Wildflower List for Desert Wildflower Trail

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Harriet K. Maxwell Desert Wildflower Trail Check the flowers on this list to remember the ones you like. The plants on this list are commonly available at the Desert Botanical Garden plant sales or at nurseries specializing in desert-adapted plants.

Yellow / Orange Desert marigold Golden fleece Brittlebush Mexican Gold Poppy

Baileya multiradiata Thymophylla pentachaeta Encelia farinosa Eschscholzia californica ssp. mexicana Chocolate Flower Berlandiera lyrata Angelita Daisy Tetraneuris acaulis other __________________________________ ________________________________________

other ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

Red / Pink Fairy duster Calliandra sp. Chuparosa Justicia californica Wishbone Bush Mirabilis californica Penstemon Penstemon sp. Autumn sage Salvia greggii other __________________________________ ________________________________________

Blue/ Violet Desert lupine Lupinus sp. Desert bluebell Phacelia campanularia Ruellia Ruellia peninsularis Goodding’s verbena Glandularia gooddingii Scorpion weed Phacelia tanacetifolia Owl’s clover Castilleja exserta other __________________________________ ________________________________________

White/ Cream Blackfoot daisy Melampodium leucanthum Evening-primrose Oenothera caespitosa Desert zinnia Zinnia acerosa Sacred datura Datura wrightii other __________________________________ ________________________________________

Hundreds of flowering plants are growing in the special displays along this trail. Come back at other times of the year to see different plants in bloom.

Welcome to the Harriet K. Maxwell Desert Wildflower Trail. Inspired by Birte Endicott, a devoted gardener and lover of desert wildflowers, this trail celebrates the beauty and diversity of North American desert wildflowers. In 1999 the Desert Botanical Garden received a generous donation from the Harriet K. Maxwell Foundation. Harriet K. Maxwell, the aunt of former garden trustee, Brad Endicott, was a devoted nature enthusiast and supported many projects that reflected her passion for nature, beauty and the protection of our environment.

Desert Botanical Garden

Wildflower List

Along the trail, visitors stroll through six separate gardens, each with a distinct collection of wildflowers... the Boulder Garden...the Sonoran Desert Garden...the Shade Garden...the Bee Garden...the Hummingbird Garden...and the Butterfly Garden. Interactive and whimsical exhibits share information about flowers and their special relationship with pollinators. We hope you enjoy your visit to the Harriet K. Maxwell Desert Wildlflower Trail and will return throughout the year to see different plants in bloom.

Desert Botanical Garden 1201 N. Galvin Parkway Phoenix, Arizona 85008 (480) 941-1225 dbg.org

...to help you remember the wildflowers planted on the Desert Wildflower Trail.

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