Desert Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report

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beauty & beyond DE SE RT B OTA N IC A L G A R DE N A N N UA L R E P ORT | 2 01 3

beauty & beyond the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind

outside the understanding, limits, or reach of, past, superior to, surpassing, above

Thank you for your investments in the Garden’s beauty... and beyond!

Throughout this past year, the Desert Botanical Garden celebrated a major milestone—its 75th Anniversary. Culminating on February 13, 2014, a festive birthday luncheon featured a keynote address by Dr. Lattie Coor, President and CEO of the Center for the Future of Arizona. Dr. Coor began by noting that the Garden has become a world-class attraction, a “must see” for every visitor to Arizona, and went on to describe how the Garden is more than a great place to take visitors. In his view, the Garden has nurtured our entire community’s identity and sense of place, which is now inextricably linked to our understanding of and appreciation for the Sonoran Desert. Awareness of desert landscapes and systems did not come naturally, however. The Garden and its farsighted founders made saving desert flora their mission and, in so doing, educated and enticed others to experience and appreciate the biodiversity of a magnificent landscape. Over time—more than 75 years and counting—the Garden’s leadership role made all the difference.

The editorial team chose the title for this year’s Annual Report several weeks prior to Dr. Coor’s talk; however, the theme could easily have been inspired by his insights. In his well-chosen words, Dr. Coor highlighted the Garden’s role as a compelling attraction and described the founders’ vision to do much more, like creating a living laboratory for the appreciation, preservation, and study of the complex systems of the Sonoran Desert. We trust you will enjoy a retrospective of the Chihuly in the Garden exhibition along with selected highlights from the past year’s work in education, research, and conservation. The Garden came into being because forwardlooking individuals wanted to showcase and protect the beauty of the Sonoran Desert. The programs highlighted in this publication thrive today because of the incredible thoughtfulness and generosity of our valued donors and members.

We dedicate this report to you.

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013


exploring the intersection of art and nature Dale Chihuly, one of the most successful artists ever to display in gardens around the world, made a return engagement to the Desert Botanical Garden this year. Chihuly’s stunning works of art, immediately recognizable for their grand scale and use of vibrant colors, once again nestled amongst our desert landscape. They quickly became a popular destination through our winter and spring seasons. From November 8, 2013, through May 18, 2014, 750,000 people visited the Garden to see the exhibit and many first-time guests also discovered our extensive and diverse collection of desert plants. The Chihuly in the Garden exhibition provided new opportunities to explore the relationship between art and nature with dazzling works of art juxtaposed against the bold sculptural formations of our cactus and succulent plants. The exhibition included both new and early works representing the breadth and scope of the artist’s vision over the last four decades. Highlights included: the Sapphire Star, in Ottosen Entry Garden—a dynamic composition of 720 blue to clear spires; a Polyvitro Chandelier hanging from the vaulted roof of the Sybil B. Harrington Succulent Gallery; the White Tower and Erbium Pink Fiori on Stardust FoundationPlaza; and the Summer Sun, nestled among the historic cacti in front of Webster Auditorium— consisting of 2,000 red, yellow, and orange hand-blown glass elements. Top left: Summer Sun, 2010, 15 x 14 x 14’, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, installed 2013 Top right: White Tower, 1997 and Erbium Pink Fiori, 2013, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, installed 2013 Bottom right: Sapphire Star, 2010, 9½ x 9½ x 9½’, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, installed 2013


Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013

The Garden enjoyed generous support from community sponsors to make this exhibition possible. We thank presenting sponsor JPMorgan Chase and Chihuly at Night sponsor APS. Without such underwriting from civic and business leaders, the Garden could not stage major and compelling exhibitions!

art in the Garden generates STEAM STEM education, at the forefront of formal learning in the United States, refers to rigorous and relevant science, technology, engineering, and mathematics opportunities for students. Inspired in part by the Garden’s ongoing series of art exhibitions, the education department added the letter A for "Art," yielding STEAM, further expanding learning opportunities. The Garden supports this national initiative with curriculum created to highlight science and art through the Sonoran Desert Adventure field trip program for grades 1-8. In 2013, after a two-year development process, the Garden launched its new STEAM curriculum for teachers and students. The curriculum connects science and design solutions through observation, questioning, building arguments and models, and the scientific concept of biomimicry, which is defined as the

design and production of materials, structures, and systems that are modeled on biological entities and processes. A series of hands-on, mind-engaging activities prepare students for a trip to the Desert Botanical Garden and exposes them to a new way of problem solving inspired by nature. The experience culminates with students working together and applying what they have learned to solve a thoughtprovoking design challenge. Teachers appreciate that the curriculum aligns with Common Core standards—national academic standards in language arts and mathematics. David is a middle school teacher who participated in the Garden’s STEAM teacher training. In the picture above, his 7th grade class shows off their solutions to the challenges of water conservation and desert shade. “Thank you for providing an engaging activity for the students to learn about the desert and conservation.” Beyond the STEAM curriculum that advances academic learning, the field trip experience gives children meaningful opportunities to explore and appreciate the wonders of the desert. One of the visiting teachers noted: “For our students, most of whom come from pretty underprivileged backgrounds, just traveling anywhere is good for them. When it is a beautiful outdoor destination with so many new and exciting things to see, the benefits go off the chart! They will remember it for a long time. You made a big impact on their lives!” The Garden’s program has reached 4,000 students and teachers in its first year and we anticipate participation to continue growing— full STEAM ahead! The Garden is grateful for the generous support provided by community businesses and foundations that made our new STEAM program a reality: Act One Foundation,, JPMorgan Chase and U.S. Bank Foundation. We also thank Act One Foundation and U.S. Bank Foundation for underwriting field trips for students and teachers from Title 1 schools. Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013


desert studies expand The Garden’s Nina Mason Pulliam Desert Research and Horticulture Center opened its doors in 2001. Less than 10 years later, the Research, Conservation, and Collections Department (RCC) was bursting at the seams. Dr. Joe McAuliffe, director of the department, began advocating for a building expansion. The number one need was for increased lab space. Major gifts from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust and from Marilyn and Cliff Douglas funded the construction, and the expansion was completed in September 2013. The Garden worked with Goodman’s Healthcare Environments to design the layout and to choose appropriate furnishings. The new 1,100-square-foot lab nearly triples the previous work area available for molecular genetics research, increasing the number of researcher workstations from three to eight. In the new lab, staff and volunteer scientists are working on research projects that advance the conservation of desert plants:


Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013

• D r. Shannon Fehlberg is leading genetic research on the Arizona hedgehog cactus (Echinocereus arizonicus), which is on the Federal List of Endangered Species. Her research has provided baseline information about genetic diversity in the species, identified several unique populations of this cactus, and improved our ability to distinguish among several closely related species of red-flowered hedgehogs. • Dr. Fehlberg is using genetics to understand the reproductive biology of the Huachuca water umbel (Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva), which is also on the Endangered Species list. Her project has identified that individual populations contain a surprising amount of genetic diversity and that different populations in southern Arizona and northern Mexico are genetically distinct. This knowledge helps conservationists determine which native populations to sample for establishing new populations from transplants. • Dr. Fehlberg’s newest project will investigate factors that drive diversity in southwestern Phlox. • Dr. Kevin Hultine is using the resources of the molecular lab to discover information about the susceptibility of the invasive species tamarisk (Tamarix) to biocontrol agents. • Dr. Andrew Salywon has set up his molecular work station to identify new species of Agave. The new space will be home base for visiting scholars and graduate students chosen to receive future Huizingh Desert Research Fellowships, to be offered jointly by the Garden and Arizona State University. This 2013 capital project greatly enhances the Garden’s continued and important work as a champion of plant conservation and a leader in Sonoran Desert research.



preserving desert mountain parks The Garden’s long-standing commitment to conservation took another big step forward this past year with the formal launch of the Conservation Alliance, a Garden-led coalition of scientists, land managers, educators, community liaisons, and conservation-based nonprofit organizations committed to the ecological and recreational sustainability of the mountain park preserves in and around the Phoenix metropolitan area.

In its first year, the Alliance identified priorities for the preserves, which include bridging the gap between science and land management. A speaker series featured presenters who encouraged discussion, sharing of knowledge, and collaboration. Citizen science projects have begun inventories of the flora of several preserves. This is essential because informed management of these areas relies on accurate knowledge of the plant species they contain. Conservation Service Selected by the Center for the Future of Arizona as a Five Communities Work Days invite community members to project, this initiative addresses top concerns of Arizonans, including come out and take care of their mountain, the protection of the environment and open space. The Conservation focusing on everything from restoration to Alliance’s work has quickly gained momentum thanks to a generous facilities maintenance. three-year grant from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust. Just as the Garden’s founders sought to Partners in the Conservation Alliance now include the Maricopa County “conserve our Arizona desert flora fast being Parks and Recreation Department, City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation destroyed” by creating an inspirational Department, McDowell Sonoran Conservancy, Phoenix Mountains botanical garden, other Arizonan Preservation Council, Audubon Arizona and several departments and visionaries during the last century foresaw efforts at Arizona State University including the School of Life Sciences, the explosion of urban growth ahead and the School of Community Resources and Development, and the Central worked to establish large permanent desert Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research project. nature preserves in and around Phoenix. The Conservation Alliance is working to Conservation Alliance Program Coordinator Stacie Beute brought honor and sustain the priceless gift of the partners together for a variety of work sessions and activities, and these preserves. together the group is building the relationships and trust necessary for successful collaboration.

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013


The Saguaro Initiative Celebrate the Past. Shape the Future. The Garden’s 75th anniversary year was a time to reconsider the rare convergence of individuals and inspiration that led to its creation. In 1939, the Garden’s founders— Gustaf Starck and Gertrude Webster —joined forces to create a garden that showcased and protected the beauty of the Sonoran Desert. They were pioneers. They were risk-takers. In reflecting on the past, we recognized that the Garden’s story parallels the life cycle of the majestic saguaro cactus, found only in the Sonoran Desert. A mature saguaro stands 20 to 30 feet tall and takes 75 years to reach such stature. It grows from a tiny seed, just one of thousands, that takes root as it survives drought and scorching heat. In 75 years it will achieve full maturity, and the process of spreading seed and beginning life will start anew. As the Desert Botanical Garden begins its second seventy-five year cycle, it is time to renew our dreams and reaffirm our commitment to the community and the


Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Sonoran Desert we call home. Launched early in 2013, this plan is aptly named The Saguaro Initiative, a road map for the first five of the Garden’s next 75 years. We are pleased to report that the Garden’s generous Trustees, volunteers, members, and friends have contributed nearly $8 million in support of this plan and they are recognized on page 16. Thanks to tremendous support, two major garden renovation projects—the Desert Terrace Gardens and Lewis Desert Portal will begin this summer, 2014. Concurrently with new gift commitments, the series of capital projects will continue: the Heritage Garden in 2015, Horticulture Center in 2016, and new Butterfly Pavilion in 2017. Program progress continues on the Community Gardening initiative (most recently highlighted in The Sonoran Quarterly, December 2013, Vol. 76, No. 4, p 10) and the Conservation Alliance, described on the prior page of this publication. At the Garden’s 75th birthday luncheon, Dr. Lattie Coor saluted the Garden’s long-running role as the champion of the most biologically diverse desert in the world. As a result, the Garden has given contemporary citizens of this vast region an identity as desert people, rooted in the knowledge of the complex systems that support all life in the Sonoran Desert. This is the crowning achievement of the Garden’s first 75 years. This is the basis for even bolder regional initiatives in the next 75. We invite you to visit to read Dr. Coor’s Anniversary Luncheon talk in its entirety.

75th Anniversary Cabinet CABINET CHAIR

Bennett Dorrance CABINET

Rebecca Ailes-Fine Kate Baker Oonagh Boppart Lee Baumann Cohn Mike Cohn Jacquie Dorrance Barton Faber Peter Fine Hazel Hare Barbara Hoffnagle Martha Hunter Jan Lewis Tom Lewis Harry Papp Rosellen C. Papp Ken Schutz Archer Shelton

Dear Garden friends and members, Our 75th year was so packed with activities and excitement, we chose to devote the majority of this publication to highlighting several Garden accomplishments in 2013-14. As you have read, our progress in advancing each of the Garden’s four mission pillars—education, conservation, research and exhibition—has been substantial in the past year. We are also pleased to report the status of the organization’s fiscal and operational health, and to invite your comments, suggestions and continued support of the Garden at As presented in the accompanying financial statements dated September 30, 2013, the Garden ended its fiscal year in a healthy financial position:

In the months since the close of the last fiscal year on September 30, 2013, Total revenues were $15,178,962. Net income the Garden has had extremely strong from all sources, less all operating expenses, operating performance thanks largely was $3,022,405. This amount includes unrealized to the Chihuly in the Garden exhibition. gains in the endowment, revenue from restricted The board plans to use the excess grants for future projects, but excludes depreciation funds generated by the exhibition to reduce debt expense. Net income from operations alone, and further strengthen the Garden’s cash reserves. excluding the factors above and other non-operational The positive effect of the Chihuly in the Garden expenditures was $674,454 for the year. exhibition will be evident in the Garden’s financial The strong growth in revenue from “Contributions, statements for the year closing September 30, 2014. Grants and Special Events” is largely because of The Desert Botanical Garden’s Board of Trustees gifts received for The Saguaro Initiative. Likewise, is composed of 46 individuals who accept increases in expenditures “Membership Services responsibility for stewardship of the Garden on and Fundraising” and “Administration” expenses behalf of the community we serve. Our trustees were made to support The Saguaro Initiative. represent every major stakeholder group served by the Garden, and offer a vast wealth of The Statement of Financial Position shows total professional knowledge and experience from which assets increased $3,183,975 or 10%, due primarily to contributions received for The Saguaro Initiative. the Garden staff can draw. All trustees serve on a volunteer basis, are elected by the membership, The Statement of Financial Position also shows and are subject to term limits. Desert Botanical that total liabilities increased $1,251,481 or 27%, Garden Trustees are united by their love for the due primarily to: 1) a dramatic increase in Garden, and by their commitment to its mission. membership revenues in anticipation of the Chihuly in the Rarely has this commitment by the Board of Garden exhibition (and therefore a concomitant increase Trustees been more clear than this year, when in deferred membership revenue amounting to $647,000) and 2) a $255,000 net increase in the Garden’s total debt level related 100 percent of board members participated in The Saguaro Initiative and collectively contributed to startup costs for the Chihuly in the Garden exhibition, the Garden’s new restaurant, Gertrude’s, and the Canal Project loan. more than $2.3 million to support the plan.


Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Desert Botanical Garden Board members also acknowledge the incredible dedication and experience that all members of the staff bring to the Garden in service to its mission. The Garden’s most highly tenured employee, Wendy Hodgson, just recently marked her 40th anniversary as a Garden researcher; four staff members have been with the Garden for more than 20 years. To complement this legacy of service, there are also many newer staff members who serve the Garden by injecting new ideas, skills and varying perspectives. The Desert Botanical Garden also has what is arguably the best volunteer program at any garden in the nation. Volunteers in the Garden, a corps of more than 800 highly dedicated and accomplished individuals, donates more than 60,000 hours of volunteer service to the Garden each year. They can be found in every area of our operation, including (but certainly not limited to) the docent program, horticulture aides, and at special events such as Luminaria and the plant sales. At the volunteers’ annual recognition event held on April 13th of this year, 243 volunteers received 100 hour service pins and 73 received award pins for contributing 500 or more hours. The Garden simply could not enjoy the success that it does without the incredible talents, dedication, and individual gifts of time that the Volunteers in the Garden provide. In closing, we hope you agree that our 75th Anniversary has been a time of great excitement, wonderful success, and of laying the foundation for the future health of the Garden. We extend our thanks to each of you for the role that you have played in making the Garden what it is today, and for helping to assure that we will achieve our full potential in the years to come. With sincere appreciation,

Barbara Hoffnagle President

Craig Clifford Treasurer

Ken Schutz

The Dr. William Huizingh Executive Director

Consolidated Statement Of Financial Position September 30, 2013 (with comparative totals as of September 30, 2012)

ASSETS Cash & Investments



$3,858,691 $2,741,082

Pledges & Other Receivables



Inventories & Other Current Assets



Total Current Assets

4,913,415 3,305,531

Cash & Investments (noncurrent)



Pledge Receivables (noncurrent)



Property & Equipment (net) Other Assets Total Assets


18,068,303 16,614,440 73,858


$34,108,218 $30,924,243


(Number of visitors by thousands)

Current Liabilities 700 600 500

Bank Line of Credit and Current Portion of Long-Term Debt



Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities



Deferred Revenue



Annuity Payment Liability Total Current Liabilities





Long-Term Debt, Less Current Portion



Bonds Payable




Total Liabilities




Total Net Assets


Total Liabilities & Net Assets

$34,108,218 $30,924,243












* Featured Chihuly: The Nature of Glass Exhibition


Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013


Consolidated Statement Of Financial Activities For the year ended September 30, 2013


(with comparative totals for the year ended September 30, 2012) (before depreciation)





Gross Profit on Retail & Beverage Sales $1,245,284 $1,251,311 Admissions Contributions, Grants & Special Events

2,734,900 2,711,295 7,148,077 4,936,914

Investment Income (net)


Net Unrealized Gain (loss) on Investments

561,035 1,094,641

Memberships Other Revenue Total Revenue


18% 3% 4% 5%

2,259,130 2,039,411 813,214


$15,178,962 $13,036,870



47% Contributions, Grants and Special Events 18% Admissions 15% Membership 8% Retail and Beverage Sales


5% Other Revenues


$6,177,966 $5,520,870

4% Net Unrealized Gain on Investments

Retail, Marketing & Visitor Services

2,690,042 2,508,069

3% Investment Income (net)


1,626,549 1,422,912

Membership Services & Fundraising

1,662,000 1,318,103

Total Expenditures

12,156,557 10,769,954

Change in Net Assets


$3,022,405 $2,266,916 51%

The Statement of Activities above reports the results of Garden Operations excluding the effect of depreciation expense. Depreciation refers to the systematic allocation of the cost of long-lived assets, including buildings, furniture, fixtures, and equipment to the periods that benefit from their use. Recording depreciation has no effect on the liquidity or cash flow of the Garden. It reflects an estimate of the using up of the economic value of tangible assets. In the financial statements it reduces the Change in Net Assets (and, therefore, Total Net Assets) and the carrying basis of Property and Equipment. Unlike industrial firms, not-for-profit organizations do not provide for the addition or replacement of major long-lived assets out of operations. Historically such entities look to capital contributions for those improvements. Hence, the financial performance for not-for-profits is best evaluated by analyzing operating results excluding the effects of depreciation. Depreciation expense recognized in the Garden’s records for 2013 and 2012 was $1,090,000 and $1,188,000 respectively.

Auditor’s Opinion

The Desert Botanical Garden has received an unqualified opinion from its auditors, Schmidt Westergard & Company, PLLC, on the audit of its financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2013. Copies of the audited financial statements are available at

22% 13% 14%

51% Programs 22% Retail, Marketing & Visitor Services 14% Membership Services & Fundraising 13% Administration

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013


thank you to our 2013-2014 board of trustees

Photos identified left to right ROW 1 | 2013-2014 OFFICERS Barbara Hoffnagle, President Kate Baker, Past President John D. Burnside, Vice President Bruce Macdonough, Vice President Tammy McLeod, Secretary Craig Clifford, CPA , Treasurer ROW 2 | TRUSTEES Rebecca Ailes-Fine Oonagh Boppar t Gail Bradley Teniqua Broughton Jean Callahan Shelley Cohn ROW 3 | TRUSTEES Lou Comus, Jr. Harold C. Dorenbecher Ardie Evans Hazel Hare Jeff Hebets Mar tha Hunter-Henderson ROW 4 | TRUSTEES Jane Jozoff Mari Koerner, Ph.D. Ted Lagreid Mark Landy Kimber L . Lanning Jan R . Lewis ROW 5 | TRUSTEES Mar ta L . Morando Paul Morell Peggy Mullan Kathy Munson Carolyn O’Malley Donald R . Ottosen ROW 6 | TRUSTEES Rober t Page, Ph.D. Rosellen C. Papp Darra L . Rayndon Scott T. Schaefer Brian Schwallie Archer V. Shelton ROW 7 | TRUSTEES John Sullivan Stephen L . Tufts Ken Udenze Maja Wessels William F. Wilder ROW 8 | TRUSTEES EMERITI Lee Baumann Cohn H. Clifton Douglas William Huizingh, Ph.D. Nancy Swanson Rober t S. Tancer


Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013

by the numbers for calendar year 2013 STAFF PUBLICATIONS




Botanical Prints


Journal and Newsletter Titles




EDUCATION AND TOURS School Tour Participants


Children in Education Programs


Children in Seedlings Preschool Program ATTENDANCE MEMBERSHIP HOUSEHOLDS

439,749 30,934

Girl Scouts Adult Education Class Participants

VOLUNTEERS HORTICULTURE Individual Volunteers Acres at Desert Botanical Garden 140 Individual TEEN Volunteers Acres Under Cultivation

Attendance at Biannual Plant Sales



Desert Landscape School Graduates 2013


Desert Landscape School Graduates Total




Response to Calls


Response to Emails (including Facebook)


Live Facebook Chat Ask a Gardener Visitor Interactions

50 1,267



830 24

Community Organizations and Corporations New Volunteers

16 108

New TEEN Volunteers


161 1,475


Total Active Hardy Perennials (10+ years) Total Hours Contributed

129 63,598

Total TEEN Hours Contributed


Awards for 100+ Hours in 2013




1,000 Hours


2,000 Hours


3,000 Hours


Total Accessioned Plants


4,000 Hours


Total Accessioned Seeds


5,000 Hours


Total Number of Species


6,000 Hours


New Accessions Added


7,000 Hours


New Species Added


Rare and Endangered Total Seed Accessions of Rare/ Endangered Species Number of Rare/Endangered Species

1,767 394


175 , 204

STAFF Full-time


Part-time and Seasonal


HERBARIUM Total Specimens


Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013



Karen & Bill Clements In Memory of Dorothy and Eric Johnson Honor Roll of Supporters Craig & Joy Clifford Listed below are donors who have Shelley Cohn & Mollie C. Trivers made pledges and verbal Kevin D. Cullens & James M. Laughlin commitments of $1,000 and higher Pam Dow & Laurie McWeeney to The Saguaro Initiative including Beverly & Paul Duzik Chihuly Gala, as of May 1, 2014: Amy Flood & Larry West Gannett Foundation $1,000,000 - $1,999,999 Barbara Gant Jan & Tom Lewis Drs. Debbie and Mike Gilman The Kemper and Ethel Marley Mary Heiss & Harold Dorenbecher Foundation Barbara & Tom Hoffnagle Ken and Nancy Husband $500,000 - $749,999 Mari & Frank Koerner Jacquie & Bennett Dorrance Barbara & Ron Lieberson MaryLynn Mack $250,000 - $499,999 Kimberlie McCue & Michael Olson Beth Byrnes & Barton Faber Tammy McLeod Garden Friend In Honor of Wilma McLeod Peter S. Fine & Rebecca Ailes-Fine Marta L. Morando & William G. Moio Freeport-McMoRan Copper Susan & Mark Mulzet & Gold Foundation Kathy & Chuck Munson Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust Carolyn & Mark O’Malley Carol & Randy Schilling The Ruddock Family Barbara & Ted Ryan $100,000 - $249,999 John Sallot & Randy Lovely Lee & Mike Cohn Barbara Jane & Archer Shelton Donna & Bill Dehn Jon A. & Marilyn G. Shomer Cliff & Marilyn Douglas Edgar Turcotte Ardie & Steve Evans Robbi & Jim Urban Dr. William Huizingh US Bank Institute of Museum and Bruce & Kathy Weber Library Services Maja Wessels & Charles Covington Melissa & Ted Lagreid Rev. Dr. Walter F. & Janet E. Wieder The Estate of Paul Lorah Liisa & William Wilder Diane Roush Ann Stanton & Robert Haddock $5,000-$9,999 The Steele Foundation 7033 First Avenue, LLC

Desert Botanical Garden is the perfect place to introduce guests to the beauty of Arizona. ~ Garden guest


Diane & Paul Abe Gerald Appell Regina & G. Peter Bidstrup Connie & Jim Binns Gena & Harry Bonsall Gail Bradley Vivian and Marlon Buchholtz Joy Bunt & Linda Turley Mary Lee Cakos Sandra J. Carroll Carol & John Clemency Kitty Collins Pat & Lou Comus Leslie Dashew & Jack Salisbury Susan & Robert S. Diamond Julie & John Douglas The Dooley Family Foundation Phyllis & John R. Earle Barbara & Terry Fenzl Suzanne & Richard Fleming APS Angela & Jeffrey Glosser $75,000-$99,999 Hirtle Callaghan-Chief Danuta Glowczewski Jeff & Lexine Hebets Investment Officers Golub Capital Nancy O. Swanson Cohn Financial Group, LLC Mary Ellen & Terry Gould Willard E. White Discount Tire Co., Inc. Helen L. Hollowell Bryce Faber Marjorie Holman & Meredith Ingle $50,000-$74,999 Charles H. & Teny R. Fisher Sandra Keely Anonymous Globe Corporation Brian Kissinger & Todd McCandless Kate Baker Goodman’s Interior Structures Margot & Dennis Knight Howard & Joy Berlin Kathleen & John Graham Carole & Richard Kraemer Oonagh & John Boppart Greenberg Traurig, LLP Mark & Sue Landy Carol & Larry Clemmensen Amy Hillman & Gerry Keim In Honor of Dr. William Huizingh Tahnia & Jeffrey D. McKeever Carrie & Jon Hulburd Sally & Richard Lehmann Mike & Katie Mueller Family Martha E. Hunter Joyce & Randall Lert Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust In Honor of Raymond M. Hunter Janis & Dennis Lyon Scott T. Schaefer JPMorgan Chase Mary and Richard Martuscelli In Honor of Sara, Taylor, Braeden KTVK 3TV Susan & Phillip Matos and Abby Schaefer Kutak Rock LLP Cesar Mazier Sue & Mark Landy Dr. and Mrs. John K. Meinert $25,000-$49,999 Margie Lebold Christine & F.J. Mollring Bert & Betty Feingold Meridian Bank Monarch Council: Hensley Beverage CompanyPaul & Adrienne Morell Teniqua Broughton, Eve Bilotas, Robert & Denise Delgado Peggy Mullan & Kathy Berzins Cyndi Coon, Marion Donaldson, Jane & Mal Jozoff In Memory of Denny Phillips John Fisher, Sandra Keely, Dana & Bruce Macdonough Northern Trust Bank Jessica Lagreid, Jayson Matthews, Sara & J.L. Pete Morgan ON Media Emily Mead, Scott Osteen, The Ottosen Family Foundation- Michele & Robert Page Laine Seaton Barbara & Don Ottosen Craig Pearson Barbara & Lawrence Nilsen Rose & Harry Papp Prudential Financial Dedrie Polakof & Matt Cohen Ken Schutz & Craig Thatcher Darra Rayndon & David Arrow Gail & Steve Rineberg Don & Marty Squire Ryan Companies US, Inc. Cynthia M. Reusche The Steele Foundation Jennifer E. & Charles F. Sands Karen Scislowski Pat & John Sullivan Meilee Smythe Susan Shattuck Robert & Shoshana Tancer SRP Mary Ann & Bill Sheely Barbara W. Weisz Steve & Kathleen Taddie Patricia Simmons Diana & Allan Winston Susan Thornton Susannah & Leslie Small Steve & Missy Tufts Peggy Herz & Phillip Smith $10,000-$24,999 UMB Bank Bitsy & George Susich Anonymous Versant Capital Management, Inc. Heidi Teets Arizona Community Foundation The Melani and Rob Walton Fund Bruce Thoeny Patricia H. Auch of the Walton Family Foundation Judith Tuck Thomas & Shirley Bekey Wells Fargo Private Bank D. Rae Turley Laurie & Drew Brown Tina Wilson Angela & Ken Udenze Barbara & Ron Bunnell In Honor of Kathy Hill


Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Sharon & Donald J. Ulrich Tamsinn & Jon O. Underwood Julie & David Van Denburgh Greg Walker Penny & Neil Warner Cindy and Mike Watts Daryl & Louis Weil Nancy & Ed White In Honor of Nancy W. White (149 Donors)

Supporting Partner

Blue Cross® Blue Shield® of Arizona This is a preliminary recognition list based on gifts and oral pledges received to date. We attempt to ensure the accuracy of donor recognition. If you note an error or omission, please accept our apology and contact Darcy McGill at 480 481.8160.


