Desert Local News April 25, 2011 Issue

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April 25, 2 0 1 1

The BI G 4 , Anthrax, M e g a d e t h, Sl aye r a nd M e t a l l ic a p l aye d at a o n e ti me only concer t in I ndio at t he Em p ire Po l o Cl ub o n Ap ril 23rd. Pa g e s 1 4 - 1 9

The BIG 4

Pho to by Pat Krause

Desert Loca L News Š apriL 25, 2011 1

By St a f f Nature offers many beautiful gif ts and wonders to explore, and pare nts can help get k ids outside to discover them when they step away from the television or computer screen. Here are a few fun ways to encourage your children to explore nature. A growing trend As more Amer icans are discover ing ever y year, gardening is a great way to enjoy nature. K ids will enjoy star ting plants from seed or pick ing out star ter plants at the nurser y and watching them grow and develop. Even a small container garden on a balcony or patio can yield tomatoes for salsa, flowers for an entire season or strawber r ies galore. Cook up your favor ite recipes with home grown ingredients and donate any excess produce to local food banks. For the more adventurous gardener, help your k ids plant a “ ver tical garden.” I n the st yle of famed French ar tist and botanist Patr ick Blanc, grow your flowers and vegetables in a fun new way. Tr y filling a canvas hanging shoe organizer with a light-weight potting mix and filling each pocket with one of your favor ite plants. Have fun using tomatoes, bell peppers, mar igolds, strawber r ies, vinca vines or impatiens. Poke a dra inage hole in each pocket and hang the entire organizer on your back fence or balcony. Water daily, and in just a few weeks you will be enjoying your own living ar t piece. Find a local communit y garden or gardening co - op and volunteer with your family to help with weeding, water ing, planting or har vesting. Nature’s bount y Yard waste? Not when you can

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Earth-friendly crafts and activities


A me ric a n Ca n c e r S o c ie t y ’s De s e rt S p irit X X ll wa s h e ld a t t h e P a lm S p rin g s Co n v e n t io n Ce n t e r o n A p ril 1 3 t h . Dia n e Ne id e rma n , wif e o f re n o wn a u t h o r A n d re w Ne id e rma n . wa s g iv e n t h e “Ce le b ra t io n o f L if e ” a wa rd . Diane is a 2 time survivor having beaten colon and liver cancer. Over 250 guests attended this Premier Food and Entertainment Gala.

Sk y la r G er ing a nd E m il y Ne i d e r m a n sel l ba l l o o ns fo r t h e e ve nt. ~ Pho to Pat K ra us e

Wind is our friend! Ph oto by Bru ce M o ntgo mer y

Desert Loca L News © apriL 25, 2011


Pope Benedict XVI’s Easter S unday 2 0 1 1 Me ssa g e Ask s for D i pl omacy in Lib ya By M ichael S anto


t. Peter ’s S quare was packed with pilgr ims, tour ists and celebrants as the Pope and the church mar ked the Catholic Church’s most joyous day of the year, Easter Sunday. Chr istians globally recall Jesus’ resur rec tion on Easter Sunday. This year, Easter fell on the same day in the Or thodox and R oman Catholic church calendars. Additionally, Easter Sunday 2011 fell on the same day as the anniversar y of the Ar menian G enocide. The full tex t of the Pope’s Easter Sunday 2011 message can 4

be found at the Vatican R adio’s website. I n par t, the Pope focused on the many disasters and conflic ts across the globe. Not only did he address the M iddle East, he noted the recent S endai Ear thquake in Japan and the I vor y Coast, as well. I n an excer pt, Pope B enedic t X VI said: “M ay the splendour of Chr ist reach the peoples of the M iddle East, so that the light of peace and of human dignit y may overcome the dar k ness of division, hate and violence. I n the cur rent conflic t in Libya, may diplomac y

