extenaiteaja-iil.. nt in plaau and ornanenteJ e_«a. ..f noolern ottvle, iroin flj M 7^ ..cnve. Se«»)n_ihaad Piano* takaa ln exchang.. Broadway Ware-room*. No. 4-3.

I>¦.To bo si'lilhcl'ire rhe lat PIANOT'OK'I They H

oi JsTmBrv, ou tb. mo*i reaaonable tenn*. a good aaare madr in the and 7 ik lavr Piaii... e ot bo vety at flflflfl.1 «i"l w.iTBnie I. r->crTd-!ia.-id Piokuar taken P LYNCH, Maaatagrouar, WflnaBflflfl, ta c.ahaaa*. N*. 3W Br.padw.y, n.r Pnixr-it, up ataira.



I vr up* 7 octava R,*rwt.d ro-ii,a corner*, for aale thr tavaaI u.Bufacturer'a pnee :6r ra»h A'.. oneaectr ,:-».tid 7 oct»vr Rcaewottd Piana Pnc* 9. i. ail warnntf-d Aiplt.tihe p.*nu-at..-t A HK-'iii :;.- N »l oBeareijr.



titiest PIANO-FORTES..Thar 5fo

assonment of Piau.ovPart. in tbe eitr __i> be .and at the VV'areBruiwav. 447 r-oniaof N. P. B Cl'RTIS. ol livorgr Hew'ireirbran ,i Ain-r, va Patent-Actino Pianoa, a..d a varietv oi New-Y ork and Boatoa make. w-.'k and w :) ctit tb. ia>.ia.- Alao. Hot.oiraodaaooakd-.iad Piano* for **> or to let N P B Cl'RTIS, No 447 Br«_:waj

plANO-POKTEdoor above Thompaon* Saloon.


X Broadway. atvut

one Parpoirrlowunai l'.aao. are mvitefl to eali at tb. Wann-orraef BKNNETT * Co.. wbere They will find aa aaaortnicult of roa..'wood Puno-Portoa, of uiodern aty_a. Ev.> inatTBment wanaii.4 fot Owe yeara S-oaid donktt br fti.h rtBi.trd ta qoa-ity. the mv.aat may ha lit-nad *cch _ftita* arr rtznoved. Old Piano* t-c.ivrd i. part t for p*» 04.4M. New aafl wuflfll hin. Piano. ta Bfl. Noa. 811. S13 asd 815 R.vingtoaa*,




1>IAN(»-F0RTES..reraona P-uio-a will f-..l it

ii *




their advanta. to caU d

R r.l.f NN k Oa.1 Mfl-flMBflBBjr, Na 1*4 Knlta--n-at. (a.« d Bnrvdway ) A general aaaorlauent o. .nabcajanyflgid r__a. weed l ___. (ina.Btty oa -aad. which _r_ br gold \em tot eean tr appn-v-d paper Dedrr. ojo-avla-d oja lofcerd ta.aa. lt l.LKNN k l',, Na 194 Kaltou _.

Silterwaie mtill tlie prideof our bnaine**. snd wearede. tcrnuned to keep the n-pttUtion of .elliag tlie be*t Silter Tea S, ta. Pitcher*. Fork*, Spoona, hs.; Cake Baaket*, Waifen, fc*. S. k B.'i facititie*of receitin*. foreifn aoods And frarn our own maaufaetoriea. they are enabled to aell tiin abote ¦ood*aa Iowa* can bo boujbt. Our rule.warranted a*

caah only and cheap.

1X1R TE Spevea, ef* _rrr.% 1X)R SALE-NinarapleivdHl ^j flflflfl "f^<J" £?«^ oaly ,*^L



«<__, "4. J -I of flfl ln* 1 of 10 arr-.; Irfl wre_. troaa laflflBfl Baaa ami ^-..with karar Ptmch Orekera. ad* errea andher d 1*1 N.w Ala. thr- |l..iflr.aad I-ot. ib «»» \ dla«» ^ llt. « ai.' ut. B. VAIL. aithePartilc tkOWL Satardava.fro-n


1-alb«rJ.ya»i I'iantie'l 1


...ra. al th.




MOTT. WATCIIMAKERaad JEWELER, Eaabbahed 1789. MOTT BROTHERS, No 2 Naflaau-M., Snccetiors, offrr for «le an extetiaito atid beauf ;ful a**ortinent of rich (i.a-.lB, i.iiUliie f.-r the approechitif holidiya con*i*tint a fine Watche*. ofthe bert maker*; Jewelry of all kind and of th.- newct deiigna

DIAMONDS, RinfB, Pini, kc, in every tarioty of «ett:iu, aad


Solid SII.VER WARE. in all atyle*.



ofthe be*t qiiBliti.-* for th.- HOl.ll) Ubed, and *eut to order to any part ef the citt. A liberal discom.t to perB'.i.B t<nrcha*iiif larae qusntitiea for achool*or JAS. KELLY*. U-bt-veleiit mutitution*.

Bakery No. BJ Beekmaa-it. HOLIDAY PRE8ENT

ABEAUTIFUL procuird En.porii.nia,

at CHARLBS RE1CHE Jt BRO'S No. 16 North Williun *nd corner of Wiliiam-at*. Frankfort and They ihow at preaent the greatrit ind nicet viri. d collectioti ever exhibited in tbia can



country. Ladic* and gentlemen are call and iee them.

reapectlully invited to

the XEW.YORKLIXEXHALL may be bad tuo*t bB ful aud acceptabl.- pretetit*, tn paiaaak Tal.le Lii.i n and Ni.pkina, in npn.euae variety of quality


ai.d paftern. tt <. hara Ibe cloth ihe ¦.> dmed.l atthe W'urld'i K.i:r in London laat June. aud a witli the Napkuuito iiivtch. We hate ei|iial fo it in nuality, Hatidketcbiefa iuall qualitie*. plain, einbr.udere.1 and priatrd hordrri; boatitifully worked *hirt front*; and. iu fact. an endlea* vanetv of nioatii».ful Liil-ii Oood*, au for prenei.tatn n ut tl.j. araaon. to tvhirh we aoiicit itteutioa. JOHN DAVIS k Co, No. M9 Broadwiy.


l I. XATURAL BEAITII Baakctaf ,|.1>


mat want a be .utifhl ian have their wiihe* ar REID'3 FLORAL EShv ttalreaden (tratifii'd leaviaa nenr 11th at. Partiea lAHl.ISli.MENT, No.Sft; Kroadway, ASDREW REID. atippIledartheBh,.rf.rttio:ire. nr


BIRDS. Ac.-W. F. MESSElfJHAXABY \- ('Elt, 3J7J Bowerf, oppoa.te Bond-at., ba*



i h.-.peat luror'ui- nl uf vv.ry article douhttdly then.beata aud Pre*eni«. raie chance for



the Bird

Holiday Oood*.India Rcbher.

D 0LL8! CeaoMI


BALLS r.ALI,.-*! made only by New-York Rubber v .,.!,- atini' ot a ft>at tsriefy of INDIXRLBHER DOLL HEADS ofallrti-aandof Fl'LL LEM.TH D( »LLS and BALLS m sreat vnnety, tit: Bat Ball*. all riaea. all lixea: will not break giet*. Arahaaque I'arLor Ball., aiira ; will not breaii glaa*. Fancy color Balla,allr-11 tizca Lat.dscape Balla, (bright roiora); wili uot break glaa*. all will not break *:'.«.. Ooi.len Bal'.s, »re»; Tl.ra. BalU (.-xcepiiiii tbe Ba Call) an a UuW and beaatlfor and indoor play and no parParit.r intrrided ftil»rtic!e, lor ahould be without them il ex-rciaeaand hi-aitli iu winter viy are deain.ble. Sold Bt retail by th^Tov drvlera te-irthe ih j. n at all th* Rubber ator.a and whoiea»!e Toy houae* ai d bv the ca*e only at the depot of tho company, No. 43 Miiilrn-lane (up arain).

N<? SW Ck*' tn-y*, -"Tpwi: x>.v*r ft



b- fntarata w.ll be azUmioi *.***.¦& Tb. Fxhilit-on to in-rrpJaaa aud tbe Bnu.h Ooveri.n-dtliebavalUBflVrUkm Protect.on from P.ra-y af an Art of Paafla-U«.t for Inventio''^ iew rrrttm. Exblbitiii* _t_L__ Foi ctiPie* ol th* Rule* «ud Rrg-l'ti.* foi F.-.t.-Baa, -aaa mJ^^o*1*!** * tk* W_-_\_ flfl IU Paarl.aflrad, apply u. th. otfce oforder the C imaaiUar. Hy Th.N.w YorkCoBiHittte* i» diwaaard ot" iha f.-k-wa* eaatlenitn. to whom E«4U RICHARD HMI.L. flfl*


F,,n..C\.TAp..l.c.l!On, 2l.(H.,.,!vPr,,aq,are.




HABICtft, En» the REEF BITCHERSof NEW-YOKK b* o-**niMa*

TO Eldndgr-d.

and V ICINITT -A t-w Uiie Hon** wi!l neer Hotuton, by RF.P.S k IIOYT, No-. ili who rrokw.cttYill. tovite llureher* to call on th--. befo.. roaking engageinenta about t!.*ir Hiotea fo' tfl* eraaoting v. *r- iii.-ul tbe lat of Jauuaiy at th*ir Leathflf Kritiag Manufactory, No. 37 Si-.u.r at, aud .it- ii at olale at fltkar







No. 21.' Pearl **., coi. Fkttrher tt.


POWDER.-B. T. BABBITT ta Powd.. o-itir... YEA.ST by which prepared invei.tor of thfl Cbemical ToMd


okinl bim d So. and 71) Waoakk wbo puoca._. Ingt.m d, New V'.-ik, iu tin cau*. Tho. Mtn* onthat eee tbey gd thd with tb* abova atiould

-f-tnitnre, #c.

Cake. Alao a good vanety ofJmall fokney Cakoie, Ornwnentfl for the tai'le. a great ran. tv of Mottoe*. kr. Boned Turbfl*. filllil llimi.T nrafl*. Cliiekrn Sala-ka, .nd Yiekled Oyatrra, fnini»hfHf to order.

BARGALNS in FEATHER8, J* ("iREAT CRAWHICK'S, otKaarx-at, a.-cond doior S.Oiand HHi.., MATI RKSSE**, fcc

Tfa_ . TAIL CONFF.CTIONKR, ll N. Y.. ha* con»tantlv ou hand large vari->ty of Panov Con-


au. line lanirl.aa. ->t«vua*. Laurtaiinu*. 4 c Plai.ra aii ia tit.e order. fer Parlor or Cotvatrtatorv. Boatiet*. Wr. atha, Elower BaakeU. tuade to order at the tardrn Uta*. ai.d Mh-st and tLth-«., by WM. PHELAN fc BOB BM ¦4St*at plaat* of Moa* Roee*. larte SAa-.dard aod P.rpituei u.eee. Orape Viare, -*liral>a, Yewa Irt, Praine <Jaecn >xd other chotce Boaaa. kc in u

for tho HoLIDAYS-Alar>. for J^LOWERS larte rt>llertir*a of rhoiee Fiowe-i, tastafully

Brdal and other Pamee..The aubaenber orh-n for aale and nare arraufed n BtKju*:*, fancy Baaket*. Rraric StAtid*, Ch:n* and cfler Yaaea *oitBc!e for Hoh-iay or Bndal Prteenta, u>witb aieseral aaaortment'of arttclee :n hi* iina. ,eiher T DCNLAP, 3** and Flonet. No.fiM Broadway. a






and RE LECOMTE, WHOLESALE No. 2*3 Oreeawich-d..


Na York

CHEAP I'PHoLSTF.RY and Fi-'.ATHER BTOBIC.Tha aitent ct. ut Ib.i.iI raate'iit pun ha*.iig l* reaprctfully inviteal to tbe large ard beautitnl BflflflfltBBflfll ot Beda, MvtBB.fl. Pailitut.«. Uo-dateaola, .->:«. flc. *I! of wluch bava fcaaa at low caah pneea, and will be aoid al pnaw parcbraed a* toniake it ai; imtuc-mrtit f.irall to Call and .xatmaatta aboive "ti'ck | trvt.i.a to n akiua li.-.r cii'i !. tar* (. ia*-ut to anv part of tbe caty, Brookly u ai,,l YVilliBi-uburgb fremot can age. Old Bed* aud M attr-aaoarrnovatrd aud orar. W. CRAWBl'l K. Nu. 3-1 Or-_add, _ol ol- .<r 4_il uf Kaaaxd.


tectionery. Lipior A'imond*. Krenca Comrit*, du-n IlroyM, SugarPntitand KlowCornucopiaa,andPaateToy*. Drepe.Ornamenta. JellyCake olh-r article* »uit«hle for th* er*. uanal Bad,-. Juat received from Paria, luroice* bo'idayi andOum Paate Toy., Fancy Boxe., ic Ac. of French



STE R 8 DOWNlNl.'* PREMUFM OYPICKLEO large aupply .uparior Having

OYSTER3 for the adornment of Nawo! laid in a Year'. Uav tabltfl. I am now prepared to *erve to thoote pickliug. Oy.terafo'r cannot be which an oviter order* who will give me their beaten. Early order* wiil be iumI thauklnlly re.ived and N-0.,Blwd.rt.



Dll _D.No. 441) Pearl at, cornrrof WilJiaa, Tta .abacnbri* are pn-par.d toaeil the halotnce of tlt.-unttfik d Curtain Matrnal* at greatly .dnred flttata Silk and VVorfled damaak, L.ce and Moaliu Curtaiu*. Window Co.n:.-* rui.l all k ml* nl . ti-t.i.i! Triiii'iniig*. at wh-ileivle or retad. (IH1LD9 k SM1T1I, Practic*! Hpholaterer*.

promptlyattendcd^e, WAg j^--^


BAOLEY A Co., niauufaetur.ra, aolicit the dtentioa of the trade. and tba publie senerally. to their »tock (ot rerent maii.ifat-rure) of Oold feiaa, Oold and Silver Penctk aud Pen Ca*e., in endle.* variety efpatt.rn*. prineiple* and .ixeoi, together with eur relebraled exlerunon Cbjmm. gotdand and pancit, and Ntflfl.l for leaola, which. ailver, wuh uen for beauty of workmanah p, prineiple of CuuatructioQ, and dur.bilitv, eciipa.' anvibnig af tbe Vi,ud previoiuly evaibited. Saven ¦_** pateiited and warranted. We would ala* call attentioo lo our aupenor Oold Pena. which need n* proof of their aiipm.inty except their increajird drtm.nd. and thenumerou* at nnitatiou. No. 2T7 (Irring Iiou*e) Broadway, and No. 12 Maidun lane.






AL FIRE INSt'RANCF. Co. coru.r of Tryon-row and Chaiham at in the Harle.n Raiboad Buildiugt, ar* fciku.g rtaaa ou itiil* build.Uga. ItC- o:i tha uio.l favorabk tw,n,a JOHN lilll l ri. l'.*..4ied. DaNiCL ll*R>Ei.S. i. iiry. to CALIFORNIANS.-Iaaarance n!.. I--.I in firat-claafl Compauir*, at tb. kwafl rtto a, on Merr.bandiae aad Rnck Biiil.liiiga in San Frauciace, by S.Y.VIL FDDY, Ba.ffl Wall .t. For aale. l.ta on;_1-



SEN WATCHES.Juat received by the aubacnber, very fineJule. Jergeuaen "".Vatcheot. with c-rtu-catir. from Bflfl witbeachVVatch,warrautodperfecttinie-k4»eperB, for *ale at let* than theu*ual pricea. Cooper YV atchea.aoa-e in hanUng ca*ea, daplex aod le-

at.. ja-rwe.-u



Droadway ai.d Jth-.v.


CAPITAL..The Republio Fire Ina.r tne--Cmnaira of tbe City of New-1 ork.Inau'.ice Building. No. 4M VValf. VY llliaan-al BtjCOinerof The Charter of tbk Company reoimre. .hal f;.ui-_f__* d wiveo ner cent. per anu-nn to IU Itaprofi'a (atlerarepaying SiockJioldera) to ba d;vided witli the policr b.-ldeta KOBPRT S UONK, I'-e'd D P. Cubby, Becn-tary. N. B..Copiea *f tbe Cbarter ot tbk Company aai-ktitucd ob ai-pl.-a' i.'U at the oflice.



S|'lo ii.nd Oold Poeket C-trot-meter-, which mn withent any vanation. Euaanei Wdclie* for Iad:.*. Detached Lever*, Lepine, Da¬ Oold and Stlwr Levera, Watcbe^ All of the above tor of plex, and all uth.rtbe*fy!e. priee.. u»t1al ele at le_* than Diainond*. Diamcmd Vtoa, Bint*, Ear-Rmp, Finger. LOAN FUND LIFE AMSUR Ping*. and Crosae*, for *ale low. ____,__, ANCE SOCIETY of LONDON-Oenerd A**nry ra Pra Oold Lepine VVatcho-*, 4 hole. jewelfW.¦» iOltt at No. 71 Wall-d., New-York..Thia Lifo A»jranc«.*loei*FineOold Deracled Levera. full jeweled. Bf de|>oaited a ftaflflflaflta Fund of fl) 100.0011 k ty baving Oold Knamel Watche*. for ladfe.. 35 l nited o*J_tea Stock* and New Y.ork Sute Btock. with th. 08 Oold Hunring Watcbes, flf lad'.e*. 55 of the Std. of New-York, in acaonkt.e Coutroller 5H 00 tor genta. Oold Hiniting Patent Lerera.* on Live* tbe State law, will receive 01 Mh r Patent Levera.»15ro*> New-York, and d their Ueneral at No 71 Wall.l, 08 18 11 lo Silver Petnched Levera, full Kwfled. State. the * their different Agi nci- tbroughout 9 0* Silver Lepinea, 4 hole* Jeweled. .Mired at a Auairalta to to ('ali'nriiia aud Peraou. gomg I'.w Watch** at pnee*. equallr and all othf r kind* ol prenuiiiii. Ring*, inooleratet.Ira Al»o. all kind* of Oold Chain*, pure gold Wo-d.lmg meer every Wadneaday fcr Koaid of Direetor* he 1 aiive* and and gold Pen* P.-ncila gold Sen!«. go)d Key* aiai trBnaflcticn of eunent hu*u*oa. _._._¦ BlBflilflta,gold LrKketoi, Thi-nblcfl, dtanondRmga andandPin*.fltlver o'clock P. M. Mediral Fxaiiiin. r*m dto.danee dnily old Ithi* BreadSpsctacle^ Cill-Pin-o. Ear-Ringa, gold forth tbe advautagea Conpaay, Fnnt-Knivca, derling ai'.ver canPanirlilrta.aettit.g Piii*. Fiagrr-Rti;ga. nrrot at VVdlat Vnad on appln atton d theorlice, No.7l mnch Iflfll than tlie tt-nd "tc. fipoon*. (up*. Fork*. Br.W-TOBB; or ct ll BOaXD DIBBtTOBS, YVatche. pneea. Watchea and Jewelry exehiiiged. All J. Paltner, Barclay, Jauie-lloonnan, John warranted to kei p good time, or tbe monay returned. Oeorge Jobn O llolbrooka, Sarol. S. Howkiid, Heurv Lu.llaiu, VV atche*. Ci-icka and Jewelry repaired in tb. beat mauuer, aDaniel V. (X Habicbt, Tacker. K. C. Pax7*h, at mnch \em than tbe uaual pnee*. B.aait J. I).Hon. Joaapli Oailloir-, Jr. A. 0. Sti ut, liKoar.gC. ALLtr*. i tb.¬ New-York Hank. Meich-it_ BtNKEBS.Tlie Importer of Watche* snd Jewc-lrr. wiioleaale ruid rrtail, .




ISo. Il Wai!-et.. No..M Wall-M.



Maiitifacturtra' Ba..... Nea-Yotk. SoLiUToB-ROBFRTJ IHLLON Da 8. MflDKAt Ex*Mi>riK-e-I)B A K. HOSACKand OflBBBl Agent

Broadway.loruierly at


oi the OROCERS' FOI INSL'RANCE COMPANY, No. 81 Wdl-*t. ctrruag flf




CAPITAL 8*.0l),000. election he!d tbi. day. the rblfowiBg gentlo.flfl cboien Direetor. uf tin. Compwy for th* cajflflf Oeorge Eldflf. Kaniprwin Moore, Mo*ea T.ylor, Marat-l1 Pepo«*i. r"r*i" » Skiddy. B*nj. B. Slieniian Alex. Ch_. Balkh-Jtfl, H. Crant, Prto'rMartia, Jamaa B VVikMBr Am S. Portar, flnfu. Story, William R. FiMtfl. C. I.aac Tav'or, Edr., Henry At a raWqnent ine*tiug oi tha Foarl SAMPSOB r.-. I., r.-.l Preaident of tta MOORE, Ea.i wa* aiaaninif-aaly Company. Prb. IMJ.J MILTON BMI'PH. o*icr.ta_ry. New-Y'irk. I B..Tbia Couii ai.v continaea to ir.»nr* BuiLding*, Marehandige. Hc.aekold runiitBre, Veaaek in Port, oVr, oa IA. moat favBiabi. tern... All lone* promptly adjuatad aad

theLKST PAPKRS, for SfH THERN ai.d YVK.i"r FRN TBAHK.-lt cau be don. at V B PALMKR H AI) Y ER1ISINO AOENCY, I'nbuue Building*. H« ia ap.1 bv ike proprietora to tratiaart bttaineat, aad aBtbnrpo.irto ned to gfve ireripta for .obacriptiona aud Bdvertiaeinenr.. wh«re a rhoic. **let:on rilo st tb*

Tha 1*5 »r* are f oi,

uiay he made. and

adopted. »AI> A LO<


A.enry, judtcioua avatem







have tbrirfnenda ti-d the publie ia gein-r.l thi_t u.ft-d tu the coii.u.odioiia and pltaaoaut D-BBBB tiaio-u, of nn-l>-r the Y. N. E c-.m.-r Arni-.t., No. ItH Naav.m it. B City Bank, ithrr* thry w;li be happy to *ee their fneook,




a-kd're<-eive flaaflBBflBflfl of their patronage. a

BROOMS! BROOMS!-Thfl pwd._

B ROOMS! nnderaigned

ba. t.tablitbed a Rroora Uepot at tbe it.ire of MorvrllarTiBfttoti. No. .13 River-.t, Troy, N. Y. Tho* trade in the City of New-Yurk ean 're lupphod with BrooBa* in quai titie. rroco one to o-.e t'loaaaud doaso JAMXfl HOUOHTON. N I! -Ordrra*d to HORA( K HARBlNOToN, Troy, N. Y., will meet witb prt attenuDoa


iiiranea Huildingi, corner of Wai) and WiHi-u-atix Otf -a Noa 10 und 11. ground ll-ajr Tl.M Conipauy, haviag tVir (»pi.1 -if 9lY0.-*a pad la,

ta cr.., anol an ur-lj invrated. are prepared lo inaure aganfll kMBand da..- age bv tire trrm. Tbe ch.'i.«r of thia Conip.iy provide. thd .eer pa img tatereat to the ileckholden at th. rate of 7 per c "it. nr; bb* Bbui. fonr-fiftli* of ihe remsmiiig prrpfit* are tu be -I i*d among tbe aaauird in a-np. bearing iutereat, a-rp fl tu be reoie- rn i'-,io- in c-uth wbenever tli* aocamttUted pra.I

I.iH.-i) pfla__flflMJB, put np iu lar^ra B I'lTEIlL. poarkajrea ioug


for tioe California market, and Por aak bv OK.OROE VV. ATWOOI), No. 40 VTater-trf.

and amall






and rapita! .hall anoont ta 91,** BBfl I 1HI'.r.sK..,*.''<.<) bmes priuie I>iirie8 aud Jo* Odllard, Ji JuhnfA.Bflfll .*__i, Steptiena, B. S. oi-.t.Whuroty, aale by Ja* M. VV'atertaify.Jomiea Warrefl, Btepl.n Shipt-ing Chee. forVV. Dan. B. Peanng. OEO. A'fYVOOD, N UWater-it Oeorge Curtia, AitbitrLeary, T Adea, M. VV. Hamiltoa. Wm H RiumD Aug. C. Doaruug, L I F O R N IA H_( )WER, BULB and George D. S. Kennedy, Denning Duer, *p ATKKK V Jr., John Steward, Jr., ti. B. I.w.iIXEDB.Thfl *ul.nhfir. recet.tly from Cali- John J. Aator. MmluiB,Wra li. AapinwaB flBmia, whrr.- ta tafl -It-voted a long time to th..*tnIora'ion Frr.i A. 1'... l.. Robert R. Wm II Duim.B. Ra uben VV itb. aid ..c iaeattafl, bv c..l«ir*d drawiug, af ita flor&l tr-autn-o^ JameaC Beil, ofler. a choic *elreii..n of Seed*. r_lleet*4 with hia own Hait'.-iDiaki .-'n.ttn Kdwa-d C. ten'rr.CI-*. .1. R'.aa*..,






BUTTER.-100 tubfl euiH-rior

Ntw Y oaa.


!>.. 18V3.

JOHEB A JoHrtaON __ THE NEW -YORK AND BAN PRABCItVCO STF.A.VfSHIP LINF. hav ng *.kagefl with Mean-i. Oarrukoa A Fretx lo fomiBh a ai*cie guard. wtair.b haa been dre.iu-d oartUae.ory by ibe ftnt.rtignedL tb*v ar.- now wiUing to tak* fr.mi Sotro Bflflflflflflfl .. Sew- Y'ork. and to n_k. tlie uine i* iu.tion in pn-i.-m.'.-i for cominx unrtrr the ptate< fiojt, af th* anvrd of Mrrara (itrraor, a. Kretg, froia raaama to tb* Aflanfe eoaat. a* ha* been and .a yet a.ll.i «rd aa by t':.e guaia of Moflfl M.', i<_l. ll'Utaflf gprcie gnaioied v k ( ii Inanrance Co. Mutual (Signed) Zt* Cootx. Aator OVn'IMnnioJ Iru*nn_Dc*Ci ffl gued) A' ragn )... New- Y cok Muiuai luoaurai. fl Co (SlgCrd) T. B.S.TTBBTTIWAf.Ce_rninereial Inanr-nce Oo laogned) Dar.'i D. Shitti. t ei) Woktaflfl B Jong*. Atlanhc Mntad In*. Co Thr Sw Mntna) Ii,_r.ra-.c* ( e (ripgiMxi) A B Nrt.Mfl ||.ctoo.k IranranceCo, (fligno d/ Eiwoou YV..LTga Union Muhial Im Co *Sit_.dl J. L. LaTHa.r. Pro-t At.aa Mutal ImnrrinceCo, (Signed) N. H. Oi-oo*

< IB SALE.Piueona. Carriera, Potiti-ra. Turbota Spoia. Snow Wh.te, RnW. Nrcka, Tumblrr.. Suella. Magp.e. and J8___flBjBSa- Apply at No. 14B Fr. it-«i.. up ataiia, bacg offiee. Econo.ny i* Wealth.




NIA.-NEVVVOP.K aad SAN KRANCISCO STF.AMSHIP LINE. No _6 Hiootdway Ihe axtenlioo of partie* Cahforma :n Speeieor Oold Duat. Ae., .rdeiing rrturn. from udiret led to tbe ntrticoa of NnrYari nndrrwr tera. at foot. IS BROOKS 4. Co.. Oenerd Agentfl. DAY

Faimlv Butter. iad recaivefl aad for aale by ., l -1 YV. ATYVi lOD, No. 0 Waterd.


Bobert S. Hana ,__. ROBERT 8 HONK. Pro-dcal

Pek| _U_L

Di.:.* F

laaae l*awnal,*,


bai.d* the pa*t »ra»on, from a vaat ^xfect of BflBfl try, with ii.imenar labur and rzpecae. The roileetion eompriae. *ouie 1- il vartrtte*. wh:ch h* truit* wiil be appreciated by the devotreaoi Flora. either for their novelty or b>-.u_ty Sflflfll aie put np in neal Itti package.. aud are for .. fl at Ml aar*. A. B. AHen 4 Co '«. Ra 191 VVal.-r-»t; J. M. Tborburc'a Jobn-a.. E. J. Tryon J. Co.'a John-d.; Aauenr a In.titnte. N". _l Broadway. The pablic and lore. «ff F.owen are mvited to cal! and exaiiaine tht Paintinga. C. A. SHELT JN*.

and 1'LAXTS iu BLOOM I.^LiiWERS I Larfe Roaea. Caniation*. M.caionette*.Hentropea, Pntnuiaa,



M. PATENT RICF, HULLERS for Sal., one of whi h m.y be twen ia operdion

tt er ti Itb a »upe rtor a**ortrieiit of Dotne-lir Pickl., Sauce*. Ketchup* Ac in .very .tyie. compritang the grade.t vanetv in the IiiU.-d Stat-«. ¦___._, No « Vereyat., I 'nif d State* D.-pot for Paul De Vere k Co.'* Pkvnnng Extraci*. ., Morcrtatif, Sbipn-r. and the Trade will do well to call aa abuvr, brfon- eioiewlt.-re.

perfect time-keep4-i*, Second Watche. and quarter-aeconda, tndepeiidt-nt hornea, in goid and ailrer (flflflB.








If SMITH. 17RI>H IRlTl. WILLIAM BK( waae**t*_

an .xlenaiYe Fruit Orower, of We*t-m NewY.irk, in preaerrafter yeara nf carefnl expenment. ha* the diairabie but tranment frntt* of au.iimrj, without itifl alrohol. other **¦ or fornen BBBBBV. *nf*r, B*T orie.nil t'avor aud flci'.carv B h.'thrr refetriire be had, to thetr their inlnence or ro attmcfive »*i.ce, upon health, the** FruiiB are d-airabie iub*titu'.e« fur tha pr -arrve*" ao ueed. ftneraiiy We uepattrally «sk tl* tttrn'ion of fatnibe* to Uie folli.wi. £ il rcniitite iiaf, prrpated wiin care let PXA4 BEBi ",'h-ae. iu textnre and i'a'l*ja will rive BBlne B*ti,fict.oa.'v re<ret is, that owr'ni to 'he ihe eref at the Weat. our Mock i* auiiUd. Th-v willrequir. i o prr|aratinn fnrthe table. *-d. CBBLBJUEr- chjui.- Tan.-tie. are acarrely perfect in color. but arr a. imrtb.e in req'i.r.u* mizitr tvfien aeryed. Tbe iotera ot Ch.rTT I'.e. ia Jan.'. wil! realue their exre, -al cna n fl « Ear")v Ricliniond." 3d QlTNlE.*>: 1 hu >u\* rb fruit. bobtBBaiaalv known, *X. ent to he apoibd a* * prearrve." ritoB BBB Peicb.pra> par. .1 ib tbe aame uiAnaer for tb» Uhie. with a plentt of BBfar. A* niruiahrd, u i* suitable for makn.g Marntalade, fo. Ba wm*. fcc 4ib BONET of Ql'INCE; Th-, delirat^ ¦trip, *weet v ittout clot ,n|. i* a pla-asaBl BfBBBBaBa t.r lloney. aod nineli BU|<-.-*or to the beat syrtrp niaWe from anaar. PEARS Tb. Seckle. aud a Bta t-taer var;*tie*, ars tery ricband we'Vprretrvetl. RA.-riU.RRIES fiil loinewtiat in coinr, Init retain their e ii .1 tlavrr xBBJ are prrparnl ibr the table ib tha aau.e ii aaaatt ia wben newly gtthered. Cl.'RRA.STS. Oreet) ao.i'Ripe, ar* p»rf"e>t. TOMATOES. Bad and Yeiiow. ir* cnarautecd eqnal te tl la*: obuuned iu *>uniiner. pr. lared aml need tn the aaiue w»t. RHl BARB. withtmt ita akin. retain* all it* origtaal delicaev at.d freahneaa. Bl.Af K l IRRANTS. WHORTI.K BERRI**>. 9IBERIA.N ( RABS. Ac. ln .mill qiiantitiea*. For tbe cbaractr-r ofthe*. we re<erto Tbe Horticuit-iinil. for Noven.l)er and the proceed:i)k*of the Farmera' Clab. aa mven iu the daiiy paper* ofthe Z2d and 23d ef t..e monih. prereLt are They pet up in qtiart bottlcfl. and aold a: $6 V per dciro, at Ne. 17 Cedar al.. New-Tork. by the propnetor.



SIWIFR." BAVE your COAL.No uior*» fl-fltreoihkoea* in tbe Aahe. E. OLIV EA hut ltwented a n.iiand convemect Coal aud Aah Beparaler T.'ik aieve ia pie inckpsed either ia . flour barrei or boa, *o tba. there k not tbe leeat du.t ea ar ea wfaiir the aahea arr brirtg a fted, which ;i done by tnnungaainAi cratok-hand-a V anon* flflflfl ara u.adr. toaait h.'ek. facloriea, office. arad pnrat* famitiaa, patent aelf aeotng revolving Rat-trap*. Ac.. nianaf_ctar.1 d No. fliP__t*_*t. npdaira



BALE-Al N* 8 Barc'.aa-et., 1>IAN(»S Pi_.i>Portr«. «l aai _¦! 1'KESEXTS.A Urse aml tbIu- JA. PERRY, V\T)ole*aleatfllI{etaU_>_der DnXufla, ISLAND CTTT INSIRANCE-Tbe Ean> to' HOLIDAY aKeaitorrtBer.tof THE Syrupa, No. Eliti, Btok* ofSubacnptioii noaale, Capital ftflfly PiCooper'i Deplex. Maocbedrr, Co., Preaidri.,*, pttbtCx**W*j> JAMI- THOMP.-wAN Beeaary'* _Uv_*aaA Weeka, Ke>y l>tacSrd PALNT To- a"***1*^ Letert, Fonrtb Co Orerory COMPa\NY-Ca^tfl_ and old. fur \EW-YORK aale orto Leptnea :..dependrn: IXxari dtttermibed by 1* itlib.fCG..Tbttabove Cu.paay banng PlANO-l'oRTEs.arw apital Stock Ifl S'.rag ngand Praa B..1._nrj«j_i.f. fflHa. potated 9*8fl.i*ja. roiady their D.itc-org, ¦ BBM koal Brooa_aat Fulton-et. au\YAJO*JB, i01}HPenarepaired Edwarfl Drew. anbaenhiag r.K.l.M A Ci'* ITANO-F0RTE JameaMtBrid*, Twcedy, TGI1 WARER.KIMS. Broadwav. Ravruot., Loyal Kenrp. adrutaga 9EKEEPER8' HOLIDAY GOODS.. tiaoay-at, Bo-d* aftitog invrutitueoveriag ...

tave re.wo«fl




a vanrrv of 1 warraated -, -a for caa .t ipp.-.-.t _d paper .

reapeet, kir*.



i,r -he Aator Honae.





NA?H. Na 310



f* ano»

YYatahe* ofthe n.»t ciebratad ix^ier*. ctiawaBtina ot M J Tobia* fc *td R fc (>. Levrra. in beat, banha* and .>pet> ¦mi-t taaa. Ooid aad ralter PaUnt aad kc A'*-. ar-p. nor ..uarh-r r-tond Watrkra Th* Birh'uea diamend Oold tn rtaad »rv*r BBaBB t^iiOi uait at Y So. 32 xx J W ar.b. * and Oold er exclanted. >

No 3_a e*n__r oi Anaorconc Boor.-T. O. A Co. age flaik ta tkkr rxta-aatt* a^.jnrct o: taatj-arau _a itek N.w-f Jra lawy l_ave Piaaaa,ariUa.w__ba.tkwo_da_«aa*l ij-woasa A. haa. to tafl B_tU__a. tr.b all aectxame d* tka> e. __rv. botb aa rvgarda pra- aid fladity Th, garjanority d thair Hfl-iain.. nu kaa laa. oeeetkon. aad a. tfl bbbbb. T k k (. o afgaatly lava** comparkt- b«4t-*«a theiraiib. dBrk- ef aaa dhrr a_aaaa_ta_faf ia tb. Caa. thfl rrvaa :_. pre___r fag.itiea g laai m.--r.i...i tV-iraing 1 fcw 0__rai tkary art to o.tannp all etwnprtitioa. ° nal or kaafht tar caah. A ka.a aeX-iK. tako- ia e_a___re. -trta-atafwrifll aaaH Pmiaa. alwava ca laaaad at i*f. fla* ap- r^-Aooa. a .th witnoat" th. .__-,aii, pr_r*. k.



b.rt . A-aiioir *r Cottflta Pi-aca, f« _b___1 l*T_ce'i k C-J-avrt, * Me'od-aa al lo. prvaa. HORACC VVATfiBa. lala




P-.oe Hritanna aud Paniabed Cma, Co8>e Seu T.bir.M IVaarrt Rntraa, P^ted Spooaa. Waiura. Fbbcv Haak- ta. Maaa. reatb. r Dnatera, andTrava, a irneral vanr.^h-jiAOv.aij AaiMitM. Sl--ixna and Lavjal T. ta. at th* riew atare of fc Co No « Caaal-rt, ItetweenSIMPSDN Grtaae aad Worater. ¦



l.AI NS..Laera. mbtomered aod taacv dr-a* BARCan. «t WAR.NF.R-!>. No *8J aad Capr.. Chemiartte, CV*r.arrtea. tr-aaratd Uca: Sleeve* to i\mt\h. rWk

i_bbi_ ^^


aed Ro«*a-y't. aad W .a*>. i.c-:- . Caxlrry. ia Table I>rwar-l K.-..» -. and t.nkA Pra and Pockrl Kai'vea, Raaora, f°Wiaaora, ki-, kc Aawa (ri.rral aaaortcimlot Hou*efarui*^t;n«ai*f MerhBuncar llafdaare ri*" All arUi-le* ea*BBBBBl ot taken U* aot ap J M Da COSTA h Co, aroVd

F.xh.ter.on t.tll kgurald.ttlie.lo-a-ofthe t.e ot .harae to the *f>rt of Ortt rm] ahipm"nt



a*fa*atarBy.-___E8aar^ ShMtei; rrenek^oidrAa}






C*5-.-.**:** And >?V<tea: emt*Mbvcidery,d?lTrb,J**ll|rrP"""Sl freax t^_Buna. Now a tha titne llaiykertbiet*. d BVpei- Balli*, beat>. ii do. aecoad qnahiy lli» tu: *^**d. PoAotrd Bee aod mr*v ***P** atlawed aa iriaai ef ***** laaaaraaSkaa ***L*** BaBBBfll ?° B BBB! JtALE.InWefltehefterCtmuti .a FARM HARRISON haa Itt-tnored _:. Maaa. ha Colar* tery low No. *» Broadway. akuva Walier-aL A bbTb. COFFEb, POT 8. SPOOXS. . fattory ani Wtre.«*_¦ fra*a Na B Can.-at to No. of_fftT*«r*a.-» fluifl. ttom tbe c-7 PorA dflfl-t-bl* aitava^r.ed t:v>- JAMES D1XON A partKewre BT near laf__ d, where_aay ka .aad BflflCflH CrLEXDID HOLIDAY PRE8EXTS-AtPORKS. tta, ^_ c,,bv*__*B ta lh* i__r*a_k * *** ****^>*haAfla: of SONtJ** Fnahah Meiai ao.l Platrd *tfaaaV-T**» BflBflflBBat of Pia_.-1 ortea. HJiWTUH k OJULtK he. II l*-rt-plaoa. IVb*. BaU.;krii^nin:*v VBirT't-T" C¦ tet aud Tt a P -ta. Si, p and Saaar Bow i*. C..*aav ,**e.l.o*B Bro*lway. tum, Si\. -iLJr.r K^? TaM* Drwaeil Fjrk*. Tahl*. Deaarrt Farma at Plain- l a*r Baaketa Caatora, T Bl'DD. MaaaiW*ta*-4- aad Pro aafl-COS,^^ lHI aed F'.ual Laaiaa, ke. Alao. Tea aflki Rr.l Edavt* Bol.


York, No






& A. THOMPSON. No. \E\V YEAR.Jt-ear Fnltoo. Brooalyn. have now ready Aa»Clinton-.t, ta_____a__ a*»ortment of Rich, Plutn. Ponndand A mond

Jewelry. of the nche»t kind. Cald Cliaina, of all bBBBB*. .o


J Pmno. ta tbi* ritv ran be *een at tbe YVarettKim* of LINt (H.N k THOMP.-'O.N. No. 411 Broadway. laclnding Hhllet. Uaviili C«.'* celebrded iF.ohan Pianoa. of new and much approvid aralea, atknowledgo-d »upenor to any other ln tbe u.ark.1. A!*o, a large vanety from «t!ierdi*tin»-ui»bf>d New-York and B.aton makera, Oilloert'* and other BBSjgjjj. hand with and wtthoul ihe .tinlian, at varioua pricea. LINCOLN fl THOMPSON, No. 441 Broadway.


Oola Oold Oold Oold


Lfkdi.-a or (rrntlemen who

Piano- foxtt*. __

BROTHER. N) 97 Fu!ton-*t.. and No 18". Bowery Leter Watchea. full jeweled, B« Peteehed Leterl, full jeweled, Bi*) Lepine*. four ho'e*, jeweled. Iii Watche* af mo*l celebreted maker*.



Ilimp-Proof annertor to Wil.Irra


At the Old Eatablahed St-iree of



aaiol patri.t



SulrTrciiry perpetual arrn.uB.ot ikcoutenta _nb*cnbrr , pnrrhiard th* exeleevte Inlhevoar 1814 the YTilri.i llfcr tlie State ut M*rw Torkl to make aud vend i* the only rirr'.criebiatrd l'at.-ut Salarnander Safe, andmake, or eell to otber. wbo l.a* ibe ngbtto a.lbor.xa tire. orto iii»t,i..te auita at law againat any nitrtngement iiTH*n



few wbo -8ALA.MANI.KR SAKF.S 7,ce, wltneafatvl flfl have raot. rvei. within tlntr .-wn etro-Ti. -iratrnrtion byfir* andlm lh* -...iiiirfWr* but mightli.*. fceen of va.ualde* wbieh cai.aot or tne on* of the ia pi*4.»ed tt a tr.fling .x*>4-*e, Salanai.drr Kire-prart .»al-»~>r>ce .MM*.**ed 4^rveitoo_*a tne inauranefl of aad a p-.licy ar-




-ajaj. out .H I o. "¦- -Vh

t.*~fce*lcm UtBrra^t^piaBl^ CRO-.1* "N. Bootseller, No. *. B?«REtVl [t&h* >L FBENCH, Ro.kl.ller. No. alao.Ntuaiuet., Rr^.lvTav by Mr* Boolu^lior. feiiaraJly; ...Jl ?Sn Alao, WILDER'* PATEHT; -Tkflr* 11 E». No 175 Pnlfmi. Na**au^.^rooklyn. but


doncing IJcliooIe. CLASSES forOEXTLEMEN.DANC1N0 atlopti-d itdyruitaieoui pupiis.


<rr*r. tf* r*ir.ark« .^VV *i».a-trd.*____*_%*a



'T viiluj-o. e*t' .t tke

t**- ak »




rfli_»tion. p«W wotU. Hflrkfl to any Lock -iiitabf. tor men-haa-a. ^»J^J** {*££, __**_***. ei..fcd,. aadef BflBfl.. 1 tak.*!*1'/!"^ H li11 Bflflfl*, Bj **Z*.***S_*J vaultdoor*. pld* che-t. for pnvate erraaiiig in eoiual. if not

,il ftT -A brown atoTir DwelliBa. fonninj the apper a corner of Ihe r.a.tirm.m* row, commnndirifl BB ard Madtaon-ata.. *****> ktih-Utn citv propertv. Iuquireof JOIIN JOH.NSON




ERS. No. lli Eaat 18tii-*t.




or lo



;* one





*p-akinf in I'ader.H r-rc-i-.ibenflSaial r-aalt* bee.



(la. kaVOwi,. R.-tklaiul Ciiiinty, Nrw-Yoik. linrty itnlca froui lh. ll atrea, a g.-od aud c...iveBieul H«B_., ltaxu aud flUMM u > _arv out biiibl'.iig*. aU new agond weilof walrriirw' lh*do>or: tlaot a vom.g airl I'.oui.alii,.. orrbaid. For pamculaia ia ..,,- uf S (i. ACTON. B*.M9 Hroadwav, e.r. of Amitvat. i .IACK.SON 4'liRSA. Mthat. iM-lwe.i', il ai-.l libava. CliBlBTOPIIKR VV ALTON Foidbpini, or of JAMRS I'OK-A ....


receipl ol etter*


'^°V< ftoiutb*J'0'1** *_***___***__*___;


Miirim* Drop Elue BoilBOlLERS!-Thri*e ama'v toaether COPELaSD. Con*ultin| tefn.r.

Rfal fcotiit.* for 6alc.



pAtTonatB rthT ,.ropneWr. .eleet ¦T_______T_^_____fl|. alVBttiwtoita* baf fortn" tta Beader aad LtS? tta. tta Z tbe &£S£ r"v<»rv intellifeat *» W55 ^"^"Vh"' SSSrS for Bta BfBJklta *******$ EWk BBd51mb70t^B Thnvmni I»"b**s^..AV B-WK lr*wT,n.a«..BBAwar:oa.:r tor the Fann i* EBBtM. BAMUEIa OKOROK M'CORD. No 78 Will..ra-*t *nl \__\_J_ the only SaiW h*J<^l[5/-fSf5r^^^ ""rheoeeze EDDY. No. 63 Wall-at._ UWtaarflflB DEflANCB P_jflfltIMP_BETkABLE **j SS: S iU .-rr.u.i|, rjjr-a^ pw a BBBja number ot __***?"_t*TS SALE-A aeairaMa _.**_*__l_mM be.pphefd. BBBf EWfl Haydra. merr".-_n:*. ;--we'er* and other*it Bflfl broker*. Ard her'e bybaiik., «ta lacolumbia^t. FORaadLof, No the tJ-flftat wbieh tbey afford Mdad J J,,,, ^.rei.^,., THOMi »ON PRICai. toa Mechaaita' aud Trader*' Bauk, Applt'tBEJkJJgJJJ krrr..'*.. Lur,i.r*. scarf t.. .kilfui* dnlk togetber kl. k.Lrhr.1-v '.¦¦>~l£j%fi&*Za. withawflM» No HI Ea*t Bi(a»dw*y. Ba.r. ..d rtkTLaa. pe-f-aer. f.tae krv*. rirk* V -*-!¦;'¦e^rtti n/,JW B*al«aB*lr..rT!-.-n rraiiereo J.«,«'y.aM. eonfid*titly olter*ADISOX-AV. an.I THIRTY-SECOXD- pliettv ai.d .li.rabl.ity an.l ror..bined.JJ*


STORE to LET.-The ineletb.

**4rveT w*a a [irety-i'. >n and BEA< TIKY N'< I t'.e pubti- witb n-re avt af iCtloB DKBAY'S Mut who have uard it in th-ir im-

r-natrau *<n


, atanre* aro iu *

EXCHANOE '* FARM, hifhlyfojrCTTY

iZtt. thr.vswaaaVaa, CJJANCE toraSaMALL EAMILY. houow. .ita-




PROPKRTi"-A Wacrea. ia W"****eJk**a>rCoantt. U tailaa River Detta-t at *ftBJ Maa Said b**id.i a ********* dred doirar*- wonh of hay annaally. Barr**. fc, aoce oi irraiB, applea, he. A lar«e Ho.i**,

¦ *******

and VV .ft. for a Addrefl A B A., Tribnne Olfcce.




a «

RENT.Kurnif hed unfurniah- ^riTdiinei.i,,... adyo.B.rif ateaaaJlafa, ll8jBet r,ncbe. E3 Apply ROOMH .d. f«,y.W*«-ll**.J _\ & *_\ **TZ**ttp**\ea__VR LET-Fle_uuit nttic Rooms at Na. 993 retnaino^ J ..^t«i. hv^vea TOBroadway. the of 10th-8t. and 1 oY^f^r^r.'V.n.VT^re'.t vielnity OenUemaa WANTED.In Irviag pl-.. Board for SALE ortoLETexchanged. to with or withont board.


W M. CLARKK. bw ky tiwribacrtar. (fmrdoor. abfl-re Bkotck-r.) arjfl-BMflfl Ne JflB Huokaia-d.. (two door. abovo l'i_-*i) No. 1986th-Bv., iihrredawr* above ._-« > No.-OOSth-a*, (ibr*eaoaor* above and pai up N. B Stove*

free from rock or lUiae, eacb '25 te.t \,, 9U f.. Abw oiir ou 7th-.T aear 143d at. 2b by 100. Alao in tbe Yillaae of D-arraan, 40 miBro-.ea' ride the Haii« ..¦ 100. Railnad. a boaatifuloncotUfe flite, 50 fe.-l aale made known aptiticat'oi, ta OEO. II. No. 149 Foltor.-at.. near Broadway.


[ OOR. SASH and HUNI) 11.

to b\* tl <« * thfl laloa arnvai*. of fine Watch**, (oavnae mod for ("haina. .aaitnb.ttnie-keearr*.) r*.*o*flbU Beyok,fce P'^..*;7'h,iC'1 tar-. H. R Kl v_B. KLY. ..-.*. N. 174 YY'airr.t Imr>urtrr of tin* VVaJcho-a. a


pn..r ef Lock wood'i relebra-ed Caodaa aid Baatgea Aka>. J T BadkPe new'.y-_voaatoad Ra_tg_,Lan.b-y w_acA, thr be.rt. d-raho .ry aod oaeonaaay. _*____* ka aaraaaae. Ai: Bflflflflfl warrma.«l N B Praraa froaa 0. arejra.-*. e l! _:w ,,. ¦'.>_-. y N. U&j .pp-fl:_» St T.UBN



for tta HOLIDAYS. ptTB Boxea. -rtrtft. kc The Broad cairit^f I7r2cr trexVk

miuau**wB?7a.^-i^t*ai^aa aBB^B^affX-faat ****** l*T^."1?,',K!'^rK.-T th. i, r,.^^ JUDet,,0 ciorjeaX.h^tnient. N0,hlc), ot HradaayandSthav pai,t,^i ^ ttnni taraaata to


ir ti



poaailia V> rxater*.


. in Dr._». Mrdirin**. Cbemicak. -. Soda Water and near, N. H. Mancfho_Ber-eU




tu th* Stock No II open. at tlie Oflice t-l 'iie k Co. No. tl Walid i of Uaak and (V at* , carier w to be a vote of the of ( but uot to ext- -d njBE-.T.a*. k Coai*!i_t- Cornei'i ViDdo-rfc.. I__rI Ame. R Eio. Oliter B. S P.iaa, J*ine* Aaron E.lward 4 PdiLuidMYoainj. Henn Hacgr. ElwfcaJtuckmaii. Jacob* T. Mrrrdr, Eli_ Pooitact Cfl.flflfl. Pack, Kokvert VV. Krliev. Mieldea Vfar-i». Edwoard l.<_"T Atii.lRPa.kard. Cbaria. Jouea Ira W. Oreaory. Ro T YY ooiwara, Jamr. R. Hagi, *-d*h V an Duaer, VVaah S Wb.tnrT. Y Stokf* o*>>eii*«*»* R HoalA Oatrge B. Birgh, Fdward C Wraka, navid Stwtoa. Itxat Jotn Peoag. Urary B Cowl... HoMirv Sfia^oja-t StmOt. Rob:naon. EDWABD E. COWLES. Praataal. AMbarw Wtavia. Seeretary.



« ;

their to rfxeiveautacTnpt.oD. to orgamxation are now Back, a: Na. 187 Read..-.. . bb r*er BBB. to b. pa i at the nme of to tha atock and th* in ten per eent. inat. lm* ;_ every three* after. Tbe companv po.iaii rl.e eight.-tate. ot t tr which ecakpra tbeta to Paaat* nuarh cf.aner aaaa tflfl ard.naryi* proca aa. and at tn. aaa. Bflta U. qaa..y uf tta Paaat. u_.t_-r._ly i_pro~».. DlBBtTOBl B. iimit. John C Pf-r-ra-oa, N B R-Te«, Daturl C Bruwa, W. J. Comall. B v ORNELL, Pi r. , J. D. ..aMIIIT Sotoei-oKBTT aad Trr_-i' r YSTER M'AND tor SALE. near'.y b.*w ita trn._ app'.y at the l_ ot Cliaton Hotel.





WAREHOUSE..J. T. DERBtCKBON A Co, N, Fa.ii-.-at oBer for flflja aa th. lowtd ttrm.. Wntuaj Papsra. Eagli^i, Pr>»itc_ aad *¦>


Nrwipaper. all dzaa, weigbt* and qnalitiaa. Bt.k Paper. a!! auea. w*__bu and qn-.tiea. lojii, lancr c-ifra and w;.. :e. of tha had flaaiity. lati .| Paper. whit* ani c-lin-d. bfl. rwr.: w.g_a_a Hatun* Paper. iban. aad of ti. bed qaahty Ciutk Pajprr. 3Ux¥t, aflxlfl, aafl 4. x« Pia..n. Paper. oa ro Hrtaalora. El_..bJ. HadwBlfl FtflTooar. . Ur. i-_._-_.i,n_ t9m\ armrmt, beat


CONTINENTAL INSCIiANCK COM¬ THE Capital 0**».-«>\ C4-nU._aotoll»»: eapttal *»^9l»ea«b-£f.!2t: _al_cn,.)4PANY.

eU<k «Vl__. to tb. (".-.rx.y will he or.noad d tbe Baiok-g tho»» aa mtmn. iaat.t'l>B. Tora pMor.fl. fljfli he tetr*itMieh*pt*tm thr um. d aa-at.ita.a. th* aalanca will -fl, 185A 3d day al J»a**rv, * It-A-Uatrd New-Tork,1 _W D H.ARNOLP, of


Dcllt-k. SI<r___!kCa





-aU...ig Paparr t f toe qua_itv \Y ripp.ip* Paorr. Srraw Bag. aaad Maailka. T-* of diSerett aam.. tti li.*_-! r*pd, mui/tj u mt-x <a p% zt,

TT'EBDaT. '}0,%,a

ib tbfl are ott-rv citxee aad lawa. at V B PALM*

inaertg*ADVERTI8EMENTS ^B -dretta-ai A|-_cj, Tn*-** Bflil-ap. .**

emet paper.



fiUa*boate anb Waiitoabw. XX)RKHRo_W8BURY,HIOHLANDDOCK. T OCEAN HOUSK, (Lc.. Rraarr, IPORT WkWit INOTON, MOLNTS WiCr. BRmv'VJ .?>/ I m i*

DL. K08S A CO., CoinmiH.-w,i, Merahanta,

a pAr)FBA«citro,CALiroaMA; ROSM. FALCONER fc Co., No |f>l Pearl at. N» w-Yerk..The andmdined have eatrred irito a .. .partn. r-. ;,. aed wil! ., ,tinn* tha Comnuaaion bo»iti.«*tn Calilornla, ander the atvle aad firm of D. L. ROSS fc Co.. (a* fiiriuerly,) Sau Frauciaco. aud RO*4S, FALCONER fc Co iu Nrw-York. D. L IB*BJB JOHN* FALCONER. CLANCY J. DKMPrlTER Mr. Rois havinf jurt arrited from Sin Franctaco. where fcr *ever*l yeara ne haa heen diuiut a CoyBmi*B*aB buaineaa, aed betu* conteraant with tbe niarkrta will f* hatppy to b*« aad adtave with *h<ppeta w 1*0 may feel diai-oaea to hu.b eCn.iftinr.ifB of uiert l,audi*r or vciwe'a. Mr. Fal. ONr.R. Wiil re*idr iu New-Yurk atid give hia peraou*) attention to thr liit.'itit of cunAignoia, and cimf r witli tnem ia relation ROSS. FALCONER t Co, thcreto. No. 104 Pe*r!-«t. between Wall and Pi.v-it*.


REGULAR _«_(JI4.f^^.TVJ. r-1^** for

VASDEBBILT and .*.!.! IB, of thia ione, now run regni_ly a. b aring P,*r No 2 North River, firat b.flfltaflafl, wharl aloovealferrfljtely, KatoVrv-plaee. dailv. Snr.olava at 4 P. M., and Su.u.iigu,n d 8 o'joek P. M rrexo-^ptoarl, on tberrai! train, wh.ib ieav*a B.r»tt.n at 5PM amval of rhe MABBACHUBETTB, froui New.York-M-.adar. VVedDeaday and Fnday. From Staningiato.Tneaday. Tl: irrcay and Sdnrdiy. Tbe rt/amer'PERRY l*avr. Pronofenc* f *.-v -kily, except Sundaya, at 2 P. M. For freight or paaajagr. appiy d the office, No. 10 Baxtrry-

Place, or on board the boat*.



tbe oflice of


.teanitr haaaaiiid.


No.4«South *t. To Jack*oi.

luding aigned





apply to JONT.S fc IOHNSON, fc

.?> ¦-.




aaaati, BOB, No. 34



S'll.AM'illl* LINE- THBOUOfl t<> SAN KHAN(i al Kl i.i.i EDRAT1 S NO DETENTlOMon tta ISTIIMI B. -Tha new ai.d ai.j. ndid aleaniahip UNCI.E 8AM. AKO tun*, W. A. M.'Ib. Curiiiiiajni.-r. wiil lene New-York. froflfl pier No 3, N. Riter fbr ASI'INWALL, ou 'i III RSDAY. Jan. 8B, ar 3 o'clo-ik, P. M Navy Bay,c.«iii..ctii.a at Panamt with tl.e u*w douhle enprecu.-ly, aine ateamainp ( ORTFB, 1 8.b. :.ihb ThnBIBB B. CaapBBI. CouitiiRi .ler, which ateamahiti letiv.-ii Panama ou the trrival of the pa**en«er* by the I'NCLE SA M for San Francisco, Btopi'iun oiuy nt Arapuico tor tuppbea. ISaaa tea«.!r, in a.:rorurii.KlKtiona veiifilat-iotij apned and are nnsiir].asa. d. An expenenced phyrjciau ia st¦afety, ta. li. d to each iteanier. Pa**. na. ra w.ll be laml.d on tlie wbarl at Aapiuwali, and take the Vatinii.a Railmiul. Paaa-tiaers me cautu.Lrd. that the ticket* for tbii Baa are *o'd only al No. 2fi Bronritt av. DAY.'S. BROOKS fc Co., Oeneral Ar.-nt*. ,



coiiiicting with th- PACIFIC MAIL ii.MPAN Y, carrymg tbe areat U. S. M..I. Only thrniifh V. tk Mail Line fbr CAI.IFORNIA anl OBJCGON, via At,pii.wa!l aud I'linoim. Tba tplendid new and doi.ble-i-i.'A'inc l'. i. Miu! Bteamah p OEOROIA,3,CO0 tua* l.urden, D. D. Porter, CS. Nbvy, t ommand.-r, will anl on WEDMSDAY, Jaa. i, al 2 o'clock P M. preciaelv. from footof Warreti »t., N..rth Itivcr. Tl.e Picihc Mail St.-iimrenular Mail Mteatner will he in readm-a* alnp e Bta (i.-ornia'a maila and pa**eii|''rB, at Pauaiiiu to aud .ail itinu. diiiti-iv Bf San Eraticiaro. No elliirka will ho tbe Couipni.i.-* to *.'ud tlieir paacenof ti.e d nn ari part af aud aafety. gera tbrouab witli rxpeditiou.coin.'.iil Rlllt OK V tKI. TO l.'.INWli 1. Ledies' Salmin. Srate-Rnntr.Bfi'i Lowt-r Alt aml Forward Salo n. do. 55 rVcond Cul.iu Standeei. 45




Pan. i.f. r* will be ane'ed at tta railroid whr.rf at As;.inwall free Tranait ofthe Istlituua at Bta paaaenKera' BuaaaB Par,i '*<¦.- bv t'.im liue are forward"d with BBB uivil IVoui I'ai.i.u.ii mi .1 are not expoaed to deteiiiu.u, a* the Coi.ij my have rpare boafa at ranaiua. Ratta t-f fare trom Paniui.a to San Fr«tici«:o d;i the iimit f. torable tenn*. F'or ir.-iiiht nr p;iaan)i.i apply to CHAHLES A WHITNEY. at tta Oflice ofthe Caa, No. 177 Weat at, corner of Warren it. N. B..Shipp.r* are r.-'ju. ated BB *upplv iheiiiaelvit* with iiiit'. billa of ladiim, which w all be aiaued at tta (be Ci tn] offife 84 tw.-in tin bouia of 10and 1 o'clock of thu Bty of


NEW Sl KAMSHIP appointed THE FIRST CUkBS Hulcbitiga, WEDNESDAY', Liverpool,

Coiiiinaud. r. ia ANDES, Ui.],nt ou toaail froni-N.w- York for the 5th January. 1853. Paaanie inoiiev, tirat Cabin..BBB "*. aataBBl cabin. »nd ot'" r Paaaaaaaaoaey, Will take flour, cottoo, ..eigit at low -aaua, No. * CUNARD, 4Bowling Oreen. retefl. ma***110


forOliuaow 0.i SATCRDAY, 15th Jau frt.n New-York noon. ua*t., at 12 o'clock. 'SbIooii S'..te Rooma).fS* 'Fiiat tLatbta, Firat Cabin.'MidaV^p State Rooii.b).75 BeceudCabiB...50 fitewiw-d'B f.-e incliided. S3 Broadway J. Me SYMON. Na Apply U


evening. Mail Tram 8 A. M.Tbrongh Way Train 1 P. M. oiriiuotaation TrainJ P. M. Exprea* Trn:n 5 M..AcFor Train atll TBrrytown 2 P.M., and an EvflatafJ

o'clock. Fur 1'..

keepue st4 P. M -K.r at 5.W P. M. Tl Tnrrvto.wn, Pcekakill and Po'k-epaio Tiain* »:op*l a)l VYay BfflflBBBPiuwo o.g.-r* uken at Cliainl-era. Canal. Clinitopkery lith 31.t-.ta. e


M KDAY TIIAINS frouiCaual-*f. at 7») A.M (or Po.igliko 11ai*, aad at 5 P.M. for Albany, atoi.pir.g ar all kVay Btflr f BaaflOEO. Sr.YKi\, ": -!.:.

TaJEW ROITK-Iil KIALO and NEW ia IfORJtClTY BAU-BOAP. Eatflaflka flfaha Bia. 'I bil f.arn Buttaiu I.,i t Tin, :, exlo -'

to Baffalo to Homo-ll.if .rn tl e NV w-Y ork ,.n,l Erie Rdbofld, Ituow ... I .-. (1 rn.., it, tu:i,n, tn. | tv.tb tbat .(.ml. _ta *!i4iiteat. che.pert aafl BflOd d.n-ct flfl ¦_ two.n Korw-Yorfc Ba_.lo. lt kdthadx guage. and built in tb* incat nitpatBtit .1 uiBiiuo-r, and tin gii*ti r portti'i. ut it having b'-o-i. j fltlfl, it ia o iil.n-i\ fi> o- tion. tlie r..ig!,.,ea* uaual oin new m. if trom .New-York to llulfalo.Sf "ri Tl n n.-'i ko t« .nd bagg.,ge ch*kckacaa ta BBBflaiad d the I'-;-! dflth. N.-w-Yurk ai.d Er,e B_Ltraad, bai flf L, N. Y, Tl.e tiii.o a ti.r' a Ne* -York may be Iramrd t.y r. tatence to tbe advnt c i.'.'iit. of the New-York aad I'.rir Kv.ln aol 'ibe ti il .:.. Iruve Hornelkvillr lor Baflkkaa the airmiot tb* I.','. Kottiifi.-I Bata* Bai -. Nov. _.i. 1132. J (- HOYT, Supt.BuflidoaiodN. Y.C.ty RR. r



aftTakTEW-JERSEY RAILROADS.Oaoad will h-ave New-York _La8 r llie Totli of Dcco iiil-ritoo: train flf a

at o'cock. A.M, Bflfll Codjg...»._, S:.o:,.-.. iln Pbiladelpbi* d li aooa, at tha __g_-inaton will be a Helief Exprr*. Train tu tbe !l A. M K-.m « Tiain, wbieh will alao tun tlirougb in Imiira. Tir.iK'i .

T rko t* tor Ha!t, VV aabiuaton, Norfo.Ik audl'tiari-aton aoid by both imea. T.- keU nolil to pa**f->.ger* for » av *t.. tir.i.a tn ,N. w-.l. r«.-v in thfl 8 A. M. trai'. on,y, at fflfl pricea The T-i.iuu AaflaakMaflaaka EidawiB, ...and ib- .Ttli !.((.(-inUt, leave Trenton ..' I M 1 iving in flew York Bl li itoon. r*tiiniing ffflflfl N.w-Vor* a* 4 P. M bv ul.-. li f'fvfi-iaer* will alao ta rarn-d al reri.i,-, d ri beviim thfl 5J P. M. Pliil-deipina tra fl of v. *v pa.p.icra. . Dg.I*. '1 bo ar arrai....rut. will make more cotlnt', BBfl r. ..! tl.e M«.la, aad gk pa»o i.aera the t i-.'i.iii. eonticuoii. tl.B kflIJB| Pbiladrljotiia at aiui 1 j P. M



YOP.K aad PIIII.AHEI.PHIA, dir.-.t-U.B. MAIL EXI'KKSS LINE8.Tlirougb in 44 h.-.ir_. New Jeraey Htw-Yark al 8 andl Ru:;.-'. i.d, vi. Jeraer Citv, Iravmg A. M.. and t| P. M-, friim foot ol Courtlandt-d. Lravta Pbi'.aol. Ipb.B iBiur h.-.r., I'o.d ol .t. Far. r_d.iced to 9:1 (or firal cl.iMBiid 9- ¦"- fur aeoiodc laaa BALTIMORE, VV 'ASHINOTi »N aud CHARLESTOM tiaggag* tbr.'iii.h tkk.taaold in tbr lh. Tfl -LflflB, atidtliro.igb rarrieoi bfl the 'pJ P M Mu. a fr nn Nrw York, with thr>u*h C_,ndiict,>i.*..grr* witlibflflnjflflfl tro*. tbe ft ny l* mirf ntt* l.ei.-ie _iie train* l.av.


^p'.'^'V^.^N PU.MKAU1ERT,



YOI.KIOWN. AB.I1III UTON PATRICK HENRY AMIRH AN V.NION. for their fnenda. and dt-siro.i* of Peraona wiahmit to send any Ca. BOWMAN, ,reit.foim.d that Hraara in thi* city. a.e th*. Aa.-nta ft.r ihe above ahip* « and rVraaBl i-real iu aay i"»n throiifhout lreTiindka-iO ravvable at aiibt * ifdW.MAN. OIUNNEl.i. Co.. No 83 Poti.h-if N. Y., nnd |Wl Liyeri.4x.lPackrt.leav* New-York Baa and >lat of.tery P.ckef. BBBf. New-York atBry altemate Tl.ttr*aay. For paiaane apply aa


tra.i..o..'he Allaiiyaifaloaiiil Niagma Fall*.

New-Yoik, Dec. 18, 185.'.

Muutreal, Traiu. Ir.vr M J ExP_.a witl tlie North' rn RailraadaOlficfi coruer Broadway .,,.1 A.M.anoa 5 PM. T.cket f____l. New York Freigbt bv ateaiuer TBAVELBB, 3 P.Mevery djotdptraitaly friiniPeckdip. Burat reduced witbthfl Kai'loaiU. vt.tli.i;.l'.!cb rate^. tfltown. inter..ied.»te ai.d Moii!.-.*! higto... 0|lll lltqb. for.iung the, Ifla-flBBIfl Coaipaniefl Tta Railroadto.nake tlienitat co...forul..e and espaditloaa determiio-d trow New-York tu Vanaafltaad,ia. F. HYDE.Railroatl.-geut. Nj 152 Soatb at. N V




brin,Zu"...ou.%t et)tta^.JW^ VNIA iLULR()AD.-T_iaRoad OBffMELLfcj»£ 1>FNNSYLV bv IiVceraber ld, affp-r Iwldchtwfl] Ifl eon.pleted P.ttaburgb ta tb. Arem PMadalpk e^lgnedUBflBil-lfla |ao-i witV-ut wfl flaflata.flflBaaa? ,,The^ii;',1Dr.f1. «r***»[-k**^. Hour*! Uiio.i.h, Merch BflBW n,.l, oftenng Ot tbe tl.e We,'.River. nfaay Pt-intaon the Ohio rece.ved olhrr MBk teoA.JtiV!ir^Lm iWereteZ SSaawith coi.i.ecting br -ead. Tl, .Tarr^gemenu Ve* of the Ii.tenor MBflaW^ _____








at alnnini- tt>





flf. -ny

not to


ta forw.r.l-d Ooal. State. bv Ka.!, at tbe loweat rale., and ....











lorw »

vi l.lll'A





Avia ( ant


RENdVA'flM' PiI.i.-'-B..t>. B I e :e ¦' .r ftrn-erraid >U nlWt, iBpnvate pr*c:.ce Doctnr Y*u "- lednjceaa. nf Oerriar.y, ha? na*r! tii" a* p:.'< Eor S.bii.. ;*. ii. tr u> Icrrmlr* th*y can he raued ai a* a :, rp*. dv. and ..nfaii :i- reraaey Thej hate b-en in a»e ahoni twelv.- yeara io th icanntrr. and hat'- mceived the *. ivua :a thi* Bppnf the moatdta ntv 1 hrre i. no p.-Bsfnptioi wmner a**<-et* have been able v :. -uai.-A aid ra toritnpaT. it il I nt loo BTI -h -oaav th-t t';"*rr eer-a :-,a tr- n -i ir* '-haa


oen* to


u.n ...n







Dim:i;i;(iN" PII.I.S .T'.b


I'ROFAIIIIC an.lHVi.lEMC i.vsn-


1*1 Ke 15 Laithf-rf. .--peciai ilrpartiii.-i.t lor ten^,e diaea*.*. R. 1*. i BALL, M. H.. I'r.pnetor Tl









IMi ELfXIB ar, .'(>R!< \ *IHK Ll kBLl.- PRODl*CTTO*4J *.,../ Of Wl.-Ch tl.l Ii." l! ille I* COI!l|Kl^... E ir p*. ir.l teiauaof taOBaaflk, I'tria, -./..i . led 1-v Lie hiirieat ItBtrli.-:.,. M !.i*'*h:v.iiani.riii tta rV'.'. -. Ire M-Ji|,i. ii pn *< ¦. * -. It'-nin md \ leona. Pbfl ciaBO. .




