Desert Mirage April/May 2014

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Dear Arabian Horse Lovers, Let me start by saying a few words about our own Arabian horses. Once a week, our white Arabian stallion Arnelle Acapulco (JS Marrak x Platinum Fantasie, photo below) who is a Champion In-Hand (Halter), ridden classes and dressage, is ridden by a very gifted young professional rider, Sara Krusch, from Germany and ridden in competitions by Arnaud Perrin-also a professional rider. His owner, Christina de Kragh, rides Acapulco three times a week as well. On Sunday, Sara was at Guerlain Stables riding Acapulco in Pirouettes. For a brief moment, she stopped and said, “Wow, it’s amazing, Acapulco is so super intelligent. You show him once and he remembers…and he enjoys the work.” Guerlain Stables’ trainer Sara is trained herself by a top professional who trains twice a month with Edward Gal (number two in the world in dressage) and his team in Holland, so we are lucky to have found her.

Christina de Kragh of Guerlian Stables, France pictured riding her Champion Arabian stallion ARNELLE ACAPULCO (JS Marrak x Platinum Fantasie). Fresh cooled & frozen semen available worldwide in 2014. Please contact: Desert Mirage - April 2014

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Acapulco will go on this year competing with the “big” dressage horses (Thoroughbreds and Warmbloods), as he did also in 2013 where he did very well. Our four-year-old mare by Ajman Moniscione was put under saddle six months ago, trained for a few weeks and then left quiet for six months--as is the norm, sometimes left for one year. Yesterday the trainer came back and we discussed the plan for her under saddle. There is now a new method--you walk the horse with the saddle on, with the bit, etc., outside the box, then you go back in the box and you calmly get on the horse and walk around in a circle. If you find the horse to be calm and confident, you then get someone to open the box door and continue outside, as it’s the most natural thing for the horse to be outside, and not inside a stable. If possible, do straight lines to begin with, to encourage good balance. Our mare was so happy, quiet and confident. It’s very much step by step, never rush, take the time because if something bad happens in the beginning, the horse will not forget and it will make things much more complicated.

Unfortunately, 90% of show horses are not ridden. Just because a horse is beautiful does not mean it should not be ridden. In fact, if a horse is ridden correctly, not only will they develop very good muscles in the right places, but they will also be mentally stimulated and you will perhaps have a horse that’s easier to deal with. The Arabian horse is a fantastic riding horse. Again, it must be ridden correctly. Movement is such an important part of type in the Arabian horse, the beautiful floating, gliding movement, as they did for centuries over the sands in the desert. The Rider’s Position Only with a correct position can correct aids be given. The elegant calm and quiet position is rooted in function, not only in a sense of aesthetics. The beautiful position is really beautiful because it’s effective. Without a correct and balanced position, the rider causes the horse to be imbalanced. This is why it’s so important to be watched by a very good instructor, as bad habits can easily creep in and suddenly the horse will begin having problems as it has been ridden incorrectly. The horse is like a very sensitive instrument such as a violin and the clumsy aid, the miscue, the heavy hand, lead to dissonance expressed in the horse as lameness, tightness and stiffness.

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I need to mention the importance of knowing with 100% certainty when each hind leg of the horse is stepping forwardonly then can the rider be effective in the correct moment. In the piaffe to passage to piaffe transitions, the need for this knowledge is especially important. Only when the hind leg is in the air can the rider influence the stride to either lengthen or shorten, etc. The rider’s seat is the basis for all position and aids. The seat transfers the rider’s weight to the horse, and how it does this is the single most important factor in influencing how the horse will move. The rider’s seat should be deep and elastic and should follow easily with the movement of the horse. When necessary, one should be longed to do exercises to improve the seat, ideally once a week even when competing. With this, you need a very good instructor. Dear readers thank you for your time. Riding is fantastic, but like everything, it takes time and dedication to be good. So find yourself a top instructor and you will enjoy riding more and so will your horse. Until next time, enjoy and appreciate your Arabian horse(s). Jean Paul Guerlain

Desert Mirage - April 2014

APRIL 2014 Dear Desert Mirage Readers... On the cover of the April issue is the spectacularly beautiful stallion, Royal T Phorte (Eden C x *Pianissima). By chance, I discovered Royal T Phorte at the 2014 Scottsdale Show. As you may recall, on the cover of the February issue is the beautiful mare *Pianissima. As I traveled amongst the stalls in Scottsdale distributing magazines, I came upon Royal Arabians. Unbeknownst to me, a *Pianissima son was stabled at these stalls in training with Robert Long. I approached with my magazines and told the small gathering of people about the special mare on the February cover. Little did I know that the owner of Royal T Phorte was amongst those present. She patiently listened to me describe this incredible mare, *Pianissima, and how I had seen her win the Platinum Championship in Paris in 2013. I told the owner of the *Pianissima son, Theresa Lungwitz, about the immense respect and admiration that I have for this mare. I also told her how the crowd in Paris rose to their feet in applause as *Pianissima entered the ring. For me, this mare embodies Arabian type like no other mare in the world. She is beautiful and elegant in every way, shape and form. I think that Theresa saw the glimmer in my eye as I spoke of *Pianissima. I believe Theresa truly wanted to know why I have such great respect for this mare--before she told me that she owned a son of her’s... and that he was right there, available for me to view! When Royal T Phorte was brought out for me to see, I was in awe. Here was a son of one of the most beautiful well-renowned mares in the world standing in front of me. Royal T Phorte took my breath away as I saw in him the same embodiment of Arabian type as his dam *Pianissima. Theresa decided to place Royal T Phorte on the cover of the April edition of Desert Mirage. I personally have enjoyed working with Theresa and Robert Long--two people who have dedicated their lives to this amazing young stallion. In this month’s feature article, Theresa mentions she is fully aware of the responsibility of owning a *Pianissima son. For Theresa and Robert, I have the utmost respect as they recognize the importance of this stallion that carries the blood of such a coveted mare. I predict that the world will see much more of Royal T Phorte in the future. I am quite sure that these two outstanding people will promote this stallion with sincerity by doing what is best for him. My personal gratitude and appreciation go out to Theresa and Robert for entrusting Desert Mirage to feature such a magnificent young stallion on the cover and interior pages of this month’s issue. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please forward these items to: Desert Mirage wishes all of the owners, breeders and exhibitors at this year’s Arabian Breeders World Cup Show a very successful venue! Sincerely, Laura J. Brodzik Owner/Publisher Desert Mirage LJB Publications LLC 001.248.866.8756