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and dialogue take the place of ar ms and may those who suffer as a result of the conflic t be given access to humanitar ian aid. I n the countr ies of nor ther n Afr ica and the M iddle East, may all citizens, especially young people, wor k to promote the common good and to build a societ y where pover t y is defeated and ever y political choice is inspired by respec t for the human person. M ay help come from all sides to those fleeing conflic t and to refugees from var ious Afr ican countr ies who have been obliged to leave all that is dear to them; may people of good will open their hear ts to welcome them,

so that the pressing needs of so many b rothers and sisters will be met with a concer ted response in a spir it of solidar it y ; and may ou r words of comfor t and appreciation reach all those who make such generous effor ts and offer an exemplar y witness in this regard. “M ay peaceful coexistence be restored among the peoples of I vor y Coast, where there is an urgent need to tread the path of reconciliation and pardon, in order to heal the deep wounds c aused by the recent violence. M ay Japan find consolation and hope as it faces the dramatic

consequences of the recent ear thquake, along with other countr ies that in recent months have been tested by natural disasters which have sown pain and anguish.” While the scene in R ome was one of many gather ing for Easter Sunday in worship, things were not the same ever y where. I n B eijing, police blocked any from attending Easter ser vices. For one, Shouwang Church’s senior pastor Jin Tianming is cur rently under house ar rest and told CNN: “M ore police have come to stand watch in front of my door in anticipation of Easter. I’ve spoken to several

of my fellow worshippers who attempted to attend our planned ser vice this mor ning, but some were detained. But we will not change our plans. We will not change our decision to worship a s this is a matter of faith,” Shouwang Church had planned an outdoor s er vice, and planning had gone on for months. At the proposed site for the ser vice, law enforcement sealed off the area, and kept watch over any passersby.

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Continued from Page 2 re -use and repur pose. Find the beaut y in what nature provides by creating new uses for things that would other wise be considered waste. Large sticks make great garden stakes for plants that need a little ex tra suppor t, li ke tomatoes. Smaller sticks can be wr itten on or car ved into (by an adult) for an inexpensive way to label plants in the garden or pots. How about using leaves for gif t tags or place cards? K ids will love wr iting names on the leaves with a little paint and a fine -tipped brush or metallic pen. Then, simply punch a hole in one end and tie with a decorative piece of raffia or r ibbon for a personalized touch to any gif t or place setting. Flowers from your pots or garden don’t have to fade away - they can be easily dr ied for use in homemade potpour r i, candles or soap.

G i ve a wo r m a j ob M any of us k now that composting is a great way to reuse what M other Nature has given us. Even a small compost bin will fill up quick ly with k itchen scraps and yard waste. This waste can be used produce a nice compost mix for nex t year ’s garden - especially if you add some red wor ms to the compost bin. Wor ms are nature’s little composters. They make composting more fun, interesting and efficient by break ing down organic matter into nutr ientr ich ver micast allowing your family to compost k itchen scraps easily, and reduce the amount of gar bage produced each year. R ed wor ms can be purchased inexpensively from many g arden centers or online outlets. A small bin will require about 2 pounds of red wor ms to get the job done.

Th e a r t o f re c ycling R ec ycling is a great way to reduce waste. I t ’s likely you already have a rec ycling bin nex t to the gar bage can. Chances are, however, that your k ids do not see those rec yclables as ar t - it is time to change their minds.


Desert Loca L News © apriL 25, 2011

R eusing and rec ycling ever yday objec ts not only reduces waste but, with a little imagination, can also provide hours of creative fun. M ake something together that will br ing years of enjoyment to your home or landscape. M ake a bottle tree to enhance the garden or balcony. Since the invention of bottles, people have found ways to use them as decorations. Used as a way to exp lore the beaut y of glass or ward off (or attrac t) spir its, bottle trees have been “planted ” across the planet in var ious for ms for thousands of years. To build your own bottle tree, collec t color ful glass bottles from your rec ycling bin or from fr iends, family or even local restaurants. For a “ tree” for m, use steel re -bar, sturdy wire, wood, fallen limbs or dying trees. Simply remove labels from bottles and wash out. Then, hang the bottles from your for m - use your bottle tree purely as a decoration or as a nice suppor t for vine -like plants such as mor ning glor y or tomatoes.

