Desert Local News Nov. 4, 2010

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November 4, 2010 No 42

Art by Audrey Moe Page 29

Ceo David Brinkman, George Hamilton, Joan Collins and Curt Ringness, Pres of Board of Directors ~Photo by Pat Krause

Desert Cities Women’s Show Photo by Pat Krause

About 40 children all in ghostly and ghoulish costumes danced along behind the float. ~Photo by Pat Krause

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Palm Desert Stage Company Debuts With A Hit Comedy Farce By Jack Lyons Theatre and Cinema Critic /Reviewer When a group has talent to burn, an unshakable faith in the project, and a dedicated and passionate ensemble of colleagues to carry it out, they should have a “hit” on their hands. And that is certainly the case with The Palm Desert Stage Company’s inaugural offering, the highly enjoyable and audience-pleasing, comedy-farce, “Lend Me A Tenor” by Tony Award winning playwright Ken Ludwig. Under the sure-handed direction of theatre co-founder, Eric Olson, and the keen eye of producer and theatre cofounder Colleen Kelley (both of whom are actors in the play), the Tony Winning Best Revival of 2010 zips along at warp-speed in the Arthur Newman Theatre at Palm Desert’s Joslyn Center, which is exactly the speed required for farcical production. The play is set in 1934 Cleveland, Ohio and revolves around renowned tenor Tito Merelli (nicely played by George Almond, who also sings), known to his fans as “Il Stupendo”, who is scheduled to sing the lead in “Otello”, as part of a fund-raiser for the Cleveland Opera Company. Unfortunately, even before the star leaves his hotel room, everything begins to go wrong. Chaos ensues when Maria, Merelli’s wife (tempestuously played by Colleen Kelley), mistakenly believes Maggie Saunders (Nikki Hock), the rabid fan and autograph-seeking daughter of the Opera company’s General Manager, to be one of Tito’s secret lover’s when she finds Maggie hiding in the closet. The fiery Maria leaves Tito a “Dear John” letter and storms out of the hotel. The distraught Merelli accidentally is given a double dose of tranquilizers by Max, the assistant general manager (Eric Olson) in an effort to calm him down. Instead Tito passes out. The opera company’s General Manager Saunders, who is also Maggie’s father, (wonderfully and exasperatingly played by Peter Mins), is determined that the show must go on (for his own financial sake), so he asks his assistant Max to impersonate the opera star. Max reluctantly agrees to put on the blackface makeup required for the role of Otello, and his dis2

guise succeeds admirably – until Merelli, also in blackface, wakes up and heads for the stage. What follows is a chain reaction of: mistaken identity, plot twists and turns, double entendres, innuendoes, and a series of frenetic and frantic entrances and exits through many slamming doors. It’s the stuff of classic farce. In farce or for that matter in any genre, it’s the ensemble or supporting players that can make or break the success of the production. In the case of “Lend Me A Tenor”, the play is blessed with solid performances from: Raul Valenzuela, as the Bellhop and a Tito fan fanatic. Dani Jara as Diana,

Peter Mins Louise Ross ~Photos by Colleen Kelley right on the money when it comes to matching set pieces and furniture to the period (I loved that classic Eric Olson, Nikki Hock, Peter Mins , Raul radio). The female cosValenzuela ~ Photos by Colleen Kelley tumes designed by Colleen Kelley and Peter Mins are outthe stunning and sexy brunette soprano standing. Technical Director Mike Hadley who has a scheme to move up in the opprovides solid support for the actors. era world by using Tito as her passport to better roles, and Louise Ross as Julia, who The Palm Desert Stage Company delivers another fine effort as the flighty has made an impressive entrance on the and celebrity- obsessed Chairwoman of Coachella Valley theatrical scene with their the Opera Guild. production of “Lend Me A Tenor”. This en As good as the company is, however, joyable romp plays Friday, Saturday, and the evening belongs to Hock and Olson. Sunday November 5,6,7 and again on Hock’s energy level and understanding Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, November of farce as Maggie, meets and matches 12,13,14. Friday and Saturday curtains Olson’s harried and bewildered energy- begin at 7 pm. Sunday Matinee’s at 2 pm. driven performance as Max. Together, they Don’t miss this terrific show! For tickets and reservations call 760-218-4075. generate a delightful on-stage chemistry. The technical credits for the show are first-rate. The set designed and built by John Meyers along with inputs from Producer Kelley, is visually appealing and Desert Local News November 4, 2010

Theatre Review – “Lend Me A Tenor” Arthur Newman Theatre Joslyn Center, Palm Desert 760-218-4075

I’m Tired...


And That Is Why I Voted Republican For The First Time Ever

Energy, LTD.


by: Walter “Burno” Korschek Earlier this week I submitted my mail-in ballot for the pertinent Florida political races that affect me. Up until that time, I took pride in truthfully stating that I had never voted for a Republican for national office in my life (I am 57 years old). However, that all changed this time around, it was Republican straight down the line from U.S. Senator down to county offices. Why the change. One reason: I’m tired: - I’m tired of looking at the almost $5 TRILLION that the Federal government has run up in national debt since Democrat Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House.

Photo Bruce Montgomery

- I’m tired of looking at the almost $44,000 per U.S. household in national debt that the Federal government has run up since Harry Reid was Senate Majority Leader.

The youth group of Grace Church in Desert Hot Springs had a car wash on Sunday morning to raise funds.