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A significant number of horse businesses involve customer horses. They include boarding stables, equestrian centers, horse trainers, lesson facilities and breeders to name a few. A horse business that involves customer horses has a considerable responsibility to both the horse and the horse’s owner. The business is obligated to provide a safe and healthy environment for each and every horse.

much. It is not only unhealthy and can lead to serious medical problems, but it is an expense the can be avoided. Unnecessary feed cost is the obvious waste, but when you factor in all the ancillary medical cost, the time required to evaluate a horse’s body score is well worth the effort. (see equineGenie Blog: Why Track, Manage and Communicate Your Horse’s Nutrition?)

In the majority of horse businesses, horses are coming and going all the time. Therefore, it is the business owner’s responsibility to make sure each and every horse participates in a well-planned, well-executed preventative care program that tracks, manages and documents each horse’s preventative care status. A comprehensive preventative care program should include:

3. The implementation of a vaccination plan and vaccine schedule based on each horse’s age, gender, use, discipline and geographic location.

1. The monitoring of a horse’s weight and temperature at scheduled intervals. A mature horse that is not feeling well will go off its feed. A young horse that is not feeling well will continue eating like a ‘little piggy’. A simple way to tell if a young horse is not feeling well is to take its temperature. 2. The evaluation of a horse’s body score at scheduled intervals and connecting their body score to their nutrition plan. Feeding a horse too much is no different than feeding ourselves too

A vaccination plan that controls infectious diseases is an important function in any horse business. It can maximize the health, productivity and performance of horses in your care. However, you need to realize that a well-planned and well-executed vaccination plan, in the absence of good horse management practices to control infection, is not sufficient for the prevention of infectious disease. You should always develop your vaccination plan with a licensed veterinarian. 4. The implementation of a deworming plan and dewormer schedule based on each horse’s age, use, discipline and geographic location. Establishing an effective parasite control program is as important as supplying a horse in your care with clean, plentiful water and highquality feed. Internal parasites are silent killers. They can cause extensive internal damage without you even realizing a horse is heavily

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infected. All horses in your care should be part of a rotating parasite control program. Unfortunately, there is no single deworming program that suits all horses and all situations. Therefore, you should always develop your deworming program with a licensed veterinarian. 5. The implementation of a dental plan and exam schedule based on each horse’s age, use, discipline and nutrition plan. There are many factors that affect how the teeth of a horse in your care will wear. The way their owner uses them and the discipline in which they are used will also affect the frequency with which they may require dental care. Only allow a licensed veterinarian to diagnose dental problems in a horse in your care. Only use a licensed veterinarian to help you develop a comprehensive dental plan. 6. The implementation of a farrier plan and farrier work schedule based on each horse’s age, use and discipline. We have all heard the age old saying “no foot, no horse”. Maybe I should have added “no teeth, no horse” to #5. The saying, “no foot, no horse”, applies to every discipline in which a horse is used, and is just as important when a horse is in the autumn of its years. Your responsibility as the business owner extends to the feet of any horse in your care. Nothing will turn a potential customer off more than seeing lame horses in your care. It might seem ‘over the top’, but a farrier plan and work schedule developed with a licensed veterinarian and a certified farrier should be considered. Many business owners leave the preventative care responsibility to the horse’s owner. And, they generally have several excuses as to why, but none qualify as a good business decision. Have a horse return from a trainer or a show and bring back strangles or some other communicable disease that could have been prevented and see how fast your customers leave and go to your competitor. Even if you are a breeder and do not have customer horses, if your horses leave and return the same responsibility applies. You probably won’t lose any customers unless the word gets out your barn has a communicable disease, but you will incur unnecessary expense, and depending on the disease, it could be very costly. No matter what kind of horse business you are operating, a good horse business management system can help you manage and maintain a preventative care program that translates to customer care. Managing

Desert Mirage -April 2014

the preventative care for your customer’s horses can be a competitive advantage and if priced correctly, an additional source of income. All of us love our horses and want them to have the best care possible. I suspect that excellent care for your horse trumps the cost of care as long as the cost isn’t ridiculous. A good horse business management system will provide you the following preventative care assistance that will minimize your time, effort and cost: 1. The easy setup of a comprehensive preventative care program that accounts for previous preventative care and generates automatic reminders when future preventative care needs to be administered. 2. Selectable AAEP recommended vaccines and dewormers based on a horse’s breed, gender, age, geographic location, use and discipline. 3. Expiration date and lot/batch number management of many vaccines, dewormers or medical supplies purchased for use in a preventative care program. 4. Automatic reminders that are tied to a horse’s use and how it is used, and then automatically reset for the next scheduled date. For example: The rhinopneumonitis vaccine that is administered to a pregnant mare at 5, 7 and 9 months of gestation. Or, a rotating dewormer plan that includes several different dewormer types that are administered at different times throughout a year. 5. The ability to enter substitute or different vaccines, dewormers, procedures or tasks that the management system auto learns and makes available for future use. 6. The ability to administer a preventative care to all horses or horses in a specific location at the same time – herd or multiple horse vaccinations and deworming. 7. The financial management and accounting for any preventative care expense and any income it produces by horse and in total. 8. Update a horse’s health record automatically and generate a report of the preventative care performed and the next preventative care dates that can be posted or emailed to customers.

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Preventative Care – Vaccination Vaccine Management Illustration

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Fundamental to the success of any horse business and the management system you chose is your commitment to keep your system current and use the information it provides to assist you in making good business decisions. Believe me; you need a horse business management system! But, purchasing one if you do not have the ‘business discipline’ to keep it current and use it is a bad business decision, and probably not the management system’s fault!