The Desert Botanical Garden is grateful to all 37,810 members and donors for your generosity. On these pages, we recognize individual, company, and foundation donors who made single or multiple contributions and pledges totaling $150 and more between March 16, 2013 and March 15, 2014. In addition, special recognition sections acknowledge donors who made gifts during the past quarter for memorial and tribute gifts and gifts in kind of $150+. +P atrons Circle members, including Saguaro, Curator’s, Director’s, President’s, and Founder’s Circle contributors are identified with a +. *M onarch Council Leadership Members for 2013-14 are identified with a *.


Anonymous Donors (2)

$50,000 - $99,999

Barbara B. Weisz Donna & William Dehn + Lee & Mike Cohn +

$25,000 - $49,999

Jacquie & Bennett Dorrance + Marilyn & H. Cliff Douglas + William Huizingh +

Betty Kitchell + Jan & Tom Lewis + Marta Morando & William Moio + Barbara & Don Ottosen +

$10,000 - $24,999

Anonymous Donor Oonagh & John Boppart + Laurie Elisabeth & Drew Brown Robert Bulla + Beth Byrnes & Barton Faber + Denise & Robert Delgado Ardie & Stephen Evans + Lexine & Jeff Hebets + Jane & Malcolm Jozoff + Melissa & Ted Lagreid Sue & Mark Landy + Julie & H. J. Louis + Susan & Mark Mulzet Rosellen & Harry Papp + Carol & Randy Schilling + Kenneth J. Schutz + Louise C. Solheim + Ann Stanton & Robert Haddock + Nancy Swanson + Shoshana & Robert Tancer +

$5,000 - $9,999

Rebecca Ailes-Fine & Peter Fine + Gerald Appell + Kate Baker + Connie & Jim Binns + Shelley Cohn & Mollie Trivers + Kevin Cullens & James Laughlin + JoEllen & Philip Doornbos + Pamela Dow + Beverly & Paul Duzik + Juanita & Philip Francis Barbara Anne Gant + Kathleen & John Graham + Martha & Charles Henderson + Peggy D. Herz & Philip E. Smith + Amy Hillman & Gerry Keim + Tom & Ruth Ann Hornaday + Carrie & Jon Hulburd + John S. Lewis + Tahnia & Jeffrey McKeever + Laurie McWeeney Adrienne & Paul Morell + Kathy & Chuck Munson + Carolyn & Mark O’Malley + Michele & Robert Page + Mary & Matthew Palenica + Craig Pearson + Mrs. John C. Pritzlaff + Suzanne & Peter Richards + Jennifer & Charles Sands Janie & Archer Shelton + Marilyn & Jon Shomer + Meilee Smythe Susan & Brad Thornton Cindy & Michael Watts

Connie & Craig Weatherup + Kathleen & Bruce Weber + Liisa & William Wilder + Roma & Raymond Wittcoff Barbara & Charlie Young +

John Wayland Maja Wessels & Charles Covington + Willard White & Stephen Hartman + Carol DuVal Whiteman + Robert & Sandra Williams +

$2,500 - $4,999

$1,250 - $2,499

Anonymous Donors (2) Bryan A. Albue + David J. Barnett + Shirley & Thomas Bekey + Howard & Joy Berlin + Gena & Harry Bonsall + Betty & Herbert Bool + Kendra & John Burnside + Virginia Cave + Julie & Wes Clelland Karen & William Clements + Craig & Joy Clifford + Kitty Collins + Barbara Crisp & Mark Nemschoff Leslie Dashew & Jack Salisbury + Robyn & Michael DeBell + Sydney & Mike Dye Phyllis & John Earle + Barbara & Terry Fenzl + Charles & Teny Fisher + Deborah & Michael Gilman + Elaine & Daniel Gruber Susan & Barry Hendricks Lucille Hushek Joan & Lenny Kalmenson + Margot & Dennis Knight + Mari & Frank Koerner + Mark Koss-Fillinger Carole & Richard Kraemer + George Krstovich Karen LeDonne & David Berk Sally & Richard Lehmann + Sharron & Delbert O. Lewis + Robert & Pamela Loeb + Paul W. Lorah Janis & Dennis Lyon Kimberlie McCue & Michael Olson Kathleen McCullough + Tammy McLeod & John Hamilton + Christine & F. J. Mollring Peggy Mullan & Kathy Berzins + Carol O’Vary Linda & J. Russell Perlich + Diane G. Roush + John Sallot & Randy Lovely + Megan & Brian Schwallie + Dorothy & Harvey Smith + Diana E. & Paul B. Smith + Martha & Donald Squire + Jim Sudal + Betty Lou Summers + Pamela & Markos Tambakeras + Susan & Ronald Telesko + Jennifer Theobald + Melani & Rob Walton +

Dr. Kimberlie McCue, right front, led visitors on a tour of the Conservation Greenhouses during the Celebrate 75 weekend.

Anonymous Donors (9) Diane & Paul Abe Laurie & Joseph Acklen + In Memory of Florence Guttman Gene Almendinger + Kathy & Steven Ashby Patricia H. Auch + Tara Bickford Bailey & Glen Bailey Jane & Jason Barlow + Pat Beaty + Uta Behrens + Susan Hubbard Belt + Regina & G. Peter Bidstrup Jean & Barry Bingham + Gail Bradley + Nancy & Charles Brickman + Charisse Brodkin + Teniqua Broughton +* Theodore Brown Vivian & Marlon Buchholtz Joy Bunt & Linda Turley Vincent J. Calio + Jean & Christopher Callahan + Philip Carll + Charles G. Case II & Pamela Culwell + Denise Chamberlain + Gretchen Cherrill + Dorothy M. Cholnoky + Anne & Fred Christensen + Amy S. Clague + Sue Clark-Johnson & Brooks Johnson Carol & John Clemency Dedrie & Matt Cohen + Pat Wentworth Comus & Louis F. Comus, Jr. + David Conover Janet & John Cotton + Jo & Ron Davis + Geri & Mike DeMuro + Susan & Robert Diamond Julie & John Douglas + Dianne & Charles Dunn + Casey Durham + Michele & Heiner Eichermueller + LeRoy & Kate Ellison + Dirk Ellsworth & William Schmidt + Betty & Bertram Feingold + Barry Fingerhut + Jo & John Flittie Amy Flood & Larry West + Ursula & Ram Gangadean Georgia Garrett-Norris & Judith Rosenthal Sheila & F. Michael Geddes + Amy Gittler & Michael Sillyman + Danuta Glowczewski Dawn & Don Goldman + Matthias Goodman & Diana Valenzuela de Goodman + Elizabeth & Frank Goodyear + Mary Ellen & Terry Gould Sue & Michael Gregg + Penny & Larry Gunning + Barbara & Ken Hand Mrs. Nancy R. Hanley + Renee Hanson & Peter Weber + Dee & Jean Harris + Rojon & Jay Hasker + Mary Heiss & Harold Dorenbecher + Marina Henderson & William Read Robin & Roy Henderson + Bunny & Shirley Hodas + Elizabeth & Fred Hoffert Barbara & Tom Hoffnagle + Dorian Hollingworth Foster & Gerry Pieser + Marjorie Holman & Meredith Ingle Eric & Heather Holst + Rickey Lee Huggler + Christine Hughes + Nancy & Ken Husband +

Arlyn J. Imberman + Barbara H. Johnson + Nancy Kinney + Faye & James Kitchel + Shirley & Burnell Kraft + Linda & Kevin Kriegel + Mitzi Krockover & Jacque Sokolov + Diane & Michael Kulow + Lois & Robert LeMarr + Joyce & Randall Lert Barbara & Ron Lieberson + Judy & Sam Linhart + Amy & Timothy Louis + Dana & Bruce Macdonough +

75th Cabinet Chair Bennett Dorrance and wife Jacquie celebrate the Garden's 75th birthday at the Anniversary Luncheon. Andy, Heidi & Claire MacFarlane + Robert E. MacNeil + Nancy Mancuso Susan & Philip Matos Cesar Mazier + Carla & Joseph McAuliffe + Cathy & Steve McConnell Carol McCrady + Elaine & David McGinn + Patricia & Gerald McKenna + John & Cindy Millikin + Kathryn Moon Sara & J. L. Peter Morgan + Joan & John Murphy + Barbara & Lawrence Nilsen Joan Goforth & Carlos Oldham + Karen & David Paldan + Barbara Pickrell + Maritom Pyron + Darra Rayndon & David Arrow + Patti & Duke Reiter + Kimberly & Keith Reitzel + Linda & Leon Reivitz Sylvia Reynolds & James Whittington Nancy & William Riegel Jorja Rosenberg & Scott Sayre Marcia & Hugh Ruddock + Elana Russell + Jeannie & Fabrizio Saraceni + Scott Schaefer + Sophann & Thomas Schleifer + Christina & Kenneth Schopen + Arleen & Fred Schwartz + Connie & Leslie Seldin William & Mary Ann Sheely Patricia Simmons Ann Siner +

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013


Lynne Smith + Betsy & Bruce Stodola + John & Pat Sullivan + Kathleen & Steven Taddie + Heidi Teets Bruce C. Thoeny Richard Tollefson & Marc Kellenberger + Elise Travers & Judy Travers + Gena Trimble & Philip Ordway + Missy & Steven Tufts + Mrs. William C. Turner Angela & Ken Udenze + Sharon & Donald Ulrich Tamsinn & Jon Underwood Marsha & Charles Van Dam + Lynn & Edward Villanueva + Deborah Wagner & Rob Snyder Carrie Walker-Ostroski & Joseph Ostroski + Melissa Ward & Bill Muster & Natalie Nelson Penny & Neil Warner Daryl & Louis Weil + Ginger Weise + Sandy Werner & Lea Werner Ann & Steve Wheeler + Nancy & Edward White Janet & Walter Wieder + Honoring Mildred B. Williams + Carol & Lewis Wilson + Margaret Wilson & Pamela Cooper + Diana & Allan Winston Judith & Edwin Wolf + Helen B. Wooden + Carole Wooldrik & Jack Wooldrik + Drusilla Wylie + Sheila & David Young +

Marcia & David Christofferson Charlotte & Sidney Clark Sharon & Fred Cline Paul J. Cody Susan Davison & Mike McGranahan Faye & Ron Douglass Karen & Kenneth Evans Stephan Fincher & John Snyder Margaret & Robert Fippinger Gina & Bob Flynn Patricia Flynn Judy Fuller & Kathie Nunn & Tracy Fuller Judith & Stanley Getch Angela & Jeffrey Glosser Susan & Richard Goldsmith Judi R. Gottschalk Mary V. Gray Margaret Green & Michael Cunningham Lenni & Robert Griego Elin Cantliffe-Guenther & Douglass Guenther Glen & Pam Hait Roberta Hall Elly & Steve Hammerman Mary Ellen & Gates Hawn Linda Heppe Rebecca & Kevin Herbst Marjorie Hoffman Bonnie & Mark Howard Betty Hum & Alan Yudell Jenkins-Shalla Family Jewel Kintzinger Susan & Frederick Klein Marjorie Lebold Rodney Lewis Kathy & Robert Londeree

Tom and Jan Lewis at the Chihuly Gala in November of 2013. $700 - $1,249

Anonymous Donors (3) Richard C. Allen Lydia & Philip Bell Sandra & Ralph Benell Kimberly & Lonnie Brist + Kathye Brown Stephanie Caldwell Peggy & Cy Carney Sandra J. Carroll


Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Mark Lowing AnnRose & Jeffrey Lund Patricia F. Martin Ralph H. Martin Mary & Richard Martuscelli Beverly & Fritz Maytag Helen A. Mead Irene Metz + Carmine & Joseph Miller Eleanor & George Mink

Eileen Mitchell Marilyn & Glen Nelson Valerie & Gregory Patten Linda & J. Michael Powers Pamela Reade & K. Deane Reade & Ms. Lyn Warder Cynthia M. Reusche Gail & Stephen Rineberg Catherine & Scott Roberts Ronald F. Sassano Coral Schaeffler & Avraham Zaken Jan Scheid Susan Shattuck + Susan & Rodo Sofranac Celia & Robert Stretmater Carolyn & John Stuart + Deborah & Robert Sullivan Mary Swanson & Bob Jacques Robbie & Raymond Teifert Jane W. Thorne William C. Torrey + Roberta & James Urban Julie & David Van Denburgh Lydia & Demetrios Vlachos Crystal & Marcos Voss Carolyn & Ted Warner Patricia Weegar & Kurt Slobodzian Martha Wicksall Patricia Ann & Richard Wiedhopf Jane & Stephen Williams Luella & Norm Wilson Sonja Winter & Amanda Winter & Alex Winter +

$500 - $699

Anonymous Donors (8) Kylene & Bruce Allbright Rebecca Allison & Margaux Schaffer Debbie & Jeff Andrews Talitha Arnold Christine & John R. Augustine Barbara & Craig Barrett Ken C. Behringer Ann Beisser & Kandy Kendall Charles J. Berger Teresa & Andrew Bliss David R. Bornemann Lee Bowman Carol & Lawrence Brecker Martha Brodersen Karen & Bradley Buckhout Dodie & Douglas Busch Jennifer & Paul Butler & Kevin P. Butler Debra & William Cain Sylvia & David Caplow Naomi Caras-Miller Stefanie & Jerry Cargill Patricia & John Case George W. Cawman Shari & Daniel Charous Gregory Cleveland Gayle & David Clinehens Cheng Cohen Alice & David Cook William Cope Josephine Clark-Curtiss & Roy Curtiss B. J. Dahlberg Ann & Gregory Denk Marion L. Donaldson * Creighton Donovan Judith & Charles Echols Susan & Tim Ernst Joan E. Fagerburg Ann & George Fisher Sybil Francis & Michael Crow Tom Fridena Sharon & James Frye Esther H. Gardner Janice & Buzz Ghiz Alfred H. Guhl Barbara J. Gullickson Barbara Hanigsberg & Michele Hanigsberg Lise & Erik Hansen Kent Hardaway Kathleen Hartmann & Elton Humphreys

