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UPTODATE FASHION ACADEMY Uptodate Fashion Academy – besides being the first international Academy to offer qualified, innovating and formative paths of undisputed value, it is a place where Fashion, Design & Beauty find their perfect fusion, guaranteeing qualification and updating on trends and aiming at the complete customer satisfaction. Uptodate is a veritable case of Italian excellence. The formative supply, characterized by an ongoing updating and innovative disciplines* includes:

Fashion Design La Maison Fashion Make-Up Fashion Hair Styling Beauty Consulting-One Year Beauty Editor Fashion Image Consulting & Personal Shopper Fashion World Styling-One Year The courses are taught in Italian and provided with simultaneous English translation.

Target Uptodate is aimed at a trendy and dynamic audience in love with fashion, luxury and its exellencies. Young and less young, men and women, clearly differentiating according to the teaching typologies they choose to attend. Because in Uptodate we believe that fashion is ageless.

18 – 23 Years Old Young girls/boys who decide to undertake a study path connected to creativity, fashion and graphic illustration - those who choose to build up their profession looking at the future.

19 – 29 Years Old Young girls/boys who seek to enter the fashion world provided with technical skills and creativity pursuing professions more strongly connected to the Beauty world.

23 – 40 Years Old Women and men who love changes and evolution. They attend the Trend course and choose to get close to the independent professions connected to Fashion Styling or Image Consulting.

25 – 45 Years Old Mission Uptodate aims at the education of a student or business operator, optimizing the value and time of learning.

Vision Your own creativity, your passion, your interest in Fashion, Design and Beauty professions deserve support, regard, orientation, development.

Values Fashion, Design & Beauty are the domains that require sophisticated technical and creative skills, but also extreme sensitivity on a human and relational level. For this reason Uptodate intends to highlight the qualities and talents of the students providing them with a high level in professional qualification, but also with an authentic formative sensitivity as for the ambitions and creative projects.

Those who love luxury and its exellencies and decide to turn their passion into work following the paths linked to the Personal Shopper or Business Etiquette Consultant professional figures.

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,-7836= Uptodate Fashion Academy is the leader in the world of fashion and beauty studies. Founded on a new concept incorporating creativity, professionalism, and trend research. Uptodate Fashion Academy is located in the heart of Milan, the fashion capital of the world, established in 2001 with a mission of providing the highest level of trend knowledge and training to guide the emerging professionals into the world of Fashion and Beauty.

The academic team of Uptodate: stylists, make-up artists, hair-stylists, photographers, image consultants, personal shoppers and other professionals are amongst the best specialists in today’s Fashion world. Uptodate enhances student’s talents by involving them in creative projects and providing opportunities of internships and placements with fashion houses.

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1)8,3( %2( :-7-32 The trend-setter – in fashion, beauty, design and style – is confronted with the “prevailing” currents, but sets his own goal which becomes attractive for the trend already following these currents. So the art “of setting the trend” and therefore of proposing new creative goals for fashion and beauty, implies the ability to explore and interpret the aesthetic-emotional currents of our time. If your creativity is expressed in the area of fashion and beauty, whatever your occupation, function of art, nobody can give you what you already have – your imagination and sensitivity.

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FASHION ACADEMIC COURSES Ac 01 Ac 02 Ac 03 Ac 04 Ac 05

Fashion Design La Maison Beauty Lookmaker Fashion World Styling-One Year Beauty Consulting-One Year Beauty Editor


Fa 01 Fa 02 Fa 03



Ft 01 Ft 02 Ft 03


Sh 01 Sh 02 Sh 03 Sh 04 Sh 05

Gi 01 Gi 02 Gi 03 Gi 04

Sp 01 Sp 02 Sp 03

Global Image & Life Coaching Fashion Image Consulting Fashion Personal Shopper Business Image & Etiquette

Fashion Make-Up Specialist Fashion Hair-Styling Specialist Fashion Styling Specialist


Fashion Make-Up Fondamentale Fashion Hair-Styling Fondamentale Fashion Styling Fondamentale

Advanced Fashion Make-Up Advanced Fashion Hair-Styling Fashion Trend & Cool Hunting

Fashion Make-Up Trend Portfolio Fashion Hair-Styling Trend Portfolio Fashion Styling Trend Portfolio


Fashion Photography Fashion PR & Marketing Communication Introduction to Fashion Collection Visual Merchandising Fashion Show Production


Ot 01 Ot 02

Fashion & Image Tour Fashion Secrets

FASHION ACADEMIC COURSES These courses are designed to ensure that our students are fully prepared and qualified to provide high-quality performance in the World of Fashion and Beauty.

