Desert Local News Jan. 1, 2022 issue-Happy New Year!

Page 1 /January 2022 Magazine.


January 2022

SPECIAL ISSUE “Drain The Swamp.” Desmond Tutu dies at 90. Gaza Mon Amor. PS Movie Out of Nowheresville.

Betty White Dies at 99, Just Wees Away From Celebrating Her 100th Birthday

2 /January 2022

Capitalists, Politicians, and welcome to ourPower Brokers magazine venatum traditionally employ nim com systematically, pos,to scendam ius.over valabes ilicae, time, usurp the unum ad sedo, freedoms of the egermilat vivasdacpeople. Desert chus ia sApes terni-Local us News am publiam. proudly holds Ihiliusquo ad in Ita the ‘Freedom of the pro, fuidient. Torch’ At Press quam dii es c high for all to see! /January 2022


WELCOME TO Desert Local News the American People. To justify the acts and policies of those that are moving to diminish our rights. To protect the health and welfare of our nation without the fear of obstructionism and reprisal.

DLNews embraces the “old-worldwatch-dog press” approach to gathering and delivering the news to the people

‘Just The Facts Max’

The sculptors of the Constitution, in their infinite wisdom, charged the Press with and empowered them to preserve and protect American civil liberties against both domestic and foreign enemies by being the eyes, ears, and voice of the people. Empowered by the 1st Amendment, the Press Corps, in exchange for said powers and protections, have a moral obligation, a patriotic duty, to move aggressively to prevent and stop the offense or abuse of political power in either public or private sector of our society, and are authorized to use extreme prejudice in flushing out the truthfulness, the legitimacy, of all discourse, offered up to

Freedom of the Press is the most potent offensive weapon against Usurpers, known to civilized man. The founding fathers made the Press Corps the sentinels, the protectors, of our inalienable rights, from the usurpers, those who seek to blur our vision of the truth, through the gathering/creation and dissemination of information. Transparency is what they fear most because it provides for and demands Accountability. Our founding fathers understood that governmental transparency was crucial to the survival of our democratic republic.


4 /January 2022




Betty White Dies at 99

“Drain The Swamp”

Just Wees Away From Celebrating Her 100th Birthday

Why are we still mired in, and being held captive

15 OUT OF NOWHERESVILLE An independent feature film by Writer/Director Kevin McVey




“Let’s Dance

Los Angeles Art 1970s-1990s from the Joan and Jack Quinn Family

Birthday Magic and style at Wally’s Desert Turtle

12 Engelbert Humperdinck At the Aqua Caliente Resort Casino /January 2022



Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s

Desmond Tutu dies at 90

The first official visit by a Jewish prime minister to the Middle East

South African religious activist Icon Desmond Tutus dies at age 90.

21 Dionne Warwick “Celebration of a Lifetime” She will turn 80 years young. Dionne was also a cousin to Whitney Houston.

23 Local artist to be featured at the Desert Jet Center Nicholas Kontaxis is a celebrated self-taught artist.


EDITORS NOTE Max Liebermann Publisher Editor-in-chief 760-808-7104 NEWS ROOM JustTheFactsMax WeGoViral JTFMax STAFF WRITERS JTFMax Pam Price Pat Krause Jack Lyons Lady Beverly Cohn Janice Gough Robert Kinsler ADVERTISEMENT Desert Local News is a Membership ‘News Magazine’ online 24-hours a day and a monthly “Glossy Print Magazine. For more information email:

6 /January 2022

Betty White, Beloved Actress, Dies at 99, Just Wees Away From Celebrating Her 100th Birthday

JTFMax Betty White, a beloved actress who played various roles in many classic TV shows, has passed away at the age of 99. Betty was due to celebrate her 100th birthday on January 17. Her death was confirmed by her publicist and agent, Jeff Witjas. The star was born in Oak Park, Illinois, and moved to Los Angeles as a child. The Los Angeles Times reports that her family was shocked at the news. After her successful acting career, White began her career on the radio, making her television debut in 1939 in the experimental Los Angeles channel. In the following years, she made

several guest appearances on many shows and was a regular on Hollywood Television. Later, she started a production company and co-created the hit 1950s sitcom “Life With Elizabeth.” She continued to work on television into her 90s and was honored with a Hall of Fame induction in 1995. White was famous for her portrayals of lovable senior citizens. She lent her voice to various roles, including “SpongeBob SquarePants” and “Toy Story 4,” and starred in commercials. She was also a regular on television, and she hosted her own PBS series. She was also an adoring friend of Jeff Witjas, a comedian who /January 2022

Betty White, Beloved Actress, Dies at 99 played a senior role in his hit show, ‘Little House on the Prairie.’ The actress is best known for her role as Vicki Lawrence’s daughter in “The Golden Girls.” She also had numerous guest appearances on TV, where she won five Primetime Emmys and one competitive Daytime Emmy — as well as a lifetime achievement Daytime Emmy in 2015 and a Los Angeles regional Emmy in 1952 — in a television career that spanned seven decades and that the 2014 edition of “Guinness World Records” certified as the longest ever for a female entertainer. In addition to her dozens of TV and movie roles, White was an accomplished writer, and she was a master of comic timing. She was named after her mother, who was an electrical executive. Her family moved to Los Angeles when she was two, and the family had a thriving business. During the Depression, her father traded radios for dogs. She became a celebrity in her 80s. Her career spanned many genres.

