Desert Mirage - April 2013

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APRIL 2013

Publisher’s Letter... The April issue of Desert Mirage features the magnificent black stallion, Magic Magnifique, of Sweden Arabian Stud. It is with great pleasure and honor to present to the Desert Mirage readers such a beautiful stallion as Magic Magnifique. Our gratitude is extended to Kathleen and Michael Olsson for this opportunity to feature Sweden Arabian Stud and have their beautiful Arabian stallion grace the pages of the magazine. Our sincere thanks and gratitude goes out to Jean Paul Guerlain of France. A Champion Dressage rider himself, Jean Paul is writing a bi-monthly column in Desert Mirage on Classical Riding with your Arabian horse. Jean Paul is extremely knowledgable and has many important training and riding facets to share. Also, the April issue of Desert Mirage features coverage of the Ridden Arabian Horse at Guerlain Stable in France which was held on March 31st. There is an additional day celebrating the Ridden Arabian Horse at Guerlain Stable on May 19th as well. A very worthwhile event to attend. Award winning writer L.A. Pomeroy shares with us the lead story on Magic Magnifique as well as her regular bi-monthly ‘His & Hers’ column. Our regular departments, i.e., Arabian Horsewear - Dressed for Success, Equine Business and Equine Law, offer valuable insight into the Arabian horse industry as a whole. Thank you to Julie I. Fershtman, Attorney-AtLaw, and Bob Valentine, Ph.D. for providing this fresh up-to-date information for our readers. Desert Mirage continues to grow globally. A special thank you is extended to all of the loyal subscribers and advertisers of the magazine. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please forward these items to Desert Mirage wishes all exhibitors at this year’s Arabian Breeders World Cup in Las Vegas a very successful show. Sincerely, Laura J. Brodzik Owner/Publisher Desert Mirage

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uerlain is a French perfume house, amongst the oldest in the world. The House of Guerlain was founded in 1828 when PierreFrancois Pascal Guerlain opened his perfume store in Paris. Jean Paul Guerlain is fourth generation Geurlain and the last family master perfumer. Jean Paul currently works as a consultant for Guerlain and continues to travel the globe to develop new fragrances. Desert Mirage is extremely pleased and honored to feature a regular bi-monthly column written by Jean Paul Guerlain. In the past, in addition to his role as master perfumer for the House of Guerlain, Jean Paul also accumulated World Championships in Dressage and Carriage Driving. Jean Paul will be sharing his extreme talent for training and his love of horses with the readers of Desert Mirage. Following is Jean Paul Guerlain’s article IV for the April 2013 issue of Desert Mirage:

THE HALF HALT The “half halt” is a call for attention, the simultaneous coordinated action of the seat, the legs and the hand of the rider, but has to be very subtle. When we ask the horse for a half halt, we ask him to generate energy “upwards”--that is elevate, become rounder, more expressive. Shifting more of its weight onto its hindquarters balances and lightens the forehand without changing the rhythm.

The half halt is a balancing tool, it tells the horse to prepare for the next move or transition. It allows him to bend his hocks and step underneath therefore preparing him to stride in balance. You should feel the same amount of power from the hind legs as you would feel from a lengthening but you contain it both with your seat and your receiving hands. The half halt is useful before transitions from one pace to another and within the pace before corners, before lateral movements and before changing the bend.

laxed, chest open, elbows bent--relaxed and heavy at your sides, broaden your hips and turn your hip joints fluid with suppleness. Soften your seat; sit on your pubic bones. The hands; hold the inside rein--it retains the flexion, not restrain, merely close your fingers around the rein, this supports the neck of the horse. Close then open the outside rein. This is your active rein aid and should last no more than a stride or two. Soften both reins instantly and equally after the half halt, towards the mouth of the horse. All happening within half halt as often as necessary does not mean that we should fiddle endlessly and aimlessly with the hand, that only makes the mouth insensitive. As a result of this, ever more and stronger aids will need to be given to achieve any effects.

Keep in mind, don’t block your horse with your hand...the reins are your refining aid. Generate the energy from your seat. If the horse is not responsive, bring your legs closer against the horses’ side to encourage him to step forward. Do not actively hold both reins at the same time. Use the inside rein to support the horses’ neck and the outside rein to ask the horse to stay in rhythm and take the energy upwards instead of forwards. Yield with your hand after the half relax; any tension in your body will cause tension in the movement. Do use the half halt before transitions as this will lead to a clean transition and better strides at the next pace. The well-trained horse will need little more than the change of your posture to perform the half halt. Remember the sequence: drive> receive>lighten>drive>yield, with the hand. To practice--it is great if you can have an instructor to explain all the above to you whilst you are on the horse. Wishing you good luck with your wonderful friend...the Arabian horse. If you have any questions, please write to:

So how? The half halt begins in the rider’s seat, back and legs. These run the engine (the hindquarters) allowing the horse to animate his steps. The rider’s hands receive the energy and channel it accordingly. The seat of the rider; the upper body erect and tall, shoulders reDesert Mirage - April 2013

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The half halt is a balancing tool, it tells the horse to prepare for the next move or transition.

Desert Mirage - October 2012

Desert Mirage - April 2013

Guerlain Stable

Christina de Kragh Guerlain Pictured with her Purebred Arabian Stallion Arnelle Acapulco JS Marrak x Platinum Fantasie

Also at Guerlain Stable is the lovely mare Shamanja (Ajman Moniscione x Rohara Shaklana). A beautiful mare with elegant Arabian type and athleticism, Shamanja is beginning her ridden career at Guerlain Stable. Shamanja was brought out unsaddled for the attendees to learn about the proper conformation of an Arabian horse. It is important that individuals understand the significance of correct conformation in an Arabian horse as this will ultimately lead to a successful ridden horse.

On March 31st, 2013, an historic event took place at Guerlain Stable in France…an educational day filled with fine demonstrations of the extremely talented and versatile ridden Arabian horse; this being the first such event in France dedicated to educating individuals on the ridden Arabian horse. Christina de Kragh Guerlain, a Champion Dressage rider herself in France, began the day with a lovely ridden Dressage display on her extremely talented Arabian stallion, Arnelle Acapulco (JS Marrak x Platinum Fantasie). Christina and Acapulco are a true demonstration of a ‘team’…in the most sincere sense of the word. They are completely in tune with one another and are genuinely an elegant pair together.

Education of individuals involved with the Arabian horse throughout France and globally is key. The Arabian horse is athletic by nature and in the ridden horse, naturally improves the physical development of the body of the horse as well as the mental attitude and thought process of the horse.