Preser vin g natu re in pho to s A digital camera may not seem like a device to get your k ids outside, but they can be acquired quite inexpensively and are a great tool with which to view nature and animals. G o on walks in the yard, neighbor hood, a local par k or zoo and click away. Zoom in or change the angle of the camera for new perspec tives. B y simply changing the way that we look at things like flowers, animals, trees and even bugs, cameras provide an up - close and personal view of the wor ld that you would not other wise get to see. Use your photos for great screen savers on the computer, make photo collages or pr int them out for uniquely fantastic ar t wor ks to frame. Any way you use them, you will have preser ved a little piece of nature and will have great memor ies for years to come. Once you and your k ids star t explor ing nature together, you will discover hours of fun for the entire family. M other Nature may more to offer than you realized. Cour tesy of AR A

P ho to by Bru ce M o ntg o mer y Desert Loca L News © apriL 25, 2011


Sk ylar G e r i n g a nd E m il y N eid er m a n s el l ba l l o o n s Pho to by Pat K ra us e


Desert Loca L News Š apriL 25, 2011




Antioxidants are nutrition powerhouses that help fight chronic disease. Incorporating antioxidants into your diet can help you feel all around healthier. Renowned celebrity nutritionist Dr. Oz Garcia offers some simple tips on how to pack your diet with nutrient-rich foods. Dr. Garcia is the best-selling author of three books: The Balance, Look and Feel Fabulous Forever, and Redesigning 50: The No-Plastic-Surgery Guide to 21stCentury Age Defiance (HarperCollins) and has been the nutrition advisor to stars such as Hilary Swank, Kim Cattrall, Heidi Klum and many others.

Antioxidant Maximizing Tips from Oz: •

Consistent eating: Eating snacks or mini-meals every 2-3 hours will keep you satiated and help you avoid binging on unhealthy quick-grab options. Keep antioxidant-filled snacks with you, like dried cranberries, blueberries and nuts like pistachios. Avoid bloating: It’s important to hydrate properly. Cut out alcohol and soda, and concentrate on water. Give your water a boost of power by adding a little lemon or try unsweetened iced green tea – both chock full of antioxidants. Experiment with new combinations and flavors: Different herbs, like oregano, basil, curry or Cayenne pepper can add a completely new flavor to a dish without adding extra calories. These, and other spices, also contain healthy antioxidants that boost overall wellness. Clean out your kitchen: If you want to start eating healthy, take some time to purge your pantry. Remove processed foods, refined sugars and white carbohydrates. This change will help you eliminate temptation and stay on track to healthy eating habits. Eliminate empty calories: Avoid foods that don’t have any health benefits. For example, trade out unhealthy croutons on your salad for antioxidant-rich pistachios, or pass on the butter and try hummus, a chickpea-based garlic spread. You don’t have to sacrifice flavor for health!

Recipes courtesy of Western Pistachio Association.

Greek Chicken And Chickpea Salad With Tomato Vinaigrette

The Proof is in the Research

Prep Time: 25 mins • Cook Time: 0 mins • Total Time: 25 mins

Serves: 6

VINAIGRETTE: 1/4 cup lemon juice 2 tbsp white balsamic vinegar 1 clove garlic, crushed 3/4 tsp Greek seasoning 1/4 cup tomato juice 1/4 tsp salt (optional) 1/4 cup olive oil SALAD 1 cup canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained 2 cups chopped cooked chicken breast 1/2 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 1/2 cup shredded carrots 1/3 cup sliced radishes 1/3 cup thinly sliced scallions 1/3 cup grape or cherry tomatoes, halved 1/4 cup pitted kalamata (or other) olives 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese 3 tbsp chopped pistachios 3 cups spring mix TO MAKE THE VINAIGRETTE: • Whisk together the lemon juice, vinegar, garlic, Greek seasoning, tomato juice, and salt, if using, until well blended. Whisk in the oil until emulsified. Set aside. TO MAKE THE SALAD: • Lightly mash the chickpeas in a medium bowl with a fork. • Add the chicken, parsley, carrots, radishes, scallions, tomatoes, olives, cheese, and pistachios. Drizzle with half of the vinaigrette and toss to coat well. • Place the spring mix on a serving plate. Top with the chickpea mixture. Pass the remaining dressing for diners to use as desired. Nutritional Information (per serving, based on 6 servings): Calories 270, Carbohydrates 13g, Fat 16g, Saturated Fat 3g, Protein 20g, Cholesterol 47mg, Dietary Fiber 4g, Sodium 326mg, Sugar 3g