Estelle Getty, Rue McClanahan, Beatrice Arthur, Betty White

Jeff Witjas, Betty White


8 /January 2022

“DRAIN THE SWAMP” Why are we still mired in, and being held captive, like hostages in that mythically infamous Washington, D.C. ‘swamp’ that was promised to be drained five years ago? 01. I have been an Entertainment Journalist, Theatre & Film Critic for several magazines and newspapers and two online/internet magazines for the last ten years. Theatre and Film Critic. Member of American Theatre Critics Association Member Academy of Television Arts and Sciences

e h t n i a r D

It’s been little over a year since November 2020 when Mr. Trump lost his presidential reelection bid but still refuses to accept his defeat. And “the big lie’ theory continues to poison the political well-being of our nation. Since then, the country has been in a constant state of fear, division and distrust. Timing and choices that effect everything in our lives, may also be influencing the almost uncontrollable events sent by Mother Nature in the form of two worldwide pandemics; which has been exacerbating our civil turmoil and political unrest for over twenty months. /January 2022

Once again, the cult-like Red Hatted Maga party and its enablers are gearing up for the return of Trump in his 2024 presidential bid to dump democracy and replace it with an autocratic regime led by himself as its leader/autocrat/ dictator; in the style of Putin’s Russia and China’s President and Prime Minister Xi Jinping. It’s been a long held childhood dream of his to become a king. When We the People ask for answers and solutions to issues that are plaguing our democracy we’re denied the full truth. Instead, we’re handed even more obfuscation and finger pointing along with shifting the blame and stonewalling in the hope that we the people will tire of the issue. And, if that wasn’t enough of red flag warnings to concern our elected officials, the country then had to deal with the ignominious January 6, 2021 insurrection. The storming of the Capitol by a band of more than 600 self-proclaimed Trump loyalists and barbarians who breached the gates at his behest, gave life to the political slur from our allies and friends by now referring to the USA as a South American banana-styled republic. The beacon of democracy and hope has not only been dimmed, it’s literally been tak-

en away from us inside our borders by our own countrymen. All this was made crystal clear prior to January 6, 2021 in screenwriter and director Billy May’s powerful and provocative 2017 film “The Comey Rule”, that explored the Trump presidency prior to the first of his two impeachment trials. It was a prescient moment and signal to America to be on guard to the possibility of losing our democracy from within by those who covet autocracy over democracy. May’s film highlights the lengths that then president Trump was willing to go in his war with the FBI and its director James Comey. Their relationship was poisoned from moment the director was handed a loyalty oath to sign. If signed, that would clear the way for the president to coopt the FBI by allowing it to become politicized and weaponized for Trump’s personal war on his perceived enemies in violation of FBI rules and regulations. The president’s revenge for Comey’s “disloyalty” was to fire the director and then continue his feud with the Agency by symbolically throwing certain FBI civil servant officials who worked for Comey out with Jim Comey’s bath water, despite the Agency’s 112 years of outstanding service, credibility, and loyalty to the Con-


stitution and its reputation and effectiveness to the country. Trump constantly demonized his own FBI agency at every opportunity in his vendetta to destroy it with a king-like edict of a loyalty oath he demanded from all his cabinet and department heads who were forced to sign it. Comey, however, demurred when asked to sign the oath and his refusal cost him his job. One of the main reasons the arts and the media are still available to us is due in part to the boldness and fearlessness of both communities. It is a testament to their resolve in keeping our 2021 democracy and our citizens well informed. The main underpinning of our democracy, after all, relies on free speech and the rule of law in America. Both of these concepts have come under heavy attack over the last five years. Now is the time for using “better late than never” as a prudent rationale for reexamining why our current political leaders lately appear to be tired of living in our 245-year-old democracy. I still feel the sting of the ominous words spoken by Russian Premier Nikita Khruschev who (paraphrasing) smugly said “… we will bury you from within without firing a single shot…” Nonetheless, the threat of losing our democracy by any means is unacceptable, especially in today’s

10 /January 2022

politically divided and angstfilled American society. Khruschev’s chilling words spoken 55 years ago seem less chilling now but more perplexing in 2021, because of the head scratching actions on the part of what some of our elected officials are saying and doing these days. They have all sworn an oath to preserve and protect the Constitution and by extension, we the people along with our democracy-based way of life. Alas, it’s a pity but understandable why some Americans today feel the need to ask where one stands when it comes to politics and the nation’s future. The autocrats of the world are popping champagne corks to celebrate our embarrassment and fall from grace, and in their eyes, the United States of America is no longer the world’s greatest democracy. Also vexing is why some of our elected officials appear to be recanting or abandoning their original sworn oaths? We have been taught that the truth to power pushback from the people will set us free. If so, why is our American way of life over the last five years beginning to look a little frayed around the edges?