Ac 01 Ac 02 Ac 03 Ac 04 Ac 05

Fashion Design La Maison Beauty Lookmaker Fashion World Styling-One Year Beauty Consulting-One Year Beauty Editor


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours First academic year 756 hours Second academic year 756 hours

Duration single lessons 3 hours, Monday Friday 6 hours, Tuesday and Thursday (Capsule - Laboratory)

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 800 / Non EU € 1.000

Course fee € 10.800 yearly

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Is more than just a simple course in that it contains all the specific techniques of a traditional formation in Fashion Design and the various disciplines that cross it, as well as the primary activity of Cool Hunting, that have to be present to generate future talents, STYLISTS able to suprise and fascinate and above all add innovation to their own creations. The academic course Fashion Design la MAISON distributed in one year, will present the real novelty in Italy and in the World between all of the Fashion Institutes: a Capsule with the times, the necessity, the projects, the characteristics, the skills and everything that has to do with the real ways of living in a fashion house. Like every MAISON that is well respected for every student, there is the possibility to create and project a fashion collection.

Professional Opportunities Fashion Design la MAISON Project aimed at all those that have always wanted to become a part of the Fashion System, with their own talent, their own creativity, their own unique style. This allows for a concrete opportunity to enter the fashion market with the Fashion Stylists (to launch their own business or work in a fashion company) Fashion Coordinator, Art Director, Fashion Design, Trend Forecaster.

First Academic Year Introduction to design Sketch and technic design Moodboard, inspiration, research ideas and trends Preparation to fashion collection Pattern-making principles La maison laboratory, from design to the clothing-to-be, experience the fashion maison Accessories design preparation The fashion system Introduction to fashion marketing and to fashion strategies Introduction to graphic, colour techniques and rendering fulfillment Chromatology, hand design and graphic design rendering techniques Costume history, from paleolithic age up to the beginning of 1500

La Maison-Capsule Laboratory 1 How a fashion maison is born, from the idea to the final project Professional roles within a fashion maison Professional figures Distribution of the work Cool hunting activities How a fashion collection is born The briefing Creation of a collection's key word Timing of a collection The schemes of a collection Trends books Materials Collection and pre-collection Presentation of a project Internal communications' mechanisms within a fashion maison Marketing and commercial offices Press contacts The distribution The fashion show and collection's presentations

Second Academic Year Collection project Projecting and fulfilling a fashion collection Organising a collection briefing Materials research and preparation Textile and dressing merceology In-depth examination of accessories collection Marketing strategies and competitor analysis How to apply graphic techniques in sketch making Photographic touch up Advertising strategies and techniques Creation of one's own logo Costume history, from 1500 to modern age Fabrics and materials,wyarns and textile composition study Art history, a journey through art, from prehistory up to contemporary age La maison project: an academic year within a fashion company/maison How to live the company: the industrial psychology psychology: how to face a job interview La Maison-Capsule Laboratory 2 collection laboratory, the real atelier is within "up to date" concept creation various styles differentiation streetwear project pret Ă porter project casual project couture project collection within the team different roles within the team fashion maison organization chart the designer, the creative, one's own role within the company fashion illustration relationships with suppliers and sample sellers relationship with the customer fair and exhibition sociology, market research how to deal with relations inside the fashion system fashion direction lifestyle, what it is and how to create it, visual merchandising the concept of entrepreneurship


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 648 hours (456 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 800 / Non EU € 1.000

Course fee € 11.900

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

This course aims at preparing students to become professional Beauty Lookmakers, a figure in the fashion world able to create and personalize every look. The course provides the tools and knowledge of make-up and hair-styling.

Professional Opportunities The Beauty Lookmaker will succeed as image creator for fashion shows, events, photographic services, publicity campaigns, editorials, and as creator of look books. Beauty look makers can develop career in television, theatre and movie industry, also as consultants in specialized centers.

Course Program Sp 01 Sp 02

Fashion Make-Up Specialist Fashion Hair-Styling Specialist



The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 972 hours (684 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 1.000 / Non EU € 1.200

Course fee € 13.900

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The Fashion World Styling has been created on explicit demand from today’s fashion world need of experienced professionals with eclectic capacity of Communication, Design and Trend Books, Marketing, Public Relations and Commercial knowledge. The purpose of the course is to demonstrate the impact of the intervention of the fashion professionals in prestigious roles in the various sectors: Communication Directors, Designers, Owners of Public Relations Agencies, Owners of Commercial Show Rooms, Photographers, and Fashion Editors. This course outlines all the basic elements of communication, creativity and commercial professionalism in the fashion world and on completing the course, students will possess a global vision of the professional fashion world.

Professional Opportunities Students who complete the course will have the opportunity to enter the world of fashion to become professionals to work for heads of fashion magazines, show rooms, press offices, fashion houses, and as freelance for specialized styling agencies. They are also Research Consultants for fashion magazines, Event Organizer, Fashion Show Directors, Bookers, P.R., Costume Designers, and Personal Shoppers.