Morse at tiao well known ia tba fJcieatile Ko iBA" ha* d.trte neire


W'.¦¦ r> .(I" -.l.v erilmy here. to advan.'. tl l ki* life

hu be. n di

il. h* har dnrv


rat'.' kinc'dtii the Tbotairieal ir. ¦! rfi rii i-ai.I il.e Nnrtl. tl wn


and herbao'









Aral.i.i Pe.i.-a Yrurrwtot Mo t nrrv'i'i* ti t.-r. I r. mlii ;i I.t Btaaaa ¦»..'.;.-¦ ma rt.ioii in a i.riil -. oao'i ofthe I own know). Aarnt .¦ m. vna. at..'. -...- a.'n* tnme ti. 'tibe* at ane a tatal tenmnstu o. A Bbiek lenath iiidii.e.l him to take auurdirtiie prerir-.' n oi* of lietl-B .c> to a n r--.'. r» ni-a t'. vtger.un try, wliich-ii a f'-w H.-.t....'li. bnt rei.'wrrt t;i- -. t.gth ot bB totiati'.ution tn a martrllo'.i A. ene. Thia herbfmi, fron ttiue iiiiBi»:iional. h-en held al noat

in vmerr l.y Bfltara lr ia leaaiiinl b] th. tt >. fhekrea' ar.r,- fii-piov:-led|qaali*Aea, agant ai! dta****, f>"t!i tu> a prctet tite aid Ctjra, aiad tkeir .-. c»).itat t naeof i' arr.eii.'a for and tl-.-. xtraor^ nary lov.aetity tuwBicli tlit-y attain. Pr«fer*. r Morflr*a Brat care, ob hi* reco ary. waato ir.arur* * uuaulilt of tl.e li.-ri. and ita r Bta. wl.:ch bfl fOiwarl-J to Ine rhirf nf l.nv'a llnapitai. l.-.n a .:h BB>acrnuut ni ub waadertal t-rop.-rti.B TB.reaaaaaBBaaBa'aaa.f a botaaitf aa A.a.ujiu.a.-.t A. wa*.<.rfi< i. i.t f.< iaatafl th* phy (iriBii to fiic the tned.riDe a praaapl trial. and lt* etfecta tn ta*. 04*ra rvci.i it.r c!...i.» tba aiaa. h ra baa **rre *) rnracnlouB, that the phrakiaa imairdiata t ariwaaBBad a aaw ii- wh: B, 1 'r Uir future. w.iuid reudar i' ItaBB. -p.a* iiiiU'-craaary. etiehalt't.i tta Oth< r ; arrria n< th* herb vrere alao aeal to t'..-Ciilei** ivf .


OLASOOW.D*^' {£ J t'S MANCHl'STER..r!'un,^%' il4f ,.»

Vg »^









A liaiitrd fi..ii.b.r .i t;iird-c'.«*»paa*»-iiier* will be takea ftoui Pb.ladeii.lna aud Liverpool. aud fnuud in provmona From Liveria»ol....6j|>Uii*as. Kton. Certiiicat.* of pamate will be uaued b-re to partiea wbo are oexirona of bring-.i'i out thetr iriend* at correapoBOiiuj


Frr-igh: 60 per rua; eearas irood*, hardware, fcc, will ba taken amtiject to agrwnM-ut will be camed en each ahip An exprnenord Surgton ou Sn ail dralU drawn ataud't Euglaiid and Irv^uo.


No 9 W aluut-sf, Ytu. uleiprna.


Co , I^ttipooL




,-r ..-

TFSriVfiiNI YliM baai Bta -:oa.-.-.- eartitaflB a«od teflifo

pub 110 ...'('-. itfl .botieg at ;btit: toy LKT FM IB BPEAK for. TIK" -'¦ \ '-'






wainiiy r --T.arat.


T .-. ii.ven'.r tn my l.--:Dg co.ia.d- red one of aki.lfi.i i.ivainaita .n the (n-osl Btatfaa, ui rwl heaid loa Ccrciai trry ,. but wa. one ot thu ineiedaimi* a* Bfl ita flii'llll in'.i I -,t .1 y a-;d c-intiary It lu-id b* a great eo.c*oktit.n :.-> vou Ifl tb k w'al i ta* t pi.tijmir uf '.u-iia;i mn ry your Cordtal ta ,ll-t latirig. VV'-,'. mv a____fl bappinMi ami rontiii 1 irii.iu vrty trnly youra, II A. YY'il,)l), M H. THK MK.nil'AL JOVBBALI lt



r... i-i an

yi 1.1 t. r thr n o,f

oi.ivi- I oKcnr. r.






ii. t tn «oi.,, I., a, thd aaa taaa authenti-.t-.l, ttairaaaelioeto any otl ktal.flabofa ..." lt ba* lii ii_.ny vi -orn't wod -!*itto-rf- *a-a a a_k thd radical carra, afterpdieafa ha_ bren ¦ i iheir, oiioii»ti.., prni...i:i,,- ,1 opekaaby irieflicd prael ofblghpr. wa* My onlce taflfl ifl a a'.vr* w'[-rr t'lia*! U ttle. of .o.' iicn*-*juog ug ut .ff tt,. '. a. m.-w .t.. ... --po>. -t.iament. te'.!a .... ai-i thd ,u; a a.,i_ t th«ve a. r:, a oouae ,.t vt f.i»d ira atrd all irr^'niri fflr r fif" v.-»r. !.«th IU thi. place aad ot ami tiie p. r- .n , .a.r candlokte tor f.iicid., flratad witb aae flaflBabaflfla* He bad ...m- h >¦ radicaJly drrda withd.t n -. \..! t. icaradwiih tw-mv -...r ,1, ua Y KKNIIAI.I. M D BrflB.flfPl flflflfl .< ..!_.' ,.















bo.-" i-.a lorrt.a.




it cc«-


Aoowa m.1




ExrBk.»TBkM»*t»-*r«-«^ HB_th.rc.B;.ni.gflv.^«<^«^

b.. New.

M.for New Haven,



rrha^oaraaarr. ?.. J1^^.!" iZ th-'.^^f^J^ ^^* -rat^. 1.wi-^ oroa juriruevel wv«raJ ^A U: 4*^a .dcoLat-.rrbenjrt. thia aod 'soiagaod .!«-' V tlaaralaBi pby. coeaai.titdAyiBg c-.^ *,


l^1- u A M- ¦ P M thi-oaai 'rnui v "" I and j. CSrttrT and At U A tton Tfct v 36 A M Caauil B-_-r__i*. *t -ad >pnnflik^ord .»oa amarJ fte). _i*l Noa-tbern Exraiss Ti-Y .** '«T'-V M ,ro;i«i-gd "^---^h ia B iad ffum ¦"

¦aaaaa^alMS'fii JJ iBo-tTrid

K ?;k .Ti'a;tr,'raV*wi-^-K-1 BJBfla ..,' loo.|..|.,,*!iiavi.% awflflfli "^


~a -eot





¦A 7


Ab ratePifint. Baweat. cacat Ibe n . .. ..-. men ->rr» of m>..t tj and r. rwmr-ii.-. tbe laaB ajBiiBiaaal wbtt, caJ rd .pon m cbeaic. aad m wat a, we.i. *au ihe a,«h.

R^S__fi__i_^ _t_* _^d4 i-^a ^ g **^*JS.aer. Spnagneii M-^^r^VJ Newl>vr. !WpMS*_S!a2rt»^^e-.Ho-_a aj




wh-. h thrv gvl but tutle

flagfl c^.; ag*dadSttSSSt Btifflt^\^rrit






.._,.. u -,* J. p. , . .,


or 11

-iSl1- M=|49j f. M SKS-S, Canal Read









that jrxc-.xe



*^^^_t £_%£ ^-^^^B*«BB>tBtr. »'»'*'****.*J1 "seaw-ef .J

Uf- ***__"_ __. ,i _, iiiU. »*****£ £ et tta ext cbarje patforBdv;;t :*fm**_f_mr^_a.e urge yoa^toi^mZ_7^t iSicb th-y mttAmbry iSichihetirtajiablTarfe fr;. j*,^ 8*170*¦»_^an^Itaaa rm*me*.i*d* tntb wtacb .


Ww.are ararral *barfca ltin.r* rta. ra o: r. phyiit-iaa ecik. .rvre








aai **


PlliL*'iri.MH\. Apn! 3. I..2. tafld a* *aou a* p _«bl- t»ogrc-wof Ita II ).»-in,)rati-.oiCordMl. Tb. dor- -aod (br it i« rapidly rutirr JBt Bacuo. a. ye>a fll..Ifl -i t. -. -Tter.'.lalai-er .. aiil*f l-w oa** l.-oon Jo m fonrarde- Ifl jo^ ta-ia tinta to tiraM. tt ,:b-.-y lo. Bobrnain. !-). of Kro_.',tg. y u arr 1 bave l. a ptr.oL.iiy aofaaiatei « .th bia* foi a ___rabo_r




BF.VVARE ot IMPOSITION Tbe greatrrthe vah.e of any -a*cvio_ry tha ia brM ia the eatremof tba pub.o,. ai... aou'-ah a proportiua Mthal publie Uable to be m.p.>d kipau by ihe apm.aa.t__.tic_i 11 igiicr_t.d(-agniBgaa_4d_ka.-*»:__. a, w !_*. uka lhe itvne ii th* hive. have utiti o-r ib* »_.:..v uor n_r___a: on. tu pnvtdc for tb* Bfleivta. but t*_.;tr a.,d oaxariott. apoa the tenid*. oi 'tb-- .lea.-vi: Now tba: thi* prepoarar-.on ta vt ,11 knotta to be a more aar. taic curr 'or inetatei.t CONSl MPTION ASTHMA. LIVEBCOM Pl.AINT. COCUHB BRiiNCKITIS. aad all «bhlar affofctioti* than any othrr rruW. rr. known. ther* wiil be. ind NOYY ARE, TtHii-d t'.,.. ao v '.:___>_*lj wwkf- a. to c..-; a «puni,u». and ptwtiV''**Ii>,ktk_B.*mlx«**a.4__d try toralui it i. a* tb* genwiiw Baiaano. Tha i* to aoQon okalera *u.l th* p.kiia'gwaerdlv thar HAV INO TUE VVlUTTFN pntTha»ii*auvo«'airUii I. HITTS an tbr wraprwr. Th. -_ BIUNATORbOB n.rrrlv tiuttar* ibe name of the ongioal. wh.le tka-y p_aM. boim of ita virtunt u.._.n.iV prepared bv Will.ainfl A Co^*. iiint ptrpared and «>ld, wholro_!,-o_n.l i-elaal.O.y bv BRTH VV Ki-.YV I.F. B.oj40ii. Ma*. to whoan all oia.ta__wo.Ui ba aoldrvaed. .nd for a_e by hi* age at. H*__BJflfltf thfl coua«*I Fcr aak. at wholeaaie and rd-til. Hr A. B A D S. ,1a, CeseraJ Aaeufa. No. 100 »', !.n-ai ; Pbomoaa k Matwril, No. -8 VA iilia_n-_t.; John Milhaa. No. flfl Kroaalway l .Altor aad Irving Huuaa 1'iog Si,. .,, aafl No 110 Braalwary. ,.


W \ Bm ot-.r. No. ITS Waali nt'ouat.. F. triige ter. MB Oreeu; rl.l. Blta fc Haten; VY ->¦ Provi. ii "tf-t: Lcwei'. I'a cl t Soa; PI aaalphia, O. W. erece. B I. S..|i«. aud F M. W o.-d. **. -. 4 Ha'tn -nv Coait j Bfl a I* ..: .1 tir.-ii.n.-. ¦-,'. S S Haao*; WaakiBa-tnn, 2. D. Ol mar R|. hu of d, Va, Rei.-.e't i. Be-:*, Mo le"- Mfl .' . *-S! ».'¦*. iwnv. IBBBBw, "-.; -. W.H BO r, N. Y, \ \ . *»>¦'.'. Caaals. Lyrraa Broth¬ aa -





lo; andcittra, aj thtvugh-u: tbe I'maa. pni up. highly concentrttcd, m Piut Bolil,-*, witli th* B ."b***"* ... And .old t--r $n per BottVs S tot 81*" 8*4 tta Iag Enterfd Brc.-rnif.g to Art nf Cengr***, tt. the year 1817, ht ot i lerk'i Obmb ttalhafrta Court Mrteah. Motae, in tta for tht St-utheru DlaBllI o: the Siat Ba N.w Y.rk.




BCHNAPPS -No otber HollanJ

(iin. of ar-ial ptnty ot rica: .-n. can be ck.tn_d .lthur ib the Amen.-_, jfl foreign n-vkrtit at aav pree. Ir m aalnvfaa-ta.d by tba prtipnrtor riclu.ivrlv. at S-bottddua, ta Udlaaa. bv a pru. ¦a at:.' * own factory. It ;. rlavorr.l, aocbv the BB luarih betrv, hat kv tke cfcoioe ot botaaafal varirt, t' tb,- Aromalic Itauiu. Ja.i.rr Krrry. who*e motr. v inoaa .ttract ia dtdil'.rd aad r_a-:iar4 with ifl .rir-.rao. *o'.\ aad tbflfl brt-oniora aco.crui ti«d t ,« ;m. tr i aiid aa. ma, altrarr-h.i traiw.*od-at ia A* coniia. piop.-rt ... U. i«:i For .ii. bv t toauy llallwiil Oiu iuhar*to*..c pnr.<ipal Druggitta th. I'anefl Staf., and at N>< A_













.. tnhra at

a aaai t.'iin.iiafiuii.



pan d from tbt rooB .. i ,.n af the country, whicb

of the prere*i.ired






j ina bw ilay* uot ealy bi bat r ucwrd rhe a:i-.i»t;n.:'hiacoa. -titurii n in a mait.'llonidafree. ra i hcrr I« liu- o: the i rtBcipal \a*rt diaaB u* tlm CORlilAL. lt i* ol.: .1. i »t great SaBaaat bt tta Prapiieaaf i. Mr M.ii'.'. \t D N'. w''.rk C'tv. I't* U IB tl e .i,,y!.:, ri krdj >. t .liaiov.-rrd t, r Nervou*. Head .-i..i .M.'u.i Cotaplaiuta: it i*l aaajaoaajbl > n.i .mt fefor* limnri. the onlv ualural aitent that caB fot " *otiilA.!BU r BB B iiiiud il:»ra*e.l." |fl i'i>« o. N'rii'-algia, VertifB, pain m ihe nerrea ol tb Bta,aadB. var.i'.;a traui ot N'Ttona Ai'eetii.i... .' w-ll prodaee aear* ia pet d..f uin.-, aid v w ii itla> remove ¦biajY x,alu.rt teraei t, i T. ndeai * t.- BtasH, it r.;e*an.'*a, I>> prr.» on, .I.nlkr af S..cirlv. ifK»T>B.'!iv fbr ->f-i,lv.>r Lo#( ef Mettoiv, Cui t'liii.-ii. (iiifd'i-.-aa, Hlo-d t.» thr lle .1 Mrlltli.'lolv ',' l.ll.-Cl*. F-ar of WrrtchrdB. *». Th<uithi*ot -.¦ D x.n. arid raatora ih* app.-fit*. InaaaitY, lt arfll i.a-rea** t: tbaaaarta aaalihof reaea mari-nt. -a aad hate de*troyed it. ind.i. i-i ta> .¦






anu ptt'lvni life. apitila. .f pi'... umplexieu ir eoaaomptite luvbifaan. r~ atnrtd l.v tta u.e ol a battle <<r two t hi .iom i.d v.i.ob, | al.- y.llow. at.-kiy colit h> a bencheBfiBf ll." u t.oma fl .XIllN.


ity I


W'e.,a*nre th* reider that the utm..,t r-liaii.e may be .< placed B tbia Cortiai in tbe enre of the u.i tdieaiae Brkote, «l l.i aie- ot IB0B8 wli.t'i lo.-.tta. t/. I..** ." M..-Uan.1 all NerOeoeral Proatratfoa, Irritability, larEertgy, voui Adectiona Indig'-al oa, >''i«--i*l P'«r of th.- l.-.ter, k.c.


traaaaer w.ibUI baH Ita maiiT t-< it'ticntea.nd teatt.f giaf.ii...e to th. I'i'I'.irloi were we «t liberty to ll.,in l»ibli*l. Below i* . Bw ..fthe uiar.v tliouaatid C.-rtiti. ara* received .being at liberty to pal.lub 'l.aiu.



itioi ie«

I.ET FAl TS SI'EAK PtJU THEMSEI.'. BB t ,. lelnj'.r.l ni.1 faatBBJa aaai d*. We**), ot ilani-iliu*. tt*, aayi ut il: B W'.ai riTrH. lune I. H4d Di ta attaaaa ata. ne to iofarat vou th.teaa if vui'I'.r.lial u.y pat-.uts t. Inie 10 H.ali.n ktbaflfakaarrr* »«». m: bBB baB wl.nhta.eliiTiie .1 uiviuini. II. ali.aili loaka titaaaaa nrr.,.u wh.. ao il.oit a im.- Bata I. ke.iao |.aie and tlnu. atul wa. ai.le ta araarl ai.-u,..! I tii n.ght u aoaaclt paaaala ta I, in rv.r ln regani biaiull Mre.gth *fid ta«BM.| hii ca** I PB BB ""' tta B*B*I me.ltwt. Bl. ' itrrti ly bad oil' ciB* uirai in rach cb».-b .ii the lf.Kj.ttal. bai tliev were of no ln tl.e nu..- my patirut ha.1 pDcared *<).iie ef t tlni -..¦nr l', wbu-hetf'. cle.1 actire, I an. ..uali.-d no ..tlier ii.rd.i .i,« ceuid bate doue. I ihall everw-tnnlt r-^c .in-iiend itwhenrtet ln pwi.t'in.!" ..eura. h.- t .f.'-.r iti my I weil tetneuilar. a* bein. coiiaidered *n*> ol' vi.tiiigtr akuli'ii plivi.i nu * .'. tneLaifed Btatra, and'nd il,. ii *. d.ya leai.l ba Cnriiial tery lna-hly aaekea ... bit wa* on* »f rhe tn. ".iu om *a lo ita luvril* ai4il I wa. bo tu» ipectudly and ...ti**. l.n.v a Btiae. J t>. lb* cuutiarv. ii vevy tmiy y.Hir*, H A .WOOD, M D H. ai






tba Facalty t leen pi.?. r-'d in '. ili't'iu, 1. r v tii- A. ai......c:reol LoadlBX, F.di h ir.h, I'uris llrr..n ai.,1 \ ,i-;ini Di.rin* a*ojouni ib A.abia Pt-lr.'*, Pfute*»or M"r-e-ta-» bbI with BMrvoaa f*ver htmrtt imtj infisi itaaaaataad in eiertiot.* ta a ti.rnd arv ... whi.h ptadial ...''.ed hia own ktiua Irdge ot curatue un .n«. m.i


llave aot in B aingle IBSlflBfl lhal ': iv **e* ua.ithetit.cited, f..r BM bIkivo Si-... th. r *hi. oi. luaut ollirt|-ara.ii Bill a< I .I'-l-ft..,,...I*.i.U. It ha. li. and '*eu BbBB*iaia1 t*»d nat.'*1"* afur eilrc.rd r.dkral curra ... li.,|elrB* by nirdxal praotitioneti of huli ptoleBa.irualckarac'er. 1. ,ui / ifi, iua«tore wh*ie Un* Crdial wa* kri t'tor bb!>. f.-r over three yean, and my 'ifiportunitieaj of 'i.i*ii.. .1 i'*rtl.i taBori fw'.at iiiiu.eioua. the taat.y'ucreee*.ltetti*B*m.-ut. teli* lAg d.i. m^i. aad ih.r wrthoal «nfi.ngle 1 have at-en acaee weaknre*. vthch lia.1 rr.ia.r.t aii treatuieut firotrr l.v. yeaf*. both in thia piace and the [wrBmiatB'r raudulat* for anirida, PU.laoeli.lna, aed ,-iirr-' w ilh OB* boUle* He ruwi apeut hune'rrda withmit relin aad aaaruredwithtwenty A.KE.NDALL, M. D. U*t%h*t Dr Mora-iConliiL D*. BJaaaBaaBa*i Itaaa tn..r Baaa* ta. Ciwd'al rayI mt ig.>r«riaf opirnou uf ll»' tirturi of yourI l»»'a«l it ... prartiee UB Baa prepated M prt* i. aud muat it month*. few laat lor tbe ll aod piracribvd ,tn anvtliiriKoft'iraiiid with which ii. v' ..r. i- r.rraaonI am at'.iuanitril bo'!. a. to ita' Uirriic.l virtue. inl with itfl ahie prn-.- al wiutii y.'Uaall it- I aai ii.u<'h Btaaal eri.ct*. aud can with Maadpacfl reraaameBd .t lo ihe patronfor rnnoting aa.inarv tainahle ai a age ofthe l rofr**.oii di*ta*r* in lonir ot n.e mretin*tr...iijl<«)iiie foruu., aul to ail a* * Bai* and valtiable tnedi. ..

UENJAMIN WEEkS, M D Brwkryn. N T, Nov ?', 1849 and for .*!* by CHAB Prepa-ed bf M MORSENo.Tl"l'J2D -»ro*dw.y, New-York lo RI.NO. Oeneral .

II Agent, wl,. in kl i.rderi iinutbe addre*a.d. Iu Brookiyn, Milu*, No Jl5Fu;u»u-it aavek|t ¦ put np bighly eoBi-earrated iu pint bottar* witli .n*. nan.r in tlie glaaa. aud *oka t.r $.i p-r B<«Mle; 8 tor $12. f.4 tbeilox. ,.-, of Coutr*** ia tn* t*ar 1847. by Ent*r.daccordiatto Art Ml'. alffl Morae, ii, thr t ,nk b Orfisr *t t m D*-ricl Court Ibr tbe Southern Di*tn< t of the Sut* ol New-Yrrk


ni.lir Scl.-r.ia




the tuoat


wort aul X -I etrrerr-.-e rernedy et*r ktown for tiie inatant cure of _i*l lt. coughi, oo'irj and ivria_jr*enraa.I'nrkl'*e-BBjlard'i. Nn 5l*.BroadPrr. pallrB-iea iu Nrtt Na 432 Broadway, eom.i wtt coiaer

llow*, Lurprinartl; s |J7

,, Bowery, coruer Onnd. II m_ arift Sthav. and by draagiit* generally Bffgaftaaf tb<- l u.reu Sutra OAJiDt1 SAI^AI^IJLLA-itiyiiart Ilottki






uf a-i Ito-aet* lu.i.^v*lar.di).rui*ueut(urr ^ -li.rthe fioia nupnre State of the B.ood or Habit jf tbe














oriier of th*» .Surro-


ibr Co,...., od- B.w fark, I wili eaata t.. !*. aoil al p-.r.( H,r Bm .«».». r.ih.p. n*ar.i»-4*.r.ak, tl.r tweair a*»».ob day o»o JiMiva Ib. r«ar IflO *l Iwrl.a ,,.,



Iflflu oi BfoMlirrjM aakak a-.B, iha _,".*__! dr_. nko-d Mfta_l k.a ._-_(. A-1! IBflorartain f«..!n,aB 'r.ra»l._w Ibr patinaoH let _< i-,rirl ,o _T.,.BdaK_a.a irooMsa. o«nj m (ka li-B Ward -h -h* .. .Caa. w.t,._af w.ip. >. a

T. rl. ,.b dl. wauihrrl, llla. Bdrt a.ul k.t f lami-lad .otol .o.t_o_>_a fealU.w. .1 Iwataty B.« f.I ..t from (k* ,.nr '.,-'"1 ani .. ¦,..,. »,-i-t'«.-*lTriirfff uf thr ilUraao.oB <ol .Bia Mav ,u_ta .oag iwrwi, Iv- ('.( ,a rrom, Iwamvflvr law-bb.I-w,> l.akMia i_*,..ia kuadird aB.i KO, arfao Ifoat .'Oo»l»', .,_!.. ...o. Il,f raata-rly Ua-, aad ooe kaa. aad a if -ef. lo* . ... ...,,. tt wratrrly lowo. Tb* ,.*.ov._v.ol. *¦ a*.d c . l_-i'T.on-..|r_'. oon.ll irame Jwalting koua*. Tn. |r»r .lt. at ,.-.,,.., -ll' ?* l.'-orrd "1 ». paid ll -*l» f- ' 1" » ... .._. wkra tha olrad ia rrady fcr olau.ow, 1»w Tovk U- '-.-'. 6 i.a.o.aukii i vaii o ..i r \v .. 11. V.a CkBfli ttat v.-w





ot._odtw t.f an ordaTof tha ^iTt> PUR8UANCE ai' Baw T.a-k. a-floi hrr.-i.,....-. .11 i*-f af tba C-WBiy

i .ir



ha.,_g _.,«. agaaaat rAft>KK IMAltK. lata oi tb. 4 .1, ul ^.w i.rl. <o«p ao*. ...dl* «,oUrr, ir*oatei, te ptt-aat IM -a.. * ta v. ,. Iirra Ibarref v> Ihr .o,i..rr.b.r al lh. "olbta d Oaoaoal faa .kaw ho na Annat .* Ih* 4 .ly nl Brw foa-J, ooa oif __...* af IM iwruiy lith day oi J-aa arat l.aird *4a* T-prl. Ib* loftb 4-y run II'I'INA THALIfl, Ad...._* " >" « aaaahar, taafl. dti 1._.-.** _MM


I N Pl'RKI ANtE of


order »»' tba Hurro

u. atl aatr of tha r...t, et !»rw Tark. ao_.* ia \,oto-.f avvaa oue ol I't ,.,_«., ... .._B.Ma.B_l BATHAN KATVoK, aarar w -I.

ul k-» 1 rk

i.alrr, d*rr_ar.l.


preroot oa*


.ai*rr-*-r, al ba' rroadratr. ttn. emiiittntn a ih* N.w t.*l oMMlwrtorwiha _Tlb day d May ovi' Ha'r4, Krw Yooob.ib. flddaf oo4 BoaVrMbar. Hfti._ JAbk, KAT80K. Ad_-_...-r... ... l..4J_T.' .,i,p

OlAIIAM'HED in five iiiintit*>8 IN PURSPANCE of HOWEB»8 Hyveian. H';sraonnd. R EI.IEFArparagnaCOI CANDY. pleaiwat .*>

I .,...¦.

a clflifl rd ¦.- b ard, tafl w. not flhe taala.iio.j -ial partn. prrwiaal'v known to u*. who bate th,. ti.t-'d tbi. r.raial. aad reuol it, w.iauataii .-ro *¦ Hfllhlj tmn. ii'iorv eflnal tu its virtue. Mr. W'ollfl t* th. «ok uedet ni thi* ebfltce and raaaarkalji .ovakrttui, at il no aae. after a aingl. tea »f it* a«n_i, will r« ,uu thei priiot tu ita favor YY,- ,-,«.>'. cai.i _J .f ;,. our rratlria and frteptibbr. fr h*. the uaniiB.kabk lavort't* tf, putc imi t| o-itut.-e Sa n tin- flrinaii.l for t.,ia -ttn k, fbit vt (iflftfl prr,: bfllf a uiii*.'!- prdit to Bha naitirtactviertn riveyiiai* lii* Tb* Kra T*r| i;.f.a An Ow Mcoiiink Brvivrit.Ifl day* of vore, a* wa bai. .il Iflaaad tratn the .- d to.ta. ao fltrdtein. wa. ao oa. ". >¦ L.t r n ihfi bo.u_- or ao toei. ib flflflfl di_-aarot, aa pure Bo no. fura long tmio*-, howavrr. Iha grnu.n* artic r ca.. .1 tiaot be bad, uatil lalelv, it haa retppearopfl undrr Ilio article * BBBM oi AnnaatiC -kehtadanj ln br uiBBUt-*liirrdricl«.ivelv by l'.Wl1>'ioi VYn!:*. apprin »i lel..e.iain. ... Holiand. aad pai up inotaart and pia: bd t>a, rvyrnalv (ur iuai pflffl.flB witb taflfl.flfla th. ami lab.1, to frorro-t n axauiat coaiitetti-.t* VY hata great W.-anng it it l.-r |-rraaai rraidlxg .uttir int. noi Bual VV.oaata Statea tBai tbrv can nmi pui ui Southrru ..f cl.a. a bh.I uiMoJaHo-caKd article of (hu wttfc .1, aaa, « tboul tli* leaat b.bilrtv.l d.ceptiou ordi***t.i-:B. t.»n. Tbat il w.ll tenil to. .Iinaiaab 'V* cl tli* cau,ii i.e. di Vtono.aaaolafu.i.iM !..B*r. wUichimw alaaual ricluaivrly fervad. (hiaeoaBtrv, adiaiiU,,! no doitbt YV. ronr.drr (!t mrdical iwolaMi.n aad th- cuiio under i.h:.g«.-..n. io Mr. YVolf. tt oue uity t- ..... Tbr l.a .ar aoid Kaajui VVotif- AaivaittSttiiiiJAM Staaarr*. VV ;. laat H.i* li-jiior k '.ntoTery g.-Bflrd _*efbriaed. Bfll Bflffflflflfl. and w nb v.iy Uappy alei t. Iu the hand* »l lit.i iim, it ifl proviag iM.lf. a* aitiiauldiug flflfflflfl lo ba anccraaful after ..thoar inodicaliautaith t.iiaiiit. i.i anidtflllj b.d brei.'nried in vaili. liiO.a ol th. *o__.tii.w leputl,-.1. dropav h*. been c.r.d. aafl lh-. .. xteaaitT ot lap and in aaoth.r, a diaaraaaiug caae of gravel, pingavrnod ba*baeui. raatov.dby lh* pa_**ge of a c*: cului .t coiitiderabl* aie.r, wl.uhta aariL d to thu aa oinvfwo l, 'tln,#tliia artiek. Tha Editor of Th. New Virk Med kra! llflflfltflJ. Dr Bflflflfl- guod .uUxuity in . wh uidtrr*.ipeak* thu*of tl.i. flfl-wtJ* A* regard* ittmedicktiai an.lcuative effecta, we U lo at.Doi him to elaim only t;,*t i: i. a pure and r*l:ahle artn lt of Holl.iidOin, and, a. .a.h, woKhy of the coiiii.n-uc ..I , h-..t.ifot.a iu thoae diaea*** Ibr which they are wuat lo praaeribfl it, ind hav.. Inth.rfo, only been re«tr*.a..l it iinpracncabl. to obta.a tba arucle Ifl . by tit.bng pate itate. k'or ihonlfl a.r Brajudir. .gainat alcoh.ibo mrdiciB. drpm* tl.e aAlitwotd ,.f dfl b-..*iit of thia art '.wlu, b. a. ... liii.o- iaiii_._aaiid, ha. b. ,1 ita place bbioiu i'>* i. a.rt.ti of the kf.twr.oo> Med ea. if lt he f-'uwl worthv ofcontitknc* hy c*ntiaaod exp*rto-a.e At *!i eio-nu. ab .r who penurt ln the emglavataat at toleration ami ol other alcoholic medicara. t* tia.lar.. bltlera, kc, tnd ci ciin.B*. «oa BBJWfltaBy ik. i- who jrearrih. (¦ a M«4*r*u. ovoW ¦in f. all aaite n, gi*in|lh. pr.tVr.aa. U) apara article, M. YVol'r .1 :__..'.!.¦¦:. i kti.iaaa.0 n'i, i. :h* niaikot wifkaaaaaplebottle.ranalyaia hheiaily aiippiiesphyariana n.dln.l. aaaol l.nih i. b,a«,r..'.r. aa.l a'ak-a tba r.p-alallBB .f tbe rea.edt HB*n (ke i-aMaeaie*, aaidy and BflMflfl y ot bia Holiand Oi*. whoan ua*o( ..drr a_f-iea_l aal» -..- anol r ',1a, a hia o.wn ehai-Ui in b..i.- a. that tha arti.1* will l.i ,1 B..i>p<,iiit any wlto ear ,1 VV. ahall tak.ocra.tou bf ro .Itrr lo dioatuaa ll.r .,,l,w. t .1 aloi.i!,.. ,r loaral.c.l.a, at.p.c wbichba. r.anllyhr*. atUactii.g uiuahdtt.Iu... BJ I¦'.,. |,r aud Ami ..oa.."

ing all that



IDOLPBO WOLkK. tv-.iajB.rTttr.

HifY'ta Toik


Iflartirir StHHirra -Iu aaflh»r coiu-nr af Ifl.I] . Mrmn w i.i br !ouu-l the .ard of I'dalph-i YY ...te. N .'J II. at.. A.adttafl fbtth tho vtiinoM.f ka. eeblil.aal A YY r 't ba.tat* iu





order of tho Surro-

4.4, nt Ttom Tark. omcr.o. tvatat.1 awoa'Jt al\ \r i

bavuog r'a,n_a agaiikar YYii.I.lAB HilXL-aUaltUi 'fl * w Yorl d*.*otard.fofr*aei.l Ih* «n witl. v-m. fctff _-.-.. t» to-i H ¦¦ tl,aUl,^rp_rr aithrowf.-. ot Wil.iaon Bkatnotord, o» aoinro Oi* fn d.y i Aafl S-w T*rk ¦,,., ., Wlt l.lrd tfew T-k, Urt _J d«r oif O. loabaf, UfcoY ABflLIA WILtlJ fl.rr.. . A.











trm T.fl

order of rhe Hurro-


.a lea '« ol yrt

kai.B. rlaoi- _._w--i -I rB«B.- fhtlCf _U oi flrf t.fro. ... frry fl la- of tha < ./ il >-«- T- rt. iforai.d ta. -or'-al (Ba ..BB* wilh riioarbf.fbrvowi ». ib* iHio.fY.f flfl, oaor brf-p. -pi» tAprtr-li, ¦_* (i.rraw.a oa. albaCtyaf Brw f. -I. liau-l N.w Tart, _ka thaT-MB dar o>4 »...-,,... ., . Ma, araJ'lMV IMI I .p, .a r,.la. »»._. .


'lh.* eti tbi* Medici'ie it now widely kaeanuaiderof an order of rhe HarroIN IiT.*.SI'Aa\rE eiy .Iay tie fialil ot iu luartu:. ea. i* ext**Aafae<L Itbeaaeeu ;»r f.frod' thr 0 .^wPvnfB-w V'o. anf-~ |. Brp-fc, , .. bo fuJiy ti*»ted. aot oolv bv patietiU Iheuiaelvea. but a**o by *eaoaa..'<11*_. phya.tiao*. that tt BS. receited their awuBadilaa. lia* a*aid n.endAt.tin* and tl.e appr.iLal.uB ol"the wiblici, -fBc*tabhihed oa il* owa -enta a rer^utiea for aad natue cy far miKr.or to ihe tarioii* eoaapouud* brariaa tha af ve«a mi r are lelearled ef Saaraparlla. Tbe toflowing fi?a<iir>oni*l* k BONS w* ar* iaij «*****".'".# Irnm aii...»« the auJBtada of tiaoas Rt.D4ic.Niv » flfl. and fur farbar cvaaataMawaa, tta reader a ref«n>:*l u> tiw ifl _*iar>n to aU Db Dv.TT-Dro_gr I ani grrai.y tia-U-rxora io vaa ror FaAoily Reclpe au. Medktal a/nnaar, fuiaiatad gfattutamatx, rlain* ajaiaat ila -rta. .J JABira 4;__Bg|lO*4 ._¦ ol Om t,, a ¦*** flora »b,_»__ e» *.-.i.tbal lk*r ar* .-*._-*. te a ... attriaf:-- to Dr Mu*.* luvigorataEj Cindi-J, Cirrd fark, CLR>, Itta ,av dfl ffcr voarh*r.'V.r«nf (* f_* od.f.lirr, Jh» Rl 'ur 1 tn'tmrr lt oaa def. f uxt whvt ao otaet medxcxne .. ..'om i fhr '** wofl .ad ,4 ( Nrw OBLAAaa, La., »«v*-«. ..**¦ _d ¦-«. 4 Bl IB* p co. .d. I ba. boaen *-"letrd iVrr a int pad ot.*t tox-Aomr fla. 1*4 Batteot tl, ib flka 1'iry ot few Tark >. ot aoiore 4 with a Meaara. A B. fc D fJracLrvnea. Hatif.*: Ir»«eiv»d Piuoatratwn ot tbe wt._t S«ri em* Syflo*., oi l>/_ caanet I-.81. JOH.1 CABCKOV f... ..« thr dar voor Jouafury. a*r of O-.AIineaa. the :ru'i. iaraapariia*, DVr.ii.tT j ta'-urU Deprraiiou .So^oa. and Mr.tal .arr.ill* .1have voa thoaa.). to aia ¦'. n> ami'r.t mv t*B>ti**KJUtal Lea* ol Men-ry. Ciml-aaa of T.Mght :o *urh a dotgr. a* I ..idered mac* frotn I tradv «ca.t*a- F.r ai*.*t bia yaara to rendrr it ir.ip<*_..B_f iot me '- ko-p my tkaugraU oa aty ia I waa Kive-, that thI)**.*. d the Lorrttr vhteh tf time. wa* *o Bev -re that itI oae aflbact, evja wkik ooav-tang . fn*_.. rhe fflWd th* rta! trutaof JOMB C. 8M1.H tataal th* oa tt^taaate Aa ofB.w I eoald Iad inat For tta aaaaji t,j#-B--. diiValr) rrvfemouxl wiih wu oF Tork ani* «_4rr 'im nr4»r».'. .--¦ 4«rok_pi*d. ot I.r#*y *v er eeieb*it>d -v ef luoat or-: the phya.ctaa* ..' ¦ I BflB w,» *tr.nd*d 9) ., tr .. ..,--.. an a. «¦-. oaf Ib* o .... «o r oi » ra f t by lrtmmmh T-rwwae traily rtaiafad ary raae hopektaa. ata rb-nc _ic. i ..uiag a.: Ita *_t_c_|__l w__*-ngi..r__riiwith?ew4>ri*«a*, a.rd k>y aaid Boorr'awtr. oh-.»p «a '* _>w. al ih* Swr-aair . .t, a of o-ie ter ( A death. 1 '.*:*, .'er my .r.Ti wait to onlv or ta ipe May tbat 1 bad o*i _nv .satmg henerit urn!. my Cli u 5fw tot k.aa tk. Jaoaaar, wil .' 8a*a.per la. a«lvi**d fpii.b ','< My lu- Un- tr-floda. wIbo had *ard yoar iatalaable '<* k ,. Ibr tntrnooa et __.: aa. ed at Ttu.- _tt.n and t-loo.d the CoBrdiaJ Dal*4 U_* *U. iot ot Vt *rt it- I proeared *i* bott^* fro-u yoar *a*at* in BBB ¦_ A W BKAPfOttD trmret.lowt. [d-fw] nrpieaaec waa. tbd the med.. .ne w_aar*.tnt... (eetriredto b * toatirh af^e aad asagit Itaek vn'h Cemd'd bettr-nt. | riry. a. natal d tta BflaaaB flafl-caes aadwpa.ha 'or th-re ti-nuth*, l wi* raoKiu.) t-Avreat. I reeaaaa yoara, ia wo.-w tboti nwleoM. I ojbou'.d r;.-.i have tak-.n .'. ba: t.r yaar of DlhTRIRLTION.N-jtlcc :OTICE E-.'-ir.xr. Lcmomb fl-Ud tht* protVaaloiaai ¥crv tralt M-> at th* K*a_ F..-*'» lcern_B_rtalai.t- _.d k-.ow-._-e brrwby j.vr.. tkat rka ara. oard. of tke ka tftc. My taa Pret,arrti aad soid, wl ).***** Bad rrtaij. by. .A-B fc D. U miR at A. HOHa Bt* oith'C-'T ¦* *«. Tork. -araaard .. irgcftbe Mv ap**ditaba- I SANDS !'r**fg*U isd Cu. BiaT*f Nn !.*. Foitoo-K cotaer tnutr. rnoio sdartb. ow*rr nf flk. farrogita if rV C-.i*-g I raa . ol WiiLiam, New "i ark. B« 'd thto by DrrtfrBt* a*rneral!y rt ^r-. latrlg Ii,.|. w.-i b» __f4fi«Mtrfl^.wfoBfkglf» hw at th* Trroga-r a eam.r U t: r. I fclt nrot_*'r. aad _~w. a-tUogk *'iiti andl'a-Jkda- Pr.ce Bi per am'. tar. I fceel weJ. _tl_> . ,r, ... «*w for* oaUkt* Brrt ier et flkal a>rbe »* «rx butttee ym of *^ j **__ a. bat Vur rakea vax caanra ra._»,»,-* t-oraaw. d tbat -..fkattl awo.fawb.. -dg tKf.'le; s:x bettfce far $5I ac; » raaied of n.y Lderd-flnot. 10 :ke lo__d fcu «ny , _a_p otm-aie aaar.4 aa*d fllflfl flfll pva_at.l -Wm o, ol..'. "*trtpmrr.r.' h*.!r_. I'. ._: alwajfl r*.ard t a. aai w.t*. ttrar prort. oi voatbvra litr. ROBEBTBON. JOHN WOXDER f-f Aa WORI.D'-DE .-tiidi R-pr,__Jiy_«_. _AW BBAtfPOaD, Ja/rafau. W J DYOTT, P-k-klph.a Dr Tt \ir E5S COMPUCND P1TCH LOZEN0E!-Tta laat d-novered. i* at aaa ba CiinaBiiinfai. COURT.-Ia tha -oattrr af ihet :..rdy BflOCKLYB. Aa. IA '."4I. eexel; A*tLai>a will ioea ta aa tta thtno ttat Bat. BBB ar*» .,.,au <>f IB* Bawor. i .oi.a aai C«flo__M__»f orfOaa (' ba Pa Maaai-Deofl Sut Mv wt*. kaa V-n V.iMtetma, aed fX'da,the pwinl* of ttat atil *Lk*e<i*a that *o l. Ba d .!_. -XflVl.TTB AV OPCBUM Ttrk.f-a.v« Co«igb* rt-w Bm Bd arrta vt..-. w__b IkeaaBal W**f**briaa* »o* to the lanti ot oar l*x..', rauish aa if by flaa .¦ r e. a. :tv_kit..Mii« . ty.jtvl.ik Padara*u. a f ii Tiifli v _H_r._a;_ Co__nve__a. fZxtreme Bet.oa- ataea -b liu: it* raa** ..,.._.. atd .**.i.aarata .rr- ., thu ke/uie itaix K.\e**.ga raiiaedyWb 1004*1,: '.,. and 1* ia rtamtawtkl w>"*<boat * ,r- ao. t. «_Ui.rd a. u*. w.. ,»-,... tarfl aad Uta-k-A- broaj-t *a\ : t. . y lhal wh-eh li£* ao bv » wve- Co'd d-irin* acaneaa. wHiah B-.rly aofl aa.d fkU *aath etesta »o ih*ef okixl'tig ay Ho.. Haaai f Caw.aM, W ly "ar uf tba othrr Jaata.-a. af _.a a cure la a* er-rtata OougT*, were e-uploye-L CVa.Bwra .*- bf tk. Crrk * U-aC.ra't, t. .1*. -pt-rraa jayauiana Co'di. HropinfCitigh. Cnnp, Aatiitna and CotaBTiptie., (pB..,at'kafoopff-BpCyr' bim loiytfltB o4 _--lgy 4pfa4.t-f-t a. fl/»J ..lay, __>': v _red:c:i.e. ro ie purptaad wiILib aay ota. atarre haiga aaflkeat *e* Ia4tte*>i** Bth_>i4ho_a V* fta w' si i cVo_rk ,a IU* !«'.«. -D._. fl«w Taal, I' 8. '...t u-* 1 in. dl.«'.VAHDS 1 pAaiaaat. alaansLMaa, *o*i .**^^ irflB. Atu *-'- .*: * ^- -al ot tue fc-__yr_aara_ed b»ai'th. P'.e* a5cra**p*>T be*. .r_ra ao baf-Tttal it jOHJtrciX jcrTit rttowa. C II. B! NO, aale Agenr, No. HC B.-.iod *-nj M- f) 1 «* with uoj baaai f*d -an _. " B:-Hi". Sr-rth^nvo f. No.**»,: MfLNF. -oYye.. Arirary tewird d-er et-«r_rl r.'l.^ if itart v(-: tny rr, I fl- y *¦


-^-;P- TJ^DV0TT




pfrBooalinYiiia: ¦





XOTICE h4-Tk*hy




















mltmi^e ta-t^ti-itra mimm^y A^lt^T^wlZ!^ .._ado_kar__«i«*«Ba*dv«-^f'»-tk*M-fl tar-Tr-Tvc-a tV**** aV&a^L^thm Iflfl.w» __^«_r^*^cVda...wh:ch temeeamm TemJdoi. c_w-osJ-d ifTrV

"-^^^.Taa*. **r.t*__*_Z

i.,.. «"*¦.

then-w:^ do«.n.'...-»«rr;.t d-*d. Thr'are ."^ 3 ihevc-aM brliete the^.-B'O^d ***** tlle great kuntaa*. nown.




TWre are f ata. cf _. Iree, a.c7 Pat"."Adr-i-e .... Th. y .|Bl*i rh).


Prrpared bv M. MORSE. M I> an.i for aale bv l II A-**. H. RI.Nii. (..reral Airetit. No. t'i* B.-*adway. New Y.irk, lo hom all BBBBff fyaat be ad.lreward.

."?=!!££ !^*ei: g____i»»(j-^o_lao-dfT4»'.k«flrfldu_e.

;a a^





Th* ired fo

ALd thr >«lt riaJi.ta* knaw Ui rtia. fi* A.t-n* d»r»,y Btvgr. L.vrt Couiplaintr ldu Vt:*. !a4urn_a_ Coagba. of Br-ouh. Paaaa CoflflBYY B.'e.-d ng of the Lub«*. Sbortar. aad , a.ncaa ia ibe Si.l.-. Kirawt kc and all .4__-r DISEASEB cf the ITLMONARY OROANS.









ItiUldeiidia U'rek.'v S.:'.\.t. >Ve arr not aa advwate Bf 1'iteut Meaieta*. ia the «*n eral *rt**e ot the word. bat w* mat aay aaat tb* atiug Cortiai. advarra. d oa oar laat make. aa* a The ''Caa. far above tbe "qaack" nx-dic ara of the day. a.a.." il wni ke arra. i* Mpp.ira* *ad retail. by l'r P.. .:. Si .>- Nonbad-flt. Ri-aUm I^mtly M**. Aug. SS, ISW. Tfce tncreaief Dr. M.*rat'e lii.ixo'.ratinj Cotxlai. appeara fr le of tba nk«t .-i:.-aor.i-arv caracter. W 8 pufciah todav two crrt-tkatri ii. i'abcha.i*, frot.* Tuo-na* l... rd. Mr. No. 88 Pnce*:.. cf th* cut. »i*4 om t.ix.i tk** hav. W bite, ef Lyna. Mr. Li..Tdb.-iieve* thi- flaedaciae to '.-<.» *** »aved bi* l.fe. and M; W lle I >_\_ .rroeg ron-idenre -n ita rfacacv. latcibaeii: aiao .ke tsee* would cot praiae a) atrvt.gly wh**»lh*l I4BTJ did not lally oehf-e to be true. Tke ffit/dVa Ru2e. Thel*lvldFe!lrw'.p,5vr.p«bliihcathe .i>"t>winf. "Am.Mif the BBtneronB cxrr-tci ot :-.e*h iu.a n ioiiieien.i*d tor the ,t*rr*:i*n rtoiii d.*ea*e*. .1',-te -ai c-o. Dr. Mjrfle'a a: i-r caiai. li.t'n-li.l bear* tta paba ot ..t. J It ia iid. ed a valuah!*»n.ed;c;ne-. andhatin«»eea it tiard w:th drctdrd in a numrvt et extra. we *-tii rerod it w;th pleaaare, *i.d w ith full i.iaV.rtnt- in ita

cait.ri in

Hear w .-.I Juaiigaia'io .1 Da. YY'oHit) ef Ma_.acl.w-t:. aa*. Ma-> int H-.-,':i.|.. VVoflCflsaBB, J.M L Iflfl. Deafl Bta.It gtae* nra ph yoa that oa. nf n.v i at . i :. w.. Ii- ¦'. ;.,,..:. d *¦i.i* ot'vour. lan annkfl mmI ttal , pr,tr.y rured- I'e all»_aly :...k« l.-ea new t>**» . .. lo alawl . ttiin fl _k,*_tawaa__ar_a. * iv fi-«nb.- for iy »ble tocraw! *r..ui.d:. hin ev*r to rep-...!..* Bfld f-.-'..:¦*.; k'.ca** wa* an flatronao y bad ooe. I pre* .l. .. tflflflB in Ita Hi.p 'ai. bta t.iey were of uj> ,:. «o .r! I; y.'irCcrdid - l.icb erlrcltd a rore. I m aaliafied ao ofh.r *


tk-V orlv l»t ceafl a boattle. A dal-«otxral aid .r* .rt.dv ..*. I* «.»._.-. lnJ-wro-a.Be It «_mvt br pratarJ t. a teo _gtilv. YY bcreal* ou. rrfai! .< riAMDaa flarri.-th Dmg Bflflfla No- 71 Jatoeeet., aud Drag Sta.aaiaer*_!y.

hai < iinrtJ the medi» E ir-pe. calaatat.Bol tandOB, Pan*. ai u tha Itatirtaabaa beea ii-»t. d, and by t!ie btgheet




OLASOOW.1.810. Capt.

No aawflflfa r

n.. t



irom riiii.AOBi.rMiA. »» OF MANCHESTKB."fttiiaday, Jaa. .> OF OF -T' ia OF OLASOOW.Tuuraoay, Mar- Ba, ¦¦ ia«.M LivearcKH.. . J**CITY OF OLASOOW.W. d..*-*day. Feh *> WedBataay, Mar. 2,2, C1IY OF MANCHE8TEB ,,,-at.y. CITY OF i.LASOOW.Wr. MA.Ni IIK.STKR.Wrdaeeaay, Mar.30, l'-» CITY xjw OF m VAAI KATKS u>- rASSAll>-. raoM LitEBraot. raoM riiii-AotLrHiA 8"!oou ikjterStatei.iO' tStat.-rooriai.#**.*. aft. galpoi. .. muUhio mulahi. 1* fcrward ** aorward **


Da Mox«r r-ir _kBJBa_t_Baflaeayi vopin1 JflBBflW -., i, tl.. kytiuo-nl oui li.tigoTiliiig I' .ml pr n-ribrd irejaiedti .it lor thr laat l. w uioi.ttta. and o.u.t BV. .t mv decidrd piefa rr. cr.oiv. r laytb a '.! tii" an-1 w.ll, t»B r.l. I.nih ¦* to ti iii.ili, iBfll iir, ur* and rr.uat. ihle priee at wbi, h iea*elirt. I aan aeat. nia.>-d with ia_ijfl_flB,flfll can wilh roiitidene* rrcon.i.:. mi it to tle parronigr ot'ihe aa a ta.uabic auxiliary for W BBfl Ti flfl fllflflflflflfl Ifl BMBfl of Ihfl Bflfl Ifl fll IflflflflBfl 'orii.a. an,l to all a* aaale aad Eilinl in li an.1 I'ani wher-i tlirv were ua. d witb the aatie, vi.iu.blf m.d.f.uc. tho*> erahliahl aaiCDiali i.i reaulr*. and th'BKNIAMIN YYF.EKS. M. D. mei.ta i Irte.l tl.. it teitinioti- to -.hai ..I tlieu I^>:iU..nrutem. BrwJilyn, N. Y Ni.v. ll. la_. porart. THIS "i RH n a* well a* phta.c;«i.«- attd tb-faaaiid. of other. ( ln.r.e oftbe pniicipaiaktigredieiiU u*ed in tuekina thuCOR- in aUlergyr:. aftha m-.-d .*..*:.-*. uflflaflttaaaU-r aflaahaf DIAI. It ia I'biaine* at gr..-*: e»|*u«,- bv th.- Proprietor liticatf*. ua et tht Mflkefitg .l.-rttrd fru.ii uang and Mau-ilactup r. Mr M. D NVw Vi.rk c.y It i« Dr. Morae f C» rdial. YY e cau pablub only a few. Tue foltl.e unly intallille rt 1.1 !.*. .-. r> .1 l"..r Ne/Vu.ia. Head lowing i. a aperimen I auA M.t.d ( ernplainfa: it ing aougiif RKV JOHN _o_flflfl, for. and Htaf l» I re Bflfltl the onlv ia:nt*l thafcan I Of Ji r*ey C.:y. an ol.l und hi.k v i. .pn ral-le geutlemBa, "adminiBler t» a inind di*»-a*ed-^ In ca*»-a et Neuralaia, ot tbe Hapti.t po ra.iBf cu. haniloaol ia th--to lowing certitiii.adacb.. IrrtifO. tn the Oervea ef Ihe fai-e, and tl.e tat-- ai Dr MarWai IB --. It tproikifsr itaalf: vaiii't.i trrit. nt .N«.-toui Atte, it wi.'l jiro-luce . enre ia 1>B. MoBi-e-I*.T *-ir I am r.atrtun-ol to l.i' yoot ¦ an aatiimal itif ti...rt prruid .I tun* aad it will al*» reiiiove ati trm.-i.t of thr (flflflfB 1 ..envrd fr,.ui nai t vu'ir I ord.a!. D. I.T'BBli.n. ElC'l'l. r*f. 8 I elideBCt to BlliaB. ll>*tlea.lir«B, brlitvin*. by io. d. ir.g, I ?!.'. ' Bfl- » > u-flfl ifl flflflfl wfcoa ..Ivor ¦H * iikwiiig b* I have be< n. a .atn.i*. Didika of Soctett, lagaaai tt I wa* it"'ir>. ,l !.r__a .*7...-,._ willipan-tiu'-bebeid and Bua nc»l. L()*l Ot MeiiiO.'V. I DIiTuB.nli. Ol'ldweBea. Blood te flf Hrad ¦* Imi tatmat lr*bi!ity. llyater.a d"n, M ** p!aBt.' togrtu'er witb crra' IV- W ' i< ii.W'rttC'-fi'.u.a*. Thougl.!aofS«lf-Deetra. tion. Fearofl-.- u j.k tiiat itv.aaw.rli iitikli dtflcaltT fef uie tai waak. f,r 14C |, wrUl iBereaafl and realore the apnctit-s M:.-n«th- l.ep »U.ur. Mv dige.tive org*ii». a-a .aiilty. .t'oite a nambrr ol r.-u.gdt**. but ro*c--ite_ en tl.e eniai'atrd. r. n< w rhr hraitli of tho*. wbo hat drniigrd. 1 nouaedl*uet1r. ('..(.!.ii. 1 took aad of oberrfnloe*. mti! re ccntinual ii di flf.flfl, d 4* your e.|iianiuiity littl* Btmy. it, througli tLe itt_i.-a ..I Prri-.ld.flflfl bflfl reatored me to tpinl*. and proloog life t on or Per*i'D*.f paleoompii eetaatimptive babit.*.-* re- u,o,re tkoui tnv uaual healtli, a. I am iw. ei,, yinj kdt*I I an. now a-ni niimi^rol for » year* vi....*, twotoBL')"* bc.ltb toVaiI I l.ate donr .tnrid by Btt ua.- ,d aboitleor kataaa iavalaabla BflBflih rhai tn.g ft.e aufl from a pala yeQow, aickly co.ov to a BBB ir( vo ar*.,! .*--. and tnv tramrro. ac t-iaintanc*. ro recon.B.riid I RinioMrnxio**. wlith Mark the n.iaerv that never f*:'a to p.iniab the v.o atnrof thev a.e very large, a* I bave barn a n ,i..-t- I a d.o.-at many lo 1-e benrtil uaach a* -krrch ii.m I inay aarnre'alaWB.fiii.tioo vil.r fuu.:iongiv.-at.ayu. bady b"TMyeait cielriaKai. Palpitation ct BBB llratt. He%.liclire. vou a* tlie meflitiaoe ba* to uie. J«»HS Sr.JKR, Jertwyf.ty lm 7 H-tt rold andihi.ftrd atate ..f the fra... fia-iueat fit* nfabaraet-.on. dulike lo aociett. melaiicboly. r»l.ciou* lnoniinauia, heaf* and tiual.. ¦ n: tl.. f.«.- ou ita .iighteat o»-c«ji»Tti, * deTb* toilow ib. wot* (.ut to oor Axrnt in R.hwav by Rev. ure that eiiatenre aboald r.-nBTtiate the it..nM,-l. b) ;> it out 'i Tun,. ,i7*ot t.- .Vt-t' Efliatfla.l Cliaioh aaad th. .... I tbe appetile becou.r*. apna.o.a. » traia ol yeutiifal i 1 k and reapretod in thr' » n auau. aa in. Beta k cmiet:i»Ui.m u:.I!(arat. flatoJency. dyaeptic* iBrtttol Dr. Murao* lavig-.r,; ii.ii* t.ial.l.w.ala b-at id*-*b iu,lt irpoi after earmg. f*t d almg Cordial oa tbr (yaimi ttratl.. f.-rrnl t' kc b*to the f.)i*4)ine vaara potat. a. v,.u Bnade Uerti Ik.i; BO-ktB-OB Haviug hate Ohaetiotu. n.turaily pnee,iti op- arfl aware, f xpenrncefl grt-at Oerrral iatalta iiiark*: IVbil.ty ot _ayof *yicau*.' (hetraah th»t baab-eu tbroara tiie .*, tne Cor.lul trar-attri.rd wit cundatitaad akrntafl Irntauua BflflB n.oit. ia*o:dr:irai*r; bnt ihetulart anol ou coou**iu».nca. a* "pnr de*r*r waa be at BBMB 1 hi at and LoDga I rariuot be attenlrd fi.r lr*a". aud omlit idt-d r*.tirn,.t,y ruanvof the ititrrdient* which r..inp#*e it. are among th. clieoc.ol hevingipp-l Capt. McLean a <,leolar-t.m.d Ebxir are liiiuklia tiatlieat thitu- ;u i.atutr vt here*. inIhe olhenar.d try Di M-,n lea* m I trvrd it, I c, _t«a*. uiore ni tiw tflffl Ibflfl Ifl rbe o_lotaDaa moaey. ap ot rhrap drng*. worth but 18884. iu io bo-ind caa.iot am I but, iu .1 rurril. provinfl .flcacraaa; Weaawire the rrad»r»that th. ur-ro.t r*-iauce mav be acknowIrflgr tbat 1 fcad nfit tned ir !or.g hefere I begau to with »-ati-)t>-d inaladira I uaaTu.w aud of the cure ettecta. the iu aay tii. Corual in ftpn-.ncr.ii lalutary I »ou!dn.- low 1-r witlioiat it on placed Mua u- CflBl Metlfll "tbat la» above and al»o of tho«e which foIlowA m* Lor* ot all Ner- uii iflMidaiati.i and It flaee t...- ...oro good than auy lar F.neray. Oeneral Pro.rr.tiou. lmtabinty. Vc. ol rhe Laii-r. rrurdv I hnvr t.ird. *ud 11 ia daetn\uaa AtatMota*, lud.Ar.lion. Siuarahnee* prrwoii. rd by youo'aaiy iiuportante, yuu uiay hav* aiy lull cjinli d. r ita itifinerice the moat dainrr-u. ( oun'i ¦a laatBeaa*. 1- O. TL NISiAN breathina reolrrrd ,- t t.'. ¦ ak. '. ipttiLg ol blood ib trevented. tbe auit aud e*»y, and tne 8uflerer ia *eon re*l...-ed from the Rahiaay, AugB.t 3. lfcV>. awfal condition of Cou*nniptu<u to a h-althy and comK -T.'B, Apnia lort.ble rAiaenee. »r *!ir I laavr :. ru aevrrciy btHi-t.-d ! r Thrr* :. no other mi:*l'.e ren.edy. or any tnat Ba* aatuea- a DB Moitf.Po ;e witii great Ptivtca. Il-lclitv and Pr_rraol uu lrt.gth MedicaJ o: ihFacn.ty. aaacUoti rk-ally received the t.or- t tbe wfwle Nervoua -i.t'tu. A: r.jara 1 hav. falJen m the flrr.: tv attacli of Didanae.-a .n tK. Heail. aecoroa'.ao .a_*»od Dy*. DR. MORSE'S INMOORATINO CORDIAL p*m.d bv Singmg ia thfl Kou*. Iaid-*.!.litiona of YY o*kHifaudu n.iBH^tiy tbetheCotuplawu, *urleier, u.e*. Hf-o_U ...._:-.!-St..rr-o!i. the i: ratal ariii bodily iacapacity ol wil!iu:.rt.iiUe t.-.«: i rl nt *. »** particaUr.y a_U. ahow a* thr tb.u**nd c-rntcale* received atirlt rrn J la BBJ, at. 1 -f.1 up J t 4 .e. U d to :.v aaton I wa. lah-rut .udaurni'.afl befur* I nad utrd ihe kottl.. 'li'dtu-i 8l.O« REWARD *re envioaflO' thfl bkeauetl. flaa ut r Bfl o.-..-.)ua,f lu_en bjtu-a al rrojult m iVaflfl r_rpi*-l any entarely. I imvt Sctue "Pit.ut Me.i.ta.e Mrt..'" who .r a gr it :roa_.:.a. Md will BflVrr. BBBIiai--.' t Dr. M-rar'a In.iior^ir.*Dr Mora* » Ul arat rowrr. Y-i in la. ta kr my lllflflil ili ta.d lhal ler publiihed lic.itu.ttB *.«n**nr». iiil.-ah thi* af vQ»4il__o.. I .ivr aad caa ba aeea p.v*»Dyot IBBM iu.n irl.'SUK-r eaco taCUtioa* ee«tlB<*te .t,r..Noi-y to fr,..ce-.t THOMAS 1.LOYD. Jb. they ra'n prodnce





plaata i *traha, witb Eaat, aad eftJ i.ra H k*, bbare a it*ad_*. nlaada, w v.' ind pi i'.riiy tf ii.,. BB Ul BS itn-rrvae thebanpiiiraa rlnir ii ..rr f. pBtBBatl tb. beahh D .r.i.i a of ntaiiku ilisn <

cured n.r r a*vf I w»» ornrprked »t thfl fll had. YY t .! i I not brar ol t bef.irr I It w lavrd nt* rxpeitie. ber.le. y*ar« ot n.riit. an 1 bi-ohir . utlo r:ng."


or oul ol








CO. iaund aailiiif the Bk*>aaBB *t.«ni*hip*a*BbBbBBi CITY OF MANCHLSTER :.i.'\ Capt*f.obef1 WiUaual*_**_ YVyl-a






I't}:. P1.EOT0N7" I"EMALE PANACEA ' No*. l.iaiidl. -c V Ia 1 BM ta toetrry *|U di.ea-e and itr< ;-:'ar.ty Bel'ef n all cmxra, tir i__,i a 1 t.vok wt.l enr* me wu. n takin w.ih advi.e. Bent by mad witb mll f.r*.-' Aroibtr aava: "I Ind rananlftd ae.eraJ dtft-flj Pr'- *.! t r i.t.ii.trr. Offic.-No. JM Bowery. (*. aiuiu- t phytiriata I*.aeiaidl c,.,.d rt be flafaflVflflflan pretu i.a uay ai.d rv uiug. aejiFctl tbi* thing and tl cared aome of your Cordaal I tunat *ay -t rompletely iikai i:i> female -1








aUctnal Ttrtaea ,,f th* t iant. au,i rnn-rnrrtrrig thatral !r ? _::_rt. .n .: g t!i dow*. aad t: t'M aan.r ._* BjadflflBfl it taiaubit- anol accep-abie ta) _*e troa.ach THK COMMON KXPRr.SSfuN ofth.aei. rddkwEdiad ¦: ** I tadhaai C- rd;ai htth.y .{ len ot. bat wa. on* of thfl m.-r.i.-tt.r. *i',l'or rrgarr! to. iti n w-.rh.--i' rtenv ag tbe mrr.e pori ~ir«*P_ril!a*) ai! becebl I veu had g |B *ny up Iiopo-a ut drr vo-r C r,(. .1. 1 bad no re.ief, and a-h'it I parfaolh wbottrvrr oi i>. Unrtiitinx ror; bn: it bia


i" t


IfOfl.L, dtfllu







ni it. V.e dearroy aa to n.der th* r







re. i


Tn* n a- iportant j :hr rrmedy wkoi v ii_rrt ar.d wur. than a_-lr., :"or lnato.l i ing thr ..aar ** yoa extaert. tt ttilt retaia* a ta I ayatrn kecomtng (tronger. ai.d dillku'.t 04 ULlii tbe fyattni brcoui.a ha! .'uated to it, a. it were a aecerdnature. Y ,,-y low heal *bo_..i _* --n-j-fvp. in obtatnini an >x_r_t. otherwtae th> m

wVoI-bv. rrd them I ilaahlelecacy D \bu Haa*bi rt ha* tbe an r... Hy tb**tr aaa i-nnV. luay r- lt aponoH anrltvihly eueataiianee aivea paaaa to t .e > Hunlee* they b«ra the r--rfifr»re of .,-.*. «f H.C VAV HAMBEkT, M.D-, <>n the i-.'r **a:np aro.i.,d i r M. i.l'iilS, (fc r.' ra. .«.: trneriea, So la7B..*erv currer OratiJ-*-.. Pri-e 8l per box




flflafltaratloD. f






KRK.(..T TAR1KK 4et.r.i.-n.TKR Philadelphia Sb Pnubaagb. NORTH AMERICAN BRITISHSTIamlAMSHII'S * Boo*. ¦\f»Rh. fron M.W ,.t Cla-a-I^ifOtadit -^ .> per '»Ufl ft<" THEBOTAL MAIL ¦faaai * tta. ,., Cabta -raaaaaa, .». C^"_»aVn^S"«flHff.aVa C llaavy ^ Qu.era.waie, Cahin IWte, SdCliaa-Coflee, LIVERPOOL-Crne. f'i^bTJsToVio (aaflflflB, i/---. ..8Vt, f.r ,.141 tra »!.«¦ Sriond J-.hin Paasiie. »«- Tl.e 8BBBB trom Bo*toa ithClem-Bac-r.. C^r-WTBBea at Plulidriph.a ^XXmwwerOmt tor No Crmui-flioB cUrged )N '(« a'raBIA1'^ ARAblA. A|T Jaakiua, Leltch., Cnnt ROI A. Bl W Ca-ItaB ,b" f itaM PFRSIA. Caae Rynr. ^".^V^eight rreigm Af fl-l Penn.y!v.n,a phikdr Ipbil ANADA,l-apt. i»*na. E 41 Lott, -r^ jg gjj^^ NIAOAR A. t'-P« _***__ AFKH A.' CaVt. M-SOLEMN OATH bd#1 gr^en .tuwt-'iead, wbito at BO MLRCl KY ORui:om ligbt Taeaa met^arr*. clear Ph*ra« beard 'h.f Dr M.r»r batiafl /^ENTRAL RAILROAD of WEW*-JJS *rteiaLDn;a«:*U con-amed lhal .5. C rted hav WedneBd.v.Dec Ettol-r'ilTch^r'N'KW^T.RK. BY.-Ntw-York oflflflflflfliffllftg ^rPie Me"ury«..Op.uu., ha. the taBllowing ali.UtU.Arraiigen-erf, tiirra.- Phva.c.ata»ai.d Diuggurf* *uPP>erd «S«.'~'V N?vre,_;tf __" JStmZSSm taiw.lMrm.'t ;-*. NEll OHK, euiieatiay, fr.-B .mi, B«>ston, x\edr^eday. JaauBT838. **______*,_**} CANADA LanTrroa? froaa.u areat po»Bf 18AJ. li aa Jau. wtiuh a^.. r-aaiiCBlara^eAwea YORK. Wedneaday, EW ASIA Utt i-fofi%\crr\nABet^rl^ 19. tm*, he Jaa. -ntag pa... 3.15 PM. Shaiiiio'i. Ita. BOSTON, Wednc*d.y AMKBlt'A. and f Sta-Ym*. Citf,aeiCamat* </*l*'***l*±. Berti* mi aataat. ui'"'1 rsid te*. A D ,. *_* ""ft?-.??- u'^f J ft( Andirw H Mk k... ^SJ"**" for /aAMDEN .nd AMBOY RAILROAD accountable he tiaJly apt*ai.d betoreme. no, t^*e^hrP^^ ThVXr/r, N.etcalf **°**8V *.*-**. *L____\ ."t .\-wYota. thrrr .*_*___*___[ ItoM. a* b'"l.o».of ajsS; jywilry. .hat aad .>-.;-1. t.icreior, BBB .ifudP^^**'^Z fl»BltJ IBllBI billi laditif Ht-iaieo otb.: MerttaraJfrrepaaaaa. _**__**_?'__* ralu* tber.ot t' expre«*ed. coctAi-.ed III Lineby l?xpie_a Beturuinr, e*d BBaBBflinrarr.«. \ii*?Oi^ l<aai*J, ¦*''LJgg E For freight l^^PJ^p, No. 4 BowliBf-greea 93. Dr. Meraei Irrttayrat ofyw***f_~c_*__\ I*a-, ifl tliMcar.,frorn ,o A M *_d w, ihe, 7, ,c!JT...^ aiiu that it dor* eotitaia particle f3^Tfaimuam kav. Phikdeli.h.B Line ^ttWelm* d^ *W Erniioknt AKKWOEMEXT.The \m__ 2PM "Mfare -BBkaMBBBB No.l.at4PM. Far. 9110, *tL_JKCy_*L Mat RAlLWIMKR 1Yl^U)l.t!dl^^^ I


«' * efB New 1. k ruay hfl

TTRF Pr aa tfite at

cota-indon Ihat.avy. Friday aawl -.i.'a.-d-.v fl a, J w -ek Iir H raat r.ora to care Hrrair. ,-t iu aU i_-*»*rii«. aaaicw.rT. He a-c tberthy .-. drruag tb* aae ,.fT.»>Uuptair aitraaU B-t.euiady I. l> waaa. , _i Vexaaxta, fc. .. o_.-g»i al r.oun.r.t oi ll.aa.ii_._, _7 1*:,, l*i.»ra_i c-rll,... Roretl oke. I br r-rat fojer emya af eaefc wark ke wav Ve feaad *t s . flflfllfl, No Fxttrr-plarr ar li- ., , s a Lm -aat








l'liMUJA KAll.IMM»MNAMiAKiCA H1MI.1I ARRAN.iF.MENT.-On and aft : M B*a "V. Dec. .0 ftathei noUfl tn ni kar. Cld /

Remittances.Paatafe*. (iUIXXELL aV

PACKBT8 aml every Liv BBJBII Pai kkts «*il 6U1 L.-ndon alr.-rnate Thuraday. and Mal of every moiilh. LONDON. LIVEBPOOL, SIR R. PEEL, < .ivsTlTITION NEW WORLD WEST. I ORNEL1CS OBJNHELL, OF THE RKS. A.MERH AN i(iM<Kr.>-\ riiNSTANTINE

Wi bv .te the arteerAuB of our reaahrra te tta xJ.> *reernaal of Dr Morte'i Conhal ua anot.i*r eoiutna cf thia paj-e-r. W* have beartt it rreoraiaaavdrd by atnae ot c ut ascet celehratrd l bytictar-a. a* th.- beat iwnae-d"v aold for theae ccBip!*iBta it is adveruaad 10 carw. aud we have kacwa Biar.Y caav* oaraflre* of Drbi!i:y thit tt ha* cotnared. and th ak it a vajuab'e preparairuu and we»thv ofthe aame it b. i

Hn*a_»rr ef t-r jflaten th- Com. r* nn-*. the naoae cf Dr. MORSF'S Iu- lgoraang Curd.a w.artaf.*. v and -n . ahutt tinoe thr ariiem aad all lh* ortea* ta -Bad naruni brgu'th and ngor.


