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Kafka’s Joke

Amid dangerously rising tensions between the US and South Korea, North Korea demonstrated military prowess at a nighttime military parade, showcasing newly developed weapon systems.

Regarding satellite images, experts assume North Korea displayed more ICBMs than ever at its troop shows on the 75th anniversary of its armed forces. In addition, novel rockets were also demonstrated.


Record number of ICBMs: Dictator Kim Jong-un (39) is ready for war!

The “ICBMs” shown demonstrated “enormous nuclear power,” explained the propaganda media after the deployment of weapons and soldiers. The pictures from North Korea show Kim accepting the parade with soldiers marching and armored and missile vehicles driving by. Then, from the grandstand, he looks at Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang, brightly lit by searchlights.

The spectacle started with fireworks and cannon shots. Then, according to the North Korean media, all participants greeted Kim Jong-un with “stormy cheers.”

Kim was accompanied by his wife, Ri Sol-Ju (33) and young daughter, Ju-ae (11). On several occasions, Kim recently took his daughter to weapons tests and military visits.

In South Korea, this is interpreted as a possible message from the autocratic ruler to its citizens: North Korea will be protected by nuclear weapons in the future.

The crowd cheers “enthusiastically.”

As the ICBMs drove by, the crowd erupted in “enthusiastic cheers,” the propaganda department “KCNA” reported. The fact is: the population has no other choice!

Footage of the swanky parade indicated 10 to 12 North Korean Hwasong-17 ICBMs, North Korea expert Ankit Panda wrote on Twitter. “That’s more ICBM launchers combined than ever seen at a North Korean parade.” Dubbed the Hwasongpho-17, North Korea’s missile is the largest ICBM in its arsenal.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles, which have a range of at least 5,500 kilometers, are considered the most important means of delivering nuclear weapons. North Korea’s development of strategic missiles is aimed mainly at the USA, which Pyongyang repeatedly threatens.

Explosive: According to Panda and other experts, the first photos show that North Korea now also has solidfuel rockets - these are ready for use quickly because they do not have to be refueled before use.

Tensions on the Korean peninsula have increased significantly since 2022. According to a UN expert report, Pyongyang tested at least 73 ballistic test missiles, 42 of them alone in the last four months of last year - a clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions.

The US and South Korea have resumed full-scale joint military exercises to deter North Korea.

The pictures of the aggressive Protz show

Conclusion: According to experts, the weapons’ extent and scope demonstrated worrying progress. “More ICBMs were displayed at the recent parade than ever before,” Panda warned.

And further: With this deployment, North Korea has now proven that its nuclear forces are anything but “limited.”

Fat ICBMs are driven over Kim Il-sung Square - the capital Pyongyang is designed to mobilize crowds and military

The military spectacle was introduced by fireworks and cannon shots

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