Course Program Sp 03 Fashion Styling Specialist Gi 02 Fashion Image Consulting Sh 01 Fashion Photography Sh 02 Fashion PR & Marketing Communication Sh 03 Introduction to Fashion Collection Sh 04 Visual Merchandising Sh 05 Fashion Show Production


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The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 972 hours (684 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 1000 / Non EU € 1.200

Course fee € 13.900

Requirement fundamental pre equisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The course will provide a broad overview of scenery with regards to fashion, cosmetics and the entire field of well-being (thermal bath, beauty farm, fitness center, etc.). The synergies in place between the world of beauty and of fashion are by now a reality. The beauty and well-being market experiences continuous growth and always on the look for more and more specialized figures.

Professional Opportunities Professionals will succeed as image creators for fashion shows, events, photographic services, publicity campaigns, editorials, and as creators of look books. They can develop career in television, theatre and movie industry, also as consultants in specialized centers.

Course Program Sp01 Fashion Make-Up Specialist Sp02 Fashion Hair-Styling Specialist Gi01 Global Image & Life Coaching



The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 648 hours (456 h. classrom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 800 / Non EU € 1.000

Course fee € 11.900

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Beauty Editor represents the future. The fusion of two worlds together univocally narrates an image. Styling, trends, make-up, hairstyling, portfolio are some of the teachings that compose this innovative and revolutionary fashion “container”. Unique fil rouge that narrates and communicates how fashion needs the introduction of multifaceted, professional figures that are technical and creative at the same time. Method and style, technique and innovation, fashion and beauty. Characteristics of the professional figure of a Beauty Editor. Sensitive and perceptual, able to recognize the trends of the market and introduce new looks; able to handle photographic shoots, lights, choreography, make-up and cooperate with a team of specialists on all levels to bring about a great unique added value under the spotlights and to the biggest Fashion Shows in the world.

Professional Opportunities A Beauty Editor collaborates with the stylist in fashion shows or events related to the presentation of the collections. Furthermore, they are responsible of the image of the collection and not only that. Thanks to the added value, that is beauty skills, a Beauty Editor is capable to adapt to all the backstage needs, guaranteeing the best result as stylist as well as make-up artist. This will train them as full-skilled figures increasingly needed in the present Fashion System. The course will prepare professionals to work for heads of fashion magazines, show rooms, press offices, fashion houses, and as freelance for specialized styling agencies.

Course Program Sp 01 Sp 03

Fashion Make-Up Specialist Fashion Styling Specialist

*%7,-32 +03&%0 -1%+) 0-*) '3%',-2+ '3967)7 Uptodate Fashion Academy is the leading academy in Milan for Image Consulting, Professional Protocol and Communication training. The program provides the knowledge and hands-on experience for students that sets them apart from the competition and prepares them to become top-notch fashion consultants, style consultants, image consultants, personal stylists and personal shoppers.

Gi 01 Gi 02 Gi 03 Gi 04

Global Image & Life Coaching Fashion Image Consulting Fashion Personal Shopper Business Image & Etiquette


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 324 hours (228 h.classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 600 / Non EU € 700

Course fee € 7.900

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The Image Consultants design and develop unique image of success for their clients (individuals, image professionals, and corporations), studying possible problems related to the image and finding solutions through different levels of implementation. Individual image consulting includes the analysis of the personality, body type, clothing, communication style (from verbal to expressions), color analysis, current work wardrobe, and age. A Corporate Image Consultant analyses problems that may prevent the success or slows down the growth. Problems may be related to personnel, physical ambience, and business ethics. An Image Consultant is a consultant of a personalized good taste. Their mission is to optimize client’s time by guiding them to invest time and money in the best way to buy suitable clothing and accessories and to be aware of the latest trends. The Image Consultant becomes a personal guide that conducts the client to the discovery of shops, boutiques, fashion ateliers and haute couture.

Professional Opportunities Professionals usually work autonomously and create a client circle by means of an own website, though email, or by telephone. They work with corporations that have already launched this type of activity specialized in public relations and communication, with headquarters in the main foreign and Italian cities. They can collaborate with beauty centers and companies that desire to improve their image and the professional look of their personnel. Also, they can work with agencies that offer consultancy services to individuals that search for a successful image.

Course Program Gi 02 Fashion Image Consulting Gi 03 Fashion Personal Shopper Gi 04 Business Image & Etiquette


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 144 hours (102 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 3.500

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The Image Consultants design and develop a unique image of success for their clients (individuals, image professionals, and corporations). Individual image consulting includes the analysis of the personality, body type, clothing, communication style (from verbal to expressions), color analysis, current work wardrobe, and age. Corporate Image consultant analyses problems that may prevent the success or slows down the growth. Problems may be relating to personnel, physical ambience, and business ethics.

Professional Opportunities Image Consultants work with corporations that has already launched this type of activity specialized in public relations and communication, with headquarters in the main foreign and Italian cities. They can collaborate with beauty centers and companies that desire to improve their image and the professional look of their personnel. Also, they can work with agencies that offer consultancy services to individuals that search for a successful image.