Cherry-Pistachio Biscotti Prep Time: 28 mins • Cook Time: 47 mins • Total Time: 1 hr 25 mins

2 1 2 1/4 1 1/4 2 1/2 2 2/3 1/2

Makes: approx. 4 dozen

cups all-purpose flour cup whole wheat flour tsp baking powder tsp salt cup sugar cup butter tbsp 50/50 butter blend spread tsp almond extract large eggs cup pistachios, chopped cup dried tart cherries or cherry-flavor sweetened dried cranberries • Heat oven to 350°F. Line baking sheet with foil. • Whisk flours, baking powder and salt in bowl. • Beat sugar, butter spread and almond extract in medium bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until combined. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Beat in dry ingredients in thirds. Add pistachios and cherries and beat to combine. • Form into 2 slightly flat 10" x 2 1/2" logs. Put on pan and bake 35 minutes. Remove from oven. Cover with moist towel and let stand 10 minutes. Cut crosswise into 1/3"thick slices. Lay cut side down on ungreased baking sheets. Bake 12 minutes, turning once.

Asparagus Spinach Pistachio Pesto Pasta Prep Time: 15 mins • Cook Time: 10 mins • Total Time: 25 mins

Serves: 4

1 lb asparagus, steamed 1/4 cup pistachios 1/4 cup spinach 1 clove garlic 1/4 cup parmesan cheese 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp lemon juice 1 package of whole wheat pasta • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. When ready, add asparagus and cook for 3 minutes. Remove from the water and shock in a bowl of ice water. Drain and then place on a cutting board. Slice off the tips and set aside. Roughly chop the rest. • Add a cup of the chopped asparagus to a food processor along with the spinach, garlic, 2 tablespoons of the pistachios, parmesan cheese, olive oil, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. Blend until it is a paste; this is your pesto. • Add the pasta to the pot of boiling water. Cook according to the directions on the box. Save a 1/4 cup of the pasta water. Drain the pasta when done, and return to the still hot pot. Add 1 cup of the pesto and half of the pasta water. Stir well. If it is too dry, add some more water. • Chop the remaining pistachios. Serve the pasta and garnish with the pistachios, and more grated parmesan cheese. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Nutritional Information (per serving, based on 4 servings): Calories 153, Carbohydrates 7g, Fat 12g, Saturated Fat 2g, Protein 4g, Cholesterol 4mg, Dietary Fiber 3g, Sodium 69mg Courtesy of

Research on The only Green Nut has shown that pistachios: • Raise the level of antioxidants in your blood, reducing the risk of heart disease by lowering the level of oxidized-LDL (bad) cholesterol. Antioxidants are molecules found in some foods that may help fight off heart disease and cancer. • May help lower your body’s response to everyday stresses, such as high blood pressure. In addition, the cracking of the shells can sometimes feel therapeutic. • Are associated with a better overall diet. Adults age 19 years and older who eat nuts such as pistachios regularly are found to have improved nutrient intakes and lower prevalence of health risks. • When eaten with some high carbohydrate meals, may result in a lower than expected blood sugar level – an important factor in diabetes prevention.

For more information and healthy recipes visit

Nutritional Information (per serving, one cookie): Calories 66, Carbohydrates 10g, Fat 2g, Saturated Fat 1g, Protein 1g, Cholesterol 11mg, Dietary Fiber 1g, Sodium 32mg, Sugar 4g


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Host restaurateur Paul Bruggermans, Jackie Lee Houston, seated, and Jim Houston 10 Desert Loca L News Š apriL 25, 2011

Photo by Pat Krause

American Cancer Society award

“Celebration of Life”

M a r in e s C p l. D a v id S m it h ,. S g t M ic h a e l R ia lm o a n d C p l. D ir k Fr e e m a n

Stor y and Photos by Pat K rause Amer ican Cancer S ociet y ’s D eser t Spir it XXll was held at the Palm Spr ings Convention Center on Apr il 13th. Diane Neider man , wife of renown author Andrew Neider man. was given the “Celebration of Life” award. Diane is a 2 time sur vivor having beaten colon and liver cancer. O ver 250 guests attended this Premier Food and Enter tainment G ala. Eight local restaurants provided entrees of meats and seafood ’s, salads, soups and delicious desser ts. Eight tables were set up with the chefs par ticular specialties where attendees could choose their favor ite foods in buffet st yle. Tables were ador ned with flowers and var ious dr inks at several stations were fur nished.