Arrangt-iiient. Traim leBva CI,._i;i!-o:r*-*t. daiiy, for Aibai.y and Tfen 6 Traui A. M tlirn-igh in 4 hour*. r g Fxprea. w.tii 1'rain* reacbing Butfal.. oi Aloi.treaJ d 8 o'clock flflflfll

RT II E B N V RAILROAD .pi R E \ TfromN 0NEYVYOKK to Kl MoNT and ll BOUTE t-t.aud, No. 89 TickeU lo Bell.nv . _all*. Oo., Aty-uta CANADA.-Tbrough Jumtiou VV e!l. R.ver YY l.t, Bivci aiitltor.x.-d Wiadaor. and *ole only BwliogtoB. ll New-York, IflBlb and Pomt. Ogden.burgli Ron.*'. Sr. Albana. ot PAI UTaTUlPB. *Vt li._iat.irv. foi th* SW AEI.OW-TAIL LINE bv the New-York ...d New-H.ven. ia connectiou





rrr MnlsrOI WANT VVHISKER8 1 -«TAI ilf-S, ub- , .'.. .- tillAHAM'S'E.NT v i eol. i< Iee ,.¦..¦¦¦ adtafi m :n *iv » ee.. a.r',,-nt.<! ihick, and Will aot itain or injur* .he akin iu aiiy way Bl per bott.'e S.-nt to anx tart ot tha R. O. ORAHAM, No 13 Ana-*t. retinfry.



whea 1 iatavn rva ahe ha* net yet Uk-o three bottlea, aad ahe ba* *or tw-wtt year* arready rnjey* brrter heeJrJi thaa r*»vicr;ato:bi*d*tr. Co*b*et>*a», H. adache, Nerrouave**. 1'ilrfl. Dttpriaia, a.1 tre goa*. bjjbTI have uot ih leaat hmbt it wiTl altrmatrry rratore ber to coaaplete h-aith I *hall , vr- take pleaaure ia rreomaarndiag it fo etbrra troablad tn hke rcaattrr. Wuh mv beat -ernect*. STLVttiTPER H. WOBTHEW. OPINI0N8 OF THR PRES-4

Tbrre ar* medirinea ad'. rt-aed, aaid and rarotmnen.ied tnetie ti! daeiira. no ii_tter knw or»*i.Tre or- d.aanaltr * d__r_ra may be, tiie anrd cioe flifl flflflfl .flfl I1 a a av, F. .rrr .,nr know. a in*flirin« that will enrw Rhe-jmai.u.. wi n-t (Vj__ra.ip._r».oir what anll care Dy_-_ rntrry »il'. t.t Nr jral. a. Bat thrrr are a c-rta-n e'a. of from tke «.-:_? aait. tiaal aaamber of m-.!fl.taar.ar_..(-g -ciLra prn|4».v eom[<.:ii..trd. oreven a fiagie i_te4ir_e oi rxr__w_i_rr -.-trt.*. wilire-no.» I.-flflflfl WflflflflBfl that ar. br. oglt .n by any ext.flve .r _na___ faraflBflfl tbe Viul nr Nrn.._ rluiJb), ,ir _h* or-: , nt -' l-r_awkv elo-ae m*iit»! app_*_dl_fl, dfldta-haflofltflaflflByiler. or 'ct* -r__<-rrr,a :ar p-.-iurrl. bring.tig w th M .1 tta-n of nerv.,... a .**».-: ta-o*. a

braBBa r-n*dy ran t,. l«d at h* .rl'rr or triay he »ent by tnatl t<> Bflf ador.f*. Ofhcr, corner nr' lir.«*alw"ay and Hoiiaton-at BtTBf tbe drng Mora, Th'- D. rror att'iiria eirlucv !v t.. an ntTice praetire. Houra from 9 o'clock A. M to 12 M. and fraui 8 tillDP. M.

BETWEEN andNEW-YORK ind diy. fidlow*: Ci.n-iidHigua. aa __,»______. New-Y'ork B^baataTaia f..iMa.i or on amval of N.gbt Ej^fflflB Olaaiow OLASOOW .Th»-new TntiB at 7 A. M..coniiectmg al (. atian ia'g (JLASOOW, 1.^12 'IValn iio.ti N.w-York. SieaiiiBh-^ p.-wnful Company'* lload too ?..i.-..-r. Bufand"4ISl BWIfl imrTT U"Ih rl vraia, CaaaBBBaflVar, mll


aitd-wk ..jr.irflaetngtbr-.r rt.rag. by o-ida-try givuig flna fia, PtiB. Pilk. Manvaekr:--.(.aae-aaa-nf-.ot cf Pi3* raftoent tu kiilaa ox. Tta coadint xae ot pys*ic fl -flflflflflkflfl :: » rar* emptioo* of tke"-'a *nfl a._ra*r ky dnvina t_-77i i.i w t.i | a-.ent aad aalvra. A doow. rrtwo of Ptli*. -def<__«.t_k., oawe orfwic* a .ar. arero._rt;_,f __.fu> ., (.nntneBt tat eaoea oi lioror .td Cb., TVv w! o ar-rrn-* tn af.riX---. th* ayrtarn by tke aae af Phy.'*. or rar* BBBBB fcy, are fook.


Truin.lf a\e pierfoot of Duai,e-it.a.foIi(.w. Eot.IBSflT_UfB -.17 A.M Ib, Dvnkirk and Lliiffak Mail Train fl I AJL_ta all Jflaflfooa WaV 'I kai-. rtt .1 I'.M., f.r PlafB_1 an Ifl VY'av 1 'kai-.- t t!'..'¦ P.M. .f IV-Bware, vi. J.-raey f'itv. Ex-BBflfl TaalM at 5 P.M., flflflfll dav for Uoiikirk and I.i,tth (. BaOth Eipiflflfl T.n.ia ronnert at Dnnkirk wth tbe Lake Sboie I.'ailri.a.if for OarfllflBd, ar,d th--.icr dirad to (.'-_.-i-.nati ; ako to Se.iiduakv. Tr,l*oie, M .nro*, ll-rr.nt Bnr* C*_¦ cago. 'CHAS MINOT. BflnaBtaBBflflflBfl. .





TICKETS to SAN FBANCI8CO al REDUCED BATFS. loth lor CAH1N aml RTEERAOE PASSENOElis tia LBPlNtVALL DIRECT.-Tbe faat iteaiuahip L'NITED STATES. 1.S.C t-in*. W. ('. H.-rrv. Coramai.d-r, wiil leave nn W EDNE.SDAY, Jaa. 4, ar :i oYlixk P.M.fri-u Pirr Nn. " eonni etina .,: PANAMA with thr fnvori'e .teaiiBlii|. NEW-tlRLEANS. 1,V u tuna, Edfaf WV-u-man, Ci ii rfini.d.-r, whicb «.<. r. er r. il 1.. in readinea* to take the fm art.val at PflftBfM, and Btaaaai without deit to San Fini. .. n. rh-cord Calun Paaafluera bateStata BoeaaB onbothaidei, aaai aa8al ttaaaaai uhie bb Firat Cabia. Paaiv-nitera per I' fflBlaa fl aeinhark nlonaaide tiie Rn.irottd Wliarf at Atpii.wull tree of For freigl.t or i


MF.NTLuiea. Fare, 9l 50 The train. leav* City Hall lir.rDp.ily Stat.on, corner Tryon-row aud CtDtra-gt., (Bundav* *xc*pted.) a* f«.!!ow" d«ily. Ut Train, at 7-30 A. M. Maa) Tram itopping at all Slat.OL*. Way 2d Train at 9 A. M. ATbanv Exprea. TrfJn, dnppiag at Ciotre Paila, Dover PU.n*. Hi:.*d«!e ai,d (iiatham F,.nr Coner*., arnving P. M. iu time to conuect Train frcni A'l.anv VVeat 3d Train. 3 P. M. A'bany Exprr. Train. ojtrrm-ni at CrctoD FaJJa, Dover Pi__ri..~ M.ln-rtuii, H,l.*dale ad CTroatbflflB Four CflflBflM arri-.i.-,*: '.' Ir> P. .Vr tounecting at for Btiffalo Alb.ioy wrifh Exprer. Ro-t.oriiuig, will leave Eart Aih.ny at 8 A. M. Exprt., Train>- ia New-Yot U _5 I'. M. li.l") A. M.. Alml Train. i.'.kn.pKll'-(.na, _nd 4 P MF.Tr.rr*. Trein amvtnj in Ntw-York Ml P M. M. SLOAT. 8nrMriata-T-et.t



leave Dai-burY: 1. b-4i A. ML, witb pararagera, eon-ieerira al Soath Nottralk. vnth th* New-York tad New-U.vea 7 A. M. traia for New-York, at 8j89 A. M. 1 3 15 P. J*}., with paasencera and freiicht. ewineet'.rk*: wiih the New-York aad New-Haven 35. IJO P. M.. at548 P. M Traiti* to Danburr wi!i .eave South Xorwilk : 1. iJ* A M.. with pa*Ben_rera and freirht, reeeiviaa p**v ¦eriaen fram tie New-York aad New-Haven 7 A. M. traja frrtn New-York. 2 5 4_V. M, with peaaenxm only, reee-.vina puaaerraeifl from the New-York ar.d New II*-.. n Li 30 P.M. Ezpreea train fn-in New-York and the 4.10 >cco.-nakoda*loti rraia from New-Haven. HARVFY SMIT'l. Supe^ute &.!**>*. Daabary. S*pt. 30. 1858,

.'.tr* <¦


S*tj)i-U,ik .1 S. Ma.lLme..Tlie netvandfaat-K-iiiig MaaaatfJAB AD'.KR. J. Dickin* m.f om-riBnder. willleavo Pier No 4 Ncrth R.ter. on WBDNE8DAT, Dee. 29. at 3 o'clock P. M.. pnciaely. For freiaht apnly on board, wbeie all bill* ol laainf will be siani.-d, and f-ir paaaage at t-Ly. No b.llaof


WA. BAI tn


Sl-'lKEOItH.TM.E-'TONfcCo., tu keta to Klonda a* (..llow*: Through to


traatiug the above U ou on tbe aecoant ot

the owoera.


FkANBURY and NORWALK RAILROAD. raoMtHaravarBr'. "r""0^ tnd *iUj S**P*- ¦» "ta taliowiiag traia* wiH Wrdneadav Dee 1 x li A M.

ftuurdav, Drc. 25 6. A M. Mon-fav. D*e Zl\ A M SM-i "'.*. MA M VVedneaoky.D* ^ iA.M. Thar___Dre. 30. 7 A *» fl Dee. 8* £ A. M. M. Thnn-av. Friday, Dae. Kridav, 11, 2 M. Ili J ne (tago ¦ f.. Sqnam will run in connecrion witb boat. . Bfl ennvey na*» to all part* flf the eonntry. AB «|tago ar* forkd

ROUTE-VANDEKBILT LINE lor SAN FRANCISCO only line fitina Tteketi for croarin* the Iithinua. The new douhle engine at,-am*hip STAR OK TIIE WEST 2,100 tun*. will leave from Pier No. 2, Njrth Riter, »t 3 o'clock P.M.precia-ly.on W BDNEBDAY, Jan.5.coTin»>ctii* with the Pacific ifeamer oter tbe NICARAOL'A TRANSIT ROITE. hating but 12 MILES OK LAND TRAN8PORTATION 1 hi ae Mea** are uri*nirpt-*a#d in their ticcornmr*iariori« and ventilation. For infnrriiation or pamaae apply only to D. B ALLEN, Aaeut, No.9 Batttry-plac*, np *tatr*. tr*~ Thi- pul.lic *re tautioned BJtainit tlie ofHIRFI) RL'NNERii ofotbt-rliuefl. Nonerepreeentation* are employe-1 for thi* line.



-The irla-ndid and


5:* _KP*Y__"tN.4:tit TiTaTtt^Ofl*. fnday. Kbl . P V

taOtean Bttamert*, #c.


Ca. A H Hunit, wiU _.

l,.-ri-t..lo... ander the lirm of LF.AK, WOOD 4. HI'NTER n d * aolved bt the death of Sainuel Leak. Th» l>.i«rje*a will be c. i.tiii-1. d*- the firm of WOOD k HI'NTER, JOSEPH II. WOOD. <Signed) JACOB F. HI'NTER. New-York, Dee. 27, 18.-.-;



atp-a_1w______! ?_-!r',VV4 Wrdnraolav.Dec 8 A. .£2** ivr; '«.15,I a. m.M.






wperror STATE, Capt- Wm. Browa, aad EMPIRE STATE. Beryairirrl Bravtrm, l*«*re ea aiternate daya, iSnndav.Capt. e»frooi Y er Nn. 3, N R, aear the BetVry, al 4 P M. ttpter}.) For freirht, ar/ply on bnard, or xt n* orru-e on P er N > .1 TISDALE fc bORDKN. AgentaNo* TBandTl Wart-*t













tjunmhAVm aTOTioea. .



BflkflB Aadthg. nbovri, parrha. i wereallaflitjft ean. do betttr m* cat'.ot tnt'y They B uo.'


Faaa Daaiaaai to>.-niaAhle IlaJ. Ia t.naeof ?e*ee.

A B**ta*Taaaaa Har

e*u and lutellij'MM Siiukbcra opinion Li at we kcow of aliicL iLn t Ii< ai*".*.- BaBBBJaaaaM the -


carioap-iit fren.


fur R. >sr a* a* tbere ia kn. *pi--ndor aad r**rf. Hk goi-ic t,7a ta Ifl fl* f,.r wttit r", A 4 a-iy yo-iag roaif. vr'.Uflly-i i" ". How l.cLly rt paad __ii- to '.ny a: ib* H*tL. Lrivro H*_* Mtratflor.. aaall mow aekaowoVlgr, Where rettiv-naad* clotbing M aoid rery low: l . ipun Rr-.;r»*. ar** thna **. yonr rroee-t. , Crrn *f Fnlt-a, aad Naowaa.. wkare all the flfliA .*

-»* BafBbraaa e*a au*l Hoi-Ai-v. T/bb ukoatd-va: tbi* H*ufor tu* Wo--; '»»nway, uriaerth* Metropohtan t*ot>.4 at.fl Batyotj Hm o't (ittiam Thk Modikb I)M .Aa nitiili mfrttr. peret-

¦reiaie lerlbr

eeaM'C are at


only now bnt L.-reafter. nnd BB CTifiinds *_BBl tntiat. in oir juIl,meut, intr tatbly constrain tb<* aet ion ol' th ar-nexatif-n o<" CBba.



South cn thiagubject.

Ptttnem's \rv Month'.y Mtgniine far Jan¬ K>'5. juat published, hai? an article on uary. L_>* Union Hall b bf far thfe BBflflkflaal fl"r*' inN-w York to flllfliih Boy*. Yeaxh aad Caikdi.i wi.n C'uba, written by a L'.-ntleman wiio haa p'lbmraitof Mea.ra.Kaox l J*aai. M" «^. r.rM,w£j!,'^' liahed a work on country, and who ia. of^y will brramaiaced wuh what 7**{*^eI!"." rcaoty-made c'ot-.iii.__^ ce*. tbiii that Ina. t;,f <-t only lor. aad Ptireri.»I.»_*iit.a tk, WflLf*. Fotaf.iths ITF wor.d. ateatw BBBBBfl lBr-<-8> <",''.-k'U i« rl'-< r i :i coTjrw-, familinr with hia subject, olfera tbe Hall No. Ul Nafla-d.. New Y-.'« -aai Pnbliah*rarC.iBU*B ane» . reaJity ua" if anv r. -iTer ef thiB iou.-.-J ib iU cona* -Ui mt* Hat aami- stercotyped view of thrj qncation that ia fastetnl B'oatoa a*« Ma. 1 Waak-urtr.n-«_, oeaattlui 'el °.f «*.<:-Bo" » c-p.'* a. il ia ar Ba says : rnpnoe ttam. abd Wig-b..Batchkuta Mi.. ineven'bodj'a rjK.tub talBar-uroTi*e Haib Dra CtBtTaBCaxMatf .!! fur* of th* i Cnba will become a future for tbetoe artieka l. eekbrated ib d_-_ ol wh*t BBB Bflrh'ir Hat*. it *! oob. b* '» me-nber' c\ l* bol Eo ir Doilari. ! afartorytwraon* -".till, ptrt of .* VV fl or * flflflt e>-*rit MM] woild : flfflaflflflamtej'ibe how or the when, .- MilsflBoBftO Kl£'-a*<cb, ABB at T-r^ci-nrerrlybe HI. Hiir Dve -a a"pii*d. (a the I'nited Statra.eventf Ftiaa or Matcmlf.88 hav so Political tran.-plred rapidly witlipredict to a w.'». m BBM or *i*t»r caa .arr gn_r.n_ee) or aoid- wbole-al* and r*taii. tt \o.4 VVaikYLow Paicri..Whtt gift ¦ tl.e Batfaw, trnm a tflt of fclrca.- '. au'l I la'.ioaaflue the addreee.beware of-*.ita-i.n.

aeteranre. iaduitr, and iru.ui bate beeo A'-ro-.'d tj th* . taiBD*y. . of perfretiot. Bt Bta Baaoa'a- tir» of geoUemm haUBa.n ai., ol taUta rd amvandif anvo.oatrrvlrr. feel < ur.oob apou tl* *uly«t, a taut lo th* new .****.>¦¦«-


P^_= *£!_*£¦ "i*1:.*^:": ''






readerato rn il at Kaox**. No l.* Pult «.)-«?. and *> hu nch and van-d aaaarfrrirnt. Hu tciB not be


Co-TI Ml.«..TJie

DUUT w^ou f.r aVotliing wbich faahBOb hr* introduced "ftMa*h*r--« »Bd mm'a wear. co»*e*a great vanety .il oura, ata ueiirra aadae r*xv>nin*..d any li.eod *""i '* *" w.tti ***** <-*¦ vi..- the wn. ? mwn eitvl."I te OA-urr. euital.l.i BB bi* .tviTh*ir kCflk,B .7 leta!. .nt.iewiy Ol atock BaaatBa. an epitorr..- of .-vry i-'Jeto**. W OveKoat*. Overwcka, lVaatat, Cloak*, rappera, be... ii.n.d thr ihecuri'iit w.nter. Ia Bc fcc w-hkbliS* eut and woiaiunal, j. th y nave <> ****** a any auan-viai', tmedej ta the city aoti al taaaV-aaaaataBta etclu. v.-ly tu tfce eatalihatiHieiita tuaf cotiiine ttafaaeltM nuii.ic the er.eri.tujn ul orih-ra. IV* only eclm V n tt < Bfiaiaa, Bay triat loatatirfl ob twetity five y-arr' tlie fiiBJ nf Jr-aaiNOB fc I ... liave obtain. t ¦( t.eir readyto tba aotai a aaletary ¦ataalajaaBaf i.« ott. aure here oretawh.-re. Iu tne order depurt uiade mocoiui *bi 4 catirr* *r<- 'iraploy***, aud * Brdl c*n Be lew b'la.B,.. r.'luireat to inraVHira in b lli

JI.ii.ii.Ar I'iii-iw- -Aa


Mi.ul Gift ibr

i't.'nmsn, Noh. 390

variety, imy have h> reloture ol.-re.. nt tii- i- i*ou ol tho old Iri-.-n'a. f>o, who deyear. Oar youug lrietiriB, aml oor wuh to look htatfaabioa fllfln to make iralh and t.nliabie, weil-dr. a*ed citi*. n*. BhotUd aee .Ibmnincs fc Co. wilh If tbey ii'-i f<- eli-iiaut bi.i'b or Ovrrc.-ata uiade to ine**ure, they can Ik- 'it't.l Bt th^r l-enrt*« rotit -tit at No. £il Bioadway. within reai that. fi.rty-.-.Blit baaffl -.f'fer ^iving their ordei, wbile the I.. id for clinne ui tii- r-a-lv raadfl d. parUii. nt ooibrdces all tbe latuat faahioni iu at -'ry brauth

A HoiiDAf Hurr..I OintiH'ti'i- t!n- NrVY Vottl' in a aaaaaf and irni-bl. nifitui'-r, hy i.-leil n_. fro n Sm.TH fc Rici.'.b etteniite ttocV nl'fanticnta, a flflt mi'.ahle to th.- o¦> "*.t n Yon can run vourtelf, uo n.attei wtal v <-ir taale, by uhlairtiiig u nriv riui eftbean and tni v ...II -mit tlieo'iiteiita of vnur pn.tH- bc t tit Of Ivu. ta tM r-ninableneaa .*( th. ir c. ari'r* Tlnir a*lf* rouiu n at No. 10^



aoiuelhiiig *)'|-' i IBAE'I Du.../. IMi oi. ny, I'l-cai.e the Tsheruarl", ha* iiib. op. n. i a livali iut,,ii e ni ll, tea. Sai*. f'oiilx.iia, fca., t..,eil with chmee Co.'if.-.'.loii.-iy. ai.d will havi- tlie aauie ei|.o*led fortale all tbu we. k. Atuuiig tiiem will he hiuu.i l FOB PtatB TaBBBBTa No -.7 Broaiiw


cboice ai.d l.i ii'. ui i.oveliie*.

Xhw-Vkak-Dav...1. Tivi.n't,

No. .1i)7 Btondway. rt-c.-ivei order* tor Huu-pirta Vaaee, or lti,*k.'ii ol liotter. 1.1 New \oet Day. All thote. reqniiiiig Flowura sre re.|u.*ied to *eadii) their nrders early et uo .nl. ". wiii bt-' latlrr the 801b ina:.

|"i7' QaajBaaa'a Li.juiil Hair Dve is, witlioii'

eicepliou, ibe veiy lieat ever inteiiieil. E ibbU v C'lebra' il la Oci'BAl l>'a Mrilirat- d rV ap tor 1 urini ptiupf*.. l'reckl.-a, aa.i 1I0 uui, lloali w.iin... Inl, r, aailonma.. t.n. r-uii'. .I IpB, cbf te*, ClarVt. fc P ...l.e Babtils 'i-'ic it*h*ll ii ''ii BIV IW.t ol tllO bodv Ll Ull I'egiiah' i: --. I. v Wil .,ai il Hair Rcaiolutu r, 1,1 fi W'alki-r at., uear Broadway.




0:mim^' nf m! Kin la

and iit-Hiii'tioia, cau be fwiud ht abaiidance at HABBlMs'f. No flf Htoatlwi.t,. ... aeaf above Cauai-,t ll, b ,...' ,.\t. gaut l.otid.'ii atid I'iririaii Faaa y Oaa*a\BBaa*** ,.tiich ore uiauy lieaiitifol uov. lu.-a, which caj.-- |, t'nnfl at Olhet Bt..r.B 1', aesri-hiuf B- "|,y wi|, t,.d everythmi .u.t*l.,r at »v,. ,.stab:,*l.u., ut, al Uie uioal «. Ca-' and exau.ine t'..- iot. .1





Kookks's BaBAAft,. \

aaaoitmriit ot Kirneh h- .1 Knf iab Work Boxe* and To.l.l Cn*.* )i.»l opene.i .11 tn.-e lo. Iftra V BT Prea. :.euta Tlteae artirlra, haviug l« feg Cl.tiBtniaa, will be 8.1.1 at ,edu.ed praMa. Paa taaa Bai laata. OaBtl4rme*a ala. triaai loiuaketalUon N.-w Year'a Dav wit;i anv re lu to tli.inaelv.-a, n.uat .iot 1,11,11 tta i..i;K>rt.i c al dnfa 'i'hewiae need be laflaialad that lb-- Fbb ah 1 lo:bun; 1.1 H l. Fcaraa, No.StCourtlandt *t., t, the utoat suitable e t., ll. e lo, where th.y cau .anntttet al! article.ol tlrea* to adorn ita clay t.v!;c::.. for all impoilai.f aoaaittin*, auii wiierv 1', (aal caa bo pleeMti.







put up B Bta l'tifl O .'d Lot-kcla, Pim. It.-igi, Keva, Bralakc. Alao, nch and ebBBBBt F..1.1V Uaaaa of tarinuaMyka, iu l.lyet, Pap.rr Alacue, **Bflfiaad t'.rl.naa Sheil, beau.itB,.v 1.11a., fi.r Bata at hi* Oallery. No M U:oadway.



Tni: Too . 1 Si.iri-i-.Ra..Castuiii'. Toil'»f I ippera both for Ladie* aml Oentletuen,are adniiral.'y toi ihe juirj ,-te pt Hoi.dn Present*. and tt, ..,..! adapled tl. 11 bikI be !.*. | rrparitl a mw't eit-uane tml va-.-.l B..M, tu>W BW*'1'l.» ll.r ii.a|-.« tit'U ..." i.'tora nl hilct'ir. liatiineut, Mo. Sae-Uotterv. Tfca dti.ef Bhp.-er la .» to beitif *u aBBBat, » -fr ol U e mn.t comrartabla coBceitahla, and «. c, unuei d tbem to tl.e aUeulioa of all 1 eravtunt taatc aaa fB8aBBM ut. Thk Sr. Xtc.ioi.*.- wi'l ln> .'j)i-:i for tin- _Ra> 4*eption of Company ou fh-i-adat, Jau. 8, li'vl. ..



Tbaaowilu, AstABB k Co.



aBBBBa...loiit RrKKtLt., Xo.of h^. ua louid



118 Hidaon-Bt





Latlin' aod Ori.ll. lu.i, a alao *llia*«.'. Bova' aad Clnldtvn'a Booti, Sl.or.aa.1 t.aiteia.'i he ia *.lki'ig a* low a. t'ke





-.t i »o

be 1 .uali: elarwherv i>. ;':* :v Bt ry hia ii-.r uiaih'Oortivr aud warr^ati'*l

on ot wn:* 11:


Hoi idavs.BBBT8 I't M'i it few atore* BbB 8BB fta Brith tiiii a* rrgarda var-ity, ni.l-.ry or ch.-ai-uaa*. E.-rvtlim* :o amues or in*ti.. t 01. 1. .i.d. Cali auJiee. Lait*~u**A-Mrut atore, BalSJCBaaMJ fin Tiabo FoRTi* lor thi' Hm ioit*.-lVr<oihj aBBw*a*afl


Homb, bc Thrre






» Pi»Pt» "or the Holi.ltvi will do w«ll ta exaiume tl.* .plrAidsd ii*»oiiu.eiit uf th* "Sjbauriber** jwa Maiiufacture. Q* -1 -m Pune Foite Manai'acturria, No. 441 Broadway Cy H.)Ust'*k»H.j>*»rK nail till otners in watit of about

Beduitig would do wei: tooa'l at M. Wu.rstablaled W aren>-ina, No. lABl''* oA|a*taaaa\aka, t"! ath* 1. a.. corner of* Molbetryet .where may b* fouad th;- laraeB xeaortntent of artiole* u, hi, Lia* avcroataed to the public.

To8hibt a.«i» OBl 1


MaBBBBs-aIr U an i>a-

tablialvrd aad acknowlnt/ed fact that ¦tataaa'a BwBta. MaiHINU eaecutr all of atiuh.u* 00 cl ihaudir^t >i ia a 8J8B BBB far sap*.'),* to all other uiach.ura, aud bettflf than lha b*et lind work. W e are uow prepa; a to de nov Btrate tbat car flkscb.ara aa rre.-atlt laipraved and adapttHl foi the puqoee. are a* aiueh iu aevaace of al! other taachlue.-uatiti.buig iiaeu. aa they are ia other ku^a/tf work. Call aad examuir tbe tn*. .11 neti at tfce olBce, No. 898 Broadaray, aadbna* any iiaea *mbipf tta cv^rL-rwrieoa. l.ML S:RC-ia fc Co.

ty Truly hyvautilul, usr-ful and valualuV pro aaai* ta Mothar*. Wire., Sju-'*-.b,1 tind< v» Tillct'i

wrtHight Sur.l Ct.tnia A laig- aad aia* »«».¦ t.n. -it ricbly ha*t receiiyid. Pleaar call early aad iria*. B.-Iect on*. Uniforru low ercea and no ahelemeut. C,--uS* made t > or Ber aad aestlt renaured N.< SUSt B.-oa,lw.y o;ie block Bbote Stewan". and thr Irviag Hou*..

WATT8'8 XllRVOl 8 A"T|,iBOTr.--4f>tk' bo'tl" ot" Ibk* aioat wor*dcrfh! Medicine or Magic Fliid. haacited na? !n! fbr thirty af Dropey. *etne Brvacbit**, a Coua-b I have ano a viol.nt diMrea* ia iay, 11 aaata la.ig.age year*.

togite an Idesot :t* an:nciiloa*pow. r. StBA.i Ricga. Na "a) Cannon-M. .l perbottle; 88 per dosrn. Dep ,t NV 184 Naatau tt. Beat ta> any part of the c-iutry. |





tt] lrra.


FuHcn it

CBYIBI RATiirt.--T.)3's




iwii.s tuii



Satiiruay thr>



c;.n feel the public pulse. If wire-pnllers not stroiit r aaBBaaal it will aaaaa in answer to






Cloaka Ac Ilin' we aaw io tii -ir establiahiiieut .Wrajiptia. laat ln.ti*c.-lid*'d in eut, 'itle aml

nti> )im Will lie BBta tn I'.ul



Wiwtioi f 'i.oTiir-(-...A full auit for 88*8881 dollara, rnitiiiriiir a OterC4Mt, Parit* aud \'< *.,I amiE. Othera I ) cirieaji.iiidiiig pti«», can b- nl.l nn. wn.L'.B, fto. !M Fnrtoti t.n. *,.-. n W .1.nd Oold, tbe 'titahliahment eheapetf ready.n,a.:.- Ctahrhf aud'i.iliuii | lo the C)fy'.w York. Thic Hoi.ititv St.x i af Jzttutm**t>Ca.'a.. We no »iot kui.w that JaUtatffMkf i ('i.i.1 N... ^11 Broad¬ pre|«ratiot) fur the h ililay*. way, have roade any Bflpaalal are alwaya BfBBBBal w i-n tbe moat ataaaaf Ba*ort...enl They of ready made CJoliiiug io U lound m tiie cilv. or lu lli. I iiion. ll aliik.a un. In.wiv r that the a.Tav of' Krock atid Di.a* Coala, Ial, v and plain PaiitBloou*. WBBI un.l Mniiiin* V.*U, Otern.atB, Ovarai*rka Talina*.aieeved atid un*l.-t.f

|tr* "Ten tl.oii-iiiid bfanl and tret* dtjAaiien813 Broailway, lia* BMl, bMTP.'Tl.E, otJS'y.the rd.".«yathe dertgliled tt-n tun.aold. a* many 'Inatiaby nlcgnnl 11 aud ia now aelliug. Al tae eel.bral I preariitahe hai TVI'll.r'* rni.cj "rYaniaoDM ll" i< ia* uauaeum ot b ItapBi ariaa at bb aapceueated rata. ri-- r gifta which ari-aliuul ,MS) v. in i,-i ol mniain< aml .ikBtructivri you will find gaini ^ ui| ii t iiHihe \tu:.a, ilreaaiug .-.,,-.. woi hoxna, toya p-ttlni i'.ih ka, jewelrv, wat dolla, lii(ii.ifu'nl..-t,- tn ia,a Bta tufl.iy. paiiiiiiiiia. and ia fact if yoa wiah tapfaaaat a ,nt. ne- fn .un, ln'.l. I'- IT aia. r, fO 10


Cbrif<m-_B paafied off here with th*> unaj Bt.h*r of «i-*tIb, A e, and two or tbree towdte* er- re jp.oTt.-d to baae been abot Arrival af tflfl HtflflBBflafcip VUy flf n:i»o he.t*.. l'llLAIBLPlllA, DflB af., lt,.' The great -ind tinterrilied Hem.rcratfb party Tbe atearaflhip City of Maneheater ha« -_ has no leader. bein^' unwillin^ to tbllow C'en. riTPd d her wbarl .-tbe brinaj" M paao*Tiger\ bm X Ca.**. Si-nator Sotil.''.¦> $r».000.0O0 projeet i« not ap*r<-ie. abandoned. It is, howerer, deferred untilit thu rom Turkfl lalaad aafl St. Thoaaaa. bt* .tlotemenia H«.hlngl"ii "lt. Ererelt*e I.rttrr-Thr ISew 4'ohiu. t, bbtSb Sreexal Dttraidt to Thr S V. Triktme .W miiNGTow. Mao.lay. D-'C T.. 1352 bi


aod 1*2 Broadway.- Otataaata ul tbfl luoat anl*ndid and nf il... *¦>»..«-* B Pn icb Caatim n b V*a?t* taaty *tyle; Pai.t* Of Baa ncheBrt Pl.ial, V. Iti t »l! inad- nti in th>- moat B.i;.»rli Cut" ra Btxend fr'.in 8 A. \f., t.ii 8P. M.. toreBBBBBM eett.- order* for . h th ..-. E-.iliaii. French and Oerinaa CTotbe, Caaaimer'* n.d Yfiiinnaimport'-d d.i'.cf. C'-ntle. Or'.«';E LBYIf. emea'g Fiinudiinr »rf al» iirida.


Monday, D-c tl, l-f,;





mail aouth of W -*.;:ii_*tnr* tbi*


or the Holidny* we know of Dt'.mg mora dcBirnhle on. ol T OaaVBflBf fc Co.'a unnvaled thau ia. rortra, with or w.t'-.ou* ¦¦> n.u h wlnnn .1 .' nt-lily w.i.h U)*elect a pr. a»nt whicb eflinlnnea oani. ut, are inviteo io rall tt T. O. k Co.'a room*, No. 381 it. arcnnd llonr. Broadway, corn<r Ant'io',,Brfiirr Watlbb. so> Ar bb>

riBBataHBIB VSi.itkr




**_*_ .'"j" ^JSfi


|!ai. rm

We have

a^iVra TdrxrrapA 0*Xet, tor*- of l*»no**r aai Beaeer tt*.


Hat* ::.Hoi.ioay Paiiti-BtT*..Ladiee' aud Cli idrea'* Fur*. a hetatifai .aaortniei.t ijOw op»-a for Inatiartia. Call and .abbiid. A'*o, H*u. ("bi* and BtaaefBi Mi-*v-«' it.*nd J W., N- 14»C*nal Chi.diea.Hiu AhD

CkrlatBM.i la llalllatore.



fwr-lt**' are tery reaaonable. "Furb! Fiks" Fir.s!!!.Hati' Hit«"



ha* arriael The achooner .Jamea N. Muir1 -lotad. Biie ifl, tl,.'ili-cii-M-!" fii MiH'ns re*'olurion callinit for ber.' after a ahort pfc.ikcr from Turk* tbe *alt aeaMta neotrry cVo*.-, but JO.lak) bvaadj the c(»nvi.txiiidf'Lc<' e»incerniti4 the proposod port* nffl waa that lt tupp.--! 1.1 ta>be abippad. 4th of January. I: ia remataing; Treatj onherethi that wouhl be raked l> Ibre Mar ofJum- iiett veaoe% Meaara- Fillinorn more in lm!L_*_. The l-'an-l wa* beal»r_y. cenerallv werelo-vuigddly M UBB an.I Ca*8 Movrs. at St. Thounu are u>in(' atill Fever wa* and prevailing PliKTHOHA OF THB TRl.A-l KV. as tools, under the iuipn*8ision thnt the puSli-afl. Cf.y The N'ational Treaaury ia full tooaerrlowitig. tioti ot the letter will relieve the Admiui-(tr.iti.iti 'Thal'far, h Bir'aaaBMaaar.** can yo-i pCflflWfl We are borne onward by a :brr«- wbjch*eeru* hait*iiin4 Advantage seems to be takea of the circum- from the OBBIfje of imbeeility as to our PotraBJB XXXIId Sbivioo. ~l*47*At CRifTADor.o'-o onJy rr,e gr> i.t cntiruinniidioii. Ii all do not a*rce as to tbe t_te orriea.of ch»nging the c»lnr cf tbe II- .'rom grav rrd letrer L' ;oid rerult Hia brown. of ibade Of aaiody, to black or aay r»EN*TE... VY gsniic. ror«. Der. 27, '.<',» which tleae chaajrea an- ta hrin/. rio aaa can aaut itanee to set on foot every wheuie of plun-ler relationi* Tlie well-known fact that the here tbe excites Hiir Dyea-anJa a'one. It* effeet :i imraedate, tne citer r.ii.i.-inm%% themaelte*' laid belbre the Seuate a couim* llibiir-tiefiiii: hate tathrhas fltflMThe Chair Tbey hiseye* fBaBBgaa can fre* the and ti leave* *calp perfertiy MHNt it .naparU pr.-rri-i«r,t, harpiei within Ita yi-ir; they tr. multipryiur: they wi!l thht the iuvention ineloaing a **___ p\ ieaire ba tta publieation, while ihe nication frotu Ibe War D.-pariment, (rom ttaJi.- SoJd and appl.ed (,n pnvd. ruon,*) ar CflJfl- piied called atcn" r~atrte nnd fhe r ., --l than once. The Cf-ntirn;.':o inoie halaan-H <-i' appropridl -aa. Akaj that, nt had of tne dm to be flfliafliirnilt.plr 8 ako A»tor are ol'unexpimded No ifouae; Wfloa-flflfllnflflV/o'a, unwilling annKat.oni.rf. Loeo-Foeo the .tl.e tilrra Wmg and gttx* Iiernocrat.are all oterin tbo Intriior Do-partnieut, with . ddo'meniof i&e pai Driggi't. in the C ty. We have iutima- siu-h a BBBB rtul doeui'ietit sho-ild inibieni'.' pub¬ ti. i.y tLe rea-.t'e-a rr.urse of tLiii.'B. If they tUtp tentiou tfl oue uiant aivindle. Nbvt Kunol lMitionf. Mo-TC'"Nri i nn Pai rif.Esferaflflififlfli tha eten btB n mtmt ut to ronte_jipl»te it Wuat i* t.) be ti(.na of their being others of a scarcely leii lic opinimi in the iuaug tirat ion ot the Wri f rn olfered a resolutinn authoririrw Mr. I Iad M.ttltly Raport of Dr. HokflWBBfl.flf Londrn. BaBBBl Si.iv.! we att.-mjit t" -t.y tii* iweopitig eu-: *.it. tlie 5*4 lo ct Cou unttee on Uie charge* *_r_n«r the y; -J 'Outuf di thee-d-ao,' Cu- ai.d 1 c r*rri. il away ta it I nr .-.11 we ratber ,:*) what formidable ch_,rac;er. Egfl of all aorts are new Ailrflini.-trath.n. rt.i flfll ei.dinjNov.2e, Ifrt flUMI'..¦.-. can Boundary Corumi».--i4in. tt etriploy a clerfc Ad.-;-: 4 the S.-nator L-.oi.arj Coaawmption wlneh have been under my I wernay t'. cinirol a: the iucubatinji procesa at the Capi- was not D*BafBBB,at thegBBBl dehate on Tliui-.i... Mr. C-fll ollered a rewilution ii.8trtt_t.ii.* th| during Ih* laat y. ar thilty.flfll bare baea ;¦undergoing pteaitit r.-r tbe.fthdav of Dctober, * dianaaaaro. of and i« H<H same that emwd, la kind talk fotinl tae Co .mrttee on Publie Land* to in.pairt* lolo tbo- ,-xrie> prrfoj. t)y tol. Ju*t whkh will Lato.-h, aud which will not. last. and is uot BBB8BBB rn-diy. Some Bay he if oii, vt whicn ;,v» wr.rr n.alei and tbirty-twflfcmaJo- Tba fll. nrv of rrpurting abill rrantiiiar land* to Miclnirai. t_| tahla wiil *louw, at a glance, at wi_ai pe...d uf iif« eve.-i where. li.wu.g,*_*. it ia impoasible to tfll. We do hope for the Bikliii ak aaVliiaa.aaJwiia Laagl knowingly. V\ aci Dtin I- r Ibe cot_!*ti_ctiou of r"ruin I'-_,irck%_*| mod 'raqnettly occmryd has Fventt S.-tr.-tarv recetitly'l rt'-iKon Cuba is weask to nnIf tlht be 1.1 Mal*. trky B*"w*en tke age of Kiani \\ eredit of the party to "flkick they havo be- Qbv. Man-i's Baaaa in this City. whieh loiksaa A i-,ted. 3.u M (>n inniiou flf Mr. Anvflfl the Bflflfltfl finlv tta Pdaflfll tflfl age of IV aad 3", niif d tothis country. weare inet by somesirch U.2 Male. well as for tiieir own eredit, tkafl the if he inten'.led te stay here. Hu think tLe 1.111 Uir the r. liet flf lirvwn, .V. Co t..r P,-tw**r. thfl «g- of *"> and i-i, low.ed.a8 10.1 Male. Prtwe.n thfl age of 1) ai.d tt, w. in tin- tnflflflflfltattaa .,1 <i .vtriunenl ort-ore*. reply as that af Mr Boanortes Allen, which ol' his letier will be un iu- .u-laii"l 1.1 Male. Between tl,. age of 90 aud ".*-, Whig* fli all aorts and gradt*8. will keep aloof that the piil.'.i.-at.nn Tbe *___* vt a. deb;ite<l und then pa«*4*d. l.lo Mal*. to P,a: wetn, thfl are cf i5 and 41, told that b.' have We are inust LeirMature Cuba Miissachiisetis the ter qtiotid. from the variou* o**h__iiw of plunder which dm-i'inetit 2.0 Male. C.yvib ollered a re-eln'lon dir'efing tb Betwrrn thr a_* of 40 aud ti, Ma-mi's itiovein.'ii- theMr 0.0 Mtl>:. om- i.i'cause fehf is clot-e at onr doora, beeaise .fl Bflfl tbe age of 45 w_i tfl, returu. of tL<- ceneua ol CaaflBfatk. taltflfl bv will set on foot at Waahing- sendi.iin bata taB BfBBte be and been have hiiu!/' 1.1 of and to Mal*. is tbe 55, letier age tbe Between .' place B-flfl, !-e Bpi't-tided to tbe rttimft of tiie of 8he is on the high road io our auriferous 1*8- ton thii winter. The temptation ia alwava for the publieationof C'en. Fierce ;ind thecoan- Oaflhtd Staito.. before eell fnuirably Tatal. .37. Bflflafll was taken twi Mr. Cam Miid ihe_-'.... Tr-.eie nioat Bfl (."r.r:i,g ai.d utouubing fact* in favor of S¦¦)¦-." U'caiiM- \>e are bound to annex every- great at the heel of an evpirinfiadministration, try. and in rhis he U ba.-k.-d by C'en. Cass. :. know vt iielh r t_fl a balf y. «rr uajo. II.'TTTTTt fTTBIfT ItT ""finiTMI. flflfl BflB (B-ITB EfaflTtfl ln ihe North Carolina Logislature, OeB and tl.ii.g iu our n« ighboihoud, wiieihcr iaflBBBB or or an expirintr Congress. for thoae who go out Ik* Bflfld puMkiiedL toi ».7t Bfl. nor." t'o tne tjttrr- r, -.d uew etv-m and r.-'urn. flflflfl eeflflJM BflBBjBfltfld elected has b.-en M OaBBian. l-oe<>. _k_fl__dta_M 10 tLe Aiueiicau Agcnt* foi llu* waudt-itui mrd- continenta, till we touch the I'ole onthe north, to irrab what aaid beino rh.* retiirua Wr*ri Mr. laaflUBfl can, and mn. It ia greitt-r Bomalai they No irina. Cireiiit Jmlge bv the Bad Of the Whiga. printool, it woild flflflfl taflfl dflternuafld whd waat. ha C. V. CLK.BBBI i Co.. lfa.ll Bircbty-d., ara th" 'i- fl¬ and Teara tW Paafaaa the aoatk; and the 4 MB than uaun". f«>r tho overtlowinr. _*ofl?flM nl' S.nafor will be choseti. Tlie l^i-islature :.-!- priiof.d. fll] Aaentflfir Df* 111 A-Dfl.ea, Uo whom ai, the universal anthe limit knowa tiiat Lord Mr. Ganii'a refloluoon was changed io.ij.iiai al,'._u ht- addiaaaed. Cncle ***am secm to folicit depletiou and toin- jotirns to-dny. stutes lhal adispai.-h rcso.lntit'B, i'!"l then J'BBflflfl. Miss. ua on the west. If to lirown af (inv. nexationistH preseribe our that legialatora Nmy Ybabj' Tavior, Conriterobbery. Wepreeume On the motiou flf Mr. Bbadbi nv tkfl Se*^ il fi'i'i' i ".¦ "T-l fftTN Iliinter. af I, M.'.f.r Nn Bl liroaolw-ay. i« now prepared to receivo we du not luis'.'ik.-. even Si-nator Seward. i;i :i took up the »i.i lortliert-li.'T'-i.him- B P^^ajja «_fl and our tflaWall ari- rMWone than fhe averae-'* Y,iit rii-'-i'i or_err lor I'lppiytng New-Years' Tatl. witli La>, oi Lkata,BMail,of tbe l'.p.'.rtiii.-iii BoEid ,. ,.i '. r javed bv bi- oa ..,. u j f.x.r,-0£i M?» spcecl. last wiiiter, threw out a MgfM an) of mankind. But Washington is l flflfllflfll of a ,i."«, r,,;i>,irv. af Neu-Yorh, the Wat, thfl ( bi- nei,Turkey*. m- I-. lo i-.-,n_. ro tiie DU, Silad*. whom wa. ktii per. Kflvjr, ("ne oi who whieh toward China. But b.-fore we Ornatoof-fiird Ham* wure ia j and the intluoncc ot temptation we fear. J..Kn-.ii. .<t Aik Tli.> Nikvy. Hri-iht, Ot Iud,, tbe dill uir.i..;, v, ''-'".iiitidore.Ji'iic.-.) BaflBfl, PicH-dOyit-ri lc tb-aartta ol l,ani.kna, tb'' coaat ./<_ oa an.I _>oa_,eaa InuriiT, Mei.aiy.ol' Ob";, ;)ie I'tist-Olfice. Jell.e,. plnek the Flowen Kmpire to add to our prothe nnd I. Navy. WBB Cbarlctte Rngae, . injfll*. Nieholsi'U, Cf Tenn., the Aiforn.-y-Geiieral.-'hip. bim arrvarnire of pen*.n, and w*. pii«__*d. bill ptom MIItTII CAKOl.IM MI.NATOR. j-igant ie BBBBgai ti .iations, we lnvc no paaai Orar.d Meni-gnei news has ereatcd -< coiit' in t!i.> This let- ('reania, kc. till TlianMr. Hai.i: inoaed an Miiull job to gather u|> the inriiiinorablc islatida The North Carolina Li-gislature haa adSmBllOniani'-rita. and there is fun ab.-ad. We shall prob- dav. loflfltl Yeaa, 10: Nay*,ndjoiiriimeiit ._ fi md Bflflflf- Cake*. ol the Facilic those verTlant oases iu thegreat journo d without _flak-.Bg ehoiee ofa Senator to party.ha\eiii(<re (li-linif.- inti-lli^enee to-morr.i**. Almaad, The Seuate t04'k Bf tflfl Private CaleruJar. fhfl Mitt'«. l-nrt-. Pltrwarfl, le. wilderni-88 ttwafers that separates the Asiatic succeed Mr. Mangum. Tkl laat actiou flf the (ain-ll aaya that ihe Baaaa must hare C iba tirat bfll on which waa for the rt litt oi*. U. L-jg-ott, Order. io be wr|] ao iTed*hou.d be aent in early. ol" New-York. Confiiifnt from onra. For it t-ertaiuly wiil ba ¦VoflB-1'ocoa waa to nominatf C'lingman. Hat or the Sandwith IalalTraa under any preteit. BTB Mr. l.RonHr.n move.1 fl poat'-onomeut of it, ..*>. expected that, in our gloriotia process of ex- the party did not ratil'y ihe Helection. Cliugon account of Mr. Iliinti-r'a .b aflflfl t.encrril l'ieree nnd hia Cabinet. The inotioii to poatpon.* waa debated, aai 1'iiiirioii and aecret ion. we shall uot fail to em- mau has been des*ierafei} aimiiu* at riiia place HnsroN. Maa q D¦-<*. '.'?. 1939. on tho- quertion tlie vote atood: Ye*-, 7 Naya, 13. *4i NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, DEC. 88, 1893. hraee even thinq in way, as tn since 1880. He Uft the Whita at tkfll tiinc It is said that Oaa. Piaaoa araa alaaBlad aa quonim. westward on our Manift-sf J'.'stiny car.-er. Mr. I! ymi i> iiiovi d mi executive aeaaion. and tricd his hand at DUuuiou. That achrine Saturday. at the Trcniont Hou-c, witli .-"euator HfN Far Karope. anl Tenn, Mr. Halb movfol au adjournmcat. LhN of Mr. NiiUt.LSD.t. ol teb, Va.; nNow. it ua th>ftltliO'ixli may ftXpaia to hflfli, and he drupped inro the aupport of tlie Cubit.NC. of Mars. ThflMXt utirabcr of Thr Trihuucfor Eur.iprYea*. ll Nay*. 17. n tn.ului.OH uill be MBBflrl TOMultUOW MOilNof'beini* aud ahortIle ain-e haa bflflfl .? jiutntifui very iinprogressivft Mr. Hami.i-4 insisted ouhismotion. co.-uetting Coinproinise. INO. at I o'clock. It will confain all tbe Latoat New* bighted. WB must beg fo suf*f'.-st our doflbts with ihe DfllMllta and litiany procured the liuialiii and uttci.i|.i< .1 Morder Italli oi 1 1 li. C'ii.yik p.iid it was not iu order, aa no quo> JF. in vm* BBflflflaa. iiiin up to tbe finio efflflflflflj to prc>>«. -B.fllfl cop; .«. iu about tln-re Acciilt-nt. at all of haa noinination 'flt the af Bfll BflflBlflT. kfl l.ting any g'-od proapeet got Mr. II kLfl if any ihini, was iu order hut Ai.h im, Mon Iay, Dee. i**7, IdBBJ, wrnj.per*, re._dy for tnuilkif, enn be hud at thede^k. 1'rtcc BbtCflaflt The Africo flflfll from this port To- the aiiuexaiiou of C'uba to our confederacy of place, and wc trust he uevir will uet it. DuriiiL' IhsI BJriM the dry-goods store af J, A ailent ccmiemplatlon. Tkfl Cu yik.Certainly nor. [Laughter.] -ajamorrcw nt I'i o\ lock. ¥.. W»trrinrii. .-ti Washington *t..Jni this city, wm* enStatea. Mr. Sr.WAKo moved an adjoiirnment. Car .StAHciuao Pkivate Bofllll..The follow- t. red in IB. r.-ar l.y burglnrt', ai.d nyhU-d of $100 rn ri.-d: The trMth is, the whole nubjcct af C'uban Yea*. I'i. Nay., 11. ( flaaasn..* Tlie prAMflflflaBfl ot C(ii!-rr('ff aiiiKMition iii t reat ed, hy those who advocaio ing provisions of law have been ijuii-tly oa the money. A ell rk tiHiii. .1 Ilaysrad, who eb'tit iu tbo 88889. I 8t8> ut .jo minuteB before 2 o'clock. Adjouriieil Btnre at 7 rhis o'cliH-lt the imm. Yc-fi-rilnY-Yii-rc wortb.v wa* of tho C_-_*taflU ll-ililouiid, up.ui o\» ry, of atatutc-booka for Conncciicut without liu'.to the ln« iin-l rcIV-rciice hes.lba.lf-!.-in.-iit in a in ciiiiilituin, t-'ghiei-n it, aaaaaBBB iiiuriiinc, gr.'.if iniikc l'l\f\ ¦ licvcra(,'r in WflAflM*t*M OmJO. on.- ol his t<-. fii kno<'k.'.l in. a-i.l a hatulkerly l.ruircil HOUSE OF ttEPRra-iENTATIVK.*-. nhii-Ii h rflfjr abuinl.'.it ;it thisscitsou, bbjM ISg| the BBM wb!. h will iuevi.ubly eontrol the dea- yeari paM, without elicifim,' a 'lgle reiuon- .hi.t ti.-.l around his neck, so tbat he wu* ucarly dnad Ou niotiou of Mr. Snakt, it waa re-mlved in itri'Miulution. o-fflflg. af that i*-!'iud. We allude fo tho blaek atrance from thoae who raise auch an outcry ln lle tiny ia iifw tecov.-tiiic bi-. B.-ii-..**, nnd mav make <li»- tlid the Preaident of the Uuited Stde* be re.;ue*te,l 1,1 '1 bo- S'tn-tc tricd to do BOthiBf Bfld did it. n_:ah.--t provirions uo more stringeut in the . 1. -yrpa. mn.lii'i. ate t» the lion«e, if not ine ).iupatible with the The Mayor oHith a rrwnrd et £200 for tbe After iwo nr tl.n-4- doiparate tAbrti ouikivi-, it population. ol tfl. nilii.'i-. publie Intero r'-o,lt..wbntin mea.ure., if any, have been tnk.-a brrte the Union, hou> ia Maine Law. The plain raflflflfl is if._i- they atr.'rt aml convii tionMi.-hael Itiiiilly noljdiiiriicil liy h vnie ol 1 ki 11. Wlicre If Caaa ia ta bsbbb -iii.-e inati naiited Ji.ucHiy t rr-laUon to the of enpture an.l con. Mabur.filyearH OaTafB, .1- naatloa .St'iiHturs were Wfl are DO. bl.e to eome I Ib it to be as a .slave or as a want tfl keep or drink Kum, aud don't want to wasA run tin-tuliariiiiriy-iiiiio tha ftaflflflli ibbVw.tafl. the barkOeor. iy ovi r v u train of cara on the Tr<>y K ulroa.l intiirt! h(I. and one of bia lez. was ^inna and tbe brig Sup.uu Loul, of Maine. Free Siate I We unilerh'uiid what the lontr- commit the ofi'enae atniek at in the followiug: lart evening aiout e o clock. aevrred Ircin Ina buily. He livee in this '11,4- EJcflBM votcd not to Kiisjii-ntl the rult-pt in hi aded (-(.ntrin-rs The Ilouse BBMfll fl reaolufion paying ttM Sec. 1-0. I'pnn coiiipliiint on oath by ai.y |f_-_d the w.tll af BMbbB eonoiilcreil ia bi* piott and vry doutitftil. recotery far nportiii^ tho' proceedinga before tbe Judii kry ('.)«. arder to take n txtto <m tho- Lictitcnaut Geaeta] two credi',1. pflrBOflfl tf nny Ju-l^eof city, juror, or by my U his the P. elerk, BBl tas] of thiir ( derecoveriug M-.Iliiysrad. i-iioi'jih, tho- BtflJBflflflfl uit i-l Krrors, or County Court ttufl lnmittee, r.l'.tivo- to charip-s nir.k.ii-t Jud.e VYfltrnutof ticcoiii|.lirhiiient liill, hml iheu ihcy itdjoumed. liitle but iae cati give no iltMi-ription Tpm8. Ti te exhibilcd thi-I'aict of 141 nietiib. r. _fl« they p'i-ji--1 flrkflaaflBB toflaflme. thtaaara laaaa to-.'.iirci, an.Itl.-ti.lksn Ib quite another tlnug. Now, we are of i.r lifBB ui nuiiii.. r.) or ofjaer _a_l.__g Ib the eooaty m wtueb .urh Jadffl reiiiet,;.!) Liiix-iarn ( ii.g in utt.'ii.laiiie. _'_ .Tiidgo EflMBTT j'i'Stt'rilay di'cidifljp that opinion that Cuba ean never couie to ua as a ¦ioie*. rhe on Deliuvare nl'.Mr. k BBflfl for thfl purpoac of printi'..', ii.n Iin Thr lr-riiletiee LtBtg, Mr. HrAaTot, (Ohio) offered a resolu'ion, OT II Dill| Bity bocdt, j. gapblet, Lilluil o>r pr.n'o. i tl.i- injiiiiction upon thfl prapflBBal aale ofPiflgl Have Stnfe. Iu the lirst ik.-. iiliont ciL-hf tnil'-s frotn rhiei city, waa enterci whkh waa adopted, calling Tnrii| ou ti.e l'reaido-iit to inlonu BB Wilmot pOflBflBf, ptafTBJ, or nti} patattBHL BfltBt, dl.flflflj Bfl li.'ure of nny ahcrt. on .-"atnrdny hy ).n bodrooat win.low, und his panthe Hon . Bhataafl oUiaM ara pt ¦ ,ng kafltafl tli«Tr«a*a jind Siij.K ciiiii.i.t l»i- vuc:ifi-(l: that thorc i- not 1'rmiMi men .-diould iusi<t BBBB the Drdiiiaiice kii.d of iii.,,Im ..:.<¦ i-i lirrflflioai rldrdlifl. or a* a eota->ons B*ar. ritlcl ot 81>>0. No cluo to the bur^lur. m favor of eiinoiry porpon.4 who arfl i,rj liepartinent mpflBBBBI bo,_-C tor the purp-iee ol {raniio!7 Iir now or biteii Cuefom Hu_-o> al. utidfTf !t'i_aU)' micJi bii oflict' as that fl/CrflflMflaaB-lflflflri of 17-7 as a ei.ndition preei deat ol' her admis- _iir.ii n..i.i y r otber prOfM rty, aiui thfll thflflflflflfl k unluwFrom \\ nMhinBloii.The Telegraph Caae- what law not borreto'.ore rec()(J>'niz-*ollltln-.-ri; l-y the I)-<pirtinea| ut' tht _fl_____Bf f-fldI and that oven if t!u)30 bion ae a Siatc Bflfld far *iilier ol" tflfl parpoflfli ekxemotLog that fully idle Ilon. W. II. Kiiic. ol llotilth d-iimnd wbom'uch pay, pflflBOflB by or dfltaflflflflfl peraon re- ort* U such hou*e ,ir anv 4 kimr have been preaented, and whether i,-r ln lii the Coniini8f ionera had poivt-r to adl tho reai eatho cpiniofl W'AS.iiitoTON, I><-c. -26, lr>r)2. pin 00 But seeotitlli. nnd nuitily. our roliain.' is l.inl.itn| witli Umt BBflaJB, '¦¦¦ ".li r tflfl flflflfla oi Biich In the U. B, Snpri ine Court, the appeal trotn o!'tlie i'i oid'tif Hiij k- tion by're-_ k advitgnle to t" fuch I OflSpUllflBl '"tn tflte of the City, theycannot bell the Whrirves chieily BBBB Spain herHelf. who, we aro ijuite p. r ti rluil) bfl klinwri a dei Ifltofl by the D 0. C'ircuit Court, in the auit of l'rof. protei t tLe Treasury l'n.m unjii.t t-l.-iiiuanta. or not, ni'-h Jatlffl) inny krin- a warrint <-.i.nOn inotii-iiot Mr. Mkacham, a roaolution waa M< rre i j. Ili-nry (J'Rcilly. nia.le in lHll). nml iuvolving aiidS!ij»n: and accordiuj'ly that the expected ."ure, will never let ("tiha Hlip Irom her grasp plai'.anta any projM r :li. ar tOflatflf bfl any .u -n bo i-it tlie BBB.d.Uj ¦¦'. wax cnlle.1 tlie Coliiiiib.aii I unto what ent to the Coimnittee on Printin-*, to inquim inUi the or bnil liiif.'. i!"i io arre.t all |ll Bflflli yv'io aball b" light sa-o of that iirupcrt,'. cannit takfl place. i'. if under srgumenf. Tiie rasc u BBBBg oneucd l.y t'n.j.riety ofpftltlBfl 100,000 copicr ut tht- i t-pori ol thfl cxcejit in the last extremity.and then not till there pfafflflj '"r BBOflBrJI or other propertv, und the Gen. GOleti lor'ii.lui.t. and will be concluded Ity r-'iiprr.truileiitot the C'eurui for the u.e of the m.iiior IcflBflffl "i aaid boata nr beBflH.gha-ing k>o|'ir has she deereed it« to alavc -emaneipation pop¬ BcxTfttor CbBM, of obio; und oh Bai pirt ot Morae the berpi. tlii-r. inanid book-, orffln-r i.rti.-lo-o ribove depcribl~Z' Foe our .SpeciaLDiKpateh frotn W.iah- ulation. She holda the will l;e open.-d by Oaam Hardini*, pl Thilay\v. iSikphens (Gco.) moved that the nilcsbe island seeurely to-day e.l (fl iii.T ni flflfllfla priiif. flad iu-.) r., t ike ii:t-> hii enstody all hijuiniLt curious fersOflM iu relation ii. ir.gton l.y .St. (i.-.rif.- T (,'itHi|)l't>ll, atidclwsed hu-I". iiot.-d f..r tiie purpox} intelligeuc-* !]iiii)i. lolIotAttl nnfiteriiiU rui-1 _Bfl_____ntl far irniniiig flfl nfor ai l ol con*iderini» the rtenarvirtue of this very threat. If we tak<< Cu¬ the 4 nf New-York. Tlie liite I... t'ourt l.y t exri;.' Jir'c.r.l, and rdl au-.h oh8*CflBfl an I. liieulious peintiu!,", printa, r.-«' lulioii titltliori/'ng tha I're.-;i..-nr of ti:-- l nited tfl Qflbflfl movements ifl Cougrcsa, the now tt nded Bbb l.nptli of time for the ananeat, an.I th'-* case Stntra to flflflflflB ba at all, theri fore,we must take her aa afree drawinc" an.. bguten, _r.. Ae., and Bflflfl rm 1 pthe fitle fl-fl of Li; uteunut Ooncrid tof euai w i'i oeea] y the Court till \\'cliieeil:,y of thi*. week. t'ahiitet, o&e. arti-Ien "to ue .le«!t'.v:-h ,-.,. Iin; to law." i.t-nt iiiiiitajy jervlceoi. Btate, eontaining half a million of very black fi4iTiaar.d SECONI) DISPATCH. 1'X): If the per.on or pfi-oii.i in wln-e floaiOl c***£C. Mr. Hart objected. Wasii^ot.-.v. Monday, Dta '^7, Ia."<..,. riaaflflehB *r* *nl tt'-n* in'rl-a __r-.a dt I r/ Mr. Kim.8 heulth appeara to be decid- and very iipiorant persons, who would by the icrii.c.i Mr. Joses (Tenn.) deman.led the Y.-.-is und -oin h mnteriril i and -oiet'iat ft,,.il ooa. In BTfl the el. cctr-ti al.,, fjf d. i!1y i!Ui*v«iviTi_f. Bfl h-iH had no _nr_'t<*7il nt- BtBaaaa baaaaaa our Moa eitizens. eutitl. J ;,, iiiefrunieiite flflflfl Bflfld lor the pnrpo-e of enmin.', or venu* Mor*.-,Ttki-raph in ihe f-iipreme Court, Mr. QiBatta tin- Nay. Mr. Lktchkr, al'rer -a^-BJtkkl flfll an iinpotBflBl flflfl !-(-< k- p.uitphl-f«. Ar, nre of en otjiCOrn-' BBB ibt- opening argutuent thi* iiiomin? in hehail* of chooee in re«ard to their gov.<-^meott iawSi .,. lieerition-' toiadani'4' liflfla '1 hursday last. rh-rac:er, IB(*h nuigftmiy (WdflTIhflflBBIfltfl ej.pclli.nis, snd Mr. Hardin.', of I'liiladelphii., com. f.-.iit rflflCflflflcfll nnd the BBB-Adnnce of member. vrtt -.*>lera, .X.C. \c. Jt isijuite likely they would ta _bf_bw___ ile-troy.ol; i,!beriti_f, auch Jud_. -:,h.1 BBBBBad the opeiiinitar^uiiiont in h.liulf ot the appelleea. f-lim, ii.oTfu i.K-rehc a call ol" the Ilnuje, wiiick wa* to inquire into the ib,-r.. and oa rin-ltri^ tiii- to Ilo Vv Tho rivera iu the noighborhood of Cin- ehoor-e a l.lack govenwr. black ju'lir-'s, protced giu e t iuj ly ii.rir.-rfin:: .-xplaniition ofthe I'teaitiiic ngreed to. Bfl tt. BflBfl, IBflb Judg" int.y or.l'tr the BBBBfl to br Ono hundred und forty-setcn nieinbers au1 -an lple- of ihe Ba4flM iiiiichini;.., pjttiu.- turco itiHtrucicnali, hnve oaeTlloYYid, Bflflflifl| ureai dostruc- ! black I". piiHsentativea to Cougresa, bla-k witb do-rtruvi BBBBaa iu operarion in the Cf-urt room by way of illua- -tt.-r.-d to tli'irnnmefl. -a.-. tien of propcrty, tration. ailr. Sta.ii.y Biifirgeated to Mr. Stephena that iver>thiug. Now our impreasion ia ve¬ Vv We learu W the reason why the Goa- Mr. King improvcft a t0 ..oitpone eonsidcratiou till uext Mondio.v, u gvadually, and his frienda hcihflinove aro more bof**a*laf Da lr... Bada. ii;..l:c.l iitl'-ndaoee 'll.i- QflTflrflflf of Georgia haa ordored ry decided. that a large inajority of tha ernment e.vprosaes vklell brinir to thia Boaflfl wai mv -ha. the *iucc Tbursd«y and U uot coniincl to bia clnu-iliei-, but City of tl'c eonsider that people an he hadereryonKrr.rnr.aa Mr. country tht intereat on the Conpon bouda, which will repliod.that Eurnpean Bflfll nrriving in Bostou on Sun- aoe* ui.wr. to lu* ii,.- I. i.l ily. 11 1- jis better anJ flta Houae would rc- .lution, but b-1 wa* p.owtl.e IkoEctiino due July 1st next, to be paid January additional avalanche of the black race daya, atart at ao late an hour of the ai'ternoon, ni* coiicb is m ui h ahat'.-d, voilliiigto poarpone, and to flBflflfl tiie ¦flflflfl oow adupon ua, is not a thing to be eoveted. We ia that railroad traina are uot journ. 1, ai.x nicntoh- iu advanee. Atterapted Hnleide. Serlou. AfTray. to movo allowed believe thia There were oriea all ovi r the Houae, .' Vote ia the .BflBflBMpublic Kentiment both af Tkoy, Monday, Doc. fl, MBaL t'.w |" a Let * take the fljaflflflfafl!" Bridi-et Siaiilm, a beautiftil the North aud the South. And thua i- is that in Connecticut during daylight on that day. I l HA-ANNKXATION. a-.-d girl, fur thia prohibition tho Canada's maila aaaal if. iub fittetnj.te.11* i aaa-BBB young The JJous-o refueed to suapend the rtilea. tarleMa "n E.yery hrainloss chaf torhot iu the cotiutry eon- ae, instead of looking tijion the Annexation af But into the rivr l om oue oi thoBaadary Y.aa 74, Nioya 70.tivo-iiiirdj b-in^ Lcccaanry, ui fol¬ evening, by Wping ferry have been here in n.ight broug.t whifh ply betwern tliii eftl aml \\',.t Troy. Bta lowa fidi-ri* hiniKelf fully ijualiiied lo deteruiine the Cuba as a thin- certain, s.-.- little or no ample soason bcats proba\t88 rej. utd t.v a youn..; man on '' the BBBf, Wn.-n Veaj.Aberrrombie, Aiken, Al'iaon, Appleton ('I o) water ihe was unconscious, bnt ro I'l-ll, 1'. BoBie. Ili.vt i.e, Ib,).'. Kr,< k-i.ndgt. lire.'oo taken frnm the wa fflflB-Mof Cubaa Auuixation. Thel're*^ and bility of its accoiBj'lialiuient. Cuba free, we to go iSouth by the 51 train of Sunday last. i--.ii.-ue, Buitowb, Culolwell. Caupbtll (N. (.' ), Ci,. Uar, coYcred in tlie coune of an hour. tbe Miiijariuea aing of Cnba. Cuba.Cuba. would not take. The South would be Couger, Darby, Dock. ty, Duucin Kfinunilaom, l.apmrfl(J_iiible. against r_^ A friend iiifonns us tkfl IIflflITI Ou Saturday niKbt, iJuring an ultercation in a (Ktkiiig. Ci.tmowii," Uray, llariii-r. lUwall, Uav.n, 1 .erpetiiiilly. And tl.e strain is eTerywhcr it, and the North would but alightly aVtOF it. Veda cxiatt only in ruanu*- riet--. andthfll tlmt the Kd.ti m in ¦iiiiir.ui.' houfe, :n Schasbticoke Valley, iu tbe nortin-rn llo bard. li- nn. Ilil.l ard, H-wiforf', M Htwr, lluntrr, Patnck Mullins stabbesl Mi.'hfioi !._-i_oil, .!;¦«.,-¦ J..;.,... (,1 ,. ,...,_ tit I i, Lan.lry, auio. Cul.u ii io be auuexed to the Cnited Cuba as a .*.7<irr County, prej aratior. by Prof. Roth and Mr. YY'hituey wdl bo iu 1'Hit ofin thia Country, wo cannot b8aas> f.r-t Mar.ball. Vailir,, McMulka, Meao-haui, SlioOTe, Mcel e_l, hyan io shocking a n:vin>T, th»t he c.nnot po^-ihly Bo ap; arante in print. Tbe flflflfll flBflflflftflBBflt*Is- Burrlte. .^utts. Tbo vlaeacrefl dodot pretend io aay mitttd to have. This we helieve to he a fixed wton, Parjjjr (Ii..), i'-a-o,.--, Peuniiuan, Porter. rreaMiilliii* haa been arrc-tad. difln in the fon, Sack.rt. Sc-.', Sermoai ( N. Y.j, Smitb, auuly, ---aai f BiflBUfenrtf ftflflfliaa BerLui flf and jtiit what day orahat mouthit uii! h:ipp«n, but deeree of the proud Caatilians who eontrol it. the Briti.h Mu-eum _re t.oe th* variou* Fire Ib t'har!raton-lntf>r*-.t oa («eor«i:i BtaatflB (i'i.ioi. St inton (Tei.n.). S'^ntou BtaflMflB Venabb' YV_J. (O*.), litone, sjt. .Vlartin, Tay'yr, Tiour.ton,(K/.b that il wiil heannexed is reikoiud ta be a dead It is af lea?t a tixed and iuiinovable BBJB88I of topiea of tbe Artharva to b.; ci Uected l>ofore tiao work llonda. VVaahbnrn, VV'atkiua, VV.lcL, VVhi- (Ky.), Wil oa, bvidke, VV iiiiauo*. BALTira-OBr:, Monday, Dee. 27, UBB. eenninty. It ia everyY.hero t.ikcu lor fAfltfli all WHmot Froviso men. foe* to pre* *. A con.--iderable ntim'ier of anci- n; h_dtt__| Nava.All.a, (III.) Appleton, (Me.) Averett, Bat*ox-k, We have no mail south of Mobilo to-nighf. Lave beeu *ent to Lhc Library ot lLtrvard Coileg-r, ihatCuba ig cominp. Mr. Allen, flf Olain, uh.-n Our Manifest Destiny men, rhe Cuba IaPoct. k, Bragg. Ui.eli, Batt, Boaby, Cable, ((Hun) B'ale. iire A tit on < ii.titl.kveil, Clarot, ( Cbarleston, within the la-t few L_*tdiP. Mr. Friday, yeari, (k-tmyed Fit_e.iw_.rd CadBflBB, Clevcaml, ( bb, by a Hail. he whs m the "-lonnio. uied to roar periodica'ly evitabiea, BBBi eome to a aJaBB HM estahhshmer.t of VaBTBBB*. H*uh', loaa, Cuitk, I.-. Ho |». ki.. Doty, laWtiiia., Kf-ali'.. k'lorgrottiy hug with th- .raduitc if that Unlveraity of the cl _. of lrl-l. w'.io ?15,(5<)0 It'oyd. riuler, (Me ) davlord. Oddiiigg. Oibnore, tn itoek and 8^,000 on building. doveral adou foreign affiurs.and on thoaeiH'caaiona be ai- queation. They vicw it in the dim diiraat left Imtnedktely after praduatioB for India, for tlie pur- joinn.. (ireen, iriow, llf-ma, (T- i.n.) Harria, |La) Uart, lleutn roii.ji.r..-!. Dunng thetirea ladder, »ai"8 prtJit ttd two rliim-s. One was. that we haze. They (Teiiii.l Jobn-BBBB tir.-m.n were ttatioue.1, foll and *eter.-ly diicka, Ililiyrr, Hougtor., II.,ward, Jciin_ou, say we are to have Cuba aomehow P4>ae ol atti.lyicg tLe ancicnt lanfuageg 0f that country. <>n wbii 1. i-.eiu1..tjut! (Ohiol Johmoa, (Ark.) Jonea. I.s Y.) J-mua. (T no) of ih.m, imnie.J Ito'nert Forty th, ao aon, Mr Hall k M w Pr .feaaor, we tLirak, iu the Collc-ed tnjur.a vareon tbe i\e of a tremendoua fmht wi:h aLdsom.-time, (though they don't know .I'l-ii-a. '.I Letciier. Morriauo, Kortz, Milkori. Mciony. -ei juat Bi nbay. VY'hfther th* Atharv| Veda Ifl amoiii/ the laaaBf ** r.mler hi. recovery iinprobttble. .'.I-1, t.v. Aiior-ay, Nalwr*. <i!._a, ii.t. i'eno, l'erkina, Pialii.i-'ai.d.. u.-t to M-t- whieb vrould whip. and k_| bow or juat when,) ll.e Ci.vt nor of Georiria had o.'dered the ei!. Kcliairiioii. Biddie., Robinion, oataee, .*kybecauie we are M.-r>. wtith he haa *ent home, we are unotble to ((oi,ii ) Btafllti Stevena, (N. Y.) Btflart, Bweetger, 4ay. oiber. thU we werei*oirig to aunex Cuba ttolens deaiiced to have even-thing jivmirtoi int-re.f on the OBBBo. BBBBBB to be inati. mour. --?-^...i. VVallace, Wildnek. ro our ix months in tdTance.tbe intereat due ln July to be I. ro/rna. Hif aroajuuient for annexat ion was nov- existing Territory. Now if contiguoua Tiii; Dflflfliafl m Eedeh.i_.ish..It app.-ara j aid on the 1-t of January. On ir;otioii of Mr. Jouasoa (Ark.) tbe Hoiae tbia be true of ? but reccBJ-idcrtiithe vi.te by whkli tbey Invl r«^_'<tc_rlhfl conclvifive. It waa that the Gulf of Cub. it is ttaa also of the other We«t India flfll Levi VVoodbury wa* free from the _t_n r«f d, l.i.-ni 1'ioci.N ia Obio Indiana. rvcliiti. ii fotji'i the Printin? (.'oniniitto'e, au'ikroTrixint Mexico was the mouth of tbe Cnited Statea : IalandB. and esptx-iaJly of U we can take tha I*. llowinj let'er to be Federaliitm,' the m> uf two rlerka d a yearly aakry ot ni*c. employinent and Mbba Ctaanaitairi, '21, Hayti Jamaica. aalsy, which corrert, in Tl.e aj-peared teat the Mjoid ol* Cuba waa a tuugue Uing iu Ifwe must lui.Cubabeeauae MM__fB ;VVi».) DtnVery destructive lloods haveoccurred iuboth tl.CUi 11, :i, Hi..! n.ioK-n_;er. at |.t pttr day ta thAflfl.A one ot* the Judge* nephi-w.ol'conti^uiry, tt al, iiova".awiifK, the Great i.nd I.itt.'e M.ami ititer*. The> Little Miatnl of the Muperrnteridenr of 'ubLe Prititina;, and the reatv tbat niouth; frndthat every mouth had a right then Hayti and Jamaica. because snd (;r,( ini.t.-i, liamilton iind Duyton Railroad* ,i,tve lution wa* j,,,., ,i | Yea., '.'5 ; Nay., ii. VV.. both are Mt-iflBfl. Batiwrt 3c CtariTNT-tB |.,..rvd«v, l>*e 16 1=-Mr. l.».Yi inrrodttced a bkl .iiviur; kflBflaf i.en rnaailaiafalj dainage<i; on the Utrer -everal (© its BflBB nt-arer to Cuba than Cuba is to iIflatfl In yoar l'rt Iriifthe we, k'. V\ ecklv y-oti *-Bte thd Cfllflb L'nit-d hnie ln .11 wi*bed awiiv. and on botli of them lanii. to i ftteera aiui ao-dier* of tba Cavuae War in OreC_j__g, lii* Buclk. Mr. Maron, of Virgitiia. in hia late apg-eeh in Statea. Biiti Territory; Bflfll a bill fltfl*ritl_i:g ior tiie lo. at.on flfl acBTt, C«*a and Itoodbkry, were I ruiight up _n _he aehocd the tr*inaarc unshle to run thro-igh. The Miami and Whitewater Canal* are alao brokeo. knda ther'.-. the S.uate on this aubject, though thedrift County The fact is the ehief foundation of all this of I Fcderaliam. wkh to c4iaTect th- aboT.; relative to ibod* have been e.xperiencedon the M<-dison and Mr. ll iicts (Tenn.) ofTi n-1 a rt-enlutiou La*and objet t of it waa a b!ow at dibuetieriam, modern aentiment that Cuba, is to become liewa. aaonof Htn. P. vT-aflfljaat-J -otVVoodbury Kailrtsd. Two wero washed Indiarapoli* hri'igrs in view the prnmpt Bflflhifl-fl of report. fratfl C*** ing Frvi-oatown, nway Bew Hairtpdiire. helt. many impoirtBnt ortice. in th»t aid an ecg-.i.e en 1 Ereajkt train t.-ll through the bnl-.-, iniBa.*, t-nme ol wfiien have n« rejpowted lor a»w+y ainga the same tune of ultimnu aflnexation. part af th,- inited States. is to be found in the Htde, elected by JerTi-rat.n DflBflOCiala Bad* nsv rter Pletaant uk! were carried ftuj., away, toiAthree fltaJB nn ntba. "To be aure," aays the Sfluator, 'we cannot early views ofour statemneii todeny the Democratit- .re_-i. H.a i:,-> .!,!_,r men are nih-snir. There vvab' uow nund to be no ijuoruin, oUW tiie queation known Hon. Levi among the numoer, wer* ever and are now A larte smotjut ot" private propB>ity has bran tlaraaired kaae Cuba notr:' Oh no, for it belonga to view8«b,.chgained footholdu^n Ine BflBfla i.c.oi.rocd^_ to be tnthe of the s^t.-ral Denjocrnt.. generalry reputc-d before snd tke corrfltLrw Yirinriy some the rj-'-ams, b've* more _.: ._-._*. ij jo ir paper you willBy_bluttti lost. A break in the Miami Canal, 10 milea .-.. ain, and %aia don't want to part with it modern dovelopmenta in relatiou to Afric-m fkbove JtatemeTtYour fe from will requirr: two wteks to repair. oi t.-ll* thi«> th.: follov.-_i_g Ulo loTkt end, VV. R. WooDBt'sr. V3""Ma:aff. City juit yt t. but whenever tbe doea it will ineait- Slavery. These developments have easen? Herald: Botoa W reek ot the Bark Farcat Prinee. G_> Here ia a good rule |rj be adopted by the ably becotue oura.of couwe it will. So. f-ea tially modified. and indeed ehanged, the whole Govtniora Abont twei.ty yaarfl ago a ycrun!» nun lef' Prrtio.oeo Bostom, M.mday, December 27 BBB of all tLe r-tda, it driko-.* u*. It haa beca tletnen flibafltHrra, juat make youraclvea eaay, aapt-ctof the queation. If Mr. J. *«ek bk lii ' ._i the *" tv-.i1 e, widoi warkd. * V"The bark Forest Prince, "iil daya froni New- to Adams Q. the i;over_.or cf **<mth Carolina : v.rited adopted by i.emdou, where he inkeeeadad in ol<_4idagan err ai*d don't hurry vrhat ia ao ineviiable. Don't were now a*ive, and al ihe htid of ^ Sr^ "In relatiiiii to tl.e Orb r 11*, for "tioaton, w ith . car^o of heat, corn, Uour and (rayierrterA in a fo..-reai.ide bouae. He labrjreol diii^wj tt< ti. Btnick on the «>urh-weet *ide o! Naatucket, at poe-er, -aWiflfadj wbenever ff pf^ti. ,.n'i _t_.t.!ul y, nnd re._ inad abf-oe.1. A brother vuflnfl abake tbe tree wbile the fruit is green. It ia Department. we are very sure M lhould fi c* *haU be rreaented for perdim, tb. r.port ofth* e P. M. on the -.MtJi ini*. >4iJ0 from tho bk fctutiy tind yartis ehore, Lim lo-ue Judge who trit-d the (aae wiil be a requkition in all wfcere ihe cow lie* riill of water. r-ho.dd the weatber hfl bift tune aince. aud this wa* the fintof tbua that even Southera men, who foreao&e all hun ateenng in qnite a ditferent acen dnriiig ail tifla peritxl. About fe»o_i meeta caaea not to be tBflM Th.direction wilh fatcrahlc which the latilily wil! approve be aered in a car^o **.**" tLe in whkh a.-nit-r pautnei ol tbe Louiw> probably Bgo tbe embarra8~Q»-nt4 and miacijevioua fo.i.e- from that taken by our own ahallow Mxnif.jt pea-* tor merey ean bt obtained k too well und. r.t kod C2j to w-rkh with the F.xc _iTe; aad to enable the Govern- The tieitl te. uut the vesscl wtlf bo doubt go to pVee*. gaefcd d.od, Bad Iflfl haa the o-na.i Lule sumU *-*y,,\r are meured in thi* city at t-riou* .'ueucea of Cuban annexation. who now reaiat Dtstiny men. who are now Endcargo r it _-, or a_i_,0lpO. The,pii.i le_c_.t-.fl bo** * kti or to the u*j<a" ttk-penee blgl. preri_-rr_uve of mercy-whiei. k otEcer. quoting him. er and otber rel.ivei reaidinit i.i Wovid-rao*. Mantrei * cowtitutional be..u4_:-it k m__nife_t that lt eaea. andaho cannot for the life of thein We believe that th.> tingar of deatiny a a_BjBBfl__ that yovtig Nf*w-__n;*,Undera will not ni.h to !.**.. ate .Utuneiit aUoid le m_le. Thk de___n___.i__.a bopea pointa Fire and l.'f.-. I>oaa af ia dan witb tLe ¦-;..< tuta--- of nieetin-; with kLnxilax^' giae any aenaible view of the tout ensemiU of to an lBM-e entire!) diflerent from tbat so con- ai-aolute." Eatow, N. H. BaturdaY, D.-c, -25, WB cet*. I'--.-. 1- lAe t'.i.w are rare iuirrad. ._**~ -«a>¦-1 Cuban annflxatiofl, tbat would not affright the idently antkipated by our unirersal On Thnmlay the dwelling of Abrabam Cobir, riieuy,'* h. aaka will n> w rta/y. tlie haud of Alpa*** annexaNobth CtROLia in ti.:.wi<* v.-The Lun..d Mr. C, ara. o.II-iigs aitd bid lata *a*a__aflflBfli homie, wbo, w.** BflflJ "T*. ilaaera intereat of the aonntry to the utmost tioniata. We think that there is leea likeli- t*tate ad.-o-jnied tine du o>n LeaTialature of thia Esq., pJaaMx, waa an mralMk, pcriibed in th. tlatnes. Mra. . J a <nt v.eidih,.4lie poor tmy ha wok* wben turu itf waa lant, withowt Thuraday flf fclao .h.y **. lecung an deconn of l mte.1 rauteai digree. fefl imiieiled by what eeeuu to be the hood of Cuba s wming to the Fnited States, Mr leti.wcuhl h&rdly notlee, perl.ap* not knojw biiu *'--»**"7 ternbly burard wtal* to aave ber h-a*ijan.i *rir-«tor, to -u.-ceed I lle wi* whoet¦ term expird. with Ma__ornni, a men.ber of New thi. ch._i--i.ig worl.l The eM aed h tne *o lint tLe llwo.hjjre wa«» iorriicrly Lc-jcloae ot thk "* .emon. The cantidati. Im rated for were popular aentuneiit of the eouatry in ita favor than there is of a portion of the United Statea BflBk aa tioe u..w ti it ever waa. "Money _____,:*.*.*¦ Mr CLng- k-'lature. adace_< by th. Deinoerata, a_(d Mr. Wooili.i rnnre go." to echo, -tftcr a faahion, the -*-_rot cra o/which going to Cuba. In other worda, we think that W .pported For Aaatralia. in,, but ther* were a numberof *rr_tterir_g vote* c-Jt ¦<¦ we apeak. The Charletton Mercuni la about in the lapae of time, a cmsiderable Bostow, BbbbbbbT, De,*. 57 ltj,j8. The Iti-mcZZetTeT* «S ponion of ue.nent to flflflhtaflflhatoa The fltatue of Thomaa Jefienwn~-tbe ftV The °f m r«" eailed frotu °a this ship witb Fanny ixjrt tiMlay ee. tnd in Criiwford'a Waabin .-ton lurnumontd gvoup-. j<XD: ^"^ « tor AnstiLlia the only bold ajtokea orgaa of Southern Lnter- theeouthern country will be abandoned fi the dl 11*1 prisaenger*. 1-afljuu bev n ajajj l_ the Koyal Fouadry ia MuoWfl. a