Course Program Image analysis, re-definition, and improvement Color analysis Chromatic types based on seasons Body and facial shape Hair styles and make up Posture and mannerisms Analysis and organization of the wardrobe Deciding a budget for the purchase of a wardrobe Brands that can build the customers style Choosing perfume


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 108 hours (75 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 3.100

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

A Personal Shopper is a figure that was fashioned in the USA in the nineties and established some years later in the main Italian cities, especially in Milan. The mission of the Personal Shopper is to optimize client’s time by guiding them to invest time and money in the best way to buy suitable clothing and accessories and to be aware of the latest trends.

Professional Opportunities Professional Personal Shopper work with luxurious hotels, showrooms, and companies that have already launched this type of activity, specialized in public relations and communication, with headquarters in the main foreign and Italian cities.

Course Program Professional clothing Accessories: how to define their value and importance Meeting the client: how to develop a strong and deep relationship Personal shopper’s “friends”: dealers, hotel concierges, restaurant managers Key word for a personal shopper: being always updated Visiting a professor: a personal shopper working in Milan Choosing clothing and accessories according to client’s budget and personality Outdoor visit among the fashion streets of Milan Clothing psychology Fashion brands: prêt-à-porter, haute couture, concept store, malls, outlets, and markets Fashion and “musts” in the fashion system Beauty and the small and great events to follow and suggest


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 72 hours (51 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.300

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The attention to the image for men has increasingly developed in the past few years without losing sight of everyone’s peculiarities though. The key to success - both social and professional - is in fact the result of a careful mix between appearance and substance, savoir faire and charisma, etiquette and personality. It’s exactly on such aspects the course program relies upon, bringing students to a solid preparation to consultancy to embark on the much sought-after road to success.

Professional Opportunities This course completes the course of Image consultant and refines the skills of communications to have the opportunity of becoming a professional Image Consultant with a part dedicated to men image consulting.

Course Program Image Consulting for men The first impression Success and image Professional work acquire Table etiquette Protocol Business etiquette Personal presentation How to listen and guide a conversation International protocol: the base rules of “Galateo” and savoir faire in situations of different cultures Appropriate greetings and introductions Gift giving

!"#$%&'(#)*+%",%#-(+&./#*# The Specialist Courses are highly specialized courses dedicated to students who desire to have complete knowledge in a specific sector of fashion and beauty.

Sp 01 Fashion Make-Up Specialist Sp 02 Fashion Hair-Styling Specialist Sp 03 Fashion Styling Specialist


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 324 hours (228 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 600 / Non EU € 700

Course fee € 6.900

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The Fashion Make-up specialist course is a natural evolution of a profession and of an art that expresses aesthetic values aimed at completing a fashion concept. The course is comprehensive and complete; it consists of three parts; fundamental, advanced and Trend make-up. This program is highly specialized for students to learn the technique of immediate impact. The objectives of the course are to provide the tools and to enhance the skills necessary for the preparation of the actual trend of make-up and the construction of a portfolio for own presentation to agencies and editorials.

Professional Opportunities Professionals that work as free-lance or with cosmetic firms creating the styles that determines the fashion trend. They work with photographers in the fashion shows, events, or bridal. Also, they can work as research consultants and experts of make-up trends.

Course Program Fo 01 Fa 01 Ft 01

Fashion Fundamental Make-Up Advanced Fashion Make-Up Fashion Make-Up Trend Portfolio


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 324 hours (228 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 600 / Non EU € 700

Course fee € 6.900

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The Fashion Hair-styling Specialist course is a natural evolution of a profession and of an art that expresses aesthetic values aims to complete a fashion concept. The course is comprehensive and complete; it consists of three parts; fundamental, advanced and Trend Hair-styling. This program is highly specialized for students to learn the technique of immediate impact. The objectives of the course are to provide the tools and to enhance the skills necessary for preparation of the actual trend of Hair-Styling and the construction of a portfolio for own presentation to agencies and editorials.

Professional Opportunities Professionals that work as free-lance or with cosmetic firms creating hair styles that determines the fashion trend. They work with photographers in the fashion shows, events, or bridal. Also, they can work as research consultants and experts of hair-styling trends.

Course Program Fo 02 Fa 02 Ft 02

Fashion Fundamental Hair-Styling Advanced Fashion Hair-Styling Fashion Hair-Styling Trend Portfolio


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 324 hours (228 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 600 / Non EU € 700

Course fee € 6.900

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Fashion Stylist Specialistis are experts capable to create an image in all of its phases: from the fashion show to the advertising campaign. They are research consultants, experts of trends and styling. During the course, students will learn all the notions needed to face the new challenges that the world of fashion presents, in-depth knowledge of the history of fashion, analysis of the most important eras, of the whole system of weaving and of luxury, studying in great detail the various typologies of styling. They will tackle the themes regarding the analysis of trends and the research of tendencies of styling, they will learn to understand the commercial world and the exclusive construction of a portfolio for presentation of themselves to agencies and editorials.