Martha & John Hayes Patricia & David Hill Kara & Keith Hjelmstad Mary Hoff & Amanda Tugwell Victoria & Stephen Hoffman Rebecca & Sam Hotchkiss Harriet Ivey & Richard Brashear Donalda Jane & Douglas James Maurine & Jeffrey Kahn + Linda & Allen Kiesel Sherrill D. Koopot Gina Y. Kopp Jo Ann & Jeffrey Kovan Cynthia Lasko & P. Douglas Folk Shirley & Dwayne Lewis Bonnie & Dominick Lodato Cheryl & Tom Londen MaryLynn Mack Leeta & Ron Mackey Margaret Madden Jane Maienschein & Richard Creath Robbyn McDowell & Scott Fehrman Ruth & Robert McGregor Karen McTier & Hugh Colvin Patricia A. & John K. Meinert Kay & Dick Merkel James V. Merritt, Sr. Brad Millington Mary Lynne Mitchell Patricia & David Monier Ana & Thomas Moore Joan Marie & James Morgal Catherine & Michael Murray Sateesh Nabar Lillian & Clifford Neimeth Susan D. Noack James & Codi O’Mara JoAnn & David Ott Martha Parker & Peter Thermansen Debra Peevey & Candy Cox Jody Pelusi Joan Perry & Christian Miller Nora & Larry Phillips Pamela Ploetz & John Henderson Kathleen & John Replogle Joan Roberts Delores Rodman & Dale Suran Merle & Steve Rosskam Lorraine & Gregory Scaven Sandralyn Seidel Rebecca Senior Judith & Richard Seplow Jennifer L. Sharlit Cathy Sue Shell Sally & Clive Sherling Anne & Cary Silver Laura & Michael Simms Kay & Dave Sinovic Dana Stabenow Anne & Robert Stupp Joyce Tokar & F. David Jones Missy & Stephen Tufts + Vivian & James Ullman Kristen & John VanDenburgh Bob & Emily Vincent Julie Winslett Wagoner & Jason Wagoner Julie & Greg Walker Renee Walter + Marleen E. Weflen Karen & Howard Weiner Marva Willis-Perry & Dean Murphy Cindy & Josh Winston Joan & D. Ronald Yagoda

$350 - $499

Anonymous (7) Betty Absey & Deborah Kauffman Todd Adkins Hilda Allred & Roy Ageloff Susanne & John Alcock Marietta & Murray Aldrich Lyn & Tom Ambrose David Anderson Clarissa Archer Susan & Robert Ashcraft Carole Atlee Jean Bachman Karen & Edward Barfoot

Volunteer in the Garden Greta Mock, poses with a Saguaro at the Anniversary Luncheon.

Kati & Noe Barrera Carol Bedner & Elena Kerr Mary & Stephen Behr Joan & Glenn Bennett Rebecca J. Berry Deborah & James Bevier Eve Bilotas Caroline V. Bissell Debbie & Gregg Bloom Patricia & Richard Bogart Blaine & Brian Bolton Marie & Len Borucki Sandra & James Brophy Tamra Brower & Joy Brower Shelly Bunn & Daniel Suhr Betty & W. L. Button Gail & Robert Buuck Mary Lee Cakos Dianne Chidlaw Carol Christine Robin & Chris Cioffi Betty & Monte Coffman Renee & John Collie M. E. Conger Cyndi Coon Larry & Vicki D. Cox David Crabb Christine Craft & Charles Celania Kelly Cromwell Elizabeth Crouch Beth & James Cullison Mireille Dailey & Conan Dailey Sharon & Ore D’Arcangelis Barbara & Bruce Darroch The Debolt Household Paula DeDario-Martori & Peter Martori Ethelanne Dembow Cheryl & Leonard Destremps Elizabeth & Richard Devine Diane Dreon & David Kujawa Janet & Leo Dressel Angelica Elliott Suzanne & Carter Emerson Suzanne Fallender & Thomas Catlaw Michelle & Tim Faller Evelyn Farrell & Sean Devitt Patricia & Terrence Fay Vera Lynn Ferris Joanne & Robert Finger Mary Ann & Edward Gallagher Lois & David Gardner Suzie & Cal Gauss Richard Glitz Katia Goldmuntz Fran & Edwin Goldstein Marjorie & Malcolm Green Josephine B. Griswold Jean Grossman Darlene Hagan Madeline Halpern Joy & Stephen Hannon Lori & Jim Hartman Michael Hawksworth Rosalie & James Hill Bettina & Bob Hisrich Anna & Ronald Hoffman Charlotte & Charles Howey Kathy & Lonnie Hume Antonia Ihry Laura & Ron James Karen & James Janas Mary Ann Jeffers Mary Anne & Russell Jenkins Linda & Ralph Jensen

Beth & Ken Johnson & Jerry Kerschen Nancy Jordan & Peggy Jordan Cynthia M. Kains Ann & Keith Kelly Frances & Michael Kemper Joy & Craig King Marnie Kinsley & Richard Harley Brigitte & John Kirchhefer Elizabeth & John Kirkpatrick Mary & Stanley Klock Bonnie & Allyn Kluger Stanley Knowlton Elizabeth & John Kostuik Lynn Krabbe & Bruce Kilbride Sharon & Roy Kubacki Jennifer & Edward LaCroix Jessica Lagreid Maxine Lakin Judith & Edward Lamb Lysbeth Lieber Laurie Lofgren & Joan Lofgren Ami & John Lotka Joy & David Lubeck Halee Lynch Audrey Jane & Stephen Marmon Judith E. Marshall Patricia Martin & Timothy Berg Sandra & Michael Martindale Ruth D. Mathews Emma Gully & Jayson Matthews Patricia Mayes Susan & Jon McGarity Virginia McGregor Brian McGuire Carol & William McNulty LeAnda Merrihew & Christine Brennan & Kaelin Merrihew Carolynn Messer Linda & Dick Metz Nancy & George Mitchell Philip Mitchell Cynthia C. Montague Debbie & Gary Morrison Laurie Morrison & Karen Hill Margaret & Duane Morse Patricia & Gregg Mosby Mary Moura Karen Nackard Rosemary & Joseph Nadeau James Nafziger Deb M. Nelson Georgia K. Nelson Joan & Paul Nykamp Patricia & Sam Obregon Jean & James O’Donnell Marcia O’Neal Shanna & Anton Orlich JoAnn R. Osborne Maria Silva & William Passey Deann J. Pearce Robert Peters Tanya Peters & Denise Arredondo Pam & Chuck Petersen Patricia Pfister Joan & Richard Platt Laree & Arch Rambeau Hank Randall Barbara Rankin Blair & David Revak Toni Robinson & Judy Weissman Jacquie & Alfonso Rodriguez Linda & Tim Rodriquez Joyce Rolfes & Nancy Broerman Wendy & Jonathan Rose Keri & Justin Roth

Theresa & Steven Allen LeAnn & Jacob Allgood Janet Alon Penny Altman & Ronald Friedman Lina Alvarez & Mark Van Fleet Rachel Alwin Cheryl & Jim Amato Vicki & Jim Ambrose Karen & Arthur Ames Heike Gottler & Robert Amrine Patricia Andazola & D.L. Robles Janice & Michael Andersen Janet & Richard Andersen Janet & Albert Anderson Debbie J. Anderson Ida Anderson Janet Anderson & Anne Isner Megan & John Anderson Julie & Tom Anderson Fredrik Andersson Robin & Charles Andrews Barbara & Richard Andrews Debroah Angus Judith & Leo Ankenbrandt Sandra & Leslie Anseth Kim & Herman Aranda Kim & Joe Aranda Carol Armstrong & Susan Durham Lu-Ann & James Armstrong Inez Artico Margaret & Bruce Asleson Luz Marina & James Aten Patricia & Frank AtLee Lee & Art Atonna Constance & Louis Audet Patricia Aurand Carl E. Babcock Doreen & Bruce Bailey Michelle & James Bailey & Mark Jared Joan & Lowell Bailey Valerie & Robert Bailey Joyce Baldwin Nancy Baldwin Gary Ballantyne Leslie Barakat Donna & Patrick Baraya Nancy Barber & Rick Barber $200 - $349 Anna Barker Anonymous (61) Cathy Cole & Denis Barlow Sandy Aasen & Mike Aasen Kerri & Dave Barnes Lane & Adam Abrahamsen Judy & Larrie Bates Michele Fujimoto & Raymond Acciardi Karla & Robert Bauer Carol Ackerson Gay & Ron Baukol Maryann & Gerald Acuff Gina Baumgardt & Deanna Stulgaitis Sara & Alvan Adams Genevieve Bautista Young & Shalen Young Arthur A. Adams Joanna & Gerald Bayer Roberta Adams & Andrew Glantz Alice Bazlen Valori Adams & Gerry Steinauer Kate Beaudin & June Larson Kathleen & Steve Addington Karen Beck Bette Adelman Paula & Robert Beck Teri Agosta Marilyn & Roger Beck Pamela Aguilu & Charleyne Aschenbrenner Gabrielle & Chris Becker John Ahern Theresa Beckman Shari Ahrendt & Brielle Blackledge MaryEllen & Roger Bedard Constance D. Aiello Maureen & Alvin Bedenk Geraldine & Wayne Albright Patti Bell & Glen Bell Mary & Brian Aldham Kathy & Michael Benaquista Christie & Steve Aldinger Mary Benson Sherry Aldrich & Nina Healy Nancy Benson Roberta & Norman Allan Joanne & James Berg Catherine Allen Virginia Berg Donald Allen & Carol Kemp & Barbie & Richard Bergerson Elizabeth Allen Paulette Bergounous Mary A. Allen Mary Berkley Vanessa & Richard Rusczyk Estelle Saltzman Melissa Sanderson & Lola Rassat Willa & Barry Schneider Paul A. Schneider Constance Schnuck Mary Schottstaedt Kathryn & David Schwarz Kathy & Dan Scott Laine Seaton Michelle Seeger Kay & Howard Segal Lisa & Todd Sekundiak Paula & Jack Shemer Marcee Sherrill Stephen G. Shetron Martha & Clark Skeans Patricia & Allen Skinner Joanne Solomon & Maria Solomon Estelle & Morton Sosland Ed Spomer Linda & Richard Stevens Dana M. Stout Lori Hanson & Ralph Stowell Stephen Sullivan & Kristopher Kipfer Starr Taber Rebecca & Jason Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Thornton Susan & A. J. Tillinghast Candace & Michael Tooke Susan & David Truax Brenda Tuxbury Ruth & Todd Vesledahl Beverly Ann & Albert Voirin Maureen & John Voloudakis Jill Walker & Dan Fitzpatrick Julie & Paul Warren Stephanie Weiss & Richard Weiss Terri L. Weisz & Terry Brooks Nancy & Stephen Weled Mary Lu & Jameson Wetmore Charlotte & Charles White Diane Willian Cathy Gregg & Larry Winter Mary Jo & Joseph Worischeck Sybil & Shelby Yastrow

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013


Garden friends Bert and Betty Feingold celebrate the 75th birthday of the Garden at the Anniversary Luncheon. Ursula Casanova & David Berliner Judy & Mort Berman Valerie & Kimball Bernard Liz & Steve Bernard Avieline Berry & Michealine Dehner Joan & Charles Berry Julia & Douglas Berschauer Deborah & Graziano Bertini Rachael Ann Bertrandt The Beyer Family Peggy Beyer Julie & Shane Bezzaut Alexis Bhatheja Elizabeth Biaett & Gary Dickey Cheryl Biehl Martha & David Bills Jenna Bishop & Lori Wagner Sue & Joel Bjerkestrand Peggy Bjornson & Darrel Bjornson Jean Black Kristine Black & Jack O’Neal Kathy & Steve Blackwell Susan Blair Tara Blanc & Paul Blanc Carmela & Michael Blank Krystal & Thomas Blondin Rebecca & Donald Blue Kat & Armand Boatman Helen Bobince Teri Bobko Barbara P. Boehm Phylis & Gary Bolno Dawn Bolstad-Johnson & Mark Johnson William & Carol Bombeck Susan M. Bonfiglio Sandra & Charles Bonstelle Susan & Richard Bookspan Penny Boone & Brandon Wiggins Nancy & Blaine Bos Heather Foerstner & Sam Boston James D. Bottorff Susan Bourgault Barbara Bourque & David Dickey Tonya Bowes & Scott Attarian Mary & Doug Bowman Lyndall & Robert Boyce Cameron Boyd & Kelley Boyd Mary & Robb Boyd Carol & P. C. Boyle Sherrill Boyle Erin Bradham & Michael Weber Andrea & John Bradshaw & Edeltraud Common Lynn & John Bradway Jane Brady & Mandy Impson Linda Brady Mariko Bragg & Chris Bragg Jo & William Brandt Susan Brechbill & Jennifer Decker 20

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Karen Brennan & Erin Brennan Louise & Gregory Bridges Paula Brimhall Carolyn Bristo Chatman & Al Chatman Michael Brockman & William Clements Tammy Tyree & Daniel Brooks Cynthia Brouwer & Eric Pickney Barbara A. Brown Deborah Brown & Shara Fambrough Frances Brown Sandi & Herbert Brown Susan & Larry Brown Susan Brown & Charles Sorrels Alexis Browne Anne Bruce & Viana Bruce Shirley Bruns Mindy & John Brusky Glynis Bryan Donna Bublitz Mary & Brian Buckley Nancy Bull Mildred Bulpitt & Jane Merritt Judi & Ronald Bunda Marie & Paul Burgess Angela & Jeffrey Burke Barbara & Peter Burkholder Sue Ann & Tim Burns Alice & Peter Buseck Jodi & Gary Bushkin Joan & John Butler Karen & Ernie Butterfield Ulrike Cabrera & Barbara Cabrera Debra & Larry Cagle Sandra R. Cail Thomas H. Caldwell M. James Callahan Josi Callan & George Cole Anton Camarota Janie Campbell & Parshalla Wood Margaret Canright Sandra & Jose Cao Jennifer & Michael Caplan Patricia & Anthony Carbone Kristin & James Carkeek Deborah & Charles Carlise Samantha & Derek Carlson Jennifer Carr Sue & Jack Carroll William & Susan Cartmell Janice & Haig Cartozian Janet & Robert Casciola Rose Cassidy & Margaret DeFilippis Lauren Caster Holly Castle Mary Pickett & Paul Catanzariti Adriana & Riccardo Cavina Shalene Kirkley & Anthony Cea Mary & Paul Cederberg Wanda Lee Chapel Tammy Moerer & Brad Chapman Margaret Charles Sheila & Herman Charlip Kipp Charlton Christine & Brian Childree Roseann J. Chiulli Kathleen Chleborad & Betty Johnson Teresa & Glenn Chrispell Catherine N. Church Pamela Churchill Vera & Robert Ciancola Olivia Cicconi & Faith Klein Karin & David Cikra Amy & Spencer Clark Christina Clark Patricia & Paul Clark LuAnn & John Clarke Michelle & Henry Clarke Suzy & Rick Clarke Catherine Clausen Marilyn Clayton Wilma & Milton Clifford Mary L. Cochran Tonya Cockram & John Cockram Samuel & Muriel Coffman Carol Cohen Ann & Joseph Collins Carol & James Collins Lara L. Collins