To be successful in a horse business does not require a finance education, but it does require business discipline and an understanding of what your financials are telling you. This understanding will enable you to make better business decisions. A good Horse Business Management System will do the calculations for you and analyze and report the results with comments or suggestions. A good Horse Business Management System will save you valuable time at you can then use to improve your business. I encourage you to investigate how equineGenie not only helps you manage and care for your horses and manage your business operations and support your customers, but helps you be financially successful. Bob Valentine, Ph.D. President GenieCo, Inc. Box 271924 Ft. Collins, CO 80527 970.682.2645 or 970.231.1455 Dr. Valentine taught Equine Business Management to graduating seniors in the Equine Science Department at Colorado State University. He has been involved in the horse business for too long. If you have any questions, you can reach Bob at, or call him at 970.682.2645 or 970.231.1455 (mobile).

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Tricia boards a mare at a stable. One day the stable called with bad news. The night before, a new employee accidentally placed her mare in a stall next to a stallion. The stallion had a history, unknown to the new employee, of being fierce when stabled next to mares. The stallion broke down the wall and attacked, seriously injuring the mare. Tricia’s veterinarian determined the mare would recover but her show and breeding career were over. Tricia also discovered that the wall separating the stallion from her mare was extremely thin and poorly patched from other mishaps the stallion had caused in the past. She wants to sue the stable. Does she have a case? This article examines liabilities for injuries horses sustain at boarding stables. The Stable’s Responsibilities of Legal Duties of a Boarding Stable When a stable accepts a horse belonging to another for care and keeping — regardless of whether the stable is a 2-horse or a 200-horse operation — the law generally imposes on it a duty to use “reasonable care.” More technically, this means that the stable and its employees must use the degree of care that a prudent and careful stable would exercise in similar circumstances. With that in mind, Tricia would claim that the stable fell short of this standard and should be liable (legally accountable) for the damages she sustained as a result. Tricia’s case against the stable seems strong. Stable management knew the stallion’s history of terrorizing mares in similar situations but apparently failed to notify its staff, and the new employee placed the mare in a position of danger by accidentally stabling her next to the stallion for the night, with nobody noticing the problem until the morning. The wall’s poor condition doesn’t help the stable’s situation, either. The Stable’s Defenses What defenses could a stable potentially raise? Let’s look at some valid and invalid ones: • “It Was a Mistake.” In response to a claim that the stable gave a boarded horse negligent care, this is not a defense. By its most basic definition, negligence means the failure to act reasonably. Consequently, people or businesses could be negligent even if they had no intention of harming anyone, and a “mistake” is not a valid defense to a claim that the stable was negligent. • “The Employee Did It — Not the Stable.” A stable cannot argue that its newest employee should take the blame. With very few exceptions, a stable is responsible for its employee’s negligent acts in performing job duties. Also, the law might charge the employee with knowledge of her employer — such as the stable’s knowledge that the stallion was a hazard to mares in the next stall. • “The State’s Equine Activity Liability Act Protects the Stable.” This is not a defense to a claim involving only injury to a horse. The 46 equine activity liability laws across the country (as of February 2014) generally apply to injuries and damages when people, not horses, are injured while “engaging in an equine activity.” • The stable had no reasonable notice or knowledge of a problem. The stable’s lack of knowledge of a problem might be a defense, depending on the facts.This article does not constitute legal advice. Where questions arise based on specific situations, consult with a knowledgeable attorney.

which might be invisible to stable personnel but toxic to the horses. In that situation, the stable’s defenses might involve identifying (or even suing) the responsible parties that manufactured or supplied the feed. Damages If Tricia can prove that the stable is liable, her next problem is proving what she can recover. Lawyers call this “damages,” and the amount a horse owner can recover varies depending on state law. If the mare died, she would, try to collect the mare’s value immediately before the injury plus any out-of-pocket expenses, such as veterinary fees (where the law allows recovery of both). If the mare lives, Tricia would try to seek the amount that the mare decreased in value due to the incident, plus the value of any lost foals or anticipated net earnings in races or shows (where allowed by law). Very few states will allow her to recover for emotional distress or mental anguish. Risk Management How can stables protect themselves from liability? Here are a few ideas: • Liability Insurance. Liability insurance does not prevent problems and claims, but it could spare the stable the burden and expense of hiring a lawyer or settling the dispute out of its own funds. Many boarding stables are surprised to learn that their commercial general liability insurance policies offer no protection against claims involving injury to or loss of boarded horses. However, stables that purchase “care, custody, and control” insurance would likely be protected against a claim like Tricia’s (depending on policy limits). This type of extra insurance is designed to cover certain unintentional and allegedly-negligent acts from that cause injury to a horse in the stable’s care, custody, and control. Policy limits vary for this coverage. Discuss your insurance coverage with a knowledgeable insurance agent. • Boarding Contracts. In the overwhelming majority of states nationwide, stables can legally require their customers to sign a boarding contract that includes a release of liability in which the customer releases the stable from liability for its ordinary negligence. Because state laws vary in how the release should be worded to maximize the chances that it will be enforced, discuss your contracts with a knowledgeable lawyer • Training of Employees. As a general matter, employers are legally responsible for the negligent acts their employees commit on the job. Because of this, stables should make every effort to train their workers well.. This article is not intended to constitute legal advice. When matters arise based on specific situations, direct your questions to a knowledgeable attorney. About the Author Julie Fershtman, one of the nation’s most experienced Equine Law practitioners, is a shareholder with Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC. An attorney and legal consultant for more than 27 years, she has successfully tried equine cases in four states and has drafted hundreds of contracts. She is a Fellow and Officer of the American College of Equine Attorneys and has lectured in 28 states. She is listed in The Best Lawyers in America. For more information, please visit,, or And please “LIKE” our Facebook Page: “Foster Swift: Equine Law.”