- I’m tired at looking at the 10% unemployment rate that we have faced for much of the time that the Democrats controlled Congress over the past few years and the White House for the past two years.

Wind Is Our Friend

- I’m tired of being called a racist by Democratic politicians like Charles Rangel and Shelia Lee Jackson simply because I had serious and legitimate concerns and disagreements with the health care reform bill that the Democrats forced through the back door of reconciliation. - I’m tired of being called un-American by Democrats like Nancy Pelosi for having legitimate concerns and opposition to the Democrats’ ill conceived health care reform legislation. - I’m tired of being called names like knuckle dragging Neanderthal, Ku Klux Klan member, terrorist, and ass#!$* by people like Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson and Democratic czar

Van Jones simply because as a United States citizen I dare to have valid and legitimate differences of opinion with politicians’ ideas and plans. - I’m tired of President Obama as he stands mute and allows U.S. citizens that legitimately and honestly disagree with his policies and to be called racists, Neanderthals, terrorists, ass#!$*s, and Klan members - I’m tired of Democratic President Obama not standing

Desert Local News November 4, 2010

up against some of the disgusting names that have been used to describe female Republican candidates, names that I will not repeat here, but include what a member of Jerry Brown’s staff called his opponent, Meg Whitman, in the California governor’s race, the name of a concert a rapper held to fight Republican Michele Bachman’s Minnesota Senate campaign, what Joy Behar called Nevada Republican Candidate Sharron Angle, and what an online Playboy article said

Continues on Page 4


I’m Tired...

And That Is Why I Voted Republican For The First Time Ever Continued fron Page 3 should be done to ten Republican political candidates; disgusting and debasing and the President did nothing to civilize the discussion. - I’m tired of Joy Behar. - I’m tired of Democrats telling me that they saved the economy from going into a ditch while they controlled both houses of Congress for the past four years and the White House for the past two years or so, i.e. they are just as responsible, if not more so, for driving the car into the ditch as the Republicans. - I’m tired of President Obama still refusing to man up to his responsibilities and failures, still trying to blame the Bush administration for things that go wrong. - I’m tired of Democrat Bill Clinton and other high powered national Democratic leaders going into local election processes and trying to usurp the will and decisions of the people for the good of the Democratic national party, re: Sestak in Pennsylvania and Meeks in Florida. - I’m tired of the broken promises of Democratic candidate Barack Obama, from not getting ALL U.S. troops out of Iraq to not closing down Guantanamo to not dumping the Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell military policy (it took a law suit from a Republican organization to get a ruling against the policy) to rubber stamping the renewal the Patriot Act and continuing other Bush administration secrecy policies to not getting wasteful earmarks under control to facilitating the further divisions within the country. - I’m tired of the condescending attitudes of Democratic politicians with the best example being Harry Reid’s contempt for American tourists visiting D.C. in the summer since, in his opinion, those that pay the taxes that support his life style, physically smell.


- I’m tired of President Obama not acting for the good of all Americans and for the uniting of America but rather stooping to the lowest and basest of political tactics, including the latest where he addressed a Hispanic audience and slandered those citizens that honestly disagree with his policies, calling them the “enemy.” Very, very un-Presidential. - I’m tired of Democratic economic programs that have been a total failure including Cash For Clunkers, Cash For Appliances, Cash For Caulkers, mortgage relief, economic stimulus and TARP. - I’m tired of Democrats telling me that their economic programs were a success including Cash For Clunkers, Cash For Appliances, Cash For Caulkers, mortgage, economic stimulus and TARP despite the fact that second grade math can prove them all failures. - I’m tired of Democrats telling me that the recently passed financial regulation reform act is a great bill when a third grader knows that if you do not include car loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac in any kind of financial reform you have reformed nothing of consequence. - I’m tired of Democratic President Obama circumventing the Constitutional checks and balance system via Congressional review of major government appointments by establishing his own politburo of czars. - I’m still tired of Joy Behar. - I’m tired of the campaign costs being expended to execute this latest election cycle with the most current estimates calculating that approximately $4 million will be spent per open Congressional seat. - I’m tired of election campaigns dedicated to childish personal attacks and not issue debate and analysis. Desert Local News November 4, 2010

I’m Tired...

And That Is Why I Voted Republican For The First Time Ever Continued fron Page 4

- I’m tired of having to decide what “side” each news outlet is on and then try to filter their prejudices appropriately in order to get to two things I like to call the truth and reality. - I’m tired of constantly being told that this is the most open and responsive White House administration ever when I have yet to receive a single response to my numerous communications requests for information and help that have been sent to this White House in various forms. - I’m already tired of the talk about the President’s plans and positioning for the next Presidential election in 2012, as if we do not have enough problems to address in this country today and tomorrow, why would any true leader and statesman be already worried about his or her political future two years down the road? - I’m tired of this Democratic run administration and Democratic Congress being as incompetent as all other administrations and Congresses with this one unable to stop the flow of oil in the Gulf for months, unable to fix the economy, allowing government program fraud and corruption to waste hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars every year, and running up record spending deficits while critical issues like failing public schools, rising health care costs, illegal immigration, the rapidly insolvency of Social Security and Medicare, the lost war on drugs, and the lack of a national energy strategy go unaddressed and unsolved. - I’m tired of Democratic President Obama being nothing more than a typical Chicago/Cook County/Illinois politician and not the great hope and national unifier he originally presented himself as.