The event was well attended by interested enthusiasts of the Arabian horse from throughout France--whether Arabian horse owners, enthusiasts of the breed or individuals interested in learning more about this incredible breed of horse. They came to Guerlain Stable for the day to witness the spectacular talent of the ridden Arabian horse.

Proper attire for the rider was discussed and demonstrated for the attendees. Thomas and Virginie Defiliquier were in attendance to showcase their fine riding apparel available to performance riders of the ridden horse. Carol Carpenter of Nomad Arabians located in France, spoke to the attendees of the educational event describing the available ridden classes for Arabian horses in France.

Christina stresses the importance of ridden work in the training of their Arabian horses. As mentioned, Christina successfully rides Acapulco in competitions throughout France. She believes every Arabian horse, when of proper age, should become a ridden horse. Christina states, “When trained and ridden properly, it is the most natural method of conditioning the Arabian horse with the least amount of stress to the articulation of the legs—particularly in the young horse.”

In addition, a demonstration of the proper tack for the ridden Arabian horse was given with the assistance of Carol Carpenter as well as Christina Guerlain. Covered in this presentation was a display of regulation bridles, bits and saddles to be used in competition throughout France on the ridden Arabian horse. Christina comments, “As a student of the ridden Arabian horse, it is imperative to present yourself in the most professional and positive light when representing the ridden Arabian horse in the show ring whether it is in Dressage or the Hunter division.”

Christina de Kragh Guerlain Pictured with her Purebred Arabian Mare Shamanja Ajman Moniscione x Rohara Shaklana

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The educational event for the ridden Arabian horse brought together judges, trainers and riders--all willing to share their knowledge with those in attendance. Yvonne Lavagne d’Ortigue of Les Chevaux d’Autan, an Arabian horse judge, breeder, instructor and competitor in France, took a moment to discuss the ridden Arabian horse. “It is important for the livelihood and perpetuation of the ridden Arabian horse that educational seminars such as today be held for those individuals interested in learning more about this aspect of showing and competition…”, commented Yvonne. “By providing information and demonstration of the ridden Arabian horse to those interested in competing will strengthen and increase the number of people involved with showing this magnificent breed of horse that has proven its capability of performing in numerous disciplines.” Sarah Krusch gave a dazzling performance on Christina’s Arabian stallion as well demonstrating the fine art of classical Dressage. The fluidity between horse and rider was apparent in this spectacular display of the expansive talent of the ridden Arabian horse. Sarah is an Assistant Trainer and Coach at Marc Boblet’s, a Champion French Dressage rider. She is also the personal coach of Christina visiting Guerlain Stable for weekly training sessions. Sarah primarily trains Warm blood horses and considers it a treat as well as a challenge to work with the Arabian horse. Sarah states, “It has been my experience with the ridden Arabian horse that they are an intelligent and willing to please breed of horse. I enjoy working with Arabian horses and aspire to continue to gravitate towards working with this talented breed of horse on a regular basis…” Carol Carpenter Nomad Arabians of France Discussing Rules & Regulations of the ridden Arabian horse in France

The event concluded with an opportunity for the attendees to ask questions and interact with Christina and the invited guests. The information that was disseminated at the Ridden Arabian Horse

Corinne Latini Co-organizer of the Ridden Arabian Horse Day at Guerlain Stable

Guests of the Ridden Arabian Horse Day at Guerlain Stable

Christina & Jean Paul Guerlain pictured with Thomas & Virginie Defiliquier Showcasing their custom riding apparel

Jean Paul Guerlain

Sarah Krusch Assistant Trainer and Coach at Marc Boblet’s Professional Dressage coach of Christina Guerlain

Christina de Kragh Guerlain & Laura J. Brodzik, Owner/Publisher of Desert Mirage Event was both interesting and informative. The guests came away with a new perspective on the Arabian horse…an appreciation of the talent and versatility of the Arabian horse breed.

Guerlain Stable Yvonne Lavagne d’Ortigue of Les Chevaux d’Autan, an Arabian horse judge, breeder, instructor and competitor in France,

Christina and Jean Paul Guerlain are holding an additional Ridden Arabian Horse Event on May 19th, 9:30 a.m. at Guerlain Stable. It is a noteworthy event to attend…one of great significance to the Arabian horse breed. Christina works tirelessly to promote the Arabian horse breed on a daily basis. She is a true asset to the Arabian horse community worldwide. For information on the upcoming Ridden Arabian Horse Day at Guerlain Stable on May 19th, please contact Christina Kragh at

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Regardless of their geography and size, stables and equine industry professionals sometimes find themselves targeted with disputes and lawsuits. Over 26 years as a busy attorney have given me extensive experience representing them. Many disputes are preventable.

Dispute: The horse owner sues the stable because his or her boarded horse was injured or died there. In one case I handled, a horse was kicked in the leg by a pasture mate and had to be euthanized immediately. In another case, a kick in the pasture rendered a horse too lame to compete. Another lawsuit involved the stable arranging for a broodmare to be palpated before breeding, but the veterinarian performing the procedure accidentally tore the mare, and she was later euthanized. Equine professionals and stable managers have a few options to protect themselves against these risks:

1. Liability releases (where allowed by law). Stables should never assume that the same release form that protects the stable against claims from injured people will apply to claims involving boarded horses; make sure the document accomplishes what you seek. In most states a release will be enforced as long as it is properly worded and signed.

2. Liability insurance. Standard commercial liability policies do not protect a stable against claims for injury to or loss of a boarded horse. In fact, these policies often have “care, custody, or control” exclusions. Stables seeking protection against claims involving injured or lost horses will usually need to purchase a care, custody, and control insurance endorsement (sometimes called a “bailees liability insurance” endorsement). 3. Contracts. Make sure your contracts are complete and cover key services. In a lawsuit I defended a few years ago, for example, a horse owner claimed that the stable wrongly pastured her horse in a group instead of an individual paddock. Although the stable insisted that the owner approved the group pasture, nowhere did the contract specify the type of pasture.

Dispute: Customers fail to pay, and the stable files a collection lawsuit. The sheer inevitability of a non-paying boarder is reason enough for stables to plan ahead with carefully worded contracts. Here are some ideas: 1. Include interest on unpaid balances. State laws differ on the maximum rate of interest that businesses can charge.

5. Understand your rights under the applicable stablemen’s lien law and follow your law to the letter.

Dispute: The boarder hires an independent riding instructor to give her lessons on the stable’s property. During a lesson the boarder falls and is injured. Though the instructor was not connected with the stable, the boarder sues the independent instructor and the stable.