The arts and our media are the best pathways to reach the people who, allegedly and ultimately, are in charge of America via the power given them through our Constitution that guarantees all U.S. citizens the freedom and the right to vote. Remember, Congress works for us not for the flawed legacy of a disgraced ex-president.

that we remain a refuge for free speech in these politically charged and perilous times. Every day in America that brings more troubling new facts and/or news about a new scandal relating to our politicians makes my heart sink a little more and I begin to worry again for our future as a democracy.

We owe it to all the people

Also, I believe that it’s safe /January 2022

to say that most Americans are familiar with the political term “drain the swamp.” Five years ago, the incoming political players promised to drain that swamp and “Make America Great Again.” Most of our countrymen are law abiding, God fearing, patient folks, who are still waiting…and waiting… and waiting for that change to take place. As a country we have survived

many ups and downs because we are a unique and special nation. We have worked very hard in our 245 years of existence to become the envy of the world. We, however, are not perfect, but we continue in the pursuit of seeking perfection. After all, life on planet earth is a complicated, on-going work in progress. Personally, I find it more re-


warding these days to be an optimist rather than a cynic. So, this time let’s really “drain the swamp” for the right, noble, and honorable reasons. For if we fail in this pursuit, dark and dangerous days and perhaps, even years, are in store for the greatest democracy the world has ever known.

12 /January 2022


01. Krisann Kontaxis Photo of Joan Quinn by Andy Warhol 02. Joan in the artistic company at the Bakersfield Museum of Art 03. Artist Greg Colson’s unique spin on Joan

01 /January 2022




by Pamela Price Floor to ceiling artworks from the Beverly Hills residence of Jack and Joan Agajanian Quinn have relocated to the Bakersfield Museum of Art in California, where they will be on display through January 8, 2022 as part of the exhibition “On the Edge: Los Angeles Art 1970s-1990s from the Joan and Jack Quinn Family Collection.” This fascinating collection comprises paintings, sculptures, and prints of all sizes and perspectives that chronicle a captivating and singular journey created by the Quinns, a duo of art collectors par excellence. Their inimitable, creativity-fueled trajectory incidentally revolutionized “the art of collecting art,” as a Joan Quinn fan accurately declared at the “On the Edge Artist Symposium” event held on Nov. 18 at the Museum. Jack and Joan Agajanian Quinn’s passion for creating and collecting art resulted in a very focused theme of art that resulted in a fusion of a personal journey with one defined by a steadfast encouragement of the careers of renowned artists who, over 40 years,

also became their friends. All this and more were revealed in a two-hour program held at the Bakersfield Art Museum on the evening of Nov. 18. I drove to Bakersfield to view the exhibit and attend the Museum’s “On the Edge” event with Krisann Kontaxis, mother of

when Jack and Joan started mingling with artists from Allen Ruppersberg to Lita Albuquerque. As a result, at least at one point in their long careers, a collection of artists have all shared the same subject of artistic inspiration: Joan Agajanian Quinn. This odyssey spawned ‘Joan Quin-inspired art’ for four decades, nonstop. This was unique in the art world. Along the way, Joan

Artist Greg Colson’s unique spin on Joan

Rancho Mirage artist Nicholas Kontaxis. The story behind this multifaceted exhibit began in Los Angeles in the 1960s

14 /January 2022

inspired legendary artists to paint, sculpt and sketch her, each in their individual style. She also interviewed artists from Andy Warhol to Laddie John Dill, many ultimately appearing as guests on her unique interview-format television program, The Joan Quinn Profiles (many episodes of which can now be seen on YouTube. Always original and reliably mysterious, these portraits of Joan from her family and artist friends and even some of her favorite jewelry and a glimpse of the dramatic staircase in her 1930s Beverly Hills home have captured a particularly fascinating chapter of art history. In addition, Joan’s clever

create a Los Angeles legend. On edge: Los Angeles Art 1970s-1990s from the Joan and Jack Quinn Family Collection represents “the significant strides artists made in establishing Los Angeles as a competitive counter market to New York and European scenes.” Make your visit to Bakersfield a day trip because when you visit the impressive Museum tucked away in a light industrial area, you will find this exhibition reveals more about artistic diversity than you may have expected. It takes some time to take it all in. Artists from diverse backgrounds individually portray Joan Agajanian Quinn in their style. As just one example, you’ll find