Nola Collins Tanya Collins & Patricia Martin Lee Combs Karen Livingston & Larry Confer Suzanne & Peter Connolly Kimberly Connor Kimberly Conrad Carol Constantine & Greg Batton Duane Conwell Catherine Cook Jane A.S. Cook Marilyn Cook & James Cook David Coon Leih Cooper Marianne Cooper Zella Copley & Albert Copley Kate St. Peter & Dino Coppi Pat & Bill Corbin Monique A. Cordova Terry Cornelius Hector Coronado & Omeli Coronado Marilee Cosgrove & Tania Ruiz Nancy & James Cotterman Rhonda S. Couch Kathy Clark Couey & Paul Couey Jeannie Courtney Jennie & Jerry Cox Jim Cox Michael Cox Patricia Cox & Charles Cox Jane Elizabeth Crafter Barbara & Redmond Craig Darlene Craig Gary Craine & Michael Seaburgh Adriana Arminio & Michael Crincoli Margarita & Kevin Crisham Genevieve & Steven Crofoot Muriel Cronin Denise Walker & James Cross Jeanne & Jim Crowe Mary & Scott Crozier Jarien & Thomas Crumbley Diana & John Crummey Wendy & Michael Cummiskey Colleen M. Cunningham Lynne & Glen Cunningham Nicole & Peter Curren Paul Curtin Shelby & Dennis Cutter Halina Czerniejewski & Gary Sollars Peggy & Duane Dahlvang Marla Dailey Doris & Richard Dale Susan & A. Ennis Dale Heidi Dalhof Diane & Phillip Daspit Gerard D’Aunoy Sandy & Doug Davaz Mary & Mark D’Aversa Yvonne & Dennis Davirro Gerry & Curt Davis Dawn Davis Dolly Davis & Frances Davis Janice B. Davis Joan Davis Tristan Davis & Jacob Schmitt JoAnn Dawson Lori G. De Werd Marjorie Dean Pamela & Greg Dean Gerald Deetz Bette DeGraw Margie DeHaan & Mike Summers Jessica & Rick Deluca Brenda Dennert & Frank Agnone Deborah Jamieson & Scott DeWald Mary Dickman Fran & Paul Dickman Mary Jo & James DiDomenico Nancy & Bruce Digerness Linda Dillon & Stephen Hone Karen & Brian Divelbiss Shae & William Dixon David D. Dodge Jennifer & Michael D’Oliveira Sandy & Stephen Dorsett John Doss & Karen Berrigan Shannon & T. Kevin Douds Vonnie & Dean Douglas Susan & Joe Douglas

Cathy & Barry Downs Deidra & David Downs Jacqueline Doyle & Erin Dwiggins Iris Dozer Jim E. Drake, Jr. Susan & Terry Duffield Lois Duffy & Joseph Duffy Janine & Douglas Dunn Danielle & Thomas Durant Anne W. Durning Judy Miller & Wallace Dusenbury Tracy Pavlat & Andy Dybala Dorothy Dzbanko & Kay Petersen W. Dale Eagar Greg Early & Ken Cheuvront Susan Eaton Linda & Mark Eberle Vanessa & Lonnie Eckman The Edgar/Childers Household Merrilee Edwards Deborah & Sidney Edwards Suki & Fred Edwards Peggy & Denis Eggemeyer Janet & Darrell Elfeldt Linda & Robert Ellig Mary & Larry Ellingson Judith E. Elton Frances Emerson & Robert McClurg Kelly & Jeff Emme Cynthia Emmons Dennis Emond Jan Engel Kay England & Claude Rick Robert England Susan & Richard Engle Jo & Glenn Ensor Rebecca J. Erbe Julie Ernst Mary Ernst Ruann Ernst & Bill Riffle Lynn & Ron Etter Karen & Edward Fabritiis Dena & David Fackler Mindie & Mitchell Factor & Bradley Factor Ke Fang & Ya Huang Shailaja Koppolu & Elliott Farber Dorothy & Evert Farmer William G. Farrow Daniel R. Fecteau Suzanne & Richard Felker Cathy Felkey & Sharon Felkey Jan & Bert Fellows Mary L. Ferro Sarah & Fred Fickling Marva & Jerry Fife Augie Figueroa & Dave Smedstad Elizabeth & Scott Finefrock Ashley Fiore Melinda Fischer Gail B. Fisher Janis & Tom Fitch Jo Ellen & Robert Fitzgerald Eileen & Robert Flanagan John Fleckenstein Marian Fleming & R. Stephen Amato Susan Fleming Daphne & Dick Fletcher Kristina Floor & Christopher Brown Debra Flores Christine & Herbert Fluharty Ellen & Ed Flynn Jeanne & Deane Foote Susan Force & Kim Force Sandra & John Foreman Susan Forrister & Sandra Huppenbauer Shelly Forstrom & John Calhoun Rhonda & Christopher Forsyth Julie Cooper-Fortin & Ryan Fortin Rita & Bill Fose Julie D. Fosgate Cynthia E. Foss Evan Taber & Art Foxall Ann & Anthony Fraioli Meredith & Tyler Francis Joseph Frank Lillian Franklin & Keith Franklin & Wallace Vaine Nancy Bodinet & Todd Franks

Wayne Frasch Natalie & Sam Freedman Maggie & Kurt Freund Carolyn Friedman Carolyn & Tom Friese Ellen Frisch Ginny From & Sallie Goding & Allan Beaber CG Funk Ben Furlong Patricia & Thomas Gagen M. Lucille & George Gallery Carla Gallucci Megan & Joseph Galope Sherry & Josh Gamble Linda S. Gannon Mary Garbaciak Barbara & Stephen Garber Heidi & Greg Garcia Garden Educators Jane & Daryl Gardner Betty Gardner-Tuzzolino & Frank Tuzzolino Sue Garretson & Jennifer Hewit Loretta Garver Carol Gasser Harry Gate Sheri & Lee Gaugler Chong Webb & Erik Gault Christine & Daniel Geary Pam Ludwig & Richard Geiser Sharon Gentile Donna Gentry Carol & Paul Gerlach Mary & James Gibson Christine & Edward Giebel Marianne & Jeffrey Gilbert Meg Giles & Carlos Gantchoff & Dave Purcell Susan & Lewis Gima Marilyn Glasberg Debra Glasper Sharon & James Gleeson Helen & Butch Glispie Fran & Don Golden Sandra & Lawrence Golden Destiny & Michael Golder Lillian Goldfine Sonja & Isaac Gomez Ann & Gary Goodman Elizabeth & Grant Goodman CarolAnn & Gary Gorden Esther Gorgol Linda & Arnie Gorin

Warren Gorowitz Katherine & Joseph Gosiger Noel & Dan Gosnell Susan & Charles Goss Amy Jo & John Gottfurcht Carol Gould Mary Ann & Edward Gray Theresa Grebe & Louis Glass Deanne & John Greco Adam Green & Glenn Swartz Judy & John Green Teresa Green Sheryl & Avram Greenspan Shawna Greiner & Mike Marsaglia Joan & Gordon Griffes Marta & Curtis Griggs Lindsay Grizzle & Luke Demler Virginia & John Groendyke Cathy Franciosi & Rodney Groleau Lynn & Calvin Grout Mary Alyce & Charles Grube Angela & Richard Guerrerio Anne & Anthony Gully Cheryl & Stephon Gural Christopher & Patricia Guss & Margaret F. Donnelly Anne & Richard Gutekunst Kathy & Michael Haake Renee Haas & John Westman Sharon Harlan & Ed Hackett Tracy L. Haddad Jacqueline & Brent Haeg Lynne Haeseler Judi & Roland Hahn II Martha Haley Bonnye & Daniel Hall Helene & Ken Hall Jeanette Hall Mary & Mike Hall Lisa & Robert Halmi Katie & Josh Hamilton Pamela Hamilton & Hubert Horan Hilary R. Hamlin Nancy & Peter Hammond & Barbara Kovacs Sandra & Francis Hamon Kathleen & Robert Hand Frances Gray & Paul Handiboe Judy & Denton Hanford Sally Else & Neal Hansen Ann Walton & Robert Hansen Ellen & Norman Harai Fran & Kenneth Harder Joan & John Harding

75th Anniversary Honorees Barbara and Don Ottosen reveal their plaque in the Ottosen Entry Garden.

Anniversary Honorees Howard and Joy Berlin in the photo booth for the Anniversary Luncheon. Chela & Terry Harding Tabitha & Troy Harling Billie Jo Harned & Bobbi Jo Claywell Cynthia & John Harper Nancy & William Harrington Patricia & Taylor Harrison Janett & Larry Hartley Sandra & Paul Hartman Nancy & Jeffrey Harwin Joann Baxter & John Hasenmiller Victoria Haskins & James Haskins John M. Haugen Phyllis Hawkins Mary Ellen Dirlam & S. Mark Hay Marilyn Hayden Janet & Robert Healy Anne & Kevin Healy Janet & Dick Hearin Scott Hebets Karen & Howard Heck Joan O. Hedman Linda Hedrick Patty Hefner Mary Ann & Scott Hegstad & Michael Hegstad Claudia & Art Helfgott Susan & Richard Helzer Hanna & Kris Henderson Sharon L. Hendrickson Sue & Joe Hennelly Joe Henry & Joc Rawls Sheila Henry Sharla & Paul Hensiek Kim Herold Malcolm B. Herring Diana & William Herron Kathie Mundy & Fred Hessler Sally Hess-Samuelson Nicole Hickey Janice & Steve Hildebrand Kristan Hildebrandt Nancy Hill & Ginny Hill Robert & Anne Hilton Lynette & Douglas Himmelberger Nicole Darnall & Ashwin Hirani Cherylee & Steven Hirsch Linda Jakse & Paul Hirt Carmen Hoagland Alice Lohr & Louis Hobbs Susan & Steven Hobbs Melanie & Frank Hobden Cherylin & Bob Hodge Heidi & Doug Hodges Larky Hodges & Kip Hodges Karen & Robert Hodges Sue & Tom Hoecker Darrell Hoerter Meredith & Aaron Hofer Stephanie Hoffman & Tracy Hoffman Monika Hoffmann Martha Hogan-Koehn & Lawrence Koehn Gretchen & Lyle Hogg Joyce & John Hoie Linda Holden Pulaski & Alison Pulaski-Carter Rolla & Marline Holland Dolores & Paul Holley Sandra Holley

Gloria & Stuart Hollingsworth Douglas Holloway & Dave Riach Sharon Hollywood & Thomas Nellis Karen & Steve Honeker Linda B. Hooper Leah & Wayne Hoover Wipaporn & Jamey Hopkins Gene Hopp Carol & Jim Horvath Maureen & David Horwitz William Hosking Carole Hotz Alice Howard & Dianne Howard Jeanne & Bill Howard Bryan Howard & Brad Daughtry Frances Howard & Ed Blundon Dwight Howe Ruth Howe Peg Howerton Marilyn Hoyt Linda & Dennis Hrebec Colleen & Joseph Huber Cindie Hubiak Mathilde & Charles Huckins Mary & Thomas Hudak Linda & Frank Huff Sally & Fred Huff Kevin Hughes & James Tribbett Kathleen & Robert Hughes S. James Hughey Elaine & Steve Hull Sheryl Briesh Hume & Ralph Hume Patty Hunt & Kathryn Keplinger Karen & Barry Hunter Darla & Roger Hunter Suzanne S. Hurley Anne & Ford Hutchings Sally & Bob Hutchison Rita & Michael Hutt Winnie & Roger Hyde Florence & Roy Hyink Cheryl Ikegami & Mary Lindeman Pramod Immaneni Mary & Eric Inglett Elaine Isbell Nancy Halverson & David Isom Karen & James Iversen Maryann Ivons Carol & Sam Jackson Arlene Strom & Colin Jackson Kim & Trace Jacobs Linda James & Mike James Cynthia & A. Keith Jameson Janet & David Jan Judy & Peter Janes Mary & Richard Jankowski & Kristin A. Jankowski Michele & Stanley Jarocki Sue Frohman & Glenn Jenks Carole & Peter Jennings Susan & Mick Jepsen Billie Jobe Rosemary Joganic Frankie & Lawrence Johnsen Marsimary Johnsen Jana & Robert Johnson Jennifer Johnson Julie D. Johnson Linda Johnson

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013


Olinda Young & Martin Johnson Sally & Richard Johnson April Jones & Thomas Jones LeiAnne Jones Nancy & Steve Jones Joan & Helge Jordan William Jordan & Lisa DeHaven- Jordan & Camille DeHaven Mary Ann Jorgenson Sondra & George Juetten Kimberly & Chris Kahl Helen Kalish Dorinda J. Kalk Linda Kaplan Kathleen Karol Phyllis & Richard Karp Alice & David Katz Judy & Bart Kaufman Jeanne & Vincent Kauzlarich Jennifer & Jim Kayser Carol Ann & William Keane Erin Keefe Sandra Keely Charmaine & Mike Keena Karen & John Keilt Kat von Rhau & David Kell Ellen & Leonard Kennedy Mary & Rick Kenny Aloma & Earl Kern Marcia & Joseph Ketchum Liz & Grant Ketterman Leslie & Edward Kidner Linda V. Killmer Laura Stiglin & Ralph Kimball Owena King & Saundra Nicely Nancy & Ron Kinnard Betsy & John Kinter Ann Kinzig & Charles Perrings Stefan Kirchanski Monique Kistner Peggy Heine & Jared Klein Joyce & Paul Kline Jody R. Klingfuss Victor Howard & Uwe Klueppelberg