• Someone else caused the problem. In some cases, unlike the example above, the stable may have done nothing wrong, but the problem might have been caused by a third party. Examples could include tainted feed, Page 23

Desert Mirage - April 2014

Written by Arlene Magid

ROYAL T PHORTE Eden C x *Pianissima Pictured with Owner Theresa Lungwitz

Once in a great while a colt is born whose destiny of great-

ness seems preordained. Royal T Phorte is such a colt, he was conceived as a result of a breeding right to his dam *Pianissima being sold for a record price at the 2009 Pride of Poland Sale. After his birth in 2011, this son of two National Champions quietly grew up at Royal Arabians in Arizona without fanfare until his purchase by Theresa Lungwitz in January 2014. Now he is set for stardom, thanks to Theresa and trainer Robert Long. Royal T Phorte is aptly named, as in the world of music the term “forte” means strong and in general speech “forte” is defined as “a thing at which someone excels”. Royal T Phorte is fated to excel in the show arena. He is a son of three time U.S. National Champion Eden C, also Vegas World Cup Gold Champion Stallion, Nations Cup Silver Champion Stallion and most recently Gold Champion Stallion at the 2014 PSAIAHF Show in Saudi Arabia. Eden C has sired National Champions in halter and regional champions in western pleasure and hunt pleasure in North America. He has also been an excellent nick with the

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mares of the Polish State Studs, with offspring including 2012 Polish Gold Champion Filly Primera, 2013 Polish Silver Champion Filly Patria, and 2013 Polish Bronze Champion Filly Piniata, a 3/4 sister to Royal T Phorte as she is also out of a daughter of World Champion Stallion *Gazal Al Shaqab. Royal T Phorte’s dam is the one and only *Pianissima, the only mare to be named World Platinum Champion and one of only three mares to be World Gold Champion as a filly and as a mature mare.*Pianissima has won all there is to win in the world’s show rings. *Pianissima’s heritage is that of a great producer, as have been the mares in her dam line. Her dam Pianosa was a Polish Reserve National Champion Mare who died at age 10, and Pianosa’s maternal granddam was the unforgettable World Champion Mare *Pilarka. In addition, *Pianissima’s dam line includes two of Poland’s most important broodmare sires of the end of the twentieth century: Polish National Champion Stallion and National Champion sire *Eukaliptus (sire of her dam Pianosa) and World Champion sire *Probat (sire of her maternal granddam Pinia). *Eukaliptus sired 27 producers of National Desert Mirage - April 2014

winners. His daughters have produced World Champion Mare Emanda, U.S. National Champion Stallion and Canadian National Champion Park and Reserve National Champion English Pleasure *Emanor, World Champion Mare and U.S. National Champion Senior Mare *El Dorada PASB, Polish National Champion Stallions Esparto(also Nations Cup Silver Champion Stallion) and *Emigrant, and North American National Champions in hunt pleasure, dressage and reining. *Probat sired 33 National winner producers and their offspring have won National Championships in halter, country pleasure, dressage, native costume, show hack, hunt pleasure, trail, western pleasure, western sidesaddle, working cow horse and reining. Royal T Phorte’s owner Theresa Lungwitz began her lifelong love affair with horses as a young girl growing up in Panama, where everyone owned horses. She recalls “I used to ask for a horse for my birthday each year, but instead another sister was added to our family!” As an adult living in Arizona, she was exposed to the beauty and nobility of Arabians and decided she wanted to be owned by one. She visited the Long Center, and met Mecca SA, a very successful young western pleasure gelding who became her riding horse and was shown to 2013 U.S. Top Ten Gelding AOTH. Then tragedy struck. “I suffered multiple heart attacks within a short period of time. In spite of doctor recommendations to take it slow, I participated in all scheduled

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competitions two short months later. The horses inspired me so much and helped me avoid an emotional downfall,” recalls Theresa. “I did recognize, however, that I couldn’t go back to fullfledged riding and halter activity. I also know there is no way I would give up being involved with horses, they have been a hidden passion for me, an endlessly exciting journey and actually a second career. Breeding was almost a natural path for me, exciting, challenging, interesting and extremely rewarding. I understand the responsibility of owning a *Pianissima offspring and take it very seriously.” Although Theresa has never had the opportunity to see *Pianissima in the flesh, seeing her on video made her weep, and she dreams of one day seeing her in person. “I have seen Eden C in person, at last year’s Foal Festival show in Santa Ynez, California before he was exported to the Middle East,” Theresa enthuses. “There was no question why he was a champion so many times! He was so powerful and masculine.” Theresa first saw Royal T Phorte six months ago, when visiting her training horses at Royal Arabians. “I simply couldn’t take my eyes off him and never dreamt that one day I would own him. My gratitude to Cindy McGown is boundless. She mentored me in my transition to becoming a breeder and allowed me to purchase this amazing horse.”

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ROYAL T PHORTE Under Saddle Western Pleasure with Trainer Robert Long

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Monogramm x Amety B 2002 Bay Mare Owned by Theresa Lungwitz

Theresa’s ally is trainer Robert Long, who has spent nearly all his life with Arabians. “Robert has worked in some of the biggest farms in the country training and starting horses. In addition to his exquisite professional skills he lives and breathes horses, with a never-ending passion for them. His work ethics are impeccable and our two years of working together with horses has developed a unique relationship of trust and understanding, “ explains Theresa. “I started working with Morgans and Saddlebreds in Michigan and Wisconsin in my youth,” explains Robert Long, “but quickly decided I preferred Arabians because of their intelligence and responsiveness.” Long went on to work with such noted horsemen as Tim Shea, Mitch Sperte and Jim Lowe, and was the first trainer at Dolorosa Arabians in North Carolina (breeder of great halter horses like DA Valentino and great performance horses like 25 time National winner DA Tristen+//). Robert is well accustomed to mentoring the breeding and show careers of successful horses-he discovered the National Champion Veronica GA for her second owner and suggested the mating that produced her National winning son SF Veraz, now a sire of multiple National winners. Robert has been in Arizona for 15 years, having first arrived there to work with Brad Gallun, and he is committed to Theresa’s plans. “Theresa wants to do everything right the first time and she’s off to a good start,” he offers. “We Desert Mirage - April 2014