R a m ir o Z e r n e n o , H e c to r Tr e jo , Le sl ie a n d A m b e r to Lo m b in o -R id C a r re o n fr o ge m S p e n ce rs R e st a u ra n t

A silent auc tion was held dur ing the cocktail hour with a live auc tion held later in the program. Enter tainment was provided by Johnny M eza. Balloons were sold with pr izes inside totaling more than the value of the sold balloon and were popped at the end of the program. Dr. M egan Foster and Dr. S cott G er ing were co - chairs of the event. Host R estaurateur Paul Bruggemans introduced the par ticipating restaurants, Le Vallaur is, B ellatr ix, El M irasol Cocino M exicana, K aiser R estaurant Group, Pacifica S eafood R estaurant, Spencers R estaurant, Sullivans Steak house and Wally ’s D eser t Tur tle. Amer ican Cancer S ociet y makes a difference by helping people stay well, get well, finding cures and fighting back to defeat cancer. O ver 1000 were helped this year in the Coachella Valley thru suppor t, transpor tation ,lodging and help on the road to recover y for both men and women.

Dr. M egan Foster and Dr. S cott G er ing

R, Stephen Browning Vice Pres. of Amer ican Cancer S ociet y and S andy Smith D i re c to r o f O pe rati ons of AMC

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Photo graphe r to t h e Hol l y wo o d St ar s, was h on o red

Michael Childers Sto r y and Photos by Pat Krau se R enown photographer to the Holly wood Stars, M ichael Childers was honored with a M ichael Childers Day onApr il 13th at the Palm D eser t Public Librar y. This was the opening reception of Childers’ exhibition, “Author Author ” with about 40 of his photographic por traits of Authors, screenwr iters, play wr ights and celebr ities. The R eception and Presentation of awards was open to the public. The Librar y was full of his fr iends and admirers ofhis wor k . Guests lined the room, some seated and others standing all around the central area of the librar y. R ancho M irage M ayor R ichard K ite presented M ichael with a proclamation honor ing his day.

Frank Jones of Palm Spr ings Life M agazine presented him with a photo collage for his contr ibutions to the M agazine and all of Coachella Valley. M r. Jones spoke about his relationship with M r. Childers and how he comes with an entourage of many staff just for a photo shoot. O ther speakers included David Br yan ,Librar y Direc tor and Russ Russell from Union Bank . M r. Childers or iginal photographs will be on display at the R ancho M irage Public Librar y until June 30th. This is a great oppor tunit y to see fantastic photographic por traits of legends like R ay Bradbur y, Tennessee Williams, Chr istopher R ice and other great Icons in literature.

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M ayor R ichard K ite and Librar y Direc tor David Br yant

M ichael Childers and David Br yant, Librar y Direc tor ~Photos by Pat K rause

Frank Jones with photo collage for M ichael Childers.

Russ Russell, M ichael Childers and Author David Lee

M ichael Childers at presentation of proclamation

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4 G I The B

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The BIG 4, Anthrax, M egadeth, Slayer and M etallica played at a one time only concer t in I ndio at the Empire Polo Club on Apr il 23rd. These 4 icons of metal music histor y decided to make one per for mance in the US. G oldenvoice brought them here the week af ter Coachella Fest and the week before Stagecoach. The grounds were set up and I ndio was prepared for another round of traffic congestion. Photo by Pat K rause Desert Loca L News Š apriL 25, 2011 15

4 G I B The Metallica band members ~Photos Pat Krause

Anth rax ban d m e m b e rs

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M eg ad et h l ead s i ng er Story and Photos by Pat Krause The BIG 4, Anthrax, M egadeth, Slayer and M etallica played at a one time only concer t in I ndio at the Empire Polo Club on Apr il 23rd. These 4 icons of metal m usic histor y decided to make one per for mance in the US. G oldenvoice brought them here the week af ter Coachella Fest and the week before Stagecoach. The grounds were set up and I ndio was prepared for another round of traffic congestion. This concer t was attended by only a few thousand less than the other concer ts. Approximately 50 to 55 thousand people of all ages came to hear these 4 great M etal bands. Fathers brought sons and husbands took wives and children to hear what they heard 20 and 30 years ago. M etal fans came from all over the US just for this once in a lifetime concer t. The crowd was amazingly a lot of young

people that are star ting another generation of metal music fans.