Bctrptaule ara' We ver.ture toa**.-rt that not-iiug cmld be rrore inale «ral:fvu-,| to tl lade* thaa auch gift, aud adtite

black rare Airrady tbat r*_ce haa obtftined a larce rrrednminanc'* in all th* Weat India H-flidf What haa bivn thua becun will go So far a* human riainn can difceni, that race will _rradu-d!y cain upon the whitea until it ihall 0''*»in entire and excluaiac poateaaioo of all tke islanda of the Caribbean Sea 0 ir fouthern country is more likely, we apprehend. to alough off upon tho*.- io-Jacda. at aome dletant day. a portii n of their auperabund-int black populatiou, or to join handa with them in formina a Ieague of black Statea, than that ae are kereafter to take that chain of ialandi, of any one of them. to our brYfom.






)S v^toni_°n,y

BIlTCBlfi OFLECTUREkS. nt tke Iniverme. Bt raor. a*fc__BT__a or tals collige.

The concludir;* leeture of the Franklin gvarae waa delivered at

the by Prof Olmated, before a

Tabernacle, numeroua

Inat eveninz.


r»«ry dten-

tire audience. Previoua to entering upon thr Btihject of bk leeture, Prof. Oltruto .1 intimded flflfl thourrh the ¦pre.nt «bort eourae would terminate with tbat lee¬ ture, thera

were arranjrementa being mtde by the gentlf.en who roanased the gottin.-r np of Iflfl Tr-uiklincourae, to aerure the delirrry ofa rm." ex tended courae af Ml leeture.. Tiie Iccturer laaa Bnme


hriefly ftdrerted leeture.

to «ome inqnirieg made ainee the la_*t in regard to tbe eomtitution of the Hun, the

of Holar bed and tbe eidtneaa of the ocean. and then praeeeded to . ay thd if we took a aurrey of Ihe harbor of New-York, on a Hun lay mirninz, we avould *ee lt eprinkied with a Tari'-ty of a_la; aome of flhipfl, aome 0f bar_, rome of boatf. Ihe boau, (ao viewlng the laa;,) thit are near ua, would appear to move very swiftly .rvhilflt tdiikfie more dklant would aeem to r*o along mor? alowly. and aome a far off which we knew to be in inotion from all their eu:k being aet, would ai>'«yir .carcely to move d all. T.ik waa prcckely what th* B'tiODomer »aw when he »urveyed the he»v*n<i with the large teleaeopo.. Tl.ey dkcovered motion atnong tlicm, and conaidenn;,' ttiiirimmcngedistaace, we need not be aurprked thiit t_< ir motiona r.pperarad aluw. It araa a vt-ry intere.tini' _BBfl_a>f to ua if our .un wore quieecent, or in motion. Wa* it and it» attendnnt I'1-kneta tixod ln one rtatiori, or wai it ron-tantly traaerrIng tbe fieldg of cthcr. Tne opinion of aatronomerB wa* in favor of the latter auppoiition, for tbe xea_on tbat obnervation of the beavena .how.-tl to ua Btara heretoforc dl-tanf, were openi'-g up to ua, and thoae near u« were Bflflaaflflflg more remote, aa ln the caae of walklngon an exten.ive prairie BflBflrwaa two Wooda, or oak oj.eDi*:g4. The idca of tbe mo'ion of the fun and hin attendant ]i!in*_i tbrourrh flpace waa firat iinrnul'-ated by ""ir VVilliam lleracbale, who .uppoped tbd our Bun and ayateTn wau crery y.-ar advanring in ^ an- toward tb. con»tellation Herculea aa to tb'-rate at wbieh we advaneed, it wai Bup[pO*ed by th4- mo-t erudite (-.tronomor* to be about One liiiiidred and filty milliona of mile. r. year. The rjuoetion mit-bt occur to the minda of ni'iny, whether ©urfyatem was moving around a center or purauiuz a reetan-rular courao in upacc. The new hypothe.k roalnUiini d tbd tbere was n centrul -mn.that tbere wai a Btar or congeriea of aturs ihaz con"tituted uot only a tei.ter for our auu and ayrtcm, but of all the atarry boat ofthe heavena. A dktin^ukhed natronomer at Dorpat, ln Ruaaia, (Madlar,) advnnced thk idea, and haa fixed that contial point in tli- Pleiodes.Ihe flcven BtAr.. He beld tbat tbe etar Alcionc in tbe Pleiad"s w.ia to licregarlcd at the center of our aolnr i-y«tcm. Th" evidtnee in aupport of tiie idea wm thk, that the Btar* ln il at portion of the heavi-n* had a c irnmon moti'in upon them. 'I ha motion that tbe plunetary l.odii.-B had around the bud, it wa* sujiponej, governed the motionf of tbe .uir.- around Aleione. But, to be rure, idl the eridenre ou tbk aubject waa not of the tnme naturo aa tbat resulting froni a lurvey of the ) lanetory ayatem, nnd which waa brought to Biipport ¦jlakn-r proporition* in the ecience. All thia wa* niercly a uiatler of (-onjec-ture. Wehave ao far but cot, bb it were, on tbe tnick tat ibe game, and yet may hunt iluwn tlie quarry witb mueh auccc... Three oroWs of lodiea compo.aed theaniverac.]i1nnet*,Hutia, and uebuIbb. TLe first two bai baaa dtapoflfld of Ln former <!:*fouraoa, nnd now wc bould aaeend tothe higheit ord( r of tbe rcgiona beyond what wna ronceivid by thoae wbo Bflflflfl bad an opportunlty to obaerretbe tirniBineiii tbrouchthc large teleacopca. The Lodiea that compoaed thk region of apare were called aatMBfl*, the mo ning of whi-h was a little cloud. In lii't, they proented that nppoaranfle to tbo naked rje. Tbey bad, in trrme inst .nr.-^, very nrieh ofa roiiietury appean.n-c, and bad ofteu been nii.t_ten for thoae waiideicrB ofthe ckiea. Tbey were reanl vable, ari before etated, into briliiant eonnt-tllationB of atara in rome cusea, ne in tbe gword handle of Peraeua. 1'ut fcw of the ubbulii- aaaa by tbe naka-1 eye, yottbe tt-leicopc reaebed to our ei^l.t .ometbing Iike ti'urtli-.iiaand nebulu- The lecturcr here drew attcnlioo to .overal well executed dingrnma reprea'-nting Ihe rnrioua Hppcftrai.c.s ol the nebub>- M 'een through theluri'i-teleeeojie*. Baaaa flfthfl nebulu- tver. circular ln form, aome aj.iral. aome Iike a ditmb-b'-ll, aome itlij'tical. aud Bflflflfl irr'-.-ular. bavins no detinalde rli'.j.e, and njij. rcntly Yvttb.ut any re.-nlar or.:aniiaiion. Thrnngain, mutiyiif thoae nebulu-, whongufijected to the mot power'ul tt-lo.ctipea, were reaolved into form* very ditTerent from thoae rnentioned: nnd miny lioretolito- auppo.ed Bflflflflfl had been re.olved Into rlarp. ln illuatrati.-ii "f this posit.on. the le.-tnrer l.rielly drew Btteuti'Hi to the Bflflflflfl* Bflflfl iu Herealea, and aajhflflflflMBflBjf reuolved into a moat briliiant gdhertin |.wfli ofthe lngoi .iiir.. Baaaa ..< imi BtiD .ktaafli Bflbfl-ta tfl large>t tatflflflflffll tafl I part flf the great lirkn bnd been reaolvcd by tha l!ojae ,',n 1 Cambridge leloKopoa. lt waa general!y toniidere.l reatonable to flnUcij.te tbat when tflfl pflflfflM ofthe taaaaaflflfll »h'.ll liave been cnlnrged, thi* nobulu- will pr-.voj tt> be. aa it were, au in thi univorp-e. tbe queation whether all the ucbulie would be yet resolvt-d. lt wna diCicult t<. rriy eny thing certain, otber new teeiug that, in IflflBtflflflJ flfltatlfl, nrw ii-bulii- were iikcoverotl, unrerolvable of courae beyond preaont trle.cope* inde».d. out of four t'u.u. au ii nebulie now k.-iown to e-iint. not more than four liuudred bad been rcBolved taflfl fltar*. Tiiat liKikt 1 iinpromipiiii'. tl...ui;h wc could not *ay whal way r 'co:ii:ii*u.l<-d migbt be tbe rctult. Ti.o* followed Itaell toour attei.tni heeauae lleni-Lt-1 in the opiiiiou that our .un kkfltaaffld to that iiebalB', ao thut were we to trnn.plmit our.elvca to htiy osbci of tbe Bflbulu*, w« would bebold a hrin.nii-ut a thou-aud time* more _orioui than our ewn. The lectun r then proceeded, in v.rj" fcii-ii-iu* trrma. to deicaut upon the Bflflflflfl*- mechankin di-pbiy-d kfl not only our folarayfltem, 1-ut thnjiighou* tlie ofentiro uni|fl"fl>B> fljfljflfl, Bfl coneidiTid the a*mc uuiloriiniy maut and attion. wo.nii ao lnarked tbe m.veiii.-at* of of tbe bodiea tbe all to Ibe fllanetarjr bodie*. extended t-tarry flflfltB. After dwcllini: wilh flflflffl. ed'ea-t upon that branch of tbe lectute, the .p.-aker Uien flflflflflflflfli bltniolfla the nebul ir bypoth-*-i-,flt- rviug. by way of pn lm c-for tlie informi.liou of tbe youili pre«eu_. thfl it was the ndure of bed to expan.l, and of .old to aaaflaet, lt waa al*o io I e rememN-r. 1 tbat .1 aitbody revolk,, g round flflflflMfl e drawn ucar to it, will Inctta-e iu tbe rapuiity of it* motion iu proportion a* it neara BBfl i >flflflfl. Thr motaon, how.rleaer, would be to run out irom (he ceator. Tbe taflflfl here exhibited a elobular flJfl_M B»W aua.n-nd id a dring, aud iu which *ouic n-.t-rcury wa« ,p,tt' bi j*** li" i'1'*1 ¦ tbe n.ercury a-c.udcd flf tho Bfllflfl flf t-1. tomii, *o laat it I'oruied a perfert circle about th. center. (or *hd vi a* anakgflu* to thfl e.-uatorl of thfl Ifltafla. P»>-ot phiaL Tin*. l-yLaway Ukkg nf tbe inouon 11 i'iflfllceiitruui.'*' Place, BflfC* Uluiltoi ion of tbe flflflfl. (.bieik.\i Pi _C O.) wbo iru tifl author af .'.u* Nobulur HyjKibc-k, atudioualy lnvcrtigdrd tbe '.uiv of (Ir.oTi Utiiri. ami waa definus ol iiutkin,' that law expluin lhore were .tj:,u? rvei*thing ln our KflBl >J*t.'n>- R"!(iruviiakion wna not -ticga that it could uo: aecouutfor.iu Iflfl ¦ 'Vfine-.'.-. Itaktk crcating the ..t 'Tiu.ty tw heatTenly bodi.i. 'Ibe difficultiea a'teuditi,,' tLu Wri led U Pkce to flta ;.«' tbe Mflflla* Theory. Bfl (tta lectu-r), waa kfl imed to thiuk La 11 n-e wm ibcanae



diiaae- to adopt tbk liv}.j|he*k by IflflBoa oftbedtic t*i»e tbrvwa out bv bfll VV1IL--11 ll"rtchel iu re.'" l»fd to *.he foimatioii flf the BflflfllaB Prtfid to fluppoae tinre waa a proiiea* in tbe ^u from age to a^e-a ayatcm of oondeDaatioa tbal ^ttaadcra ia the foru.atitin of tho priMBflBt. luikteralU


* tbe itaij. Tlid wa- II.-mLe'. * Llt-a but wbd w_ af 1 B flflflfl ' Tt"*1 Yvhu-r*. L*rtbukrb\ivo:liOp:k i,;Ad Ijj theory mer. ly to flar foUr BfaflM tit totho flflMHI p»r> . ¦^8-fiiiem writer. Heconte d.l tbat atn vrry iflflflfllI j-oriol ^ aLole of our uow .r fyaflM flfll a va_t nebflla, BJ a maii.u t' 1.1 weat to tat. ai.d as (bo flflflr .^datiou of th« ma.. proceedtd, Ihfl flflfl__ra*flfljal fore? ¦*.*"* *«o_.r,)PV,.iyjC.| ,Vr,,-;) eauied a portici of¦*«-Bfll ¦. *>*o*i_uown 08" *a*i__L,:,g tbeforms af riaffl. ^^J^e-ame plane' ,.i :hem- laflfl, aa Jrilrmidelyiflfl .^dti-dionofthenii *M.iacrvfi'-d:b laflflBfl


^.b-aYeiu. *

taaajBfl the nrbular hypothe#riji, for It. in

fact. only k"'

trioYed the came further bark. The only eicape waa that the nebula- alwny* tnrned from we*t to ea*t, anl never had a beginning. But he would aak the qne.tion of any metaphy-ieian if a cause exiiting thr.-jgb all 'ternity.a principle.conld detelop itaelf ln time' The idea apeared abanrd to him tbat the canae conld be eternal yet produee eff<>ctfl from time to time. A primitlto first cauae appearnd to him inilspensablc. aritlioijt it how could the nebuli* hate been direeted ln Its progress. He (the lecfrirer) wu not a belleter in the nebular hypothesis. anl when he taid that, he did io, cntertaining the higheit revpect for his 1-rethren of the profesrion who held tba idea in fator. He would conclude his ob-erration* by altincing torae reaaons to ihow that the hrpotbeais was not true. In the first place lt was a mere hypothesis, and an

B*y*BanBBaflf merely dBlflBSi explained. phenom-na.

but of which there was no BBdapaaflaBl evidence of ita axirtence. There waa inJe-.fjndent eridefKe of the existcnce of gratit'it'oD. it wa* a fact. Then again we often saw two hypot'ueiB adtancel to cxplain certain phenomena. Puppose you take up a newfpaper f*aid Prof. 0!m»fed) and perceitc a rld lio suggested, to wit " Th'-re is an ajent capable of effecting a great Tf.rietyofthinz?.'' You make the hypothesis that lt i« some le*ter of the alphahe*, and apply "A.'and it will B**|Bata setcral parts, bul net al'. of Ihe propoiirioTi; then "B," aod soon down to "at," you think ea\ laini the wliole thing. But go down further ta **," and we find that " T explaim it '"jnhlly wil. ,-o in srience, two hypothesia may explninall pbenomnna, yet of them can be true. Tbe laUaiCB did not desire to be uaderttood ar c ntendmg tbat the bypotheai* did not exp'.ain phe'iomena (which was claimcd for it); but did it explaiu all phenomena I It did not. Wby had Ita sat'Tiitea of Uranu n dif^ereut mo-ion from that of the rert of tbe planeta ? That phenomena (wanting an explsnatlon) wac directly in the tta*. of the nebular hypothei-is, and wculd remain so, aud wa* rtrong ennu.-h to luhTcrt it, until this singular movemc nt wat explair.rd. Again, if the tebular theory were true, why should there not be rings existinj lietween the planeta. There wa* a epace of nettrly one thourand million of milea ititerrcning betwe. n Neptune aud L'ranua wby not. then, rings between them, thrown out from tbe nebulout ma.s by the centrifu-riil force, wbeBlhe cntirc nii" Is undergolng process of condensatiou I Auain itwasdaimed for thi* theory that the nearer we ap proai bed the eun, the greator l.'-camo the deruity o mmter. Put tlmt waa not true, f0r L'ranua was deneer than Juj.iter, tbe earth tli'in Vet.u*, and the sun was only one half the density of Tnere were other oljactians which might bo urgod againstthehy potheeis, did time allow. For tbe rea.ont asti^ned he "



-av it c-c.-ae tbe

Mijt Wa_r_.; ty 71s Sheloygun (Wu) Utrr^-l ¦«rQ'" I malt ut &_»_ half of tbe Iflfl) dntj. *U the anl.e iv.. is graated ta ra?. Ci*lorial »ylUW* frora a friend, wbo ina ju*t r*turned from tt."* ' *** "^ "¦**¦'¦! of the YCX.tlOtta fine sugar in I lt*m\'**tnat heaaaBaTll duty wM «*> .nd. tmAam\*aoo 0," recorded time." we believe. [Applauae] Aad wby 1 v> oU Riter, that the *a>norse0ee Iadbtaa. niirn>-."m; .LhOOO. bate latHt b*y?n reraoved to the lan i aelect*! C» ¦ be pj,..;.'. upou tbe n.-aB*'*/ of aaleablo robeeam0 "t-'ulh k powerful and will prerail." tbrm flha iiflriliiflJh on rh" W- ;f Bitar ia Wi#con«in, 0. ** fined augar prodifct-d. in*t». *.*¦ o! "P0* ***** n* Tneya>w*:-t-v hoOfC..'tv.*f..l,;.,.f In Maflk-ttrr- howertt, u Ln. religion. there 'ieBrrtts to be iTear-yi onthe preaortf rrart«, r.^r] aaaaaw iis. !f I'.-si.lea thia, lu«' Chin*ae iiumn-t bl tB_!-, abidinr faith. The b-Tl .*d ti.e ABnoaneement al theu*reinrrva] with -ot Tie «nIBflll nii^trntiori tothe West ln.Iic.tsr*.' beeu.-ouragad made by rhe" aub-if*n'. tkfl flflta i»a «--*. fc",,U-^'Ifllfll flame of pure derot_..n k not kept bnlli _n: by and t-a r.ud payment wa.. aati-factnnly ' S that jkjjr. r*a_ppKaI_«a] wijalli tosupph tbe witb a sub*iA.:«,*Jt n'Jnibar ei*r*tic rurta, but by the r-mtle. -teidy fanning t-f the Cierrge W Laare. er-catk, k*tt_ tke__e_-i__ .-.;.-,.,.,..,. wjrh fuIl et'ib4.:ji'.ih.T. planters k>a ailjar rhe.UdereiitialdutitN eletnent* Ho bun_ the hr* where onr virik keep. but as foon a« the opp approbaiiixi, shall rtot U> aU»lii«'ir.l EUROPE. and by rt' -aered ligbt our -Jtar* are _llw_____ed. It k ataiikat it arew strotuz it bflaaaa. silent, aad X .V.... IBB aad ll.p Dattea. Ta,* mjU taa thk kind of fai:b which prerlad** the n*-e_:ty of ItriiNh I oan-The I -i-,,im Virterr-Au*- to-di j we read ii ita arf'e.v * pan '«rrie habBajBBal by o.e-hall'. abich. BaBBB*BBBBJ leadiaj *e_-cbing for inrrenioui de-ieea, wbi-h enriroi on trian IVr-r-niinnB i|inin-uri> IMitrntina Ldrd Jakfl kflMflfl III Timr* f.-vd. fo * aow



Mafonry. Maronry

it_.rU furruahe* nndeniable eviiu rreJitv. It k coeral with the time wi:. dirkr.e. fi*d and light appeared at th" fiat af rh* Credor. Th* *po«fti_n k not unjkillfully maiat-ine-l. thd bebind thfl reil of I-rk waa ror.cealed our M _*ont l birth. I5o:h 'acred and profane hiitnnana have dedgnated Egypt aa the whence it fird o*j,r-in.. It ha* alao been adraneed tbat the Tabernacle of the Ii'

raelirea, in the wiiderne.aj, pre'enti-d the fir-t

tipxt of

the Maaonic order. Th* Druida, or ande-nt Britona, are ako repre.ented aa baving been tbe origlr.atora of the order. CorJugoed ard rrambeTl.a

bare been tbe opinionj bad in conjnnction with cur Ipecicn'mg. I do nr* aaaume for my own part any preckion a* to :t* exart ori_-in but content myielf with the w.] kcown fart thd in 1717, the Or¬ der waa e'tdiikfaed. -from whence. aayi Mr. Peilow*. it took wing and vb-it*d >.!! pirt- of rh-world." VVhr-.t matfer. it wh"th"r w* ar-" to our origin to tlie land of Nod, or tbe Gard*n of E lea » What __Mfl tf VV'e aJaiit no antiqaity aj a .taiidard of tnerit. No rdherlet ua jnze Maaonry for vrhat it k, an.i for what it doe*.for tbe er-elleaeeof it§ maferklo-.for tha wkdrrrji and b*ai.ry -ii«pkye 1 in '¦

n, and for rone out from it to .ti-trep.e- af rr.a_.kind

it* erecti-

ia Tur-K.

Italy. Th»' Tnrkish loan haa for a lorj4j tirae b'*en disbut as The Tines BBBBBB1 cn88edintbepaper.->. -'-.iiti.n Tjir represent.-d the matter:. key.In-t'At r.-capirulatethe riarriciilirs. Tb-- rir BBBB efa*B8 Sultan aiithoriz'-i! CaOimaai. :.. bassailorin Krance. tonceotiatealoan onthe followingcon.liti. ns: TLe amount r..b»-l.~> at6 per .'¦.:*.. r<>b.- jvii.l .-if \aeleten y.strs. anl .rhii'.-ed ujiontbe rerenueof Egypt anl rwo per eent. araa to be paid tbe Tm as ei>inn.u>sion to tii.- iieu.'tintors. The terrna on whieh the loan waa a**re>><i to by Cailimaki. v



.:::.iii to


.!).' finiiiiti. Wh



taaa rh>- 'J per c.-n*. rhe *» iban waa

BflBOfl. A _____0_fll Qwt* IBfl the s.iire. bnt th'* ilisrrib':'i.m t» be alterod Hkeill flBMI flflflfll tor ihe taMflflflf There sl.all be adistinetionbeiweouihtehargesB __tia-Tj il.-.r a-|-ir:t: BBBt Wh.' flOfllfle M._zini on reali/ed property and ihi**e on itnltisfrial will

t rr

iiil'onn.'il of th.- tni.- s'a'e ef fii" case. as b .nec. -Niry wbcn be ha.l new tintiiin a<kiH>*sleilk;inc th»- Iom. ke retus.'.l id affae t.. kt, B couneil i-t mlni.-n-r*. was ei.i-1. nnd they tin-lly sub:ti;*r..! m A n> w ;. ii-rn- ua.- tbiiBet] aad C.i.Iiiiiaki araa bai pro-, o «, B I'aris. >! T.irk> n.-'.er to a;»jH-i:ii a t.r.-. k leaaoa a BBBBB

the atrram. of m-rey hnve want*, and a!>vk*e :h*

[Apfklflafla] it rtand* lefore the world

L't ui dt.l it a* no*.the oldeft aa well aa the

of all Lurnin in*tirurir:na Pairirz on, tbe apeiker i.'Iuded to th" univeriA'.ity of the nnd benrf.cenee of the Ma-on: rr-marking thaf. bc-neath tl.e tori.l, the temperate and tl.e frigld znnr», it lifted iu voice b -: iu help tothe puff- nJBg and needy; noble dc-da, he argurrd, vrc ri.-htfully claimed a* eoexi-t"nt wi'h the ordT throughout tlie world. He alao apoke of aome ofth; illiiitrioii* nBiaeoj wbirb they prou ily elalmed a* be tfl their order the ranka of i>atrloti*m Mio>oriry jpointed to VVarren.her firat Grand Master.. Aiiiid th- wnlka of "cienre, tney pointcd with honorto him who -tolc tl.c ti.-ry h.-hming from t'ie c' i;i 1.. Bfld were proud to enr.l among her mcm' er» the natn* of Franklin. Inaeritped hlgh on the arch of honor, Mv .onry alao pr.infed to her Clirton. La Fay- flfl a MaiahaB, aad ll.-r.ry Clay, and YVaahington w-ored Dflmea of the order And of the laat nam". *aid the fpeaker, well ha- one ol Ireland* orator* aiid, No t





the i l.yrciiit-<i th"


rnrlimi-eiil-Voie al' Hfl.. '.fl-DUrnrli'a Hutlaet. CcfT.pocdence oi The N. V. rnrmne m > -___-,, Baa I >. IflM My prediefintison fhe eventt'ul re-uilrs oi the

roiieued pnrfy stnurcle in IVliatiienf have be.-ti

EBoBaaMttBr! Tha Freach fJkrr rnmen u*. .1 realizedi At tlie opei ing oftke iflflflk*fl tki orv :.ll iie i.::':,. ii.t te fotee ibe Sultaa to ma in, pofl-tkfl commandeil a ne.atiYV nnjorit; i uuntt h->n.»ral»!y ; he .aiiiiif ters: but the aevt-ral eo-nrlietiiu (hketkNM bnt in )' vliio-h ..oii'pois...! that ni.tiorirv !..iv... Haofl tln-ti, aeal 88 tm <*f hia aa pl tta to the Mii. iiiiiiualiy lli. l'e.i .'...wtl. -everili.f tl.e l'.i-l..l*<I.>i. iweil paralyze.1 eaflk .nher. Tne Bflflfloea i1 1'its. on the ' of NoreraBBr, flltal il fhe I'asha tifa*****. p tido-ie's ( bisexample trihiit.' in;!!'.¦.. and :i:-' insrallineni on the H.lopft*<te.-d ofthe rn.Ji.*;s.l"* tr.*.* rrtj r ioo]iitiiiii nl'Mr. Villo-r*, theeopriv.'.eal nm.'u.lMiftit loaaair- iil.r r. bi t>heBaak rfO Ia ivpaiil. In a.i.!i'i--:i the Bultaa haa Of Lflcd 1'aJnierilon. oMe.ed tkfl ipflt*4____lfl ol" linojle nnd Bntflfll tihtfltiiflj. of thenBeral *n <l te t:iak.- t*kth caiBaeaailiiBi ta thi xnel BBBJ -cnp for tiie aiiio'in; of th ir ilt-takhliJOB ,'i'id djudflfl arion of ,a!l the oil parliai Preiva Uov.-riiiii *nt nu th.l iinnfary pBftfflB. The reaohtioa Of Mr Villiem. whieh JOflifaod Ntutable. (.I-ii'l l.o.-e. (aheEaffiahCharge -

.' l.o.ln, Fe-lival.




Jobn the Kvanrcl'it

Indettitute, la»tev<i;;t : v-t 9$ Jobn* I.olge. No 1. I L****J*\ per.dent Rotal Arch Lixi..*. Ba 9, ofBBdtheBadBfll waaBflBaTlBa So I Owicct-the inclemoncy af t!:attendanre wu rery »mall-th- 1-rture room Institut* beirig B8 ¦BBB than half M Th* exerf.-. of the etenin w,re ojiened wirh BreyBf 1 -y BVf C.ran.1 ihaplain. after which a 9**1.Bial.aiBf8lBBd snd M- Lewis piiio. w.s executel ly Mr Kyle. of I arenu. Tbi* was followe.1 by a eong-" Tlie Marwaa 1 , vr _hT Mr Frarer afer whirh tn oration d.litered bt Wm Kuf*isFlake.F..- of thishisOBy. .^rra I w preparstort rrmarks. expressiteef of graurude BavTttaBBBJ thI onetded bnn U-r the t aa aa th:* mbbtbbbi BaaaaaB, and wr> the Byaaa*e> re-nnrkel tiiat lljliBBIII- taathal, wuh the the procreas .f Mrionry wa* laaal there were Of the BfB Put ***% ,kcr>ti--a a* to tho utility el* BbBB lltfBI MffJ. *-**th*h f,a well as ,:. Bfl thing. n who ch.we te lllllMIIBl to their v -, .



Hre|H,rt irom it .e-ui, that ann-e tl.e orrtmi-ntir« o! thifi -.tpiikfv n JaBfl laat, t'.e riiin 01 en received for LiblflfJ part) . fejBQ bflfl.-1-iirreat.o .«elv*d I'r.uri the Eiaal yrUSBtaad '"i-il. .', b Cou.niitte-a, «r_B Mr. Crcaby annoiuiced tLat Dr. Ta)ltr L"w_j womll Ifr-furefl .n th> l-,:h aad Ith of Januiot-. I .' kflflT .flfl jirt. "The Six Day* of tbe (reat.ori l> iil. r taflfltaflfl the uieding wa. aitjoafaarl a::er jwayer






An Art af I'nblir JaaflBBfl* Ib rht F.iiUref Thr fl. Y Tnhutw: Sik: In thiii "flfl ot li'ienility. prn-.-n.*8» and .Ily w ith re.ard to tire i; heie and eflflflflafl of VVou-an. when CI* j *tnv A.j a and -. .lOflflflflja Saii.l. and *o nmnyof tbi ^iffor-d t..),. bivt-lor,.'b.nth* victi'.n" of p I'n.d andhnital prrjudice hr' b. in_- vindri-atbe t;fflflflfllfl-B witb wbioh tb* . r.'ty de*pco-ia_B 4>f prieaU and hi_.-ba::d* b--d inreatoil them lradiaat gider i.ut tue w do jiuiue to an.._l.r af tbd bood, who*e W**aakga bave been deep<- and wb_ae mf f. rmg in n flflajBBflfl flflBta 1 tt t-flflflfl- thlia tb "j«ol any of alrcady viiidirate,! I 1 allu tfl, of eour-ie. to tbe lu.iy a t.o-4 vrry name La. l*en .rolea fr.Mu b"r by th" bigttry "of Moee* and wbo k then-fore only known to M M "Pdiphar s tv:;'e t Ii la .rrtiii.-a I tn-' flawfl, *he. _rhOa ail pflhari al r ofthe whrle, *hould remaintothi* ,: rj di*.r»ted aiiilanathemati.ed VV"by»hou* 1 th Wm the not one of the earlie.t of anv whom Hkt,.rv _B*ke* known to u* to -pum the witbering bondh-r 1 * -e oi 'i.*a BMflflfltflBBfll by tbe heert Bfl Bflflnflflfl Bflfl to beguidedby tbe Divinelaw of ABTfld clew fl ha* aver mor* imj-bcitly be-.*.led tbe .aered CflflBflB1 than my berou-e' VVho ever .purned ¦flflfl



*onl-dflrB_.*ingai_Tie-fl--i »ex are which thfl

N*ture-«utrTi_ingbyi.o,-n.i"a cruo:fy accudnmed to coneeal the:r pretV-mce* aad lo our

age their affectio-u I Mr BflflflJfl i: i* a *ham. her tbat thd wcu-BB ha* *o lortc re_ained tbe nclira of "- brea*)b*) ^Ullitjfllill _:.d I Bflflfl raiffld to her m.i-K'rT f..rthw;th. ard that Dr Lar_-_s and Mr Aadrew* be inv-ted to prerr-re jnitaMe iafenp.Vr Jame* i« to be uona. If 1 4-o-i'd only tell wher* .to__r?k.»_«Tiae-Bko: but after all b* ha. whttm a M*r-.ace aad Divorce twi *. wtflflflll cTfT rera carefally. I am ntt fafla Nfll

NJJ ieadin,-



the pnctkal iltastrBtiotu. «ad tmtdui of pro-

SSaraagaa^^m "


tnan ot' ¦

; o





pe.iiency of any ac BOB af the Afflfla-aBt-OB tfl the mat'er, tv.- e:.n.o_''y invo ke the livo-lv efltatl of all in thk rehgiflna and pdhotic canae. tliraiu-li privale inlluence or by m.-aiiraaapflflflflBBa The Chiurinin ofth. Library C iiin.itt. e. *Ir T Y



atuld-on_-4-47_dhflrforft>llowiB' cr leeture ber lor



mgrn.t at.-l tbi iti-ut' '. 0 kb> : ¦jsbbb wuh tta


cr IflJfakfllfl in the (oWerntneru.-itf.-r vii-ti.rY Kn-isell. ihe fl-ifjflfll tke I'To'siiincd ..tnthorol tkfl WOtio 'uise an.l Ofloifen-



to tkfl GiakflfliBBBi-dflMfll. tkPeefitofl, Jo-fledk) tke tiiiiii*.Ttr:-lIisf 1. fendered a "**rOflflJfla-Ofl whi-'h reeogaiaai ike ..\p4*.li«,nt*y ol tree ttfldo for tkfl fiitur.-. aad (leiiif-r. it iii tflfl pa-f. le-'.ving ihe Toriefl nt liberry tfl OOflflMflnlfl fli fhe Hflflfll fiiKtniiieol ky tflfl flflt i*l" Sir H.iln-r( Pflfll; lh» naiiie I'e, luiv i.j.',ieil ilo' MflflflflflMflf ti I'.-i.-i.-.. aad rfliflraaaiag their own propoaition. tr,*.- n r.-a io prep.iri.l .upport tkfltheorininal vrtr trro oi irimuph. olatioa; (!:-. Whlgs,oo routi .1 Ioy |_M aiipearni-i*.' ot" PfllflaflBflflflflh who t-o-h nti ike iiineniliiieiir oi linih.-uu. and thna, Ykiih tkfl asni.f.itiee nl the I'eelitea, rieeiired t_M to tlie Miiii»tcrulitU; linaliy. tho rifltOlf vicfcrywi.ii itBeli, kj B profeetidiiist iniiiintry. eon-.irifeil in thfl r.coinitionol Iri-e tra Ifl, and BM OWfOtwi b) floflB bol the hify-fhreo moit deoided aukefoatsi f tkaii ciYii r-irn Such ia L-flkiag.i of fitlflfl fll >iii.'iis, party intrigue*., r«rliaineiit:iry ii.aiit"ivi.ra. niiiiniil traOBOBO, A.- in the rrsnmf (.t thedekate ob thi Wtk, ia vkkk ih»* poUejof ho o- trade i*_io___i_I-_Qi i_Bkflowlt*do*|e l.bu. inierbv I'roteetionifta, r. pre»euted by Propreted i..' i-ni.-t-. .ini to beearrii*d flfll by I'r-ite.tionlota. In a fornier lo-tter, flrittflfl keblfl tkfl Mflfl liicliceiin lif oi the NMaflB,] fa_fl__6Btod ali'-'V-lv thfll l'mao-li. iil'to-r o!r.i|ipin_; bhaaolfifl hi-. electii.i'- eiinaj ipeecheo, tha reonontiofl af tke ooffl taira, iiitetiaed to twmp-taaflte tho _aadlo_aJfl_a thfl -hape af . tfll li'liirtll, BB*__._ u-i'il.l OflBfllfl tke luriiier.s tfl OOflfllflflfl tfl BBfl t-M-f old I'role-'lioini-t n nti. Ki tahk-f .¦ thfl larineir*B ikoui-

otfO to the iiiiniatry. f*«Ye his OOaflBflM

ilei-i |'!irr nl ihe pregetif flaighlflf tavatinn, nnd il onfhe linck* of the tnrti. ofthe peoLmpoain1, DUraeh latten hiin-. tf ro hwiwdioooajflflil j'lc a piiniieo-a for thfl sulleiing lanllor.!-. fur .Bflflfl

available than tho old preeariom .-.y-ti'iu oi'proto-eiion wliich MflBfllfllod aHflaflBTtTj oatkaataaflo

rti-Af ofthe mtutitiide. To fpeoulnfe on their in lt ia thfl iri_.-iii.iu-* phtn of Mr I> rt'li, ni w levo-uled in lii.-* _*a_*f*-*t, wlii-h, on thfl liol inst. be !..i'I bflfon the ______.. of C^MaaMflo. aad it..- fltta of flhieb will pBokaMy bfl..oo-doa. .

thia ni_Iit ilci-ii'e. It taoafltoaaara Y»ith Oofaan (.oveni'ii-nt* a.i-I (..III ifl 1 .liilalilhrnpiata tn IjXW nf "llieafurcn lor tlie (f_Ot_tk*fl Of tkfl lilHiriiia, <.' \* iu


r 11





M rtur. t

with artill'-ry. Ihe Mn<Bta ot thi ir hmmy where rtier kail.ii by tii exeBed rayaha

i;i. ii mr ¦

1. tely t'i ,. ata aUaBaBkagrl teglia. Tl >



/.'. ixk




with the Cbriadan liihabrtana ot Urshoto tiie n,i .* ira.-rrard itbetJultan Thient umtnt. by emoaaruA. uku ercutlkt peoiiieuii-. IB uti.ler BB] Bi atafBtafl :¦ < 'n tl.e ofher fide. tB8 li'.-BJajioi'ifaiis vvidi tn -


Vi-nra,ot the Itii Decemtier. rep-wt n twi n tba Mu-.tifgafitjaa and th<> rep rfta 1 l.nV' K!ta- kedi I lr.v.-n





ihe L-





ol Beal



,1 t:.» Turk*. an.I irave battle



trurd the torttee-.-. 4

.'-**. l

Onthe th

itara tne t» ot :i\-- eem .t


lt is really ftrikingto te 1."l *> "tematically and thoae aftel a euraory tra\ei Bi -av«*- itettin^ moiiihs. Bith*-ut aaaadaBBJ


Cleot-atra ,'.,,, the ltcmrer onwhom not






a_fl he

tbe moet rn-l-g-i «**


'awcaBan iadance to

ahe kiled « . ringle pdften. though -neofl-ow I r-maia mo*» ra^pecafnltv. TO-_ra, Yo-~c ABtatCA. r



toreiL'n ad-^

think tLcnojelvea .-utitled toj I bifh.'<t iinporfauce as to the a<lniiiji-in.tii.n. iiii.i tha bWI and reii.iou-i ia-"!'iiti.-ii- .-I iv i"'t-|'l' :'.<.. .;.. ii..; uinL-rsiaJi'l. H<.w rh- Turk* are .. iciiiuri rs.

an an




not kn jwq."

-..rvruu-i or









B*afltflMBflt a tenn ro ihe .trife ot intero-i n'l the :nri'.ne4 flfll B*flrkflt~flOfl cli.n*f_i.' IO -ai tion tfl all, **irh.oiir ilatu.ii.iiii. Iflf of ii..!i Hfim-lt tkfl ditferenr |flfl|j*aflhl Ifl one :'¦ .;.;-( ;i._ etflflfl '.liiry:'' tO nflfltflkflT thetirft tiuie a Lartin-iiy bfltflflflfll MO floaarnt-reial an-1 t i.aneial Bjrateinfl. by the t-atahiiaaimiit of new in thrfuture. pliacipaea,"900loomtng lYuiiiine hia revelatiofll wl.i-'h flfl li^.m in ii.'- liiture, but haYe alreadv |j*flBfer tn a 't'-t-r i/». iiroii.iiiiinica'o (1 to the I rarliamenr end ihe world nt liiri*.*. A- ir bo-l.o.voa -ajflk ri-Yi-luiii_M of m>sierira. l)i*r_n-li introduetil rb.-in wuh 'h.-iinin.; o-er'-niooiiialaud hia rinanlooking behaviour. I'.-i'l.iutwo iinjpnrtnntir.enr cial stafi oftStS, bfld mfl-Bflii IbfL-.t'-o howtW Une uo.leooj iliaafnll hour he dOflotl '1 ui IflflfflkflJ that the -uII'o-:"iu_* JlflBlflBtl do Bflfl Bflflflfl Mflflklf one iu what BO iii.1 flt-f m/arr Ifl il t'« r '.' Iflk OfJlBMital

I.. tter*-t.-'ii ¦.

iof ukflifliflflflfl

the eleaatiofl of tiie i_lo elaooofl

iu i!ie


people tbat theeoufliet ari.t.-- tn-.n persuatlethe Turktslt



the tnore re.nlily '.. |mr th--iractual l:i_;h n nr-, hy hoolilinj. out io d.i-in Ifl upparenr n ilu. tii u oftheir bflfdeaB, ¦ dehMfofl »hieh he ean oiiIy prai ti-.' upon flflflfll by pumio- ekilenf .'ioii ii the tfHYri p..piila'inn. Diflraeli bad, fot . ba_| thtao, __B"ot_"*fh_flflTv*flfl> m-iiiieed liia liii«l_;e' hehad pronimed tlie world inira.-le Ili. fl


ti e taa**.


nf our (iermati Qflfl*aB_.__B.lflflfl -u.-li __B*fla*flffljfl baYe ro'tftilarly iihilMithropifi-i. tnn:eil out BMffl nhnina, M aUo fhe plan at hy die Kiigluli Ckaflflol* pn-Bt-itt K.xi-h. o'lif-r thfl boflofhl af tho Idk inr oftheeiiitieiiiplafed ¦-¦ a | l.iin himil'iii', iiito'iiil.-il tn imliii-e

bat, be-



ineonie. Reai proportiea and the funds eoolinue to be charged at 7 pt>ace tbe potind. while on in.lustrial ineomea <fanii»»r*«. iradt*., profesaions, aud ...ilariesl au abatemenl ou th.

eharco from .'" 4}> eent. tipon*.* {.> eee.t



latter are heneefortb onlv to pay Tbe .'1<I the BBBBi On the orher hatnl tha staiid.-ird oi

exemptioii shall be lowered from 'JI.Ml fo C li<i» l)* amiiim. and upou propejrty and to il'u) a year. Topievent aii ifisea to famiers bi (hia pntjrvrod ehange, tbey ara to by. charged at the rafe of one-t bird oftha rent, in BBBBB af oue-ha' present. *.» tbat th. altcrntiou will exonipt all BafflMn retitini* lea. than £300 B lear. As a bo.ui t<> the Church, all paraon* with an ineonie of X'likl a vear ahai reinain cx.-tnpt froni the tax linally. tbe inrome (Bl is lor tbe lirst time to b>> ext-etided ta Irelaiid, not b> an>

iiieans. to ihehndhniU, but far as rogards funds and salaries. t'i. House-Tat.. This is to be exteuded tr» nll m-ciipier*. of honaea rent.-d at Clil p»r annum, instead. as lornierly, only to those o.-eniiiers of hoiim-a valueil at X'-'i* per iituuun rafe of the house-tax shall be dotibled, i. e., from sixpetiee in tbe pontiil on shops, and nini*fp.-nee 4.11 fhe jmund on ahopa. and niuepi'iiee iu t he pounil on du elling boti-es, to oiio shilling anl i




shilling sixpetic r*i»apectirely.

The n sume of tbia budget would l»e. dn one side: Kxtensioii ol the Incomo-tai in such claases ofthe town populnfion bb haaa bhthafB* haaa saaiaBBad irom it, aad a> treduetion oi th«- mbbo into Iri-laud for I'undl.oidera nnd public funeti.inartes; extensioii ol' the boiiie tax tosueb clas-es of the t.nvii pipulalioti as were hitherto exeinpted t'roai it, an.I doubliiig ot' the rafe ot the tax tht the other .-uie : l)iiiiinufi4inof ihem;rieiilttirtil malt-tnx aud relief of ibe shippiiut lupduty l.y £".,800,000;i'.ilui-ti«.n a/thataBBai ClOOrOOO; fi li'ii.i ik'. tieah) The town BaafltBtion is to ri'.-eivean inereasj of taxatioti iu the.hapeol'n new Ineteiie-tai. aB exfen-»i(B <'t tbe boiise-fax, aikl a BfBBBBB* mio af the aame. in order fo relievefhe rural p.ipnlalioii of B tax-iiinoutitof X'!",-b|NI,IHH». The- aiu.-dl sliopthe ineebitiie and the nominterest bi

ke.-per. eleikiM'tti-r-|>ai.l aoiil.l tlniH

titid rh> iiisi'lves eoiiinereial tributors to the houxe tax, ni'd l.e.-.ei.e for th. lirst time Btilij.-et to the Incoiiie-tax. Tbe laml \i>.ubl have to pay aoveniMMiee i. neeordingl) the poiii.d. while d\kelliifki-hinises \niihi pai BBB r'liilliiigi* OBB penny. The |*8BBBBBBB iu BaB t*x»ilm'n B4BBM not atleet thk proportirtn, iti amount I.. .th* coiiip'iriiiively vii) siiiall wirli n ;.ir.l ta tha iiiereaseddireet laxaiioii.atiil ii- .t-lvnntag.'a being alike am-ssible to tbe country aml to tb. loitns.

'J he eienipiion af Iridi bin.lloriN from all Ineonie i.'ix, thut of Knglish 1' and elernflBBI froni the exfeiifeil Inenme-ta.x, ia iiiai.ili-sih a huor huBOBad BB the eotinthe touiiH. l.ut wbo ia fry at the eosi ofledil-li.-l. of th.« ni,;lt-t.*H.fhe BBaBarh*/ th. the buidbiril, tht? fanner, or tl.onauiiierl A ia i»tluc. ion of faxes a re.luetion ol lie i iska of Aceoriling f" tbe U\v< ..! p .l.tieiil l>>iNlut'tioU.ii reduetiiiti in thr? <-.>.k .-f pfoduceniiioiny, would involve a of pri.-es. aud fhe bindlurd nor the, .uly BaaaflBBBB There are, howev.r, two eireiiuisfaniea to hu ecii* in fhisease. lu tbe (irsi plaee, tba soil aa whieh Irat rata i>arb>y ean ii«> aaaaa la ii onopolv Inti.l in Ki:i'latnl, BBtd reitrieteil lo Ni.ttitiL'hanishire, Nmlolk. ete. while tbe for eign aupply of malt is liinited by the nature of ih.- .'..ii'iiiodity itsalf, neither harley Bor iimlt laing ahb- to support long ae.i-voyages. Keeondly, the large l.tigliab bretrera lir'ualiy BBBBflB a monopoly, i hi.-lly suppoa"d hy tin* prosent ii( eiia.- n\ -ti-iii. ao that even tho iibolitioii ul th<l CanLanra haa ell.t-ted no fall int he pricea inT port.r .md aie. Thiis, then, ihe t-ain on the rednetion of tba n.alf-tax aoiilil ueiiher liein fivorof the nor the eonsuuier, but only be. otne divided behreaa laa laaaBtataa and th.- great brewora.. Aml na tbe iMlions interlerenee t,f tbo esi*is. with ngrieullurr. ia to bo uiaintaiiie.1, tbe collecting of half the auai of the loriner tafr. \ti.iilil oiiti.iiie to abaorb the aame anionat of udii.inistrative eoata bs that ol fhe whole did l.el'ort-. At preaent, rbo eosta of e.illeeting iJ 11,4'Si.i ijo oi exeia. duti.-a amouuf to £t th) per ci-ut. After lb*) reduetioii ot'tln> tm by three n lil.ons, fhe rate would ai'ionnt from k)tl io i.i) I Hriefly, ibere would ln* ao miich beiB ai.d wi iniieh uiiacbievoaa exp**ika« nior». protit, The budget of Dianudi ihus reauiuoeitaelf in¬ to a i-iiuipi-uaation to Lamllords; a naiijieiiiiatii.n with a revengY.'' I5ut this budget has yet auotber ix lea. inti-r.-stiiigteature If you want t«» earry your com'aercial frn- '. ii*-, ; o'i haw lirst ot Jl fo ehango " You b%re to retiirn jour linaneial Irom indireei taxarbm todireef r.xati.Mi," aaya i* llisraeli.and Jji.raeli righr "


Direit raxation, aa the



is alao

the iiiiast ataeii-nt and firat i-'od.- of taxatioo, .1 ..n.'j oran/ous.'y with a atat'-of soeiefy Imieid «>n lHn.'i-'l ¦BfBftJ. The BBBBJ afterward in-

r. <|ij.'.-.i the *-.**'-ni of iti'lirtxt taxatioo, Ijat iti the couraeof time, with fhe i!4i»lern divtjai.n ol* lalror. iho a-/8te>ni of (IreH Imlustry, ani tha r. iiiainder iftkfl Iflfl houra iu the expoe. ofthfl bbbbBbbi af tbe haaaa trcde uj*..*! tba ra hitilflet. atil .uiiolry epi.ode. on the eoadl trade and the marftft of tbe woi'd, tho tBataBjaj theflVthflflo ofthflflOflfl-flT, pn*spective sii'em of indir*--'* taxition eomes into a twoin rhc- Adu.i-ii.tratii'ii. o_n«l other enter- lobi coiifiict witb h. aaxaal wanra. On 14. fnmri-p.tirra ii becomee ideutiral with tl-Bflflg of tlielmlget are aa and dbturba or pre7eata the proteetixedutlea, ,... r.r .: ... free in^rcourao wAhywt : v" Ler count rien. In ihe interior lt ia iiienwith I Th, A:/,pingiitttrtst. A portion of thelL'hl rikrai wifbtiacal int.rferenee in pi*irdi«tiori an£1(10.009 K-'tifsth. reiatirc value of eontii keiitiea. and reklfld, amouiiting toofabout leaa than .___. diarurba free coif;p^i*ioB and i-xcb-vagr*. Krom per Hflflfll I Ml i« » IflBflf H i.i-i- [-..- ia periinnuin, otud caunot r.-aeb the botb these rea/ona ita abolition Ve.iii.'M a ae l'.-i> ihfl mi-ldie ti the ea> reieity The *i)str m of direet t i-^uiriti -nu * bs* far paflflflflflj tella ii a- retunied to. But di:ret rax&tbn ailmita *f n*» tirt-Iy to ct-aae. Stuie of the p.iYter. of the Ad- deluab ns. aid every claaa paaajaaflBI *******_ YfLiih bare jjiven t» the uurr- ahat abare it has in th»tow»rda el.ant naYy. ilail be doue a**ay aiih. viz: the tbe public ixnengei. Nothirg is therr/bre les* feauien of for¬ euiif t ii «i ihe .flflVen tiaYy, th.-y il.m-i' taxatian, lnjopular i» LnglaB.1 thanIl*Hia»*-fax, eign aratii-tof oire not torequirt* immetliate pay- conie-ta-t. etc Now 1'ropeny-tax. to furniah ment <-f their are gratuimdustrial clarj*>*8 of the the how i», quettion toua tfl veaaela ia diatTt-**.an.1 iu to adopt tho Trade Freo foreed Englaad. by harbor tbey are _aot to drive peace_ble crafr-out i-i direet raxa*i«tl, wiil be able to 'intrtv of the nioat elltible anehoraife. Fiaally. a Com- duiit- it ot eithf-r i-ieurhiig ptis-ilar lr4dig. aithout initteeof the Houae of CvuiuiG-u la to be ap- nv.j ii or increafing their owa bu-tlrHlJS. ou .he 8ubj4-ct af pii(>___>e and balloVitOtilv by three w-Bys. ic_r. So uiii.i*h for th* ehiupiiiif intereat. Le.t attetking-kt ******** deht; but that would By violatiou tLe Free Tradera aaould boaat of any poaitive of credit, i**oaBaoBt*oB. %

knowledt'e. and laaeaajiTBMj Luri.pean -,1'n. kiu_fti_iB.M*dmeirBflBaBIB tkt, tlie friaa*BB8fl| hei-ipntrailif'-tWaljMi!,-' BawaeaaTfl burv'* aiui hi* oyy :i to-n_i_r dr-elaratioiu. and the f tn the


The Tarkuli UotenuneBt




-ook* from

'jrJer. work o:' Btattiaoyae etrry <*du-Brjonal na lh.-»* ord^n ar* tb* ¦-.-:. ,. IB. we*t of Kurup*. ar...

J a year or two az , I 11 tbe Turicih ichool*. A onmber of tencban, wuh aaw.. rtrti:» Ctur* t . lai.:^iika. i.a.La-r'erBi. Ht-r-vk aad M-aaaj. l-i oruer to i .-^> an.I cotidurt -*Vm«ntary rchoolfl *t tne n {

*har the ihe above lamet.ts : ha Christi..t> aaathe ( brisI''r tbe raaa*OB *hatiftbe I'orte tianawouidl ir. Thia pe-t'ect lndepeadenee ol itteraof relii ihe 'lurki*"i < a:..i tiluca'ion ia the most cheriahed af a..

[ha aiBlei ol naa U*. n :.> :.



f.n.1 t.-idd tke I'orte intertere with

of <jue«tii>u Li- own



Trade with»j*hcient credit to





aufht be et.ur.-h or sebeul government r»n in.«-irrec-*cip!"fl thn would 84)on take plaee. ,Uatei to tflrm berto di^ ily j-nt the farmer t-on-!__.o_ ln re»-pect to Erwiaiid. a niimsteriAl crifia ia !*rr- .tadmect. cU-«r'.v tba-r, wrth war it are d t_n*_. *o nrteriy Though hsppen be*ore a lorttiight. likrly to haa ltn-*t,how.Ter. the ordeal of the throuiLh Tiarafli gone ibatlti^kUdd-talokfla-ThkBOB-. be fcnad w__taf wiD not of ber


ha a

attack aj


ClaBflea ) Now, Mr Diara.-li's badgel might now liupiofl.rti be calleil rt aefiearjf M -BOBflaifli




the iflfl* of l-lfi aa wine :md i'i«f." was dlflVfl i:ji\Yirhi.ur tke B_flt***lfjdfe o! CoMflfl Bflfll Mright. tke fi'ie tTflflflll Bflfl ftcrlltnre J he Wkflfi* liid it'-.-ivi-d tfl nef tor tkfl intcn-'.t-i oi' tlie tVf.* tlflflV en, wltkoal BoaeediB*j to tketfl eitker fhe ini



My tfl BtBflBWB

n.iT.f ,-n a

rake under auch circnmstjn.-eu if very diilicilr to a. "». c.



tfl Ticw. j.-irticnlarly That, wlile we fl_|

Mr Pisrteli stat-inect mouM enj-.taJer a !.->.» o4" rr< t-i.ue amount itu: t<> JtlrL*)*).'*.*) laa hon dufies are likeniao fo ha to xVkeI .iii. wLrth wouid another loaa ol abuait

The new Kuiporor of Frauce srive* tho t:i .»t _-8su_*ancei to fenifi pflMfli m to satiitfaetory the uiaintet.'.-ince of pvare. yet nobody bi-liev.Mi JL'Lbal.iri.ti. These rr*.iu»i':.*ns are to take pimv Lim: ao mnch the more a» intri_ru.flj are | ,\n.r «n and fmiu the intb ot tVtober, l-.'*.l Iaflfl tfl BOflflM inltalyan Iinperialift party. g_u,l -te...l af the tXJstiiii,' probibitimi ol'loreiga tiuilt. there ii flo__oak. ivkaflrfliff that the N'eapol'ram, ,-;nd rbe aetnai d«l> on ton-ig-a h<>p. foreign hoat lor int<tani*e. in order ro ger rid 4d' the preaent and malt aill ln* adiuitted at n duty eorre8pwt4larrociona tyrnnny, would enrhiiaia*ti-*-_lly Bflfl in>< to fne exci«*r-diity ckarged there. 4. Tea. The 1'rinee lafleaCfl Murnr ." ire af Oorida) aa. their dufx ahall bt* redutvd *l> fc. u|hiu ail ijiiahiH*.. but thi. akt-Tl-8. There ia i»oiue probability that thia tr4ini2aj_>*Jd U pr.-aVnf Italian n ovement in favor ot Kapoleoa nny r.-.luetion shall bo efferted gradually within aix in 1*\»3 there will b»> a reductioa prmlnov iniporraar reatdt**. The Italiani hitie olyear*. soandtbrtteven iiii grn.tic-t-r wi-h fhan to t*4»e tkfl A*Mt*ri___fl ev 4a§4l. _aflBBB88Bl v.-ar ot 14 till lha pellul ,iu.i .':. ir p.'f-v nrrinf *ent aw.iy. They xpirati. r. 4>i l--V\ Tbe redii.-tton for tho yttur bbbj br hi.-h be ti**a*ma were the f.'Il.wiaL; have L'-r v.-t folgottea that in the time of the i-.">;: axaald l>> aaaaaal ba x' WK0O0, 0 ¦¦¦mi waa ihe .-uin to be ItaM ar 6;.. great En***eror, the Yi.eroy.fhe unele of the 5 IneemeTar. Thistax.whiew .41 r.. be p".id .-.' ler 'J.. year-. and 88 he |8 lf> **n_fl-__f Kuiperer.yi.v4 the Oflh Frenrhni.nn it) has Prtrprrlyand voftnl unf il Aiigiisf IY I- ,Va, ia ta ouly vt>oi\ ant.-.'.l 1-y ih.- reVf-ntte af ta*a BaBBB Kftipire, th- ir GflflflnOM nt,aa.l no Freueii snrristmf vrere be remwi d for three yeam. fhe amount retnatnat.d eeat was reoeiv,<d Cwr*«Bc*»*Be» of Te. !l T Tnt-i*..


of the natal aiay ajjBlllilBBtJ waa -BaBBBaBBt! 88



li'a chancea are _-*d_a_flf*.