Professional Opportunities Professionals will work as freelancers or for fashion companies that need their professionalism to anticipate the stylists that will determine the fashion in the near future. Fashion Stylist Specialists will also collaborate with the stylist in fashion shows or events related to the presentation of the collections. Furthermore, they are responsible of the image of the collection. The work will concentrate itself mostly around the period of fashion shows and other special events, also in television and in cinema: is this case the Fashion Stylist Specialist will identify the outfits of the various “actors” of the programs in the different productions. The professionals work for heads of fashion magazines, in style offices, show rooms, press offices, fashion houses, and as freelance for specialized styling agencies.

Course Program Fo 03 Fa 03 Ft 03

Fashion Fundamental Styling Fashion Trend & Cool Hunting Fashion Styling Trend Portfolio

*%7,-32 *92(%1)28%0 '3967)7 These courses are highly specialized and aim at teaching the fundamentals and creative techniques of fashion and beauty concepts.

Fo 01 Fashion Fundamental Make-Up Fo 02 Fashion Fundamental Hair-Styling Fo 03 Fashion Fundamental Styling


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 144 hours (102 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.950

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Make-up today is a fundamental factor of the total look, therefore, the makeup expresses the image of an individual and how well this person is in line with the fashion trends. The course consists of the basic techniques of the fashion make-up today.

Professional Opportunities Professionals that work as free-lance or with cosmetic firms creating the styles that determines the fashion trend. They work with photographers in the fashion shows, events, or bridal. Also, they can work as research consultants and experts of make-up trends.

Course Program Make-up tools, products, and the make-up station Chromatology and the theory of colors The base, the foundation, and correctors Study of the face and analysis of the typologies Eye make-up: border, shade Preparation for make-up practice The use of the eyelash curler Mascara The eyebrow design The mouth: contour, the selection of the lip liner, the lipstick The blush The use of artificial eyelashes Contact lenses Bridal make-up Camouflage Ethnic make-up: make-up on oriental persons and dark skins


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 144 hours (102 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.950

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Hair-styling today is a fundamental factor of the total look, therefore, the hair styling expresses the image of the individual and how well this person is in line with the fashion trends. The course consists of the basic techniques of the fashion hair-styling today.

Professionali Opportunities Professionals that work as free-lance or with cosmetic firms creating hair styles that determines the fashion trend. They work with photographers in the fashion shows, events, or bridal. Also, they can work as research consultants and experts of hair-styling trends.

Course Program Hair styling tools Fashion Cut & Coloring How the work station should be organized Straight, curly, and raised hair Wigs Extensions Hair styles and ornaments for brides


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 144 hours (102 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.950

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The stylist is a professional with an exceptional sense for fashion, who is able to create a style that is immediately identifiable and recognizable. The stylist works with fashion designers at fashion shows or events for the presentation of collections. The stylist manages the image of the collection, matching clothes with accessories and details, showcasing the designer’s work. The stylist plays a key role during fashion shoots or shows, transferring the mood and the interpretation to the photographer, models, make-up artist and hairstylists, studying the right setting. He looks for accessories and defines the right outfits and their combinations. Moreover, this professional also coordinates the organization of shop windows and/or works for magazines that value his taste and opinion in selecting the right proposals for the coming season.

Professional Opportunities The professionals are among the most important in the Fashion System. They work for fashion shows, advertising campaigns, editorials and fashion events. They can also produce look-books and institutional images and are experts of still-life and of the techniques of shoots on the catwalk. They communicate with the fashion designer and with people in charge of a brand to promote the concept through the image. Also, they collaborate with model agencies and fashion magazines, and they autonomously carry out projects for magazines and fashion companies. The student will develop the critical and operative skills to promote, organize and produce reports and photographic exhibitions.

Course Program Fashion and style Costume and fashion history; Ancient civilizations From barbarians to the Middle Ages The 16th Century From the Baroque to the Bourgeois era The opulence between the 17th and 18th centuries The aftermath of the French Revolution The Industrial Revolution The beginning of the 20th Century The 1920s, 1930s and 1940s The 1950s and the New Look by Dior The revolution of ’68 and the youth trends The change of the costumes in the 1970s The first generation of stylists The 1980s: the success of image The 1990s: the depression and minimalism The new millennium and the advent of the global market The analysis of costume and lines Chromatography, fibres, yarns, textiles and materials Accessories Different styling typologies: editorial styling and creative styling The current trends in fashion styling

*%7,-32 %(:%2')( '3967)7 These courses are highly specialized and aim at teaching the advanced and creative techniques of fashion and beauty concepts.