This scenario has been a sad reality for some stables that allow “roving” instructors on the premises. Stables willing to allow visiting professionals, however, have a few options to help prepare themselves for the risks:

1. Require visiting instructors to show proof of appropriate commercial liability insurance with policy limits that are acceptable to the stable. Stables can also require the instructor to include the stable and others on the instructor’s policy as additional named insureds.

2. Require visiting instructors to use their own liability release documents, with proper language. And remember that having a good release is never a substitute for liability insurance. 3. Consider buying extra liability insurance for the stable to cover riding lesson activities on the premises, even if the stable’s employees do not give the lessons. Some stables, fearful that visiting professionals might be inadequately insured, buy liability insurance coverage that is designed to protect the stable from claims or suits that could arise from lessons on the property.

This article does not constitute legal advice. When questions arise based on specific situations, direct them to a knowledgeable attorney.

About the Author Julie Fershtman is one of the nation’s most experienced Equine Law practitioners. A lawyer for nearly 26 years, she is a shareholder with the firm Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC ( and has successfully tried equine cases before juries in 4 states. She has drafted hundreds of equine industry contracts and is a Fellow of the American College of Equine Attorneys. She has spoken on Equine Law in 28 states, and is listed in The Best Lawyers in America, 2013. For more information, visit, or

2. Consider imposing late payment fees.

3. Include a clause through which the boarder agrees to pay attorney fees if legal disputes arise. While there can never be a guarantee that courts will enforce it, stables that fail to include these clauses have very little chance of recovering their legal fees in a collection lawsuit.

Please visit and “LIKE” our Facebook Page: “Foster Swift: Equine Law”!

4. Even though state law might allow the stable to hold the boarded horse for non-payment of fees, consider whether it makes better sense to ask the boarder to leave and then sue later to collect the unpaid board. The smaller the debt, the greater the chance that the stable can bring a collection lawsuit in small claims court and save the expense of a lawyer.

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Desert Mirage - APRIL 2013

Have you ever observed your Arabian horse in the pasture-perhaps with other horses or even by itself? It is amazing how their sheer stature tells all. A flip of the beautiful Arabian head, the large nostrils taking in the fresh air, the graceful stride across the pasture and their friendly nature. What I have learned about the privilege of owning this magnificent breed of horse is…Arabian horses are sensitive animals, willing to learn and communicate—if we are good listeners. They are kind, friendly horses and enjoy human interaction. But it is not only the interaction with our Arabian horses that is important as an owner; it is the health and well being of each horse with which we must concern ourselves. As an Arabian horse owner for 24 years, I have learned that it is very important to look…really look—at our horses every day. Observe the horses for any changes in behavior, food intake irregularities or injuries such as lameness’s, cuts or scrapes. It is equally imperative that Arabian horses are kept on a regular feeding schedule and that each horse’s weight and nutrition be monitored closely.

I have also found that it is extremely important to pay very close attention to the feet or hooves of an Arabian horse. First, it is necessary to have your Arabian horse on a regular hoof-trimming schedule with your farrier; every six to eight weeks for horses that are turned out. If the horse has special requirements, the farrier may have to visit more frequently. Secondly, there are many important signs that may surface via the hooves such as fever, thrush, an abscess, stress, lameness, and the warning signs of laminitis. By feeling the feet and checking for warmth and/or an increased digital pulse, you will find that many situations of ill health may be determined or even avoided. It is also equally important to look at the eyes to ensure they are clear and bright. A dull eye is a sure sign of an illness or some type of stress. Once again, looking the horse over, feeling the feet and taking the temperature of the horse will assist in determining the necessity of a call to the veterinarian. Nutrition is vital to an Arabian horses’ well being. Determin-

ing the type and amount of feed is imperative. Also, often times particular Arabian horses may need supplements added to their diets--be sure to follow a strict deworming schedule as well. Grain and hay should be adjusted accordingly as the strength and weakness of your pastures fluctuates throughout the seasons. One of the most important routines that you must follow when feeding your Arabian horses is to separate them from one another during grain feeding to ensure that each horse is receiving the proper amount of feed. If you remember that horses always have a pecking order when turned out with other horses, you can avoid an overfed or underfed Arabian horse. Another equally important item of attention is the horses’ teeth. Each year, your veterinarian or an equine dentist should inspect the teeth. This will determine if your horse has any irregularities with their teeth that may be addressed at your annual vaccination appointment with your veterinarian. Maintenance of the horses’ teeth will ensure that the horse will be able to chew properly and thus receive the maximum amount of nutrition from the food that is ingested.

To maintain the proper weight of your Arabian horse, the animal will also require good clean hay. It is important to smell the hay prior to feeding to check for dust or mold as either of these may make your Arabian horse ill. For those Arabian horses in colder climates, more hay must be fed throughout the day and night for the horse to maintain its warmth. In addition, it is very important to provide plenty of fresh clean water at all times and to provide shelter for your Arabian horses to shield them from inclement weather. Always check to see that all of the horses are able to stand in the shelter if you have them turned-out in a group. In conclusion, I have learned a great deal of information about the Arabian horse from observing and watching for subtle changes in behavior or appetite. Arabian horses are our friends and part of our families. By following these basic horse care tips, you and your Arabian horses may enjoy many happy and healthy years together!

caring for your arabian horse

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aola Marinangeli’s first encounter with the Arabian Horse was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. No other creature is able to provide more inspiration and emotion for Paola’s art. Twenty years ago, Paola decided to dedicate her painting activity to Arabian Horses and Sighthounds—even though she does love all horses and dog breeds. However, the fascination, elegance and spirit in Arabian horses is something unique as well as the important cultural heritage behind this horse breed. This is another factor that guided Paola toward a strong desire to know deeper, Arabian Horses; to be involved, deeper in their fascinatiion. To portray Arabians is not an easy

task, a lot of study, dedication, time and strong passion are needed in order to obtain good results-- particularly for Paola’s very realistic style. She says, “I do love to represent Arabian horses the way they are...not exagerating its main characteristics. The Arabian horse has big eyes...they have to be big and beautiful but in proportion to the overall head size and lines. Arabian horses have the so called ‘exotique’ head but in the respect of functionality, of the real Arabian horse head beauty, the overall conformation in Arabian horses is a symphony of elegance and power. It is this perfect combitation of elements that create a wonderful horse to ride, with excellent stamina, they can fly without wings....this is so true!” What Paola would like to show with her art is her endless and deep admiration