As you can see, I am plenty tired. I am also plenty ticked off and disappointed. The country has never been more divided and more in debt, two aspects of life that I put firmly at the feet of Democratic President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the rest of the Democrats. As I stated above, they have actually been driving the car for the past four years. If Bush had it going in the wrong direction, they certainly have turned it in a worse direction. I know my Democratic friends that have not already seen the light and gotten tired of where this country is today will not be happy with my voting decision. To them, I ask them to carefully reread the points above and consider a professional Brazilian clown who recently got elected to the Brazilian National Congress. His platform: how much worse could it get if he was elected. Same principle applies here: how much worse could it get? Record national debt, a bitterly divided country, no issues addressed or solved, name calling that borders on disgusting and pornographic, respect for diversity of opinions and other ideas out the window. Republicans, your turn, but I will tire very quickly of you also unless you heed the reasons for my malaise above. P.S. I am still very tired of Joy Behar. About The Author Walter “Bruno” Korschek is the author of the book, “Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom and Destroying The American Political Class,” which is available at www. and online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Our daily dialog on freeodm in American can be joined at Desert Local News November 4, 2010

Still not convinced? Why you need a smartphone Staff in the News

Practically everyone has a smartphone these days. According to the Nielsen Company, smartphones will overtake feature phones by the end of 2011. With all you can do today on the go, it’s no wonder. Even texting, which was so “last decade”, takes on new meaning on a smartphone as people put more mobile in their social lives. The latest rage is mobile instant messaging which allows you to stay in the loop with friends on the go. Programs like BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) let you “ping” your buddies to start a chat and invite others to join real time. You also can use a smartphone to ensure you get the best deal while shopping, or use one of thousands of apps with built-in GPS to find the best place to grab a bite and show your friends where to find you. And a smartphone lightens your load - ridding you of gadget clutter by combining phone, music player, portable GPS and digital camera all in one. There’s no doubt 2011 will be the year of the smartphone. Do your homework and get smart as you enter a new mobile world. Courtesy of ARA


The Importance of Voting by: Rod Eccles I often hear people say they don’t vote because, they say, their vote wont count or their vote wont matter. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, the bald truth is that even if you don’t cast a vote, you just voted. Let me repeat what I just said. IF YOU DON’T VOTE, YOU JUST VOTED. How is this possible? Are you thinking that maybe someone else is voting for you, using your name? That can be a factor of course, but it is not what I am talking about. Look at it this way, say you and 100 of your friends, co-workers and neighbors don’t vote. The next day you see who won the election and you find out that candidate A won the election by 50 votes. Now you don’t like candidate A and neither do your 100 friends, coworkers and such. By not voting, you just “voted” for candidate A because he won the election. How could candidate B have won instead? Simple. You and your 100 friends and such go and vote for candidate B. Then you will note that your candidate will win by 50 votes. To put it simply, if you do not vote, then you are actually voting for the winner of the election no matter who that winner is. If you do not take the time to go to the polling place and cast your vote, it is the same as actually voting for the winner of the election even if you don’t like the winner at all. So in reality (as well as in theory) every single vote counts, yours included. You actually vote one way or the other even if you don’t take yourself to the legal polling place and pull the lever or write a check mark on a ballot. Millions of Americans did not vote in the last presidential elections. So 6

by not voting they actually voted for Barack Obama. Like him or not, that is who they voted for by not actually casting their vote. Imagine if all those who did not vote actually went to their polling place and actually voted. There could have been a different winner. Yes, John McCain could have won the election instead. But even if a person likes John McCain but did not vote, they actually voted for Barack Obama. You can see how this works for any election. Look, many people around the globe wish they only had the chance to vote for their political leaders. In fact many more around the globe actually risk their very lives to vote. Its that important and they understand that if they do not vote, it is the same as voting for the winner even if the winner is a dangerous tyrant. So on election day, skip the gym. Don’t work late at work. Eat dinner a little bit later in the evening. Do what ever you need to do to take 30 minutes out of your day to do something far more responsible and important. Vote. It only happens at MOST once per year. So what is 30 minutes in an entire year? Its nothing. So do what all GOOD and RESPONSIBLE Americans do. Exercise your right to vote and truly make your voice heard. Otherwise you are silent and the winner may not be someone who cares about what you care about. Vote. About The Author Rod is the Coolest, Most Politically Incorrect, Conservative Black Man on the Planet and has a fast growing Internet Radio talk show on Blog Talk Radio.

Desert Local News November 4, 2010

The Renewable Energy by: Alan Benney

Pros and Cons?

Numerous property owners in this day and age are researching the subject of green energy, with the goal in mind of producing their own source of energy.

solution to producing our own electricity. This is giving the user the opportunity to control energy costs and in some cases, eliminating the national grid as a source of energy.

With constant rising prices and a lack of control over this situation, can be a frightening thoughts. With that in mind, we have to look at green alternatives in order to resolve this problem.

The facts are, people in business are having to take these alternatives very seriously. The business costs for electricity runs into thousands of pounds annually. Who pays for that? Yep you got we do!