02 columns published in Andy Warhol’s Interview Magazine, her television show, The Joan Quinn Profiles and earlier columns in the Los Angeles Herald Tribune combined to

an original depiction of Quinn by Jean-Michel Basquiat, who revealed his image of “Joan” on graphite on paper with her hands wrapped in

sketches of bracelet watches. The artist precisely signed the composition, “For Joan Quinn Beverly Hills, Jan. 17, 1984, 3:30 pm.” Joan always stole the scene with a range of bejeweled bracelets and watches on her television show. But, then, artist Don Bachardy, a portrait artist of acute observation, reveals Jack Quinn in pastel on the paper study in such a convincing style you would think he was sitting next to you. However, there is more to discover, discuss and contemplate by immersing yourself in this provocative time capsule exhibition, which captures the essence of the Quinns, dedicated art collectors in reverse; their mission was to explore how a diverse collection of artists perceived the inimitable Joan Agajanian Quinn. This revolutionary twist in art collecting is a game-changer. After viewing a trio of galleries revealing the Joan and Jack Quinn Family Collection, Krisann Kontaxis said, “Joan and Jack Quinn’s eclectic multifarious lifelong collection has truly trumpeted and defined what it means to deeply support an artist in the truest, most heartfelt manner.” /January 2022


Pat Krause

Engelbert Humperdinck at ‘Aqua Caliente’ “So I sing you to sleep After the lovin’ With a song I just wrote yesterday And I hope you can hear What the words and the music have to say.”

The Agua Caliente Resort Casino Show brought an Icon to the stage on Saturday, December 4th. Engelbert Humperdinck has thrilled audiences with his songs for decades. His songs lived on for years as I saw young and old alike in the audience. Finally, he arrived on stage with enormous applause...

Engelbert Humperdinck at the Aqua Caliente Resort Casino-Photo Pat Krause

He started with some older songs. He talked to the audience and said this performance would be filled with older songs as this show would be nostalgic. He mentioned his age and smiled as they clapped. He talked to them like old friends. His fans still adore him. He still has a great voice, even in his senior years where many sing-

16 /January 2022

ers do not. He has been said to have over a three-octave vocal range. There were very few empty seats. Engelbert included the people by having them sing La La La in between the lyrics. The sound of people singing filled the area. His fans are comfortable with his performances. He is an easy listening Balladeer. He sings all kinds of music from Pop, Pop Rock, Ballads and country. Something for everyone’s taste. He is probably best to know for Release Me, Spanish Eyes and more. One of my favorites is, Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head. It’s hard to pick an absolute favorite as there are so many. One of my friends told me she

01 had watched his performance on her Honey Moon many years ago. He sang his old hits and then put in some new songs to support his latest album., “The Man I Want To Be.” The SHOW brings in so many well-known singers. Coming is Frankie Valli, John Fogarty and

Mike and Lisa Barnett with Christy and Joel Johnson, Engelbert fans - Photo Pat Krause

Johnny Mathis, to name a few. Circovia and Theresa Caputo are coming soon. They had to schedule an extra performance for Carol Burnett as the first sold out quickly. It’s best to order early. /January 2022

We wish you all a Happy New Year Desert Local News


18 /January 2022

Palm Springs OUT OF NOWHERESVILLE Filmed in Palm Springs and Mexico, the motion picture features Andrea Jungert, introducing Barbara-Ann Kaye, with Tom Sizemore (Saving Private Ryan, Heat, Blackhawk Down), William McNamara (Chasers, Copycat), Jonesy, Erika Sabel Flores, and Howell Hargett.


01. Howell Harget as Detective Clarkes crum lostem is meAd peri inte quam conossultor pratissili se plis. me peres

Mary Pickford Theater in Cathedral City, California host ed a Red Carpet Sneak Screening of Locally Produced Feature Film with a Live Performance by The Platters. PALM SPRINGS, CA. - OUT OF NOWHERESVILLE, an independent feature film by Writer/Director Kevin McVey made its theatrical debut showcasing local talent at the historic Mary

Pickford Theater in Cathedral City, CA. The offbeat thriller centers on two women trying to survive in a man’s world who discover a dead body in the desert and a box full of drug money. The choices they then make will change their lives forever, forcing them to realize what matters in life—friendship Filmed in Palm Springs and /January 2022


01. Howell

independent feature film by Kevin McVey Frostbite Film Festival in Colorado Springs, and the Thriller Film Festival in Los Angeles with Best Supporting Actress win for both Ms. Jungert and Ms. Kaye. “We set out to make a fun, fast-paced genre flick with unexpected female protagonists. The talent and support in the Palm Springs area are astounding and was a big part of why what started as a short film quickly turned into a full-on feature,” said Writer-Director, Kevin McVey.