Fa 01 Advanced Fashion Make-Up Fa 02 Advanced Fashion Hair-Styling Fa 03 Fashion Trend & Cool-Hunting


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 108 hours (75 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.500

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Make-up today is a very important factor of the total look and application has always been a popular activity that attracts much interest worldwide from the conventional methods to the extravagant. Whilst it can be applied for mere enjoyment, professional application of make up calls for more indepth knowledge of the most advanced techniques as well as the fascinating history of make up throughout the centuries.

Professional Opportunities Professionals that work as free-lance or with cosmetic firms creating the styles that determines the fashion trend. They work with photographers in the fashion shows, events, or bridal. Also, they can work as research consultants and experts of make-up trends.

Course Program Fashion make-up throughout time The ‘900: 1920 and black and white cinema Make-up history: the Thirties, Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo Make-up history: the Forties, Joan Crawford and Rita Hayworth Make-up history: the Fifties, Marilyn Monroe Make-up history: the Sixties, Audrey Hepburn and Brigitte Bardot Make-up history: the Seventies, The new superstars Twiggy and Veruscka Make-up history: the Eighties and Nineties, Madonna, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell and Claudia Schiffer


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 108 hours (75 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.500

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Hair-styling uses a wide variety of advanced techniques and fashion trends to create certain appearances. Throughout the decades styles have changed drastically, although, the more classic styles still remain to this day. These courses teach the transition of styles through the decades, from practical to impractical and from traditional to the fashion on the future.

Professional Opportunities Professionals that work as free-lance or with cosmetic firms creating the styles that determine the fashion trend. They work with photographers in the fashion shows, events, or bridal. Also, they can work as research consultants and experts of hair-styling trends.

Course Program Photographers influence on hairstyles History of hair-styling Fashion hair-styling during the earlier periods Fashion hair-styling during the forties Fashion hair-styling during the fifties Fashion hair-styling during the sixties Fashion hair-styling during the seventies Fashion hair-styling during the eighties Fashion hair-styling during the nineties


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 108 hours (75 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.500

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Discovering the appeal of fashion trends, investigating the styles and looks that are going to influence the catwalks in the coming seasons are the core skills and competencies of the cool hunter. The analysis and study of fashion trends involve a deep knowledge of the sector and very strong powers of observation. The cool hunter observes, examines shop windows, attends exhibitions, new clubs and bars. The work of the cool hunter involves understanding and perceiving the system of aesthetic values in all consumer categories and profiles, providing fashion companies with information and indications on what consumers would like. For this reason, ‘cool hunters’ decide today what consumers will buy tomorrow. Multinational communication and design companies consult these professionals in order to understand people’s tastes and move in the right direction.

Professional Opportunities Cool hunters often work as freelance specialists, but there is an increasing number of companies, especially in the mass consumer goods sector, which consider this professional the key link between marketing and production.

Course Program The trends: analysis and rationality Analysis of the difference between “cool hunting” and “trend research” Analysis of 20th century icons Communication through clothes The style office The showroom The concept store and visual merchandising Forecasts for the immediate future, techniques and intuitions How it is possible to translate social trends and movements into a fashion product The social and personal body Analysis of technical books showing different types of fabric in the context of different environments and movements The fashion accessory as the protagonist of communication

*%7,-32 86)2( 4368*30-3 '3967)7 The Fashion Trend courses provide advanced preparation and training for fashion professionals who wish to specialize in a certain sector of fashion and guide students to plan their portfolios.

Ft 01 Ft 02 Ft 03

Fashion Make-Up Trend Portfolio Fashion Hair-Styling Trend Portfolio Fashion Styling Trend Portfolio


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 72 hours (51 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.100

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Students will be able to envision the newest trends and incorporate an imagination with their fashion knowledge. This will guide them through preparation of their make-up portfolio for presentation to agencies and publishers.

Professional Opportunities Professionals that work as free-lance or with cosmetic firms creating the styles that determine the fashion trend. They work with photographers in the fashion shows, events, or bridal. Also, they can work as research consultants and experts of make-up trends.

Course Program Make-up for fashion shows and photography The new frontier of tricks: virtual beauty through computers Photography make-up project: Make-up for the runway Cosmetic campaign photography project Chromatic effect photography project Photographic make-up project: the doll Photographic make-up: the graphics Photographic make-up: dramatic effect Portfolio presentation and building agency contacts


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 72 hours (51 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.100

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Students will be able to envision the newest trends and incorporate an imagination with their fashion knowledge. This will guide them through preparation of their hair-styling portfolio for presentation to agencies and publishers.

Professional Opportunities Professionals that work as free-lance or with cosmetic firms creating hair styles that determines the fashion trend. They work with photographers in the fashion shows, events, or bridal. Also, they can work as research consultants and experts of hair-styling trends.