The question is what are green energy sources? The sun and the wind are the two primary sources of green energy that can produce electricity. The renewable energy pros and cons is something we have to take into consideration in order to protect our environment. By utilizing this source of energy we can forget about global warming, pollution, or any issues regarding saving our planet. Most people by now would be familiar with the sun’s energy, this is referred to as solar energy, or solar power. This is arguably the most general mainly because of the numerous alternatives of generating power. The sources of energy using the sun’s power is still in the early stages of development; however by using photovoltaic cells in solar panels, is a very real

Even as a domestic user of electricity having to rely on the notational grid, we are paying many thousands of pounds annually. As the costs of oil rise, this has an immediate effect on our utility bills, plus it is not contributing to saving our planet. An additional source of power that is accessible is solar water accumulators. The process is to install the containers on the roof of the building and make use of the sun to heat the water. This can be very effective way to reduce utility bills. Arguably the most resourceful of green energy solutions is the wind. The wind as a source of energy has been around for many years. Pumping water has been its main function for many years. The facts are that numerous homes and business owners are

producing their own electricity, as they have become more aware of environmental concerns. The main benefits to the use of wind power are, how safe and clean the energy sources are. The truth is, contamination, and global warming is now not an issue. When you erect a wind turbine it rotates in the wind and produces energy. There is a concern to look upon on this subject; it does depend to where you live in the world. There are places in the world that are unable to take advantage of the wind whereas, the sun is accessible universally. There are numerous ways we can play a role in doing our bit for the environment, but we have to be considerate and not take things for granted. My goal by writing this article was to encourage you to find ways to protect our environment and to save money in the process. About The Author

How would you like the electricity company to pay you rather than you pay them for your electricity? Discover secrets to how to make a solar panel at home at Alan’s web site, plus a Free email course with some great home energy saving tips http://www.



Desert Local News November 4, 2010

Responsibility For Accidents Caused By Teen Drivers by: Tricia Mills

There are 18,000 teen drivers in California that are injured or killed from automobile accidents each year and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that the statistics on teen driving is rather disturbing, with teens nine times more likely to be involved in a vehicle accident than adults twenty five years old or older. When teens are involved in an automobile accident, most of the time it works exactly the same as if you were involved in a car accident with an adult, with insurance companies assessing damages and paying if liable, but there are exceptions, where the parents may be held liable for the driving of their children. One common occurrence of this is when the parent is allowing the teenager to drive unsupervised on a learner’s permit or other conditional driving license that allows them to drive only when an adult is in the car with them. If parents allow their teenagers to drive by themselves on a conditional license that requires someone else to be in the car, they could be potentially liable for the actions of that child, if they are involved in a car accident, because it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their child is driving with a licensed adult driver. Another example of when the parent might be liable for the actions of their child in a car accident is when they knowingly or unknowingly allow their child to get behind the wheel intoxicated, or provide easy access to alcohol, where the child can get drunk at home and then get into a car, causing an accident. At times, the parents can be found liable for failing to prevent the accident, because they allowed their children access to alcohol in their home. Each case is different

so talk to a drunk driving attorney to find out if the parents might be liable in your case. If the parent knowingly allowed their child to operate a motor vehicle, knowing that their child drives recklessly or is not yet a competent driver, they may be responsible for the expenses incurred after a car accident. It is the responsibility of the parent to know when their child is ready to drive, and to take steps to correct the bad driving, or restrict the teenager from driving until they are competent behind the wheel. Again, this will take into consideration many factors and an attorney is best equipped to determine and prove this liability. There are other factors that can determine whether or not a parent is liable for the accident between you and a teenager and if you have been involved in a collision of this type you should contact attorney Emery Brett Ledger, who is a qualified car accident attorney and has over ten years of experience dealing with cases just like yours. You may be entitled to compensation if you were hit by a teen driver including medical, repair bills and ongoing medical treatment as well as potential punitive damages if the parent is found to be liable for their teen’s driving. About The Author Tricia Mills is an online writer. She write articles of any topics. She treats her work very special as something that inspires her. It is the best way that she could express her emotions. Moreover, she really likes to write articles about the importance of a Lawyer and an Attorney to the lives of an injured victims in an accident cases and personal injuries as a result of others negligence. Desert Local News November 4, 2010

Debbie McGowan



Ceo David Brinkman, George Hamilton, Joan Collins and Curt Ringness, Pres of Board of Direc 10

Desert Local News November 4, 2010


Steve Chase Awards

Story and Photos by Pat Krause

Desert AIDS Project had two really special guests on Thursday Oct. 28th. Actress Joan Collins and Actor George Hamilton had a guided tour of the facility. They made a promotional tape while they were there. Joan and George with be co-hosts for the annual Steve Chase awards Gala that will be held on February 12, 2011. The 17th Steve Chase Humanitarian Awards gala is presented by Integrated Wealth Management and will be held at the Palm Springs Convention Center. The event will benefit client services at Desert AIDS Project. Co-chairs are Barbara Keller and Jim Casey. Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Dr. Luc Montagnier, the 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine and an AIDS research pioneer. More award winners and

attending celebrities will be announced at a later date. CEO David Brinkman and Curt Ringness President of the Board ofDirectors welcomed Joan and George to Desert AIDS Project. They walked them thru the building explaining all the many services provided by DAP. DAP is where people living with HIV and AIDS can receive Support,medical care, case management, and social services. Confidential HIV testing is provided at many locations throughout the valley. The Steve Chase Gala is expected to raise over one million dollars to help with the 11 million cost to run this charity each year.

