Autod desk® Enterta ainment Crreation Suite® 2012
Rea ad First The sys stem requirem ments below are a for users running r manyy of the follow wing products on the same system. Note e that the systems requirements forr individual products may d differ from tho ose in this doccument. You ccan find details on o those requ uirements by visiting v the ap ppropriate pro oduct center o on http://www om.
Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 softw ware ® ® ya 2012 software e Autodesk May ® ® Autodesk MotionBuilder 2012 software ® ™ ware Autodesk Mudbox 2012 softw ® ® Autodesk Softiimage 2012 sofftware
Softtware The 32--bit version off Autodesk® Entertainment E t Creation Su uite 2012 softw ware is suppo orted by any o of the following operating systems: s
® Microsoft® Windows W XP Professional operating sysstem (SP3)
nment Creatio on Suite 2012 2 software is supported byy any of the fo ollowing The 64--bit version off the Entertain operatin ng systems:
® Microsoft® Windows W 7 Professional op perating syste em Microsoft Wiindows Vista® Business (S SP2) operating g system Microsoft Wiindows® XP x64 x Edition (S SP2) operating g system
are requires th he following ssupplemental software: Entertainment Creation Suite 2012 32-bit and 64-bit softwa
Microsoft® In nternet Explorrer® 7.0 intern net browser o or higher ® ® Mozilla Fire efox web bro owser Apple® Safari® web brows ser
Harrdware At a min nimum, the 32 2-bit version of the Enterta ainment Crea ation Suite 2012 software rrequires a sysstem with the following hardware:
Windows: Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD Athllon™ process or with SSE3 3 instruction set support (orr higher) 2 GB RAM 512MB hardware-accelerrated OpenGL L® 2.0 (and hiigher) professsional graphiccs cards DirectX® 9.0c application programming g interface or higher 17 GB free hard h drive spa ace is required to install alll commercial applications o on the same system o Education Suite for Entertainment Creeation will requiree a minimum of 117 GB free disk sspace o o
Enterrtainment Creatio on Suites Standa ard will require a minimum of 13 G GB free disc spa ace Enterrtainment Creatio on Suites Premiu um will require a minimum of 14 G GB free disk spa ace
Three-button n mouse with mouse driverr software DVD-ROM drive d Three-button n mouse with mouse driverr software or certified Waccom® tablet DVD-ROM drive d Ethernet ada apter or wirele ess internet card c 1280 x 1024 4 screen resollution
At a min nimum, the 64 4-bit version of the Enterta ainment Crea ation Suite 2012 software rrequires a sysstem with the following hardware:
Windows: Intel Pentium 4, 4 AMD Athlon n processor w with SSE3 instruction set support (or hig gher) 4 GB RAM Qualified 512 2MB hardwarre-accelerated d OpenGL® 2 2.0 (and highe er) profession nal graphics ccards DirectX 9.0c c application programming p interface or h higher 17 GB free hard h drive spa ace is required to install alll commercial applications o on the same system o Education Suite for Entertainment Creeation will requiree a minimum of 117 GB free disk sspace o o
Enterrtainment Creatio on Suites Standa ard will require a minimum of 13 G GB free disc spa ace Enterrtainment Creatio on Suites Premiu um will require a minimum of 14 G GB free disk spa ace
Three-button n mouse with mouse driverr software DVD-ROM drive d Three-button n mouse with mouse driverr software or certified Waccom® tablet DVD-ROM drive d Ethernet ada apter or wirele ess internet card c 1280 x 1024 4 screen resollution
Note: Users U should allocate a an ad dditional 2 GB B hard drive sspace for swa ap space
Autodes sk is not resp ponsible for errrors or failure es of Autodessk software arrising from the e installation of updates, extensions or new rele eases issued by third partyy hardware or software vendors for the qualified d software or hardware ide entified in this s document (o or for any othe er third party software or hardware that you may m use in con nnection with Autodesk pro oducts).
Autodesk k, Maya, MotionB Builder, Mudbox, Softimage and 3ds 3 Max are regisstered trademarkks or trademarkss of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiarie es and/or affiliates s in the USA and d/or other countriies. All other bra and names, prod duct names, or trademark ks belong to their respective hold ders. Autodesk reserves r the righ t to alter productt and services offferings, and specificattions and pricing at any time witho out notice, and is s not responsible e for typographiccal or graphical e errors that may appear in this document. © 2011 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. r