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for the Arabian horse breed and for those dedicated breeders and owners who are preserving this unique ‘treasure’…this ‘’precious gift’’. Paola’s favorite painting techniques are the classic oil colors on board, canvas or paper and watercolor-gouache. In Paola’s opinion and personal experience, these techniques are the most suitable to represent the finest details of the Arabian horse beauty. Paola states, “I like to paint head studies as well as full body horses even though it is the HEAD STUDY that can better identify the horse, particularly for portraits where it is IMPERATIVE to produce an ‘image’ that should be very very close to the ‘original’. This is the true essence and purpose of a ‘portrait’.” Painting under commission is the biggest part of Paola’s work and also the most challenging--the one she does love most, but she also loves to paint her personal ideal of Arabian horse beauty. She has in her mind images of those horses she has met or seen in books and magazines. Paola states, “From the past until the present, those horses who in my opinion have been a ‘landmark’ in the history of Arabian horse breeding. Those horses coming from the Stud Farms I have admired most over the years, I have a specific image in my mind...let’s say the HORSE OF MY DREAMS and to this personal ideal I try to catch inspiration anytime I want to paint an Arabian horse--not referring to a specific horse.”

Desert Mirage - April 2013

She continues, “Over the years I have tried to refine my technique and now after 20 years of experiments, hard work and very nice appreciations from my clients and friends, I can say I have reached a very good level of quality, a maturity as far as style, soul and feeling is concerned. Because ART is a matter of SOUL AND FEELING, no artist is similar to another simply because each artist has his-her own style but more than this...his-her own soul.” Paola concludes, “I will continue to spend energies and passion in my painting activity, being very ‘faithful’ to my classic style but also experimenting new frontier of artistic production, by mixing different kinds of painting techniques in order to obtain very decorative and ‘original’ proposals. All this in addition to my classic style that will always be used in case of commissioned portraits. The Arabian horse is, in my mind, a creature of endless beauty; a vision of perfection.... a source of inspiration and a joy for the eyes and soul.” Paola Marinangeli Fine Art Photography Paola Marinangeli Arabian Horse Art Via Gregorio VII, nr 225 00165 Rome (Italy)

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lec heard a whistle – shrill, loud, clear, unlike anything he had ever heard before. He saw a mighty black horse. His neck was long and slender, and arched to the small, savagely beautiful head. The head was that of a stallion with a wonderful physical perfection that matched his spirit.” ~ Walter Farley’s The Black Stallion Since the release of Farley’s quintessential horse story in 1941, nothing has captured the public’s romantic imagination quite like a black Arabian stallion. Nothing, that is, until the 2010 Paris World Championships, when an Italian-bred black yearling colt strode into the French arena with the swagger of an exotic movie star and captured the attention of its spectators, including Kathleen and Michael Olsson of Sweden Arabian Stud. “I saw him for the first time at Paris. He was one of the most beautiful horses I have ever seen,” said Kathleen Olsson, 30, whose own Love for Arabian horses was ignited as a teenager. She launched the stud farm, in Uddevalla, Sweden, in 2007.

“I know they loved Magic a lot,” she said. It took a little horsemanto-horseman coaxing to encourage the Italian breeder to consider her offer. “After awhile he processed the idea, and I got to lease him before, finally, he became mine!” “I’m very happy and grateful that Mr. Fontanella released his special, ‘black pearl,’ to me. For me, this stallion has changed my life.” It has been a golden opportunity. The stallion, who turns four in 2013, has been on a meteoric trajectory to the top of every European show where he has made an appearance, winning 2010 Gold Champion Colt titles at Travagliato, Port Sant Elpidio, and Italian Nationals, and 2011 Gold Champion Colt at Giardini Naxos. There was also an All Nations Cup win in 2010 at Aachen and the seizing of the attention of judges in 2012 for Bronze/Top Three honors in Colts/Junior Males divisions of the Norwegian International, and Paris World Championships for ‘Best Head.’

“I heard about him as a baby,” she continued. The coal black young horse, called Magic Magnifique, was bred and foaled at Fontanella Magic Arabians of Italy, the son of True Colors (by Thee Desperado) out of Thee Desperado granddaughter, Magic Mon Amour (by Windsprees Mirage).

Blood does speak for itself. As the Straight-Egyptian son of True Colours, Magic Magnifique has a reputation to live up to: True Colours sired double World Champion, Royal Colours (out of Xtreme Wonder). On the distaff side, his dam Magic Mon Amour is at Dubai Stud sharing her rich dam legacy including Al Amrya, of the champion-making Menascha desert-bred line, and producers of the first-ever (1999) Triple Crown Filly, Essteema, often coined the “most famous Arabian mare in Europe.”

“I had known the Fontanellas for many years and in November 2011 was at the farm for a visit when I met Magic Magnifique.” Olsson was on the lookout for a stallion to sustain her commitment to producing high quality horses with correctness and “a lot of type.” She posed the idea to the Fontanellas of leasing their handsome young stallion.

“Now we are working full time for the horses,” said the Olssens with excitement. “We have built an EU (European Union)approved stallion station for insemination and embryo transfer. We’re so happy that people all around the world are ‘crazy’ about him and his offspring. At the moment, we have some really top show horses in black, in Europe and the United States, and he

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has more black babies than chestnut.” The heterozygous black stallion has tested CA and SCID clear, and negative for CEM, EVA, EIA, LFS, Glanders and Dourine. This season, frozen semen from Magic Magnifique will be available for breeders in the United States through five-time Arabian Horse World top halter trainer, David Boggs and Midwest Arabian Training of Rogers, Minnesota. If one is to judge a stallion by the good company he keeps, Midwest is legendary as the home of -- among others -- Magnum Psyche and *Pogrom.

“Alec took a few roses from the huge bow of flowers draped around the Black’s neck, and then threw the rest of them into the throng. He led the stallion through the crowd—back to his victory oats.” For more about Magic Magnifique and Sweden Arabian Stud, visit To inquire about U.S. breeding/frozen semen, see Midwest Arabian Training,

But if you ask Kathleen, some of her beloved stallion’s best attributes are experienced not on paper, but in his presence: “I would have to describe him as a very happy young man, who loves his life and has a lot of humor!” “He is a very good boy, gentle, and not at all high strung. On one hand, he loves to be brushed and taken care of, and on the other, he is very flamboyant and playful. He has his own big, toy ball that he plays with all the time in his indoor paddock!” As devoted to her black stallion as Farley’s Alec was to his, Olssen mused, “For me, I just love his look. He has very gentle eyes and is always happy. We are like a team, me and my boy.”