Course Program Image research for a continuous update Relationship with clients, photographers, stylists, and models Choosing an image, realizing it, and finishing it The current fashion hair-styles (catwalks and fashion magazines) Hair-styling trends Wigs to use in a photographic set or during a catwalk Portfolio preparation The research and the contact with the agency The new frontier of tricks: computer enhanced hair-styling Visiting a professor: a freelance fashion hair-stylist


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 72 hours (51 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.100

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

This course proposes to elaborate on themes of tastes in scenography and the immediate impact through research that simulates the professional reality and that help develop the maturity and the autonomy in planning. The course provides all the knowledge needed for the preparation and the construction of a portfolio for agencies and editorial offices.

Professional Opportunities It will offer the possibility to carry out research that simulates the reality of one’s own photo’s and ideas of image in a selected field: photography, styling, make-up or hairstyling, making use of models provided by appropriate agencies.

Course Program Analysis of a “shooting” Reseach of photography, editorial choices, stylist, make-up artist, hairstylist, choice of models The trends in fashion photography The use of light in fashion photography Analysis of the present trend through the leaders in fashion The dress, the choice of accessories, the make-up, the styling, the light and the model Presentation of student projects The construction of a portfolio for presentation to editorial offices and agencies

*%7,-32 7,368 '3967)7 The Fashion World Styling program is divided into none different modules scheduled throughout the year – students can attend either the whole program or focus just on a part of it, specialising in specific branches and customising their academic paths:

Sh 01 Sh 02 Sh 03 Sh 04 Sh 05

Fashion Photography Fashion PR & Marketing Communication Introduction to Fashion Collection Visual Merchandising Fashion Show Production


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 144 hours (102 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.950

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Fashion photography is definitely one of the most exciting and fascinating areas of the fashion world. Fashion photography requires knowledge of certain processes, not only technical but also creative and commercial. Without these processes it would be impossible to compete with other professional and aspiring photographers. Fashion photography is without a doubt one of the most important presentational tools. Uptodate Fashion Academy offers an updated version in style and form. Its evening course proposes an enriched syllabus for passionate fashion photographers - a passion which when associated with specific techniques will produce talented professional fashion photographers. Through fieldwork and hands-on simulation activities in the form of shoots and digital work, you will be able to apply successfully a wide range of technical photographic skills.

Professional Opportunities At the end of the Fashion Photography course, students will be able to set off on a freelance career, working at fashion shows, on advertising campaigns, editorial content and fashion related events. You will also be able to produce your own photographic portfolio with a range of fashion product images, showcasing your photographic flair in brand promotion and image concept marketing not only to fashion designers, but also marketing campaign managers and many others. The course will allow you to work with agencies and fashion management services to create projects for magazines and the fashion world.

Course Program The camera: the diverse types and the various characteristics (shutter, diaphragm, diverse objectives) The optic bank The correct exposition: exposure meter and light meter, temperature and color The film and its digital support The quality of lights and filters Supports, static lights and electricity Fundamental techniques for external photo shoots Image analysis created and edited Focus on the evolution of photography throughout the years Selection of photography, assistant, stylist, make up artist and hair stylist , selection of the model International photography agencies and photographers Creating your own personal portfolio


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 108 hours (75 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.500

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Communicating fashion means representing it through images, events, language, media. The course teaches all the principles needed to define an advertising plan, developing campaigns, organising presentations.

Professional Opportunities Communication manager Press office and PR manager Image manager Fashion editor Fashion journalist

Course Program Corporate image Advertising strategies Corporate and institutional communication Contemporary fashion Fashion integrated communication Fashion marketing and luxury management Branding and distribution PR Relation techniques Fashion editing Writing Fashion, web, multimedia Advertising graphics


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 72 hours (51 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.100

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The course provides students with a view on the principles of fashion collection management. From the sketches to the final show, fashion collections go through specific paths of development here analysed step by step.

Professional Opportunities Stylist Research Consultant Styling office assistant Product office assistant

Course Program Principles of Design Body figure outline Visage Graphical drawing layout Analysis and drawing of various designs Fabric: jersey, knitwear, leather Outerwear: overcoat, jacket Single items: trousers, skirt, shirt, dress, suit Details: collar, pocket, fastening, decoration Study of volumes The planning of a collection How to set a collection briefing Creation of a collection keyword Colour Trend Book Creation of a collection scheme How to group a collection Internet application to fashion Collection/Fashion Shows promoting strategies Italian fashion industry How to find the latest images of fashion shows


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 108 hours (75 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.500

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The visual merchandiser conceives and creates and ideal set around the product by maximising its visual impact and interpreting the brand represented by it. The course aims at providing students with the skills needed to create a display that, through its visual appeal, represents a real meeting point between client and company.