“Peace S ells” and “M adhouse” were a few of the songs played.

M any who grew up with this k ind of music had flashbacks of their youth. O thers wanted the younger generation to hear and be par t of this fantastic t ype of music. They can understand the genius of the musicians and their ex traordinar y talents. I heard people just stand and say WOW af ter a solo per for mance on the guitars. This concer t is considered “H istor ic ” as the M etallica Frontman stated.

One son told his father to look for him as he would be wear ing a black tee shir t. H is father looked around only to find that most of the people wore black tee shir ts with the names of the bands on the front. People were singing along as they k new the lyr ics and some stayed on the sidelines to dance or just sway to the music. Where ever you stood you could see a sea of ar ms in the air for the music.

Lets hope the Big 4 will decide These 4 bands are still in the to come back to the Valley and forefront in metal music with a couple nominated for grammy last make this a year ly eve nt. The weather was great and the crowds year. This k ind of talent is eter nal were ver y respec tful. A few ar rests and captures the interest of all but only minor ones and most generations. A lot of the music people were home by midnight played dur ing the evening were for Easter the following day. A some of the bands greatest hits well run concer t by G oldenvoice over the years. “Sweating Bullits”, and MSO. “Caught in a M osh”, “Die,Die,Die”, Desert Loca L News © apriL 25, 2011 17

Pho to s by M ark Ost ro m

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4 G I hT e B P ho to s by M ark Ost ro m

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An ick-free solution to serve backyard birds the ‘candy’ they’re craving - dried mealworms

By St a ff

War m months are crucial for back yard birds. B efore your feathered fr iends show up, make sure all feeders, baths and houses are in good repair and clean. Then, think about the menu. I f you already ser ve a seed brand that ’s not washed or coated with chemicals or mineral oil, and doesn’t include cheap filler seeds, you’re on the r ight track . Add in some succulent suet and you have the mak ings of a dining dream for back yard birds. Now push it over the top by adding dr ied mealwor ms H igh in protein, fat and potassium, mealwor ms help birds maintain en ergy. They ’re favor ites for species like bluebirds, flickers, woodpeckers, nuthatches, sisk ins an d chick adees.

I n the past, it was difficult for bird fans to provide a supply of mealwor ms. But freeze dr ied var ieties, like Cole’s Dr ied M ealwor ms have made it easy to ser ve this nutr itious muchloved option throughout the spr ing and summer. Freeze dr ied mealwor ms provide all the nutr itional benefits of fresh ones and are easy to store and ser ve. I t ’s also a great way to ser ve birds something they love without you having to endure the “ick fac tor ” of live mealwor ms.

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There are a var iet y of feeders specifically made for ser ving mealwor ms, you can also blend them in with your seed mixes. Either way, the birds will benefit from the nutr itional value of these high protein treats and you’ll satisfy their craving, keeping them coming back for more. For more infor mation on top qualit y seed, suet and mealwor ms visit w w Cour tesy AR A content


BIG PERSONALITIES Get to know your small breed dog with the help of The Nutro Company