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Get of Magic Magnifique

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SWEDEN ARABIAN STUD AB Gustavsberg 250 451 91 UDDEVALLA SWEDEN Kathleen & Michael Olsson 0046 - 76 223 59 10

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Mind Your Own Business Written by Bob Valentine, Ph.D.

APRIL 2013

The Financial Goals

You may be asking by now, what is the point of all this financial analysis that has been presented in the previous seven articles? It isn’t to make work for your accountant – although it might if you have an accountant. It isn’t to have something to impress your banker – although it may help if you need a loan. It is to help you manage your horse business more effectively and to help you reach your financial goals.

Before you start putting all this knowledge to use, the important thing is that you know what your goals are. Financial analysis can show you how you are doing on your way to your goals, but only you can determine the destination you want to reach in your horse business. If you don’t have goals and a destination, you won’t know what the numbers are telling you. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it and you can’t measure it if you don’t have goals, milestones and a plan. Whether you have a strong balance sheet with little debt compared to equity and a healthy net profit, or a weak balance sheet and little or no profit, and maybe even a loss, which isn’t necessarily bad if you have clear goals and a plan for achieving them. Maybe your weak balance sheet and lack of net profit is because you are in the early stages of your horse business. Obviously, you will eventually need to make a Net Profit, achieve positive Operating Cash Flow (OCF), and record a healthy Return on Assets (ROA). Your plan to reach your destination should include a timeline to reach each of your milestones and achieve your goals. It is also helpful to remember that everything that is important in your horse business isn’t always captured in your financials. To be successful in running a horse business you need to do a lot of things right. It doesn’t matter if you are a horse breeder, horse trainer, board horses or give riding lessons, etc.; you need to offer a product or service at a price customers are willing to pay. You also need to have effective sales and marketing campaigns, and if needed, hire good people and provide good leadership. You need to plan for the long term as well as the short term and figure out an appropriate balance between them. It is important to remember that your financials can tell you how you are doing at managing the parts of your horse business measured in dollars, and that is a lot, but not everything. Your financials won’t tell you how loyal your customers will be tomorrow, or if your competitor comes out with a better product or service, or if you have hired the best people. The ‘bottom line’ is that your financials are extremely important if you want to run a successful horse business. They provide you with the kind of insight into the performance of your business that only a good set of financials can provide. But, you must know where you want to go and you must pay equal attention to the nonfinancial aspects of your business. If you are the owner, your job is relatively simple. Your job is to Desert Mirage - April 2013

manage sales, expenses and assets in such a way that your business reaches its financial goals. Nonfinancial goals may differ from one horse business to another, but there are three financial goals that are essentially the same for all types of horse businesses:

1. Most businesses must make a profit in the short term, but all businesses must make a profit in the long term. They must make enough profit to invest in the future or pay dividends to stakeholders (you are a stakeholder), or both. 2. A business must generate enough cash to pay its bills. This is an immediate requirement. Remember, “You can operate a long time without profit, but you can’t survive one day without cash.” A business must monitor the rate at which they are consuming cash. If they are a new business they need a plan that shows how and when they will change from a cash consumer to a cash generator. 3. A business must provide a sufficient return on investment to be competitive with alternative sources of funds. If a business doesn’t provide a sufficient return on investment they will have a difficult time procuring funds when they need them.

Hopefully, you have read the previous articles and remember enough to realize that these three generic goals correspond exactly to the three bottom lines we previously discussed: Net Profit, Operating Cash Flow (OCF), and Return on Assets (ROA).

Now it is time to see what you as an owner or manager must do to maintain the three healthy bottom lines in your horse business. The first bottom line we are going to discuss is managing Net Profit for optimum performance. Net Profit is reported on the Income Statement. You can review the Income Statement in the August 2012 issue of the Desert Mirage Magazine or on the equineGenie website in The ‘Genie Academy section. Too many business owners and managers get their financials at the end of a month or at the end of a quarter and just glance at them. Using your financials in this way is hardly using them at all. If you are an owner or manager of a horse business, you want to know not only what happened, but why it happened and in a timely manner. You also want to know what you can do about it as soon as possible. This timing requirement is my ‘beef’ with accounting only software like QuickBooks and horse management software that only keeps horse records and minimal financial information. Accounting and record keeping are history and in most cases the information they provide is not timely and often too late. The equineGenie software system not only incorporates accounting, it also incorporate financial management and analysis so when you make an entry, equineGenie immediately analyzes and reports how that entry affects your business so that you can make any necessary changes in a timely manner.

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Net Profit is what most businesspeople are taught to manage and that is probably what your accountant, if you have one, tells you to focus on. The chances are you are probably already looking at the number that appears on the bottom line of your Income Statement. But, what do you do if you have a low profit problem or worst yet, no profit or a loss? You know from understanding an Income Statement that it consists of Sales and Expenses, so the first thing you should check is to see if your Sales are on target. If they are not, you need to analyze your Sales number in more detail. We will discuss how to analyze your Sales number in detail when we discuss Return on Assets later in this article. Next you want to look at Expenses. You don’t want to look at the absolute level of Expense, but Expense compared to Sales. The key ratio that determines Net Profit is to divide Expense(s) by Sales.

There are a couple of ways to determine if your ratios are giving you a positive or negative message. The first is to compare your performance with the performance of similar horse businesses. Financial people who have worked with horse businesses for a while generally know what is considered a reasonable level of Expense for a given level of Sales. If you can’t find what the reasonable levels should be for your horse business, give me a call or email me and I will give you the levels I use. The second method when comparing results is to calculate each Expense line item as a percentage of sales. This enables you to tell at a glance which Expense line items to focus on. This is particularly an advantage when you are comparing one financial period to another. If a ratio percentage is trending upward you should be concerned that there might be a problem. An upward trend tells you that you need to investigate deeper into the offending line item. For example; maybe your advertising expense is increasing with no increase in Sales. Maybe your office overhead has increased without adding any staff. Maybe your feed costs have increased without adding any horses.

The key here is to do your analysis intelligently. First, figure out which numbers have the biggest impact on your financials. Next, figure out which numbers are most likely to have changed. Concentrate on the numbers that might be the source of your problem. You also need to compare where you are with where you want to be. It isn’t a sin to have negative profit it you know why and have a well thought out plan to become profitable. Finally, remember that the numbers are just numbers and the real story lies behind them. As you analyze your financials you will learn about problems that were solved and challenges that remain. The equineGenie horse business management system automatically represents Sales and Expense in absolute levels and percentages for easy comparisons and compares results between different financial periods flagging any suspicious items.