Mexico, the motion picture features Andrea Jungert, introducing Barbara-Ann Kaye, with Tom Sizemore (Saving Private Ryan, Heat, Blackhawk Down), William McNamara (Chasers, Copycat), Jonesy, Erika Sabel Flores, and Howell Hargett. The film has achieved critical success, including Best Feature Film awards at the FLICKS Film Festival in London, the

The film’s soundtrack features the music of the Rock & Roll and Grammy® Halls of Fame vocalists, The Platters®. The quintet achieved worldwide success with multiple tracks, including the timeless hits, Only You (And You Alone), The Great Pretender, My Prayer, Twilight Time, Smoke Gets In Your Eyes and Harbor Lights. Sizemore, who plays the preacher, said of the production, “I was sent a rough cut of a short film, and when I saw what Kevin [McVey] had done with limited resources, I couldn’t say no. Kevin is a filmmaker on the rise.” The screening kicked off with an exclusive live performance by THE PLATTERS®, followed by a Cast Q&A and film-related prizes.

20 /January 2022

01. 75 guests dined and danced the night away-all photos by Carlos King 02. Carlos King and Elena Ramirez 03. Dico-style Birthday Cake for Elena & Carlos



“Let’s Dance Birthday Magic at Wally’s Desert Turtle

by Pamela Price Wally’s Desert Turtle in Rancho Mirage was the chosen venue for the unparalleled birthday celebration of Carlos King and Elena Ramirez on December 11, as nearly 75 guests dined and danced the night away on the restaurant’s charming patio for a nonstop party where details enhanced the festive spir- /January 2022



it. Looking upwards, for example, guests were enchanted by the shimmering disco-style lighting and the captivating entertainment from acrobatics to fire dancing. A “Let’s Dance” event theme was a throwback to the era of New York’s Studio 54, and guests fondly recalled that bubbly disco. The evening event was a stylish nonstop affair, enhanced by a creatively crafted series of surprises from a snake charmer to bangled belly dancers with nary a moment to mask up. This was an outdoor patio party, after all. Rabbi Jules King, Desert Outreach Synagogue, was on hand to greet guests throughout the event. Carlos King said this party would be one “full of surprises, champagne and delicious food,” and that was confirmed by desert residents and party guests Helen Varon and Phyllis Eisenberg. Invitees were asked to donate to Desert Outreach Synagogue or the Palm Springs Art Museum in lieu of gifts.

22 /January 2022

Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s First Official Visit to the UAE The Prime Minister was received by an honor guard and the UAE Foreign Minister, with Israeli and Emirati flags in the background, at the reception facility.




01. Naftali Bennett arrived at the royal airport in Abu Dhabi 02. Naftali Bennett and Abdllah bin Zayed 03. UEA and Israels Flag 04. Naftali Bennett

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s trip to Dubai marks the first official visit by a Jewish prime minister to the Middle East since establishing the UAE’s embassy in Israel. The United Arab Emirates and Israel have been close allies since the 1990s when Benjamin Netanyahu led a delegation to sign the Abraham Accords and establish diplomatic relations. Bennett, a small nationalist party leader in Israel, rose to a parliamentary deal with Netanyahu. He has portrayed himself as the ultimate statesman and defender of the state of the Jewish people. /January 2022

While Bennett will meet with the United Arab Emirates Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed, the trip is primarily about economic cooperation. Last month, Israel and the UAE launched free trade talks. As a result, the two countries expect to improve their trade from $125 million in 2020 to $500 plus million in 2021. While Bennett is in Dubai, he will not likely visit the Israeli pavilion at Expo 2020. Instead, he will meet with business leaders and other officials to promote trade and cooperation. The visit will also help to foster bilateral ties and promote Israel’s interests. It will help strengthen the UAE and Israel relations and discuss the Iranian issue. The UAE has a long history of diplomatic relations with Israel. The country’s relationship with the UAE is a



Prime Minister Naftali Bennett arrived at the royal airport in Abu Dhabi He was received by UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed and an honor guard. photo credit: Haim Zach (GPO)

significant step towards peace and prosperity. When the two nations do business together, it will boost both economies. The visit comes as the UAE’s new president meets with his counterpart in Iran. The two countries are allied on several fronts, with the former negotiating the 2015 nuclear deal with the former USSR. Therefore, the visit is essential in strengthening bilateral ties between the two countries. Source: Pam Price pubi fur, quemquo aut viri per

24 /January 2022

Joey English, James “Gypsy” Haack and actress Ruta Lee. Photos by Pat Krause

Dionne Warwick “Celebration of a Lifetime” Story and Photos by Pat Krause

Dionne Warwick eats her Birthday Cake Photo by Pat Krause

Dionne Warwick was honored with a “Celebration of a Lifetime” at Oscar’s in downtown Palm Springs on December 7th. This was a birthday celebration for this Icon of Music. Over 100 friends and others who have been impacted by her singing came to celebrate with her. Dionne’s birthday is actually December 12th. She will turn 80 years young. She came from a musical family and sang with Dee Dee Dee Warwick. Dionne was also a cousin to Whitney Houston. There was a red carpet for guests who came to honor Dionne. Sir Bruno Serato, who feeds 5,000 children a day thru

his charity worldwide, was one of the first to arrive. Actresses Joyce Bulifant and Ruta Lee came to see photographers and TV personalities Patrick Evans who interviewed guests as they arrived. Performers in the show and many friends told of their friendship with Dionne. Oscars put on a show on the outdoor stage for her. Owner Dan Gore said he wants to give back to the Desert by bringing in entertainment. So first, Gore introduced the speakers, actress Juliet Mills, Songwriter-Carol Conners and Tim Dunn. Then, Freda Payne, Kim Whitley, Kietani Mills, Carley Hughes, Rusty Hamrick, Dan Bauer sang her hits like Walk On By, Know The Way. To San Jose, Alfie, and Say A Little Prayer. The last song performed was, What The World Needs Now. A birthday cake followed the performances, and performers came to watch her blow out the candles.