Gabriele Koschorke & Klaus Strzyzewski Diane & Dennis Kottke Therese Kowal & Karl Wiger Robbie Kraft & Carlan Kraft Dolores Krainski & Eugene Kernan Cheryl & Richard Krajewski Beth & Michael Kramer Allison & Howard Kravetz Susan Krecker Margie & Rob Kubasko Karen Kuecker & John Goranowski Janine & Lale Kuhn Susan & Duane Kullberg Vicki L. Kuntzelman Sue Yaffee & Neal Kurn Sharon & Zygmunt Kwasnica Connie & Alex Kyes Constance La Count & Richard Valenzuela & Beverly Hanson John Laabs & Scotts Kranzusch Adele LaBrie & William Harrison Lois Lackore Catherine Laffler Lynne A. Lagarde Armida Laidman & Caroline Robertson Anna Rosa Lampis & Jon Slaughter Ruth & Michael Lane Delight & Tim Lane Lorena Lanese Emma & Richard Lang Barbara Lang-Auffret & Alena Lyras April & Don Lange Suzanne Lansford Susan & Robert Lanting Debra & Marc LaPlante Nancy & Kevin LaPratt Aleyne & Maureen Larner Debra & Jim Larson Joyce Foster Larson & Arlyn J. Larson Karen J. Larson Lawrence R. Lathom Janet & Thomas Lathrop

Home away from home‌ thank you Desert Botanical Garden for wonder in EVERY season! ~ Facebook Post

Marcia Kneisley & John Shepherd Dean & John Knight Cass & Tony Knight LaVonne & Thomas Knuff Mary & Pete Koernig Susan Kolding & Jorden Kolding Susan & Mark Kolman Linda & Thomas Kolze Jennifer Steen & Jonathan Koppell 22

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Michael Latz Barbara Lavetter Ralie Lawrence & Tamsyn Cilliers Jane Lawson & Bruce Lawson Carolyn Lazar Anna & Rene LeBlanc Patricia Hance & Charles Lee & Julie Hance Lucinda & David Lee

Oonagh and John Boppart pose next to their Anniverary Honor Plaque in Boppart Courtyard at the 75th Anniversary Luncheon. Jane Lee Pauline Lee Ronda & Louis Leeburg Rich Legere Jeanette & Clay Leister Joanne & Scott Leith Donna Lenherr Kinney & Arthur Pearce Connie & George Leon Nancy & Robert Leon Mary Kay & William Leonetti Marlene & Paul Leono & Allison Leono Martin Lesniewicz & Gene Gardner Daisy & Michael Levitt Joanne Lewis Roylynne Bilugody & Stephen Lewis Jordin Leybold-Hansen & Michael Hansen Clare & Max Licher Janet & Arvid Liebe Rebekah & Dan Lieberman Linda Liguore & Bruce Werber V. L. Linam Elaine R. Lincicome Jacklin & Nils Lindfors Linda & Ralph Lindgren Christine Lindley Irene & Donald Lippard Nancy & James Lipscomb Lisa, Geoffrey & Matthew Lisk Stella & Daniel Loden Diana G. Loeffler Trish & Franklin Loffer Elizabeth Lonetti Gary Long Les Longino, Jr. Ray Longino Phyllis Lopp Zona Lorig Carol & Thomas Lory Leslie Lory & Wade Ketchum Beth & Robert Loughrige Barbara & Bill Loutos Patti McCaffrey Lowe & Kevin Lowe Joan & James Lowery Marcia & James Lowman Diane & Jim Lowry Janet Dittmer & David Luca Lynn & Alex Lucas Judith & Dan Lucas Mary Lucas Jean J. Luce Sandra & A. Daniel Luechtefeld Birgit & John Lurie Ann & Robert Lutz Susan Lynch Ann & Michael MacDonald Brenda Richards & David Macfarlane Charles Machuga Sandi Dukeman & Kenneth Mack Joan Mackay Barbara & John MacKellar Joy & William MacLean Barbara Macnider & Michael Sullivan Carolyn & Mitch Magee Rita Magee & James Magee

Lisa Maher & Walter Maher Debe & Bob Mahoney Mary Ann & Ted Maka Elizabeth & Paul Manera Deidre & John Mangum Susan & David Manje Martha & Jonathan Mann Mike & Sally Mann Susan M. Mann Gloria & Richard Mannel Christina E. Mansson Mary & Michael Manuel Janet Margrave & Nat Reyes Larissa Marinelli & Erika Wainman Karen & Paul Marischen Carolyn Marston & Julie Cullinan Kay Martens & Phil Cram Carol & Daryl Martin Sandra & Eugene Martin Janet & Stanley Martin Claudia Martinez Brenda & Josue Martinez Bonnie Mason & John Letchford Lynn & Dale Mason Tiffany & Bill Mason Mary Lou & Timothy Massal Makoto Matsumoto & Gary Dunham Sandi Mattingly & Matthew Schroeder Patricia Matus Janet Maurer & Marty Davis Gretchen & Michael Mavrovouniotis Judi & Alan Max Carolyn C. May Roxanna May Anita & Gregory Mayer Jennifer Worth & Thomas Mayer Karin & Michael McAreavy Robert McAtee Allison & James McCallen Janice McCarthy & Jim Thompson Joyce McClain & Melissa Sellers Lori McClelland & Kay McClelland Barbara McCloud Barbara & Sanford McCormick Rita & Hugh McCoy Donna & Richard McCullough S. Dennis McDonald Carol & William McDonald Hugh S. McDowell Sandra & David McEldowney Carol McElroy Mary Ann & Jack McElroy Loretta & John McEnroe Karen & John McFall Gean & Beverly McGrath Carol Jo & Thomas McGraw Christie McIsaac & Ellen McIsaac & Daniel McIsaac Margaret & Richard McKee Janet & John McKelvey Laura & Chris McKenzie Pamela & John McKinney Ruth & Douglas McKnight Shannon & Robert McLaren Ruth & Al McLeod Merrill McLoughlin & Michael Ruby

Nancy McMahon Bernardine & Preston McMurry Jane McNamara & Bob McNamara Priscilla McNeil Dale Kalika & Robert McPhee & Karl McPhee Merle Mcpherson & Archie Mcpherson Barbara & Clarence McQuillan Joseph Meeker Jennifer & Mrugendra Mehta Janet & John Melamed Joyce & John Melter Norma & Roy Mendivil Judith Mente & Kelly Alexander Cheryl & Robert Meriweather Bruce & Janis Merrill Metcalf/Mottley Household Virginia & Allen Metz Carolyn & Donald Metzger Cathy & Phillip Metzler Camille Miake Erum & Bilal Mian Kristin Tuccino & Chris Milburn Janice A. Milks Andrea & Dan Miller Brian Miller & Richelle Chelpka & Mark Miller Helen Miller Linda Miller Michael Miller Linda & William Miller Teresa & Ainsworth Mills Elena & Vasile Miron & Dorina Miron Debra & Rick Mishler Denise L. Missimer Debra & John Mitchell Sally & Scott Moffat Margaret & Charles Mohler Alison Molloy & Wade Nesmith Connie Mondry & Joel Mondry Frances & Adel Montasir Elaine & Scott Montgomery Donna Moog & Leonard Landsbaum Dorothy Moomaw & Cheryl Langenberg Gervaise Moran & Paul Kluzak Maryanne Morella E. Joan & Robert Morgan Cheryl & Ron Morgan Karin & James Morin Shirley & William Moroney Bonnie Morris Linda & Dillard Morris Patricia Morris Alan Morrison Judee & David Morrison Lisa & Trenton Morrow Nancy & Richard Mortimer Eunice Adrian & Edward Moticka Maryann Ayim & James Mullin Sharilyn Mumaw & Mel Kalkowski Rosalyn & Morton Munk Carol & Michael Murphy Lynette & Paul Murphy Charlene & Eric Murray Patricia & David Murrish Leonard Muscolino & Duane Althoff Nola Musser Margot Myers & Gordon Helm P. Jewel Nackard & Patrick Nackard Marcia Nadolny & Richard Nadolny Nancy & Charles Naeser Sandra Nagy & Ray Grey Carolyn & Satoshi Nakamura Ellen & Donald Nakano Mary Lynn Napier & Margaret Napier Carolyn & Carl Nau Theresa Naujack & Lee Hartwell Kate Navarro & Brad Petcavace Marty & Rich Negri Karen & Walter Nellis Candace & Jerry Nelson Judy & John Nelson Linda Nelson Van Nelson & Yuri Grevtsev Lainey Netzer & Sarah Spencer Paul Newton & Peter Coppock Shirley Lazo & Michael Niemira Julie & Gary Nitzkin Sherry & Joseph Noorlag Ellen E. Nordby

Jennifer & David Nore Barbara Norris Mark Norris & Gary Checkler Robyn & Kevin Northam Lorraine & Dave Northcott Mary & William Novotny Mary Ellen & Jan Nyland Verity & Harry Oberkfell Elizabeth O’Brien & Steven Emrick Melissa & Robert O’Connell Maria Oest & Ole Oest Susan Oetting Linda & Larry Offenberg Eve & Henry Ohlinger Susan K. Oliver Paula & David Oliverio Dawn & Mike Olsen Edith & Richard Olson Mairi Olvera Barbara & Bob O’Malley Mary Ellen Opalinski & Paulette Harar Kathie & Zsolt Orlay Rosemarie & Robert Orlick Nancy & Don Orr Sherry & Dane Ortner Victoria & Eric Ossowski Sarah & Scott Osteen Kimberlee Reimann Padilla & Amador Padilla George Page & Peggy Edgar & Kristin Holden Rachel & Allan Page Susie Pallan & Ellen Krause-Grosman Bobbi & R. Jay Palmer Susan Palmer-Hunter & Jim Hunter Rosemary & Ben Pampel Marilyn & Edward Pappas Tara & Thomas Parascandola Patricia & William Parfitt Kathy & Ron Parker Karyn Parks C. Diane & Richard Parnitzke Mary Ann & Overton Parrent Chris Parrish Virginia Patrella & Cheryl Kaufman Bonnie & Kenneth Pavkov George Payson & Gilman Alkire Marge & Ernie Pearson Marie & Ronald Pearson Mariana Peck Judith Pelham M. Pamela Penn Nicole Perry Pamela Perry & Henry Harding Beth Otterstein & Steven Peru Joanna Peters Lisa & Phil Petersen Margaret & William Petersen Bernalei Peterson Richard I. Peterson Frank Mendicina & Christa Petrone Doloris & Vincent Petroniero Cindy Crabtree & Tim Pettapiece Andrea Masters & Bruce Piasecki Doreen & David Picerne Judi Pimentel Cheryl Pinsonneault Bernie Pistillo Mark R. Pittelkow Bonnie Pixley & Don Pixley Malinda & Bernard Pleskoff Andria & James Plonka Ari Plosker Susan & Larry Plosker Helen Pohl & Kathy Pohl Denise & Eddie Poindexter Jan & Paul Polasky LaVerne Pompa Marcia & Charles Pooley Colleen Holland & James Pope Michele Porter & Barry Matlack Gail & Richard Poth Dora Potter & Kathryn McCutchan & Mary Beth Roden Cherrelyn & Gary Potter Karen & Gary Powell Ellen & Burt Pressman Jan Price Anne & David Prine Donna & John Prinz Traci Pritchard

Andra & Peter Privert Jane Proctor & Lyle Frederickson Norma & John Purdy Krista Puruhito Christy Pylman Patricia & Leonard Quadracci Carol & Tom Quijada Melinda Quinn Wilda Joy Radcliff & Sid Lee Maxine & Michael Radtke Patrice Doctor & Patrick Rakers Theresa & Robert Rakowsky Beth & Marvin Rallison Edgar A. Ralston Pearlette Ramos & Art Hamilton Judy Rand & James Peterson Shirley J. Randolph Amanda Rangel Kimberly & Anthony Rao Lana & Chris Raptoplous Dorothy & Martin Recchuite Patsy Redmond Linda Vance & Larry Reed Terri & Bill Reeves Teri & Timothy Regan Claire Reid & Gail Gittleson Fiona C. Reid & Jodi O. Padgett Kenneth F. Reinert Debbie & Rick Reitz Jennifer Retterer Holly & Charles Reynolds Adeline & Scott Rhodes Stuart Rice & Patrick Hanson Caroline & James Riggins Rebecca Ripley & Tara Swinehart Leon Ritchie Toni Figueroa & Paul Rittscher Dawn Rivera & Albert Rivera Robbins Household Linda Roberts Zin Carole Roberts & Frank Roberts Rhiannon Rawling & Christopher Roberts Martitia & Joel Roberts Scot Roberts & Daniel Fisher Ernest B. Robinson Rebeca Garcia & Julio Rodriguez Kathleen A. Roediger Jean & John Roehrs Mary Romero & Eric Margolis Lynn & Mark Roosa Diane & Paul Root Karen Roots & Leora Roots Jordan & Jason Rose Jane Rosenfeld & Stacey Rosenfeld Nicole & Andrew Rosenthal Patricia Carter & Craig Roth Marcia & Paul Roth Arleen & Gus Rozycki Jane & David Ruby Alexandra & Charles Rucker Jenny & Theodore Rudberg Hai & Aaron Rudd Robin & Tim Ruecker Mary L. Ruhl Norma Ruiz & Melissa Robbins Cliff Running Debra Cavanaugh & James Russell Barbara & Ted Ryan Sharon L. Ryan Margaret & Ormal Saathoff Beth Saiki-Olsen & Ginny Saiki Barb & Ken Sakshaug Elizabeth Salamandra Susan Salamone & JoAnn Dean Shirley & Anthony Sallas Kenneth W. Salt Donna & Jim Sampanes Robert Sanderson Sherilyn & Joseph Sandor Stephanie Sandor Susan & Bill Sands Lalitha Sankar & Siva Rajagopalan Morgan Sankin & Todd Newman Emily & Mike Santellanes Linda R. Santoro Yvonne Sappenfield Martha Spruell & Charles Sargent & Retta Kelly Vernonica Sas & Sandra Sas Robert Sassano