want to get Royal T Phorte well started on both his show and breeding career this year, so plans include potentially showing him in the western pleasure futurity class or in halter at the U.S. Nationals.” Robert is very positive about what Royal T Phorte can contribute to the breed. “He is a super intelligent horse with a great work ethic. He will be an outstanding western horse. I think he’s a prettier horse than his sire and he will also have a good career in halter. The other important factor is getting the right mares to breed to him for his first year at stud. Theresa is purchasing embryo rights to a wide variety of mares to test his ability as a sire, and we hope to have 10-20 foals on the ground next year.” To continue the Polish legacy, Theresa has acquired multiple regional champion mare Anna Bella B, a daughter of World and National Champion sire and superb broodmare sire Monogramm. From great mothers come great horses and great men-and Royal T Phorte is the son of one of the greatest Arabian show mares of all time. With Theresa Lungwitz and Robert Long helping him develop to his full potential, the future looks bright indeed. For Royal T Phorte breeding information, please contact Robert Long on 602.920.6782 or Page 30

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Contributed by YamilĂŠ B. Sadok - ParisLeMag Page 37

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From February 17th to the 21st, 2014, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Al Said agreed to host the first Gallops of Oman, an event insprired by a true horseman, BADY KEBIR, with the support and logistics delegated to the General Royal Cavalry of Oman Abdulrak Abdulkadir Bin AL Shahwarzi. Bady Kebir pictured a rally race on horseback to discover the beautiful landscapes of desert, sand and sea of the Sultanate of Oman with Arabian purebred horses or local Half-Arabians as traveling companions--all proving to be brave and willing companions.

22 teams of five riders took part in the five consecutive days with legs of 25 to 40 ams (15-25 miles) per day for a total of 180 ams (110 miles). The satement “He who Goes Steady Wins the Race” takes on an all too true meaning.

The team leader’s briefing explained that a time would be allocated for each leg and all teams must arrive in time or face penalties. The horses must be in good physical condition and inspected by the team of veterinarians based on the rigid rules of endurance racing. This included a heart rate less than 64 beats/minute and no sign of lameness.

The founder’s vision also valued the discovery of the country ‘s breathtaking scenery; between sand and dunes ‘shimmering colors’ varying between yellow, orange and red depending on the time of day.

Along with the ethos of team spirit, all five members of the same team were to cross the finish line together. A huge plethora of emotions were felt during these five days, most notably inspired by feelings of solidarity, friendship, and the love of the horse. His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Al Said is particularly close to the heritage of his people, which include, the Arabian horse. This passion has enabled, with the Royal Cavalry and VIce President of GALLOPS OF OMAN General Abdulrak Abdulkadir Bin Alshahwarzi, a high quality breeding program for both Show and Endurance horses. A testament to this, among many, is the outstanding Bronze Medal at the 2012 World Endurance Championships.

Hats off the riders of the two Omani Teams: The Green Team (tribute to the colors of the Omani flag) consisted of Mahmood AL Fori, Fatima AL Manji, Ahmed AL Hamadani, Hisham Al Farsi and Azhar Al Wardi; ‘TEAM AL SAFINAT” who won the gold trophy by taking first place.

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And, the Red Team (another color of Oman) with Asaad Al Saidi, Hiba Al Rahbi, Mezoon Al Wadhani, Ayoob Issa Al Zakwani and Ammar Al Balushi; the “TEAM AL ADIYAT “ who shared the silver trophy.

These ten riders combined a superb mindset, excellent equestrian know-how, a love of their horses, and great kindness and sportsmanship towards other riders, also eager to share their passion for horses. These riders all rode under the experienced guidance and leadership of their commander Major SININ AL ABRI. These two teams were named after former Arabic names promoting THE HORSE as the noblest and the most prestigious breed. Also with tribute to their own Sultan Qaboos Al Said and the colours of the Omani flag that were carried high.

A beautiful bronze trophy was awarded to the Khasab Team of Xavier, Héloïse and Thibault ALLEMANDOU (a family of young riders with their father), Rashid Haddouche and Vincent Meynier. According to the riders, from the youngest to the more mature, it was “a great experience”. They relished this unforgettable discovery and adventure.

The young riders from the South-West of France, representing the Aquitaine region with BORDEAUX, knew how to wear pride and honor for France at third place on the podium, also beaming humility and smiles.

Heloïse was enchanted by her charming Arabian horse, for which she grew very fond of, seen here in the photos, and Thibault in great physical shape despite many kilometers on horseback, tried a bit of dressage on a different mount...that of the desert camel. The ride hosted several nations including Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, England and from the USA: Fredericka DODGE GRIFFITHS, polo horsewoman, who was apprehensive as she was a novice in the riding style and this mount, the purebred Arabian horse.

Fredericka expressed delight to have discovered this breed, a breed which is known for its alertness, intelligence and willingness to please the rider. She said, “I have the habit of holding my reins in the polo style,” and surprisingly her mare after two hours had fully understood the new rules and requests. After such appreciation between the horse and rider, Fredericka was eager to learn and build on her newfound passion with this superb steed.

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She loved exploring the endless desert landscapes, as well as its varying colors and dune forms. She experienced the “horse” with a team of members she did not know but with which all melded to one another as horsemen first. Fatigue ensued on the second day; however, Fredericka did make the observation that it was ultimately less arduous than she was expecting.

Her sincere “hats off” to the organizers for this event, and to The Royal Cavalry logistical deployment who assembled and disassembled five camps in the desert with hot water showers, toilets and tents accommodating 150 people. Fredericka is ready to go back for round two with the hopes of refining and improving a few points, such as the inclusion of camp beds and more numerous and comfortable sanitation facilities. These points were also raised by some accompanying no-rider mem-

bers, who experienced less of the “horse adventure” than those who actually rode every day. A suggestion...if the event is to be repeated, should the road be reconfigured to return to the same base every day with a daisy loop effect around a well situated hotel along the sea? This plan would allow attendees to enjoy water sports and excursions on the ocean and also to discover the wealth of wildlife (dolphins, turtles, etc.) and to only camp in the desert to enjoy the special atmosphere and magic of this immense space instilled with wisdom and meditation. Nevertheless, to experience the first GALLOPS OF OMAN was a real excursion in both human and sporting terms.