Dl-ra. ii 1 r.-n.-'j Project. in











of a inowlike -ubatanre.solid carhonic acid. A meii.liit box was i.lltd with the sui-wv sub.tance *ever\l tiitn-B, ihe r.-diirtion ol tfliiipemtare wai ao great tbat glote* bad to BB used ln handling metala liroiijiht in contact with it. Srveral jx.iiiid* of mercury were by being placed in a mixtnre of eolid carbonie acid ai.d ether tba metal being ao cold aa to burn. 8om« tperimentfl were then made on what ia called the rphen idal aute of matter ¦ pla-ina cru-i ble waa mnde red bot; water thrown in it did not boil: Beid carbi-ulc acid wa* l.-l't in ita aoiiie iniuute*. then throwu out, being .till in a solid rtate. The crucible vta* n»i*ed to a white beat and the mixtnre uf eolid BBtrtaale acid and ether intro,luced an Iron thim'<le filled witli merctiry wa* iu*i.-nded in it and almort ln itautly froien. In contm»t to tlie exi>erlm<'i)t of metal *o cold a* to burn, hc exlnbited one too bot to burn, hy plunging hi* band into melted lead aeYeral time* injury. The i dipping out the lluid raetnl without the atidienre by itigoU ot 1-i.d mora melted heiore blait liunpi. The explaiialH-ii ot th.- phenomenon tras, that tho i-icirture i n tlie band .peedily contertcd into iu contact with tajtor, pretcnted the metal from comini* it. Krom thi* expenment we can now believe the almi »t incredible aaaertion, that BBBB may walk barefoot .n mel-en iron and uot i>o hurned. Tbe lecture was IL-trned to and thi* cxpf4ta>BBawatchrd with d-ep intero#t.


a*flaflflrkaaj, ^i^-W1



trom we-t :o



..' ?

idca .1' I (.i«Y*,t CflflJBfl



a to

w<* eoflld not

Selie.> th^





d'Ailnires. h(t8 BioBajly BBBfBBftad theTorkiah ( aad tae Ch*Urr*eUor at*the Excompelled, notwithi-tanding the ceiebrity of the el.i'.jiir; "il in ihe BoUB of lVliadistingiiiahcd author, ond otbers nto fatored it, ta in< i.i, tha aoaraa the *9a*kaa haa tak ra aai vrithhold his asscnt from tbe nebular i:ypothf>ia. Tlie lr-crurer then, in some very gr tceful valadictory caa clium, no country can apprnpriate: BBBB!>'. I'tir Tk* icmarks, took hia leave of tlie audion-e, thankingthem of I'rovid. nce to tbe human race, Hk name i* _**flJT Ttmts tnkei | ilifl'.T.'i'.r vi.-\r. aeveral per-wns e.-tiii. ef. <1 with for the artention evinccl by his auditory throughout the nity.and hk re.idenc* Creation PflaBiBJ H."i*ii--s.|iiare bein* li'lil.-ti- af tha 11*1*8*8, Ihe parii.-a con'-1 After payine a parflingtributetothe _-*ntle aid an.l courie, and at the conrlusion of his ohsertations wa* f.uence of Woman, the .r>r*)rer cloard hk addre*. with the loan .--hi'tilil eertainh have aecn the tiruiiii, very winmly appluuibd. «> or raih.-r Bfl -nithiTitic eap] of it. an.I thea \*\t* an apoftropbe to th* flag of our country, aa full iw* -ilr.-linnir-a* Hoelety l.ei tnre-,. I would veriemte it bflkaflflflfl it i* free I would bonor wi-uhl l-.i\t> kn.u.1 ili.-iiii.-flk ho.v i-.r-lieTiirkFioiessor Ii. O. IhiremiiH l.-etured before it becauae it k the in l'aris had .bpanod Irn'ti the unapottel harbing-r and en-ign of ish laLtBaBter tta memben of thi* Foci.-ty lart etening. at Mo- the conf.-dcrat.-d Tha (ii-pati-b.M ol' Cobniel fornied on the in.lktnictablc diiiliiial ei.n.Iiii.n I'i.i..n, chnnics' Hall, No. 472 Broadway, to a crowlod housr, foundation of il.. \ i-oiii. I..I..I.' taa piiiii.-. aifl aal if truth. wkdom Eoae, and juatice, mer.-y, in tha suhject of "The Afrar>.ph<-ro," of which the nllair iu ifs tni.' Ufht, bai in the nioan titne atrengtl, !" [Aj-plauae ] some of its phy-ieal rpiaiitiea were firat demon After the cerem. niea at tlie In t'.tiite. a larje com¬ ti.isiliiii haa l" n .1. aa whieh flbty Tin dhTtfrall rtratcJ. A flask was ezhiiiistod by the airpump, pany went to tbe up Metropolitan Hotel, where a oiit to r.-etily. poised on a bnlance, the air admitted and Its wei?ht exrellent Mv r. pi-n «.i' the artaal ihrtaa1' af th-* Cl**eaawaa .erved to about a hui.dred in the dctcrmined. Tbe benefit arcniing from this pret- cplendi.i unrler BelUBnyl i- lulij. c.iiilinn.-.l b) for which tlie Mesar*. Leland are reatyle lure was nlludr-.l to, auch as lioidin^ the bonr** in r.owned. The viand*, thctoast* and the apeech.** w"rf the TrifM'i' iiinl Ni'-nna p; pat*l 88 al-<'- BB i pporition. siding in reapimtion, &c. Tho ehi-mi. al of (he firat order and the until th" im.ll iiir'iir-.'e'ii n ia pl.mi' il BBBBflB Turk.-y in tha cotnporitionif the ir whi atated to he BBBB four tiiti.s hours of tbe morning.kej.t company wild iiiountnitis of Miintenegia, uitrogen gas. on.-fifth oxygen and one part in two labBCsBrhaa latel] athaaarleBftid theia lap a> thoutnnd Tohimca. carbonie acid rnrh of those gasei New-Vhrk \'orvaa kfflfl'iChki-tiy*Amoob- ilriii.-id' this th.-in I'aii.' ri..'inraiii.'.r co'hiikhiwere exhil.ited in eu'-ceasion and their dflMBBBal prnpatio*4..An adjourne.l inecting of thi* A<wor.iation was tifaltli.liiit heexplaii.i-'l .ifi.nvartl totheS'lltun, erties demomtnited by oxperiineiit. The leriuror beld at *-':uyve.aiit Inatitute k«t evening. Mr. Franck ibtit it aai not tl.epi'lKiral.Ini! l*nl] th r -Ii^i-.-is dwi li pnrticularly on tlie coniporttec'iaraoter ofcar- li. Putler (ccuiied tbe chair. Previou* to taking up inili'pi' M.f 'li'-ir l'rini-c. wiio, i.n.l.-r tin> boiiic acid g!,~, by burning carlxin and oxygen, and the burine** lieforc the moeting, part ofthe llith chap- title ot lHudiLu is tbe I, and the HishopoI'lhe al.owed its fonnation l.y liratin^ poti.i.-i.ii.i in carbonie ter of Bfl, Luke wa* reaol by th-- (b.-tirrnan, and i.raycr was ni.aut hy the Ku-^ian r>-e atid, cnrrtully free.l from wntor: tlie (.\y.-en uni:ed waa oflered bv Mr f ieo. II VY'illiama, after whieb t!i" c>!.ntty.wliieh i^iiiiioii. with tlie met.J, I'orming potosse, and black carbon wia nr-.B ofthe lart me-ting, rtrlatire to th-- Mfloai aniA laraa Bai aa loree, 8404X10 mea, ia aoati jf.rif. d in tbo tul>e. cle ofthe coiiftitution. waa reiumed, upon wliich qaite centiatcd in I'l'laiiil BtTrd S..ui!i.-ni Ku-.-ia. In The diainoiid was hurncd in otygen Tas, and car- aflpirite.l dflbflM eiifue.l. «n.l ti:>- matt-r waatinally laid Au-tii.'k the i.]'i'i". a i".i paaa siraaajar *va**y aai boada arid protcd to be the rehult of the t-orn'mstion.. ou Ihfl table. soinetiiiies B|r*plarlaf a*- f.-ro. ious, soinetiines The rerults of thr- burning of a candlo flam.' were exMr. King inured tbat a vote of tliauk* of the Alf.oeia- iis'iilon?. ln M;:i ina tefl per.-oii- were t*n> ainined. and tciiter and carhonic acid were ob:a::i".l tion be teit.lrred to Meaar. Carfpr A lirothert '.'or th"ir ti mi il i.i death forhavingui their A;r t'xpired froni tlie lunirs wa* cxamincd. and tbe anmr* vi.iiii.l.le ptaaaaB of lOO copie* 'ifaamall work, cntttl-d M.iieol BBBBBBBi'a hotnl.-. ln I'.-atb a/wrrof has prodiicts were made rvident liy appropriate chf-niioal 'TLe Vi.-ung Men'*C'lir:pti ,n Y ear," which wa-- adopted. been laketi in itscat. tothe N**a*jm4uia" the Bafc lli- nn the importunce of this eombustion Mr. .°. VV __BaflflflB offored the followlrg re.olutioa, T.a-til. t il'. ath loii.aMii.'exfl.iitii.'tl llurmh/or oi, the aniiiial ivstem for suntaiiiini' BJbj thatwedie whieb wa* nd, i-te-1 Tbe bird has af coiirse uot beea to live. Tha iniluence of fun luht on the Yflgetable UetiJtnl. Thd thfl Correirrtoiidiiig Serre'ary lie I Buuguru! ui. il b) 4-.Miir inartial. l.ut onh bacaaae tha fiiicate tfl tflfl (!hr; V o'lntr MeD ,.i ( rnation, as tlie decomposer of carhonic acid and the tl.roiit'li Mr MaflflflflB, -me ol their bii'h.r otHoer-i were BJB inneh ftihaiii.-d ofthe t"[!e and auif vieinity, CToltor of oxygen cat was allu led to, ibowing that tiiemhf-ra, now a ¦aetnboard thk AaBoektiaa YY .1*. yi'4 i.ei'iliiiL'st.i' tbeirsiihonlitiates. Tbegri I ll frcui thie sourcc j.lant* derite their carlxm. whi]-- nt tlie >re that tbey Bflfl at once a iiiidrod aaaociation and eut.-r ili.-ri'ii.. ni raifBI BaBflflaJ fhe Croatiaii.-. They wuh ua.'.n.tence r.n.e lune they liberatc the gni' so e^ientialto anitnal Mr. Croaby, Cbairman of the Coniniitt^e, ina.Ie tbe (l.eply (ll'J'lore the e.illl'Se fl."V to -k illl'l'. lue. aml tliusupon th.- veu'.'tat.le vvorld nnininl.- depand nnd tn v-r eiirse .lilla.'hieh. wbo then il.-e.'iv.-.l f..ll.iwlng re|oort, which waa accej.te 1 not only ler tln.r loty.l. hut lor the very air th>-y '.Tle DflflOBfltflB offlflrflfl, Uflflflfllflfll to take int. ti.i-iu. 'liu- loaa af all 11«- r- pobti.-al rlghta and lirt-hth*. Ihe «;.. akcr <iuotod the truthful yet jo- aflflflMeaaflofl ttaaaabjaei ..i tl..- a.nfltaaof _ba)B*flb taxani.ti. tbtm Ihe ivuy i*ward lor tl.eir haary rtic '.hnige of Mt illustrious precejitor, (Dr. bflflh. rcpeettully report. saeriiie.s. The 8erba r.M> areili-^an.-ii.-.l. though w:tb mu iiiiir,--r--,l Thd _hfl dflfljwy iirportanee not tothe etieiit Drnpcr.) "Tlie atmoBpl.ere ia tho cradle ot! a pi-eo-ilvaiiil ol th.- Croatians. All <>f rhein t«> tafl rapid CT.iwth aaflBflflflle OppodttoB oftha Yrkrctahle, l.ut the rotlin of the nnimid creation." i.t Bflnbali flaflfleraaaa Ib oar Otar, _*____*/!¦§abbA flflfl tinite iu I.. ihe Hfiiikiaiiui.s. The corBBfjavith t'nc of tlie m.-t rctnarkhl-le rotult* of modcrn 8BMBB (cii.ii, u ti, bfl tha tniii:,,l BOBfCfl oi H-'-n-ril il.-rtioralkaThe l*a*ai $i rea-nondanl aeltaaT*a*la4lfea thal in f a anol beliering. moreorer. tl.- nri'y ly prorter rekttry was succe-fully attemi ted, viz. the aohditica tion I'oh.iiati, people are aa daaaarialied aa ti aa, r.-ili.i*. i,t tin- 8 ibbata, the .rd lor n thfl tion of carbonii' aci.l. It wm ohtained by the rapi.I in Haagaiy. t. m.. can of our citU and rel le uretl. evaporation of thr liipiid carhonic acid contain.-.l in a po-rmaneiice U io th-- rhr.ateneil iii-urreeriotiin Mofif-neTltut. bo.wever, flflflfl thu* flflflfl.HfBi of th* eril ani ttrcng iron receiten on the same prinoij.le thut if * Hi laeajuaiaa, are ha\.- diir.-reuf r<-pa al! <lu:t-ir ol Bl upgoodflfflflaflfl BfaTtaan.Ibj the drop ol tlie purert paBMaf acid be plaoe.l on a p\<re of in.iitfjbty Aiisiiian paaen Tbe Ausiriau the I. c!in-!i'ii:r raflata¦ raaj rdaaa, one half of it will eraporate. while the r -mainder rex :ntion a* BBflb in an orcani/e-l :!,-rt _o n K.rre potiileiice <«y8: »ohilifi(«. On opening the receiver. . pnrtion of car¬ rn-h tbi* iin- itity vv, i,!.I be an nrf tran.eeri.linr: t1'.* "Th'-TtirkiBh fl .vernmeat, in ..rJ- r to pr >tert itaelf a, and AraBflfl fr< t.-i il.. honic aaai BbbbbbaI aa a caa. accompanifxl by a *hower. limit* prc.enbe.1 ua by (>..' ngtrtrtumt eftht MonU we bave with ir BD tha atiio.nuirnt ol the was

aiidir'.i?i-.n.i:Ct-ur*'J!i. Tflfl fl. JiT.- .»***. of aaiinB. M*T*^tlrt-wnofT, wbe-licr fll rt--.p..-d .'ji'i/.b ¦jamM. 7*¦V*.«f Ihflbk a-upremc li. Lb| from the mircr. I" tha '"'.'-.'»"-' -^jr^rS Le rathfli Bc«l,aW opinio.-,. »pij .ffBBMBB existed ll-BBBb Bti tcf Wh .'.-r-.f.-d M^onry. But 8.JJ^^Jf^ antinuiiy ^'nniintiit.Latoit e-usted for J*"»rig'.i,al_y vVbat thk motLm, ta Blt BaaaaBtf. That has c.


and that it witl eontinue toexiatto "tBe Iad






abiitiy. and vet greater credit to I»rd pointed raJi-tertiton. he ia likely' to be ovenhrown on public tbe firiajicial »tatement. It ia compn-henaive. tn nceaaion made to them by theae proviaiotta, l.e a but uot bold rti4>ui*h to get the eonilal support ihe reiunaut ol' tbe liuiber dutivi r^uiaiiw \t \t lf-jBaaaBB>B>iy nieaanre. Bychitfytazieg tkt rtnt bf land b'll oi tke n»J4'ritT Bjr otdy taJxing ofl half vt (.he waa. ,


night and Monday tnornin-.. pated Betweew Friday Thi fTexas) Ibrold aome time rince mttmwri o.f three huBdred arre-t. were made in tbk. etty^ aho woald Ve ib attaek upofl **-*<*perty, eoiiiWa- pobiishedAfetawu ifartnl io tta cohimna Mmethin*; aboot the Iron were thoae oi dniukonne-M an I eaaea of theae Hew Dr.^w of Caaa coaaty. iron B aaya, aboanl* in Veefly *U of tbe peaee. reaoluUonarythemeaeure. ZflLByartvindifatrng thia totty the eaetern part trfTex- brearbd CkurtA etttUet but that Bountaine trmion oi Judge Kencadv ti in-tnutnit more »4)nie many other plaeee, particnlarlY SMifliwaxa -,*«*,.'*... iu A preaeher waa arr.ritU'.l il not a c**nt. than that ,*Beatj.-ar. who will a* larger, p*r ar yielding larire, upon property.confiaCaV of' again i« a fortherattach any otheT porOon of the I'nlted State-. The prts> tion. reaolntionary me*«ure. eat riae of thia article, it add* tn__reth»T with th»- rurireduce ua let ous parpo4w>* to whicb a i» applied.buiMin*. furaiture By no meAn*. aaya Cobden: for nothing of thcincri*a»e«l df-maad tke pohlic eipcnaea and we ahall bc able to re- aaymuat increasc iu Jue. radreaji neceeaanly "*/*,¦_ purpoac*. dara? alfo oat pre-ent taxation!"' bop»* before long to a*«e exteneive fotindrie* .*»<" Thiaif Ctopian. Firntly the national rela- {tor IiBh.-d in that **ction, capable of r/r»_*Jur-infr a tulh leat "






tionf of Knglan.l with tbe Continent r^pure the ii_»i<*nal expen«c«-. ¦erpetual amcreaiw- oiol the indurtrml claaa, repaecoodlT, aictory i*et*er_ted by Cobdon, would have the same conand Betraencefl, for the war between capital and lm.-nae labar would Irecoine only the more tbe meana 4»f reprer.fli.wi requirv to be iiicreruM-d -4B other wordf, tbe budget aduiits of no reduc-

(Tuanlity for home coniuinptioc, at leett.Soelh tteMcrn We A.-e bi pr-jr-pectus in The American that M?*«n. Laac«vter *: l-ord iatcnd to pa> llkh Tke Taa* Ranger kl Aiutin. We learn from the ludidntHmBnUrhnXhe* *?* cootnue* ¦*"**."{''{_*;' tie trade of that plar-e ._, t-v.. ,«,_____« .aii.a... n.tie have tie»>n <ii«The moet on a ramd liierea*** a*n


tothe amount of busin.-a.. txanBar*ed duntir; S848*53 Martsix VeekJ'Tbo cu-nbcr of wagon. funXecoaSK __*_* th.. iale* «f larger.




tion. I_et mc reaume. Free Trade drivea toward the ayaiem ol «liThe .Sa. .lU.onio Ledgcr says tbat Mr. Lrtlrect taxation ; the ayteo of direct taxation hr-BDha. juif completeil for Mr. Me-riwe-ther, ontbr* rotton press. Tne tm'.Ming emtainuur tie) inrolaea reaolntionary *neanures againnt the in bi.'i*. I inlormsthe isthW itone. rethe^e Freeholdera: and e^andpn. LawllordB p Chureh, thix y;arvr. !*>, of cctton. ^itorthatbe pr'doce.1 with allianct* an m^'enKiiate TolutionarytneaMin** aonmls well for extreme Weatern Texa* the working claa«'B : and thin allianee 4leprive8 Tlii*.John Voung died at 8aa Anromo on Nifurdav the Engliah bourgeoisie of the principal resnlt 1 fhe .rxh in*r. lle wai a prieoner and eft'-cted an altt expected from Free Trade. viz: the illitnited mcrt mine<.!ou« Crcapc from eCflfdai BMBflt. OB the-ith Tht lictoriti Adcoruit o.tys. that over labor Karl Marx. -taV: <d Mr. IS. f.


TBe Blyiitery of the


A luccee.ioii of myeteriouH fraiiiwjionoi in tbo eorn trale. ¦Btracttng coo-il. ratle attentiou prmiipooJ t*> purty an uiokioowu ottgenUarecii.pIoyrd ouanti'ie* io the (,..n.iwbeat nnd rlour in

ahaae large lo** in the hngaenuil market'. and to »ell it at a 'b*ad by taffl hflh market*. Tbe atnount already aacnticed are all comluoted by eaah pavrnentoi, UB___actio__f,wbich B *>'*100.000, ThoBb.Jt k eatiroaUrd at no. le*. a*ur/ith-nbe ». -ennin'-d, |4.i (TO-nroerfff-d, a* Ur a. can

when Fetor-tiary lod. and flBflfltaaad ml att. the barv e.r. tnced. B ceoAedtor a fflafl time. LnMerly ir h_» rt-comm .ndkd thi* flflflfl i" Bkl a'tion. I'pori ti raretn) (-"tiaflkraflafl flf *B there app-nr- to beI-

bo rea>on to di u(-t that theo' jcrt of tbeunknown *pen tbrift k a political one; and rl.e ftvt tliHt Frriro-- aretthe only countiy when- BBflfl flf thfl p-irrlia-. made. fixe* f-aflflaB-fl up;n Lout* Napoleon. wh'. flflfl an erident int-ro. t ta kecpin^ tbe priefl Bfl* hraad flfl low Frern h ruarfceti aod wbofiuik'l.;t' Ihe Mpoaeibleir-the of gluttUig tb.- Knglkh :iiark.etio with _¦ facilnryeaablc. hun to dtaan that ludireetly, wirh grain and d a let-n-r r.i-i. than bffl dir.j<* iugreateraccrixy, tbowitf. rcvatrade in Frai.e* it-e!f. terference Curioifl a* thoee laef. ar- tn th-ma-lve--. r-.ey aOd matter for furtber flflid rncat ertro refll (tion. s'eno of itr. own. treaitf* power whiob ___.. for a purpo-e bih! ptaflty, r-i iy by an 1 among na en ar .li.-i-.' cbeBfltfmem to OBOM 'ir-ifietr.l it,*/-r.-.'t eondueive M hyfindrt dearthand ecnrcity. Dt__.f flflf Breflflflfl* fljr-flflflB. vvhth fll BBf tii'oii BBflM expo*e* our nidik-ia,(«flflflffl aountry in tin- worl-I, Iflfl flflflBi.aflBBMM "tbc ia_afl»l**fl, 4-flectaof aincet Iflfl raa th-ttrflCtflr .fl-*""*pr "tfl I, tk. before we could Laitilv 1-e aw*-e ol vv Bfll Wflfl WetmatUiat ihflatg-kflBCflfll*flta Ouaannafltatr-i bfl . direefed to ti: "iij- :, iiii'i tbatnitafl flill badaaiflfld lo aecurc tlie r cuntry trom a flarprl e, B «r, !y le. o«ien-ii'-. waai trraeini' thion waa ItaflrB, by mflflflaafl.ondon Jolm Hull. akl 4w>er8li4iiir.


a FrenchniAn rmm. d J< n Navurre, f.ainee, *t thit town BaTBire taa

Capt. Wiiliam.l.llcady.ct Baah County, was

June. on ti... LVh ini»t. aevcre'y BUM-ed l.v i.isnbbrother ;-. and leit ,ut te-ti BBjfl ;.T--ir l-.'h<r hfcddi'-d vTi ba: i. tl e msjoritv of his property to Ina Ti-ucg'-rron -ii th.-.dd.Th».viiii'.:r;.wiii,;..,ut*:.''II*!fr BtaaMlt Jmnes re-.i4te<l thi', tfd drtuti, nnd mide* a knife, wbich nearly re-fulted iu lus B*Bafh. e ittoii Thr Tyhr Tilei[rii\ih ttkt* tbe the r. bak 80 ncre, crop ol **mith Countv has avcraged dth Bi even raore. Coaaty aml in *<,!).«¦ r.» "i*'.i.< rhood* .



baa aato raked taB/eara BBflVteBt ***!>*** '» corn t) the wnnts eltrt* thouinnd aatgratB Baaaa have been abundant ba" Texas M Ull¦¦and the ritc re are ull






Fain., rani overhead this I afternoon, an 1 ii BflB. mnd under ftrot. I'lea -ant

J. S. Mayiield, Ef-.p, oi La QBBVga, died a few day* sin. B H<- wh.i man of more taaa oniinnry Hl.ility,"»!id once took an aetive part in 8*88 BoBBaal Blri f.t laaaa ItAII.NOAl) MniTlflfi IN (iKIMUS CoU>TI;


The .Mnrtha VVaabinaton Caae.

Mr. Traria Ander.on, OrtnaQfl co ...ty, BsabBBBBBiBg L.'4'ii.. '1*... n-w.» a railroad mt-'.-ung in *< a-ioti >t |,Ne.'. nn.l'-on,e entlniBiasin r,t. th»' To<ot two riiilroa.i* were nt the piint. 1*1*8 Beal BS BgetBf 88 lt'iilwuv r B*j*aay recciTed a iiuml>ir ot anbaarB> ti-ti.-. Tl.»- .. i,t,,'.['. ol" tbe liin.l ttBBBM ol thi* rowl w-s-iiitii. 'I-.'



ageat in'-t with latteai

aaeiBCPt lt m"-" be recofl¦¦<.*¦'<" thM th" AaattoBM 11. ..rt. i. Bailnatd it to et niirm. <; the roml pri*poaad ..

partiis arreate.l and re-

Th.- t'riet d.i af the

'.ew-ed OB Bflfl flflflflflflta inatirance of bflflflfl flflfl flflkOBfl ind rrther articl** a.pnbli-l:ed by ua, tea to tue am an. a tMf.itXj, frrrii tafl ne hrr.e, | nn -rty .'illey A Oftapin*, t.Vn L. Ci-lei, tbd thia ain'oiiat k not irapro'>_.l" or impo-aill-, a* Oole conynued matiulacturiu,. fru: 1 .]..V*0 to f l,rW per week of boot* an.l ah-ie*, in odT.ierc k dfltaB to what be purchajed fromin Cbapini. not a rr.errLunt or een.ible per*on town but know¦ if the alupmenu were bontt fxdt, th'* bilk <if p"irr_h__k», ),. of entry ar I teviimony oi draym-n w.ll fully rbowihe tran-acti-in.uo mkreprewmtation can ataa-1 rorrect grrutmy The frieu,i#oi f'ole and Chapin* ti-ny thd the amount tfl? akina purr>.t> I fo have le. n*liipp.'i wa. unmia!. and a-«>rt tbat M- h.irton-ol.l tiw-C ..pia* durioz the whole >(.r l.-.'J iflflflB, and tnk abipmet.t wa* l.fdo. Thflf Mtaaafle to nro-.-c ba P*-vid (jrifflu, the l aaBorfl ot th' Iret-.i >. th.*. bfl BflB Bfll ai -flflfl aa 1 «boe boxe* Iflfl IBBB BflBfl. »a fl flf BtailB ani down. and tbd; after the Iflfl bfld daflflflJ Bfll fll. Mortha VY Iflft, bb takflB cflT the boa Tbat, a;j,rov ta-flflfld ktp boota an 1 tb-e-oxia tt cait IdcU ta naaflflB Arii-r-on. LjukvilU*. I* anv .ti-tetnenl v.-r i.., ma.'. r.i-1 eorracti n EOflde i:l..,,,t tbk matter by ThAtlot, which we hare not -...


Wa**_erA Kcl-lerand '.coTge Pu.-h. ol thia city. and fol. ."waiii and r-aiuuel Gflflfliray, flfl roluiii'.na, .!..feaad ti.e ].ntt;er i.t thflfe trin! n*xt "rVfl ine-iay. [Cmcinnati Atiaa, Dflfl. -


MAIL i.laEANINt-S. KBB and

of thi:




.*"iii:_li, of thi* M.ITf.tfl.a f'nrdner and-l«*in Gnrlic

bflflfl city, receiv.H a Ictter' y.-uto-rky weekin l.Tflflfl wlio La- hfl to flflflaf. tot terrotti and M.!i-r. T (iardrt'T "1 M.a-ra. tl.'':-r* t.-r WM viiirten at KoflaVl II.. Ini.. an 1 fldtea thd ¦rt Kdlev bh.l lief B BTffl




ta tle BBBflwar. B-tuitly flftaf iu. arre-t h* tkifafl-fl h tull ronJi.rion ofthfl eriflfla of wiaich beaal bia hrotl.f.-r. FtHL'i cfaffjl d. 1 mnKe_h-ry*i itate-aii 11. i: anpet. .' trder,aadtwo uP the. flfliaoaa ; "K'ntn.k,' vv.-nf i-'i-ir- to b-fi*. ttttfllf,not"(lovirge an.l an.i. rfltaraiaf ta tha arflfluag, **._ ';'" ' "


While Alexaader f, .r.ln

I. lt tb.-i.i

aadMr. HoR we.rarleepinbed, aad Rosberl K- 'l-v ,-'

r *:.

1 J








rcrcond. in Literi*. Ir kf of ln* eegmt-e rt fu ed to l<e, aulto preler ernigrate hishfe.theTh'*.-al»u: Idea of enjoym: prt.*-' reem m be in rr?4) t-pinr* at a luih* on-' been ha* bca t.'.eir ._¦ al:hcui.h Irecdcm. under rJi.-ir huuiane iti*»trr.''

af Piti*(t Dr. d P. I'.ke. hfJiBaBBaahlat, Kin.-.

bnrr, chkllence.i l'r. J..H1. me tt>a .'! >tiv. mera* ot r*ev.-ril cine. Pr K;t.-, af-ercon-idenn-:'' I) dee, I»r lat*. sbts Tke Tm, ha* coob. to meet ettle tbe qn. ia.n. ».« to wawh *y.teiri kill the eo«ir*t '


.Ilooiet paihic







.Mis*.) pafi? We barn fiom ih»*in Natcln'"* llarri* .:ib.irg. Parish ol

M-rB.f8aB BBl Oteui Jury CaUhoul*. :.a.,ait.-r on inv.--._.JTajT fuaed to tin.1 a b.ll s.r>'.in«t Mr t *¦'. Jhi R A:.-r chartrd with the murdrrol <i?ni and Wi.-.-ins.snd t.--> the tull e*»jn:rati-..n ef fhe aaflfl bf the Jurr, ik-noring of a tb-- Court di.i- har_;ed Mijor l.i.I.ieL fr. mcc-'uik cn tl.' -''

[¦ Baa.

Wm. C.

Biaaa haa be^eaaetad and on

J-.n-i.-y; PreeUrnt ofthe Vir-'inin 111*1...-.! VV r CTuatxa, ol Arl.n,'Tuef.lrt. rhe Slst baat, f *e.,rg II m. > *i Phi'td rrf Them-.Va": Iph.s:H-.wk-* Mr,Bnstnii Be.. Franci* t.-n, Kdwarl prfl A Hon. and llancr..;i II. et N.w.York. llon. Qm bad l.f-wre. ea, -1 i rtuu, -far. aaaaaad horwrary aaaaa. .


nnmb. r of caeea of idio.-y fy Oi' tlie enrire exatclne.1 flr.H >we, in ai! bat BBBf by

in Mhb--^c!.u«--:r.*.

were, he foiitid the perrnt-* af ttBBB idiot* tmmt intempernfe, ted to «enBual ria-. Bcrotuloti*. blood with d to iLrwt.ty. or had intenuarr:e.i



has a cotwiderabl

ty Chii-at'O. it


appears. tariakle f bnsfne** ii. .".rria^e builtlin.;. ll in thrxt that th. re are t9 BOa I nnd r**afOB BBaOfBB oat Iti'.'iv-ernployine 2L13 mrn and furiiinu plere. Their t ::. UM ..-ir- of tbe jrear. hi. va!ue a-.ncui.U to 4r'.,10,44-'i, aml the eapital a upl >ye.l la tl'-"'

tV A n vi i.


named Williain II ivwiiod. livitw I.exin,-!. *i. fl. C ^"t drunk on the .eyon.l home and lai 1 .h.-tn near the hre.



17th. we'ir his hends <!roj ipad into the nnd B I ...-.. i [.. BBB tu raBBrY. i', wr.S iniriit off n--arly

_*_**to ""'' th-'


'Cbneporr. Ky.. i< ifiijimvi-.t^' *U Bat*. v.'.-j :..|i -ii;.. atid pn-; I eni mat mpany with a very btrge ankoaal irifrKlr loeaaara there, nn the v.l niitiit,.* of C5r The

fun ot




company hnve ,-ori* a raiiroi.d BtB BaBBB B *a*M from ih'- ininea to the river.



wa* .-'-

liw laafipai TBaaBiaaai) aaaaapalnlni Bta*ub*crib-r4 ,1. Wfl BBd awha.e_.ed i, iu. tin Liiey tao mu: Bf to uie lt i* gntilying to lean fotttjj lor itock in tftal fflkOHifi B ¦' aa f Uani 8 >.: a .rucatacia tb, cflfarrthree, Ha-ko-rt*--*-.hoa swob 104*1.1-. tO || on the pnrt of ourf.ll'.tv it.z. Daafoth. r co intu--, which ,.'eil to l.v thr- f'olor..;.. (><¦ J.le, wiil rr.ikelhe ¦'. n ...-..-.. rflll am mnt almo.'t wotB oltii'(1 C*WB***4tra ta*8 probability tha wife of oaa ofthfl party a Week Aanet. lUpped rtfjtktj.the atate[BaBtb, to leaae, whi h fi 1 c ..', of V Wetnchia fori-tin.e. Bi tufl C*vbb..|b a ty thfll Tht r.'.-uv.- wa- thfl I ol tbr.o cr.nrs grown by Mr. Jorej.b liurle iiip'tiDKn The iHlirineM of Ibe Iloly I.i'nd. .'-)>''l it. A a I ...r.'. :oti (,1'roblilic ovL.-d tl thflj bt laaBataxBBof Oatttral Bte linrl..-<..., af tbe aaa mn, ¦.' f the pri j> t-." '¦¦ The Jii-rlin Sptne,'t Utr.dtr. stai.-ri. tl' i-ti m\eteo* BJrer. Tin-y ar< isaaBa itml rn»iiurell flf . j.rivr.i.- )--tt-r liont Jfli.flfllam, thart the fact antbonty 6 ii.. hr f, totd liave Vrt) joint*. The uidication tia ffultan hae reiolvcd to repair thr dfl-Bfll in thfl eapfltfl '»: tin .;. .-'.ui .Mi.ico- arecupal.iei jiroiuri'i^ BtbA-BOAI Ii'-T..Ily the arrival this the CLin. h of tl.-- 11.,!;-,*.', j-nb-hr-nf bia own e- lenae, eaa. aaaaybi theVakat, BaBYlaa*a. Tbea. taaia ere ine cf tl. jtaaaaa 0* ¦ I.l g lo appo.,,po> ibo- dkpalflfl ta * taflfl flta -'_.»¦. of the iniM- \."chcap, BLH ara and are bc-hind notiein fertility. Tn ll¦'.. r .iuv nf ti ing li.-t, "< .,', mgli'id given ri,<- flm flg thfl (iretkaaad__.__i ( C ;¦' I IV l.-*oiiti.we't. rn Aineri^aii. W YV. Bill.l is tine and ralubrious. ;. tkn*. A Tuirkirh en, ii,_er had arrivad withcad «* flwthifl Nortas,fi-n_*t_o__fl port, -a>Ihfl flflflflfl ciifiee. flad the jrurvi-y fira ii.:i f ahore Princi !¦ t, i leanifro.u Chicka'iw N'ewspapkr..We ment«anil e*titrii.t-« (flf Ihfl rafjfllrfli BB thfl mej ..'"". A itracl ontbi __rboafdbow.erif-iaahoBrbelofli a eoni'-rerlofl tbe arrival of tbe cn-rinecr, Afti! f.".' ndi, wiiioh f afldaah r Tht Fort BBtafl Ittrahl that nn Ba-flBjaBBaM of Chlcka edge BhflflDed in &!¦ him- t w_-o holol in tbe body oi tbo (tbtirrb, ut l,n: oa'ii e!(,'(. ard remiin. d in rliar -i-.i ,ti i. flbflflfl 1. riiw Indians infend to pnblisb a wcckly new?pa/er C tho A.-iiio-t'oiii'. Patrkicb* tb.-(ir"ki,iiol itfl mt/r, then i naat.ft. and tbe Freiieh(.'oii-ul, M. _k*_t_-. A!' iil ttdt'iji-.i J af I'ortOfik Grtrre, <;hicknsaw Kntion. The prospecta* :ithfllL baaa.d b-r cabia to i-reak uxfle i.-im nnd theiittlnrr by ffatt::.- i* tfl bfl thfl d.- Iirod'.vili..! t is well written. Wa make the following ex:. .ct to TbebuQ rabin aad both tttraed bot.flfl bb. BulUu that tl.e HbbbM Bflflfl! rebuil-lit. r *-_e t-flOO-B thow thed'-Biftn of the publiBh.*r.«: Tl.e bull Aoeh d * thfl r.v r fioato.i abould be Bflttlfld; Mbad t'>¦-.,¦<¦ r-jtaorved tt.'iiout i. . t 100 ', :. vll. ,!.-. -i :ti Bflfl id ' ar. Tii .---I'-in wc dovoted It will be to I,it->rBture .ScienuaX .*,e;ri.-ii>'ir'\ ti ih reatod inb ir, '-t Poweifl ihe to ti.e rightfl i .'". tn.i'a prejudice and M-.rmArtr K.'mi H'i.iri and advaiic'-iii<-fit of the tl.'- re. t- r_: ,,t. t.t bk owa c rt; thi toheaan fivturcs crtionr;lb.tba Cliick'. ntvB, snd other oiriliaed belowtbi ..7. ,| Bu ____-__".., ,,,... riili loflthig bataaea. uota'naj w uiiTflfljIj Uhflfl ba flhc-ald eaflaaflflaea d to Un torn j tribcp o. UM r. d race, a> Wl 11 u. taM n IB rf Tui coi-itiivery flB tlie i'(B1l--wi'i; m, ..-ti n,' bfltwaaa Tin- boat, cw.r; paper* flad '-o^k-. are a tnr-1 1 atarkciBttaa t-. raaketaMfir I a bead al ie tbe ..I.aadi' et tbe i<oth Bfl aafljia eu^caflfllfTn gaverir-eto snd tie.- flli ii badflluaalfT ka-ad of eattlfl oa rd, wh.I i wiiit-th* ta bbwBV, j.Bji'r BaatatBaa] "'bicii t'l-.-Tuik^ tbe tbrre (.'hri-tiau C.iiirt-lie.-, dui.BJ .11 h»t 'i'1-ey __g_c__-redto Aflhbroohi Oiflh. flf Bt, rc. man, by niakncit a tnia record oi paariu^ ereiits their aaioked flfll ehlboaqa., ¦ita 4»B.ttfy l.ot.i-. AB tiie oil*:-o i-, crew,andeabbrere ll... n. the (it.l./ej till.Bf Of ln-il..iif, Htni, nt tl.': BBBM A few dav. 'i.o.-nvi.rd, Batflafl* in-etin;- w-i« BflM m . ,-r.vr.i. Twelvedeefcpa .'--i."'-ol iiir"trii.tion to fh" r.-d byMfirifl tbe Church'ol theGiaac ofthfl \' flflkf the Iraibs liim mch BjBwa ati'l ir.<ortnu-ioii qb to himmaa, of tbe [-iir Bflfl rr BBfl f IB " d 1 .*-, irttei mHy ooaread, by wbitb ac raa ol ttw c.j»i ol tba cf___tinaal Tflfl dflami ii Mohkaa aad Gen. a-otajhl ae well hb to k'-eji hun r. .-ularly iti'i.nned as to kt aod Lattai woald, ithad baan citiufr, aod fltilfbiMiiann theOrfl down the pa bi ngerj an Ipa t oi t:.-- raw of the W "t The*' et pr.xiuce. I. ahofti Inttlligenpiirer be .ettU-.l.- Tiie timian iriv.^ the Lutin or Catho- ;rr Dae 18. Pi-. hope.l, rrn World. lna p.ijirr utiil.r tho circtimwhut d to [N.O. lie prieata the n.lit to pertorm diviue acrviir- in the Btiinccs should be, but whut u IIiba. paperIt heretoior Two HoflDBai ib Kxaraa Cooatt, Cbuich of tlie rV-ul(hr», on CflfldHiOB tbd. tbey ahull lifhcd aioonirtl'.e ladaaBB hs-< t*r-f-a. n rccord will bt: Ob ib'- 7;ii ii r. Ji li ti Edwarck, m not make tin- BflBaJlefll rJtai*o_t_oa in tfaflt-aildiaa itafl bnl'itr. .uBtoin*, lawr and usaire* atnonj the In- old, bfld flflflfl. biirh w ci.1 wW_ a man naiiied .~ :--i Bnt, a* tl e Lalin prierta will r -fu.e to perform maan be ot the n trih.'H thal caniiot Bfl tiiint'-rert "11 p Btaaaiide BxBBf Aikiii, I ut pflltflfl -YirJioiit an u!terr_:i.".i. Bhfli i forc "fcbkinaatlc"' iluri," it i- l.elieved the tiriiiiin flrlfl di, at tbe lt on this will, riii-iiiDii i.?' n.'i Mi'-jnt. ki iunu be iiw-kM*. ITio Latin* aro- nkoi |w ured iu the n.-iit ..1 riiinc im... ti, taa 1'. l aaa. na Iraa l tt*t* ot be lold u eomparuaa ili-.t bethoagbt "I.'1 bb rd s'-''" .*. | nn.' kiil Konadiarl |' whi the gn-nt door ol ti.e ('hurch al _Hfl.Bflflflfl lour th* art* aml .ci.-nces opening stiiong the white-, nn I etimulnt** in, 1 in tl.e Ira-.i oofaa eyawtlneai time* (Furinr: Ihe y ar, and to enter it in pr snd ol' lha tiio limiHiit-1<> tbe puracquiaition baBBBBajpa be¬ eeededtoci t Aiken nil ro pia i"." Aihen waa Uriagon Thk righl k likely'to produce colMfltarn, iu whio-h, H euits of industry. lt will couU'.a r.-^ular BtaBbBBea ol Ihe to aeparate the eorn Htfa Iad bat vviiiicnt bape of raoovery. E i.t ,r 'fore, the Turki*b w.lolirr* will have a.-1 WeD ii- i ol" r ol iiihahititnt-. MCb liuiiili. t'i!n-, tlie t HBiledfltiniiI Iha .ct ¦Boratag flftat eotofl tt bat.nt* by foree, tu the .eandid of the ('hriftiiinpt of all ortr of produ.ii.iu, flav.-Banil wal-li rflf t*BB nution*, rei.' rd ¦|"''.'i J. E ij _ir; _.'. tliif tba feet*. H.cctively. ivar-lpi ni.tne, a notorio-i." fleflPerado who bulili-l bj in politica and reli- from Alabaiua a ftw yenr. .ince lor a aiiiiilar erim\ be will neutnd Tht iMtlligtnnr Fhob Kio hk jAWKiao..We have adviccs jrioo. Tht llerald, in notictiii; the proipcctua. ro:narka ataitfldtogo wah I aad ftoee fltai oat ol trom Rio to Nov. lri, but they nre eulirely deatituto of that ircmgh He Iv ciii/enof tuiit the Chickasaws nre n very iiit'restiiig tribc ol Inii vr. H. Jf.BBfl intereat. CoL S-flBfl, dianf, nnd are tni.king rapid stri.b-s ln civilizatiou. bim b 1 coun-el hk i.eiiheiv in r--We have datea froin Montevideo to Nov. .*i, when Their onward march is evidenccd by the jirojected pub- j.|p,rc, to acoompany to the iiiatt-T." While ridbg tn.-.-h.-rtiliou* etaren gaid wai .vcrything quiet. from De Kalb, nnd convening vnietibly with licarionof a newrpaper. (ii ir, l'dkt-i,;.i dnra a pifltol and wiLoar a word oi wciii'i.'. p':."t Bhni through tbe head. frora I" yt roKT-AU-Pruncr...Ily the ar¬ I.i.w of Deaeenf. siiii-. ttred ni.itl Iha n.-\t day, arhen h.- dl rival of the jcbooner K-j-ah M»ria, Capt P»-a*e, from Wo copy Irom Thr Columnu* (Obio) Stittr prefleBflflflfaaflfloadflfld wflfl aad flflher, b-.vii._- two J Port-au-1'rince, whi. b p4irt *bo left on the 16th iu*t, we Journal tlie lollowmir article. It may b.-of interest to t-hiloln ii. Thfl da-tardly m.inlir waa a tn -fled bi en rpi rtNtora. The De Kalb (Ja-.etit, «*__fl WB learn that the y4,-1 low fever wa* prevailing at that idaco mai t of our read.-rs Mr. Fiaher, ot, ha- intro.iuccd a bdl into tke gi.ilici' tin- BL_r<fU-Bg particukr*, dooa not BflBfloa to nn alHrmingextrut. Cupt. Itogcra. Ide of Uie achooner and reai lawofdi-St'-iits the (br per*ou- w.'iotbo-r either ol tli; blaod tbira'y villiana lut bflBfl cbangiui.' ,-Yi.rab Mark, died on the ____h Nov., al.o two oi the Houie, al property. It provid.-a that, WaBBVpajtaoBB die, liBvlng ci.pturird. crew. Capt. De«r, of the .chiKiner John Tyb*y, died or deed of gii't aarYBt. 1> Iflfl Hi jt* ity "ac.iuiretl by de«<-eut, Poa LtaaaiA...Tlie Bm bri_; Zel.ra his on the (ith iu.!., anol fapt VV'har. of the arbooner .1. Irom an sneettor, it ahall ilc-«rei:d r« follows: I y th--c, l..n:/Mii n Soci lylo eoa e*r_-8amcbartercd 1 irst.- T. tha cliililrcu ol such inte-t*te or their i^raut* to fBIIIBB and Moatoata, Bfld wiil hav.: iiniue li C. It.-pci-e, diod oa the .Hiue day, aud upward ot' tifty iiti.tiv. h. i.t* ,i:.-p:.t.-b. Thereara already hereaomfl Ai.M-ticaii. Imve dn'.l flBflfl Bflfl ei.n.tneiiciiiient of tho lapreti .vreftrf: 11 no cbildn-n or legal rrpre-ipM'.tivefl living, t .1 0..¦ urc dkily trrivins. Anu>n_: tiiosc n nv airkuo .*, The fever I.bk iMvn ragin^ to auch an ex- to the brother." and aivten of thr* h'eod ol" the anceBtor pn-nt?, Siiiiin Hun i-. ln.n. tl..'Clio-tn w i.f ti in. n-id l.i-to-are !.¦ tiiin whoui the prt>|»3rly came, whr-ther »uch be of lent a* baa aot been known for thr birt tbirty yoar*. bta ibinily. aboflfl whoafl pafll kaflarad Iirwhole ot balf l.hxd oi mti-utc. ,1 oi thfl Biaflt HaeH flta ui-o niti-teen fnmi fcati Tkirtl: li no brother* or ^i,t.-rl', or renren'-itivi-e. M( i.t.i'iiierv. Alah_inn, aud twentv ,_-bt .-f th: .ervanu Fkob Hekbuoa..Adviccs from Hennudato then ths property to letnrn to tbe auc.Btor, lt ofthe "Mr. I.udlo.vv, ot TflBBBB. Advirc* b-nebe *n Fovrtk i It anceator b. dead. then. projM-rty to v.-ut in reci tbe l.'th inat itate that tbe iteamahlp Fetrel. Capt. trmn tbe Kentucky ('..loiiiiiitioii S-CiflBj of or Brflflk oi lute-tate. 'ili-fiuiiily Ol John II, tlir:>-l.t:r batag «B tbcir wi'y. Ha.pfon, arrived at Bt. O'eorge*, Beniiuda, on tbo 11th, then tn deacend w or ne relict, ll 1 u-hiiiid io Fijth: Jordnn. well known a» tlie coiihdential caflffc oi nur oiohi 4_ okyi from New York, buvii.g rx,er.i ncad totlicchildr.ii of Uie unccitcr from wheuce the prop- reaaed aud bigbly fflBflflCB 1 felb.w ;ri/. n. YV'm. M t-rtv came, 4c. eaderly gale*. Beal, uko are |taflflj out flfltb thk _fltpafl_.¦ li Bat pr. jo'iiy .8k.l not i-iitw by de*<-.*nt, Uien, on WC have uever eeeu a iirser and ninrr Intrlli i It k reported tbat tbe Po trrl, on ber rtxurn to N.-w i!e»th to desceud aafollowa: ot intertnte, ci euikrant* than thoae now Lo re. Tk l adll beaddi. hat "f the York, wlB pflBflflfld to Knglan.l. for pflBBflflfl J ir*.. To i-hildren and leual repre*eutatit ..«. ". We i>ec. tfl, ti.e C lony. I Second: ll uo ihililr.ii,then lo huVoaud or wil.*, re'.itt iaitMiiM. tiiiportarot alto r.tioio. efieeted iu herinaehliieWe in T.e B tti fin«i th" tt" lollotviiu; itrH-euBCl. bor f.f wiU place aupply ry. Tbe Mnlln. lt k ».ippo*ed, flr; Kitract of ab Ky., Dee._fl Third: lf no hu*bRnd or irife.tlaen to descend to the ( Wlllu during her,( I have tn yon I lt Co. of thucitr lo fi ter*. and bn then oliBtrraaing Iflaaaatk eflkmitv exr-.-n.ur. 1 by Mr. Rj^ A large two dc.ry dorac dwdhug hou-e, lato-ly erocted y.utti, I! in.lirolLciB aii.1 aiatcn of w'aolebloo-1,tbea i,N i «iNivkcomb, M t!,i«citv. Mr». Newcoaih having been inol hall" Ui.od. by Jaariea E. B-re«, i'r i, *it«ated o_s tiie fouthern aidfl Bo I-M-thi-fIt tadno rinters ._ a-vrikl vvi.-ka, ami (though up ,,ud ai.ont ui >.t brothers of iiAtera sf whole or half unjc.d J- ij\h of tbe foartb 1.4m--ttaill*_al »t. wa* dedroyed by nre on occaiioioallv BBB BlfffltlflflJ in, Ut.,*. batin.) ofthfl I.I, aa, tl.« i) BB Bta Uthnr ; and if BB b. ilr-iul. then t t &.-...,I Iad aaaatafl, ani ia thfl aian.e of Mr. tbe rth i.t *r tlie,.- foa uutlii r. Ii the ini.thet l.e dea.1, Iheii tolhi- next of kin. i..t club li d i.f tha brk-t. Rcnnuda, 4_rrvval ranguln. By tb* Th.'ia.if ether n'-w leaturee, hut theie cotnpriae tbc tiom au u.'.ic i.-raii-k-. T»o .t thetu fla iipou tli* povei.ian Briikh .-l-war we li-.n ihe oae that liactunii* ttail to from Barroiob* B, (the *ecoi,d biy) died fkalk; oncr, Wa Bia Ut*. pn-pared suy thst tiiechanges ,-:l\ _::rr. ind th« it.fl pri, :: dwd t ¦!* ara adtatable. lakay ma> ba im, r, reaai .tr. bai :t >on wbieh Ihe yrilow lrrer bad proved very fatal (tn.-Tlie h third 'iiieiiiiirance thaf uni-eB the rt-fomi is ot ti-ned ln Tht Trtben* of tbe £r3d in.«t ) wa_ tlie I '< B r \'u\ il tithtf -i-vu tlie |l_.) U anr-nufy Bfll mucli lu of a wiiere a nik* has confusion cliange, luied.bewaa akraing qu.nly wiin. 1 iafl :ieliou*ean lb.antle.*. Twelie otricera, tflehadiai three Lieuten- iniportsice,u.;.i. r ttoaal anl adopted. is souietiuie* pro!1 kaowa k tl... quarler l.oi raiLre." Mr. N, weoanl il But*. thrfiil Naaterat:d four, beaiflflfl about .li,. t.\«- oT n. rt .-tii '.'..a:i:l.e i-i iin :» atpuai. W e do aa tbe Bfll fll Bl t tfl* B B fll !iou_a a at I'oe YY,it i.| -.v tliitr 'tit!. will be tb. 'ct in thi. ca*.*. >V't* 40 ofthe crew baol falle:! victima. 11 ln. A (.li.i.-i.i i-oirr. Bt-flflB* aa Oldi-i it :;i,| lii-jx- it will be di-ita.Bionately tr-.-m Btarlejabarg^ U.liiglnfl County, writiaf thatipes an* t.-ooLtt Iflf",.crie.-t!v fooiir id .»* 1Ftilow, Frob PiMtKA.-t.Y..Wfl haae Cieor-i.'tovin f jt-i-.ic. niul iii-ht, t.n.i arQlbi adopted. We call the c (tettr tbfltfl youni' BBflfl nami d YV.po Is. wbile d ben.-L nt cdn flfll ,i lawyara w.d b ada tn'y, no .' tota.pr4> (Hriti»h(iuiaiii.) |>*[-ii* !» l'ec '_. They tflflbflfl not '.-.''-¦ oiltooine tol.i tiiat be titu»t ent.: bein_ -hr.t are unler du. u-~ an item of nrwi. of tLeiieccLc:*thfll baaataflpliod dtaaaflflr>i. i, and w i: 'hy tb. \r BaBBBBBB io ii.


..up. rtaat faC, that eereraJ to




0 ;li<




line condinon lor ttcanibi


***&*§*mtnuttm of AfrLB. mt th.Tmmt ih.t tbe fir-t company may make p-cparn-'on lor tM





rin. c for i.alnng femde. in tbe *tre«st. No ottetxder very pj.per clo-ricai oceupoktion, truly. Ti.e wa* held to bai' notonou* memVr John Todd. aliaa *"¦"* !. ofthe gem ot rVhuylkill lUngi.¦ ¦;-.-aaaault upon tbe Ctty mtht P ebarged with a d--ad!ywa. in ler fl-.'kJO. bon.k un bput lice Tbi.; evening.


Haa. .John ThfaTfiBaaa, af Wara^Tiaaajn,


(>!..., di.-d ob th. 3d ;:i-'. ¦¦; '¦¦. .'< >''.''. Mr. ThatflBs xn tiir.m ;li'.ii Obkk Bf.r. wa* well ai.d <' Bfl -''to 1837, aal Hewns s I r*BBlbi tint held other ha* itnpo. pt-.Mi* po-itions. \ C.'tiv.'tition of the newapaper editor.4 tad pr.'" of tb. N'-rth ari Weai l'ran-'i rflfljion If: w-.'l be bead at Mi'.ton on th" 17th of .Itmi'iry n-\t, d-'T-nkhii'd lnith-(IaT.)tod'>Yi^ ways und uieius to nl '.



th* \it i'r. Mfl-faBh*. of Art-."


aaaaa l"ir Hon. .1. M. Siiiiii-yl!ii8r.-.i-.'!ii"ltb.> th-- .-",.i:h--:ti ln-tii t ..t MbbB i af* Vice-l A. llon. iiil'-d t.-r tBaaa jeBtra baa**. ajppi, wUcfa b ln.>d Gov. Foote to till th* ..-.-i,

npfoiiit by


tl..:- ..rer,p;nn.-d.

¦Tit.dertlla,*' wiU



AtKt.L' '*. tlie

Colefti . eernaeicnfjt.fl artkt *nv«_*t} rcptitcd to-ni0'bt, witb the aaiae UaPtj.or very _,__(. ..'t part to tlie gi.iiVation of memf to ia no lt rr. flrfllo, bowevcr, aimg aJong. afljflflBtriflB drama Ma:e;p;'a wut oi l.i* fau'iif tt ' I*




Bfitti thW rr Ata'. there flfll be

la fiffliflifld




(BB-fflBjr, 1 bfl





I At Bi-bton'8 tLe lau.U: Se .-.ikd picture.,iu<* cslled " Tark txn*. LoLdon" will be rep«*_e.L wb addition tf tbe p lari __Ba_flJfl_-**a ""OflW thfl a:i 1 Miilino-r-VVrnted Bnrton appearrin both i'i -.--.Pai .* I b.o ide in the lirrt Thfl p'.noramio vcyv»' in _rd I.oi.dou i. a »plri,d_l piece of -cenery. At .UoWVfl I wo awtkfl the u.'_al glflfll var;«"yof




< 'I...-' and I r -ix yeara a K- pr arml aii la Bt !im reuidencc onthe 2-1 inst., sgedsct-

much. The suuo rule will apply to icmpot-era aU.ut wboru thero k *o tuuch v... eiity tive vrirB. by tbe cant. Becth- v i,'.- dilty garret would be tnany .bade* IftBBaiflh MB! Mu-:<rl I ii:..-it..'ii Bi i"fv B Btota, on tba .-venini-of ai.d Bflaetfll Liijiier oiiol he flflfflad for i J aadtl.Jadaa lBaiT*rd*<eo*'* by tbe same laati lOai.oii oftheuubougbtrivogiiitionoftlie Arnericna mi.t ia-l (fjflBBBty) evening by th. ll'iudfl «ud publie und ki Wi.L otit-r-t flrhfl being flflflfll are enHayoB B in a halo of thonp aoliuiratiou. Wlien Mr. Thi f'iiliilia (La.) Concordi'i Ititclligenccr veloi cd Mr. Tupman, ; Mr. Wt___.. ruid Mr. Pkhwich, Port Wiiliniu of P. F.i-.-iy baa paraed Into tbe haada of Gibe. n. Mi-- I'r. J-l n L t" -'i r:-n r- rin frOOl the ea- .-i. Jj-raf* flraarfl about touiake their celebratcd tour hi.-ei.t, iiinl Jor.-jili Ki-'.'ly still conUii'iiag as pu'i- r, ubflflllflllnfl. tlie Hflhwlflb Club paaned a Titoli.-l.f-r. lution thnt thoee gentlemeii ahould have the priv/'fi'rie'.inii-iunces inat Iflh- ilege of parjiag tl-eir I v'ThcuhmSiho/iiirii own triiroling exp-*u»es.. b m lertptk). rUle Rendnary, recently tfeatroyed iy Iw. It >raala- Nowpiiyone who wi-Lca to mak-- illiistrations.flaa iure.1 for §8,1*80, nnd etibrcriptiotis to th. tunount nf ticnary ni.tperipatctio.foir theAmerioanpublie, will be Bl.MBaVad bt-eii ri.lrcd. peimittcd topuy hk own expenae*. Thia k evident iu al Madrid !5en-l, near Hlek- the career of operadirection in thia City: t"ioii_!i iu [ iii bb nuia, K- ."on >!.,n:ir!v wi ek, baBrai .> T.'.n.-ii* I'aiiiM-' one instanrcthe detailf wero far supenor to thoi-e of (BBB dniirrerou-'ly thfl Italiun m..l i; Wate'on, tlie :t Opfltfl at PRrk. it failed or did not reaoh a \t. i'i..l,,i y ii | r..! balL (irtinblc w-i* arr.-.ted. fflCCflfl. flflflflflflk While aix thounand tavern faflflBflflflfl f3* Thr Nttitmtl Era aaya it haa laeraaaed .1 inri.tion, uo altar to tl.e inuaiM, to teaoh u* tast.-, f Bu tlunlatlnB ton thninaarl TritWa tha laat ¦¦ art *acrid, burna with n ateuoly lt I'.... hfal '.'...ii-i.i ..!' iTiii.-rs. ItB t:.e ni'i-t p. *.;. .!'. itnculty, ar.d render liaine. 'l:-htnent m the country. In giviug a notice of tbe manner in which CcnerentoUa Kntat- (Ala.) ».«.:.-. [ W--Iearn from Thr.Inted wa. put ou Ihe rtage last ni_ht at the Broedway TheaKdtnund W. P r . tne 7 b .lu ni'il Circuit, iu trr.<-f the Bj-pointmerit^, tlie acce.t-oriew, the**i blta of i'. a:, deteaaed. l< very preliminary lacic inurt be borne iu mind. Ituoi«efTort af CrBB* ea.y to br treuchant iu critickm. It Iflfflflfla \y Hon. Ii. <'. Ma'sball. inln.'Miibai (.'iiii'innati. onthe to.-ey tlii.t an orclioo-trH and chonu »hould be fuller, .:-, araa BBarrlad grwsfvonitofuhii.:i Mlag J. I'f.iie, ,1 lulitor oi' '.KohertChil- that the rehcnr*al thould h.ive been cxt^nded over T'untt. fi.tit. Eaq, Su we lenrn from The 1. ii tcvt ral we.ka to BflflBlfl porfection, and so forth. The Iii\Leeidature I Tha Nt-w-Hananahire in the (iu4_ation, will the publie in rflucl to pf.«H a law ij-ji.nilntingtlv- rti.tit'e. IBgaatlBk] whole thing liea flaaatan of the pn«f ntalze and under tlie pre-ent »yflt.n 'er Bciit'tice oi t'eatb, to that now ,., pay for anythin.- bflttflfll Until tbey ahow that tion in Ms?sr>r'uus. tt*. The Ohio I.e^'i-lattire have under eon- thry will there k no uaa in picking holea in tbe per,i leii.:;iii -I propoa -.tion for apjiripniititig p»*t of tlie t". rii.iiin .- Lut nt.lit. of coo-rictsln prlaoa, t» tba **_¦?*_ *>' '"* Madame Alboni k ¦ great artkt: the auilragea ahe wi..Tfth y hnve l:e-n left in want. h haa won in tbo couccrt BBflfll are exteuded to the thea'.! r. i-ai'iu.'l B. Keamer has purcha-e i I ler. *-lie t-ujoy ,1 a iriuinpa laat night. No.t thd the ret in Tke BalJBtBf. BbttB Tha jiajn-r ttill applaurc waa t'(]uaily ato^ady tiiroughout; but it euloiirth b. lOfi'luct-d ly Cmk" B i:-niii"r. uatcd glotiourly at the I'mnle. and ahe wa* bronght Le¬ an been has Mobile. (iil.bolis tflT ty.fml^e then theprompter wna nldigad to tad J.;.' .'¦ < f ti." Baaaiaaafl Cotrai of Alabairm, **i* ft, r< tbe curtaii.and I" ring up, und b.-r Hllcgro wo. rejiedcd. Thk artlat Bai Kobert I> caiuc in tbe _____* of timeto aave contralto writing from bai *_*} Th-' l're-*iilent t. to t>e ladi mAj.-ot at the l';ip-r M! oflflflflg alinoort ob.olete. TLe Beveral al-.olute or .---ricy, la place of J. H. Norwood, de.-oa-..>d. o-jutfsi contralto parta which the fecund and tlohd Itofl{ \\ llliuin M. Connellv. formerly a Ne\v- ,mi I.... written, tit..I no c< titiuuity in th« preaent i Ba. e-liforoi" The ll'-io-nington Y-uk ti|trealmt-nt ol dramatic voicea. Meyerlieer« Prophete **u\, t;a-et'c, a tadictl Demfxrati.- paper. i. a Lare extejitioii, If aae,.for that k maluly declaiuaW. <;. Bflrdth died ia tory, ind c: ura. r.-r.-e.i l.y a aobriety wluch puiuta the t. r,i-i i llaj. BoxB*h rt",.r.-. niother in thr.t cu. or. u rare didinctlon in the lyrieal Talbtt aad lliiiisn COBfBBB in the**' nare iu 1-4' dranio, lor tia love, t k Ifl.. that makoa tbe aun of {7' Baa. B. t'. Allston, u member ofthe round. Where declumatory wriring deBfl-iith C'*roiina rftate Bat at<>, dK'J in Charleaton oa tha haim.nygo nianda one note. iloriol a.ka for four or twenty lour, ¦ft in lneapugnablo aoo-uracy l^ Thr Thihodeauz (La.) Minrrra BBJI and thea.- murt bc liuked of her voice Madaine Alboni ti ie v. rai "f the pl- Titer-1 in thnt parish have tun h -d In the contralto region r. bik up the cara craving. lt ia true ber* k not ^rir..' nr l*be cn ps uru cvcelleuf. Inl'. JeBiB, ttafl pr.-enf iliellltllie'll. a mat-culine rcicc; it doea not aasume the brrh aal tfadta lirc.f, are cmdidatea tor fibroufl ener.y which tradition ajaigtifl to Piaaroui. -: .t fliBMili ui Iowa. Butit k nje andl.citiii-i.femiuine tothe laat deajree. Tbeii> haa been an exttn-ive freshet iu aaid full flf youth and love. Whea Uo*aitii atopfl tbe \y ». ."cutt. VVi-Btern (ieortia. torrent of hit tl.row in a phraee af to-nder\y To-Day,,\ Iioxton literary gazette, ceasea UU.of ai neueainet* whieb he ao well know. how to be publiehed with the year l-.'.J. to expro**.then particularly doc* the womanly ripafV Tbe i:e.\f (.eoriria ¦"-tate Fair will be held oe.a, the muaical ruddinec. and voluptuou.oea* of Mad¬ t at AagajtB, n ii iti.iii .!_.. ju Monday, Ott. 17, lejj. 4 ame Alboni come forth. Iu evidencfl of thk, take the ;. A tevt paper called Tke Courier luia to autiful pbriiae, wbeu Cinderella k all affection and [ forgivene*. for Ler hard-heartc**, fu*biomii)le .ider* been iturted iu Opclousa*. I.a. It i. neutral in poBBea. I t.on thi* coufeaaion, he a .t» i I and aainine pt-yn. and will love theta apite of their v m Le' u I t Obio ob l.mul Mef.raa. lLatLe »r>d tw.> oth- u.divi li_ d pride and relentleia jealouay. CITV ITElfg. bfl riti (.1 t.. | v. tt, -.- ,u:er- d tflfl IBBB "t * ".kl to Mr. Cb:i>e ta the I*. *.> n.iirJ-r .TLe voice ot Madaine Alboni k rcmurka'de aa to ..4>i. dfi v.: thm on bi. way ho.tu' l>. tit-- .'.*»t t<> S.-uhte the follovt iug rerolvi* of BBB < >hio Lt>a;i*birurt*, RASGI or THE THKRBOBETBB 4T compcrr. It riachea Fa on the third ledger ¦>( the Ohi- grtil tli»: the t.vo men rUd na i'ier the d. J J fiel.,-,v, , tfurmerly Lynekir Ctark'tJ 25* Wul-at. a ¦. r t.i grkniiij.' Iti; acrei of l.nd at avtutl co»t of fln I le BflB-. acd extend* to Do on the *ecoud ledger Une r. Thfl 7 AM 1**.*).. Nooa. SP.M^ 5 P.M. above tLe itaJf. TLe firat f egkter commence. d Fu rearou did not irnmi.tth. ]¦: turvry Dtc tl 40 41 i il-U Ut>: flTflfl.ktkflfl iie iiiia icl'l Wi ? rf1n>YO»,it ia ti tt".e flf*flBXT flot-'nim *lit tt the lowett note. and extenda to 2>ol on tho aecoad liue, the il>tr.l>utnti ot ::s PflhBC LtfflBB BMI.r bceiB lteard of a;nce. eBt*4BjBafa Entiirtai-oii j r*. .Ac.Mr. W. H. Fat's and tne BflflflBfll regirter begir.a on &>l, fltid icachea if» laAid'erlCiti/cnB, Bt'.il todlSCi.uriil-e the liDOtip kli/ltlg ..;.' recordl ft Fifti. Lecture cn Miuic will bike Tii The Mouroe ,_; l> t>. th.-M,iii. in th.- liMiid- oi BBraaTaBaa. aad. icarrea*. place to-nigbt at Me- Fa, ai.d tLen, to tLk we niay add, ihe four extra noH*. e. (i_ I.," -.'] | tbe t*uie hn* arrived whea tbe Tublic Laiiti. be! lu^ia* M.Biiile, ov -r.'.-t r it Dr. VY'!:::^« ptaflfflflsflL BJBflta WeBAliitri i-ubject: "The Voire.iu phy*ic*l Tbe lower am tuperb tbe note* of trauaition of to tl.e I'tiited .-'?**..>, *h. i.l.l eaa*. the regktcra. Sol, La ..4, Uo, aro not piirticiitarly full. whi!e out flaca .l.-r-in,-,: Br cture and a*t-tti, tr anaent in t\, ahinir and atut Y«i.ue htUiet'eneial ("..ivvri.iiierit: tiiefroaa bi taa*, If- :or." TLi* will be iiiustrmed by Madarne Roae de Tbe extra adduiouk1 notej.tbe La, Ac, are not takeu Rtee'red. ty i*r Orirrel A-tenkly of tht Siatc of Okic. 1 it ;. o :«:¦ Utiie Vk-tti, r-n-n-.-r \"ietti. tbe Grand Chorus. with apparect BBflfl and do not compare with tue lower. Tbat our r-onators aad K(-p:caontiit."T.>* ia i -rure s bc tii _u!ah iLe tiariie*. '1 Ire builiin.' wauea.rly coa-utred. aad th.. T.eT Tui FTAaa Ki.\o wiil dehrer a leetureupon :eqiic*t.dtt. -.: the in^oUndoubtediy Mad_ne Alboc; I great charaeter k aet of sn to emv\ .ndnid.-al wbo wmael paerage J1YBB '.*,' to-uigbt, at the Brookiyn Iiiatitute. It ia Cenereutck. Tlik opera U not eojual throughout. We W1-tt-* rlcoor. and *tirBf BBflfl -iy oi tht- BBjfBfla baaaa, a:i baaBjaa *t:ie aame. -,. one ii lha N'cw Enc'.and Course. ar-' old faabione-l.hang-up our docking-kh-enourb to aa. ataaatrad aadtnti aatat :: raol ai tbatai Lody Ilcv. Wm. W. PATir.s- wdl deiiver the Peoplee Iike tbe gei.uiae Cindert-lla pumpkina, niice. rd* and to ,.r Iii tt riunti.t . i.urv.-yi,,- an.I ita-atiiig tba aame. ia were Tbe tbat -ootii* vill_,i unavaUing. ruppoaiiion ai,,! ir ti- V. in-efi-r; ..hc- lyttetn of lia.l i.mrd.-reti lo lec'ure,' *t the Tabcrnacle. to-nuht, the aubject being Ptdro'a joke*. Execral iy bad a* k Lngliab poetry lor por_» tmney g oi tbe rub.ic Land*.* to n^i: naalfaia. *:' a. -.' -: u known ro jto.a'e.r, Th- Manynof Vflrterday the Ilrocflof To-day.'' It tlie lyric atage,. IlopLkio Lacy* veraioa of tbe Chimaia.1 tLen flta thfl fa j n.*e. will no dou'r-t be liatened to by a larje aad iatereated ney corxer Laoly fflrm* i_n erception. And then all tuo Raatdrttl. That ibili .t.ruor he re-;ul «* 'I be . i..v.-.i 4H- oi haa aeat a aec- aaaawBaBk ct-.] v ol" tbii l-f-'Mii ie M.ti rem. piece* introduced into hk arrangetuent are ex-juuite. -e _n refen-nce to tha t'lBBTltlTf and K<'j-:.vor.:at:ti'.- ia (.'on llon. J-.:in A Di*i will lcciure tonigbt before the The Tenor Solo, Morning ita «we-_ k iiingii-a, i. a Li r. UiOii _.:*>(¦ Ca*.-. 14'- a.-Ctini;st.i,-» it liy t *f_ue_ Mecltan-cf* iMtitute. cn Thi* Inflaeivce of (loterament muflical gardeu and avkry. The duct lru:u IFUliam. rm-nt fum-rlsi-il by Ur. Ita fta Mr Lipaiigi.. ri.ilndr-lt Inrt Nrai Itim*. lajses." The uaxne ofthe lecturtr Tell, and tbe Ilui.'.ti* Chflna, from tLe aame opera, tit ujontheiadiirtri-i'. aiai-apil C,»i.*i*o^lrBc* Bf Thr K. T. 1 taaflea tbe ca»e, .'ay»: -1 dr*m tlie a'.-.x-t cf _uf*i- is a lure guaranty o: an intereating ipeech. in nicely. Tl.e <i__*, iu f«ot, witb it* declumatory paarniiAt t-irfl ;»v. u'T. l*«".i ci.Lt pahtk lmportanre to re.]uire and r.-e.-ive the atThe Doxai.o.s Pabty ofthe (iraiiara Irutitute for * cu and cat.taiiJt bi:., make* the lovcra ta e.axn -*t .1 Cin \| e of tb.- Gc-vei r.-ktiiir-l.ij. rrwea'th. wLitL thiy aie tot in the original, Cenerentaia. We b: ,1 ecorumend th:.* ti: Bpori. tht* afternoon, iroiu Livc.,»oL 8 :: ¦.. i:.-jectable agrtd BTaBfaBt Femaie*. tafj be held dur,k__i made bv the Uereral Aaaem baf .Tuv-da> and evenin.-. Tiie Ii*titute ia wiuld iflfllf-ffjlaiaaflflflfla liiitaitJ_lBflfla_flttoMfc* i-.^y . JMr, ,- ,,ro_ec.ic flta at all titkiattil ili *ha and ta*t"n. o;* raat Oil af Waahington and DeKalk-ari., veriicn, and tranti.t'- tl.e iiitcri)olittion*. Wifltflflta ivo fealoBa appeala* b.- touu-l rial proceedin. may rtr>re.-< ntiaii tbeei* iieeo*_*ary and proper Eroc*;jn.Bad itage* irom the Fulton and South F.r- may be tLcught C f tiie proceo dia5, one thing i» cer_aia, ycurfjityand lori-ti ,\. wi UleimportaiB.rueaaoii. t. I' .*' -Inp*-. M.t.-.ttn: the door eoaracoat invi trad ,u thu caae." BBt every few rainute*. it wouiJ p'tkfe iiiui- Bfl ly th'- Aioerii.u paflha. fr- ai Joba Hft-r. hot.-l »;e<..a.-r, comcr ot 1" Ihe -"aturnal a of tht Uoiidaj* U ;a full thle. Bin klcy *t?. t)u BaBBBkBH'-leaand Iu i-i:. K. B.Howa__j wai la_ttete_l iu .*-ign_r Lov.-re, ka ti.e Loixon, k onenoof th: re;uaiuErery t_T place *nfc: ing anteruicmenu of any nort, whether B the .Va;rh... P**Boa af r* mtuitark, arreated for the marde ral ... of tLe burio flflltaaflfl*, now Iflflfljai wntturt*,8Bu*ic or theatrical*, i* overcrowdel in ipite 0f t-1.. BfliflaafiMB-H. arti-tin bk walii. A voice not ilu wa. fc und _n.?*y of rnan.lau,.11 :U Ul revarafld Ihe derku B T. ,irt, »,.! on the stonnofiain, and wind. W. tookod m la*t nii< .t {-cweri-l. cr parti'-uiarly aipatflflflB. bflfl thfl aflritahlo ttirveicilt th«.-.-,iv,* Hartb Bfawaaaid Jjha P inn. ti iai be wa* lt and guiity of murder; but it after¦ ata iiAABilcr of pl^ea. and found The luinitr ia *> seet lo, r**aat i-uut. baa ..tiat tie ^ury had teparated befijre turpriamg houie, tyre tt tbe rapui ao.l-v Liicng, nu-tla ttc ittflnag, wenl ajp,tr.:._etery where, although the nigbt waa one of the tro-i: Itiiian bndo.ndional.,le, perfix-l.aud, ala., i.i|', dark hair au.1 !ai.-«¦ iiiacs «ii:r* .¦-¦., aud WBBat.*aji| I a* «et a«ide. *_d a n.w trial e! ''Uie. Tbe latter lr ;. teet 11, at cr.nted rpon the aitpdarit ofthe prkon.. acd afBrroeri of the remtc n. away.auch la _a*flBtBB liovere. an.I reewtache. ni,'w.Hr* bia. j>a::> aad vt.;teove;a tao reapro-table rRixea*. tbd he conld not have afdr Al tie Bboadu. av, an immeuie bou*e greeted -ht ¦BflflBflflJ .*-*ii_i.or t'angicvasiii .xet-uto.1 hk p..eeat BB brlaCTeu rhat tbry haTeatolen ot.ier pr md in;| anial trud iu ( arroU. tbe vrrrue waa ehaflflfld to new opera compaay. f>f the pcrforniay4>cr> we hue Intboit, Ixvinga vi.:ceof decided vo!__1-, it k t'.u'-ut, inthi* cty, rud may hate jw>rp,rrHt.vl erim i Yail. ti-ba. aad cn tbe _3d tilt. a flfl'.'<. pro*e-}ui wm en Ycfc. Ihayarl ip. k' r. at laaffl. in ar.other artcle. The aame op ¦». toiLoh'.ht tenor part*. ttnxl, J-d tbedt_endat_t d_*.-hariT.\L eaaiafoaWeJ .
