ctors ~Photo by Pat Krause Desert Local News November 4, 2010


In the News Rancho Mirage, CA Hands Of Christ Ministries is honored to be hosting “Christian Comedy Night Out”. Headlining this night out of good, clean fun and non-stop laughter will be nationally known comic Thor Ramsey. Thor will take the stage at the Annenberg Center for Science at Eisenhower on November 12, 2010. This special evening is sure to be joyous and filled with laughter, but the real reward is that a portion of the proceeds from the event will go to The Narrow Door, which supports the Coachella Valley Christmas Store. The Coachella Valley Christmas Store is an annual project headed up by The Narrow Door, in affiliation with LOV Movement. This will be the seventh year the CVCS will be in operation. Last year they provided a Christmas to over 1500 families that might not otherwise have had a Christmas. This year, with the addition of a West Valley location,

they are planning on serving over 2,000 families in need throughout the Coachella Valley. Each family receives a family photo, gifts for their children and a box that contains food. Hands Of Christ Ministries is a faith-based 501(c) 3 community benefit organization dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and to bring unity to the body of Christ. While being the hands of Christ, we show people His love for them in many ways. We achieve this mostly by doing monthly outreaches in Desert Hot Springs, along side other local churches and ministries that all have the same goal: To see souls saved for the Kingdom Of The Most-High God. “Christian Comedy Night Out”, headlining Christian comedic-sensation and author, Thor Ramsey will also feature Jeff Clinard as the opening comedian and Illusionist Nick Diliberto. Nick is the son of Todd Diliberto, Pastor of

Calvary Chapel in Desert Hot Springs. This fun and exciting family event will be held November 12th, 7pm at the Annenberg Center for Science at Eisenhower, 39000 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, California 92270. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Seating is limited. Tickets are available for purchase online at http:// or Ticket prices are $20.00 General Admission and $30.00 VIP. There will also be a raffle with a Grand Prize of $500.00 If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation to either ministry, we have provided the addresses: For The CVCS please send to The Narrow Door PO Box 10750, Indio, CA 92202. For Hands of Christ Ministries please mail to PO Box 418 Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240

If you would like more information, please contact Patrice Kimbler at 760-881-4626 or by email at


Desert Local News November 4, 2010

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Desert Local News November 4, 2010


The annual Palm Desert golf cart parade


Desert Local News November 4, 2010

About 40 children all in ghostly and ghoulish costumes danced along behind the float. ~Photo by Pat Krause

Desert Local News November 4, 2010


The annual Palm Desert golf cart parade started over 45 years ago. Story and Photos by Pat Krause


t was started by some local celebrities at that time, It used to be a Xmas Parade in July but in 1983 because of the hot summers they decided to make it a annual fall parade. It is now being held on the last Sunday in October. The October date lets our seasonal visitors enjoy the Parade. It happened to fall on Halloween this year so the Theme was “Halloween Extravaganza”. The weather on Sunday Oct. 31st, Halloween Day, was very mild with the temps in the low 80’s. Approximately, 15,000 thousand people lined El Paseo to watch the Parade as it wove its way from San Luis Rey to Ocotillo. Over 75 participated in this parade. Each participant must have a decorated golf cart. The only exception is the local bands. Hall of Famer, Johnny Bench and Carl Karcher Jr from Carls Jr were honored guests. Veterans from the last few wars including World War 11 started the parade along with the Color Guard and Band from the Marine Base at 29 Palms


Businesses, groups, schools, charities and dance studios were just a few of the Participants. Some of the 1st place winners were Palm Desert and Montessori Schools, Desert Arc, Auen Foundation, Little Shop of Horrors,Pastry Swan Bakery and Desert Fencing Academy to name just a few. Others won a second and third place title in the various themes like, Mayors and Chairmans trophy,School spirit, Community Service, Comedy and Judges awards. The top Sweepstakes Trophy when to Studio 4 Dance Company. About 40 children all in ghostly and ghoulish costumes danced along behind the float. The day started with a pancake breakfast hosted by the Palm Desert Rotary Club. There are vendor booths and Activities for children along with a family costume challenge and a golf cart show. A special seating area in the shade has been added for our seniors. Media’s requests come from around the world by Germany,France and Japan. The Palm Desert Golf Cart Parade is a fantastic way to start the Season.

Desert Local News November 4, 2010

Desert Local News November 4, 2010


It’s a long, long way to Tipperary. THANK HEAVEN WE HAVE THE DVD.

Movies and More! by David Mikelberg


critic recently referred to the seventh and final season of The Mary Tyler Moore Show as “downbeat.” As a fan of the show, I read that and came to think I will never be completely satisfied. I’ll never know what happened to those amazing characters after Mary Richards turned off the lights in the WJM-TV Newsroom for the last time. Yes, there is the “Lou Grant” series, but the only MTM cast member to appear on that show was Mary’s Aunt Flo (Eileen Heckart). There was also the 2000 TV movie “Mary and Rhoda”, but the less said about that the better. My lack of satisfaction is one reason why I go back to the first episode shortly after I watch the last one. There is another reason. “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” is timeless; as fresh and funny today as it was when it went on the air in 1970. At the start of the seventh season of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, its creators were at their heights. They had just won their second Emmy Award (of three in a row) for Outstanding Comedy Series. It was (and still is) referred to as the gold standard by which other comedy series are judged. Season 7 was the only season in which they took advantage of standard sitcom staples. The cliffhanger, the dream sequence, the flashback, the special guest cameo; they all show up here. In other, less capable hands, this


a baby on the way. In the season premiere, “Mary Mid Midwife”, Georgette Baxter goes into labor during one of Mary’s dinner parties. With hilarious and touching results, the episode begins to sum up the complex relationship between Georgette and Ted. They are the main focus in more stories later in the season. The wonderful thing about all these characters is that they were complex. The actors grew into their roles and changed as people hence the characters were allowed to change with them. The hu humor rose more out of character than it did situation.