Oscars owne wick, Kim W

80 /January 2022


er, Dan Gore, Jamey Miller, Kialani Mills, Dionne WarWhitley and Sir Bruno Serato. . Photos by Pat Krause

Dionne Warwick She will turn 80 years young

Dionne Warwick eats her Birthday Cake. Photo by Pat Krause

It was told that Dionne Warwick is more than a Singer. Dionne is a True Diva. She is an actress, TV host, Author, and U.S. Ambassador of Health. She has a Grammy Lifetime Award and 10 Grammys, and 14 nominations, to name just a few of the awards she received. Dionne has been called the Pop Princess and sings Pop Soul, Pop Rock, R&B, Show Music and more. She was awarded the 447th Star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars in front of the Wellwood Memorial Library on the following day, December 8th.

26 /January 2022

Local artist to be featured at the Desert Jet Center. 04

rary works of artist Nicholas Kontaxis to its executive FBO (Fixed-Based Operator) facility one year ago. Nicholas is the second prominent local artist to be featured at the Desert Jet Center FBO as part of the Artist Series Program launched in early 2020 when the newly built cutting-edge facility opened. The art pieces created by Nicholas deliver vivid color and texture to the beautifully designed executive terminal, engaging and delighting the many travelers and guests that visit the FBO. In addition, several art pieces adorn the hallways, conference room, and pilot lounge, including the captivating large-scale abstract artwork that stretches across the two walls in the mezzanine high above the luxurious lobby.


03 Palm Springs, California– Desert Jet, the premier full-service business aviation company based at the Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport in Thermal, California welcomed the vibrant contempo-

Kontaxis is a celebrated selftaught artist. He has successfully created large-scale paintings utilizing heavy body acrylic paints and a battalion of pallet knives. Over the last four years, his work has anchored a slew of sell-out solo exhibitions and record-breaking crowds at galleries in Los Angeles, Sun Valley, Palm Desert, Chicago, Atlanta, and New York. He has been commissioned by Adidas, Coachella, and the Los Angeles Chargers while attracting collectors such as Roger Federer and Eric Schmidt. His story has been featured throughout the American and London press, includ-

01. Desert Jet Center’s executive aviation terminal and hangar facility in Thermal, 02. Departing and arriving passengers are greeted with art created by local desert artist Nicholas Kontaxis 03. Nicholas Kontaxis surrounded by his paintings at Desert Jet Center. Airport in Thermal, 04. Nicholas Kontaxis artbook.


Nicholas’s story is like Van Gogh’s. However, he also had temporal lobe epilepsy.” /January 2022

DESERT JET FBO ARTIST SERIES INSPIRES AND ENGAGES TRAVELERS TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY ing an Emmy-nominated piece from NBC. The 24-year old’s background is also distinct. Nicholas was diagnosed with an extensive brain tumor at 15 months of age, which resulted in him suffering over 50,000 seizures throughout his life. Montana Butler of Heather James Fine Art observed, “Painting has served as a respite for the artist over the years. Like many other prominent figures throughout art history, Nicholas’s story is like Van Gogh’s. However, he also had temporal lobe epilepsy.” Additionally, Kontaxis has a related form of autism, evident in his work through the myriad of repetitious strokes that hallmark his artistic style. Steph Sabbag of De Re Gallery commented, “Nicholas’ paintings are some of the most inspiring works I’ve seen, comparable to artists such as Jasper Johns and Sam Francis.” Desert Jet Chief Executive Officer Jared Fox said, “It has been such a pleasure to

01 have Nicholas’ amazing art on display at the Desert Jet Center. We have received tremendous responses from our FBO clients who have loved the vibrant abstracts showing in our naturally lit FBO, which is a great combination. Nicholas’ art and unique story are exactly what we envisioned when we created the Artist Series bringing together great new artists and Desert Jet clients in a gorgeous, state-of-the-art FBO.”


28 /January 2022

PS Annual Props & Hops Craft Beer Fest


Story and Photos by Pat Krause The 9th Annual Props & Hops Craft Beer Fest took place at the Palm Springs Air Museum on Saturday, November 20th. The event took place on the

01. 29 Brews - Cathy Smithweiss, with Brewer- Ed Heethuis and Pat Hufenbecher 02. Del Sol performs 03. Babe’s BreweryMelissa McCaughey, Cheryl Sullivan, Laurie Renner, Juan Higuera and Jon Levin 04. Attendees could buy a t-shirt to remember this day from Palms Springs Air Museum docents.