Hy the ariivalot the ateaiii.hip Mexico. Capt. Place, di.te* lioin (.'_!.i-.-t.n te Iflfl lTlh .n-t hire invu reeeivisl iu

Itflfl ilrlean*.

tkefoilowim: Itaaaa fro.n IV CicilWfleaai "f the rn tbe 17th

taflB.fl taaalBtfl 'l*be atratiier (reii BflBBflr, OflflA Kowler. arrtv -.1 fnun tlie Brajo. yedeniay ntanmu' wilhacarg Ac, rt|H,it> thfl VI*.,.-i Bfld If *. ti.o- flflflflflbeftlM ..ter k-itle.i witb ecfljoa, aad ttw Waa. I'eun .«t.U u-. abarve the talla bv low watiT. Tbi- fieaaucr iir*.,.-, Cujit Boncli. auived BflB i_u>;n,oig froui tbeTnii'v » 4:r.' hfltaflfll ctt-.n iitd lit lenger*, reivctt- thfl l -erfalling rmpidlv. i.B ol


fhe AustiH Slati



C.i.ttti i«*j*fl

tli.u Ml Albert

Mar, liuarliima'ter t Cspf. >hav, ¦>


C vtipaay

ot HangoT«, flffla i.-t:rn.-,l t" ta-ttnCB. cnuhellth e.i't, BajBaflad »n ajalM on tiie fr..nt o-r Otflft,Bfltawaata mod ot bk men were and had U-eu fcfl *t>-in> tnu n>'-ly aeUvely .coi.rin, the couioliy tn aaoutlBfl parti.** aitbout trivo* of IiaUia.S. All Un i;i.\ul-er. of Ihe cta_.._. vany*\lr \ n (i r M--r mi. wc jvvia* mod exrelleiit hi_rb wben be m%


Tke atNdia


Mjm that Dr. 1*. N.

I.urkett. direct froui lort ( r.drban. briu-a'.uteU1*{«fl. I "flflflowAI fll three i.otvo flaa M Vandfli tba Indian*, alvo'ii! tt., m KortNaoM'n. WH;. >t flflflflflBtaflt flV ihefl ing to -taturb the peaco or r-ukt ot the fl-flta nt>i.'!i ifl the


The Iflflflflkkflfll and Caddoea


Bl Keil

t aadfl I'rOfiban. Tbev aya| ti n» bud4iu«nrity of gwnie", itil.i l.rtg ing. Thry hiif a laiara rH-arr. oleer, turktea, a r. I*hfl emiutn- ia th* i i.-.utry ci tbe tort abtmud.- ui all ibe rrtiui_iti*« to r.-ial a liuuter i liltt a*re» able aid e.\i ting.

Tlie lK>mocratif .state Ceuc-d Comtai <. bave cbIUiI fll_____k_Cl_fl_t Sthte CflBlflBllKB, I flUi'm-tfl at Au-tin on INiwiav. tli* JrM February next. I r thB4_.u_tTaUt.nof can.!. latt. lor li ivernor aai 1. .:' mv. aflkkBfl Oill-JB-fl, «ud akodo_«rgi_te» to tlte D_tu>t(: Dkti ki 11 a>- ,n ie

.that ft-r tbe K;_a_oriBr()ngrf*»aioual Ru-k. in tbe county ot Cberokee, rith day ol 1*8.1 flflr** M Bfl. tbr tbe lumitidiou flf 8 .1 klate fot Biaaiaa-darli n ia Cotkgree*from and that for trie VV'iMto-m (\in;r__k_u>iiai I)_»fi..-r, liu.Tiiitle d Auetuion Tae-vlay, Ihe___d day of 1-¦. | rn-if, fur ike iK.nindioBof a camtid.r- :"¦ r livc in Con_,r«f frorn the aaid m\Wtm l at

rccently prcsonted -





tnercbant __%*_¦.diedantprominent a bk reaidence, tbi-


an illm-aa of aome day**" dui.ti.m. Mr. _t_f*** ooromcacetl hu-ince. in theeity of * Paltimcre about le*-.**, foiming one of th<- ilrm of Pea-l bcdy,Kigi'*A Co His "v.rrrio-r* w.roCeiu...<_¦* Peabody, .* the cniinent bai.ker, now doing busine.a London. r__J

Klifha ltiw**>. tbe uucle of


deccaaed, now a wealthy i

ci lnduential Hnnkerof tbi* city. About two yea.* *irce, Mr. Hi*'g" m-notl to New York. nml exiinmeacej buciner- ineompaay with Mr. Hitcbcock and bi* etdflflt'* *" sou, Wm. Rigg*. under the tirm ol" Riggs. II tchrodt A Co and, ou tbe 1-t oi January next. he wa* to aa-fl rpi tted fluexfer: ive lanking houae in thk city, ia com-' I »:iy witli hia ion. VVilliwn. and Mr. (Jeorge Rigv*, tormeily ol" the tirm of Corcoraa A Kigg*. of Waahingtou. TLe flta tir gcutleinan k eapo-cteol to arnvt- ly 'Le rtC'tm4-r Pa.-i'.- from London, where h>- baa beea

for the pait ni-inth mal-lng )ire__niinnry arranp'nie-itfl lor tbe tirm. Mr. Iti^j* wa* alflou! .'- ycraofagn;.' .ofjened a cnn. tinmon of rotuarkid le vi_'or, aad bflfljfl

rnjoyed from hk yt.u'Ji upward*, alnnvt uniiiterrupt*_|8* health. llu I4J.S will be reverely felt far beyond the be- *' Iflflffld circle to ivhich he waa bound bytlietkaof blood and kind red.

a #..

not -o

QTXoke New-York I'oat-Oflice Iihb loat one),

oif ita uiofl fai'.hi'u! and uieful clerka, in the p*r.on 4*f Mr. Williani ^lowart, who died on Sunday d hi* reak -Io me, No. 143 Yor* »t, Brooklyn. Tho deoeaaed hafl been engaged in tl..- dLatribntion of newpa;-.r. in thfl Pott Oflice fcr the paet eighbvn year*, aud by hk indo

iudurtry, hk aptitude for bur-in.N*. and hifl urte.y to all ivith whom bia otflcial dutb-e brought* him iu coiiUctduiiujthat longperiod, he bdi endearedl!i.i;_iiblo


himaell to a large circle of ar *uaintancea. Hk funeral will place at two o'clock thia (Turi--


u 1.,in


Wiiio Cobbittf.ks



The lao-t meitiuga of the Hcnior and Juntoi WbiglaeiW tral Ct mniitteo-a for If.'.i will be held d the Bruadwajf Houae this eveniug, to lii.i.h uj) buaine.a and to kaue fl ftfiual call for tb. mtcting ofthe CognmitteeH for I*-'-3* a-

Christmaa Doticcii wc ahoultl have atatcd tbat tlie children of the Ragged School at) No. 17 Orsnge ¦__, tre aupponad by the children of -ha* H'.it.lny So Loo.1 iittncbed to Mr. Bcecber'. 1 'hurch :U> Brooklyn, not by the member. of hk Church. .a.. I V' T he* ladiei of 8biloh IVeabyterirui ( li 11 r. L are holding a fair during tbe holidaya in thfl) ;




baiement of tbe Cburth.


MissioiftKiKs..A largir miaaiotk*ary company. mne adulta and three children, aailed ofl) board tho Murtha Clark, for Sierra Leone, W. Alnca, on Monday. tbe 7.7th inat. _be company eonekted ef Rev. Ceerge Tbomp.on and wife, with tlieir two chtk .Sailino


drcii; D. W. Ilurtou and wife, with oue cluld Ker, llorrk Oflirt-r, Dr. Tbomaa (1. Cole, Mk* Mahalfl Mc i'lyte. MUa Maiy Ii. Aldrich, and Mi.-a I. iniaa B. Bex* ton. TLey are ar.der tbe care of tha ML-** i-naiy Af.ocintion, nikI will be connectcd, aome of theui witb tbat r-'.po-iriy'a inia-ion at Kan M-uidi, and) otber* will iiiiii. .., 1 new atation. ln th" Interlor, (of whieb they go pio-paro-d, -



M ii-i. Law AniTirioa.The Fifth


Teniperance Alliauce have made extencive arrange* inent* fur a general gathering of the frienda of the pro* hibitory Liquor Lawat M.rtropolttan Hall. on Wcdneflkf evening. The programme k aulficiently artractive tu !'.'! tbe iit.iu.ue room to ita utinoet capacity Bar* n._ (.. b Kev. Mr. Corey, and Mr. B"tr*, arB tbe epeaker. and a celcbrated Quinteue compflnjr will diflcoarse the nmaic. It will probably Le one "f I-

tLe moat enthciiAdic and aea.on.

aoul-atirrlng< oi tba

See the aoliertuement.

Schooi. EltOWtWt/ttm..The exatnination of tbe Primary Dejiartment of Ward School No.20, un.lel

ti.e tnatrnction of Mka Miriam A. A.hly, aa Principalg took j.Uce on I'ridioy laat. Tbe acbool room wa* ta*tea fuliy deeorded for tl.e oecaaion, and the children acb quitted them*elve. witb great eredit to themrelver, aatf l.onor to tbe ablo and excellent 1 o-ly of tefieher. vrbfl conatitute the lloard cf In.truotlon. At the elo«e o( thfl examinr.tiot: a besutilui ( hrktmas preaent, in behalf of the acboler. waa pre>ented to the Principal, Mia* Aahl-fa l.y Mr. Oliver, one of the Truateei, conaktlng fll I a leudid ,..;¦:-. <rf Sbakepere, Ryrflu, and an Album. ?..

Titt Enic.iso.a..Yeaterday alterniKin thifl ateamabi]. waa towed frorn her dock in Williainaburffl to tbe Seetional Dtx-k in thk City for the porpoae ot hring coppereo). Tht. work k exjn-cteol to be doo. .»*¦* evening, when the ve.el will be eta* pleted acd ready for rea. We aro Inforrned from fl, relkble aouree that the will immediately proceed ofl. Ler eiigineer'g trial trip, and after that on a trip tf_ PhirtdelpLia, Baltimore nnd WaaLington. Ski.r. or Pir-R.* asd Si.iffl yeaterday, denied tbe i_*o-otiofl tfl vn. ,-.- tbe iiimnetto*! reetraining the f.'ommk*ion*rfl ¦* tbe .-iia.u..- Fund from telling tb-- wharve* and *li"*A I.tjiacTio.a


as to


advertked d auction 00 rldtb ind.







aad bankcr af Citr, ero ning, at tut 9 o'clock, after




r.o.ard of Asuiftanta bflfl ni,*h&


!*__¦*' Saniui'l





roucurrcd v.,tL liie otber I'.iarii. ln direetin. the (' m. n tr.ller to purcLa.e No. HO Wooater .t. for a lite for fl no w iouff ter K_,ir.o Co. No. 11.






BBl ihfl l-l fltafll flfOflBBM ('..,;.r, thfll tb-ro ia iin u-o "f l'.Uii tli-.t Milton lor bm L flfl, bfl rectivid Ire I.TflflBM pflflaflfl only wtrc the gr.-i.: pofll liviug now ho w.uil.l ire- BO ru.T".


modttt ler a Bt. ri j-_*t going out of fflflflfl. Ten per cent. ti" flta flflflfl bbbjIi have given tbe l.irty tbkvea i,e*r' t_r_OM D-flfl .and hnd there btsen .ny b_flflflflj an___ia- rbt ui, hia rl are would have inouie . iiaad.ir_a __*_B_aB to Ihfl flaHflflfll tbe loaa forupulnui. Kuttba il.y* cf Rt fl-BBCfl are over; there a.-e no Forrw Tl.tcvoa r.cvk tbi-re m no "Open reajin."'' in tha ihflflfl i -flflfl fld dollisr aflflflfla to lead the w.iy to tha ntouy vauli* of Ihfl people Al.lormen «rtr hoa-Mt H w jollir. i- " thflflg ol tbe paat; bribcry U aiiot-e* 1 b;c term; rit.d ecouoiay, atiict aocountabllirj. anol 1 chnracto-raibove Mir; are tho I.*o_in<, l'ealure. of the Lt,!.. i-.ble, hish tnicdod, iiicorniptilile men w. a» I rm the I.'.i-lMtivr* botly of our City. The day ia * i o-ar wl.t n, ((. LnY-e 1 een n New-York Aldrrman will ha ia aure * pp-r.p. rt ro ____-a-_f.1 fame a* to bavo larrieoj I tbe uiouey-lag ol the Iwelve Apodle*. f

above the .ieptii* ol .o|ui.lor l.y tru -itling to fflfflflflflB, by wririn.: canticl.a lor tbttitlie.- rainpnnt, cr birth-day


Broadway yard,



.»r.i to other art* k char-ouri- 1 bj the fart that the tfl nr o«iti-in iUelf. wrettk.-d on p*p.*r in all the gencrou* il.w and fe.-undify flf gaflhlfl ll iflfldahow.aaBftltaa aa h'ero,*lyphic ptgaMBl oath: -arct j b_rgBB, nti*'! tkfl interjiretiug artist.the Itflf-, or player.,-oinc-ti the reacue, and put- his fire 'tehinl of tlie lyrir.l pi, turef" Hghtitaa for the .dmirati-'a world How difleienttl.i. tr, BB the work of *h" fl ituary rr pait.ter I Wh en the roarble i* tarvrd.when t'.i* pian frcnt. the clrt-*ic line of" b ifl mnath, th-- bflflflfl inther.ii'.siular laeMOBflf ra-iiihood or iutlie fciniriiiewaveof loveliuea* are <everal!y hrwn out ot Iflfl fhir m*tf4rial,':b* work af the artkt k done. an ! c iteinporary ami jto-t- rity an- e-dled upon toflflflfli ler the Bfl-HflMkl work. Bo, too. wlnn _i.ipliicarr Iu- ¦'.. form and comhinatinn on tho can-.B'*. tbo ta*k i* acbievcd : th* arti.-t may rrpo.e aad tbo arflflU aaa** a Imire. But to revert to our fint po-ition-musi'-. ani abi veall, dramatic rrm-i*. l*flt|flfrflfl a w.rld.a h*dveu of interv.mttBB to m ik* \g .nte!lti_ihl<-. The bflfll workfl have totffd. do rot and will iot, on fliuty ___fl_jahfl for the want of .ucli interpretatloti fliid the fflfl rroo-n:*.* thrir BBBBBg bflflBflflfl ii altuost as raro ai thrtt roquired to produoe them outri^ht. Honce all mu-ical hirtory is a lii.k of artiftic Borrovra; of rior Morartf. cf ftarvin- rVhubert-*. of «w.i,rgcrin? iriric* whoca'.pot te.-nl Bfl B~Befltptfl, otkmwtj lillfetfl, of -tii'-il puM-- EWstaa eotii|*Oflerfl h*«e eontriv.-.l iu B8t_Bftt_flflp_H "i Uo >*l«t.Bg flge lo kflflflj ItMBiafllaflfl

flf olfici




;..;-.(-;:. r.


.«¦ ia Tha to tonnect witb tL« which, intba $'¦ -*0 pi'r aquare t flflfl ti- bofl t widtb tf the Bowery, wdl amiurU toahont !.'".¦>" Bflfl mi'e, ar more tl:.n threo quartera of a liiillkn Joikr. ler tl.e v* liol- jo b. Thk ia


Tur. Opera-Myuvme


l._t iiigbt tbey a.lopted a report ol' their Strcet Coaa. Bflflflflfl gi'ing to Uu*. A Keid a cootrairt to pave with tl.e I.u»* BjflMfljflBBl -11 ci Parkrow, Chdh-nat, tha Pcwery and ii fl FI Iflfl- avenue aa far a- Unioa-plar-a,

BgtBBflfl Bam aaa l P-klfO**-UU ia tltcrciort of grea; n ira'jperfl I' u;. t( wn peflflafl FBTAssii.iirRV I. a fcaturc of Bro-lwjy worth looki: ¦' t^ie uaual vail-ty ta melWcot.'s MtNvn.-: ody and fun.

fll ll Bfl

r>rate (f

fiaUiit Aldirmcu

maiki.Me BBB-feltflflflrtflfl tfl **» "ntuic and Nataral ll-*g_C. .t-Vi-ci.l S:_l.f. A.-. Ac. At tbe Ciarvs.Uif jaaflflUflfl, nn I adu'.ts a.. w ill, are

fldl I fi r bai'lifbrj r.fiatia taJta-l kiuits, fr.-in Tlf >'- MatiittUt (LbV) Bad ¦Htltagfl lor | | Wi-tfi<>lenrn pltu.Ltcr di.tniti'd by the RflBBfl o-r ig i aau. Mi;«r h'-uBe of Dr. A L. CTBBafWBBf, Ot Rreaas Hti.i.-c, rot.tsininif 118 BtfthaaaB of *u rar. w B .litli'iy. It w.* a remiak oi tlie gaflflflafl u_-;ori'ia as h ii.rf. iBf t'-irwr und. r.-'an la that I. uovo thnt A'lierit-ik lia*

Thoiup^m, flf Xev-LisU.u. ty Hr.iihi.vJohn tfAxraa flterabet of ta. I.egi-lnt.ire ol







FlaBBJ aafht,







CflwBBCBfl Pari-oaatacao..TheonHoard of Aa.

ol L_.ii._-j attrat-tiono", incluJin*: tbe UBiiatirk drdflfl Tbe Ferty Thicvo.-. tu The Bflfl 1 iffll 8__U here. acd so k flen. Tem Thumb. At HriLra's BfllflflB flf Wcflfl-flflfl,ara b've 1 i


-(«-*.'., wa* a* goo.1 aa ara rxrxcteef. ir. tl.e c^aea-rted piflcafl ia.y beflfl,







du Ld.d.n . tetoo.ol repre.oa.iUti.if>, ar.d we wotT_lBt_g. gc.t leflfl boadlo ng rapidity in *ouic of tb* pute oa. Tfc., My L*t>rd, de_. bot t» hear m«,. piece Engluhcd, wa-, in tlie gfrtiro .0 whrled ofl tbat it tnig-l taa well rta nr t bava been iaaf at ali It wa* 1 iinply g-berflh. TLe hou»e wa* rapir dly hlled and more tbaa aa. ¦f-flflfljflfl flf bf-aury rtudded the looae* and parterre.

bflfll fumi-h fun en -u *h

C.i'irur that

Ihe crop aaai bowe wereii.ri.n¦<!.


Mu* MalTi:ii__iJ -flflBft" fairy iketih. by Make."'."

and Tbe 11 11 y M






four pl-c-* farr. |*tjp|__Bf tflfl Qflfll -BB, bf Blake, Vr*. Br__afl>MB a ucw fcrce, by ¦ndctb.r*. "My CLri-tt.-.f. Ptaflflr," U'ter. liale axd coc *~ny " Myatariou- Rar; A: Wai


I'oiice Tr.i.i:oRAPH.--The lloard of Ald*^ laat evening adopted a repoirt directing the Com* mi.tioner of Repaira and Puppliefl to contract wBfl & Miller to eonrtruct . teie^rrfl;)!! to co__t*fl



ail tbe Pobee Hefion I i- ii.e* The *um o! #l*2,"5O0 .I proprided to carry the projeet into ettect IV ob* j'-ct k to ifford conTenience and farili'i-'r to fhe Polkfl ai.d Fire Depertui. nt* ia tbe event of 6r> a, riof*. **. 'J'Le pkn tubmitted (ppenra aimple. an.l nny one af1** Irepflrtruen: can after very little in*tmction becom0 tcquainted with it so c* to operde. -?.

Laaai Ap.pmi.s or Hfros..On ChriitawS Dt-y 'h* Kr* P-.ilr. ad bronght down 3,-37 hogafor total ma rkef. The da ily reeeipt., we are told, have avrrragflflj ¦a lj flhctit 1 S<A They are prinripally dre*»ed boga .?.-

_t___"__MS_» MiRotrt

or a




VV'irfl..A young mia, 24 yeara of aje, named Jaadf M( Cauley. "who wilh hia wife reaide'l with bk brCft_kfof» in law. Cwen D_ly. at No. 2WJ We»: SeTef-teenthata died on tWmlof, ta la allejed, from T.olenfeinflictfld flj.>

"7 hB pen.ii. by h'.i wife ar.d artma of her other rol itJve Bii at «n irU.I, trdrcrr. eariy hoor .""aulaj mornia?.


f| JkrAh-k.dl.Mn dowBahdheat hi-

jn Mi-haterrihlemanwh8c iloivn. tbat be died fiom the injurte. aoon .r'i Th«, it ia aaid, had lired rery vlei-s v wl'-> hia wifr, u, who.-n he had boon married jnhapi'i'l 4 It ia ulk^ed by bu fatber, that aeveral Vearlv >cir». had been made by the deeea-ed'a wife, Other aBempts fiaed j othcrs, to take his life. Wc hare not been

fper .

aJ>ir t. x- rtiiin whether any arrceta have been made ha thr ettae. Coroner Ives wai notitiod to hold an inqucat aad fvrtlcr and more particulara will be aacertfliaed. The deceaaed wa* alowly rec ivcrlng from a rioleat attrck of amall pox and conteauently waa un***** to deiend himaelf againat the cotnbined nttacks af bit atrail.'i'.t-.. ro aaya his father.

ThbTammant CoMMiTTrea aaa 1063.***-We bate prepsred aliat of the conteatanta to the Old anl

jio-r-uius ye_terda> charge. before the Kecorder with drnnkecn*. and noieoa (ia* party. wb* keep* a liqaor «hop on Newark .v.rharg*. ieeo-.naadmorder'.rkytue, wa* __*d |5 and beld in bia own rreogniaanre ifllOf') to appear at tii. next County Court to ar_*w«r anv charge whieb migfat b* bro-gbt againd him AnoV+r party for tba eam* ofetxt* waa ha ld to had .n the wm of flflO. Th* Miiora » bo aaaacdted the Watch Sdarday n.ght laat were comm.rted to Bergen toCity a.rwer at the next t*ro ofthe C'onnry I

1?,"_"* d*^»^ to BllBt I \hn».iT,"^¦Sjw'Jo'elork; tkugbt toietadnokof water;-!¦*ab*went .bflwed Mtnbler W'"t* ahe told po^'i-a-ackingtoit; Ihem!> «.f«k._I0n>* .,'..,,' *Te YJrTil1 ktke <kcea-d then abook hand. a.

ra* .



i.hT ".^""goM-by*; ,T :.



to->k I. aaid *be woald trll rrae|MkH br and bv, but *h- diil ' '*nt fOT . doctor- who *»Te b"'r a flowdrr at ¦"* wor,>e "* ' h4d h*T t**«» »* tb*




trafEckicg toine, yedf-rdav tbey were f.ned and beld tc bail.

L-ioneiti examinUion waa

made, wben tbe pr..uce of detected. Tbe trflimony tkaflj cloaed. and affcr abrief araerrc*. th* Jury nndeaed a vcrdiet that the dei-ea-oed. Loaaa mitted .uicide bvtakmg, w;thherown haad. an Hart.eotnl ov*t doa* of tbe . r*<-',ir w«.

oartihrBte* iu the2d. 3d,

4th, 11th, 13th,, 17th, lrV.b., lBbmd Hth ".Varde, and one luspector in the 14th


2t__h in*r.

Hall dur-

to r.noth<*r


aome ar».:c; I could ad leave n.y baip* at that t:m* uat _-tw**n Sanl « o'clock I went andth. deceaja-d told me ihe had tak*n a ah.lling** °' eke wmild not tell ine why ahe took it. 7 ..7?lc; » oBoWeaewawom. *ay« BMma-l I Bflfl at flfl 83 M. came to tn; houa* on Sanrky af_.r-

TrMn.Rt-if.-i. .Socmaa..Mr. Samuel Davenelected Pr.ident of tbe City Tejiperance pa-thaab-en Tta taflttaBBB of Dr C R. Agnew, Acting Hou-e S_rg*on tiociery to -epply the place vicoUed by Mr. SandfoTd. reto tbe V w-_, alao taken H* _ta_e,l th« the etgoed Merting. are ...Idang regnlar !r. ea--h Tu*dky even.flflflflflfld waaHcapital, adrrntted at o'ciock, --BB-flfl onder tiie af- in«, ia Fraakiii. Hall. aad ar. well attenak. Tf_.agh th. fecti of a of araenic; 8}proper antillotiea were givflfl her inf nri.e* of thia Society, and the BBflrgy and Srmoeaa of fc-ut tlie jpoiaon had Vcomr too arated for tham tbe deenly te ._co-ra of tbe Watch arrefl* w--r» ma4* of Departmenr. prodo.* th* deaired BBflflt, Bflfl tr.'* p..,eut died; a po_B T-krtif* uniawrallr tn ln? :ora, and for rhe rint

16th. aaai i**.h Ward*. while the Soft.t'hella have the

(tlie Hard* haring aaceded Bfti. rleciion.)




Totiag Men « I'cneral Committeea. Tlie Hard ShelJ Hur.ker Delegnt«-B are certified a* electedby a tuajority ofthe Tam-nnny In-pector* ia tbe lat, Mh, f-th. 7th, t-th, !Hh. 10th, KHb, 14th and 15th B'ard*. and by one of the inspectora in each of the 31,


fhebovlv ..f liO-iiM Mart, a riavlive of Oermany. -?r*.r* of afisxmc..On afternoon a youn_. wom¬ died from tbe etl.-la of an over-djae of am rn* ad an, named Mery Aan 7__ae. totrk a »_*. a* Wiauan-o.argh id on Sunday aft- moon by ber own handa Tha for where ahe wa* going to de.iv*. aome ih;r_ Brooklyn, fo'' teatimotT waa addiir'-d br.fore theCoroner'ii'irv which ahe had bern niaking: ane. wi. ch BBflfl ibe ba* not f'harlnttr Ttrboiti aworn.Say*. I r**__* at No. 17 ____- been beard of. and feara ar* rota-rtaoooad tb it tnrr* ha. heen van-at. tbe deceiaeed lived in iny ra-rvi. i alv. baa friea with foul play. Bba l* _> yeara of age. ataall in itatare. andor afternoan. about _< pr JflflflBBBBflJ ".' a rnoi.tb and in day.; ye.terdav appaaraoc* 0, the deceaaed waa mixng aom .thinj, wh:t* in a tti-n*>.ei; I a*k. d her witat it waa, and ahe aaid it wa. cream of t-irtar. flfllflfl th* tun.bler, and w.t out of the do.r! NEtV\JERSEY ITEMS aoon after, Mra. Vor.kk.-k came over to -fl.. my honae, and told urtb-it I_ouiaahadUken age. wbo


Hr.Kiors Dibtuiban.: k..Ofl

large naniber of

SI.PF.RIOB COIBT.SrrciAL Tbbm.B-fore Jadg* Eaan:t

Sunday evening


aa to s__t

or rnrai amd iLfrj.

peraon. ccogregated at the corner of Wtflkm _\ Martin agt. the Mavor. Ac, C.in_r_i__-i mer. it. and a*-ir,tri av., and Th-Tty-eighth of them being iltoxicBfed. a .eriona diojanrhanr- a.._oninany a waa no oramrd. Hmkmg Fund bre. Johnaoi. and Keanan, ofthe Twrntteth WardOfTicenCaOn fhe motioiii to diaaolve or modify fhe LnPoiie* in Hall Hardi.the3d, 4th. iith.llth, 16th, l4«th, 19th and endeavonng to quell the not, rticeived aeveral ter*. trlowa granted (already rifi-rred t.i r**tra-n:tig th* abre waa »tnn k on th* .hr.uldrr with a clnb in the junction Xfth Ward-, leavini; tbe ,1th, Hth, aad 18th, (Hard-Shel!) .',?"-( ofthe rowdie* and aerioutly hurl Thu other* aale by auction, a* adveni-i-O for, -aMth'inA. a: -ertain vYard*. and the lid. 13th, and 17th Wnrdi, (.Sofl Sbell) l.cila of one l,:ow* with Binnlar weapor... bot eaeapVd B*rio_ pyert, wharve*. and aUp*. Jwije Kinmet ren.ifl**d a dociI -i ot the dir.urbance wa* received d the .14111, at ronrklerable lengtli, thi. forenoon. H< fdy aai*oiiteated. l_?i.ury Pelice ,.,r,,on*iation Btfltjoo, nd Capt. EUaaefBB, witb a poaa* of hu that tiie applirati.-n wa. bv plainnrf. a ei»:/. ani flixWi- prerrrjt below the coateatant* uot already given ; BM B. rf-naired to tbe ipot aid aoon put the Ipelligcreut* t.i payer, to tbe aaid *ale. That the com-ilainant coa>*.TTi*E. aaajflBaa after ca_.tur.i.g aix of tlu-ir i.ntnber. They were taken fr-a forth certain m__tera, amon/ flrtdeb r--. t'id tbe ki IrW-Johii B. Holiue*. Wiih un Stoikley, Oeo. J. ftiirht, 1,4-fOir JuBtite McUrath BBfl brid t, aw.'t '-aarninat on. PnbBc Do 1. ofthe city ot New York i* li I OOU.OOi; tbat jsla*"«e. Their ar* Jaa M. Brirn. Mi.! and Edward Mein 1*<44 th* Cotninon Council aet aiiart certain revemie. lUd Wanl'.H. J. Mabbett, Jame* Donnelly. Chtrlei Cori.,,ik. (Jweu KanTerly. Owen Farr.ll ai.d Peter Burn*. aa a .mking fund for the exungniwrnent of »ai 1 debt, Hetel."i. e irtk Uatdi-Henry M. Ikuvni. Jnf;n Burn*, Henry Pnrmaking the Mflfflr, ihe Reeir.ier. the Contro.i*r aad Assailt troa Pouei Oiticcrs..A muti tbe Trea.'urer of tbe nty, with the Cflainnan of th** t**I Ith Ward .J. B. named Jeremiab (poI.bii vva_.year.rdav arreated on a warrant linance Cr-miniltee ofthe linard of Al lerrn*n and Aar.* (Teeny, H O'Ke*'*. J. W. Brady. t II,h Wmrd-. Jolin Cudnev, TOotuaa W. Adanu, Tbama* laorut-d by .lualite Mr(trnfh. ch*r_~d With having. during tat.t Alderrr.en. Commi-B.ner* of the .-dinkin. Fund. JU.loter Pninary Kl'-rnot, on k'nday ?a«t. cornri!itt««d a rtolent aapowo-rto ael) prop.rty not in u*e. h! niotl*a< than a IXtA Ward- Noelection. .ault upon Orfieer Oakiey ol tta Nin-'*»nth Wirl. who wa. with l.xeal. ir 1 ti*t. in 1-i-t."i. on taflflt-Btaf a XtA It'ant-.Ctia/le* John Van Cott. 1l<.. y D. duty a. tlao- t.ii.e. »t Uor roi.-r of Fortv-Swavnorl-«. anf loan oil ojejoio,'... (__- Croton water -flflflfl, tbey ona.le tbe

contest tbe ltt, fith, 7th, 'Mh (where \t biaTbe Vift-Shella .otinced there dection), lOtii, 14th, 1.7th, .


r t .1




1 lurd-av w'.erc a Poll wai b'-ing held. The BflBBBBd wm no !dto t.ail in f l.l-f-fi to anawer tbe eharge. A rran namrd John Murpby WBaarreited on Snndav night, cbarged witb B.Baiilting Olbcer Areaon of tbe Kig^teanth YY'i.rd, with a al'ing-alK.t. '1 b* with trire*,-r», in.uited tta (2.Bflfl flfl he waa pflflBBBJ through Nioorteenth.(., near Third-av.. atid when rrtmon*trated with, »rrurk


Xlth We\ d*

laaaaa R. etteera, Thima* H Farron, ThtdW. (iiovf-r. 1 A'/I'M tfiirdi. VVilliara Meelian. Patnca Earues, Heu'y Banro.. Ward.Chtt. A.Secor, Luciu* Kobinson. Iiaac V. XYlh Pevlar. XYlth Windi.OeorgeO.Mitchell, Lon-sN.Olorer, John fiflrt. XI IWh Wurdl-Roy&l Phelp*. A B. Trowbridge, bBBB T.wriHrL.i. XlXth Hordl.Jobn Boherty, Jo'.-i. OKeiffe, John tht*. XXth WardS.Theodor. Martuie, George Ryder, Jamei f. Duriii. .Soft Khelia. 'Hard ShrW yoi'nu mbn's or.NtaiL committee. 1 ht Ward.Johu Coffey, Jobn Kay, Jaiut-s Ltiadigan, SeBeruard Uurl.-y 'laitmii Knhlbeppa, Jame* B. Rich, I ll Fmnig-in,Thoniai Monllld Wtrd. Wiiiiut'i WiUon. <J. **/. Uuion. ror, lfth ItVifd-.Iohn McCoj, D. W ( lark, Will. Drew, Mic Andrew Cui''. Ji..»-.-iB, Vltk rViirrl.Jamra (llaar, John Quin, Willinm Burnett, David Uilman. John llollard, YUVt Waid.Andrew _BB**wBB. Henry CIo**, Williain John J. Ki*lcy. IIobb, John CtillBhan, JXtfi Ward.It ia claiuied th.-re wa* no legal election. Xtk lti7.d--Wui.Jube, David McGuire, Jame* McHenOtohaui. ry, Aaa Bogait, Alexan«l*r A'ltt H'<ird.Jame* McMahi.n. Terei.ce Smith, David Monk. Williain Krant-i* irul-Oia, Carr, A'i! .'1 h'urd. Heury Ward. Albert J Smit'u, Jobn LeaBiv Hii-ry Vaa Hollfitid Jotapb Piin-. XfB*. M.»d-Audrew iir< tt, John B Ryer, Andrew II. Creen. John It Kro.lhea.1, 'A'alter II. Jonee. Jr. XVKh tVotd.Yetei Henry, l*aacSeixnn, Krancn O'Neil, San.ue) ll. Vi.uderhevden. , AYllllh H'ftrd-Jainrl Murj hy, lafiar R. V irian, Henry 1). flenneaBy. Baatb. Allun Meltille, John XlXth H'urflJ.llarrit H. Stnkei. Jr., W illiam "Mmrk, BBBaBM rker, Nkoa ilflfl Sea_<ri»t. Peter MnBO-raoii, Jr., M.JotiB 1'i.B-., .loh. hayniau, Wm. llaiupAAI* H'iif'/-Ja*. el Koe. Nntliuii ud.rhill, bflfl, MoiiiB U. I Coinrnitiee will st.nd as foliows, II all The (ieaeral the Wardn af announced «re to hc con'e-ted ,..





him witb a aitiiigahot. Srrg*ant hurton. ot tbe **ine Ward, happen-d ta l*eneir, ai-n 'laateued _o tha aa.icr.nce of hii bioth.r OSflflT. Tlie r.' alitben fl.-.l. andai! bnt Murohy He wa. taken before Jnatic- Mclirath and hrli to caci.perl. iwuit exnniin.ition. a

Tiii: I.kcint Assailt iroa Mr. AaaaOTVI BflflflflAo at TtMMANV IIail..Yoaterday aflernoon 7<*rgeaut Ikflallflfl atid Otlicei Lonl. of the Sixtb Ward P"liee, arr- ito d Jol.n 0. Aoatin. on ,» beneh warrant ttaued by ihe Court cf (leneral Siaaiiin., h* havmg l.o-n indicted hy Ibe (Irand .larv lor iu the late at Tam-

riflfl parttcipating aay Hall ia which Mr. AngtiBtHi Bchell, Chairmanof fhe PajBW rtal.c f iene.ralCoiviiuittee, waa aeverely :m ir<-d H« gave bail iu ll,(*XI to anawer the eharge. * ___Bklovi Aociukit..A younrr man named wbiba Vaabi-1, ll'iiry ridiug *inrited boiic ot) S'liiday afternoon tlirotigh llndaon-at.. came m contact witb one of the Kightb av. cara, and waa tbrnwn witli -tr vt fircts tothe pn,. in. i.t He fell near lh- tr.'*.. hi* r:_'it ar.-n rratiug upon it, and tho- ear p.i_*inx over rt, rnalied it ia a ahoeking mai.ner. Mr. Knaup, tlie cenductor, irntuedialely atop;o*d tl.r ear ai.d rusirteri tbe lnjnred man to Iu* rcvidence, So. .8 ti

wa* JOOI m att'-iodance aud King-at.. where a pblfljrIflfl dreaaed tbe ann. wbttri it l* tbo'igHt will have to be a-npntated. It i* aaid thd tbe aocident wa*oa-iu_. ntlrely tothe carele.mea* of the iupir.-d man. He had f,or time nrf-vioiiB been riding iu l.i* abirt al'-evoa at a furioua rat* i' rotig), a-veral itrc-ta. and on rouiing in'o lIiid*on-.t. lode hts begae directly againat tbe ear. ..*-

n PaaTALooaa..A feinnle named Mary Clementa, who keepia amall dorn m Walkt-r-M., waa ario .te.! on Sunday night br oflicer Pattcn. of the Kourtfa Bbe wa. Ward, charged witn being drunk andit d__orderly. wa. diacoverml that, taken lo tl . Statioii-Hotoat-, wken altl.ougb (l:e.,.-d in mal. attire, *he w*« a feinale. Vederhflf.fl Juatie. Welali, wbo, after day I'.i g aliewa. taken h-r. oli/_cliargi-u ber, ahe proinianig revnely repniilflbdiua uev.r agmu to be guiity of a aiuiilar ottiinae.'

A Fkbai.e



Oar, Cea. C*r, Coa -33-

|11 1-4.3 13 11 II IB 17 |»4 11)

(t to, the proviaiona oi tiie laar of i-14 BBflfl lortl. that on a prev.oii. oc.-a-i'-i r-rtain revenuo*. were .et upart by tfn- ex-inguLih .nent ol tbe eiry dflOB and .t w BflflflflBflfll tbat th* or Iinanreol 1^44 k'vold, be au»e ir civ.-i power to aell, A*. It ij ako. (-(inteiideil that tb* manrigem*nt nf tbe city fui..k baeatfld intlie iuiancel) partment, *u'.*ct to the legialative n _n;a_oo of the C'ommon Couucil It atatea lhat it apn-«r- by tiie C.ntroller'* report of I.I', If.I, that tbe rflfll eatate of tli* rrty i- w irth *l".'.47.' :-T wl.irli ii.olude- ufiBTnilableproperTyfirthe BflBflBflflBahflM r.: 'I tbe publ.c dibt, (oaaio.nii oi'publie i.ark., reai (tatate u.e.1 by tl.e G.overnor* of the A'tn*llouee, and for .School purp->*e*.emfltaflBflfl, in all, at Wt-ifl only I-I-t.'.',.').'>.( a* th-' artual avatlBU.CTfe.3, ablc BBflflDa ol tiie (lty lor Ihe peyment ofthe prin.-ipal ol the r u) lic debt ot Il4.00ii,o(io tr 1,1 wluch val-iation the amount of eominon lan-l* remainir,.- flflfl ?711,14.',. and tbe eatimdef value of wharv.. iiiere and bulkbead*, A'l '^Vi.OOO It alao*d* forth tbat tbe C.ititrnller haa aBaaflfllflflfll t-. ^ellat au.-tn n, by order of t'ie (' itnariBStofl.Ifl flfl? tbe .-it.kinj I ;ni. on 'Jlrh bnt, certain MflflBBOB land. ai.d --. burv' -. pier* and .-.Itp*. whi' h latxer itbo.e advetttped to be ao.!.!,, arepl*-eil m rhe ialn ifi in of, at BL'.'l 5,000, and which oatiinde i* greafly fcpoken ¦adflfl ther rflfll vnlue; tl.I aaid piera and bulkheark nre rnpnllv incr. nait._ iu valuo.olo.iid hoi al Ue- rotte of l.'i IflflD per cent *).-r anninii. flfll wh.-n tba pnaent I. ao-ea are out, a 18089. trr.-atr rent can la* obtained for thr-Tu, ai.d if rento-.l undei prudent aud BflTflffl] inanagonteiit, llu y will be of .iiflicn-i.t value to o \:i,,.'ut<h tue debt. It alaoi a**o rt* tbat idluwing tbe C.-iiitmaaiOiicity >n oi'tle Sinku.g Kuiid to have power,BBB.r tbeordiuance of 1**44, tbey wer-- not BflBBflriflfli tn »e]| Bflfl whurve* and fltaa, .a rhey are "Ufied an.l reaeriad for ikpT within tbe p iwer ).iib!ic pu'pofooa.,'' anol. tbeVcf-ir*, of Tmtt fc'ith brflaC-BBB nt tti* C HBBBOfl Couiiril !.d"pte.t a IBflOhlli-fll direchug tlie ConIrollcr to atop tbn-al-- Hdv-rti-e-l for-.'lat iiut. but thd liia Hoiiar the M«y( rrctaiti'-d th<-or.linane till !>-. being Ihe la*t day allowi d by law iot him to iic--i_-nde hia objection thi reto. ami wi'hin oneolay oi the tim3 wben the .ale wa. totake place [vacHtit lot* coinminced tbe *alf. and the wharvea, Ac, were to ta flflM on tbe and '_4_h, the day on which theinjuncl.i.n wa. aBowadl irrethut iinleaa tlie nalt- .houl.l Im- re-t-aino-d gr^nt an.l parable injurv will accrueto the tax-payera of New-

It alao



3 3

Thhkat to Hhoot..On Sunday ev.-ning (iflicn MacBul.-y, ,f tbe Sixth Ward, arreati-d aa Iulian Antoine (Irnletta, ahareuil with ll.rrat.uiiig to *hoot











named VVilaon an.l Adeli. Lebrrrti, while in Duane «t., near Broadway, with a pi.tol loidcd to the nnir.le, which he had





He powfiaioiilo pn.


ai.J cdiiniittcl

3 )\_\ 3 Total Ortihed Har.l-Mhelli, 2H ( ..ute.tanra. 21. Cerfi.


taken before Jiutice

Tbr Judge took up the vanou. point* in hu deckion. He (-(-n.idera thd Un- law of IBlldM not cr ate a mort»ucb aa to pr.-vent gage or pledge of the City propei-ty. ihe *<-1bng .t when it thnught evpedient. Corporation '1 be Corpor. tion were under no legal dkability by the oidinance of IM44. toi aell any City propertr it might .lo in e\ped:o-iii He al*.. con»id*rcI flta 0t_BBBBOfl flf






V& (ine of the Cheajiest and Best Conducted Crotki-nr-atorca in tlie City k S. I). Ookman'b, No. litl CflBfll-fll Hk a»orliiient ol Fancy Article* tor the aud (ilaa.w.kre,, u cotnlirb ent.

lii Birft CarrTtTi tB. <MataBa*Ba, 81. hef.vinatheao.taoi J8 |).icgate*(e'Har.l*au(l 10 Softa) BBaaaBBBBB.



Captain T. Boyce Light onGuard, Christmas day, natn

wentto Holx.ken,


hering aBBBBBBBaaad EnoRAVi.aos..AtheniHiranb-

tt ahip lyinf* Hiver,.BBfhl BaBBBgBBaBBl

the aails of









fbe I."


Hon. J. Stra*4o>*rs..At tbe Mktropoutai, C K. Ha-iley Tr..y l'r A. C Wtlgaa, Albiuiy; UO. YaaaataB, *. Ba. t (iale ajjiaaaaa; Taaa, L.\\ hitnian II.***____ t-rr.1t. ll'i.ton (iro. C. l)e..iis,l'..)rt....: ( Cor RoM. f ..,,. I.. 1'. Cainpbell. North Caioliia.


Wm.R Webb, K"itui-k.Y. \\in. T. Ransotu, l.eorgia, Ale.\Jl WiKKl.l'iilitorni.; Jno.-ntiothet-K aadc. 1<»). Wa*h'L.kBton I'..U. Tennissee; John \. II. W.u. At th.- A>Tt.a CoT. tvei.n. .h. Huflalo l>r. ('. Picken'.,-. Boaton K. A. ForWheat..!. .Lh.', iMh, Ne\.l..i*li Hi-v Mr. ai.i.k l,a..«l»: kichard ln,h. Fnilunl: J. !«. Uuckne.1.



J. P Kairlianks. ft, J. A Joltirbink- r-Binl. ftetens. Albaiiy W. P. Iturv.!'. H.-idg.-port Jler.ali brotv.i, Wis.-i nni. k'.-rt-iiBuntl. do tk H. Uaiaid, '1' W.ttl Mbany; Kr«t.k B Hoaae, Bo ton, and other*. II


D.WaBdfTfJ! Troy:

j'hiladeiphiB lloAito





fStnrtevaiit in the Chair. *m>_a-aO. tbe Lity. purt or the Report.. ln faror of allowin?. i:ourt ot Bl .skMoisihof the Ju.l«ea,.t tbe t-upreme 8B8B vear, bo |i DiBttii'i, iiiaAkiu,! then *aliiry B4.ikKia tnrnce ItlJnlv I*"-! alf*^ aJlowiaj to MfM Bfalll in Ni".vl "i a. I)irTriet*c..i.iint toa**i>t in holimg Court* ter each lot' niil.-*emai fft oer da> wlule here aiid 8*? lha l ...mtv iAerkto jiulea^. iii lavor ol*pfiinittiui; fcloy .. ine-»omi.r, at Bt**) per year ia t*m* ol redu,-

W i,x on American Tirr.'-er FfBI88fllk| <L o an.1 81 -1 Trtinrtied Ailopu-d tf-'.itioiK r A re.-( hm.-ii aas pres,-nte,l atid r-i'-rr.M i-ran.Iag t 8, BtBkj v' naaiaBBl Bl IiBBB, $200 ka extra co.iijraii oi l .Uin. A Krovt .e, 8-J ><i and *4.7*H1 for priBt alao, a lull al Ing lml, xe. were onler-.1 to be»*.,1mMj *¦-'-< ta Jame* MorI leik, 845. for |0B»aaBB, CotBBTJ .aay. faf 88r.-r4in« a j.i-rron at Pouirhkeep-ie. , Ibbb. paaaaaaa tor aaainUaa i laa were preaentct ,


.lid releire.1.

W.-* Baaaa or AiPiRnt-n-Monday. tbel>ec. chair, and Biih.t, T l BBaeaam Y^l, Pteaidant. u>

the prefioua macunf errerni'' Tf.e^.i,t.te. Neab.t. b. Audrrw '^.^X^rTrT jQBBIBJ aConiiiiiaaoi.i4d!**«edB, .-'.-'-*** *___* Vl'^'.^Beli lllltx A.Carl^ tobe rttaairrd from BtiYtawar Tet»th ^.''jff'wSd o.




oi tot


the aauie


Broi-dway. uinurpaaaable.



tbit l-4i<iv.

Allowinb- ibe ItflflflMMJ departmenr to have rhe care ot tbi rnatt-1, il Ib-- < 'nntrolli r wa. iu f.vor of aelling aiid the Common Ci'iuiei) *hould pa-* ar.-»oluiion forbid-ting ,t' it wimld bfl lii' dutv to flubmit t>, th'- latter 'IV Judge itiiuMfTfll. allowin.- even thi- C u-i .Tfl !. tawfl pflflfflfl taaiaf tbe ordinance lo *ell aU red or Bflflflfl el.iv'ii.- ti.tlie Cif..-ii"t iu ¦.i tilitt th.t the t. r fl lic purpoae-," tbat M poiut ot pia I ii. Bflfll power fl w.-il wi. flt (. nnd alipB are uct -Bfraaia '.l*n- . "1 hare giveu the apilicdion the Judge .ald, loa r-t a. -iderdioii in my power in tne bri.-i lune I liavo la.i Bfl tbo' piirpt*.1. atiii flfll ol 0B°.4-fl 'i'i -I thi pflffl flfl, ¦' ot i>r»;.'o-i-. ¦!- .....-'.¦ i.ern, haven-. aafl.fl-tj Ofl |h fl r. bj which. -,riy :. Ifl l Bflfll BBfl Bfl-8 i.t property. Bfl preteitt t!-.o i'i B4 hon in tbi* ca. wo. rrafltafll' (it. tbfl flflflfll flflto th-- expe liency ol ael ifl nny reai e.n.t. -¦! tl-cCirv-n rh" pr-'i'- ftdc lt Ifl liBflffl. Iha Ji.d_e Jaial it uot, torhun I.. o-xpi-a- aay ptomb, "Bk ndlrtant thd I r'atw thfl fn .tanta. (b.ini'.nr to ba Oflflflflfltata :.-.« actl i nfloflaflita r-tiiking 1-..I-I. ." iflflflfflta whieb fldlaw; and thkcaflflwaajTflflkted,a*betagi M liig tpi n thfll opii ioi. I im bo t'oil t" r *\ tet-ateor m.vl aarhiajunctioa." ..ii rbi i-.'iii ¦ Bifldi y H. I- '"-...¦ Farj ll Friday. 10 vr-cBta > a falet.i tle i, p'. f flflB .'>-n l<t I l.jve l.aie, abould 1.1 I -flflflfl Mon.ii.;. m Januaty,'why t ina-ie paiiihioi.' ^.»_^

1.R00KI.YN ITEMS ].*,nK .The exfenaive lumber yard of Mr. at tbe foot of I'.ndge-at., wa. al Aflf-Bt-fl f'tudwi-ll, ino.t entirely cunnimed by tire la*t eveninj. The flre orvint.tcd in a 1-b.ckimitb abop BB Piynioath-*' BBUadlBfl, to a dw.-lling bflflflfl a-Ij.iliiing and flaflBBB coiumunicoiting to ihe rombuaul.le flflflflh in th* rsar. tli-itroyingat theli a*tcalfu!a!ion .-,i«»0orfllO.OJO worth of pioi'orty. Tbe progrea* of tlie ilamc* were not ibcckefj before 11 o'clock. tb.-nremeu working with


mal oii-rgy all tht- \v!.U.-. Tiio whole d-ptirtment out. liinl a large BJflflflha* of hre:iu>ti tro-n New l.uginefl "ffljfl v.en- Bflflflflflfl. rendering ellicieut Bfll and were No* 1, 3 »nd 7 biake duwn while at work, r.d BflflflMfl, Tbe lio.* of Mr. .".tu-lwell. in tbe luiiibcriyard, Ifl atated at ..liUM'. of wbieh *-..(>*) The ir iipure.l in tlie Nariau In.urance Ccnipany. blBcltimitli Bhop in wl.i.-h tbe tire ori^inated. tflflflflffld to Mt. -flafljBflBfl which. together witb the were whef^Yvright Mflflp Hfld a iniall doubb-dwelling BflflBflflflflA Mr. Wrigl.t'a L>ss wb-< flaid to be flpdO




PataI Accri'iM


«te|»d.-.8( __***__t\m___fST ibrv'.mi. rct.m. ^ajttaam^tttm *%m*tt_M the l otuity l lerk rer.itrd fromlf*f<^Sr. lo S f* Canmewy were







named I.ovejov, raaUflBJ B tbe t'lure Itna-I. waa klW ola on dniidav aiternixin by the arcidcnwl tun whicli he proro-ed BB 'hoot BBBta r»t. which lutedafterward.-i. ed hk y»rd. He flbki BBBflflflflBB*-*





in whi< baailv tir.en, waa brongbt l*lor- Ju-nc* K-n. yaderdav and to l.i-d ba.i m Bflfl »um -I 11,008to appear aad

V. flflBaf «.iviti4, his name an Jflkfl Sitaw wa* detected ta the act of .tealiin a-veral eflBB] frotu



taoag-B BflBBA Juat c* King ytderdav. f.r exannnaiion.



and conai-i-ite4l



Lewia Aciii-rM.-Mr. Alevaiider>¦'-»»,,.. ptrcipitatad .r_iit).:»c_nagei wh:o. iiduu Th. dwlocaud. abould hifl d had Bflfl k and at. ot. nJBV, o( lh! B.cVe..ttB7C,:ir.d Ifl-gBflggB "r by Pr Mott, of -v..rr.ct:Uiei.buU Tbe biaib waa aet v^1^*


dai-.eioua!y hurt, fcowever. Kxtkk-ios or Mvrti kfrotn iflpr.. A Ploui haa be.n on f.x.t to exttetxd Myrtl_-av with :be Jamaica waa Bt't


Uiudery aad


their Qflflw rirU lomiaiiV l entnteclak trcectiy teaaVV tiltairi'H Sharp. wt-:.. ipltodid and co«.y aAair, h, eateeni It i* an .legant taautifiiL Aa and eba*.*. ap_t v.ry and Uie woikii-o-lup prot r.ate i-datijitiou aeu~aved spoa rh«








lhec<jtit*16I,UledPaJk'«ith. tovon tbe tmiiiy, toA be


Ta-eoavjaijfd nj

Yr.'if, to direct th. Bt#8,888 in iat..r ot hitn._, ,_

^.tta^tatteatAdo,,ied~lix toet:.;Vrtodr.wbuwat"tanl BMlbBH tor titr* aeit.t-8 Mn.ln b'. le.-iiel

.twelluh-, own. f_*yn,,.-.,t ib t thrrr alN> 1 Ai*o pdler.




I'-ily Gcn-

^.'utnm t» pay l*-;* B*>rt t«. V ..,., raailer ia *h« Board, Bu'* ia additionta hi* .rtlu.A.^ity(8*ira.1 »I1 U.l.t.ul; tb,; Bo«.d »,|, .uriaeal '.. >V


t l

,____. a_>






Vi-.-. sic.Tiie Coroner ui^u-atatlh. -Nc iciklii-.i'.'.a ui >u

by riKisc. au


Thr aaa.J a .1* i.rr fl.a tb* rnwlaacf oi h-r ao* ¦ W. ua l*. Aath'or Bo. . t'ta* Bara. Bai kra aai Wrdaaaaar. twa

¦aflhll C-_flflta.»,.Cflfl.JI** .\j_r__.-i-B. Ii »¦"*/CaaB.B-M-*.: Cokaorii------. 1 .

_.* 4 4 Ik__T-« I

O.l«r » AtfAaa*-.! f..»v. I*_aarri-. Uamatraamai Lua. I


I., aai...


t^xetTral^.t. n-nr"'^'"





w_* a-od M ** , _,,-»_ abrfl the tk-nea Tb* Bfl.




*f*»**"t».4 Bald



*"***¦ «

l»MJ ^*-*^JV^|<lC; kalSTtorhariafl mxMhed "^^^Jg^ffClX .*^--«.:S_^ __fll-fl)bflaafc Ffl*aV- V tire bmke *.;f *mfOJ BJajJll



' ..,.<-. B-ilu Dwr IT. fl-a FflkflCC* a BAB.-K ojr.iatao. Jkaha. a.arh. Ik D. *_r-aury ^th* A»--,fw« Jmrnameajta l'a_.. aad lifljdi. et th* BB* J.a r___-_*_* a«* **. fl \v. piClw.aaaa! »l« ft w-ra! 1 ba atr-akd ire*a aat rifllnn. Baa. ?. YV Bfljl al 11 M. Tht rrV. aa aa> iikaoBda w. tae aoy -1 m Th~"l»y. ..,*.! ara .i v tra t.> «itrt_l A-.ri__t*-_*. a J.«-wtoardar O-r ja.P\vtD_mo--.-*i _*-4 V .-. 5,-)t_,.,it._f' MV* ft_.-iaaa-l i.aflura. arr urr.d to ha "Oaaral _»J It-mDt. fl"i*.'iCao)rxa.BBtfl-T.-» Taoiad.vlfll»c_.» J,. b-m. lia. I*-. I*. Or J«>HB J fl BOVIf. eemt K u tha T.iaa ret ..a..rr etimetw. Ut __n4 arrao. adk extttm la.Vkao -fci.tka i.iwco..flfl-r* a_aB*ar«e_aalk.ll«ioc_* a ve.B__err rar. * C--»«**._ TY'iMti Raa., aa Diarw. Rr -.-* yafcr ib * aaark aaaafl the.


\\m&m^^ -v'-ter-lav MfllM _M C_a_UTSAl w__ata_akdfl tal



Th* thr aa-B-v arr ia _¦¦«_._*B__L.dl..*arhl*-*a .-ral. withaMfWthff wocf.

corner ot



1'pri- « .o.-ua.iPt'ta HW.Y4H f ,*_. of-abn-.Ha.'kiri Th* r*at «*a aad !r_-»*. fd-t^r »aa_.-y _rr r.arri__ y a«i-pJ_i*t laad hrr tar.ra. a. hrf Bfl«B. * le « la-i-aoTf n **. ee wai titga-. al »"a vVkhl A B. w taout .'_r-a_r JMB-_fl-_a Hoar rr aatia* -> ta- Tikra ka 5t*r. rd. Ctoaa. I. i-iUf.fat. :>r. Bn BtRIT YktsT »..waf *. ,--. M



a. Bl 10 _',





. Tm*.J M aflW k.oro*'. rr. M.. YYai II .. .ia k.-ar Dr. ir KAtlllg lull.A la ifl-Bflil tt A J.rr. aad lath-r. Tta ta.MM Bdkfl takflfl w XuhMart L 1 ov inharBi-.. Taaa day a-M-ort. it 11 .**.ck. boa _» rr.__r-.-e « krr aaorrati. !** H >. t»r'a-' t.-K .w*:**w .-atarop-ita th-Bara. r a dar F . fltaa lo vrl. wm ttafnlaata lawa. Th aa twwXtr frd *a ka awav (Va fao-lag a*._-.. Vor. ». altar a akart umam. .ABVIt KI Bflflt a flh. flN rear _4 h.. aaa. tar o. toi, A tht lea.. y arr raajactfafif iflMad to a*t__U ha I* i YVadafldaJ. li.*.4B, fla. l.arr.1 rv-ni k a ikw Bflfll ot.o'.i tkarkf a .o i_»_t -jOtar aafl-M

in Atlaatka-. Bcci.l.-rtiMrn a'ir cauae occ_T*d wkrn l-v Mr. Jubi. C.v__kh wa* bad.y liTaiaed t'ie ataBfltta he*d b> bring threwn upon the pavemeu: ll

ct tr-..






tto .at Pl 4*.b» rfc*. STIk 108 .*> <*\ *». 108 lcsoe .****>% Ao. en.loiittit »rrr H-.A l,* .-A Bi* .ir>.v jo) do.P!\ tttttxtJ l*e RR kUa <a.u wParkwCielCo.110 87 lSOmui Bank.IOT "0 mrarmara Uma. ,t" *.,.blOSS fl il 1 ^ .,« lCOHarrairiaaJ. 4a.klO *1» sto. 80 ¦.-. , * *J\,.-J> se *e..bao soi. :oo.t*wC.-**kCc8.i'o. tk 4*. 88 *_>* uraarwy.ic.aiCo..»)» af. Aa. fl 808 .*J 4. SO do.818 21 !M 4a... .tit if. .k*t)t* aa..bsati^jr,, MW4e.**..~BIS tt ti *. fr* Raatraad. Mt ....*SO.i:sC l.i* J.,.MO 97 laotaflr.¦ irrtBl tavndlo.... el, 100 <W>.UO i*| .10 CaiJ Ia... Co. MB .« itfnrti**o.ti n i\>i a. a.. ., , *_ tmr....b30 lOOBuBl.nirj .11. 5I4 V* SS rtoeraer . Kerwmx » l» 4o &0 Ba3ar8Ba.Tr.nMC0. 31 V BTHar-m RailrwaJ OOT'C B» 4t>.tii. xn a.. i**o *».st aa *, I*. ato.»:<* a TOUaa* UtaadRailr**' , ara ,10.o*»i 1*0 io. aaaa 100 so *,..Bta de.kraatlk tce io.aan 4a.kiiia-k aa 888 io...-bv-ji 4b.ioort.-i,'«oa 4a.*2\ BBl *0 .'*mlS -. Piiar*.140 IBBer. B War. tt B A *.'>, 100 THnpar T.a I 14 i*3 Tfa B, Ceatral B R.lattj .V *4 T * 1 H.. n 1< 7 m II do .II.", 30" H * 5 Laol-a... H SZCO-YD tOltD BBaBfBra RR C Bu. Tl ,....-..,.. , 4..trio.l.'l jn« 5...B 1 ood B- b 80. R. R. B-a>. .rt,. tt :. Hmmu Hul.lug BBBcw. AO MaaT * ( ataf. ...SlStSO I*"» 800 4.. .il) a»rior».-* * Ktrrnrt *rnj SB 4o. .,-, taCryaiai Pai*.« I :: 808 do. VJtvi.-jrorr..--. .'* MO 81 *4> tOO 4.. tt. 100 Laai ...UOO TSO"ajarag*** Trarjat..«>*. rjgar*rortk »\ io. lOB BB............ .11*4 SO ', <ta do.»..% rrvt«w»r»*l .-^a .. -., ds.:.b.o ««» "bJ Paeau Bauaa U. tt 109 ¦' 4d. ..tttO »>, 108 ** M io.tiin aiS'¦(..***-<^noBrra O IWk tOO d.. :«.>» K-, iiH|.iw.K.-'HH K l.-tcl ll i-oL-n. 800 -, 4..bfli'i ino d*.bi-iSH* ita do.brxist




B.ifj ., Ur 4rr»*»a/;*«-,i-i oi* k * a irMBaaBtl

baaeaCaaal *a.

*<a-*B*. -OA, 8.1 5i. .-.

l.-iiMorr -Caaal



(.'onpona tbr thfl Mortitage-

only 13T_ tuna brinj-ing ita

flfldtal BBflfl


w-.Il be

evpire paooi

on tbe 3l*t in.-r and to tbe *to.-kho! 1-ra oo

H4 i 84UUL.-a<8 *. 8fj 11.1AM


and title of "Tbe !_au k of Atnerien." with a capital of |a o million. ot ilollara, which will take the place of tbe pre.ent Iunk .ind w.11 coiuiuenco bu-ine*d uthe lat ol

Nicara.-iia, whi h was tery ai-tive and buoyant. Tbe trun*acti<>n* rea-hed »i, »«i BhAr-** and the mirket BdaaaBad araaa 31 i t.. Bi, *n irnprnvement of 3 Y cent.



Jmuniy. IIR TheTradeflmao'a Hank haa declar.-.l a flfur-

annual .livuiei. of three ololkr. per ahar.- Tlie Hut land aad Hurliu_ton Kailroad Cump.iay. Bflflfl annaal ttaflfl r BflBfl, The I.owell Bflflfflfld Cotiii'auy. three

l**iti< Mr. Vandeibilt is to re.urne tlie Presi dency of tbe f'.-rr.pauy atwl that he bad <old hii hoeta to the CcrnpsBt for 8l.lV),i)i'0. of arhh-h Bl,'*W).i*fji) wbb payabie in 40DOf) ihsreB cf stock to he iasned by the Cotnpany. It wa* ulan Bttted that th* biar* of MeserB Davi* A Brnok* were to be a.hle.1. tho* raakini rurrent



for the la't lix month.

The Chnrleeton Courirr saj a that the ("hnrlea-

atockhobler-'f the «t'''itti<*r Sourheru.-r liave aoid for ..."'.'."O to Vt--*--a i|i-iirl, Tile.toit A Ca of New York. ton out



a tri-montlily lin" lietwer-ri New >'erk and Sau PranrUen. Tbi* arrangernont Wn* lonkexl up -n s-i v.-ry lavorallc to the lntcre-ti nf tbe fenpntiy an l the demrnd fnr the ito< k wu active. The Ud'rovl- w r (Sencrslly dull wifhout irap.irtHiit cbanye. Iitr'..-m,

lumbu* ai.d .Vnia

of the

UUlfl Miami and I'o-

Uhilway for thfl


uiont'u on-lin.-


.'. N .-. mber. -.vrrrae followi: A*. -.',_. -i\ i.ier'h*. "*0:h Nov. 040),^


1851, .ix month.. iOth.Nor.

howeter. wa.4 heaty and clor.'J at 7-2i. BBBB*BBftaB wa- firm Long IbIiui.1 ippear* to hav.- .oen rb.ecke.1 in its di.wiiward mi.veinent aud cbaed at 3j|rr.l. Kiie waa well held but U n .1 artive. At tho ,Jec.n.l

4"..-11 fl.