Professional Opportunities Visual merchandiser Promotion manager Retail event manager

Course Program Introduction to visual merchandising Definition and tasks of the visual merchandiser Retail trade The concept store Visual merchandising in clothing and accessories Visual merchandising and brand identity Retail management Research and analysis of visual merchandising latest trends The elements of visual The shopping windows and its rules Organization of the retail space The actions of visual merchandising: layout and display Lighting techniques Analysis of excellence examples


The number of students is limited and the inscriptions are open until classes are full.

Attendance Monday, Wednesday and Friday 09:30 - 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Total course hours 72 hours (51 h. classroom and project work)

Duration single lessons 3 - 6 hours

Language Italian/English

Enrollment fee EU € 300 / Non EU € 400

Course fee € 2.100

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The fashion show is the moment when the brand is at its most exposed and a unique way to represent the company image, taking advantage of the massive media coverage such events collect worldwide. The course explores the professionalities involved in the organisation and direction of a show, the fashion event par excellence.

Professional Opportunities Planning of fashion shows and fashion events.

Course Program Analysis of the fashion show concept and design process Meeting between stylist, designer and show director Fashion show setting Location, scenography, lights and soundtrack Pre-show organization Production, coordination and how to make the show spectacular

*%7,-32 32) 83 32) '3967)7 Uptodate Fashion Academy, opened many years ago in the fashion capital with a specific mission: to offer the best, research, taste, quality, constantly updated trends and all of the necessary skills to operate in the Fashion and Beauty market, for people that have interest and passion for it. This mission has been fully accomplished and now Uptodate prepares to confront these new enthralling tactics. One of them, is to open the doors of One-to-One to the world. This entails directly communicating with our clients to provide them with the best and most suitable personalized services. In the suggestive location of Corso Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan, personalized and individual lessons will be offered on fashion, design, beauty, image and much more.

Ot 01 Fashion & Image Tour Ot 02 Fashion Secrets

Total course hours personalized


The One-to-One edition is dedicated to a “fashion and image tour” led by a team of high profile experts aimed at transferring the aesthetic sides of European culture (especially Italian and French) with the use of privileged channels in the fashion world: the best of shopping, social behavior and lifestyle.


Course fee € 120/h

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

The two days dedicated to this path (customized according to specific needs) are thus structured: - “Welcome coffee” - Lesson: “the best for your personal image” & personal make up lesson - A practical demonstration of the designers to partake in a fascinating voyage, in the wonderful world of colors, lines, and style - To dine in one of the most selected restaurants, to taste the appetizing flavors of the fine Italian and international cusines (I.E. Bulgari Restaurant, Four Seasons) - A visit to the greater show rooms of fashion to visualize the most prestigious collections and the most famous stylists. Fashion Shows to live the true atmosphere, and the elegance - Dinner at the most well known restaurant, famous for its design “Visionnaire” with shopping in the corner of fashion and research - Lesson: “Panorama on the Made in Italy” across a narrative path amongst the most famous national brands: Valentino, Armani, Zegna, Gucci, Dolce&Gabbana and the most prestigious accessories brands: Ferragamo, Bulgari, Tiffany, Buccellati - Shopping in the golden quadrilateral: Dolce&Gabbana, Gucci, Mariella Burani, La Perla, Mario Valentino, Missoni, Trussardi

Total course hours personalized

Language Italian/English

Course fee â‚Ź 120/h

Requirement fundamental prerequisite to attend the course is to have already turned 18 years old

Fashion Secret - Personal Style is a further One-to-One course through which Uptodate offers the possibility to discover all the secrets ridde behind the fashion world. While doing this, Uptodate uses just the best among stylists and image consultants, offering a value added to the user of this innovative individual path. The program includes five days focused on the various modules for a total of 30 hours to be customized.

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786)2+,87 Strenght 1

Strenght 6

Programs consistent with the trends and evolutions of the current market.

The didactic materials given to the students and the presentations are always provided both in Italian and English.

Strenght 2 The best professionals from the Fashion and Beauty System, the most sought after stylists, make up artists, photographers and designers.

Strenght 3

Strenght 7 Our Orientation and Accomodation service, following the needs of each nationality and thus guaranteeing the highest level of satisfaction for all students.

Information about the biggest fashion events of the year and the chance to attend backstages and shootings as students of the Academy.

Strenght 8

Strenght 4

Strenght 9

An innovative and successful didactic method guaranteeing all students a high level of education.

Experienced photographers for each student’s shootings in order to make their portfolios unique and give them the chance to get a concrete start in the fashion world.

Strenght 5 A stunning location in the heart of Milan, close to the major fashion streets and the city’s artistic and cultural center.

Final shootings, planned for every course to test the learning level achieved by the students.

Strenght 10 ISO 9001/2000 quality certificate.

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 15 20122 Milano Italy Ph. + 39 02 76 26 791 Fax + 39 02 76 26 79 29

Director & Co-Founder Sabrina Tolomeo

General Info

Orientation Abroad


Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 15 路 20122 Milano 路 Italy 路 Ph. +39 02 7626791 路 Fax +39 02 76267929

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