Most pet owners will tell you their pet is a big part of their family, no matter their size or breed. But any small breed dog owner will emphatically agree there is something special about having a small breed pup. More and more pet parents are choosing small breed dogs, which have been gaining in popularity over recent years. In fact, the toy and small dog population experienced the fastest dog population growth with an increase of 8 million to 28 million dogs since 2001. One in every four dogs is a small breed. It isn’t hard to see why – they are cute, adaptable and excellent companions. They even have a longer life expectancy than large breed dogs, on average living 1.5 times longer than bigger furry friends. While there are many similarities among all dogs, big or small, it is important to know that small dogs do have specific health concerns and nutritional needs that differ from those of large breeds. For example, small dogs have small jaws and a greater volume of teeth in their mouths. As a result, they are at higher risk for periodontal disease, with prevalence rates between 60 and 80 percent. “Small dogs have the tendency to be finicky eaters, and because nutrition is so important to a dog’s life span and quality of life, it’s crucial to choose the right food for your small dog. Look for a food that is specifically designed for small breed dogs to help meet your dog’s distinctive needs in order to help them reach their full potential,” said veterinarian Dr. Marty Becker. The Nutro Company has done just that by launching NATURAL CHOICE Small Breed dog food, which has a unique kibble shape that is naturally designed to reduce plaque and tartar for healthy gums. In addition, its DNAdvantage Blend Formula is packed with a special blend of antioxidants to support your small breed dog’s immune system for a long and healthy life. In order to learn more about NATURAL CHOICE Small Breed formula, please visit, and check out for the “Small Breed Showdown,” in which users can submit photos of their small pups, compare them to dogs in the same category and challenge other dogs to see how their dog ranks.

Images courtesy of Nutro.

Did you know? There are a lot of advantages to having a small dog. Here are just a few things you can do with your small pup that you couldn’t do as easily with a big dog. • Live in a small apartment without feeling cramped. Small dogs are a great choice for city dwellers or anyone tight on space. • Go shopping with them. Whether or not they fit in your shopping bag, small dogs are allowed more often to enter stores and restaurants because of their small stature. • Dress them up. Their smaller bodies make them more prone to the shivers when outside in cold weather, so give them some style with a cute sweater, jacket or even rain boots. • Vacation together. Many airlines allow small dogs (up to a certain weight limit) to fly with you, as long as they are in an approved carrying case. • Give them a hug. Because small dogs usually don’t weigh much, it’s easier to pick them up for a big hug, which the dog and pet parent equally enjoy.

Top Ten Small Breed Dogs1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Yorkshire Terrier Poodle (Toy) Shih Tzu Chihuahua Pomeranian Pug Maltese Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Havanese Miniature Pinscher

1 According to the American Kennel Club 2009 Dog Registration Statistics

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Steps for catching up with old 401(k)s By St a f f The average Amer ican will hold 11 jobs bet ween the ages of 18 and 42, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2010). When you star t a new job, you probably remember to pack your personal items and update your contac t infor mation, but did you consider what to do with your 401(k) held at your previous

one place can make keeping tabs more difficult. R olling over your balances into one account helps to ensure you can proper ly track and manage your savings to help you pursue your retirement goals. When it ’s simpler to monitor your investments, you can make changes as needed.

R olling over your old 401(k)s isn’t as complicated as you might think . M er r ill Edge, offer ing a wide ar ray of investment solutions from M er r ill Lynch and acces s to the bank ing ser vices of Bank of Amer ica all in one place, has a three step process to help you keep things simple:

employer? I t ’s easy to leave behind.

“One of the biggest challenges facing Amer icans today is planning for their retirement,” says D ean Athanasia, mass affluent and small business executive at Bank of Amer ica. “M any people expec t to retire later than they had planned a year ago. R olling over old 401(k)s is one small step consumers can take to help make managing their retirement savings easier and their retirement goals more attainable.”

1. Lo c ate your accounts: Collec t statements and account numbers for all your 401(k)s. I f you’re missing any account infor mation, call your for mer employers or benefits providers for the infor mation you need.

A recent M er r ill Edge sur vey found that near ly half (46 percent) of mass affluent Amer icans plan to rely solely or heavily on retirement plans offered by their employer for their retirement savings, such as a 401(k) or 403(b). This makes it more impor tant than ever to keep track of your retirement savings. Having accounts in more than

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2. Consider your options: R eview all of the rollover options available to you. There may be many options for retirement investing and saving, so consider