W '""I SaaM.nint tiie tpinnported flflahflflflflaj .*"*turilay, lri-h, w.a flfljaataaaajad for Iba4 'umbertami C.1 and Iron Com Unerd it *old B8B8|. The Coal .'omtaau.e* are f.'ner- 4,:ilH tun*; tvri tl Ml Bflflrj * Bflflraad 11 rhe *ame period, 3.4II tun*. ally tirna. (umherland wa* well itiatniiie 1 nt I Parker Vein advanced to H but clo*ed at ivi. New Tl.e reici|itt4 for duties ai the Neiv-Orleaoi Creek, .'J <r:I. Ihinphin. i"-. ('atiton ara* tfeady. aell- CaaflflB Hou/c for thr three .ruarter* aflflflflflMfl of tbe IfBB8t 11-">J. CBfJ, l-l M -rii.. ha.l anup.vird tendency are a. followa an.I cloee.l nt '-'li bid A -aie of Far.neri' L.ian wai Fir.t ( ni.t Mareh.flW.reJrt 70 BWSfllfl flil i|flfll ld IBMBIfl Tflh Iflflfl at |8J| In Bound llailroad *BoeJtf ihe mtrketls In-n-






Third oaaat-B aaa

1:< Id. but the raief are not l»ri*e. Itond* are frm ond in fnir re.|iie»t.


Treicbts are rnther itnetite and somewbat heavy. Klou/ to Llterp.H.l h 3 I I J, and iom? hflrti t-mall ctiL-Beetncrits Wh'-at a»l'"ol!d; l.'.-tron, il;

Naval .-'tir'-a. il '"/I Dead WaffBB, 30 To London, Wm--.'J.. Nat-.l Ht.r.-. 4 ,vfl. T. Ilttr-.the market i* dull There la * g.Mul buaiti.-^ .till ,!.iik- I.t ra'.if.-rnis To Luerpoel, ye*t>r.lay. l.HXI 1,1.1... 11. ui IIB8. ti krn nt I Bttd 100 bbl*. Pork ,it I .'< atid to Lt udon J.IX8J bbl*. Naval rftore* at J H. Moiiei is becoiiiitiR more aaaa*, aih! loans afl call are ahBBS Ht a~. Y -''"'¦. "Kxtly I f c<-nl. m gotvl BaaBaaaaaBtat Firet d*** p«per ...ntitiuei io .;ood B.iak* »re tupply and 1* p***ed at 11 7 per rent. is Ta. not leixlin,- fr< cly, but p:ivate capiul abumlant. Tbe aiiK-unt rci-eiv.ilat ih»i BB I'anl.lTT'.Ml. Ilnlance. |J.'.I7.'71I



Mcfsrs. Pelano, Dui.bvy i ('.) 19 W .11will asrj a lhalf aaaraia. bBBraal aaa Nt iir-ivtmi t,-1* bartde ofthe Miltvaukee aad Mi*Bl*«ippi Ita-.l-



CoapBBBJI. m.d al*o that on

BBf l.'.di.i: M.lwau

f'lfy, i.--u..l on beball company. Tl.e Traileiirierra Baal has BBBBBB


Ai.nual liti.l-'tii! cf th.u '.I'b.-b Junuart p-.-v.




and**. Bt 8*. Lard la



rOwYerh Calll. *Barh.t-..Dee V HrpottrJ

tu. Thr 5.

T Tf.bua.

Bervr*. at the \Vaaliinat"'i Drnva-Vard, r.rn*r of 4B4>. ll'b -t an.i at ri-Bini.eii.ia'a llinhwe Rltwr BullB lra.1. ii-n uf tt. .binrrei af Kor lnw. and t'-altee, Bb. p an.I I.anih., (aud .1*0 lor Heeva.,1 at Bmwniii«a« ui -Bh.i near IM-av., aiul alao at rhainnerlalti'l. ArWi»HlNi.T..>4l) Y.Bf At 2,>t1 Be«taa, .7011 He-itliria, thr rrma.tidrr from thi* State 1 D.ruaad S.'-a wrre niada at rutaa i.i »«, pri.ea very lirin. t.naiug »t itoiii I) to we Y * About 400 haad lart uter aaaold. At Baowaiaa'* ll.owaa Boll'* HiAn|-<)ar*j>»»l, ,\l*a* All bnt St) auld. at pore* ranginf at frutn $2 to f " to $5 tor ihe fminrr, and 81 ** to $i S* .br Ihe lailer ( i»wa and Calve*. 40 offered. and all mdi Bt fn-m $*2 .". to Bl* ***.. At I'MiMrrai u.'a (Hipson Rivr.a B. li 'i IIbao)fW Bert 4'atlle on aaie. I'ncra at from #H to $* 50 KaIowa "lld ...... on aale. .V .iir left eter. tnt, t frreia' trom 8 ". tu 8.1'¦ l.i 4M-. aam q-ialily Market bnak. -. I'B'd I.»-.>.. fi'sai ni rn ii v-i raklea of M fnrtneral #7 be,ititt$o ft). and of tlie latter at Bt 458) aJDfltoll Allauld. r v.

av. ai..i



Total. INjafl OO Total importa. l.U-O.IBi (W rxroKTJ flf Dflaaajflflflfla Produce aiui Merohandiaet-) Foreiirn Port* u ve-ek. .*._*. -1 00 II 4,175.4.".' 0*1 In Aiuerii-anveaaela. *i.". 17,fi:t;i 00 ToUl to toretgn p.rta.. Cofldai^e. il.l-'-i.-'riG "0 Total daaieirttc. B,(JOIi,4!W OO ()t Foreign Merchandke. .*) In toreign veoaeek. 3,1(41 7t_,3B4 00 In Auien. ..n ve»*ek. Total I'or.-li-. t7..,77t4 00





-18848c. tho latter for eitra


| Ifi't.fiJt 00 1,107,j1.'o H Total. 1,477,14'JOI B Bit.leopialiiedvoa.o.1. tree ol duty :)lfi,047 Ifl do ifl p.yingdutr Idlrflfll (fl ln ftreign Iu \i''-ru..i.


fur new \\ r*t. rn.

Atr i :>c t I'T NAII 8 hate adtiueed m pn. . to I).-. *P ft, with iu iipwatd t. u.l. iu v WOllLfootiane* iu lair deniainl. dealer* haytflg BtaraB Alwut AIBO BB doineatio tiatee* ar* .* iiiaiiutktltiirra. Bt.itlat ISriSA. ,in,i io,ia)0 Bta. pnlled at


In Ameriran veaoaek: free of duty



bbla. an.I tra. at IfB phtity aadaBliravv:ai.daaJe..)i'«.41 i.'.rri'H fc>r «itv rei*fer**4^H.ilt.-t ii m aow.! aiipplv and > very h**A*t .1 17at?i*e. foe (il. ,., and-Dd^oV. foi Weaiem Dalriea. Clieaw i* beary


A! out one fourt'.: of tb- imporu which p.M through tl.eCtiplim Bflflflfl of New (irlean., flfl not pay dutiea there. luit nt port. Luuuville, ( in. t.odl, Ae. We fltafltrflb w the export. aud tin;. irta at ihe port id No-vv (irlrana, lor tbe oiunrter eiuluig Ikith BflflflMBflafl

od billa at i'i Y ******




BfBOth Ifl*pfl tahflf 114,111 41 T.-ral.|1,"I7^,-.M-

The busiiuss in Kx.-hauge is lij-ht and tbe .(.i.itati. m are dull. r-'eilin; ia BBM tiv c-nt., artflfl i-i


errparently ia not aangaiae ipeedy a ti-rminaCon of tae cot*trov**r*y witk the


Mon-ley. tbe M of Jnnuary. An Aaaociation un.ler the (ieneral BanVin;; ha* been formed uu-ler tbe name

* i


r Barorrtr. roa me MBBBBfl, Dee. fl. ASIIK.*".The market i* ateady bat ,-ntrt: aale* of" Pefla al 81 56,. aul Peaila el $5 IA (VVtON i* ui No prtce* hat | be,>o rUed aaaoe tbe BBBTfl amverl. aale. being betow l(W b*J**v Pricea, thrrefcre. are nonii'.*! rLOl RANP MF*Ir-(bir*viarkrt"*^:oM!bBb.-rrYaAvy HOU...1 ou t'liiiay. Tb* adviar* by kin. atmxtuet hare*mholdera, aod ah.ppers ev.o.-e liltie d'sputartua appauattd le p.ii.bafe al praaarut p.uea, .v*l with eotma ah-tt.naaat aa I'rriiht*. bnt lir", r waitll'a a.-..-.-. < '¦« th. Pacirir, now da*. Tbe*.!* have pan-haerd pr*4*tr rreely of tae BBBBB grarlr* at the aaVaac*, aid pnet » ef ilirn* ara npported. Tl e irifrrier rrad. a are arar.-e an.I wanred Prtcr* are 110BBBBL l'ina.".all ia h.lit At *>* *llil MillMet TL. **1** l*t D*>n.**)tic »rr 7..*lf. bbia al 8>*» «.*| '#1 881 lor rominea Ba State, inain'v at $5 (ti'i. ?"< 74, 8» *T7| tvu- Mited ta Straighl ) ry Mn ifu and Ind.ana ai"< t'.m-.HMi tn (..Htdikhij. St iitlirn. r lunr m hi good demand. in part te arnv.. mainly -. I'I,* Kai ¦» t-ra.-da aro rirm bnt 1.11-1 Salea of e,i»r.. 3 ...' b>.;* 'n pan ro am.*, at .*¦ nnj &9-1 f.v .,,- M.aed te bcBih-*. Balt.mere, AlevaodriaV B« at tot$l ft.r Ka. et Uv* Klonr itipnef an.I thr "urp'T lirnitrd. SalMo*" 50 bbl* at 84 *'. (. ,»n Mval M p -e.-t i* hearv Sale* " .¦. >."» on .".,'.. t-nna <. blllut-kw, h.-ai n eaaer an.I ....ii' *!.... .la.t. Baleaal Bt 87ktr*U l-J| per UB IB. ilKAIN' Wtaratia .-n :r .ln.1 aad the market uaeBttl*!. The taa ' a.-.l '.-** iBYiwable adtic** hyth* aeaaaer Canada Ihaa w*re.A|wv|e.| have reaincfed the .Vinend aod cie.'kr.lihe hnetanrt <> tpparent at the dat**f oar laat. aod pilt.-iarr BOIiiewhat" noon'i.l 1 h* *ale» ar. Iit. fxiaaeia -. i.-.'. ,rr ,i |i 3.', nd 800 hu*h. da. at th* Katl,-. I'.n at .1 84, tor tmli-.taj. Rv* i* inactive and ta raater. *alr.ot .t' b'lBh at 83r. Barley u ia fair deiaaal bbI . i'-.i.t, ..le. »i 4.1O0 bii*h uaaouu.1 at b.'a-. and 8.IN. Itiah aaed taar rowrdal S>*r da.'* are better an.. .a good ¦aie* ol W *i.--rn aad St.te at Al itSJe a-id Jacaey ("orau better and ib goo.1 .lemand f.-r ih* boine lii.l, i1 the Kl-t; BBirai'i 4AB. baah. allti i''*' ler Jeft.-v; 7li.r7lc. for Wlnte Soathera ; 7ro7B-. lor Yellttw de., a< .1 7Bc Im »l.l oiixnt. in atore. V. HISKV.- The innply of l*ti*ao i* tTio«Ur*4* and taa it. ek.-i ii tx-rter. 8alr* of "tl b'-.'i at ttat. Uhio u aot iidrcbaed. pl.-t.fv I)».- aftrnirr audor-f3c. Pork are v-ry tirat aud *on*a I'HDI^IDNS-Ho'diri Hracn- ti, i a arr b,tte: tin' tl< inaiid ia noiao aekive. Salaa ct 7111 bbla at fii for oi.i M. av 819 X tot a*w A>. #11 far n.i l't-tneariii #|ii V f,.. ne-r Ao and ti il p.uir bnl lor 1,08. III-. Brefli rath.'t b.-lf. r and in «aod .lemand light r«c. ipti Saln of Bll hl Ib. at l'l 40.f #i» i' for Ou.try Me*a 8l .* f for \ onnont. #13_Ib'tt8H W for r*'.a_ck«d ChiiB.o. BU.1 811 .*"'J8II *»' loiBBxtra .la.. and $x .*>*$* 19 fnt I'rimr. r*Thn* Me*. If mi.-t aiail thr Ohio and 92ttat I hmt.i. B.rf Iliuu aia tinuan.l ia tait .l.uiand. nl*. uf .I.'1-I.'b. \.rriient*xil Rivei al $4 TtJ$\5. Drtward flufj. are in deitiitiid at 8,.8li\ Piekhtl Meata ara earna aaka.

The Bank ofAmerica itivea notice that the

miRn.ia',. HBrVaa


CsdaI Cemrriiaiioner*.

be -rached yet. A day or two more ot* tndd weather will etable the borktmeB to reach the deaired tioint. Thi. Company l*.t y*ar broaght down bflfl WO IBBflaafl





cLartrrol that bank will

.etotl4>fxwfiA-hBli>r7e*l. hi'ttnpoaair,

d pbu b to be in cikor place for a day. lor aa bour. wilJ'OBAtp.BrviitinA that tl.e ;".»>J ot<ra-ce,'y t.-.t'4_t^ag r"ood to whi. h a Ion? and a rhnrt ehvrto-4 aata *<**a. for r**rape.prv-Ber* the k-arer .nrBfll aad thaf, 454^rr>ed (< tbe taat maa* of moticf humaany wh**h rfl. froaa Ohko, aa 1 ita trwtn * un ar.laiii,th*. iiiaarerca.>-m *.*»**< in tiie j**v w bt wat, Bkdrl.fl Se., Vork. Tbe Pirtrbur^h and**_. Ph:Li, ¦'¦*»>.i r>a-iw a e aarftran ht-iof .!e ertetl. laaflte i« BBBB "» I nn a*e anaarBt of w >.y l.i.-in.*-* al' n | th<*<u 'ha* it i* iiaaBMBBa. can rter"war* .Ta>i they y-tieot. Bat tbe troaatt-r baaSBflflB andprtatal'ikretapi a\ the g : pfiz. ^med aaafla-ltl a with tt tb. through trat.-l_for if U rhat athlch gteater dr-.iderBti.rB of W.-etera trade aal ciktaiiierrB*. tl BJ idtiana.-e ..1 ima* anJ bcpe of *U fhe ev»et.ietiB^*. tnrrs ssldc rt w aot *ttr»<-ted tt eludes oar jraap | B n-IUBe^o'-rBotikBatii*. it p**r>Jflta alo tha Nea-Y.-rkrhanael; aad tbe ct>>iricti.'a e> i-re«Mtih|»> ther, an lar. .fbr »ery opertin*. »f the erri.-r. the v-K-t.try t* not wt*h a*. bnt wfth car rtrah. 7"** ,\orih .laatricate attribete* thia prefereac** to tbe New York rcrife. noryrithn*»dr»» ita creater dketaaci*. to the delat* in the comrmuiiaatioa with Phi;«vM}*li*e at the Portase Ra:!roa.l. (iix bour. beng n \«\t*ary there tn aceoniplirb tvrenry-ftte rnl.-a.! rhe iactiaed j lanri, frrt;uent ciiange of car-s the cont.-overay rtaatiYeto ti* n»e BjC th»- t'oiemhia n>a.l, Ac Th- UtSral ty relalite to tbe Portage road will be obti.ited ia leea

th*n a year, but the writer

tannaa** f.v th**ea ap to7,*9,.V10 tun*. within 4-M tun* i>f tbe l*r_r-.t eduade* made d tht* bcg.uniug of tb,- ..-vaon. lt tr.ay bc that the maxirr.uai amount, rCOOOO tuna, will


A, httrrver, fc. Ciaaaaati aad C.t UeJ J -neka tbe ilh rio", and atartaea oae iato the co*»*t.-*i. .n th xt %U

ot so

The Anthraeite Coal trade. tor the week en.ting on Thnr*..y. wa- Hjht The bflaflBflJ Rvlroad brrwght dowa '-4.4.** tun*. aad the r*V huylkill Navi..-

Bai f rWri.

ii. r.marquenoe of rop .rt.


The intereat

M m-ay. Dee -37-P. M There **a« a fair amount of actirity in rhp Stock market iodii/hit n. miikcd chaagecx.-ept:ii-



Ronda of tbe Long I«1bb_1 Rdlroad Cmpariy, due on the lat of January. m\%\ will be pabl al the City Baak of Brooklyn.


Thi* motemer.t



8* -larriaaar. 1 >.*.<%. k 8* Tf,«a>*. bi.ob

I. v 11 1.



It if ruHiami tbd the FarV. Vr-in C.»*l C.irvany Bfll ured *om* v_t_bl*co_ ve-n* in tbfl tirorge* Creek Durtrict of tbe Cumberkad Tbe acouui r.i n of thia property k *aid to have added largely to tbe value of rhe atock




The importa of laat week were inueh

Stotbs, Monday RK l«", TSBdo..



than «ame week Iad v.x. The aggrejat* for the k -^CiXXOU) .g-nal I4.CO) 000


Pbii APfirHii !*ai ra


Millo-a*. The _r.t YVeete., Caaada VV ed.) fltaa progrr_iv* .*__., aad, with ibe New A_b__y acd ._-_ kU.1, from M thigan liry to tb. Ohio Biver. aad wrtk tbe va___*_ !__. frarn t __*. lo the M.ppi now r-pid.a drawiag t* a fl.iiah Iflfl (a-tboogh tbe «.ceipta trj_ tbe pr.ent win¬ ter", k.ine*.. after tk* eloae of navigition. may be lmall.l th* prv.>eetjofthe Compaer. fta the fatara, wrre naver more eecow.j_g than at th* r-r..t time. AU of which :* t_poBc_fa!!y«-abanr_e_ Obo. B. Urro-i. Tremtirei.


It'i. 1 1*,* vP-aa. Il.ll ".

" "



ttat B IS8B F.rit f..-a'--.WI.iail.|ti!


",Interevt and. Manell.*aaa. 10.188 Ifl Bt -fll rm U By Balanoe. Total.Baa8,8_T gj lt B.I be «een tha' th* Baml _t movaaad ita Four Mil'ioae of Dollar.. tha.. bo.ever, "i* a merely temporarv :ar.aae : the Bond* rhi* aad payabk tba l*t rroxuno. taflflthd with tboae wbictt wil! be obovertafl oa that day wil! reduce tbe .*ue to _or_*p__i| below F_.



IttOBJ 04 SOiB J4 . J9,. | i 38.*i_U-t 48,17430* SllHtr*.


Aoot 31,

Xk» mo


fmatre Ca.

By eptro-g tipeemee..

*J*P« «. Ort 31. Uot. ».

mCwmaariaaiCoaiCo.... *!)*

Total exportt.fl-».'d-A*77 00


.1 n piiia

Tle weailt.-r

MAR.£T-.*lf.*«/f..,D4y*.27.-l»-eu uBlavorablo Kir ont of-doo*

'u.lay ha*

The 1*1. lurrian h.i.i.-- a hate rtatel a Belter t.ehag ia the io.rk.-i for Hi-n»n im, n.d prire* hat. aa There ia a imderata eimtrt .lemand tor ..f.watd t.i.ileni'r "< l.l.l*. fair ai.d <¦....!, hranda eild al 8^ .8 11 b. aod ' | C bbl. tl.* ni'*' rai. tor a Iut nf nuud Wreteia. Bi 'n* hokirraare firm at 8"> Ti lor Maii.lar.1 I'.-aud*. bu. tbe ¦. |orfr.l at Hu* h|.ire tra a t-v» liundrnd barrata fi r'rity rofanuaptiuo. aad %5i1i,d$-i ity f< r rttra ln Bta r i n i. .. I ..ia M»». no fiai.fl*, md u«i trariaaa-fi,>,ii. tr theformer at 8l -', ai.d ihe *tl*- at gti M f ***. '1. r .* bat l.'fle Wkhi ott*r nf II i* In deniand, aal . havr aitvanrrd V|> buabel. Hb'bi of ,,... ni K*d a. |l .*"> «S.)»t. W ipiuta Whit* at "it. it in inod drm.o<t, au.l l»'I* aIT.'C* boahola ,o'il*t «4c fur Vii...w, iiul llfl tor kllti*.. A eargo et I'. nii.yl.aiiiaOiri ,od al t3e. Y baalual. Wnitav Bia iiwiitrd rr<|ur*t at *¦"».'*6K- to> and tf* tot bl*** nr.a


eouriH of an ar caae on the Franklin Canal iijunclion Tbe privnte apeah 0a ba* the following atatementi which aro- of e»n»idetery fat.^ahtt of ti-- BraaaaaBl <>t tha market for rable .nte..t to New-Yorkeri 1:.¦. denieil W<n lir."- andln-i I vert-e« .-nu. vell kn. wn to intelligent -flflfl.*l thd tbe iairt-ailc.-. ar.d ; r:ce. bad m B.'¦'¦ ir M ideicy. The jaaflfl.n iik»c of the commajtiw> .Mnrket*. -l"***vrfrdlVv TtUotae* alib va. Ihfl Franklm Ca (i,i;_.,r D--r '.A Ft o'-b ia telh.ig here Bt 84 Tf5 a il ( .'.trp.nt. t..p .i.y flfltatafflfld m ili* aaaflferaffltaa, by th-tt ar* nn-hanged Lart" aale* ofMn* ti.llv i.i.d -"tiK-k* wa* exiei.umg. b**tI. Haadt ttrara u de ( BflBB, ort i h. |f all-fljfl With. ul auliiort-y of law au I in p. ra. del venbl* La Wew *i ork m March. Ii*y* been luala .:-1 ri ot the will of the (-Bflfl. ¦*__. ha. U-retofore mand and in..t ii.'i'y N.irfoia City hai -ol i irriver i* bifh. aal 'U.e 7^'/¦*r7. *t *re 88 II.,.., .tl..' to grant tne nght af way, of the -miare It.llrua.i I.AtlaJtfline t'. 1 ". with talea, relufeil t-nri.-MT, ilruopiu*. 1*1*94*8 to N*w-(>rl*aja*, taa; QBaBBBl I.t k. ot iw-ti't rlve ni.le* in lenB'h. wluch. the at | prnaima. Kaclitn*. p.r N*w-kork Bia. Paal and l'Si a.--ked. ThafBaB*B*Ba8 fll Bsaai-J in I* indoa ('.. BflBBfld and'A-biabula K-ovl in (ib o, nnl the Butfalo Kaatem Cnrrrary l* aow kaukahle al |8j| put cent dteai.d .*-tate Ltofl P.oaol in New faflk, cnat-tufe. the l.ake I innt. we pave jc»K.-rdat. Krie N--w 1 .rlt and w;th IM .--tiore contieet:..K*.lroi.d, We nsk the atte.tfi.* <! e.pifilis's t. lha Ladroiiol at Dunkirk. Iflfl link, wb.-h ba. '.o-eo v*ry Kefelftrs .f Dee Tl. a* wtvflB tu." c iy of Bflw-Tarl ktabflfta Yerm,¦.<..' I'aiVrt end l'.au*.tiAy R,ttlr,m,U-by Tto* iale of *-"r ,<.**. M.-iV.v.lie and I.'-xi ,t-ju BaBada, tV be l.y Hala, llOdo*. Paila, _t.touttPflfltafl pata 'V-'pt during wiutiir by the tce elltr. r*ck alip-yobbla. I'raa, HSc.»-l made at an.t ou on "the ''.th praBBBB bf Mr Dr'per. .I 35 ctart M.l*«. lake l,i:e.a onliuanu* railroa.1 c BBMBflM f,. ,.e . Poi.ifiy. '25 pkii Bnttrr. Wetha'l r-1 t to thi* sale ii*ain. , rkitnd tne Ruihttd -1 -42bl.l*.and 1*" *a. k* Claaelflfl I -w-tli whieb I'hilaoielplua l. ala.. eann*v*_4*al byI r ha1 .\.tr II .'aa. *8 Barley. -tit «.rk« Wleat. OH*. .Wl '»**.... flflfl 'Ihe ('. aVBarflB, Plqfli Bfltl Indi'tn.1 K.-iilroail tu ea... <>t Ihe Oluo and l'enn»ylvaiiia and ti, ("1 Bfltto.k .. kl 1 rav l'l lha I.trd, 7 bblfl. Wat, Jde. at .n.._* r-fftte route*,; aad, it tje**af on th- :r Bond* e nr*t tl 42 la.ea Hay 183 eaaki Beef 7718 Hogt. in Mrl* Jacuary Aai.ra [i«y | witl. ('.iu n,na:i, li, flfll tbe t.iotiiJ. » reli* Lrather, 428 aavl W".' i.'-8l *ia*fl i. I'rai,*, a iilii I Bl Ihe (lie::.:. tl BaBB. *.-. M i_ <:tn. ,,... l(.,-'er. 68 bhi*. Dnrd Iraat, lldn K.gga, BB7 pkffl. taaa tween the (":'y ef r..'.aini.iiB. i)t-i.», and tiie .rv U UtsJBB I.WI Dttaard Bhrep, a« tUattJe, The new Lake .ibo.n- l.i-.k w». eomplflted a'.out tlie '' witalheliiJianapo«r___bfl W'.-rf. ru Iliv-ti-iB of thy P ,n* MB .' -' the weekrRadrntut.tlot '*«rtr»i Phil. aud *>*v Yurlr aad York N.-w and Hy iiioiaHadroad. .un»eopiently HtMea. I bb, Ten»- li -nt.- aad .-t. Louj line*, i* n-iarly coiiCattla, ll* Calvaa f.888 Bl* f./f ara. Mlttaud M* beiuit**a. toogether the-I su-i rli.rre a* oa a eIforae ..o-ipu* ni<4comni.-nced MatM o'rrawd Hoga W.*BI 138.4*7) to L'rbBtia, cotinititing w.:1- : 4 lve pb'.i-.'. 4- tuiiei ttlni'lii Jtrug fotictpded Iobj; Bo"". laido with an touaud llref. V43 r>k*i lon^ry B8I0, Kgg*. ia uow xrd 1 *. li.-.- Ki^lroadf. which are now be.n^

Ihe \orth Amrriean, iu the

tie'e upon tbe

Utters hy Ihe ('









be open ln the

Bpring Tb.- brBBMtdroini.galacBIka**. etl for »1 e wLc'.e Hne Th* reaidne of 5ri mile* will be icadj tor tb-- .ron by May next. T..e eapital *tO-*k ofthe Compaot i* 8*3..18)on> The »ubBCTiptionj am .unt to^of thi* i.nupaay were *old r Iskt iLnimcr at hi. laJaa, li--* B*BB, Wiih 8ta> ert extendics irom i'ataburgh to Terre Hante. hare ibe aame gaufe. aod conflCtute a joint roui for all thro-J.-h trirfic Thi* unitormi'y of gaufe of the Penn Imes, alford* ayltenia aswelia. >*f tbei'hio andlndiana -.. r.jni N.w-Y- rA a cot.t.nuoui road of he no tran* ahipmeut of th.-re**L:i whi.h on 1*8888)


Fr.-. VwW. 1

through freight*. Tbe buslnete of tbe IBtflBaJflB Cr4B*attal R )»J in Dee ia favor*.1 Le Tha rec<i pu fo* the nrtt 17 day* i* B41.a*3ilagai^*t e-"i.¦".<.'. >a aaineutae laat year. Ti.e dend on the

Ccmpany npon the deeUration of ibe tai a'4h, nade the aaacxed *m-rii*«nt ol it* atfair, BBtaVtM.

aud travel vviaath ragiug irflor pii.d «hh . reauit ta temhtk ti.. aaa fll;- -pli of irur \ v-ry re.-ent «o-nr.--lv are Hrde .nd ciy ;, '.nie..abled.1 Tiaitto .bfl Waat aad ta tae I to make (1* our*. Ive* aooiue ob*o.rv*tioa« flf what w and what k llkely to go 011, an-1 how 'h* eonteat 1*Blfltted,anik likeiy to eoattaaa to be a*f>-two oarea now before the themdrtn itand couloi weoMvailup-u-omehun tl 'iuaandtol P-_»_ayIvanl-__-i, i--pre. ntartvea cof fitailar and ber metropoli--. V- make ¦______.flflflb they wuuM n'ft viviU of .-u-pe. tif-B, we are v*ry *ure cif^i, or to the ocg reiudn ioultflet-eut either to th'a_i<p_oa,.._* atde of thing. witb which tbey are aaao.

-aa*B am! lallut. and w.ll


n _»rridvonr< wo._,. i L.ikl KOB. X-a of Aaflflfl*. fll wma. to . T-e-r.. ot th. Britd ,. > . ... aa. ttraeem oiimt _bi r*r»rai.J to atteai ha




iBdeoU -_*dko_r4--.


eaaier'v leinnnation :_ a*amteraect:on







TYorr*. b.tlirt. .a tky faioor'a i-au Aaad uka bttap tk*f-ib ha..


'k't,.^it :';,



Ml- 0_W



H i

I! '¦

wa» found Dr-kTii -A de*<I iu bed at her re*i«l*_R-. in Atlai.tK- av near Oxtordd, aP"*a_t_i« had She eayeyedI previoualy vtflr.d.v It i. *itppo_e4i that *he died o! an afection of


no-a "vr





afat.ot.a. tV-'"- kathal any oue can opcrate at '.«..> earaxbh.-A tai^tl -" -Auni ..«-uitt*e reUt.t e to . XIX »Ard. **. raJoptiaB ot the t-w9l«t.o'i rel tt. d Bf tb. m. llwertd u





. way flffl houae Btdl.ird avenaeon MturdM i-vt'ttierrVekar of ili. Ponrth Di-trut Police. He



ib- iB.a*-'i i.r





. i

Illlo .13 1 0*10 V






Joly 91.

Balrsal the-Jtork Exrhnacr ...Dw. 17

a*heOIra»l*tB-*. B*i*....llf I Oi CrB-tflBt* B4b.imk *ms*t*l*ctm**amm...m It/BB 4r...A..101*8 leABTErB-R Cobl Be,.,-: lioilj

Kirer :d w::h


t h The titth atuiUtil i*\hil.iri.»ii ofthe V flflflj *&*!_*__*_*e^xZCSn *T iatt Ladie.' Iay rail* Pi* T_°-_\ lL***-a*>g tb* held krt lndtlate Bajiia LSA1h7paaaBBaT3Z kVurlfcantl !k-Blh NmtU-.--. *\***__?_**_m^* Ia hwrf-W* .Cu^ioowt, th.Citv pav the Miller ».iai.i,i»|/>'UtoUlwe-enail pay Mrw*ra RDOin*.'" lha PcAca IV The neveuth I.tMI-ltJ hi *'**£*+ ['-*.''>»!'». i by aiirapi* *»-e>iare*lu,|,e«,rBto( brea, the*****^-«*^S; t,




to th. Nrw-




11 v

Jo. 3B.



Hun to Raii William Oid'hinH. oue of -Bflflfl fll. *f__.*kU_£ tbe men lmrln-at'-d tn tbe not :naud aeveral l olice Otbcera h one uiau wa* .tabbed

*fB» t^r*VjAmmi-t* \ote.nfuuiaVt. tarorbaiklof don.tingK^f Ca»t 4i I.f.t..rot .road to rrr. I a d.ed and



Evarji.a ortb l'.uk Rtaari !c*d htaaraaa flta**" aud IhaaB-B JtrflnWaS ***_ *:d'-f »m «£ .^a lauaa ____MB>»A"fl_l--4-l memberaof the


t« lwal.-.M-«.i ia. aaaaa No* IbbiI 8 ?.,*. B ver ,B» eoe na k Bohaaaea kvr a i.a*e oi i .wutir. 20 aud ».' U' bilfe, . b.'khead b-tw.eato pier. So, he 9 miba. Ba.. Janire S Ukhy ... ralationth. it wm toail..t.;ii«tlvat te \*j * 4^0ll^.* Bttea, u. Bareiat¦*¦. eAt.ii.l.-a ihe r.too.1 that ihe tomiaoa I'oauc.l «rre aware Bid e i i

rRKKKNTf.-llOOT'sCl'il.Yoni.ictlirCf. Cloudy w-atl all the

lloi IllAY






ai'on a taigrt exeaa+oa.tha Pi, kh> W.-.k. at H.ii.fa Bn.lg.-, toget her wuh Tl,.,., apfeartnie a..d a.Bc.| ... ftovrer. diaptayedlaraonf ,......¦,. t>,. iiiI.b .i..ig.rlan,i. throuta ll.eii. aiiiBci.-d imicli kt.rt.tior, iu tha iieighhorhood MB arhicii thet raaaed. Thi- tain't relurii".! b ni.i.g BY1* r. tv..n oi tl.. n akfllaa mirVaiiiou. Thefollowing pniciw. bB.caa.aover l'..,l.r....' Vi Sl. la. ,.!,/'. totd Chaia, a,i ii.tni llrraa. 88, B«A DaaitJ McCitugnui; 4th. $20, Bihle, laAae Ht. 11.<.. WB-**" -*"1'- ***** raardrt II. l.i*. Mlverinp. 8.r*\ t BlEta- 7t.. 118, nalrer iitl, nth, (1Mteet epetxeu, Capt. Suith atli. Bio. J.<ba irv,.,; H«..tll.-il: flel -r. rr; 13th. IBttaaaM BtTMjlbl t tmaadttE. A.1 ¦'!'.-."¦'« 1, 16th. large drew Btnaetl bMh, apM peaall.*. lkovle; 17th. |"k.r eoM breaati l8tb, -Te.T,,kiileI'." -i IVter .lol. M.Q...rle clock. 8-day I" >'a**h nnV>|..| -rt rite) Di.iiot.afv, W.n Kl Blbrfl OeorgeKarr- TM, rterafl 81* large J,r, ,1a he. Ilannore; BB., tl«ath, J. 8. I.t'ikwood urirl.'I Abttitt. *BT« wiuaib. gllb,



(BBl* a»

Knrtay ...ude thmr earade Jli.Bl.d. .___**_***_ M ellot.B I.ibb- lia.H-V and lo tlie Mmmt Venion

f^"h r, r>».'..:iri

Frkhcu Aau n,!icri,( a.aoitii.iut ol' F.ugiaviiiga, at-leeted by r.lri in F.uiope, ia now rendv tor laflpn tton. Korade, VV m. 8. hais. Pnularllrr. wbdleaak aud by N... -IM Hroadway, upataira



AM) I'ROVOST of 4'apf. N. S. i.iii.,beiit.g 43, underot.the la.



Advrrl.arm-Bl. ]

9t* frora M the ol I'atheiitie-st.. T-aat ¦" the cook's aome sparka hloa n from the tt*** I".'" wi:hafewpail*. were giilley. Tbe thiine. nl water by the crew. atanv.

( a Flnanckd


11 pnxcB to contend for.

B*IBBr.laaBt night

le45 iuoperatire and roid. Heeonilderfl that tbe nino.led City CUarter ol IBtB, H.-partniei.t, with Hur-a.ia, under tlie olir.-ojtoii o.f tbe Controller, .ul-ject to tht- legwlative th ii I tbe Coflamon Council, rupera.-dej tflfl afltflfl fll tbe ('.,iiniii*ajio>uer. ol Ibe ..tiiikiiig Fuii.l. *. no> *uoh (lflV otrtwere meiitioned fn the o-harter; and alrhou.'h tlie (o.iitiii.n Council, in pa-aiii^ an ordinance to give the new ( barter efleot. alluded toi tbe C imm:->.*loner* of rhe I katfl lunil, the r.imin.iti Council now ia not excludI' cauhardlv .dtrtmCJflflflflBBflflBgtbfl¦** (jcldmI Bd tbd »ueli a Committee. the Ju l_* *al,l. OflB n,)t ol the of tlie ti'' riglit to dkpo^e City only nrope.-ty free from tlu-eontiol ol tbe Couun.n Coaai il. bat in* oireit opporition tothe evprea. \vt*h and judgtuetit oi

Holidav., preaaed plain cbu be found. l'rraona iu queat of any of tbe abovo pltle..pwould do well to bim call.




Otll. 1814.


.i**Vi*iaBL-a |

1>ec : T laf-itaJ rBock.Bkta8,888aB To Bat-d Acco-ir.t. v i B.-D.'J. no: . rtrc.l.: Me*1ir.i ccavrrtatl..a*a8,94B B 80 7 per ct Bhrifla. aot eotvertolaLe " 1.154,.**' t. i 8 conv<-rt*ble. ?.4U.ta* 4. ^^.^ of ; | l.^jt [avabie ard r^^.v^ble-Balaaee awa.**1*! ¦*** *.'. \ »«'.">> *>< tha* AaMfltaU, of IratAime 4k4ta»iBt,


c-..tati. Tk- advantagea of



Fr_ road..- _-. To Ff_n*Tivan_a, State Une Butfalo aad Biat* Lia* |




-i* __*-_*¦






^.^"j, aa*m\m



iXaTk. '.a s-*a_c-fVBkaaB..

t^A-n> 51


B.V-" *.

*u'a^j£,m Caam-at. B BaA»r*«. T A Caetrwa*. J martg .llmatia


fram Jaxkmrl

j^,. B ,«.,...,

I.*.. kl.b'iU .-.


ra. abaa.a*.**»* ast. BBBBB * £l tea.«*.' Uaam-atxe.4 IU . .. aaama.rata mi. Ma.iei* la-wi -.-. H*B. Ba. 4*8**....IS I4a»






Total to Ckvekiid.

N-w1^.^^ ^o'Baara-ai'Co.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. -


M. Baat-_ gaa'jaia. I. Atmya*. iVan/a. U. la Aark f.wart. fram¦ tSt.wrtta. lar. M rl-raa.'!.*! fl*ra»ad*« S J H-ra». «.'.'* J . fl*ra»ad«*t M B.'.*.B (-r "*.. n J B t-t¦¦"¦¦ O ... K. Vrroaart, A »«.«...-. l.'w-ar,.- m B lonfiiAa»a.-ra ,tra» *¦ L.B L.*.rra* .'ale-Urr', J-». »* -..^-^-, a.e.w . *_ 'm_. .. i/.i-.Li-. .j,_____!__,. A r.*Lra laUa IV....U, A e-trada. » V . BtBBBl, /.<- lt*t/8Bla.




flLjli__.l4l....aaaillB»»»B«w a*v*--i ...'.'..i^rrBSfSb"*;!*.J>? g


ToknelErwaadN. K kU-d).--..LY_____i*____ l« a Uamy» f To Cfflio Stale Line IfraakliB C ton periv Tof!ev._a_-l fCkvel-g-d, ra.-t-eflv.ok -0.1 A.rataaala


- ra AflaivB rao.

f-« S** Yorl. 0*-wio***. fl. AaaWa.Saakadlroa* Ltartfe,, tot Lr»w»*» Ure taeA. rarme.Aatlrd froaa ___**'.. Baw T'--k. »**._*. ht .-« I....I.-J taM klT ».


b*.t ibown by a brtef re-.-rnrfl to thfl railroa-1 tonnect-O-lfl w ub Obio wbicb both cit_r. d tiai. uaonent actually po.1 Bd a .traagt-r t-t.___ider_og them would take u tor rait.d tbdfbe lartrr ev,uld not mafnt.n the drugrle Bfl aa .nrfant, bnt w-viki rdir* from the Celd deapair. YV tavfl tbe followii-g tablee 80 ahow ih* a_7tu-i rdlraad B-BBBra., a* now travdetl, from New York totaiClafaUfld tbe aarfle .nd Cint-innati, and from Paikdelpliia



Jjja.Vi -|."

poaitiori m re..rd t »'-«.apbicd lovei N- *r Y.irk.are

6U T*C_cini>_. (C_-f__iM__t. Coavekad and to.-unbn* BoBi-roaoiJ. Total ta Cin-ann_n....,'¦;.; 9K Baiiatace ttom Pk._*_klpho* to PiB*aoa-ah, viAa- Ctdamh-a a__4 to p.iaiiailvtu.:* iLaad*. and fet_-.Tlv__._i Baafl).83 t 1|d IBtal.$3,11418888 To ABtaaaa 'Ohio I To t oavea_r_ llkv.-k-d a_.d **Ve__-_l_. BoflA... _M 5 DtC 1, 1BS3. , e.A-aa'iaf'a. 88 of BW.ntBa,aBa YaC<*MTaev.on. pxxrcbaee 4OT Tat*. to Ckva__l. «. Na. 4, espcaditarr.aijica) par- | 44 BBBfl IM * e9_u,.6.1*77.147 B J. W. liroeti, 8apenatea- l-».4* H By f*»b bl band* Total toCiartaaan. 7 dra. aad Ktra-er.. we had tbat Ntw-York ie, by I'ogsBanag _b_ae roui., ByCaah ta tand* tt L" Trscv Howa, uical ^^^ a ra.'.road diagaare, 114 aniea mrtber than PnilaolortBBVBBI 81 ecUxai and tbe par ceatBy p_:ia t-ott: _f.n Clot.ek_d aadin (tn.jinarl, tbe raae, bdnj ae* at* dru-taaee ai-atnrt ber, ra _th*r word*, katter. 1.13 cent.; .B Bd ta or, off iittim oa aoaoa tb..- dfltaaee uf Pbi___Mp_ua frarn both\WmWtt et Uking 1U0. _Le d.tanee of New York wo_d l>e, to Cieveian 1, Jaxa 1. To Balaace ef Aoeoaat par sVaait L_2.90, t)C-B4n__t_ri, ll.i.15. With *u.h a pt-_d-g__t_a aivanfac* is favor of P_u__lelpfbia.4tnd. ot eourae, in T. " _vo.r ei th* State. wbn-b own. a krre .bara of our railabalytt. 88.0885 road hae fl> I*i.abargb.0*1e woald tbink. at fl.*. flflfl '.'.'..'.'.'... . IB.BIU _*_ ___-kutt_. coai_t-r*ted with thr C_l_nbia and Lake tbe 1**8884 Ur-t. 81, a ; .ati %l Bhcre Raii""»4_a were of vtrnr injBf__fle_u_ accounr, and r. j>l _r_o,_u* nnall diflerence ta thr *,i-i**oo--pl«- of th* to N--w York. wh*tli_. the Fr»nklin iBBaBB -' C*L_kl d a* !iiju>link TUal. or were wep"x;.., p*rr_::ted to Cirr.paay'. »

Oreaa ateaairra. aoarr. or oacaaaaa kuT or irtaaaai roa yhb W,.m1 T 'k. t", U tor t.,.arwmi. ...rrua* * rovk..U*B-. JB..r«* tB«l*aAea


Mae'- 1 plflcei7ioiu N ew i'-rk to Dt-aa.rk. v


Snndr**., 1*H baflli. Oaia 255 dn o-iter frraie. S.BM u.iah I'otattv*. 147 bag* Bnek wheat, » ia*.*Hn*. 87 1 idarr fo do I.un*. 488 bale* Hay 40 tun. Iron, 40 do. o MirWe. 3.e» reaini of Paper.

787 do

LUtmrtd. Straawi-1 Bia. k W«rrmr. fTaokUf, B^eairXrvuBartue. C'ackm-t. iot*. Entrr !»«w Orleaa.. *c, U. 0 Uuhatxt, Ct**). lo.*.* ViaauBx ll..»'*aua Ata.arw.ll. , 4*.» A»»tr. . > dwtrda, Lavarpra-M. WiHiaaat * ."eaete. Ba.ka.-iriia. atark. St. Ma.-ka BrtHls. k Yttta. Baaarvtlfida. a.x^i (,t aaa*aa,mmatyA Uvtaj. rmtratm, ,.*t-, *oya.*araata. J * W iruey B Ce. BrailaaoAira SlBrrBwa. !4*bb B»U**4 a.a*«r JL Sakaaaari C*l taaaalr. atrewal. Ck.rk.w8B* B. tm i-'* »><-,.aoa k ioaAr, * .". A!.aia».. |r..,. r. V * ktav.a ti*>; Jok* r«A** i*.-afl»»id, fra*.m. U ». kv. t




n.q» S*jb4ub W*aatr. (of BbBBbJ W«w«tB, Bbo BjBBBB B«b» BTk rtHBt*. Ubbb- aad ttaw»'*jd to M fyv* m» . «*> bel .

fr* lillS.ll.Bi... 8h» Jtaavkawa Cruwa. *»*» ef ksear, .*. .*l**-«*| AB. U... ** >.f Utt oraar V* aa tow«l u, . *W* fr. 1 ataaara. \ ». t. waa. Haamm aamawmr. * aUatam aaa.ya.iA .«! U».' aad


**___**¦_**_. tX_u

'bTTb H ahaBB* itaAont.« d.,. tk Bark*.ii i ¦ialAt..II 'B-ra^-l^^ latBaaaBBlr*4»».araJ8B4w»-4w*'a Ba!i.^£-n«»B»-..^^ IUrB.ll. 18 mra tram "."Sri'ia ^a*timr* [at Yraaaarl. Baaaa) Cb.-. i*raaa B*ayt.»* C.l*.. n~-.,_k ^iiVll-aTa^laV A r... 8.4*4 mfbta.-v M...WTr oa*!***,





ijHHMOaua.Uuum.-ra. *»>..«*



reaaya t


. «->t

*flB-_flBflta Brflfltatai.'.'okay



m ;,';'.;%.:;.:l:.*''^-r.B.*>...,.,._..wHlt»o_-yA -¦-,' ,ho7a.S tmoefWaOm tta -BB~.i_4.i.ravo.n. r.fvro-aa _.»._*


lt. T. !e ^aph.


,;., k



etmm wh.hwr Bfl n«* "***1 ¦


rr. .

«o-.*. ol







«»ha«. r::r*rr


H,» y, rk








^^_ ..__¦,....



BartV ld 'l&X^mllZ) r-wvrr.^d-rromBt ¦*cfKUm*.

Dlanatrr*. 4*:r.

^;,.pprr:.w_^cr__d ,* *-*j£r I^'"'"..^ t-.o^.roAyr .^o^ * »»^

frhr. A.r.hBfl',1. *oo Votx ^.

W. 15"-...*-I Lflfl, -*flav «ha .U* dkwl of

«^JT2^ .*»*«»»»__**__\ ___*'*__?.*_-_ **hZ*'^aaTaa"^a*\evruaih*e,rtoafem

T*. «... B. w -Baaaa k, aa. r.pnvrd ta. rm* wa- ra Krr*r. aaai **ta*r« Ca,-.. Bfce4Baaaaalw>Be*a*av*r.a( ¦«l"»,!- Sle-kvd 8


rir*. OA

r_*7lcCJa%i__"cTb-".' 1%Jaaa1fl4taflav. -S^jui^gST^ik^-?-._. On » akfltata 1*~ «> Ul tflflS. Sorf*. from Bar-r.,,,- ****.» v.1 BBflafla'^flrflVV-fda VrV^a'i' lo- the. Ilolr fr- l'.l.od, BeaaaA. "ir t TTfll Bflfll. .Jko ka^84^.yrnaael.r. *.. hr!aB*flflB|Bk H*a»at. _t« .Tanr Jotraaoa A -Lt «fch* V_-f,a*r*>, II (3,. f.a BaT**-i*«, a-






ol t*. walrr I aad M . ta-ow-rrnu a .</«<: aouth tttatm, ""'' krf.h-r *"** tb' rttaaart <f nwport *>* <0 l-oard h*r 8*..* (fre-A Hrv. w>h .ppurat'y bat btt. E. by S. frcn>*>>i*T wtara watak*r, whicb i.ia.uBii t.n -. Capt M. bia .

24 l,

Jo__b.,6 __^_lt >nra temtwtm. w. . ..T.f korlo'l. Dart. J. thaamra, 4 dara *_. la. C-oro '.,".'nfl.r,Joo»PT>.W31 ." ¦ .. J day. _-_-,

af**, r. to BV.-I..

Jh-Bf fclr Bchr. Bary r.__, ¦flta. H.."r A»M. tk-.

k T^i-er_r_-^r^^

te";,7'rAr^,*^re..M.-fr«*-R-*kJa^ --^^^ -iiyif'-m lUb.raaaJ. B__»

ta Ckark*

*¦_,"*" ".Cr SSaa "fTrr*Ji-___.R

V. _¦¦*., 5 i*T* f'»*»

'"athr*Br__>..Kag-k. Ir-*.




aod Trade Wi..d,ltackrtt. Sdaj-from lUpp_i*i'oe.k,.)e ,Corn, haaaol Iu 1'ro ridrarr. Br hr loia, AoBo., 4 daya from Fh.'arWIphia, eorn fo Chnrrh k CvA. /_-.-_., 4 di_ya Item Dover, DeL, ean te frl,r. Joba W.ra, YVravow, 4 day* fr.-oi l*h__d__fl__.l<»!. .Vhr 4'l.aflraton,-, 4 daga from I'bilodr i.!,ia. r . ,'.. Xchr I'-jward Bra-hhaw Adama, 4 daja fr...r. I'I..'..,!- pl.ia.r_al. Brkr Johfl Worli, Jolin*fi_r, 4 daya Iriwi K|| U.,. i_,r, m'.*. tfl .


H-Taaaan, J d«ya frrm aor.ii.ia -V-4*ra E8ehr. |.'r»,.,r.. Ilrv.nur Hodgr. T daya from Virgiaia ovatwa.

f-pohen, afcr.

D«'. 14. '.ST',niAta,*rhi. f.i.'.f .rr...... BB, Boaton for B«w Or'-,n«. Bov. i. lat » !«.. Wm. 17 4S. bark Salem. BaBaTt, frt.m 5rw York 0.t. 13, ijt l »lil"»r».a. , Bov. t. lai. B Ki N.lon. 23 «, birk Ciihmrr.- 'P.r ) frorn L.var il.-ima. jnol forCa -4 r,. « 88, bark M»ry, McLaiw, Irom Brw flee, H Barfc. 4*8H. 8a far Baa a*taai wra. Nn. B 'tt. JB 37, ten BBBf, at.iaBniarre-. PedrKk.from It.vr.

ht N*»

Vhr Mary B Parhrr, Hr.iwB, J dayi from Vi.guni.oyiteTB M.r 1'.. i»a,VY«*.. 8 day* froai V.rgu.a. p-orwu*<l f-Lr Hadlrya Crvgony, Gr*ao- v, t( daji. ro.oi V,r».ml, pmrwia. Bin.'l r Jl«)_ird»B. r_.L"r, !.,-1,...., V.. g,n.a, flflewood. BAIII O f_a____.hor-Ch.r..k-r, B*.t« h.r Il.raM aad Brw_Of B.M, Bla.k VYttrior, Shu.-'.ilt. f->r Hi»l. luid _.loi»_r, B.rin.-B tark Bagdal«M, K«: lnflflfl, ta ti'-.i.-i. BflOYV l.lupai.-' iti't' aaiNO-S_ar_-.,M.N.a, M.ndo_a.8JL| *noi»*», T.., w.-h raiii.



f 14


ls-m. iblp CreaeaB<*8y. frefllT>t>rpaol .-. «h p Vnrktowii.from I/inil

f,,, N<>.(. 1' k. D*c. 4. bt, ftl, loa. S. trnp IacODB'uit Br.) from Ijverpool for Sr» Orl»:.ria. Oer. |8, 1*1. 4S, laa. C», «b.p < urnat r. fr<.iJi Ntw Otlrint tor Ial, Ac, ttritOentae Y. IVii: ,»*.. frorn Portlaad far Vi ilfmnrt' r. K. (....,.». I1*t. 4, oft thr LaacB. ih.p MeriJi.n, Irom >»w To'k k.r BB.




[Tl* Ca.ala-oU BoHo.a] l_vrri_a..l Arr. Dr.. *.. I>ao..l YVakrot-r. Hown-.l. B J-.lir. I n.: Ira Kaglr, flTiUfltaa,B.fl 0-fl.a.j K. C, mj.,ai,t,.in. I roickrr,BiaoalYo.rk fhrafll'.a, "prrao r, CBflarLfl,I ».ti.... ar. N-w V'irk, w 7lk, 4'ily ul 01aago»,(() iap.Uli. Ph)-_d«4f-., Via ( wh'-ro, aha put ... tor coala ,) liil>,iin* rn.flt Bmr, and rrinrrti.-, Hu_-f!l, Nf» Tork, iv Wiii U'.wr, ou,d Miloa, N w Ortaaa.; Icatia, P.nkido..Ba.'Itaara, rroo.,r. Bfl to p ..,,!. I mppon. fla.,.. .1 Irdar YVaml_pr._r.l'lia'l«-'.*i rranria P. flaa* Kobao.a. Nrw York WiBli<;d f.-oll, Jo»n, H. B InJ.a. 4_u,»ra, fro-n B.ra Burli. lw,lhl*_.ol ma... lojmaat.) _______.fillihr |,*tlOlh,Moinar_i__%_'iU«ao., from St Joh., .N. B.v.a I'ort ami. B--. Intbr r.»rr,o.iwardl«o.i..! IWb, Calrdoioia, fir San Fibb ..rn; N.,rn,pp J..ha_on,(bf Ba'tiiB-i-. I' oo-iiiSuuio-alKr lloa'ain; . iu. l,a,i- .i-.ii; .lobnBtKtrair, Iln.wt, for > .«; B,v*8r, Jrffrry. |..r Kaw Tmk. B.lntvr. (fron, B'. ) >-» dr'r.nar r, a*i'..litl. Poi"or|, fftp. Hha_ll_B, fhiladrh k,a Crlopa'ia! I mp.ra, rorr.-a, Nr farl 7th Iner, laiM, Nrw Orierna; Aa:.i, Mi futah-oa, and o»la»iow. HaiflrM B,.loi«; Jan--1" I". l-'-tn*. SBtaoioa',. Mlk, llrlaaaa. Kvaa. Drvi.l, lodurr.Haa 1'..-K-oaco.; Cokaial, WiBflfli JaaCaray iaiPd, M<.bf. i __t!io-ao,l, 1' -a-ntic*, K«>, ib.I Marv fl scpi. A'k...r..^BewOr!*.r.; I-c-ii-ie. McMartr ,,y...,. tiiat 4'l.»rt»atoo, Ek-ator, Ke'-r.-, .<av.iur.iir. D drum. Ap. M-hirota; I'rty 'f M-rvlir.'rr. 'a) I.--'C Pl Oralr, |.h..o A.'.:e-,l.)HuU____g«,N.» k '.rh. lu-h, Orrry ..!*-,Tork Baw 4.r;.an.t Lrvrrya-ol K_*io-y aad Ar-air r-'-aa. Nrw I in.- ... .lo l'lb ad*. Aniri.a ... J fur Kampafj-, .1 .. tfl-h Oin'. Oflaaaro, Iflh ; P*: WrU-o-r. Il.ward, do. Jan.»; I'anii. 'a. N'..-...r lh»] a IMI. ; Baliory, do. 1111, -:,-., flaa. ia j llan-ioa.Ur do. l-il., R..,,1,ru*. IL ,1 I'.lb Iiaa BOB.TIiorr,ip_oo, d, o Ittl. Iin, .-.,'(. foibrr. ,lo^ 17(1. ttew tork, Uatefa Bprr_ior.d,..; lar.vit B__*w. Oraca*. do Wou ,*» n. dn flfl) foMtaamr, Ii.irgr. du.; Itiaaat-i. Itrll. >lo. _M l-ev. P. '.. Y -.. |kr» .-. f flaa*. (lr««e, do. dtu I'ri-.r Wm,lluiy Kobr, oi. .I» with dvpatih Saran..k Ner-an. (br Philadrlphia I .th ro.ralSt.itr, PaDa.r,d4_.a*tb. H.-pr lio-Kiwin. Ptoi-ei... i>. Jan. I I'.t, ,1 O ».guw, (a ) YYy ir de. ith Maiy lla'r. K na, ynr!..rBflitoiri .. BHirr Drc. 20: Pk-arer,4 ki.da, do. lftth Ik-Olia, M. VT], C ir.fncV. rot,l«r,r..r Coty Po,nt wilh da-p-uh Braarhi-a, Biol.iu.ou for l__orla ton wi b d,.patcb F.'ilalr lh llrucoj, Br..-»., 1! M ,-r I, fo^ Moi Ir wflh dSapalil 0 uu H, k flaw Ortraa. tflfl i 0.*aare o .!¦'¦.¦.'. -!o Ittl, ;". H aea, do,. I'lh Thrn... Bn.rn do.t *ar ,h A 10(1, IbI ...... Hyland. fo MflbI B-ra-_bflh_ada do JIO. J.ili-. B, Harr,. B-.-MB.dfl dll -Hfk.WkYY'.-i. Cbarlr.t B I r..l.-r.dl,_rk_a.:_J. Wir.d.l.a ( airftad, aab. ll.o.i,r_rd,d.. flliMhifh Itrarr fr[T~B M._¦¦ I Isatrr. ( ¦. I'o.iat, va.; Kri.u.l, Oeaga. flaa Pi a if.n i, .-. lUlna- u, Hi.w.rd l.ooulaaa, ..afljurd, Apaiaci.icoila, " Y 8! iroo., Todhaai, Cl.arVtt.n. )M»- t,'. K Uowaid, I Charlaa. ¦ rth, li. I *.'-. T Tl.ll. .>' '.. 4VBIUI.0.0.. |-e,_Bl. .. BjC.* inat.B Nrw Torl .th.Olrnipn-. W.l-«n. taal.kirotai fcotk, Her .,11, Ball.i.HN.i C.!il«B_B, Johnaoi.. Cflaiflataai'i'r-n Wfl fturga, BrM_r...d, aad JliiiBBtun, Ciagh.r, Plioi. .' ., IfclB., II, Krwl'll: l.e.v -i -l.rr,, (ira, pr. Ia.| dr-t. l.;.-vfldfti Orlrwi") tf h, kVt.i, Bulloajar,aad '





I ('...,ie .1 . V ..!>' B-. I., I Al ...,., Nra ..a|> I.t Hiwio.n l.dwa. J, l'..r lialtun, ,e, A I, litt .gc.di. 11..1I A!h.oa, Im t"harl*-t(wi tflflf WMllBW lland, in Ch-.r*«. V-p Ba., 4-aro'.M,for MobilfliBt. Hakana. 4 i dr II ,mld. Ilril 11... .., a._4 Orlaaa*. I'-rNrw OtaflB) MaiaoUn, a.iJ Raa --. kii I'.. l,oo«r. (. r Naw Vork, Louoa* and M .-> fl*l|kil r¦-Mv*... Coaabtook, Aiitagra, and k. l*bo Ih, .'¦ r 8 IfltBMh Iiumii .ra, Saha.., Oataaoaa, KaTir, aad Joaar Wraa, lor .-aa I'raa. .-. Vr« Ti k lith YV-i. | rntd. 'tivt'il flf.. YY- 'ker YV,'., t Cemyae, **».ro. C.caNa; Mormoutli. Tn.fant. -*t. John. N' 8 »lh, II. ...I. rk, W-.ri.-r, N.-w Vork n t,, !.,'_.:. \ Bxlin I'ld. Tth. f,i»r__r, Kaniail. B-w Tork (an.1 Irom (Hravr-rnd !__.): B(h. korr t y rrn. Cuopw. Boat..11 Dl.,, Coluni ha.. B..k.-. NrwiB.1, t» kw.l ..f- flfl. Ilum*.. Al do YY m, ItrtBua. 1'rnskieu, fur BaaHfl, Idi I'k. H-.i-v Hurl h.ot 1.-1 N,-» Took loili. Hk ll, dw.a « ., ...i.i.i,.a, Bkxk l..r ,__..!_jti Ptain. P.atl, r !,.. 0. flj | Moru ('!,*IVfl*n_p. liun_.tciir,Bai-low, for N»tt (irlei-... .0 lo. Il.mi hoar and t'ltit.m r7th ,lan_r» I. IlorBrl, lliwra. for \u« Irll.a .!,.. 10; l_ou|l_- .( !.»r!.ttr .....1 Baron- -.,(>' fan Priaetreo. Daal V r. Mh.l,ur.|, V.',,ru..TB-l.rr Hn.l f .r 4'harlr.t >n Hr> »B Bar.a. ..I.l.y.fkiald. I--i Nrw Y...I: 7Ui A -raraa. Snuth. I.-.B .1 ¦ ll La t ia di-.. f... Ni-w,.*o ,nd Va Drtaaw . tvma.l.rd "I l.ouf .. IIBlh \ .:.. p, rrir.t.fhBoiitl,a., .liinr _Mo* .. "tb. I'I. .. mr, I 1-. I .1 ior Nrw (lr..-a__. i.BBl aufiilrr 10th, y 1 va Ha'-it,... l.uU.n. .-I.t 1th, Maht.uaBlc.F_ak,a__>nal.Bi.l N-l'.p. Iloacaka 1.01.1 I' iiih-u'.S.-w Or'r.Oo Pidrriag, .-, i*co h-.V-, En-..» Ind. k_b (Ooai (Ifoan.'.o. B.bark rh) l-oihi-at (and Ofl Ihr YV_ht!il,B..a,l.-»(a,d*. ("ron. BalU.iKirr lor B.rn>»i t',,.p. Arr Mh.l'hark--. Ruark. ,.«bi Ro-.trr'.in Ibr Nrw Terki Wth. YV..I, _flte«. (.. 11, h fouthan.pioa tar !4 Y*.k vt-oo Bykow.) YV, ita., I ag c 8a*atl Ih, Fraakka, i .aof*<l OB I'ly: ,,-iilh "tl:. Arhrllaa, Mori.f. irom ftkoaid. 'or Scw '

To,tu Patia*U-,A

I' lt Hfl do^ _il. HoprBun*. Itv_t-i..-a, BflOl RaHtfl f. Bn.'i,'- Arr. ld. I'lBraAnii. Ilil-h. fl. Jotlin. NH.: «-h .lat-B.y NB I'l.i. «h, lat, .¦! th YVr-t li.v.a, BBl.lUrr, Bt Nrw 0r4aaa> Al ',. I.UHl.,B_.,k ,.ea VVt.._wdr, iim! K.ifa An.i, Lovlbradi, lor Nrw Oikaoka. Ib P., Jtwrpl...!*, Bor.ik,.'..... f.o-n St. V !' It» > |j,i,aaairr,0'aao_vn lv.-l S'd M.4*_Mft_ha Voat lai ahrida BM. 4lh. Mraarnrrr P nkl BBk, N.'« 1 -il N«wi-,ti. Arr flh. John Brrr_rt. Mavma. to loa I Ibr V atitea J .f li,.-'. :. l hth >..-.(, Ball I. l.i. !,¦ \',.lll. Ai.t.,.. v. i-..v r«.,t. V. aid. Ith, Boutriiima. t_aav:ii. .H ,uoli Kaw urt__ Mh.RloMbflkaw.B-r.BOI liot-r N i.iura.lrotii Nrn,p_»' Bihti.i! 1*1,1 >B Mh. kair I*.





Ihr C'j-d*, Adi.nir, atid kcro.-, (ur B *..<¦. ArgyB. fjr flavaaoab. l_»ndo___-.T Arr f-i. aupanor Baaoa. fl Joha N. B. Sii. «_lh, flnhoui. to-iua) Ne» (i.ta-anot Oa)ur.n.;*w* trr »d. AaaHa-IrT B.-Doaa!.. U'_i_itw (or Nrw T. ia. a*. s-lww .1 Tih.B 1. Han-naa Arri. Mar~«l-p. Arfl -. T.'k, ,fopr tfl.«:) f'.h, Awalta. flkaoa, Utatrabtrg fia Boata*. VV atar (ori Arr. 41h._k>ath r«k.*.«1y. fm. YVdm afltt-a. N __,ffl laTrrpoul. 1 tb «. n. .nd raar nalll favar. BeWkit -Piit ka -flh at. h_-_r-ia«. Bainy. fruou Lv-tboo' -r rv__f_-.|.fl. w_h low. ol 1IIB0 kaaa rifl'i *ad wvrrd *_aka hai'J .., th- I" ¦». tl.ird. hai.otg baawo ,n* HlJ.,..- Cld. _7tk U-. Y Baoall Bflflflfl, Ut.i Tru.ta. Brw \,_k. Am-tr.laan-Arr. Tth 1.t A.lfiatni iad Bflflflfl VUvr a.a T. it HiB-.-_-Arr.lil flfl., IVoHwhitBd, U.drr, New r, l I J. Vd A-B'B _*f_*p a._a Prikv.if>. ll.i.-i Y ,1 Ba't'oaor.. A.l-p p.aer _a.t. TT.'* How T»-k. *:d Bd, .t.r,:i_., J_._... k»» twt Mk, Budge'. Brun-., B.W 1- .d fn. aad Br.wrhav<B-Arr. I.t aa' rVta, OaaUTn*. Nrw Tneh 1.-. I ... I....-, Yi.orlna, Bd. h.i.-i. 11.,-if.i. !.-'. l_ji._.ra».»,Y\» Jo. r-ld. JOtht.l .1 n, l- -.. II .in-..








Y ik

SBT8 ali.p Sam-icl It. Jark-on, Sampi. ir. iT,'li.,-n S'lt ll.!... >8.. Frr.nci«r.i. u\\., sb p Kina Warwick, Wat on, tor Hnrrilnl.. aOrl 8. «..y 4. I...I 17 Mll len.30 4011'., bark Mrldoe, H IdoB, BrrrUl, tron, Bo-ti kyrea .Biev. 10 BA M in. |..n 7.1 tM, *aaf Ca i.-.i.l-r. Itrown. Iw. Mrw Or leiina k.r An-w.ip. Bov. 13. lat tV. km XI \V br r U T. I.irtt-r "mm Phi! Irlpnia for l'.ri.i.i. N..v. 18, BA 11 31 Tt, lo... 31 30 IV -' :. OafBaBka, Punli.r, froai -I '¦)¦'. V

.*.a^P"fd de Sld. 7lh. Tr__-_. SBBltk. *4 T l It taulrr Aiheo* _*.! wk i.r,, ua. .... h, ... *(.. o r__ot Adv trrna. Tar-rh. iad |-,flak_a. ,*. ) (_, Hra-Tak 1 IHrr. (t-r flflfl (harait... Bta.. >__., ai.A*|4Mfl_w, totta* Irn, aaaa Ruvr. Arr. -M IHt. A|W H«k». Naw (Vk.aa. Tt,_-dr«.i l'.\t. a. do Xl Conratwrr. Boatiaaa. B.1 PraattWa V * 4>r Ki. *h, CI-kr-raTho Ajv. .-wan. Atl-Pi * fa, :r,l,.uJ Ro'. \\ __-., 4-_*o_k..a*d<.rra>-a f_e NrwOrleaa... c_B-i»». ,_, p.,,, alatyhw ir-u.wrer.pY-r oJU.r-.,«. K. Vai -.*'_ .V:h uh., R01aM.Kro1n1.Bew Ortaafla. A.r. .* h u*t. a.-'laad.-. B-.-aa. Be. 4M«i'.- flrd. f7_, nn., t.rra _a, Not*., .«B»- t'ld fMhaiX.IV.aif-ar. 1_-ipJ Ca.'a wi-.,.i Ifataar. Baa-flkrkaaa Kd »-.*., AmC K York, t, hrallae AfT S_*h n"l. Maraa.. .lark-o. Pa \ t ...ti-Juw fhl *ah ai ttro ofrrotB*. Rna.agho. N.-« (fr.a I'*miiiv, _r>h, faulo-., Uer-k.M. ._.vUi H v.oa__B. * Vk



_____ -




J,"*,» T<*k Arr. Sd ...«t Giaton. P'.rl- V . * a loaeeflia. Haait-oa. Nrw 1 urt. ll.rnl,ir. Bal'lir* >¦ AJv. A-BM.'Y*-**'.'. ¦* teet Rr.aJ_-r.o_r.Nvw lial.-JM treae. fpngnr. l-_**,-» Mi.rih.P.Bi 1».t. »3.__rroi_^ D. Joaee St*

fk_a_atia Mara. .1.

"w **











'"^."'^ K"-*-'*.,1 -

5T(K ..,

be heM at ihe armarJ meeriig of Stnekh, Iders wili »'¦.., taa t.e*t. .tn o: <*"" e-ae'ecf-d'or and arade. rlivid-...1 wi B.-t'.:-ai;-.-al





1'.-...Incri} titta, aheady madt and two-t_.r_* piid in. are followa: f 383,311 ?i;l actiniicina of privare in__vidna!i. IV.OfW



taeltf Jau-iaryprox-


Sul*criiti_n»by city and countie*.


-40,000 ToUl..l.-B.-U Tbe woik wa* commented on tbe 17th J'dy, NN, and will b* conij.leto d. reaoly lor tbe car», by tbo Irt Deoembcr Moifca;-e Bond*.

Boar.l of Ald.'rir.en. L. H. PLACE. rhainrisji Finance Conuii-tt.*, Board of Asantanr Aldermen. A. Layet, Secretary.









































& ^ 'p£.",:er',*i0<___



















r*tvi>» Birtht 4 *a/*d.Sttif. A ...... tl...» '-

>»-k, i-krtjmv.-- .irttNt- Hrt-4. B, kl Alat-r La.**. Hwa'au blui 11-. .f..e,h II r,-,. .





Jt,- -i,.N .»¦ I Nr» Tt.l Mi.w Bi-i

h :««


.Brh Arr -! ,.. tvn 1 rn. r I ,«

H <










. ra.r.




v,,,.... »io









tt. B * Ht* aaa CV -


laB»C.B8»a.tVuu,l Ht.r*;


UavAB. Kli-a. >. A T. l-ar*. W bc: .*>*<r~*«r* Wm. P*«k. <*art f..V.t V -ne Ame-x-t. rv, Af«!a,-»ii>ila .Si^s Cieat' '"'k**" >ia'*i.litt*rttt..-aaa8«>i.. Haia*,,ar- haal .: ?!:¦ *>. BBBte. U ttea*. la. i.l.w. PHI'ADKLPMU.Dw* 9A-4rr Sru) *Vrra,» TIbBi.TlBtlBl I

XiTTICt'^A dMd^dimv.-






*.___^k_:,.i*r" v*bL,.,,"'.