could be viewed as a desperate attempt to keep the show fresh. On MTM, these devices are used with such success that every one is hilarious. It even comes with whipped cream, in the form of the funniest pie in the face I’ve ever seen. Let’s start with the cliffhanger. In the final episode of the sixth season, Georgette and Ted Baxter went from no family to an adopted son, a dog and

Desert Local News November 4, 2010

The dream sequence happens in the episode, “Mary’s Three Husbands.” Over an after work drink in Lou Grant’s office, he, Murray and Ted all fantasize about what it would be like married to Mary. Throughout the series, Mary’s parties were recipes for disaster. Things are no different during “Mary’s Big Party.” There’s a power failure in her apartment building and we are treated to some flashbacks of earlier parties. Anyone

Continues on Page 19

It’s a long, long way to Tipperary. Continued from Page 18 by David Mikelberg

for “Veal Prince Orloff?” Then, in the darkness, Johnny Carson shows up as Mary’s special guest. The cast delivered their lines in the dark. Listen for Johnny’s hilarious comment when he is introduced to Sue Ann Nivens. The funniest pie in the face comes at the end of “The Critic.” I’ll say no more. Just watch the episode and please, grab your sides. If you laugh half as much as this critic, you’ll ache. There are many other highlights in this three-disc set including “Sue Ann’s Sister”, in which we get to see the Happy Homemaker’s bedroom. In the series penultimate episode, “Lou Dates Mary”, we are taken an incredible journey with these characters. They go from being friends, through the exploration of a romantic relationship, and back to being the best of friends. David Lloyd’s script is wonderful and the performances, simply brilliant. “The Last Show” has, in effect become the paradigm by which other series finales are created. A new station owner at WJM has to decide if the problem with “The Six O’clock News” is in front of the camera or behind it. In a telling tale of the stupidity of corporate America, everyone in the newsroom is fired, except for Ted Baxter. In 33 years, only one other finale has come close to matching the creativity of this one, that being “The Last Newhart.” It took Fox Home Entertainment a total of eight years to finish releasing this entire series on DVD. This is a bare bones set. The picture quality of the 24 episodes is OK. The only “extra” is the inclusion of the “Curtain Call” at the end

of the final episode. It has not been seen since the episode’s initial airing in 1977. Some sets were shipped without the curtain call. If you have one of those sets, just call the phone number listed on the back label. To their credit, Fox will ship you a replacement disc at no cost. I have refrained from naming these amazing actors until now. They are, as Ms. Moore said in the curtain call, “the best cast, ever!” Ed Asner, Ted Knight, Gavin MacLeod, Betty White, Georgia Engel, Valerie Harper and Cloris Leachman. They, along with Carol, Harvey, Vicki, Lyle and Tim (the other best cast, ever) hold a special place in my heart. What do you say to people who have made you laugh almost every day of your life? The answer is simple. Thank you. To quote Lou Grant, “I treasure you people.” You guys are the best. And when I say “guys” I mean Mary, too. Especially Mary.

Cash may be king, but plastic is queen this holiday shopping season Staff: in the News In the aftermath of the Great Recession, one good money habit seems to be sticking around: swiping plastic less. In fact, a recent survey by USAA found more than half of the shoppers don’t plan to use a credit card at all this holiday shopping season. However, two in five consumers still plan to use their credit card this year. “While it’s good to see people are relying less on credit for holiday shopping, using a credit card is not always a financial faux pas,” says Joseph Montanaro, financial planner for USAA. “But, you have to use them wisely, rather than as a crutch to spend more than you can afford.” Here are four excuses to pull out your plastic this holiday season:

Outside of Stage Two at the CBS Studio Center in California there is a plaque. It reads:

1. The holiday shopping season can be an ideal time to maximize rewards program benefits.

On this stage a company of loving and talented friends produced a television classic. The Mary Tyler Moore Show 1970-1977

2. Using a credit card at least a few times per year can help keep your credit score in good standing.

Nothing lasts forever, but at least its all here on DVD. What’s going to happen now that I have the whole series? Back to episode one, I guess. The Mary Tyler Moore Show The Complete Seventh Season 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

Desert Local News November 4, 2010

3. Purchase protection or extended warranty can provide you with peace of mind on expensive purchases. 4. Debit cards can provide the best of both worlds, with some offering credit cardstyle rewards programs and the built-in spending limits of cash. Courtesy of ARA


Healthy Dog... Happy Family Any pet owner will tell you, dogs are not just four-legged friends but bona-

Superfoods: Not just for humans!

The ULTRASSENTIAL Superfood Blend

fide members of the family. Whether they are accompanying you on a walk to the park, warming your feet as you read your morning paper, or the first ones to greet you when you arrive home from a long day of work, dogs aren’t just ‘man’s best friend’ but an integral member of the famil y. And, just like any member of your family, your dog deserves the nutrition that will best serve his or her needs. Since keeping every member of the family healthy and active is important, NUTRO ULTRA food for dogs contains the ULTRASSENTIAL Superfood Blend. It blends a unique mix of highquality proteins, antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy oils that deliver added performance benefits for your dog, including heart and joint health, strong eyesight and healthy brain function. The ULTRA food for dogs recipe

Photo courtesy of Nutro ULTRA.

includes well-known superfoods like pomegranates, blueberries and pumpkin while leaving out ingredients like wheat, ground yellow corn and artificial flavors or colors. “In the right combination, individual superfoods are stronger by working together, like taking a multivitamin. It’s this extra nutritional punch that makes the ULTRASSENTIAL Superfood Blend ideally suited for aiding in total dog health.” said nationally renowned veterinarian Dr. Marty Becker, who has teamed up with the ULTRA brand. “Making sure your dog eats a nutritionally balanced diet is vital to his longevity and happiness.” Now that is something the whole family can get excited about.