Hopefully, you are starting to learn one key lesson: the Financial Statements provide the Big Picture. They show you where your horse business has its strengths and weaknesses. They also provide the entry point for you to drill down to pinpoint exactly what is behind those strengths and weaknesses. You can move from the Big Picture to the specific and back again, and in doing so you can figure out what needs to be done to improve your business.

The next ‘bottom line’ we are going to discuss is managing Operating Cash Flow (OCF) for optimum performance. Operating Cash Flow (OCF) is reported on the Cash Flow Statement. You can review the Cash Flow Statement in the October 2012 issue of the Desert Mirage Magazine or on the equineGenie website in The ‘Genie Academy section. Very few businesspeople are taught to manage Cash Flow and yet,

Cash Flow is every bit as important as Net Profit, and more important in the early phase of a horse business. For a small growing horse business, Cash Flow is the lifeblood of the business. If a small horse business runs out of Cash it usually goes away. For large healthy horse businesses, Cash Flow is the best way to test its quality of earnings. It tells you if the abstract profits recorded on the Income Statement are being converted into real money. Remember: Profit is an accounting opinion, Cash is fact. Once a horse business is past the start-up phase the key test of its Cash Flow health is its Operating Cash Flow (OCF). You want to compare it with other numbers to make sure it is moving in the right direction. When financial analysts look at a business, one of the first things they are likely to do is look at the OCF numbers and apply four tests:

1. Is Operating Cash Flow (OCF) positive? A business must have positive OCF. If your Operating Cash Flow (OCF) isn’t positive, you need to find out why very quickly.

2. Is Operating Cash Flow (OCF) greater than Net Profit? In almost all cases it should be. Net Profit is reduced by allowances for depreciation and other noncash non-operating items. If your Operating Cash Flow (OCF) is smaller than Net Profit you need to find out why you are not successfully turning your Net Profit into Cash. 3. Is Operating Cash Flow (OCF) greater than Fixed Asset investment? If it is, it means you are funding your investment internally which is better than relying on outside investment. 4. Is Operating Cash Flow (OCF) trending in the same direction as Net Profit? If your Net Profit is heading up while your Operating Cash Flow (OCF) is heading down you have a problem.

Remember from our previous articles on the Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement. Net Profit is an abstraction. The whole Income Statement is an abstraction. You can’t spend an abstraction. You can only spend Cash. Net Profit only shows one part of a business transaction, the contractual part. If you sell a horse to a customer, it counts as a Sale on the Income Statement whether or not you have actually been paid. The costs associated with providing the horse to your customer counts as an Expense on your Income Statement whether or not you have actually written the checks to cover them.

What happens if you make a lot of Sales, but don’t collect the money? You might be showing a healthy profit, but poor Cash Flow. Too much of your profit is tied up in Receivables. What happens if you purchase feed in hopes of getting more boarders? You pay for the feed, but you haven’t got the new boarders yet. Too much of your profit is tied up in Inventory. There may be other reasons for poor Operating Cash Flow (OCF) compared to Net Profit. You may be paying your bills faster than you need to and faster than you can collect your Receivables. In most cases the two biggest variables are Receivables and Inventory. Weak Operating Cash Flow (OCF) compared to Net profit usually means that you or the people managing your horse business are doing a poor job managing receivables or Inventory, or both.

Fortunately, there are some great tools available to find out where the problem lies. There are several Receivables and Inventory ratios that will help you find problems. In our next article on Ratios Magic we will investigate these ratios and several others that will help you manage your horse business and your Operating Cash Flow (OCF). In the meantime, remember Inventory is Cash at rest. Never buy in bulk just to take advantage of a good price while forgetting the cost of carrying the Inventory and the Cash you are tying up. The savings you might enjoy from a bulk purchase may make you run out of Cash. We will explore Inventory in more depth in a future article.

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In summing it all up, poor Operating Cash Flow (OCF) can stem from many problems, but in most cases it’s the result of poor Receivables, Inventory and Payables management. If your horse business is just starting up or if it is growing rapidly, your Operating Cash Flow may look terrible. However, if it is where you want it, and you have a plan for turning it around, and you have a reliable source of Cash to keep you in business, you don’t have to worry about it. The time to worry is if your horse business is apparently healthy and profitable, but you are not turning your profits into Cash and you are not sure why. The equineGenie horse business management system knows that ‘Cash is King’ in a horse business and watches it with a hawk’s eye.

The last and third ‘bottom line’ we are going to discuss is managing Return on Assets (ROA) for optimum performance. You can review Return on Assets in the December 2012 issue of the Desert Mirage Magazine or on the equineGenie website in The ‘Genie Academy section.

Return on Assets (ROA) is the ‘bottom line’ that is not denominated in dollars. Dollars are great. Net Profit dollars shows if you are making money on your overall Sales. The Operating Cash Flow dollars tells you whether you are converting your profits into Cash. However, if you only look at dollars you don’t have the full picture of how your horse business is doing. You don’t have all the measures you need. As your horse business grows you expect your Net Profit and Operating Cash Flow to increase, but by how much? Are they keeping up with the growth? Are they increasing as fast as they should? Does your horse business have other objectives besides profitability, such as protecting and perhaps increasing its market share? How much profit can you afford to give up in pursuit of these objectives? To answer these questions you need ratios and to be more precise, you need the third ‘bottom line’ ration, which is Net Profit divided by average Assets.

Return on Assets (ROA) is important for two reasons. First, it helps with the internal financial management of your horse business. Anyone running a horse business has to make sure the business has adequate Sales and that the Sales are growing. Anyone running a horse business has to watch the business’s Expenses to make sure they don’t exceed Revenue. Last, but not least, anyone running a business has to manage the business’s resources which are called Assets. Assets include Current Assets such as cash, accounts receivables, inventory, and Fixed Assets such as buildings, vehicles and horses used to make money. You want to make sure your Assets are working for you as much as possible. If you are running a ridding lesson business, you want to make sure your lesson horses are not sitting idle, not generating any revenue and getting fat eating your expensive hay.