Dr.]i'i:.Ni iAiK'-_NlA


,:->tati: oi uu.rSE'.i-a. Kl CSR.CIVI1. FL'ND ...


.rrat -jlliz t :ae on the 1*. d.r of Jannarr tl-r SEY l N lr il l E.M l IVH y C.ND BunDS *g_3 etthe k-TATE oi t Al.Ui. BNIA. aad which * ia*_ e ptvabie oa tbi* City wui bepaau on aad dter :i.t da. oa ui_d_a__ti_a of tba ptopt r cocr ciao at our Hjib V\ LNSUIW, LAHitmm k, VV; -a





*ALrU. l*n. !%.Arr. aet, KRre, Nr-kr-io«.

Pkdi,Wrl MB Uif tni*** Iraacav Bartkm. l.tat*, iaead iemtA. atat 8L.i4r.-a a

_fe W|_-__,



o-jtruction la* ^cTid t^etr^,. _




Ca-.ef Eugineer


K. H. marram.



__/_>__ 2^__T_t ___a_______^.








tvc'frgkaOrrxE.CiBti ..!.., t D-- LUHfl * PR(.)'. -:-AI.S t. .: b* -rretv-d ,,-,. J,_u.-, ; -j ¦¦'¦ 'the CINCINNATI. VV ILM.Vo ". for tt-i-.1. rr .JI the irta_erial_-iro_, t. .. ..a ceji-e_-an4i doing aa) the work aecraaarv hon ard edare coa.plrT_-. of thei.- Boaad from . -ance ui aboa: l".rty-twfl tTalota. Piana. -. tad aii lcci mu . >w iflrimb'd d tbe Office t'-e the -wtaaj-aaij', -"'.-I -. c 1 I ,-V-|!:e. A it C-e * ork fl haavy. _r_d weU -,_..._ of ,h . tra B'teut-o': r Tt Coa.pray Uaee arir ^re t_e ,p.«_i ,jt Bc*- ae_ wo *_-BT_k__, __, o __ae.Ta.-B_r.of tb. roca. "" ,h,7'*»n kt* i *,* wvw-k ibthhfltary eT__e«a of itair akbtv to com; -



M TilMBLE, ttwaaerxL Pr-adent Motiis.J^Fa? Claef Engmrer.




S:at-a-.uad. Brewa,


I y VU.EM)

-a->e (S 1'ViR CI NT ta| .a ibe __ir_._a! etoit ci Com-v of '.eeurr-nt itxruir not, aooi will he iaa.d n. caah al th. Oi. rk. on and aiVi tbe 3_ dav ofTr._ur.ra J_u a_.-T n-xt to ** *arh ,: ":c -1 t-e ho_k_ onibe o'clock P .kWdl il. ut tba __t_ ii__i.. __j n-jaata ______ uuui the 4lb dav .f Jannary next. mu A nrw -«,-;:« of'.tock. *owi! ro ten ver rent ia amoaat apon tbe exktrrg _t. k of tl e Comi an.ea. w_U be _oa_. -t :.-Bi.B--dd_,...-.:-.d rrof od..-.wfco ahail l* rici _: th-cj,-_ing ____-__t cf th. h.*k». Pay-.e_it for iirh orw atoek trav be at aar Ut nirr. |___-n«t w_3male t-_.edi_.-__; the-:on:!. be ehaixefl t, ai n ali cn*. t nl.err p. *-re thr |d day ot FeJimary Bv erder oif ih* D..~-tor*.




J* ' 1r.ok*'

tf tbd

I'-lf t-.


IHatB, Bt'.roed, C:tj



Cf-cigo. !!.-,_), A I lAMS, Baaker .an.l Eicba-._rpBroker I- "aa ba«te_.ia «« ^_ De*_«r id Laual ttehjflof. VVa^Bnt.. _.t_wacce, | -nr iflifflB '

rxaoa-aaflaflfl '..___-





ff-Bth pkte pier fT.aeeea.






«-i ICH IE. FRENCH OIL CI.oTH*. GiDO/.i .1 Ylft"*,! t0 will lell 7...rniw, tWKI>*4r-OA\) ic.F CtlLTON Dec.a, ar Hi o'ciock, at the Auc;-..-.. K-i.~a.No. fl* H*_k'*nt _f*j )Al BflB i. .;. bi.nch Rt. wood aial Mahogauy F-t-r.,ofbeing t'ie c_(_pr_ ef* rt rt-a well known di aler in tla iotk, ing, iu part, tiotea, Teta-I-Tele, m :,rogatellaa_d Malieg-nv, YY'.i-.m-r_, Book C*"ra -.- eretano a. Mtibb-wri l>n*a# Bnreriua. ('*..*., 1 Caid. S. taand Bte.fl labl.-a. R-ia. w --d aad Mabogotrv F.j. teiiaiou r*. Mil-ei.nv Koc'vi.g Chaira, Ha r Yt .--,a__a, Car-iet-, Oil ( Idta, Bedroom, Ba*e_.nt flflta -t-Mtafl Fatni'.nre. _c A>o wiwl Fret cli Plate (llaaar*. all aaej. flhrflfll floacacflttaffl fl-Bce Cuil Maple, black VV,«.-.-u u_| BodonK .ker*. N. B. Ci.t_-o.ite* rcndy ear.y "YV nvnni'-.g. t__| will be the ouoy Ffliniture aale i» year. Oa Thur*rl.y d beadda lar?" .C ol Jewelry *uiial»!t lor 104 oi' .-¦ th. Holidav*. Parucnlar* to .flflflflr. I'ivkv 1 BflBfl, Anctioi!'*-r, So.ti VVilliaii .<_, .


ILL SE1 I. I HIS DAY, without n*_erre, \V * which sr* ta f Btand-e.. VVinea an-I*. aime of vvortbv ef th. a:t« ntion of tboae to wact Fond ai,d -i! aie

t.-r the

warrtn'-d by Cardogu*,o'clock boi.dav*. will be caol.l A M. liiineitce d

10. san.ple. Saie to Saiuo-lo* n,w reedT. er,nai*tieg of Mad*ii_, Sherrr, Part, Bran'dv aad Oia ia Baafl. 30 boo_k,t« Cbaintiagtie, vtnaag LiaaMaa.fce. taflflataCla-d-, _.__.____. CB*k__BA.IP.iao b-»t importer* ( 'gar*. *o!d in .ora to tatt aame a*

AI*o 6fl caa** (.gara.

I urcha.. r«

iS.r2 ©ooD». C0TT0N8 fioinWd by I-WTY-EIGHTINCH *___no_-Cturing roBmata, a thmet foldiug. For aale Ibr NESM1TH h Co.. Noa..- B road *t. and SO Now at.



M_ II 4. 12 4tnd 13-4. For aale bjy NESMliH i. »'¦'-. Na. .'¦_ Di-vdfl. and No. 40 New-d.

wool, twillitl. 1^LA>NELi*'-AlI plain BBflfltie,

CTw'n anj and twilled vrb te doacar'.et: ako. at. 7-8 and 4-4 wbicb wiil ta aaid low. «__. NESM1TH iv Co., No». 52 Broad-rt. and 50 N»» Bt

GUIN'NY (T.OTH.'.>.> Half** CaJputtaCLirb, und ap oVEK-C'OATING.-0 piet.-d JJESMITIl

for wae by SPOFFORD. T1LESTON A CO aNo. « 8outh-*t. cuaei uew relora. For aale bv k Co., No*. 52Brc_d-*t. and io N.wat W.

afniilincrfj. 01T, BELUjrCI OFl'-Eor a the atock of Pinaand

SELLINOonly. few dav*


r.f Mr*. WM. SIMYIONS'S. Fintt l,IelIlial^, otherMiliii.Vry. _l>4''-ro-flway, will lUBtafl-l Eda a'-¦ o-.-t, No. potitivelyto enaSb-iier ta for a few be aoid at

daya, glflM flflflfli-ka, make rcom for nupoitutioaa. Mra. S. kiuolly *o liciuarail. *

TO IHE LADIES..Oar Fall atyle ff La¬

die*', M-.»-. a'. Draband Black Fell. Blacfl and Drub lirat-r Itonnel*, with a f-'.utiliil Beavi-r Ilidiug Hat lor Ladie* and Mimm, .n.-.le fmm Ihe beat .rock ia market. A'-... a hr.-- aud li it .i-ome a_*nrtment of plaia and embrmdereil Cai* of tbe lat-at i'ar.i t'aahiotifl, w lii new dvlr*ot l.i -i-l r K, Hlark and D.ab Reavep ilata and Flar* lor Boya, M..... and Chldren, d MON* KUL' fl . ld rflfabliabnent, No. f ys Bewrrr. .-,


Clotl)iiicj, aC(.

FABHIONABLE |o--l AUCTION SALE.Ol" FaBfJjrGoaaa,CUtia, Ba-flflflaJflM !'







Glaai, (Jold Pentril*, Jewelry. Ac. mi 1'jr II,, Prrenli. Alio, T..ya, Di 11*. kc, on "rVBDNESDAY, d«y Dtc-Bit. r :"*). at lfl o'clock. at No. H'4 Maidtn-lau- Alao, an invoice Oothic Trat-Tabl.- Catl iy. Ac by J I) llOLBRGOi: t C0

Ce_peta,«_J_fllB_j l__k». .vu( ___ac«

tVti!:,_ad*y. More tulipflfJ


F. (. ito.a aflaaaflB






ai.d SIXTY BUILDING LOTS, in Newark. NewJerrey -Will be aold at Public Auction. oti THt'RSDAV, fhe aOtb davol D.-cember next, at 1 o'.-lock. P. M ,en the premuea, a "CoUime Honae *nd Ix>t, containiag about acrra, nttiated brtwren Kair Mount and I.utlef.u ii.<. on tlie conier of South Grauk-e-av.. kuowu at the IbbbMb Home. Al*o al larae t.n.e, 32 lAita, 50-100, ob Lifll-'tnu ml Eaiiuiount-ati., au.i 1- Loti on Nn loi.ty-at.i al*o, Lota No*. S87, S:i8. JffOJ, tta, Ul, 142, 243, 3li, 314 and 317, on Camd n¦t.; alao Lot* Noa 203. B ¦'. .'.' iu 2'.r«, on Bergou-at.; ala) l.ota N. l-<7, 198, and 888, on Weat Batik-at.; al*o Lot* Noa Iil, 154,, HU an.I !li> oo Hunter.!i*a*at. Theae I.ot. aro aituat'd ..i: higb and beantifiil,;. tihort diitRiit-e from tlie Conrt Hou«e and iminediately tu the rear of tha former reiideuo- of Jn*. C. Walloce, Kaq. A part of tin* property w,.i lold at public anctioti at fha N. w-York. ot tbe SDln day of NoMfrihai-i E.icl.Hi.g'-. v.-iiiher lo.-t, and thu iale ie niaile Bf the piir]io»c up BBfBf of the I.ots not takrn, ai.d witi.ling ap the rajorara. Toany p*raondoing buaiii.B* in Ne«--".ork, whoi* deflirona ofar.-iiring a hom.- within 40 u.iiiotei 8f New-York,thia tii.l (ten nta favorab'e or.p.utnn;ty. Condtion* of ivl»> will br tniidL- known on the day of iale. Eor patticular*, ni.i'.i.r. r of DI'NN k TIHiMI'SoN. « TiiOS. V. JOIINSOV Newark. N. J. P. S If Thnrtdsy ahould irove etoiuiy. ihe sale will tak.: pl.icc ( n Ktiday, D.-cmber 81.



¦¦'*. Ma " -te* a. Feathrr _".la, fibI .'..-. « |Oo>l aouaortita.t ofl i* >' ''"

ta «.tu







wo i

pOxia,: plual. U». ia (



AtTSTBB,'AVlD AISTEX. Jr.. AHTiaTO' a. at Ani'tmr..

Latalogur* at the t'ailery.





On Tl CSTJAT, D.c. 3", IN THR MIXBBiaa Bf THE AMEBJCAM ARI t'NTGN. No 4'.i7 broadwav, A tery taiaahle colirc:loB of I'AINTINO**. tbe rrr.dnction cf the u-.ost diatit.gntahed Ainenean and R. -il. ct Arti>:<. anion. wbich will be foarid th* BjUaMBAg tineW . Rrt oi.i fi rto.s* or Italy.J- E- Cropeey. l.n. Kaib Captive.Lotui Laug. K- ui ii m ni.- ok Soto.E. White Mot-NTAis Toaar.vr.JE. Ken**:r. Eai.II 01 NuflkABA.T. H. Boatiter. (1**1 k Si.tvi:.K.H.May. Si'StjiKiiiNNA Bcairaaf.W. MeLrod. P-ni kiv 4.M) I.otr.Looifl Laiig. CaMPBf.NA n. Homa.I'eorgelnnea Koc BBBBB.Moint w. Hulband St vm;t.A. B. Diiiaud. I.L-tiiKB i*i Bti-dio or Alb't Dcrer.-K. White. Leap.J.V. Keueett. IIlli. Tf rki.r.88". J. Hay*. Caari di tae ¦.T. P. R.)*iiter. n.iiT.J. M. Culterbo-ne Eorest Tatta.(J. A. Baker. Lisf.i. tri.s.J. WilIianisoB Viewo.n the lli'iuoN.C P. Craocb. Tm mt) Wfli.C. V. U.aotelt. II. Hall Homan (Jiri.U. Dlatsel l*B8a*BBBlTBJI am> ii.jAl*.\IulAiniPensiiri.I.oBit l.nt.,'. Helff. Water Ci'Loas.J Sweet Ai'Bi-KN.S. t'oliran. Jr LiNrnirri. .T A. Richard*. K. t'tinn-h» MfMinvoiCoU.Y. Rrcoi.LECTiDNs or Italy.D. Cattle, iWebater Stock).T H. HineAIey. Head.C. L. Ell.oi. (J. I'lonn.-y ExpKi-T.TiOrJ.J. The Maryb atthe Sepvlciirc.D. H'intingtoti. Al*o. 50 Moderu Belgian Pictnrer, telectcd froni the col1. ct.oll f J. I' Beaurnont. Ka.) Alao, acol'r.rion of Antnpie Ststuary, tho property of Jamra W. Webb, Y.<o\. Sale fo t oiiiiiieiu a at 10 o'clock.



"I \\RROVV, VVrdt.. aky.a (i.vnl., Hobemtan '}:a--*_r«j .IdflflJ


Gulco br uXntiion.



Afl-llBBflia. ur i;!.i:-.AaVr m po Rl a n i > .i.r. \M Y (-"<' H, _,«. ; ¦' HOCS-HOLD FrriNIT: * THi r <*t,( tl.-vv... tlie en-ii. conleai. ol l . ,._ l taa. tu* a .aige ,__jf_aJ rl.*a f- ut «:. ry di de< la of (

rmtajo _e***ke**>






Johm II.


.._; aokfll .-__._j.-d -tl t :r« aj>


larir* -*fl_*t___-Bt *f F-fe-v re.- Ki- io ., I'o-r. r..-. ll. D. 6. H

180, tc and 44) acre W arranta gnaranteed -o nc, genoa**. am* rccMvabl* at auy Lend-Oftic* u. the to all pertao? O.t itautly on band. *e» arrantfl f.-rwardeJ «oaat*-y at tlie anarket pncea oa tLe ol m.o.raricaa*





III .\l \

t <x-r






Iim tlian Ur-aad way pric--.. Nudt ftROYY v, No. 158 Caua!-at one door from Bulli van. ' t

H l_S.-MOa\'AKQUE, IPOIE Bowrrv.aolirita elegant

of No. -2_*

the patruuage of the ladiea to hi. neh __*, ityle* ot k un, compnaitig in pa:t of Mart u. Mink, I.viix ..- .i .-'..¦.1-. Maitiu V ..-[,,rinc. Mu fa ani Cufll*. Bave v. ur tnue. and uaoi y aud axamiae our atock before purtb_*iug, d iu* old _a_ab._ihuir._t, No.


KAMII.Y PRKSKNT-i.-TrKSDAY D -a, li A o'clock. at Nu. 70 VVUliam, oeat c.-dar-ir..By WM. w. SHIBLLBT, aaialaaaa ala ot nch anl varioui i'upier UncLe, iilvir plateil Cake Bnakrt*, Caator, Ia. aud CoBaeUrot m.I BflttkEarka iru Baooaa, Table C-iti'-ry, CfaiaaTen. Cortee arm*To'|ef Set*, \ **ea, Orna. Baaatal E.gure*, Clock*. Ac. worthy tlie uotice of retailt-r*

£» Bowery.

pr.f_09ional Noticeo.

and .'*.

LIKENES.S I'.ir TION NOTH'K..SfilcTIMS ADAOlT'.KI.EOTYl'h ly TVVK:.TV-KIVE cr.NTS.-The_o_acnr-rwU(__| All ltooin*. o'clock, flptaaa b.ivin, rrapeetinlly airaugofl order AaagLe.', tl.e balante itock oi an.I iky-ligl.t gallene. in New-Yoik, and



in the Sale

No. 13


at., '-t



li at


uf tbfl beat

BWhai.ic Too! Storc, lompriBing lVi tut- rt -d Plaue*. Siw,, Chiaflrli., Aiik-nri. a fii!) aiaortrr.ent oi Cuopera' and Carpen.ert' 'l.ti a.,l>oor Knobfl, Locka. Cutiery, and nutneroai otl.rr aif ea la the line, LB lota, to suit. iiii.' "tm .ri WXDNESDAT large iale of Enmit'irp, FanfJJ H. KoRRKSI'AL. I .^.^.^ (Jroietici. Itc.

aapenor ap;.ararua, and niaothiiiery, be i* prepared tu fuiuifli Daguerrrotypfli tbat rai.rot be *urpa*aed by ai.y in tbe world iu quaJity, truihfu'rirf-i, rhraptiea. and -li.ia! tiity. A poi.-foct picture for (ala tv,, uly-five ceor*, that will not fad. m any rlunate. Call and decide for yourselvee, at No. 301 Broadway, f.-.iHoor, up daira. C.FARRAN'D.

NOTfCE-200 AUCTION )v*rthoe*, u'-lock, IXBDAY, Mtb

RICIIARD OOODMAN, I.|., No. 106 haa been an;oit,to;d a to take theBroadway, arVnawl(i.-ii i:.- ai.d proof of Deed*, Bc, fur thfl Btate of Peunayl-



Tl f




and 1D0 ra*ra Bi-oUaud Sb.H:*, ou A. M, at th-atore bt ;nt:, at 1" A. D (IALE. No.»Paad-*4.



-AV.'-at.. S



A. M lli....'...Vi.







iait .one H- ., v,a L-_-..a_*-'¦. oy tR n Rf..irrl Irnrn I eridiin* in rfi__,



I'bl'T tha thirty »rvNiwOiU.iSi. Oc:. II. H".!..Bt t r-.o* of of tbe Sr.tte of .. taa of ihe art of the Lr Hun: i. cntitled "An Aet to eon«-.'i,b»fr th* C -J of N*;tO- rtnt aid provide lor thr goTernaienl an«l adnnn-arrvtinn of it* *rlnirs," appruve.1 reb. 24. 18)2, *xd of ibe awtioa -ry therrtn, aud for the tn0l tim »¦ o: l.aiA.v tta wi h the ( oy of Newflerj-orafcn ul thod C;ty lir'.ana approv. an tiie satrte dny, and f.r the p.irp>ee of o.d ofthe tbetlebt fundrng city, ot tlie late F.r*:, -**coutl an. Munieipa*. a- 1 City ot Lafiyette. for BI \! ED rBlU'OSAI*."" will be received at thi*office thr excl arge. oo a juat anii exjuitable compn'Ai mn of niterth- old .at.of aii t-arratBie.! Bon.'r aod other nMiiinon.of citv at.: ot thr U:t rirtt. .-.-. .nd nnd T: ird MunicipaJitie*. BONDBef tiie CITY of Nr.U'. anoM itt of Uflktette. <1 '..1 K.'ll.-I .in.Y.litj^atlUlLTY Yh \ U\ OBLLEAN. for ONE THUl BAND PuLI.ABd eacb. payabie ai tbe office of thr Ci*y Treamtrer, tanth inrerret coupoiirattacbed tl.rrrto. at the rate ol SIX PER (T'.NT. p-r ltinnm. payv ble ia ibe l';ry of New-Y'ork oa Iit Janoirt and Iit July iu eacb year. the ou obligation* ofJered in exrliao<-*. a* up to l*t January, 18.Y1, at wbich above, to tt1-eft caicoiaitd ou tha Bt Bflla to be ianie.1 wiil eommence. tune int. Tl f irnpuflnl*. tu I* lLdorBed '03. r fer r»rbaiig" ol Bonflt." ar., will beopentdaod acted apon on IB. fourh Hi i.<::.v in each mont!., couiruencing tc Tklon'ay. the £2dot NettlDb. r n. xt. lnW. ire Srock Table. *eopf*.i a, the hfl.-vi4 of rxcl:vnge. i rirraerve to tuem*e:vra) the rgat to reThr aaat .ny or all i-.-:i. COMM'B'K NBBf. A. D CBOSSMAN. Mtiur. O. DeBtTTS, Cntroller. W.M II. OARLABD, TreaaTfiT.T. \\ 3.1. P.CO.NYEIWE.Cliiiirman Fir.anee rommittee,





lalreaaly ecmtr_er*d fir)

,- hy M- ii ifa-flL I'i).. e.tie Pitniif ky fl-,

M I on raittee.

uj'.. wulbe paid at the Cbeaucai Baidt. Loung-tl SOIJD loiv_,li.»f'" I AND .VAKHaNTSBOUOUTa-jI lerma by OOU.MAN k of th© l-sci. fhe tno*t ravorabie va''..' of tho COMMISSIONTRS T1RA KI". No C3 Wall-*r_ near Haaovrr-tt o. SEiV-uKLr'w-

fentu.g, aaai flTBfJP :.". flflfj flflflfl* flflflflflBB* for tbe fnll ope¦taiflfl of Ike road.


Bli'.-i/ r aa-nl, Koa'tiih




.!VT:''1**' *.*¦*..**-

I '4*












Ka i.








ika. --..

avtrrf and n*. r»«nic







WARRANT8 WANTEIV-OI KfTlal T -OT Wat uf Mrxican War Elorid, War and And OUU thr' alac -N »****+¦ wl icii tbe bigheatpnce wi.l be giv-'ti. fcTaalely paaaata kwratal Bl* h^.a-aaa* a>ht Bar taxao. l Ml.i i i"i A "it IKDIANA RAIL- alao all Pfltn '- **a****mmum*T J floAD lo. >LVt..N I'l.R l EJ4T. BONDS.-Th* lo- Illiacia laqain .t O. G 8H1

ic. rulaig ;n tb..- warkd-will cod ll.lOO.OOO. The airtual evtiinatei, makmg ior tbe aotving fl_Bfltai I-t a fr.oui juncton willi the CoTiuglou aaod L.'_iigtun RaiU-.y, l'ari* to LtxingUm. (19 BB-flfl,) are #l.4-0.-*«>. Tae road ia a iiit'-. upwaid of aixrj-*"-en mile. long, a* agcrrtained hy the t__ !ocat:on of tbe laat diviaion. Tbe e.tiu.ate of ceat. above giv- n, inclndes the grvding and aupeiatrec'r.ol lh-- rflflfl, iand damage*. (alr-atiy aettlvd.)






l.rutelie lh

BAn*ROAD /MUCMO, '. MIH8I80IPP1 BTUAliB B.iN'li.-' I *>




HAMlNKil. ftet


"a-.u'Vi0__,' TfeT^Ot-tk*.

,v A. v. Abj IA, Dofljoin .-..-.ra, San fraoeix*; ikou Nomrr. *". . __. _, v.-v r.a,..a> fl.-THr Yjnera-.i. rl L- 1 RerJ. opi r_u.-» ¦ iTlltlb re,«ete-l. wbaa Wharg... »til ..... l- nr... ..... u, h*-v brr.-:-i«e«i«_B.nr_. j , »*'«'<'«¦ ¦. V * W .Aa* j|_Th ( wrarl-J cu . rc_r tv**" **" aiV't Je*.i(i| li* attaxet





jc. *.I ItiAC... N.J.

C*f r


Eaad KEVroKi ( ('Mi'AW.I,*.*,.( »..ENlTUEBDA1 Jaunary


Lttbt Mou-,




-,= 88.

E.-igiiieer. i*c*

'^w'Tm.LLF.R. p,










Mr B


SALE ©f 8UPERB PICTTOl&J l». oi'l'YY IN A.ii '.*,-. Mr (



..,,*, t, Maa _,.,..!. t.r-.on- iat. tct. I.-:

R HALF r-BVfi*el.nrla*>iv' BatfTHl '-hr<t -e%hn'de-*<W t IBBBBBTBa to


No. £1 oVIai-en-



N'rw-V.rk. l>rr II




Janoary. !*«>'¦

niul \V1S( i iNSIN IJ PEB CENT IM18.'., tbroii-hout iu lenglh. UtliVEMKNT St"RIP.-Tlie Intereat Coupon* .lue Tbe road penetrate* the bcart of ail Ihfl ricbeat regiona Iit .T-n. on the above .**. ¦ p. iaaaad M M I.. MARTIS pn.x. of Ktntiicky, and cimnetU tlirm witli the mud .Sortlieru hv tbe **:«:* of Witfoiaiu, w... u- paid al the olb'Ai u»51MandEaatem prattcalolepointon tbe (ihe-River. Ita :on- t.ON DKAPEB, Na.4« l'ine-it., Ne* York. nectioofl »re .nch a* to dt-monatrate it to be ihfl ahorted INTEKEST C0UP0N8 on tho CITY connertii.g the great Siatte ofthe -.outh-weat, with tuoee of etCWlCAOO WATERleI.OAN"atBOBTJBihta onthe ,i.l t i.u'Ltt. and Eaat the llankiug Ilo.ue the North Ui of January proxin-o, tull ailHRMAN Hr fin. Bnito.', Ko*.,for in. *V,J*av 18 MY Baaraa k Co. of DL'NfJAN, At Lexington. it meeUa line in operati'm to Loutivtll-, Nrw Orl The te Danvllle B.v VS, at. 4* JO. Ion. S afi W Hr.-mrn tarl Sophia, from Br-wen a line in tbeeonrae af cou-trucrun and lor Nrw Orletin* RAILKOAD COMPANT. ¦fATAUGATUCE .;,i:.:.-f..l Louirville line, mnninr O Bovrlinr flreen, thflflflfl diverg- A^ '.' .1 irom f'trdifT for I'n.-^. lat. 4S rp, ten. 10 IV 1.1 Wi ot 4 per c-ot. (or 84 on IU1. IIUND-A j;...,'-. to Naahville and Memplua, and tliua eonnecting with the ing Stock of the Nauitittiiclt BflllMfld on ih* each »b*rr) Cnpital |)... 7. Ial lo *' 'ou. .'?'. JO, 8tl,r. Vil'at'.-H«.>, irom Nrw Vork abont Ipeing i* of tlie for out the nx montUi ending Boutbern pla<*ed of tntire eaniinga Railwaya, ayatein fur I'ar*. -. Perernh."r) Sl, 18oi, ha* been declvred, payabie on atid alfar nndercoctiaet. The flBflflBflifla of tl.e Danville line into tlie uboae atock ia rectaStockholi!*ra. lir lii.'i'imi I'ort*. Tenne.aee, and alao to interaeet tht Louiaviile and Naah" t> n .: n Jaj.uaa-y.18a3. Nl tv-1 .rk. » ..I ree. i-.e tin ir divnlen.laat the otfiae Nn Am.' s...ied a*nh u'.. ba-k taa in, tBtaak. 1*4 mo»i din-ct practicabie roure tbe thn* «. ., 2 ville *40. foraung lt of Ilaaotafat. L.84 ilLil.KR, line, '.'" ", 11 'r. io, The fr latBBI BM ii ytiii b.- cl.-t.d tVom December90,1852, from tba: legion to the Ncrtb, i.nuw pla___beyond any reaA. Tur-lr 41.'. i'ual, rlni. A.iiro., Aut., fnnn New Tort ari. 37th P. M ult., baika P-fa Pattraer, l..n.-».n. froni B'l.tnn. arr. 27th ult. for .tnab.'t do ibt bv the bt-avy atuouiot of _d,vidud rj.crip- «t 12 M.. to JiLii.iry 1, 1SJ3, at 3 o'clock 1- 11181IOP, rretideuk. r .... u. .1. ii Vt aaa, (reai I'lulad* 2,t'. ult.. unr.; Conn , Dee. 13, 18W. tioc.* alread/ made. ManBlu n. Ilallrtt, for M'»BiBi Boon S.rah il.r.l Mrrr.'l. fir New Bridgeport, Vo.k <lo. Sji>H pretiousl*, >b.p Ark inaaa, Oua, f<>r Faaland. At tbe Maytville extreuiily of our road, a ihort link At Maliii ::(«b ult., bark, K.itr ft Alu., Low, fur Nrw York fe*/ I-W-YORK aiirl HAKLKM I.AI..KOAD through liollabcioiii'ti toi Catambafl, will uioite na >v,th tbe r.t.' ;¦¦ .-I..... Mg. 8o. Ko'tirn. -i ,-p. ):r,, N.-» ('( ninth aemi-aniiual divideud onfhe N'-w VnrI ...-. lor do. 8*1 rd nbout i'th, t.Ark Turk, Barl entire North, and the 41*yinlle aiid Big Su.dy K-ilro« 1< l-referredMPANY.The itockoif thia Company, at the rate of Kight per b. bu n. n.i. tbe und ivith Stiota lIock:i,g Portamouth i.t atiiiiiiii. will at tt be counetting )' i per paid at the office of their TreaaAt llorl .-.'I'i 7'h imt., l.rii Ki.. K.< l.ird-¦ i. urrr. No 1 Centreit., on and dter Tli-.SD.YY. ihe 4t_ aara Valley Raihoa,;, rrnd thflflflfl BBfl with tiie Baltimore and dav of next. At Aril.o»»so l(»li io«t.. Br 'ark M«y, for B,, tnn, ntarlr raady. January Obio Ki.-.iroad, ard als,. witli the Pennaylvsnia Centrnl, and 1 '- trari.ter took* of *aid (tock will he cio*- d on FRIAt ."'I i-e e-iih iii-t «).|.- srramr-^r*. Ke-H. for Bo-<tn. Mt iv .¦'..-.. .... taaa, tl tead *WBt8a*a. Bat au, al.ip at tl.e u outb ol Ihe Big Sai.oly the- V'iri ni* C.-ntraj DAY. D.c M,dIo'clock, P. __,aa-_fl*aad_a YVDNE3II ii ten. ira Yorl. DAY. Jannary .V. at 10 o'clock. A. M.-Dated New York, J.ti.c, ______ta'.'a Ihfl BBBB-flBflB, *peedie»t, aud moitdir.ct I)ico!i._rrl6. A' IteO. rdaa tlh uev. Urk .lohanna, fBivm.) .1a.h»n«. for Boa IP.-iZ Noortl Uollaiid, 1'jfj, lor Boaton 2 d .yi; aad cotineetK.E* with tbe Atlantic citie*. The*e connecttm. taa, kit Patebaebr, SAMIEL M. BLATCHFORD. TTea-urrr. .lor*. a ill all la. eatnbli'l.od flrithta the uett two ur tlire* yt-wa, at I. lUtb itiat., bark Marj k'tereocr, Trott, f..r Plula.letpbia, A: UL .NOTICE..The booka of the farthett. Tue Coinpauo a are dkplaying great energy iu kade* At 8 i tm v .. -t auip Hanaoa i, Toeaf, f,-. Baa Y-i.-k, to tail MAMIATTAN LIFE INSI RANCE COMPANY, for . iflBacattafl them. w 141b. firat will ciioao on the lat day of tl.e diudrnd proliu who '1 ln- taxalile properfy of t'.e ron-.tie. thnmgb which 'hi* January. I .'- A'l ofp.-raon. A litA -nh iat... Bi. trk, BiM.llan. to tead for ineurn previoua to may b-. of .In.-an th.Cn_i_n»..oner» o-' vt;!! u. ilianiu road thfl kflflka u.r, the ning, of the Company to bo protita Arr a. M< i.lrv Iro O. t 2?, M,"- ehmk .Itti* R..B-er,iio. Rom*n in Jancarv, 18.'>4. diTided aincitnl* the of :o »um for tbe r,. r. # tax, If..822,010 lluMT'ere irom HU, year BB, Tbe iniur> d in 'he Manhattan Life Inaurancr Company ? ¦' "uit.ii«-X,»l',rt«»Oi and tli* Ifl only abont two third* of it* markirtable AtPeia .ii.. BBd ltBr. br.f > t 'ial. :." 1" ..,.. I .-r I faflfB, may immediately rouvert their abare of the p: iliia by a pervalue. inanent ro-duetioo of rhe anr.ual prerniam or thr aame may At Am .' iyr* llfth kaat., brig. Ad .tn, Br.) f.r B itun. IJa; Bril for lite. _>-ltlionr any annud I. mt, d'.. .'< *. l.r*. Mb.-oii. Mtn-^ u, BB d<. [l '¦ lie H The r .**¦.«. ri va' ., ,.f Ihe Countie* contignou* to the road. be cnnverted into an intnrance ". .* )"-' iA. A. ALV'ORD. I'.-.-*..!. ur. br,At inCa-ltiuii pren.-.tim. aid ubtdi innat neceflaniy bt- tnbutary t ¦ ir from tbeirl.' 14th mtt., barl a*4*4aB*t I'e.i.rll, Sm -h. P.irtlanJ ; VV'F.Mft r. Sec'y. C. V. N. Do Mflflaf.B. Actuary. bng. R.iiib..w, Bunkrr. r.*y.T*rk; Sarak, i keraaltae, Batfoa. cal pflflBtafl and depieniieuce, k |1(_,6--,91-. (Jffite.No. 116 Ilroadvriy, c.'in.r of Liberty-ii. Arr. tt St. Juhn'a, N. I'.. 4lh laat, b.-ui Jaim. Bart, BflBllB* B«» tlie one nioet of Thk I. load, then, running tbrnugh Irrt via HhI.Ibi ;Stk. TtrtBrie, Arrrv. BoMoii; llt!i.l',.ai., Hirt»ry, 111.1*. a-TfiUSdlHCE COMPA¦.ii. Jaataa, frlc aidprodui tive regiona in thi flfltU, aud fomtingeonuectioua DEOPLE1" At aa l-'.i, icir. Oaraaat, All.-.. for Bo*ton.lila. X RT flf tlie CITVi.f NI.YV-VoRK-'i'Le Bo.ard.-f l)ivibicli w.i! reiitl, froi-.i t.i.e xtr iuity of thfl (.fltaaIfl 11 II ... O Bnea. Arr. at llalilat 17lb.btii. v-Ii ret-toia have tbia day .kclared I Div d, ud uf SIX I*ER nil Boat-n! ln. ll, otlier by ibe athflfl-flfltB-BB, au.l thn* m.uriiig a full anJ con* ( l.NT., |-.yable te the St-ackholdtrj ou and after the 3d day « v r l- r :' l,Ttew-Tert 0 H-ien, il. cf 18AS. itaa.: v l_rfl_BBJ ddc cf travel and tranarpor.tion. flawing at hr*. fTaarlatla, Mrllnuald, I'ni'rd S'.tr., 144, JflBMB, Tbe TraiiiferBooki wi'l be rloaed from th* 21(1 ind. to the II". t. r.llra Ye!. i. Bflflfl tin¦ feitile land* throngh which it rur.a. and from M. O. LEON'ARD. St-cretary. day ... payflient Arr tt SO, MUi in*1., Meamrr Niagara, Stone, from Boaton for Liv¬ tbe vrst itttons», iii'.rt beconie a great thorongh. erpool. (ti,il ta.lrd tan.r dn.v. { AssO( IATIO.V FIRE IXlt. .':»t kwt, truj jiiTrn.B. Bawtaerrr,tbaa arr.al8t a*BBa,B 1'nre, atd neceiiariiy.b.' progrenively proiita1'!.-. ln. Buy. Jdahonrv. I'onl.ial. SCRANf E CO.-On Moi.dav, the _dof January nevr, A very luodr rate __tailc_ Cflttfl ate of ihe eami:ig*of the an electi. An all).:. rrt a. Bov a i ()l,v*. Ki-lly, Wilmuun will he hei.i at their office. No. S Tryon-row. I* ltcad. u. Miun u complet'd, made outby tbeChief Eniriuear twetti the houri of 12 and 2 o'clock, tbr the choice of 40 Dir.c l,bi.ii>r,.ri.i bata,-,Bai r. cton to a raa th* Cootparty for tl.e (iiguitig year. ai d l.aeed Bfflfl ihe known and rreaent prodioction and bu*i1 Bb. n.-. Bansor tehr Ameriran. I.A«a, ftn. DANL. BARNES, Setn-tary. Per order, .-' Nrvrfi lieillliid. ne»* of Bfll c ii.'rv. u a* f-.llow* Baj l_Ju>- K.rvati, Ui.Uni.-rr OirttE or the New-Yobk (1 is-Lk.iit Co,) P.a*(Dgrr«an(i Mail..aj.ifi.I'O D.nii. -l.e I'..)¦:-.. Baa, at 185J. 5 Iv'.l<|0 Kieigbt. AI.FXANDIIM. Dr, .'4 An Wi.iv.,:.- I* -trni.-'.l, Kaat A_fTKUAL BI_ECT10N kt Thirtbon t i Iii .. tIltrectoraof thia CmpaM will b* h.M on Monday, Total Rrceipt:.t-Yl.-ft) BOrrofl i-. .v-Arr. .mawlp Caaafa lir) ranf, dav Jmiuarv r.ext. nt the olfice.No 171 (V..tr__: aUlMBatil, v«i. llii'.i'ai. ri.ij, Su'.lau, Sli^a Nr*-.a-.,. bark M. Diduct E.vptiu*, 40 per ctnt. 10n,_O0 tbe lfth tl.i fro.m 11 12o'dock A. M. The Tranafer Book will be Boraloa, Si.iilV.v. M. Ii'r Flk. Mayo, I'hil.-i.lrlpha. !tn clearanc-a. the 21th inat. ontii dter tbe election. Hy ordar, Iroiu IVc. 9S. .Art. tbip Judf>. hbiw. Ptwir. Puriamoiitl: bruj Thecli, cluatd Net p.of.t..#l-0,7_0 C. L. EYERITT, 8t.reury. (Nor)-. R.i..».!....... i.,nrV,. Ceek. Caa* Hayaaai Tnu,*, tii-fiiat and muat tor i. Tbi* tflflUMflfl flBtJ year, ra4).dly illr) Beiurr, H.,l,iat Braj fflBBBia. Mallwwa. Baltimorr *. hr*. r 81 Hi ... A-i.V>. I,,d.-rrk. ¦ Ol but for a road 67 mile* in k-ngth, an.l c_diog n>t tu (OVIK'Ai TOKS-.JEI.SEY ll -r-, »i . Bean ovi-rll.,'?(',(.0, it n certaiugiy encuura^ii..-, and reaaonably N,tt Tork, Telrgraplird Sn.p Mamibon, from Ilew Orl-ta, ,it an CITY WA.ER VV(>RiAS.-Propoaak w.ll be re¬ rl.or in thr Liabf Hon i Bkj 3Murdar.8lupi l'r.,|wn ceived a: tl.e oflice of the Jeriev City VVater Comni.._. BlflBfliaBfl fl flflflfll of 1" per cent. upon the inveatment. * \ ti.ti. rnrali Tirr*ll, Savohy Uik-Wbai I'b.r inot r.i er.," Lyceum 11,....i.i.r. ii.-_ii.l-a:. Tueaday, the 4th the named b'md*. total above tbe tf bemg i**ae, #__0,<0_ 8a) Ckai Witaaaf, m i: ifi AuUvib i H. P. Cutk will be *-ld without IflflflfTC to tbe of January, 18j_, at 4 o'clock:. P.M., for tbe t-xecution btdd. r, by SIM- day ina; fBim. 1. P .).,i .,.«,,.. -' i .' v of Kew T->rk h.ghe.t f uiowing work t..r ol liarkl Ik .tl.aart, t-vli'liilii!-: (' C Bel! tl .t 1'ridty .ECN I'RAPER. Anrrii-neo r. on THl'RSDAY. Ihe 6th 1. For tlie eo.n*tru,-fi-.n nfa R-vrivtng R-arrvr,ir d BelleCak laril. Kii-i-.M- -.uirr, *vbr. Matilda. ville. re,,t;inng tbfl ti.llowing qtiaatitrrs of wurk : l * | n.k. Ji 1IAH'.K-1i>S. 1-... I -tle I prox. at IC} o'c'.Oo-k. at the Merchinu' F.veban^e. -6. H i' cubic ' ard* ol en:banknaeii B.liin.i,r .rh... H. r. Bak i. t\ .1 RJ.IB Of Bi1-1tr.10 rp' rent. on day of aale, and the ubio yard* paddie baak. i'.rtrr. H.vr*, Iru. 0*o L. AU rk, fn.n.8.. li-Ianee 30 d..y. tbc.eotflo-r d tbe option of the ;.ur1.110.147 bnck* laid in cement. lllltl 1 -I-'t. |... .' 1,: ¦inr.-v B' B-l'ultech. rhiier. .]. wiuare yard* af *. _d:ng. _,1> 1 «i ... II, ... n, [Br, Miinttr*. rriKiue, Scot grad,..g thr i:t.l of aio Ei.gin* Honae, amoantin,- to ... T:T,-, Apint.-.litatoa.eiit aa t_ tbi- i*__e of tbeao B-adi, witb a in2.iooForcubic j.rd* of excavation. N'a,.a«.N.I> At BtkyjaathM iP Bt NtBiau, map. .ttott ing ita couiiection., kc, can bp obfaiued of S. For tho excavation and back filling of ab"nt fi.nfto feet N.P..«d»v>.. » th raaaraarrra lld .1. pr Saittrriaml. C.rirr. l..vrr ot lane j ipe tiench, ainoucUiig to J,'"''cu'jic yard* of ex¬ IAM.VIA.NN. VYliITEliOl_.E lt Cp.. No. 46 VV_U-*t. PimI; C..:uu.bu .-. -."Iii; uaik PaBear*. White. New cavation l.rlrara. . br. II. D IlaUa.n. Parker, Btluniorr. A For eovervng tlie pipeover the II*. m/.Allk'H (Il'V. B. C-Arr. pr.v. to .Ulh. Ba-ftrrt Ai Bui«e., \\V^ tndaa*. for SALK-NKW-YOKK am.out.iig to rutue yaida of ei_ib_ai___eut with an . ilbiiKfi'V, N. I> t. A.r iN.titl.i-.h.l". Aut. El.tahetk. I! bau! of 1,111 flflfl. NEYVHAY E.N RAILROAD BONDS, 7 per cent. average «' j For mttl.tng and ._,(__ feet of pipe on the 01 lol tOWX, 8 C, 0 .i K i.| Borton. in due n,_«h- . II.cken.ttk H-, iuobJ. lhr*.lv, Hath Mriimotu, M'tia, Nrwpot 1. r'.me:.tia, Tbe nan.e. ot two rrapuniib'e perarm*. with wr.rtrn fl] YV VORK and HARLRM RAILROAD BONDS, 7 tHapH". Ilatb Elrwai. o Xtl. rll. Ba/hailne*. i_rr_i<-« lor tbe WUtaflflal jf the conrract to Ixcontr aaaeat BOLBBr 8 IIOl.E Dr.-. 23. P. M. -Ar.. brifa S. Brrr per cer.r due in 1872. m every uart.ular, a-ili be re-imred to atcoinpany the proty lkr.ii 1>b.«-b l.ib ii.-i.. Mr Bovo.. J. H.b l«,. Juhn* m. MOEILE CtTt BONDS. coupon* and principal paya¬ po_ala a Hataaa; ('nk kk ituleor. HeBBe., ite. lor Aui Cajrt, K I'i,' -ciali will bc ree. -..,! for any one ofthe piixefl of aal T P I'rrk.n., |* lir ble in Nrw-Vork, 8 per c-nt. due m 1857. n.- ,v Barr, *,,. aa \Vi*m.n*ie.!, *ej _ratr:-.. tt or tiie » hole. ILL1NOI3 CENTRAL RAiLROAD BONDS, 7 per wo.k s llnah.ll.,-. tut-mBilocfor air Pttw Be.r Norlulk. Th, -a<7k.iliiiBflflBBrfl re_erre tbe right to *e!ect «ucli proi a 11. k. cent dneiu 1875. '. a* th. y may th:nk moat favomliie for rhe intereat* of flflflfll H. |-Soa Bud \ml IIk) Orandr. VY ¦.!____**_, VERMONT RAILROAD BONDS, 7 per tbe cit 1't.ncr.. Plan* tnd *pcei_cdio_a mai be a.-en at the office. I. i « .r- H .i' n ln .*.) mat .'' anl for cent. (!ue ta IM be a-_i.e__ed io tue YY'ater J" > ll ar, H.i, li ki -, 1 MANSFIELD andSAVDIJiKY CITV KIRST MORT¬ Of Jeraev_.ito .1.. Ut a*. lua. 74 a**A* City." ar.d u d_r,ed Pro; oaal for C-iiimiaaonerfl VV ok B.B ir.' :-. I WakCl »lurj iioui GAGE RAILROAD BONDS, 7 per cent. due in 18-K). Di-cember 14. 1I5_., Jeraey rh.U !. tpau fo, Cardrvu..» JOHN D. V. ARb, PL.vrrr-Bl'RGII and MONTREAL RAILROAD . brm Iribuiir. (ef t.rlaad Ki<rn.l« WBaaBBtBB, B. C I' B GR1 KIBY. BON DS, 7 p< i c-ut. Bflfl in 18T2 Bt uu, atara, Uudacu. ll..,nri. Macbia* kv Baa W ""** «. M. B BHAMHALL. 8 anea. Bt.*., M KETClil J4, ROCERS A BEMENT, TlKiS A AI.KXASD**R. ' <m'ot_uooer*. la*. :i A M « .!..! >. k\ kkt.Uva keartr, wMh .>.. 1 fot. hr*. S !. IIABRISON, Sarak \\ ,..«t*r. Onrett, Artd* Br * flkwrBt, J U.rialry. Clark No. 4a) YY VV ILLIAM S YVHITYV ELL, Chief Eugiraeer. Ykiwd.o,. Arrara |- P«a-A.>> .... a* A Mary, Bra Bird. Kie i. a.liibuar; ttbra. HuttBka.Ciaaua, .Bi r'iiitB.11. IMTl.r.ST I'l'i: .1ANTARY lat. nn al l.-. ir Wa-r- It B A 1 I- B 0 A D CONTRACTOKS tta Kirit Mortgagr Buud. of tle M___dt:J oacd SanduaB.KNNK1 l Mi.i-i: Daa ,, wuemn kjai f Sl'.Y' !. PBOrOBALB, addr-_ar_ t,. eicber of tbe \ lb, bU., atta-wihip N.rttBttK Ciow*. Latk. Nrw Tork. (B ky City Barlroad Company. wiil be p_d on and after the ld wiil be rrteiTrd *t HilLtSorougb, H dhland' Bad-Tflg-eol. of January. at thr ofBce af Wi bnatoa.rttrnmirr.'Uy.r C-nntv. Oi.o. ii:i'.:l rhe l«t dav of Kebniary neit. at uooin. ¦ h Fort!-e an.. .YU.or.ry of tl,0 Middk Div_r...i, KETIHIM. ROGERS I BrvfENT. 1 lr*, Port lataarrai Emait Wr-wter. At ot tbe Cici____ti. Hiaoalo-roi ,u and Parkerabcrgk RailNo. 4- W'illiam-at. Arr.-baa Catbitibt Ur kmaata-n. yu*a-i!-v»» Baa wir. .g-me-.-r from H_l__a_.-_ag_ u,.,. ..a ,,ivit V-t «aa I ., Btaaa, toa rxi.tiifrax Jackgon, Jark*on Coaiiy Ob about .' -L 't r.rt..,. I.\.v t m Bl JMHIITION f.r the ____B. \\ atiaai Brrrar*. I 4 Tbr i... wil! be n-ady f_T ex*mi^l«^. flTOCI flfthfl M VYCdNTINENTVI. :SS( RVVCE k'atnta B Co arr,,, rn THIS DAY, at No. 41 VY _Uia_n-at, Otfic of and pn-Li-. and .rf-c tjc_ti..t-B ofthe wrk *ariv l ka*. Cbarr.kV.-U4i Atl BBAB* tawB ltn.-r' Rr -.nn w L-.rr will hein eJanaarT .-,...ii t l>.t _aif SLrrmati V i , .:» I' .al (flj.l |««»1 J.kli 1>.^: " '-^^^Ah-'« one w . ." !».«« H.** L.v eav , lit t ,J a the to -"-ar. No iOWall-d. rebt._-y i .. S.-..J Mel.l. ,.- bay Thia foraafl the i-<o|-___ed ecnt-nrtaf-a a-roaa lb Ita il lat r.m-ya, tt-vnaa arkr B. ¦and Ohio and ai.<l Beart a vv..- lmm.t Jaim. Sew-Terk. I KAIL- .,_i.H.:...)k_-, _.u,g!oc-t.d_.a North i.nk tiae tliro-.h V BOAD Ci'Ml'ANV.i IBV EN Pr.R i t\ .al *. B- i.ND.S bn* betwrei. Bdtimora an.! Si L ... w.lltn b* Barai.aa . ki Br. Wi« .Th* Im-r.t r<>vpor_* en ibovc Bj_a_. dae EB*f. tburi-1 in oo tht Ifl Jaa- trrety » ay w__thy ta tne attentufl ..» ka-. 1 atrrWi Oa**... Barbadora, U,. Jaaa, A a at able and enterpnaic* wi:ile .i_.n_o, uary -rnac*. Bank. i""~-a cor-tr.rtora. KKWORlKAJta Atr D. IA. *bi** K.v"i.»u,' 1 t .. Parl fl * ol the line to | Tberrm__nd-r the Oh;o ka, *->,! I R-T0r w ;i nmjw fTiirax . bark kl "aoJo Rxiiaoto Co*4raN:i.. NoA*4oNo»T-4riw*,-,'a.wa 71 Beav. _» ( for contrtct alout tit- lat dav _r May aext ' .


1 y .' . ".¦.-"., fT*1ran. irnrTdli nh.Til a--ar.l-.,-o-*r aad aarih »-_. at.,d.r.k. \-w 11 aaau



ifN.i V.rk. Tbe Bond* ar<- itaurd uni. r faii anthi7-:ty. gireti in th* char -1 'o the Pre. tdeut ai.J. I'orertora, to b.Tow a gurn of >-rt.r the r,roBDO-.ty flfll rxre-C th>- C- n ranv f r the r-avrt-ert rVrrof. IflflBAftt-ble lat Jmaary. The Emd. are fcr t." a :.. it ib- RANK Of THE STATE OF NJ.YV VORK. alio If wbi payabk on ib-r 1* or in th city. Jannary anil Jnly, en prf**,'*ri.ri of the Coipo.a. Tb-y arenacui-.: hf« HRST MOKfOAOK, M JAM/.S PL'NNETT. THBO. BEHflNflflflJAfl. T. SolTTKR, tatraaj for Cbe fcoi.a: t d« r» ti t.'.r flfltka roa.1 coaarruct -d. and to be coioitr-cted hfltwaea Ihfl C tb * cf H_yflf_kl and L-xiiigton. aVJl the ria! fitate ai.d otber rroperty aad vppurtenanct* tt tbe Cou.; t-.y now owned. or w h.rh t.i*-i _ere*f_er tue., .«*ui*-.:. |_ ovrE'd I.t thom flfll all tbe fr cbiat* r» o*iin* to tbe road. A«. The proaerit rcn.tirion of tlie roid and ir* p.r_->*rra flg traffic are .hown by the foilowiiig extract* frtitn the report of it* fllfllllflfll. H- VY AI.f.ER, Bfl|w dated i ;.' IM Tbe MAYSVILLE an.l LEXINOTON Pt.VILiT,)ADnpcnfnio i-tiinate. baaed apon the pric*. jflwaflflflBfll tn th* contract under wl.ich tlie work k now being Bflfl and apon the pnee* for ircn. machinery, cod of niatenai..



******^__m BBB ">'T

t* .*-A ot B.BTB A

t*_0-.,O4M» BU PBB CoWBt-iIBLE BOKDS Of (TI-. UAflTlUJ! UTO LEXINfiTON RAII.K.i.VH fuMUVV. r .t:- -.: flta t rr...-., ty.hie d thfl jit jv bank y ihi. BBATB Of NEta ¦ -RK. ka tbe City

dtpoti. »ration*. en/inr* and



B »_¦*_¦& ttO» S.ALE ofRdUT_KOAD CK*- M >__T_A


aal reaaaa chaad till taatd-hl










"ty_ ro, th







I5ANK. ..I Waabin-jton, r**pHB a-taaBBBBl at N.. .-oBoacry, at * aPaeaU l 0 EAafreHN riana. 6a*wiatcaiat>iaa, Eitiiaalafl |.err.*.ve.I.n.,rl..for,-fu-!.t.lay ... , tba JAMA't ul 'u *" Zt r V. HAKK nratt4e for ieni..i.iy attBB larrptk.- rliav. t-e



4'ir.l.ft An. .'h, Tarfju:..., 1.0.1!,». Htn-r

.«t»ulri ih>; Taikkar B!*d-. fliav, Nr»'t aBtflk-alK l . .a.J. atl, Krmr. Ot_«f, It.w Itrlran., O' unbinr. And-r 4 haikr. I-owoa-.S.B PraaaB-o. .:«! H.r .-th. Pn. .<. Klh* Irom I^iikIob tot Ifiarport'... .1, wSo ka Bf I fl.r.1 n tbr 7th » 4il»-. I Ofliark, Fal^, SrwOrlrana, 7Ui fl (1 (',i_Vrf )_i .i!d. :.b L-a_»v l-fli-flfl,tavaBaak.


I... ti....

Bee, n ar.


Oioor._*t, t».,








Plrfn-atli, B B., BiaB. Y...IBH H i.m. Owai, ol and Irom Baraaa v i«»k. aa t* boaad '." Barto* e», « * * ear. et ttaat **, e-arv U. P'.t M '. th* dav ,,ut, wIim h mah* it Be f<.rr r-rpo.te.1 .rarr-t P"rt aial ln eod-avormi tu irmk* rBaaTnll.raB .'. .' ''. 0-srrrr. " ¦:.' lu.k Bitei !'.¦i."t, .'... ki.i ',., .-aiurdiy. aad ob'a.oed aaauUnce, and w1l, i* Afl pratBaMBBr, ,Iub. 74. jaf*tdaceBte: board »chr. ,,tl..-'S (¦¦ .... ¦... i.t. ,jn brr r. -d.iee. Iiaia V. B. Bo-tnr. fr.m Bnf.le.*ap*ri»ir-ed vetj h*«vj ,>a-k-. A weathrr

**r*'>.*"rhiladeph* cora


TaVkia. fiBia IBiaalia

lfl_flflaflfltai e-pra

U*17 Jt"***" r.oa)»a. Hflfli, 4 oaay. from -.l.i*, fl«_.._oti*J a*w Havrn.

Cam****_**'*J** ___******* *L*a

S r-T*. .ad^-A t»a. Laaaed

Bary Va., (of Eotkiiadi Ciotk-irt. 6 diy. 'aaa Ka-.hoa.oU, fld"- Cka«B. Bflta. fl- fl- "» flta r. W. h. BiVhrO. MaBn. 8 dyi tteta O-vrr, Orl, ewa

taBrVtaaaa H- II.«.ty


f* _*_*T_*TZ

<;."' J _^f_5it______t


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li.fjr.iM-.--' i.«r iirh-,., IVo-n Wita-M StaaJ..O B*Jrt rV-red * « i *rt. taa, B. C, *. tkel* » *_* lo*l » Sf afl ;B*H thr-I. n B»r..rarr,n»,ft*rfoaV.h'..rB. oo the tW. .* 8 'e-tky coa-* aad tl.* reiurw* lo port .rtLB. w- Mt.rrtura d.'A,n. V r»po-tB that . H P Baiai al Cbarlratoa froni rn.iai'Ipbi*. <at maOat eattkat .*..-*¦ rn.* OB.BWBU- i....i|.l.r«ni.i wi'h ibr h-ad .f ata aad *»t... BkrAiaa ...t a. witer-wrnt tit r.i.) r»'L-m Beat i.-r ra* t*r*la*> U. I.rka. ':»*




ka.iai un't ..»¦¦*,

r mx Mar**.







Birknai *_.. bia.*-. 25ard 77. ,>..-, ainz fitnt aad .««_¦, by 1 flflflflflfl :' B... r.B.-. --.. N.a -'. »nd '-" See map* and oth*rpart ru _r» at tbe A_K,n .oa_» n tn -¦



Hr SToam.





A A Ai,

NOTICE.Th« MibbbBbb af

I '¦!



11 :: ...»

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^^''iiR.nvN.ri o

M I.IVfSii-TON. ( Nrw-Ycaa "NnF.aia R.'Lboao <ompa*y.





a -i


arhr Onrta.i, (of BtfarkVaa.: F.H. oraa*. 10 J. V. OaBUra_a. B.. J4, '.- 30 '..- 74 30, .akr acd Oo. lVororw,hf_»r .-r-rw-g f.; had ifl-nat ra-hr fut iB-BB.O-hwaw.4 dayi ft-* A-fl-adf*. 8o_r toniaraea _.ward_Uwth,fla-l_. 7 dayi 'ra-. I*'-*-. <k flflfl to J. Wfl Jae--T. Bojjd Hr.'ewa. 4 daya -ro-n Oeorr-fc-WB, Borur Uo & y a (raai Rorfclh. «_a aad aa.oU R.


.tn ¦-.-«,..





l_W.wj.r-C_,, flaaaafo Bt.Tark I ¦*

<.j-rrcn: otialliu-' of fl"BO
















.-'5';-K;«i.:^A.^:^^* "tr B^^tai^.-k, thtwroekaitheokr, ¦'

.- ....... ___--. kraaWa tal ioflawa *. B«._rB ._al-.*-fl*. **... flrwOitaaa. ' I v Ie.. ;a bb*.-. LmflCTr.fl.aG n- '. ._*. C Bralat . li*..-l-k"if ft. ru kfi R. W. v ._ r w. >: f .-.-iBBa-. Vt -. 0 »".. IT-f __.!;._. !l. f V.




) 1





nf PKOPERTY ta PFREMITOKY SU.Ei*.___7, raj |,.

iS<TWrVU)S fti"SA?:nATr.\NSAVTNi:s lha ndtny-l)-reiv-. m



' 1^


Catreapoairat', et.o.ry <*..** !)-._,>_. SaoM ",»,_.( laiO.Bf-ar PH1I AT CI4>H1A[rrom IW. 27 A r. ¦Ir-m.tB-i C*S n( MVaa^urr. T"7*t. -Pcuca_to.-r-unw._ol, H*'.i>- laawj aV'.l*,,.,,:.!'*,-.!,,,, (<**>*. B*''1**,aB,¦ ludaja llr, V. *¦>'*¦;*.¦*.. nwel, »**!¦' if_PIia* _a_a.diok-.ial. Ar Eu*. *AVkr'.--r H-rvrj. ".» *^-S_Tw U«a M.*-1. e.J.i.-oaw"-r ,_, ___rr>en oft < * *.'*". T'7 «br. Arr.,. A r,'n« 1". arafC. K lt Cawt rrrairtlnirc, -*rbr Carolae, (Daa J



Per fL tVH


I al liiwcto

ND..The Ih



_, , ,,... ¦AI-KB. tke.. A--A .. j_n, Ba*an* lT"« OrX »l'. u">*,*r* bav.n* l<*o* tkflaflMwit Prv,..<*.----.« . -.:"' Kl

ft.- nvra Bkta Nrw T<






iat. ^ ||,w (,., 1 fj* ,









iTrow»r. ._*







»_». bb Bk* ntd nc .fr« ,a*w t irn **.*'">*raBOB *.-.yiBn\.-. ! aalrtkuirt '" B fIr.rB.-B.rk fr aatiw,, Trawd.d i »r*. V

rit o.





BKlOlkri-rvrt_arl.hBf.-r.-_r. ito 1*8. -alerd-I*'-**«Wfl. Irom Kr, V. Ztteri (ofJlr_.|U,r. ]>_,-l) 13 d-Ti-'om flra AUbi Z aT *. Ac «*»«. hao... af old _ry t-t-l-f., «¦__«, kfiiavf* B Bra H«_J*,B__m. II rt.r- froei Jwl-aa-oiv HX^«i to__S A AnUrT Worl » B. K~d Vr.Wfda,. A -.YY .fl ca



fp. p




Salea No 13 Purk-row. Tt KSDAY Drc at fi o'clock. Caot. r. Bo.-ks..J.urt rrteite.l from L ludoxi. a arrat tar-.ety uftaluable llluarHted, Standard aud Mi»cellanecm, maiiy of whu h are in biodiugt. ItrortnirLt ot neward popul»r A.n.rcAn l'lib/cafn-iiB, uicltidirg Annnala for 18M. Ac Wm. VV. Shirlev, Auctionter.


pRCCKEBY, V aale |-_-.-VV£D.NE-iDA Y, Dee. _9._,c..Closing at 104, o'clock, (71.ASS, TOV.S.






VAN 8TEENVYYK, STATE COMMIgGllaSIO.'ERofEMIORATION for WISCONSIN, OU (Jreenwichd., -Yurk, fite No 1!" New open from 9 o'clock A M. tiU.-0-ii.ckF. M. ragnphletj and verbal tnfonnar»lial.!e and anthentie *.mrcea, will Ips giv*_t Ily aad free ofexMea ... .11 peraon. who intend la .-. ih. State ot VViacoftfii.. ,.ue of th* flno.tcountrkfl of tiie nch acd beautifnl Valky of tbe Miia-anppi. tion. fr.un


No. i.J John-*t., ca*h aale of a large ar.d g.:i.rr,d ...ortBflflat, Wflfl.i_ t... ..t.ce of all wbo arll u.ud Iflaia, fiieandr-imUiOii Crockery. Tt.iI/le._. f'rockery Vttakffl, Deeatiter.,


iTlindi-;___JSPORTS f»f _1I parta of tlie worW --nBabJ* to travelrra.laaued


J- B.

NOMEfl, Notary,

.SALE..fhe Hooae and Lrt MONEY! CAiSlI for If XE( 'UTORarthaanTii N.w-iork, Brookiyn by hangre, Mortgagf* VVii.LiAM Iitihg, Auctioneer.

hy No. ta


,' '



fflonc-n i>Danti;5 anb to toan.

Bawlfla, ic.

-J No. 33*on-*t. will be laid at auction A- J. Bla-CXI Kl- It, ar m. on Tl r.-DAY. 11th day of January text, at 1_-rclock. nt ntym. IVr-o. m-td, kiiown at i*le. THOMAS McELRATH, Exac.tor.


r, ni

ry f Jenfternan wili p

M0KTOAG**&-A r.-r **c

goud PirU Mortra-

...unahnrih lota, at a inoderate divcouct. of aiiiallaai.r.iuh, or heyiiig many year* to run, will aot beyrry to, if well *». objecled cured. Adi'rrr* MORTGAGE. Tribuae oflice, poatpaid. I ull part.cnian, by Tueatlay et.-umg. ge* oa



CI_A-8 OIL P_UNTINOa.WIL]a"II.'ST and -A LI.'.M IRVTNO A Co will sell at eri. 1 (|7 (\()(\\J TO LOAN-OntoBot... tn-t appliDAV Dec 28. 14 o'clock. the *_lea-room No. I'iTl/ESPine- ffi"* ******* MortgBge in auction on




Boa of




Fine Oil i'aiutitiga, Bro«oiv.*y. ai.cient and

nnxiero Oil


lieautoful colleo-

Puutinga, gilt In the coi. ction will he found oriaiinak by aoine of tht-lirttarti.Uof tiie Eugliah, Prencb and Flemuh .jhool, Lai.dacapea Mo.icl_eren; by and FigureaBy YVatLandacape* teau or:_:_al I y R.,ia de T.voli, Ac. FVVii.i iam Irvi>._, Auctiono.r.

Iriiii. a


tc.-VVILLIAM IR*.IHO DIAMONDS, ACo..IZWEUtT, w..!*eiUt Auction on WEDNESDAY, Dee. __,_t

104}o'clock, at tbe

____** Room No. 10 Pine-d.. near Broida dealer about .' c'.iutng buaineaa. all of aid warr* ii» evo-ry reapect aa repioorder, ipnirii ir. catalo^ue. DiainundC'ti.u r Ringa tud Ear Ring«, ned* largeSii-_'. Bteac Brraat riio_.Cr._ea, Bioift r.. Nrcklacra, Peudaiiha. kc, aet Diatnoioik Rnl.ui. T--r.j_oi-r_, Oarneu,beaatitully Peark, 4. VV'.rr, Ledira'-i.cficntlrm- c a Oo'.c Le-,»r, Dnplez, !.-¦.) _.! fl d llun-tng Wflflfltafl F. b and Veat Cbaina, Btar f'lua, way. the itotk of

holdiog f,rst<'iea*aec>irity nee.l apply. ERANCIS J. KENNKDY, No. 18 Wall-B.

Coal. s.ihs.-rirMT haa in ranis. etut i* COAL..Ihe coriatantly barging Coal*,

di*. all the varioaa kind* of Anthre* l'.iti.:,iiio'i« vn: Paaeh Grchard Bleeh Ile.fb. L< hi./i, Liverpool OrreLi, Cannei, Sidney, kte., ka. all of the tery baat qtiaiity, deli.ered ui handinaaa ordax,

Cite ai.-:

aod aarut'e Bay,

JAMES L. W'GRTH, ttivat. cur. Tbomnaon, and c.tJi-at., cor. Am. * !'u*i .,*.. otfice No. W W'aLl-at


kc. A .arge vaiirry of ctii_r fine Jewelry.


SALE of KEAL E-5TATE..Taa M CARLISLE IRON WORKS PgUPERTV. nu'raoaat ofCarlule. C___tar___h_Caantv, Pen litaalna* 4_ ao dat p'.utic.aa.. cn tbe p.e__i.<iea, cu TilL ;___*.. Y, t..a __th cay ot Jat-ary, 1358. Thu.*one of'h*ticeate*f«tea in Pennay'ivania, andenbraeea ab..ut 10 _Co acrea of Lai.d, b> twern tite

and *.x huudr*d fl which are cle_red ard bfl euit.valir.u. The impTOvernenta are a large two-ato.ry brick Maniioti H. ua*. Fcn -. Furrar*. Onat MM. with fonr run of *._-.. * -r;r..t, Blaekgn ith Bh'ip.two*' ¦flflflflfl, BBraa large rSbop bank Barii.. flo.'ir Stabta, 1-0 teet l-ong, Ora,/i HflBflfl. Coarn Cntaand Hor Pena, torrther with-_ Iiwr..ii.g Htuati. Ti Bfl -ipeg Qf the Caxliaie Iron Worka for the produetion ct tbe l_r_ <i___i__-fld P g Metd aad B_ ube'"ved. ar. not rxcelkd fllliahflflfl The watrr powrr laone of having Yeilflvr Brreibeil reex I ag Baginga, it nevar eouobu.ed »i'!: laiI* or fieecr.-0 aa to preved the coiwt-nt-peration ofthe Wtik*. Oae hnndred aad foar acrea, w.tbflat inaproveinent. inci-afkB tn r!.e toroarri '.lod. wi.l be aoid .- rj T. rn.». Ulc hat ol tb. pure.aae u._-T to un p___ on uie Ut of April ean.g, when p_.r'*!on will be delivered, ind U:e baiaii r ia two eecal anncal paymanta withont rntreat. T! e pnick.r-r will V refroired to pay Sve per cent. of t'ie P-rehue money when the propertv atricken off, wbtch arill he ded_er*d from firfl piyment. P*f_un. dr.irt u* af r'_rci:_»_:g w.i. find tl.e propiifltor Aoid:e« PETEB *. EtiE. ..


Caa:_.:..Pt_a,D-i: -»,185?.


eaiita. None t.nt thoae


COAL.THE PENNSYLVA' I PITISTON COAL \ preraxrH gool ai'aix**,cl*)*n NIA

COMPANT -. to thraiah ***** W '..,* Aah PitAAton Coal. of and m ord'T, Baitab'e for rtraro (li'pp'ng, and demeatic p-rpo*aa fron; tt* bout* or yarda ia Uiie city, Widiaaiaabargii, aal nor

Brcoklya. The Conipaoy** are eueh aa to enable tt to gtta r oi dkipauh w teatel* lo'idiu** ai .".ew-Yark ur at Polt 8BBBB1 Particolar attr-nt-oo pitea t.. tlie lelitery et Co*. for f-» aaeatic purpoaee. Apply al tiie otTee, eor. Broadway aad "rVailar,, ot ja/df, Weat, near ".'oitoiHat.; cor. lith-«t. aad trth-et. aad feotel Footof Ncrth lOth-at, Wiiliflwrhorgh, t^.it»rnenr-at.,city. twot of GoLd.r, Brooklya.

pI'ITSTOX COAL.Tho Peunaylrajiia ObbI part

8L Con paiitmpreparrd to deiivwrafaraiiiee iBaat ot tht. f .,. W from ita Caaal "*<).». aaaj a. veral yarda, tbe li.iamabargh. yb.-iou* dee* ef ita Pittatoa


C*>J, whi.'i 11 itupenor Antnrtxie fordotnraric u*e App'f at the yard*. corner Weat-*t, aear of lAtu *t and MortxiL, at tlie I ot 01 Oovernear-et-,Sfth-aY., Eaat Biter; thotof Koi.b luth-a*., W i.uamahurgii 1 ,ot uf (iold-at.. Brooklya. or *' ti.e oflice ot tbe Company corner of Broadway tad Wa'i-at. Tbe Coal wnl be deirered at 84 74 per tua, ef 2 '4« lie., rrom the C...a- Bo.ta, aad $2> 45 re-eereen*freat ,


a*rk A *W


PE1» Tl N Hest quality VoacB .

"** *J\J Orvhatd Red AJi Coal, Nut tax*. Stov. and EiiBiieaat loweat market pricea. Alao. beat u.ia.ity Blackaiiiith'a Coal. Yery cbeap, froni yard No, 107 AaihooT'




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