Keeping You and Your Dog Happy and Healthy Dr. Marty Becker shares tips to stay active with your dog • Stay fit. Nutrition and exercise are vital to the well-being of your dog. Dogs need a well balanced diet just like people, and you can greatly improve the longevity of your dog’s life by paying close attention to his eating and exercise habits. Exercise, besides helping keep a pet near its ideal body weight, greatly reduces bad behaviors like excessive barking, digging and chewing. • Clean teeth. Daily oral care is so important for their health, but it is often overlooked. While brushing your dog’s teeth at least weekly is the gold standard, any steps you take to help clean their teeth can prevent illness and help them live a

longer life. An added benefit: No more “doggy breath!” • Have fun. Dog parks and dogfriendly beaches are great ways for you and your dog to get out, exercise and socialize. Just as it helps to have a fitness buddy at the gym, your dog can be your walking or jogging buddy and they never forsake you for a better offer. When you’re having fun together, it won’t feel like exercise!

Desert Local News November 4, 2010

• Blueberries - Packed with antioxidants to help maintain a strong immune system, a healthy heart and sharp mind • Pomegranate - Packed with antioxidants and to help support a strong immune system • Pumpkin - A member of the squash family, pumpkin is a natural source of Beta Carotene and fiber that helps both the digestive health and vision of your dog • Avocado - Avocados are rich in Omega fatty acids for a healthy skin and coat. In ULTRA food for dogs only the fleshy part of the fruit is used, and not the skin, pit, leaves, or ste ms • Oatmeal - Oatmeal is a healthy grain with beneficial insoluble and soluble fiber recognized for helping promote easy digestion and heart health • Sunflower Oil - This healthy oil is rich in Linoleic Acid to help your dog have a healthy skin and coat • Tomatoes - Packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants, tomatoes help support a strong immune system and a healthy heart • Spinach - High in antioxidants and essentia l minerals, spinach helps support a strong immune system, strong vision and cognitive development • Eggs - Considered one of the most perfect proteins, eggs not only help maintain your dog's lean muscle mass, but also support cognitive development and help provide a healthy skin and coat • Alfalfa Meal - This natural grass rich in antioxidants and fiber provides the nutrients needed for a healthy immune system • F laxseed - Flaxseed is a natural Omega-3 and 6 fatty acid source that helps maintain a healthy skin and coat, and support healthy joints for your dog • Carrots - Carrots contain one of the most concentrated sources of Beta Carotene for strong vision and a strong immune system • Brown Rice - Provides an excellent source of energy through easily digestible carbohydrates • Cranberries - This natural source of Vitamin C helps keep your dog’s immune system strong




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From the Desert Hot Springs Emergency Preparedness Committee In the News, Desert Hot Springs Hike the San Andreas Fault with The Honorary Hike Leader, Desert Hot Springs Mayor Yvonne Parks, on November 20th starting at 9am. The 3 mile hike starts at a vacant lot on the top of Miracle Hill, south of Hacienda Ave, in Desert Hot Springs. Meet at 67457 Monterey Rd at the top of the hill. The “Walk and Talk” will follow the fault line for 3 miles all in Desert Hot Springs as it runs from Miracle Hill through sand dunes to a water filled palm oasis,


fault formed cliffs, and a flowing artesian well, ending back at the starting point. During the walk naturalists from The Great Outdoors Hiking Club will show how they locate the San Andreas, and talk about Earthquakes, and emergency preparedness. The hike is free and open to the Public, and runs From 9am to 12 noon. Hikers should be able to walk at least 3 miles

Desert Local News November 4, 2010

and be prepared for parts of the hike that climb uphill and over uneven and rocky terrain. Please bring whatever supplies and gear that you would bring for yourself for a few hours of hiking. Meet at 67457 Monterey Rd at 9am on Saturday November 20th 2010.

Information: Patrick Hinrichsen at (760) 660- 3678

Grace Church ‘Car Wash’ Report and Photos by Bruce Montgomery

The youth group of Grace Church in Desert Hot Springs had a car wash on Sunday morning to raise funds for the purchase of Bibles to be sent through Open Doors to believers in persecuted countries. $865 dollars was donated, and thanks to a matching gift challenge that became $1730. Our goal this year was to raise money for 700 Bibles at $5 apiece, i.e. a total of $3500. With the $1274 that had already come in, thanks to the generous support of the car wash and the matching gift our total is over $4100, or 820 Bibles, with two Sundays left for people to donate! Praise the Lord!