The second reason Return on Assets (ROA) is important is that it helps anchors a business’s performance in the outside world. You always need to know how your business is doing against your competition. Are you pushing hard enough? Are you doing as good a job as your competition in managing your Sales, Expenses and Assets? Are you as profitable as your competition? Dollar figures alone can’t answer these questions, because the same type horse businesses come in vastly different sizes. Return on Assets (ROA) lets you see actually how you stack up. You don’t have to be big to be good, but you do have to be able to accurately compare your horse business with larger horse businesses of the same type. Remember from a previous article, Return on Assets (ROA) is an abstraction because the numerator in the ratio, Net Profit, is an

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abstraction. For this reason, focusing on Return on Assets (ROA) without tracking Operating Cash Flow (OCF) is a mistake. Although, Net Profit is an abstract number, it is a very good indicator whether your horse business is really making money on the products and or services it delivers. Although, your Assets can vary somewhat depending on the financial rules they are setup under, Assets are far from abstract. The Cash, Receivables, Inventory and Fixed Assets on your Balance Sheet are valuable resources. How effectively you use them to generate profit is a good measure of your business’s economic performance.

Return on Assets (ROA) shows what you are doing with the money your customers, creditors and investors (if you have any) are transferring to you. As the owner or manager of your horse business, you are spending money for feed, payroll, materials, and Fixed Assets. You are getting your customers to promise to pay for what you give them, so you are generating Receivables. You are collecting those Receivables, so you are generating Cash. Return on Assets (ROA) is one of the tools to show how well you are doing at all these tasks. So what constitutes a healthy Return on Assets (ROA)? As with many financial ratios, there is no single benchmark and average Return on Assets (ROA) can vary from one type of horse business to the next. However, there are three good points of comparison to assess your Return on Assets (ROA).

1. You can ask financial people or accountants who have been around your type of horse business longer than you have.

2. If your horse business has been operating for a while, you can make a chart of you own Return on Assets (ROA) over time (equineGenie does this for you). You expect Return on Assets (ROA) to increase over time, but if it starts to decline and you don’t know why, you know you have a problem and you had better solve it. 3. You should be forecasting your Return on Assets (ROA) for the current year. At the end of the year you compare your forecasted Return on Assets (ROA) with your actual Return on Assets (ROA). If you don’t achieve your forecasted Return on Assets (ROA), that is another sign you may have a problem.

We will analyze Return on Assets (ROA) ratios in more depth when we discuss Ratios Magic in our next article – stay tuned.

One important point about Return on Assets (ROA): it provides a useful measuring stick for your horse business to evaluate your investment in Fixed Assets – a new barn, a new truck, another horse, a new computer system, etc. Investment in Fixed Assets should pay off in the form of higher Sales or decreased Expenses as a percentage of Sales, both resulting in a higher Net Profit. You can test whether it does or not by making a graph of Net Profits over time and a graph of net Fixed Assets over time. Ideally, both should be rising, but if Net Profit isn’t rising faster than net Fixed Assets, your Fixed Assets are not paying off financially. The equineGenie horse business management system provides these graphs and the analysis for you. In short, Return on Assets (ROA) is the last step in the basic analysis of your business’s financial performance. If Return on Assets (ROA) is declining, a Net Profit analysis or Cash Flow analysis may already have revealed the problem, but if every trend is healthy except Return on Assets (ROA), then you have a Fixed Asset problem. You can prove it by comparing Net Profit with your net Fixed Assets as previously described.

To be successful in a horse business does not require a finance education, but it does require an understanding of what your financials are telling you. This understanding will enable you to make better business decisions. A good Horse Business Management System will do the calculations for you and analyze and report the results

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with comments or suggestions. A good Horse Business Management System will save you valuable time you can then use to improve your business. I encourage you to investigate how equineGenie not only helps you manage and care for your horses and manage your business operations and support your customers, but helps you be financially successful. Bob Valentine, Ph.D. President GenieCo, Inc. Box 271924 Ft. Collins, CO 80527

1.888.678.4364 or 970.231.1455

Dr. Valentine taught Equine Business Management to graduating seniors in the Equine Science Department at Colorado State University. He has been involved in the horse business for too long. If you have any questions, you can reach Bob at, or call him at 1.888.678.4364 or 970.231.1455 (mobile).

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Images of the Horse As Never Before: Lindsay Robertson Comes to Rolex 2013 Collectors of great photography know the name Ansel Adams and soon, appreciators of fine equine art will know that of Scottish photographer Lindsay Robertson. Robertson, the only photographer the Eastman House (NY) Museum of Photography has ever awarded the privilege to jointly exhibit alongside Adams, will introduce his exceptional equine portraiture to American audiences for the first time when Fine Art Photography comes to the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event, presented by Bridgestone, April 25-28, at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington. Robertson commented, “The challenge I set myself was to capture the stature and majesty of these amazing animals, as never seen before. To provide the opportunity for each individual horse to project it’s dominance, and display it’s character and spirit within a solitary space.” His “statuesque” horse portraits, captured in a unique mobile studio, have become a runaway success in the United Kingdom, launching a 10-page feature, ‘Perfectly Portrayed,’ in Australia’s Equestrian Life, pictorials in Horse and Hound and Polo Times, selection by The Royal Scottish Academy, and commissions by Great Britain’s Gold Medal-winning Olympic team. Rolex is the first official presentation of his fine art horse photography in the United States. “Each study,” Robertson said, “Utilizes the studio space which provides the ideal stage to isolate the horse from its usual

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environment. That element of isolation creates the power for a commanding portrait, singular statuesque images of the horse. Images where the scale of the surroundings are sympathetic to the animals size and presence; compelling the viewer into the captivating aura, energy and beauty which these glorious animals possess and transmit.” “The next experience we’re looking forward to is the opportunity to exhibit at such a world-famous event as Rolex.” No stranger to world-class venues, Robertson’s fine art has appeared in the Arsenal Gallery New York, in Sarasota, Florida, and has been exhibited and auctioned at Sotheby’s New York. The first photographer ever offered residency at The Hermitage, America’s invitation-only artist retreat, he came to the attention of the George Eastman (of Kodak fame) House while there, subsequently leading to its Ansel Adams collection appearing in Scotland and becoming the first photographer awarded the privilege by Eastman House to exhibit alongside the American master. Lindsay is now accepting personal commissions to create unique photographic artworks of your horse. Substantial interest has been shown from horse owners, syndicates and breeders from around the world, with a waiting list for commissions now open. For more information visit