The few inconveniences encountered were largely offset by a variety of beautiful landscapes, as well as a very considerate and friendly Omani people eager to showcase their culinary traditions, crafts, and lives with their camels and horses.


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“Calligraphy is the oldest and most important Art of the Arab’s Arts, so I include the harmony of Arabian Arts and the Arabian horse’s character in my paintings, logos, books covers, and personal gifts.” Osama Abu-Alsoud -

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Written by Zandri Reynolds

KAS Von Dutch’s type and conformation of body forth show have brought him to be the first and actually the only the timeless classic Russian Arabian; embodying a pedigree bringing forth the depth of decades of the selection program from the Tersk Stud in Russia.

KAS Von Dutch’s Sire Line The Bairactar sire line was imported to the Weil Stud in 1827, making it one of the oldest and highly respected ones in Arabian horse breeding. The elegant and athletic Amurath Sahib, a very successful race winner and sire of Stakes winners, is one of the best examples of this line. His most famous son, Arax became the most important sire of his time and ensured the future of the Bairactar line. Typical of Arax, he stamped his foals with large black eyes, well-set necks, great substance and depth of body and hip among an excellent leg structure. Nabeg in turn, proved to be Arax’s most influential son, leaving a legacy second to none to continue the Bairactar line. His dam was the extraordinary foundation mare, Nomenklatura, sired by the illustrious Naseem. Nabeg was known to sire remarkable sons who in turn went on to become sought after stud sires; Menes has the honor of being one of Nabeg’s most successful sons. Menes, KAS Von Dutch’s first paternal great grandsire and second maternal great grandsire, was out of the notorious Tersk broodmare Metropolia, sired by the legendary racing stallion Prijboj. He remains a sire of great significance, with numerous international winners in show and in sport; Balaton, among them, being one of Menes’s most celebrated sons. Balaton, KAS Von Dutch’s paternal grandsire, was out of the well-known Tersk broodmare Panagia, sired by the influential stallion Aswan. He has been awarded, among other titles, with the achievement of “Horse of the Century”. Balaton sired numerous winners in show and sport and among them, Kubinec the legendary show stallion and sire. Kubinec, KAS Von Dutch’s sire, was out of the respected Tersk broodmare Kosmetika, sired by the famous Muscat. He was elected “Horse of the Year” by the readers of the Araber Journal due also to his show presentations. Kubinec’s success led him to become an “IAHA Sweepstakes Nominated Sire” as his results and the results of his offspring in

“Five Star ECAHO Stallion” in history.

KAS Von Dutch’s Dam Line Descending from the Gamil Manial dam line, engendered by the El Zahraa Stud in Egypt, he has been line bred to the afore mentioned Amurath Sahib line. Aswan, ex-Raafat, imported from Egypt to Tersk, was highly credited for his distinct type, his elevated legs and his high tail carriage. His refinement and beauty fitted the accurate conformation and athletic abilities of the Tersk mares giving numerous enticing offspring with racing abilities, also inherited from their grandfather, Nazeer, one of the best Egyptian racing stallions of his time. In nineteen breeding seasons at Tersk, Aswan left almost three hundred offspring and among them, the reputable stallion Mashuk. Mashuk proved to be one of Aswan’s finest sons. His dam was well-known Tersk broodmare Malutka, sired by the illustrious stallion Salon. Mashuk has been named “King of Tersk”. He has also been honoured by his progeny mostly celebrated in show; to name just one of his sons the excellent stallion Gips out of Polinezia. Gips, KAS Von Dutch’s first maternal great grandsire, was out of the noted Tersk broodmare Polinezia, sired by the aforementioned legendary stallion Nabeg. He has been awarded as “Elite ECAHO Stallion”. His offspring are famous for their type and their excellent conformation, as the highly commended stallion and sire Piligrim out of the mare Postup proved to be. Piligrim, KAS Von Dutch’s maternal grandsire, was out of the notorious Tersk mare Postup, sired by the magnificent Suvenir. He has been noticed in show and race but Piligrim is best known for his progeny mostly adapted for showing and breeding, with among them the renowned Tersk broodmare Vypiska out of Menes, exported to Holland and then to Belgium. Vypiska, KAS Von Dutch’s dam, was out of the prominent Tersk broodmare Nitra sired by the aforementioned stallion Menes. She was bred at Tersk, exported to the Kubination Arabian Stud in Holland and then finally exported to a private owner, Mrs. Canard Annette, in Belgium.

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KAS Von Dutch Himself With five crosses to Arax, through KAS Von Dutch’s capital sire Kubinec and through KAS Von Dutch’s classical dam, Vypiska, he carries himself with a commanding presence. KAS Von Dutch has a masculine yet beautiful head with prominent expressive black eyes and dryness of skin that immediately draws attention to the charismatic beauty of this mesmerizing six year old stallion. His high set arched neck is clean with balance and excellent length. His poll and throatlatch are long and flexible, with a broad windpipe and his display of the beautiful Arabian horse’s arch comes naturally for him. His swanlike neck effortlessly blends into his well laid back shoulder and prominent wither which again blends into a short, strong and broad back. His smooth topline runs perfectly into an excellent strong and flexible loin. His powerful hindquarters are in perfect harmony with his elegant forehand and deep body and a long croup with a beautifully set tail blending with his excellent long and puissant hip. Squarely set legs, with flat bone and clean tendon, strong correct hooves and placement of clean joints, carry this amazing horse with elevated motion and

length of stride. KAS Von Dutch covers the ground with a long, ground covering and powerful reach from behind to fore and his elastic suspension and height of motion are breathtaking. With three crosses to Aswan, through KAS Von Dutch’s classical dam, Vypiska, he was blessed with other crucial hallmarks of the Arabian horse. His head is beautifully yet slightly dished with large defined jowls and wide set eyes. His inheritance from Vipiska’s family, also come through flair, high set and flag-like tail carriage plus the additional length of leg and extra loftiness of gait; the sacred traits Aswan famously and consistently stamped over on his family. KAS Von Dutch represents thus the epitome of the Russian Arabian phenotype through his distinguished type and mastered conformation and, the culmination in genotype through his world renowned Russian Arabian pedigree. He is the stallion of today and the sire of tomorrow...from a past that will be a timeless future.