Desert Local News November 4, 2010



Desert Local News November 4, 2010

Desert Cities WomenÕ s Show

Story and Photos by Pat Krause Several thousand women and men came to the Desert Cities Women’s Show held at the Renaissance Esmeralda Resort and Spa in the Emerald Ballroom on Oct. 30th and 31st. The Show held something for everyone. Style show, Speakers, demonstrations and Vendors of all kinds filled the grounds inside and outside. Guests could listen to the many speakers each day on all subjects. The style show was one of the best in many years. The show started by eight women coming out in costume and belly dancing to fantastic music. Fringes on the costumes flew as their hips moved to the music. Exciting to watch and the costumes came from a local business. Then came all the modern fashions. Each group of models wore designs from vendors in the show. Beautiful women wore beautiful clothes. Toward the end of the show small

Desert Local News November 4, 2010

children modeled designer clothing. Then all the models paraded down the runway for the finale. Speakers gave lectures on various subjects that women can relate to. Topics like Weight loss, money, health, Fall fashions and fashions for the home and even being sexy after 60. Celebrities like Lainie Kazan performed and Celebrity designer Michael Costello shared his experiences on Project Runway. Authors discussed their books and doctors spoke of the latest medical breakthroughs. A special outdoor venue “Taste of the Valley”provided food and drink for an extra fee. Tasting all the specialties from their businesses. Vendors inside gave free samples, demonstrations, Facials, and discounts for services. Booths of jewelry, clothes and accessories were filled with eager customers. Free blood pressure and blood sugar tests were performed. Everyone could make a day of this event and really enjoy themselves.


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Desert Local News November 4, 2010

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Rod Eccles Walter “Burno” Korschek Just the Fact’s Max Matt Weyuker

Contributors: Jack Lyons David Mikelberg Pat Krause Dr. Lisa Robyn Lawrence Dr. Allen Lawrence

Doable, sustainable advice for getting healthier in 2011 Members of the Mayo Clinic staff, authors of “The Mayo Clinic Diet,” offer some advice for improving your healthy lifestyle in the New Year: * A sustainable weight loss plan should include food from all the major food groups, feature foods you can easily find at the grocery store, fit your lifestyle and budget, include proper amounts of nutrients and calories, and encourage regular physical activity. The Mayo Clinic Diet starts off with a two-week focus on breaking unhealthy habits and adding healthy habits. * Learn to make healthy food choices you can live with. The Mayo Clinic Diet relies on the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid, which guides you toward a general direction of smart eating. The base of the

pyramid focuses on generous amounts of healthy foods that contain fewer calories in a large volume of food, like fruits and vegetables. As you progress toward the peak of the pyramid, you eat lesser portions of categories like whole grains, lean protein, dairy, healthy fats and even sweets. * Every weight loss plan faces challenges. Learn what yours are and how you can cope with them. The Mayo Clinic Diet provides an action guide that lists a number of challenges and recommends ways to cope with them. You’ll find more information on living a healthier lifestyle in 2011 at

PHOTOGRAPHERS Bruce Montgomery Pat Krause Catherine Jardine Max Liebermann

Special Editor Leslie Andrews

NEWS OFFICE: 14080 Palm Drive Suite #146

760-542-9753 760-449-8235

Courtesy of ARA Desert Local News November 4, 2010


Action shots, November 2, 2010 DHS City Council Meeting

~by Bruce Montgomery

“Welcome back’ City Manager Rick Daniels

Silvia Paz gives state budget and legislative update

Jason Simpson confers with Police Chief Patrick Williams

DHS General Plan Land Use Designations


Mario Gonzales a co applicant for annexation 29 discusses investor uneasiness over zoning

Russell Betts listens to General Plan

Robin T. speaks in behalf of the Developers

Mayor Yvonne Parks George Fisher talks about emergency preparedness

Gabriel King complains regarding what he considers excessive travel expenses of council

DHS General Plan Land Use Designations

Desert Local News October 25, 2010

Martin Magana presents recommendations on Zoning

President Russ Augustine announceds upcoming Chamber of Commerce events

Ali Baba listens to discussion on zoning in proposed general plan

Scott Matas chides coapplicants for their eleventh hour presentation of proposed changes to zoning map

Original artwork by Audrey Moe on display at Carl May Center Desert Local News October 25, 2010 Desert Local News November 4, 2010



Live at Fantasy Springs Casino

Brad Mercer and the Acquitted at the RockYard at Fantasy Springs

By Lisa Robyn Lawrence Photos by Catherine Jardine Brad Mercer and his band the Acquitted performed under the beautiful desert sky in the RockYard at Fantasy Springs Resort in Indio. They were in the best form ever and really showed their stuff. The Acquitted has gone through some changes with adding a British drummer and a second vocalist which are all for the better. This amalgam of very talented local musicians and vocalists really shines more brilliantly than ever.

guitar. Several folks got up to dance. One gal even had a hula hoop and was dancing with it in time to the music. For his first performance with the band, David Williams ,the new drummer showed that he could really “bang on the drum all day” with the band. The new vocalist, Kat Pederson’s vocal skills were self evident. The rest of the band members were terrific.

tic. Guitarist, Tim Kramer gave the audience a double treat with his vocal talents and his guitar mastery. Female vocalist, Cynthia “Cy“ Craig’s distinct, dusky, bluezy voice carried through her “White Rabbit” solo as well as complimenting Brad and the others songs with her vocals. “Stan the Man” on keys was fantastic. Lots of guitar duet riffs and excitement. Best live performance for Brad Mercer and the Acquitted yet!

Brad was in great form and really got the crowd rocking singing and playing his

Smokin’ bass player, Paul Villalobos’ lead vocals and backup vocals were fantas-

Great evening, great music, great weather, great venue.

Desert Local News November 4, 2010




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