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y love of all things equine began at a very early age – I cannot remember a time when horses have not been a part of my life. Whilst I love all equines, my passion has always been The Arabian – the pure beauty and breathtaking movement have always made my heart miss a beat! It was not until the sad loss of my much loved Anglo-Arab mare in 2007 that my desire to have a Purebred Arabian in my life came to fruition with the arrival of a little grey mare named Lujayn Lu Lu aka Pearl . The arrival of Pearl set me on the search for the perfect show halter – a long and costly experience. My first purchase was a pretty cable halter, I decided that cable was not for us and so the search continued. After a few disappointing purchases, I decided that I would engage my “crafty” side and source the materials required in an attempt to make my own “perfect” halter. My first halter made its debut in spring 2010 and drew some positive comments from fellow competitors and resulted in my first commissions! Kasana Arabian Show Halters was born. To date, pieces have been ordered from and delivered to Australia, Kuwait, USA, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Norway and the UK. In addition to orders for standard show halters, two pretty part bred Arabian mares have been guest of honor at their owner’s weddings sporting bespoke sets. A number of studs in the UK and abroad have commissioned 2 or 3 piece sets for photo shoots/stud cards. Desert Mirage - April 2013

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At Kasana, the aim is to provide bespoke, handcrafted pieces that are both kind to your horse and to your pocketbook! Halters are crafted from soft, strong cushion webbing and faced with a variety of braids, ribbons and beads (including gemstone beads/freshwater pearls) or from strong biothane in a variety of colors and widths – with the biothane you can have the look of a cable halter without the harshness. All designs have been used in the show ring on mares, stallions and youngstock – quality fittings are used and all pieces are hand stitched and then machine stitched for added security. With a bespoke piece from Kasana you are guaranteed to have a halter to your own specifications that is the perfect fit – all halters are made to measure and you can rest assured that there is only going to be one of each (the exception being a matching mare & foal set). Commissioned pieces are welcome. In addition, I always have a small stock of ready to wear items which can be viewed in a variety of ways: Should you wish to discuss a commissioned piece, please feel free to contact me at moatmobile@aol. com or by telephone +447702 864306 and I will be happy to discuss designing YOUR perfect halter or set. Page 63

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“All you have to do is subtract,” said legendary equestrian-inspired designer, Coco Chanel, further summing up the importance of simplicity to style, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and remove one accessory.” Such advice might gently apply to today’s equestrian accessorizing. ‘Bling,’ from Swarovski elements on bridle browbands to helmet accessories of emerald, sapphire and topaz crystals, has infiltrated even the staid corners of dressage. When does accent become distraction? FEI Grand Prix veteran -- and professional dentist -- Dr. Cesar Parra’s own charismatic top hat and tails silhouette, and indisputable success as a horseman and trainer bring a crystal clear perspective to His point of view. HERS: “I assume you’re not usually sporting a lot of bling personally, but what do you think of its use or over-use by dressage riders?” HIS: “I like old-fashioned elegance combined with the modern, we’re seeing a change in how dressage looks at ‘bling.’ Used judiciously, crystals may accentuate the beauty of the horse and rider.” HERS: “Do you see a difference between crystal on horse tack and worn by a rider, on a helmet, for instance?” HIS: “I try to explain to young riders... to young women... that the right ring and set of earrings can be very pretty. But too many beautiful things at once – like ten rings on ten fingers – becomes too much.” HERS: “Agreed.” HIS: “You don’t have to ‘shout’ your look. I confess, the use of a little colored leather can be very exciting and love the colors of the US flag on a browband. Using color, especially as national sentiment, can be very pretty and very proud.” HERS: “It’s a fine line between presenting individualism and overstepping traditional boundaries of equestrian good taste.” HIS: “Oh yes. I still get excited about wearing my tails, even after twenty years, but it’s very formal, so the key to adding anything ‘contemporary’ is to keep it simple.” HERS: “Especially since just a windy day can enliven an elegant set of tails!” HIS: “Oh yes! That’s been known to make a horse a little... frisky. It’s also about showing respect for your horse, who is your first jewel. When you work so hard with people who support your riding, you must care about the image you present. Like dressing for a wedding, it’s important for your style to show respect for an institution.” HERS: “And like wedding rings, there’s a big difference between Harry Winston and a cubic zirconia.” HIS: “Not only for looks, but safety. My greatest concern with crystal around horses is if a stone falls out and winds up where it shouldn’t.” HERS: “Look at those who use Swarovski crystals – the Bettina

F browband company in Bremen, Germany, comes to mind – that start with quality elements worth protecting, use a galvanizing process that protects crystal from corrosion by horse sweat, and promises a substitute if the impossible occurs and a gem is lost.” HIS: “What about helmets?” HERS: “Helmet jewelry continues to trend in rider self-expression and now the two are crossing over. Bling Bands For Helmets launched Bling Bands For Horses to match browbands with headgear. And with Swarovski’s close cooperation with labels like Armani and Gauthier, crystal choices are trend-setting and full of variety. In fact, you’d appreciate the name of its latest line.” HIS: “I would?” HERS: “Simplicity. ‘Seductive Simplicity.’ Colors that evoke English rose gardens, like Rose Peach and Crystal Luminous Green, and Crystal Rose Peach Pearl, part of a new 1950s American-retro inspired line of browbands. Bettina F called it ‘Daring for the equestrian? But maybe...” HIS: “The important thing to remember is that accessories don’t have anything to do with performance. A horse doesn’t mind what it’s wearing. If a horse performs poorly, too much ‘bling’ could make you look worse.” HERS: “I can’t resist asking, since your ‘real life’ is as a dentist, have you ever been asked to add some bling to a tooth?” HIS: “No, but I had a riding student who had bling in their teeth and I convinced her finally to remove it. Because you have to glue or drill into the tooth to apply something like that and once you damage dental tissue it does not come back. A hole is just another name for a cavity.” HERS: “So brush twice daily, remember to floss, and when it comes to bling, remember to remove one accessory before you leave the barn?” HIS: “Okay, Coco.” L.A. Pomeroy is a two-time (2011, 2010) AHP Best Freelance Journalist award winner and contributing equinista (fashion + equestrian) editor whose lifestyle advice has appeared on Horses in the Morning, and in Desert Mirage, Elite Equestrian and Equinista magazines, and REDBOOK. Share stylish suggestions or fashionable samples with, Cesar Parra, DDS, MScD, operates Piaffe Performance in Jupiter, FL and Whitehouse Station, NJ and was born in Colombia, where he began riding cattle horses in the Andes Mountains of his grandparents’ farm. An international trainer and rider with 300 FEI wins to his credit, Dr. Parra has worked with the best in dressage, including Herbert Rehbein, Siegfried “Bimbo” Peilicke, Hans Rueben, Herbert Kuckluck and Hubertus Schmidt. He competed in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, 2005 Las Vegas Dressage World Cup, 2006 Aachen World Equestrian Games and on the 2011 Pan American Games Gold medal-winning U.S. Dressage team. Learn more at

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