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As I step outside and take a deep breath, I think to myself, “Ahh, fi- Tea Length Skirts: nally, April is here.” The flowers are blossoming and the green grass is popping up after a long and bitter winter in many parts of the world. The hustle and bustle of bundling up in blankets, fetching for fleece liners in boots, and layering up to the max is no more! The good news is that spring has sprung, and the warmer temperatures are on the rise, and so are the styles! If you follow magazines and blogs today you will notice that the term “street style” comes into play quite a bit. Street style is not what you see on the fashion runways of New York, Milan, and Paris. Street style is unique to the individual, and finding new ways to create an original look are much more accessible than ever before with blogs, apps, and social media. In the world of equestrians, street style can be transformed into stable style. Being at the stables is part of the lifestyle, which creates your ultimate sense of style.

In previous times, fashion was so focused on big brands from Gucci to Louis Vuitton and Ralph Lauren to Dior. Now it’s equally as important to find the smaller labels and boutiques that offer something unique and different that “no one else has”. The ability to tell a story with an outfit and appreciate the feeling it brings to the overall look is the true crux of style. While spring has sprung, it’s time to say hello to the season for sundresses, pastel palettes and pretty feminine frocks, my friends.

Playful Pastels:

It’s okay to coordinate Easter this time of year…so pick your perfect pinks, lavenders, and light blues and mix and match from your shoes to your blouse. Pinks are especially coming in this season and some designers that are rekindling the rose colored hues are Marc Jacobs, Kate Spade, and Herve Leger.

About the Models:

Tea-length specifically means between the midi and the maxi length. In better terms to be more specific, the length hits below the knee, but above the ankle. If you can pull this look off with a cropped top to offset the length and elongate the legs, go ahead. If you want to be a little more conservative, a sweet textured sweater tucked in with a wide banded belt will pull the look together well. A pair of classic style pumps or peep-toe high heels is pretty necessary for those under the five foot five mark to elongate legs.

Floral Blooms:

Any kind of bloom is in season this spring, and the more flowers the better. From printed tops and dresses to popping up on accessories like head wraps and even pumps. If the vibrant floral printed dress is too much for your style, than add a flowered headband or floral bracelets for just the right blossom in your look.

Twirl in Tulle: (Ashley Cline Photo Credit: Kathy Cline Photography) Pictured below I am featured in a light pink tulle dress with fashion riding boots. Boots are interchangeable seasonal staples now, especially if you’re a barn girl. Everyone wants to feel a little bit like a princess every now and then, and the easiest way to do so is to throw on a tulle skirt or dress and ta da! Let’s just hope your prince charming will be taking you out for the evening, too! In summary, show off the street or stable style that is your own original look. Take what you can away from the fashion runways, magazines and blogs, and step outside in what you love the most. If you crave the big labels, go ahead and sport the status brand names, but note that a clean slate of minimalism will always keep people wondering what you’re wearing.

Twin sisters, Megan and Jessica Gilker, grew up with their family farm J.A.G Arabians, operating since 1980, under the operation of their parents Kathy and James Gilker. Originally from Texas, The Gilker girls both are competitive on the Arabian circuit, local dressage and hunter jumper horse shows. Both Megan and Jessica Gilker competed in the 2006 AHA Youth Nationals and have numerous Regional wins. J.A.G Arabians, now located in Alpharetta, Georgia, is home to 4th generation home bred and trained local, regional, and national winners along with several upcoming young stars and retirees. About the photographer: Erin Michelle Wheeler focuses her photography solely on horses and their owners and capturing the sweet and serene moment. She is a graphic designer by weekday and a photographer by weekend. Visit more of her work at

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ashley Cline grew up riding and competing at the national level on the East Coast “AA” Hunter/Jumper show circuit. While attending Florida State University for her B.S. degree in Fashion Merchandising, she also competing on the Intercollegiate riding team. Ashley worked in several retail establishments such as Nordstrom, Urban Outfitters, and Lillt Pulitzer from management to visual merchandising. While working at Lilly Pulitzer, Ashley completed her M.B.A. in entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University. Upon completing school in 2011, she founded to accomplish her goals in promoting equestrian style in mainstream fashion and the horse industry.

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Thee Desperado x HED Caramba Written by Zarah Perkins

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THEE DESPERADO April 1989 - July 2013


During this year’s Scottsdale International Yearling Colt class a leggy, charismatic chestnut trotted into the ring seemingly out of nowhere and instantly become the talk of the show. His thenname, MD Hubal, had been misspelled in the program but there was no mistaking this colt’s quality: tall and smooth bodied with a short, exotic head; and a neck high set and refined, that it gave him something unusual in a horse so young - a distinctive “look” of his own. Bred by Manuel Durini and expertly shown by Mike Wilson, the chestnut colt went on to unanimously win both the yearling class and the junior championship. In the bargain he got himself a new and singularly appropriate name EPIIC - and new owners, The WE ARE EPIIC Group. “The great ones are so tough to find... especially colts,” says Travis Hansen, lifetime Arabian horsemen and manager of the WE ARE EPIIC Group. “My friend, McKay Stirland and I had been looking at colts all over the world for some time. When we saw EPIIC, we knew in a heart beat that he was the kind of horse that makes you look, then look again, and look a dozen more times.” The colt’s sale was subsequently sealed with a ringside handshake. “Mike and Peri Wilson are a class act,” Travis affirms. “Their team has had EPIIC since he was foaled and have done an incredible job with his conditioning and training. But most importantly for us, they honored our handshake deal even though after his class there were so many others pressing them to buy him.”

