Ingrid.stiehler@yahoo .de .de
My intensive work in art I began with landscape photography , when I studied at the academy of administration and business in NRW (Germany). Inspired by the different trends of the cultures of Asia, Africa and North America, I combined new impressions and traditional techniques learned in many journeys. My approach is, to learn by doing; my endeavor was always to find an individual style in this way and to create aesthetic and decorative objects, linked with a positive message. The preferential materials for my artwork are silk, gypsum, bronze, wood, acrylic and not least silver. Group Shows:
South Nevada Art Museum (Las Vegas, USA) Show of the 'Intern. Contemporary Master 2009' 20.Febr. 2010 - 01.April 2010 Biennale di Chianciano 2009 Chianciano (Italy), 13. - 27. Sept. 2009 Galerie Gora, Montreal (QB, Canada) 7th to the 25th of July 2009 Artexpo NY 2009 (USA) 26.02.- 02.03.09 im Rahmen des New European Art-Programms von Galerie Artodrome MiniMini Tem pe, Arizona, USA March/April 2009 „Das k leine Format“ Galerie Artodrom e 15. – 30.11.2008 (Forchheim, Germ any) Marler Kunststern 2008 (Germ any) 06.11. - 07.12.2008 Art Shopping CARROUSEL DU LOUVRE 2008 Camden Art Gallery, 25TH 26TH OCTOBER 2008 Paris (France) Los Angeles Center For Digital Art (USA) SNAP TO GRID - October 9-November 1, 2008 The Hague Red Cross Summ er Exhibition 7th of June to 5th of July 2008 Den Haag (Netherlands) CAMDEN ART GALLERY Group Show Camden Town, London (UK) 05. - 25. 07.2008 "PLAY" A Group Show @ BROADW AY GALLERY May 16 - May 31, 2008, New York (USA) International Florence Biennale of Contemporary Art 01. - 09.12.2007 Florence (Italy)