Jane & Steve Savidant Catherine Sawner Linda & Clif Sawyer Joan & William Sawyer Dana Saylor Judith & David Sbragia Margaret & Charles Scarrott Dianne Murphy & Donald Schaefer Sally Williams & Cy Schaeffer Elaine Schaffer Linda Schahn Michele Scheiner-Raskin & David Raskin Adrienne & Charles Schiffner Joan & Lloyd Schill Carol & James Schmidt Ron Schmidt Trisha & Richard Schmidt Judy & Bill Schmitt Alexa & Jay Schneider Anne Schneider Elizabeth Schneider & Connie Orendorff Ann Schneidman Wilda & Alfred Schommer Lyrna S. Schoon

Volunteers in the Garden Gene Almendinger and Shirley Bekey, also a 75th Anniversary Honoree, have fun in the photo booth at the Anniversary Luncheon. Elinor Ann Schottstaedt & Frances Royal Marilyn Schrab & Laura Holub Jane Schroeder & Maureen Harrop Susan Schubert Virginia Schuff Cheryl & Roger Schwab Karen & David Schwalm Elsa Schwenker Tracy Denmark & Marc Schwimmer Randi Scobie Chloe & Brad Scott Linda Scott Margerie Green & Keith Scoular Kristin Searle & Nancy Searle Barbara Walchli & Larry Seay Bonnie & John Sebright Carol & Ken Seidberg Enid & Michael Seiden Mary Seidler Pamela & Steve Seiler Karen & Robert Sell Ingeborg & Donald Senuta Judith & L. A. Shafkind Gayle Shanks & Bobby Sommer Sandra & Patrick Shannahan Joan & William Shapiro Joyce & F. DeArmond Sharp

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013


JoAnne & Donald Shaw Rebekah & Conrad Shehan & Carol Crutchfield Gayle Shenson Patricia Shenton & Tonya Zemke Debbie Shepard Tammy Shepard Isabelle Figuera & John Sheppard Barbara & Scott Sherbondy Sandra & Donald Sherline Carol & Michael Sherwin Loretta & Donald Shields Linda & Gerald Shields Marianne Shields & Rebecca Shields Victoria Shimp Nancy & Wayne Shippy Lynn Idzikowski & Laurence Shoda Kathleen & Maurice Shoger Carol & Wade Shrader Lynn Silber & Martin Biegelman Judith Silva Marlene & Richard Simmons Evelyn & Daniel Simon Jennifer Simone Diane & Jay Simons Diljeet Singh Frances Sjoberg & Gail Browne Ann & David Skender Ella Slade & Richard Slade Madeleine & Gary Slama Linda & Charles Slinghoff Terri & John Sloan Meredith & Karl Slosberg Anne Smith Corinne & Art Smith Christine & Barry Smith Claudia & Brian Smith Joyce & James Smith Karen E. Smith Patricia & Kenneth Smith Laura Fisher Smith Patricia Smith Spencer Smith Marcia & William Smith Joyce & Casey Smitheran Jo Ann Snyder & Kristi Snyder Kathleen & Walter Sobera Jeanette & Michael Socaciu & Meaghan Socaciu

Sharmen Soderstrom Liz & Chris Sokolowski Marianne & Kurt Solem Mindy & Guy Solie Marilyn & Jim Sollenberger Cindy & Richard Sonstelie Richard Sourant & Wilson Jones Deb Sparrow Laura & Kenneth Speer Gloria Spencer Karen Beckvar & David Sprentall Linda Staalberg Jo Ann Stalcup Linda & David Stallings & Jordyn Hurley Pauline Staples & Elizabeth Brandt Rebecca & Philip Stapleton Alexandra Stark Joann Staron & Dag Reppen Becky & John Starta Stephany Steele-Fajkowski & Henry Fajkowski Kathleen Stefanik & Stephanie McGrath Gale Steinhauser Charlene & Gordon Stelting Louanne Stephens Alicia & Randy Sterna Steven Sternke John Stevens & Thomas Caldwell Kathy Stevens & Anthony Leverock & Nancy Caroli M. Theresa Stevens Susan & Patrick Stevens Rebecca Stewart & Steve Lamberty Susan & Mark Stodola Kyle & Mike Stoeckmann Julie & Michael Stone Maree Stone Rhaenel & Daniel Stone Cindy & William Storr Carol J. Stotko Doug Stotko Adrian Strank & Christopher Strank & Jennifer Strank Cathleen & William Strauch & Krista R. Strauch Olga & James Strickland Nisha Chandra-Strobos & Jur Strobos

Visitors in the Garden during the Celebrate 75 weekend enjoying the Butterfly Pavilion. 24

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Helga & Charles Stubner Barbara & James Sturdivant Cheryl Sucato Marie Sullivan & Thomas Hoidal Kim & David Summers James Suver Lauren Svorinic Phyllis Swan Mary Sweeney Vicky J. Sweeney Patricia D. Swindle Carolyn & Richard Szatkowski Mary Ann Szulinski & Lon Reiman Tomoko & Akira Takiguchi Joan & Richard Taras Selma & Jerome Targovnik Margaret Taylor & Floyd Gonella Haig G. Tchamitch Amy O’Loughlin & Kip Teaford Phyllis Primas & Leonard Teicher Eleanor Temple Larrilee & Len Templeton Inge Terpening Judeen & Andrew Terrey Louise Tervo & Lisa Tervo Allen Thomas Karen & Tom Thomas Linda & John Thompson Deborah & Randy Thompson Janet & Eric Thor Gayle & Michael Thorneycroft Elizabeth Tierney Thomas Tinghitella & Eric Lewis Brenda Tinius Dorothy Titcomb Cara & Patrick Tole Donna & Steven Tolman Dorothy Tolzman Shayne & Yukon Tomisato Sarah & David Tompkins Debbie & Steven Tonissen & Minnee Tonissen Deborah & John Toon Michael J. Toon Richard Tornabene Cindy & John Torseth Sammy & Leroy Townsend Carmen Traill & Janet Traill Lynette & Hal Tritel Dotty & Wayne Tucker Kimberly & Charles Tuomi John Turbridy Edgar Turcotte Rosamond & Thomas Turnbull Leslie & Scott Turner Gwen & David Twyver Kathleen & George Tyson Jo Ann Fahnestock & Serdar Uckun Janet Uderjohn Terry & Jim Uffelman Andrea Umlas & Greg Poulos Jane Vahle Eileen Vaiente Kathy & Thomas Van Arsdale Esperanza & Wayne Van Den Boom Jill & Joe Van Dierendonck Melody & George Van Ess Laura Van House Betty Van Noy & Amy Otolski Gerrilyn Vande Hoef & Janis Snyder Courtenay VanDenburgh Dorothy & Neal Vandenburgh Elsie Vargo & Thomas Goetz Suzanne Vaughan Eva Veach & Rex Cordt William A. Verdini Mary Versosky Deborah & Frederick Vinsen Martha Vizcaya Debbie & John Voris Naidu Vos & Jeff Klein & Elisa Matallana James Wagner & Wilmar Prinsen Sandra Weiss & Philip Wahls Ronnie Ann & Abbott Wainwright Laurie & David Waite Christy Vezolles & Gilbert Waldman Linda & William Walker Nancy Walker & Sally Lynch Jackie & John Wallace

Nancy & William Wallace Tatiana Walsh Jacqueline & Jay Walston Janice Wander-Schoen & Richard Schoen Elaine Cardwell & Kerry Wangberg Stephenie Ward Terri & Stephen Ware Patricia & Thomas Ware Carol & Robert Warren Linda Potts & Marty Warren Deborah Nye & Bruce Washburn Kathleen & Jack Watson Michelle & Allan Watts Alex Waugh Kathryn Wavrik & Richard Wavrik James Webber Barbara Weber Kelly & Todd Weber Margaret Turk & Robert Weber Barbara Webster Debra Webster William Weese Debora Davies & Howard Weinstein Amy & Larry Weiss Deborah Weisz & Naomi Weisz Nancy Welch & Christopher Herbert Bonita & Roger Wellington Crystal & Robert Wells Adrienne Welsh & David Rose Amanda & Chris Wentland Renee & Kenneth Wentworth Michelle Wentworth & Andrew Grabowski Diane Werth & Allan Manalan Denise Wessel Sarah & Ethan Wessel Kathy & Jerry West Susan & David Weston Susan Westover Helen Wetzel Shirley & Garret Weyand Nancy White Diane & Richard White LaRae & Milton Whitehead Noelle Whitestone MaryJo Whitfield Kathryn & Preston Whitt Ruth Wiebe-Tanner & Roland Tanner Constance & James Wiggins Sue Wilcox Patti & Gary Wilhelm Mary Wilkening Lisa Wilkinson-Fannin & Robert Fannin Brenda & Bill Willcox Henrietta & Thomas Williams Lela Williams Linda & Jim Williams Mary Williams & James Woods & Melissa Williams Patricia & Fred Williams Penny Williams Megan & Richard Williams Demie & Robert Williams Shirley Williams & Ron Williams Julie & Ron Williamson Paula & Bob Williamson Elaine & Richard Wilson Mary & Donald Wilson Daniel Winarski & Donna Winarski & Tyson Winarski Heather & Jeff Wincel Patricia Wine Lorita Winfield Erin & Keith Winters Susan & James Winterton Peggy & Robert Withers Lois Wolfe Lois Wolff Dustin Wolkis Madeline Wollmer Bobbie & Donald Wood Pamela & Gary Wood Dierdre & Ben Woodruff Jeanette Smith & Walter Wright Mary & James Wurgler Carol Wurzell & B. Sue Smith Loretta & Charles Yager Eduarda & Ronald Yates

Volunteers in the Garden President Archer Shelton and his wife Janie at the Anniversary Luncheon. James P. Yeager Patricia & Douglas Yeo Nancy & Ken Young Kay A. Young-Larson Sue Bartolucci & Eugene Zameda Mr. and Mrs. James Zemer Diana & Joseph Zerella Ms. Pam Ziegler Tamera & John Zivic Susan & Mark Zolno Dorothy Zusman


The Desert Botanical Garden is honored to acknowledge the following individuals as members of the Sonoran Circle as of March 15, 2014. These donors have thoughtfully included the Garden in their estate plans. * Those whose gifts have been realized. Anonymous (54) Diane Abe Susan E. Ahearn Rebecca Ailes-Fine & Peter S. Fine Gail & John Allan Mary Jo & Gene Almendinger Donna G. & Mason E. Anderson Lou Ella Archer* Rev. Talitha J. Arnold Billie Jane Baguley* Kate Baker Judy & Webster Baker Kate & Greg Bakkum Valerie Banks Diane Barker Lewis Barnard, Jr.* David Barnett Judy & Larrie Bates Robert A. Beane Patricia Beauvais Trust* Shirley & Thomas Bekey Sandra & Ralph Benell Myrna & Charles Berger Jean M. Besich Gail Bliss Marty Blood Oonagh & John Boppart Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bowers Nancy Broerman & Joyce Rolfes Dr. Joy C. Bunt Rebecca Lynne Burnham Jane Burtnett

Barbara Busse* Spiro Cakos Trust* Vera A. Carpenter Trust* Joy & Craig Clifford Lee Baumann Cohn Shelley Cohn & Mollie C. Trivers Patricia Wentworth Comus & Louis F. Comus, Jr. Harry R. Courtright Carol & Richard Crane Jerome W. Daub* Bernadette & Dean DeAngelis Diana Decker Bill & Donna Dehn Patricia Dickerman* Rachel K. Dirkse Trust Liscum Diven* Mary Heiss & Harold Dorenbecher Heather & Richard Dohrwardt Marilyn & H. Cliff Douglas Marion & Jim Durham Ruth & Merlin DuVal Beverly & Paul Duzik Lucille B. Earle* Barton Faber & Elizabeth Byrnes Alice Feffer* Diana & Mark Feldman Mary Ferro Virginia & Ernest Ferry* Corleah S. Fiery* Sylvia E. Forte* Kelcey Fry Marty Furbee* Drs. Deborah & Michael Gilman Rose & Harvey Goertz* Susan & Richard Goldsmith Elaine & Dan Gruber Delbert J. Harr Lexine & Jeff Hebets Frank Hennessey* Florence L. Hinshaw * DeAnne & Mike Holt Charles A. Huckins William Huizingh Nancy & Ken Husband Dorothy D. & James L. Jones* Wilson Jones, Jr. & Richard Sourant Jane Jozoff Cheryl E. Kantor* Melissa A. Kemp Raymond W. Kemp Betty & Samuel Kitchell Mari & Frank Koerner Debra Korobkin* Virginia Korte Arthur N. Krein* Florence Arlene Kriz Trust* The Kulow Family Trust Madge Kunkel Dr. Marta Labus Terri Laird-Newton Kent D. Levine Dorothy Lincoln-Smith & Harvey K. Smith Ann & Michael Linnett Fran & Dale Linowski Annelise Loeser* Beth Meyer Lohse & Rolf Lohse Estelle & Paul Lorah* Shirley & Douglas Lowe Jonathan Marshall* Mildred F. May* Kathleen McKenzie Scott B. McMahon Patricia A. & John K. Meinert Betty & Denny Mitchem Marta L. Morando Lorene D. Mullineaux* Kathy & Chuck Munson Patricia Anne Murphy* Arthur R. Murray* Marcia D. & Richard W. Nadolny Sherry New Susan D. Noack Sandra Ochterbeck Carolyn & Mark O’Malley Deborah & Benedict Ornburn Opal Oyaas* Karen & David Paldan

Rosellen & Harry Papp Mathilda M. Parker Kathleen Passey* Craig Pearson Joel Prescott* Darra Rayndon Doris Redlin Nancy & Robert H. Rheinlander* David J. Ritchie James Roche Mary Romero & Eric Margolis Jo Rose & Cynthia A. Rose Diane G. Roush Wallis Rae Rozga C. Bryan Ruth & Susan K. De Simone Leontine Sassell* Scott T. Schaefer Carol Schilling Ruth K. Schonthal* Kenneth J. Schutz Geri Ann Sefton Susan E. Shattuck Don Shaw Janie & Archer Shelton Gene Skutack Glenda Springer Janet & Jeri Stiles Carolyn Stout Tish & Barry Stuecker Dan Suhr Nancy Swanson Marilyn Swoboda Nikolaus Tendler


The Garden is proud to acknowledge the following businesses and foundations for making annual gifts to support the Garden’s research, education, conservation, and exhibition programs


Institute of Museum and Library Services Microsoft Corporation

$50,000 - $99,999

The Arizona Republic Blue Cross® Blue Shield® of Arizona KTVK 3TV | | KASW CW6/61 The National Science Foundation Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture

$20,000 - $49,999

Act One Foundation APS Foundation BMO Harris Bank Bureau of Reclamation The Dorrance Family Foundation Herbert H. and Barbara C. Dow Foundation Fabulous Food Fine Catering & Events Hensley Beverage Company

Students loved the patient, interesting tour guides and all of the fun activities. They also enjoyed the artwork and beautiful plants throughout the Garden. ~S onoran Desert Adventure teacher survey

Bruce C. Thoeny Shari & Ben Thompson Michael J. Tucker Carol & Bob Tulk Ethel Twitchell* H. W. VanLoo* Irene H. Vasquez Kathleen & Bruce Weber Gertrude Webster* Betty B. Weinert* Virginia A. Weise Willard E. White Gary R. Wolkovits Eugenia I. Wright* Karen Wyndelts Sylvia D. Yoder

Intel Corporation JPMorgan Chase The Fred Maytag Family Foundation SRP SRP EarthWise U.S. Bank/ U.S. Bank Foundation Walton Family Foundation

$10,000 - $19,999

Arizona Community Foundation Arizona Department of Agriculture Art Solutions & Installations, LLC Aventura Catering Ballet Arizona The Boeing Company Bureau of Land Management Chipotle Mexican Grill The Ferry Family Foundation First Solar, LLC

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013


We received such positive feedback from the guests who attended our event. The ambiance and customer service is outstanding. The staff is amazing to work with and we truly enjoyed the entire alle del Sol experience. ~ V

Freeport-McMoRan Foundation® Haddock Stanton Foundation T. W. Lewis Foundation Louis Foundation, Inc. Northern Trust, N.A. Media Buying Services ON Media The Ottosen Family Foundation P.S. Studios, Inc. Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust Quest Drape Santa Barbara Catering Company Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. US Airways Wells Fargo Private Bank

Davison Benefits Group, Inc. Deloitte & Touche LLP Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Illinois Tool Works Foundation Jim Sudal Ceramic Design Maricopa Audubon Society Thunderbirds Charities Toledo Community Foundation Venue Projects: Kitchell-Perez, LLC

Paycom Payroll, LLC Rancho de los Caballeros Rancho Soledad Nurseries The R. Ruth Foundation Schmitt Jewelers Singh Farms, LLC Tarbell’s Restaurant Two Plates Full Waldorf Astoria Chicago Young’s Market Company

In Honor of Favour Slater Josephine & Donald Heslep In Honor of Myra Spiegelman Joel Ritter In Honor of Lauren Svorinic Development Friends In Honor of Bob and Helen Winkel Ruth Wicker

Memorial Gifts In Memory of James R. Brown and Sarah H. Sutton Brown Arizona Riches Jan Engel In Memory of Gwen Chaiken Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Carolyn Conarroe Bach’s Cactus Nursery, Inc. Ann Jackel Capital Group Companies Judith & Winston Lee Columbine Garden Club Stephanie Pretzer David Michael Miller Associates $5,000 - $9,999 William Weese Desert Way Gardens 7033 First Avenue, LLC In Memory of Royalie Freistrofer Durant’s After Hours Creative Bruce Heatwole Ewing Irrigation and American Realty Capital Landscape Products Laura Lowe Properties, Inc. Flower Street Urban Gardens Susan & Robert Lucas Arizona State University College Ronald Schulz Honeywell International of Liberal Arts & Sciences Charity Matching Pauline & Tim Thomas Arizona Taste Catering, Inc. Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Richelle & Frank Tomkins BDG Landscape Maintenance Resort & Spa In Memory of Nadine Martin Cable One, Inc. Hyatt Regency Philadelphia Garden Educators Cohn Financial Group, LLC at Penn’s Landing Katia Nero Discount Tire Co., Inc. Veronique Seguin Integrity Tree Service, Inc. The Garden Club of America In Memory of Rita McPherson J.W. Harris Inc. Gertrude's Meredith & Brian Butz Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego Globe Foundation $500 - $1,249 In Memory of Myrna Morgan mdzPLANNINGGROUP LLC Greenberg Traurig, LLP Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa Gillian Richards-Young Scottsdale Marriott at Hirtle Callaghan McDowell Mountains In Memory of Joseph A. O’Vary Arizona Ranch Furniture Kutak Rock LLP Southwest Home & Garden LLC Carol O’Vary Arizona Wholesale Growers Inc. The Lagreid Family Foundation Valerianne In Memory of John Spitzer Ben Franklin Press, Inc. M Catering by Michael's Anne Spitzer Vallone Design, Inc. Erma Bombeck Memorial Fund Meridian Bank, N. A. In Memory of Mary L. Steffen Western Tree Company Casino Arizona My Sister's Closet Cesar Mazier Landscaping & Wild Birds Unlimited Kristen Steffen National Bank of Arizona Consulting, Inc. In Memory of Dorothy Stulen Pearson & Co. Christine Sutherland Fine Art Terry & Gene Filewicz The Phoenix Business Journal Britt Glaunsinger Classic Cooking Academy Corp. Phoenix Home & Garden Magazine TRIBUTES Jess & Al Johnston Cosanti Foundation PourMasters, Inc. Honor and memorial contributions Avi Ray-Chaudhuri Creative Plants Prudential Financial are used to support the Desert Leslee & Dave Russell Desert Tree Farm Ryan Companies US, Inc. Botanical Garden’s horticulture, Bonnie & John Sebright Event Network Ryley, Carlock & Applewhite, P.C. exhibits, education, and research Mary Sliker Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale Sound Lighting FX, Inc. programs. These contributions have at Troon North Stellar Capital Management LLC been received from December 16, 2013 Patty & Kenneth Smart The Gelato Spot Marcia Viezens Susich Design Company through March 15, 2014: In Memory of Oscar Thatcher Golub Capital UMB Bank Oonagh & John Boppart Grand Canyon Trust Un-Cruise Adventures Honor Gifts United States Department of Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa In Honor of Brett Anderson & Grand Hyatt Seattle Agriculture Forest Service, Andy Baron IN-KIND DONORS Greater Milwaukee Foundation Kaibab National Forest The AndersonBaron Team Listed below are donors who have Make-a-Difference Fund Versant Capital Management, Inc. In Honor of Joy Bunt, MD, Phd made gifts valued at $150+ from Greenaid Seedbombs Weatherup Family Foundation Susan M. Bonfiglio Holler & Saunders Ltd., Inc. Wiseman and Gale Interiors NIDDK/NIH Clinical Research March 16, 2013 through March 15, 2014: JPMorgan Chase Foundation Section for Diabetes & Obesity Anonymous Donor Kevin Caron Studios L.L.C. $2,500 - $4,999 In Honor of Brooke Coakley Susan & William Ahearn Kornegay Design, LLC Airpark Signs & Graphics Patricia & Fred Williams Rebecca Ailes-Fine & Peter Fine La Fonda On the Plaza Arizona State University, In Honor of Jan Conn’s birthday Gene Almendinger Levi Catering & Bakery, Inc. School of Life Sciences Linda Carlson Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa Levin Family Charitable Foundation Atlasta Catering Service, Inc. In Honor of Tom Gatz Arizona Game and Fish Dept. Meant2Be Events Bruce Brown Catering Weeders Garden Club Arizona Ranch Furniture Morningside Foundation Can-Do Fund In Honor of Martha Hunter & Arizona Riches Mountain States Wholesale Nursery Central Arizona Cactus and Charlie Henderson’s Wedding Arizona State University, The Bill Muster Foundation Succulent Society Andrea & Jerry Lewkowitz Nowell Tree Farm Chihuly Studio In Honor of Charles “Carlos” Oldham School of Life Sciences Arizona Taste Catering, Inc. Paletas Betty Classic Party Rentals Malcolm Mathes Arizona Wholesale Growers Inc. Paradise Distributing Clelland Family Foundation In Honor of Rose & Harry Papp Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Resort & Spa Creations in Cuisine Catering Marina Henderson & William Read


Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013

$1,250 - $2,499

Arid Zone Trees Aveda Bank of America Barrio Cafe Bismarkia, Inc. Center for Plant Conservation DOXA Central, LLC Dye Family Foundation Environmental Fund for Arizona Fennemore Craig, P.C. The Maurice R. and Meta G. Gross Foundation Hyatt Regency Phoenix at Civic Plaza Kick Ass Kakes Les Gourmettes Cooking School Polsinelli PC Rayndon & Associates, PLC Razoo Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Sprinkles Cupcakes Inc.

$250 - $499

Art Solutions & Installations, LLC Atlasta Catering Service, Inc. Patricia H. Auch Aventura Catering Azalea Decor and Gifts Bach’s Cactus Nursery, Inc. Ballet Arizona BDG Landscape Maintenance Shirley & Thomas Bekey Ben Franklin Press, Inc. Connie & Jim Binns Bismarkia, Inc. The Boeing Company Botanicals in Clay Dennis Bourgeois Bouton & Foley Interiors Bruce Brown Catering Janet Bull & Nicholas Bull Virginia Cave Cesar Mazier Landscaping & Consulting, Inc. Chihuly Studio Chipotle Mexican Grill Christopher Jagmin Design Civano Nursery Classic Cooking Academy Corp. Classic Party Rentals Cotton Country Jams Creations in Cuisine Catering Creative Plants Crudo Dan’s Frame & Art Gallery David Michael Miller Associates Desert Tree Farm Desert Way Gardens Do Me A Favor Daniel Dobbin Donovan’s Steak & Chop House Durant’s Eddie Zaratsian Custom Florals & Lifestyle Carolina Escobar Ardie & Stephen Evans Event Network Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Products Fabulous Food Fine Catering & Events Fannin Interiors Flower Street Urban Gardens Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North Fry’s Food & Drug Stores Ursula & Ram Gangadean Thomas Gatz The Gelato Spot Gertrude’s Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa Grand Hyatt Seattle Greenaid Seedbombs Harkins Theatres Lexine & Jeff Hebets Lorean Hernandez Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas Holland Boone Home Holler & Saunders Ltd., Inc. Julie Huffman & Mark Hughes Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa Hyatt Regency Philadelphia at Penn’s Landing Hyatt Regency Phoenix at Civic Plaza The Inn at Montchanin Village & Spa Intel Corporation J.W. Harris Inc. Jackson Limousines Jamie Herzlinger Interiors Jim Sudal Ceramic Design John Brooks Inc. JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa Elizabeth Katz Lynn Kennedy Kevin Caron Studios L.L.C. Kick Ass Kakes Kitchell Interior Design Associates Kornegay Design, LLC Carole & Richard Kraemer KTVK 3TV | | KASW CW6/61

La Fonda On the Plaza Melissa & Ted Lagreid L’Amore Restaurant Les Gourmettes Cooking School Levi Catering & Bakery, Inc. Jan & Tom Lewis Gaye Linch M Catering by Michael’s Robert E. MacNeil Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego Mary Helen Mason Barb & Jeff McCarty Kimberlie McCue & Michael Olson Tahnia & Jeffrey McKeever Meant2Be Events Meridian Bank, N. A. Michael Dominick’s Lincoln Ave Prime Steakhouse Microsoft Corporation Adrienne & Paul Morell Sara & J. L. Peter Morgan Renee & Philip Moulthrop Mountain States Wholesale Nursery Debra Muilenberg Kathy & Chuck Munson Kaye Murphy Neiman Marcus John Norton Nowell Tree Farm Lewis Oliphant Karen & David Paldan Paletas Betty Paradise Distributing Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Resort & Spa Paul’s Ace Hardware Pearson & Co. Laura & Dan Perin Phoenix Precast Products Inc. Plants for the Southwest Peter Plesinger PourMasters, Inc. Quest Drape Rancho de los Caballeros Rancho Pinot Rancho Soledad Nurseries Rayndon & Associates, PLC The Ritz-Carlton Santa Barbara Catering Company Scott Schaefer Schmitt Jewelers Willa & Barry Schneider Kenneth J. Schutz Scottsdale Marriott at McDowell Mountains Searsucker Scottsdale Singh Farms, LLC Sound Lighting FX, Inc. Southwest Home & Garden LLC Carolyn & John Stuart Susich Design Company Christine Sutherland Kathleen & Steven Taddie Tarbell’s Restaurant Arthur Tiedemann Tomaso’s Treillage at Scottsdale Marketplace Troon North Golf Club Two Plates Full Un-Cruise Adventures US Airways Valerianne Vallone Design, Inc. Wag ’N Wash Waldorf Astoria Chicago Joan Waters WaterWise Botanicals Wednesday Welder Western Tree Company Whitfill Nursery Richard Whitney Who! International Designs Wiseman and Gale Interiors Young’s Market Company We attempt to ensure the accuracy of our donor’s names. If you note an error or omission, please contact Paula Crawford at 480 481.8193.

Actress Patti Hannon brought our founder Gertrude Divine Webster to life during our 75th Anniversary. On behalf of the founders of the Garden we thank you for 75 years of support!


Front cover Pages 2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 25, and 26 Back cover CHIHULY STUDIOS

Page 4



Page 7 Budding Botanists SHANNON FEHLBERG

Page 7 Echinocereus arizonicus ERIKA OLSON

Page 7 Budding Botanists


Page 5 school group

Page 8 Bennett Dorrance, Cassie, Barbara and Terri Weisz, and Dr. Lattie Coor Page 10 Barbara Hoffnagle Page 21 Barbara and Don Ottosen Page 22 Oonagh and John Boppart



Page 5 student Page 17 Dr. Kimberlie McCue Page 24 Butterfly Exhibit DAVID PORTILLO

Page 6 Carol Schilling, Trustee, Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust DARRYLEE COHEN

Page 6 Cliff and Marilyn Douglas Page 10 Craig Clifford Page 18 Tom and Jan Lewis

Page 9



Pages 17, 19 , 20, 21, 23 , 25 , and 27

Desert Botanical Garden ANNUAL REPORT 2013



The Garden’s commitment to the community is to advance excellence in education, research, exhibition and conservation of desert plants of the world with emphasis on the Southwestern United States. We will ensure that the Garden is always a compelling attraction that brings to life the many wonders of the desert.

1 2 0 1 N o r t h G a l v i n P a r k w ay | P h o e n i x , A r i zo n a | 8 5 0 0 8 -3 4 9 0 | 4 8 0 9 41 .1 2 2 5 | d b g . o r g The Desert Botanical Garden Annual Report 2013 is also available at

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