Tarmac and the General Kenneth Miles Korea and Vietnam Hangar. This year’s Fest was Presented by 29 Brews and Sponsors for the fests were Hot Purple Energy and PS Resorts again this year. 20 breweries filled the Hangar, giving out samples of their craft beers. Noon VIP tickets had the event to themselves for the first hour with appetizers supplied by Babe’s Brewery. General admission started at 1:00, with lines waiting to get in to taste these unique brews. Brewers brought at least 2 types of beers to taste, and several brought many kinds of beers. I heard people saying to a friend, you have to try this one and then someone else would say the same thing about a different Beer. Vendors are very proud of their special brews. Tastings were



03 /January 2022


29 Brews - Cathy Smithweiss, with Brewer- Ed Heethuis and Pat Hufenbecher -Photo by Pat Krause


in 4-ounce glasses, and each attendee was given 8 tastings with event purchase. Food was also available to people attending. In ‘N Out Burgers, Fries Galore, Nick’s Pizza and Cone Zone Grill’s Brats and Burgers kept everyone from getting hungry in between tastings of all the brewer’s creations. Additional tasting could be purchased on site. This was a 21 and older event, and attendees had to show proof of age. Music was provided for the people attending who just wanted to take a break for food or rest. Entertainers were Desert Sol and DJ Alex Harrington. Flight exhibitions and Warbird rides were for sale for the day and were completely sold out. Rides were ordered online. The P-51 held just one passenger at a time. The C-47, a cargo plane, carried up to 4 or 5 passengers on their flight. The T-28 Trojan and the PT-17 each carried only one person per flight. Rare beer-tasting flights on the C-47 held several passengers at a time as they flew over the Coachella Valley. A once a lifetime Dream Fulfilled for all who got to fly in these magnificent planes. Friends and Family could watch them take off and land.

30 /January 2022

Global Human Rights Icon Desmond Tutus Dies at 90. South African religious activist Icon Desmond Tutus dies at age 90. Tutu was one of South Africa’s most well-known human rights activists, winning the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in resolving and ending apartheid.

legacy will live on through the many organizations he founded and the vast array of causes he championed. A devoted advocate of human rights, Desmond Tutu, led the historic marches that helped end apartheid in South Africa

leaves us with a message that will never be forgotten. Former South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and his followers expressed their sorrow for the death of the global human-rights icon. Desmond Tutu was born in 1931 in the

He was the archbishop of Cape Town and an inclusive champion of human rights. Diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1997, Tutu fought a long battle against prostate cancer. He lived in retirement with his wife, Leah. At 90, his death

in the 1980s. This march grew into what we know today as the People’s Cathedral. It became a symbol of democracy and was a symbol of freedom for his people. He lived in Soweto, South Africa’s first democratic elections.

South African town of Klerksdorp. He later studied theology at St. Peter’s Theological College and was ordained in 1961. He became a chaplain at the University of Fort Hare six years later. But he left more than just family behind. His /January 2022

The South African Civil Rights Icon was a powerful force for change. He helped bring down the racist regime in the country. He was a fierce advocate of amnesty and helped the country achieve its first democratic elections in 1994. By bringing down the apartheid government, he made South Africa a “rainbow nation.” In addition to his work for human rights, he was also a spiritual leader in South Africa. The world is mourning the loss of an icon who helped fight

against apartheid. A man who stood up for the rights of people of color was a tireless advocate for justice and equality throughout his life. His legacy will be felt for generations to come. It is difficult to imagine


The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu — The Best of Spiritual Friends

any other man who has fought for the rights of people of color, but this man’s legacy will live on. A global human rights icon Desmond Tutu was a spokesman for the LGBT community in South Africa. He fought against apartheid, and he fought for the rights of people

of color in the country. He was also the first Black Archbishop of the Anglican Archdiocese of Cape Town. While he worked for civil rights and equality in his country, he was uncompromising. He was a champion of LGBTQ equality, and he fought against the oppression of South Africans.


GAZA MON AMOR /January 2022


Hiam Abbass as Siham and Salim Daw as Issa wait for a bus in Tarzan and Arab Nasser’s GAZA MON AMOR, co-written and directed by the twin brothers.

01. Issa (Salim Daw) gallantly offers Siham (Hiam Abbass) his umbrella in a scene from Tarzan and Arab Nasser’s GAZA MON AMOR, co-written and directed by the twin brothers. /January 2022

Tarzan and Arab Nasser’s Charming Love Story.