EPIIC’s epic show ring debut also drew immediate international attention to his sire, last year’s Scottsdale 3 year-old Classic Champion and Egyptian Event Gold Champion Colt, AJ Thee Luca. From the ATA Bey Starr mare Anastasiaa, EPIIC was Thee Luca’s first born foal and is the beautiful living proof of this young stallion’s potential as a world class breeding horse.

AJ Thee Luca is a quintessentially modern Arabian with an intriguing pedigree. His birth mother was a big recipient Paint mare: his breeding planned via international conversations between Sheikh Ammar Bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman and owner of Ajman Stud and the German trainer/ breeder, Frank Sponle. Sired by the legendary Straight Egyptian stallion, Thee Desperado from the spectacular Brazilian-bred, multi-National champion Magnum Psyche mare, HED Caramba: AJ Thee Luca’s pedigree brings together of two of the most diverse yet significant and successful halter sire-lines of the last few decades.

He was born at Wilson Training Center in Florida and from the minute he hit the ground Michael Wilson knew this big bay colt was something special. “He was just really different,” Wilson remembers.” charismatic and expressive.” Despite this, Sheikh Ammar, hoping for a filly from the cross, and thinking perhaps that the colt was not exotic headed enough for the Middle East, decided to offer Thee Luca for sale. Arabian LTD’s Shawn Crews, life-long friend and manager of Thee Desperado remembers: “Frank Sponle called me and asked if we wanted to take him. Thee Desperado was still alive and well ... and we had plenty of colts, so we said no. I have since kicked myself more than a few times over that decision! But Luca is just where he needs to be, Mike has believed in him from the very start.” The yearling colt was eventually purchased by the Ecuadorian breeder, Manuel Durini who entrusted Mike and Wilson Training with the ongoing management of his show and breeding career. AJ Thee Luca’s sire, Thee Desperado (Thee Minstril x AK Amiri Asmarr) needs no introduction. He is an absolute cornerstone of contemporary Egyptian breeding and was for many, many years the leading sire of winners at The Egyptian Event, an honor now belonging to his son, Botswana. However, what is often overlooked about this great horse is that he was that rarest thing, a Straight Egyptian stallion who was also supremely competitive in open halter: his show career climaxing in 1994 when he was crowned 1994 unanimous Scottsdale Grand Champion Stallion and 1994 US National Reserve Champion Stallion.

“When I look at Thee Luca,” says Shawn Crews, “ it makes me sad that Desperado did not breed more non-Egyptian mares. He did breed some great mares, but not as many as I would have liked. The Desperado Egyptian-Related horses are extraordinary! And Luca is the perfect example of that quality.”

AJ Thee Luca’s dam, HED Caramba (Magnum Psyche x HED Cajun Queen), currently owned by The Arabian Soul Partners, is equally extraordinary. After winning at Scottsdale and claiming both Brazilian and Canadian National Championships, she has grown blasé about roses and settled down to make her mark as an elite, world-class broodmare, producing consistently beautiful offspring by a variety of stallions: a group of which won her the Produce of Dam class at this year’s Scottsdale Show.

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A rarer bay daughter of the omnipresent US-based sire, Magnum Psyche: Caramba is the sexy, neck-y embodiment of the modern Brazilian breeding aesthetic. While in the US, where the late ‘80s market collapse saw Polish horses, particularly athletic Kuhailan- type Polish horses fall from popular favor - in South America these lines continued to flourish. By crossing this blood, notably with that of El Shaklan, Ali Jamaal and Padron, the South Americans were able to create their own style of horse - very typey, but with the outline, structure and athleticism required for modern halter stand-up . HED Carumba’s pedigree typifies this approach. While she has lines to Padron, Bey Shah and Ali Jamaal, overall she is quite heavily Polish, being inbred - via her dam - to the US National Champion Aladdinn son, Almaden, and with multiple close-up crosses to Bask.

The fact that AJ Thee Luca’s pedigree - a Straight Egyptian Ruminaja Ali sire-line stallion on a Polish-bred mare - bears more than a passing resemblance to that of the history-making *Gazal Al Shaqab, is not lost on Mike, and is one of the reasons that he feels so strongly about Luca’s future as a sire. “Americans are so fickle about pedigrees,” he says. “As a rule they don’t automatically embrace Egyptian crosses. But when you consider that two of the arguably most important sires of the last thirty years, Gazal Al Shaqab and Ali Jamaal, are both’s obviously a combination that builds dynasties.” Thee Luca himself is a smooth-lined, solid and masculine individual with a beautifully balanced silhouette. From his Polish Kuhailan

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forebears he has inherited particularly correct legs - short cannons, well-defined knees, perfectly angulated hocks and big round even feet - and a temperament that Mike describes simply as, “perfect”. “He is not like a stallion at all,” he says. But perhaps Thee Luca’s most striking physical qualities are his incredible laid-back shoulder - a feature that is growing increasingly rare in modern halter rings and his exquisitely long, high-set and expressive neck. This neck and his big, easy, ground-covering movement - thanks no doubt, to the aforementioned shoulder - have seen Mike’s wife, the talented performance trainer Peri Wilson recently steal the young stallion for her own show string. AJ Thee Luca is currently in Western training with Peri and will make his saddle debut at this year’s Region 14 show.

Thus far, AJ Thee Luca has only a handful of foals on the ground - although this is set to very quickly change as his first son’s spectacular showing at Scottsdale has drawn huge interest from both US and overseas breeders - yet all have been excellent. “Every Luca baby, from very differently bred mares, has had his movement, charisma and smooth structure,” says Mike. “The very best have also had just that extra little bit of refinement. His owner, Manuel has been beyond thrilled with the foals born in Ecuador and feels that he already has one or two potential superstars. When we got back to the farm from Scottsdale, we were welcomed by two newly born Luca colts - one out of a Marwan Al Shaqab daughter and the other from a TF Psymreekhe mare. It was such a great home-coming as both are beyond exceptional and they have me more excited than ever about Luca!!”

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AJ Thee Luca x Anastasiaa by ATA Bey Starr

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