Steps for catching up with old 401(k)s the length of time you plan to i nvest and the level of r isk that ’s comfor table for you. You can use a retirement calculator, like the R etirement Evaluator available on mer r, to help you see where you stand today and help you deter mine whether you’re on track to meet yo ur retirement goals. 3. Cho ose your investments: Finally, decide how you’d like to i nvest. IR As t ypically offer more i nvesting options than 401(k)s to help you reach your retirement goals. M any online tools, such as the Asset Allocator available on mer r, can help you make investment decisions. Or, consult your financial ser vices provider to help you make i nvestment choices for your unique situation. Consolidating 401(k)s into a single IR A account can make i t easier for you to track and manage your retirement assets now, as well as when you star t to withdraw funds in retirement. The process doesn’t have to be over whelming if you remember a few simple steps - collec t your account infor mation, evaluate the choices available to you, and selec t a roll over solution that is appropr iate for you. For more infor mation on rolling over 401(k)s and retirement strategies visit mer r or speak with a Financial S olutions Advisor at the M er r ill Edge Advisor y center at

(888) MER-EDGE (888-637-3343). I nvesting in secur ities involves r isks. Neither M er r ill Edge nor its associates provide tax, accounting or legal advice. You should review any planned financial transac tions or ar rangements that may have tax, accounting or legal implications with your personal professional advisers. Withdrawals are subjec t to ordinar y income tax. I n addition, a 10 percent additional federal tax may apply to withdrawals taken pr ior to age 59 1/2. I nvestment produc ts: * Are not FDIC insured * Are not bank guaranteed * M ay lose value M er r ill Edge is the mar keting name for t wo businesses: M er r ill Edge Advisor y Center, which offers team-based advice and guidance brokerage ser vices; and a self- direc ted online investing platfor m. B oth are made available through M er r ill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith I ncor porated (MLPF&S). MLPF&S is a registered brokerdealer, member SIPC and a wholly owned subsidiar y of Bank of Amer ica Cor poration. Bank ing produc ts are provided by Bank of Amer ica, N. A. and affiliated banks, members FDIC and wholly owned subsidiar ies of Bank of Amer ica Cor poration.

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Bridesmaid’s dresses ar just for weddings anymo You bought the dress, the shoes and the special accessor ies. Now the big day is over and you’re lef t with yet another br idesmaid ’s dress clutter ing the back of your closet. No matter how many br ides have told you that you’ll totally be able to wear that dress again ... you’ve never wor n that dress again. Halloween doesn’t count. But wouldn’t it be nice if you could? What if it wasn’t just another few hundred dollars down the drain? D esign exper ts say go ahead and take those dresses out of the closet and introduce them into your wardrob e. Step one: “ Take a look at the overall silhouette of the dress and say, ‘ What changes can I make that still keep the silhouette?’” says R osalind Grenfell, academic direc tor for fashion design and fashion retail management at The Ar t I nstitute of Colorado. Nex t, if that dress is floor length, it ’s time to cut it down to size. “Shor ten the sk ir t to a mini,” suggests Zoya Nudelman, fashion design instruc tor at The I llinois I n stitute of Ar t - Chicago. And while you’re at it, Nudelma n says you may as well remove any ex traneous bows. Now that you have all that ex tra mater ial lef t over af ter hemming your dre ss, it ’s time to use it. “M ake it asymmetr ical, add a shoulder to a strapless dress,” recommends M ar ina S aba, fashion design instruc tor at The Ar t I nstitute of Houston. You can also add beaded spaghetti straps to

a strapless dress to change the look says Nudelman. But you don’t have to have a tailor on retainer in order to make your br idesmaid ’s dress not look like a br idesmaid ’s dress anymore, especially if it ’s already cocktail length to begin with. “R e accessor ize,” says Grenfell. “Put a shawl with it, change the shoes or put a cardigan with it for a more casual look .” Nudelman also suggests chunk y jewelr y. Since most br ides pick the same dress for all of their br idesmaids even though the ladies usually all come in different sizes, make sure the changes you are mak ing are enhancing your best features and that the new look will complement you and fit your personalit y, adds S aba. And speak ing of br ides, your dresses can get a once over, too. “S ome br ides make their wedding dresses into cocktail dresses and wear them out on their first annive rsar y,” says Grenfell. S aba says if br ides do go that route, they should choose a tailor carefully. “M ake sure that you can retain some of the special effec ts of the dress while still getting more use out of it.” Nudelman ack nowledges most br ides are too afraid to ruin the dress and choose to preser ve it. To lear n about The Ar t I nstitutes visit, w w

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