02 At the Movies With… Lady Beverly Cohn Amidst the daily challenges facing Palestinians in Gaza – including millions living in poverty, lack of potable water, access to electricity for only four to eight hours a day, and high unemployment, the twin brothers Tarzan and Arab Nasser co-wrote and directed GAZA MON AMOR, a tender romantic comedy in the age of lack.

fectly portrayed by Salim Daw. Although 60 years old and living under relatively harsh conditions, he retains his sense of humor and responds to authority with a playful demeanor. Forbidden to fish in the threemile strip of the sea as mandated by Israel, Issa is not one to play by the rules and trolls those waters sans a license, often pulling up a net overflowing with fish which he sells at an open-air market. He is single and constantly berated by his meddling, yenta sister Manal, played by Manal Awad, who insists he must get married. In one amusing scene, she lines up about a half-dozen single women as potential wives. He takes one look at them and storms out of the room. Meanwhile, we meet Siham, skillfully played by Hiam Abbass, and her typical rebellious teenage daughter Leila, played by Maisa Abd Elhadi. The electricity is turned off at the moment, so each of them carries a flashlight in their humble apartment searching for Leila’s passport. Mom is a dressmaker and works in a small shop where she does alterations on women’s clothing. The directors illuminate poverty in a very subtle

Apollo: God of prophecy, music poetry, healing and archery.

Inspired by a true story that took place in 2014, the film revolves around a whimsical fisherman named Issa, per-


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way and take us inside Issa’s home, where he is showering, except there is no water flow. Instead, he fills a pot with water dousing himself with the precious liquid. One day, he sees Siham waiting at a bus stop and is immediately smitten. He casually lights a cigarette and asks if she is going to the market. She is not talkative. A private car pulls up and offers them a ride, which they accept. He sees her again at the same bus stop on a rainy day and offers her his umbrella in a most gallant manner. They begin to converse, and when he finds out she’s a seamstress, he asks if she could fix his pants. At first, she is reluctant, saying that she only works on women’s clothing, but his innate charm impresses her, and she consents to alter his trousers. Meanwhile, while fishing one night, he hauls in his catch and finds a giant statue stuck in the net, which becomes a sub-plot of the story. It is ancient and cumbersome. He somehow manages to get it into his boat attached to his motorcycle and passes inspection by the Hamas authority. Our fisherman brings the statue to his extremely modest home, where he ensconces it in his closet. Unfortunately, but suitable for the storyline, the male appendage snaps off, which Issa brings to a local jeweler, who tells him it’s not worth much, but he would be willing to buy

it. Our protagonist says no, and before you know it, the local Hamas police arrive at his home and begin to tear it apart, looking for the source of the dislocated male member. Well, they find the statue and throw the fisherman in the clink, where he asks if he will receive a reward. Considering he’s in jail on unspecified charges, the irony of that question will not be lost on you. Illuminating how prayer is integrated into everyday life, the officer in charge of the interrogation prays before beginning the questioning. Protesting that he’s done nothing wrong, he is locked in a cell where he has a dream of making love to Siham with an embarrassing morning result. To get out of jail, he reluctantly agrees to sign a “confession” and to pay 5,000 shekels, after which he is free to go. Eventually, the mysterious statue is authenticated as the Greek god Apollo* with ensuing discussions by the authorities on how to best profit from this historic discovery. Now out of jail, in short order, our smitten Issa immediately brings his trousers to the woman of his dreams for alteration. She asks what needs to be done, and he replies, “They need shortening,” which eventually turns into a sight gag. Siham’s daughter, who wants to leave

Gaza, observes her mother’s interaction with this gentleman and concludes that they are smitten with each other. Our hero is ready to propose and goes to her home but freezes and doesn’t knock on the door. Eventually, however, he musters up enough nerve to try again, and after dousing himself with cologne and dressing up with his finest clothes, he returns to her house and, this time, knocks on the door. She lets him in, and he blurts out, “will you marry me?” They do marry, and as they are about to kiss, we hear a news flash about the Israeli Defense Forces. To the brothers Tarzan and Arab Nasser’s credit, they do not take a solid anti-Israel position but subtly illuminate hostilities between Gaza and Israel through either radio or television news programs playing softly in the background, such as hearing the sound of approaching aircraft. In one scene, they show the Palestinians getting their first huge rocket which is being offloaded from a ship, with a proud bystander murmuring, “An eye for an eye.” That moment speaks volumes about the ongoing hostilities, but remember, this is a love story, not a political statement. /January 2022

GAZA MON AMOR Distributor: Samuel Goldwyn Films Director of Photography: Christophe Graillot Sound: Tim Stephan, Roland Vajs, Pedro Gois Production Design: Tarzan and Arab Nasser Costumes: Hamada Atallah Editing: Véronique Lange Music: Andre Mathias Vennefrohne Supporting cast: George Iskandar , Hitham Al Omari,

& Rukkmini Ghosh Release Date: Current Where: In Select Theatres, Digital & VOD Platforms

Language: Arabic with English subtitles Genre: Dramedy, Romantic Comedy Running Time: 85 Minutes Rating: Unrated *Apollo: God of prophecy, music poetry, healing and archery.


36 /January 2022

Happy New Year 2022 Desert Local News

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